#like it’s abundantly clear that your pet is not your priority
fruitless-vain · 10 months
The sudden increase in bird people bringing their birds in to not pet friendly places is…. Concerning
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baufive · 3 months
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This will probably sound like a rant - its not a rant - it's a plea. I have removed the comment to keep anonymity, but this has presented a bit of a quandary.
I have to say - this sort of comment is exasperating. I have waited a week for an answer and, honestly - with no reply, it feels more like an empty zing. That makes *ME* sad. What is "temporarily"? - as in - you took it out and everything is okay? Exactly what broke? Do you know what piece(s)? What happened exactly? How can I improve this situation?
*I* don't know a single creator who releases their hard work only to go - oh well, broke your game - that's a you problem. I'm sure they exist. Not this guy.
I want to release the best possible product. My style is not for everyone - I am abundantly clear on that point. That said - with this particular set I was transparent with the issues I was encountering and it took, in some cases, weeks (actual weeks) to get something to work correctly with the little amount of time I have to give to this hobby. Quirky stuff like alpha phong/transparency issues/eyedropper not cloning issues. Not a 'my game grew an arm and has become a menace to my pets' kind of problem.
I was honestly horrified that someones game could be impacted by my wares - like - heart heavy/floor sinking sort of thing. I cannot underline this point enough - I desire critiques to improve - most creators do - at least the ones I respect. I might not be the fastest at fixing patch broken items, but when something is wrong with an item I just released, I make it a priority - with what time I have - to fix it. My site is littered with "whoops" add-ons.
PLEASE: My inbox is open - my comments are on here and at my blog - I have a contact page on my blog. If you ever find a problem with something I have released - please let me know. I will do my best to attend to it and if that is not possible, I can at least wave the red flag and hope someone in the community would have an answer to assist. Please be clear what happened so I am not forced to guess. A statement that feels like a lack of contentment is challenging to address.
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sagau-my-beloved · 2 years
Speaking of yae miko, headcanons for her animal behaviour
She will only her reveal fox form to you, after a lot of begging.
Her animalistic side mainly comes out in the form of biting. Like youre just cuddling and i can imagine her nipping at you.
This can get awkward because miko also likes to leave love bites, so uhh good luck explaining those away.
Also can imagine her cleaning you pretty often(especially after spending too much time with zhongli or venti,) preening you and making sure you always looks amazing
-Rapid anon
Yeah this all checks out
Really she seems too refined and just possess enough self control to stop from acting on some of the more undignified instincts like being loud to any degree, she has a reputation to uphold of course, which just increases her desire on the ones that she can act on
So yeah lots and lots of bite marks
Also, like all the other hybrids, she would definitely have a heightened sense of smell and just general intuition of what may or may not have caused that, so she knows you've been hanging around others and they mayhaps have drove you away with their excessive displays of poorly concealed courting methods, poor thing
Not to worry though, she's right there to make you feel a bit more normal, behaving more like a person and less like those exhausting and frankly annoying other hybrids who clearly lack the self control necessary to put you as their priority
She secretly hopes that you take her behavior to heart in order to show that's how a proper hybrid should act, how the others are behavior is completely of their choice and if only they had a firmer grasp on their emotions like she does it could be avoided
Of course the state of your neck and frankly entire body after a few days with her says otherwise, and her clear discomfort with being around you when you still smell so heavily like them also proves that she is still emotion driven to some extent, though maybe she just prefers the intimacy of getting you alone and undressed in a confined area where only her hands get to touch you, that's really just as likely
But isn't she just so much nicer to hang out with? No feather molting or possessive hoarding, and she even lets you pet her ears whenever you like as long as you sit in her lap while doing it
And she will show you her fox form, reluctantly so, although she makes it abundantly clear how she'd prefer to be the one holding you than vice versa, but if it would really make you happy then how could she possibly refuse? Anything to keep you by her side longer
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ibuki-loves-you · 3 years
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Izuru Kamukura Fluff Alphabet
Warnings: None
Mod Ibuki: Hey!! Of course you can! Enjoy!
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
At first, not really. You have to show Izuru a lot when it comes to relationships, and affection is one of them. You have to initiate affections, like hugs and kisses. Soon enough, he’ll begin to catch on and initiate himself. Once he starts, though, he doesn’t want to stop.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He’d be a pretty good friend! Izuru would be the best friend who you can go to for anything. Vent? He’s your therapist. Physical affection? He’s your guy. Someone guy is bugging you and won’t leave you alone? Boom, he’s playing boyfriend.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Izuru is blunt, so he has no issue saying he wants to cuddle. Well, he doesn’t say it. More often than not he picks you up and pulls you into his lap. Good luck getting out!
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Marriage isn’t a priority for Izuru, but he thinks it’d be nice to get married. He does most of the cooking and cleaning before you can even move to do it. He’s amazing at everything, those are no exceptions.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Honestly, Izuru would have a very very hard time losing interest in you. I think once he’s hooked, he won’t let go. But if he had to, it’d be very gently. He knows it’ll hurt you, so he wants to make it as painless as possible.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
As said before, marriage isn’t Izuru’s priority, but he’d have absolutely no objection to it. If you wanted to get married, he’d drop to his knee in .2 seconds with a ring.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Very gentle. He treats you as if you’re made of glass. You’re precious to him. Although, he is sometimes too blunt without realizing it. He registers your reaction before you though, so he is very quick to apologize.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Izuru likes hugs, definitely. His hugs are very warm and comforting. They are always changing, too. One moment he’ll give you a proper hug, the next he’s hugging you from behind, and then the next he’s petting your hair and giving you little kisses.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
As soon as he realizes he loves you, he waits. He wants to make sure you feel the same before he blurts it out. Once he’s sure you do feel the same, he says it with no hesitation.
“I love you, S/O”
“I-I love you too, Izuru…”
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
It’s hard to get him jealous since he has so much trust in you, but if he happens to get jealous, he will go up to you and the person and make it abundantly clear that you are his and no one else's.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
At first they’re a bit sloppy, since he doesn’t really know what he’s doing. After a bit though, he’s practically an expert and gives the best kisses. Izuru likes giving you kisses on the crown of your head. He knows that makes one feel comfort. His favorite places to be kissed are either the cheek or the lips. Mix it up for him, though, and he’ll be very happy.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Amazing. He has every talent, so there’s no doubt he can be the Ultimate Child Caregiver. Izuru may find them a bit annoying, but he has a ton of patience so it’s usually fine.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Lovely. Izuru is always up first. He either stays in bed with you or goes to prepare breakfast. When he stays in bed, he’ll usually just stare at you. Not in a creepy way, more like “holy shit they’re adorable.” As soon as you wake up, you always get a good morning kiss.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Even lovelier. Izuru holds you to his chest at night. He makes sure you’re comfortable, enough blankets, pillows, etc. After that, he gives you a kiss and tells you he loves you and to sleep well.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It takes Izuru a while to open up to you. He can determine you as trustworthy, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t afraid you’ll leave him after he reveals his past to you.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Izuru has the patience of a god. It is incredibly hard to anger him. The most he’ll be is annoyed, even then he will never, and I repeat NEVER, take it out on you.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers every little detail about you. He knows you better than you know yourself. He knows everything from your favorite color to what hair product you prefer.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
When he first felt butterflies. The minute he felt them, he asked one of his classmates about this “odd dying bubbly feeling.” It all made sense once they told him he was in love.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
So protective. Izuru will not let any harm come to you. His priority is you and you only. No one will harm you, don’t worry.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He puts effort into anything for you, whether it be big or small. If you like big dates, then you have one! If you like small dates, got it! He wants you to be happy, so everything is mainly your taste, not that he minds either. Honestly whatever you like he likes so it works out.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Being blunt. Izuru can be a very blunt person without even realizing it, so sometimes he will say something that can hurt you a bit. He realizes it before you do, though. No matter how small it was he will feel bad because he doesn’t want to hurt you at all.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Not very concerned. He throws on his suit, doesn’t bother with his hair and calls it a day. But you never let him out of the house without brushing his hair for him, mainly because he complains about it being tangled and you enjoy brushing it.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes!!! He’d feel like a bit of him was ripped away. You unlocked emotions he thought were gone forever. Once you’re gone, those will be, too.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Many things bore Izuru, but if you wanted to read with him or watch a movie, he would do it no hesitation. No matter how bored he might get, it’d be worth it to see you smile.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Boring people, that’s it.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Izuru doesn’t move, at all. Besides his chest moving up and down from his breathing, he won’t move a muscle until he wakes up. So don’t try to leave his arms you won’t go far.
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starkerparkerpony · 5 years
I Scold Because I Stan Pt.3
AU where Tony (44-45 y/o) meets an aged up (23-24 y/o) Peter after Civil War, Tony is broken up with Pepper and all kinds of sorry for himself. Peter is a ESU graduate and currently has an internship with Oscorp and is a photographer for the Daily Bugle he is also spiderman and therefore perpetually exhausted and has very little patience
Read part 1 & 2
Please consider reblogging.
Two months of having Peter in his life and one thing became abundantly clear to Tony, he was not used to being adored like this. Because it was pure adoration with Peter. Maybe he was different with him than he'd been with Pepper but he couldn't be sure. He didn't know. He just really liked it.
They had not had sex yet. Hell they hadn't even properly kissed yet, Tony had had a long day dealing with goddamned Doombots because that's the kind of person Victor Von Doom became after he got dumped by his fiance, which was a complete and utter disgrace and men should learn how to cope with rejection better... like seriously... he's not the biggest fan of that stretchy-fuck Richards either and what the fuck kind of name is 'Reed' anyway? But it's still no excuse to become a supervillain... Tony used to like Victor for fuck's sake- Peter was waiting for Tony back at the tower.
And for some reason Tony prepared himself to get scolded... because that's what happened right? He manages to right what was wrong and comes back to a stressed and disappointed Pepper.
But that didn't happen.
"I saw you get hit." The young man hurried towards him and scanned Tony's entire being, very thoroughly for potential damage with a forrowed brow, Spiderman man was there too, Peter must've been there to get photos.
"I'm fine, the suit is going to require some tlc though," Tony tried to reassure him.
"You're sure?"
"You bet."
"Okay," Peter said, relaxed, and then pressed a quick kiss onto Tony's lips before enveloping him in a very tight and very comforting hug.
And that was it... no further lectures about priorities and personal wellbeing. Just comfort.
No, they hadn't had sex yet but Peter looked at Tony with such intensity sometimes, that he already felt too naked whenever he was with the younger guy... surprisingly enough, he liked this feeling too.
Pepper was an actual saint but it had required a very specific type of physical and mental effort, to maintain a relationship with her. But with Peter it was so effortless, that sometimes Tony felt like a cheat.
But he'd started to have that uncomfortable conversation with himself... the conversation about commitments and public announcements. Peter was mindful of dealing with the press that comes with rich people. So their "dates" had all been in the tower. Tony had asked about Peter's place but Peter refused because "Tony honey, you're not old enough to be exposed to the graphic images of poverty and squalor that come with a cheap New York studio apartment. And I'm not emotionally prepared to take down all my Iron Man posters, so that's not gonna' happen."
So they hung around the tower, they watched movies, they ate together, sometimes they even worked together. Peter always brought flowers. It was home.
