#like if it was a hidden gem or he just wasn't a strong author at first and got a lot better
pinejay · 2 years
it can be pretty fun to read reviews of a book u hate but one of the most painful things u can do is read goodreads reviews of a book u love
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esmedelacroix · 10 months
Coffee Shop Love Pt.5
pairing: miguel o'hara x f!reader
summary: He's as stern and cold as the snow falling from the sky blanketing the bustling streets of Nueva York, Miguel O'Hara stumbles upon a hidden gem of a coffee shop just around the corner from Alchemax. Only problem is the annoying-as-shit smiley-ass barista.
contents: slow burn, no use of y/n, fluffy, not proofread
author's note: Hi lovies, exams are done! I'm starting vacation soon so I'll be writing a lot more. Hope you like this chapter I had fun writing it. Let me know what you think, and comment to be added to the taglist for this series, enjoy...
word count: 1.4k
Pt.1, Pt.2, Pt.3, Pt.4, Pt. 5, Pt.6, Pt.7, Sequel: Sweet Tooth
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Your eyes fluttered open as bright morning lights glared through your curtains. There was something strange about this morning, but it was a good kind of strange. You felt a strange warmth, it wasn’t your blanket or heater, it was—Miguel?! Memories of last night resurfaced in your brain and you felt your cheek and ears flush, and Oh my god, Miguel is cuddling me right now, you thought to yourself as you looked down and saw his huge arms wrapped around you. He was holding your hands delicately, sharing his warmth with you. You could feel his soft breaths fanning your forehead, slow and tranquil, in and out. You fit perfectly against him, like the last puzzle piece of a Ravensburger jigsaw puzzle.
Despite your tangled legs, having Miguel this close was perfect. He began to stir in his sleep and soon woke up himself. He immediately pulled away from you frantically. “Sorry, I just, you were cold and I-“ he started. The familiar chill encapsulated your body the second Miguel let you go leaving you a bit disappointed. “It’s fine, I don’t mind at all," you reassured, placing a hand on his forearm.
"It was nice," you muttered looking away hoping he didn't hear you. Your sudden soft shyness sent butterflies to his chest. Your bedhead made your change in demeanor even cuter. Not to mention those reindeer onesies you were wearing. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" you questioned feeling his laser glaze burning through your figure.
"No, it's nothing," he said as he dragged himself out of your bed.
You followed, and put some coffee on in the kitchen. Miguel freshened up and sat on the couch with his laptop in hand and glasses on his nose. Although the storm was still happening his job kept him busy. You heard him typing away and finished making him a hot black coffee. Making him coffee as he worked reminded you of being in the shop late at night.
Miguel honed in on his work, you, taking your time cleaning up the shop before closing so that Miguel could have more time to work. The little peeks you took at him while he worked. As you watched him you learned many things about him. You noticed that he chews on his pens when he seems stuck or stressed. He runs his hand through his hair when he is tired, and he enjoys the Frank Sinatra songs that you play. He thought you didn't hear him singing Girl From Ipanema in the shower. His voice was amazing; it was deep, rich, and flowed like honey.
Miguel could smell the coffee you were brewing for him from the couch. The scent was strong, he could tell you were using different beans than you use in the shop. Miguel couldn't deny that he felt the same deja vu. He felt like he was back in your shop doing his "work". Half of the time he was sitting there on his laptop, he was typing gibberish into the Google search bar. When he wasn't doing work, he was looking at you. Watching, memorizing, because every movement you made beguiled him.
He took notice of the subtle sway of your hips to the music, the gentle tilt of your head matching the slow melodies. Your movements seemed to encapsulate a suppressed passion and excitement. Unbeknownst to you, Miguel watched as you slipped into the kitchen, believing you were unobserved, dancing exuberantly to the music just because you could.
Miguel never overlooked those instances when you sang along or hummed certain parts of the songs; each detail etched into his awareness.
So as you stood before him waiting for some kind of reaction to the coffee that you had made, he was fully aware of your anxiousness. He took a slow sip, swallowed, and then looked up at you. You fiddled with your fingers awaiting his reaction. But nothing. He just sat there and drank, showing absolutely no reaction. "So, what do you think?" you squeaked trying to get anything out of him. You watched him duck his head down suppressing laughter.
