#there is so much love and respect between the two of them like zhongli cares for xiao so much and wants him to be happy
cometrose · 1 year
i think zhongli and xiao is my favorite relationship in genshin. like i love their interactions and i love their story like no matter what i want them to stay together, like please don't die separately like no matter what chaos or peace ensure please just stay together your both people who have suffered for a long time and deserve to be happy
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yestrday · 1 year
wait so what are the [established] alliances between the rivals in the academy au? aether seems like a middle man all the way around, always willing to share info with the rivals of other grades and his peers. but I don't know about anyone else 😭 like they all have mutual grounding.. right? something of mutual respect maybe noted somewhere within the contract they agreed to?
the first years (xingqiu, chongyun, bennett, razor, aether, lumine) are all part of one particularly tight friend group, so snabbing one of em is snabbing the whole group. so, mm, good luck with that.
ayato and thoma, of course, is another alliance. thoma is inclined to obey his master's desires, and ayato's desire is no other than you. ayato loves to entertain the thought of you and thoma serving him dutifully, and the two men pampering you as a treat. thoma also indulges in similar perverted fantasies.
xiao and zhongli have a similar master/servant relationship. xiao reports to zhongli on any updates on your life, as zhongli is the one who sent him to trail you. xiao reveres zhongli almost as much as he reveres you, and zhongli is especially fond of him too.
childe mayyy or may not have an alliance with zhongli too. the two strangely get along (more like, zhongli likes to use his wallet), but they both prefer not to share with the other as much as possible. however, if the circumstance needs them to share, they can work it out too!
cyno and tighnari is another pair of close friends that a very unlucky darling might nab. they both have a no-nonsense attitude, and their patience when it comes to a darling’s transgressions is pretty much zero. a pair that is on top of the ‘most likely to kidnap you’ list!
kazuha, heizou, gorou, and surpisingly, itto, all get along too. while they might not be as close as the other groups on the list, they help each other out whenever they can. they have a special mutual understanding, and if, hypothetically, they were to all take care of one darling... i suppose they would also be a tighter-knit friend group.
everyone likes to get along with aether and lumine because they have a personality that can get along with almost everyone! the twins have helped everyone out at least at one point in their lives, and they’re all fond of them. the twins give out info on you when they can, as well as help out with any sort of tasks the others might have (with a price, of course! her brother might be somewhat of a pushover, but lumine knows when to exploit other people!)
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it-happened-one-fic · 2 months
Dancing With Visions - Unwilling to be Parted - Argentine Tango - Zhongli
Author Notes: I was really quite delighted when I spun the wheel of fortune I use to decide who dances what style and Zhongli got the Argentine tango. I must confess that I have always personally loved to watch performances of Argentine tangos, so that possibly shows up a bit in this fic. The performance in this fic was heavily inspired by Maksim Chmerkovskiy and Meryl Davis’s Argentine tango to “Montserrat” by Orquesta Del Plata on Season 18, week 10 of “Dancing With the Stars.” I also listed to "Montserrat" while writing and editing this fic. Just like the rest of this series, reader is female. I hope you enjoy!
If you would like to read more of this series, the fics can be found here: Dancing with Visions Masterlist.
Type: Female reader/ dance/ fluff/ romance implied
Word Count: 1905
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Zhongli was respected by everyone and, in the eyes of the populace at large, seemed to know everything there was to know about anything. And perhaps that was why he was asked by an orchestra to perform an Argentine tango while they played, as a part of the overall performance.
After all, it was a song specifically written to be danced to, so they did not want to lose that aspect of the music. Though admittedly, it wasn’t exactly what I had initially expected when I’d heard it was going to be music written for a tango.
But then, it wasn’t music for a ballroom tango, it was music for an Argentine tango, and there was, evidently enough, a distinct difference between the two dances.
The Argentine tango was the more intimate, melancholic sister to the dance known as the ballroom tango. Or at least that was how Zhongli had described it to me when he’d asked me to be his partner for his performance. A request that I had hesitantly accepted only after much reassurance from my current partner.
I couldn’t deny that Zhongli’s description of the dance was accurate, though. While the ballroom tango and the Argentine tango held much in common, there were very distinct differences.
 It honestly felt like there was more connection between the two dancers for the Argentine tango, which was more moody than aggressive, as the ballroom variant so often was.
I glanced over at where Zhongli sat, ever patient in the chair at the table on the opposite from where I stood. 
In many ways, I’d been surprised to learn that the orchestra had set up such a performance area for us. But, as both they and Zhongli had asserted, Argentine tango music was music made for dance. It was only natural that the dance took centerplace as the orchestra performed their moody, careful sounding piece.
The music started and I stepped towards Zhongli, stepping up into the empty chair beside me and then onto the table between us. Adjusting my skirt as he looked towards me, his head turning in perfect time with the plucked strings of the music.
We’d practiced this dance numerous times, but his gaze never failed to startle me. I didn’t know what it was about his amber-colored eyes with slightly inhuman pupils that gave me the slightest of pauses, but it never seemed to fail. I was just lucky that my hesitation matched with the music.
I straightened, pushing myself up and off the chair and pivoting on the foot that rested on the table as I twisted, letting myself fall easily into Zhongli’s arms where he sat.
I looked up at him calmly as I stretched my arms back and over my head in the most languid manner possible. Slowly cartwheeling off his lap as he watched with quiet interest. Holding my hand as I stood just as he turned to look back out at the crowd. 
Still seated, he twirled me across the floor until I stopped in front of him, his hands tracing their way up the side of my legs.
I inhaled slightly at the  motion but let my hands rest over gloved ones, taking a gentle hold of them before pulling them off me and tossing them into the air before I stepped forward and turned. Leading with my head as I faced him and he stood.
I lifted my arms, easily sliding into our dancing hold as he almost immediately began to walk me backwards and across our stage.
Our steps were light, and almost stealthy as he pushed me backwards, pausing only to let me lean back to the lilting of the violins before he turned with me. His posture ever upright and strong as he twisted, placing me at his side and stepping lightly in place with me as we faced each other.
As if we weren’t having to concentrate on our intricate footwork at all and instead one another’s eyes were far more important.
And though I couldn’t speak for him, that certainly was true for me. Zhongli’s eyes were eternally interesting and beautiful.
His gaze was still one of pointed interest that seemed to make it impossible to look away from him.
I forced myself to break our eye contact though, as I turned the side, only to get swung lightly through the air as if I weighed nothing. Landing in a crouched position with one leg extended and my one arm still stretched out so my hand could stay in his.
Almost like it was locked in place, either by his grip or my unwillingness to let go. That was up to our viewers to decide.
The room was perfectly silent save for the music around us as he stepped lightly around behind me and I twisted on my toes. Pulling my legs under me as I looked up at him and he spun. 
My hand left his only for a fraction of a second before he was taking it once more in his firm, but surprisingly gentle grasp.
He tugged lightly and I launched into the air, spinning elegantly so that my back was to his chest as he caught me against him. Wrapping an arm around me and holding me there as my legs curled backwards and split to lock around him as he stepped backwards.
But that was the nature of both this dance and Zhongli himself. Each motion flowed into the next effortlessly. As if each step were a natural progression.
This was a dance that told a story. A romance filled with sophisticated maturity and a sort of nostalgia that could only come with time.
I reached back, my hand brushing against Zhongli’s temple before he swung me forward, my legs kicking up into the air and flaring out my skirt before I touched down. 
Zhongli immediately stepped back and away from me, placing a potent distance between as I turned to look back towards him. Almost as if I were drawn to him while he placed careful distance between us.
But his eyes never left me.
Though separate, we stepped forward together, our arms reaching towards each other in a sweeping, graceful motion.
My hand found his as our other arms wrapped around each other in a loose embrace. Close, but not close. Separate, but never far.
He shifted me so that I was in front of him once more, our gazes holding one another as our steps lagged slightly with the tempo of the music before he began pushing me backwards and across the stage once more.
 Our steps turned fast as we twisted from side to side. Almost like we didn’t have time to waste, but also couldn’t bear to be rushed in this intricate dance that spoke of deep emotions.
We reached the edge of the stage, Zhongli stopping me before twirling me lightly so that we could shift back the other direction. Me still retreating as he pushed and guided me ever backwards.
Trusting me to stop with him just as I relied on him to guide me to halt before it was too late and the edge of the stage was passed.
This time we pivoted, shifting so that we were both technically facing the same direction with our heads turned to look at one another rather than in the direction we moved.
We released on one side, me spinning out as his arm stretched, teasing at letting me go but apparently not quite able to before he pulled me back towards him.
Twirling me in as I lifted my leg for him to catch at the last second, before he lifted me into the air and spinning effortlessly with me.
He paused though, facing the crowd and tossing me into the air lightly. And I spun lightly before landing safely in his arms once more.
He leaned with me, dipping me towards the ground as I extended my arm and looked away from him even as one of my arms remained wrapped around his shoulders.
He swung me down easily, his arm remaining wrapped around me as my feet touched down and I spun to look at him. Finally letting go of him as one hand pressed to my chest. Holding him at a slight distance as I looked up at him once more.
He met my gaze, his stare somehow unshakeable as he reached out with one hand. A silent request that I accepted with my hand slipping carefully into his.
We moved at the same time, him stepping towards me just as my other hand reached towards him, and the distance between us was closed once more.
I swallowed as his hand slipped from behind his back and wrapped around my shoulders as he spun me dramatically to the side. My one leg extended behind me as I looked away from him yet again.
He pulled me back up into an upright position swiftly and we shifted to the side, our footwork speeding up once more as he spun me once more, and I paused. Kicking up one leg  before he spun me out. Letting go of me with one hand that I tugged back and pressed to my chest as we looked towards each other for a fraction of a second. Me leaned back and relying on his support while he gazed at me, supporting me with one arm but also holding me at a careful distance.
He shifted, holding out his free arm as he pulled me towards him and I spun. Launching into the air and landing safely in his embrace. Our sides pressed together with my legs curled under me and his arm wrapped steadfastly around me as our hands remained entwined.
He spun with me that way, my position shifting subtly as we rotated. My hand released his so that I could reach up and cup his face as I curled towards him. One of my legs shifting so it curled around him instead of just under me.
I was no longer pressed merely to his side, but holding onto him in a sort of loose embrace as his other hand cupped my shoulder.
His gaze flickered over to mine and I swallowed, forcing myself to hold eye contact with him as he paused for a moment and I uncurled my legs. Straightening them out so that the toes of my shoes barely touched the ground as he walked backwards. Inclining his head towards mine as my hand slid down the side of his face to rest against his neck.
We were hardly even an inch apart when he came to a stop. Letting me step closer to him before letting go, almost reluctantly and standing off to the side of the stage as he turned and sat. This time in the chair that was on the side of the table closest to me.
Applause erupted around us and I exhaled a breath I hadn’t even realized I’d been holding. I looked towards Zhongli quietly, half-stunned by the noise around us as he met my gaze and smiled softly.
His stare was no longer one of  intensity now, but I still found my eyes lingering on his before I at last looked away. Smiling awkwardly at the audience as Zhongli stood and joined me. 
His hand finding mine as our fingers entwined themselves together once more. Seemingly unwilling to be parted.
If you would like to read more:
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casinodove · 1 year
✧ DIVINE ADULATION . sagau headcanons
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✧ SUMMARYzz.. 1111
So, divine creator descends and the acolytes are ofcourse beyond pleased, yet there's a problem. Divine creator had a significant other back in their original reality, whom they weren't able to say goodbye to before descending since it was so sudden. Don't even worry though, significant other also descended! So, one day the creator and their lover get reunited, what would the acolytes reactions be?
✧ PAIRINGzz.. 2222
Sagau x GN!Reader (no pronouns mentioned)
Reader x GN!S/O
✧ WARNINGSzz.. 3333
Slight yandere if you squint , cult au , religious themes , stalking , privacy deprivation , relationship sabotaging .
✧ SIDE NOTESzz.. 4444
Merry Christmas to whoever celebrates it <3
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THE divine creator was thought to be a being ancient, not exactly incapable of feeling love but unwanting to waste their time on such matters. So, seeing you be so sad, devasted even, when you descended because of a certain someone surely caught the acolytes off guard.
A few weeks passed, you seemingly calmed down yet your opinion on getting a spouse within teyvat was always negative. Something about loyalty you said, something about unwavering faith and about missing someone you said.
At first the acolytes weren't sure what to think about it, yet during a seemingly normal day you were spotted running toward an unknown person. Time once again passed, and within the following days the acolytes were able to see you walking around with the same person, hell, you even invited them to spend the night in your room, the two of you requested for snacks to be brought during the late hours of the night multiple times, seemingly enjoying each others company so much that you were barely able to stop talking about things all night.
Yet once every acolyte got the news, and once they spread throughout teyvat, was when the real chaos began.
Surely, everyone wanted to know who this mysterious person who would spend every night and every day with the creator was, they were beyond certain said person couldn't just be a regular person to be able to receive such adulation from you.
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Probably refuses to believe that you could have a lover, teyvat is full of rumours, especially surrounding the important people. It isn't a surprise they'd spread rumours about the divine creator. Surely their just a bunch of lies, right? Nobody is worth of even standing one stair below you, let alone stand by your side, especially not some random mortal!
Zhongli , Ei , Tsaritsa , Kamisato Ayato , Pantalone , Ningguang , Arlecchino .
Interesting, interesting. Probably doesn't care all that much, not like they were planning onto turning into a potential love interest for you, they'll continue their duties as worshippers and all. If the rumours are true though, they believe you're fully able of picking out a significant other, so for aslong as you're fine and happy in the relationship, it isn't their place to say anything.
Rosaria , Capitano .
Probably throws a secret tantrum if they see anything romantic happening between you and said person. I mean come on now! You want them? Seriously now?? Easily the most likely to start plotting on how they can sabotage the relationship. Oh, and don't get me started on what would happen if the two of you got engaged..
Wanderer , Childe , Venti , Kaeya .
The first to know about the relationship, they watched every single thing the two of you did within your private chambers. Unless the two of you were covered up with the sheets that is, obviously. Their just making sure you're safe! How can they trust you to be alone with a stranger hm? (This came out as sexual even though I had no intentions of making it sound anywhere near sexual, forgive me shhxjsks)
Xiao , Wanderer , Ganyu .
Regrets not making a move before you found someone, won't try to interfere with your relationship for now, respects your relationship, for now.
Albedo , Jean , Xiao , Ganyu , Kamisato Ayaka
Destroys the relationship after careful planning, either makes you seem disloyal either makes them, doesn't matter for aslong as the two of you aren't together anymore. Comforts you if you allow them to.
Wanderer , Childe , Venti , Kaeya , Ei , Zhongli , Kamisato Ayato , Albedo , Jean .
In conclusion, don't let the acolytes know of your relationship. Or do, we do not care.
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✧ ENDING NOTESzz.. 5555
Rushed and bad but I got caught up in family stuff today so ykyk,, may remake but probably won't. Anyways, goodnight 🫶🏻
✧ casinodove , 25/12/22 .
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razorblade180-heated · 7 months
How about some NSFW Headcanon for Chongyun and Hu Tao? I am curious how different the cryo's relationship with both pyros are in this area?
This man has nearly mastered the art of being a calm leaf in the storm known as Hu Tao. In all actuality, he learned from both Zhongli and Xiao that Hu Tao has little defense against blatant honesty. While her teasing still gets him to blush, admitting he finds her cute and a joy to be with makes her just as flustered.
Hu Tao will rarely waste an opportunity to hug him from behind and when they’re alone she doesn’t think twice about doing something as bold as using his lap as a seat. Because of this, Chongyun is actually pretty okay at handling the extra body heat in these mild cases.
Chongyun is one of the few people Hu Tao will actually say “be safe” to, and goes as far as to actually reject any coupon he gives her; a consequence of dying and leaving her alone. In earnest, she obviously wouldn’t ignore her responsibilities in the case of the unfortunate, but Hu Tao wholeheartedly would prefer passing on before he did. She tries not to get too vulnerable but it’s as clear as day her affections for the boy mean volumes to her.
Some might mistake them to potentially be betrothed rivals with how they banter, considering pushing each other in their respective fields while also throwing a few jabs about the occupations every once and awhile.
Chongyun wouldn’t calm himself the jealous type but he gets a little in his own head at times; mainly because Hu Tao brings up how adorable she is. As whimsical as she can be though, she’s actually the more possessive of the two. Never in an antagonistic way but even Chongyun can’t help but feel his heart flutter whenever she holds him as if someone plans to steal him away.
In private they’re pretty passionate by nature, and a bit tense. Hu Tao adores teasing the man and provoking him until he shuts her up. He may try to act calm in most circumstances, but Hu Tao won’t let him get by with acting like he’s not slightly obsessed with her as much as she is with him. No need to hold back about it. She invites his Yang energy to flow freely and isn’t shy about letting him know he can take right up to death’s door each time they find themselves enjoying one another.
Chongyun can’t even say he’s embarrassed. Rather he just can’t believe how crazy he can be about her at times. It’s as if the limits between them are so far there doesn’t seem to be any, despite knowing there is. It’s usually after lots of yearning and cathartic passion that a flux of emotions pull them into more tender moments of care and intimacy. “I love you” and “I need you” often gets said over and over again.
Whoever said opposites attract we’re talking about them. Despite the differences, both of them are actually pretty similar; vulnerable people looking to share a true peace of mind experience with someone. Chongyun actually thinks it’s cute how needy Hu Tao can be, and Hu Tao actually pays close attention to Chongyun’s needs. Right down to making sure a window remains partly open at night so he feels comfortable cuddling under the covers.
