#like im sorry but…the double standards are so fuckin funny.
horrorknife · 4 months
saying “i dont like cheaters and thats why i dont like lawrence” sure is a crazy take to have when this is the movie series about torturing people. i just dont know if this is the appropriate place to try having a discussion about the morality of cheating when you all love hoffman who is a raging misogynist and takes great joy in causing people harm and suffering. that’s fine or whatever but lawrence gordon commits emotional infidelity and everyone loses their fucking minds. william easton exists and is well liked as a character and youre gonna try telling me how despicable you think lawrence is for emotionally cheating on his wife.
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knifekris · 5 years
PLEAS tell us about your au....... and i hope you'll feel better soon!! stay careful and dont get sick please 😔
im already sick anon im sorry 😔 HOWEVER…
[ QUICK DISCLAIMER this tyzias uses they/he pronouns which is slightly different from the standard they/them i use but its butch lesbian indulgence hours and im God. anyways. ]
lemme tell you about zizi “tyzias” strider
alright so the premise for this au is basically “dave still had bro as a guardian but tyzias’ baby meteor crashed on top of dirks and smushed him” so alpha dave goes “well fuck i guess i have a troll baby now”
when i was talking to my roommate about this they put the mental image in my head of like, alpha dave with one of those baby carriers with grub tyzias just on his chest while he was fighting the clowns on the white house and while that may not be canon its Really Fucking Funny to me and i hope i get around to drawing it
um um anyways dave wasnt about to assign an alien baby a gender so he kind of left some of his shit for them and some shit hed think rose would leave for a girl or w/e but for the most part just stuff he Thought Would Be Cool– basically what dirk got originally but w some more variety and probably less anime shit because i actually like tyzias . anyways. they still get lil cal bc i feel like thats probably narratively important and for the most part tyzias is just like “yeah thats my puppet lil cal he’s pretty neat i guess. anyways”. obviously theyre going to treasure anything and everything dave left for them bc theyre sappy like that and literally dont have anything else.
it took a couple years for tyzias to realize how different they are from their human friends and they have this really deep insecurity stemming from when they realized theyre not a human like their ‘dad’/’bro’ but a troll like the condesce and they dont know SHIT or FUCK about troll culture or physiology except for whats out there for them to find which isnt a lot. so they get this weird irrational fear that if theyre not careful theyre gonna end up violent and bloodthirsty like )(IC who is a person who hurt not only dave but also rose and is actively making theirs n roxys lives hell and its a lot of “im so different from everyone i know and its in an arguably bad way”. especially wrt molting and blood color n stuff they dont have any explanations for anything except “im different from my friends and its weird and i dont want them to know because then they might think im weird or even BAD for being a troll”
they work REALLY hard on not letting this insecurity get in the way of who they want to be for their friends– which is to say they want to be someone dependable and  a person to lean on and to look to for support. **!!blood player hours alert!!** tyzias feels responsible for the people around them (jane roxy jake) and wants to do what they can to ensure that they all stay safe and happy because other than a long-dead alpha dave these are the people that they have and thats really important to them.
i know theres no class or aspect doubling within the kids but i reaaaalllyyy wanna make them a seer of blood but might settle for mage. seer would help out wrt the game over bullshit because you have to think about where dirk was during the fight and why he wasnt IN it and why he didnt go with john and roxy to the new timeline and stuff. these are all things that make me wanna reread homestuck so i can get a cohesive thing going on. anyways.
dirks version of masculinity affected a LOT of stuff in homestuck and so did lil hal and with both of those things gone u gotta think about like. for example jake and how hes all gung-ho about being a Dude and Manly and the way he goes about exploring his gender kind of cluelessly. and i dont want to make tyzias more ‘woke’ than they necessarily WOULD be in their scenario but i like to think theyd get a decent grasp on what it meant to be a butch lesbian– or at least enough to find comfort and joy and happiness in it while learning more about it and themselves as they grow. the internet exists on earth b. im allowed.
anyways jake and tyzias are best friends and its the most wonderful dynamic thats come out of this thing (there are a lot of good dynamics. i have a lot of very specific self indulgent things going on in this au.)
