#like if someone is not handsome or idk smart or x enough they’re OF COURSE not with them
ishipmutualrespect · 1 year
#I wasn’t sure#if you wanted me to not publish your last question as well so I’m just gonna answer you in my tags#tbh I think he’s just his personal trainer#Harry probably needs to work out a lot to keep being that fit and they just spend much time together and they’re probably friends#that’s the reason they’re seen together all the time#I personally think there’s no point in getting ahead of ourselves in this situation#they’re just seen together all the time like Harry is always seen with Jeff all the time#but I don’t see people thinking they’re together#Louis is 24/7 with Oli but I don’t see people thinking they’re together as well#the sad truth is that many people have their own standard in which they think someone who could be with Harry or Louis has to have#like if someone is not handsome or idk smart or x enough they’re OF COURSE not with them#in the contrary if they think this person fits what they think BOOM they’re together#for example what does Oli lack for not being able to be the one that is linked as the person who could be Louis’ boyfriend?#I’m sure many people would be able to explain you all the many reasons why but the truth is#we are nobody to decide who they should be with#so I’ll say just wait and enjoy your time here#(if you still enjoy it of course)#and IF it happens#than it’ll happen and you’ll see if you want to wait until this would be over or you’ll prefer to just leave#if you want me to still answer other questions don’t worry you can keep sending and I’ll answer#I hope I answered this time#☺️#I also hope you’ll see this
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shotorozu · 3 years
hi!! so um i wanted to request maybe some hc or scenarios about midoriya, shoto and shinsou being loyal? if that makes sense? idk i've just read some angsty fics about cheating todoroki and now i'm sad :(
being loyal
character(s) : todoroki shouto, midoriya izuku, shinsou hitoshi (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name] gender neutral; they/them pronouns, quirk not mentioned
headcanon type : fluff, angst-ish, suggestive but it’s barely there (x reader)
note(s) : first of all, cheater! todoroki isn’t realistic at all in my opinion, even if it’s used as a weapon for other x reader fics. i don’t think todoroki would ever be with someone he didn’t love anymore, especially since that being in a romantic relationship would be a very big step for him, i could go on, but don’t worry about it anon!
no proofread wndnwnw
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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todoroki shouto
shouto as a lover is interesting. sure, you’ll argue like any normal couple— he’s not the best at understanding what’s wrong sometimes
and occasionally, you’ll have to shove it in his face for him to get the memo
his blunt words don’t help at all sometimes
but, you know one thing that shouto’s not? a cheater.
not even sugar coating it. he’ll never cheat. he loves you too much for him to even be thinking about other people
and i don’t think he’d stay and hurt someone’s feelings, if he felt like he shouldn’t be with them anymore
shouto’s popular, as to be expected. he’s the son of endeavor— who happens to be loaded, handsome, and also equipped with an amazing quirk
there’ll be a handful of people that’ll try to throw themselves at him.
as i’ve mentioned in the pick me girl post, shouto may be unaware about certain things, but as soon as he realizes what they’re trying to do
he won’t be nice, and that cold demeanor of his will come back in a snap. and, he’ll most likely try to leave right away.
like,, a girl could be half naked in front of him, but he wouldn’t even spare a glance at them. they’re not you, because they’re not hot. why does it matter? here’s an example :
random girl : “a man like you wouldn’t mind having a few extra lovers, right? there’s not harm”
shouto : 😐
shouto on the inside : ‘cooking some soba for Y/N would be delightful tonight, wouldn’t it? you should leave before it gets too late.’
he wouldn’t even say goodbye, the look on his face is enough to tell that he’s not at all interested in their advances
after all, you already make him feel complete and so loved🤠 shouto would rather slurp 3 pairs of jeans through a straw than ever think of cheating.
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midoriya izuku
it’s not difficult for him to stay loyal either, i mean,, loyalty in a relationship is the bare minimum anyway
all he’s focused on is you, improving and honing his skills, and fulfilling his dreams.
heavens forbid anyone for thinking that he’d ever get with any other person that’s not you
he’s aware that over time, he’s been an unintentional chick magnet— and technically, he’s friendly with everyone excluding bakugou, sorta
but right away, he understands when someone’s trying to get with him
while he might’ve said they were just being friendly before, he recognizes the signs well— considering that he thought YOU were just being friendly
izuku’s not blushy and well,, a mess. he’s still polite, compared to the other two— but, you can tell that he’s losing interest in the conversation that’s rare
but, if a girl’s going to stand in front of him half naked, he’s going to get flustered at first because they’re NEARLY flashing him tf?
and if anyone accuses of him being disloyal, he’ll get offended but mostly sad, because the thought makes him feel utterly sick to the stomach.
oh, and he’ll always make sure to mention you and your existence.
here’s a short example of how he’d be loyal!
random girl : “your quirk’s awesome! our kids would be super powerful ;)”
izuku, knowing well that his kids wouldn’t be able to genetically inherit any quirk of his: “thanks! if Y/N wants to have kids, our kids will be raised well. i appreciate for the compliment!”
random girl : “no, i mean—”
izuku : “it was nice speaking to you :) gotta find my darling now.”
he’ll leave immediately, not even thinking about looking back to see their reaction. he needs to see you
and the first thing he’ll tell you when he sees you is what had just occurred. the feeling in his stomach disappearing when you lend him an attentive ear
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shinsou hitoshi
ehh— compared to the other two, he wouldn’t notice right away.
he’ll assume that the people trying to snag him away are just being nice. because of his middle school days, friendliness is still something he’s trying to figure out.
he wouldn’t understand why someone would want to be with him since well,, man’s taken. no one would stoop that low to be a homewrecker
except for a few people, that had no sense of what was right or wrong. they just went for it regardless of his relationship status.
and when he realized what they were after, he’ll deadpan, absolutely uninterested.
compared to todoroki, hitoshi will simply tell them straight to their face that he’s taken, and he’ll just have to hope that they’d get it— and end the conversation in a nice away
but— if they don’t, he won’t hesitate on using his quirk this time. not to harm them of course, but to steer them away
example :
hitoshi : “i’m taken, and very happy with my relationship.”
random girl : “hmm,, but they don’t have to kno—”
and before the pursuer could even finish her sentence, they’re under his quirk, and he’ll demand that she forgets about the encounter, and that she’ll stay away.
because how dare they suggest that you wouldn’t be smart enough to find that out. their desperation makes hitoshi laugh
oh, and hitoshi will definitely shit talk them when he sees you again. he’ll even be so extra about it if he needs to
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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lucycola · 3 years
Hey could you do a Spock X reader where she knows nothing about Vulcans and like keeps accidentally doing taboo things e.g touching hands or touching his ears
I thoroughly enjoyed writing this! I accidentally made it gender neutral, because I forgot what pronouns, you used. I’m sorry! I hope you like it.
