#like its the endless devotion on top of the mutual respect
cometrose · 2 years
i think zhongli and xiao is my favorite relationship in genshin. like i love their interactions and i love their story like no matter what i want them to stay together, like please don't die separately like no matter what chaos or peace ensure please just stay together your both people who have suffered for a long time and deserve to be happy
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a-slut-for-smut · 3 years
Ooooooo! For the ask thing: 002 for Rivamika!
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BAAHAHAHA YAAAAAAAAAS i was hoping i'd get this one XD
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them:
Definitely their team-up scene vs Female Titan/Annie. When i saw not only how strong & skilled they were on their own but how well they worked together to accomplish their goal despite having grievances with each other? I knew they would be unstoppable and at that point my ovaries didnt stand a chance the ship launched at lightspeed for me.
My thoughts:
As i allude to above, there's nothing i love more than a couple that makes a great TEAM above all else. Mutual respect and teamwork makes the slutty dream work amirite??? Plus that added tension of enemies to lovers/i hate but begrudgingly respect them makes it that much more exquisite- i just feel this dynamic can only lead to an even deeper bond that is so RIPE for smutty exploration ;D
What makes me happy about them:
Just the thought of them together makes me horny ecstatic teehee
What makes me sad about them:
That Mikasa's character development was basically thrown in the trash by the end- especially from a female perspective. All these indications that she finally outgrew her blind devotion to a man/her character didn't solely revolve around a man were ultimately meaningless and its a crying shame. Upon reflection, i had such an averse reaction to this treatment of her character i found it difficult to be active in the fandom (beyond the occasional anti snk ending shitpost) so yeah....THANKS ISAYAMA
And Levi's ending? Well at least his character overall was left unscathed, but damn where he ended up felt cold as ice- like, why of all ppl would he ended up with the Marley kids & Onyakonpon??? Why not with the ppl who, i dont know, he risked his life to save time and time again, that he's known from years and from the same place as he's from???
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
Well, "annoy" is a strong word but (and this goes for all my OTPs) whenever Levi (or either party actually) comes off...uh, rapey? Dom! is one thing but when the line bleeds into...let's call it "dubious consent" i dunno...it really takes me out of it. Like i say, im not one to kinkshame if thats what you're into but i have a mutual respect kink so it's really hard for me to invest in that type of story/for me personally would be OOC for them. Anyway, here's an old smutty rec list for any newcomers
Things I look for in fanfic:
as always, hardcore smut topped with sprinkles of angst (with explicit consent of course!)
My wishlist:
my wishlist for them is endless, but above all else i just want them to be happy. Was that asking for too much @ isayama???? apparently so…🙄
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
I honestly dont know if i consider myself a multi-shipper, but at the same time i have no issue with any ship (just the canonical execution of some...YIKES)
That said, at the end of the day just someone who makes them happy, respects them and have a healthy relationship with.
My happily ever after for them:
My practical take: Overall i just wanted them to have a happy/satisfying ending, more so than anyone else. These two probably have the most tragic backstories, endured so much trauma and suffering since childhood/their entire lives...THEY F*CKING DESERVED IT.
My delulu brainrotty take: Princess Mikasa of Hizuru and her (willing) sex consort Levi rule/repopulate the world with their dozens of Ackerman babies XD
Thanks again for the ask! Happy to answer more :)
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casuallyhl · 7 years
Top Ten Fics of 2017
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10. Hope by @haydolce Although SHFFCL is Dolce’s most controversial fic, her timestamp is incredibly sweet but also incredibly timely. Posted on one of the most difficult days of the year, this fic truly embodies its title. It is hopeful. It reminds its readers that there is always goodness in the world, and always a reason to keep fighting for what’s right. As well, the continuation of HL’s story shows a growth in both their characters and a much stronger and mature relationship. And it’s the only fic Dolce gave us in 2017, and if this is her last one, I truly believe it captures the strength and hope of HL’s relationship that is always so present in her fics.
9. Answer All Your Wishes by @sadaveniren I’m a bit biased because this was a gift fic for me but I honestly loved everything about it. HL had such a sweet and loving relationship and babies galore!! And oh my word pregnancy kink and devotion and the lactation kink and love. So many of my favorite things and it’s so rare to find these kinks so well done, so I loved it.  Also, the formatting of this fic is so clever, since it includes Harry’s blog posts followed by an anecdote that captures the essence of the blog post. The style is so original and contributes so much to the story. Easily one of the sweetest, most wonderful mpreg fics I’ve ever read. 
8. Beside Me Like a Silhouette by @softgolfdaddy Everyone mourned with loadedgunn left the fandom. Who could ever write such incredible D/s smut like that?? Well, 2017 has answered us in the form of Amanda and her fics. This one in particular is so incredibly hot, but contains that all important element that makes D/s fics not only hot but sweet: love. There is so much love and trust and playfulness in this fic, which makes it fun while also tugging heartstrings and making me sweat.
