#like i get why some ppl do not like niall but
sassmar · 1 year
just thinking abt how niall was so madly in love w mor o corra who was probably a sociopath and afraid that eldritch terror baby ronan was gonna kill them all one day (fair) but then when mor leaves he dreams aurora but even tho they look identical aurora’s not an exact copy at all bc mor couldn’t feel love while aurora was infinitely loving that was her whole POINT and niall just fucking DID that just cared about his sons so much that he let his real beloved mor walk away and dreamed his sons a mother who would never never leave who existed solely and purely to love them, to love even eldritch terror baby ronan
and i
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
Zendaya sent Gigi flowers when she had Khai?! 😱
I’ve been a fan of Gigi since the beginning of her career how did I miss this?!
Anyway, I wish tz stopped gate keeping so much and share a bit more of their friendship with other celebs.
Like Tom and Niall! I used to be a big One Direction fan, so seeing them do sth together would make my teenage self really happy 😂
Yep! It's true! 🥰
Zendaya also liked her posts while she was pregnant 😊
Re: Tom & Niall...
Yea girl, I was a 1D fan also back in the day, so I get it lol 😆
But honestly, even if we don't get any pics, I'm just glad to hear little snippets of tea like this about them hanging out. That's why I always get confused when some fans swear that so-and-so hate each other, or have "never" spent time together. I'm like, how would YOU know?? 🥴
We don't know who these ppl are spending time with in private.
People really need to get out of this social media mindset. Just because it's not pictured it doesn't necessarily mean it didn't happen. 🤷🏾‍♀️
So Tom and Niall being able to privately hang out together is awesome without pictures being snapped.
I think it's a GOOD thing tbh. Fans don't need to see EVERYTHING.... 👀
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narrie · 1 year
what parts did you see from the trade magazine interview with louis’ label? i read the full thing abd the funniest part was watching larries trying to explain the part about how they wanted louis to get a rs cover, but couldn’t because of harry being on it - how could harry do that to his husband lol
the part about the radio was also interesting although larries are of course saying that it confirmed that louis is blacklisted by bbc🙃
what did larries say about the rs thing lmao yeeeah like the radio stuff is like...it's one thing for them to say "we knew his style of music wasn't gonna be popular for radio which is why we didn't focus our promo strategy around that" and then another to not even TRY to get him on radio??? i just can't see how he couldn’t get some radio spots for interviews if they wanted to bc he has such a crazy fanbase. idk where everyone is getting the blacklist stuff from lmao like they did play his songs to radio ppl who liked it, the issue was that the songs didn't get put on playlists/rotation rip also do not understand why she said she "doesn't know if radio stations WOULD" play louis' music bc he'd have to compete against harry and niall lmao 1) where was she in 2017, 2) niall wasn't even on radio when louis' 2nd album dropped????? and 3) how are u not even trying...idk very weird
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twelvedaysinaugust · 2 years
So weird - Liam and Niall had “secret” girlfriends in 1D and we never heard of their relationship until they were ready to come out/or if they got outed (don’t know if you remember but the sun had like photos of Sophia and Liam and called them out). Niall is always in a long term relationship or his hook ups were always with celebrities (London/La) …. Not even going to get into Zayn. From what I do remember Louis had more hookup stories than Harry (Harry was always linked to some girl i.e Paige, Taylor, etc)…. The hook ups we did hear about Louis were far fetched and the hookups we we heard about Harry were even harder to believe.
I feel like we all say “why don’t they come out” or what not. But ppl do care and they genuinely care on who they’re fucking. I think the people on Louis + Harry’s team are checking in more than we think and that’s litteraly the reason why Harry is with Olivia today. The random London and LA hook ups from 2013 weren’t sticking and Harry always looks miserable so he needs a longer term beard (Kendall, Camille and now Olivia). I wonder who it’s going to be for HS4
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1d1195 · 1 year
Where do I even begin…
PAIN PAIN PAIN IS ALL IM FEELING RN😭 I was genuinely tearing up towards the end of this new part! It started out so cute with them being all lovey dovey and them FINALLY being able to show that to each other a bit more now! Definitely was excited when he mentioned that he wants her to go with him back to England(I am still hoping😭)
Once she arrived at the bar I loved how you wrote “Niall swore he saw fireworks exploding in Harry’s pupils, turning into the shape of a heart as he watched her” bc it just reminded me of how hopelessly in love he is with her and he sucks at hiding it but I find that as a good sign because they are soulmates! I just thought it was a cute and sweet way of describing it from another’s pov! And that cute little moment of Harry admitting he has always been jealous of her with other guys made me giggle! ALSO THE PINKIES TOUCHING 😭
Now the moment she went into that bathroom… I knew things were off but the fact that she was going to get her by the ppl who are suppose to take care of her omg teh ANGER I FELT ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY CALLED HER ROSE!!! Yet my girl really was putting Harry first by keeping him safe and don’t even get my started on that letter telling them to reassign Harry 💔💔💔😭😭😭 MY HEART HURT SO BAD WTF! I felt like I was Harry because I was just as shattered as he was!