Which was probably why Tony kinda forgot himself one such day. He had spent more that 42 hours in the lab, Peter showed up.
And Tony, because he was a little bit of an idiot, who wanted nothing more than to impress his new guy, asked Friday to tell him that he was more than welcome in the lab.
But Peter had never been down there before.
So after waiting more than half an hour, a very impatient Tony made his way into the living area of his tower, where Peter was watching CNN while munching on some of Tony's favorite cheese popcorn.
"What are you doing?" Tony asked indignant.
"Watching the news... waiting for you, ass," Peter answered, shooting him a teasing little glare "Oh, and I made popcorn! Want some?"
"I asked you to come downstairs," Tony had been waiting patiently downstairs to show the guy the new sensors he had been working on, for Rhodey.
"Er... I- I've never been... I thought you were just being courteous," Peter winced and mumbled, feeling awkward as hell.
"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Tony had already had a shitty day, Pepper had been yelling at him for not showing up for a government contractor lick-fest, Tony didn't need whatever it was that Peter was trying to do. He just wanted to show his boyfriend the cool things he made and be kissed.
"Tony... I don't know... I didn't think I had the clearance to be down there. I've never signed an NDA or anything for you," Peter half shrugged.
"Why would you need to sign an NDA to hang out with your boyfriend?" Tony realized very late that this was the first time he'd used the word 'boyfriend' in front of Peter and immediately started blushing like an idiot.
"Because I work for a rival company of yours and it would be very awkward for both me and my boyfriend if something you're working on was suddenly introduced by said rival company. Even if it was a coincidence. Also don't you have Avengers stuff down there? Like don't I need... I dunno security clearance to see it? By the way are we discussing the boyfriend thing now or later because I need to cry and scream from the rooftops about it at some point." Of course Peter wouldn't let that bit slip, which only made Tony blush harder.
"I'm not an idiot... anything you don't have clearance for, you won't see. And I trust you. Is this good screaming and crying or bad screaming and crying?" Might as well make sure.
Peter was already making his way closer to him, wrapping Tony in a warm embrace.
"The crying and screaming of pure joy."
"Sounds intense."
"It will be... there'll be snot involved."
"I know."
"Wanna makeout?"
"Oh hell to the fuck yes."
And so Tony walked Peter back to the couch, planted himself in the younger man's lap and right as he was about to initiate the tonsil hockey game of a lifetime, Peter interrupted-
"You really trust me?" He asked.
"Do you think that I would currently be straddling you if I didn't?" Tony asked back, incredulous... and then his three leaked sextapes that still sometimes trend on certain 'hubs' on the internet came to mind. "Wait don't answer that."
Trust was a pretty weird thing for Peter... he absolutely adored Tony but he still hadn't told him about any alternate identities and maybe it was time to reciprocate that trust.
"So You don't think I'm like a gold digger or something?" This was some quick thinking on Peter's part
The strange vulnerability in Peter's voice made Tony ask-
"Did someone say something to you?" Pepper and Rhodey hadn't yet met Peter but they knew about him. They wouldn't do something like this but maybe...
"Just a silly joke that MJ and the guys made... kinda kept niggling... no big deal," Peter was trying to brush it off because he wasn't ready to discuss the what was really on his mind when it came to trust and Tony but the older man still thought that if it didn't affect him he wouldn't have brought it up.
"Babe... I regret to inform you but you're really not kiss-y ass-y enough to be a gold digger. I don't think any gold digger has scolded their gold diggee(?) As much as you scold me." Tony pressed soft kisses along his jawline as he tried to reassure him.
"Hey I scold because I care you ass." Peter chuckled huskily.
"I know"
And then Peter was running his hands up and down Tony's back, and it made him wonder if he was in fact part cat, because humans don't really enjoy being petted as much as him, do they? Maybe it was just that Peter touched him so well.
Honestly Peter could be doing anything and Tony would enjoy it. He nibbled along his throat and Tony couldn't help but grind down on his lap. He brought his delightful hands up his back and into his hair, gently pulling him into a deep, sensual kiss and Tony was so utterly lost.
He gently licked into his mouth and of course he tasted of cola and popcorn and it was delectable.
Tony hadn't ever really been the dominant type but he'd also never quite felt so... safe as when he did when Peter was leading him.
When they broke apart for a breath, Tony couldn't help but cup Peter's beautiful face with both his hands and just stare into the beautiful boy's eyes, as if trying to figure out the reason why such a fantastic creature could ever choose a... mess like Tony.
"God Tony you have the most beautiful eyes," Peter breathed.
Which of course made Tony blush like an absolute fool. He always did this. Peter Parker had a habbit of breaking through Tony's moments of self doubt with pure adoration and he was utterly helpless to it.
Tony had to physically restrain himself from replying with 'I love you' because two months was probably too soon for saying it.
He'd say it the next time Peter scolded him.
Not many words were spoken after that except for "scoot back" "shift up a little" "no that tickles" "wait not there" "oh yess that's nice" "keep going" "don't stop" "please stay".
Taglist- @spidey-nerd @areluctantsblog @briesb1tch @fleet-of-ships @darker-soft-starker @heybrotherpourthewine @buckybarnes-is-bae @starkerlovestony @nachtvuur @theginkosakata @plsstopgivingpetertrauma @highbloodprinz @supernaturalpadfoot @strkrmdnss @thewolffearsher @starkravingspiders @whenfandomscollide @starkerrifics @starkersenses @merwinist @this-starker-hoe @sad-princess28 @smidnite @mystarkershame @somethingihadtocarry @goodtimesstarker @lacechains @hermit-fangirl @colorofpearls @narutoyaoifans @ravens-starker-stuff @lover-starker @littlemonstercupcake @starkerkitty91x @tigger232 @mcusicals @cartorchdeath @sadbumblingmess @winter-starker @pixelizedgenocide @lurafita @yadds @starkerisendgame @peterscherry @tonyfuckingstarkismykink
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shenekabroadnax2 · 3 years
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terriel + shirley had the formula.
those were my grandparents. they were together until the very end of their lives. he passed on march 9, 2012. she passed on november 3, 2021; a little over 9 years later.
their relationship dynamic was their own, it worked for them, & they loved each other. the way I watched them take care of each other because they WANTED to said a lot to me.
one thing I always noticed about them — they kept the main thing the main thing. I don’t care how much they worked, how much they had to serve at their church, how much the bills piled up, or how much the kids had going on, they made sure HOME was solid.
home was going to be peaceful. home was going to be consistent. home was going to have what you needed. home was going to be a place of rest. home was going to leave anyone who entered it fulfilled. home was not going to lack. home was going to be in order. & anything that could jeopardize home was automatically eliminated, cut off, & nipped in the bud with the quickness.
SN: I think that’s the issue with a lot of my parents’ generation’s homes/marriages/relationships, & consequently it has become a learned behavior in my generation as well. — To begin with, it’s necessary to set a precedent, to define, what “home” is going to look like, sound like, smell like, feel like, & taste like for you [& yours, if you have someone - kids, spouse, pet, etc - present]. There’s no way you can establish boundaries around something that isn’t defined [read that again]. Period. As long as the lines aren’t blurred, there shouldn’t be any questions about what & how “home” is. Everyone is clear on what type of “home” we have, & you protect that at all costs because you recognize it is of value [get to that in a sec]. If anything threatens to compromise that “home,” there should be an urgency to do something about it. An URGENCY. For a lot of people they don’t do that. Either they don’t stop it at all, because definitions and/or boundaries of home aren’t clear; OR they don’t stop it at all, or move slowly to stop it, because they value whatever the other “thing” is over “home.” IT has taken precedence & priority, be it consciously or subconsciously, over “home.” Here lies the issue with my generation & a lot of our parents. Even if “home” isn’t a physical location, or isn’t a relationship with another person. Even if “home” is just ME, MYSELF, & I, you’ve gotta make “home” not only a priority, but THE priority.
my papa & granny’s rule was that God & home come first. above all else. you place honor on those two things. because their marriage as covenant & as a sacred place are included in those things, they lasted. I’ve heard several stories about them going through things very early on in order to get to that point where they valued “home.” they suffered through a LOT. however, they came to realize how sacred home is, though. & it was clear that this was the principle that kept things together. I’m so grateful to pick up on this & take a page out of their book.
“we don’t do that here,” “we don’t say that here,” “not in my house.” it wasn’t exactly positive framing, but all of those things I frequently remember hearing as a kid. what I didn’t realize is that they were teaching me the culture of our “home.” the rules, the language, the codes, the rituals, the beliefs of our “home” were always made abundantly clear. even as a child, when outsiders came to our house, I made sure they knew “granny doesn’t play that,” or “papa likes to hear that.” I protected “home” because I valued “home. “ Going to school & being bullied or not feeling like I belonged caused me to value being “home.” I knew I was safe there. I knew I had peace there. I knew I had value there.
I seek to create that same environment in the “home” I’m building with my husband. Our marriage, our children, even our dog, will have a clearly defined “home.” One that they will love, they will value, & they will protect at all costs. I don’t want to put my career, my church, my problems, my friends, my extracurriculars, my hobbies, or any other thing over the sacred space that God has called me to steward FIRST — my HOME. I’ve done that before, I’ve experienced that before, & I’ve learned my lesson there.
I always want to keep the main thing the main thing — home.
With love,
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lachlann-macnab · 4 years
Unlikely friends
Alternative title: In which Arawn has fun and is himself and LP is confused, but glad to have him around Date: November 7, 2020
Note: This takes place a moment after the events on “Prelude to chaos”
TW for mentions of death, corpses, mentions of stalking, black humour and stabbing.
Lachlann MacNab Lachlann shouldn't be there. To point that out was equal parts a common-sense deal and a "you'll only get even more hurt, don't be an idiot" one. But the thing was, Louie of all people had made his intentions to help abundantly clear AND his own friends were still somewhere in town (he'd heard about the situation with Phineas and seen the photos, but he still wasn't quite sure about how he felt about that) so there was no real option; Going there was an idiotic thing to do, sure, but...well, Lachlann wasn't known for his good life choices, anyways. The streets were absolute chaos and he'd been forced to abandon his car for a second as he tried to clear the (a bit burned, a bit frozen and generaly chaotic) path -he wanted, he NEEDED to reach Town Hall, he needed to find Greg and Phineas and Eilonwy and- "HEY!" he called a tall man nearby "HEY, BUD! A LITTLE HELP OVER HERE?!" He couldn't lift the debris along the road since his side was still way too wounded for that sort of stuff, but maybe that man could help
Arawn Arawn had escaped the fire and chaos of town hall, and had made his way outside mainly to get away from the people who weren't dead.  But also because he wanted to see if there was anyone he could reanimate , he was just about to do that on a pretty looking thing  when he suddenly heard a voice calling out for help. Sighing he spun around hoping he could ignore it , but his eyes lit up when he realized it was the handsome fellow he had been... well stalking. Dropping the dead body he made his way over. " Sure mate, I can help you lift these. " He said before bending down and lifting some of the stuff out of the way. " I'm Arawn by the way, you have any idea what's going on?"