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ac-liveblogs · 1 year
Lantern Rite 2023
The first two days were boring as sin. Nothing else to say about them. YaoYao got introduced and vanished, it’s a regular NPC storyline used in place of a playable character, it’s an excuse for another loredump and cares far more about the lore than the characters included, and I don’t care how often I need to say it - there is no point playing “who’s that Adeptus?!” in Liyue when Zhongli would happily answer every possible question anyone could ever have about that subject, and literally any other.
If you want to do mysteries like this, pick any other region, god. Also, please make a better mystery than “Madame Ping played a song this one time. It was a really bitchin’ song. Also a guy almost drowned. GUIZHONG EXISTED!”
Cloud Retainer is sexy now though. That’s cool, I guess. We needed that. Also, I love that every time Shenhe shows up lately she doesn’t know some extremely basic thing. Last time it was flavoured drinks, and this time it’s THE CONCEPT OF MUSIC, despite music being such a huge thing in her quest??? This woman has goldfish brain, I swear.
The epilogue was a little better - no lore dragging us down - and I was surprised (pleased) to see HYV actually picking up on the thread from the Chasm about Xiao needing to socialise more, and seeing him attempting (and struggling) to do so. Xiao is very cute. Nothing else to say. He raises my serotonin levels. I Like Him.
Although, speaking of Xiao, and I’m just throwing this out there - I think this event would’ve been better served if maybe instead of some rando from Fontaine trying to find the magical music playing person from another country that saved an ancestor’s life with breathtakingly beautiful music, we could’ve maybe leveraged the two characters in this event that already have that backstory, and were IN THIS EVENT, BUT WHATEVER. WHAT DO I KNOW-
Anyway, this event was clearly trying to be funny, and while seeing Xiao “?!” “um” “uhhh”ing was cute, the humour is definitely muted by the VA’s restrained performances, and the lack of facial expressions/restricted movements on the 3D models mean any scene always seems a bit slow and underwhelming and can really impact a joke’s delivery. More to the point, HYV really cares far too much about Zhongli’s dignity to be able to capitalise on a skit where both Hu Tao and Venti put a fair amount of effort into mocking him. His straight man routine is sorely lacking.
At the end of the day, it’s 40 minutes of people sitting around a dinner table and a decent chunk of it is “oh I met [x] at [y]!” As always, Genshin needs a script editor to trim the fat.
In terms of character dynamic:
Xiao and Aether’s slowburn romance friendship continues to be adorable, even if the foundation for its intensity is extremely shaky. Despite the fact that the PV wasn’t integrated into this year’s Lantern Rite at all, it did earn some points in my heart.
Chongyun, Xingqiu and Xiangling’s inclusions were mostly to justify the identity shenanigans involving Venti and Zhongli, but they were a bit lost in the scene despite this. The scene always seemed to forget they were there, which is a shame, because Chongyun has very specific beef with Xiao (per his mats) and Xiangling’s cooking should really be leveraged for comedy faaaar more often than it is.
Xiao and Zhongli is about what I would’ve expected it to be. Solid dynamic, no notes.
Hu Tao and Venti get on like a house on fire, which should really cause Zhongli more dread than it does. I did enjoy them burning each other, but again - HYV’s comedy is always a bit slow. Would’ve been great to see Zhongli lose his cool a bit.
It’s a bit sad that my relationship HCs about Xiao and Hu Tao, or Xiao and Venti, weren’t really challenged or confirmed in any real way. Due to Xiao’s dialogue about them in his mats, I’d assumed he’d already met Hu Tao and only knew of Venti, but I see that’s the other way around. Xiao clearly respects Venti a lot (the differing reactions between when you blame either Zhongli or Venti for Xiao’s awkwardness at dinner, plus Xiao’s reverence of Venti’s music, show that), but I don’t really get the sense that the two are “old friends”. If anything, Xiao having Venti as an “old friend” seems kind of odd given what we know of his backstory.
Anyway, I still think Mondstadt wins at festivals overall. Windblume soon!!! Looking forward to that!
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deffonotsimping · 2 years
hiya<3 i saw your playable reader au and i love it! i was wondering if i could request a playable reader au with itto,kazuha, and thoma where playable reader is generally a very soft spoken person and is a big cinnamon roll that everyone likes and reader is probably really well known because of how soft they are and how nice they are to children and have some great accomplishments along with being wholesome(sorry if its very descriptive!) pls dont overwork yourself to much<3
That's so cute, I love it omg
Characters: Itto + Kazuha + Thoma
-> Masterlist
content!! playable reader AU, slight spoilers for the archon quest, spoilers for Thoma's hangout event
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Arataki Itto
You two are so adorable it's pathetic.
People headcanon you two to look over children together and you to softly scold him whenever he's being "mean"!
They imagine him to be extremely protective over you because how couldn't he be? You're so wholesome and everything about you screams soft
So much fanart of you two just cuddling in the warmth of each other's embrace, his face buried in your neck as he has his arms around you, not too tightly though in fears of breaking you.
They started shipping you two even though you haven't interacted in the game yet, however it is heavily implied that you know each other.
You, working as a general for the rebellion - which is a shock because? how can you be so soft and wholesome while literally working for the rebellion and fighting???? - should have met him already? right?
Well, they don't care anyway, you two are cute and that's all they need.
As for the popularity in this ship. Well. Either they ship you or they think people that ship you are just so annoyingly obsessed with making a character softer than they actually are for the sake of a ship.
Kaedehara Kazuha
You're a part of the Crux! Being one of Beidou's closest acquaintances (friends? besties? best friends forever?), you're bound to have met Kazuha!
(someone request for Beidou sometime pls I love her with my whole heart - generally any female characters too btw 😡 please I'm gay and I need them ‼️)
You got introduced to the Traveler right before they got to Inazuma. After the thing with the reactivation of the vision obviously didn't work, we can see a scene of you trying to comfort Kazuha.
Half of the fandom fell in love with you right then and there. You're so soft spoken and your voice feels as though you're whispering all the time, which some people appreciate.
"Kazuha, move, it's my turn to be in love with Reader."
So. Yes, the shippers are rather jealous at both of you - they still love you though!
Anyway. Once you're featured on Kazuha's banner as a new four star people start to go crazy!!
"Must.. c6.... them....... *ends up with c5 Kazuha and c2 Reader*"
Yeah. Ouch.
You're also an amazing dps Character if teamed with Kazuha and people just take that as a sign!!
If any Zhongli or Childe mains read this you probably know how awkward it is playing with each other and how much tension there is. Yes. This applies to Kazuha mains and Reader mains.
Soft and softer right here!
You're shown in his hangout event when him and the Traveler put clothes on the animals! Thoma said that he knew a person that was amazing at stuff like that and guess who that was! - you of course!
Ever since then people kept talking about scenarios in which the both of you just freshly met - how did that go?
Canonically, we don't know yet! However, it will be revealed in one of your voicelines once you're out as a character.
Shippers like to imagine that you two met when seeing an injured animal at different times and taking care of it without knowing of each other until one day you meet! :)
The ship is so amazing, lots of people like it and you don't have a lot of haters. (Well, people that like Thoma x Ayato usually don't necessarily enjoy ThoDer (Thoma x Reader) but there's still nothing but respect between the shippers for each other!)
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oops Thoma's was shorter than the others ehe forgive me 🙏
I actually really like how this turned out? I specifically think Kazuha's hcs are the best ones in this post :))
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omiscurls · 3 years
Diluc, zhongli and childe reaction to their s/o breaking up with them after something they said, maybe after a week or so after they argument they think the s/o forgave them but they break up instead? I WANT THE ANGST
plot: reader decides to break up with the character after not speaking to them
contains: diluc, zhongli, tartaglia (idk how am i going to do this to my special boy but ill try my best)
warnings: angst, breakups, implied past toxic behavior
hopeless thoughts ran through your head as you fought with yourself about wether to enter angel’s share or not, hand halfway through to the doorknob. your mind hadn’t been made up just yet, you were still in between two very different scenarios - the urge to forgive him for his hurtful words growing stronger each day, as anger and other emotions subdued to loneliness and the feeling of a part of you missing, ever since the two of you stopped talking.
your mind flashed back to the exact moment when you looked into diluc’s eyes, always so soft and calm for you, forming a way of anger he never expressed towards you before. to the feeling you got right then and there that this man is not the same one you’ve met and fell in love with.
the process of coming to terms with that conclusion was as painful as the first strike of his angry glare, and even though he seemed to have realized the weight of his words right after saying them out loud, no matter how hard you tried, you could not erase them from your memory.
one strike of that pain, one memory of that night was enough to make you go through with your plan, door to the bar opening with a little screech.
it was like just another late afternoon, with charles tending the bar, knights and townsfolk filling the hot room, and the smell of alcohol traveling through the air.
“hi” you said to the bartender “is master diluc around?”
charles, busy with his work, quickly replied that he’s out back, opening a barrel. you nodded and went where his directions guided, pushing open yet another door to see the back of the man you loved, looking just as always from this angle, working over said chore. he didn’t even seem to mind the fact that someone walked in on him working.
“diluc” you said with a sigh, and he almost immediately turned around, tools falling from his hands and onto the ground.
“darling, hi” he replied quietly, walking over to you but stopping half way, eyes set to analyze your expression, figure out what was going on in your mind. “i’m glad you’re here safely, i haven’t heard from you in over a week” he added cautiously, as if weighing every word before deciding to say it out loud.
“well” you sighed again, once again going over wether you should actually break things off right then, mind taking pity on his troubled expression, tired eyes, on the obvious eyebags that were much more apparent than before, a sign that he didn’t catch too much sleep. “i had to come to terms with what i’m about to say”
he wanted to tell you he was sorry, he really did, but words didn’t seem to come out of his throat. obviously he was sorry, it was a bad day and he meant none of what he said, but you knew that, right? you knew he always cared for you and loved you… right?
he wasn’t the best with words, hence, the idea of apologizing with a gesture after you were done teaching him his lesson came to mind. a brilliant idea, one could never go wrong with a thoughtful deed for their significant other, just give him one more chance.
“and my conclusion is, we need to take a step back and… reevaluate things in our lives. i’m not saying this is the ultimate end, but what you’ve said, and how you’ve said it made me realize…”
you were making a good point. you were talking about your feelings. he should listen, but the only thing he heard was the blood pumping through his veins, and the two single words
the end
so there won’t be another chance? he won’t be able to prove himself? what do you mean, the end? the best thing that ever happened to him in his sad life was coming to an end because of him? but he was so careful, he treated you like his treasure, because that’s how he truly felt, like his lifeline, something he could never lose…
and all it took was one sentence too much, one glare too intense. for the first time in what, six, maybe seven years, his eyes began to water, as he blinked the tears back at a rapid pace.
“… and that was a shitty thing to do. i hope you know that. i don’t know if i had anything else i wanted to say, perhaps i did, but… that’s all. see you around, i guess” you mumbled, loosing confidence in what you were saying, taking one last glance at his lost eyes before turning around.
turning around from him, from the love of your life, was perhaps the hardest thing you ever had to do, and yet you did do it.
before you could reach the door again, though, a cold hand caught your forearm. your eyes met his, with just a glimmer of hope that he would magically say all the right words and somehow make you stay, you didn’t want to leave, yet knew you had to. if you wanted to preserve the respect you had for yourself, you had to leave.
why were you giving him time to say something?
his helpless gaze seemed to speak with a thousand words, begging, pleading you to not leave through that door, but as much as his lips did part, not a single word left.
he couldn’t say anything to hold you back, and you ripped away from his grip, turned, and walked away.
and just like that,
he was all alone, again.
he was gonna need a drink.
tears flooded your vision, blurring every details of zhongli’s face, causing you to only see a pale color palette, instead of your favorite person, ever. maybe it was for the best, maybe it would make it easier, you thought, but that was a foolish thing to hope for.
even through the salty tears, you could make out his eyes, it’s glow never failing to guide you, and comfort you, now seeming to burn their way through you, through your body and soul.
“you’re stuck in another love, zhongli, we both know that!” you exhaled a bit louder than you intended to, the outcome sounding more like an accusation than a fact. “how can you ever say you love me, when it’s so obvious, and so apparent, that every time you look at me, you see someone else? you HOPE for someone else?”
you could only wish the words you spoke didn’t come out as a complete mess, because of those tears you were constantly choking on. desperation seeped through your voice, as the feeling of helplessness rose every time you looked at your lover and at the anguish, and confusion he presented.
how could he make this so hard? it’s not like you’ve presented some statement he didn’t know already, right?
you hoped your eyes would say all the things you didn’t trust your voice to. you hoped he’d somehow hear how all you ever wanted was to be enough, was to meet his standard, how it tore you open that every time he said <i love you> his eyes wandered everywhere but onto yours, how all his touches seemed absent, how all his compliments were truly about some other face, some other smile, some other kind soul.
the worst part was, how could you blame him? how can anyone, ever, blame someone for being in love, of all things? love was something beautiful, and once you’ve experienced it, you’re drowned in it forever, and don’t even want to see the surface again.
love is beautiful. when you’re the one who’s receiving it. love was beautiful, to you, too, when you loved how his wisdom flew through his words, how his kindness hugged your spirit, how his aura brought you comfort. you loved his eyes, you loved his cheeks, his lips, every single detail of his skin.
the love you felt made you complete, made you warm, until you finally realize the thing you should’ve seen much sooner.
that you were merely a mirror for him to look at someone else, someone long gone.
suddenly all the warmth you felt was directed back at you, burning you inside, making you wish you never felt it in the first place.
“aren’t you gonna say something?” you whispered.
his long fingers found their way to your hand, but you snatched it away.
if you fell onto his charms now, you wouldn’t be able to get out once more.
his breath hitched as he gathered himself to speak
“i want nothing more than to love you” he said, although quietly, it rang through your ears like the loudest of screams.
you scoffed.
“we both would’ve wanted that, then”
“and i’m sure i can, if you just—“
now, laughter was all that you were capable of letting out.
“zhongli, you can’t train yourself to love someone. and even if you could, then how do you think that would make me feel? like i’m so unlovable you had to force yourself through it to grow accustomed to a feeling similar to love?”
“that’s not what i—“
“that’s what it means! let it go, please, please just… let me go” you sighed, standing up from the bench over at liyue harbor that you were sitting on. the sun has begun to set on the other side of the sea, and you couldn’t help but notice, it would’ve been the perfect date.
“i do sincerely hope you’ll find someone who’ll love you just the same” he finally stated, as he gave up on trying to make you stay.
“why?” you chuckled “so i could make them suffer the same way you made me?”
(archons give me strength)
you found nothing but guilt, looking into the endless ocean trapped in his eyes. for the first time in forever, they glistened, but not with a spark of joy, like you always hoped they would, they shone a sickly shine, caused by a thin layer of tears, that didn’t dear to spill over his porcelain cheeks, almost as if afraid of making contact with the ruthless face of the number eleven of the fatui harbingers.
he could’ve easily been crying if only he let himself go. he would’ve been in tears, sniffing and coughing, but he just… wasn’t. he held those tears in the gates of his eyes, as if his life depended on it.
the guilt you found inside them, wasn’t his, but yours. you felt guilty, watching this composed, confident man fall into pieces right before you, crumbling before your sight. why were you doing this? you seemed to forget all those terrible things you’ve heard just from the way his irises begged for forgiveness and brows furrowed in inexplicable sadness.
but you couldn’t, no, this time you couldn’t.
“my word” you swore on dear life you’d burst into tears if your voice shook right now “my word is final. we’re over. and that’s… that’s it. you need to understand that there won’t be another chance.”
the moment his lips parted, you knew you were lost.
“i have told you so many times already, but i will say this as much as i need to, it will never happen again! i swear, on everything i love and everything that i am, i swear on life itself, i won’t ever let that happen again! you know i won’t! come on, i promise you, if there’s anything you can say about me is i do keep my promises, don’t i? darling, please…”
“promise yourself to heal and become better, first” you stated coldly, watching faith disappearing slowly from his fixed look.
“im sorry, you know i am, im sorry, im sorry, im so fucking sorry!” a scream left his throat as desperation took over both reason and self-respect.
“sorry isn’t gonna cut it”
“then what will? i’ll do anything, anything in the world, anything to prove myself to you. i get that you can’t love me, i understand that, but please, let me win your trust again.”
he said unnaturally calmly, compared to what he did before, and you got concerned immediately.
i understand that you can’t love me, his words rang through your head. oh god, what were you doing? guilt stroke again, right at where you felt your heart to be.
right when you wanted to turn around and leave, he must’ve sensed that, and pulled you into a tight embrace. not suffocating, as they often describe it, not toxic and desperate, but… as loving as every other hug you’ve ever received from him. as calming and grounding, even though you could feel his heart racing. he didn’t refuse for you to leave, he didn’t trap you.
you understood after a while,
he was saying goodbye. all the love trapped inside his heart seeped out onto you, all his feelings surrounding and engulfing you.
“let me promise you this” he whispered, voice shaking painfully “the next time i’ll see you, i’ll be a better man. someone you will be able to be proud of, someone worthy of both your trust, and love. i won’t stop until i’ll be enough for you to look at me without the disgust and fear you have now. i promise. i’ll be better.”