WARNINGS: Fluff, affection, ignorance of affection in Vulcan culture idk. Maybe Spock is slightly OOC but who cares. I took a little liberty of giving the reader a pinch of background.
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To say you were oblivious was an understatement. You weren’t a complete idiot, or anything, just innocently scatterbrained. Perhaps that was the explanation why you didn’t flinch when every you were chastised for a mistake or given a strict order by your commanding officer. As a blue shirt, you fell under the command of the Enterprise’s first officer, and his reputation as a stony, unfeeling, authoritarian preceded him. You were never bothered by this. He was most terrifying, others noted, when Captain Kirk left him in charge when unable to take the chair. You were warned about him-to never cross him and always do exactly as he said. Spock was a hard-ass. He was handsome and perhaps at first you wondered, but it had been made clear to by others he wasn’t interested in anyone.
You had met more terrifying people. You had nine brothers and a strict, often unfair and bully of a father. Commander Spock was a piece of cake. It was in your nature to be gentle, welcoming, and comforting despite the constitution of your upbringing. It was your personality. You didn’t like to let people bring you down.
You were elated alone to be living your dream, anyway. You weren’t going to let the attitude of anyone around you affect your nature or happiness.
You obviously didn’t know anything about Vulcans either.
The first touch was accidental. It always is.
You never took the Vulcan to be clumsy, but on one occasion while discussing your current assignment in passing he dropped his holotape. You both reached  for it, and in a cliché manner brushed hands. While your boss pulled away, you did not and picked up the tape.
“Here ya go!” You cheerily patted the tape in his hand for good measure, “I’ll have that report in the morning like you’ve requested, sir.”
Bypassers gawked as you cheerily skipped away. Your commanding officer only quirked a brow and went on his way.
The next time was less on purpose and more out of your kindness as your commander internally lamented about his captain’s safety during an emergency situation. He had donned the chair and even while appearing composed and direct you had an eye for spotting worry in well kept men. In an brief moment you pressed your hand to his wrist and said softly, “He will be okay. You’ll make sure of it.”
He tensed under your touch and you removed your hand a smiled.
“Report to your station, Ensign,” he said in his usual tone, no hint of distaste or approval in his voice.
“Yes sir.”
The third time was even worse. Somehow you had been suckered to prompting Spock by Doctor McCoy into reporting to an impromptu physical. Confidentiality be damned, the Vulcan’s stress levels were unusually high and it was affecting his demeanor. You accidentally overheard the nurse and the doctor whispering something perhaps about pon farr happening again, but no it hadn’t been seven years yet. Whatever that was.
“I don’t think he’ll listen to me, but if you say it’s important, I’ll try.”
“You’re his favorite, so you’re my best bet.”
“Mister Spock doesn’t have favorites,” you laughed, “But I’ll do it anyway. Someone has to draw the shortest straw. I never mind it being me.”
“Thankyou, Ensign. And good luck.”
You skipped along to the your commander’s quarters. You had never been inside and only rarely had delivered your reports to him in person when requested. He couldn’t always come to you and that was understandable.
At the chime the door slid open and though it was subtle, your boss clearly wasn’t expecting you.
“Hello, Mister Spock,” you greeted, “Doctor McCoy-”
“I am aware of the doctor’s request. As it is not mandatory  I do not find it necessary to attend.”
It wasn’t like him to interrupt you. He was tense and though he stood perfectly erect like a statue there was a little shake in his right hand. Without thinking, you grasped it to still the quiver.
“Are you alright?”
Many would expect his to snatch it away, but he didn’t and stood there. If he was caught off guard, it wasn’t apparent. His expression was unmoving and his eye contact never wavered.
“I am fine, Ensign. Report back to your duties.”
“Doctor McCoy said it was important.”
“I am not here to entertain the doctor’s every illogical human whim.” He pulled his hand away, “There is no empirical evidence to suggest I am ill.”
“You’re shivering.” You put your hands on your hip and gave him the most mothering look you could muster.
“Multiple factors such as the natural low temperature of deep space can illicit such a reaction,” he retorted.
“It’s broiling in your cabin, Mister Spock. Only people with fevers do things like that.”
“Humans, Ensign. Humans,” he corrected, “I deduce you are not aware of Vulcan biology or customs.”
“Please don’t lie to me,” you requested softly, “How am I supposed to work efficiently under an ill commanding officer?”
The way you spoke nearly convinced him to do your bidding, but still he remained stubborn.
“I do not comprehend how that would deter your work efficiency.”
You grabbed his hand again, “I am going to worry myself to death if you really are ill and you’re just trying to act like you’re alright. That will keep me from working like I’m supposed to. Efficient crew needs an efficient captain.” You winked at him.
“But Captain Kirk-”
“It’s a metaphor, Mister Spock. Now please come so the doctor can stop paging me and I can work on my report concerning the Althenian plant’s healing properties and various uses from its sap.”
“I yield,” he said after a small beat and without releasing your hand, followed you to the medbay. More people inwardly gawked watching to drag him down the hall. His face was tense, albeit slightly amused.
After reaching your destination you waved him and the doctor off sweetly and made your way back to the lab. You heart wrapped around the thought of him being ill and you hid that worry ill. A little heat bloomed in your chest at his previous touch. You brushed it away. No, you told yourself.
The doctor was only a little surprised. His suspicions were confirmed.
“I had my doubts at first, Spock, but now I see it’s true.”
“Despite Vulcan’s telepathic abilities, I cannot automatically read your mind. Elaborate, Doctor.”
The doctor chucked, “That ensign is your favorite.”
“I do not understand.”
“Who else could have convinced you to come here to let me scan you? Probably not even Jim-”
“I am inclined to follow the captain’s every order.”
“You don’t let anyone touch you like that. Especially not for a long time. If I’m not mistaken you two were practically kiss-”
“That will be enough elaboration, doctor. Please proceed with your medical assessment, as I have much work to attend to.”
The doctor chuckled again. “It’s too bad I can’t tell with that one. They act like that towards everyone.”
“Everyone,” Spock repeated flatly although it was intended to be a question.