"You stinker! You're making fun of me!" you laughed, placing your hands on your hips.
"Sorry I just can't help myself, your reactions are so cute," he chuckled putting his reading glasses at the top of his head.
"Seriously though, do you like your coffee?" you asked softly.
"No, I love it, Baby," this might be the best coffee I have ever had," he revealed.
"Oh, wait till you discover cream and sugar," you quipped sarcastically. To which he gave you a playful eye roll.
The day went by very quickly. The shop was closed due to the blizzard so you worked on the holiday decorations for the store. With Miguel upstairs on business Zoom calls. His coworkers saw the festivity and warmness of your home in the background and immediately drilled him with questions. Asking if he was at his girlfriend's house, and revealing that Miguel has no love life.
You walked back up to your apartment after all of the work was done in the shop. You came back to Miguel surprisingly watching a Christmas movie. "Hey wanna come join?" he asked motioning for you to come over.
"What a pleasant surprise, you? Watching holiday films? Hell has officially frozen over," you teased as you plopped down next to him.
"Oh, stop it," he rebutted as wrapped an arm around you pulling you into his side. To say you were taken aback by this sudden gesture was an understatement. You looked up at him with a puzzled face hoping your flustered expression wasn't too visible. He looked down at you with a small smirk. You felt a million jingle bells go off in your stomach at that very moment.
You snuggled against him enjoying the film he put on, and the warmth he radiated. Without realizing it, you had both fallen asleep on the couch together. You were both softly snoring, your head resting on his chest. Your arms wrapped around him like he was a giant teddy bear. Amid your rest, both of your phones began to buzz uncontrollably. Miguel woke up and shook you awake. "The storms are over," he said softly. You groaned, too comfortable to get up.
"C'mon Baby, I have to get up," he chuckled.
The two of you finally got up. Miguel got his things together and you both headed down into the shop. You were going to see him out of the shop when you forgot that you prepared a special something for him while he was working.
As he began to walk out the door, you heard the bells jangle and called out to him, "Wait!"
You caught up with him outside and you handed him a brown paper bag that had gingerbread man cookies decorated to look like him. "I made these for you," you huffed shivering a bit as the frigid air hit your face.
"Thank you, Baby, now get inside, and get warm, you're shivering," he said, ushering you to get your freezing butt in your warm shop.
You waved goodbye to Miguel and watched him get into his car before opening up the shop. The day went by well. Loads of customers came in excited to try out the new holiday menu you made. The grumpy(Miguel-themed) gingerbread man cookies were a hit.
As the customers all left and the clock hit 9:30 pm you wondered where Miguel was. He was usually there by this time. But there was no sign of him at all. It was unusual but you decided to shake it off and lock up since he obviously wasn't coming that night.
You were more disappointed than you would've imagined you'd be. I guess I've gotten too used to his company, it's like routine now, you thought to yourself. You slept that night hoping to see Miguel the next morning.
Next Pt.6...
@iite-cool @jewelz-teehe @br0-please @thesilenthill @d1lf-loverrr @corpsebridenightamare @laysmt @bitchystrawberrystudent @lotionlamp @local-mr-frog @scaleniusrm @migueloharastruelove @thedevax @veyveys @amber-content
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poisonous-lemonade · 2 years
The Demon Bro's Pact Marks
Demon Bro's Pact Marks: The Pros and Cons of each one in order of pact.