Lachlann MacNab Ok, so...there was a lot to unpack in there and not too much time for Lachlann to actually deal with every part of it. Lachlann had noticed the tall man's silhouette crouched next to someone, so he'd assumed he was trying to help the person laying on the floor and that said person might have been lightly injured at best but...yeah. No such luck, it seemed that they were completely gone. The body fell to the ground with a THUD and- yeah, he'd rather not think too much about it and instead decided to focus on the other man who was actual quite helpful. "Arawn" he echoed with a nod "No idea. I just recently got word of this all on twitter and-" His movements were automatic, he wanted to help with the lifting, but the pain on his side reminded him that he was absolutely not doing that. "-and- yeah. Do you have any idea?"
Arawn Arawn stared at the man, wondering why he hadn't mentioned his name at all it bothered the older man to say the least. But he figured he would get it eventually. As he lifted more stuff out of the way he was rather annoyed that he couldn't get back to his work but hey if he got to hang around the cutie he didn't care.  " Yep don't wear it out , and oh I was already here when it happened mate." He said before raising a eyebrow as the other seemed to be in pain, and he just shook his head. " No idea, but I came from town hall..I can lead you towards there if you would like? Although why you would want to go towards the flaming death trap is beyond me." He said before lifting the last of the debris out of the way.  
Lachlann MacNab Again, priorities. Lachlann wanted to do a hundred things but could only do so much at that time and...well, yeah, there a lot to the situation to dissect. Greg. Phineas. Eilonwy. The boy that would probably beat Phineas' head in if given the chance. Kairi being out there. The Robinsons. He- they had to do something. "I guess this 's one of Swynlake's famous chaotic events, eh?" he said, trying to see a silverlining to it, trying to think of something besides his worries"That's what I get for wishing to see one" Never again. He moved and placed a palm against the taller man's side as pain made itself present once more, then subsided. " 'm Lachlann -Lachie- Launchpad- whatever" no time for that " 'n yeah, you're a godsend. I need to reach Town Hall -would you mind lending a hand with that? I would really appreciate it"
Arawn Arawn just shook his head, not sure what this was except pure chaos and while he loved it he also hated it because he wasn't the one who caused it. " I guess so , nice welcome to town event ya know?" He said before sighing  and jumping a bit as a hand was placed on him. He wasn't expecting it so that's why he jumped a bit. " Well pleasure to meet you Lachie.  And eh your the first person to call me that , looks can be tricky mate. " He said before shrugging a bit, and just nodding his head offering his arm out towards the man. " Here lean on my shoulder, and we can walk there together. I have a mean right hook so i can punch anyone out of the way."
Lachlann MacNab Well, at least the man had some sense of humour, Lachlann could appreciate that. "Maybe I-* we?-* didn't need a welcome" he joked, assuming the other was much of a newcomer too (he could be wrong, but right now they had more important things to keep in mind), then nodded at the "looks can be tricky" comment "they can, yeah. It might be the painkillers talking or the chaos around us, but I think you're a pretty neat guy, so..." Like, sure, Arawn's first impression hadn't been exactly the most conventional, but since he was helping anyways... "And yeah, I have a pretty mean right hook, myself. Between us we should be strong enough" he joked again, moving forward as to lean a bit on the man and follow his guide "You think this is a magic deal or just collective histeria? Or , like, a seasonal thing we just didn't now of? Like, The Purge but in Swynlake?"
Arawn Arawn just laughed and grinned a bit at Lachlann calling him a neat guy, not that the other had to know he had stalked him a bit or anything. " I guess not , but still one hell of a welcome mate. And well thank you means alot you really have no idea." He said before just making a mental note not to ever kill this one since he had called him neat. As he let the other man lean on him , he listened and he let out a deep belly laugh at the mans Purge comment. Honestly Arawn had no idea he wasn't sure what this was, and between him an the voices in his head sometimes he really only cared about the dead bodies. Not who was still alive, cause he hadn't gotten close to anyone yet. " Oh really now? Remind to never fight ya then mate, and yeah no clue on that one. If it is magic it's something strong and dark, and the Purge? I mean maybe if it is i call dibs on the dead bodies, to make a skeleton army."
Lachlann MacNab Sure, there was an unholy amount of chaos around them, some people stumbled away for angered groups, some were struck by magic, but...hey, at least Arawn was a nice company to have. Besides, Lachlann assumed his comment about creating a skeleton army was just the man alluding to the vintage meme (the one about the skeleton war)  and nothing more. "Well, I don't fight my friends, so I'd say you're pretty safe" he chuckled, moving to the side as to avoid a furious Mr. Bridges, making the poor man punch the nearest street lamp instead and pause for a moment thanks to the pain. Lachlann apologised but decided to walk faster "I don't know a thing 'bout magic,  's this kind of thing normal?"
Arawn Arawn smiled at the friend comment he had never really had one before...well anyone that he trusted. As he lead Lachie through the streets he attempted to keep a eye out for anyone who might attack them. " Well that's good to know mate, I mainly only punch people I hate." He said rather matter of fact before, dodging a incoming man who was about to swing at them both. In the process he noticed Lachlann winced, and he let the man lean on him more while walking faster. " Um sometimes... I mean i raise things from the dead so, this is beyond my scope of things. I mean i literally raise dead bodies mate."
Lachlann MacNab Oh. OH. Well, that was...something. Again, Lachlann wasn't an expert in any sort of magic, but Arawn's self-proclaimed field of expertise was unconventional even for Magicks, wasn't it? He vaguely remembered that such things were kind of taboo. "And here I was, thinking that you were just memeing" he joked, surprised but not moving away from the other because: 1) that'd be terribly rude and 2) his balance still wasn't the best "that's a super metal ability to have, man" Look, he wasn't going to judge him just because of that. Besides, that type of thing could come in handy in such a situation and- -wow, he hated himself for even thinking that. No, nobody was dying today. "I'm just your local pilot" but he'd rather not elaborate on that and instead stopped for a second, looking around "we're getting closer now.  I wouldn't have gone this far without you. You are lifesav-" But yet another person swung at them, cutting his words short.
Arawn Arawn didn't know if should laugh or be offended that this man  thought he was joking of course though it helped he was cute. Although Arawn had no clue if he even swung that way or was taken, so he kept his flirty thoughts  to himself. " Um yeah no mate, and thanks it's pretty useful with dead pets an stuff. " He said before just shaking his head, he rather not mention  that he had also murdered people to get his dead bodies. "  Oh yeah, that's still really cool Lachlann honestly and oh shush I am.." He trailed off as he saw someone swing at them, and he didn't care if he let loose. He dropped Lachlann, and swung at the older man before pulling out his knife he carried on him an stabbed the person in the gut. " Lachlann , hey.. mate are you okay?"
Lachlann MacNab So...that was a thing that'd just happened. Lachlann had lowkey expected Arawn to hit someone in the face or maybe shout and them to scare them out of their mind in the process, not- not to outright stab someone, ambiguously mindcontrolled as they might be. Sure, the poor person returned to their old selves because of the pain and that was somehow good but...yeah, he'd rather not see someone getting stabbed, specially not by his newest friend. Lachlann's balance was still out of wack, even more so once Arawn pushed him away, but the he stumbled back to the other's side, grabbing one of his arms as strongly as he could, trying to stop him from going any further. "They got the idea 's ok" he said, trying to keep the tall man away and pull him into Town Hall's directon " 's ok, they won't bother anyone anymore. We're cool, we're cool" He wasn't going to condone any violence, specially not when the wound on his side had been obtained in a way too similar way. "We're almost there, come on, man, let's go"
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zossietera-moved · 7 years
*Grabs Zossie, shoves Furfrou's pokeball in her hand, pays the entrance free and drops her in the middle of the Battle Buffet* (Curious to see how she would fare if forced to battle with a regular pokemon. Also wondering if she would like human food like steak, sushi and pasta, if she can stomach them.)
Grabbing Zossie seems like a poor choice of ideas, as she sounds rather upset being grabbed, sounding like a Nihilego being hit with a water-type attack.  She doesn’t want to hold the ball, she doesn’t want to hold anything, she wants to be unheld.
That aside, she holds the ball and looks around in complete confusion, shaking, whimpering.  Too many strange noises all at once, strange smells, her hand went to her braid and began to stroke it, although her lack of focus resulted in uncomfortable tugging several times. The kind people running the establishment somehow managed to cool her down, a glass of water fortunately not being something one is charged, especially in Alola. Fortunately, time was judged in competitive ‘turns’ rather than actual minutes, and she wasn’t sure what to do with herself otherwise…also she’d been promised free food if she won at least one battle.
Fortunately, Zossie is great at imitating others–and she’s seen Dulse fight every time he’d done so.  What she’d gathered from battle observation and study was:
Pokémon were able to use four moves at once.Pokémon were part of certain type groups, usually limited at two.Attacks also have types, usually limited to one.When the Pokémon’s type and the attack’s type match up the attack is strengthened.Attacks come in ‘physical’ and ‘special.’
Furfrou is a ‘Normal’ type.Furfrou’s moveset ((as decided by @duileasc)) contains the moves “Sucker Punch”; “Charm”; “Wild Charge”; and “Return.”
She played with the Beast Ball with shaky hands. She was not Furfrou’s ‘trainer.’ However, she’d assisted in crafting the Beast Balls that Dulse used, and was with Dulse at all times, assisting him or recieving his assistance. It at least knew her, and she shakily pet it until she calmed down further.
“I’m sorry… .”  She murmured to it, bumping its cheek with hers.  “I don’t know how to fight… .”
The temperaments between her partner and his Pokémon were similar. It calmly pressed its nose against her cheek, placed a paw on her shoulder, and allowed for her to relax again.  “I’m gonna need a lot of help. I’m sorry if you get hurt.”
‘Return’ as she and Dulse had come to understand, was an attack that was stronger based on the trust and affection between the trainer and Pokémon.  She wasn’t certain quite where she stood with the dog, and as such her desire to use it and find out her lack of relationship with it made it weaker simply didn’t occur.
Zossie wandered over to the buffet to look over the food, again being overwhelmed by the many strange smells wafting off of it.  Her hand flew to the Furfrou and began to stroke it. Calm yourself, Zossie. Stay focused.
This was a place where battles were designed to take place over food(which seemed silly as Alola was clearly in no way short on food.)  So asking somebody for a battle wouldn’t be abrupt at all, right?  But she’d never battled before. She really didn’t know how to begin this. Dulse had told her that everybody on the island simply approached one another to battle. It was a very direct action.  So she crept to the side towards a young boy who was eagerly scooping what was, to her, an immense serving of food onto his plate. When she opened her mouth to speak, nothing came out.  Neither words nor sounds, Ultra Beast or otherwise.  She choked on her breath and closed her eyes, trying to breathe evenly despite that every breath just contained the strong smells of fresh plates of food stacked high next to one another. Calm yourself. Calm yourself.
The Furfrou was about to approach and request the battle itself, when Zossie opened her eyes again and looked the boy in the face, expression bizarrely strict and neutral. If anybody present had ever seen him before, they might think she looked quite equivalent to Dulse just then–and then she spoke, and that Dulse was what she was going for became abundantly clear.
“I’ll admit to being rather inexperienced,” she began, tone, voice, posture all imitative of her partner’s, “and I’ll also admit that this Pokémon is not mine, though as soon as I reunite with him I’ll return it to its trainer.  However, if you wouldn’t mind, I challenge you to a battle, as seem to be the rules of this location. Is that alright?”