“Sweetest soul I’ve ever met. Lights up a room as soon as they enter it.”
“Indeed,” Spock nodded, familiar with the colloquialism.
The doctor’s eyebrows raised and he grinned, “I knew it.”
You of course were oblivious to all of this as you continued through your work, happy as a clam.
After some deliberation one of your coworkers decided to explain the delicacies of Vulcan culture after viewing a friendly hand grasp as a greeting between you and your commanding officer. You were elated to see his shivering had stopped and once again he tensed under the touch, but nodded his head at your greeting. You had blushed while doing so. It was sweet, but your coworker had to break it to you as they had before when warning you last time about him not being interested in anyone.
“Vulcans don’t like to be touched, you know,” they said to you, taking you aside.
“What do you mean?”
“They’re very sensitive to skin to skin contact. They guard themselves mostly, but hand touching is extremely taboo the way kissing in public or other sexual acts are.”
“You mean...” you blushed, “I’ve been--! I hope he’s not offended.”
“Normally he’s not afraid to explain things or clear up-“ you coworker coughed,”-unwanted affection. I’ve seen plenty girls get a talking down to.”
“What are you saying?”
“Perhaps he’s forcing himself to be polite.”
“Oh, I’ve got to apologize right away!”
You felt so stupid! How could you be so offensive to him or his culture? You should have read up on his customs before truly interacting with him. It would seem like a smart thing to do-but you were so lost to the world it was embarrassing.
You paused in front of his door for the first time in your life, afraid to speak to him.
The door open quickly and you stepped back, surprised. He had looked like he had been going to leave and you sheepishly smiled, “I’m sorry for interrupting you, sir. I need to speak to you.”
“Come inside.”
You blushed at the request, wringing your hands as you entered.
You turned to him and blurted, “I had no idea what I was doing, sir, I swear. Had I known that touching you was wrong I would stop. I’m so used to being touchy-feely on Earth I forgot that not everyone-”
“Ensign,” he said firmly.
“Yes?” you squeaked.
“Had those interactions provoked me I would have made it known. I should be the one offering an apology. I should have explained what such interactions mean on Vulcan before anyone else claimed the opportunity. I assume someone took the liberty of doing so.”
“Yessir. I’m sorry.”
“Do not apologize.”
“Why not?’
“Because your actions did not provoke me, but precisely did the opposite.”
“What-what do you mean?” Your face was fully red and you obscured it with your hands. He let out a sound that was the closest Vulcan thing as a sigh and stepped closed to you.
He grasped your hands and lowered them from your face. His eyes were soft and the most vulnerable as you had every seen them.
He pressed his right hand that was shivering terribly to the side of your face. It stilled instantly.
“I am aware of your affection for me and I return the sentiment.”
You couldn’t find your voice and after a long moment of studying your features he leaned down to give you a kiss, warm and firm.
You gasped into his lips and pressed back.
He released you and you looked at him starry eyed.
“So it was true, what the doctor said, you said in a hushed tone.
Spock’s arms were around you gently, “Elaborate.”
“I am your favorite.”
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ksoap-ie · 4 years
Rocky x reader
WARNINGS: some cursing
Oh my gosh, it’s done! I hope you enjoyed it! This fic was a c h a l l e n g e. I’m not that experienced in kissing scenes and fighting scenes - and it shows, but it can’t get any worse from here! This isn’t exactly what anon asked for, I’m sorry about that :( I know you wanted to see some scenes where Rocky becomes protective after he almost loses the reader but, who’s to say there won’t be a part two... 
Ahh idk, it depends if people like this. Stay safe everyone!
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It was only a month ago when it happened. At the time, everyone saw the threats as negligible. It was just a joke. We believed that no one would actually be stupid enough to start a war, especially in this day and age where technology was powerful enough to destroy the world. To say the least, it was a shock when a missile landed in North Korea the next week. In retaliation, they sent another missile. One even bigger. One that put the surrounding continents in an abysmal state. 
I was with Rocky that day. It was 6pm and we was walking down the street, on our way back to the apartment after getting dinner together. Hands entwined; a warm sunset. It was normal, everything was the same as usual. An array of vehicles flash by, most likely headed home for the weekend. It was nice. It was relaxing. 
I adored every second of it. 
But then that was it.
It was strange. I started to feel itchy, unbearably itchy. I looked at Rocky, he seemed panicked, I asked him if he felt it too. 
But he didn’t answer.
His hand gripped mine and he started sprinting to our apartment. We were only a three minute walk away so it wasn’t long before he shut the door behind us and dragged me towards the bathroom. He let go of my hand, immediately turning on the shower. 
“Rocky, I don’t understand what’s happening.” 
“I’m not sure, but if I’m right there’s not much time to explain.” I notice he’s trembling. His voice is shaky, his eyes were darting around the room. Something’s not right. “I think there’s been a nuclear missile. Ever since the threats have been going on I’ve been doing some research to prepare for the worse case scenario. I didn’t actually think it would- oh my god.
 Okay Y/N, I need you to get in the shower quickly. I think we’re in the thermal radiation zone. There’s a chance radiation is on our bodies right now, so get in the shower. I’ll go check if the windows are closed.” 
“Are you kidding me? You were outside at the same time as me, you’ve got to get in as well.” I step into the shower and pull him in too. “We’re wearing clothes so it’s fine, lets just worry about our health now.” 
He sighs, resting his head on mine; hot breath tickling every inch of my face. Our clothes and bodies were submerged with water. I put my hand on his cheek, rubbing it with my thumb.
“It’s going to be fine. Everything will work out, I promise.”
2 months later...
The panic has finally settled. It had been reported that 1/4 of the population in South Korea have now passed. Whether they have been starved, murdered, blown to pieces, at the end of the day, a lot of people have died. A small portion of buildings were destroyed. Bricks decayed and their fragments sprinkled around the city. All electricity was shut off a month ago. No one was able to manage it due to the minor percentage of the population going out on a killing spree. In this society, it’s kill or be killed. Funny right? It sounds like something a protagonist would say in a movie. 
Luckily Rocky and I were able to text a few friends before that, the ones that we contacted survived and now we’re travelling together. We found a small house on the outskirts of Seoul. 
