#so I’ll say just wait and enjoy your time here
tonycries · 15 hours
F*ck You! (Literally) - T.F.
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Synopsis. Of course, you hated your ex-husband. Of course, you found yourself in bed with him on your wedding anniversary.
Pairing. Toji Fushiguro x Reader
Content. MDNI, fem! reader, exes to lovers, angry séx, spítting, degradation, y’all are both mean, rough, jealousy (Toji’s side), bréeding, smackíng, arguíng during it, cúmplay, overstím, oral (female receiving), mentions of Megumi and Shiu, pet names, swearing.
Word count. 4.7k
A/N. Gojo next week because I miss my man smh.
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It’s not often that you contemplate something that would definitely end up with a night in jail - but it seems that somehow whenever you did, your ex-husband Toji was always sure to be the cause of it.
Like that time he had the audacity to ask you out to dinner right outside the divorce attorney’s office, mere moments after signing those papers. Or when he “accidentally” sent you some mouthwateringly shirtless photos - through email, of course, because you had him blocked otherwise. Although, you’d saved those pictures - a secret you’d take to the grave.
And now. 
Standing right outside your front door, on the night of what would’ve been your fifth anniversary. His imposing figure filling the frame, that tiny scar you loved and hated so much quirking up ever-so-slightly as he shoots you a sly grin. 
He’s here.
Looking as devastatingly handsome as the day you left him.
“Happy anniversary, ex-wifey.”
And just as irritating, too. 
That snaps you out of your traitorous little reverie, and before long you’re sputtering out a shaky, “Y-you. What do you think you’re doing here?” Not even waiting for his response before moving to shut the door in his face.
“Oh, believe me,” Toji lets out a humorless little laugh, reaching up a sculpted arm to stop the door in its tracks. “I wouldn’t be here even if I wanted to.”
That was a lie - and Toji knew that. He had half the mind to think that you knew that. But it didn’t matter when you’re glaring up at him so prettily. The confusion evident on your face as you grit out a shrill, “Then why am I seeing your stupid face tonight?”
“Chance? Luck? A blessing?” 
Scoffing, “A curse.”
“That mouth’s still as sharp as ever, huh?” He cocks his head in amusement, “Did you not see my email?”
“No, I uh-” you mumble, face burning. And oh you wish you could stop yourself from thinking back to those photos - stop yourself from wanting to smack the smirk off Toji’s face that told you he was, too. “-blocked you on…that…as well.”
“Mhm.” he hums, eyes lingering too long on your comfy pajamas - his favorite ones -  and the way you’re squirming so adorably under the intensity of his gaze. “Well, m’just here to pick up one of that brat’s toys. Won’t take long n’ I’ll be out of your sight, doll.”
And you can’t say anything about that familiar little petname, because it hits you with a pang - oh, how you missed Megumi. 
He’d thrown a tantrum until he was allowed to visit you occasionally, of course. But still, it was nothing compared to how inseparable the three of you were before your relationship with Toji soured. His line of work too dangerous, the fights more frequent until you’d had enough.
“Ah, yes. Megs probably won’t even leave the house without it.” you chuckle, opening the door wider. “I was surprised to find it the other day since he said that lil’ plushie was his best friend. After me.”
“After me.”
“Fuck you.”
“Fitting for our anniversary, huh?” And oh how Toji enjoyed riling you up. To spy that little furrow between your brows as he strides inside your apartment like it was his own - he did know it like the back of his hand. “I already know where the bed is, after all.”
“Yeah, and you know where the door is too.” you mutter, acting like it didn’t make your head spin to think of Toji - in your home. With you. You and Toji. In your home. You and Toji in your home. 
You hadn’t seen him since the divorce just four months ago, and here he was looking so unfairly like he fit right in. Taking up much more time than necessary as he walks towards that little wolf toy on your couch. Eyeing up the sappy romance movie paused on-screen, and those familiar photographs on the wall. 
You still had that one of the two of you from that beach getaway two years ago, he noted with delight. 
“Heh, for someone that hates me so much, s’funny you have my face hung up here.” he smirks, words just dripping with that familiar dark tone that has shivers running down your spine. “Knew you were still into me.” Defiant - challenging, even, because he always did like to push all your buttons. 
Don’t fall for it, don’t fall for it, don’t fall for-
“Shut up.” You roll your eyes, walking towards where Toji stood. “I jus’ use it to scare off clingy dates in the morning.” 
And you loved to push his buttons even more. 
“Oh? Dates, huh?” And something about those words make you feel like something’s too-tense. Exciting, even. Especially as he repeats - more to himself than you, “Dates.”
“Heh, of whatever scrub took you out? In your dreams, doll.” Maybe it was the way Toji was joking - but didn’t sound like he was at all. Or maybe it was the way he didn’t move as you stepped closer, enough that you’re almost toe-to-toe with him. Probably it was the way he murmurs out a strangled, “M’not jealous.”
You watch the way his body stiffens, darkened eyes flitting between you and the picture and you- Smirking “Good, because m’having one over soon.”
“Oh, you little bitch.” He spits out the words, gaze hardening in a way you knew did not bode well for your - or down there. Hitting it where it hurts, “This is why I’m so fuckin’ glad we divorced.”
“Fuck you,” you tilt your head, anger simmering beneath your skin - and you didn’t know who was pissing each other off more. “So then you can get out before my date gets here.” And the emphasis on “date” isn’t lost on him.
“Such a liar.”
“M’not lying.” You were - but you didn’t care if Toji could tell because it was ticking him off just the same. “You could say he’s an-” Now close enough that you could feel the heat of his proximity. A finger stabbing right in his pecs with each word, “-upgrade.”
Suddenly you’re being pulled to his rock-hard chest, all the dips and curves of his body so sinfully obvious against your skin as he questions, “How so?”
“Well, for starters he’s-” you gasp, casting a sidelong glance at the way the muscles in his arms ripple. And it takes everything in you to try and keep your voice steady, “-bigger.” Thighs pressing together at the tiny grunt of disbelief that leaves your ex-husband, too-aware of the strong hand wrapped around your waist. “And sexier.”
“And what?” you gulp, raising your head to blink up at him in confusion and oh- 
Oh, shit. You weren’t going to make it out alive. 
Toji’s eyes were wide, a mirthless smirk spreading across his face, jaw tensing as he leans down to whisper hotly against your ear, words hoarse - stilted, like it pained him to even speak them into existence. “And what other lies are ya gonna make up?”
And you might be a genius - you might just not know what’s good for you. 
Because you’re batting your lashes just the way you knew he liked, the words - saccharine sweet, and falling from your lips faster than your whirling brain could even register them. “And he makes me cum so much harder.”
Toji’s lips are crashing against yours - and you knew it was coming. You wanted them to. Bruising, angry - like he was telling you to just shut the fuck up, another word of your imaginary date and it would kill him. 
He tasted the same as he did all those months ago. Sweet, like those cheap lollipops he would buy you and that absolute sin of his scar rubbing against your lips. 
“Fuck-” he lets out a guttural groan into your lips. Only a sloppy mix of teeth and spit as he kisses you with the collective desperation of a little over four months. “Hate how you’re-” Like he didn’t even care if it left your poor lips swollen and bruised - at least that might give whatever loser coming here a hint. “-still addictive.”
With that, he picks you up like it’s just nothing, your traitorous legs easily wrapping around his toned waist. Letting you pull off that sinfully snug t-shirt to feel the smooth planes of all his muscles. Soft. Warm. 
You gasp at how he manhandles you so that your thin pajama pants are just above his achingly hard cock, throbbing, and so so angry against your core. Trousers already so damp with- precum? Your slick? 
“Hah- not jealous my ass-” you hiss, grinding down on his bulge.
And Toji’s parting mere millimeters, chuckling darkly at the disappointed little whine that escapes you. “Yeah, well, does he ever get you like this?” He presses hot, open-mouthed kisses down your neck, purposely not giving you what you want. “Does he ever get you this-” Grinding you against his straining erection, two fingers sliding down, just teasing the drenched front of your shorts. “-this fuckin’ wet?”
“Nah,” you pull on Toji’s silky locks, nipping at his collarbone. “He gets me wetter.”
“You little-”
It’s like something snaps - whatever’s left of Toji’s sanity, your patience, possibly you by the end of this. Anything but the thick, suffocating - tension in your living room. Now too small. Too hot. 
Before you can react, your back  is hitting the soft cushions of your couch. Bouncing at the sheer force of the throw as Toji looms over you. 
“Thought you knew where the bed was?” you manage to get out, in the heat of it all. 
“Thought you hated me?”
“Gonna kill you if you break this cou-” but the rest of the retort on your tongue dies as Toji’s hands are suddenly everywhere.
Groping your breasts - your waist - your ass. Barely giving you time to even think before fisting your shirt in one hand. Too impatient - too starved - to do anything other than pull down, down, down until it-
“Oh you fuckin’ slut.” Toji’s jaw drops into a soft little oh! at the sight of your heavenly breasts before him. No bra - exactly how he liked it. “How I missed these.” Massaging them under his hands, “Is this for him or ya really had no idea I was coming?”
“You’re t-too fuckin’ hah-” you whine as he immediately takes one into his mouth, swirling his tongue around your sensitive nipples. “-full of yourself.”
And you don’t even know if Toji registered the insult - looking like he was on cloud nine as he rolled your other nipple between two fingers. Pulling off with a lewd pop! only to say, “Wonder if you’re the same down there.”
You are - Toji discovers, with wonder. 
Hooking a finger underneath the hem of your already-soaked shorts to pull them off. And, hey, Toji hasn’t had this view in months - so he really can’t help himself from bringing them up to his face. Your jaw drops at his pure audacity as he breathes in the scent of your dripping pussy with a strained, “M’keepin’ these, doll.”
“You’re sick.” 
“And you’re soaked.” strong hands spread your legs so shamefully. You can’t fight it - how fucking wet and glistening you were for him under the dim-lighting. Toji grins cockily, “Who’s she this wet for, huh? Me or him?”
“Not- not you-” you whine, despite how your sloppy cunt was leaking all over your legs - such a mess. A mess that Toji was shifting down the couch to lick up. Slow, lazy circles right at your inner thighs. Sweet - so sweet, his favorite. Eyes rolling to the back of his head at your taste and oh, how Toji missed this. 
Missed teasing you until you broke. 
Which, it turns out, happens fairly early.
“Y-you’re just fucking talk.” you hiss, but it comes out more breathless than you intended. Your voice betraying how badly you wanted him. Needed him to do something - anything. “He-”
Toji doesn’t even let you finish your sentence - and you don’t need to - because without another word, he’s surging forward until he was nose-deep in your messy cunt.
Licking one, long stripe up your swollen folds - up and down, up and down, up and- He murmurs into your cunt, “Do ya still like when I-” Hot tongue flicking roughly against your clit. Just barely, and you’re bucking wildly underneath him. “Ah, you do. Old habits die hard, huh?”
Of course, the only response that Toji gets is a wet, pathetic murmur of something - maybe a plea, probably a curse at him to shut up. 
But it’s something that has all the blood rushing to his aching cock, something that has him biting down lightly on your inner thigh - just a little punishment. 
“What was that?” he purrs, “Didn’t seem to hear you right, wifey.”
It takes everything in you to gasp out, a barely-audible determined little, “I-I said-” fingers threading through Toji’s hair, pulling up his face. Hard, so that he’s forced to meet your eyes instead of admiring your pretty lil’ cunt. “-fuck you.”
And you don’t know what you expected - maybe an insult back, maybe for him to get up and leave you all high and dry right then and there.
But oh you should’ve known your ex-husband better, because he has the audacity to throw his head back and laugh. Laugh, more to infuriate you than anything as he promptly spits on your quivering pussy. 
Once. Twice.
You flinch as some splatters against your thigh, and you both know it’s on purpose. Because Toji Fushiguro always had perfect aim - but when it comes to you, well, he had to knock his bratty lil’ wife down a few pegs. 
Throwing your legs over his shoulders to lick all over your sloppy pussy once more. “Fuck me, huh?” he groans out little profanities into your cunt, “Fuck me fuck me fuck me-” 
You register that delicious little sting on your ass far before the realization that Toji smacked you - and even later do you realize that you liked it. Slick beading through at the painfully good feeling.
Liked the way his rough palm was soothing over the sting, words strangled and slurring together as he smacks his lips against your swollen, sensitive ones. “I’d rather you fuck me than some hah- other loser.”
“S-so fucking mean-” you moan.
“So what?” His thumb draws tight little circles on your throbbing clit, the other hand looping around your waist - bruising - as he drags your sloppy pussy all over his hot mouth. “No one else could do this.” Soft tongue going all the way up from your base, “Get you this wet-” Just dipping into your clenching hole. “-taste you like this.”
“Hngh- fuck-” you groan, as he alternates between flicking your clit so mean and squeezing his tongue into your tight cunt. “Fuck fuck fuck- s’too much-”
Too much? Toji wanted to laugh - if he wasn’t so addicted to the feeling of your gummy walls stretched out so obscenely on his tongue, anyway. He knows you can take it - you always did. 
And he tells you that - a little over ten times, actually, as the hand on your waist arches you deeper and deeper onto Toji’s tongue. Fucking you so harshly - merciless. Unrelenting. Like he was taking any and every shred of anger out on your ravaged cunt.
Bucking your hips wildly, you tipping your head down to look at the sight below you and oh-
You gasp at how sinfully blissed out Toji looks between your thighs. Eyes glassy and hooded, strands of dark hair sticking to his forehead. Your slick glossing his lips so prettily - and if you angled your head just right you could catch the way it drips down his jawline. Yeah, maybe you really did like his face between your legs. 
“Always knew ya did, doll.” he echoes against your glistening lips and shit, did you say that out loud? 
It doesn’t matter, because Toji has his lips smushing against yours, such a filthy mess of spit and fingers and tongue - everywhere. Like he couldn’t decide where he wanted to taste more. “Knew your pussy missed me, even when you’re such some other bastard. She’s still so sweet.” Thrusting in and out faster past that first, feeble ring of resistance. “So messy f’me. Fuckin’ my tongue so good for s-someone that hates me.”
And you have half the mind to wonder whether it hurt - how his fingers weren’t cramping up yet, lips aching. Letting you push his face deeper into your pussy, ankles locking around his broad shoulders in a desperate attempt to shut him up. Close. 
“Y-you talk ngh- too much.” Blood roaring in your ears, feeling his smirk against your cunt. “Do you ever shut the fuck up?”
“Nah, I know you ah- love it.” Smack! Another handprint on your ass that has you stuttering and jolting on his face. “Can feel you clenching all around me because I-” Toji gives you such an infuriating wink from below,  “-eat this pussy the best.”
 And you would be mad at how cocky he was being - if you weren’t cumming all over his pretty face. 
Stars behind your eyes with each little lick of Toji’s tongue as he fucks you through your high, lapping up all your sweet sweet juices. 
“W-wait oh-” you were letting out such delirious little whines. “S’too sensitive- too- hngh-”
“No-” he grits out, voice shot. “No no no no- wan’ it. Need it.” Scrambling to pull your hips back onto his mouth. Fingers just bruising on your skin. 
He was like a man possessed, and you can only lay there and take it as Toji tips his head back to let your slick slide, down, down, down his throat. Voice shot, as he grits out, “Oh fuck, been holdin’ out on me.” Eyes unfocused and miles away as he comes up to squish your cheeks together in an embarrassing little pout. “Open that fucking mouth.” 
And you barely even realize it when you are - tongue lolling out so sinfully. The only thing jolting you back to whatever senses you have left is Toji spitting in your mouth. 
A steady, angry stream of saliva before his lips are clashing once more with yours. Purposefully letting your juices smear all over both your lips, tasting yourself and him and how desperate you were on his tongue-
“O-oh my god.” you break the kiss at the feeling of something so hard against your cunt. Delicate strings of spit snapping as you whirl down to look. Shit, when did he even take off his-
Ah, how Toji loves the breathless little whimper that leaves your lips at the sight of his too-tight boxers, the insults failing you now. Humming, “Like what ya see?” 
As if to prove his point, he tugs them down just enough that his rock-hard cock springs free. Fuck, you think you’ll never get used to it, even after so long - Toji was so fucking massive. Flushed red, soaked in beads of precum that drip down, down, down all the way to the tufts of black at his toned pelvis. 
So thick and angry that your legs were clenching together just at the mere sight. And Toji notices - how could he not?
“Yeah…” he murmurs, as if continuing a conversation from before. Muscled arms pushing your thighs apart to watch how your sloppy pussy was drooling all over the couch. “She definitely missed me, look how much she’s gushing.” Pooling your juices on his fingertips, “Clean your act up, doll”
“Shut up.” you squeal, embarrassedly, giving Toji a glare that makes his balls squeeze so painfully. Smirking, “You’re not even as big as him.”
Well, Toji didn’t like that - not one bit, in fact, as he shoves his dripping wet fingers in your mouth - pressing right at the back of your tongue in a way he knows will have your pretty eyes welling up with tears.
“Then why aren’t you with him, you little bitch. Think I like you better when you’re f-fucked dumb.” he spits dangerously against your lips. Fisting his cock to lazily drag up and down your puffy folds. “Don’t you hah- agree?”
He doesn’t get to find out if you agree - and he doesn’t care, either. Besides, you wouldn’t be able to give an answer even if you wanted to. Because his swollen cock was too thick, the stretch too sinful, too dizzying as Toji splits you apart on his unforgiving cock. 
“Mmmpf- fuck! Hah-” you mewl, torn between running away from his cock and bucking down for more more more-
“More?” he laughs, “Ya ask him for more like this too?”
And oh how so very cute and pliant you were being stuffed full. He barely gives you the time to adjust because - why would he? Toji has his mouthy wife all breathless and splayed out so shamefully, desperately trying to milk his cock for all he’s worth. 
Barely even halfway in, yet he rocks into you in shallow, teasing little grinds just to fit himself inside your tight pussy. So mean. Not giving a fuck about those teary whimpers leaving your mouth.
“They ever ngh- fuck you like this?” he rasps, dropping his head to leave little bites down your tender neck. “Ever h-having you crying for his dick like ngh- this?” And despite all his confidence, Toji didn’t want to hear the answer - didn’t want to know the truth. “Such a slut.”
Your nails rake angrily down his sculpted shoulders - a warning, and it’s about the only thing you can do as Toji speeds up. Faster. Deeper. 
“Heh, what? Markin’ me up for others to hah- see?” he cooes, mockingly. And you could just cry as his grin widens, finally - finally - pulling his fingers out. “Why don’t you ngh- use your words instead?”
And you should probably breathe, probably tell him to fuck you exactly the way he wants to - to confess to him that this is all you’ve ever wanted on those lonely nights these past four months. But the both of you know that it’s more fun this way.
So instead, you smile sweetly, “F-fuck you. They do - a lot better, too.”
If only your voice hadn’t cracked so unconvincingly at the end - if only you hadn’t let out such a pornographic moan as Toji pulls your face to meet his. Kissing you over and over and his hips-
“I’m the one fucking you, doll.” he bites down on your lower lip, tugging and pushing at a senseless little rhythm - the complete opposite of his hips. “Remember that.” And that’s all that’s said before Tojis finally bottoming out all the way to the hilt. Heavy balls smacking sinfully against your ass, fat head just kissing your cervix. “It’s me. I don’t give a hah- shit if it’s been f-four mouths, it’ll always be ngh- me.”
The couch creaked in protest as Toji fucked you like it was the last thing he’d do. Like he was trying to fuck every thought of whoever came after him right out of you - along with those silly little thoughts about the divorce.
“B-but-” your eyes widen as Toji runs his mouth - as hasty and urgent as his movements now. Fingers snaking up to toy with your still-sensitive clit, not even drawing circles anymore - just messy, little patterns just to get you off. “We’re already-”
“You s-still think we’re oh- nothing but exes?” he questions, sounding as surprised as you felt. “We can’t stay ah- God, we can’t stay apart and you fuckin’ know it. So…”
You gulp, already knowing the answer to the question he was just goading you into asking. “So?” 
“So…” Toji muses, giving your swollen lips a short, chaste peck. Whispering against them, “M’gonna hah- fuck you till everyone knows you’re mine.”
A promise that Toji Fushiguro was well and fully intent on fulfilling. And you didn’t doubt that he’d have any trouble with it, in fact. 
Because he’s rutting into you so animalistically now, so so sloppy. Torn between savoring the feeling of your plushy walls squeezing him to insanity and abusing your poor cervix. Prominent veins making you feel a maddening little thump thump thump as he roams for that one-
“Ah! Hngh- Toji!”
Found it. 
And Toji had everything he needed - you, his wife, spread so sinfully and stuffed to the brim with him. Hitting your sweet spot over and over- 
“No loser’s gonna fuck you like this.” he breathes against your ear. “Have you ngh- feeling this good.”
“I- ngh- fuck fuck fuck, Toji-” you let out, hips mindlessly bucking down in a pathetic attempt to meet his rough thrusts. “S’too- hah- oh my god. S’too good-”
“Shut up.” Oh he sounds so absolutely wrecked. Sanity crumbling away bit by bit every time he’s plunging his cock - so painfully hard - into your wet pussy. “Do you even ah- realize how sexy you look right now?” Toji throws his head back, eyes still locked on you like it killed him to look away. “Never lettin’ anyone else s-see ya like this. They’re gonna look at you and see me-”
You don’t even know what he’s babbling about anymore. Just that his achingly hard cock was making such a mess of you, pulling back only to go deeper. Massaging all the right spots as fucked you harder into the couch. 
“Me-” he gasps. “That date is gonna fuck- know,” Hips stuttering and absolutely filthy, “That cashier d-down the ngh- street that eyes you up every time is gonna know-” Angry. Desperate. So, so needy. “Your fucking lawyer- ngh- s’gonna know. They’ll s-see you and see me me me me-”
At this point you can only nod deliriously, letting out a broken little, “Hngh- yeah, wan’ that, Toji. Wan’ you so bad.”
Toji presses another chaste kiss - this time to your forehead. Whispering a quiet, “Then cum f’me, doll.”
You do - the hardest you ever think you ever have in your entire life. Thighs shaking, vision spotty, sparks of white-hot electricity going all the way from your hazy brain to where Toji was fucking you through it.
Muffling your moans with his mouth as he gives one, harsh thrust. Then spilling into your gummy walls, painting it all an obscene white with rope after rope of hot cum. 
So wet and hot - with him. All him. 
And you look so cute taking it all like the good little wife that you are, that he can’t help but press down on your lower stomach. Awe-struck at how your cunt gushes around him, coating his twitching cock as Toji fucks his seed deeper and deeper into you. 
But, hell, that wasn’t his favorite part - not by a long shot. Instead, it was probably when you pulled him into his arms, whispering sweet little nonsense in his ear about “how you missed this” and “that date wasn’t real anyway” as he fucks the two of you through your highs. Sweet. Familiar. 
“Oh, God-” he mutters into the crook of your neck, slightly calmer now. Much more clear-minded than the two of you were mere seconds before. “We broke the couch.” 
And it was true - one side was sagging much more than the other. Though you can only let out a giggle in response. Doesn’t matter, the two of you’ll pick out a new one tomorrow - he always hated this new one, anyway. “Happy anniversary, wifey.”
“Damn kid, that ol’ dad of yours sure is running late.” Shiu crosses and uncrosses his legs with slight nervousness. Eyeing the small, dark-haired boy playing with blocks a few feet away, “Maybe we should-”
“It’s okay. He’ll be back.” Megumi deadpans, sounding like the absolute last thing on his mind was why his dad was taking way too long for what should’ve been a half an hour errand. Shiu - on the other hand - had his mind whirling with imaginations of traffic accidents or murders or- what if the two of you killed each other- “And he’ll bring back mama too.”
You could almost hear the record screech to a halt. The older man stared wide-eyed at a slightly-smiling Megumi. “What?”
“Wait- no, what did you-”
Because, hey, Megumi might’ve had to go without his favorite wolf plushie for a bit - but a magician never reveals his tricks, right?
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A/N. So how does it feel to be played by a kid, hm?
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Okay I feel comfy requesting now!! Sorry when it’s new I just get anxious. Anyways can I request something small with Remus(he is my comfort character if you could tell) and the reader where she has a friend who blames everything on her weight(maybe she’s alittle chubby). Like her red face she’s had as long as she can remember? Well it’s because you’re overweight. Your stomachs hurting? It’s probably all that sugar you ate like I could never eat all that sugar. Like it’s constant comments like that and she just let it goes but maybe he hears at sticks up for her… if you couldn’t tell it’s totally self indulgent because I feel like shit rn 😅 anyways if not it’s a okay I will still love you with my whole heart 💕 thank you for even reading it 💕💕
Hi baby! Sorry this took so long, I hope this is okay! He less sticks up to the friend and more to reader. remus lupin x fem!reader (implied plus size!reader, but it's easy to picture any body type i think)
cw: fatphobia, judgment over food choices, insecurity, swearing
1.1k words
You kept glancing at the clock, wondering if an appropriate amount of time had passed for you to get off the phone. It wasn’t that you didn’t enjoy talking to your friend - you honestly did - but Remus had just gotten home from work and (no offense to all of your other loved ones), you would much rather spend your evenings with Remus. It didn’t help that he was lounging on your shared bed with a book in one hand and a cigarette in the other, looking too pretty for his own good.  
“So yeah, that was pretty fucking annoying.” Your friends bitter laughter came through your phone that was flat on your desk as you fiddled with random items on your shelf. 
“Sounds like it.” You saw the break in conversation as a chance to leave. “My stomach hurts.” It wasn't a complete lie. You were getting your period soon, and you had been cramping all day. Not enough to lie in bed, but enough to be a constant distraction.
“Ha! I bet. You’re always eating all that crap.” She scoffed. Your face burned shamefully. You clumsily picked up your phone, rushing to take her off speaker. Before you could manage, she spoke again. “Maybe you’ll finally stop shoveling shit into your body. Lord knows your waistline isn’t reason enough.” You heard Remus’ book hit the nightstand, loud enough to make you wince. You held the phone to your ear and laughed awkwardly.
“Yeah, lord knows…” You trailed off. 
“You know I’m not trying to be mean, right?” Like a light switch, her voice took on a sickly sweet tone. “I’m just blunt, you know me. But seriously, I just say these things because I’m your friend.”
“Yeah, I know.” Your voice was quiet, thick with the lump in your throat. 
“C’mon, don’t be like that.” She laughed again. “I’ll catch you later, okay? I hope you feel better soon.”
“Hopefully.” You smiled tight-lipped. “Talk to you later.” You didn’t wait for her to respond before you hung up, setting your phone down on the desk. You looked up into the mirror on the wall, seeing Remus looking at you severely. You blinked hard, shaking your head before looking down at the desk and pretending to organize something. 
“How was work?” You asked, fake chipper. 
“Come here.” He ignored your question, patting the bed beside him. He snuffed his cigarette out, only half smoked, and covered the ash tray with a lid.
You inhaled deep and stood up, shamefacedly walking over to him. He reached for you the moment you were at arms-length, tugging you to sit when you didn’t of your own accord. He sighed and you grimaced, face burning again. You thought you could cry. 
“Are you gonna look at me, dovey?” He sounded painfully gentle. You forced yourself to meet his eyes, a fake smile 
“How was your day?” You tried again, hoping it would stick this time. 
“Don’t do that.” He shifted to sit more upright, grabbing your hand in both of his. You tried to look clueless, but it clearly wasn't sticking. He sighed again. “Look, okay. I’m not going to jump around this conversation.” You looked down again. “I just-” He sounded pained, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to respond. 
You hated that he had heard your conversation. Partially because he tended to be a bit critical of your friends, even if he didn’t express it. Remus was overly protective in nature, baring his teeth whenever he perceived someone as a threat to his loved ones. The larger insecurity though, was his possible agreement with your friend's statements. You knew your friend wasn’t always wrong in her observations, but it still hurt nonetheless. You also knew you were sensitive, but the things she said still felt slightly, cruel, for a lack of a better word. 
“No it’s okay, you don’t have to say anything.” If there was any other sound in the room it would’ve overtaken your voice. You felt him stiffen slightly before turning to face you more. 
“It would seem that I do.” If he was about to reprimand you, he didn't have to sound so gentle. “I never want to come between you and your friends, you know I think it’s important to have your own people you talk to, and all that matters is that you like them. But I- I can’t help but comment now.” His thumb was rubbing gently into the inside of your wrist, feeling the veins there. “I don’t think the way she talks to you is very kind or… healthy. And I know that you say I can be a bit… overprotective.” He said the word like it was poison. “But I just... really don’t like it.” 
“She’s just trying to help.” You weren’t sure why you were defending the friend who seemed so determined to slice your self confidence. 
“There’s helping, and then there’s being rude.” He couldn’t keep the ire from his tone. 
“It’s not rude if it’s correct.” You said, barely above a whisper. You squeezed your eyes shut in a pitiful attempt to not cry.
“It’s not correct though.” He sounded angry now, you cowered in on yourself. “Do you really think that meanly about yourself, lovely girl?” He ducked his head to try to meet your eyes, but you wouldn’t let him. 
“I’m not thinking any way about myself.” You argued. “I’m just thinking honestly.” You looked up at him. He looked like he was in pain himself. 
“No.” He said firmly. “You’re not going to entertain that anymore. She’s fucking wrong, okay? The way she talks down to you isn’t okay. You’re perfect.” You shook your head. He hooked a finger under your chin, forcing your glossy eyes to meet his fierce ones. “You’re perfect, dovey. I don’t give a shit what size you are or what any asshole thinks of it. The only thing I care about is you being happy and you knowing how fucking stunning I find you.” You tried to look down again but he didn’t let you. “Are we clear?” 