“until then, then.” was the only thing you were capable of saying before leaving.
as soon as the door shut behind you, you rested against a wall and covered your mouth with a hand, unable to hold your tears any longer.
you heard a cry through the door. so he does have some feelings left, after all
your daily reminder that requests are open [here]
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mrpenguinpants · 3 years
Xiao: Jealous HCs
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But never be ashamed of anything anon. We believe in Xiao supremacy in this house. I treat Xiao as this angry boy who just wants to be hugged but refuses to say so.
I’d like to think it would cross his mind and yes, you are right 👀 green with envy as they say. I’m desperate for Xiao crumbs and waiting for him to drop so he can rip my HCs apart.
yes aha..part 3;; I’m not slow at all with requests haha...don’t look at me like that. I’m trying okay. It’s still day 1.
💕🥰 but ty all for the support! I hope you’re still here... I’m still working on my writing style and getting back into the swing of things.
Here’s my second appreciation post for @cattycattitude​ Beautiful human being that has been with me since the beginning and fuck I’m in love 💕💕
Semi Part 1: Friendship
Semi Part 2: Falling in Love
Semi Part 3: Cuddles
Semi Part 4: Protective
Semi Part 5: Affection
Semi Part 7: First Kiss
Semi Part 8: Opposites Attract
Semi Part 9:  String of Fate [Soulmate] HCs
Semi Part 10:  [ Fainting ]
Really liking this semi-series. Never meant for them to be connected but look at how far our boy has grown 💕💕 aka look at how many liberties I took.
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
@hanniejji  @mikeysbike @unionwitch @musekala @twistedsunnshiii @stanzastic @akaasea @xoneaboveallx @adoring-ghost @asheseiler @childelover @youaskedfurret​ @snowy224 
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Xiao: Jealous HCs
Xiao has been alive for a very long time. He’s felt hatred, sadness, and every ugly emotion under the sun. But when Rex Lapis had released him from that possession and he was given a second chance, he promised himself that he would not let himself go down that hole again. He’s been living in solitude and even the barest amount of social interaction he does have, he still keeps his distance. That was until you kicked down and broke the door and entered his life. It was the first time he had ever felt love, affection, and happiness. He was grateful and respectful to Rex Lapis and his fellow adepti but with you, a growing sense of personal protectiveness burst forth but even then, he had never been extremely jealous over anyone.
If you played with Dusty Ming then he was fine with it. If someone was taking up your time he might get protective sure, but never extremely jealous. Even when Rex Lapis himself complimented you on your looks or prowess, he would never feel jealous. He either didn’t know the person or trusted them and while it was his duty to protect Liyue, he never associated himself with any others so what was there to be jealous of? That was Xiao’s mental rant as he watched Childe of all people talking with you and beside you and-
“Deep breaths Xiao. Remember what Guizhong taught you. You cannot pick up your spear and beat your problems into submission. It is not healthy and it is frowned upon in 7 regions”
He might have gotten a bit too used to your affection plus adding onto the fact that it was Childe, the man that thought it was a good idea to summon an ancient god just so he could get the attention of Rex Lapis, therefore endanger you - and Liyue but mostly you - meant that he was dangerous and a schemer and who knows what else. Maybe he was just a bit touched starved but with Childe taking up all your time and how casual Childe was skinship. From ruffling your hair, swinging an arm around you, and laughing along he couldn’t help but feel that familiar green monster dig itself into his heart and laugh at him.
You still have his sleeve on you and in theory that should be enough but Childe doesn’t know the first thing about Liyue traditions if it doesn’t involve fighting. For christ sake, he used the expensive chopsticks Zhongli gave him as weapons. He doesn’t understand why Zhongli and you say he can’t eviscerate him. It was fine, it wasn’t as if he was some animal that constantly needed your attention and care so he could stay strong. What would you say if you saw him like this?
It’s only when Childe, looks him in the eye, grins smugly, and places a hand on your shoulder that Xiao snaps his chopsticks in half and proceeds to throw the pointed end at Childe’s head. Reputation be damned.
It took a bit but you managed to rip out the chopsticks from the wall of where Childe’s head was. A quick apology to Verr, who didn’t even seem mad that the wall almost had a chopstick hole sticking through it said it was alright, and you quickly dragged Xiao up to the balcony.
“Alright, I know you don’t like Childe and that’s completely understandable but you can’t just attack him like that okay?” you sighed as you looked at the huffy adeptis. He never liked Childe in the first place but it never escalated to a point where he actually tried to attack the fatui. Threats, all the time, but if it wasn’t for Childe’s reflexes you were sure that he would be in some serious danger.
“He’s dangerous and a threat. You shouldn’t associate with him so much and letting him get to close. You never know what those Fatui are thinking” Xiao huffed, crossing his arms and turning away to look over Liyue from the railing. It almost seemed like he was...pouting?
You look at him curiously as you study his features. Looking for cues that only you would recognize before a small lightbulb went off. Come to think of it, it has been awhile since you were up here, just the two of you. You slowly reached over and slide your hand between his arms so you could curl your fingers around his. Your palm resting on his as you slowly but surely pull him into a hug. You almost laugh a bit when his arms go immediately around your frame and pulls you in closer  
“I’m sorry. I guess I have been spending a bit of time with Childe and Zhongli. But you still can’t try and stab Childe ok?” you grin as you cup his face as his yellow eyes stare back at yours. He seems to ponder about it for a second before huffing and nodding.
“Good boy” you laughed as you kiss his forehead. Xiao hmms happily, he missed this. It still felt a bit weird to him to express this type of affection and to receive it but it was nice. The moment however was ruined when he saw Childe talking to Zhongli and pointing at you both from underneath the stairwell. His face immediately glared at the harbinger. You said he shouldn’t try and attack him so...
“Xiao, did you ju-?”
I kinda forgot I used to write small fics at the bottom. Whoops, Xiao is a goodboy. Best boy. I do not see childe because he is a scammer. If Childe is a fox then Xiao is a cat. I take no criticism.  
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bumbleklee · 3 years
the first week
masterlist | 1k prompt masterlist | baby series
pairings: diluc, kaeya, childe and zhongli x female!reader (separate)
warnings: babies
before i officially start the series: if you would like to be on a tag list for this series please let me know! i didn't make one for the pregnancy series because it slipped my mind but i noticed a lot of the same people returning lol. secondly, quite a few people have sent me family/baby requests but instead of making them totally separate parts, im just going to add them into this series! so if you get a tag from me, your request is in the prompt somewhere (ex: @dragontamereg​ for khanreiah eyes) ♡( ◡‿◡ ) enjoy
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If you thought one baby was difficult, try two.
And it didn’t help that you were still exhausted from the birth. Diluc felt like he was going into overdrive between tending to you and his new children. The first week felt like a never ending cycle of feeding, changing, bathing and sleeping.
Neither of you tried to be in a bad mood, but the sleepless nights and fatigue were catching up faster than you anticipated.
You had just laid down when Clara started to whine in the bassinet next to your bed. Her cries woke up Isaac and soon both babies were fussy. Your eyes pried open and you leaned over to rock the bassinet, shushing the newborn.
Diluc groaned next to you and sat up. He had dark bags under his eyes and his hair was frizzy and messy from not being able to shower in a few days.
“Can you calm Isaac down?” You asked tiredly, lifting Clara up and bringing her over to the bed.
“Why can’t you? I thought we said we would take turns,” He grumbled, though he was already getting out of bed and walking to the other side. You rolled your eyes and rocked Clara in your arms, brushing your finger against her soft tuft of hair.
“Because this isn’t something we can take turns at, Diluc,” You snapped back.
He sighed and climbed back into bed, Isaac now in his arms. The room was silent except for the occasional whines and noises from the babies. You had come to the conclusion that they just liked to wake you up for fun.
After a while, you turned your head to the side and melted at the scene. Isaac was laying on top of Diluc’s chest and they had both fallen asleep. Diluc’s mouth hung open and the baby snuggled into his warmth. You reached over to brush a lock of hair out of Diluc’s face, “My boys,” You said quietly.
At your touch, Diluc jolted awake. He was careful not to disturb Isaac, “Did I fall asleep?”
“You did,” You said, the ghost of a smile on your face. You put both babies back into their respective bassinets and Diluc lifted the blanket so you could slide next to him. “I don’t want to argue.”
“Me either,” Diluc agreed, wrapping his arms around you, “It’s just the first week. I’m sure it’ll get much easier.”
To say Kaeya was attached to your daughter was an understatement. When you weren’t feeding her, Kaeya was tending to her. He held her close to him every chance he got, even offering to change and bathe her so you could sleep.
And he was so, so gentle with her. He didn’t know it was possible to love someone so much. You had gotten into the habit of just watching Kaeya. You didn’t know if you were ever going to have another child one day, so you treasured these moments like diamonds.
“Kaeya? The shower’s open,” You called out, twisting water out of your hair and wrapping a towel around yourself. When you didn’t get an answer, you raised an eyebrow. You changed into clean clothes and poked your head into the hallway to see the light to the nursery was on. “Kae?”
You poked your head into the nursery and stopped in the doorway, a smile creeping onto your tired face.
Calla laid on the changing table with Kaeya hovering above her. She barely kicked her feet, something she was just learning to do, and Kaeya struggled to get her legs into her onesie. “Come on, Princess,” He pleaded, tickling the bottom of her feet. Calla made a noise and Kaeya took the opportunity to dress her finally.
Once he lifted her up, he noticed you standing in the doorway. “Very cute,” You said softly, teasing Kaeya. Your husband smiled proudly.
“How was your shower?” He asked, looking for a pacifier to give to Calla.
“It was nice. You can take one now if you want,” You said. Kaeya looked down at Calla and hesitated. “I promise she’ll be here when you get out.”
You took Calla from Kaeya and brought her into your bedroom. After feeding her, you held her in your arms and she stared at you with wide eyes. Like Kaeya, she had his unique star pupil. Neither of you knew that was something that could be passed down but Kaeya was beyond shocked that it was. He wished she didn’t have it, saying something about how it didn’t represent her, but you liked it.
Calla yawned and you laid her beside you in the bassinet, rocking it before she fell asleep. Kaeya joined you in bed a little while later and rubbed his face against your shoulder, “I’ll grab her the next time she wakes up.”
“How did I get stuck with someone so wonderful?” You asked, throwing your head back. Kaeya shrugged and kissed your forehead before snuggling close to you. His eyes never left the bassinet.
You didn’t know what to expect during the first week of Nikolai’s life but it definitely wasn’t a shower of gifts from your boyfriend. It seemed that everyday you woke up, there was something new on the bedside table.
“Childe, what are these for?” You finally asked after unboxing a designer dress that in no way would fit you now.
Your boyfriend poked his head into the bedroom, a coffee mug in one hand and Nikolai snuggled securely in his other arm. “Just some thank you presents,” He said casually, as if he wasn’t dropping thousands of mora with each gift.
“For what?”
Childe smiled softly and came into the bedroom, putting down his mug and climbing onto the next next to you. “For giving me this little guy,” He said quietly, “I’ll be eternally grateful.”
Your cheeks grew warm, “You helped too, you know.”
“I didn’t have to go through nine months of pregnancy and hours of labor, though.” Childe caressed Nikolai’s cheek and the baby’s eyes fluttered closed. “Do you think he knows we’re his parents yet?”
You stopped examining the dress to peer at your boyfriend, “Of course he does. You’re his father.”
“Yeah, but, you have a better bond with him. I’m just on the outside.”
You sighed and reached out to hold your hand over Childe’s, “He knows you just as well as he knows me, Ajax. You’ve been in his life as much as I have and you’ve been singing to him, talking to him and loving him. He adores you.”
Your words made Childe smile softly. Nikolai stirred in his sleep and Childe adjusted him in his arms. He was so small, so delicate, and Childe would never let anything or anyone harm him.
You snuggled back into the covers, exhausted from being a new mother, and Childe didn’t leave your side. “Thank you for the gifts,” You mumbled, your face half squished in a pillow.
“Oh, they aren’t done just yet.”
Because of your traumatic experience in labor, Zhongli was being extra precautious with you. He didn’t like when you left the bed, even to use the restroom or grab the baby, and would much rather bring Jia to you when it came time to feed her.
The help was nice for the first few days since you were exhausted and sore but as time went on, you became ansty to just be a mother. It wasn’t like Zhongli was holding you back on purpose - he was just horrified that you weren’t yet healed from your traumatic experience and something could happen while you were up and about.
So when Zhongli ran to the store and left you home alone with Jia sleeping in the bassinet, you took this as your opportunity. Gently waking up the sleeping baby, you lifted your daughter into your arms. She snuggled into your warm embrace and slowly, and somehow calmly, woke up.
You bathed Jia yourself for the first time since she was born and afterwards, carried her to the nursery to change her into warm pajamas. For the first time all week, you were starting to feel like a mother.
“Why are you up?”
A voice broke you out of your trance and you looked up to see Zhongli standing in the doorway. He wasn’t mad, just worried, and his voice expressed that.
“You can’t hold me hostage in bed forever,” You said, picking Jia up and resting her securely in your arms.
“But what if it’s too early for you to do strenuous activity?” He questioned, frowning a bit.
You rolled your eyes, “Taking care of my daughter isn't a strenuous activity.” You stepped closer to Zhongli so you could reach a hand up and cup the side of his face, “Besides, I’m feeling much better.”
Zhongli leaned into your touch, “You’ll tell me if you need a break, right?”
“Of course I will.”
You made your way to the loveseat in the corner of the nursery and you sat down in it, enjoying the change of scenery from the bedroom for once. Zhongli’s eyes softened at the sight of you with the baby and he went to leave the room. Before he stepped out, he turned his head over his shoulder and said, “I’m proud of you.”
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windblooms · 4 years
liyue boys – how they touch their s/o
headcanons and scenarios of how childe, chongyun, scaramouche, xiao, xingqiu, and zhongli would romantically interact with their s/o.
gender-neutral reader.  sfw scenarios for each character, with additional suggestive implications for childe, scaramouche, xiao, and zhongli (since they’re confirmed legal).  2309 words.
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the Touchiest of the liyue boys
he just really, really fond of touching you, whether it be with his fingers through your hair or having you a hand on your lap. 
the first time he wanted to touch you, he actually asked (yes, verbally) if you were okay with him doing so
at least one of his acts with you could be orthodox, yeah?  although, looking back on it now, he supposes that he was attempting to be a bit more serious and wasn’t sure how to convey the sentiment when his reputation often preceded him
since then, he’s made a habit to have you next to him at all times
you don’t mind, since his attention is admittedly nice, but understandably neither of you want to display affection towards each other in the presence of his coworkers.  
if you were to be in public, such as walking down the streets of liyue, then he’d have his fingers laced between yours
if he were to be in a particularly good mood that day, he’d actually have you hook your arm around his.  you’re not sure why – but maybe it’s because more of you would be pressed against him that way.
an avid displayer of fleeting touches.  some are playful, like tapping his finger on your nose to get your attention, while others are slightly more teasing, like trailing his fingers up your thigh when you’re working and really shouldn’t be getting distracted. 
“i can’t help it.  your expressions are always the best part.”
so long as you’re next to him, he’ll find any excuse possible to have himself on you.
you’re cold?  take his coat, but also a complimentary hug because wow he’s kinda sorta warm for a snezhnayan native. 
got work to do?  he’ll stroll over to you every once in a while, claim he’s checking on you, and then place a kiss on your cheek as “encouragement.”
just got home from a long day out?  take some time to lay on top of him, he makes for a comfy mattress
his favorite ways to touch you: gloves off, thumb rubs against the back of your hand, hands cradling your neck or squeezing your hips in more passionate moments.  especially enjoys contact the more of your body he feels.  not sexual all the time, but definitely sensually pleasing.  he’s reassured when he feels you next to him. 
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chongyun is relatively inexperienced in acting out his romantic impulses.  
hand holding?  yeah, sure, he knows it’s what people do, but apparently there something about interlacing fingers . . . ?
also, there are different ways to hug?  he thought that just wrapping his arms around your shoulders would be fine, but is there a specific instance where he should “back hug” you?  
he thinks there should be a lover’s manual for how to go about with physical touch, but sadly there isn’t, and he’s left by himself to make sense of his confusion.
he’ll have to learn first-hand – something he quickly realizes he won’t mind.
chongyun’s touches will reflect his nature: gentle and initially somewhat shy, but he will gradually become more confident as time goes on.
the first time he tries to initiate hand-holding with you, you’re sitting next to each other on the couch
you can tell something’s a bit off by how he’s staring straight into your skull, as if he’s conflicted over something even when there’s nothing to be distressed about –
and he lifts his hand, hesitantly, and you swear that he’s shaking, before he mumbles something along the lines of “screw this” and just
places the tips of his fingers over the back of your hand and
just leaves them there
and you’re blinking, not quite sure what to make of his awkwardness, before connecting the dots when you see him absolutely red in the face. 
he’s startled when he hears you laugh, and especially when you move your hand to securely grasp his own. 
you’re warm, incredibly so, and when he looks up from his lap to affirm that he hasn’t made a complete mess of the mood, you’re there to give him a pat on the head.
“y-yeah.  can we stay like this?  hey!  no, don't laugh – ”
the take-away: soft boy.  will realize that he loves it when you squeeze his hands but will be flustered when admitting it.  also internally enjoys it when you put your chin atop his head, and when you let him put his hand on your shoulder.  will become more confident over time with showing affection, whether it be through light touches or shy pecks. 