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When Mammon makes a pact with you, of course, it wasn't in the best circumstances
But after a while, your pacts become a symbol of companionship and trust
I think your pact would be in the palm of your hand because Mammon probably LOVES holding your hands
Along with that, I'm not gonna feed into the golden glow pact ideal, I would think the pact would be a shining silver that has a blue tint
A pro of this pact is that whenever you're in trouble or in need of Mammon's help, it burns his skin and it doesn't stop until he finds you, almost like a compass
You probably also find grimm or human money wherever you are due to it
Con's, if Mammon's in trouble, your pact mark will burn, but since you're human, it hurts a lot more
Luckily, you get a boost of luck, because, you know, greed
Okay, I don't want to feed into the propaganda, but what if his pact mark was near or on your ankle
Not for any real reason other than the fact that he loves draping his tail on top of it or wrapping his tail around it
I feel like because Levi is the admiral general, people can sense that pact and they stay the fuck away
I also like to think that his pact glows green with envy whenever you feel envious of someone or something
Now a major con of this is that now you feel envious of almost everything
Even if you don't care about it or like it or even know about it you just feel envious
But a major pro is that now you can interact with sea life and they won't immediately try to kill you
So if you like animals that's plus
You also feel a lot stronger with Levi pact, it's mainly thinking that you're strong so it's more of a mental thing
You feel a lot less hungry because you and Beel now sorta share that body part...if that makes sense, like a Belphie and Beel thing
Which I think is the reason why we give Beel our food so much
Beel's pact is right over your heart because he's your protector
Your pact mark is also really large compared to the others because he cares a lot about you
His pact also glows gold because he has a heart of gold and it only glows gold when he's around you
You're also definitely much stronger with Beel's pact
He simply gave you that so he'll feel better
You're probably his first pact so he's at least happy that you're his first
Pro: Your skin will look clearer than it did before
Con: Asmo is gonna throw a fit if it's better than theirs
Your pact is surprisingly tiny
Like unrealistically tiny
And it's hidden on the back of your neck
Could this be because of his underlying insecurities?
I'd say so
You also get a minor confidence boast when you're around Asmo
His probably doesn't glow more than it shines
Like a piece of jewellery or gem
Unlike everybody else's, his pact lets off a shock of electricity whenever somebody touches it, including you and himself
That neither of you can explain
I'm gonna go over this once and only once
If you are an easily irritable person or have major angry issues or have a problem with authority
My dear, we are one in the same, this pact is going to make you so much worse if you act on your urges
I like to think, similar to Mammon, whenever you are having fits of rage or need his help, he gets pulled towards you and it hurts like a bitch
I also think that is pact is very visible, like somewhere on your arm or on your shoulder
This one shines the brightest and it only shines when you are ready to kill someone, or at a mild inconvenience and is the only pact that'll glow through clothing so everybody knows
Oh and if you didn't act on those urges before, you sure as hell do now
Now hear me out!
And don't judge this!
His pact mark is TOTALLY on your ass
In the same way, you and Beel share a stomach, you and Belphie share a subconscious
Like, you're always awake because Belphie is always sleeping but when you both fall asleep together, you share dreams and although you don't remember them, Belphie does
And you both wake up so happy
Now, back to the pact mark, whenever you're tired, it alerts Belphie and he goes to find you, when you're tired, he's tired, always, so it's all good for him
Of course, now we have our Lucifer
I won't lie to you, if Belphie's on your ass and Satan's on your arm, his covers your back
And I'm talking about all of it
You (if you wear bikinis) will never be able to hide it when you go out (for our shirtless peeps, you were never trying to hide it in the first place)
I think his pact would be on your back just because of his trauma of losing a set of wings
Because I know it's gotta fucking hurt when you feel your appendages get torn off
I would also like to think that his doesn't glow at all
Which is strange but neither of you questions it at all
You 100% feel so much more proud when you accomplish something that you really wanted to do well, small things sorta have the same effect but not when you do something you really love
Drawbacks of this are major back pain, waking up in cold sweats, remembering Lucifer's memories, feeling 100% more disappointed if you did something not so well
You also have to keep water on you at all times
Lucifer told you to but you have no idea why
Diavolo and Barbatos share a pact mark
That's it
They just share one
Think of it like a synced period but for pacts
It's also gotta be like on your wrist
Or at least on your dominant hand
That is all, have a good day
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lokislittlecorner · 4 years
(AU) We were both young... Chapter 1
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Pairing: Loki x Reader x Dark!Thor
Warnings for the chapter: 
Warnings for the series: (Not all of it is certain!!!) Angst, fluff, blood, violence, smut, hurt/comfort, Non- Con.
Notes from the author: It will probably be very dramatic and dark that much I can tell. I also never really sat down and took on such a big project but here we are I guess. There may be smut but I’m not sure yet since I normally don’t write it we’ll see how it goes once we reach that part. I tried to be as non-specific as possible - Skin tone, height, weight, etc. If you see something that isn’t inclusive please reach out to me so I can change it! Hope you enjoy my little project.
