#like it was scary or freaky it was just another me but lifeless
gudakko · 2 years
had a dream i saw my own corpse but it was as bad as it sounds
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saltygilmores · 1 year
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 2, Episode 18: Back In The Saddle. Part Six
Part 1 Part 2 Part 2½ Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Really thought this was just gonna be a cute filler episode I could whack off (lol) in like 2 or 3 parts but somehow we're on part 6? My longest review EVER both in number of parts and also in words? (A Tisket A Tasket may have gone on for 10 parts had Lorelai not made me rage quit).
How the hell did we get here? Oh.
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Mark my words. I will hunt you both for sport. The only saving grace here is that our favorite pornographic film, Insatiable Cougar Does Her Daughter's Boyfriend, will mercifully cum to an end in about 1 minute and the remainder of the episode will return to pointless filler once more. I just realized there is no Jess in this episode, at all. Not even a counter-wiping scene stuck on at the end. BOO. Dean is confused by this concept of giving Rory "personal space" so Lorelai, of all people, is going to try to explain it to him like he's 5. No, literally, he does not know what "Space" means. Behold!
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Absolutely breathtaking. The audacity of Lorelai Gilmore to gently tell Dean that Rory needs "just a little bit of space" after his behavior in this episode that fits the legal definitions of stalking and harrasment (I looked them up, lol). Where does she find it?
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Did your parents spoon feed you lead paint chips as a child? How can one person be this fucking dumb? How have your remaining brain cells not yeeted themselves out of your head already?
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"I... don't understand."
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Rory Gilmore, you are in grave danger. Your mother is so blinded by her DeanLust she is throwing you to the lions (again).
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Never ever, Dean. She's going to give you a sloppy beej when this talk is over. L (flirtily): If I was trying to get rid of you, I'd start telling you stories about my family! Har har har! You're soooo funny, Lorelai Gilmore!
L: I'm not telling you this to try to get rid of you, but to help things between you guys. Just try it! Ms. Gilmore, please explain to the court where Rory asked for your help. Just try not be doing a scary douchecanoe for one hour, Dean. I know that seems like a Herculean task, my man. But just try it.
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"Wash my car"-stick your dick in my mouth"
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What sexual favor is "a soda” code for, as she's asked him twice already (he keeps sounding reluctant to accept, so I am to assume it’s some freaky thing that only comes with the experience of a much older woman, and he’s nervous about his first time).
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Whew. That had to be the most overwhelming sexual tension I've had the misfortune of witnessing thus far on my Gilmore Girls hell-journey. I'm scarred. It's going to be imposible to remove from my psyche, stuck there like chewed gum, or like Jess Mariano's sidewalk drawings. And I thought nothing could ever eclipse these levels of sexual tension:
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Or one of the many instances of this
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No, this one beats em all by a mile. The big difference being that the other scenes make me want to throw up my hands and rejoice, while this scene made me want to throw up my intestines.
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The remainder of the episode contains the conclusion of the z plot involving MIchel's mother which I've barely paid attention to.
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Michel is mad at Lorelai because she overstepped her boundaries once more, so that's good. Let the hatred flow my man! I need to recruit as many soldiers as possible for my Anti Lorelai Gilmore army. Take your anger a step further and report her to the labor board in Connecticut for her undoubtedly shaky bookkeeping, close down the whole operation, send her out to the streets and Rory into a nice foster home, and you can find a nice job at a real hotel. Am I thinking too far ahead again?
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"The lunchbox of the new Millenium." or the RX 2002 First Aid Kit? Which lame-o creation which would only excite the most lifeless of Teens will emerge victorious?
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Now here's some sexual tension I don't mind. Thank god. I needed relief.
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And another sucky competitor throws its hat in the ring!
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Spoiler alert: they are not it.
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The part where he finishes these sentences with "including yours" must have gotten left on the editing room floor.
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Just another reminder that Madelyn over there in the background invented the smart speaker, and Rory said her smart speaker couldn't be made because no one at Chilton knew how to build a robot, but there's a sign behind her for an invention called "The robotic dissector", whatever the hell that is. They should have had those dudes on their team, because every single person on the RX 2002 development team was completely dead weight except for Paris.