Tumblr media
[ tyzias noogying jake and saying “hey you fuckin’ nerd” while he yells “JEEPERS, ZIZI” ]
tyzias and jake get to talk about things like masculinity and what even is a gender in a post-apocalyptic wasteland/on a deserted island and i think esp with tyzias’ aversion to showing what they look like or sending pics jake would go about assuming that tyzias is his Dude Friend until one day they have a conversation where tyzias goes “no bro im a lesbian” and jake has this moment of like. “… :D well thats neat buddy”
anyways tyzias encourages jake to go out and explore the island in SAFE and HEALTHY ways and they voice call while hes out and about so they can sort-of hang out as best as you can across spacetime and its fun. they like talking about stories (usually movies and shows) together bc its their common interest. 
zizi is really into storytelling and writing which is kind of a mirror of dirk/dave being really into drawing while holding onto zizi’s interest in literature and history n stuff.
as for roxy i think itd be really neat if tyzias’ “what is gender in a post-apocalyptic wasteland” thing inspired them to think about themselves and what their gender is vs. janes and maybe (or definitely) they come out as nonbinary and jane gets to be confused by zizi and roxys “weird pronoun preferences”
shit there is SO MUCH to think about with this. fuck. send me more specific questions so i dont just get caught up in my brain with all this. theres so much.
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zendozebra · 6 years
All the Time in the World Chapter 13
Midoriya was nervous. Sure, he wasn’t as nervous as he had been on his first date with Mina, but he was still a nervous creature. It runs in the family, if his mother was any indication. Every family has some sort of shared trait, like Asui’s bluntness and Kacchan’s temper. Even Kokiri-san told him that he gets his bad memory from his mother. But, he has to “tough it out”, as Kokiri-san would tell him. They leave for the training camp in just a few days, and he wouldn’t get much time to spend with Mina once they left. That meant this would be their last date before camp started, and they wouldn’t get to spend much time together between all of the training they’ll be doing.
Plus, Aizawa-sensei told the class that Kokiri-san won’t be joining the class during their time at the camp, so Izuku won’t have to worry about any tricks during his training. He’ll be able to focus and take his training seriously, instead of keeping an eye out for a flying fish that ends up smacking him in the face. While Kokiri-san laughs at him. Really hard, for like an hour. That day was really weird.
“Alright, I’m back! Hope you like strawberry!” Izuku smiled when Mina put down their milkshakes. This is a shake shop she’d been going to since she was younger, and probably knew the menu better than she knew her school schedule. She knew that he got anxious when he went to new places, so she’d offered to order for them while he found them a place to sit. She herself had gotten something called a grasshopper shake, which she seemed to like. He was happy with strawberry, but he was relieved that she hadn’t order something new and ended up not liking it.
“Oh no, we forgot to make a toast, dangit!” Mina yelled out, starting to frantically look around for something, anything to dedicate their meal to. That was one of her weird little habits, every meal needs to celebrate something. Their first dinner was dedicated to, obviously, their first dinner. Their second date, when they went out to lunch at a small cafe, was dedicated to that cute cat they passed on their way to the cafe. Izuku thought it was adorable, and he always played along because it was something small that made her happy, and he loved seeing that goofy smile on her face and her bright eyes whenever they clinked their glasses together.
“Oh, I got it! Cheers to Iida not-killing Majima-sensei!” That had been a hot topic at school after the exams were over. A few of the students from both classes had been watching the recordings of each exam, and that moment had been pretty popular amongst both 1-A and 1-B. Well, that, and Izuku and Kacchan’s defeat of All Might at the end of the exams. He remembered Iida feeling absolutely terrible after the exam, even though he’d passed with almost flying colors. His essentially lethal attack on their teacher docked them a few points. Iida thought it was a punishment given by Nezu, but Izuku thought it was probably Kokiri-san being bitter.
“Oh, hey, what do you think Majima-sensei is up to now? He couldn’t supervise our study session today because he said he was busy, but did he tell you what he was up to?”
“Oh, he said he wanted to meet up with an old friend of his, so they could gather some information for Nezu-sensei.”