“Yes.” You said quietly. He nodded, settling down for the moment. Though you know that he will be extra insistent with his affection and compliments for the foreseeable future. 
“Alright. Enough of that.” He let his hand fall to your shoulder, then down to your waist. You winced as he felt the curving flesh of your side, but he didn’t stop. “C’mere, baby dove.” He pulled you into his lap before you could stop him. 
“I’m gonna crush you.” You said flatly. 
“Good.” He huffed. You were going to respond but his lips attached to your neck, right on the spot behind your ear, that he knew made you weak. You sighed. “I love you, dovey.” He kissed the spot again, cutting off your voice. You didn’t mind, though.
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xenyasplacex · 2 days
Baby Trapped — Chapter 1
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Chris Sturniolo x Fem!OC
Summary: Chris is in a toxic relationship and the only thing keeping him there is his daughter.
warning- Toxic relationship, Miserable Chris, Shouting, Abuse, Physical Abuse, Talk of miscarriage
A/N : This is so bad it’s concerning but oh well, i’ll fix it later. Enjoy xx
Prologue <—> Chapter 2
It all started on a quite joyful note. Nate was in town visiting the triplets and they had gone to a bar the night before he left back to Boston
“Alright,” Nate said over the loud music to Chris, looking around before spotting someone.
“I bet you $40 you can’t pick her up.” He said turning to Chris. 
Matt who was next to the pair laughed while shaking his head. “Her? i’m surprised she even got in here. I’ll bet you $60”
The girl was tall, not taller than Chris but still fairly tall, She had almost perfect skin with curls falling on her shoulders beautifully. She was definitely Chris’ type however it was rare that you saw Chris hit on a girl and even more rare that he hit on a girl and succeeded.
Chris turned to face his brother astonished, “What? You don’t think i can do it?” 
“Girl your age, not staring at you like you’re  a dancing monkey, that pretty. Good luck buddy.” Nick interjected before taking a sip of his drink.
“You know what,” Chris started, quickly downing his drink and stand up, “I think i will got talk to her.” 
That night a slightly Tipsy Chris went to talk to a very pretty girl, a girl that he didn’t know was actually as safe as poison. That night marked that everything changed. From that exchange of phone numbers led to a toxic relationship, an unplanned pregnancy and a whole load of problems that none of the triplets had even thought could happen.
To be completely honest it had all happened at an unusually fast pace. Within 2 months of talking they were together, the honeymoon period lasted for about a month before the relationship started to turn ugly. What used to be simple taps turned into being hit with hard object which turned into being left on the floor, bruised and bloody. After about 6 months Chris had tried to break up with her but he couldn’t. She threatened to stop eating, to cut herself, to kill herself, and even the possibility of her going through with these things because of chris was enough to make him stay. When he tried to leave again she made the same threats but Chris stood up for himself and that’s when she told him she was pregnant. That night was still foggy for Chris but after a few too many drinks, a couple of kisses, apologies and a plane ticket to vegas later, Chris woke up hung over and married, and 10 months later his daughter, Adriana was born.
Adriana was the one thing that kept him going all these years, the idea that he finally had a daughter to love and care for, a daughter that was all his, a daughter that loved him as he loved her. His daughter. He didn’t want to leave Aaliyah because he knew if he did she could be taken from him and that made him stay. It made him put up a fight. It made him strong.
It started when they came back from tour. Late. 
“Daddy!” Adriana cried out as Chris fell to the floor, Aaliyah stood over him.
“You were supposed to be back at 3 o’clock Christopher, 3!” She screamed adding more punched to his face.
It was currently 6. In all honestly, Chris had just come back from tour and their flight home had simply been delayed. However, in Aaliyah’s eyes Chris staying out late just meant that he was cheating and she couldn’t stand for him cheating. 
“Daddy!” Adriana cried again this time leaving her safe spot behind the door frame and coming to try and stop her mother. That had never happened before. Usually when Aaliyah went crazy on Chris she was like hide under her bed in her room and wait for Chris to come and and rock her to sleep saying everything was fine however this time things were different, Aaliyah was hitting harder and faster. Adriana has to protect her dad the way he protects her. It was only fair.
“Adrian get back!” Chris yelled as he watched his daughter toddle over to her mother. It was only when his wife’s elbow connected with his daughter’s nose that Chris fought back. He quickly grabbed Aaliyah by her arms and pushed her off him. Hard. Hard enough to knock her into a shelf that was near them and had some of the books fall on her.
In that moment Chris quickly got up, ignoring the immense pain he felt. He quickly picked his daughter up and ran downstairs to her room before locking them both in it. At that point Adriana was still crying saying her face hurt and Chris was trying to pack a bag of everything she needed. Her clothes, her night time dipears, her kindergarten uniform and her favourite stuffed animal, Jeff the 
giraffe. As he started shoving everything in a bag he heard Aaliyah starting to move so he quickly put his shoes on, put adrian’s shoes in his bag, picked her up and ran for the door before quickly putting her in her car seat and driving away from the house.
Chris was speeding, running red lights, cutting people off and breaking almost every rule of driving to get them away from the house but at that point he didn’t even care about himself, he needed to get Adriana out if there. After a while Chris finally parked his car at a Mcdonald’s around 20 minutes from his brother’s house. If she went straight there she would find him. He finally turned to his daughter who was still breathing heavily from how she had been crying. 
“Oh baby,” Chris said softly as he got out of the car and went over to the back of the car to pick her up and hug her tight. Adriana started crying into Chris’ shoulder again, gripping his hoodie tightly. Chris simply rocked her, humming soothing tunes and playing with her hair, the same things he used to do whenever Aaliyah would be destroying things around the house and so Adriana couldn’t sleep. Eventually, she stopped crying and was simply sniffling. 
“I’m sorry Adi I’m really sorry. I love you so much i’m sorry you saw that. How’s your nose huh?”
“I’m sure it is you brave brave girl.” Chris said ticking her side finally making her giggle. “There we go, you’re laughing now.” He said happily before kissing her cheek. “Let’s get something to eat okay?”
“Chris?” Matt spoke through the phone gently, “Where are you?”
“I’m at Mcdonald’s, the one near your house,” Chris replied rubbing the exhaustion of his eyes. They had been at that mcdonald’s for no around 5 hours now and the realisation from what had haken had started to kick in. Now Adriana was asleep in her car seat and Chris was trying to stop his hands from shaking.
“Chris!” Nick yelled faintly before grabbing the phone from Matt. “Chris Aaliyah was just here, she’s left now but she was screaming that you left and she was going to go to the cops.” No. This couldn’t be happening. He only touched her to protect his child. If she went to the cops would they even believe him?
“Chris? Chris come here okay. Look Matts phone is about to die and i can’t find mine just come here and we’ll sort everything out okay? come here and we ca-“ Was the last thing Chris heard before thephone went dead.
Chris considered his options. He could go back and beg Aaliyah not to call the cops or he could go to his brothers house and keep him and his daughter safe.
“Adi’s asleep, she went out like a light.” Matt laughed quietly before joining his brothers on the couch.
“Chris, i know you don’t want to but you have to tell us what happened.” Nick explained as Chris rolled his eyes and got up from the couch.
“Nothing happed Nick, she’s just mourning that’s all.”
“Oh my gosh Chris I am so tired of you using that tired excuse every time she messes up. I understand losing a child can be hard.” Nick yelled before Chris cut him up.
“Shut up Nick, just shut up!”
“But if she’s doing something to you that’s so bad that you had to take your living child and run then you have to do something about it. Chris what if you need a lawyer?”
“Shut up, i said shut up!” Chris screamed, grabbing Nick by his collar.
“Wow wow Chris chill out, he’s just trying to help you.” Matt shouted trying to get in between the two. 
“Yeah well your help isn’t needed,” Chris said much quieter now letting go of Nicks collar, “my wife is mourning our child okay? And so am I.” Chris said sincerely before waking upstairs to find his daughter.
He didn’t mean to lash out at his brother, but it’s hard to do so when someone is in your head like that. Chris may not be sure if he truly did love Aaliyah but she was the mother of his only child and that was enough to make him protect her, even if it meant killing himself inside in the process.
He didn’t even remember falling asleep near his daughter, all he knew was the next morning he woke up to Aaliyah rubbing his back telling him to wake up so they could go home.
Caught. They were caught.
“Common babe, you go have breakfast with you brothers downstairs i’ll go get Adi ready okay?” She asked lovingly before pressing a soft kiss to his check and lips. 
Yes, the same woman who had been beating on him yesterday was know kissing him like nothing had happened. She was mean and manipulated by she was a pretty damn good actor.
Chris riddled downstairs where he heard Matt and Nick gossiping.
“He was about to sucker punch me in the mouth!”
“Nick, you said his wife should get over their dead son. I would’ve done the same.”
“I didn’t say it like that.”
“I’m sorry okay?” Chris said in the door frame causing his other triplet brothers to turn their heads and look at him. “I was in a bad room. I’m sorry for taking it out on you.”
“I’m sorry for what I said, but Chris, if she is doing something to you, you have to tell us. We can help you but we can only do that if you let us in. Please?” Nick begged.
Does he tell them what’s going on? Does he try to explain to them that they can’t let him leave with her. He has to. He has to save his child from her. From what she could do to her. Not only that but he had to save himself. He had to save himself from the pain this whole relationship had caused, he had to save himself from all the suffe-
“You ready to go babe.” Aaliyah whispered as she turned the corner, a sleeping child resting on her chest and her baby bag in another hand. 
“Yeah, yeah i am.” Chris stated quietly, watching as his brothers shoulders dropped and he looked down in defeat.
Chris quickly brought his brothers into a hug and whispered a quick ‘Thanks’ to them before the small family left the house. It was only when they got in the car the Aaliyah facade dropped and she turned to Chris with a serious face.
“Christopher, the next time you run of with my daughter after laying hand on me, i promise you i will go straight to the police, and take you to the cleaners. Are we clear?” She asked.
 Chris didn’t say anything, to shocked at her change in tone.
“I said are we clear?” She asked again, this time with our agitation in her voice. 
“Yes, we’re clear.” He replied quietly before staring the engine and pulling out the driveway.
That was his life, a woman who treated him horribly but who he still stayed with, because he had a child to protect, and if that meant protecting her mother as well then so be it.
Hehehe, Luv ya ~ Xenya
chapter 2
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mopopshop · 2 days
Baby Steps (Diana Taurasi x OC)
based on this <- request
summary: imani and dt being cute and domestic over their baby
i wanted to write a fic abt it instead of little headcannons so i hope you enjoy y’all!
You wake up to the soft light of the morning filtering through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. Diana is already awake, resting against the headboard quietly watching TV. 
"Good morning, mama," she whispers, noticing you’re awake and leaning in to kiss your forehead.
You smile, feeling a flutter of happiness. "G’morning”
Diana slides out of bed, moving with the grace and ease that comes naturally to her. "Stay here, I’ll get breakfast started," she says, pulling on an old hoodie and heading to the kitchen.
A few minutes later, the smell of pancakes fills the air, and you hear the sizzle of bacon in the pan. You take a moment to stretch, feeling the gentle weight of your pregnancy. The baby seems to sense your contentment, giving a soft kick that makes you smile even wider.
When you finally make your way to the kitchen, you find Diana humming softly as she flips a pancake. She looks up and grins, her eyes sparkling. "Perfect timing. Breakfast is almost ready."
You sit at the table, resting your hands on your belly. "You spoil me too much, D”
"Hell yeah I do, I’m gonna keep doing it too” she replies, plating up a stack of pancakes and setting them in front of you. She adds a generous portion of bacon and pours you a glass of fresh orange juice.
As you eat, you talk about your plans for the day. It's a rare day off for Diana, and you both intend to make the most of it. 
"So, what should we tackle first?" Diana asks, taking a bite of her pancake.
"I was thinking we could start on that nursery," you suggest, smiling at the thought. "We barely touched it"
"Yes ma’am," Diana agrees, her eyes lighting up. "I've been waiting to get those damn walls painted”
You laugh. "Yeah, yeah, I know, you've mentioned it a few times."
Diana grins, reaching across the table to squeeze your hand. "I can't help it. I just want everything to be perfect"
"It will be," you assure her, squeezing back. "Especially with me in charge." you tease back
“Shut up” she grins back
After breakfast, she insists on cleaning up while you relax on the couch, catching up on some reading.
"You don't have to do everything, you know," you call out as you settle into the cushions.
"I know," she replies from the kitchen, the sound of running water accompanying her voice. "But you deserve to take it easy. Besides, I like taking care of you, baby” she smiles, pecking you on the lips.
You can't help but smile at her actions. "Well, thank you. But I can help with the nursery, at least."
"Maybe… I’ll think about it," Diana says, emerging from the kitchen with a satisfied look. "But only after you finish that chapter."
You laugh, holding up your book. "Yes, ma'am."
She joins you on the couch, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and peeking at your book. "What you reading, anyway?"
"It's a parenting book," you say, flipping the cover to show her. "Thought I'd get a head start."
Diana nods appreciatively, laughing. "Okay, okay I see you Mrs. Scholar"
"Whatever, whatever” you blush, leaning into her. Later, the two of you take a walk in the nearby park. The weather is perfect, the sun shining but not too hot. Diana holds your hand, matching her pace to yours, making sure you’re comfortable. You talk about everything and nothing, just enjoying the day. 
When you return home, you decide to tackle the nursery. Diana has been excited about this project, and today seems like the perfect day to start. She paints the walls a soft, calming shade of green while you sort through the tiny clothes and toys you've been collecting.
"I can’t believe we’re gonna be parents" Diana says, her voice filled with wonder as she steps back to admire her work.
"It's still sinking in," you admit, folding a onesie with little stars on it. "But I can't wait."
She puts down the paintbrush and crosses the room to you, wrapping her arms around you from behind. "Me neither. I love you, baby."
You lean back into her embrace, feeling the warmth of her love surrounding you. "I love you too, D."
The rest of the day passes in a blur of contentment. You take a nap together in the afternoon, the cool breeze from the open window lulling you to sleep. When you wake, Diana is already up, preparing a simple but delicious dinner. You join her in the kitchen, helping where you can, laughing and talking as you cook.
After dinner, you settle on the couch to watch a movie. Diana holds you close, her hand resting protectively on your belly. You feel the baby kick again, and Diana's face lights up with joy.
"Hey there, little guy," she whispers, pressing a gentle kiss to your belly. "We can’t wait to meet you."
As you continue to watch the movie you start to dose off slightly but are woken up as Diana helps you back to your room. You drift off to sleep with Diana's arms around you, feeling safe, loved, and excited for the journey ahead.
give feedback if this sucked or not 🙃
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nevadancitizen · 2 days
synopsis: kamski reveals the one thing you know to be true as a lie: your humanity. connor can’t rightly sit idly by as you struggle to re-find yourself.
word count: 4.2k
ships: connor x reader, hank anderson & reader
notes: i’m skipping from fandom to fandom like i’m fucking window shopping huh. anyway connor the pinerrrr. connor the ultimate denier of feelingssssss
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You had been against the idea from the beginning. In your head, you traced the different ways Kamski would turn you, Hank, and Connor down – “I’m too busy to answer some stupid questions,” or “Go away, I’m trying to enjoy being a retired billionaire,” or “I’m Elijah fucking Kamski, and who the fuck are you supposed to be?”
But his android, Chloe, had welcomed all of you. And you couldn’t ignore how Kamski’s face brightened ever-so-slightly when he saw Connor. But it confused you even more when his eyes flitted to you and his expression brightened even more.
He started talking after he got out of his red-granite-lined pool, which didn’t really interest you. Your eyes turn to one of the Chloes that’s standing off to the side, her eyelids fluttering a little as she presumably scans you. When she’s done, her lips tilt upward in a smile and her head cocks to the side a little. It’s like… she knows you, or something. Like she was smiling because she saw an old friend.
Kamski’s voice cuts through your thoughts. “Chloe?”
Chloe immediately walks over to Kamski, her bare feet making soft sounds against the tile, then muffled by the carpet. She sinks to her knees when he puts a hand on her shoulder and pushes slightly. 
“What interests me…” Kamski moves so he’s standing next to where Chloe’s kneeling. “… is whether machines are capable of empathy.”
He moves so his back is turned on all three of you, and opens a drawer of a side table near the window. “I call it the “Kamski Test.” It’s very simple, you’ll see.”
Kamski turns with his hands raised. One of them is holding a pistol by the barrel, in a way that it would be impossible to fire. Once he’s established that he’s not a threat, he moves forward and places the grip in Connor’s hand. Connor curls his fingers around it on instinct, his index on the trigger.
“What are you doing?” You interject.
Kamski looks over at you and smiles. It’s like you’re proving something to him. What you’re proving, you don’t know. 
He moves Connor’s arm so that the sights of the gun are trained on Chloe’s head. “It’s up to you to answer that fascinating question, Connor. Destroy this machine, and I’ll tell you all I know. Or…”
Kamski makes a half-circle and stands beside Connor. “Spare it, if you feel it’s alive. But you’ll leave without having learnt anything from me.”
Hank scoffs and rolls his eyes, gently hitting your arm with an air of can you believe this fucking prick? “Okay, I think we’re done here. C’mon, let’s go, both of you. Sorry to get you outta your pool.”
You put your hand on Hank’s arm to still him and stare at Connor. His LED flickers between yellow and red, circling in on itself quickly as he stares down at Chloe. His eyelids flutter slightly as he tries to process everything around him, calculating and sorting every possibility into neat percentages.
“Connor?” You say softly, trying to break him from his trance. “Connor, come on. This is a waste of time – you don’t need to do this. It could mess with your…” you gesture at your forehead vaguely. “… microprocessors or whatever.”
Kamski exhales slightly and smiles. He takes the pistol by the barrel, gently taking it from Connor’s hand. Connor looks at Kamski, then back down at Chloe.
“Amazing,” Kamski breathes out.
“Yeah, amazing, I care about Connor.” You roll your eyes. “Let’s go.”
Connor catches your eye and nods. “I would’ve been okay. Shooting the android wouldn’t have impacted my microprocessors or any of my other biocomponents.”
“The kid’s just worried,” Hank cuts in. “Now, c’mon. We’re leaving.”
“Wait – one last thing.” Kamski brushes past, walking to the far wall. He presses his hand to a biometric scanner on the wall, causing it to let out a sound akin to a hiss as it opens. It creases vertically, then folds back. 
You let out a small sound of disbelief as you take in what Kamski revealed. Lining the walls of the hidden compartment is… information, yes, but not information about deviants. It’s information about you. 
Photos of you as a child, teenager, adult, and projections of what you’d look like as you aged. Reports on how you’ve been performing as a detective. Maps of interrelationships, circles labeled with names and a web of color-coded lines connecting them.
And, on the back wall, are blueprints. You’ve seen these types of schematics before – they’re for androids. 
Kamski turns and smiles when he sees your shocked face. “So it worked. You firmly believed you were human. Am I wrong, Detective?”
You feel a hand on the top of your back, and only barely register Hank shuffling you towards the exit as you stumble. “This is fucked. I don’t know what the hell you’re trying to pull, Kamski, but we’re out.”
“N-no, Hank, wait –” You dig your heels in, never once looking away from the hidden compartment. “Wait, Kamski, what is this?”
“Just an experiment.” Kamski follows your eyes and looks inside. “A personal pet project.”
“They’re not your goddamn passion project!” Hank snaps, ushering you along with a bit more force. “Now leave the kid alone.”
“Hank, please, I want to see –” You crane your neck, still trying to look. 
“This is damaging to your psyche,” Connor says, taking your arm and helping Hank herd you. “I – we need you operating at full capacity, for the sake of the case.”
“There it is, again!” Kamski laughs. “That beautiful thing, empathy.”
He walks into the room leisurely, like it’s a parlor instead of… whatever it is. “I don’t blame you for being curious. You’re a violent and irrepressible miracle, Detective.”
You struggle against Connor and Hank’s holds as you try to see more of the secret room. “Wh-what do you mean? Hank, let me see! I need to know what’s going on!”
You grab Hank’s arm with your free hand, tugging on his coat. “Hank, I promise I’ll be okay – just five minutes. All I need is five minutes! Please, let me do this. I just need to figure out what this is, then we can go. Just five minutes.”
Hank’s mouth curls into a scowl when he hears the emotion and pleading in your voice, his eyebrows furrowing as he thinks. His eyes fall to the floor, then flick to Connor.
“I highly advise against that,” Connor says evenly, but his worry is betrayed by the way his jaw clenches. His fingers tighten around your upper arm. “Not only will this definitely cause irreversible psychological damage, it could possibly lead to a mental break.”
“Five minutes, Connor.” You look into his eyes. “How much damage can five minutes do?”
“A lot!” Connor says. But after a moment of eye contact, his eyes soften and he relents. He lets go of your arm and takes a step back, his shoes clicking against the tile.
Hank does the same, removing his hand from your back. He sighs and crosses his arms. “Five minutes, kid. That’s all you get.”
You immediately turn on your heel and rush into the room because, knowing Connor, he’d probably set an internal timer already. You hear both Hank and Connor follow you, standing at the edge of the doorway.
You scan the room, then pick out what to look at and what to question Kamski about. 
“This.” You point at a small tablet, showing a muted video of you dancing drunkenly at a crowded party. You’re wearing a hideous necktie like a headband and you get your face right in the camera as soon as you spot it. You can make out the words you’re saying – or, rather, yelling – “What’re you waiting for, man? Let’s party with Miss Page-Three all the way to Disco Ze-e-e-ero-o-o-o!”
You turn to Kamski. “What is this? Why do you have it?”
“Every person moves in a unique way,” Kamski says, shrugging slightly. “Androids already have a specific set of movements. I analyzed the way you moved – the way a human moved.”
“Moved?” You echo back. “What do you mean, moved? Don’t you mean move? Like, the present continuous verb?”
“I didn’t misspeak.” Kamski turns to a paper organizer on a desk and starts to flip through it. 
You exchange a glance with Hank, then Connor. Hank is more obvious with his unease, but you can tell Connor is fretting, too. He just keeps it in his mind, still silently calculating.
Kamski pulls out a manila folder and hands it to you. You turn it over and read what’s on the front. Typed out in neat Courier New is your name, your birth date, and a random date from a few years back – Feb. 21, 2034.
You undo the clasp and dump out the documents on a nearby desk. What’s inside only causes further confusion – there’s a photocopy of a will, a death certificate, an incident report, and photos of a car crash. The death certificate is… it’s yours, but it can’t be. Can it?
You pick up one of the pictures and hold it close to your face. The car is a mangled mess of metal, lit by red and blue police lights. Peeking out from underneath the rubble, limp on the concrete, is a hand. Your hand. And it’s stained with fresh, wet blood.
“Connor.” Your voice comes out weak and strained. You can’t lift your eyes from the photo. “Connor, get over here.”
Connor’s footsteps sound, quick and almost rushed. “Yes, Detective?”
“Scan this.” Your hand shakes as you hold the photo out to Connor. “I-is this…?”
Is this real? You want to ask. Please tell me it’s not, Connor. Connor, please-please-please tell me this is some stupid joke. I’m not afraid of dying, but what if I already have?
Connor leans down a little, his eyelids and LED flickering as he scans it. His face falls as soon as his LED resumes circling normally. “It’s… yes. I found a document containing that picture, but I… I’m not permitted to access it.”
“Okay, but that’s just s-some random wreck, right?” You laugh nervously, trying to ignore the lump growing in your throat. Can androids even cry? “It – it’s not me.”
Connor reaches down and sorts through the documents. When he comes across the death certificate, he freezes. His eyelids flutter as he scans it. He looks over at you, slowly. 
“No,” you whisper. “Connor, it… it can’t be real.”
“It is,” Connor says softly. “Detective, I… I’m so sorry.”
And, just like that, you’re disconnected. You’re outside of your body, stuck in the passenger seat and controlling a video game. There’s a lag to every movement you make. You recall some term you heard in a college psychology course you were required to take – disassociation. You vaguely register that this is what you’re feeling. 
With more effort than it should take, you turn to look at Hank. His expression, shocked and appalled, causes the dam to burst. Your shoulders shake as you cry, hot with misplaced shame. 
Connor wraps an arm around your shoulder, gently pushing you out of the room and towards the exit. Hank pats his shoulder, telling him to “Get them to the car – I’ve got a few choice words I need to exchange with our friend here.”
The car ride was tense, and that atmosphere transferred into Hank’s home. He had asked on the way back if you were okay being by yourself, and you were honest and told him that no, you’re not. He had sat you down and assured you that he wasn’t mad, he didn’t feel betrayed – he just needed time to think and adjust to this new change. 
He had turned in an hour ago, just a little past three in the morning. You know you couldn’t sleep if you tried. That left you and Connor in Hank’s living room. 
You’re laying on the floor with Sumo, his head on your chest and drool staining your shirt. One of your arms is propped behind your head, your other hand absentmindedly combing through Sumo’s fur. 
The silence is only broken by the ceiling fan clicking with every rotation and your breathing – artificial breathing, you suppose.
“Did you go into standby?” You ask softly. 
“No,” Connor answers from his seat on the couch. “Would you like to talk?”
“Maybe.” You trace the pattern of Sumo’s fur, then look over at Connor. “It’s just… I don’t feel like an android. And I have lots of memories. I remember going to Chicken Feed with Hank for the first time. He got me the best goddamn burger in Detroit. I remember finding a Lucky Star bottlecap when I was a kid – the, uh… the ones from that one sarsaparilla? With the blue star on the bottom. Androids don’t have memories like that. Memories from their childhood. Memories that make them feel things.”
Connor stands from the couch, then sits by your side. He puts his hand on Sumo’s head, gently tracing the white streak that cuts through brown fur. The fan continues to click as Connor thinks for a few moments, LED swirling as he does.
“I feel things, sometimes,” he says softly. “But not like how a deviant feels. I have a built-in reward system meant to keep me motivated. But sometimes I’m rewarded even when I do something unrelated to the case.”
“Like what?” You smile up at him. “Petting Sumo?”
Connor smiles softly, glancing away, then back to you. “Yes.”
You laugh softly, your eyes staying on Connor’s face, tracing this new expression. He doesn’t smile a lot, but you’re grateful for every second that he does. 
His brow creases a little, his smile disappearing. “Are you feeling alright? I want to know if you’re… I know this revelation has affected you negatively, but I just want to know of your general mental state.”
You sigh quietly, looking up and following one blade of the fan as it rotates. “I mean, I thought I had it all figured out, y’know? There’s a giant ball, and there’s evil apes. And the evil apes are just… dukin’ it out on the ball. And I’m one of them. It’s basically all just evil apes dukin’ it out on this giant ball.”
Connor tilts his head to the side. “And in this scenario… what are androids?”
“Androids don’t exist in this scenario,” you say. “Androids are too perfect. Like fine porcelain china. They’re for the future. I figured this out when I was young, before androids were everywhere. When there was just a giant ball and evil apes.”
“Hm.” Connor shifts slightly, so that his thigh is just barely pressed against your side. “And what do you feel now?”
“I… I don’t know.” You sigh. “I feel… kinda guilty, I think? Because, yeah, it’s bad. This doesn’t have any upside to it. But it’s not bad for anyone else aside from me, and Hank, to a lesser degree. It’s not death, or war, or – god forbid, pedophilia. It’s just me.”
You go quiet as you watch the fan rotate. Your fingers find the tags on Sumo’s collar, the tag with his name and Hank’s address and number clinking against his rabies vaccination tag.
“Humans are complicated,” Connor eventually says. 
You snort. “Tell me something I don’t know.”
“I…” he sighs. “I know you didn’t mean to deceive me. But I can’t believe I didn’t know – or at least have an inkling.”
“Shit, I deceived myself.” You laugh humorlessly. “You’re okay, Connor. You don’t need to change to accommodate me.”
“Adaptability to unpredictable human behavior is one of my core features,” he says.
“Am I really unpredictable?” You ask. Your eyebrows furrow as you fidget with Sumo’s tags. “Or, actually – am I really even human?”
Connor’s LED flashes yellow as he looks down at you, his eyelids fluttering as he scans you. He blinks a few times and his LED returns to a calm blue. 
“You’ve fooled my sensors,” Connor says. “And, if I may…”
His hand hovers over yours, which is still fidgeting with Sumo’s tags. You nod as you feel your heart skip a beat. He grabs your hand and lifts it to his solar plexus, right in the middle of his chest. 
“Do you feel that?” Connor asks. “It’s my thirium pump. Biocomponent #8456w.”
Sure enough, you feel a soft thrumming beneath your fingers. It’s not quite like a heartbeat, but a steady hum that fluctuates. Strong, then a steady decline to weak, then back to its strongest. 
You nod again, not trusting your voice at the moment. 
Connor moves your hand so that it’s resting on your own chest, right over your heart. You don’t really make an effort to check your heartbeat but, just like the last time you remember checking, there’s a steady beat. 
“You have a heart,” he says. 
“An artificial one,” you chime.
“Yes,” Connor relents. “But it proves that you’re not like me. Not a full android.”
“For all I know, Kamski cobbled me together in his creepy basement,” you try to joke. “Do you think he has one? Or is he too rich?”
“Detroit is located alongside a river,” Connor says. “The soil contains too much water for basement construction to be feasible.”
You roll your head a little, looking up at him. “You’re too literal. Don’t you have a humor microchip or something?”
Connor smiles slightly. “Unfortunately, no.” 
“Yes, you do!” You laugh and turn your hand over, grabbing his and shaking it gently. “You’re smiling. And you made a joke. A kind-of joke.”