Her making a plan made me remember to one of the past chapters where Harrry told her to have a Safeway or something along those lines to have when things go bad and I swear I didn’t see that as foreshadowing yet that was so smart of you because it was a bit if a surprise! My heart hurts for her because she deserves more! I also desperately needs Harry’s pov about all of this!
Okay you are much too sweet to me! Thank you so much for sending a message. Let's see what I can divulge to you without giving anything away. (*****Protection Part VII Spoilers below*******)
I am so sorry about your pain. I honestly don't know why y'all put up with me. Especially after I gave you all the trip to England you all desperately wanted and just let me rip it away like that. I thought the his heart eyes might be a nice call back to her heart eyes in part 5. And I love any chance I get to have Niall tease Harry in any of my stories. (I'm glad you liked the pinkies, i thought they were a nice little touch--literally).
I lowkey broke my own heart about reassigning Harry and the whole Rose business. I hated breaking Harry's heart honestly. I hope it gets put back together. 😭
So my 7th grade teacher would be awfully proud of me I think about my foreshadowing technique--especially by how much better (i personally think) it has gotten. ALSO I'm glad you noticed in general. Truthfully, this was like the first part of Protection I had written/in my head/ready to go so it was a bit easier to get the foreshadowing done hehehe I think you'll get SOME satisfaction out of the next part of what you mentioned 😉😉😉
I'm so so glad you're enjoying it means so much to me <3
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goldenfharry · 2 years
I really don’t get why ppl want Harry to hate 1D, or even that Niall is the only acceptable friend. Liam has openly struggled w/ addiction and his mental health (which started during the band), and Louis has suffered great personal loss. Like why do you want him to be the type of guy to ice them out? He’s said himself there is deep love between them all. Not saying they are besties, but they are friends.
Do you remember when Liam did that interview with Logan Paul last year and some thing I notice which I found really funny it was the fact that Liam never mentioned hairy once in that interview. Never uttered his name but the people that we’re going after Liam the most were Harry fans. It had nothing to do with them. I understand why Louis fans felt some type away, I understand one Niall fans felt some type away and I understand completely why Zayn fans felt some type of way. That situation had nothing to do with Harry but they still managed to make it about him. They view One Direction as some thing that hairy should have hated. It was obvious that Harry was the most popular member but it’s like they can’t stand the fact that hair he still has decent relationships with the people in the band and actually may have loved it for a time. We all know that Harry and Niall are still very good friends and still talk, Larry fans in my opinion have a ruin the relationship between Harry and Louis and even if they were still close which I doubt we will never be able to see them hang out the way that Niall and Harry do and I think that he still is in touch with Liam but they just aren’t as close as they used to be.
I really don’t get it ahahah maybe it’s because I was a directioner before, but I just don’t think it’s necessary. If you only support one of them or two, wtv, its absolutely valid but you don’t need to trash talk about the other members. You don’t need to talk about them at all, really. I’m pretty sure that they all respect the bond that they have for the rest of their lives, despite the mistakes that they’ve made or if they are close or not!