This ought to be easy. Just knock on the door and tell them you want to talk to the boss. He’s done it a thousand times, even a few with this boss in particular. True, that was back when Time Enough was one of the most wanted support villains. Man, the shit he helped to pull off were fuckin legendary. Maybe that was why Nezu set him up to this. He knew all about Majima’s past and all of the connections he used to have, so that’s what was probably going on. Plus, it’s a good thing he managed to find his old costume in his storage locker over in Osaka. It looked almost exactly the same as his hero costume, but with an oni mask instead of a bear, and he wore a red outfit underneath instead of black. It’s weird, he remembered this outfit looking much cooler when he was younger, but now it just looks kinda dumb. Oh god, he really is getting old, isn’t he?
Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door, watching a slot open up at he saw a pair of red eyes. “What do you want?” Well that was rude, he’d have to get used to that again.
“I’m here to talk to Iwasaki. Tell ‘im Majima is here to see him.” That oughta work, not a whole lot of people forget him and his dumb bullshit. The guy closed the slot and didn’t come back for a few minutes.
“Boss doesn’t know anyone named Majima, get lost.” Excuse me, what? That’s not good.
“Son of a bitch. Tell him it's Time Enough, and he’ll let me in if he knows what’s good for him.” The man raised an eyebrow and closed the slot again. Seriously, it’s like his entire reputation just evaporated over the last 20 years. Sure, he was out of the game for a while, but all of the shit he’s done should be able to get him further than the front fucking door.
Said door was thrown open when Iwasaki himself appeared like a crazed madman, standing there with wide eyes. His breath was ragged, and he looked far older than when they’d last seen each other. He’d gained quite a bit of weight too, and he didn’t carry it well. Eugh. “Ma-Majima-sama. What are- You’re here?” There we go, that’s more like it. Seems like Iwasaki thinks he’s pissed him off, let’s roll with that.
“Well, I’m just going around, you know, visiting some old… Friends. I just came back from visiting Murata. It was a fun visit, very nice, he even had one of his guys waiting for me at the door, just to make sure I felt welcome.” There we go, the fat bastard took the hint and let him into the office, where his grunts were sitting around watching tv or playing cards. They weren’t villains, just your average small-time criminals, so he can imagine their confusion when their boss, blubbering like a fool, led a tall man into their base, dressed very obviously like a villain.
“If you’ll follow me, Time-sama, I can lead you to my office. We can discuss business as much as we want once we’re there. I have the whole room sound-proofed for our privacy.”
Instead of doing that, Majima grabbed a chair at one of the card tables, this one being used for blackjack. That’s good, he hadn’t played a set in years, let’s see if that old Majima luck could still come into play. “Nah, I’m not really concerned about privacy, we can talk here. I want to play.” He through some coins into the small pot at the center of the table, throwing a nod to the dealer, who took the hint and dealt him a hand. A glance from the corner of his eye showed him that Iwasaki grew even more nervous, but didn’t argue with him.
“What is it I can do for you, sir?”
“I’m looking for a broker, one who’s better than you or any of your guys, and you’re gonna point me in his direction. Once you do, I’ll put your lack of hospitality to the side, pretend like it never happened, and I’ll be on my merry way. Easy as that, I’m not asking for much.”
“Of course, sir, we can work out payment as soon as we find who you’r-”
“Hey, oh, woah, woah, hey, hold it right there. Payment? What exactly would I be paying you for?”
“Well, the standard fees for information collection, plus a price adjustment depending on who ex-”
“You seem to have forgotten just who exactly is in charge here, Iwasaki. Remind me, who gave you your first set of recruits? I had even given you some of my best men. I treated you very fairly, I thought, and when I stop by to check in on one of my favorite pet projects, you’re gonna tell me that I have to pay?”
“Sir, you told me that I have to charge everyone, no matter how high profile they are.” There was a beat of silence, about thirty seconds, where Majima just stared at Iwasaki from behind his demonic mask, before he slapped the man hard enough to knock his glasses to the ground. He cleared his throat, glancing around the room while Iwasaki picked up his glasses.
“I’m looking for a guy, goes by Giran, and you’re going to tell me where he is or I will rain hell on you for all of time. And no one you run to, be they heroes or villains, will be able to save you from me, not even that Watcher guy those UA chuckle-fucks have been trying to threaten me with.” Iwasaki gave him an odd look, one of confusion. Good, that’s what we’re going for. “The fuck is that face for, boy? You got a problem with me, you fuckin’ say it. We’re men here, now act like it.”
“I’m sorry sir, but I was under the impression that you were the Watcher.” Perfect, time to fix that shit mistake that Nezu made by posting his alias and quirk up on the official UA website.