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scaramouche is admittedly one of the more destructive harbingers
meaning he wouldn’t be one to be gentle in the slightest
probably doesn't even know that hugging is supposed to be an act of affection and instead registers it as another method to crush someone’s chest
the least likely out of the liyue boy to even be in a romantic relationship 
but in the off chance that he is, 
warm affection won’t be on the menu unless you’re in a dream sequence.
yes, he might not be as irritable around you.  yes, he won’t immediately scowl at your presence, and maybe even request for you to be beside him once in a while.
but that is a far cry from assuming stable, healthy intimacy.
the closest he’s ever gone to touching you kindly is by pulling you towards him – nearly winding you with his forcefulness – and insisting that you play with his hair
(definitely a pushy one, and it would be endearing if not for the fact that he does not know how to interact constructively with others.)
so it’ll take time, lots of explanations and dialogue to tell him that no, he doesn’t have to be so rough with his grasp, and yes, it does bother you and you’d insist that he learn to be gentler before touching you again.
he won’t strike you down for speaking your mind – that’s exactly why he’s with you to begin with, since you were able to back up your wit with fight.
he’ll grumble, as if you had told him the most unpleasant of news (which you suppose you just have), but nonetheless attempts to mimic touches you would approve of.
scaramouche is, admittedly, easy to vex.  while he might generally be a hassle to handle, the only time you do let him give in to his harsh tendencies are when you two are kissing each other a bit too hard or grabbing each others’ clothes too eagerly.
in other words, making out.
it’s obvious that he enjoys these more aggressive instances over the ones you’ve convinced him to be satisfied with.  it’s an agreement that both of you have come to terms with: if he’s to  command  ask for little things, he better be respectful about it.  but when you decide to reward him for exercising restraint publicly, it’s behind his door where you let him go unrestrained. 
“so long as you’ll still let me do this, then i might tolerate your . . . other preferences.”
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he’s not sure when you became more comfortable with one another, but for some reason he’s certain that it had to be after you commented on his hair
something about it being soft and appealing to braid – not that he would ever let you,
okay, maybe if you ask enough times.  but for now the answer is definitely no.
you were actually the one to ask to hug him first.  he was a bit perplexed, wondering what you were thinking that prompted you to ask, but then realized that neither of you had been physically affectionate before.  
as in, not even hand holding.  or hand squeezes.  or anything else that would be considered basic between partners.
as quickly as you asked, he affirmed that it was all right, and has since become attuned to your need for physical assurance.
something about him “feeling like home” and “safe.”  at the time, he wasn’t sure what feeling like a home meant, however through time he realized that you felt like home as well.
soothing.  as if automatic, he fits your body into his and holds the back of your head against his chest, lets you twirl your fingers in your hair, and carries you into bed.
under the covers, he feels more alone with you, as if the closed door isn’t already enough.
even in the dark, his eyes will roam all over your face, and he’ll run his fingers over your cheeks, down your neck, and over your collarbones. 
he can feel you shudder slightly under his touch, and he’ll always stop immediately, concerned for your discomfort. 
but when you take his hand to your lips and press kisses on his fingers, he’s relieved that he’s still doing right by you. 
so long as you’re sure, he’ll continue his ministrations.  whether it be holding your form flush against him as you drift to sleep, or crooking his finger under your chin so he can mold your lips together just the way you like, so long as you both know you’re safe with him.
in short: inexperienced, but always concerned for you.  won’t do anything unless you ask or suggest, and even then, his care for you is more obvious than the wake of day with the sunrise. 
“i’ll hold you as long as you let me – if you’d have me be with you.”
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simple: dramatic.
if you thought that the novels he’s written have gotten to his head, then you would be completely right, because he does not miss an opportunity to add in some flair to your relationship. 
produces a glaze lily out of thin air each time he greets you after your day of work, “fairest, this is for thou,” and has the audacity to look pleased with himself.
a nerd at heart, and you might unironically think it’s cute if not for the laughs he allows himself afterwards.
is always smiling when you touch, even if you’re just bumping into him accidentally.
it doesn’t take much to make him happy, you realize, but that assumption morphs into wow he just.  really loves with his whole heart.
xingqiu’s a magnet when it comes to your shoulder, somehow always leaning against you when given the opportunity
you could be sitting next to each other at the table, or even standing up talking to other people, and he’ll latch onto your shoulder.
“i’ve got you right next to me.  why not capitalize on the moment?”
absolutely adores it when you let him play with your hair.  you’re not sure what it’s about, but after his obvious attachment to your arm, you just decided that he was a very physical lover and you’d be more than willing to indulge him.
if you come visit him when he’s reading or writing, he gets especially excited because!!!  head rest!!!!
and consider yourself occupied for easily the next hour as he rattles off yet another plot of a novel, or attempts to woo you with sappy lines that he decided to mentally bookmark just to tease you with later.
in the instances when he isn’t occupying your lap or shoulder, he actually likes it when you lean on him as well, especially if you’re sleepy.  he finds the whole act endearing, either you being too lazy to move to bed or finding him comfortable. 
so long as you don’t tire of his antics, he’ll be sure to indulge you in the same. 
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despite being what some would call oblivious when it comes to human interaction, zhongli is surprisingly romantically competent so long as you give him time to adjust.
he’s quick to notice things you like and hones in on them with relative ease.  admittedly, the first time you hugged him, he was a bit stiff, but was actually the one to initiate physical affection the following time.
 it gives you hope that there aren’t actually cobwebs still in that thousand year-old brain of his. 
already a traditional man, you soon realize that he’s fond of more innocent touches, such as when you slot your fingers against his or unbind his hair to play with the strands. 
he might even fall asleep if you comb his hair long enough, enjoying being spoiled.
forehead kisses!
at least twice a day, he’ll brush aside your bangs and place pecks on your forehead.  if not your forehead, then definitely your cheeks.
lowkey wants to pinch your cheeks.  you’re not sure why.  maybe it’s the childish curiosity that peaks out of him every so often, and he’ll absent-mindedly comment that your cheeks remind him of crystal shrimp balls.
you’d stutter every time, finding his sense in compliments endearing yet flustering at once, and he’d just blink, the sincere man he is.
“but they do.  flush with color.”  a pause.  “could i maybe have a bite?”
ah, yes, when he does want a bite –
his touches will be unbearably soft.  so much so that you’re not even sure he’s real, with the tenderness on his fingers and warmth in his voice.
zhongli cherishes you as if he’s waited a thousand years for you.  in the back of his head afraid that if he’s any more present then he might break you, as if he would ever capable of doing something like that –
he’ll have your thighs around his waist, body above your own and mouth leaving fleeting pressures along your neck
each time his lips press into your skin, he leaves sweet words behind.
he only wishes to enjoy the moments he has with you, so long as you enjoy yourself as well.  zhongli will be attuned to your preferences, and take delight in spoiling you rotten – even if he might be a bit unorthodox with his speech, his sentiment is never in question. 
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yestrday · 2 years
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⇢ zhongli, childe, chongyun, xiao, xingqiu
introducing ! marriage is the most sacred contract in liyue. it is the unbreakable vow between lovers, and your husbands will hold their end of the contract until their dying breath. you are expected to do the same, else you might just make yourself the sacrilegious fool. don’t worry! your loving partner will make sure that you’ll never come to regret exchanging vows…! well, granted that you don’t step out of line…
content ! power dynamics, blood, sadism, stalking + 3k words
notes ! God this took me so many months... sad yaho
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— VAGO MUNDO. zhongli | 钟离
[ “to think that i’d share with you the most sacred contract of all… i am truly blessed." ]
⇢ to think the highly respected zhongli would be your partner. and he’s doing house chores! you’re pretty sure that the people of liyue will go to your doorstep with torches and pitchforks when they find out you’ve degraded him to such a menial position. zhongli, however, assures you that he enjoys what he does. he smooths over your worries by fluttering kisses all over your creased brows and murmuring how much he loves you. it’s the most intimate thing you’ve experienced that you have to squirm away with a dark blush, ignoring his fond chuckles behind you.
⇢ no matter how small your house is, zhongli manages to make it feel like a grand manor. everything is position perfectly according to fengshui. his meals are healthy and exquisite liyue cuisine. once while you’re busy with work on the sofa, zhongli halts his sweeping to reach for something under the table. back face to you, you’re greeted with his… cough, assets. when he comes back up, you’re fainted on the sofa.
⇢ coming back home to him is the absolute best. he has everything ready on the table, his baritone voice is soothing as he whispers you a welcome home, and he has a warm bath drawn for you. when you crawl into bed with him, his big hands massage your shoulders as he wraps you in his embraced, head smushed in the valley of his soft chest. hehe… he ignores the perverted grin you have as you nuzzle into them pecs. he’s doing this to soften the blow when he asks you for mora tomorrow.
⇢ zhongli is fairly normal during the whole of your relationship… granted that you abide the contract. marriage contracts are simple enough: no infidelity, loyalty and trust are highly valued, and never test your partner. he’s such a generous husband to you, it’s only fair that you return that with your entire love and affection.
⇢ the moment he feels that you’re slipping away, that’s when the darkest recesses of his mind come to light. a contract is a contract. no ifs, buts, and whens. he doesn’t even question if he had done anything wrong— you are the one breaking everything. everything is the same when you get home, but his eyes are darker than usual, there is hardened bitterness in his tone, and there is a sense of accusation from him that you that you don’t exactly know what to do with.
⇢ he doesn’t listen to whatever pleas and claims you make. everything you say he refutes with a stern and hard argument and accusation that seems so believable to your ears that you don’t know what to do. he only looks calm, but he looms over you with that otherworldly glow in his eyes, and the savageness in his features make you tremble.
“i don’t know what you want me to do!” you sob, pinned underneath him as his hot breath fans your cheeks. “what did i do wrong?”
zhongli has no sense of sympathy as he looks at your tear-stricken features, face glistening with tears as you’re helpless. you’re defenseless, but he doesn’t care.
it irks him that you don’t even know what you’ve done. just because you’re his chosen partner doesn’t excuse you from tiptoeing around the contract. 
his hands press your shoulders so far back that you hear cracks and your sobs dissolve into muffle screams. he feels invigorated in your pain and a low chuckle rumbles from him as his teeth tear your neck apart for you to see in the morning.
[ “you don’t stray from the contract, dear, not unless you want to feel my wrath.” ]
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— CHILDE. tartaglia | 达达利亚
[ “where’s my goodbye kiss, hm? you’re just gonna leave me hanging?” ]
⇢ the alpha malewife. he’s good at cooking, cleaning, and even appeasing the nosy neighbors. there’s nothing like waking up to another dreadful day of work until you smell the golden meal you know ajax has waiting for you. as you step into the kitchen, you’re greeted with a familiar and welcome sight— your husband in loose shorts and only an apron wrapped around his torso, back muscles flexing as he flips the bacon and eggs for you.
⇢ he makes a habit of staring lovingly at you across the table as you stuff your mouth. he sighs in adoration and cups his cheek with a palm. his own plate is untouched by the time you’ve licked yours clean. any other person would’ve been creeped out by his behavior, but you’re way too used to his antics and just peck a kiss on his cheek before you head out. “eat your breakfast too,” you remind him and he laughs and pulls you into an even deeper kiss, murmuring into your lips as he says something about ‘how full he is watching you eat.’
⇢ typical corny ajax behavior, but you love him for it anyway. he waves at you as you rev the engine and drive out into the street, till he walks back into the house, and his smile drops. there’s no joy in staying here when you’re not around, but he does all his chores swiftly anyway. he cleans every corner, wipes the dust down from the tabletops, and make sure your clothes are all neatly pressed. he takes pride in knowing that he’s making you happy even when you’re away.
⇢ after that, however, it’s time to do business. someone of his nature doesn’t just idle away at your house. you know it too, which was why it was a miracle for you that he agreed to just be a househusband. but he isn’t. he puts the gloves on and slips away to his job, where knives and bloodsplatter greet him. it’s a dirty job, but this type of lifestyle doesn’t just go away because you want it too. he’s stuck too deep and there’s no getting out.
⇢ there’s benefits to it though, like easy access to information. he has memorized all your co-workers and bosses ten times over, memorizing those likely to get too close to you. he has all sorts of bugs on you: phone tappers, cameras, and anything that will give him access to you at any time. the only reason why he’s letting you do this job is because you genuinely love it, but the moment you slip up he’s dragging you to archons-know-where
⇢ he acts like everything is a joke and honestly, maybe it is. this is no equal marriage— childe has the upper hand, both in physique, information, and tools. he deludes himself into thinking that he’s been holding back, but the reality is that this marriage is only a thread away from his hands on your neck.
“who is he?” 
again. has he not grown sick of this? how many times have you assured him that they’re merely friends and co-workers? did he not trust you? it didn’t help that your boss just recently chewed you out. you look at him in annoyance and open your mouth—
“don’t look at me like that,” he cuts you off, lips tightened in a scowl. “your car is perfectly fine. he didn’t need to drive you back. don’t tell me you’re getting sick of me.”
why was he acting like this? “you’re being delusional.”
“i’m being perfectly reasonable.” his cold hands slam your shoulders on the door, peering his dull eyes into yours. “i think you’re forgetting that you’re married, hm? maybe…” his smile twitched in excitement as his hands graze over your nape.
“maybe i should remind you again.”
[ “you liyue people are so fond of contracts, right? it’s right for me to follow customs.” ]
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— FROZEN ARDOR. chongyun | 重云
[ “uh… uh… am i doing this right?” ]
⇢ poor guy… he has absolutely no idea what he’s doing. the chores that he does are familiar, but somehow the thought of doing it for you just makes him embarrassed. he starts to overthink things and his brain gets fried. you have to calm him down with a kiss and assure him that you don’t have too high standards. 
⇢ still, he’s a pretty diligent husband. he doesn’t slack on his duties, he makes sure that groceries and errands are complete, and he still gets to run his exorcism business on the side. when he welcome you home he fiddles with his fingers and looks down at the floor so you won’t notice how bright his blush is.
⇢ you don’t get how he’s still so shy when you’re married. but the thought of him waiting for you and doing all these things for you makes you so undeniably happy that you throw your arms around him and shower him in kisses. he stammers for you to stop, but you keep the barrage coming. only when he pushes you away is when you see his tomato face and the accompanying pout, and you press one last kiss to his pouty lips, just to really tell him that you love him.
⇢ chongyun tries his best to hold back, but it’s honestly hard when you’re testing his every nerve. really, he wants to return your affection with twice the fervor you have but he’s afraid his condition might scare you away. you’re aware of this condition, of course, but chongyun has never shown it in front of you for an extended period of time. his fear is that you might finally realize what kind of person he is: hotheaded, abnormal, and impulsive. not the cool-headed boy you thought you knew.
⇢ he holds you in very high regard and though he’ll try to control his anger… anyone who disrespects you immediately gets into a fight with him. chongyun taunts and jabs, sneering at his opponent as he moves to protect you. he doesn’t know when to stop, or how to stop, but either way you shouldn’t intervene. it’s not something you can manage at all.
⇢ once it’s done and over, chongyun grabs you by the waist possessively and smugly brags. he’s keen for praise, never mind the fact that you’re absolutely terrified of the blood and the twisted limbs around you. he knows that he’s done a very good job, although the chongyun in the next morning will feel only self-hatred once you look at him warily.
“did a good job, didn’t i?” chongyun cackled, pulling you in and pressing a big kiss on your cheek. his face is flushed, red with heat and blood. you gulp as he wipes away an annoying stain.
you’re too stunned to speak, displeasing chongyun further. he frowns at you.
“say something!” he demanded and you flinch at his raised voice. chongyun never yells at you. he sighs and pushes his sweaty hair back, glaring at you and huffing.
“fine. be that way.” he scoffs and turns his back towards you. “just so you know, i’m the only reason you’re alive and beating right now.
[ “if i could have half the courage my other self would have… then maybe i’d make you see things my way.” ] 
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[ “hmph. you kept me waiting all night.” ]
⇢ he’s convinced that your boss is working you like a slave and he’s not half-wrong. stress is piling on you, but what’s a better stress reliever than your pouty husband greeting you? he always stays up to wait for you and although he scolds you and nags about the dark circles under your eyes, he takes good care of you.
⇢ you jump into his arms, knocking him back into the sofa, and he sighs as you whine into his neck. he rubs circles at your back and hums at your complaints. he nags now and then, but you don’t feel that they’re overbearing. his voice is the one of the things you look forward after each long day. he tucks you into bed and sees that you’re sound asleep. a chaste peck on your head sounds through the silent bedroom, a fond smile on his lips as he strokes your hair.
⇢ when your boss readies himself for bed— holy shit is that fucking spear at his throat. when you go back to work, everyone in the office notices how he’s sweatier and nicer than usual. don’t go near the poor guy, he might just faint at the sight of you.
⇢ although the long war has been set behind him in an era long before you were even born, the advance in technology increases his anxiety. once he makes quick work of his house duties, he quickly departs to shadow you. it’s a daily habit of his, but it’s one that he doesn’t get bored of. he could admire your figure for days on end.
⇢ if you’re not the type of person to attract trouble, his yandere tendencies won’t go out of hand. all he’ll do is simply follow behind you and even give you a hand secretly from time to time. but if you are that type of person, that’s when things get out of hand. he doesn’t hesitate to… clean up the demons that have come to catch you in their claws and with every pest he exterminates, the more erratic his mind becomes.
⇢ he is convinced that you are not safe anymore. your usually soft husband becomes increasingly agitated every time you come home from work and you try to convince yourself that he is perfectly fine, but his light growl when you try to bring up the sudden cases shuts you down. keep it on the down low, lest he might lose himself to his impulses again.