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quietzap · 2 years
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sockgate · 3 years
#why was Harry’s tour so important to continue and put on despite delta#why isn't louis tour treated the same during another spike#with smaller crowds in smaller venues#is walls not as deserving of a tour as fl? cause thats what everyone is making it sound like#and yes there is a difference between his tour and nialls tour lol#niall did not sell like he thought he would#his album was NOT charting like he wanted it to. his team made a stupid#decision in deciding to end hbw era early bc it had even more potential than whatever early death they decided to gift it#there is a massive difference between whatever happened there and walls#he also sold smaller venues in more places. like... this is not the same situation at all#from someone who might not be able to go to tour in their own country and has to break it to my nephews about not being able to go after a#year of build up. fucking sucks.#stop reducing this to some sort of decision his team shouldve made two years ago. nobody fucking knows whats going on#this should never be a comparison like anything else and yet everyone is making it thtat yet again#and guess who gets the shit end of the stick and has to make do#every#single#time#its louis.#just understand whats coming out of your mouth sometimes bc i dont think ppl realize how skewed their perceptions are#AND bold of anyone to assume no one on the lot team got sick when harry literally went on stage with a cold lmao#when he clearly wasnt travelling with the rest of the band or crew#save it lol#m
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meyhew · 4 years
#i wasnt gonna say anything i really wasnt but im ANNOYED. like oh my god i've had it#im fully aware that not everyone can pay £16 for a livestream. i GET it.#im probably not gonna watch bc even tho its only $20 for me but i still... have other better things i could do with that money#but i am so SICK of seeing of people complaining about niall's show like honest to god#because some of the people i've seen complain i know for a FACT can afford that price#because i know these ppl go on transatlantic trips on a whim and spend who knows how much money on harry & louis#just the other day i saw ppl spending $100+ on harry's lights up box but $20 for a livestream is too much?#some of these same ppl spent significantly more money on louis' merch but are yapping about niall's $20 ticket#WHICH THEY DONT EVEN HAVE TO BUY. HE'S NOT FORCING YOU TO BUY A TICKET#he's going to play a show. A FULL SET...... HE is providing a service FOR YOU.#he's not doing this in his living room on instagram this is a full goddamn production#for the sole purpose of paying crew members#who would've been working atm if it werent for covid#niall was already part of that initiative a while back that paid some workers and now he's GIVING US SOMETHING so he can do a good thing#saying that he can just pay the ppl himself is.... fucking stupid. im sorry but thats just so fucking stupid#like yeah ok Maybe he's rich enough to pay every single person himself but.... if that were the case then all concerts should be free#i didnt see any of this shit when liam did his show so why the fuck have people started complaining abt niall at every opportunity#hes not keeping the money!!!!!!!!! ANY OF IT!!!!!!! and you dont have to buy a ticket!!!!!!!#if he adjusted prices for every country then places with high exchange rates wouldnt help him at all#because the whole point is to PAY WORKERS. thats literally the whole point#i know even $10 is a lot for some people i do understand that but he can't accommodate every single person's need#it may not be in person but you're getting a full high quality show from the comfort of ur home#the work that goes into producing that show will still be a lot and people do need to be paid#niall refunded the only leg of his tour that was about start back in april because he knew ppl could use that money#so lets not act like he doesnt know ppl are struggling. hes doing this BECAUSE ppl are struggling financially#it sucks that some fans cant afford to watch im not detracting from that#but when complaints come from ppl who drop money without batting an eye for haryr/louis#i get fucking IRRITATED. thats all. have a nice day dont send me asks abt this
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loneozner · 5 years
#i get where niall’s coming from#because he wants people to be living in the moment at his concerts#and he brings this up a lot#but recording or taking pictures on your phone doesn’t preclude you from doing that#i really do understand why he wants to just see ppl’s faces and why that’s frustrating but#the way you might experience a concert as a fan and the way other ppl want to doesnt make you like... better at it...?#you take one pic and put it away but that’s not for everyone and that should also be okay#artists have professional photographers and videographers to keep a record of the experience for them and most fans just have... their phone#use your memory is all well and good but a) some ppl have memory issues? b) if you didn’t have a record of all the amazing things you’d done#like in your career... you’d want one i’d think#so i don’t see what’s wrong with people trying to save an experience important to them...#it’s honestly a compliment to be seeing the backs of phones because a lot of those people arent doing it for the hell of it#but because the moment you’re experiencing together means enough to them that they want to look back on it in a vivid way#and technology providing a means to do that and share a little piece of it with people who arent lucky enough to be there#isnt just a representation of not appreciating the moment when it happens#i think it’s shortsighted to say oh well they were holding up their phones so theyre spoiling it#they’re making you and that moment immortal via video clips#and pictures#and its usually from the perspective of someone whose passion for what YOU do brought them there#i think that’s worth something 🤷🏻‍♀️#also like if stuff like that can bring ppl comfort when they need it and look back on it that’s also... an amazing compliment#anyway be more open minded about other ppl’s way of experiencing things neil it’s not hurting you to look at thousands of ppl#wanting their own small piece of the art you’re presenting to them#they want to cherish what you made and the experience you provided!#plenty of ppl can live in the moment and also want to relive that particular moment in a tangible way#ANYWAYYYYY#y’all reading this: all this says is *fart noise* 20 times?