“Excuse me?” Majima stood up, turning to Iwasaki and grabbing the man’s hair, slamming his head onto the blackjack table. The money pot tipped over, spilling coins and bills onto the table. Everyone in the room All of the goons watched this man brutalize their boss while he begged for forgiveness. “You really have forgotten who the fuck I am, boy. Time Enough is immortal, a fucking GOD, and there is no one who can ever be what I am, no matter what quirk they have, or how much they fucking try! You think you’re funny, a fucking comedian? Then get some better shit, boy, cause I’m not laughing buddy. Am I? AM I?!”
There we go, Iwasaki was now crying like a newborn, snot and tears were flowing from his face and onto the table, all of his men standing around him and freaking out. They watched their boss cry out as Majima ground his face into the table, but one of them seemed to have a bit more courage than the rest. He grabbed Majima from behind, going to throw this stranger off of his boss, but the time stopper did what he does before he got the chance. Majima walked around the room, checking everyone’s pockets until he found a switchblade, using it to cut the fool’s fingertips, keeping them small but deep. Then, he used the blade to carve ‘FOOL’ into the man’s forehead, snapping his fingers and watching the man double over from the sudden burst of pain.
Majima looked at the knife in his hand, wiping it off on his cloak and tossing it back to its owner, who was surprised when they realized it was theirs. He grabbed the back of Iwasaki’s jacket, dragging him out of the room and towards where he assumed his office was. He dropped him and moved behind the desk, sitting in the chair and folding his arms as he watched the disgusting excuse for a man pick himself up, staring cowardly up at the time stopper in front of him.
“Now, I believe that you were going to tell me where I can find Giran, ain’t that right?”
Next chapter is going to have a ton of action, as well as reveal a lot of secrets and offer a ton of answers. I’ve been taking extra time to make sure that it is detailed, as well as easy to understand. As an aside, I have plans for future plots, but I wanted to ask a question- Would you like to see Majima take on an apprentice, and if so, who would you like him to train?
Also, an apology to Entomoid, because I completely forgot that Koda Koji was supposed to be a rock monster or something. His design tends to blend in with the six-armed Shoji and the pink-skinned Ashido. So, as an apology, a quick omake-
Majima’s neck was still stiff from Iida’s kick earlier, so he was trying to ignore the pain as he walked into his office. Seriously, why’d he have to go sober again? He’d kill for some vodka right about now. Maybe he could cheat, he might still have some smirnoff in his des-
“Oh, shit, what are you doing here? School’s over, kid, what’s keeping ya?” He didn’t mean to scare Koda, but the kid jumped almost 5 feet in the air, spinning around and flailing his arms around wildly. Wait, no, that was sign language, wasn’t it? The fuck was he saying, forgot bag? Oh, yeah, that reminds him.
“Your bag is under my desk, kid, I noticed that you left it here when the academic portions of your exams were over.” Koda gave him an odd look, before signing something to him.
‘You know sign?’
“Yeah, just a bit though. Ueno, the gun runner I talk about from time to time? He had a quirk that enhanced his hearing, which didn’t really mesh too well with all those guns he spent his time around. He went deaf about two years after I met him, and I worked with him long enough after that I picked up some bits here and there. The only sentence I know by heart is, ‘They got the money, go get the product.’ Saw that one almost every day, got used to it real quick.”
‘Is Ueno-san still a gunrunner, sensei?’
“Nah, he died about… I wanna say, 30 years ago? I visit his sons now and again, they keep his business running. Now here,” He threw Koda his bag, “Get out of my office, and congrats on passing the practicals. Yamada’s voice isn’t easily overcome. Oh, and good work on getting over that fear of bugs, those things aren’t too easy on the eyes.” Majima looked at his desk, waited a second, then stopped time. Now that he wouldn’t embarrass the kid, he looked over at Koda, seeing a small, proud smile on his face. That’s good, kid deserves the praise for this one. He snapped again, watching the kid leave before opening his wallet. He’s got a few bills, he’ll just settle for a soda from the vending machine down the hall.
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stellarsquad · 7 years
ur turn to answer all of them, lets hear it
thanks michelle ur the binch best
1. Is a kiss considered cheating?
depends on the circumstance, but I’d say yes.