“x-xiao…?” you laugh awkwardly. you’re only one foot in your house when he rushes to you and hugs you to his chest. it’s a nice change from the usual routine, but you’re worried.
you awkwardly pat his back. “missed me?” you smile at him, but he doesn’t move himself from your shoulder.
“don’t go out… don’t…” he’s barely comprehensible, like he isn’t himself. you pull him away and observe his face. his yellow eyes are dull and they send a chill down your spine.
tonight has been weirder than most. so weird that you don’t even comment on the streak of blood on his cheek, even when you don’t see any meat on the table.
[ “... you troublesome thing. what will you do without me?” ]
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— JUVENILE GALANT. xingqiu | 行秋
[ “i made you a sandwich! well, i made them make it, but that doesn’t matter.” ]
⇢ when xingqiu says he’s doing housework, he really means that he’s ordering his subordinates around. as second-born, he still has a lot on his plate after all. he’s tried to convince you many times that his work provides enough for the both of you, but you insisted that you wouldn’t feel good just leeching off him. your work pays you poorly, but you love your job and he can’t just take that away from you.
⇢ still, xingqiu is the one taking care of the more intimate aspects of marriage. he cooks your food and arranges them neatly in your lunchbox. every time you open it up, it feels like an art display and you feel guilty every time you tear into it. when you sink into the couch beside him after a hard day’s work, he pours you tea he brewed himself. the little pastries on the porcelain platter are ones he personally picked out for you. they’re little things, but they’re the ones that speak loudest.
⇢ xingqiu still retains his mischievous behavior. he teases you about your eyebags and pokes fun at your tired face. this wouldn’t happen if you just relaxed like he said! sometimes he tricks you into buying products that seem useful but are just really a quick cash grab for influencers. make sure to whack him with the product.
⇢ it’s been a long while since the feiyun commerce group bought the workplace you work in. xingqiu claims it’s been a long time decision of the higher-ups, but in reality it’s just him trying to get an even tighter grip on you. he absolutely does not want you working and he wants to do everything in his power to make you realize that being letting him serve you while you merely relax and revel in luxuries is better than overworking yourself.
⇢ it’d make things easier to just pay your co-workers and boss to harass you until you leave, but his sense of chivalry won’t let anyone disrespect his partner. if someone does does it, xingqiu will not hesitate to shut that person down until they’re on the streets scraping for money. what right did they think they had to mock you?
⇢ xingqiu keeps devising new ways to make you give up on this lifestyle and let him take the reins. whether you quickly give up or not is up to your willpower. just remember that if you finally feel like it, xingqiu is always ready to welcome you home and integrate you into a life of only pleasure. his coy smile and open arms will be a relief to see, and you’d even welcome his smug ‘i told you so’s .all in due time.
“did you finally realize?” he coos, stroking your hair as you sob into his lap.
oh, poor, poor thing! to have your dreams be crushed left and right and without mercy. this world really is cruel, but luckily your dearest husband will always have your back.
sure, the gold and treasures may make you feel empty. and you will forever sit unsatisfied with yourself. but who cares? xingqiu wants to see you glowing and dressed in the finest riches, not burnt-out and unappreciated in your former workplace.
“i’m here,” he murmurs, brushing his thumb against your nape. “al~ways have been here.”
[ “someone as precious as you deserves everything and more. better than more.” ]
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jade-parcels · 3 years
The genshin men: fatherhood edition
With: Childe, Zhongli, Kaeya, Diluc, Xiao, Venti, Albedo and Baizhu
Ajax loves kids and he’ll make that known early on in your relationship
Like...This man wants five or more kids but he’ll settle for four. He dreams of a big family, getting to surround himself with you and your kids every night for family dinners, everyone getting together for big birthday parties or reunions! That’s his dream life! Plus, in Snezhnaya, most families have more than two kids anyways
He will cry so hard when his babies are placed in his arms for the first time, I mean he’s a mess. Nose is running, eyes puffy, lost of sniffling lmao he is so excited to be a dad!! Don’t you dare tell the other Harbingers how much he cried...What do you mean you took a picture when he wasn’t looking??? Hey??!?!
With his obscene amount of mora, he’ll buy a huge house that will accommodate everyone. Anything you want will be purchased that day or within 48 hours, the same goes for the kids
But they’ll all learn to be thankful for what they have. They’ll learn to fight, fish and speak multiple languages. He has high expectations but let’s face it, he’ll be proud of them no matter what
You’re gonna have to be the one to put your foot down though because Ajax doesn’t enjoy being the ‘mean parent’, he has trouble saying no to the kiddos which can create some tension between you and your husband. He has good intentions of course!! He doesn’t wanna say no to those cute, freckled faces!!
Zhongli is nervous about having kids because he’s immortal. So this will go one of two ways. 1. You have the baby and the baby ends up not being immortal (or you adopt a baby who is not immortal) Then he loses you both. OR 2. You have the baby and it inherits his immortality and becomes an adeptus. Now he and the baby will have to watch you die while they both life forever.
Either way...It hurts him to think about because he loves you!! He wants to have a family with you!! He wants to give you that perfect family life every human desires!! But he’s torn
You two will just have to figure it out.
Zhongli will be a strong, male figure for your kid(s) and he will instill that traditional kindness and respect into their behavior. ‘Please’ and ‘thank you’ always, always offer to help someone who needs it, do good deeds and you will feel accomplished, be the best you you can be, alway try your hardest because that’s all that matters
He will be sure that your kid(s) always feel loved ALWAYS. Zhongli will tell them stories, cook for them, take them to school, anything that needs to be done. When you’ve had a rough day, he’ll step in to take over for the night without being asked. He shows interest in everything your kid(s) like and he will do his damn best to display every piece of artwork they make or every pretty rock they find
He...will make a great dad :’)
Ooooh brother, at first Kaeya says no he doesn’t want kids but...Then he starts thinking about it
He observes the happy families that walk around the cobblestone streets of Mondstadt, how the kiddos smile and laugh with their parents. He’ll patrol in the afternoons, usually rounding the corner just in time to see the city’s kids leave school for the day, watching as they all run down the street to go home to their parents or play in the fountain together...Yeah, that really warms his heart
He’d want one or two kids, preferably two to avoid an only child being lonely. He isn’t on the best terms with Diluc but he can admit that they had a great childhood together, playing at the winery and running around as brothers do
Kaeya would be a very patient, understanding father. He doesn’t have much of a temper so he’d use the kids’ mistakes as learning opportunities instead of getting upset at them
He would be obsessed with the kids when they’re babies though oh man if you thought you had baby fever, he has it times ten! He loves holding the baby, watching with a twinkling eye as his baby grasps his thumb with its tiny hand... adorable
And if your kids inherited his eyes, his star shaped pupils that his ancestors passed down to him...He’s gonna get emotional
Everyone at the knights’ headquarters and the Angel’s Share will get sick of him REALLY fast cause he won’t stop bragging about how cute and smart his kids are lmao
Diluc would be such a soft dad don’t even get me started
He loves you so much of course he wants to have kids with you! Is that even a question?? He won’t be the one to bring it up unless he gets the feeling that you want kids but once you ask, he’ll agree so fast
He’ll be grateful to even have one kid with you :’) and he’ll be fine with however many kids YOU want. You want one kid? Perfect! You want four? No problem, the manor is big enough for ten! You...you want ten...? Time to hire some more maids then lmao
Diluc is a worry wart though, he’ll be afraid to hold the baby, feed it, bathe it, he’s terrified of hurting the baby or the baby suddenly hating him. So just help him out!! Cause when he gets comfortable with the baby, he’ll be in full dad mode
He isn’t embarrassed to walk around the manor, conducting business with a baby strapped to his chest!
Diluc is a very kind, gentle dad who will always offer helpful solutions to the kiddos’ problems. He’ll make sure all of their needs are met while also trying to avoid spoiling them... Too much... There will be a fair amount of spoiling...
His own father wasn’t too affectionate with him so that’s why he’ll be affectionate with his kids! Hugs and kisses when he tucks them in at night, big dad hugs when they get home from school, holding their hands in the busy streets of Mondstadt. His father was a great dad! He just aims to be better.
Like Zhongli, he worries about the mortality thing. Since he’s an Adeptus, his kid will certainly be an Adeptus too if you have kids together.
He also worries that his kid(s) will hate him. His duty is to kill demons which means that rain or shine, holidays, special occasions, day or night he’s gotta be ready to go slaughter demonic beings. So he’ll inevitably miss out on important stages in the kiddos’ lives
And admittedly... He’ll be scared of his kids lmao
They’re screaming, crying, barfing, pooping, laughing, screaming again...He can’t predict their behavior. It’s unsettling. All of that goes away one night when you sit him down and place your sleeping baby in his arms. His eyes go wide...And he just watches. This tiny, little baby...Feels no fear for him. It’s comforted by his presence. He almost cries...ALMOST
He’s still pretty much the same Xiao we all know and love but now he has a kid. “Slaying demons is what I do...Hey, go back inside and finish your dinner. Yes, even your vegetables. I don’t care that you don’t like them-...Fine. Don’t tell your mother, bring them to me. I’ll eat them” cute :)
He’s a protective dad and husband, he’d never let anyone or anything harm his beloved family
Venti....does not want kids. He thinks they’re cute! He likes the idea of kids but he knows he wouldn’t enjoy actually having kids
You two already have so much fun together!! You don’t need a kid!! You guys have dogs!! Dogs are like kids! But they’re more independent and they’re cuter!
He’ll feel bad if you want kids and he doesn’t, he really will! But it’ll be nearly impossible to convince him cause he’s made his mind up :/
Venti’ll make it up to you somehow though, he’ll take you out more and show you all of the adventures you guys can have if there aren’t kids around
But for the sake of fatherhood headcanons, let’s pretend he gave in. Venti would be a very caring dad. He would cuddle the hell out of this kiddo and sing to them :’) the only problem is that Venti doesn’t like being tethered to one place for too long so he tends to take off and not come back for a few days... :(
Albedo wants kids mostly just to see what fatherhood would be like. He’s always been curious about what that part of his life would be like so why not have a kid
He’d be good with one kid, two at most cause after practically raising Klee, he knows how some kids can be and...He doesn’t have the mental capacity for more than two kids at a time lmao
He tries his best to show more emotion in his face. We all know he usually sits like this 😐 and goes ‘wow im so happy right now’. If you didn’t know him, you’d think he was bored out of his mind right? So he’s gotta work on that. And when he musters up a smile for the baby and it smiles back at him????? Yeah...He’s gonna try to smile a lot more now
He definitely softens up once he becomes a dad, he shows emotion more than he used to and surprisingly, he takes time off of work. Shocker, I know! He decides that he’s been in the lab long enough and that he wants to be able to be there for these moments with you and his kid(s) :’) :’) He trusts Sucrose and Timaeus to take over for him for a couple hours
He keeps a journal for each kid and writes down the date and time they have their firsts or just interesting things they do ->
- 8/4: Baby sees and plays with a cat for the first time
- 9/5: Baby smacked me in the face and laughed so hard she threw up
-9/12: Baby learns that pulling my hair gets my attention. She now continues to do so
-10/15: Baby stays at Aunt Klee’s house for the first time
Baizhu really loves kids, he works with them a lot and he considers Qiqi to be his daughter anyway but in terms of you guys having a kid together, with his condition he can probably only handle one kid running around
He will do his absolute best to be a good dad. Even if he feels like death, he’ll help change diapers, feed the baby, care for it when you need a break. He isn’t contagious so when you’re sleeping and he feels gross, he’ll sit back against the pillows with the baby on his chest, the three of you resting together (though he doesn’t fall asleep...that would be dangerous for the baby)
Baizhu already tends to nag at you about your health and lifestyle choices but now?? He’ll be a menace. He’ll be constantly evaluating your baby’s condition, checking to see if a certain food is giving them a rash or making sure their skin isn’t drying out. He’s hyper aware of your baby’s health and will be the one to treat them if they get sick
He’s a busy guy since he runs the pharmacy but he will always do his best to be present for your baby’s big milestones! And when your kid cries cause Baizhu’s medicine tastes like shit, he’ll do his best to not be disappointed in their reaction lmao
When you leave him alone with the baby, he’ll wrap a scarf around himself to tie the baby to his chest while he works and...he looks so cute :) dad baizhu <3 <3 <3 <3
Bonus points for him buying the baby toy medical equipment so he can get your kiddo interested in medicine :)
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scara-meow-che · 3 years
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⠀⠀⠀@scara-meow-che posted : hello there sexy stranger~ welcome to my magnum opus! i do hope you enjoy going through all my works but i do have a few reminders before you start reading each work of mine💕✨
✧⠀O1 . all strikethrough-ed links are undergoing editing and would be reposted soon.
✦⠀O2 . as i've made it clear on my blog details and profile, i don't condone to minors/ageless blogs interacting to any of my posts so please respect my boundaries and DO NOT INTERACT.
✧⠀O3 . if some of the links here aren't working (besides the unavailable ones) please don't hesitate to reach out!
✦⠀O4. all of the works here are full-prompt even the series are full-works assorted accordingly. if you wish to read shorter ones then i suggest going through the drabbles masterlist as it contain works with less than 1k words.
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࣭͘ ⭑ุ৶⸼ ໋♡⠀S F W⠀W O R K S 
O1 ≡⠀all for you⠀━━⠀xiao
SYNOPSIS !⠀he doesn’t celebrate his birthdays, well, that’s until you walked in his life and decided to surprise him.
O2 ≡⠀adorable⠀━━⠀xiao
SYNOPSIS !⠀struck with the fear from his past, he doesn’t know the feeling of being able to smile for no reason at all but ever since he saw you that day, he can’t help but feel his lips quirk upward.
O3 ≡⠀this moment with you⠀━━⠀zhongli
SYNOPSIS !⠀you never once felt the crossroad between love and happiness until the day you met him.
O4 ≡⠀MINE!⠀━━⠀hcs on how they'd react when your skirt/dress flies up
DETAILS !⠀pretty much a self-indulgent hcs with a few genshin men i commonly write for.
O5 ≡⠀i’ll protect you⠀━━⠀zhongli with a busty! s/o 
DETAILS !⠀this is a mix of sfw and nsfw hc + drabbles so there are lots of vv suggestive content under the cut!
O6 ≡⠀come here!⠀━━⠀kaeya, childe, xiao, zhongli, diluc & albedo with a sick! s/o drabbles
DETAILS !⠀the weather is bonkers, you can't even point whether it'll be a little cold or hot so i got sick and thought of how would they be if their s/o apparently caught a cold.
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࣭͘ ⭑ุ৶⸼ ໋♡⠀N S F W⠀W O R K S
O1 ≡⠀good pretty girl⠀━━⠀xiao
SYNOPSIS !⠀it was the heat of the moment that got you craving for him and you were determined to get what you want.
O2 ≡⠀not enough⠀━━⠀albedo
SYNOPSIS !⠀albedo hates the way those researchers look at you so he’s going to give them one hell of a show.
O3 ≡⠀make me your bitch⠀━━⠀zhongli
SYNOPSIS !⠀greed isn’t something zhongli would easily succumb to but your words were enough to have him take it all back and have you all on his own.
O4 ≡⠀personal cumslut⠀━━⠀childe
SYNOPSIS !⠀childe had always been away from you so you can’t help but miss him. so, by the time you have him all on your own, you aren't willing to let go.
O5 ≡⠀keep your eyes on me⠀━━⠀xiao
SYNOPSIS !⠀you did your best in being his good girl and now, xiao is going to give you your reward. [ part two of good pretty girl ]
O6 ≡⠀you like that, don’t you?⠀━━⠀zhongli
SYNOPSIS !⠀it’s not just his amazing “archon’s touch�� that had you coming back for more.
O7 ≡⠀you called my name?⠀━━⠀xiao
SYNOPSIS !⠀you have always been careful with the things you do but the moment his name spilled out of your lips, you knew you'd be in trouble.
O8 ≡⠀dry humping hcs + drabbles⠀━━⠀childe, kaeya, xingqui, bennett and albedo
DETAILS !⠀out of the genshin boys who would most likely dry hump you or your pillows?
09 ≡⠀hc! with a busty! s/o⠀━━⠀zhongli
DETAILS !⠀this is a mix of sfw and nsfw hc so there's a vv suggestive content under the cut!
1O ≡⠀let me take good care of you⠀━━⠀albedo
SYNOPSIS !⠀albedo had always found you so beautiful, even when you’re deep in your sleep.
11 ≡⠀daddy is busy with mommy⠀━━⠀daddy! zhongli hcs
SYNOPSIS !⠀how would it be to get the geo archon as the daddy to your kid?
12 ≡⠀desires⠀━━⠀diluc
SYNOPSIS !⠀diluc was particularly feeling needy these days and the fact that you didn't notice the slight changes he goes through was getting on his nerves.
13 ≡⠀our little cockwhore⠀━━⠀childe and scaramouche
SYNOPSIS !⠀you thought you’d be able to live a peaceful life even with your name stained and hunted by the fatuis but nothing ever stays the same. [ dark content ]
14 ≡⠀would you let me love you?⠀━━⠀zhongli, childe, albedo, xiao, diluc, kaeya, kazuha, & scaramouche morning sex drabbles
SYNOPSIS !⠀they’ve always looked so strong in front of anyone but as they lay down in bed and wake up to every nightmare, you were there to give them the love they need.