7. Dance Like Warriors on a Battlefield by @crazyupsetter Easily one of whoknows’ best works. HL’s dynamic is absolutely explosive and such a push pull while still being built first and foremost on love and doing what is best for the other. Harry is very overtly committed to Louis as is shown through his words. He always tells Louis how he feels and what he wants, but Louis’ commitment is more subtle. It’s shown in how he tries to do what is best for Harry, even when it is at the price of his own happiness. They love each other deeply, and of course that love triumphs. 
6. Chasing Empty Spaces by @domestic-harry Such a sweet story of learning to love and accept oneself. Harry’s growth is very well done, and his internal conflict is very believable. And Louis is such a consistent and patient presence, but he also knows his self worth and demands to be treated as such. He is a such a strong character, and his courage and self respect are so inspiring. And despite the difficulties they face, their love really is so strong and runs so deep. It is never their love for one another that keeps them apart, but external and internal pressures, which is very realistic. And of course, the fic ends with the beautiful and powerful message that love always overcomes. 
5. We’ll Be Seamless by @dinosaursmate One of the most original fics I’ve read. Absolutely scorching hot, but what I love so much about HL’s dynamic is that it’s built on trust and a mutual understanding about each other’s most private interests. So not only do they have tons of sexual chemistry, but they also have a wonderful understanding of one another, which automatically creates a close bond between the two of them. There is no judgment, only love and support, which makes their relationship so strong and beautiful. 
4. Got the Sunshine on My Shoulders by @hattalove The most heartbreakingly beautiful fic I have ever read. Such an incredible story about forgiveness and belonging and being true to oneself. The wrong Harry commits to Louis is horrid, but the journey they go through together and the eventual forgiveness Louis shows Harry is such a powerful testimony about a person’s innate goodness. As well, their journey is very well paced so that it’s believable. It shows the endurance of love and offers so much hope amidst all the heartbreak. The effect it had is so powerful, that I could honestly cry just thinking about it. Beautiful. 
3. The Wonderlands by @aliensingucci HL’s characterization in this fic is masterfully done. Harry is so complex. He is incredibly devoted for his daughter while still dealing with decades old guilt and trying to figure out his feelings for Louis and discovering that he is worthy of such strong love. And Louis. His characterization is on another level. He is so powerful and takes no shit, but when it comes to Harry, he is so soft and so completely in love. I adore his confidence and certainty in his love of Harry. And then when they finally come together, their love for one another is a force to be reckoned with. The power couple to end all power couples. 
2. Like an Endless Summer by @horsegirlharry The pining in this fic is so poignant, but it’s never unnecessary. HL are not forcefully kept apart for the sake of plot, but come together naturally and with minimal, realistic angst. Louis is absolutely hilarious in this fic, so flamboyant and dramatic but still so lovable. And Harry is dorky and endearing and the reader falls in love with Harry just like Louis does. And the smut is on a whole other level. I will never forget Harry begging to be whipped. It was life changing.  
1. Say Hallelujah Say Goodnight by @alivingfire  This fic had no competition for my number one. HL’s story is one of such devotion and sacrifice, but also one of innocence and beauty. I adore historical AUs, so having everything from Ancient Greece (which is a stunning setting for HL to fall in love) to the Victorian Era to World War I is honestly a dream come true for me. And for a fic about two immortals, it is so incredibly believable that their love is strong enough to last for eternity. Easily my favorite fic of 2017, and easily one of my top 5 all time favorites. It is truly a masterpiece, and I’ll be talking about it and recommending it for as long as angel Louis and demon Harry live. 
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teejagz-blog · 7 years
 ‘CNN, the most trusted name in news,’ bellows James Earl Ray morning, noon and night during the network’s 24/7 programming.
Well, not today it isn’t.
In arguably the most humiliating moment in its history, CNN just accepted resignations from three of its top journalists over a story they got horrendously wrong about President Trump and Russia.
It couldn’t have come at a worse time for CNN, or involved a worse kind of story.
Its war with Trump has escalated on an almost daily basis since he won the presidency.
He furiously brands CNN ‘Fake News’.
CNN, in turn, mocks and berates him at every turn and devotes huge resources toward trying to expose him.
 It’s a toxic, abusive relationship that’s got so vicious and vengeful it threatens to imperil the very cornerstone of democracy, freedom of speech.
Now, CNN’s high moral ground has crumbled beneath it in spectacular style.
And it’s collapsed because all those involved forgot the golden rule of journalism: if it seems too good to be true, it probably IS too good to be true.
Last Thursday, CNN.com blasted out a new ‘bombshell’ exclusive about Trump and Russia.
It was the latest in a relentless barrage of similar Russia-related scoops by award-hungry mainstream media organisations desperately trying to prove Trump and/or his campaign team colluded with Russians, possibly as high up as Vladimir Putin, to fix the 2016 US Election.
Yet to date, there remains not a shred of hard evidence to nail the swirling maelstrom of rumours and scurrilous headlines.
Hence, no doubt, CNN’s wild over-excitement at finally getting a lead on what seemed like a possible game-changing piece of information.
It reported the Senate Intelligence Committee was investigating a potentially highly compromising link between Anthony Scaramucci, a prominent ally of Trump, and a $10 billion Russian investment fund.