2. Have you ever faked orgasm?
3. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
shapeshifting, or the power to refill things bc lets be honest that one (1) post was actually quite logical
4. Do you think you are going to be rich in 7-8-9 years?
mmmmmm, maybe. maybe not 7 - 9 yrs but maybe sometime
5. Tell us some funny drunk story.
i don’t drink, so none on that front. 
6. Why are you no longer together with your ex?
didn’t love her romantically, feelings didn’t go both ways. we’re g now though.
7. If you had to choose one way to die, what would it be? 
hmmmmm, probably drowning. 
8. What are your current goals?
ace my exams.
9. Do you like someone?
fuck yeah i do!!! 
10. Who was the last person to disappoint you?
not sure, actually. generally if someone disappoints me they make up for it pretty quick. 
11. Do you like your body?
it does its job (mostly)
12. Can you keep a diet?
is that a joke??
13. If the whole world listened to you right now, what would you say?
let people live
14. Do you work?
yeah, i tutor beginner trumpet students.
15. If you could choose only one food to eat to the rest of your life, what would it be?
sushi, probably
16. Would you get a tattoo?
maybe, but probably not. not rlly my style. 
17. Something you don’t mind spending all your money on?
18. Can you drive?
i can,,, but am i a good driver?? up for debate.
19. When was the last time someone told you you were beautiful?
not sure
20. What was the last thing you cried for?
i’m playin the lead in a short film about a woman who’s husband dies in a crash and we filmed a scene at a graveyard for that this week, so i cried there about my ‘husband’ dying.
21. Do you keep a journal?
not anymore.
22. Is life fun?
honestly it’s looking up. so i’ll say yes.
23. Is farting in front of people irrelevant?
i don’t,,, even know what this question is asking??? yes?? no?? maybe?? 
24. What’s your dream car?
mini cooper, teal. or red.
25. Are grades in school important?
mmmhmmm don’t fuck around in school kids.
26. Describe your crush.
literal angel honestly, the sweetest boy i’ve ever met. 
27. What was the last book/movie that really impressed you?
fuckin baby driver!!! that was good shit!!!
28. What was your last lie?
“dont pull that shit again i stg i will rearrange ur spinal structure until u resemble a goldfish”. it’s a lie i don’t even know how to do that.
29. Dumbest lie you ever told? 
um,,, idk most of my lies are pretty stupid one likes that ^^^ and i don’t lie a lot nowadays anyway. i try to avoid it where i can.
30. Is crying in front of people embarrassing?
this is kind of a double standard thing for me, like,, i don’t mind if other ppl cry in front of me and i certainly won’t shame anyone for crying in public / in front of other but i’m always embarrased crying in front of other people. sooooo, idk. 
31. Something you did and you are proud of?
topping 3 of my classes atm, i think. 
32. What’s your favourite cocktail?
once again, not a drinker.
33. Something you are good at?
i’m okay at singing, i think.
34. Do you like small kids?
mmmm, depends on how small. 
35. How are you feeling right now?
exhausted but i always am sooooo,
36. What would you name your daughter/son?
lmao me?? having kids?? is that a joke??
37. What do you need to be happy?
music, my best Friends and/or my boyfriend. preferably all of em.
38. Is there some you want to punch in the face right now?
mmm, not really?? myself mostly for not doing my work. 
39. What was the last gift you received?
um, idk. probably smnthn for my birthday?? that was at the beginning of the yr i don’t remember. 
40. What was the last gift you gave?
i gave a sloth enamel pin to one of my friends this thursday just gone.
41. What was the last concert you went to?
twenty one pilots!!
42. Favourite place to shop at?
h&m, or jay jays.
43. Who inspires you?
sebastian stan
44. How old were you when you first got drunk?
are there gonna be more of these drinking questions??
45. How old were you when you first got high?
i don’t even drink bruh,,,
46. How old were you when you first had sex?
umm, well i’m ace so,,, no.
47. When was your first kiss?
recently, actually. it was good but the second one was so. much. better.
48. Something you want to do until the end of this year?
stay in a relationship with my boyfriend, and beyond the end of this year, too.