Summary: You were promised to Thor Odinson firstborn and the next king of Asgard, which made it impossible to not meet his brother Loki Odinson. He seemed to handle you differently from how he should've right from the beginning on. The Royal family had a lot of secrets and things hidden from everyone, including you, especially you.
Word count: 2400
A pleasant tune was playing and with your ear pressed tightly against his chest, you could hear a soft heartbeat. It calmed you down as you slowly danced away. The faint smell of cinnamon and rainy days was either on him or his elegant dark green jacket. You took a deep breath, inhaling the sweet scent. It felt like a dream. You felt how his chest vibrated as his voice reached through to you. "Are you enjoying yourself, dear?" You had always loved his voice, slivery and gentle yet demanding and sharp if he wanted it to be. "Very much so." You almost whispered back, fully absorbed in the moment, wishing it would never end but it did.
You sat at the window, an old book filled with honey dripping poetry in both your hands. A quiet sigh escaped your lips as you looked up, observing the raindrops and how they softly hit the window, making those beautiful sounds. It wouldn't be long until this wasn't your home anymore and you would move into the golden palace, surrounded by guards and other royalty. Every other young woman would be incredibly thankful and overjoyed just by the thought of marrying the firstborn Odinson but not you, never could you be part of the king's family. Intrigues and rumors, secrets and betrayal, everything you hated about the upper families and soon you would be part of it all. A knock on your door let you snap back to reality, you didn't even have the time to answer as your father was almost standing in front of you already. "My little (Y/N), I hope you are well today and ready to depart?" His deep voice made you shiver, of course, he wasn't here to check if you were alright but to see if the gown and the makeup on your face were fitting for tonight's occasion. "Yes, father. The maids already prettied me up." A bit of sass could be heard behind your words but not quite enough, so your father had nothing something to hold against you. 
He shook his head, grumbling something under his breath that you couldn't quite make out. "I wish you to behave tonight. We don't want to make a fool out of ourselves in front of the royal family... right?" He raised a brow, his arms crossed in front of him. A dark chuckle left you, if only you could embarrass the family enough so you wouldn't have to do all this crap but that was impossible. "Of course not father, I will be on my best behavior." and with that, you closed the book.
A carriage was already waiting for you and your father. It seemed like he would let your mother stay in the small castle to handle the little land which the family owned. The golden frame almost sparkled in the light of the undergoing sun, six strong white horses were pulling the heavy wagon. The Royal family wanted to impress their guests as it seemed. The heavy dress swayed around your ankles as you entered it, dark grey tulle, and only the best materials were used to make it. The ride was quiet, only the horses and the splashing of puddles were to be heard. A look out of the window and it seemed as if the storm only grew in power, lighting, and thunder raged over the sky as soon as the sun had vanished from the eyes of everyone, the cold night had finally arrived.
The palace was shining in all it's golden glory, seen hundreds of meters away from it already. A loud sigh left your trembling body. Was it fear? Anger? You couldn't tell anymore. The shouting of servants presenting the arriving guests could be heard and as soon as the carriage stopped, your family name was announced too. You could feel your heart pounding against your rips, legs weak, all seemed so overwhelming. The door opened and you could see other guests walking up the Palace stairs, servants everywhere, other carriages, and a hand ready to assist you. Now there was no running away anymore.
You took the gloved hand and set one foot after another, exiting the carriage and stepping onto the beautiful stone floor, inhaling the scent of the rain and the night. Your father followed after, his steps were heavy and you could hear him right behind you. "Lady (Y/L/N)! It seems as if you forgot your mask." The servant who just helped you out of the carriage informed you and looking around you realized that indeed everyone was wearing one, even your father put one on at the moment. "I am terribly sorry! I wasn't informed that this would be necessary" You tried to explain yourself and the man in front of you gave you a kind smile. "Do not worry" He turned and talked to a group of women dressed in the same attire, maids supposedly. They nodded and rushed away once the servant turned back to you. "A mask will be handed to you at the entrance, have a nice evening my Lady." He bowed down and you let out a relieved sigh. "Thank you very much" Who knows what father would have done to you if you were the only one without a mask, standing out like that. Your feet carried you in the direction of the tall doors which lead into the palace, royalty from far has also come to visit as it seemed and right next to the doors you saw one of the maidens with a smile on her lips. "We were informed that you might need this my Lady" She bowed down a little and handed you a black mask that would cover the upper half of your face, silver and many little gems decorated it, truly beautiful. You put it on immediately, it was finished with a soft fabric on the inside so it wouldn't disturb you. With a nod and a smile, you proceeded to enter your golden palace.