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I totally forgot about this other male douchecanoe. WTF is a "hose hook"? And a locker refrigerator? WHAT? I thought these were supposed to be practical inventions? Why is every invention so god damn terrible? How can Douchecanoe Charleston possibly choose a winner? I can never un-know Charleston as Doug Heffernan's dad on one of my favorite shows, King Of Queens, where he had a completely different accent and not the quasi-British thing he's got going on.
The Locker Alarm wins. Grown Adult Man Richard Gilmore take this loss of a high school invention fair, one his granddaughter contributed nothing to, quite personal. In a tired sequence of events that we have already seen unfold many times before and one which will unfold to the extreme in the next episode, something unfortunate but hardly life altering happens to Rory that she takes in total stride while the adults in her life invalidate her feelings and lose their shit on her behalf anyway. If you guessed “Richard is having a coronary over Rory's loss at a silly school business fair and Rory could not care less”, come on down and collect your prize.
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R: You've all put in an extrodinary amount of time, effort, and thought into this. Rory's entire contribution to the project was "This is amazing. I want one of these." Richard is not having it and he is taking it up with DCC. I get the sense this is not actually about Rory at all and is really some kind of Old Man Vs. Old Man Personal Beef about stocks and bonds or golf or something.
In what should come as a surprise to no one, I was right about something again 😁 turns out Richard was bored with retirement or something, so his solution was to take out his frustration on Douche Canoe Charleston because he knew him from Old Man Business Land, and he was jealous DCC had a job? And he didn’t care if he humiliated Rory in the process. I have no more room for screen shots and I refuse to make this a seven parter so you're going to have to use your imagination for the last 8 minutes, kay? Rory expresses to Richard that she's okay with the loss and she does not want Richard to bring this up to the principal but he doesn't listen to her. He says she was robbed and he is not going to sit back and let it go! ARGH!! My poor girl!!! Richard complains to the Manager while Rory has to sit back and watch and while wishing Lorelai would just dump her off with some strange relative like Liz did to Jess so she didn't have to be part of this awful family. Richard to DCC: Out there in the real world, there is no way a locker alarm would be a viable business investment! It's a school that should be training children for the real world! Oh, right, a locker alarm is useless, but a lunchbox full of band aids isn't. The only ground Richard has to stand on here is that if the best minds in this expensive school can't create anything better than a "hose hook" and a "locker refrigerator" then indeed, their educators are clearly failing them. If Richard and Emily had raised Rory instead of Lorelai, you know Richard would have been picking a fight with Rory's kindergarten teacher if she came in second place in the class spelling bee. Richard: I DEMAND A RECOUNT! DCC: Richard, this is not the real world, this is just school. This is so embarrassing. Rory should go on and pull the fire alarms and evacuate the school just to put an end to this humiliation. I feel like every time I have stated "I got no problems with Richard" at the beginning of an episode I've been so, so wrong. I'll stop doing that from now on. At Friday night dinner, Richard is sulking in his room like a baby over his granddaughter's loss at a high school inventors fair, and Lorelai GIlmore, of all people, suggests to Emily he should go to therapy, because "there's nothing wrong with getting help". Does Lorelai ever listen to herself? Where does she keep finding the nerve to advise other people to do things that she refuses to do herself? Clean up your own house first, woman. Emily of course responds that therapy is only for deviants, people with multiple personalties, and disturbed people who lick parking meters and think their dogs can talk. And so another week goes by where all four Gilmores push their numerous emotional traumas deep, deep down inside once more where they can continue to bubble and fester. Things aren't looking too good for little Chaz Gilmore, Rory's son, to break the cycle. (I've decided Rory has a boy just to throw the whole darn Gilmore Woman dynamic off its axis and give things a little pizzazz). (but what would Rory name a boy? Please do not say "Jess Jr." ) After hours of sulking, Richard emerges from his room chipper as a daisy asking for dinner, confusing us all. We come to find out that due to Rory's non-contribution to the invention of a Lunchbox full of Band Aids, Richard has been inspired to come out of retirement. That makes a whole lot of sense. Rory recieves a page from Dean on the way home from FND and Lorelai is pleased as fucking fruit punch to learn that her sloppy but satisfying sexual services earlier in the kitchen were enough to convince Dean to reduce his harassment down to one page per two days. Rory states he hasn't "Called or mysteriously appeared next to me" in two days! Lorelai is pleased that he's "calming down"! The bar is so low! Rory is relieved to get some breathing room from Dean, so to celebrate, Lorelai encourages Rory to call him anyway, then when Rory says no Lorelai asks if she’s super duper sure that she doesn’t want to call Dean.