49. Is there something in the past you wish you hadn’t done?
[pulls up 178 slide pptx] where the fuck do i start
50. Post a selfie.
how’s this: https://stellarsquad.tumblr.com/post/159788715857/flora-200417-artist-and-photographer
51. Who are you most comfortable around?
my two Best Friends ever nd my boyfriend.
52. Name one thing that terrifies you.
fuckin hell, spiders man.
53. What kind of books do you read?
fantasy and adventure
54. What would you tell your 12 year old self?
trust your damn instincts. don’t be blind.
55. What is your favourite flower?
orchids!! or roses. hmmm
56. Any bad habits you have?
i scratch nd pick at my face a lot
57. What kind of people are you attracted to?
i don’t,,,, know? i don’t rlly know if i have a type, but lookin back at the people i’ve loved, good sense of humour and good jawline. i guess.
58. What was the last thing you cried for?
fuckin,, cried in A Dogs Purpose in the cinemas i’m weak.
59. Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgust you?
if u fuckin come at me with chicken liver,,, i will fight
60. Are you in love?
yeah, yeah i think so.
61. Something you find romantic?
i fuckin love,, holdin hands. like thats dumb but i love it.
62. How long was your longest relationship? 
abt 3 mnthn. 2 ½ i think. 
63. What are 3 things that irritate you about the same sex?
girls are catty sometimes, and some girls think they’re the Queens of Everything regardless of where they are / who they’re with like,, sit down please you don’t have any power here at all.
64. What are 3 things that irritate you about the opposite sex? 
misogyny is one thing but that’s grouping all guys together a bit generally so based on one of my guy friends, who is pretty much the only guy i have any contact w besides my bf: if i get any more texts from u tryna argue abt religion when you’re high i’ll delete ur number and change your netflix password.
65. What are you saving money for?
a camera
66. How would you describe your bad side?
a ghost but i think she’s dead. 
67. Are you actually a good person? Why?
i try to be but,,,, hmm. 
68. What are you living for?
idk my friends i think.
69.Have you ever done anything illegal?
70. Do you like your body?
haven’t i already answered this??
71. Have you ever made someone feel bad about themselves intentionally?
i try to avoid it but when i’m sometimes when i’m roasting all hell breaks loose.
72. Ever sent nudes?
73. Have you ever cheated on someone?
no and who the fuck would honestly.
74. Favourite candy?
mmmmm, milk bottles.
75. Is there a blog you visit every day, or almost every day? Tag it!
not rlly sorry. my own?? my sideblogs?? idek. 
76. Do you play any computer games? What is your favourite game?
77. Favourite TV series?
The Checkout. yeah i’m a nerd!! come at me!!
78.Are you religious? Does God exist?
yeah, i’m Christian but im probably not a very good example of one. and God’s out there alright. He exists. 
79. What was the last book you read? Did it impress you and why?
honestly,, Emma by Jane Austen can die
80. What do you think about vegetarianism/veganism?
props 2 anyone who can do it u are dedicated.
81. How long have you been on Tumblr?
since like,, 2014 i think??
82.Do you like Chineese food?
yeah boyyy
83. McDonalds or Subway?
84. Vodka or whiskey?
-  _-
85. Alcohol or drugs?
-     __-
86. Ever been out of your province/state/country?
heck yeah
87. Meaning behind your blog name?
space gang
88. What are you scared of?
being forgotten
89. Last time you were insulted?
My Best Friend (if she even is that,, MICHELLE) called me a preschooler yesterday nd she can choke
90. Most traumatic experience ?
nov2015 to like,, jan2017
91. Perfect date idea?
stargazing and makin out tbh.
92. Favourite app on your phone?
93. What colour are the walls in your room?
purple nd white
94. Do you watch Youtube? Who is your favourite youtuber?
not rlly anymore?? probably still dan and phil.
95. Share your favourite quote.
“And just remember, bad times, are just times that are bad.” its from fuckin,,, animal crossing i love it so much it’s so dumb.
96. What is the meaning of life?
live for others, and others will live for you. its,,,, cyclical.
97. Do you like horror movies?
no no no nooooo
98. Have you ever made your mum cry? What happened?
yeah, i went to state level in a public speaking competition and she cried bc she was proud.
99. Do you feel lucky or special in a way?
i’m lucky to have an actual angel as a bf, my guy
100. Can you keep a secret?
yeah. i’m good at those.
and thats all of them!! sorry this is so long guys
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