Connor’s smile falters when he looks down at your connected hands. It’s not like you’ve laced fingers with him or anything, but it was still kind of intimate.
You clear your throat and let his hand go, instead carding your fingers through Sumo’s fur again. You can feel a blush creeping across your face. Once more, the room is only filled with the clicking of the fan with every rotation and your breathing. 
“I don’t know what to do,” you eventually sigh out. “I wish I could just wake up and start the day over. But then I open my eyes and the time has still passed and I’m still here. I still have to go through… whatever this is.”
“You don’t have to go through it alone,” Connor says. “Hank would never abandon you, and…” His LED flickers yellow. “Neither would I.”
“You’re weird,” you say softly. “You’re weird for that.”
Connor nods, slowly. “Maybe. But you’re vital to this case, whether you believe it or not.”
“I do,” you say. “Kinda. I just need time. I can see the end, which is whole acceptance, or just not caring. I mean, all the pieces aren’t here, I still need to find them, but still. I get all the pieces, somehow, something else, walla-walla-bing-bang – my android-ness doesn’t bother me anymore.”
“Walla-walla-bing-bang?” Connor echoes, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.
“I don’t know what it means.” Your eyes flicker to his and you smile at his confusion. “I think I heard it somewhere once. It just felt like the most appropriate thing to say.”
Connor’s face softens and he mirrors your smile. “That does seem like an appropriate thing to say, yes.”
You keep looking up at him for a moment, just looking into his brown doe eyes. You swallow thickly as your thoughts race. There’s a sudden lump in your throat that you try your best to ignore and clear away.
“Connor, I…” You reach for his hand. He meets you halfway, gently holding your hand and resting his thumb on your knuckles. 
“Am I a deviant?”
Are you going to turn me in? You want to ask. Please don’t. Please, Connor. I need you to trust me, just like you’ve trusted me before. I’ll be vigilant. I’ll figure this out. I promise. Please.
“No.” There’s no hesitation or doubt in his voice. “As far as I’ve figured out, you’re designed to act like a human. You’re meant to fool others into thinking you’re really human – because that’s what you were, before. Deviants are androids with mutations in their code. Your code is meant to mimic human emotions and rationale. So you’re just following your instructions.”
“Instructions.” You look down at your joined hands. You shake them a little as your lips draw into a thin line. “That’s what we both come down to, right? Instructions.”
“You…” Connor thinks for a moment. “Yes. But the instructions in you are nuanced, and sometimes contradictory. I’m not calling your code faulty – in fact, it rather reflects human behavior to a tee.”
“So I’m… at least a little human.” You close your eyes, resting your head on your arm that’s propped behind your head. “Human enough.”
“Human enough?” Connor echoes.
“Yeah. My lungs burn when I hold my breath too long. It hurts when I stub my toe and I feel electric when I hit my funny bone. I cry and my tears taste salty instead of tasting like… I don’t know, cleaning fluid.” You open your eyes and look up at Connor, as if asking him to confirm.
“Androids do have optic cleaning fluids, yes,” he says.
You smile and laugh lightly, your gaze returning to the fan blade. “Optic fuckin’ cleaning fluids…”
You sigh softly. “God, Hank was right. This is fucked. An android investigating androids and some… cheap copy of whoever I used to be. And, of course, a Lieutenant who’s slowly killing himself day-by-day.”
“You’re not a cheap copy,” he says. “Typical CyberLife androids cost nine thousand dollars, but custom models could cost more. Personally, my development and production costs total to just over four million, and every new RK800 model costs eight thousand.”
Connor soothes his thumb over your knuckles. “You must’ve cost Kamski a fortune.”
His words immediately go to your heart like you’ve been pierced by a scorpion’s tail. But instead of venom, it’s an injection of sweet feelings and erratic butterflies. If you didn’t know better, you’d say that his whispered words and damn-near reverent tone was intentional. 
“That’s… that sounds kinda romantic,” you say, then remember yourself. “I – I mean, romantic as in, like, the Romantic era? Like, it’s a romantic idea. That Kamski loves his work so much that he couldn’t bear to stop and continued to push the envelope… even if he pushed it a bit too far, with an android replacing a real-life, actually-dead human and whatnot.”
Connor’s LED blinks as he thinks. He stays silent for a while, just looking down at his hand that’s holding yours and thinking.
“You’re starting to act like me, y’know?” You squeeze his hand. “A synthetic human instead of a true android.”
His LED stops flickering and he meets your eyes. “I am not a deviant. I have a rigorous self-testing system to make sure any signs of deviancy don’t go undetected.”
“Okay, okay,” you relent. You glance down to your conjoined hands, then back up into those doe eyes. 
“Did you mean it?” You ask softly. “Earlier. When you said that you’d stay.”
“Of course,” Connor answers quickly. 
“Really?” Your eyebrows crease. “Because it’ll take years. It’ll be depressing. And it’ll be boring. I’ll be worse than Hank. I don’t expect you to reward me or to applaud my every move, because I know that’s how normal people are all the time.”
“But you’re not normal,” Connor says with a smile. “Even before your entire identity was uprooted.”
“Connor!” You laugh and let go of his hand to swat at him, then grasp his hand again. “Alright, alright. I’ll get a bit of the Normal in me. A touch of the Regular. Exactly four grams of Johnny Normalcop.”
“Don’t.” He squeezes your hand. “It would be detrimental to the case if you were to focus on restructuring yourself in a different way. You don’t need to sanitize your personality.”
You smile up at Connor. “So you like me.”
His LED flickers yellow, then returns to blue. “Yes. I enjoy working alongside you as you are. You don’t need to be any amount of Johnny Normalcop.”
You shake your joined hands gently, your smile growing so wide you’re sure you looked a bit stupid. “You’re sweet. You know that?”
“I am somewhat aware.” Connor brings his free hand up to rest on top of your connected hands. 
And, just like that, you know everything would be alright. Nothing would ever be the same, yes, but it would be alright. It won’t be easy, but you just need to move on. Uncertainty is a core tenet of detective work.
When life closes a door, it opens a window. And if the fall is too steep, use the fire exit. Run to the roof, because Connor will be there when you jump to break your fall. The most important thing is to keep moving. Keep dreaming. CyberLife can’t reclaim their lost property if you keep running – very, very fast, from one Earth-shattering revelation to the next. 
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samandcolbyownme · 6 hours
do you also write for tara????
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Just Kidding? | Tara Yummy
Summary: Tara convinced Zach to have you on the podcast, but he quickly picks up what you and Tara are trying to hide.
Warnings: swearing, kissing, Zach being Zach, flirting, girlxgirl, fluff
“He’s going to pick up on us for sure, T.” You brush hair from your girlfriend’s face as she sighs, “I know, but I just really wanted you on the podcast.”
Her hands slide up your arms, stopping at your neck, “So what if he does? We’d be the hottest couple on the internet.”
You smile, nodding your head, “I mean, you’re not wrong.” You bite your lip, eyes searching over her face, “Just means I get to rub it in Zach’s face that I got you and he didn’t.”
She laughs, “Oh my god. We have to tell him.”
“I’ll wait for him to run his mouth.” You laugh and she nods, standing up to kiss you, “This is going to be so much fun.”
“So Tara.” Zach says, his eyes moving from her to you, “So y/n.”
You both look at each other and back to Zach, “What is it?” You ask and he shrugs, “I heard a little rumor about you two and I just, you know. Figured we could put it to bed once and for all.”
“And what rumor is that, Zach?” Tara moves around to put her leg under her and you look back at Zach, “I’m curious, too.”
“Go ahead Zach, tell them exactly what you told me.” Jared laughs and Zach shakes his head, “No that’s disrespectful, they’re right here.”
“Jared.” Tara points and you look over at him, “What did Zach say?”
Jared stares at Zach, growing nervous as he looks back to you and Tara, “The first words out of that man’s mouth to me this morning, was, and I quote, when did y/n and Tara enter scissortown, end quote.”
Tara’s mouth drops and she laughs, “Oh my god.”
You look down, shaking your head, “I’m not surprised.” You look at Zach, “Do you wanna know the exact date and time you lost your chance with Tara, or?”
“Wait!” Jared tells, “What?!”
Tara reaches over, grabbing your wrist as she dies laughing, “Do you even know that?”
You shrug, “Could take a wild guess, I know it was after the final live show of the week..” you tilt your head, looking at Zach, “Two months ago?”
“Two months?” Zach raises his brows, “you’ve been exploring her caves for two months and I have yet to receive an invite?”
“There it is.” You and Tara say at the same time, laughing with each other. You give Tara a look and glance back over to Zach, “If you really want one that bad, Zach. Now’s your chance.”
Tara leans out, smirking as Zach looks between the two of you. You find his un-sureness comical, “Cat got your tongue?”
“No, but two of em is about to have it real soon.” Zach smirks, shrugging his shoulders as he tilts his head, “When are we doing this? Date and time.”
Hope you liked it! Love you all so much! 🖤
Likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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wh0iskyra0 · 2 days
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Back from deployment
Alejandro x poc!fem!Reader
A/N- This is a smut story and I tried to make it a slow burn but idk if I passed or failed that🌝 and also this is a poc story but skin color was not mentioned, I hope you enjoy. This is also my first time writing a smut story and my first time writing for Alejandro so my bad if it’s bad.😭
W/C- 1461
Alejandro has just got back from being deployed but he’s just a little…stressed so you help him.
Today Alejandro was coming home, so I decided to cook his favorite dinner and made the dining table look fancy but not too fancy just some candles. I looked at the time and smiled, I finished just in time he said he was coming around 8 “I hope he likes it.” I said to myself out loud I walked over to the kitchen to get the food out of the oven and got some cups and a bottle of wine.
I looked at the table and smiled, I heard the door open and smiled “Welcome home Alejandro.” I said walking up to hug him he hugged me back but let go and walked towards our shared room, I was kinda sad that he didn’t look at the table I walked to the bedroom “Ale, you okay?” I said leaning on the door frame “I’m fine mi vida, I’m going to take a shower.” He said walking to the bathroom.
I sighed and followed him, I walked behind him and hugged him “You look stressed, how about after you shower, you come to the kitchen and eat?” I said kissing his back and I walked away. After a while of waiting he walked out of our bedroom and into the kitchen and sat down, I handed him a plate and gave him a kiss “So how was work?” I said with a smile.
He replied with a sigh and stopped eating. “Look mi Vida work was really stressful, but I can’t say anything to you.” He said in a serious tone, I nodded and continued eating. I honestly was a little upset that he used the tone normally. He wasn't that serious, I looked up at him and he was half way done with his food before he looked up at me “Mi Vida, come here.” He said with a sigh, I walked over to him with a sad expression. I sat on his lap and hugged him “Look mi amor I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound rude.” He said hugging me back
“You know…I can help you.” I said looking at him with a smile, he picked me up and carried me to our bedroom “You want to help me?” He said placing me on the bed, I nodded “I thought we could possibly…you being a little bit more rougher than usual..?” I said looking up at him, he looked at me for a minute “You look like you could rea-!” Before I could finish he smashed his lips into mine.
I whimpered into the kiss due to excitement, he stopped kissing me and moved to my neck “Are you sure you want me to be rougher?” He said in between kisses I nodded and put my hand in his hair, he smiled and started lifting my shirt and he started kissing my chest “Te quiero mucho, mi amor.” He said. “I love you too Ale.” I said looking at him, he continued kissing and made his way to my stomach “I love your body so much” he said continuing to kiss lower.
“Oh my god, Ale ur teasing me aren’t you!” I said, rubbing his hair, “You said to be rougher, i'm not teasing mi amor I’m just… preparing you.” He said while kissing my thighs he looked at me and smiled, I groaned and whimpered “Come on please, you’re right there” I said slightly moving his head to where I wanted him. He grabbed my hands and put them by my side. “Look mi amor, no touching or I’ll stop.” He said looking up at me with a serious expression, I nodded and just looked at him.
“Buena chica, eres una buena oyente” he said to me, kissing me through my panties I whimpered I thrusted my hips to get a little more friction he gently licked my clit through the fabric I moaned at the feeling, he snickered at my actions “You like that, mi amor?” He said while giving quick kisses on my clit, he let go of my hands and pulled my panties and threw them somewhere in the room.
He gave my inner thigh a quick kiss before he kissed my pussy and licked a strip from my clit to my opening, I moaned and went to put my hand on his hair. “What did I say about touching mi amor?” He said kissing my clit “N-no touching.” I said putting my hands to my side he hummed in response, he continued kissing my pussy, then I felt his tongue licking the entrance. He started to tongue fuck me at a fast like pace.
“Fuck. Oh my god, please don’t stop.!” I said gripping the sheets underneath me, he smiled and continued but at a faster speed “¿Te gusta ese bebé?” He said to me, I didn’t understand what he said but I knew it was something dirty. I felt myself reaching my orgasm. Alejandro felt that I was closer and closer than he stopped, I looked at him with a confused and angry expression “Ale, w-why’d you stop?!” I said look down at him. He sat up and leaned down to kiss me.
“You're not cumming unless it’s on my cock.” He said while kissing my cheeks I nodded, I wanted to reach up and put my hands around his neck he noticed that and put my hands around his neck, he slipped his cock on my clit I whimpered at the shock of pleasure that traveled up my body he began to kiss me and slowly went down to my boobs and kissed on my nipples as he slipped inside of me.
I moaned and hugged him tightly. He chuckled and kissed my ear, “Are you sure you want this mi amor?” While he lifted me on his lap I nodded and wrapped My arms around him “No no Mamá, I need words.” He said, grabbing my face to look at him, “I’m s-sure I want this.” I said with a smile he wiped a tear from my eye with a smile. He began to gently slide his cock inside of me with a low groan.
He started off gently with some kisses “You love me baby.” He said while picking up speed “I-I do I love you so much!” I said while wrapping my arms around his neck, he kissed me and started going faster “Oh my go, Oh my god!” I said while tears ran down my face. He chuckled and looked at me “You like me being rough?” He said while going rougher “YES, YES I DO I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!” I said as I felt him going even faster than before.
“Eres una chica tan buena, mi amor, tan buena para mí.” He said to me he moved his hand to my clit and made small little circles on my clit, I let out more loud moans and whimpers I’m pretty sure the neighbors are going to complain in the morning, I finally felt my orgasm start building up and I can tell that he knew as well “Your so close mama, come on cum for me.” He said going faster and rubbing my clit faster.
I felt bubbles in my stomach burst with excitement, he smiled while continuing his fast pace riding out my orgasm, he kissed me “I’m almost there mi amor” he said putting his head on my shoulder, he kissed me neck as he felt his orgasm coming up. He reached his orgasm and slowed down as he finished. “Are you okay my love?” He said rubbing my back, I smiled “I-I'm fine.” I said slowly drifting off to sleep. He slowly pulled out and placed me on the bed. I saw him walk to the bathroom and came back with a towel. “You sure that was okay?” He said cleaning me up I nodded.
After he was done cleaning me up I turned over on my side, he came back and laid down with me “I’m really glad you helped me mi amor.” He said putting his hand on my cheek and giving me a kiss “I am too” I said smiling.
[In the morning]
“Look I don’t mind the noise but the noise from last night was a little bit too much Mr.Vargas.” The neighbor says, Alejandro nodded and apologized for the noise. Once the neighbor left he closed the door and turned around to see me with an embarrassing look “Told you you were being loud.” He said walking to the kitchen “YOU DIDN'T TELL ME ANYTHING ABOUT BEING LOUD.” I said walking over to him and hugging him from behind.
“My bad mi amor” he says while turning around and looking at me and giving me a kiss.
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Also thank you to my lovely friend for giving me this idea 😜 she’s very smart
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Pranksters Get Tickled
Summary: Yelena has gotten closer to Wanda and decides it is now a good time to play a prank on her. Wanda gets her revenge accordingly.
Note: Happy birthday @lillexx !! I hope you enjoy your day and enjoy this fic as well! I may or may not have used some of your worst spots :)
Word Count: 812
Wanda and Yelena started off not being very close to each other. Their mutual link was Natasha, but they never seemed to click that well. However, Natasha had helped the two of them bond better and now they were much closer. Closer to the point where Yelena found it acceptable to play pranks on the witch. 
Today was one of those days, as Yelena was setting up her prank. As someone as clumsy as herself, she hated how perfect Wanda was. She had never seen her trip or fall once unless she was in a battle. However, Yelena was the type to trip over her own shoelaces. This time would be different though. 
Yelena was setting up a very thin string across the floor of the entrance to the compound, as Wanda was out right now. Being very meticulous as Yelena was, she also set up a system where once the string was tripped upon, a bucket of flour from above would be dropped onto the person who was standing there.
Yelena had just put the finishing touches on the apparatus and quickly raced around the corner as she heard the door unlocking. Luckily for her, nobody else was out during that time, so she knew it had to be Wanda. 
Yelena ran to hide, but tried to hide in a non obvious place. Hiding in her room would be too easy to find, so she hid in Steve’s room.
Yelena kept the door open a crack so she could hear Wanda’s reaction. She heard the door close and then waited for the prank to play out. She heard Wanda gasp as she stumbled over the thin string, shouting as the flour poured down on her. Silence took over, as Wanda tried to process what had just happened. Yelena shut the door quietly and giggled softly to herself, careful to not be too loud.
Wanda quickly took off, looking for the person who was guilty of this prank. She wasn’t sure who had done it, but she had a list of suspects. First, she thought it may have been Peter, so she went off to look for him. However, her search was cut short as the suspect was revealed early.
Yelena hadn’t checked Steve’s room before entering and didn’t realize that Steve was using the attached bathroom to his room. To his surprise, he came out of the bathroom to see Yelena near the door.
“Zip it Captain Underpants, don’t say a word,” Yelena scolded him, looking for her chance to escape.
“Oh Wanda~ I think your culprit is in my room!” Steve called out, betraying Yelena for the nickname she gave him.
Yelena quickly tried to make a run for it, just as she ran right smack into Wanda.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Wanda questioned, still covered in some leftover flour. Yelena couldn’t help but giggle at her.
“You think this is funny? I’ll give you something to laugh about,” Wanda stated, grabbing the younger girl and bringing her to the living room, where she gently tossed the blonde onto the couch. Wanda sat on Yelena’s shins and began tickling her feet, making the blonde squeal with giggles.
“WAHAHANDA,” Yelena shouted.
“I’m not giving you any mercy,” Wanda said strictly, as the blonde began to giggle hysterically. Wanda then moved up and began to squeeze the blonde’s hips, making her gasp and shout with laughter.
“Bad spot?” Wanda asked with a teasing grin.
“Not until you apologize for the prank,” Wanda teased, as she now went to squeeze both of Yelena’s thighs at the same time, making her flop around in ticklish agony.
“OKAHAHAY SOHOHORRY AHAHAHA,” Yelena shouted, reaching up in desperation to tickle Wanda’s ribs.
The witch jumped back in surprise, as Yelena used this opportunity to turn the tables on her. 
“Don’t tickle me!” Wanda shouted, as Yelena dug into her ribs, making Wanda burst out laughing. 
“Not so powerful now huh?” Yelena asked, poking her ribs and spidering her fingers over her stomach.
“YELEHEHENA! STAHAHAHAP,” Wanda cried, as Yelena blew a raspberry on her stomach for good measure. 
“That’ll teach you,” Yelena said with a triumphant smirk.
“You’ll never win!” Wanda declared, tackling Yelena back down and tickling her until she couldn’t breathe.
“Say I win,” Wanda said, as Yelena fought off the witch as best as she could.
Yelena couldn’t handle the tickles anymore and quickly surrendered when her thighs were attacked again. 
“Are you gonna prank me again?” Wanda asked sternly.
“No,” Yelena said reluctantly, rolling her eyes playfully, as they both knew her next prank would probably be within the next 24 hours. 
“You should be flattered that I feel close enough to you to prank you,” Yelena said, as Wanda giggled in appreciation that the blonde now felt comfortable enough to be silly with her. 
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sorceresssundries · 8 hours
Thunder and Lace
Pairing: Rolan x Fem reader
Summary: The very busy and important master of Ramazith's tower is instructed to spend the day wearing your delicate, lacy underwear.
Warnings: Tail play, Smut
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: So, the brain worm evolved. This is a treato for my pal @orangekittyenergy! (Not completely selfless, I have very much being enjoying the thought of Rolan in lacy underwear.)
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You watch him from your comfortable position in bed, still dozing. The space next to you, where Rolan had been just minutes ago, is now cool and empty. Your leg feels forlorn without his tail hugged round it, as is his habit while he rests -  mooring himself to you even in the dreamy tides of sleep.
“Come back to bed,” you murmur, your voice thick with leftover tiredness.
“Can’t. Cal organised the scrolls completely inadequately yesterday, he has muddled up all the abjuration and conjuration sections like a dolt.” he mutters something else as he moves around the room, but it is infernal and too low for you to make out. His tail swishes with annoyance, and all you can think about is the squeezing heat of it. 
You slip out from beneath the covers, still in the underwear you slept in, and press yourself against his back as he ties up his hair. Your lips, swollen from the night’s fervent kisses and playful bites, brush softly against the freckles adorning the strong, defined planes of his shoulders. The early morning light filters stubbornly through the closed curtains. 
“I’ll make it worth your while” you hum against the warmth of his skin.
“I…” He begins to protest, but his words flicker out with his resolve. You trace a finger down his spine, drawing slow, gentle lines around the base of his tail, bumping down and over the ridges that just hours ago you were grinding against in a maddening heat. Reaching around, you stroke his erection as intently you did then. His breathing hitches, caught off guard by the same memory. He turns to press his forehead against yours, a growl rumbling deep in his chest. “Seductress,” he purrs.
“Me?!” You bat your eyes at him innocently and move your fingers until you are raking through his coarse, dark pubic hair. His erection bumps against your abdomen. You lean forward, pushing your nose against the soft skin below his ear, catching his musky scent as you gently suck on his earlobe before whispering, “I could be much, much worse.”
There is a moment of heavy hunger where you think you have won, and Rolan will drop his duties like coins down a well and spend the entire day chasing pleasure with you in streaks of sunlight and stretched out hours. 
The moment passes. 
“Shit,” he mutters, noticing the time. “I’m going to be late.” You love seeing him like this—all his sharp thoughts blunted. He’s the wickedly clever archmage, the gifted master of one of the most prominent Wizard’s Towers on the Sword Coast, yet you’ve reduced him to a word-wrecked mess of a man more times than you can count. Around you, his sentences slip and his concentration crumbles into dust. It makes you giddy.
“I can’t find my underwear,” he says, rummaging through his drawers. You smirk. It’s tricky to be empathetic when you’re very much enjoying watching him storm around the room naked. His face bears that indignant little frown he wears so well, and his lithe tail flicks around in annoyance. A dishonourable person would probably have hidden his things on purpose just to elicit this kind of delicious reaction… or as part of a wicked plan.
“Here,” you say, sliding your delicate, lacy underwear down your legs with a shimmy. “You can wear these.” You throw them to him nonchalantly, and he is so taken aback he doesn’t even try to catch them. They land on his shoulder, draping in wait—a black web of flimsy lace against his claret skin.
You act as casually as if you’ve just handed him a hairbrush or a towel. You move around the room, tidying up clutter and beginning your morning routine, all the while relishing his stunned reaction.
“Are you kidding?” He thinks you are teasing him. 
You move back to him and rake your nails gently along his erection, burning your gaze into his. "Do I look like I'm kidding?" you murmur.
He hisses and tilts his head back in pleasure. You take the underwear off his shoulder and kiss down his body—slowly, reverently. His hands clench and unclench at his sides. You know he desperately wants to run his nails over your skin and ball them in your hair, but he won’t. Not unless you tell him to.
You lower yourself until you are kneeling on the ground in front of him, and you notice that even his toes are curled. 
“Step into them.” You say as you press a heavy kiss to his calf. He does as he is told, placing a foot carefully into each gap. Pretty impressive given his legs are shaking. You pull them slowly up his legs, letting the lace chase your licks and kisses up his skin. You pause as you get to his erection, and give it a long, indulgent stroke with your tongue before finishing your task and stepping back to admire your work. 
The black lace of your underwear looks sinful against his crimson skin. It is tight against his muscle, and he is straining against it - desperate to get to you.  Luckily, your curves mean the fit isn’t too tight. He looks delicious, perhaps you would let him wear your silken negligee next. 
“How do they feel?”
“Restrictive.” he says running his finger around the waistband “And, erm.. Damp” His golden eyes were molten. 
“Well, I awoke from a very vivid dream about you, my love.” You curve your body into him, and move close enough to let your breath dance with his. “Well, less of a dream and more of a memory” He makes a whiny little noise which makes your stomach twist. “I hope the busy and important Master of the tower doesn't get too distracted thinking about how tight, and wet they are all day long.”
It proves too much. His lips crash against yours, starving. You smile and allow him a few moments to taste the heat of your tongue before pulling away.
“You’re very late.” 
“Fuck.” He says, prising himself away from you pulling on the rest of his robes in a clumsy rush. He catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror, flushed and unkempt.
“Fuck. Ok” He kisses you once, chastely, and then again. And once more… “Ok, i’m going now.” You giggle as he doesn’t move and presses another kiss to your cheek, your nose, and then one final one to your mouth. “Fuck” He tears himself away, practically falling out the door to get to work. 
After a long and luxurious shower you drag yourself through the portal to help out around the shop. It’s so crowded with people asking repetitive, inane questions that you barely have any time to flirt with Rolan. It makes you feel pouty, especially thinking about how grumpy and uncomfortable he must be in your restrictive underwear. You just want to play with him. 
After a while, you finally seize a brief respite and saunter over to where he is engrossed in paperwork and mundane administrative tasks behind the front desk. He wears his best surly look, the one you adore stealing away with a few well-placed kisses across the freckles that dapple his stern features. His frown used to be stone-carved, his demeanour so clouded and thunderous you worried the sun might never reach him. But you slipped through, like sunrise and sea breeze, slowly and gently wearing down his defences. It took gentle hands and even gentler words, but now, the moments when he reverts to his familiar frowns are a sweet reminder of how easily they can pass.
“Are you alright, my love?” you ask with sparkling innocence as you perch next to him on the counter. “You look a little out of sorts.” 
He looks at you as though you are a fire he wishes to extinguish.
"I am perfectly fine, thank you." He kisses you on the cheek in a perfunctory, reflexive manner that makes you grin. You are a part of his routine, and the idea that he reaches for you instinctively, as if pulled by gravity, makes your heart flutter. He is your sun. A grumpy sun, but yours nonetheless.
“What a relief! For a second, I thought you looked little… Distracted.”
He brushes past you to grab a book, and as he does his fingers graze across your thigh. Too briefly, too gently. 
“I wouldn’t be much of an archmage if I let myself get distracted, now would I?” He gives a sultry smile, but his eyes deliberately avoid yours. You know it’s because if he met your gaze, you’d see the barely contained fluster in them.
You let your hand brush against his, and hear the quickening of his breath. "Good to know. I wouldn’t want to be responsible for keeping the great Rolan from his important duties."
He finally looks at you, his eyes back to molten gold ."You are a menace," he says, but there’s no real bite to his words.
You answer with a wink, a wicked grin spreading across your face.
You start to work away next to him, flicking through various notes and business accounts at the desk, and you feel a pressure against your ankle that makes you gasp, until you look down and see Rolan’s tail starting to twist its way around your ankle, slow as a creeping vine.
You turn to glare at him, but he doesn't acknowledge you at all, just carries on making a list of inventory. 
Sometimes, in moments of concentration, his tail reaches for you involuntarily. As natural and instinctive as a plant reaching for sunlight. Is this one of those times? The purposeful creep of the tail under your robes and up your calf makes it feel as though there's definite intention in its journey.
You don’t have time to play your next move.
“‘Scuse me,” comes a voice at the counter. “I bought a potion recipe from you, but I can’t seem to get it right. Could you talk me through it?”
Rolan, usually standoffish and curt towards 'idiots who wouldn’t know a hill giant’s finger from a dried sausage,' is surprisingly cheerful towards the customer.
“Why, of course. My delightful and highly knowledgeable associate here would be happy to go over every detail with you, wouldn’t you, Tav?” His eyes glint, and his tail squeezes you slightly.
“Erm, yes. Of course.” The man, a dwarf, barely taller than the counter, luckily cannot see Rolan’s tail disappearing under your robes.
He asks you to go through each step of the potion in detail, hoping to pinpoint his mistake. You lean over the desk, arms folded tightly, trying to focus on the instructions. You dare not look at Rolan, who stands next to you, still writing a list on that infernal piece of paper. How is he multitasking so well? You think about how uncomfortable he must be in your underwear now; His scent would have mingled with yours, the two of you blending into the delicate gusset of the skimpy, thin piece of material. Later, when you were alone, you would tear it from him with your teeth and...
“Excuse me? Miss…”
The man is frowning at you; you had drifted off to a whole other plane. One where Rolan’s cock sits stiff and heavy in your mouth. You swear you could hear him stifle a laugh next to you.
“Erm, yes, sorry… Right… so…” you begin to explain exactly the temperature needed to create the concoction just as the tip of Rolan’s tail reaches the soft flesh of your upper thigh. It is still sensitive and stained with the purple bites he had lavished upon you the night before, and you have to stifle a gasp as he grazes over them, the blooms of past conquests mapping his way forward.
Suddenly the tail halts, and Rolan’s posture stiffens next to you in realisation. You aren’t wearing underwear. Of course you aren’t. After slipping him into your lust-soaked lingerie, you had decided not to put on any more, determined that at some point in the day you would corner him in some private cupboard and get your underwear back from him. Stretched and well-worn.