You can keep your corny little froo froo sitcoms where people learn valuable life lessons at the end of every episode. No one ever learns anything or betters themselves on Gilmore Girls and that’s the way we like it.
Lorelai arrives home, late at night, after dropping Rory off at Lane's house (weird turn of events, but OK, I'm sure this is going to be some kind of set up for Teach Me Tonight) to find Dean sitting on her porch, sulking. Despite the fact that this is the second time in one day that he has shown up at her house to wait for Rory completely unannounced, Lorelai does not find his repeat behavior the least bit concerning. Little baby is pouting and trespassing on private property because he really struggled and put his four brain cells to work to come to a conclusion: his repeated harrassment towards Rory, for some strange reason, isn't endearing her to him, so she may just prefer the company of Jess instead of a DoucheCanoe Wtihout A Paddle. Lorelai merely sticks out her lower lip, gives him some puppy dog eyes, and pities this poor dumb creature who she has an unbearable, aching sexual attraction to. Then he walks off into the night, hopefully over a steep embankment into a pit of alligators. Goodnight.
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jeonsjiddies · 4 years
Like I'm Gonna Lose You | jhs (m)
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Summary - After a terrifying dream, you decide to show Hoseok how much he means to you.
Word Count - 3346
Pairing - Hoseok x reader
Genre - smut
Warnings - nightmares, mentions of death(in nightmare), assault (in nightmare) dirty talk, oral (f and m receiving), fingering, implied sex
a/n: another re-write from a previous fandom. :)
You were running, running as fast as your legs could carry you, but you weren’t moving. You were stuck in place, frozen. You pushed and pulled and tried to break free but you were bonded to the muddy grass. Hoseok stood up ahead, blissfully unaware of what was happening. You screamed, you screamed until your lungs burned but no sound escaped your lips. Your silence in that moment would haunt you until your dying breath. The panic rising in your throat made it hard to breathe. No, no no!
“HOBI! RUN! PLEASE!” you tried to warn him.
You tried. But it wasn’t enough. You didn’t save him. The masked killers came out from the shadows like flashes of lighting, silent and deadly. It took five of them to hold Hoseok down. He kicked and thrashed and screamed and fought but he was outnumbered. They pinned your boyfriend down, digging into his pockets and holding his own switchblade in the air. It caught a ray of light and shone in the dark, damp forest. He tried to pry his way out of their relentless grip, to no avail. You felt like you were going to throw up. You used every bit of strength you had to try and release from whatever invisible hold you were in, but nothing worked. It felt like tree limbs had grown up from the soggy dirt and wrapped themselves around your legs, your arms. You were trapped, a caged animal. Just like Hoseok. He couldn’t escape either.
The switchblade was held in the air, then thrust down into Hoseok’s chest. He cried out in agony, and so did you. You were being held captive, forced to watch the worst horror movie you could possibly imagine: the death of the love of your life. Dark red filled the fabric on his favorite flannel shirt and you choked on your sobs, as one of the masked men continued to pull the knife out, then sink it back into Hoseok’s flesh, over and over and over again until he stopped struggling. He looked over at you in his final moments, eyes locked with yours. You were the last thing he saw before his body went limp and the men screeched out a victory.
“One freak down. Let’s move boys,” the leader grinned with no remorse.
As soon as they were gone, the invisible cage you were locked in vanished and you rushed to Hoseok’s side, throwing yourself on his lifeless body as the sobs racked through yours.