The boy seemed surprised by the way her voice sounded, then broke out into a grin–it really seemed like battles were irresistible to those who partook in them here. Not to mention winning meant that one could take the food as they pleased… .
She looked to the Furfrou whose ears rose in surprise at her sudden change in behavior, but it settled into place, seeming more confident. Even if she was only imitating Dulse…so far so good.  Tail lashing some in anticipation, the Pokémon watched as the boy threw his own ball, releasing a Ledian from inside.  Zossie crossed her arms, remaining as stance-similar to Dulse as she could.
She didn’t know much about a lot of Pokémon.  There were a great deal of them.  She knew far more about Ultra Beasts.  But from the form of this creature–the plated eyes, the structure of its body, the antennae, and the arms–that it was most likely a bug-type.  The strong wings and its regular state of hovering meant it was likely a flying-type as well… .
“Ledian, use Mach Punch!”  The boy cried, pointing his bug onwards to the Furfrou.  Mach Punch–the name alone sounded like it was a fighting-type move for certain–
It made contact before she could even get her thoughts together–increased priority was something she didn’t quite grasp yet.  The urge to gasp was pushed down by her strict imitation of Dulse, although she did flinch as the Furfrou took the hit… .
…Rather well, actually.  Clearly it hurt, but…its coat must have been so thick it reduced the amount of damage it took.  The Furfrou barked as the Ledian flew back in an attempt to stay away from it and avoid an attack.  Zossie knew how to hit it, though, and continuing her imitation, she gestured out for it, as if the Furfrou didn’t know where it was going.  “Wild Charge, Furfrou.”
Static gathered in the canid’s fur and gradually formed a veil of electricity.  It growled before darting for the flying bug whose trainer instructed it to try and dodge–but Furfrou was faster, leapt at it and took it down with a super effective, electrified tackle.
“Mach Punch again, Ledian! Hit it hard!”
“Use Sucker Punch.”
Again, a swings were made for Furfrou, who’d suffered two bouts of damage in that turn, but its thick coat was no match even for the Ledian’s iron fists. Its own speed and priority won out this time, a rough paw struck the Ledian across the head, and its own flailing fists were hardly an issue as it reeled from the pain.
Ledian was clearly doing far worse even on the second turn–but Zossie wasn’t counting her Xurkiseeds just yet.  Not until it was actually over.(Certainly, in her head she was cheering wildly at what seemed like such simple success–she was shaking in an attempt to keep her act up, even. Dulse would never.  He was too cool and calm to celebrate so early.)
Sucker Punch only worked if an attack was being planned–the Ledian had managed to squirm away from Furfrou, and considering the state it was in losing, the boy may have wanted to use a potion or a defensive move or something to raise its stats.  Furfrou would be hurt even more if they used Wild Charge again… .
There was no way Return would do much of anything here.
They seemed to make their decisions simultaneously, some of Zossie’s worry slipping through in her exclamation rather than continuing Dulse’s quiet tone.
“Sucker Punch again, Furfrou!”“Use Double Edge!!”
Again, speed and priority took over, and as the Ledian darted forward, putting its whole body into the strong attack, Furfrou reared up on its hind legs to slam a paw into it roughly.  The result was contact and a bit of a swing, then the contact of the double edge slamming them both into the floor noisily, both suffering quite severe damage.
But Ledian suffered more.
A weak cry gave out before it fainted, doing its best to hover away again, Furfrou rolling back onto its feet to rise in case of more threats.  Hurt as it was, it wasn’t so hurt it couldn’t go on… .
Which meant that Zossie had won her first battle.
“I did?”
It took a moment to register the congratulations and praise among the noisy applause that suddenly broke out, her hands going to her ears as she looked around in alarm before relaxing as understanding came over her and the Furfrou trotted up to her to rub against her affectionately, congratulatory.  She observed it for a bit, mind still caught in Dulse-play though her body had since left it and she observed it, somewhat slack-jawed, before kneeling down to pet and hug it.
“We did it! We won!!”  She cried, rocking with the dog in the hug, bumping foreheads and cheeks with it.  “I’m so sorry!  Are you okay, Furfrou?  I’m sorry I made you hurt yourself!  I’m sorry your Ledian got hurt, too!”
“Aww, it’s alright!  We had fun, even if we didn’t win! That’s what matters!”
“We had fun!”  She repeated, hiding her face in the thick fur of the Furfrou.  It was warm and soft and muffled all the loud and sudden noises that were, perhaps, a bit too much for her at the moment, even as she giggled giddily and pet it.  “We won, we won~”  She chirped a bit and cooed, continuing to rock back and forth contentedly.
“Now you can take your plate!”  One of the cooks said, scooping the plentiful food onto one for her.  She looked up and gazed in wonder at the great helpings of sushi–which fortunately didn’t have as strong a smell as some of the other food–full of unfamiliar ingredients, which someone was kind enough to list for her when she looked over it curiously.
“Thanks!”  She chirped,
and then turned and darted out the door with the Furfrou on her heels.  She had to show Dulse!!  She won a battle and got them food for–for days, if not longer!
…She hadn’t quite processed the part of the Battle Buffet explanation where she was supposed to fight for ten turns and not just one battle, but she seemed more than satisfied on her way out!
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Chapter 8
     Wentworth was coming to see Virginia as a home. The Admiral’s research in Norfolk expanded as he discovered a system riddled with problems, so the Crofts rented a small house in the heart of Uppercross (just across from the gazebo). The Admiral, brotherly and welcoming as always, insisted that Wentworth should stay with them, as long as he liked or maybe longer. Although the initial plan had been for Wentworth to spend a couple of days with the Crofts and then head up north to visit with Eduard and his new wife, the charms of Uppercross held him in place. Besides the butter-slathered southern cuisine, the whole town practically embraced him. The old were hospitable, the young were enjoyable, and Wentworth had found in the town a worthy enough reason to put of his trip north to Eduard’s. 
As important as getting to know a new sister-in-law is, when a person is being flattered by an entire town, new priorities sidle into place. He was at the Musgrove’s Great House almost every day. It was impossible to tell who was more enthusiastic about the arrangement - the Musgroves to invite him, or Wentworth to be invited. Mrs. Musgrove was convinced that he as a single man must be incapable of fixing himself a decent meal when the Crofts were out and about, so with every visit she stuffed him full and sent him home with a plate of leftovers. Ever since she had earned her eternal seal of approval by playing with Oscar (he even got a happy yap from the rotund canine), the plate was joined by some form of baked goods.
     All of the Musgrove’s thoughts towards Wentworth were total and unwavering admiration; a fact made abundantly clear to Cap and to everyone looking on. This had just been established when Chuck Hayter, Hazel’s insignificant other, came to town to interview for a position as an associate veterinarian. He was confused to find out that distance had made the heart grow apathetic, even to the point of eyeing greener pastures. The poor guy had reason to regret leaving his relationship undefined and nebulous, particularly once he saw Hazel’s altered state of mind and - even worse - the handsome, job-having Frederick Wentworth. The loose state of affairs that had appeared to offer him freedom one minute was exactly what threatened his happiness the next (ah, commitment, you sneaky thing). The Musgrove parents liked CHuck well enough. He wasn’t brilliant in any way - he was medium height, medium build, medium talent, had a bit of ambition, and an alright but far from dazzling sense of humor. But he was a decent person, with a work ethic that put him through veterinary school on a combination of scholarships and gas station jobs. If Hazel liked him, that was enough for all of them. And she had genuinely thought she liked him - until Wentworth turned up. From that time on, Chuck was like a somewhat bland distant memory she texted once in a while, until said memory reappeared in her hometown.
    Which of the two Musgrove girls Cap prefered was still a mystery, despite Anne’s observational skills. Hazel was probably prettier (in a curly hair, effortless cut off jeans kind of way), but Louise had more nerve and a bigger personality. She did not know what he would find more attractive now, a more easygoing or proactive girl. Mr. and Mrs. Musgrove had taken a hands-off approach when it came to their girl’s romantic life (either because they trusted their daughter’s judgement or had a misplaced trust in the young men they befriended), so the topic was not discussed in the Great House. It was of great interest at the junior Musgrove’s house, far more than the real headlines that it was Anne’s business to read. Cap had been in town for all of a week and a half, and Chuck for a day, when Anne began to be subjected to a nightly debate. After the boys went to bed, and before the older people scattered to their own interests, they would gather around the island in the kitchen to keep asking the same questions and making the same points. Every move Wentworth made was scrutinized, every blink, laugh, and look was somehow a sure sign he was going to ask out one girl or the other These debates were accompanied by ice cream (chocolate for Anne, banana pudding for Charles, and mango sorbet for Mary, who was trying to avoid dairy), but Anne found it difficult to swallow with the lump in her throat. Charles’ money was on Louise, but Mary was convinced he was after Hazel. Both agreed that he would be a great husband to either one. To the readers who are surprised that marriage was coming up this early in the non-relationship I would say that, unless they are part of an impossibly progressive society, a couple is immediately assessed for long-term endurance. Charles claimed he had,
    “Never met a more good-natured man in my life, and from what I have heard him say the government is paying him well for his work. I’m sure he’s only on the way to more recognition and higher positions. He’d be a catch for either one of them.”
    “He might could even run for Senate, plenty of ambassadors have done that. It would be a nice thing for Hazel, although she would enjoy lording it over me. Senator and Mrs. Wentworth! It doesn’t sound too shabby. Of course, he has no real Washington or political background, and I never know what to do with those farmer-turned-politician types.”
    “Like George Washington?” Anne asked dryly. She normally would have let Mary go on, but having to discuss the marriage of your soulmate can make you say and feel and do things that are out of the ordinary.
    It fit Mary’s state of mind to see Wentworth pursue Hazel, because that put an end to Chuck’s pretentious aspirations of being with her. She had decidedly looked down on him from the first time he came home with Hazel in his beat up sneakers, West Virginia accent, and wait staff job. He had taken two extra years to finish vet school due to a lack of funding, and even then he only managed to finish thanks to a loan from a kind friend.
    “After growing up in that house on the hill, with her father’s business and everything, I just don’t think they would be right for each other. She would be throwing herself away for a life of budgeting and part time jobs and...and I just don’t think a girl should make a life choice that will be a disappointment or inconvenience to the majority of her family. It would be giving the needy a connection to people who aren’t used to them.” Her husband could not agree with her - besides generally liking Chuck, he had had a helping hand himself to get the job he was in.
    “What are you talking about?” he demanded. “Needy is not the word I would choose, try hard working maybe. He has a good shot at taking over the vet office here, a job his is perfect for by the way, and in a couple of years he can pay off that loan if he’s smart. He has more experience with farm animals too, which would be an asset to the whole county. Hazel could do much worse than Chuck, and if she ends up with him, and Louise gets Wentworth, I would be totally satisfied.” He then scooped up his bowl and went to eat his ice cream in peace, in front of a baseball game. As soon as he was safely out of earshot, Mary turned to Anne and said,
    “He can say what he wants to, but I think it would be awful if Hazel married Chuck Hayter. Bad for her, and worse for me - so we can only hope that Wentworth puts any thought of him right out of her head. I think he has already, she hardly noticed Chuck last night at the pool. I wish you had been there to see it, she trailed Wentworth around the pool, splashing and trying not to get her hair wet. As for Wentworth liking Louise, I think it is complete and utter guesswork. He definitely likes Hazel.” After a brief pause for reflection, she fumed, “But Charles is so sure! I wish you had been there, because you could’ve decided it finally. I am sure you would have taken my side, unless you were just determined to contradict me.”