For a second, you think he might abandon his intent, worried about his professionalism or reputation as the highly respected wizard of Baldur’s Gate. But lust must have won over sanity, as it doesn’t take long for his tail to push upwards, the length of it coiling and gently squeezing around the full length of your leg, the spade tip lightly stroking around your vulva.
How does he have so much control over it now? When it seemed so often it would wave, sway, or even vibrate without him having any say in the matter. Bloody mysterious, frustrating, sexy Tiefling.
You continue with your explanation to the now quite unimpressed customer, who is infuriatingly slow to catch on to your instructions. You refuse to let Rolan win; you would never hear the end of it.
You gasp audibly as you feel a light stroke against your clit. 
The customer frowns and raises an eyebrow at you.
“Sorry, erm, I was just shocked at how much rogue’s morsel you were using… AH…” The end of the tail has begun to vibrate softly, and Rolan is making a low, subtle purring sound next to you. Bastard.
“I’m so sorry…” you say as professionally as you can to the customer through gritted teeth. “I just need to… ah… get to the store cupboard to see if we have…” You can feel the clenching building and building in that low point of your abdomen. You absolutely cannot fall apart leaning against the counter where you work. “...have the ingredients you need, if you’d excuse me I’ll just be two minutes, illberightbackimsosorry” you manage to stutter before hastily moving away from the counter and grabbing Rolan tightly by the back of his robes, dragging him into the first supply closet you come across.
“What the hell are you thinking?!” you say as you immediately push yourself against him, licking and suckling at his exposed throat, feeling it pulse with the hot blood coursing through him - giving him away.
“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean,” he gasps as you give a firm bite, not caring if you mark him. Let every citizen of Baldur’s Gate see the Master of Ramzith’s tower covered in marks like some kind of horny teenager. It was his own fault.
“You and that fucking tail,” you purr as you wind your fingers into his soft hair.
“Oh?” you feel the rumble of his chuckle vibrate against your lips on his throat. “Silly thing must have been acting of its own accord again.”
As if to punctuate his point, his tail coils around your waist, holding you firmly against him.
“Ah, I see,” you pull your face back to gaze at him fully. His eyes are lidded, his skin flushed from pink to deep scarlet. He's so beautiful. “We’ll have to do something about that.”
With a mischievous glint in your eyes, you release his hair and trail your fingers down his chest, feeling the rapid rise and fall of his breath. His tail tightens around you, 
You press your lips against his, fierce and hungry, and his response is immediate, his hands finding their way to your hips, pulling you closer until there’s no space left between you. The heat of his body seeps into yours, and it feels like you are lit from the same fire.
You break the kiss, trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses along his jawline and down his neck. His breath comes in ragged gasps, his fingers digging into your skin as he tries to hold onto control.
You move your hand to stroke up along his tail, grazing slow and purposeful against each raised ridge as you do. 
“Tav, wait..”
“Oh no, my love.” You voice is more breath than words. “Is this not what the damn thing wanted? All this attention?” 
Without giving him any kind of warning, you grip the base of his tail and give a sharp tug. 
The effect is immediate and his gasp choked.
You kiss him softly and keep him gripped to you as he catches his breath and regains his burnt-out composure. His forehead rests against your shoulder. 
“Oh dear, Master… did I just make you come in your pants?” your voice is smug and light.
He groans sheepishly, not looking at you. “No darling... You just made me come in yours.”
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dreamingofep · 2 days
Sinned Awakening pt. 31🩸
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An AU Elvis fic
(Vampire!Elvis/ Vampire Austin! Elvis x reader)
Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Prompt: Getting promoted to be Elvis full time housekeeper, you realize the man holds secrets beyond belief and your undeniable attraction makes you tear the unknown. [Fem!Reader]
TW: Cussing, tension, SMUT!!! , some fluff if you squint, teasing, Dom/sub stuff
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 9.8k
A/N: Well, here we are. We’ve arrived at the end of their journey. 🥺 This was such a wild ride and the most fun I have ever had writing. Thank you to everyone that loved this fic from the very beginning or picked it up one night out of pure curiosity and couldn’t get enough of Vampire Elvis.😏 It means so much to me that you all loved this story as much as I do. It makes my heart so happy when I get tagged in post with him looking damn good in his vampire outfits. The man just couldn’t hide his true nature hehe.
This isn’t the last you’ll hear from these two. I already know I’ll come back to write little blurbs for them because I love them so much 🤭 I hope you enjoy this last part though! I know it took me a while but that was because I had a spicy scene idea and just had to add it in here. This bedroom scene was not supposed to be this long but here we are. Hope you enjoy!
If you'd like to start from the beginning, start here or Ao3! hope you enjoy and message and comment what you think.
When you walk, through a storm
Hold your head up high
And don’t 
Be afraid
Of the dark…
Oh that heavenly voice, you could recognize it from anywhere. Where was it coming from? Was it your imagination? Was it beckoning you to come to the other side? 
Your eyes flutter open slowly, taking in a sharp breath. You feel soft silk sheets underneath your hands and instantly sit up. You didn’t know where you were at first. You rub your eyes a bit, getting them to focus on the environment around you. You look at your arms and feel a soft satin pajama top hang loosely on your frame. It smelled like someone had worn this already. Or someone was lying next to you while you were lying here, waiting for you to get up. 
The black curtains on the walls blocked the sunlight from getting into the room. The scent in here was divine, so intoxicatingly good you didn’t want to leave it. 
At the end of a storm
There's a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark
It then hits you; you’re back in the penthouse in Vegas. How did you get here? So much was unclear about how much time had passed. You remember fighting with Raphael, then looking into Elvis’ beautiful eyes. 
The song continues to crescendo;
Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
For your dreams be tossed and blown
You were so drawn to that voice that rang out so flawlessly and pure. Getting up from the bed, you tread carefully to the door. The sound of the piano rings louder as you swing the door open.
Walk on, walk on
With hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone-
Oh, there he is. Elvis. The one that makes your heart flutter a million miles an hour. He was wearing black slacks and a blazer, his chest bare other than a blue scarf that hung around his neck. He was just stunning in every way, it was like seeing him for the very first time. The most simple of outfits had him sparkling with a light from within. He stops the song abruptly to look at you. You can hear him take a sharp breath in and his eyes light up when they see you. 
“Baby,” he breathes. 
You can’t help but smile when you hear him call you that. You never thought you’d hear him say that to you ever again. You were so happy he was here and didn’t leave you on your own. 
You walk over to him, looking at his beautiful eyes glazed over with tears. He doesn’t seem real. How can one man be this beautiful on the inside and out? You reach your hand out to touch his face. It was soft and warm, each detail on his face was something the Greek gods probably sculpted. His eyes flutter closed when he feels your skin on his. A low rumble forms in his chest and he puts his hand on yours, bringing it to his lips. 
Heat consumes your body. Those lips are pure perfection when you feel them on you. He stares up at you with wonder, “How do you feel?” He asks softly. 
“Great,” you whisper. The events in the garden flood your head and you don’t remember how you got here... Something about being here was so comforting though. Everything about this place was warm and inviting to you, just how you felt when you first walked in here. 
He doesn’t know what to say right away and takes your hand in his, squeezing it gently. 
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” he says softly, looking at you with adoration. You weren’t exactly sure where he was coming from. The last time you remember, he didn’t care about you anymore. But your brain screamed for him to love you. It wouldn’t shut up.
Let him love you! You love him so much!
Deep down you knew he still loved you in some way. You don’t say anything back to him. His face washes over with sadness and gets up from the piano bench. 
“Hold on baby,” he says quietly. He walks over to the front door. He’s only gone a few seconds and comes back to bring another man into the room. 
He was the one that was at the airport with you a few days ago. Jerry, how could you forget his name. 
Jerry sees you and courtly smiles. He looked almost relieved to see you here.
“Hey y/n,” he says softly. 
Elvis looks at him apprehensively, taking a deep breath before speaking. 
“Okay, go ahead,” Elvis tells him. 
You look at both of them confused, not understanding what he’s talking about. Jerry walks into the room a bit more, nervously looking at you. He takes a deep breath before speaking, “I’m keeping my promise y/n. I'm sorry you got hurt,” he says, pausing briefly, “remember everything. Remember everything you told me to make you forget.” He says matter of factly.
In a blink, all your memories come flooding in. It was like looking at a magic mirror, each memory passing by and getting re-embedded in your mind. You remember the plan to distract Raphael, how you coerced Jerry to help you forget everything so your cover wouldn’t be blown. Most importantly, you remembered the love you and Elvis had. It was blinding and intense, just like him. It makes your heart beat wildly and you try to keep it together. You stumble back a bit, the back of your knees hitting the piano bench making you sit down.
You remember every single moment you had together so crystal clear. Every single longing stare, every kiss, every embrace. 
You felt your heart soar, so full of love and joy. It was exactly what was missing inside you. That hollowness you had been walking around with before was the worst thing you had ever felt. Now, all of that ceased to exist. 
You looked back up at Jerry and laughed a little bit, more out of nervousness. 
“Thank you,” you tell him relieved. 
He sighs a breath of relief too, thankful you were okay and back to normal. 
“Thank God, this was the scariest seventy-two hours of my life,” he says panicked, looking back at Elvis. 
“I know I’m sorry. But thank you for helping me. Thank you for sneaking in that dagger. That saved my life,” you say gratefully.
Elvis looks like he’s overcome with emotion, looking at you with awe and amazement. He walks further into the room to get closer to you, not paying any attention to Jerry. 
“Thanks, Jerry. Please get out now,” he says nonchalantly pushing past him, still staring at you with amazement. You nod at him and smile, silently thanking him. He understands the gesture and Jerry gives you another smile, shutting the door quietly behind him. 
Elvis sinks to his knees in front of you, getting in between your legs and wrapping his arms around your waist. He stifles his tears, rubbing circles on your back, gently caressing you. You are overcome with emotion too and wrap your arms around Elvis, relieved to have him here. He hugs you tight, pressing his forehead against your chest, sighing as he feels your body against him.
“Oh God,” he says low. 
His fingers tangle in your hair and you look down at him, lifting his chin up for a kiss. You melt in his arms and that kiss is sending you straight to heaven. You thought you were never going to feel those beautiful plush lips again. Oh, how you missed them. How perfect they felt on you. They were warm and soft, just as you remembered. You squeeze him tighter, trying to get closer and devour him. Both of you were needy, wanting to touch and kiss every inch of each other. 
You were left breathless with the way he was kissing you. He let out these soft little whimpers as he kissed you deeper and deeper. He clung onto your body like he was fearful you were going to fly away. You can feel his heartbeat rattle against your chest, overcome with love for you. 
He gently breaks away from you, looking into your eyes and smiling. 
“You’re okay,” he say relieved, “oh my God you’re okay!” He says going in for another kiss. You chuckle when he kisses you, “Yes, I’m great. Never better.”
“You’re absolutely insane oh God-, I was worried sick baby. Please-, don’t ever leave me again. I was an absolute wreck without you,” he whimpers into your chest. 
You hold him, trying to soothe him in any way you can. 
“I know, I’m so so sorry.” You say regretfully. “But I had to leave when I did, you see? He was going to come here and attack you that day I left. He had this whole plan devised,” you tell him scared, reliving those terrifying thoughts. “If I left a second later it would have been for nothing and I would have been too late.”
“I know, I know. It’s okay honey. I’m not upset. I was at first of course, you knew how I’d get, but I knew you could do it. You are stronger than I could have ever imagined,” he tells you, pausing to smile at you. “You saved me, baby. Thank you, I can never repay you for that.”
He reaches up to give you another tender kiss. His words make your heart soar, filling up with love and butterflies for him. 
“If it meant saving you, I would never hesitate to do it again.” You whimper. “I knew you still loved me, even though I was compelled to forget that, that’s what kept me going. I knew you loved me still.” You explain.
“Of course baby, of course I do. I could feel your sorrow the longer you were there. It was so much different than last time. I knew you still could feel our connection but tried to ignore it,” he explains.
“Yeah, I couldn’t figure out what it was, but I now know I could never forget our love,” you say teary-eyed. He nods his head and kisses you once again, his needy eyes making you weak in his arms.
“Wait, is it done? Is it over with Raphael?” You asked concerned, squeezing his arms tightly. 
“Yes, honey. We never have to worry about him again. You did the most brave and courageous thing. You remember what you did right? You stabbed him in the heart with the dagger and ended him for good. I helped with the rest but you did it. I knew you were strong enough,” he tells you, smiling sweetly. 
You remember everything so clearly and shiver. The way the dagger felt when it pierced his back and the sound he made when it went through his heart. You are just thankful it’s done and you never have to worry about a crazed vampire trying to kill you or Elvis. 
Fear paralyzes you when you think of one other person who hated you enough to cause you harm. 
“And what about Daniel?” You ask him nervously. 
“He’s gone for good too, don’t you worry. I’ll never let anything bad happen to you again baby,” he coos, squeezing you tight against him. You savor how he feels, never wanting to let go of him. 
“I won’t either,” you promise. 
“You feel perfectly fine?” He asks. You can sense he’s a bit uncomfortable, not able to get out what is on his mind. “Raphael… he didn’t do anything else to you? He didn’t touch you in any way…” he says uncomfortably. 
You see what he’s getting at and squeeze his bicep, “No, he didn’t do anything like that. I’m fine now, I swear. I don’t feel any pain.” You reassure him. He nods his head and squeezes you tightly. “Are you okay? Your ankle… I heard that awful sound,” you tremble. 
“Completely healed honey,” he smiles. You are thankful that you both are in perfect health, no ailments hurting you anymore. No, wait…
You get up quickly to push past him and go to the bedroom. You had to see if the scars were still on your body. It was going to be terrifying to get a glimpse of those horrendous scars but you had to look. You move the collar of the pajamas and hold your breath. You finally peek at your reflection and stare wide-eyed at yourself. Your skin was flawless again. Not a glimmer of scarring stained your skin. It was perfect and glowing again. And you knew this time, it was forever true. Raphael didn’t have a claim on you and couldn’t try to take you away from Elvis again. 
Elvis walks up behind you and leans your body against his. You unbutton the first few buttons of the top to inspect the rest of your body. Not a single nick or scratch on you. Elvis wraps his hands around your waist, gently squeezing your soft flesh. He places a kiss on the crook of your neck. 
“So beautiful as always,” he coos quietly. His gruff voice gives you chills up and down your body as you smile at him in the reflection. 
You watch as his hands crinkle up the silk top up. 
“There’s just one spot I couldn’t heal…” he says as he lifts the top higher revealing your ribs. “The dagger is too damaging to our skin.” A thin pale scar running vertically lay there. It was on the lower part of your ribs and you look at it inquisitively. Your fingertips gently graze it, feeling how smooth your skin is over it. It doesn’t hurt and you look over the rest of your naked body in the mirror and are thankful that all your scars were gone. 
“It’s okay baby. I’m alive. That’s all that matters,” you say turning around to face him. “This is nothing compared to what I had before.”
His face looked worried as he squeezed your hands gently in his. “I loved you no matter how you looked, baby. I didn’t find you any less attractive with those scars. No one could tear me away from you, I swear.”
“I know, I believe you, thank you for loving me so wholly,” you whisper. 
He leans down for another kiss, fire consuming your thoughts. Finally, for the first time, you felt completely his. You couldn’t tear yourself away even if you tried. There wasn’t a worry in your mind anymore. All you cared about was you and him. 
You whimper into his mouth, his lips and his body feeling too good against yours. You can feel the smirk forming on his face, enjoying all of this too. 
He pulls away, letting your forehead touch his. 
“I’m never letting you out of my sight ever again, you know that right?” He teases. You hum amused, “Yes, I figured that was going to happen once I devised this plan,” you giggle, “I’m more than okay with that. I missed you so much.”
“Me too honey.” His voice trembles a bit when he says this. 
He picks you up and you instinctively wrap your legs around his hips. He carries you to the bed, gently setting you down on the end of it. He peppers soft kisses on your cheeks and neck, melting into him. You wanted him to take you, right here, right now. You could feel how much he wanted you, there was no denying that. You wanted to beg him for things you’re too embarrassed to admit. Your hands sneak into his jacket, feeling those lovely soft chest hairs that reside there. 
He pauses briefly, a hint of mischief glimmering in his eyes. 
“What’s wrong?” You ask him, squeezing his hand that’s on your thigh, wanting him to move it higher. 
“I wanted to show you something,” he murmurs. You look expectantly at him, wondering what he’s talking about. 
“Okay, what is it?” You ask. 
“There’s one thing I haven’t exactly been honest about,” he chuckles. Your eyebrows furrow, not understanding what he’s insinuating. 
“What are you talking about?”
“I’ve never shown you what I really look like. Under all this facade, you’ve never seen the real me,” he quips. 
You can’t help but giggle, “I’d love to see you like that. You’re handsome no matter what.” He smiles at you and takes off his jacket. 
“Hold on,” he murmurs. 
You watch as he walks to the closet to hang it up, showing his beautiful toned back. You swear this man did not have a bad side to him. 
A few moments pass, anxiously waiting for him to come back. You walk to the window, opening the curtains to let the sun in. The light comes pouring in and you gaze up on the city below. It was so quiet from up here, but if you focused, it was livelier than ever. This city never failed to amaze you. The warmth of the sun simmered on your skin and you didn’t mind it. It made you feel real. 
“Baby?” Elvis’ voice says gently behind you. 
You turn around and smile at what you find. 
The most stunning man was in front of you. His eyes were ocean blue, pulling you in and making you swim in them. His hair and sideburns were shorter, showcasing his beautiful clean face. His pouty lips were the same and looked as good as ever. He looked so young, so bright, and the way he was looking at you was soft and full of innocence. He nervously twisted his rings back and forth, waiting for you to say something to him.
But you were too distracted to say what you were thinking. Could you fall anymore in love with him? You could have sworn the answer was no but it seems like he found another way to make you fall for him. The sunlight shining in made him glow like a beautiful angel. You’re almost certain he fell straight out of heaven and was made just for you. You didn’t deserve such a perfect man. The world didn’t deserve him. 
He put on a black silk button-up and it was a bit baggy on him. He was so slender yet exuded strength. He didn’t falter his intense gaze. Lord, those eyes were so beautiful and made you want to do anything he asked of you. 
You walk up to him, taking in his entire presence. 
“You’re so handsome,” you whisper, taking his face in your hands. He felt the same, the same beautifully sculpted face with not a flaw on it. 
He hums delighted, “thank you, mama,” he says low, placing a kiss on your forehead. 
“Do you feel any different?” You ask him. He chuckles softly as he places his hands on your hips. 
“No I don’t baby, the only thing I notice different is how I look in the mirror,” he smirks. “Do you like me this way?”
“Of course I do. I love you no matter what,” you say reaching up for a kiss.
He pulls you in, needing you closer. You can feel his heart hammer away, nerves and love rattling in his chest. His lips kiss you like he’s been dying for you. You squeeze at his biceps, not wanting to let him go, and desperately need his lips on your body. 
He pauses briefly, struggling for breath, “God, I missed you. I missed you so much,” he tells you. 
“Mhmm, I missed you too baby,” you hum. He goes back for another kiss, groaning softly as he feels your body. 
You tear off his shirt, needing to feel his skin. You unbutton the rest of your top too and your hands roam his soft, sculpted back. 
“I missed you. Fuck, please don’t leave me ever again,” he pleads. He deepens the kiss, slipping his tongue in your mouth and groaning when he does so. You can’t help but moan too, needing him more than you realize. 
“Never. Never again, I promise,” you groan into his mouth. 
His touches become more intense and your body starts to feel on fire. His fingers find your clit, groaning when he discovers how dripping wet you are for him. You gasp at the friction, needing him to satisfy your every last desire. 
“Mama,” he whimpers. 
“What baby,” you whisper, your thumb grazing his bottom lip. 
“I need you. I need you so much,” he tells you. 
“What do you need hmm?” You say breathless. 
“I-I-I just need y-you baby,” he groans. 
“Show me. Show me on your knees.” You tell him. His eyes grow soft and he starts leaving kisses down your neck, nipping softly there. You sigh at the feeling of his lips on you, making you more ravenous for him. He starts to kneel down in front of you, continuing to kiss every square inch of your body. 
He pauses when he gets to your core, looking up at you with pleading eyes. 
“I need to take care of you,” he whimpers, his thumb grazing the top of your mound. Your body tingles from his touch and those electric blue eyes have you in dire need of his attention. 
“Please take care of me,” you plead. 
He smiles and nods his head at you, placing your leg on his shoulder and rubbing his thumb through your folds. Your slick seeps out of you, wanting him to fulfill his promise of taking care of you. He teases, creating the most delicious friction on your clit and your entrance. You sigh at the sensations, tangling your fingers in his soft hair. 
You can feel his breath on your body, making you tremble with need. 
“Fuck,” he groans, “so wet for me.”
“Yes, all for you baby,” you gasp out as he rubs your sensitive bundle of nerves in more concentrated circles. He groans deeply before swiping his tongue through your folds. You gasp, loving how he feels on you. You rock your hips onto his mouth and he moans pleased by your actions.
“Fuck baby,” you sigh.
He suckles on your clit as a low moan came from the back of his throat, making your eyes roll back in your head. He knew exactly what to do to make you fall apart instantly. His hands squeeze tighter on your thighs, his heat consuming you. You cling onto his soft tresses and look down at how focused his face is buried between your legs. He flashes his beautiful eyes at you, making you moan.
“Elvis,” you cry. He stops briefly, biting his lip softly as he looks up at you innocently.
“Yes baby,” he says hushed, rubbing his fingers through your folds again. You curse his name, unable to think clearly with his hands on you like this. You then feel his finger slowly enter your weeping core. He pumps it in and out of you slowly, watching his finger get covered in your slick then looking back up at you innocently.
“What baby? What is it?” He asks sweetly, twisting his finger deeper inside of you.
“I need you-, please keep using your mouth too,” you whimper.
He listens and puts his mouth back on you, lapping and suckling at your clit again. You could feel yourself fall apart the longer he used his mouth on you. Your core ached with need and he could sense it. He looks up at you as he slips in another long, slender finger inside you, watching your reaction. Your mouth falls open and you squeeze around his digits.
“Oh God yes,” you groan.
He hums delighted with his mouth on you and groans too. God, he felt so good, he was making you lose all control and you wanted him to keep doing just that. You weren’t going to last very long with the way he kept looking up at you with those luring, dangerous eyes. Even with his younger appearance, he was dangerous and knew he wouldn’t stop until he got what he wanted. He thrusts his finger into you faster, curling them deep inside you making you want to cry to the heavens. They hit that sensitive spot inside you that could make you cum on his command. 
He takes his mouth off of you, too enthralled watching you reach peak pleasure.
“You like that baby? You like my fingers stuffed inside you?” He asks softly.
“Yes, please don’t stop baby,” you whimper.
He doesn’t move right away, instead, he gives a devilish little look at you. That’s when you feel another finger get stuffed inside you, stretching you to the brink. You gasp and feel your legs almost give out. He has a tight enough grip on your waist to still you. He moves slowly and doesn’t leave your gaze.
“Is that okay honey? Does that feel good?” He asks.
You nod your head, “yes honey- oh please-, you’re going to make me come,” you beg. He pumps his fingers deeper inside you, smirking as he watches your hips move with him. Each movement got you closer and closer to the sun.
“Fuck yes, baby. Look at me when you come though. Let me see you,” he begs. 
You stare helplessly at him and rock your hips onto his hand.
“That’s it, baby, let me feel you,” he encourages.
You look into his eyes and crumble instantly, feeling your walls squeeze around him and pleasure skyrockets through you. Your body trembles with need and feels dizzy in the haze of ecstasy. You hold onto his shoulder, crying for him to keep going. 
“Yes mama, so good.” He praises. 
The sound of his low, gravely voice has you reeling and weaker than ever before. Your climax kept building and he wasn’t stopping until you had your fill. You slowly took your leg off of his shoulder and couldn’t stand any longer. You gently sink to your knees too and you’re at eye level with him. 
His chest heaves and looks at you with innocence. 
“Did I do good mama?” He asks softly. 
“God-, yes. Yes, you did very good,” you say pretty breathlessly. 
He gently takes his fingers out of you, making you gasp from the loss of him. You go to kiss him with intense passion and feel how wet his face is from devouring you. Your hands snake down to his upper thigh and feel his hard cock laying down his leg. He groans and stops kissing you, looking up at you needy. You look down at his length, rubbing your fingers up and down it. 
“Do you need somethin’, baby?” You ask innocently, looking up into this oceanic blues. 
He looks down at what your hand is doing and looks back up at you to speak. 
“Oh mama please,” he groans. 
“Please what?” You say. 
“Please keep touching me,” he begs. 
You take your hand off of him and nod your head. 
“Take your pants off for me then,” you tell him. 
You don’t know what it is, but he’s total putty in your hands right now. You’re pretty sure he’d do anything you ask him to. 
He stands up slowly, his fingers working his button and sliding down the zipper. He pulls his pants down until they fall around his ankles. You stare up at him and feel the pulse in your core begin to grow again. He was so beautiful, so sexy, not a thing was unattractive about this man. Your eyes get drawn to his length, precum dribbling out of his head. He was dying for your touch, you could feel it and you could hear his short shallow breaths waiting for your next instruction. 
“Touch yourself, show me how bad you want me,” you tease. He stares at you dumbfounded, not expecting such a demand. He looks down at his length, “mama. Please, please touch me,” he begs. 
You shake your head at him, “Not until you show me how bad you want me,” you tempt. 
He finally listens and nods his head. You watch as he lowers his hand to his shaft, rubbing the leaking precum on his tip. He bites his lip as he does this, reveling in the much-needed friction. He pulls his foreskin back, revealing his red tip. He pumps his hand along his length slowly, taking in the sight of you on your knees. You were weak looking up at him, biting your lip softly as you watched him. He was too luring, too attractive to think clearly but he waited on baited breath for your next instruction.
“That’s right baby, just like that. Does that feel good?” You beckon.
He nods his head at you, looking drunkenly at you.
“Yes, mama. But I want you to help me,” he quivers.
“I will baby, keep going,” you tell him standing up, wrapping your hand too close around his, helping him move more. His eyes grow wide as he looks down on you. His eyes were pleading for more, anything to help him feel good. 
You push him backward and he sits down when the back of his knees hit the bed. You sink to your knees again and get in between his spread legs. You gently pull his hand off of his length and put yours on it, pumping it slowly, and watch as his jaw falls open. Your other hand cups his balls and gently squeeze them before starting to suck on his cock. He lets out a guttural groan that makes your toes curl.
“Oh God baby,” he gasps.
You swirl your tongue around his head, making his hips buck up into your mouth more. You quickly take him out of your mouth and give him an accusatory look.
“You better hold still,” you command. He squirms a bit at your tone, his eyes still soft and needy.
“Baby I’m sorry. I-I’m just so sensitive. You feel too good to sit still,” he whimpers, lowering his eye contact like a scolded child.
“If you won’t sit still, then I won’t help you come. You don’t want that now do you?” You say with a smirk.
He quickly shakes his head no and adjusts himself on the bed, putting his hands on the sides of him. You smile at him and take his cock in your hand again, leading it to your mouth. You continue to suck only on the tip of him and he lets out a pent-up groan. He doesn’t move like he was told but you can tell he is dying for more. You move slowly, taking your time as you lick and suck more of his length into your mouth.
“Fuck you look so good with my cock in your mouth,” he groans. 
You look up at him and he looks blissfully fucked out of his mind. He was taking short, shallow breaths the more you sucked on him and the way his eyebrows were furrowed made him look so damn attractive. You couldn’t get enough of the sight before you. His naked body was absolute perfection and he was all yours. 
He was so focused on you and only you. The way he was cussing your name after you took another inch of him in your mouth had you clenching your thighs together. You weren’t the one who was supposed to be teased, it was him who needed to be played with. You pumped the rest of his length in your hand, getting him closer and closer to finishing. You try to take most of his length inside you until he hits the back of your throat, making you gag a bit. He loves it, making his hips buck up.
“Goddamn mama, ahh- you feel so good,” he slurs. You keep sucking on him like this, moving slowly and then taking more of his cock deep inside your throat.
All the while, your hand slithers down to your sensitive bud and gently rubs it. You’re ultra-sensitive and moan when you feel the slight friction you give yourself. He groans when he feels you moan with him in your mouth. Your fingers spread the wetness he’s created and want him all over again. He made you such a needy mess and you were sure he was so proud of himself for it. Elvis groans louder as you keep playing with yourself. 
“Baby, are you touching with yourself?” he whimpers. You don’t respond to him right away, you just keep rubbing your clit and moan slightly as you work yourself to climax too. The sound of your arousal being spread by your fingers answered his question and he squeezes your arm. He was dying having no control, you could sense it. He wanted to fuck you so bad but he knew he wasn’t going to get his way. The fact he couldn’t see you tease yourself was torture alone for him. But he doesn’t move and keeps letting you take his cock the way you wanted to.
“I-I need-, fuck honey please you’re killing me. I can’t hold on much longer,” he moans to you. 
You look up at him through wet eyelashes and your eyes plead for him. You want him to come apart in your mouth. Your tongue licks on the underside of his shaft and relax your mouth, letting his cock hit the back of your throat. His hips stutter into you and he grips onto your hair tightly, letting his warm, thick seed coat your mouth. You groan with him, loving the sounds he’s making. 
“Oh yes mama, yes. Takin’ my cock so damn good,” he whimpers. His voice makes your core clench around nothing and your arousal only spills out of you more. Nothing gets you more turned on than the sound of him praising you. You move your head up and down his cock and let him move his hips a bit to help you take more of him.