Last Thursday, CNN.com blasted out a ‘bombshell’ exclusive claiming the Senate Intelligence Committee was investigating a potentially highly compromising link between Anthony Scaramucci, a Trump ally, pictured here, and a $10 billion Russian investment fund
CNN claimed Scaramucci met with the fund’s chief executive Kirill Dmitriev four days before the inauguration.
CNN further stated the investment fund was a part of Russian state bank Vnesheconombank, which is listed in a set of sanctions issued by the US government.
Democratic senators, CNN alleged, wanted to know whether Scaramucci indicated in that meeting if sanctions against Russia would be lifted.
If this story was true, it carried hugely damaging implications: here was a close ally of Trump’s caught in cahoots with Putin-backed moneymen in flagrant breach of sanctions.
But it wasn’t true.
There is no such Senate probe, there was no formal meeting and the fund is not even backed by a Russian state bank.
Within 24 hours, the story was roundly debunked and CNN removed it from its website. The network also apologised to Mr Scaramucci and has now fired the story’s author, Pulitzer Prize nominee Thomas Frank, along with Eric Lichtblau, an assistant managing editor in CNN’s Washington bureau, and Lex Harris, head of CNN’s investigations unit.
But the ‘bombshell’ wasn’t true and within 24 hours, the story was roundly debunked and CNN removed it from its website. The network also apologised to Mr Scaramucci and fired three
Their rapid departures show just how badly this incident has dented CNN’s reputation and just how angry it has made Jeff Zucker, its president.
I know how seriously CNN takes its journalism, because I worked there for four years and experienced its strict standards and practices policies at first hand.
When Hurricane Sandy hit Manhattan in 2012, CNN’s respected meteorologist reported live on my then show Piers Morgan Live that the stock exchange had been engulfed in several feet of water.
It was a huge development that would affect global financial markets.
However, it wasn’t true.
We corrected this erroneous fact within 30 minutes, but I remember there being a massive and lengthy week-long inquest later into how it had been aired without the required double-sourcing procedures.
Everyone involved was left in no doubt that such a mistake was not acceptable at CNN with dire consequences for any repetition.
This cock-up, though, is on a completely different scale because it has single-handedly destroyed CNN’s indignant denial of Trump’s ‘Fake News!’ charge.
The Scaramucci story was fake news. End.
And it was a story designed to cause great damage to Trump as he battles the potentially presidency-ending allegation that he colluded with Russians.
So how did this fiasco happen?
I fear the answer probably lies in that lethal combination of commercial greed and laziness.
CNN has enjoyed soaring ratings with its relentless, mostly negative focus on Trump’s presidency. That, in turn, has led to soaring profits.
The equation is simple: Trump-bashing = $$$.
They are not the only ones to do this; from MSNBC to Stephen Colbert, there are myriad media entities and shows currently cashing in big time by whacking Trump.
But with that success comes complacency.
CNN reported this story because it was desperate to report this story.
It was proof, finally, that a key Trump ally was up to his neck in financial filth with the Russians.
‘Follow the money’ was the Watergate journalists’ mantra, and it finally got them their man.
CNN’s own versions of Bernstein and Woodward clearly thought they were doing the same.
CNN’s self styled Woodward and Bernsteins were all ousted. Thomas Frank, pictured,wrote the retracted story
Eric Lichtblau, left, and Lex Haris, right, also left. Lichtblau, who only joined CNN three months ago was an editor on CNN Investigates and Haris, who previously oversaw CNNMoney oversaw the unit
But they cut corners, apparently relying on just one anonymous source.
And that source turned out to be wrong – gifting Trump a PR touchdown he won’t stop triumphantly ball-spiking for a very long time.
When he shouts ‘Fake News’ at CNN now, it will carry some factual weight.
But there’s a wider issue here, and that’s the increasingly hostile relationship between the White House and the US mainstream media.
Both sides are to blame.
The White House, for flying too economically with the truth and playing silly point-scoring games with the media.
And the media, for its unprecedented hysterical bias against Trump, and its endless self-aggrandizing ‘Gotcha!’ antics in pressers and on air – most of which is designed to command the journalists viral video adoration on social media.
The effect of this mutually assured poison is to ratchet up the already appallingly febrile political atmosphere in America between left and right.
The kind of partisan rage that leads a mentally unbalanced man to shoot a Congressman on a baseball field.
It’s got to stop.
Donald Trump is the President of the United States, a title he won in a fair, democratic election. He’s not perfect but nor is he the monster some of his critics portray him to be.
CNN remains a great news network, notwithstanding this terrible error.
Both need to treat each other with more respect and fairness.
I suggest this would be a very good time for them to start.
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Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4643532/PIERS-MORGAN-CNN-s-greediness-Trump-cost-them.html#ixzz4lDGKkISJ Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
PIERS MORGAN: Trump’s media foes know that bashing him makes them big money but CNN’s greed and desperation to get him has cost them dear  ‘CNN, the most trusted name in news,’ bellows James Earl Ray morning, noon and night during the network’s 24/7 programming.
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