15 ≡⠀shut up, slut⠀━━⠀zhongli
SYNOPSIS !⠀zhongli, like the gentleman he is, can handle his emotions well. but not until a certain redhead got him to act up on his feelings let jealousy take over his thoughts and decided to take matters into his own hands.
16 ≡⠀knock me up, buttercup!⠀━━⠀zhongli, childe, albedo, xiao, diluc, kaeya, kazuha, & scaramouche breeding headcanons
SYNOPSIS !⠀in heat? in act of possessiveness? was it because of love or was it because they want to know how it really feels to knock you up!
17 ≡⠀eyes up here princess⠀━━⠀dainsleif
SYNOPSIS !⠀he spends most of his time cooped up in whatever plans he had so just a little bit of his time wouldn't hurt, right? and, maybe, it's a good time to ask what his dick looks like.
18 ≡⠀worth⠀━━⠀tighnari
SYNOPSIS !⠀you were hardworking, barely letting a moment of rest pass to let your improvement go to waste. and yet, whatever efforts you give, it feels like it's not enough to have passing marks in your class. where did it all go wrong? you asked but you thought that your professor just knows the solution to your little problem.
19 ≡⠀sweet little thing⠀━━⠀yae miko
SYNOPSIS !⠀for all things pure in this world can never escape the grudge of corruption. ruination is inevitable but that doesn’t matter — yae miko wishes to be the one to ruin you herself.
20 ≡⠀phantom longing⠀━━⠀childe
SYNOPSIS !⠀you keep on longing for the ghost of the past—from the rotten body of a relationship. from the last kiss he gave on your hand and on your lips. the shaking body clutching tightly on your defeated form. the sobs escaping from his lips as you pulled yourself away. you felt empty. of course, a ghost can never fill you in.
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࣭͘ ⭑ุ৶⸼ ໋♡⠀S E R i E S
O1 ≡ NOW LIVE : PRETTY BOY⠀━━⠀various male genshin characters
DETAILS !⠀let's see who gets to be on top of the league.
O2 ≡  Sweet Sugar⠀━━⠀various male genshin characters
DETAILS !⠀come and let’s meet our sweet sugar daddies!
➡⠀1.5K FOLLOWERS EVENT⠀ ➡⠀MASTERLIST is in the main post
O3 ≡  Seraphic Art of Depravity⠀━━⠀various male genshin characters
DETAILS !⠀there is a limit on what beauty one can see. but with lecherous lenses, one can glimpse the glamorous aesthetic of ruination.
➡⠀MASTERLIST is in the main post
O4 ≡  then they were roommates⠀━━⠀selected male genshin characters
DETAILS !⠀life is hard but having a hot roommate sure sounds nice, right?
➡⠀MASTERLIST is in the main post
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࣭͘ ⭑ุ৶⸼ ໋♡⠀D R A B B L E S⠀M A S T E R L i S T
➡⠀ mondstadt ⠀➡⠀ liyue ⠀➡⠀ inazuma ⠀➡⠀sumeru
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⠀⠀scara-meow-che © 2021 ┃ do not copy, modify, or repost ANY of my content
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1K notes · View notes
If your doing reqs...
Could I get a Zhongli x reader where the reader constantly overworks themselves and Zhongli finally has enough and gets them into bed? Hopefully that makes sense lol. If it's already been done with him then maybe Kaeya or Diluc? Many thanks
go to sleep
Warning -> fluffy, reader is forced to the bedroom and expected to sleep … is this a warning? Dude, idk.
Includes: Zhongli, Diluc, Kaeya
character  X GN Reader  |  Anthology
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He holds people who work hard and are dedicated to a very high standard - follow-through and conviction mean a lot to him 
If the person he is speaking with holds true to their values, not wavering in them, he will raise their place on his ladder of respect and trustworthiness 
So it wasn’t unlike him to encourage you and let you work when you said you wanted to get something done, even if it took a lot of your time 
“Sorry I've been so busy lately,” you told him late one night after returning home. He watched as you shrugged off your jacket and placed it back into the large standing dresser. 
“I do not mind; I’m encouraged to see you working so hard.” he’d reply, making his way over to you and wrapping you in a warm embrace
Even though he appreciated how hard you worked, he also knew you could only go on for so long until you needed a break. During those times he’d do his best to push you toward recuperation 
“Would you like to take a walk with me?” he asked as you were bent over your work. 
“I’m a bit busy right now, how about later?” you respond to him without looking up, your fingers writing down something which had captured all your attention.
He’d respect your request, as a gentleman should, and instead bring you some tea which he’d put as much love and care into as he could. “Do drink this before it gets cold.” 
He’d be okay with a few days of you working at this ridiculous pace, maybe a week or two, but the longer time dragged on the more impatient he would become 
He’d hit his breaking point when he woke from bed late at night without you, yet again 
He wrapped one of the silken robes around his body and slipped from the darkness of the bedroom making his way toward the study which still held light. Pushing the door open he’d see you sitting at the desk, your hair obscuring your face and your hand covering whatever document you were reviewing. 
“Y/N.” he’d say, his tone direct. 
“Zhongli …?” you responded squinting your eyes at him. You looked at his dress and then at the nearest clock on the desk, you rubbed your eyes once you saw how late it had gotten, “I didn’t know it was so late.” 
“Come to bed.” he stood in the doorway, taking over the space with his presence. 
“I will, I still have a few things to get done. I’m pretty close … I think.” You return your focus to the documents in front of you, not noticing Zhongli has moved next to you. 
Suddenly, the chair you were sitting in was jolted backward, in shock, you let out a small yelp. Hands grip onto your wrists and pull you into a standing position, before lifting you up and over Zhongli’s shoulder. 
“What … Zhongli!” you protest but he isn’t listening to you. Instead, he puts out the lantern in the room and carries you from the study. When you are back in the bedroom he drops you onto the bed, your head falling in between the pillows. You sit up to question him. 
“Sleep.” He commands, pushing your body back onto the bed with a shove. 
“I’m not tired, and I still have work to …” the words catch in your throat when you see him looking at you, his amber eyes glowing. Reluctantly, you climb under the sheets and rest your head on the pillow. You watch as he removes his robe and hangs it up on one of the small hooks next to the bed. You catch his bareback in the moonlight and can’t help but admire him. 
He slides into bed with you, wrapping his arms around your waist. 
“I really don’t feel tir …”
“Sleep.” He says, pulling you close to him. You lay there for a bit, staring at the ceiling and listening to the soft breathing of your partner next to you. Soon, and without warning, you drift into a deep sleep. 
He often keeps to himself, he stays in his lane and he likes it there - it’s never too messy or loud - this characteristic means he probably wouldn’t notice or question if you are working, or overworking 
He finds your work ethic something to admire actually, and since he also works quite frequently he wouldn’t think anything of it 
“I haven’t seen you around lately,” he may mention in passing. 
“Oh yeah, I just haven’t had a lot of time to make it back and forth with how busy I’ve been.” he notices you have a lot of papers sticking out of your bag and the ink stains on your hands. 
“Understandable,” he gets how hard it is to balance everything all at once, which is why he only takes on what is manageable. “You are always welcome to work at the winery, the maids won’t bother you.” 
“Really? That would be great actually, I had some things to do out that way. I’ll drop by later!” he’d respond with a simple nod and watch you fade into the busy streets. 
He’s very observant though, especially for those he cares about. So he’d start to pick up on all the stimulants you be drinking, or how tired your eyes were, and even how you stumbled or forgot things way too often 
“The maids tell me you haven’t been sleeping?” He’d catch you on your way out from the winery. His arms crossed and his face stern. He took partial responsibility for letting you get away with overworking to the point you aren’t sleeping, if he was around more often he could do more for you. 
“Ah, yeah. I’ve just got a lot to finish and I don’t want to stop until it’s done.” The wind has blown your hair in your face and you’re having a hard time keeping it at bay. 
Diluc walked toward you and tucked the fly-away hair behind your ear, “When you come back tonight, please get some rest.” He let slip his worry for you in those unbelievable eyes. 
“Okay okay, I promise.” 
He’d expect you to keep your promise, and he’d wait up for you until you return 
Diluc - once he gets something on his mind, he will make it happen no matter what 
He heard the sound of the front door open as he sat in his study. He looked at the clock and sighed at how late it was. He was sitting in one of the armchairs positioned by the large bookcases, in his hand was a book about the merchants of Liyue. As he had expected, hence the reason he waited for you here, instead of making your way into bed you entered the dimly lit study and settled into the desk by the window. 
“Is this the bedroom?” His voice broke through the silence and gave you a fright. You dropped your bag onto the ground and grabbed your chest. 
“God-dam… Diluc … you scared me. What are you doing here?” your heartbeat was erratic and you took in some deep breaths to settle it. 
“I could ask you the same question,” he stood up from the chair and walked toward the desk. 
“I wasn’t going to work. I just wanted to uh, put my stuff down.” your attempted lie did not work, he made his way around the desk to stand next to you. 
“Are you breaking your promise?” he looked irritated, you knew he was. 
“No ... “ the beating in your heart quickened at his closeness. You could smell him, feel the heat radiating from him. He stared at you and the heat started to fill you up. 
You felt his fingers snake around your wrist and you gulped. He pulled you behind him, the sounds of your footsteps much too loud in the silent winery. The two of you entered his bedroom and he ushered you to the side of the bed. 
“You’ve been working for days, it’s time to sleep.” He gestured at the bed before walking off to the bathroom. 
“Diluc, I’m not tired, and I still have ..” 
“There are clothes for you on the dresser, please feel free to change into them.” with a sigh, you did what he asked of you. He was still in the bathroom when you sat back on the bed, the sheets pushed down so you could slip under them. 
When he returned, his hair was down and falling around his shoulders. The long red strands moving against his bare chest. It was unfair how handsome he was.
He sat on the other side of the bed before slipping under the sheets. You did the same without a word, laying on your back and placing your head on the pillow. You both lay there for a while and you think, maybe he’s fallen asleep? You stir and attempt to put a foot onto the cold floor when Diluc’s voice stops you cold. 
“If you leave this bed, there will be consequences.” 
Kaeya is all over your workload. He knows just how much you are doing and who you are doing it for - as is common with him - the man who knows way more than he should 
There are no keeping secrets from him, so it wastes less energy to just be honest with him 
He knows you very well which means he won’t bother you or worry about you working extra hours or long days - he also doesn’t have any place to talk since he often does the same - there were some days he only rested when absolutely necessary, but he was trained for that, and you were not 
He knew there would be a point where you wouldn’t be able to maintain this pace, and he would be there to get your stubborn butt to sleep 
“You’ve been working so diligently lately,” he cooed from behind your chair, looking over the documents you had sprawled out in front of you. 
“Hey, Kaeya,” you reach up and put your hand against his head, he returns your gesture with a kiss on your palm. 
“What’s got you so focused lately?” he reaches around you and grabs one of the documents you are looking at. You barely register his prying eyes. 
“It’s something for the Travelers Guild. They are trying to figure out how to better organize and support new recruits.” 
“This looks really thorough,” he places the document back in front of you and points at the words on the paper. “This here, is that going to be do-able with their resources?” 
You both spend a few minutes talking about the problem and coming up with some solutions. 
He keeps a close eye on you, noticing any little change in your demeanor, waiting for the moment you pass over the threshold of your capabilities
He may even take a few things into his own hands to help deal with the pressure and stress you are placing on yourself. He’ll make sure to make you some delicious food, knowing you are prone to skipping meals, he’ll bring you sweet drinks to keep your energy up, and may even work with you to help you finish quicker 
But the moment he sees you stumble or shake your head over and over from the lack of sleep in a desperate attempt to keep your focus, his whole support plan changes 
“Alright, time for rest,” He’d say, pulling you from your work even as you complain to him. 
“Kaeya, hold on. I need to get this done.” you lean forward, grasping at the desk to stop yourself from being pulled backward. 
“Nope, this can wait,” he reaches for each of your hands and pries them from their hold. “You’ve been working on this non-stop, it’s time to take a break.” He forces you to stand up, his arms wrapped around your chest so you can’t wiggle away. 
“Please,” you beg, resting your hands on the arms engulfing you. “Just a little bit longer …” you try and make your words sweet, like a tempting fruit. You feel Kaeya’s lips touch your ear, his face nuzzling into your hair. 
“Try as you might, my dear, but you aren’t getting anything over on me. Plus,” he breaths against your ear, “I’m much more devious than you are.” You’ve been working so long that the closeness of him, his breath on your ear, his arms wrapped around you, it makes your head dizzy.  “Now, up we go.” 
He carries you through the halls forcing you to breathe in his scent as he holds you to him. 
“Unfair.” you pout in his arms. 
“I know.” 
When you finally reach your shared bedroom he places you gently on the thick sheets. As soon as you make contact with them you feel the tug of sleep pulling at the edges of your mind. 
Kaeya is always concerned about your health - and while he will be forceful in making you rest, he would never be irritated with you for wanting to push yourself and accomplish your goals 
He wanted to support you no matter what, and if that meant being your barometer, well, he was fine with that
“Kaeya,” you hum against him in the darkness of the bedroom. 
“Hm?” his chest vibrates your hands and you scoot closer to him, your face inches from his neck. 
“Do you think I could just work for a little bit …” 
“Y/N …” his tone has hints of a threat in it. 
“I just want to make sure I’m helpful …” 
“You can do that tomorrow, for now, rest.” he tightens his hold on you, knowing you might try to escape. 
“But …” 
“If you’re not careful, I’ll make it so you’ll be exhausted for days. Then who will you be helpful to, hmm?” 
That night your mind fills with pleasant and heated dreams.
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ventisehe · 3 years
crying on their wedding day / genshin impact / part one
this was a request from my old account and i am only transferring it here. there is a part two to this but i got busy with school and organizing my new account, as well as thinking over deleting my old account.
since bennett is fifteen or sixteen, his part will be a little different from the others. with aether, he is hundred years old so his part if just like the rest. this is unedited and i wrote it at night when i was supposed to be farming so please bear with me hehe.
requested by: @bakuhoe-is-my-bakubro
includes: diluc, zhongli, childe/tartaglia, aether, bennett
warning: unedited, not proofread
part two
       After losing his father and his horrible fall out with Kaeya, Diluc has become a firm believer that a man can truly live as an island, to some extent. As much as possible, he kept to himself and worked alone. Having people share his burdens with him did not appeal to him. In fact, it miffed him, as it made him feel indebted to them.
          He limited his interaction with everyone, especially those who are part of the Knights of Favonius, favoring solitude above else. But of course, this did not entail bad social ethics to others.
    He treated his maids and employees with civility and respect, the same can be said with his patrons whenever he worked behind the counter (it would certainly be bad for his business if he behaved aloof to them) and those he was once close friends with. He always behaved appropriately to them, although he must admit he can be quite insulting to the Knight, he always stood behind an invisible barrier, careful not to cross it and grow attached to anyone.
        He has long given up with amorous relationships. After all, what good would he be as a lover if he could not provide his woman the love and care she deserved? Surely, he cannot let a maiden suffer with his inadequacy as a potential husband. He is aware of how hectic his schedule is (he hardly has enough time for himself so spending time with his lover would be proven difficult) and how poorly he expresses his feelings, thoughts, and emotions. In a relationship, in marriage, communication is the key for it to be successful, and already then, he has failed. He may be a cold man at first glance, but he will not put a woman in s distressing dilemma, not intentionally anyway.
                    Being the richest man in Mondstadt and being considered attractive by many, Diluc was not foreign to having women throw themselves at him, attempting to seduce him. If maintaining a relationship with a woman with his current tribulations was hard, finding a woman who truly love and understand him was even harder. He has no means of deciphering who were pure with their intentions and those who sought him for his money and influence.
     And he accepted his fate without easily, without question. This was the way it was supposed to be in the first place. Diluc Ragnvindr - a lone man, who lived in too big mansion, sleeping on a bed too big for him. It was all he knew. The bright days of his childhood long forgotten.
    But then you came to his life so suddenly.
                          "Master Diluc," Began Jean, a polite smile over her lips. "This is ( Your Name )".
              All it took was for you to give him shy smile to have his walls broken down, and for his heart to yearn for what he has resolutely denied himself of for years. And it twisted him, and not in a way he welcomed.
          Diluc tried so damn hard to push you away. He avoided your presence, and made it his point to show you he wanted nothing to do with you, and made no attempt to cover it and ignored how his heart broke every time your smile fell. He resolutely refused to yield to your sincere advances.
                                     He treated you the same way be treated everyone, to show you how you were no different from everyone. You were just another dot in his life waiting to be erased and thrown in the back of his mind.
                                                       But the harder he pushed, the harder you pulled. In his brightest days and in his darkest days, you have never strayed far and welcomed him with open arms. You always went out of your way for him.
          It was hard not to fall in love with you? Why did you have to make things so difficult?
                        It wasn't too long until he was falling asleep in his bed with you in his embrace, his heart feeling light, warm and content. He hasn't feel like this in a long time - safe, and at home. Diluc found home from someone he tried to push away.
                                      The horror of what could have happened if he had been successful weighed down on him, and it took quite an assurance from you to make him remember that he has failed, and you were his, as he was yours.
                          Back then, he thought your persistence was bothersome. But as he stood at the altar right now, watching you enter with your white wedding dress, he was grateful you never gave up on him.
Diluc cannot describe how beautiful you looked as you graced everyone in the place with your presence.
Your eyes locked with him, and his heart soared in his chest. And when you smiled at him, an excited gleam in your eyes - he cannot help but smile back.