    A cookout at the Musgrove’s was the next opportunity when Anne was supposed to observe the romantic rectangle, but the combined excuse of a raging headache and CJ’s shoulder feeling a bit sore was mercifully enough for her to stay home. The overall motivation was to avoid Cap and the maelstrom of emotions that surrounded him, but dodging the job of referee was an added bonus to her quiet, documentary-watching evening. Her conjectures on his feelings were without definite results, she thought the more important issue was that he make up his mind quickly, before either one of the girls got their hearts attached enough to be broken. Both of them were good-natured and had kind streaks, and she had to admit either of them would be an affectionate, warm partner. Where Chuck Hayter was concerned, she was by nature embarrassed by association when she saw girls flitting from guy to guy, or treating a relationship (undefined or not) frivolously. As if Anne did not have enough embarrassment or awkwardness on her plate, her sympathetic heart took on the cringing the whole situation warranted and she understood the bruising that flirtatious thrashing about could bring to both people. If Hazel was confused about her feelings for either man, Anne thought it would be best for her to get them sorted out in short order.
    Chuck had seen enough to be uncomfortable about his relationship status. Hazel had liked him for long enough, and he had been gone for a short enough time that he was sure it could not be totally over. He was perturbed at the rapid change that had probably been inspired by a mysterious but friendly stranger. The last time they had parted ways, it seemed like the thing she wanted most was to see him brought on by the local vet, Doc Shirley, who had been caring for the community’s pets for forty years now, but who was looking to train a replacement. It would be a good deal for both of them, and Hazel and her whole family had been awaiting his interview with suspense. At least, Hazel had seemed to be elated at the thought of Chuck having a local practice, but after just two weeks the wind had gone out of her sails. Even Louise could not listen to him long enough to hear how the interview had gone, because she kept flitting back and forth to the window to keep a lookout for Wentworth. Hazel could only at her least distracted give him divided attention. She seemed to have forgotten there were any other qualified candidates, or real interview.
    “Well, of course I’m glad - but I always knew you would get it. Dr. Shirley needs someone to take over, and he practically told you you had the job - is that him coming up the driveway, Louise?”
    The next morning, after her observational skills had been desired, Anne found herself in the company of the unavoidable. He appeared out of thin air in the living room, where Anne was trying to work and keep an eye on CJ (the miniature Charles had decided to use his aching shoulder to transform once again into a saddened invalid). Wentworth was just as surprised as she was. She was so surprised she started to stand up, then squat back down, then stand up again, all while mentally cursing the fact that they lived in the South, where no one locked the front door. Startled out of his normal suave, he said a little too loudly,
    “I thought Hazel and Louise would be here - Mrs. Musgrove told me they were with Mary.”
    “They are all upstairs, the girls are helping Mary pick out paint colors for the office, I’m sure they’ll be down in a minute,” Anne responded in one uncomfortable run-on rush. If she had not been in the middle of trying to diagnose CJ’s possible fever, she would have left the room to spare both him and herself. He graciously pretended to be fascinated with the view of Mary’s back yard at the window. Pine trees have never before merited the kind of attention he gave them.
    “I hope CJ is feeling better,” was all he said over his shoulder, and then he wisely stuck to the pine trees. She stayed, sitting cross-legged on the ground while CJ explained his symptoms. The screen door creaked, signaling the entrance of another person (what a relief! thank goodness the door was unlocked). Anne looked over, hoping to see Charles, but finding Chuck instead. Alas, she had looked for her reprieve too early. Chuck was about as pleased to see Wentworth as he had been to find Anne. This time, Anne did not try to get up, but she did offer Chuck a seat. His hands stuck in his pockets, Chuck said,
    “No thanks, I actually came to check on the goldfish?” Goldilocks was the children’s only pet due to Mary’s concern for her allergies, and she was much-beloved. Swimming had become a droopy activity recently, so Anne was glad she was getting some attention, even if the timing was not the best. Cap was finally lured away from his window, and tried to strike up a conversation with Chuck, who promptly wet-blanketed all conversation starters, and set himself to intently watching the fish.
    Another minute brought another (smaller) addition. Walter, a stout little guy with a fearless nature, whirled into the room. He made a beeline to the couch, to stake his claim on anything good or interesting there. He found nothing sweet or processed to eat, so he started to look for a playmate. Anne would not let him tease his sick brother, so he fastened himself to her, climbing on her back and hanging on for dear life. All her attention was on CJ, so she had a difficult time shaking him off. Once she tried, it became a game to him, and he hung on with all his might.
    “Walter, get down!” she commanded to no avail. “You stinker! Get down!” Walter found this hilarious, giggling and imitating Anne.
    “Stinker! Get down!” he shrieked gleefully.
     “Let her go now, Walter,” Chuck joined her entreaties employing the same tone he used on stubborn cows. “Come on, you can help me fix Goldilocks.” The little parasite only tightened his grip, but in an instant, Anne found herself released from his sturdy hands. Walter had been resolutely taken away to examine the fish before Anne realized it was Cap that had done it. After figuring that out, she was speechless, at first out of surprise, then because it would have been awkward to say anything after the time had passed. All she could do was keep paying attention to CJ while her feelings ran wild and shrieking around her head. It was so nice of him to step in to help her, but his complete silence during the act and the racket he and Walter were now making together made her completely sure that he was avoiding her thanks. Talking to her was clearly the last thing on Wentworth’s list of things to do, right under ‘kiss a Wookie’ and ‘burn my record collection’. These contradictions made for a confusing, painful bout with her own thoughts, which she could not really address until Mary and company finally came down. 
     Anne transferred the care of her patient and slipped upstairs. She could not stay. It might have been an opportunity to watch the four in all their sparks and jealousy, but she couldn’t stay for one second of it. It was abundantly clear Chuck had no desire to be friendly to Wentworth. It was almost funny how determined he was not to be impressed with him. But poor Chuck’s feelings, or anyone else's for that matter, were uninteresting to her until she could get a grip on her own. She was ashamed of herself and felt ridiculous at once again letting something so miniscule get under her skin. But, humiliating as it may be, she had to spend the rest of the morning in a quiet place, carefully directing her own thoughts until she recovered a more peaceful frame of mind.
Chapter 9: http://bit.ly/2uDSGyb
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Dog Training Treat Pouch | Top Tips Available Here
Dog to dog interaction Award Winning Trainers Lost dogs Tips for keeping your dogs safe at Territory Day. Make sure you … 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 Message * We also have a display team and would be pleased to showcase our dogs at your event.  We have done displays at Schools, Ag Shows, Field Days and the displays always prove popular. Tasmania White Card It was perfect. Great customer service and very easy to navigate. Will recommend to anyone that needs a white card. – Joshua Bantick Google+ Miley improved, amazing results in recognising BAH and developing her ability to walk on a lead with distractions. I am so impressed at how it worked and am happy with Miley’s progress so far. I’m very happy and can’t wait to see further improvements! Daily Dog Bark Busters news Algebra You are here: Home  >  Pets  >  Dogs  >  Training and behavioural problems  >  Obedience Training Uncategorized Puppy factories Pryor, Karen (1984). Don’t Shoot the Dog: The New Art of Teaching and Training, New York: Bantam Books. ISBN 0-553-38039-7 Shop Online How to develop solid foundation obedience in all environments Primary and Secondary To check availability of Urban Reactive Dog Course in Carindale (only available in Carindale) click here.  To enrol… read more Timetable
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dog obedience training
fbq('track', 'ViewContent', content_ids: 'dogtraining.dknol', ); It was perfect. Great customer service and very easy to navigate. Will recommend to anyone that needs a white card. – Joshua Bantick Puppy Raising Dogs: The Woof Works 1300 306 887 At Redgum, we have teamed with Leanne, our fully trained consultant who will spend time with you and your dog or dogs, in your own environment, before developing a detailed plan. She will explain to you the strategies you can put into place to achieve the behavioural training you are seeking. Yuri Kravchenko /Shutterstock.com Researchers have described several reasons why the dominance model is a poor choice for dog training.[71] First, a relationship based on dominance is established to gain priority access to scarce resources, not to impose particular behaviors on the less dominant animal,[72] so the dominance model is irrelevant for most of the behaviors that people want from their dogs, such as coming when called or walking calmly on a leash.[71] Second dominance-submission relationships, once established, are constantly tested and must be regularly reinforced.[73] Thus people, particularly children and the elderly, may not be able to retain their rank and are at risk of being injured if they attempt to do so.[71] Third, dominant individuals gain priority access to resources, but only while they are present, establishing dominance over a dog does not guarantee its behavior when the dominant individual is distant or absent.[71] Close Don’t let this happen to you! Call Brisbane’s best trainers!    Phone: (02) 6681 2400 Dangerous Dog Assessing and Handling Workshop Copyright © 2018 · All Rights Reserved · Amy’s Puppy Preschool Meet The Team Clicker-training using a metal cricket And be sure not to punish your puppy for an accident or do anything to create a negative association with her bodily functions. Stay calm and assertive and quietly remove the puppy to the place where you want him to go. About Sit Drop Stay Young This is one of the easiest dog obedience commands to teach, so it’s a good one to start with. Google+ Search in title The Guard Dog Training Centre welcomes National and International group bookings, buses welcome. Click to view the recent Japanese Visitors Photo Gallery. Attention walking I think guide dogs are so cute Care Centre Tuggerah What is the Delta Institute? – Dean Rodgers Canine behavioural science has come a long way in the last two decades, and that includes research on the connection between early puppy socialisation and adult dog behaviour. We know beyond doubt that early socialisation – exposing young puppies to positive experiences in the world they’ll live in – is the most effective thing pet parents can do to enjoy a relaxed, social dog they can be proud to take anywhere. CERT IV – Engineering Jennifer Pearce Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization. Videos Tools Roxene & Maggie Mae From years of experience, we find that in-home personalised puppy training consistently gives superior results compared to group puppy classes. This is why we now only offer one-on-one training. Puppy school is usually good fun for both of you and does offer your pup valuable exposure to other puppies/people but they should be regarded as a social outlet that is complimentary to, not a substitute for, behavioural and lifestyle training. News amp Inspectorate Follow us    Other Breeds We can provide solutions to all your dog’s needs. Orange Award Winning Trainers Frequent Feeder Program Back to Top staying on command (known as the stay test) Puppy School Waiting to be released Car parking for Hays Paddock is available in the Lister St carpark. Step 1. For: Puppies between the ages of 8 to 16 weeks with at least one set of vaccinations. The whole family is warmly welcomed, including children! [email protected] SERVICES Workplace Health & Safety Proofing the cues For information about DEDJTR, Phone: 136 186 I think the course is well designed and thought out. Easy to use and understand. Blue Dog fully lives up to its fantastic reputation! The proper training of your dog will build a lasting foundation for a rewarding, lifelong friendship. Urban Dog Training can help you acquire the knowledge and skills to train your dog to become a confident, happy and well behaved companion. Before taking any action, take a look at our Barking Solutions® pack which lays out a clear process to aid resolution of a barking dog problem. Dog walking training and certification class for dog walkers. School for dog trainers. Dog business consulting for dog trainers, dog walkers, dog daycares, pet sitters, and dog boarding facilities. Copyright 2018 – Glentoa Pty Ltd     Email: [email protected]    Phone: 0411 390 927 Socialising your puppy with other dogs and people At 2-3 months of age, a puppy does not have reliable control of their bladder. You can begin housebreaking them from the moment you bring them home but practising patience will make this transition easier. Use positive reinforcement when your puppy shows successful signs of housebreaking and consistently return them to the appropriate place when they make a mistake. Establishing the right patterns means your puppy will be housebroken as soon as they master the control of their bladder. PETstock offers a range of Puppy School class levels for puppies and older dogs: Agriculture Facebook Google+ 24/07/2018 First, catch him in the act. Dogs can’t connect a punishment to an action hours or even minutes ago. Never hit your puppy. Instead, when you see your puppy doing something wrong, say, ‘No’ in a sharp tone. When your puppy stops, praise him and give him something else to do like ‘Sit’ or ‘Come’. Praise him abundantly for responding. Senior Pet Health Package Puppy Raising Workshop Other Chicken Latest Appeals Community Programs Our dog training professionals offer a variety of dog training services to benefit you, enabling you to find the perfect match for your needs. These services include: Flea & Worm Community Programs Meet the team and learn more about Sharon’s qualifications and memberships. Kira : Give up items Tighes Hills 3 x 1 Hour Personal Dog Training Session (In Home or on Location) 4 kg for $30 Save up to 15% on Premium Products when using Autoship! Membership The most important thing you can do is become your puppy’s pack leader. This role doesn’t begin when your dog is six months old or when he’s bad; it should be maintained throughout the entire dog training experience. For your new puppy to grow into a healthy, balanced dog, you must demonstrate leadership from day one! Breeds Patient gallery Delta Institute Discussion Forum Education A dog’s senses form his reality We now have our own Cesar Live Shows and Appearances Once he’s in sitting position, say “Sit,” give him the treat, and share affection. · 15 March 2018 * indicates required “I love your show and the specials as it helps me to understand the news in a simple way and i love how its funny” – Zaba Barkin Beautiful Find out how Very Difficult. 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REASONABLE FAITH: Saving Those Who Doubt by Edward D. Andrews
EBOOKS [$7.95]: Amazon: (http://tiny.cc/z9gaty); Barnes & Noble: (http://tiny.cc/rejaty); Kobo: (http://tiny.cc/3ehaty); Google: (http://tiny.cc/cdhaty); FaithLife: (http://tiny.cc/h0rbty) PAPERBACK: Click Below – Incluses S/H (2018, 296 pages)
How Many Young Christians Must We Lose to Satan Before You Arm Yourself?