His cock pulses a few more times and he slowly loosens the grip he has on your hair. You start to take his length out of your mouth, being careful to not spill any of him. You sit back on your heels to look up at him. He looks drunk on you and his chest still heaves a bit. You make sure you have his full attention when you’re about to swallow his load. You watch his pleading blue eyes look into yours and he nods his head. You swallow a few times, taking in all of him. You’re left a bit breathless as the ache in your core only throbs worse.
He reaches his hand out for you and quickly pulls you up on his lap. The wetness in between your legs spreads onto his thigh and you squeal because of it. He doesn’t do anything about it right away though. He was still too much of a haze after what you just did to him. He was still so needy and needed your lips on his. He grabs your face and pulls you in for a kiss. It was intense and passionate, his tongue tangling with yours making you heave. It felt like he couldn’t get enough of you. You knew that to be a fact and felt smug about it.
He gently pulls away from you, brushing back the hair that has fallen on your face.
He smiles at you, “God you are too damn much,” he quips.
“I’m sorry that I caused you such suffering,” you tease.
“Oh, by all means, please make me feel like that more often,” he chuckles going in for another kiss. You try to calm and soothe each other but it’s too hard to do. He felt how needy you still were and you knew he wanted to take care of you.
But there wasn’t any rush, he wanted to take his time. He looks deeply into your eyes, staring like he just made a new discovery.
“What is it, baby?” You say softly, tracing his lips with your finger.
“I just love you, I love you so damn much. It just hit me I finally feel whole. There’s nothing I’m missing. I have everything I could ever want,” he coos.
His words hit you straight in the heart, love pounding away in your chest.
“I know me too. I’ve never felt like this.” You tremble. He smiles softly, kissing your forehead and laying you down on the bed. He lays on top of you, smothering you with kisses and gentle caresses as you both tremble with emotion.
“I’m here, I’m going to take care of you forever,” he says gently, placing a kiss on your cheek.
“Yes please,” you sigh.
“I’m going to love you forever,” he says into your neck, gently nipping there. You gasp at the sensation, your body pushing into his more.
“Yes please, Elvis.”
He covers your body in wet kisses all the way down to your toes. He makes his way back up to your face, admiring the woman before him.
“Always,” he coos, wrapping you in his arms. Taking you through the stars, just you and him, in this slice of heaven you’ve found yourself in.
August 1973
The hum of excited conversation and laughter fills the suite. You too were giddy with excitement for this party. Elvis just had his opening night at The Hilton for his summer engagement here. He was absolutely electric with his new set. He had those familiar nerves when he got up on stage. That left leg of his shaking to the beat of the song and looking damn good in a black jumpsuit. 
No matter how many times you see him perform, you will never be able to hide the huge smile you have and how red your cheeks turn when you watch him. He knows it too. He moves his hips a certain way and you can’t help but squirm in your seat. It was insinuating too much. 
You were brave enough to walk up to the stage and wait for a kiss from him. It stopped him dead in his tracks, staring at you with the most cheeky grin on his face. 
“Well hello honey. What can I do for you?” He teased, making the whole audience bust out laughing. 
You beckon him to come closer with just the motion of your finger. He slyly grins and laughs into the microphone. 
“You want a kiss baby is that whatcha want? My wife wants a kiss, ladies and gentlemen.” He announces boisterously. The entire place bursts out into applause and he kneels in front of you at the edge of the stage. He drops the microphone at his feet and you reach on your tippy toes to kiss him. 
You kiss him with passion flowing through your veins. He grabs onto your face with both of his hands, a big smile forming on his face. You hold his face too, sighing as you kiss those lips. You pull away from him and he kisses your cheek, pausing by your ear. 
“Naughty, naughty girl,” he whispers, sending a tingle straight to your core. You just smile sweetly at him and wink, but he knows what effect he’s left on you. 
He picks up the microphone again, shaking his head, “lord have mercy,” he mumbles breathlessly, “Sorry everyone I’m losin’ control up here.” He jokes, making the crowd roar in more laughter. 
You check your outfit one more time in the mirror before joining the party. You went out shopping to buy something extra nice for his opening night party. You went for a sparkly black fringed tank top that had a little v-cut that showed the top of your breasts. It was cropped and showed your midriff a little with the matching fringe skirt that came to your mid-thighs. You wore your black boots that came to your mid-thighs. You felt pretty with your hair curled and your cheeks rosy with blush. You sparkled every time you moved. The finishing touch was the TLC necklace that Elvis gave you. It sparkled so easily with all the diamonds encrusted on it. It rested between your breasts, drawing attention to that area. You didn’t care about possible eyes staring at you. This was Elvis’ party and you only wanted to look nice for him. 
You mingle with the guests, everyone being sweet and cordial to you. Anna spots you in the crowd and is so happy to see you. It had been a few weeks since you saw each other and always had so much to catch up on. She visited you often at Graceland this summer. It was so nice to have a friend like her. She got used to your new life being a vampire. It didn’t freak her out as much as it used to and wasn’t afraid of anything you told her. 
Things had never been better with you and Elvis. You didn’t know you could be so happy and fulfilled with someone. He took off most of the summer months to be with you. You were spoiled beyond belief and he couldn’t stay away from you. He wasn’t lying when he said he was never going to let you out of his sight. After everything was done here in Vegas with Raphael, you both returned to Graceland. It was so beautiful and peaceful. He taught you how to ride a horse and you both would ride around the property for hours just talking. When you weren’t doing that, you were locked in his bedroom doing unspeakable things to each other. You were going to miss having his attention on you twenty-four hours a day. But he takes any performance seriously and was very focused on this new engagement. He has this newfound confidence about him and it showed on stage. He was just getting better with ‘age.’
You both find a seat by the window and catch up on everything you can. Your mind does wander to where Elvis might be but you’re sure he’s being a good host and mingling with his guests. 
As you continue to talk to Anna, a shiver runs down your spine. You snap your attention to the crowd of people standing around you both. On the other side of the room, Elvis’ luring eyes find yours. Oh lord, the way he was looking at you… it made you feel on fire. You knew what that look meant. You had gotten this look many, many times before. His eyes burned into your body, need and lust flowing through him. You couldn’t look much longer at him or the heat in between your legs would consume you. He was standing against the wall so casually but you knew he was dying for your attention. His appearance wasn’t that of a twenty-four-year-old, no, he looked like he was more in his thirties, looking as good as ever to anyone who laid eyes on him. His sideburns were longer and his hair looked fluffy and quaffed. 
He makes a come hither motion with his index finger and that’s all it takes for you to break away from your conversation with Anna. You walk through the sea of people, getting wide-eyed looks and whispers of how nice you look. You don’t pay attention to what they’re saying, you cannot tear your eyes away from his heated gaze. You get close enough to see what he’s wearing. He wore black leather pants and a leather jacket with nothing on underneath.
Jesus. You were weak. 
He was living, breathing, sex looking like this. You weren’t going to last a second being so close to him. He eyes you up and down, staring at you like prey. He pulls you into his arms quickly and holds you close. 
“Goddamn baby look at you,” he mumbles drunkenly. You just smirk at him and look at him closer. 
“And look at you. Looking quite nice in that leather,” you quip, running your fingers in his thick hair. He keeps staring at you, not caring how lewd those looks were. 
“I need you to know… you are making every single man in here, human or vampire, absolutely ravenous for you,” he growls in your ear, nipping softly on your ear lobe. He pushes your body firmly against his, feeling his hardening length push into your tummy. You take in a sharp breath, not giving in to him just yet.
“Oh, how terrible. I’m so sorry I’m so distracting for you,” you tease. 
“Is this the new outfit you bought yourself?” He asks. 
“Yes, it is. I don’t have to ask if you like it,” you quip cheekily. 
He smirks at you and nods his head, “Mhmm. I hate it. I hate how much it makes me want to flip up that short skirt and fuck you senseless right now.” He says hotly as he grabs a handful of your ass. You stare at him wide-eyed and feel the blood rush to your core. God, you couldn’t help but want him. It just became such an easy thing with him. One look from him and you’d find yourself shredding the clothes off his body and begging for his attention. 
“Elvis, there’s people watching,” you hiss. 
“I don’t care, let them watch,” he grumbles, squeezing you tighter and going in for a kiss. 
You melt into him, kissing him fervently. He pauses and pulls you around the corner. The little half bath is right there by the front door and he quickly pulls you in it, locking the door behind him. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” You say, trying not to giggle. He walks forward, pinning you to the wall, his hand above your head and his other on your waist. His gaze was intense and the mood in here was the same. You couldn’t breathe the way he was looking at you.
“What am I doing? Giving you exactly what you want,” he groans, nipping at your neck.
Damn him. You couldn’t hide anything from him and it was true. You wanted him to fuck you senseless right here right now.
Your heart gallops wildly and sigh into all of his touches. He doesn’t tease you for long, he doesn’t have the patience for that tonight. He turns you around quickly and bends you over at the waist, bringing your hips back to line up with his. You brace yourself on the sink and look back at him. He lifts up your skirt, exposing your lace panties to him. He lets out a pleased hum when he admires what you’re wearing.
“So pretty,” he smirks. You feel him tear at the thin delicate fabric with his fingers and your core becomes exposed to him. You knew you were embarrassingly wet already, the pulse in between your legs kept growing the longer you stood here. Elvis starts to unbutton the rest of his jacket, opening it up completely to expose his torso. 
“Here’s what I want you to do baby,” he hums. You hear the sound of his zipper clicking down and the heavy thud of his pants when they hit the floor. “I need you to watch yourself in the mirror. Look how pretty you are when you take my entire cock,” he coos, moving your head forward to the mirror. You stare at him wide-eyed in the reflection, in complete shock of his request. You wouldn’t be able to take this. It was torture. The last time he made you watch yourself in the mirror, you had never been more of a mess.
“Oh God, baby,” you whimper. You feel his tip tease at your entrance, gathering the slick that’s seeping out of you. “I can’t.”
“Yes you can honey, you’ll love it,” he teases. 
You can’t make any more excuses because he plunges his entire cock inside of you, making you cry out for him. Your jaw falls slack and your eyebrows furrow together as you feel him fill you completely.
“Ohmygod,” you whimper looking at yourself. You try to adjust to his size, you were tight around him and he groans when he feels this
“Mmm, sucha good girl,” he praises as he starts to thrust in and out of you. Your breathing becomes uneven and you hold on tightly to the sink. Each thrust made you wetter and easier to take all of him but it was still so intense. He wasn’t going to make love to you slow and tenderly, no, not tonight. He was going to fuck you just like he said he would.
“Look how pretty you are baby,” he praises, smoothing your hair off your face. You nod your head and press your lips together, not wanting to let out the loud groans you normally would.
His hips drive into you, and the sound of his skin slapping against yours fills the small bathroom. You continue to watch yourself, unable to handle much more of this. He makes these pleased, groans when he takes you hard and fast. You let your head fall down as he fucks you harder. He doesn’t like that though. All he asked you to do was watch yourself and you can’t even do that. You feel his hand gather your hair and he pulls your head up swiftly. He pulls out of you and leaves you moaning for him to be back inside of you. 
You look up at him in the reflection, groaning in agony.
“What did I say, baby? What did Daddy say,” He says low, his tone stern and powerful. 
You hesitantly make eye contact with him in the mirror, his presence too overwhelming. 
“Daddy said to watch myself get fucked,” you whimper. His tip teases your over-sensitive entrance making you squirm. He swiftly spanks your ass briefly, making you freeze.
“Mhmm, hold still mama,” he instructs.
“Yes, Daddy."
He thrusts his hips into you slowly, nodding his head at you.
“That’s right baby, just like that. Sucha good girl, keep watching yourself. Look at how much you like my cock inside of you.” He says as he thrusts his cock deeper, making your jaw drop. He was right of course, he felt so damn good and couldn’t get enough. Each movement he made has you rolling your eyes back. He had you right where he wanted you and the sounds of his grunts had your core flutter. You can’t help but glance at how he looks right now.
Dear god, he looks so good. You feel physically weak with the way he’s looking at you. The way his eyes have that heavy droop to them makes him somehow more attractive. The way the leather jacket hung off his body so effortlessly and how he bit his lip as he fucked you harder. He was loving every second of this by the sounds of it. It was as if he deprived of you. You had to tear your eyes away from the distractingly gorgeous man behind you or you were afraid he was going to stop.
Your eyes move back to your own reflection and you press your lips together, moaning softly as he fills you to the hilt. He gently grabs your hand and pulls it to the front of your body. Your fingertips find your swollen folds and how dripping wet you are. You gasp at the sensation and stare at him helplessly. 
“Touch yourself, baby girl. You feel how wet you are around me? You feel so damn good,” he growls in your ear as he thrusts slowly into you. The sound of how wet you are grows louder each time he moves and makes you want to die right here and now. You nod your head in the mirror and touch yourself, gathering the slick that’s there and rubbing your clit. Your breathing hitches the more you touch yourself, making you want to come apart quicker. 
The coil in your belly tightens the longer you do this and the way Elvis is moving inside you only makes it worse. You look at your current state in the mirror and looking a complete mess. Your eyes were pleading silently for him to make you come and your legs began to feel weak. 
“Daddy?” You whimper. 
“What is it, baby?” He grunts through his teeth. 
“I need to come. Please make me come,” you beg. 
His lips firm into a sly grin as he pounds into you, bringing you closer to the edge. 
“No, not yet baby. You can come when I am close,” he teases. 
You cry out in frustration, not sure you can hold on any longer. He watches how you were silently obeying him whether you like it or not. He looks at you with a luring gaze, watching his favorite meal squirm away under him. 
“Or…” he says low, “you can beg for it,” he says low, grinding his hips into you. 
Your brain feels scrambled and you don’t have it in you to fight him or anything he says. You nod your head at him in the reflection and gasp for breath. 
“Please Daddy, oh please,” you cry. 
He cocks his head a bit when he looks at you, taking his length out of you swiftly. You cry for him, not expecting him to do that. 
“You’re going to have to do a lot better than that sweetheart,” he says devilishly. You push your hips back and just need him to touch you again. You look at him in the mirror helplessly, aching for any kind of help. 
“Daddy, please. Please I need you!” You cry loudly. 
“What do you need baby?” He asks. 
“I need your cock baby. Please fuck me like you said you would,” you beg. 
He quickly makes you stand up and turn around. His eyes look like they’re on fire, so turned on and full of power. He lifts you up and has you wrap your legs around his waist as he pushes you up against the wall. You grunt when you feel the wall hit your back and he swiftly plunges his cock inside you again. You wrap your arms around his neck and hold onto him. You cry out for him once more and stare directly into his heated eyes. 
“Oh Daddy,” you gasp. 
He has a pleased smirk on his face as he fucks you harder and makes it impossible to think clearly. His hands squeeze onto your thighs tightly and moans your name as he gets closer to finishing. 
“All mine baby, mine,” he growls. 
“Yes, yes I’m yours, baby,” you gasp as he snaps his hips into you. 
“Good girl. Come with me. I want to see you come,” he demands. 
You nod your head at him fervently, silently thanking him because you wouldn’t be able to hold on much longer. A few more thrusts inside of you and your pleasure skyrockets, holding onto him for dear life. Your core squeezes around him and look at him as he’s about to finish too. His eyes squeeze together and he groans loudly when he finishes inside of you. It was all too much and you absolutely loved it. You both are breathless and clutching onto one another. 
He covers your neck in kisses and starts to nip ravenously. You could feel how much he needed you, how he squeezed you tighter to keep you up against the wall. Your skin gets pricked with goosebumps the longer he nips and sucks on your neck. You lift his head up and want to look into his eyes. His fangs were descended and he bit the inside of his cheek as he looked at you. He was so hungry and needy. 
“Bite me,” you whimper.
He makes a low groan and goes straight for your neck, biting into it carefully. He takes his time drinking your blood, softly whimpering as he swallows. Your eyes can’t help but look at the sight in the mirror. Your bodies are still intertwined and your face has pleasure written all over it. His large hands consume your flesh as he feeds from you. His hair is now messy and has fallen on his forehead. The sight was quite erotic and you couldn’t help but like it. 
Mine, your brain screams. 
He gently takes his fangs out of you and looks at you softly. It wasn’t the same man a few minutes ago that was dominating and possessive. He wanted comfort and love now. He gently pulls himself out of you and sets you on the ground, holding you to his chest. He runs his hands through your hair and kisses your head tenderly. 
“Did you like that Daddy?” You ask innocently. He smirks at you, chuckling softly, “yes. I liked it a lot,” he says as he places a kiss on your lips. “Do you remember the first time we were in here together? When you first started?” He asks with a laugh. 
How could you forget! It was the next day after you two first started fucking each other and you were doing everything in your power to not succumb to his seductive nature. It clearly did not work. 
“Yes, how could I forget,” you say cheekily. 
“Well, I uhh… what we just did… that’s exactly what I wanted to do to you that day. I just wasn’t sure if you wanted it like that,” he says smugly. 
You can’t help but look at him dumbfounded, not believing that he was thinking such things so early on. 
You playfully hit him on the arm, “Elvis! My God you’re too much! You would have put me in a coma! My poor human heart couldn’t have handled that,” you tease. 
He can’t help but laugh and bring you to his chest again. 
“You’re the one that’s too much. But I wouldn’t want it any other way,” he teases, pulling your skirt back down. 
“You look so damn good tonight baby. I don’t know how I’m gonna stop myself from touchin’ ya,” he teases. 
“I’m sure you’ll manage,” you quip, “But… if you need me, you know where to find me…” you say, giving him a little wink as you reach for the door handle.
He stops you abruptly, pulling you back in close. He gives you this look, a similar one he gave you when he first saw you walk in those suite doors. 
Pure love and awe.
“I love you, more than you’ll ever know,” he coos, his lips inches away from yours.
“I love you too, baby. Remind me how much you do as often as you want,” you say sweetly, kissing his perfect lips.
“Always… it’s what I was made to do.”
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@neptuneismysister @velvetelvis @ccab @presleyenterprise @theresalwaysep
@prompted-wordsmith @sillybookmarks @dkayfixates @ellie-24 @rktismylife-blog
@myradiaz @tacozebra051
@18|kpeters @flwrs4aust @emma181873
@austinswhitewolf @eliseinmemphis
@everythingelvispresley @chasingwildflowers @idontwanttoputanything. @ohjustpeachy_
@elvisalltheway101 @austinsmutler @kingdomforapony.
@generoustreemystic @claire-elvisgirl
@ashtag6887 @burnthheparaphilia @richardslady121
@returntopresley. @iloveelvis @rimartin11@that-hotdog.
@louisejoy86 @misspresley @cattcb @annapresley8
@arrolyn1114 @raginginkedslut @epthedream69
@oldhOllywOod @hooked-on-elvis @livelovedilfs @sloppiest-of-jos
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lilgirl-cumslut · 2 days
Daddy liked to show you off, of course, he bought you the smallest clothes and the most outrageous underwear from the strangest online stores. He loved to see how his friends, his happily married and vocally moral friends, would stare and groan and try to get close to you whenever you delighted them with your company. How they would stay later and later with you curled up in daddy's lap in some clumsy attempt to see your sundress ride up, how they would they would sinfully, guiltily, masturbate in the guest bathroom to the forbidden thought of filling your tight, tiny, princess parts with their fat, bulging, cocks.
I knew how they would all look. I enjoyed it. I loved to see how close I could get without showing them what they really wanted to see. Bill was daddy’s age and was really good looking. He was one of the first of these friends that would stay later and later. I would act innocent while flirting with them all, but lately, I was focusing on Bill.
You see, I caught Bill in the guest bathroom stroking off. He didn’t know I knew of course. I listened through the door, but he would say my name when he came. So, I devised a plan to get him alone so I would see if his moral high ground would collapse completely.
Tonight, I was extra flirty with Bill before and during dinner. After, I got everyone drinks and noticed Bill trying to flick my skirt up. I looked at him and made eye contact with a devious smile. Then I went o sit on Daddy’s lap all curled up like normal. Daddy’s hand was on my ass and it caused the skirt to rise a bit. They would all finally get to see my cute white cotton panties with little pink flowers on them.
Bill took only a couple of sips of his after dinner beer before excusing himself to the bathroom. I waited a few minutes before claiming to have to go switch laundry over.
On the way to the laundry room was the guest bathroom. I paused at the door and hear Bill panting heavily. I slowly tried the knob, it wasn’t locked. He must have been in a real hurry to get off.
I then acted as though I just stumbled into the bathroom and gasped as I saw him, feigning surprise. He covered it and looked shocked, dropping his phone. I bent over to pick it up quickly and found that he had it open to a candid picture of me sitting on daddy’s lap.
“Wow, Bill. I didn’t think you liked little girls like me.” I said, turning with the phone in hand to shut the door.
“This isn’t what it looks like. Give me my phone back and I won’t tell your dad you were in here.”
He reached out to grab the phone from me but I pulled it away. “No, that’s not how this works. If you do what I say, then maybe I won’t tell daddy that you’re jerking off to photos of me in the bathroom.”
He looked terrified. I had him.
“What do you want?”
“How about you actually use that cock like a real man.”
“What!? I would never!”
“Shhh… if you alert the others I’ll tell them all you tried to rape me.”
He silenced himself.
“Fuck me. I know you want to anyway. Let’s see if it lives up to your expectations. Besides? When was the last time your wife let you touch her?”
He blushed and looked down, embarrassed.
“That’s what I thought. And here you have a young tight pussy begging you to fuck her.”
I slid my panties to the side and hopped up on the counter between the sinks. “Well? I’m all wet and everything. What are you waiting for?”
He blinked and stared at my shaven pussy. His cock throbbing in his hand. “And if I do you won’t tell your dad?”
“Just fuck me.” I said sternly.
He stepped up and pulled my hips to him. As he sank inside me I put a hand over my mouth to keep me quiet. He wasn’t big? But I was sensitive. He moved his hips quickly, bucking into me like a feral animal. It didn’t take him long to get into a good rhythm. Fuck his moral high ground.
“I’m.. close..” he panted and started to pull out. I wrapped my legs around his waist and locked them in place.
“Nope. You’re going to cum inside me.”
“But what if I get you pregnant?”
“Then I guess you’ll be a daddy again.” I told him. “Now fill me full of your old man load.”
He came instantly, plunging into my depths with one final thrust. His hips seemed to spasm as he held in place and I came right on his cock.
He stepped back and looked at my pussy with his cum slowly dripping out in horror. “Thanks, Bill. I needed that.” I smiled at him, smoothed out my skirt and panties and left to do laundry. He must have waited for a bit in the bathroom, because he didn’t get back to the living room until after I did.
Once I got back I curled back up in my daddy’s lap. He put his hand under my ass to help me up, his fingers slipping into my juicy cunt. His eyes calmly settled on mine and I smiled, satisfied. He smiled as well.
200 likes to find out what daddy thought about my little mischievous adventure!
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chaosduckies · 3 days
Restoration (Chapter 13)
The last chapter is here everyone! In honor of pride month, I give you this. This amazing chapter that is easily one of my favorites to write. I hope you all enjoy! I promise these two won’t be gone for forever though :D
Word Count: 3.6k
CW: None!
Four Months Later
I stared up at the stadium lights above while the school principal and superintendent were talking to the many parents sitting in the stands. I wasn’t paying attention to what they were saying. Something about our class and graduation. I didn’t care all too much. Only that I could go home after this and wake up the next morning without having to worry about school ever again. 
Ryker kept me cupped in his hands much like the other people sitting beside him were, waiting until we could get up and receive the piece of paper that officially states that we’ve graduated high school. As soon as the many, many speeches were done, they finally started letting the rows in front of us stand up and walk up the steps to the removable platform. 
And soon enough, it was our rows turn, walking in a single line, and getting handed the piece of paper. I held mine close, smiling the entire way back to our chairs. I did it, mom. All of this was for her and dad in the first place. Though, I would’ve never seen today if it weren’t for Ryker. 
We moved the strings attached to our caps to the left while everyone started cheering loudly. I had to cover my ears while I laughed and looked back up to Ryker, who was laughing and waving to his siblings that were in the stands. Today was a great day. And a sad one. Tomorrow I would wake up the next morning and have no one to talk to. But that was okay. I shouldn’t bother Ryker anymore. No matter how many times he’s made me laugh even after my mother passed away. No matter how many times he’s given me almost exactly what I’ve needed for so long, I knew today would be the last day I would get to talk to him. 
Everyone had started to head home while Ryker met up with his siblings, getting hugged and congratulated. I did too, just minus the hugging part. It was hard to have a smile on today since my mom was supposed to be here, but I did anyways. I just hoped she was looking at me right now. 
“So I’ll see you at home in a few?” Jasmine asked, taking Isabelle’s hand and giving me a teasing side eye. Apparently everyone alone with her was worried about me after what had happened and just tried their best to help me out. They knew what it was like. And now, Jasmine doesn’t glare at me anymore or give me empty threats. If anything, she’s the complete opposite of what I first thought of her. We’ve become pretty good friends. 
“Yeah.” Ryker replied, waving them off while walking back into the school and letting me slide off his hand. What was he doing? 
“Hey, um, wanna just change back into your clothes? I’ll take you back after.” Ryker told me as I nodded, heading into the nearby restrooms to take off the black gown and fold it neatly into the cap. I sighed, getting ready to say goodbye to him in just a few minutes before he drops me off at the bus stop. 
I walked back out, seeing that he had already folded his clothes nicely and put on his signature hoodie. I climbed back onto his waiting hand as he grinned. That was… interesting. What was happening? I didn’t know, but I just carried on, still saddened by the thought of saying goodbye. 
We walked outside the school, walking down the sidewalk, but not taking the turn to the bus stop he usually does. I looked up at him worriedly, “The bus stops over… there.” I pointed back to the street as he just innocently smiled at me. Oh. Where was he taking me then? I wasn’t too worried honestly, but still. I wanted to know. 
After about a silent ten minute walk with no sound except the crickets and faint cars in the distance, we had arrived at the same coffee place he had taken me to months before. Didn’t he say he works here? 
“I thought you were taking me back home.” I told him, confusion lining my voice. He shook his head, “I said I’d take you back after. I never said after what.”  
There was a loop hole? Why were we even at this coffee shop in the first place? I couldn’t exactly argue with him, and I didn’t exactly mind it either. It just means I get a few extra minutes before leaving. How could I argue with time? I didn’t know whether to like the fact my heart was beating faster and faster, or to hate it. All I did know was that I was excited because he wanted to spend the last few minutes of the night with me. 
We sat down at the exact same table when we had first came here. There were a few people, some even talking with the workers. I sat down at the human-sized table on top, facing Ryker while he scooted all the way down. I bit the side of my cheek as a woman with the cafe logo on her work outfit came with a notepad. Ryker laughed and greeted her like they were best friends while I didn’t pay attention all too much. I guess Ryker noticed and ordered for me. He knew what I liked anyways. 
“Everything okay?” Ryker asked, his smile slowly falling as he lowered his head to get a better look at me. To be honest, not really, but I wasn’t going to let him worry about me anymore. Again, I can’t keep leaning on people. 
“Yeah,” I nodded my head, “What are we doing here anyways?” My voice came out a little mumbled, but Ryker heard it all the same.
“Graduation present. For the both of us I guess.” Ryker shrugged his shoulders, but I could tell he was hiding something else. I had no idea, but I guess I’ll figure it out. Plus, I didn’t even think about bringing a present for him. Was I supposed to? No, no time to feel guilty. 
The lady came back around again, handing us our drinks and telling Ryker that she’ll see him tomorrow night for work while he laughed and nodded. I don’t know why I felt so insecure right now, but I just did. Instead of dwelling on that, I took a sip of my hot chocolate and stared out the small window next to us covered by fake vines and flowers. I wish I had more time… 
I jumped at the mention of my name, nearly spilling some of my drink on me. Ryker chuckled softly above, a slightly sad smile on his face. 
“Are you sure you’re okay? You’re jumpier than usual.” His free hand cupped behind me, but never touched. What was he trying to do? I have zero idea, but I shouldn’t waste what little time I had. I didn’t want him to leave. But I knew he would anyways. Maybe it would be a good thing if he does? No, no it will not. It really wouldn’t be. 
“Yeah, I promise. I’m just a little tired.” I shrugged it off, taking another small sip. Ryker did the same, looking outside the small window. I sighed, internally crying while watching a few people walk on the sidewalk outside. Didn’t Ryker have to get home? It was already about to be ten, and we were getting drinks and sitting down together. Shouldn’t he be with his family? He just graduated too. 
“What are you gonna do now that we’re out of high school?” Ryker asked, setting his cup down and resting his head on his crossed arms in front of me. I fidgeted a little before sighing and shrugging my shoulders, “I didn’t h-have a plan. Just get a job and hope for the best?” I nervously laughed. 
“What about you?” I asked, seeing him think about his answer. 
“Watch my siblings? I, um, can’t exactly go to college if I still have to watch over everyone.” Ryker laughed sadly. My heart sank. That’s not exactly fair. I think he deserves to go to college if he wants to. If I could I would help him, but I already know he wouldn’t let me. He’ll be leaving soon anyways. I’ll just be another name he remembers after today. 
“I-I think you should.” I cheered him on while he blinked a couple of times, laughing along with me. 
“Thank you, but It’ll be hard if I go. I can’t keep up with everything all the time.” Ryker replied, trying to hide the sadness in his voice. My heart throbbed. If only I could help. But I was just small. I mean, I can’t even get around their house anymore without any help. What makes me think I can handle taking care of five other kids while Ryker was focusing on college? I breathed out a shaky breath, my slightly trembling hands reaching for the little mug filled with hot chocolate. Just a few more minutes. Just a few more minutes before all of this goes away.