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yaz-the-spaz · 2 years
so i finally got around to watching that impaulsive interview/podcast and man hearing it in context makes SUCH a big difference because when you hear it all together you can actually see so much more clearly how liam didn't even actually say anything that bad about ANY of the boys
like literally nothing he even said was as bad as people (who probably only saw the clips or came into the video with biased views anyway) are making it out to be…
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so first off, on the question of the boys, liam literally praised louis for his value to the band, for taking charge, and finding his voice and his worth, etc. he said nothing specific (bad or otherwise) about harry or niall that i can recall. and even the comment about zayn’s family was literally just him talking about how zayn had a different upbringing, which really isn’t anything all that bad. now ppl can debate about whether or not it was liam’s place to mention it, but in the end if you listen to that whole segment of the interview it becomes pretty clear that all he was really trying to do is explain why people might misunderstand who zayn is/why he the way he is, which to me shows more of an understanding than some sort of bitter rivalry or jealousy. outside of that there was the comment about g’s tweet not aging well, but what was most interesting to me about that is that he literally grimaces the SECOND after it’s out of his mouth and tries to hide it with his hand and his entire facial expression just looks extremely uncomfortable and cringy for a good few seconds before the camera cuts away. 
moving on to the re-hashing of the band’s formation, his comments about his own role in the band were nothing new or particularly salacious either to anyone who's been a long time fan of the band from the early days. it was a KNOWN FACT that he and louis did not get along in the early days of their time on the txf  and that they butt heads quite a bit about who was gonna be the de facto “leader” (literally anyone who's watched the video diaries or became a fan anytime between 2010-2012 knows this, it is NOT news, and it does not mean that he in any way hates or is jealous of louis especially given that he followed it up by praising louis for his leadership choices and contribution to the band). it was a KNOWN FACT that the people supervising them on the show (and, later on, management) leaned more on liam to keep the boys in line and give the others a bit more professional/musical guidance because of his more serious/driven personality and the fact that he had more experience in the industry from his previous time on the show. even the comment about him starting all their songs literally became a joke among the band (in fact, i think it was even louis himself who used to make the joke that liam couldn't ever leave the band/go solo because if he did they’d have no one to start all their songs for them). None of that was new information (except maybe to newer and/or more casual fans) and does not in any way come off as a slight to harry or louis or niall’s solo careers if you actually listen to what he says.
probably the only thing that was news to me (and probably a lot of the fandom) was that simon and the showrunners possibly initially formed the band around liam because they saw his talent and wanted to keep him in the competition, but honestly even that isn't all that surprising or salacious to me because that's just a smart move business wise when you have someone who's already been on the show, and who you already know clearly has the talent and the drive/ambition to make a serious career out of this, versus four unknowns (the other boys) who may or may not take things seriously.