The tables were decked with the finest foods, guests already dancing to such lovely music, and young ladies in the corners of the ballroom were giggling about the handsome new gentlemen. 
Your father grabbed you firmly by the arm. "Now go and search for your prince. I want you to lure him in perfectly just how we taught you" Your stomach turned at those words, your family did indeed show you how to win the hearts of men and the attention of others, manners and manipulation were now your weapons. "I will do my best father." With that, you freed your arm out of his grip and made your way deeper into the halls, finally out of reach from him. Maybe you could sneak out later on? Get some fresh air and some freedom before every minute of your life becomes a nightmare, you shook your head, that thinking wouldn't get you anywhere not today or in the future.
A light tap on your shoulder brought you back to the ballroom and you turned around to find a tall dark-haired man in front of you. "You seem lost my little dove" His voice was like medicine to your soul but you couldn't make out who it was. His mask covered almost his complete face, nothing but his lips and the piercing green eyes were to be seen. "Oh I am certainly not but it is very kind of you to be so concerned about me, may I ask who I'm talking to?" You put on a sweet smile and let the honey slip into your voice. A dark chuckle vibrated from his chest. "My My you don't seem to be from around here as it seems." He took a step towards you and you felt how a shiver went down your spine. "Let's just enjoy ourselves, no need for names." He said offering you his hand and with every cell of your body you knew that it was wrong to take said hand but you couldn't fight the urge to know more about him, he sparked an interest deep within you. "Only one dance, sadly I have other plans for the evening." You placed your hand in his and immediately he pulled you closer. "That's too bad, you seem like a great company and so familiar too." He snaked one arm around your waist as you placed your hand onto his shoulder. "Well, I am certain we have never met, I would remember you for sure." The next song played and you could feel how he lead you both perfectly along with the rhythm, he was a marvelous dancer as it seemed. "Oh, I'm sure you would." He answered with a grin as he spun you around. "Do you know the King's family?" You still had to find Your prince or father would make sure your head was not on your shoulders anymore once you arrived back home. "Yes, I do so, very well even. On the hunt for the princes My Lady?" His grin just grew and he pulled you closer to his chest. "On the hunt for one at least, I want to learn more about him." A rush of heat reached your cheeks, dancing with your teacher at home was one thing but with a charming stranger was another. "Maybe I can help you then? Which one of the princes were you looking for?" You seriously had to think for a moment, it seemed as if you were losing your mind. "The firstborn, Thor Odinson." The grin on his face vanished in the blink of an eye and his body tensed up a bit. "Are you sure that he is the one you were searching for?" His voice was sharper than before and the look in his eyes became dark. "Very much so" You sighed and continued. "I am promised to him already, so even if I wanted things to be different it wouldn't matter." You felt how your heart became heavy and the lump in your throat grew until it was getting hard to swallow. He simply said; "I see." The song slowly came to an end.
"You might have found him" He stopped in his tracks, letting go as he looked over you. "I see you're already making yourself familiar with my brother?" The whole atmosphere changed as the two men stared at each other "I heard that you were on the search for me."
So this was your future husband? Long blonde hair, blue eyes, looked like he came straight out of a fairytale but if that was Thor then that must've meant that you were dancing with... "Loki Odinson?!" You turned to him and he chuckled quietly. "The one and only" He raised his mask a little so you could see his face. "Already trying to trouble my future wife?" Thor made a step forward and laid a hand on your shoulder, it didn't feel right. "I would never do such a thing, I was simply chatting with her about how nice the evening is." A dangerous grin came over him and he stepped back from you and Thor. "My apologies to both of you, I didn't want to cause any problems." You showed your respect with a small curtsy and you felt how the tall blonde softly squeezed your shoulder. "Do not worry Lady (Y/L/N) everything is alright." Thor gave you a small smile, his brother however tensed up as soon as your name fell "Lady (Y/L/N)? As in (Y/F/N)?" You nodded. "How do you know me already?" 