Time cannot be any slower, and the aisle cannot be any longer. And have you always walked this slow? Or were you just teasing him?
Diluc's breath hitched - Perhaps you knew how much he wanted to get this over with so he can have you all to himself in the comfort of his room.
And when he saw you smiling mischievously at him, he knew that he was right.
His words failed to describe how beautiful you looked. His words failed the joy he was feeling. May Barbatos have mercy on him
But the tear that escaped the corner of his eye explained everything.
"Oh, what is this?" His best man whispered beside him, a teasing tone lacing his voice. "Master Diluc is crying. Why, I never thought I'd see the day."
Diluc shot him a glare. "Do not make me regret making you my best man, Kaeya."
Kaeya laughed. "Ah, ah, ah," He chimed. "Your wife won't be pleased if we fight at your wedding day."
A warm and pleasant feeling coursed through him. His wife.
"She's not my wife yet." Said Diluc.
Kaeya looked at you as you walked down the aisle. "And in just a few minutes, I'll have two Ragnvindr to annoy." He patted his brother on the back, smiling a genuine smile for the first time. "Congratulations, Diluc."
       Zhongli, or Rex Lapis for that time, has watched over Teyvat for thousands of years and has witnessed firsthand how kings and tyrants rose and fell, how kingdoms were born, how camaraderie are conducted, how romance makes a man foolish and blinded, how society flourished in the hands of mortals as Archons guarded them from their resting place, and throughout the tales of humans, his eyes has laid upon many beauties.
                   But you? Oh, even the most esteemed bard of all realms could never bring the satisfactory glory to your name and pulchritude.
            How dearly Zhongli missed the unspeakable power, money and authority he had back before he revoked his own position as a deity, keeping a close eye over Liyue and his people. But if ever presented with the opportunity to return to his rightful place as part of the Seven, he shall graciously decline, casting his gaze away and simply returning to your side.
                               After all, what benefit would he gain from it when he already has his heart is content in the possession of a mere mortal, a mortal he loved and adored. He would dream of ever choosing his old power over you, and that can be affirmed when he asked for your hand as the two of you took an evening stroll outside Liyue.
                 He has fallen for you and he cannot rise again. A gentle and kind woman with an understanding and patience which knows no bounds. If not for his revelation that he has accomplished all his duties and has come to decide to resign from his reign, your existence may be another reason for him to take the form or a mortal and ask for your hand.
                      He can still recall that faithful day when he first met you at the harbor. He stood by a high balcony, overlooking Liyue Harbor with arms crossed. The sun beat down against Liyue grounds and his skin, but it also casted an ethereal glow on you as you exited one of the ships that stopoed at the docks. And may he boldly say the sun was outshined that day, and his heart has been taken.
                                         Zhongli can only imagine how many men has chased after you, but failed to woo you.
                   Zhongli understood the concept of love. After all, Liyue and every living being that sought shelter in its walls were close to his heart, but never in his life has he felt the way he felt for you. It was the sort of phenomena he observed between lovers for centuries - unconditional love and care, a sanctuary in the arms of their beloved, an individual to trust and come home to whether the day has been kind or unkind.
           What he thought were trivial matters and the means of mortals for survival he has tasted its sweet flavor, and it was by your hand did he receive it. And he was thankful that you have found him worthy of being with you, and soon, being one with him in the contract of marriage.
And thus came the faithful day, the very day he longed to come ever since you have accepted him as your husband to be, and the day you have dreamt of every night you laid with him.
Zhongli counted the months, weeks, days, and if he had the ability to, minutes until the day of your wedding. He has a calendar in his room and everyday, he enthusiastically crossed out every passing day, watching as his wedding with you grow closer.
And when it finally arrived, Zhongli followed a meticulous routine to prepare himself, using expensive oils and perfume to which the Fatui money has provided splendidly. After all, he wanted to look the best he can for you. You deserved only the best of things, and he shall not hold back on anything to please you.
Though Zhongli, most of the time, was a calm man even under the eye of tribulations, when he stood at the altar in front of his close friends and colleagues, he can't help but feel anxious.
Of course he has no doubt in your love for him. He holds on your every word of love and affection as true, and his love for you was as hard as stone. Rather, it was he who doubted himself and his capabilities.
He wondered if he would be able to take care of you, love you the way you should be, bring a smile to your lips, and a laugh out of your mouth. If he had been Rex Lapis still, he would have easily uphold his duties as your husband. After all, what can an Archon not do?
It would be Childe, his best man, who would console him. He would tell Zhongli he is more than capable to care for you. He has a stable job (not to mention his connection with the Fatui), he was eager to please you and give you about everything if he can, he has a kind heart, he was a man who can manage his time wisely and never choose his profession over you, and above all, he loved you. Not many men can afford the luxury of being this perfect, but Zhongli was no man, not originally at least.
He will be unconvinced of what Childe has said. This unease in him was hard to diminish. Not being enough for you will tear him apart. The thought of it just gnawed at him. Will he make you happy? Will you regret marrying him when you realized life married to him wasn't as you expected?
It was only when the doors opened, and his wide and anticipative eyes darted over to the other end of the place did every little doubt in his mind is erased.
You stood by the entrance wearing the white dress you have fought hard not to show him until this day.
That bright smile on your face, those eyes that shimmered at the sight of him, the faint red on your cheeks - Zhongli did not even notice how love stricken he looked, and nor did he notice a tear cascade from corner of eye.
It was only when Childe stifled a laugh and pointed it out did he feel the dampness at the side of his face.
He forgot how to breathe when you finally stood before him. Even a veil cannot conceal your beauty.
With twinkling eyes, you smiled at him - like he was the only person in the room.
"Are you crying?" You ask playfully.
Zhongli will let out a chuckle, and as he take your hands in his, he said, "In such a beautiful day like this with the loveliest lady in Teyvat before me, how can I not?"
Indeed it was a beautiful day, made better when your lips met his.
He can't stop a few more tears from slipping.
                 Childe understood his duties as a Harbinger even if his playful and flirtatious facade may say otherwise. He kissed hands of women and paid them golden compliments until their mind went hazy with his feigned affection, but he was still a Fatui at the end of the day - a ruthless and greedy scoundrel who had too much Mora in his hands.
              And it was because of his line of work that he decided never to commit himself. If he was to find himself infatuated with a woman and she reciprocated his feelings and desired to pursue a relationship with him, it would inevitably drag her to the dangers entailed to his position.
                                       The last thing he wanted was someone to dear to him to be harmed, not to mention his lover could become his weakness, she could be taken by his enemies and be used against him, thus, making things more complicated and harder for him to fulfill his duties to the Tsaritsa.
             To him, nothing is more important than seeing through his mission with the finest quality of work he can give.
                   So damn you for coming into his life and distracting him. Damn you for bringing another bright to his life. Damn you for taking care of his family when he was gone. Just - damn you for making him fall for you.
      He hated this - the feeling of being weak, of being vulnerable, of laying his guard down. One touch from you and he's no better than the people he despised for being so frail and powerless.
                                              How ever do you possess this prowess to make him so dependent on you, to relish in your voice when you sing to him as the two of you laid together in his bed, how he let his defenses crumble when you whisper his name, the tug of his heart when you he sees you getting along so well with his family.
                          Childe wanted you. He wanted you more than anything and anyone in Teyvat. He was going crazy thinking about you.
             He refused to acknowledge his feelings at first, thinking perhaps he can use you to comfort him and his family in these troubling times. That's all you were supposed to be, a tool for him to make his family feel better whenever he goes off to accomplish his work as a Harbinger.
                              But he couldn't stomach the thought of using you like that. He didn't want you to treat like a toy. And it did not help that one day, when he was returning from a mission, you come rushing to him and blurting out your feelings and your worry for his safety.
               You loved him. Did he hear you right? You love a Fatui, and a Harbinger, no less. Surely, you aren't that stupid to fall for him.
     And yet he smiled a sincere smile at your confession, and he too followed your steps. That night, he was at his weakest. Just relishing in your arms and ridding all the responsibilities over his shoulders. He can forget all his faults for a moment, with you. A peace of mind and heart was found in you.
     Childe watched as you played with his fingers, and then he spoke. “Aren’t you afraid?”
       You hummed. “Afraid? Of what?”
                   Childe shook his head and held your hand which toyed with his digits. You looked up at him, puzzled.
              “Of me.” Said Childe, pulling your hand and holding it close to his chest. He closed his eyes, almost terrified of what your answer can be. “Of what I can bring to your life. I’m a Harbinger, [ Your Name ]. Your life is at stake just being with me. Do you know what you’re in for for loving me?”
                        You gazed at him, and he can’t see anything in your eyes. He let out a small gasp when you leaned in and kissed his cheek.
            “I’m not afraid of you or anything this world can throw at me.” You confessed. “You’re going to protect me, Tartaglia. I know you will. I trust you. I love you.”
                            And fucking hell, did he protect you.
                                          He tried to hide you from his fellow Harbingers, and especially to his enemies. Not because they will use you to get the upper hand against him, a leverage. No, he wanted to hide you, as long as he can anyway (because it won't be long until his secret is out, walls do have ears), to protect you. No one will lay a hand or even get a single strand of your hair. May the Archons have mercy on anyone who dares put you in the middle of the dangers of his job, because he surely won't.
Because of this, you and Childe decided to get married in secret, with no one else but Zhongli, the traveler, and their floating companion to be your witnesses in becoming one. The two of you knew well of the consequences your decision shall birth, but it's the one you're making. Nothing in this can stop Childe from making you his wife, and treating you as such.
Childe could not wait for the ceremony to begin. Even with such a small crowd - very small indeed - he did not hold back to make this day special for you. The finest of everything is what you deserved, and if he could give more, he would. But for now, all he can give you is himself, and he dearly wished he was enough.
The whole time, as he waited for you to emerge from the doors of the small cathedral the two of you chose to be wed in, he kept imagining how his life would be like with you.
Waking up beside you was the thing he looked forward to the most. When the sunrays peeked from closed curtains and cascaded down your slumbering form, a gentle and even breaths leaving your lips, a soft expression of rest - the thought of it filled his heart with warmth, a kind of warmth only you can evoke from him.
Waking up at your side on his bed always reminded him thst you were indeed there, and his. Soon, he'll be waking up beside you with a soft smile on his lips, a reminder that you were there, but now as his wife.
Childe never really considered him emotional. It was part of his discipline as a Harbinger never to let his emotions get the better of him. But when you stepped into the cathedral wearing the wedding dress you personally chose and had hidden from him for so long, a veil over your face but the soft smile still just as bright as the morning sun, it all came crashing down to him.
Childe wanted a lot of things in life. But what he wanted the most was to spend the rest of his life with you - providing for you, protecting you, comforting you, falling deeper in love with your every single day. All this he will do until his dying breath, and he knew you'd do the same.
His dream was walking towards him, never taking her eye off him as she approached the altar.
He can hear Paimon clapping and the Traveler reprimanding her for being a little too loud. He can hear Zhongli saying something to him but he couldn't understand a word he said. But he was too lost in his realization that you're going to marry him.
You chose him, a man with too many faults and imperfections.
Just as you arrived at the small steps leading towards the altar, the tears Childe has been trying to hold back streamed down his face, small hiccups escaping his lips.
You stared at him, worried. "Tartaglia, are you alright?"
Childe would try to formulate an answer but through his tears and hiccups, he couldn't make a single comprehensible word. His posture was regal and proper, as though he was trying to fool everyone that he wasn't crying.
How can you ask if he was alright? How can his heart handle how beautiful you looked right now?
"Excuse me, ( Your Name )," Zhongli interjected as he stepped beside Childe. "It seems that your soon to be husband needs a moment to collect himself. Please, excuse us."
Zhongli led Childe back to his room, and the Harbinger did not fight back. He was still crying even when the doors has closed behind him. Zhongli stood by the door, watching the Fatui sit on his bed, trying to stop himself from bawling.
Childe can feel guilt crawling up to him as he realized what he had done. What was supposed to the most perfect day, your most perfect day, was ruined because of him.
He was scared to think what you thought of him now. Were you resenting him for what happened? Did you still wish to marry him?
If only he had controlled his emotions much better. He shouldn't have let his joy break through him in tears.
"She was crying too, you know," Spoke Zhongli.
Childe raised his head to look at the former Archon. "Huh?"
"Your bride, she - " He smiled at him. " - she was crying too. She's happy to be marrying you."
Childe can feel his heart hammering against his chest in delight at what he said.
"So don't keep her waiting."
Childe bawled his eyes out once more when the words - "I do," - left your lips.
                 When his sister was taken from him, Aether was a lost and wandering soul in Teyvat with the sole purpose of finding her.
              Throughout his journey, he met different people from different regions. He learned their values and cultures, he grew to love the world he used to be a stranger to, he was able to utilize different sorts of Visions, and yet, despite all of this, Aether was lonely. Paimon - bless her pure soul - tried her best to keep his spirits and bring a smile to his face (he assumed she too felt the hollowness inside of him) but it was all futile as he often find himself seeking solitude and gazing out in an open field wondering where his twin could be and how she was fairing on her own.
                He will let the cool breeze comfort him, but all it left was a searing kiss of reality that his search might have been all for naught. That very concept his mind was conjured haunted him in his every waking days. Is he still journeying through Teyvat and reaching out to all Archons with a solid purpose? Was he no wasting his time looking high and low for someone who could not be looking at the sky as he?
                     "And what if she is?"
                                     Your words is what got his attention. Aether met you in the evening when the stars and the moon was absent from the skies. He sat on a fallen log overlooking the city of Mondstadt, alone and cold. Paimon has insisted in him accompanying him, but he had snuck away before she can chase after him. He needed to be alone with his thoughts, and with the scarce time he has for himself, he has to make the most of every night that comes.
                 Lumine was in his mind, and worry was gnashing its teeth at him. He was deep in his own world, sinking to the hands of his tragic thoughts, that he did not hear footsteps trekking the hillock he was at. Nor did he realize he was speaking his own worries in the air, eyes distant and staring blankly at nothing.
       "What if she's not even looking for me?" That's what he remembered saying that time.
                                       Then you made your presence known with an answer that refuted his initial thought. He whirled his head to the side, wide eyes with surprise. You stood next to him with a faint smile, hands behind your back and the moon slowly peeking from the shroud of clouds. A light in the darkness, the moon was. And so you were you to him.
                "Sorry," You apologized, sheepishly giving him a smile as you rubbed the back of your neck. "I didn't mean to interrupt. You were speaking out loud and-and I just had a feeling I needed to say something." You took in a deep breath, and Aether found the pink dusting your cheeks adorable. "I . . . I'll just go now - "
              Aether didn't regret asking you to stay.
                                   Before you came to his life, Aether did not know how much he was dwelling in the own hell he made. His inner tribulations, his worries, his insecurities - he only took notice the torture he was putting on himself when you keep saving him from his own mind.
                   At first, all he thought of you was a precious friend - someone he leaned on and entrusted with everything, whether it be secrets or help with his quests. He told you about his past, his twin, how exactly he was different from the people of Teyvat, how he and sister fought an unknown god, how she slipped from his fingers when he reached out for her, how much he wanted her back. He was terrified of what you may think of him when he told you these things, but to his surprise, all you did was wrap him in your arms and comforted him.
                                      Along with Paimon, you were his dearest friend.
             But as time passed, the longer you accompany him and Paimon in his travels, he noticed something strange. The way his heart skipped a beat when you smile at him, how he can't keep his eyes off you when you laugh at one of his tales, how his heart hammered ceaselessly when you press a chaste kiss on his cheek, the relief that seeps in his system when he sees you unscathed from a battle, how irritated he becomes when someone makes an offense against you, the joy that seizes him when he listens to you talking about something you loved, and how much he adored it when you scold him for being a little too reckless in fighting.
                           Aether, despite being older than he seems, did not know what to make of what he was feeling. It was strange, a good kind of strange - the kind of feeling that makes him feel like he was floating in the sky. All he thought of it was an overwhelming adoration for a friend. Nothing more, nothing less.
                  It wasn't until Paimon pointed it out did he realize what he was feeling for you.
                                           Upon learning his feelings for you, Aether couldn't sleep for many nights. He was plagued with the desires of his heart and his insecurities. It was like falling back to the same hellish pattern before you came along.
              He was in this world for one reason only - to find his twin. And when he does - and he fucking will - he will depart from here with her and continue their travels. Leaving you was the last thing he wanted. He couldn't bear the thought of it. It felt like leaving a piece of him behind in Teyvat, a hole in the shape of your name.
                            The solution he had for this is directly confessing to you. Of course, the blond was a nervous wreck when he approached you and asked for a moment of your time. Paimon knew of his plan and wandered away for the time being, wanting to give the two of your privacy.
              If you did not share the same feelings as he, he can already imagine the pain he will have to deal with, but it'll be much easier to leave. At least then he knows you won't be as hurt as he thought once he takes his leave. He never entertained the idea of you reciprocating his feelings. It would be foolish to - surely you can't find anything appealing with someone like him ; to which you rendered him speechless and a bumbling mess when you pressed your lips against his when he was in the middle of his confession.
                                 Aether shouldn't be this happy with you. He loved you too much to see you hurt when he tells you that he must leave. He was not welcome in this world, he was an outsider, a being not under the authority or influence of any Archons.
     But still, he spent months loving you, caring for you, doing anything to come back to you no matter what is thrown at him. He loved having you in his arms when you slept, he loved watching the stars with you at night, he loved you even with the inevitable arguments you two have - Aether was utterly and hopeless in love with you.