“No no NO!” you screamed. “I tried to warn you baby, I tried to save you. I couldn’t fucking move! I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry. Please come back to me. PLEASE HOBI!”
The silence that answered you was deafening, and you could literally feel your heart shattering in your chest, little pieces of the broken thing falling into the pit of your stomach. You were covered in his blood, and it was on your hands. You didn’t save him.
You woke up, gasping for air. You sat in your bed, breathing heavily. There were already tears on your cheeks, and remembering that awful dream you’d just escaped, more tears poured from your eyes and your body shook with sobs. You looked next to you, where Hoseok was sound asleep. He had a small smile on his lips, and you watched his chest rise and fall with the intake of air, your heart stilling in your chest. Just a dream. It was just a dream. Your hand tenderly found his face, and you caressed his tan skin, with the light stubble he refused to shave. He said it made him feel manlier.
You giggled to yourself, replaying that conversation in your head, and the burning in your stomach started again. You choked back tears to no avail, because they sprang from your eyes again. What if you really lost him? What if you couldn’t wake up next to him anymore? You couldn’t fathom a life without the sweet, lively, hardworking and loveable man. You bit down hard on your bottom lip to try and stop crying, but it was no use. You loved him so much, and the thought of losing him just made you want to die yourself.
“Y/N?” he groggily asked, one eye opening to peek at you, “why are you awake?”
“I just had a freaky dream,” you tried to sound normal so you didn’t worry him, but your voice shook.
He immediately sat up, turning so his body was facing you.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, concern laced in his voice.
You couldn’t take it anymore, you broke down in sobs, and he gathered you into his arms without missing a beat. He held you close while you cried into his chest. He gently rubbed your back, trying to soothe you. You weren’t sure which feeling was more overwhelming at that point: the sheer terror of ever losing him or the blissful relief that you hadn’t, that he was still here with you, alive and holding you in those safe warm arms you called home. He kissed the top of your head and rocked you back and forth until you’d calmed down enough to explain why you had burst into hysterics at 3am.
“Wanna tell me what happened, baby?” he asked softly.
“I had a dream you died,” you explained.
“It was just a dream, I’m right here. You can’t get rid of me that easily,” he joked, trying to lighten the mood.
“Hobi , it’s not funny.” you sniffled.
“What happened in the dream?” he coaxed, sensing you needed to talk about it.
“Gosh Hobi, it was awful. We were in the forest,” you began, spelling out all the gory details for your boyfriend, who listened intently and let you talk.
“That’s intense,” he finally said when you’d finished, barely fighting off tears as you relayed the dream to him.
You nodded, reaching over and grabbing a tissue from the nightstand, wiping your eyes and blowing your nose, not caring how unattractive it was. You were fragile and felt like any wrong move could shatter you right then.
“Baby, I know that was scary, but it wasn’t real. I’m right here, and I’m not going anywhere,” he assured you, holding you close. “Do you want to try and go back to sleep?”
“Can we cuddle?”
Hobi nodded, laying down and opening his arms for you. You snuggled close to him, letting the sound of his beating heart drown out all the fears inside you. You fell asleep with his warmth wrapped around you, and his heart singing your favorite lullaby.
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Even though you were exhausted, you woke up before Hobi; and even though the dream wasn’t real, the possibility was. You’d decided that you were going to treat him like a king, like it was the last moment you’d ever spend together. You were going to treat every day like your last day with him. You were going to love him like you were going to lose him.
You slipped out of bed quietly, tiptoeing into the kitchen, being as quiet as you could while you made his favorite breakfast. The aroma of the food filled the whole apartment, and it was making your mouth water. You fixed Hobi a plate and put it on a tray with orange juice and carried it into the bedroom, setting it on your bedside table. You climbed into bed, peppering soft kisses all over his face, gently waking him from his slumber.
“Mmmm…” he smiled, eyes opening and focusing on you, “good morning beautiful.”
“Good morning,” you giggled, pressing a real kiss to his lips.
“Oh gosh, what smells so good?”
“Your favorite,” you grinned, standing and handing him the tray, then cuddling up to his side.