One swift motion from him and the mask on your face was gone, you yelped in surprise and took a step back, only to bump against the older brother. "Loki! Have you finally lost your mind!?" Thor called out and pulled you closer to him.
"What is it with you!?" Loki almost screamed at you "How can you be so ignorant?" His hands were balled into fists, he seemed angry but the look on his face was different, almost like he was... hurt? " I - I'm sorry I don't know what you mean." You hastily said but he was already storming off, pushing away other guests and making his way deeper into the palace, leaving you perplexed and a bit scared.
"Do not listen to him" You heard Thor's deep voice behind you, trying to comfort you as it seemed. "He was never the one for friendliness" You were still looking in the direction in which he basically fled. "If you say so." You lost yourself in a sea of thoughts the waves of questions coming over you one by one. How did he know you? Why would he be so angry and why didn't you remember him?
“Will you allow me the next dance with you, My Lady?” Thor’s voice let you come back to reality and you turned around to face him properly, now back to the original evening plan of being a sweet little girl for your prince. “Of course My prince.” You answered with a setup smile and a curtsy. “Please no need for such formalities.” He chuckled and pulled you closer to him, he was in his armor which didn’t give you much warmth, he was also way more muscular than Loki, his movements weren't as elegant. The list inside your head was going on and on.
Both of you danced together for a few more songs but your mind was somewhere else, everything that happened today was so strange and surreal you would've expected so many things but not what really occurred. It got late and the first guests were leaving already, trying to get out before everyone else would want to do so too. "It was such a pleasure to meet you." You said with a sweet smile. "I do hope we meet each other again before the wedding and everything." Thor returned the smile and placed a kiss on the back of your hand. "I do hope so too My Lady and again apologies for my brother." Right, you almost forgot about that part of the evening. "It's alright, siblings can be difficult, I guess?"
Reach out if you want to be tagged in the next chapters or other fanfiction thanks for reading <3
He nodded and you removed yourself from the conversation with a quick goodbye. Now you only had to find your father to finally leave this damn palace.
Chapter 2
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allykakamatsu · 4 years
Fire Emblem Three Houses X Persona 5 Doodles
First post. So, a few nights ago I dreamt up an AU where the Phantom Thieves ended up in Garach Mach and I decided to come up with some art for it, along with some descriptions.
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Black Eagles:
Ren Amamiya: Leader of the Phantom Thieves and the one most dead set in getting back home. Doesn't talk to too many people from Fodlán as a result, but gets along well with he faculty, especially Shamir. Also loves how many cats are at the monastery. Has the Crest of the Fool, a crest given to all wild cards that lets them use multiple personas. Is strong in swords, authority and bows and has no weaknesses or hidden talents.
Sumire Yoshizawa: Curently dating Ren. Wants to go back home but also really likes it here, especially the food meaning the kitchen staff have one more nightmare to deal with. Tries to get along well with all the Black Eagles but is best with Petra and Ferdinand. Has the minor crest of Aubin. Is strong in Swords, faith and flying, is bad at brawling and Heavy Armour, and has a hidden talent in lances granting the Sol combat art.
Haru Okumera: Despite being stressed that Okumera foods is currently without a CEO, is otherwise having a lot of fun in Fodlán. Thinks everyone is nice, but is particularly close with Caspar, Linhardt and Ashe. Has the minor crest of Glouster. Is strong in Axes, faith, reason and bows, is weak in authority, lances and swords, and has a hidden talent for brawling which gets her the Quick Riposte skill
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Blue Lions:
Yusuke Kitagawa: Loves the monastery given how much inspiration it gives him, however due to a misunderstanding due to sketching without permission turned apology training session, he also has a lot of fun sparring with Felix. Due to hanging out with Felix a lot he is quite wary of Dimitri and also has to deal with a loli in his head though he doesn't mind too much. Has the Crest of Flames. Is strong in Swords, Faith and bows, is weak on axes and brawling, and has a hidden talent for reason getting him the defiant magic skill.