Unlike the buildings in the city, this one was mostly intact. The front door, was once painted burgundy, but now a rough cream wood peeks out from underneath.  We were relived to see that it had 4 surviving walls, despite having to barrier up some holes with scrap pieces of metal from abandoned cars, it was better then nothing. Inside the house, there was one long corridor with three doors and a staircase. The first door was on the right, it lead to what once was a living room. There was an ivory knole sofa. It was pushed to the side and upon further inspection, circular, brown stains were left on the arms of the chair. A dirty mint rug laid in front. A TV was neatly placed on the table, but there was a hole that shot through the screen. It created a large crack and left glass in its surrounding area. 
To say the least, whoever was in this room at the time, left in a panic. 
The second door lead to a kitchen where we found an astonishing amount of food, the third door was a bathroom. But that didn’t matter really, plumbing stopped working so it has no use. Lastly, the staircase lead to a bedroom. We ended up setting a camp of some sort in the first room. Sleeping bags became a necessity, we had 2 laid on the floor and transformed the sofa into a bed. There was also a reclining armchair in the corner which Moonbin claimed as his own. Rocky and I shared the sofa bed while Jinjin and Sanha took the sleeping bags. 
It was morning, 7am roughly, we were all sitting around Jinjin as he dug through a backpack which contained our supply of food. He placed 2 cans of beans and a breakfast bar on the floor. 
“Is this really all we have?” I ask, Jinjin nods his head in acknowledgement. He puts the food back in the bag and pushes it to the side. 
“Three of us should go out, two should stay here and defend the house.” he inspects the mood before continuing, “ Rocky, Moonbin, lets go out while Sanha and Y/N stay here. They’ll be safer, and Sanha can fight if anything bad happens - which is unlikely.”
The trio stood up and began preparing for their trip. They each balanced a backpack on their shoulders, Moonbin was equipped with a baseball bat, Jinjin had a knife while Rocky held a shotgun. Just as they were about to exit the room, when Rocky pauses at the door. His hand hovers above the handle, and he turns around, opening up a cabinet by the sofa. He pulls out a black pistol and a simple pocket knife. After inspecting them, he silently hands the pistol to Sanha before turning to me. 
He locks the blade in the handle, placing it in my hand and then wraps his arms around me. I clench the knife, feeling goosebumps, and the sickening chill of the metal, travel up my arms. Rocky’s hands move in a calming circular motion, he then places his hands on my shoulders, looking me dead in the eye. 
It brought me back to that day. Those helpless, muddy eyes obstructing my vision from the danger. 
“I know it’s scary, but don’t be afraid to use it if you have to.” Grinning, I nod my head. He reciprocates my action and finally, the three depart for their mission. 
As expected, the house became quiet. 
“Do you think they’ll be okay?” Sanha says after a few minutes. 
“They’re strong.” I began, sitting down on the sofa and patting the spot next to me. Sanha sits with the gun still in his hand. “Jinjin is smart, he won’t panic if he’s threatened. Moonbin is good at self defence and Rocky used to go shooting with his dad when he was a teenager. Also, the store they’re going to is nearby. If anything happens to them - or us - we can help each other out. I don’t think we have to worry.”
We talked about trivial topics to pass the time. We joked, laughed, even danced a bit. Putting it into words like this: we acted recklessly. But it was fun and it kept us going. Despite being so sick with worry, it allowed us to digest our thoughts.
Until, of course we heard a faint murmur. At first, Sanha immediately jumped out of his seat, running to the door. Only then did I chase after him. I grabbed his hand and pulled him back. He started at me, mouth shaped like an ‘o’, eyes widened. 
“Do you really think it’s them?” I whisper-yelled, then reaching up and tapping his head with my index finger, I continued, “The voices outside... if it was them, don’t you think they would come in by now?”
If was even possible, Sanha’s eyes widened even more then before. Quickly, he seized the pistol, pulling me behind him. 
“Stay behind me. Rocky will kill me if something ever happens to you.”
Laughing a little awkwardly, I tap his back in an attempt to settle his rising tension. “Hey - don’t you think you’re being too mean? I look after you continuously and this is how you repay me?”
“Now’s not the time Y/N.”
I let out a sigh. 
“You’re right.”
The silence was almost nauseating. 
The room was full of blind spots, we had no way of knowing where they were.
My heart palpitated faster then time itself.
Somehow, every passing second felt like years - no, decades. No-
Slowly, I moved my eyes to the left. I stared at three men, and they stared back. A thin layer of glass was the only security we had.
To keep it short, they looked like thugs. The three all had black hair. The first mans hair was unkempt, one could say it was an effect of the missile.
 The second mans hair was almost like someone had stitched together patches of grass. It seems that he cut it with a knife, probably an attempt of wanting to have shaved hair so his vision isn’t obstructed.  
The third man didn’t appear to have any prominent features, but upon further inspection, he was vastly different to the other two. To put it short, he was handsome: slightly wavy hair, large eyes, plump lips pulled into a smirk. Yet, he sparked intense anxiety. He lifted a plank of wood in the air, forcefully striking the window. The glass smashed into fragments on impact. They laid like a moat, glistening by the window.
Once again Sanha pulled me behind him. He placed one foot forward and aimed towards the three men. 
“Back off. Don’t think I won’t shoot, I will. Turn around right now. If you even think about coming closer you three are as good as dead.”
“Kid,” The third one began, boldly stepping forward, “what are you, 19? 20? You look young. Your threats won’t bother me, after all, I can tell you weren’t even planning to shoot any of us from the start.”
He gestures towards Sanha’s hands, they were shaking. The other two men chuckle, also taking a further step. The big eyed man sits on the armchair, he leans back and rests his forearms on the arms of the chair. 
“You two, are you the original owners of this house?”
“What’s it to you?” Sanha retorts.
“Me?” The man tilts his head back and laughs before leaning forward. With his elbows still resting on the chair, he puts one hand over the other, almost like he’s preparing to form a fist. After a few seconds, he moves his chin towards the two men, nodding at the pair. “It’s nothing to me but if you are the owners of the house, you owe those two men money.”
Having enough of his taunts, I step out from behind Sanha.
“Money? Even if we were the original owners of this house do you really think money matters in this society?” I question, enraged. In response, the man stands up.
“A debt is still a debt unfortunately, and I think you’ll find money will become more precious then your lives when the government decides to get their shit together. While a majority, if not all of society is poor right now, they’ll still be poor by the time everything’s been rebuilt. Thus, the smart ones who collected money, are subsequently at the top of the food chain.”
“That’s sick.”
“Maybe in your definition, but we’ll see who’s suffering after this is over. Anyways-” He stands in front of Sanha, grasping the gun. “You. Didn’t you say that you’d shoot me 5 minutes ago? Am I getting a discount?”