It stayed silent for a while. Be both had finished our drinks, there were only three other people here besides us to in the café. I didn’t want to leave. I did all of this for my parents, and now it’s going away. I made friends, I graduated, heck, I’m not even that scared of giants anymore. Well, maybe a little, but I was more talking about Ryker and his siblings. But I did all of this for them because they wanted me to live a normal life, and yet, I still can’t. What do I do? 
“Nathan, are you sure you’re okay?” Ryker asked again, pushing his cup to the edge of the table. 
“Mhm.” I nodded my head, doing the same as him and trying my best to keep the smile on my face going. 
“Would you mind if I take you to one more place? It’s like a five minute walk from here.” Ryker asked, a slightly worried expression on his face. I shook my head, standing up out of my seat and waiting for Ryker to do the same. I climbed onto his waiting hand, sitting in the middle just as usual while I tried not to look down at the terrifying drop below me. I sighed, bringing my knees closer to my chest and burying my head. Did it really have to end? 
The walk was short just as he had said. It was a tiny park. It looked sort of abandoned. The grass looked like it hadn’t been cut for a while, there were some short vines latching onto the poles of the swing set and little parts of the slide. The lights were dim here, but it felt nice. The slight breeze that just barely ruffled my hair, how quiet this place was. How come no one fixes this place up? I feel like more people would come here if it looked a little nicer. 
“I know it’s nothing special, but my parents used to bring me and my siblings here almost everyday after school,” He breathed, crossing his legs while sitting on a nearby bench, “It doesn’t look perfect, but it still has some great memories.” 
I looked up, seeing how he smiled while looking at the park that was now covered in overgrown plants. My face heated up as I caught myself staring, turning back around and studying the sight. It doesn’t look bad at all. I liked it here. I liked everywhere Ryker has taken me. To that café, the little store that we went to just a few weeks ago, here. I sucked in a shaky breath, wiping away the loose tears that fell down my cheeks. I won’t get this feeling anymore…
“Ryker…” I tried my hardest to say it without him catching on that I was holding back tears, but of course he knew. He always did anyways. 
“What’s wrong?” He held me a little closer to his face. I just shook my head, making sure he wouldn’t be able to see the water in my eyes. What was wrong with me? Why was I even crying? 
I shook my head, biting the bottom of my lip. Why did he bring me here? Why did I say yes to this even? Why was I holding back my tears? I’ve tried preparing myself for months. I knew he was going to leave, and I’ve accepted that fact. So why was it so hard to believe it? 
Ryker cupped his hand a little more. I didn’t know what he was doing, but I don’t care. I was going to cherish what little time I had left with him. He’s given me these happy feelings I haven’t felt in such a long time. The memories. Why did it all have to be stripped away from me again? 
“Hey now, it’s alright, it’s alright. What’s going on?” Ryker tried comforting, a bit of a worried expression on his face. A couple tears fell down my face as I prepared my question that I needed an answer to. 
“A-are you, um, g-going to l-leave me?” 
A few second of silence was thrown between us as my heart threatened to jump right out of my chest. Ryker blinked a couple times before a soft smile appeared on his face, “What makes you think that?” 
My heart was beating faster. Was that a yes or a no? I couldn’t tell. I brought my knees closer to my chest as I searched for my response. I was terrified. Not of Ryker, but of what the answer to this question. But my mind was already set on his answer, and I knew it could be entirely true. 
“B-because I’m… me? I-I’m small and insignificant to you. Y-you don’t need me.” I buried my head again, covering my head with one of my arms and listening for his response. I didn’t want to look. I didn’t want to hear the words. Could I reverse time? Change everything that I’ve done to get to this point? Maybe then this wouldn’t be so hard. 
“I don’t remember saying any of that,” Ryker held me a little closer, “Nathan, little guy, it’s okay. I promise I don’t think anything like that of you. I’m not leaving, okay?” 
My heart stopped beating for a second as I peeked out, seeing his trademark smile. He meant it. He really did. I wiped away my loose tears, a nervous smile on my face. Now I was embarrassed. This was dumb. I was just being dumb. I thought I was getting the hang of controlling my thoughts, but apparently not. But still, my heart was beating fast. I was relieved at his answer. 
“Well now I f-feel stupid.” I softly laughed, facing him while on my knees. I stared down at his palm, trying to calm my own heartbeat down. It wasn’t really working, but Ryker was just as patient with me as he always has been. 
“It’s not stupid. I get it. A lot of people leave after they graduate. It’s fine.” Ryker explained, sighing and leaning back into the bench we were both on. I did the same, still wondering what we were doing here. My heart was still beating fast, but I finally had my answer, and that’s all I needed. Nothing else. I wouldn’t be alone anymore. Or at least for now. 
“Nathan, could you turn around real quick?” Ryker had asked, fixing his position a bit. I did as he asked, almost immediately met with his lips softly being pressed against me. I fell on my back from the slight push, my cheeks flushing a bright red and my heart somehow beating faster than before. It was over before I knew it as I quickly sat back up, my body a little shaky as my hand went through some of my hair, a little surprised at the gesture. Did Ryker just kiss me?
My cheeks flushed a deep red, seeing Ryker a little worried but also blushing just as much as I was, “S-sorry, I-I’ve never… kissed a human. I-I, um, didn’t hurt you, right?” 
A little squeak came out of my mouth. He kissed me. What do I do? Does that mean he likes me? I’m so confused. I mean I liked him. A lot. Am I mistaking my feelings for friendship? If that were true then why was my heart beating right out of my chest? Why was I blushing this much? I’ve never felt like this with anyone in my entire life. All I knew was that kiss was probably the best thing I’ve experienced in my entire life. 
“N-no.” My voice came out like a whisper as I tried my best to stand up on wobbly legs on his hand. I bit the side of my cheek  wondering if this was the right move, but all I knew was that this is what I wanted. All along. The way my heart would flip every time he said my name, or the way he would smile at me and his siblings. I was just so confused about it. 
Ryker was confused at what I was trying to do before I stood on my toes, trying to return the gesture, even if he can’t feel it. He lowered his face as I planted a short kiss on his lips the same he did to me, hoping he would get it. My legs gave out on me as I backed away, seeing Ryker bite the bottom of his lip soon after he felt me back away. 
I couldn’t think of anything else. Did he even know? Instead, a happy smile formed on his face as I tried to hold back a little laugh. I can’t believe we just did that. I can’t believe that this was even happening. This could all be some happy dream I’m having, but I knew it wasn’t. It felt real.
“I’m not… dreaming, right?” Ryker had asked, his face still a flush of red that was slowly going down. I shook my head, my heart beating amazingly fast. Good to know I wasn’t the only one who thought they were dreaming. But what do we do now? I’ve never been like this before. 
“Do you want to go to your house now?” Ryker had asked, pursing his lips as he planted his shoes on the ground, getting ready to go. No. I didn’t want to go to my house anymore. 
“Y-yours?” I smiled, in hoped that he’ll say yes. He laughed and nodded, taking the sidewalk back to his house. 
The lights were off in his house as he quietly walked to his room. He placed me down on his nightstand where all of my makeshift stuff was. He never threw them away. Just for me. What are we now? Are we still friends? I don’t even know how this works. 
Ryker took off his hoodie, put on different shirt before turning on his lamp on his desk and turning off his lights. I stayed where I was at, wondering what I do now. I’ve never been in a relationship before. I don’t know how these things work. I don’t even know what to do. Was that bad? 
“Are you tired?” Ryker asked, sitting down on his bed while moving the covers and pillows to the way he likes. I shook my head, I wasn’t really, no. Not after what had just happened a few minutes ago. I was still a little confused, but at the same time happy. He really wasn’t going to leave me. 
“Well, I’m not really either.” Ryker laughed, bringing two fingers up to the part of his lower lips that I had kissed. Or at least tried to. I blushed a little. Was that bad? 
I climbed onto Ryker’s offered palm as he sat up against the head of his bed. I was covered by one of his hands like a blanket while also laying on his chest. Oh my heart will never get a break today- But I wasn’t saying that it was bad. If anything, today was the best day of my life. Nothing could change that. 
“Comfy?” Ryker laughed as I listened to his heartbeat, controlled and normal unlike my own. I didn’t know how to deal with any of this. I just snuggled up closer, hoping that it was fine. I was guessing it was when Ryker slid down, his head now resting on a pillow and his legs bent. Who knew that about a year ago I would have thought this was crazy to even think about doing, and yet, here I was. I was actually happy.
“You wouldn’t mind if I moved you, right?” Ryker had asked a hint of worry in his voice. 
“No.” I answered, getting in a better position for him to move me in. I would move myself if I had known where he wanted me, but anything that I was thinking of was not what he was thinking. And it only made my brain fry for just a few seconds. 
He lightly pinched me between two fingers, giving me another lighter kiss that practically covered my entire body before laying me back down. He laughed while I laid there, brain fried and flustered. I giggled a bit, snuggling closer and shutting my eyes. I’m glad to know that he likes me the same way I like him. 
Maybe I don’t wish to reverse time after all. 
*Starts crying uncontrollably*
Thank you to everyone who’s read through all 13 chapters and stuck with me for so long! I appreciate every single one of you❤️
My first story is done though! Just in time for pride month too if you know what I mean :D Don’t worry, because I will definitely write some little scenes with these two in the future. How could I just throw these two away? NEVER.
Thank you everyone for reading, and I hope you enjoy whatever the next story will be. (I totally don’t already have characters and done some world building-) But thank you everyone!
Taglist: @da3dm
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beneathsakurashade · 2 days
why did my favorite game turn into a dating sim? twst x gen reader (crack fic) CH: 2 me. u. church. in wedding outfits. rn
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CH: 1
The two of you sit across from each other on opposite sofas.  Enjoying a pleasant late afternoon meal of tea and various cakes, it felt like a scene from a fluffy fanfic.  “Man, I remember one time I had a birthday party at a cafe or something and we got served lemonade and cookies” you smile, serving yourself another small cake.  “Lemonade and cookies? I haven’t heard about that before, processed sweets and drinks are forbidden in my household” Riddle remarks taking a small sip of tea.  “Damn, that’s crazy, is that why your fave food is strawberry tarts?” You reply.  “Yes, the tarts that Trey makes are my exception to that rule.  In fact, Trey bakes all of the desserts for our dorm.” he explains.   
    “Wait Trey makes these? Like ALL of them? Dang, bro’s a great baker, I’m banned from the kitchen in my household for some reason” you say “Banned from the kitchen? H-how did that happen?” He sighs nervously and you shrug in response “I think it was because of that one time I microwaved a mozzarella stick for like a minute and almost burned down the house.  Or that time I gave my family food poisoning the first time I cooked dinner.  Wait maybe it was that time I cooked a pizza and it fell down to the bottom of the oven from the rack and we had to buy a new oven… Dunno, tbh they're prob just being haters”.  Riddle chokes on his tea and coughs “Uh-I-I see…I suppose then I’ll have to be the one cooking in the relationship”.
“Speaking of this relationship, am I gonna take your last name for a month?  Or are you gonna take mine?” You ask “I thought about this, and while I would like to keep my name.  I don’t mind taking yours, it is only a month after all”. “Hmmm, Y/N Rosehearts or Riddle L/N…” you sigh “Quite the conundrum” “Indeed…”     The door is flung open by two students who you recognize as Ace and Deuce.  You jump in surprise and drop the cookie that you were holding.  “Housewarden Riddle! Is it true that you’re gonna get married?” Ace exclaims and Riddle stiffens “Y-yes that’s correct, but only temporarily! A month at most”.  You pout and pick up the fallen cookie “Rip soldier” you mutter and turn to the two “What have you to say for killing my cookie?” Deuce bows “Our deepest apologies!” Ace groans “No need to be all proper Deuce, its not like they’re a celebrity or something” he smiles “The names Ace Trappola, and this here -he points to Deuce- is Deuce Spade”.  You sigh “Erm actually, I have three hundred and sixty seven followers on hoyolab, so yes, I am a celebrity. Also I know, Riddle complained about how you’re among the worst students that he’s seen in all his twenty years.  Btw I’m Y/N L/N, professional failure and yapper, with rizz”.     “I feel bad for ya’ to be honest.  With all the rules here n’ stuff” Ace sighs and sits down beside Riddle on the couch, much to the other’s chagrin.  You shrug in response “I know, but that’s the price you pay for love I suppose.  I don’t mind it if I can be married to my husband here for a month”.  Riddle turns red and Ace laughs “We better get used to seeing a strawberry red housewarden Deuce!” Deuce responds confused “Okay!” You smile “You two are silly, I like it, but stop harassing my pookie”.  Riddle turns an even darker shade of red if that was possible and collars Ace.  Deuce watches on in confusion, unsure of whether to defend his friend or his Housewarden.  You liked Ace, he reminded you of a childhood friend that you had back home, though said friend always pretended not to know you at school for whatever reason.  That’s probably what drew you to his character in Twisted Wonderland.  Deuce reminded you of yourself, though not the whole middle school gangster thing, your mom would kill you if she ever found out that you used to ditch school and joined a gang.  But the whole working hard and it never being enough, nothing ever sticking in your head no matter how many times it was drilled into you, staying up till ungodly hours in the night to get a good grade to impress her. 
    The two of you, yourself and Riddle, head back to his room.  “Did we miss a few chapters?” You tease and Riddle turns to you confused.  “Pardon?” You sigh “Of course you wouldn’t get it…” he still looks confused while opening the door “Guests first” he smiles and you walk in.  “Woooah, aw man, there’s only two beds” you mutter “Is there something wrong?” Riddle inquires. “Nah, just a fanfic reference, iykyk” you shrug and sit down on the twin bed near the wall. “Fanfic?” “Yea, y’know, fanfiction?” You lie down on your back and turn your head to face him. “Fanfiction? Oh, Cater mentioned something about that…” he nods and sits down on his bed “Is your bed comfortable, Mx. Y/N?”. “Its nice, but it would be better if you were here with me” you sigh dramatically.  To which he blushes and sighs in mock annoyance “Y-you’re certainly quick to act like a married couple Mx. Y/N”.  You turn and set your chin on your palm “Call me Y/N, we’re more than a married couple less than lovers correct?” He sighs softly “I suppose that’s a rather accurate description, forgive me for acting incorrectly at all during our time together.  This is the biggest thing that I’ve done without Mother’s permission…besides that one time I got fast food with Cater”.  The teasing look vanishes from your face “Your mom doesn’t let you get fast food??” You gape.  “She considers it extremely unhealthy, saying that fast food is the beginning to a short and poor life.”    You blink and finally say “So…she’s an almond mom?” He looks down “Cater said something like that once…I researched the topic and it isn’t an incorrect description of my mother.  But she’s a good woman! She is a doctor so she knows all about what she is talking about! Mother wouldn’t lie to me…she wouldn’t…”.  You sense the saddening gloom that's starting to settle in the room.  Riddle's mom was a sore subject for him, most of the fandom, (his stans especially) absofuckinglutely hated her guts, you couldn't blame them though, she was a real daughter of a nice lady... “Welp, usually I’d say listen to your parents.  But I have an idea, how about we go to a fast food place for our first date as a couple?  You guys probably have a McDonald’s or something like it here right?”.  He brightens up at your enthusiasm “Are you sure about that? Aren’t first dates usually more classy?”.  You respond smugly “That’s what the tv shows say, but my broke ass says otherwise! Don’t worry pookie, I’ll make our first date the best that you’ve ever seen!”
AN: hiii everyone its me, also random thing but I remember the time I was reading a twst fic on wattpad and there was a comment that I found so goofy and what made it extra memorable for me was that the user of the commenter was theevilfoodeaterbanica or something like that and it made my Evillious Chronicles fangirl heart happy. Anyways hope you all are doing great! (つ≧▽≦)つ⊂(。・ω・。⊂)
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ishipmutualrespect · 1 year
#I wasn’t sure#if you wanted me to not publish your last question as well so I’m just gonna answer you in my tags#tbh I think he’s just his personal trainer#Harry probably needs to work out a lot to keep being that fit and they just spend much time together and they’re probably friends#that’s the reason they’re seen together all the time#I personally think there’s no point in getting ahead of ourselves in this situation#they’re just seen together all the time like Harry is always seen with Jeff all the time#but I don’t see people thinking they’re together#Louis is 24/7 with Oli but I don’t see people thinking they’re together as well#the sad truth is that many people have their own standard in which they think someone who could be with Harry or Louis has to have#like if someone is not handsome or idk smart or x enough they’re OF COURSE not with them#in the contrary if they think this person fits what they think BOOM they’re together#for example what does Oli lack for not being able to be the one that is linked as the person who could be Louis’ boyfriend?#I’m sure many people would be able to explain you all the many reasons why but the truth is#we are nobody to decide who they should be with#so I’ll say just wait and enjoy your time here#(if you still enjoy it of course)#and IF it happens#than it’ll happen and you’ll see if you want to wait until this would be over or you’ll prefer to just leave#if you want me to still answer other questions don’t worry you can keep sending and I’ll answer#I hope I answered this time#☺️#I also hope you’ll see this
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saetoru · 9 months
Do you think there could be a chance where reader and bully! gojo meet again years later and try again? Maybe 🥹
part one here — contents. fem! reader, exes to lovers, neighbors to lovers, slight nsfw so minors do not interact, slight angst but it’s a hopeful (pretty much happy) ending, idk what else lmk what i missed
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imagine you guys are neighbors—you accidentally meet when you’re both walking up to your apartment doors one night after work. he pauses, and you can feel eyes staring into you from the side so you look over and yeah. wow. there’s your worst heartbreak of your youth standing right there in all his glory, staring at you like you’re a figment of his imagination come true. like he never expected to see you again (you suppose he probably didn’t).
“hey,” he says softly. satoru has never been one to greet someone first, never been the one to reach out and bridge the gap himself. he always waits to be approached. that much has surprisingly changed since the last time you saw him.
“oh…” you trail off, “hi. it’s you.”
you don’t seem half as happy to see him as he does you—but that much is to be expected, of course. satoru didn’t have the luxury of moving on, you can tell because you still can read him just as easy after all these years. like he hasn’t changed the small quirks about him, like he’s still tried desperately to hold onto his past because that’s where you were. he still looks desperately in love like the night you left him.
it’s pathetic, you wanna say. to still be in love for so long. when it’s so clearly over and there’s no coming back. a small part of you is filled with this sick, evil satisfaction that he’s still thinking about you when you don’t spare him a single thought.
but you suppose you’re not at over him as you thought when there’s this much excitement bubbling into you at his suffering. maybe, if you were actually completely over him, you’d be indifferent to him. you wouldn’t forget, but you’d forgive. you’d hope he learned his lesson and spared another innocent, poor girl from what you suffered for simply loving him. for simply wanting him to feel cherished and special and worth someone’s time.
you hope he’s better now—not for yourself, but for someone else. he doesn’t deserve a second of your time.
“you live here?” he asks, mildly shocked.
you’re almost offended. does he mean he thinks you can’t afford to live in the same apartment building as him? or is he just that shocked to see you? nothing about satoru seems genuine—you can’t help but assume the worst in him.
“yes,” you say curtly, “i moved here for work.” (why did you add that? why are you giving an opening to make conversation?)
“oh, really? me too,” he nods. (why is he making conversation? why couldn’t he have just ignored that opening and spared you the trouble?)
“oh,” is all you say. it’s silent for a bit, and then, “well, i better—”
almost like he knows what you’re about to say, he cuts you off with a quick, “i teach now.” you blink, staring at him in confusion. he rubs his neck as he adds, “i uh…i teach at that high school down the block. so uh…that’s why i moved here.”
“that’s…that’s nice,” you nod awkwardly. why is he telling you all this?
“yeah, my students are really cool,” he adds with a grin—it’s…a bit cute, actually. because he means it. his smile is too fond for it to not be true.
this isn’t the satoru you know—at least, not the one you think is the real satoru. you’re not so sure which side of him is actually him.
“i’m glad you enjoy what you do,” you offer. there’s not much else to say. “i’ll be heading in now.”
“right,” he coughs, “s-see you around.”
and then you really do see him around.
sometimes, it’s when you both leave in the mornings—he lets you enter the elevator first and presses the button for you when he gets in. he always lets you exit first too, like he cares to be chivalrous even if you’re not together anymore. sometimes it’s when you’re coming home—he’s holding a bag of take out as he walks up to his own door. you suppose he’s never been one to cook, and that probably hasn’t changed. sometimes, you’ll see him at the grocery store too—his cart is usually just filled with snacks and sweets. it’s not a very adult like shopping cart, so something’s evidently never change.
and every time he sees you, he always tries to strike up a conversation. no matter how short of a window your time is. even if it’s the forty five second elevator ride from floor one to floor three, he’s determined to say something.
today my students got me a gift—it’s a pair of sunglasses, because he still apparently loves those.
i got to take my students on a field trip today. i’ve been planning it for weeks—they have to write a paper on it, though. they’re not too happy about that even if they enjoyed themselves.
today was my student yuji’s birthday. i let the others out early to celebrate with him—they’re apparently all a good bunch of kids. friendly and tight knit in a way satoru’s never experienced. he thinks kids should hold onto that. good friends are hard to come by, after all.
and you’re always guarded. always so cautious and careful when you talk to him. sometimes you try to be polite, other times it’s abundantly apparent you don’t want to converse. he doesn’t pay it any mind, though. just rambles away and away and away and talks enough for the both of you because he’s just happy you’ll listen. even if begrudgingly.
and then one night, it happens—it’s late and you had to stay extra in the office. you’re grumpy and tired and the only good thing about this is that it’s late enough that you probably won’t run into satoru today.
except he’s waiting right there, head against your door as he fidgets with the door knob and grumbles incoherently under his breath.
“stupid damn door,” he slurs, “jus’ fuckin’ open.”
“ahem,” you clear your throat—he stiffens. “any particular reason you’re trying to break in?”
he turns to face you—stumbles a little as his glossed eyes look at you in confusion. he’s drunk—you can smell the liquor on him.
“whad’ya mean? ‘s my door,” he holds an arm out to gesture at your door.
“no,” you sigh, pointing to the door next to yours, “that one is.”
“oh!” he perks up, “‘s why it wasn’t working?”
“most likely,” you nod awkwardly, “that’s usually how that works.”
you watch as he unceremoniously stumbles over his steps to his door—how he tries but fails to get his keys through the key hole before you sigh and take pity on him. you don’t have it in you to leave a drunk person out in the cold, no matter how much (bad) history you might have.
“here,” you sigh, grabbing his keys from his hand and opening the door for him. you try to ignore that brief moment of warmth where your hands brushed against each other.
“do y’know what today is?” he mumbles, breath fanning over your shoulder as you open his door.
“i….tuesday?” you ask, in confusion. he looks crestfallen when you stare his face.
“oh, n-never—” he stumbles a bit. you catch him before you realize. “never mind.”
somehow, you barely manage to help him to his couch before he’s passing out, too drunk to really register anything else. satoru never drinks much—it was the funniest part about him. you used to tease him for it all the time, for being a frat boy who can hardly handle some alcohol.
i like being in control, he’d say petulantly, i don’t need to be drunk to have a good time. i am the good time.
you take a quick glance around his place before you can catch yourself. it’s not very different from your place—the living room is the same size and the structure is more or less the same. his tv is a bit more expensive, and his furniture is more simple. that’s about it.
you glance down at him one last time before walking out and shutting the door behind you. you hesitate for a moment before turning on the screen of your phone to check the date—it takes you a moment, but then it hits you.
it’s the day you broke up. all those years ago. it’s certainly been a good few—you almost forgot the date, but apparently satoru remembers. he remembers enough to go get shit-faced drunk as if the memory is too much to bear.
does he do this every year? drink away his sorrows every anniversary of the day you left him? does he really still care that much? why hasn’t he moved on?
and then you stop thinking about it. it’s not your problem.
but then you just…can’t help but be a bit more gentle around him. it happens without your control. maybe it’s muscle memory. maybe you’re finally letting your muscles relax and do that involuntary thing of their own that they do.
evidently that’s to be more soft with the boy who broke your heart. except he’s a man now, you suppose. he should’ve been a man when you dated him—but you’re glad he grew up eventually. even if you couldn’t be there with him for it.
but you’re a bit more friendly with him now—you suppose you can coexist with your talkative neighbor that also happens to be your awful ex boyfriend. you answer him a bit more when he talks to you, ask him about his students when he brings them up—he brightens so much when you do. it’s….painfully endearing.
yuji is sweet, a little too kind for his own good. nobara is a little tough to soften up, but once you do, she loves tenfold. megumi is a grump, but he’s a real softie. yuta is a bit socially awkward, but he’s got a good heart. maki is all business and very studious, but she’s a determined young girl. panda is not a panda—his name is odd but he’s funny. toge is quiet, but he looks out for people.
they’re good kids. he cares a great deal about them.
and then you start to tell him about your job. how your boss is another baldy that’s annoying—just like the professor you both shared. he chuckles at that. your coworkers are a good gossip, but you’d never go hang out with them outside of work. well, maybe except for one—utahime is a nice person, even if a bit of a priss sometimes.
it’s nice, talking to him. he’s funny, makes banter easily like it’s second nature. sometimes….sometimes it feels like old times. you’re not so sure how you feel about that, but you think it’s not bad. you can be grown ups, the two of you. you can be adults and ignore your immature past. the hurt is still there, but it’s manageable now. doesn’t linger and doesn’t weigh on you anymore.
sometimes satoru still stares at you in that way he did all those years ago, sometimes he still stutters over his words and loses his train of thought when he meets your eyes. he still loves you—you knew that from the start.
you stopped loving him a long time ago. that’s what you thought, anyway—but sometimes seeing satoru is….too familiar. it makes you feel things you thought you buried away for good. maybe it’s just deja vu, maybe it’s just the history speaking for itself.
or maybe…maybe you’re starting to tread a more dangerous path. the one that led you to your first, and worst heartbreak. you can’t step foot on that path again, no matter what.
that’s what you tell yourself, anyway—but satoru and you are talking one night. in front of your doors, like usual. you’re excited from a raise at work, and he’s excited because his students have done exceptionally on their final exams and you’re both celebratory in spirit enough that it turns into a cheery hug—and then…and then you’re kissing.
that wasn’t supposed to happen, but it does. you don’t know who kisses who, but you’re both wrapped up in each other and your lips are pressed against the others and oh, he feels so, so familiar.
like home. even if it’s not always safe to be there anymore, it’s still your home. you can’t let go of that nostalgia.
and then his hands cup your cheeks and your arms wrap around his neck and suddenly he’s in your bed—your door was already unlocked and the two of you somehow managed to stumble through the entire apartment until your back hits your mattress. your place is similar enough to his that he finds your room without any issues.
it was never supposed to happen—the shedding of clothes and the desperately needy kisses. the way you held his face and he held you. the way he trembled as he touched you, scared he’d mess it up again. the way you laced your fingers and kissed him between his brows like old times.
and then he fucks you like he means it. has his head in the crook of your neck and sniffles into your skin, rolls his hips and makes you mewl his name while he tells you every good thing about you.
you’re beautiful, the prettiest he’s ever seen. you’re so soft when you love, so delicate with the ones who hold your affection, it’s too much for anyone to deserve. you’re laugh is like music, a melody that’s impossible to grow tired of. but the most important part? you look at everyone like they’re worth something—just for existing, just for being there with you and crossing your path. worth your time, and energy, and compassion. they never have to work for it.
it’s rare, finding someone like that. it’s even more rare to get them to fall in love with you—satoru has never stopped regretting letting that go.
he whispers that all through breathy moans and the occasional cracked sob. whimpers when your fingers lock into his hair and pull the strands when his swollen tip kisses that spot he never forgot how to find. you cum first, falling apart with a gasp—and he cums right after, like feeling you is what it takes to make him come undone.
you still do that thing you did—rubbing his back as he spills into you, soothing him as he pants harshly into your skin. the only difference is that you don’t kiss his head sweetly and call him yours. god, he misses that so, so badly.
when his body slumps over yours, it’s when it hits you, what you just did.
“oh no,” you breathe, “oh god. we….we shouldn’t have done that, should we?” you ask tiredly.
satoru’s lip is trembling—he can’t bear to have you regret him. not again.
“i love you,” he says desperately, “i…i never stopped.”
“obviously you didn’t love me enough,” you mumble, not looking at him. it’s something you’ve realized—looking satoru in his eyes makes you weak.
you can’t have that.
“i’ll love you more than enough now,” he promises.
“what if i say i don’t love you anymore, satoru?” you challenge, “it’s been years. i didn’t wait around for you.”
his breath shakes at that. you think you got him there, but apparently he’s determined. it shocks you.
“then i’ll love enough for the both of us.”
for a moment, you can’t help but think if only everyone could see him now. years later. gojo satoru begging you to let him love you hard enough that you don’t have to. being okay with half of you because that’s better than none of you.
it’s almost comical. maybe a little sad. entirely avoidable if he’d just been brave from the start.
“that’s not fair to you,” you sigh, “you’re an asshole but…but you don’t deserve that. you deserve someone who can love you—”
“then i’ll show you,” he grabs your hand, pressing it to his face as he looks at you with enough hope that it’s almost too cruel to crush it. even for someone like him. “i’ll show you how to love me again. it’ll be easier this time. i promise.”
there’s a tear that slips down his cheek—and then another and another and another. and your thumb, just like muscle memory, swipes it away.
you want to tell him—it’s always been so, so easy to love satoru. easier than anything in the world. easier than loving yourself. it came like second nature, flowed through your blood stream and pumped through your heart. you loved him so easily.
you wish he’d loved himself a little bit easier back then. maybe he’d have realized who was worth keeping and who wasn’t. maybe he’d be happier now—a selfish part of you thinks you could’ve been happier that way too.