“Breakfast in bed?” he grinned, then his face fell with panic, “did I forget our anniversary or something?”
“No, silly. I just wanted to do something nice for you,” you laughed.
“Aw, thanks baby,” he grinned, digging in.
You watched him, eating your breakfast but focusing more on Hobi, memorizing everything he did, the way he moved, the sound of his breathing, how he ate. You wanted to remember it all, just in case. He glanced over at you a few times, making silly faces. You giggled and continued to watch him, full of awe and love and wonder.
“Why are you staring at me?” he laughed.
“I love you.” you shrugged.
“Is it because of that dream?” he questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“No! Maybe… yes. But I should be doing this stuff anyway, you’re so amazing and so good to me, you deserve to be treated the same way,” you explained.
“Babe you don’t have to do all this.”
“I know. I want to,” you smiled, gathering the dirty dishes and walking them into the kitchen and washing them.
“Let me help.” Hobi bumped his hip into yours.
“I got it, you go relax baby,” you reached up on your tiptoes to kiss him.
“Y/N…” he trailed off, sighing.
“Seriously, I got this. Go relax. You can make it up to me later,” you wiggled your eyebrows suggestively.
He smirked and smacked your ass before walking into the living room and settling into the couch, turning on the TV. You watched him walk away. I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you leave. You thought to yourself, admiring his perky butt and broad back. His broad shoulders were bare, he’d slept shirtless and he was wearing basketball shorts slung low on his hips, letting his boxers peek out of the top.
He had no idea how sexy he looked, with his wild sleep-mussed hair, smooth tan skin, and those lips. Oh, his lips. You could write an erotic novel just based on his lips and the things they could do. You smirked to yourself, finishing the dishes and following him into the living room.
You decided you’d have a little fun with him today and snuck away into the bedroom, putting on your best lingerie, and styling your hair the way you knew he liked best. You put on a little bit of subtle makeup, just enough to enhance what was already there so you couldn’t tell it was on if you weren’t looking for it.
You quietly walked back to the living room, sliding in next to Hobi on the couch. He didn’t look in your direction, but he slid an arm around your shoulders. You didn’t blame him - the best part of the crime drama he was watching was on the screen, where they determine who the killer really was. Turns out, it was the jealous mistress. Typical, yet still alluring.
“I KNEW IT!” he grinned, looking over at you for the first time since you’d returned.
His eyes grew wide as he took in your outfit and you bit your lip nervously, looking up at him through your lashes, and leaning forward slightly to show off your cleavage. He visibly gulped, eyes roaming hungrily over your frame.
“You look so fucking sexy in that,” he said, voice thick with desire, eyes turning dark.
“You look sexy in everything, so I guess we’re even,” you fired back.
“You always know exactly what to say.”
You giggled and climbed over onto his lap, straddling him and running your hands slowly down his chest, and his eyes followed your every movement. His body was enticing, he was like a greek god in your opinion. He was a work of art, exquisite, delicious, absolutely mouth watering, and he was all yours. You intended to fully worship his body the way it deserved. You wanted to show him how much he meant to you, how much you cared for him, and how devastatingly sexy he was.
If the damp pool in your underwear didn’t alert him to how he affected your body, the look in your eyes had to. The insatiable thirst you had for him apparent in your gaze. His sturdy chest rose quickly as his breathing became shallow, trying to keep his composure as you started grinding against him, trailing your hands all along his torso. You were teasing him, taunting him, but you both knew the end result would be worth it. The more foreplay, the better the sex. He groaned as your fingers traced lazily over his hardened member, and you smirked to yourself.
You pushed him back onto the arm of the couch, leaving searing kisses along any patch of skin you could reach, your nails gently scratching a trail following your mouth, which you knew he loved. He loved having marks from you, proving he was yours as much as he loved leaving marks on you, and showing the world that you belonged to him. He was agonizingly hard and could barely focus on anything but the way you looked, devouring his body slowly.