Suddenly, the man snatches the gun. While Sanha stands in shock, he’s shoved to the ground. As he’s about to get up, the grass-haired man tackles him. They smash into the wall. When they move away, a crack is revealed, leaving temporary evidence of the incident. 
“Now you. It seems like you aren’t the original house owners but sadly, these greedy men won’t leave with nothing.” 
“What about you then? You keep repeating ‘these men’ this, ‘these men’ that. What’s your purpose? It sounds you’re not even acquainted with each other.”
“Us? Well... it’s none of your business but I suppose there’s no harm in telling you a little bit. They-” He points at the men. “-are my dogs. Whatever master wants, they have to go fetch.” 
“You sound stupid calling them that-” He forcibly grips my face with his hand, moving it around as he talks. 
“I may look like a thug but I prefer scientific terminology if you would. What term did my therapist use...sociopath? No that’s wrong...” Tilting his head, he leans closer. “Ah, psychopath. That was it. Do you want to learn more about people like me? We’re smart. We know how to get our own way, but I suppose in your world that’s considered abnormal. But you-”
He reclines, looking at me up and down. 
“You may not be this house’s owner but you should at least compensate for the time we took to travel here. I mean look at us all. This is nice, I bet you two have been stuck with each other for the past month. It must’ve been boring. Don’t you think you should thank us?”
“We never asked you to come here.” I retort while struggling out of his grip. Scanning the situation, I notice now both men are focused on Sanha. He has no chance of getting out of their claws by himself. We need to take them down together. 
This crazy guy, he’s holding Sanha’s gun in his right hand. Trembling, I tightly shut my eyes, kicked the man in the ‘you know where’, and dived for the gun. 
“You crazy bitch.” 
Quickly, he recovers, tugging my hair and dragging me away from the gun. He shoves the gun in front of my face, waving it around. 
“This? Is this what you were aiming for?”
 Clenching his hand around my neck, he lifts his hand. A stinging pain erupts through my cheek. My throat became tighter. The mans features became muddled as tears formed in my eyes. Anxiety built up in my chest. I tried swallowing, breathing in more oxygen but to no avail.
“How dare you hit me. How dare you. Even when I was being so generous, I was going to look after you. It would’ve been fun. Don’t you think so too?” A grin tugs at his lips as the words left his mouth. I could only stare at him in shock. Aggressively, he begins shaking me around.
“Hey, I’m speaking to you. Answer me-”
Our eyes meet a flickering light on the ground. The man picks it up, unsheathing the blade. It’s sharp edge pieces the skin bellow my eye. A crimson waterfall slides down my cheek.
I closed my eyes as my body was thrown to the floor. Oxygen immediately flowed into my lungs. It took me a few moments to just, breath. To realise that I was breathing. To realise that I wasn’t dead. But when I finally calmed down, standing above me, was two figures. The first one was pinning the second down. He was laying face down, the first figure was sitting on top of him, twisting the first mans arm. His  screeching bounced off of the walls. I realised that it was the man from before.
The first man however, was about average height, had ash-grey (obviously dyed) hair and...
“Rocky...?” I asked. 
“Y/N are you okay?” Moonbin couched down by my side. He placed his hand behind my back for support, helping me up into a sitting position. “We got back a few minutes ago.”
“I see.”
Meanwhile, Rocky had turned the man over so that he was laying on his back. Raising his fist, he repeatedly pummeled the mans face. 
“You sick bastard.” Rocky murmured, punching one last time. He moved his hands, gripping the mans collar and lifting him up. “If I catch you around her one more time, you’re dead.” 
He drags to the door and throws him out. “I’ll kill you, don’t ever come back.” Rocky spits, one last time, before turning back. 
Moonbin and Jinjin rid of the other two men after checking on Sanha. After seeing the weapons they carried, the two men hurried off to find their ‘master’.
“You’re hurt.” A voice stated. A look to my right to find that familiar face that I adored. His eyes were filled with tender and concern. He raised his hand and place it on my cheek, his soft thumb rubbing the cut, in an attempt to soothe the pain. 
“I should have been here sooner.” He whispered, chewing on lower lip as tears welled up in his eyes. I scoot closer to him. I put both my hands on his cheeks, lean close and smile. He rests his hands over mine, looking intently at the gash under my eye.
“There was no way you could have known this would have happened. Sanha and I are safe, you guys came at the best possible time.” He looked down, shaking his head with a flood of tears gushing down his cheeks, dripping onto my hands. He began sniffing uncontrollably though words.
“It must’ve been so scary, I’m so sorry. I’m really sorry, Y/N.” I use my thumbs to wipe his tears away before taking his hand and putting it on my chest, above my heart.
“This is still here because of you. Thank you for protecting me,” with a tear rolling down my cheek, I continued. “Truthfully, I thought I was going to die. I was worried that I was never going to be able to see your face again. But we’re both here together. Thank you for saving me Rocky, if you didn’t come, things would be a lot worse.”
With tear-filled eyes, we both laughed a little. He leaned in slightly, taking a quick glance at my lips while he wiped a tear from my face.
In that moment, it was like we were in our own world. His warm breath tickled my face, eyelashes fluttering and heart pounding. I parted my lips slightly; so did he. I leaned in closer; so did he. His intoxicating scent hypnotised my rational thoughts. I felt the slight stubble on his chin that’s been growing for the past few months, and his soft, warm hands pressed against my jaw, fingers running through my hair. And for a brief moment, he smiled lovingly. 
Then, his thumb grazed my lower lip, and he kissed me gently. I put my hands on his back, feeling the soft fabric of his cotton t-shirt, feeling his fingers caress my locks, feeling his mouth moving against mine. Soon after, our lips unlocked - panting. But he smiled once more and whispered.
“I’ll never leave your side, I promise.”
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years
Catching Up
A Joe Mazzello x Reader Fic
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Summary: Reader is a writer for an entertainment news station and unexpectedly has to do an interview of the BoRhap cast.
Word Count: 1.4K
A/N: I wrote this as a one shot, but idk I feel like it has potential? Would you guys like me to continue this as a multi-part story? Let me know! Also tell me if you’d like to be tagged should I continue it!
Enjoy :)
“Y/N, could you come into my office please?” your executive producer, Don, requested.
“Oh, yeah, sure,” you agreed, and stood from your desk to follow him across the newsroom into his office.