what truly baffles me though is people somehow taking his comments to mean that the band or the other boys couldn't have made it anywhere or been at all successful without him when him saying all this was literally just him describing his experience and memories of the formation of the band. but of course like often happens weird louis and harry stans took it upon themselves to somehow make it all about liam trying to pump himself up and make 1d’s success all about him when he said nothing of the sort and when all he was even doing was talking about his own experience (though of course the man can't even hardly breathe without someone trying to make it about him being anti ‘insert any of the other boys names here’ so I guess I shouldn't even be all that surprised)
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anyway that's my recount of all the important bits, the rest was mostly just weird fighting party boy narrative bs in my opinion (along with a couple of cute celebrity impressions). so in conclusion even though i know some people still will anyway, all i mainly have to say is please don't trust the frankly misleading, out-of-context clips making the rounds on sm or make any concrete judgements until you’ve watched the whole interview (or at least the whole piece of one of the individual segments in question, since they are at least neatly labeled for you to skip right to them)
what you come away with/get out of it after that is up to you obvi, but most importantly i just really need people to think critically about the fact that liam went to a business conference for NFT’s, and in the middle of that conference, (inexplicably) did an interview with a man literally known for doing egregious things just for clickbait wherein liam spent a grand total of approximately 5 minutes total out of a 75 minute long interview talking about his NFT’s (i.e. what he was actually there for) and his current music career, and most of the rest of the 70 minutes randomly rehashing old 1D drama, old relationship drama, and talking about who he wants to fight (or talking about all the apparently multiple various times he's been drunk off his ass at a bar/club/event with his shirt off for some odd reason picking fights with people??)…all of which goes right in line with so much of the negative content we've been getting almost constantly bombarded with lately about liam being a problematic, drunk, fighting party boy
you sit and think about that for a minute and do the math, because all I know is the math ain’t mathing and i'm just constantly like
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there were literally so many red flags abound, the whole interview literally had no purpose other than to dredge up old wounds/drama and for what? in what world does a decent mgmt team approve this? in what world do people who actually care about their client OR his image sit back and watch and approve/enable all this irrelevant old ass drama and problematic behavior being brought up that has nothing to do with liam’s actual current career? for what? just so liam could sit around talking about constantly being drunk, getting violent while drunk, saying or doing rude/cruel/idiotic things that he regrets while completely trashed off his ass, all of which he mentioned WHILE constantly drinking literally only a year after admitting he has a drinking problem? or naming all the various celebrities he wants to fight? or repeatedly mentioning how scary a place it is to be inside his head? or talking about having to pretend he’s a different person/that he hides behind other identities like a mask and changes his personality to fit the situation and/or people he’s around? or that he STILL doesn’t really know who he is or what he likes to do outside of work even after all these years cause he feels like he's never had the chance to find out?
everyone, and i mean EVERYONE, including his team, should be way WAY more concerned about his frankly worrying behavior and current mental state than about him apparently trash talking the other boys (especially when, newsflash: he didn't.)
out of all the comments (and there were some pretty gross ones), this was honestly the most salient and self-aware one I came across to sum-up all the extremely concerning things hashed out in that interview that should've been much more of a priority for the fandom than the bs they *claim* liam said about the other boys (that he didn't even actually say) and from the most unexpected of usernames to boot
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anyway, in summation, me @ liam's team
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(and a new team. and a chance to get some therapy/work on himself while we're at it cause my poor lima needs to get farrrrr away from these asshats who clearly don't give a shit about him like YESTERDAY)
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narrie · 2 years
Are you studying something marketing related? You have a very strong opinion about their promo strategy and I would like some insight about why is so wrong. For someone like me, it’s enough that he’s active and interacting with fans 😅
i'm studying media and communications 👍🏽 i have done some pr shiz etc but no professional by any means, i'm just very opinionated<3 the promo strategy is just all over the place which i'm not a fan of, like it had the surprise/mysterious element of the website but then he kept posting teasers so it canceled out whatever they were trying to do with the website (eroda project was SO class when it comes to this kind of promo, like they fully went with it which was great), and then the announcement for the announcement just further invalided it so like??? also the candles were a cute idea and although i do believe the first candle was a fluke, i think they should've sent them out first instead of around now and they should've sent them out to celebrities and influencers: have them post the boxes (WITHOUT niall's name - this is the risk they'd have to take (see: eroda) which they were not willing to) and the candle inside and make the qr code link to the heaven website (why tf is it linking to HIS website!!!!), they can all pretend to be intrigued, everyone's checking out and linking the website, it gets LOADS of different ppl talking and not just his fans (they could HINT at it being a niall project on the website perhaps if they're really too scared of no association or maybe first wave of candles goes out to celebes/influencers and second wave (closer to the candle burning out) to his fans). they could've then do the whole candle burning thing and once it burns out niall THEN reveals he was behind it - announcement gets dropped, he starts doing the tiktok teasing etc etc like idk why it was such a clusterfuck of everything happening at once instead of having a plan? also the timing is horrendous, to put in THIS much promo just to announce that it's 3 weeks away is such a joke like be fr lmao
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cherrygarden · 2 years
okay thinking exercise: things i remember about my 1d concert (may 1st, 2014)
i changed schools in 2013 and i wanted to appear grown up and cool so i purposefully stayed away from fandom in general and effectively missed mm era and wwa tickets sale. a few weeks before they'd arrive here i was just desperate to see them and participated in every contest i could find and FINALLY i won general floor tickets like 5 days before the show
it was two tickets and nearly all of my friends were going. from my previous school like 5 of them were closer and their parents all bought them tickets to go together - didn't even ask me and so i invited the only other friend who wasnt considered (a very shitty thing to do !)