2 Timothy 2:26 Updated American Standard Version (UASV)
26 and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will.
Satan the Devil stalks true Christians. (1 Pet. 5:8) His intention is not necessarily to slay them, as some serial killer slaughters his victims. Rather, Satan’s main purpose is to capture his victims alive and use the person as he sees fit.
2 Timothy 2:24-26 Updated American Standard Version (UASV)
24 For a slave of the Lord does not need to fight, but needs to be kind to all, skillful in teaching, showing restraint when wronged, 25 instructing his opponents with gentleness, if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to accurate knowledge[18] of the truth, 26 and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will.
If a serial is going to capture his victim alive, he must set some kind of trap for the person. He may try to get the mark to come out into an isolated area where he can drag the person into a van or into the woods. His goal is to set such a trap that it totally takes his prey by surprise. The Devil operates similarly, trying to catch true servants of God alive. If we want to avoid being caught by the greatest serial killer of all time, we must remain wide-awake and identify warning signs indicating that one of Satan’s snares, or traps, is close at hand. There are three traps that the Devil has used with a degree of success, which is (1) false Christianity [tens of thousands of denominations, hundreds of millions], (2) Jehovah’s Witnesses, (3) Islam, and (4) Atheism and Agnosticism.
REASONS FOR FAITH: The First Apologetic Guide For Christian Women on Matters of The Heart, Soul, and Mind by Judy Salisbury
EBOOKS [$7.95]: Amazon (http://amzn.to/2lKrnAf); Barnes & Noble (http://bit.ly/2lKkdMA); Kobo (http://bit.ly/2lKolfi); Google (http://bit.ly/2lKf4no); FaithLife (http://tiny.cc/ag4fty) PAPERBACK: Click Below - Incluses S/H (2017, 258 pages)
American Muslim adults who are converts to Islam also is about one-quarter (23%), a much smaller share of current Christians (6%) are converts. In other words, Christianity as a whole loses more people than it gains from religious switching
In the 21 years from 1996 to 2017, there were 4,128,632 baptisms for Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Startlingly, 49% of young Christians (14-35) said a “lack of belief” is what led them to abandon the faith, with most becoming atheist and the others becoming agnostics. What was the word that many of the respondents used in a recent survey to explain their lack of belief? Science! Others used phrases like “common sense,” “logic,” or a “lack of evidence.”
Christian Living
Let God Use You to Solve Your PROBLEMS: GOD Will Instruct You and Teach You In the Way You Should Go
GOD knows best. Nobody surpasses him in thought, word, or action. As our Creator, he is aware of our needs and supplies them abundantly. He certainly knows how to instruct us. And if we apply divine teaching, we benefit ourselves and enjoy true happiness. Centuries ago, the psalmist David petitioned God …
PROMISES OF GOD’S GUIDANCE: God Show Me Your Ways, Teach Me Your Paths, Guide Me In Your Truth and Teach Me
Whom do we lean upon when facing distressing situations, making important decisions, or resisting temptations? With good reason, the Bible admonishes us: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways know him, and he will make straight your paths.” (Prov. 3:5-6) Note the expression …
THE POWER OF GOD: The Word That Will Change Your Life Today 
Yes, God will be pleased to give you strength. He even gives “extraordinary power” to those who are serving him. (2 Cor. 4:7) Do you not feel drawn to this powerful Almighty God, who uses his power in such kind and principled ways? God is certainly a “shield for all those who take refuge in him.” (Psalm 18:30) You understand that he does not use his power to protect you from all tragedy now. He does, however, always use his protective power to ensure the outworking of his will and purpose. In the long run, his doing so is in your best interests. Andrews shares a profound truth …
BLESSED BY GOD IN SATAN’S WORLD How All Things Are Working for Your Good
All of us will go through difficult times that we may not fully understand. The apostle Paul wrote, “in the last days difficult times will come.” (2 Tim. 3:1) Those difficulties are part of the human imperfection (Rom. 5:12) and living in a fallen world that is ruled by Satan (2 Cor. 4:3-4). But when we find ourselves in such a place, it’s crucial that we realize God has given us a way out. (1 Cor. 10:13) Edward Andrews writes that if we remain steadfast in our faith and apply God’s Word correctly when we go through difficult times, we will not only grow spiritually, but we will …
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN BIBLE PROPHECY: The Kings of the North & South of Daniel and the Seven Kings of Revelation 
Why should you be interested in the prophecy recorded by Daniel in chapter 11 of the book that bears his name? The King of the North and the King of the South of Daniel are locked in an all-out conflict for domination as a world power. As the centuries pass, turning into millenniums, …
YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE: Why and How Your Christian Life Makes a Difference
The theme of Andrews’ new book is YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. As a Christian, you touch the lives of other people, wherein you can make a positive difference. Men and women of ancient times such as David, Nehemiah, Deborah, Esther, and the apostle Paul had a positive influence on others …
TURN OLD HABITS INTO NEW HABITS: Why and How the Bible Makes a Difference
Many have successfully conquered bad habits and addictions by applying suggestions found in the Bible and by seeking help from God through prayer. You simply cannot develop good habits and kick all your bad ones overnight. See how to establish priorities. Make sure that your new habits …
GOD WILL GET YOU THROUGH THIS: Hope and Help for Your Difficult Times
It may seem to almost all of us that we are either entering into a difficult time, living in one, or just getting over one and that we face one problem after another. This difficulty may be the loss of a loved one in death or a severe marriage issue, a grave illness, the lack of a job, or …
FEARLESS: Be Courageous and Strong Through Your Faith In These Last Days
The world that you live in today has many real reasons to be fearful. Many are addicted to drugs, alcohol, bringing violence into even the safest communities. Terrorism has plagued the world for more than a decade now. Bullying in schools has caused many teen suicides. The divorce rate …
JOHN 3:16: For God So Loved the World
John 3:16 is one of the most widely quoted verses from the Christian Bible. It has also been called the “Gospel in a nutshell,” because it is considered a summary of the central theme of traditional Christianity. Martin Luther called John 3:16 “The heart of the Bible, the Gospel in …
THE BOOK OF JAMES (CPH New Testament Commentary 17)
…about God and his personal revelation, allowing it to change our lives by drawing closer to God. The Book of James volume is written in a style that is easy to understand. The Bible can be difficult and complex at times. Our effort herein is to make it easier to read and understand, while …
THE OUTSIDER Coming-of-Age In This Moment
THE OUTSIDER is a Coming-of-Age book. SECTION 1 Surviving Sexual Desires and Love will cover such subjects as What Is Wrong with Flirting, The Pornography Deception, Peer Pressure to Have Sexual Relations, Coping With Constant Sexual Thoughts, Fully Understanding Sexting, Is Oral Sex …
Who should read THIRTEEN REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD KEEP LIVING? Anyone who is struggling with their walk as a young person. Anyone who has a friend who is having difficulty handling or coping with their young life, so you can offer them the help they need. Any parent who has young ones. And …
WAGING WAR: A Christian’s Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Workbook
…Waging War is a guide to start the youth with the most basic information and work pages to the culmination of all of the facts, scripture, and their newly gained insight to offer a more clear picture of where they are and how to change their lives for the better. Every chapter will have …
DOZENS OF QUESTIONS WILL BE ANSWERED: Why is prayer necessary? What must we do to be heard by God? How does God answer our prayers? Does God listen to all prayers? Does God hear everyone’s prayers? What may we pray about? Does the Father truly grant everything we ask for? What kind …
HUMAN IMPERFECTION: While We Were Sinners Christ Died For Us
There are many reasons the Christian view of humanity is very important. The Christian view of humanity believes that humans were created in the image of God. We will look at the biblical view of humanity. We are going to look at the nature of man, the freedom of man, the personality of …
FOR AS I THINK IN MY HEART SO I AM: Combining Biblical Counseling with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy [Second Edition] 
In FOR AS I THINK IN MY HEART – SO I A M, Edward D. Andrews offers practical and biblical insights on a host of Christian spiritual growth struggles, from the challenge of forgiveness to eating disorders, anger, alcoholism, depression, anxiety, pornography, masturbation, same-sex …
APPLYING GOD’S WORD MORE FULLY: The Secret of a Successful Christian Life [Second Edition]
There is a genuine happiness, contentment, and joy, which come from reading, studying and applying God’s Word. This is true because the Scriptures offer us guidance and direction that aids us in living a life that coincides with our existence as a creation of Almighty God. For example, we …
PUT OFF THE OLD PERSON: Put On the New Person [Second Edition]
THERE IS ONE MAJOR DIFFERENCE between Christian living books by Andrews and those by others. Generally speaking, his books are filled with Scripture and offer its readers what the Bible authors meant by what they penned. In this publication, it is really God’s Word offering the counsel, …
WALK HUMBLY WITH YOUR GOD: Putting God’s Purpose First in Your Life [Second Edition]
A clean conscience brings us inner peace, calmness, and a profound joy that is seldom found in this world under the imperfection of fallen flesh that is catered to by Satan, the god of the world. Many who were formerly living in sin and have now turned their life over to God, they now know this amazing relief and are able today to hold a good and clean conscience as they carry out the will of the Father. WALK HUMBLY WITH YOUR GOD, has been written to help its readers to find that same joy, to have and maintain a good, clean conscience in their lives. Of course, it is incapable of covering every detail that one would need to consider and apply in their lives …
WIVES BE SUBJECT TO YOUR HUSBANDS How Should Wives Treat Their Husbands?