Goro Akechi: After Ren figured out he was still alive and tracked him down he begrudgingly rejoined the Phantom Thieves, just in time for their forced Fodlán trip. Not super crazy about the Monastary, but due to not having a positive connection to the present he has no strong desire to get back. When not getting dragged into group bonding sessions he's trying to help Dimitri not go down the same path he did. Has the minor Crest of the Fool and the minor Crest of Blaiddyd. Strong in Swords, reason, bows and authority, is weak to faith, axes and brawling, and has a hidden talent in faith granting the white magic crit +20% skill
Ann Takamiki: Isn't the biggest fan of being dragged back to the past, but since she knows it'll take a while to get back she's trying her best to roll with it. Gets along great with Annette and Mercedes, and surprisingly Dedue who she tries to help feel like he has more worth than just serving Dimitri. Has a minor Crest of Dominic. Is strong in swords, lances and authority, is weak to brawling and heavy armour, and has a hidden talent in flying granting the darting blow skill.
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Golden Deer:
Ryuji Sakamoto: Wants to get back home so his mom doesn't get worried about him, but also kinda loves it at the monastary, cause the only people who judge him are the super stuck nobles unlike back in Japan, and has a great friendship with the rest of the Golden Deer, and even has a bit of a crush on Hilda. Doesn't have a crest but doesn't let it get to him. Is strong in axes, brawling and flying, is weak in faith and authority, and has a hidden talent for reason getting the dark magic avoid +20% skill.
Makoto Nijima: Very stressed about being stuck in the past, and as such does the most research into getting back, which often leads to her sneaking off to the Abyss to check its library once she finds it, leading to her befriending the Ashen Wolves. On top though she also gets along great with Lysethia and Ignaz, though she has some issues with Lorenz's flirting and Claude's scheming. Has a minor Crest of Timotheos. Is strong in Brawling, faith, authority and riding, is weak in lances and heavy armour, and has a hidden talent in reason gaining the Warding Blow Skill
Futaba Sakura: Is somewhat miserable due to being homesick and missing her technology, but is trying to make the best of the situation, which includes helping Claude with a dining hall raid which lead to the two becoming friends. Is also trying to help Marianne with her self esteem issues. Has the Crest of Blaiddyd. Is strong in reason, faith and flying, is weak in swords, axes and brawling, and has a hidden talent in bows granting the spark strike combat art which grants +3 might and deals adaptive damage.
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Heroes Relic's, Sacred Weapons, Sacred Relics and Personal Weapons:
Staff of the Moon Thief: Arsene's cane that got turned from a pair of daggers to an actual cane. Grants whoever wields it +3 range on spells, and grants whoever has the crest of the fool recovers +10 hp at the start of every turn.
Fists of Thunder: Ryuji's personal weapon. Since he doesn't have a crest he had a pair of gauntlets custom made for him. They have the same night as steel gauntlets, the same weight as iron gauntlets, and also has adaptive damage.
Slasher: A sacred weapon of house Dominic. Think the rapier but just super effective against armour and has 1-2 range in exchange for loosing the cavalry effectiveness.
Sword of the Creator: Works just how it did originally, however im giving it 30 durability to start with and once it unlocks its full power it goes up to 50, cause 20 is NOT enough.
Azure Gem: The heroes relic of Timotheos. It's just like the Rafli Gem, but it cancels cavalry weaknesses instead of flying.
Ruler of Lion's Shield: Think the Aegis Shield, but with half the weight and a slight boost to its Pavise and Aigis effect in exchange for half the protection.
Wings of Dromi: It has the weight of a training sword, in exchange for barely better might, but it also works like psystrike in Pokémon, where even though it targets the defence stat, it calculates The damage based on magic instead of attack.
Axe of Ukomasara: Always found it weird that Lorenz wasn't strong in axes yet his house's sacred weapon was one. Welp, time for Haru to make up for that.
Lion's Falchion: Yeah I'm going to be blunt, think the royal sword from echoes, double lion and all, and add dragon effectiveness. Overkill, maybe. But on maddening overkill is kinda mandatory.
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First Meeting:
Yusuke met Sothis in his dreams on the PT's first night. While they were both weirded out, Yusuke got inspired and decided to draw her and the bored Sothis agreed.
And that's it for now. If you liked let me know and maybe I'll do more.
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