i read salt helped you not want to pee so i just. tried to swallow a spoonful of salt bc i didn't want to go use a public toilet while queuing. absolutely disgusting
i barely ate, drank anything and i didn't go to the bathroom in like 12 hours, and was standing up for like half of that
my dad took me to the stadium at 9 am and once i found my friend he left me in the queue alone?? a classmate's mum was also nearby but we didn't know them and i was literally 13 lmao why did they feel comfortable with that
don't remember much of the queue (other than random snippets of ppl singing 1d songs) or when we managed to get in
the opener was just some guy, and no one knew his songs and he had a boner for his whole performance lmao
they were late
see this is where my memory stops bc i basically remember nothing from the show
even though we stood in line for hours we were so far away bc of the amount of people and bc the floor was divided into seating and standing, and we were farthest, that we were near the front for our section and still could only see the top of their heads if we jumped, and only if they were on the runway
i remember my friend was very excited for niall's "you make me wanna tsss one more night" move
for strong and happily the crowd (where i was) was SO quiet like only a few people knew the words (i didn't either bc again - missed mm sadly)
in little black dress?? i think?? a girl near us tried to convince us to like drop to the floor in a particular moment but we were pressed together so closely that even if we had wanted to we couldn't
maybe tmi but i've found that when i'm very dehydrated at shows i just get the urge to throw up? but nothing comes out so by the middle of the show i'd have to stop singing and screaming to just gag and it was the worst feeling bc i just wanted to scream!! but i couldnt
that's literally all i can remember from the show itself i'm going to cry. i can't remember specific moments or songs
when we left i was just in a happy trance i've never felt such joy
anyway my grandad and my aunt went to pick me up bc my whole family had left that day to go on vacation and they waited to bring me by the next day
and when i got to their house i immediately opened tumblr and created a 1d sideblog and fell back in love with them
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bookish-mind · 4 years
I read call down the hawk, here’s my aching heart:
(I wasn’t planning on making a long post about this book but I couldn’t help myself, I had too much to say and I needed a place to scream about pynch)
“This is going to be a story about the Lynch brothers” I knew that already so why am I crying, already, the first line and I’m crying
It mentioned Ronan living somewhere other than the barns after Niall died and I’m just here like,, you can say Monmouth it’s ok
“Adam Parrish was the destination of this road trip” and “Ronan missed him like a lung” my heart my heart my heart
“the guy he loved” PLEASE
Ronan Lynch upon seeing Adam Parrish for the first time: *literally prays*
I see the obsession with Adam’s hands goes way back
“Funny how quickly a handful of weeks could render something unrecognizable” I know ronan was talking about the weather/the campus but my stomach dropped pls this better not be pynch foreshadowing
Their reunion was so chaotic I’d expect nothing else tbh
The watch keeps track of Ronan’s time zone I can’t-
“He was with Adam, and Adam still loved him” PLS THE USE OF THE L WORD KILLS ME EVERY TIME
“there was burnished Gansey, who might not have saved Ronan’s life in high school, but at the very least kept it mostly out of Ronan’s reach so that he could not take it down and break it” this line bothers me bc gansey literally did save Ronan’s life that was the whole godamn point 🙃
Objectively I understand that the crying club are probly decent ppl but subjectively they ain’t no gangsey that’s for sure
“he longed for him even while holding him” pls the yearning,, it’s too much for my frail heart
Bryde needs to gtfo of Ronan’s head is what need to happen
Who is lindenmere I only know Cabeswater
Ronan is crying I’m crying we’re all crying
It breaks my heart that Ronan is still yearning for something more while the rest of the gangsey are out there living
Gansey is chained to a tree in Oregon, seems legit
Chainsaw knows how to say “Atom” I’m fucking crying
“What, Declan? I’m trying to fucking tow a cow” I love this book
Matthew be like “I’ve been staring at the edge of the water long as I can remember never really knowing why”
I literally had a headcanon that Ronan says I love u to Adam in Latin
“He sucked in more longing with every inhale, he exhaled some of his happiness on the other side” this godamn book I swear 😩
“dreamt of you” AGSHSJAK