This book is primarily for WIVES, but wives will greatly benefit from it as well. WIVES will learn to use God’s Word to construct a solid and happy marriage. The Creator of the family gives the very best advice. Many have been so eager to read this new publication: WIVES BE SUBJECT TO …
HUSBANDS LOVE YOUR WIVES: How Should Husbands Treat Their Wives?
This book is primarily for HUSBANDS, but wives will greatly benefit from it as well. HUSBANDS will learn to use God’s Word to construct a solid and happy marriage. The Creator of the family gives the very best advice. Many have been so eager to read this new publication: HUSBANDS LOVE …
Technological and societal change is all around us. What does the future hold? Trying to predict the future is difficult, but we can get a clue from the social and technological trends in our society. The chapters in this book provide a framework as Christians explore the uncharted territory in our world of technology and social change.
Government affects our daily lives, and Christians need to think about how to apply biblical principles to politics and government. This book provides an overview of the biblical principles relating to what the apostle Paul calls “governing authorities” (i.e., government) with specific chapters dealing with the founding principles of the American government. This includes an examination of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Federalist Papers.
Economics affects our daily lives, and Christians need to think about how to apply biblical principles to money, investment, borrowing, and spending. They also need to understand the free enterprise system and know how to defend capitalism. Chapters in this book not only look at broad economic principles, but a section of the book is devoted to the challenges we face in the 21st century from globalization and tough economic times. A section of the book also provides an in-depth look at other important social and economic issues (gambling, welfare) that we face every day
Christian Apologetics
REASONABLE FAITH: Saving Those Who Doubt 
Inside of some Christians unbeknownst to their family, friends or the church, they are screaming, “I doubt, I doubt, I have very grave doubts!” Ours is an age of doubt. Skepticism has become fashionable. We are urged to question everything: especially the existence of God and the truthfulness of his Word, the Bible. A SUBSTANTIAL PORTION of REASONABLE FAITH is on healing for the elements of emotional doubt. However, much attention is given to more evidenced-based chapters in our pursuit of overcoming any fears or doubts that we may have or that may creep up on us in the future.
How true is the Old Testament? For over two centuries Biblical scholars have held to the so-called documentary hypothesis, namely, that Genesis-Deuteronomy was not authored by Moses, but rather by several writers, some of whom lived centuries after Moses’ time. How have many scholars …
DEFENDING AGABUS AS A NEW TESTAMENT PROPHET: A Content-Based Study of His Predictions In Acts by Sung Cho
Agabus is a mysterious prophetic figure that appears only twice in the book of Acts. Though his role is minor, he is a significant figure in a great debate between cessationists and continualists. On one side are those who believe that the gift of prophecy is on par with the inspired Scriptures, infallible, and has ceased. On the other side are those who define it as fallible and non-revelatory speech that continues today in the life of the church. Proponents of both camps attempt to claim …
WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF YOU DIE?: Should You Be Afraid of Death or of People Who Have Died?
People grow old, get sick, and die. Even some children die. Should you be afraid of death or of anybody who has died? Do you know what happens if we die? Will you ever see your dead loved ones again? “If a man dies, shall he live again?” asked the man Job long ago. (Job 14:14) Did God originally intend for humans to die? Why do you grow old and die? What is the Bible’s viewpoint of death? What is the condition of the dead? Are the dead aware of what is happening around them? What hope is there for the dead?
Islam is making a significant mark in our world. It is perhaps the fastest-growing religion in the world. It has become a major obstacle to Christian missions. And Muslim terrorists threaten the West and modern democracies. What is the history of Islam? What do Muslims believe? Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God? Why do we have this clash of civilizations? Is sharia law a threat to modern democratic values? How can we fight terrorists in the 21st century? These are significant questions that deserve thoughtful answers …
IS THE QURAN THE WORD OF GOD?: Is Islam the One True Faith?
…IS THE QURAN THE WORD OF GOD? Is Islam the One True Faith? This book covers the worldview, practices, and history of Islam and the Quran. This book is designed as an apologetic evangelistic tool for Christians, as they come across Muslims in their daily lives, as well as to inform …
REASONS FOR FAITH: The First Apologetic Guide For Christian Women on Matters of The Heart, Soul, and Mind
If you have the desire to become better equipped to reach others for the lost or to strengthen your faith, Judy Salisbury’s guide—written specifically to meet the needs of Christian women today—offers you a safe, practical, and approachable place to start. In her lively, …
BIBLICAL CRITICISM: What are Some Outstanding Weaknesses of Modern Historical Criticism
Historical Criticism of the Bible got started in earnest, known then as Higher Criticism, during the 18th and 19th centuries, it is also known as the Historical-Critical Method of biblical interpretation. Are there any weakness to the Historical-Critical Method of biblical interpretation …
Biblical criticism is an umbrella term covering various techniques for applying literary historical-critical methods in analyzing and studying the Bible and its textual content. Biblical criticism is also known as higher criticism, literary criticism, and historical criticism. Biblical …
CHRISTIAN APOLOGETIC EVANGELISM: Reaching Hearts with the Art of Persuasion
APOLOGETICS: Reaching Hearts with the Art of Persuasion by Edward D. Andrews, author of seventy-two books, covers information that proves that the Bible is accurate, trustworthy, fully inerrant, and inspired by God for the benefit of humankind. The reader will be introduced to Christan …
REVIEWING 2013 New World Translation of Jehovah’s Witnesses: Examining the History of the Watchtower Translation and the Latest Revision
REVIEWING 2013 New World Translation of Jehovah’s Witnesses is going to challenge your objectivity. Being objective means that personal feelings or opinions do not influence you in considering and representing facts. Being subjective means that your understanding is based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or ideas. If the reader finds these insights offense, it might be a little mind control at work from years of being told the same misinformation repeatedly, so ponder things objectively …
REASONING FROM THE SCRIPTURES: Sharing CHRIST as You Help Others to Learn about the Mighty works of God
Use of REASONING FROM THE SCRIPTURES should help you to cultivate the ability to reason from the Scriptures and to use them effectively in assisting others to learn about “the mighty works of God.” – Acts 2:11. If Christians are going to be capable, powerful, efficient teachers of God’s Word, we must not only pay attention to what we tell those who are interested but also how we tell them. Yes, we must focus our attention on…
REASONING WITH THE WORLD’S VARIOUS RELIGIONS: Examining and Evangelizing Other Faiths
God’s will is that “all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth.” (1 Tim. 2:4) God has assigned all Christians the task of proclaiming the Word of God, teaching, to make disciples. (Matt. 24:15; 28:19-20: Ac 1;8 That includes men and women who profess a non-Christian religion, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam to mention just a few. If there are Hindus, Buddhist or Muslims are in your community, why not initiate a conversation with them? Christians who take the Great Commission seriously cannot afford to ignore these religions…
Evangelism is the work of a Christian evangelist, of which all true Christians are obligated to partake to some extent, which seeks to persuade other people to become Christian, especially by sharing the basics of the Gospel, but also the deeper message of biblical truths. Today the …
THE CHRISTIAN APOLOGIST: Always Being Prepared to Make a Defense [Second Edition]
MOST Christian apologetic books help the reader know WHAT to say; THE CHRISTIAN APOLOGIST is HOW to communicate it effectively. The Christian apologist words should always be seasoned with salt as we share the unadulterated truths of Scripture with gentleness and respect. Our example …
THE EVANGELISM HANDBOOK: How All Christians Can Effectively Share God’s Word in Their Community, [SECOND EDITION]
…THE EVANGELISM HANDBOOK is a practical guide (for real-life application) in aiding all Christians in sharing biblical beliefs, the Good News of the kingdom, how to deal with Bible critics, overturning false beliefs, so as to make disciples, as commanded by Christ. Matthew 24:14; …
YOUR GUIDE FOR DEFENDING THE BIBLE: Self-Education of the Bible Made Easy [Third Edition]
The reader will receive eight small introductory books in this one publication. Andrews’ intention is to offer his reader several chapters on eight of the most critical subject areas of understanding and defending the Word of God. This will enable the reader to lay a solid foundation for …
THE CULTURE WAR: How the West Lost Its Greatness & Was Weakened From Within 
…The Culture War. How the West lost its greatness and was weakened from within outlines how the West lost its values, causing its current decline. It is a forceful attack on the extreme liberal, anti-religious ideology which since the1960’s has permeated the Western culture and …
EARLY CHRISTIANITY IN THE FIRST CENTURY Jesus’ Witnesses to the Ends of the Earth
EARLY CHRISTIANITY IN THE FIRST CENTURY will give its readers a thrilling account of first-century Christianity. When and how did they come to be called Christians? Who are all obligated to be Christian evangelists? In what way did Jesus set the example for our evangelism? What is the …
CRISIS OF FAITH Saving Those Who Doubt 
Inside of some Christians unbeknownst to their family, friends or congregation, they are screaming, “I doubt, I doubt, I have very grave doubts!” OURS is an age of doubt. Skepticism has become fashionable. We are urged to question everything: especially the existence of God and the …
INVESTIGATING JEHOVAH?S WITNESSES: Why 1914 Is Important to Jehovah?s Witnesses
The intention of this book is to investigate the biblical chronology behind Jehovah’s Witnesses most controversial doctrinal position that Jesus began to rule invisibly from heaven in October 1914. This biblical chronology of the Witnesses hinges upon their belief that the destruction of …
Translation and Textual Criticism
THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO BIBLE TRANSLATION: Bible Translation Choices and Translation Principles [Second Edition] 
…THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO BIBLE TRANSLATION (CGBT) is for all individuals interested in how the Bible came down to us, as well as having an insight into the Bible translation process. CGBT is also for those who are interested in which translation(s) would be the most beneficial to use.