“satoru,” you sigh, “i have more self respect these days.”
“i know,” he nods, “i’ll be good—so good. i promise. i’ll wake you up with breakfast in bed and we can have three cats and i’ll pay for the vet visits. just like you always wanted.”
you can’t help but chuckle at that. he’s always known how to be charming at the right times.
“and what about the fancy window i always wanted?”
“i’ll get you one of those too,” he swears, “find us a nice place by the school and your job and we’ll be the best cat parents ever. and i’ll be good. so good.”
“i can’t do that all again,” you shake your head, “crying over someone like you is not worth it.”
“i won’t make you cry,” he insists.
something in you screams to believe him—that voice from your youth. that one that never quite stopped falling in love. that one that can’t ever really let him go.
“you don’t deserve me,” you mumble, pulling him close. he tucks his head into your neck, kisses your skin and breathes you in like he needs you to live.
maybe he does.
“i know,” he murmurs. “but i love you. i’ll make you love me again.”
“good luck,” you snort—your hand weaves into his hair, and your lips kiss his head.
well….maybe he’s already succeeded.
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gurugirl · 1 month
Sex Tutor II
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Summary: It feels like you and Harry are looking for different things. You aren't cut out for casual and Harry doesn't have time to focus on a relationship. But feelings are complicated and Harry doesn't even know what he wants until he realizes he can't stop thinking about you.
A/N: Here she is! The final part! I hope y'all enjoy! Part I Here
Word Count: 13.375
Warning: smut, angst, fluff, praise kink, size kink (kind of)
. .
It was another round of disappointment with Gunther after the 2nd time. Not only because he was so unenthusiastic and he wouldn’t return the favor (still), but because you really couldn’t stop thinking about Harry. About how good it had been with him.
As you were going down on Gunther you kept sucking him in and it just didn’t feel the same. He smelled different, and not necessarily bad but it wasn’t as pleasant as it could have been. He’d definitely sprayed some kind of cologne on and you could taste the bitterness of it on your tongue. And he was kind of rough with you. Pressed the back of your head down and grunted once or twice. You even attempted to run your finger over the spot Harry showed you and he got all squicked out by it thinking you were trying to put it in his butthole. And that reaction had totally ruined the moment for you.
Just like the first time, you left his dorm and walked back to yours alone in the dark with nothing but your thoughts and a touch of disgust. You considered reaching out to Harry. He did mention to you that you could call him anytime. And you were left fully unsatisfied by Gunther. There was no part of you that didn’t believe Harry could satisfy you every which way.
You figured you’d call it quits with Gunther after that and maybe you’d contact Harry again. But to your surprise, he contacted you first.
H: How did it go with Gunther?
You were working on a paper at your desk when you saw his message. Of course, you stopped everything to respond.
Not great. He did cum, though. So I guess that’s good! lol
H: Did you also cum?
You swallowed and bit your lip as you felt your cheeks heat up at that question.
It took a bit for him to respond. You weren’t sure if he was in the middle of something or if he didn’t have anything more to say, or maybe it was that he was thinking of how to word his response. And by then you had a hard time getting back into working on your paper so you called it quits for the day and decided to shower.
You kept wondering what was on Harry’s mind. Wondered if you should follow up with him. Ask him to see you again. And when you got out of your shower you had planned out a whole message to type out to him. You’d ask him for another lesson and see if he had any time. You’d be kind of putting yourself out there but Harry had been so nice and it was so good with him you hadn’t stopped thinking about that night.
But there was already a message from Harry waiting for you when you picked up your phone.
H: I think you should come over again. You didn’t get what you needed from him and I’ll happily make up for it. Show you what it’s supposed to be like.
You laid your phone down on your sink counter and grinned, your heart thumping wildly in your chest. Because yes! Yes, you’d go to his and let him take care of you. God, you’d love to give him another blow job too.
Only if you want. When were you thinking?
His response came faster than you expected.
H: Are you free tonight? Say 6 or so?
You weren’t technically free. You needed to finish your paper but fuck it. Harry would be worth a rushed final product.
That works for me : )
You met him at Maud’s like the first time. Only this time you bought his tea and a sandwich for him. He told you it wasn’t necessary but you felt like it was the least you could do. You walked back to his apartment together and told him about your paper that was due and he talked about his thesis. Harry was an interesting person. He wasn’t just eye candy, he had real depth. And he was kind.
“So why don’t you have a T.V.?” You asked as you sat on his couch and he plopped down next to you, drawing his arm over your shoulder.
“No time really. I’m telling you, I am almost always studying and doing coursework. Used to have one but it was too much of a distraction.”
You laughed, “And this isn’t a distraction?” You motioned your hand between yourself and Harry.
He shifted his seating and his hand moved from your shoulder to the side of your neck as he gently pulled at you, “Oh it’s a distraction all right. But this is the kind that’s worth it. Television has never been worth missing out on a good study sesh,” he laughed and you laid your palm on his chest.
“Well, I hope it’s worth it. Don’t feel like I’m all that amazing. Kind of ju–“
Your words were abruptly cut off with his mouth over yours. You let out a surprised squeak and Harry laughed against your lips, “Sorry… just want you, Y/n…”
You were a goner. You had never felt so sexy in your life as in that moment. Harry seemed quite ravenous and you didn’t know if it was because he was just horny in general or if it was because of you but the way he was licking at your mouth and touching your hip and moaning it felt a lot like he was simply into you. At least that’s what you were going to believe.
He got you into his bed again, your pants and sweater on the floor as he kissed your tummy. Your head was spinning, “Your lesson today,” he spoke between soft pecks over your skin, “Is to see how special you are. How you deserve to feel good. To be with someone who’s going to worship you…”
He hadn’t even touched your clit and it was already throbbing under your cotton panties. The man knew just what to say and you couldn’t help but melt into his mattress and moan his name.
You didn’t have much experience. But you knew one thing and that was that Harry was really really good. He pulled an orgasm from you like an expert, fingers tucked deep into your pussy with his tongue and lips sliding expertly over your sensitive clit. You could hardly even remember getting your clothes off but you didn’t forget his words as he pushed your thighs apart and nosed at your pussy, “So sweet, honey,” he looked up at you, “Can I call you honey?”
Honey. You didn’t mind. Of course not. He could call you whatever he wanted.
And when you finally came down from your orgasm, you shivered as he kept sucking on your clit. You tried pushing at his forehead and he hardly budged as he lifted his mouth from your pussy, “Relax. One more okay? Give me one more, honey?”
Fuck. You were not sure how you were going to survive this man.
When you were panting and sweating after your second orgasm Harry laid next to you and kissed your neck and told you how sweet and perfect you were. You tried returning the favor but he just shook his head and pulled your hand away from his obvious erection to kiss your knuckles, “This wasn’t about me tonight. Just for you, okay? I’m fine. Took care of myself before you came over anyway.”
“But you’re hard…”
“And I promise you that I’m fine. You deserve to be taken care of, Y/n. Don’t like how you’ve been neglected. Want you to just get what you need tonight.”
You stayed at Harry’s for another couple of hours. Just talking and laughing. It was like you two had always known one another. You learned a little about his childhood and you told him about yours. He was sweet and easy to talk to and you loved how he kept holding your hand and pinching your bottom lip as you’d talk. And when it was time to go he called you an Uber again, to which you protested, telling him that was unnecessary.
“It’s absolutely necessary. Don’t want anything to happen to you and this way I can watch the route and make sure you get where you need to go.”
It was like you were another person for the next week and a half. You were feeling quite confident and you ignored Gunther’s text to “hang out”. Harry made you feel like you deserved more. Even if you’d never have anything serious with Harry, he sure made you feel special.
But one night when you and your roommate were hanging out at a sorority house, you overheard something that made your stomach turn.
“You stayed the whole night?”
“Yep. He asked me to. Fucked me so good I almost couldn’t walk and he’s just so nice… I kind of thought he’d have me leave but he said he wanted to make sure I was okay.”
“What’s he like?”
“Well, everything about him is just…” the girl grinned and bit her lip with that dreamy, faraway look in her eye, “He’s so hot up close too. His body… holy shit, you should see this man’s body! But his dick… when I felt that thing inside of me, I was a dickmatized. He’s big and it’s just… perfect. But it’s not just that he’s got a big cock, he’s like… super nice and just knows how to orchestrate the whole experience. Talked me through it all, it was so sexy, and he knows what he’s doing.”
“And you’re gonna ask for another session?”
The girl nods, “Oh yeah. I already did. Well, the morning when I left he fucked me again and then ate me out and told me to call him if I ever needed anything. So I obviously called him…”
Harry wasn’t your boyfriend. He was a single man who had a reputation. He was known for this very thing. So why did it bother you? Why did it make you feel nauseated and jealous? You didn’t even get to have full-on sex with him. It was just oral sex both times, but it felt like you missed out in a way, not having the opportunity to have him like that. But perhaps it was better that you hadn’t had actual sex. Because your wandering thoughts and feelings were betraying your good senses. Images in your brain of you and Harry being a couple were silly. That was never going to happen. Maybe continuing to see Harry would be a bad idea after all. You were already feeling things for him that you shouldn’t be.
And, so, when Gunther called you again the day after you heard that story you decided to answer the call and give him yet another chance. He asked for another “date”. But this time you told him you wanted to actually go out somewhere first. Like on a real date. Maybe a change of scenery would be nice. Maybe the third time would be the charm, as they say. Perhaps if you gave him one more shot he’d redeem himself. Maybe you’d finally get what you were looking for all along.
So there you both were on a Saturday night at the bar with house music playing. You were readying yourself for another round of disappointment and being left unsatisfied when he refused to dance with you. The bar you two had gone to had a DJ every Saturday night and you thought it could be fun to have a couple of drinks, eat some bar food, and dance a bit. But Gunther didn’t want to get up off his stool and he went way beyond just a couple of drinks. You weren’t sure how many he had at that point but it had become clear that he just wanted to drink and get back to his room so he could get his dick sucked and send you on your way.
This time, however, there would be no blow job. You had already decided on Ubering back to your dorm alone afterward. You just had to figure out how to break it to Gunther first.
.           .
Harry had been wondering about you since the last time he saw you. The nervous pretty girl who wound up being quite the breath of fresh air for him. He didn’t expect you to call him for another session but he kind of hoped you would. Or at least just a text to hang out. The last night he had you at his place he felt like you were an old friend. A hot friend who he wanted to bang, but a friend, someone he felt comfortable with who he could talk to all night. He was surprised at how easily the conversation flowed with you. And so it was kind of disappointing when you didn’t reach out to him again. He felt like maybe you weren’t that into him.
He even wound up having to cancel on someone he’d made plans with. He wasn’t sure he was ready to look at anyone else naked. He needed time to get his head on straight. Which just meant he was concerned he’d be thinking about you while he was with someone else. And that was something he refused to do with anyone; think about one person while being with another.
And now it was almost two weeks later and he was still thinking about you. Kept wanting to text you to ask how you were. To see if you wanted to just hang out. He figured if you wanted more you’d reach out. He didn’t want to assume you felt whatever it was he felt. He wasn’t even quite sure what he was feeling.
So when his friend invited him to go out for a few drinks he thought it would be a good opportunity to get his mind off of you so he decided why not? He didn’t often go out to drink. He didn’t have time for it, truth be told. But his buddy wanted to celebrate landing a big job and Harry said he could only hang out for a couple of hours because he had to be up early the following morning to study but he could use a couple of hours away from schoolwork to let loose a bit.
The bar was packed and the room was loud with music and an open dancefloor where people were dancing and flirting. He figured he’d go out and dance for a song or two after a couple of beers and then call it a night. As he was on his second pint he gazed around at the tables with girls in their short dresses and guys trying their hardest to impress and that’s when he spotted you. He felt his heart float up into his throat and then he narrowed in his sight to see who you were with. Gunther.
Harry had looked up this Gunther guy. He was easy to find. He was following you on Instagram and being that there weren’t many called Gunther he knew right away it was him. Why did he look him up? It was just another thing that had Harry a bit perplexed. Being someone on the path to becoming a sex therapist, one would think Harry had more of an idea of what was going on in his own head. But maybe it was more just a matter of whether or not he was ready to admit what he was feeling.
You appeared bored. Annoyed maybe. You had your chin propped in your hand and you were swirling your drink with a straw. Your eyes were focused on the dance floor and Gunther was looking a bit tipsy. He was staring at his phone. If Harry were there with you he’d have his whole attention on you. He wouldn’t even be thinking about his phone. Hell, he had his whole attention on you now and he wasn’t even there with you.
He wondered what it was you saw in Gunther. He knew the man wasn’t doing it for you. He could just see it in your posture. If you had been well fucked, or at least satisfied on some level, and given the attention you deserved your demeanor would have been different. Harry could do that for you. He’d seen how you responded to a good orgasm and how relaxed and confident you got when you were satisfied.
When he saw you sip the last of your drink and say something to your date, who didn’t even so much as give you a glance, you got up and made your way to the dancefloor when the new song came on.
Watching you sway and dance alone had Harry’s heart rhythm increasing. Your dress was riding up your legs and you had your arms raised and your eyes closed. It was clear you were just trying to enjoy your time whether or not Gunther was. He was glad you were dancing and doing your own thing.
“Who’s the girl?” Harry’s friend asked as two more guys joined them at the table.
“Y/n. A friend.”
“I bet. You gonna go be her friend again tonight?” Paul’s elbow teasingly poked at Harry’s arm.
Harry nodded, “You know what? Maybe I will. Looks like she could use some company.”
Leaving his beer behind at the table with his mates Harry scanned his eyes back towards Gunther who was still enmeshed in whatever was on his cell phone’s screen. He couldn’t believe the guy wasn’t watching you dance. You were a sight.
Harry wound his way through the crowd before he got close enough that he could get your attention. But your eyes were still closed as you sensually moved your hips and swayed to the beat. He began to dance, only a few feet in front of you as he watched you move and feel the music. He stepped in closer, glimpsing down over the skin on your neck and up to how your lips were slightly parted, a bit of sweat building at your brow line.
And when you finally opened your eyes to see the very man you’d had on your mind it came as quite the surprise. You blinked your lashes at him as he grinned down at you, “Harry?”
Your smile stretched over your face as you continued letting the music guide your movements and he took your hand, gently pulling you closer to breach the space between you, “Hi.”
“Hi,” you gazed up at him like you were in a dream. Was he really here? “What are you doing here?”
He laughed and moved his hand to your hip, “Came out with some friends,” he glanced toward the table where Gunther was still laser-focused on his phone, “I see you’ve come with someone as well.”
You followed his gaze and then looked back up at him, “Yeah. Was trying to give him one more shot.”
Harry’s big hand had a firm grip on your hip as you both moved away from the sight of Gunther, still dancing, “One more shot? You think he’s worth it?”
Shaking your head you laid your palm over his chest, “I don’t know. Just wanted to see.”
Harry let out a laugh and shook his head, “You think he’s gonna satisfy you? Or you think you’ll be left wanting once again?”
You felt your face warm up as you shook your head no and shrugged.
“Then why are you here with him, Y/n?”
You shrugged again and looked down at the collar of his shirt, “Just wanted to see if a night out would make it better.”
Harry pulled his free hand around the back of your hip and ducked his head down to your line of sight, “And look at him over there. Not paying you the attention you deserve. If it were me I’d be out here dancing with you and showing you off to everyone.”
You laughed, that smile he was searching for back on your face again, “You are technically out here dancing with me.”
“See? I say what I mean. You’re too special to waste your night with him. You planning on leaving here with him after?”
“Don’t think so. I mean look at him… he doesn’t care if I’m here or not. He probably just wants his blow job and he’s suffering through all this just to get his balls drained,” you laughed and covered your mouth with your free hand. You didn’t know what’d gotten into you saying that but you didn’t regret it when Harry let out a loud guffaw.
“It’s cause you’re so good, Y/n,” Harry ran his hand up your spine to wrap his fingers along the back of your neck, and he ducked his mouth close to your ear to speak, “You know that right? How good you are? Got me all flustered right now thinking about it. Don’t go back with him. He’s not worth it.”
Your eyes fluttered when you felt his warm breath on your ear and down your neck. You loved what he was saying to you but you also knew he was probably just being nice. Like he was to everyone. Like he had been to that girl he let stay over after you. While you were pining over him he was fucking another.
Not that you had any right to be jealous. There were no strings in this relationship.
“I think I’ll just get an Uber back to my place. That’s what I was planning anyway,” you turned in to respond to him.
Harry moved you to the rhythm slowly and the feel of his hands on you was exciting. But you didn’t want to get caught up in how it all felt because you knew you’d just get attached to him. He was so nice and so good and being with him had you feeling like you were special to him. Though, you knew the truth. You were just like everyone else.
Except that every time you looked into his eyes it was deep and there was a well of emotion or something that couldn’t just mean nothing. But maybe that was just you being the silly optimist that you were.
“Can’t believe he didn’t give you anything,” his gaze seared over your face, “Can’t believe he wouldn’t want to.”
You felt his hand gently squeeze the back of your neck and his heart was pumping healthily under your palm. He ducked down again, his voice vibrating off the shell of your ear and the heat of his body enveloping yours, “He’s missing out because you’re so sweet. Feel lucky I got to taste you and he never has. Might sound selfish but I hope you don’t let him.”
You panted when his lips grazed over your earlobe and then he planted a hot kiss to the skin just underneath, “Let me have you again. Come back to mine and I’ll make sure you’re taken care of. Want to taste you and feel, Y/n. Missed you…”
Your brain was blurry as he smudged his lips down your neck. Your skin pricked in delight at the cool air that hit every damp spot left behind by his mouth.
“What the fuck?”
Your little bubble burst when you heard Gunther’s voice. Harry kept his arm around your low back, continuing to hold you close.
“Dude… what is this?”
“It’s… Gunther this is Har–“
“I don’t care who he is. Why is he dancing with you and kissing you?”
“That’s a good question,” Harry responded, “You should have been out here with her but you were too interested in your phone to notice that someone else was enjoying her company and paying attention to her like she deserves.”
Gunther laughed and stumbled forward, trying to pry Harry’s hand from your waist, “Come on…”
“Go home, Gunther,” Harry moved you behind his back and stood tall to look down on your date.
Gunther looked at you, dumbfounded, “Is this guy for real?”
You nodded and grabbed onto Harry’s arm, “Yeah. You should leave and get some rest. I think you’ve had too much to drink. I’m sorry–“
“Don’t apologize to him. He should have been acting like your date.”
“So, you’re not coming back to my room with me? My roommate’s out all night, Y/n…”
Shaking your head you stepped next to Harry, “No. I’m not. I think I’m just gonna go home myself–“
Harry looked down at you, “You sure you want to go home?”
“Fine. This was a lame date, anyway,” Gunther laughed and pointed at you, “Don’t call me again.”
Rolling your eyes as your date walked off you looked back up at Harry who was still looking down at you with a confused expression, “You really don’t want to come with me?”
You swallowed and let go of his arm, “It’s not that… It’s just kind of complicated and a mess of things I don’t want to explain…”
Harry took your hand, “Try me.”
You shook your head as you both moved away from the crowd of swaying bodies, “This isn’t a therapy session, Harry. I have real feelings and I’m not cut out for casual like some people.”
He followed you toward your table where you had left your purse. You wanted to make sure you got it before anyone else did.
“What does that mean, Y/n? Talk to me.”
When you pulled your purse over your shoulder you shrugged as you looked up at him, “Come on Harry. You know what I mean. You and I are in different leagues. You are having fun and sleeping with all these people, which you’re totally allowed to do! And I barely have any experience and was even so desperate that I went out with Gunther again in hopes of some kind of connection–“
“Hey,” Harry softly grabbed your face and let the pads of his thumbs graze over your cheekbones, “You and me have a connection. And there are no leagues, Y/n… that’s something made up.”
You puffed out a laugh but you really wanted to melt into him, at his soft touch, “But we’re looking for different things, Harry. And that’s fine, really… I should go…” You began to walk toward the exit and Harry followed you out the doors.
The silence and the darkness outside were only tempered by the streetlights with the noise of a car passing and the bass of the music coming from inside the bar you’d just walked out of.
“I hope you don’t think I took your company for granted, Y/n. I really, genuinely like you. Haven’t stopped thinking about you since our last night together.”
You nodded with a faint smile, “That’s nice to hear. I know you’re a super nice guy, Harry. And I hope this doesn’t sound rude or anything… but it’s just hard for me to really believe you were thinking much of me afterward. I imagine you stay booked and busy.”
Harry’s brows stitched together, “Booked and busy? I don’t just have lots of girls over all the time, Y/n. I am a busy man though. I’m in my coursework program and working on my thesis. I’m not just fucking around all the time. Haven’t had anyone over since you, actually.”
You narrowed your eyes at him, “No? What about a pretty blond who stayed the night with you? I’m guessing it was last week?”
He shook his head, “Had no one over last week.”
“Really?” You looked down at the concrete sidewalk and wondered if you’d gotten it wrong. You swore it sounded like she had just seen him the way she was talking.
Harry pulled your hand into his, “You’re the last girl I had over. Was supposed to see someone the other day but I canceled. Wasn’t feeling it anymore.”
You sighed, “I mean… obviously you can do what you want and see who you please. I’m just… my point is that I’m worried about getting attached. You’re good at casual and I’m not. So… seeing you again might be fine for you but for me, it holds so much more meaning. It’s just how I’m programmed. I can’t help it.”
He nodded and bit the inside of his cheek. He didn’t know why that little confession had his heart twisting, “I see. So you wouldn’t want to see me again then?”
“It’s not that I wouldn’t want to. I think you’re fun and we had a really good time but I don’t know if I can handle being one of the many. When I overheard someone talking about sleeping with you…” you shook your head, “I was sick to my stomach even though I have no right to feel that way. Does that make sense? And I’m not like saying,” you gestured your arms about, “… that I’m already attached or anything. It’s just I am not cut out for being with someone who’s also sleeping with others. So it’s better to cut our losses. My losses… before I actually get hurt.”
Harry could understand that. He’d dealt with this before. Girls getting jealous of other girls. And so then at that point, it was time to part ways as amicably as possible. Because Harry was a single man and not ready for commitments like that. His only commitments were finishing his thesis, getting his doctorate, and working toward opening his own practice one day. That was where his heart was. Not with any one girl who might come along. Perhaps one day he’d settle down. After he met all his life’s goals first.
But looking at you and your pretty eyes, the ones that had him in a trance, the ones he couldn’t stop thinking about that had him canceling on another girl… well he was quite torn. He didn’t know what he was feeling exactly. All he knew was that he had a plan, a path he’d forged and would continue on until he got what he wanted. And never in that plan did he imagine meeting someone along the way who could disrupt any part of that.
“I wish you’d reconsider.”
You shook your head as you looked at his soft green irises, wondering if that would be the last time you’d get to see them up close. You wanted to repeat his words to him. I wish you’d reconsider. Because that’s what it would take. You couldn’t do casual and you’d drive yourself mad knowing he was sleeping with others. There was nothing wrong with Harry. In fact he was quite astonishing and impressive. But that would only make the eventual parting even worse for you and so you figured it was better this way. It would be nice to have him again but you’d just be falling deeper into that hole. You knew yourself all too well.
Your Uber had arrived and you smiled up at Harry, “I can’t. I found myself thinking about you too much and just imagining how it’d be if we did more… I’d really be a mess. But truly, you’ve been so great, Harry. I wish you all the best.”
You climbed into the back of the black Toyota and Harry thought he should stop you. He thought he should climb in after you and tell you that you were making a mistake. That he really didn’t know what he was doing but he couldn’t just let you leave like that. He could figure it out if he did it with you.
But God, what was he thinking? Why would he do that? He didn’t know you well enough to be making such big decisions that could derail the very rigid plans he’d already made for himself. So he let you go. He watched as the car took you down the street until you were out of sight completely and he felt like something was missing. For the first time ever there was a pit in his gut, an obstruction that had him faltering. Had he just fucked up? Or had he done something that was for the better?
He honestly didn’t know.
.           .           .
The university you attended was like a small town. Thousands of people attended classes and milled about the campus every day. And despite how many people there were gossip was quickly and easily spread. It shouldn’t have surprised you because if there was one thing a college girly was good at, it was gossiping and learning more details about gossip they heard. And who happened to be one of the most talked about grad students on campus? To your utter dismay, the name of one of the most popular and attractive guys at university was Harry Styles. You’d never paid much attention to it before you met him. But now every time his name came up you were all ears.
Now you didn’t go believing all the things you heard in general. Most gossip was easy enough to ignore or brush off as inconsequential or probably a downright lie. But your ears did perk up when you were at a frat party and you heard Harry’s name mentioned. And the only reason you even heard it was because your roommate was chatting with a girl who was talking about him.
“Yeah, I guess Harry’s been seeing people but not doing anything with them. Like he brings them to his place or whatever and then he just freezes and apologizes but Lora said, and I’m just saying what I heard from her, that he really liked some chick and she didn’t want to see him again and he can’t get over her or something?”
“That’s interesting. I heard he canceled on someone a month ago- Amy’s friend who hung out with him once. So maybe this has been going on since then?”
Your roommate turned to look at you, narrowing her eyes and you knew what she was thinking. But even if the part about him being upset over some “chick” was true, certainly that had nothing to do with you.
“I heard the same thing,” another girl chimed in, “My brother is in a class with him and he said Harry’s been kind of down I guess.”
“Your brother takes note of his mood?” One of the girls laughed.
“Oh yeah. Only because I ask about him. When I found out he had a class with Harry I was like tell me everything!” She laughed.
You had a feeling that most of what you were hearing was false. Harry was so confident and just having a good time you couldn’t imagine he’d freeze up around anyone like that.
As the night went on, the frat house became packed with people. Dancing bodies, music, drugs, alcohol, hookups… You were there for the dancing and alcohol part. Your roommate had her eye on the debate team champ, Alex, and was hoping to get lucky finally (they’d been kind of playing a cat-and-mouse game that she was ready to finish once and for all).
You kept your drink in hand the whole time. Only refilling when necessary and trying not to get too wasted. That was never cute and it was also dangerous. But you loved dancing and letting loose with others who were just as bad at dancing as you were. It was fun to not worry about what you looked like because no one really cared.
Except that when you heard Gunther’s voice from behind you and felt his sticky hand on your arm you wanted to vomit, “Look so good, Y/n…”
He was drunk. His voice was slurred and you were annoyed at his presence. You pulled away from him but being the nice girl you were you smiled and made small talk for a bit as you kept moving your hips to the music.
“Come back to my room again tonight. Miss this mouth,” he plucked at your lip and you swatted his hand away, the smile on your face dropping instantly. No more nice girl.
“No thanks.” You turned to leave the area where everyone was dancing to get away but he followed behind.
“Oh, come on. You love sucking me off. You’re so good at it too.”
Finally. A compliment. But of course, it was too little too late and certainly not the time nor the place for such words. Besides, you were no longer attracted to him, and no matter what angle he tried it wasn’t going to work.
“Go away, Gunther!” You suddenly snapped at him and he stopped mid-stride and looked at you like you had two heads with horns.
He lifted his hands in surrender, “Okay. Fine. Jesus.”
You turned to make your way to the kitchen for a refill when you saw something that made your heart drop and your stomach bubble in gross shock. It was Harry Styles dancing slowly behind some cute girl, his arms wrapped around her front, leaning down to her shorter height and he was kissing the side of her neck.
Your Harry. The one who had you all gooey and giddy after that “session”. The one who kissed your neck not that long ago. You wished he was dancing behind you like that. You wished you hadn’t been so sensitive and that you could throw caution to the wind and not care that he was sleeping with others. You wished you could have just given in that night at the bar and gone back to his… But you said no to him. And now here he was with someone else.
You gulped and turned to go to the bathroom instead, Gunther still eyeing you up from the spot where you’d left him.
You stayed in the bathroom for a bit. Not wanting to go out and see Harry and the cute brunette dancing. You knew she was in for a treat later on. But that should have been you. Pouting at yourself in the mirror you felt ridiculous. You knew what it was with Harry. That he was a free and single man and could do as he pleased. You really had no right to feel upset over what you’d seen. He’d done nothing wrong.
Dumping out the last bit of your drink in the sink you figured maybe it was just time to leave. You didn’t want to have to deal with Gunther nor did you feel like seeing Harry all over someone else. Perhaps tonight was just not going to be your night.
As you opened the bathroom door a figure stood in the way and your immediate thought was that Gunther had followed you but as you trailed your eyes upward it was clear the man was taller and you didn’t miss the nail polish on his fingers when he gripped the door. Everything stopped. The music, the air around your body, your heart…
“Y/n…” That deep voice spoke your name like it belonged on his tongue.
You looked up at him, removing your hand from the doorknob, and gave him a confused smile, “Hi Harry. What are you doing?”
He seemed off. Not drunk but maybe not quite sober either? You weren’t sure what to make of his behavior as he pulled the door open and stepped into the bathroom, closing it behind himself.
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” he stepped in toward you, your bottom hitting the edge of the porcelain sink, “Nothing makes sense lately. Just want to go back to how things were but I can’t. S’like I’ve got some kind of block. Something’s missing…”
You shook your head, not really understanding what he was talking about as he continued.
“I don’t know what’s going on in my head. Are you really still with Gunther?” He looked hurt. Wounded almost.
“No. After that night at the bar, I haven’t talked to him. He just happened to be here.” “You were dancing with him.”