You licked lines around each of his abs, and he let his head fall back at the sensation washing over him. It was all he could do not to pick you up and slam you down into the couch, take control and fuck you into next week. But, in true Hoseok fashion, he was respectful and let you follow your plan. You nipped at the skin above his shorts, and he actually whimpered. The great Jung Hoseok actually whimpered, he wanted you so badly. You pulled his shorts and boxers down, and he lifted his hips to help you, like the gentleman he was.
His cock sprung free and slapped against his stomach, swollen, aching, and ready. The tip was leaking pre-cum and you licked your lips seductively before pressing soft kisses to the tip, bold strokes of your tongue following. He groaned, writhing under your touch. Your hand found his balls and played with them while you sunk your mouth over his throbbing erection, a hiss erupting from his delicious lips. You hummed a response, the vibrations doing him in almost as much as the feeling of your warm lips wrapped around his aching cock.
You started bobbing your head up and down, swirling your tongue around the base at the same time, driving him absolutely insane. His moans were music to your ears, encouraging you to keep going. Your hands worked in time with your mouth, occasionally offbeat just to spice it up as you sucked and bobbed and swirled your way around him, bringing him closer to the edge with each passing moment. He groaned loudly, his cock tensing, and you knew it was almost time so you doubled down on your efforts, and soon, he was shooting into your mouth, and you took it all, swallowing and licking your lips before lifting your eyes to meet his gaze.
His face had a sheen of sweat on it, and he looked spent. His breathing was ragged and he just had this shit eating grin on his lips as he stared at you, eyes wide and joyful. You climbed up to lay on his chest, taking a break. But this sex-capade was far from over. He wrapped his arms around you, both of you sticky. You smiled into the soft kiss he pressed to your swollen lips.
“You’re so good at that, babygirl,” he praised you.
“I can’t help myself, you’re just so delectable,” you teased, booping his nose.
He rolled his eyes but couldn’t wipe the satisfied smile off his face. You kissed his cheek, his forehead, his nose, his lips. He laughed, loving all the attention from you, but very much wanting to return the favor. He flipped you over, pinning you down on the couch, not that you would have dreamed of trying to break free of his hold. You loved being underneath him, feeling how big and powerful he was. He tortured you the same way you’d tortured him, leaving hot, wet kisses down your neck and collarbone, sucking love marks along the way, nibbling at your sensitive spots. You loved how he kissed your body, how he knew exactly how to please you, where all your favorite spots were.
He treated you like a princess and you loved him for that and a million other reasons, but you couldn’t really focus on those at the moment, not with his lips causing that familiar fire to grow in your core. No man had ever touched you like Hoseok touched you, no man had ever made you feel the way he did. He was a magician, a wizard, a sex-god. His hands traveled along your sides, up to your breasts, and he gave your nipples a gentle squeeze through the thin fabric of your lingerie. You moaned his name, praising him for how good he was to you.
“Fuck, Hobi. You always feel so good,” you encouraged.
“Mmm. You like that, babygirl?” he grinned, looking up at you, a brief halt on the ambush of your body.
“Love it, love you so much,” you told him.
“I love you too, Y/N.”
He pulled your lingerie top off and began kissing along your breast, sucking harshly on the nipple, causing your back to arch off the couch and into his touch. More. His teeth grazed along the already hyper-aware nub, and you bit down on your bottom lip harshly, groaning inwardly. Once he’d decided he’d tortured your breasts enough, he slowly made his way down your stomach, hot breath fanning over your aching, soaked core. You shivered, trying to stay still and not yank his head down. He used his teeth to pull down the panties of your lingerie, and you nearly came from that sight alone. You watched him eagerly as he tore them from your trembling body, tossing them aside carelessly.
His tongue slithered along your folds, teasing you. You whined loudly, showing your displeasure of having to wait, and he chuckled.
“So impatient, baby,” he chastised.
“Only for you.”
He smirked and his tongue dove into your heat, pressing flat against your clit in broad, slow licks. It was almost disrespectful, how slow and tantalizing he was being. Two fingers entered you, curling just right to hit your g spot every time. He took his time, paced himself, slowly bringing you closer to your high. You wiggled on his fingers, trying to get him to speed up, but his tongue and fingers kept their slow assault.
“Patience, my love,” he cooed.