“He closed the door behind you. “Would you be able to fill in for Emily? She’s sick and won’t be able to do the Bohemian Rhapsody interview.”
“Me? On camera?” you questioned. “That’s not part of my job.”
“Please, we’re really in a pinch here,” he said.
“There are plenty of other anchors who work for this network,” you reminded him. “Can’t any of them do it?”
“Will’s shooting for prime time, Elliot’s wife is having surgery, Sloan is in the field today,” he rattled off. “I’ll prep you for it, so you don’t have to be nervous. And it’s not live, so if something does go wrong, it can be edited out.”
Your heart raced in your chest at the thought of hosting a segment that would air on TV. You were a writer, you didn’t do this sort of thing. And not with anyone as famous as the cast of Bohemian Rhapsody.
“Please, Y/N,” he said again. “I promise you it’ll be fine. I’ve heard they’re all very nice. And I’ll be right there.”
Your stomach gave an uncomfortable lurch as you considered it.
“I guess I could,” you said quietly.
“Great,” Don replied. “Head over to Emily’s desk and get her notes. Then to hair and makeup and Ralph Lauren is sending over a rack of clothes for you choose from.”
“O-okay,” you stammered and left his office.
You stood for a moment outside the door and mentally kicked yourself for agreeing. You hated being on camera and now you’d have to go on and interview very handsome and talented actors. Your article on up and coming women directors was going to have to wait now, and you were really excited about the topic.
The interview took place in the afternoon. You saw the four stars come into the newsroom, looking more glamorous than you had even imagined. Your eyes were glued to them as the intern led them to the green room to wait, and you briefly caught Joe Mazzello’s eye. You looked away sharply, hoping he wouldn’t remember you.
You remembered him, though. True, it was elementary school, but you had sort of been friends. Then your family moved away and you lost touch. Weirdly enough, you always considered him your first crush, but  you never told anyone, afraid they wouldn’t believe you. You were only slightly relieved when Don came to your desk and told you he would go in with you. Your stomach felt like it was doing flips inside you and your heart thundered so loud you felt sure everyone around you could hear it. Actually your fingers began to tingle. You knew it was more than nerves now. That was a signature part of your anxiety attacks.
You took a deep breath, but it came out shaky. You had to get a grip. Only, you couldn’t help when this happened. It hit you at the worst of times, of course. You barely heard Don introduce the actors to you and he gave them your name as he explained the change in who was interviewing.
“Y/N, you ready?” Don asked.
You gave a nervous nod and followed them into the studio. They all took seats in front of the main cameras. Your chair was slightly off center and there was one camera on you, just in case. Your eyes lingered on it and it felt like you were looking at your doom.
Don gave a few more instructions to the camera guys and you tried to take another breath. It didn’t work. Your chest felt heavy and constricted. Your body was beginning to get stiff with nerves. You looked at Emily’s notes in your trembling hand.
“Are you alright?” Gwilym asked, and it took you a moment to register he was speaking to you.
“Yeah, yeah, just nervous,” you said, but you didn’t sound sure.
“Y/N, take it easy,” Don said.
You wanted to scream. Of course it seemed that easy to him. You swallowed hard.
“Alright, let’s begin,” Don said.
You cleared your throat to force yourself to speak.
“Hey there and welcome to a special segment of Everything Entertainment,” you began, a little impressed at yourself for getting the intro right. “I’m Y/N Y/L/N and I’m here with the cast of - um,” you had to stop and clear your throat again. Dammit. You already screwed up. “Um, yeah, Bohemian Rhapsody. Welcome, guys.”
They all gave small waves and smiled politely.
“So, Rami,” you said. “Let’s start with you. How - ahem - uh, how did you prepare emotionally to portray someone as - as, um, iconic as Freddie?”
The four actors all had concerned eyes on you. It only made you even more nervous.
“Well, I think it was a little impossible to be fully prepared to play Freddie Mercury,” Rami said, still eyeing you as if you might explode. “He was a man who encompassed a wide range of feelings and personalities even…”
He kept talking but you couldn’t focus on his words. Your vision was going blurry. Beads of sweat formed on your forehead. You tried to wipe them away, and your hand felt clammy against your face.
“Y/N,” Don said, but he sounded far away. “Y/N, ask the follow up.”
You looked at him and tried to form words.
“Jesus Christ, just ask the goddamn follow up,” he urged.
“Hey, there’s no need for that,” Gwilym interjected.
“She’s just having a hard time,” Ben agreed.
“It’s more than that,” said Joe, getting up from his chair and approaching you. “Can I feel your pulse?”
You nodded. He pressed his fingers to your neck and looked at his watch, but he didn’t have to count long to know something was up. Your heart was beating like a jackhammer.
“This looks more like an anxiety attack,” he said. “Have you had one before?”
You nodded again.
“Come on, let’s get you some fresh air,” he went on, offering you his hand.
You reached out to take it, but you couldn’t stand because your legs were numb. He instead pulled you into his arms and carried you out of the studio. He took you out to the balcony. The wind cooled your hot face as he set you down. You were sitting on the ground and leaning against the wall.
“Do you take anything for your anxiety?” Joe asked.
“No,” you finally managed to say.
He sat beside you and took your hand.
“Was it us?” he wondered.
“No,” you said again. “Camera.”
“Ah, I see. Well, I’m glad it wasn’t us. I didn’t used to make you nervous.”
“You - you remember me?”
“‘Course I do,” he said. “We had so much fun in...was it fourth grade? Fifth?”
“Fourth,” you told him and you smiled.
“You sure grew up to be beautiful.”
You stared at him, stunned. He thought you were beautiful? When you were this red, hot, sweaty, shivery mess?
“Thank you,” you whispered.
“You wanna watch a stupid YouTube video?” he offered, pulling his phone out of his pocket.
You agreed and he pulled up a random video. It was dogs making babies laugh. You giggled and rested your head on Joe’s shoulder as you watched. Finally, your body began to relax. When the video ended, you sat up.
“Sorry I screwed up the interview,” you said.
“Don’t worry about it,” he replied. “I’m sorry your producer’s such a dill hole.”
“Pft, yeah,” you sighed. “Don’s just...I dunno, he doesn’t think I’m very smart.”
“Well, that makes him an idiot,” he said matter-of-factly. “Your breathing is evening out. Can I check your pulse again?”
You allowed him and once again, he put his fingers to your neck. Your eyes roved over his face and you took in the details. His furrowed brow, his deep brown eyes, the unique shape of his lips. He was so handsome.