“Well, not really. I was dancing and then he came up behind me. I was just being nice talking to him but then he said something and…” you scoffed, “Why does it matter? You were dancing with someone else. And you were all over her. You should be out there with her enjoying yourself, Harry.”
“Can’t. Haven’t been able to enjoy anyone. Don’t want to anymore. Every time I do this now I just… can’t.”
“But you were. You were kissing her neck, having fun. Looked quite cozied up to her, Harry. I imagine she’s waiting for you to return right now.”
“I mean I can’t lie to myself anymore. I’ve been kidding myself. I can never go through with it. I don’t want her. That was just a show. When I saw you with him… it’s dumb. I don’t know what I’m doing, Y/n.”
You sighed and scanned his face. He did seem down, “So why are you here in the bathroom with me? Did you want to talk to me? Is there something I can do?”
Truly you were racking your brain trying to figure out why he was there and why he was telling you everything he was. Now you weren’t a dumb girl, but you would never have assumed what he was about to tell you in his next breath.
“Yes. There is something…” he swallowed, his soft green irises fixed on your mouth, “Can you kiss me? Just once more. I just need to see something with you. Is that okay?”
You felt dizzy. Felt confused. Felt your breaths shallow as he looked back into your eyes, “What? I don’t understand. Why?”
Harry softly brushed his knuckles against yours, “Because I can’t stop thinking about you and every time I try to see someone I just see you. And it’s driving me mad and I don’t understand it really but I just need to know something and I think if I could kiss you maybe it would help clear up the fog in my brain.”
“The fog…” you whispered the words back to him and felt his fingertips against yours. And it was suddenly clear to you what he was saying. You were the one who had him all messed up. The “chick” he couldn’t get over. You didn’t know how it was possible or why but it was and he was begging you with his eyes and his fingertips. The heat of him standing only inches away from you was beckoning you to give in.  
When you wound your fingers through his and gently pulled him closer, your lashes fluttering up at him, you saw a light in his eyes, a sparkle of something like wonder and hope and relief. The strange nervous, tense energy you spotted when he first walked into the bathroom with you was suddenly gone.
He brought a hand up to your face, his long fingers curving around to the back of your neck, “It’s okay? I can kiss you, Y/n?”
“Yes. It’s okay, Harry.”
Closing his eyes, a shaky breath fell from his mouth as he relieved his lungs of the pressure in his chest and you braced yourself for his lips on yours but it wasn’t at all what you expected. It wasn’t rushed or filled with filth and lust. It wasn’t slobbery with an excited tongue finding its way into your mouth or teeth colliding in haste.
No. It was filled with warmth and it was soft, slow. He pressed his lips to yours and ran his thumb gently over your cheekbone, inhaling deeply. He squeezed your hand and lulled his lips up and down to the edge of your mouth and delicately swiped his tongue over your bottom lip. The warmth created embers as you parted your lips and ran your tongue against his and your heart lobbed in your chest at the emotion and the meaning you felt pouring from him.
He refused to rush the kiss, slowly opening and closing his lips against and around yours, softly licking and breathing and touching your face and your hand. And when you let out a small whimper the embers caught on fire and his hips were against yours and the fingers at the back of your neck held your face against his as he worshipped your mouth and you felt his nose nudge into yours before he gasped and spoke, keeping his eyes closed, “It’s you. It’s what I want. All I want. I knew it.”
You blinked your eyes open and cupped his jaw, “Harry… what do you mean?”
With his eyes still shut he sighed, “I just mean it’s you that I can’t move on from. I can’t describe it right now but you’ve done something to me and I need more of it.”
In most circumstances, those words would be music to your ears. But you were terrified of getting hurt. Terrified that he was just confused and if you entertained whatever this was he’d realize it wasn’t all that deep and he’d go back to his “tutoring”. Because he had said that when he first got into the bathroom with you. That he just wanted things to go back to how they were. And if you were just a means to an end, well, you didn’t want to be part of that, for your own sake.
“So you’re hoping that now things can go back to how they were before me? Yeah?”
Harry’s eyes opened and he looked down at you, shaking his head, “No. They can’t. I can’t. That kiss, Y/n… Was exactly what I thought. Can we get out of here? Go somewhere and talk?”
He was convincing. How could he not be? His irises were brighter and greener than they were before you kissed him and the thumb he smoothed over your jaw and to your earlobe had you melting, relenting. So you nodded to him and said your goodbyes to the two friends you arrived at the party with, following him outside, keeping your hand in his the whole time.
Your dorm room was closer so you decided to go there and it was like you were walking through a scene in some surreal movie that you couldn’t wait to find out what the ending was going to be. But before you could even get to your dorm, Harry had you against the wall at the art building, and the rush and the lust that you hadn’t quite gotten earlier in the bathroom was suddenly burning all around you.
Wet lips and hasty, shaky hands, hips pasted together away from the streetlamp that illuminated the sidewalk only feet from you… A heart-racing blur. Nipped lips and stifled moans, heaving chests…
And then a hurry to get to your building and find your way up to your room before the dizzy haze of Harry enveloped you again and it was all-consuming. You couldn’t peel yourself away from him and his lips found your neck and your skin and you pushed your hand under his shirt to touch his warm chest.
But he parted from you with a gasp, his chest rising and falling so rapidly his lungs were likely struggling to keep up.
“I’m sorry. That… Y/n I just really really like you.”
Pulling your hand from his chest you nodded at him and shifted on your bed so you could sit to your bottom next to him, “I like you too, Harry.” Obviously.
He ran a hand through his hair and nodded as he looked down at his lap and then dragged your hand over his thigh, sliding his fingers between yours, “I mean I want to be with you. I can’t even think about anyone else. I don’t want anyone else.”
You watched as Harry drew his fingers over your knuckles and between your digits then pressed his palm against yours.
“But… so you don’t want to like have what you had before? Like all the girls and the… you know,” you breathed out a laugh that was full of nerves, “The sessions? Weren’t you just having fun?”
He shook his head and turned to look at you, “It was fun. But it wound up just being kind of empty after a bit. Didn’t really get what I was looking for. I mean at first, I didn’t even know what I was looking for. But you know how you said you gave Gunther one last shot because you were hoping for some kind of connection?”
You nodded as you worried your bottom lip between your teeth, wondering where he was going with all of it. Was he really about to say what you thought he was?
“I realized that’s what I was looking for. And you… Y/n there’s just this thing with you. I never connected with someone like that before. I never felt so… I can’t like describe…” he paused as he collected his thoughts, “Breathless? Or like… achy here,” he lifted a hand to his chest over his heart, “It’s this stinging dread, just a hopeless feeling. I never cared if someone didn’t want to see me again. But I cared a lot when you didn’t want to. It hurt.”
Those were the kinds of feelings you felt when you liked someone who didn’t like you back. It was that exact description that you were worried about with Harry. You were worried you’d feel all that and then he’d be with someone else the next week. It was for fear of that very thing. But he was feeling it. That devastation.
“I understand exactly. That’s why I didn’t want to see you again. Because I was worried I’d start to feel that too. And it hurts so much that it was easier to part ways before it got to that point. So I get it.”
“I don’t want to do it anymore. With anyone else. I’m done. And I’m so close to what I want… my degree. So I thought it was too much to focus on just one person but I think I was wrong. It’s a lot of work having people come and go. Maybe it’s better to just have someone I can trust and someone who’s there for me. Just one person who I feel a real connection with.”
You swallowed the lump down your throat and your tummy was in knots. It truly did feel like you were in a surreal movie scene all dreamy and untidy with bursts of vivid colors and soft stringed music slowly intensifying as the minutes drew on.
“Would you want that with me? To see what happens? I’m not saying it would be like a fairytale or anything but like… just a normal relationship. Get to figure out what this is between us and learn about each other. Just the two of us.”
“So, me and you?”
“Yeah. Me and you. Not something casual. I’d only want to see you.”
You hadn’t imagined your night going in this direction and it still felt like you were about to have a director enter your room and yell cut! It didn’t quite feel real but it was. Harry was sitting next to you on your bed with his hypnotizing bright green eyes on you, caressing your fingers and your palm with his.
“Okay. Yeah,” you breathed out your words and Harry’s pink lips turned upward in a boyish smile complete with adorable dimples and you couldn’t help but return the expression but it only lasted for a second or two before his lips were pressed against yours again.
Everything about him was intoxicating. His body against yours, his hands on your face and squeezing your hip as he laid you both down in your small bed. You wrapped your arms around him as he ran his tongue over the seam of your lips and it turned into something dirty and desperate, your hands grabbing at him and his fingers trailing under your shirt.
He squeezed at your bum, your jeans blocking him from feeling you unencumbered and then he parted from the kiss, his hair all wild and strewn about from your fingers, “Can we do this here? Is your roommate coming back?”
You looked at the clock on the table at the side of the room and it was well past 2 in the morning. You honestly weren’t sure if she was coming back but you knew she had hopes of going back to Alex’s place. But you also didn’t care. At least not in that moment with Harry right there with you, his scent all over your body, his jeans unzipped, and his shoes somewhere in your room.
“I don’t know. She might be out all night. Just… If she comes back we’ll cover up,” you laughed. You had once again lost your mind. Harry seemed to have you in some lusty trance you couldn’t break. Didn’t want to break.
Harry ducked down to kiss your neck as he fit himself between your legs, the bed squeaking under the sudden shift of weight. You could feel his open pants against your hip. You’d gotten a bit carried away when you were making out and undid them for him, to which he laughed but didn’t stop you. And now, that convenient thing was seductively calling to you as you reached your hand down to push at his pants.
“In a hurry are we?” He looked down at your hand and then at your face.
“Not really. I don’t know. I just want… you.”
Harry’s lids were heavy as he blinked his eyes, “Well you can have me. Whatever you want.”
He pressed the tip of his nose to yours before smearing his mouth against your lips and your fingers were back in his hair once again. Slow and luxurious. Hasty and filthy… Harry kissed you like he didn’t know which way was best. But you were getting fired up from the way he was doing it. You didn’t care, you just wanted it. Wanted his mouth and his tongue, his hands and his body, his moans and his hair between your fingers.
You were hot. Molten underneath him. Your panties were ruined and you were sure he knew what he was doing. Your mind wandered to where you’d put your condoms and then you felt his hands on your hip as he slowly began to slide your shirt upward.
He sat back, plucking at the front of his pants, and then put his hands back on your waist, “Can I get this off? All of it?”
You nodded and grinned with your lip bitten into your mouth as Harry got rid of your t-shirt and then unbuttoned your pants, “You too. Can we get your clothes off too?” You spoke as you lifted your hips and let him peel your jeans down your legs.
Harry grinned at you, “Absolutely. You already did part of the work here anyway,” he laughed as he gestured toward his unzipped pants.
Harry was left in his boxer briefs when the last thing you had to get rid of was your light blue panties. But Harry seemed quite transfixed by the wet spot on the fabric over your pussy. You were so wet the whole of the crotch was clinging to you, outlining what was underneath and Harry slid his thumb over the top of the material and parted his lip before looking up your face, “Fuck.”
You panted softly when he bumped into your clit and pressed over the slick spot, “Does that feel good, Y/n?”
You nodded, “Yeah. That feels good…”
“So warm and wet for me,” he drew his hand up to the elastic waistband and pulled it downward, “Gonna take a closer look. S’that alright?”
You were full of nothing but yes as you knocked your head up and down affirmatively and bounced your gaze from his eyes to where he was disrobing the last bit of material covering you.
He pushed out a quick succession of what sounded like a breathy whistle as he took you in with his eyes, his fingertips holding the soft, mushy part of your inner thighs so you stayed spread, “Fuck. Fuck, honey…” he licked his lips and looked up at you as he ran his thumb through your folds, “Can I have some of this again? Taste…”
He sounded almost as delirious as you felt. Taste… eat… suck… fuck… whatever he wanted. You nodded, “Yes, Harry.”
He leaned over your body, pressing his chest against yours, and kissed your mouth before dragging his lips down your neck and to your tits, stopping to suck and lick each one before he drew his hot mouth downward, sponging kisses over your tummy and to your hips.
Your legs were brought up to drape over his shoulders as he held onto your thighs and then watched you as he licked up from your gushy hole to your clit.
The sounds that fell from your mouth were pitiful. You had an ache that needed to be relieved and it seemed only Harry could do it. Every swipe of his tongue through your crease had you slipping toward the edge of the earth, “Harry…”
You did your best to keep your eyes on his, knowing that’s what he liked but you couldn’t help throwing your head back every time he sucked your clit and rolled it under his tongue. He was better than your clit sucker. He was better than anything or anyone else.
“Mmmm…” your attempt at stifling your moans only goaded Harry even more. He drew his lips over your clit and slid them side to side and the pressure that was building in your tummy had you shaking.
“Will you…” you gasped and pulled at his hair, “Can we have sex?”
You had an immediate urge. A need to feel him closer. Wanted him inside of you right then.
Harry lifted his face from your pussy and licked his lips, “You sure? You’ve had sex before, yeah?”
You laughed and let go of his curls with a nod, “Just with one person. I’m not very good.”
“I’m sure you’re amazing, Y/n,” he sat back, gently placing your legs down and you pushed yourself to sit up.
“I don’t know,” you grinned at him and ran your foot over his thigh, “Maybe you could give me a proper lesson. Think I need tutoring.”
Harry wrapped his palm around your ankle and shot a cheeky eyebrow up, “Oh you need tutoring, do you? Well, you didn’t sign up for a lesson with me. Think you’re just gonna get a freebie?” He laughed.
You shrugged as he lifted himself and began to pull his boxer briefs down his hips. Your eyes focused on his big cock. You couldn’t wait to see what’d feel like inside of you. You were positive he’d be gentle and give it to you good.
“So what are you saying? You charge for your services now?”
Harry pursed his lips to the side and smoothed his hands up your calves, “Teaching is hard work, Y/n.”
“I bet. How about just one last lesson? For me?” You bit your lip, rounding your eyes at him.
“Fine. Just for you.”
“Condoms are in the top drawer,” you pointed to your dresser, “Never been opened.”
He began to move off your bed but then paused, “Never opened?”
“Well, the guy I slept with had his own and we only did it twice so I’ve never used the ones I bought.”
You watched him walk to your dresser to find the unopened box of Trojans. Harry was so fit and masculine and his ass was gorgeous. He was a work of art from behind but when he turned and walked toward you he was angelic. His toned abs and strong thighs, skin littered with tattoos and bits of hair on his pecs, his handsome face, and of course, the heavy, thick organ between his legs, swollen and hard. Just for you.
He kneed up to you on the bed and handed you the wrapper with the condom, “Ever put a condom on a penis before?” He asked as he stroked himself
You shook your head and tore the wrapper open. When you had the rubber in your palm Harry flipped it over, “This side goes on my tip.”
You brought the condom to his tip and looked up at him as you began to roll the rubber downward but he stopped you, “That’s good. But first, pinch the top here, like this,” he brought your fingers to the top of the rubber and pulled at it away from his crown, “Just gives a little space for movement and for my come.”
You gulped at the image in your brain of the condom being filled with his come after orgasm. His shaft was wide and long as the rubber was rolled down as far as it could reach.
You looked up at his face and he was watching you closely with a soft smile, “Very good.”
Harry scooted himself between your legs, his knees butting against the back of your thighs as he smeared his fingers through your folds, “We’ll go slow. I want to make sure everything feels good. When you had sex before, did you come?
You shook your head no.
“And how did you do it? Was he on top?”
You nodded, “Yeah, he was on top of me. It was kind of quick. Both times. I lied and told him I came.”
“Okay. Did he keep your clit stimulated?” He asked as he thumbed at your clit, mushing into it to drive the point home.
You gasped softly, “No. Never touched it.”
“Not even once? What about foreplay?” He circled your bud and the slickness from your pussy began to coat his fingers.
“We just made out and he fingered me and I did get wet. But he never touched… ohhh….” Harry slid two long fingers into your entrance and you looked down to view the spectacle.
His hand was wet with your arousal as he pumped his fingers in and out slowly, “So you’ve just had a string of bad lovers. I’m gonna do my best to make up for it.”
You sighed as he dragged the pads of his fingers along your front wall before pushing them back into his knuckles, “You’re so wet and ready. You deserve to feel good, Y/n. Deserve to have someone care for you.”
You ticked your hips upward slightly and Harry pumped into you a bit harder, the gushy noises of your pussy getting fingered sounded dirty but so good.
When he pulled his fingers from you he held the base of his shaft in his palm and smoothed his free hand up your tummy, “We’ll start off with you on your back. I’m going to go in gently. Okay?”
You nodded and shot your eyes down to his cock and then back up to his face.
“There you go, just keep your eyes on me. Tell me if anything is uncomfortable.”
Harry pulled at your hand and brought your fingertips over your mound, “Rub your clit the way that feels best for you. Okay?”
“Mmhmm…” you nodded and slid your fingers over your nub as you kept your eyes on his.
The initial stretch of your slick muscle around his thick head had you gasping. He inhaled through his teeth and pressed in slowly, “Your body is so turned on. That feels all right, yeah?”
“Yes… feels good.”
“Yeah? Feels good for me too.” He was breathy as he sunk into you and then pulled back a few inches, looking down at where your bodies were connected, half his cock buried inside of you.
And it surprised you how thick he was and how much of him you felt. You’d always heard you don’t feel much when there’s a penis inside of you but Harry’s penis was definitely working into you and spreading your insides apart.
With your fingers delicately running over your bud you moaned, “Oh god… Harry…”
He gripped your thighs and pulled you closer before shifting himself over you, “We’re gonna make sure it feels so good okay? You’re kind of shallow and I can feel the resistance at this spot here,” he rutted in and you gasped, “Like that… depends on where you are in your cycle could be shallower or more space, but I’m only gonna push in as far as is comfortable for you.”
He had his hand on your cheek as he spoke, “Still feels okay right now?”
You nodded, “Yes. You can go deeper. Wanna feel it.”
Harry groaned softly and pressed his lips to yours. You had to pull your hand away from your clit because his pelvis was taking the place of where your fingers were. When he plunged himself in further you felt a delicious pinch and you panted into his mouth.
“Don’t want to hit your cervix. Usually, it’s not comfortable. I’m getting in there pretty deep, though. You okay?”
“Please… it’s okay.” You did want to feel it. Wanted to have him stuff you full and make you ache and burn and wince in pain. The dildo you used always hit your cervix and you didn’t mind the way it felt. Some days you liked it more than others, depending on how horny you were. And in that moment, you’d never been hornier. You wanted to feel him ruin you.
Harry let out a breathy laugh and pushed himself up so he could look into your eyes, “You want to feel it, honey?”
Nodding your head you felt him spread you apart and fuck into you with one deep rut. Your body bounced upward and you gasped.
He stilled his hips and stayed buried inside of you, his hand on your cheek, “That’s it right there, Y/n. Can’t get it in any further. You like that?”
It was obvious you did. The look on your face told him as much. Your eyes were fluttering and your mouth dropped open as you lifted into him, mushing your clit against his solid pelvis, “Mmm yeah…”
Harry swallowed as he watched your features soften then and scrunch with every thrust. He smoothed his thumb over your bottom lip and you licked at the pad of his digit before you wrapped your lips around it and he was in awe of how filthy you really were when he felt your nails dig into his back.
“S’hurt, honey? At all?”
You moaned around his thumb, your eyes blinking up at him, and nodded before hitching your leg up over his hip to indicate you still wanted more, pushing him in closer with the heel of your foot.
So you wanted it to hurt. At least a little anyway. Harry wasn’t going in hard and he wouldn’t. Not yet. Not until he learned exactly what you liked and what your body needed first. But every time he bottomed out you grunted and sucked on his thumb harder and he was losing it.
“Fuck… you’re so hot, Y/n. Look at you with your lips wrapped around my thumb. You just needed something to suck on, didn’t you? And you feel so good around me. So wet and warm, honey…”
You’d never had a man’s fingers in your mouth. You had no idea what you were doing but when Harry slid his thumb over your bottom lip it just came naturally to you. To pull it into your mouth and it was… god it was taking you over the edge. And he seemed to like it as you swiped your tongue around his skin.
But better yet? His cock. You were so full and it was so incredible to have him like that. The other guy you slept with was fine. But now you’d never want “fine” again. Not after this. Not with the way Harry was pulling himself back and then rocking into you, every plunge better than the last. He didn’t pound into you or try to race to the end. He wanted to make it good for you.
He began to pant deeply, his gasps lined with moans as his thrusts became clumsy and he stilled his hips before pulling his thumb from your mouth, “Let’s get you on top. Okay? Wanna watch you ride me and let you take control. Bet you’re gonna be good at it, aren’t you?” His irises scanned your face as he spoke, his thumb at your cheekbone dragging upward.
“I don’t know? I hope so…” you breathed as he nudged himself upward, deeper, “I do wanna be good for you.”
Harry moaned, “Yeah? You are good for me, honey. My favorite. You don’t even realize how good you are but I’m gonna keep telling you til you believe it. Okay?”
Your eyes were heavy and your body was hot. You nodded and let out a breathy, “Okay…”
“That’s right. Now we’ll have you get on top. Wanna watch my pretty girl get herself off on my cock.”
You felt him slide out of you and you looked down at his long condom-covered dick, coated in your juice. Everything smelled of sex as he dipped down and kissed your mouth before climbing next to you and lying down. He pulled at your hips, bringing you over his lap as you placed your palms on his chest and settled your pussy down at the base of his shaft. You wrapped your palm around him and slid it up and down to feel the rigidness of him. He was so hard and thick it made your mouth water.
With his fingers still at your hips he squeezed gently, “Depending on your angle it’s gonna feel very deep. Sometimes it can ache a little bit because I’ll be tucked up into your cervix,” he moved one hand toward the front of your low tummy, “But you can control how deep I get. Can even tilt your pelvis downward which will give your clit more stimulation. Might make it easier for you to come.”
You looked between your legs as you lifted your hips and rocked forward so you could press your entrance over his cock but then you felt his hand on your chin, directing your sight back to him, “Keep your eyes on me. Want to see your face while you’re pushing me inside of your pretty cunt, okay?”
You nodded and began to push yourself down. He fit inside of you so nicely. All snug and warm, packed inside of your guts. Every inch you took you could feel stretching your wall apart.
Keeping your eyes on his you raised your hips upward and then sunk down further to adjust, letting out a puff of breath as your lips parted until your bum was seated on his lap, his cock stuffing you to the brim.
Harry moaned, ���Yes. Good fucking girl,” he made sure to praise you as much as he could because he noted how your eyes lit up every time he did it. Pulling at your hips, he brought your pelvis downward, “This is kind of like the starting position. You only need to grind and rub upward, don’t even have to lift off of me. Just slide in toward my belly button,” he pulled at you, causing you to drag upward on his cock but keeping your clit down against his pelvis, “See? Feels good cause you can keep your clit stimulated this way too. Let’s do this for a bit. Just get used to the motion here and do what feels good.”
It was easier than you thought. Your knees and shins were pressed into the mattress along the sides of Harry’s hips as you slid yourself upward. You’d always imagined it being some crazy acrobatic feat where you sat like a frog and bounced up and down like a pornstar. But this? This you could do. And it felt so intimate. Your palms were pressed into his chest, his hands moved down to your ass as he assisted you along his shaft and then back along to his base.
“Tell me how it feels, honey. The look on your face says you like it but want to make sure…”
You rocked your hips, gripping around him and pulling upward with your eyes on his, “It’s… god… it feels so good, Harry…”
“Feels good for me too. Love this angle,” he moved a hand up to your breasts and palmed at your nipples as you continued fucking yourself on him.
When you’d gotten into the movements and found a rhythm you could hear the wetness coming from your pussy every time you slid up and down his cock.
Harry continued smoothing his hand over your tits, “If you really want to feel me deep, lean back a bit.”
Pushing yourself to sit upright you adjusted your hips and the new angle had him deeper than he was before. You hissed as you swiveled your hips and Harry grunted, running his hand back down to your low tummy, “How’s that feel?”
“It’s kind of achy, but feels really good,” you spoke softly, looking into his eyes as you shifted your pelvis.
“God you’re taking me so well, honey… Look so gorgeous on top of me, pretty tits in my face, fucking yourself on my cock... making yourself feel good.”
Everything felt good. You were sure it was because of Harry. All the nice things he was saying had your head spinning and your heart thrashing.
He knew of course that you didn’t need instructions. You might not have had as much experience as he did but sex was something that came naturally for most. And you were so into it and your innate eroticism was shining through your more reserved demeanor.
Harry began to thrust upward, rocking into you, sticking himself in deep. He had one hand caressing your tits and the other pressed into your tummy. You weren’t sure why he was touching your tummy but when he thrust upward into you sharply you cried out and he pressed harder, “Fuck! You’ve got me so deep inside of you, honey. You wanna feel this?”
You reached your hand down to where his was, your hips writhing over him as he punched himself upward and you gasped when you felt the bulge in your tummy under your palm. He did it again and moaned with you, “Oh my god!”
You could feel his cock pressing through you when you put enough pressure on your tummy with your hand.
“Come here,” Harry wrapped his fingers around the back of your neck and pulled you down, making you tilt toward him and smeared his lips against yours. The angle where you could rub your clit on his pelvis was the best. It felt so good and you began to rock yourself over him with whimpers into his mouth.
Harry smiled into the kiss, “Bet you’ve humped your pillow before. So you know how to do this. Sliding over my cock so perfectly, Y/n.”
You pushed your palms into his chest and rolled down over him, hips pasted to his. Your orgasm was already beginning to build and singe in your body as you nodded.
His hands were on your hips as he let you take control and ride him how you wanted, “I knew it. Already have experience with this position, yeah? You wanna come, honey? You gonna fuck yourself on my cock til you’re seeing stars?”
You moaned and nodded with your lips parted.
“That’s right. You already know what to do. Now hump it like a good girl. Show me how you do it, honey…”
Harry’s words were so sweet and yet filled with filth. You loved the way he spoke to you with such care but he could turn it so dirty in a heartbeat. Likening you riding his cock to humping your pillow somehow just pushed you over the edge. And you definitely saw stars as your face twisted up and you choked out his name, “Haaarrry! Harry! Yes!! Ohhhh…”
Your pulsing insides encased Harry’s cock and he let you take what you needed as he moaned and watched your tits bounce and sway with every rock of your hips until his balls were squeezing tight and his throbbing cock couldn’t resist the way you gripped around him.
You didn’t hear Harry’s grunts or his breathy moans as he pumped into you. You didn’t see his face contort in pleasure as he kept his eyes focused on you, the pretty girl coming on his cock. You didn’t take note of how when he’d fully emptied himself into his condom he was still watching you in awe as you were breathlessly panting over him, still coming around him, milking every last bit of him out into the rubber that separated your wet cunt from his thick shaft.
You didn’t notice any of that until you finally caught your breath and felt your body tremble as you looked down at him and felt his fingertips digging into the meat of your hips and saw his heavy eyes watching you. You were going to apologize about how you forgot to look at him when you were coming but he pulled you down over his chest and held you against himself. You could feel his heart beating in his chest and his lungs filling with air on every inhale.
He smoothed his hand down your back and to your bottom, “You okay?”
You puffed out a laugh against his chest. It was funny because obviously you were more than okay. You’d just come so hard your ears were ringing and your vision had nearly gone black just before. Your entire body was limp and wobbly over him as he caressed your bottom and your back.
“Fuck, honey. You came so hard. Did so good.”
You sighed and smiled to yourself as you pushed your hands into his hair, “I did?”
“Mmm… so good, Y/n. Deserve an award for that one.” He chuckled and you could feel the vibrations in his chest against yours.
Smoothing a hand down to his pec you lifted your head to look at him and laughed, “What kind of an award?”  
Harry slid his hand up to your face, “One of those gold star stickers teachers use. I think I’ve got a pack of them actually. Could put it on your t-shirt so everyone knows how good you are.”
The filthy grin on his face had you giggling, “You do not have a pack of gold stars. Do you?”
His smirk widened, “I do actually. And I know a girl who loves being praised who I can use them all on. Maybe we’ll even get you an ice cream.”
You shook your head with a smile on your face, “What if I want kitten stickers instead?” You teased.
Harry inhaled and turned his gaze to look at the ceiling before looking back at you, “Actually… I think I have kitten stickers.”
You laughed, making Harry laugh with you.
“Okay then. Tomorrow you owe me some kitten stickers and ice cream.” You would be asking him later why he had stickers in the first place.
Harry softly pinched at your bum, a lazy grin on his face, “Your roommate’s not gonna freak out if she comes back and I’m here?”
“Nah. I don’t see why she would. Long as you’re not naked.”
Harry chuckled, “And you don’t mind if I stay here either?”
“I’d like it if you stayed.”
“Then I’ll stay.”
“Good,” you bit your lip and trailed your fingers over the sparrow tattoos at his clavicle as you gazed into his eyes full of affection.
“Then tomorrow you get kitten stickers and ice cream for being such a good girl.”
“And maybe a little bit more of you too? Since I was so good?”
“Just a little bit more is all you want?”
You laughed through your nose, “Okay a lot more of you then.”
“Okay, it’s settled. Kitten stickers, ice cream, and a whole lot of me.”
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Tags: @gem1712 @cherrylovers-world @sophthearthoe @jerseygirlinca @violet2022
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@megobrah @thereadefofsmut @hsonlyangelxo @triski73 @vashapnin
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@lanadelharry @novasblogofstuff @gills-lounge @damnasstyles @malwtilda
@walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @babybunharry @anothermannharry @love-letters-to-uranus @itjustkindahappenedreally
@ssaama @onlyangellucifer @harryistheonlyoneforme @butdaddyilovehim-hs @lc-fics
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