You whimpered in frustration but agreed, and soon, the rumbling deep down in your core was becoming less of a rumble and more of a roar as your release quickly approached. Your walls began to clench, and only then did he speed up, bringing you the most intense euphoric feeling you’d ever experienced in your life. You saw a flash of white light when your eyes screwed shut, you felt like your soul was leaving your body. Maybe that’s why the French called orgasms “the little death”. It crashed over you and you were drowning in ecstasy. When you came back down, Hoseok slowly pulled his fingers out, and leaned up to kiss your lips. You could barely breathe, let alone speak. He laughed at your disheveled state.
“That’s how I felt after you gave me the blowjob of a lifetime,” he winked.
“Remind me to do that more often,” you breathed out, “I kinda like the payback.”
“I do too,” he wiggled his eyebrows.
“I’m so fucking lucky to have you,” you gushed, crushing him in a hug.
“I’m the lucky one, babygirl,” he countered.
You grinned mischievously, biting down on his lip as he kissed you, riling him up again. You both spent the day making dirty memories in every room of the apartment, enjoying each other's company, and spending quality time together. You loved every second of it, and Hoseok did too. By the time the sun went down, you were both completely wrecked, falling asleep as soon as your heads hit the pillows. That night, you only dreamt happy dreams, about life with Hobi and how happy you were that he was yours.
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fucking-nachos · 7 years
Halloween Songs For Preschool Children
One of the biggest issues about Halloween is the ridiculously great amount of music that provides the soundtrack for the holiday. We have put collectively our personal playlist from our favorite Halloween songs (and asked readers to suggest theirs too), so you must have plenty of music to get your get together began. Superstition ain't the way,” he preaches on this 1972 music, however there's something about that funk that still sounds nearly… spooky. One of the crucial regularly lined songs within the rock ‘n' roll canon, I Put a Spell on You” is an unsettling minor-key dirge with a gentle waltz tempo and lyrics that concern a jealous narrator who needs to regulate, and probably abuse, his lady. The Hearse Tune brings us brings us to the top of our listing of 13 Halloween songs acceptable for kids, nevertheless it's simply the beginning of the perfect Halloween social gathering you've but to throw. I was singing what I can bear in mind of it to my grandchildren, so if anyone is aware of all the verses please write. Flour-filled, orange balloons make super toss-it is to throw at a Halloween ghost. It was enjoyable to see the ship all decked out with Halloween decor and the themed activities had been fairly nice too. Some researchers have also suggested that these seemingly nonsensical rhymes have been not really meant for youngsters at all, nor are they nonsense. Within the UK movies are divided into categories depending on whether or not they're for kids, teenagers or adults. Mr. Halloweenster teaches youngsters, age three-7 years, that the perfect part of Halloween comes from their creativity and creativeness, particularly once they're making Halloween decorations, telling Halloween tales, carrying their costumes, and fooling around while marching in a Halloween parade or trick-or-treating. One of many few artists to have recorded two bona fide Halloween classics is Mike Oldfield , whose ‘Tubular Bells' has given us the chills for over 40 years, because of its iconic use in The Exorcist. In this song, the singer argues that Halloween is basically his day by day life. Though a contact extra psychedelic than horrific, the legendary Erickson has usually dabbled in songs in regards to the unseen. SCARIEST LYRIC: This music doesn't have lyrics but the scariest half is probably round 1:10. Groove Child Nation: High Nursery Rhymes - A collection of popular nursery rhymes, together with Little Miss Muffet, Rock-a-Bye Child, and Three Blind Mice. At Kaboose they've Creepy Coloring: You and the children can color within the Halloween pictures in your computer or print them out to paint in the class or at house. Another non-musical option to play at your occasion is an audio recording of a ghost story Verify your local library for options, and gather the company around to get pleasure from a spooky tale. See below for our most devilish Halloween playlist recommendations, from the eerie and obscure to widespread crowd-pleasers. Halloween Songs 30 scarey, spooky songs for kids with lyrics and music to hearken to. About 300 animal songs and animal nursery rhymes with lyrics and music to take heed to. Food Songs for youngsters, numerous songs about meals, consuming, drinking and eating with lyrics and music to listen to. About 60 songs listed alphabetically. It has the right amount of speed, aggressiveness, melody, and of course - cheesiness that you often heard in Helloween songs.