                     And thus, he decided to tell you what will happen after he finds his sister.
                      He knew he would be heart broken in seeing you cry, but it hurt more to see you smile at to him so genuinely and embraced him, saying, "You used to doubt you'll ever find your sister. It broke my heart everyday seeing you so hopeless, and I - " You composed yourself, shaking your head as your tried to gather your thoughts. " - now look at you," You cupped his cheek, the corners of your eyes wrinkling as your smile broadened. "I always knew the day will come when you have to leave me. When you told me you weren't from this world, I knew then I'll have to let go of you someday. But until that day comes - Aether - "
               What a shock it came to him when you got down on one knee and presented to him a glittering ring - there was unconditional love and hope in your eyes. It was like looking back at his reflection. "Marry me, Aether, let me make you happy for the rest of the days we still have remaining until you leave."
                                   Aether can never say no to you.
To his surprise, Master Diluc has already agreed to host your wedding at Dawn Winery. Aether was puzzled as to why he seemed unsurprised by the news of his engagement with you, and the Claymore wielding male answered, "( Your Name ) came to me for help when she planned to propose to you."
Aether knew Diluc, as much as possible, wanted to be alone. A lone wolf, he was. But with gratitude for what he has done, he asked him to be his best man. Diluc was startled by this requests but obliged. The red head might not show it but he was immensely flattered by Aether asking him to be his best now (and now time to subtly show it off to Kaeya).
At the day of the wedding, contrary to what he thought he would feel, Aether woke up with his an ache in his chest. He found himself looking out the window of his room, torn between his happiness and sorrow.
In a few hours, Aether will be able to adorn a ring on your finger, symbolizing your promises with one another. He shall be granted the sole blessing of calling your his wife. It was something he was looking forward to - seeing you in your wedding dress, watching as you walk down the aisle -
But Aether's mind kept drifting back to his sister - She would have wanted to be here. He thought.
Aether felt like he was committing a crime when he decided to take a walk just hours before his wedding. But he needed to clear his mind. Lumine never left his mind. He always thought that they would always be there for one another, or at least in big moments like this.
And yet she was still nowhere to be seen.
Is she still alive? Have I been wasting time? Is she still in danger? Is she lost in Teyvat as well?
"Didn't expect to run into you here."
His body tensed when he heard your voice, and he twirled around only to have his breath taken away.
You stood before him in the white dress he had longed to see ever since you proposed to him. He thought he would see a frown on your face, dismayed for his impromptu walk, but you wore a soft smile - a soft and understanding smile.
Aether did know what to say to you. He just stared at you, overwhelmed.
He opened his mouth to speak but he couldn't say anything. His shoulders slumped, and he sighed.
You approached him and kissed his cheek. He hummed in delight, eyes closing. "I hope you're not having second thoughts on marrying me." You told him.
Aether was quick to respond. He took your hand in his and kissed your knuckles. He looked into your eyes with affirming hues, "There is nothing I'm more sure of than marrying you."
You beamed at him. Seeing your face brighten up is always a beautiful sight for Aether, and it was enough for him to feel enlightened in the midst of his internal crisis.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Of course you can already tell something is bothering him. Aether shook his head. He has already ruined a small part of what is supposed to be a perfect day, he can't risk another mistake.
"I'm not going to push you to tell me anything." You stated.
Aether smiled. "Thank you." He replied. He gazed at you for a little while, taking you in. "Why are you out here anyway? And in your wedding dress too."
Your eyes widened and you looked down to assess his evaluation. "Oh Archons," You mewled. "I forgot I was wearing this." You let out a groan. "Great, now my surprise is ruined. I won't be able to see you cry when you see me walk down the aisle."
He laughed a little. "But still happy as ever to see you." He said. "So why are you outside?"
"Just . . . " You began, and Aether can detect a hint of nervousness in your voice. " . . . picking some flowers."
"I thought we already ordered flowers." Aether thought, frowning. "Did someone forget to deliver the flowers? I can call someone if - "
"No, I just wanted to pick some flowers, randomly. Like how you wanted to take a walk, randomly."
He looked at you with hesitant eyes. He didn't believe you. There was something hidden behind your motive to be out here. But like how you didn't press him with what was the problem, he did the same for you.
"Okay," He breathed out. "What flowers did you pick then?"
Aether's breath hitched when you pulled out a bundle of Windwheel Asters and several more flowers that was all too familiar with him.
He stared at the white flowers that combined with your Windwheel Asters, the very flowers that he remembered adorned his sister's hair.
"Aether? Aether are you okay?"
He stared at you with glistening eyes, his heart blossoming with adoration and gratitude. Without even meaning to, you managed to make everything alright.
"Yeah," He smiled at you. "I'm okay."
Aether thought when he stood at the altar, he would have Diluc trying to soothe his nerves as his insecurities slowly sink in his mind. But it didn't happen. Diluc merely stood by him with a relaxed expression, glancing at him every now and then.
"You don't look nervous at all." Diluc remarked.
Aether chuckled. "This is the only decision I fully know I won't regret."
Aether felt like it was his first time seeing you in your wedding dress. His heart was filled with the brim with utmost joy, but what caught his attention was the bouquet of flowers in your hands.
You told him before that you will have roses as your bouquet, but to his surprise, he can see the Windwheel Asters and the white flowers that reminded him of his sister.
His emotions was all over the place. He had no idea how he could look so calm. Somehow he managed to hold himself together until you finally stood before him.
When you stared at him behind the veil, he couldn't take it anymore. You were too perfect. How could he be so blessed with you?
Tears sprung to his eyes when you reached out to take his hands in yours. He retracted one of them to rub his arm across his eyes, wiping away the wetness that streamed to his face.
Why am I crying like a child in my wedding? Stop it!
He couldn't.
He only cried harder when you leaned forward, removed his arm from his eyes, made him look into your vibrant hues, to give a small peck on his lips - "You're okay, Aether."
                 Bennett understood his bad luck more than anyone. He had lived with and through it his entire life he graced the surface of the earth. It was almost pitiful to see the boy smiling ever so brightly as misfortune after misfortune comes hurtling his way, but to him? It was an everyday and normal occurrence, nothing he hasn't seen or experienced before. His spirits has never let their roaring flame vanish, however, and if it had not been for his bad luck, everyone would have been drawn to his warm, welcoming, affable, and cheerful soul.
                                 But just because he was used to the constant array of debacle thrown his way, doesn't mean there were never days where he won't be upset over everything it brought to his life, and others as well, and wonder how long it will take until his unluckiness will lead him back to the very situation he was rescued from when he was a mere baby.
          He forgot how long it was when he had experienced something good, miraculously so. The only time he can recall being so was when he encountered the Honorary Knight, convened with them as a temporary adventure team, and found a treasure chest containing items he has only dreamed of in his sleep deep within a domain. However, that was many moons ago, and nothing has ever compared to it ever since. The moment he departed from the Honorary Knight, his bad luck came instantly to bite him.
                 It was far too long ago. Sometimes, Bennett wondered if that would be the only good thing that can happen to him in his lifetime, and thank the Archons he was wrong because the very worst day that came upon him is a day he will never exchange for another - the day he met you. When it was raining, thunder in the distance, lightning striking trees and soil, his bruised and bleeding form hardly covered under a small and flimsy tent, you graced him with your presence, and an umbrella which you used to cover both of you.
                                    He had never stopped admiring you ever since. His eyes always followed you, wide and shining. He remembered the warmth in his chest and the redness tinting his cheeks when you brought him to your abode and treated his wounds with care gentler than the Deaconess. When he told you what happened to him, he anticipated to he shoved out of the house immediately and have your front door slammed on his face, but you did not. When he warned you about his curse, telling you how you will be affected when you spend a little too much time with him, the look of fright did not cross your visage and you even insisted that he not leave your house until you were sure he was capable of moving without pain, even if you had instantly been affected by his unluckiness (you pricked your finger quite badly when you were stitching a deep wound of his. He always felt guilty for that and has not stopped offering his apologies whenever it pricks the corner of his mind).
                   Other than the team of adventurers who had saved him from peril when he was a baby, it was difficult to find someone who will stay with him, through bad times and more of it. One cannot simply imagine and comprehend the confusion and happiness that seized him when he found out you were spending more and more time with him, not out pity but because you enjoy his company (which was weird, but he'll take it).
                              You possessed no Vision, but Bennett never saw you in an inferior light. In fact, it impressed him how you can hold yourself without the aid of any power. Enemies took a little longer to eradicate but ultimately, you were always successful. He held you in high regard, and very much like a certain blond traveler, the poor boy thought it was merely friendship and respect he felt towards you. After all, wouldn't a friend accompany him in his adventures no matter what disappointing or gratifying the outcome is? Wouldn't a friend prepare meals for him before he goes off on a solo expedition? Wouldn't a friend stay up late up waiting for him to return after? Wouldn't a friend welcome him by the entrance of Mondstadt upon his arrival? Wouldn't a friend give him butterflies in his stomach? Wouldn't a friend make his heart pound in a way
                  It had taken the Traveler and his floating companion for Bennett to learn about how exactly he was feeling for you.
           He liked you, and not in the way he liked the traveler or Razor - he liked liked you.
                               When he realized about his feelings, Bennett nearly short circuit every time you go near him. His face flush a rich color of vermillion, his confident posture stripped down to a coy and uncertain stance, his eyes darted and never meeting yours for too long, a sheepish smile painted over his brims - Bennett had never felt this way before. It was foreign to him - liking someone - and it was worse for him because you were his one of his few friends (you, Razor, the Traveler and their floating friend), and having you withdraw from him if you ever learned his feelings frightened him more than any Ruin Guard could.
    He didn't bother entertaining the idea of you returning his feelings. With his bad luck, it was bound to end in a rejection, and he didn't believe he had the heart to accept the hurt that would come.
                 Bennett tried to keep his feeling a secret, he really, genuinely, did. He locked his feelings for you in a box and stowed away somewhere behind his mind. But it didn't take you too long to catch on. Bennett's theatrics wasn't as impenetrable as he originally thought because there was no other reason for you to corner him in a street in Mondstadt after he tried to avoid crossing paths with you, and admit your feelings to him.
                                  "( Your Name )," Stuttered Bennett, eyes darting to the side to avoid your eyes as he pressed his back against the wall behind him. You gazed at him, a tint of red over your cheek.
                 Archon, how are you so adorable?
                   "Uh, hi," He greeted meekly, as he rubbed the back of his head. "I-I was just about to leave for an adventure - "
                               "Bennett," You spoke, and he froze at the tone of your voice.
                   He looked at you properly, gulping. Shy eyes, shy smile, shy, shy, shy - and yet somehow, Bennett thought the worse - that you found out about his feelings and was about to turn him down.
          He almost got down on his knees and press his hands together in a praying position, head bowed, and beg to keep your friendship. It didn't matter if you did not share his feelings. You were more important than his stupid feelings. He can deal with the hurt of rejection that will soon to come, but losing you completely? Can he even come to terms with that?
                                But before he can do such humiliating display, you leaned in and pressed a kiss on his cheek,
                  It was almost too good to be true, and with someone like him, Bennett had to take a moment to comprehend what has happened. His feelings were reciprocated, opposite of what should have been considering his dilemma. How can this be? He was sure your friendship would be put to an end when you learn about what he felt for you. How did you even know that he liked you? Has he been too obvious? Surely not (he was). Perhaps you were merely toying with him, discovering his feelings and choosing to use it as a way to alleviate your boredom -
                                           Horror struck him when he processed the message behind his doubt. How could he think so little of you? Someone as sweet and kind as you would be repulsed by the intention of the actions he thought you were presenting to him. Prideful as this may sound, Bennett believed he knew you enough to know you were sincere in everything you do.
            But even if both your feelings are revealed to be mutual, the two of you agreed to wait until a certain age before forming a romantic relationship. The two of you are young and there are a lot more the world can offer outside Mondstadt. There are countless of opportunities to grow and be mature, to be able to have a set of qualities to take of one another.
                            But that didn't mean the two of you easily managed to hold back showcasing your favor for the other. Bennett will always find himself exchanging secret glances and smile with you whenever a third party joins in on your adventure. He would stick by your side in situations he think could potentially lead you to a major injury. He will attempt (and fail, unfortunately) to whip you up with something delicious when he has free time. And you did the same to him.
                  With you, there was never a time where his heart wasn't beating against his chest. He can't stop himself from bounding recklessly through his adventures whenever you accompany him, although he will still keep a close eye on you just in case something bad happens to you (but it's always him who ends up injured).
                                              But what he liked the most are the kisses the two of you share. Short, chaste, and shy - whether it be behind closed doors, when others are looking away, or when the two of you set of on an adventure.
            Bennett would lay in his bed with a smile on his face, his thundering heart preventing him from sleeping. He'll often find himself burying his face against his pillow, grinning from ear to ear.
                         This smile was different. This wasn't smile that he usually wore, the kind of smile that persevered through hardship after another. No, it was the sort of smile that was too carefree and too full of utmost joy, no worries or doubts in his heart. Everyday he always woke up to the excitement of adventure, but now, the excitement of it and seeing you once again always had him brimming with the want for the night to be over with so he can chase after his dreams with you. Chasing his dreams with you, what a life.
      His world is full of a bad luck, but he thanked the Archons for giving him someone he can depend on in the troubling waters he always he seem to drown in.
Bennett, embarrassing it may sound, often laid on his bed imagining about marrying you.
He can see himself making a fool out of himself when he gets down on one knee and propose to you. It'll be set in the most beautiful place he discovered in one of his adventure, somewhere quiet. Like maybe on top of a mountain overseeing a vast field.
Because of his bad luck, he'll try to prepare for every outcome. To be very sure everything will be saved, he made sure he created a plan B for his plan A, a plan C for his plan B, and so on, and so forth.
He can imagine himself fumbling over his words, blushing a bright red was made prominent because of his white hair, holding a bunch of hand picked flowers a little too tightly, sweat pouring from his face, his suit and hair a little ruffled -
If you say yes (spoiler alert, you will), he will most probably go haywire with shock and happiness, causing him to drop the ring down the mountain, and the two of you will spend quite some time looking for it. But in the end, you two will find it somewhere deep underground or deep underwater (to which you will ask help to retrieve) (Bennett offered to go down to get the ring but you can’t take any chances) and then you can start planning the wedding.
If Bennett had backup plans for his proposal, then expect there'll be much more backups with your wedding. He needed this day to be perfect for you, and his bad luck won't stop him from providing it for you. Even if he had to fight through horde after horde of Hilichurls (please stop him when he does, he definitely will do that for you), making you happy is his top priority.
Bennett will be extremely anxious the day before the wedding. He'll be pacing around his room, and has half a mind of running over to your place and spending the night there to reassure himself that you still want to marry him, and that you’re absolutely sure you want to spend the rest of your life with him. It will be Razor - who the Traveler spent hours teaching the basic information of the role of Best Man to - who will calm his nerves. He’ll stop Bennett from reaching your house and carry him back to his own, and giving him a lecture (he did his best) like the best man he was.
Was he having second thoughts on marrying you? No way! He will just be nervous about how the wedding will go. With his bad luck, something horrible is bound to happen.
At the day of the wedding, Bennett can imagine himself constantly seeking reassurance from his best man.
"What if I mess up?" Questions Bennett to Razor, anxious hands fiddling with his tie.
"Messing up is . . . normal." Razor will reassure him, but Bennett will shake his head.
“But it's me. When I mess up, it's always . . . catastrophic . . . ”
Bennett hoped that at least for his wedding way, everything will go smoothly. A perfect day, for you and for him. He won't embarrass you or himself. He won't forget the rings, he won't have his clothes tucked inside out, he will not spill any food or drinks on himself or on his guests, there will be no random Hilichurl attacks - none of that.
He really hoped for the Archons to spare him from his bad luck. 
He will be able to stand by the altar with confidence and a smile, waiting for you to walk down the aisle.
As Bennett is consumed with his thoughts, his eyes drew to the small table at the side of his bed and caught sight of the picture of the two of you perched on the surface. It was a picture you took with a kamera after one of his adventures. The two of you smiling happily as he showcased the loot of vegetables and wheat he gathered in numerous luxurious chests. It was good day, that picture was. He found more resources than usual. Of course, he learned from the Traveler that most of the chest they found contained treasures but hey, vegetables are better than nothing, right?
Bennett stared at your smiling face and can feel the heat creep on his cheeks as he imagined you in a pretty, white wedding dress, smiling at him so shyly and cute - oh, Archons, help him. May them have mercy on him. Of course, you always looked pretty to him - so, so pretty - but in your wedding day? Archons, he doesn't know if he can take that. It'll be too much for his big heart.
He can only imagine how your wedding will play out, but there is one thing he was sure of and that is that he will burst into tears once he laid his eyes upon you - and not the soft cry most men do in their wedding, oh, not at all like that. His heart is too big with too much love for you, and too soft to control his emotions properly.
Bennett will cry (bawl, actually), his tears of joy coming in streams, and it was loud enough for strangers to think he was grieving over a deceased loved one. He was hiccupping and sobbing, will probably be holding on to his vest tightly as if his entire lifeline depended on the pressure of how he crumpled the fabric. He hoped that in that time, Razor or the Traveler will lend him a hand and calm him down before he can ruin his own wedding.
Bennett, as he happily imagined that fateful day to come in the future (spoilers again, it will) did not feel a tear slip from the corner of his eye as he drifted off to a pleasant slumber with a beaming smile.
The boy absolutely adores you.
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