“It’s much better,” he said. “A minute ago it was like you were in a war zone.”
“You’re not hard to look at,” you blurted out.
He blinked, surprised, and then laughed. “I’ll take that.”
You blushed, but it hardly showed against your already warm skin.
“Would like to get dinner tonight?” he asked. “We can catch up after, what is it, like, twenty years?”
“I’d love to.”
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jae-canikeepyou · 5 years
| dimples | j.jh
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pairing: jaehyun x fem!reader genre: fluff + elite!au a/n: i wanted to try something new. idk if this is even good lolz. i went too extra with the names hahaha. you’ll know what i mean. ;) this is probably the longest i’ve written so far. enjoy reading~
“i don’t want to go!” you sighed onto your pillow as she opened the blinds of your window. the sunlight irritated you where it meant it was the morning of the formal event.
“whether you like it or not, you have to go as you are representing the company! you’re the director’s child!” your assistant, sua said so sternly, she had to pull the covers and shivers went down your spine.
“it’s cold! and it’s still early!” you gave a tantrum, your hands wandered the bed for the blanket fabric.
“c’mon get your bum off the bed! the makeover preparation takes longer than the travel time.” sua tapped your shoulders.
you sat up with no intentions of fixing your hair, eyes glared at your assistant. she crossed her arms seeing the state of you, not so lady-like for the only daughter of five.
“it’s a masquerade party for young adults, sons and daughters of the top companies will be there. and your brothers thought you needed a refresher from the hectic semester.” she held your hand to get off the bed.
a click of a tongue made sua think your brothers decided something without your consent, again. they knew you hadn’t been living the life of a normal college student. and of course, being an only daughter had people’s eyes on you since you had started to walk.
your four brothers were all working, handling different sections and departments of the company. the fourth brother being seven years older than you while the others before him were a year apart from each other. a huge age gap, so you were protected most of the time.
mistaken as your bodyguards throughout middle and high school, but really they planned to beat up any boy who attempted to approach you. as mentioned earlier, they were ‘protecting’ you, when you were currently eighteen.
“dance? oh it’s going to be so boring. i’d rather stay home and eat ice-cream.” you brushed your teeth.
“miss y/n, would you rather want your brothers be escorting and guarding you all night?” she asked, making your ears perk up at the possible actions your brothers might do.
“no thank you, sua. i’m old enough to be handling myself.” you slipped into your slippers.
sua opened the door and together you headed down to the kitchen where breakfast was ready. your groggy self walked lazily when your brother were all dressed up for work— suited up, strong perfume and permed hair. they saw you still in pj’s and chuckled at the fact you had no efforts in trying to be lady-like on normal basis, except for school and other meetings.
“our little sister seems to be excited for the dance tonight.” eunjae sipped his coffee, the oldest son.
“who said i was going?!” you spat as you raised and rested your legs onto your chair. “and for the record i know you’re the one who put my name onto the list.”
“well y/n, it’s a must for all sons and daughters of-”
“of the top leading companies of the country.” you cut him off as you completed his sentence.
“mother had prepared your outfit.” the second son seungjae added, as he fixed his tie.
“already?” you munched on your toast.
“i think it will look great on you, bub.” minjae rubbed your already messy hair.
“our y/n’s having her first formal dance~” hanjae lifted you from the chair, spinning you around while you kicked repetitively, hoping your fourth brother would bring you down.
“let go! i’ll puke on you! mleh-” you complained.
“not on my new suit y/n!” hanjae still spun until he passed your body to your father.
“father! tell them to stop messing around!” you pouted, your father pecked you on the forehead.
“well i agree with them! you missed the senior prom last year.” he laughed as he sat down. “all the more reason why they’re happy for you.”
“it’s not like it’s my wedding.” you rolled your eyes with arms crossed.
“hm they’ll be more happy by then!” he placed you down.
“father! you-” you balled your fists. your father made a face by which your brothers copied him. “urgh! i’m going back to my room!”
a gentle hand tapped on your shoulders, later wrapping around them. the soles of your feet went to a halt. the person who was stern yet lenient at the same time, your mother’s presence had always made you feel like a child again. “never mind them, my dear y/n. they don’t show it, but they love you lots.”
you sighed. your mother cupped your face to bring you a kiss on the forehead. “if they actually do they better stop treating me like i’m eight.”
“maybe we will treat you like eighteen when we see you in the gown.” they said simultaneously.
the night came quicker than most days and before you knew it, you were sitting in a limousine. your childhood friends had spotted your limo arriving late. they were gesturing you to come out and in for the queue. at the entrance, every attendee had their attire all in glamour, like always.
you rummaged the insides of your purse, looking for that one item— the mask. gladly the event was a masquerade party. not like you didn’t want anyone to recognize you. but as mentioned, eyes were on you, so you had a certain reputation to them.
you later stood with your childhood friends and giggled at their jokes they made. “y/n, glad you could make it this time.” mirae hugged your waist.
“ah well. what choice do i have when my brothers signed me up?” you puckered your lips.
jaehyun along with his friends sat at a table by the staircase, where young ladies soon came to his view. he saw a specific girl who wore a backless red mermaid gown. her hair bunned perfectly to one side where braids aligned with it. strands of curls dangled by her temples and her gold mask brought attention. the classical music had softened, bringing to a pause.
“what kind of party is this?” ten threw a menu page to the table. “i’m starting to get bored. entertainment needed.”
“regret coming here?” mark shrugged. ten mumbled about he could’ve stayed home for a movie marathon.
“got your eyes on anyone yet?” taeyong asked his friends.
“ladies here are all pretty tonight, even with masks.” johnny interrupted the boys, where he noticed jaehyun staring into space. he looked to where he was staring to, only to have his eyes at ladies on the top of the staircase.
jaehyun’s lips agape when you and your friends walked to the food table. he thought your golden mask brought out the light in your eyes, something he couldn’t look away from. when the dance floor slowly got occupied, he already knew who to dance with. the only thing was, how he would initiate.
his friends saw him not paying any attention to their conversation, let alone knowing that they were even with him. his bitten lips showed how nervous he was. by that johnny and the others knew, jaehyun found a crush. they nudged at each other, doing few rounds of rock paper scissors to see if the boy would get flustered when they brought it up.
mark licked his lips and shook his hands, as if he were to spar in a boxing arena. he walked to jaehyun and asked if he had eyes on someone. “bet you it’s one of them at the food table.”
jaehyun slightly flinched, not that mark had noticed. but his ears told him the answer. “i wanna dance with her.”