Oof I kinda love Parsifal all he wants to do is eat some bienenstich made by his momma
Wait wait wait these Niall and aurora doppelgängers are confusing me
“I saved your life because I love you” HE SAID IT OUT LOUD ! HE SAID IT ! IT HAS BEEN SAID
I know it’s common knowledge at this point that they are in an established loving relationship but it hits me the same every time I’m reminded
“It was possible no two students at aglionby had ever come away with such a thorough understanding of Latin (or, possibly, of each other)” I have no words
Declan Lynch falling in love with a dream? More likely than you’d think
Man I hope at the end of all this Declan gets to punch a judge and go somewhere to live and breathe art for the rest of his life
This whole dreamers are born to die young theme is stressing me out
“Ronan, I know you” literally everything they say to each other knocks the air out of my lungs
“They hugged again, merrily, waltzing messily in the kitchen, and kissed, merrily, waltzing more” brb if you need me I’ll be reading this line over and over again for the rest of eternity
Two things: 1) gansey left his mint plant for Ronan to take care of 2) ronan dreamed a literal sun to keep the plant alive when he could have just as easily put it by a window like a normal person that’s the cutest bro shit I’ve ever seen
“Adam stopped breathing” please stiefvater imagine how tired we are
Also where tf is opal I miss the lil weirdo
“he missed him acutely even as he was looking at him” it’s too much,, it’s all too much
Oh hell ya Ronan and Jordan/Hennessy/all the other girls finally met I been waiting for this one
Waaait is the dark lady seashore niall’s dream space like Cabeswater/lindenmere is Ronan’s ??
Oh Matthew, my sweet boy, he figured out he’s a dream
Jordan. Is. Painting. Declan. I. Can’t. Breathe.
Oh damn ok so the lace is trynna get out and destroy the world ? Is that it ?
Matthew asking “Do I have a soul?” broke me
Matthew said “I’m the fake brother” and Declan uno reversed that shit so fast
Alright lindenmere I see you I see you but the thing is.. I miss my girl Cabeswater
“He didn’t have it in him to love another dream. It hurt too bad. Loving anything did” ouch :(
Fuck fuck fuck this is the part where chaos erupts
Damn those sundogs are cool af tho
I swear I didn’t breathe until I knew Matthew and Declan were alive holy shit
Declan thinking “The world was broken” and “I never actually lived” </3
Let Ronan and Declan hug each other challenge
Adam Parrish please pick up the goddamn phone I am begging you
The way Hennessy is so in awe that Ronan has complete trust of lindenmere/his subconscious made me ache bc it took a helluva lot for him to get to this point
“Hennessy?” “Lynch.” “I’ve been alone a long time” excuse me I’m gonna need a minute-
The way Ronan describes what the lace is to him,, I’m fucking sobbing
Hennessy and Ronan’s swords are badass
I still don’t trust bryde but he got them out of there so points to him I guess :/
Where’s book 2 I need book 2
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daydreamrry · 3 years
The thing I don't understand is why people care so much about his girlfriends, at all.
Like, create update accounts and shit..
They all get obsessed with them as if they get extra points for being "supportive". Jahsnmsjsmsmsmsmshs
And no one will ever change my mind that if he ever ends up with a poc that's not like a major celebrity or upcoming one, they will not treat that person half as good as they do with these women.
Like, there's literally updates accounts to post pics of clothes Olivia wore 10 YEARS AGO. Like?? And not even cute ones... Someone was posting about some ugly ass outfit she wore in Paris with Jason while sightseeing in 2015 or smth.
Imagine what would these ppl do if he was dating someone not famous and private, like Niall's gf.
How would they be supportive?? 😂😂😂😂
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horansqueen · 3 years
See, this is what I don’t understand. Why do certain “fans” feel the need to “stan” Amelia and/or Niall’s relationship with her? He’s just a normal guy. There’s nothing too stan. It’s just so bizarre. Of course, he’s going to get a girlfriend at some point. Of course, he’s going to start dating again and it’s not up to us whether we say we like her or not. That’s his job, he’s a grown ass man. I don’t know what’s worse; the “fans” that send hate to Niall’s girlfriends because they think they have a chance with Niall in the first place (haha!) or the ones that “stan” Amelia in the most bizarre way.
i agree with you, i dont get why ppl stan her. its weird tbh. idk what theyre trying to prove but idk, its just a bit creepy. so yea, youre totally right!
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