If no person at your Halloween get together imitates the zombie dance moves when this music comes on, you need better friends. On this web page, you will discover the entire songs from our Super Easy Songs - Halloween CD. Throughout the fall, we'll be releasing a brand new Halloween video each Wednesday, so you should definitely verify back typically. Add extra enjoyable to your class utilizing these free nursery rhymes and animated rhyming videos for youths. For every music video, I am including the activities I am doing with my own children to connect the track to other studying abilities. Various composer Best of” and so on sequence have numerous songs that can be utilized for the fall and Halloween. The phrases and music for the Soul-Cake track (which begins A soul, a soul, a soul-cake!”) can be found as Soul-Cake Spherical on Digital Tradition. Because the band moved into the Nineteen Eighties, they modified their sound and fell into making the kind of ska-influenced new wave that was beginning to take over the popular music scene at the time. Prime members get pleasure from FREE One-Day and Two-Day supply on eligible gadgets, unlimited video streaming, 30-minute early entry to prime offers & extra. From beelzebub booty bass to trick-or-treat trap, listed here are eight fabulously freaky Miami music originals for your Halloween fiesta. All the extra cause to get it on the stereo at a party, as people are guaranteed to recognise Rih-Rih's song. Obtain Halloween Music - Scary Sounds and get within the groove with scary sounds. Should you're one of the service's free or premium listeners, discovering the proper music for this year's Halloween party shouldn't be a problem. Not precisely a mysterious or even really a spooky music, in the context of Halloween Howlin' for You” produces some good imagery of a blood-starved (or perhaps just love-starved) werewolf — but the first verse does appear to trace on the constructing madness within the narrator's mind. On the eighth day of Halloween my real love gave to me eight monsters shrieking, seven spells are going, six goblins gobbling, 5 scary spooks, four skeletons, three black bats, two trick or treaters, and an owl in a lifeless oak tree. Older children may get a kick out of making their very own music video to traditional Halloween songs like Michael Jackson's Thriller. Given that we already collected our scariest pop , rock , and love songs, it made sense to chill our spines with a new beat. You must in all probability check out our Nursery Songs class for those who don't find what you're in search of. By means of dancing, these youngsters dance Halloween songs present a perfect opportunity in your children to foster these needed relationships. The quintessential Halloween track, the Monster Mash” is actually a dance inspired by the effectively-identified Mashed Potato”… though apparently can solely be performed by the dead! The lyrics for this song begin, Now the door is open, between spirit and physical realm...” From the Other Aspect of Midnight CD, this has music that sounds each foreboding and delightful, but the phrases are reasonably candy in the event you listen to them. The track is pop/punk gold although, I do not need to be buried in a pet sematary!” It would have everyone embarking on a drunken singalong very quickly. It is even considerably less horrific that different songs from the 1960s, if you think about Little Peggy March's stalker anthem of I Will Observe Him ” and The Angels' jovial promise of a severe beatdown in My Boyfriend's Again Despite it being somewhat annoying, Monster Mash” actually is the only strictly Halloween anthem there's. Let the thrills and chills start, remember the candy, tell us which songs you would add to the record in the feedback below! There are a number of good fashionable songs for Samhain that you may like, although some are Wiccan in outlook. It actually began life as an instrumental by Ron Hirsch (or saxophonist Mike Sharpe, there's been some dispute about who wrote the thing), so the lyrics had been a total afterthought. This is a stunning ethereal track on The Visit CD, and it's avaiable for purchase by the Loreena McKennitt official web page , although her web page is impossible to navigate. That is in all probability the primary time that almost all of us were actually scared by a music, and who else might do it higher than Eminem. Most of those songs were a part of an oral-primarily based society that relayed news, spread coded rumors about authority figures, and worked out its moral dilemmas (for kids and adults) in rhyme and tune. The truth is, up to now, Halloween has been referred to as San-Apple Night and Nutcrack Evening.
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