CHOOSING YOUR BIBLE: Bible Translation Differences
There are more than 150 different Bible translations in the English language alone. Some are what we call literal translations, which seeks to give the reader the exact English equivalent of what was written in the original language text, thus allowing the reader access to the actual Word …
THE TEXT OF THE NEW TESTAMENT: The Science and Art of Textual Criticism
…THE TEXT OF THE NEW TESTAMENT was copied and recopied by hand for 1,500 years. Regardless of those scribes who had worked very hard to be faithful in their copying, errors crept into the text. How can we be confident that what we have today is the Word of God? Wilkins and Andrews …
MISREPRESENTING JESUS: Debunking Bart D. Ehrman’s “Misquoting Jesus” [Third Edition]
Edward D. Andrews boldly answers the challenges Bart D. Ehrman alleges against the fully inerrant, Spirit-inspired, authoritative Word of God. By glimpsing into the life of Bart D. Ehrman and following along his course of academic studies, Andrews helps the reader to understand the …
Biblical Studies
HOW TO STUDY YOUR BIBLE: Rightly Handling the Word of God
A comprehensive book on HOW TO STUDY YOUR BIBLE by observing, interpreting, and applying, which will focus on the most basic Bible study tools, principles, and processes for moving from an in-depth reading of the Scriptures to application. What, though, if you have long felt that you are …
THE NEW TESTAMENT: Its Background, Setting & Content
…the author’s intended meaning to his original readers and how that meaning can then apply to us. Marshall gives you what you need for deeper and richer Bible study. Dr. Lee M. Fields writes, “‘Deep’ study is no guarantee that mature faith will result, but shallow study guarantees …
THE LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST: What Do You Know About Jesus? [Updated and Expanded] 
The life of Christ is an exhaustless theme. It reveals a character of greater massiveness than the hills, of a more serene beauty than the stars, of sweeter fragrance than the flowers, higher than the heavens in sublimity and deeper than the seas in mystery. As good Jean Paul has …
THE LIFE OF THE APOSTLE PAUL: The Apostle to the Nations [Updated and Expanded] 
Stalker’s Life of St. Paul became one of the most widely read and respected biographies of the Apostle to the Gentiles. As an insightful compendium on the life of Paul, this work is of particular interest to pastors and teachers who desire to add realism and vividness to their account of …
INTERPRETING THE BIBLE: Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics
Delving into the basics of biblical interpretation, Edward D. Andrews has provided a complete hands-on guide to understanding what the author meant by the words that he used from the conservative grammatical-historical perspective. He teaches how to study the Bible on a deep, scholarly …
HOW TO INTERPRET THE BIBLE: An Introduction to Hermeneutics
…Linguistic and literary factors are analyzed so that the various genres of Scripture are examined for their true meaning. The importance of having sound principles of interpretation cannot be overstated as to ignore them will result in all manner of erroneous assumptions. Beville presents …
THE CHURCH COMMUNITY IN CONTEMPORARY CULTURE: Evangelism and Engagement with Postmodern People
Once upon a time, Postmodernism was a buzz word. It pronounced Modernism dead or at least in the throes of death. It was a wave that swept over Christendom, promising to wash away sterile, dogmatic and outmoded forms of church. But whatever happened to postmodernism? It was regarded …
…church. It offers an appointment with the Great Physician that no Christian can afford to ignore. Developing Healthy Churches: A Case-Study in Revelationbegins with a well-researched outline of the origins and development of the church health movement. With that background in mind the …
DYING TO KILL: A Christian Perspective on Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
…liberties in a multi-cultural society that is becoming increasingly secular. This work provides an ethical framework in which euthanasia and assisted suicide can be evaluated. These issues are on the radar indicating a collision course with Christian values. It is time for Christians to be …
…Journey with Jesus through the Message of Mark is an insightful and engaging survey of Mark‘s Gospel, exploring each major section of the text along with key themes. It is a work that can be enjoyed by laypersons as well as pastors and teachers. Pastors will find the abundant use …
ANGELS & DEMONS The Bible Answers
What are angels & demons? Can angels help us? What does the Bible say about angels? What is the truth about angels? Can Angels affect your life? Who were the “sons of God” in Genesis 6:2? Who were the Nephilim in Genesis 6:2? Who is Michael the archangel? Can Satan the Devil control …
AN ENCOURAGING THOUGHT The Christian Worldview
An Encouraging Thought elucidates the ways in which Tolkien’s The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings are informed by and communicate a biblical worldview. This book will help readers appreciate the ways in which a biblical worldview informs Tolkien’s work, to the end that their own faith may be confirmed in strength, focused in understanding, deepened in joy, and honed in its ability to communicate the Gospel.
Bible Doctrines
WHERE ARE THE DEAD? Basic Bible Doctrines of the Christian Faith
What is the Bible’s viewpoint? Without delving into an endless stream of what man has said, Andrews looks at what the Bible says about death and the like. Why do we grow old and die? What happens at death? Is there life after death, or is this all there is? Do we have an immortal soul? …
IDENTIFYING THE ANTICHRIST: The Man of Lawlessness and the Mark of the Beast Revealed
Herein Andrews will give the reader exactly what the Bible offers on exposing who the Antichrist and the Man of Lawlessness are. If we look at the texts that refer to the antichrist and the man of lawlessness, we will have lines of evidence that will enable us to identify them. Why is it …
UNDERSTANDING THE CREATION ACCOUNT: Basic Bible Doctrines of the Christian Faith
Throughout the Scriptures, God is identified as the Creator. He is the One “who created the heavens (He is the God who formed the earth and made it, He established it.” [Isa 45:18] He is the One “who forms mountains and creates the wind” (Am 4:13) and is the One “who made the heaven and …
The SECOND COMING of CHRIST: Basic Bible Doctrines of the Christian Faith
The information herein is based on the disciples coming to Jesus privately, saying, “Tell us, (1) when will these things be, and (2) what will be the sign of your coming, and (3) of the end of the age?” (Matthew 24:3) What will end? When will the end come? What comes after the end? Who …
WHAT IS HELL? Basic Bible Doctrines of the Christian Faith
What Really Is Hell? What Kind of Place is Hell? What Really Happens at Death? What Did Jesus Teach About Hell? How Does Learning the Truth About Hell Affect You? Who Goes to Hell? What Is Hell? Is It a Place of Eternal Torment? Does God Punish People in Hellfire? Do the Wicked Suffer in …
MIRACLES – DO THEY STILL HAPPEN TODAY? God Miraculously Saving People’s Lives, Apparitions, Speaking In Tongues, Faith Healing 
Miracles were certainly a part of certain periods in Bible times. What about today? Are miracles still taking place. There are some very important subjects that surround this area of discussion that are often misunderstood. Andrews will answer such questions as does God step in and solve …
HOMOSEXUALITY – The BIBLE and the CHRISTIAN: Basic Bible Doctrines of the Christian Faith
Today there are many questions about homosexuality as it relates to the Bible and Christians. What does the Bible say about homosexuality? Does genetics, environment, or traumatic life experiences justify homosexuality? What is God’s will for people with same-sex attractions? Does the …
Daily Devotionals
Young ones and teens, you are exposed to complex problems that your parents may not understand. Young Christians, you are bombarded with multiple options for solving everyday problems through social media. Where do you turn to find answers? Where can you look to find guidance from Scripture? In order to provide a Christian perspective to problem-solving, the author of this devotional book decided to take a different approach.
This devotional book follows the author’s own faith journey back to God. Significant life events can shake our world and distort our faith. Following life’s tragedies, a common reaction is to become angry with God or to reject Him altogether. Examples of tragedies or traumas include life-changing events such as physical or sexual assault, destruction of one’s home, the tragic death of a loved one, diagnoses of terminal diseases, divorce, miscarriages, or being a victim of a crime. Tragedies or traumas can cause feelings of anxiety, depression, shame, and guilt.
DEVOTIONAL FOR CAREGIVERS: Finding Strength Through Faith 
Throughout the book, common themes emerge to support caregivers. The reader will find interesting Bible Scriptures, offering a Christian perspective, for handling issues that may arise. These inspiring passages will assist the caregiver in finding peace and faith as they travel their journey as a caregiver. Although caregivers may not know how long they will play this role, they take on the responsibility without any question. Taking care of others is often mentioned in the Bible and, as noted in this devotional, this self-sacrificing, highly valued, and often challenging service will ultimately be rewarded.
DAILY DEVOTIONAL Daily Musings From the Old Testament
Humans must breathe in the air of our atmosphere to survive. Many cities because of pollution face a dangerous level of contamination in their air. However, an even more deadly air affects both Christians and nonChristians. Ordinary methods or devices cannot detect this poisonous air.
DAILY DEVOTIONAL: Daily Musing From the New Testament
Paul counseled, “Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.” (Col. 3:2) It is, for this reason, Marshall has penned the DAILY DEVOTIONAL: Daily Musings From the New Testament, which can help us be protected against Satan’s efforts at controlling our mind and heart.  For each day of the year, DAILY DEVOTIONAL provides a Daily Bible Reading and comments for consideration.
BREAD OF HEAVEN: Daily Meditations on Scripture
BREAD OF HEAVEN helps the reader to have a greater understanding of the timeless truths of Scripture and a deeper appreciation of the grandeur of God. It offers meditations on selected Scriptures which will draw the reader’s attention upwards to the Savior.
Christian Fiction
THE DIARY OF JUDAS ISCARIOT: How to Keep Jesus at Arm’s Length
…desert but none of such significance as a handful of scrolls retrieved from a buried Roman satchel (presumed stolen) at this site. The discovery has since come to be known as ‘The Diary of Judas Iscariot.’ In The Diary of JudasIscariot Owen Batstone relates the observations and feelings …
Rachael Garrison knows all the shrewd ways to successfully close multi-million-dollar real estate deals with her father’s famous New York real estate enterprise. But beyond her savvy to rake in huge deals is her premonition that an impending global takeover of the world’s financial wealth is on the horizon by evil leaders of The Great Ten Nations. From New York City to the Irish Hills of Michigan, and into the streets of Detroit her life takes on enormous purpose as
THE RAPTURE: God’s Unwelcomed Wrath
Kevin Trill struggles with the notion that he may have missed the Rapture. With nothing but the clothes on his back and a solid gold pocket watch, he sets off towards Garbor, a safe haven for those who haven’t yet taken the mark of thebeast. While on his way to Garbor, he meets up …
SEEKERS AND DECEIVERS: Which One are You? It Is Time to Join the Fight!
There grew an element in the valley that did not want to be ruled by the Light of the Word. Over time, they convinced the people to reject it. As they started to reject this Light, the valley grew dim and the fog rolled in. The people craved the darkness rather than the Light because they were evil. They did not want to  …
The Shadow Flames of Uluru: Book ONE in the CHAOS DOWN UNDER 
When an ancestor saddles them with the responsibility to purge Australia of a demon threatening to wipe our humanity with black flames, fraternal siblings Amber and Michael Hauksby lay their lives on the line. As the world crumbles around them into chaos, and ancient marsupials wreak havoc in their hometown, they must journey into …
WRITE PLACE, RIGHT TIME: The Pre-Apocalyptic Misadventure of a Freelance Journalist 
“Write Place, Right Time” follows the pre-apocalyptic misadventures of freelance journalist Don Lamplighter. While on what he expects to be a routine Monday night trip to a village board meeting, Lamplighter’s good nature compels him to help a stranded vehicle. Little does he know that by saving one of the car’s occupants, he sets forth a chain of what to him seem to be unrelated events where he must use his physical and social skills to save himself and others from precarious situations.
DAILY DEVOTIONAL Thursday, May 31, 2018 How Many Young Christians Must We Lose to Satan Before You Arm Yourself? 2 Timothy 2:26…
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