“then go.” johnny appeared from behind. “it’s the girl in red right? go get her before i do.” he teased.
mirae pulled your hands when the force made your legs walk to the dance floor. you insisted on stay at the food table, but she said it wasn’t the only thing you came here for. as you gave in, the music changed to a much slower pace. the couples around you had partners, and mirae later was asked by a guy to dance.
oh how you felt awkward and stupid at the same time standing there as you looked for way to exit. the crowd was getting closer and heck you felt dizzy at the movements even at dimmed lighting. “can i have this dance?” a boy asked and you turned around.
he looked decent, smart and boy his smile radiated sunshine even at night. his black mask appeared like universe where his eyes twinkled like stars. behind the mask you already knew he was that handsome. “is it alright?” he asked.
“oh.” you gasped. “of course it’s alright.”
he bowed and held your gloved hands, bringing your left to rest on his shoulders. “phew. i thought you would refuse.”
you smiled at his assumption. who would refuse to a gentleman anyway? “i would appear a snob if i do.”
“really?” he chuckled and his pearly whites made you feel.. giddy. “you’re too pretty to be a snob. but anyway, glad you didn’t refuse because i’ve been bombarded with asks for a dance by the ladies.”
you looked from left to right as you tried to spot the ladies he told you about. realizing this, he leaned in closer to where his lips were centimeters away from your ears. “at your 9 o’clock.” he whispered.
ladies of your age glared at you with daggers, like you have stolen their beloved. “i see. i could tell why they would ask you.”
he raised his brows in question to your statement. “i guess you’ve been quite the magnet in this event tonight.” your eyes shone that jaehyun stared at them.
his lips agape and he blinked his eyes several times like dust had entered them before he looked at you again. “there must be something wrong with my eyes.”
“i have some eye drops if you wa-” you were cut off despite showing a hint of worry.
“i can’t seem to take them off you.”
you jutted your lips, holding a smile where it definitely sent butterflies to your stomach. pick-up line huh, smooth. was he up for a battle? he was trying to flirt with you, and you weren’t the person to back down a battle.
he twirled you around and switched hand postures, still swaying and stepping to the ever slow rhythm. “i told you how you were quite a magnet tonight, right?”
“yes you did. what about it-” jaehyun asked, but you cut him off almost immediately.
“you sure are attracting me too.”
jaehyun’s small smile was enough for you to know he was hit by it. he tried to hold back a sloppy grin before eventually giving up. “that was good. but did you know that you owe me a drink?” he whispered into your ears again.
your slight giggle made jaehyun smile, the anticipation in you grew. “i dropped mine earlier when i saw you at the staircase.”
“oh wow.” you fanned yourself, true to the fact you did blush. “is it hot in here or is it you?”
“i guess it’s me.” his hands that held your waist went a little lower, pulling you closer from the actual distance.
“you’ve got a way with your words huh?” you smirked.
“i do, but yours pulled my heartstrings.” he leaned in to where he bent down, leveling his face to yours.
he kissed you on the cheek and you swore the butterflies inside fluttered more than usual. bold move, but little did you know he felt the same too.
“so you just forgot after you passed out in the limo?” ayeon asked you, leaning onto her arm that supported her chin.
“i didn’t forget. why would i? i loved the feeling.” you hugged your pillow.
the sun wasn’t up yet and there you were with ayeon and mirae, they chose to sleep over at your place after you had shots of who knew how many. ayeon eyed you, still suspicious of your answer. “what? i really did.”
“ooh y/n’s in love.” mirae teased.
“what’s his name then?” ayeon asked, making you flinch and up on your toes.
“agh we were so busy flirting with pick-up lines that i forgot to ask!” you plopped onto your bed, whining like a child who’d want a giant lollipop.
huge laughter from the two made you feel unaccomplished, or maybe you were just overthinking. you wore you fluffy slippers as you went down the stairs for breakfast. they soon followed and continued to tease you.
“it’s okay if you don’t know his name!” mirae said. “you must remember how he looked like!”
“pfft. as if. we were wearing masks last night and y/n passed out before we all took off the masks at the end of the party.” ayeon laughed as she took a toast from the counter.
gosh they weren’t helping you at all.
“anything else you noticed about him? suit? facial features?” mirae asked.
that question alone made you wonder and thought hard to the point your head had already reached the surface of the table. you tried to remember. he had a black suit, red bow tie and brown hair. his smiles to your pick-up lines were the only ones stuck in your mind.
wait. there was something else.
“dimples..” you murmured.
“what?” they asked simultaneously.
“he had dimples! oh my gosh! he did!” you squealed and rushed up to your bedroom, typing away words at a social media platform under a hashtag of the event last night. maybe there had been photos of him that might’ve reveal his name.
the two puffed breaths as the entered your room. “you sure you can track this guy there?”
you scrolled down several images, columns of selfies and aesthetic areas of the event hall. none of them seemed to catch your eye, more of, he hadn’t popped up in any of the pictures you passed by. “nope.” you popped your lips. “help me here.”
“wow i’ve never seen y/n so interested besides studying and.. studying.” ayeon said, earning a hit on the head by you.
“let her be since she’s so into dimples.” mirae cackled, eyes following at the speed of your mouse scrolling. “stop! he’s the guy i danced with. his name’s johnny.” she pointed at the screen.
“okay, not what i was looking for..” your voice getting impatient.
“no but i remember he tagged along with dimples.” her tone convinced you. “check his profile.”
you did as you were told, and the words slowly came into you when you clicked onto a certain picture he was tagged in.
“jaehyun.” his name escaped your lips, sending the same fluttering butterflies into your stomach.
“hey, y/n.” mirae snapped her fingers in from of you. “did i tell you johnny and i exchanged numbers?”
you turned to her with flushed cheeks and you knew you wanted to meet dimples again.
“y/n’s crush’s name is jaehyun?” one of your brothers yelled from the hallway. “oh dudes you hear? he’s a ‘jae’!” “whoops aren’t all jae’s handsome?” “y/n! just so you know we’re lowkey implying we’re handsome too!” “we approve of him!”
“stop eavesdropping you twerps!” you yelled.
should you greet him with another pick-up line when you see him? who cares?
you knew you’ll meet jaehyun again.
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a/n: yes lol i had to include this mood board just bc,, jaehyun looks hot *shys away* hahaha :p
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