#like jazmín perhaps??
iridescentis · 4 months
I was going through my old S2 reactions and man I'm sad about lutteo again
I think for the most part as far as I can tell, the general consensus is dislike over here, but I was really rooting for them and it just makes me so sad that the drama ruined that for me! their cute moments were so strong I loved them a lot but after finishing the show and looking back it just wasn't healthy at all and that just makes me sad
Idk I just, as I've said before, I feel the same way about them as I do with quite a lot of TV relationships, like Cory and Topanga or Maddie and Diggie - in theory it's cute and the scene writing for their happy moments is good, but it just isn't sustainable or healthy for either of them
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s-aoki · 2 years
He assumes that he has never felt this way, and perhaps that is the reason why his defense mechanisms are being as inadequate as possible. 
It's just a glitch in his data matrix, he tries to reason. A miscalculation, repairable at best—he had the ability to mend the discomfort in his ribs, the anger welling up in his clenched knuckles, and the tension in his jaw.
However, Gojo hasn't slept in days.
He has the silver chain hanging between his teeth. There are dark circles under his blue eyes, his dark gaze unfocused. Half the man he was rests in the weariness your audacity brings. He can barely concentrate without you crossing his mind like a fleeting fantasy perpetrating nightmares, the tormentor of his insomnia and one of his greatest ordeals. 
In any case, he could have fucked you to get you out of his system. He's not used to obsessing over a girl like that, not even to the point of demonstrating such a thing in harassment. At the end of the day, Satoru Gojo always got what he wanted. Every girl was dying to be in his arms, or receive a shred of attention. You would be no exception.
Except, you were. In every sense of the word.
You rebuffed all of his advances from the start, and that only made him sink further, to the point where he lost track of who was chasing who. No matter how many times he shoved your books as he passed, pinched your shoulders and thighs, pushed you roughly against the wall, pulled your hair, or ruined your potential encounters with men — you never looked in his direction, not even for a millisecond.
He was going crazy. 
He was losing his mind. 
He was bordering on insanity, waking up to the beat of your thoughts in the middle of the night with his breath coming fast, an erection in his pants, and sweat pouring down his forehead as if he'd seen a ghost.
That party was not to your particular taste, but he was here for one reason only:
Suguru had told him that Choso Kamo had asked you out, and his blood boiled, because you accepted. You agreed to go out with Choso, when you turned him down on countless occasions. He saw red. He thought of all the ways he could ruin you. He masturbated under the pretense of having you gagged in a small closet, one leg on his waist, and his hand on your neck as he forced you to moan his name until your pretty cheeks burned. Until your throat had every intonation of his name memorized in vocal chords. Until you wouldn't think of rejecting him one more time, because he was sure that if you did, he would explode.
Just like now, when you're in a corner, laughing at everything that fucker says. Tucking a lock of hair behind your ear, tilting your face to get closer to him, batting your eyelashes, holding his arm —
His heart pumps fast, pupils dilated and a flex of his aggrandized palms. His fist opens, and closes. For a second, when he looks down, he can almost see blood staining the skin — he can see the fist slamming into Choso's flesh again and again. He can see other people's pain, and he has to pull his thoughts back so they don't brush against a dangerous path.
Gojo was not particularly violent. He never felt the need to be. There was never an instance where he had to present a sense of competition or envy towards anyone, and he didn't think that would change.
But why don't you smile at him like that? Why don't you shine so brightly when he's around? Why do you ignore him?
The question repeats endlessly in his brain, the music echoing in the speakers as his footsteps move on their own, almost by instinct. He shortens the gaps in long strides, hears the squeals of the little girls who want to stick to him, but he ignores it.
His target is clear.
And when he brushes against it, a fangy smile settles on his lips, because, bingo — he doesn't have to pretend to be nice. Under no pretense, let alone facet, slipping his arm around your shoulders, slyly pinching your hip. (Maybe a little harder than usual.) 
“Jazmín,” He crooned in his soothing voice, squinting his eyelids as he looked at Choso with a certain hint of defiance. “Oh, honey. Why are you getting lost like that? I was looking all over for you. Were we playing hide-and-seek, by any chance? I didn't know you liked to hide near the garbage.” The tinge of teasing persisted, and his grip was only tighter, a hand slipping away to your ass. He pinched it as well, hard, letting out a low chuckle. “Don't make me look for you, okay? You know I'll always find you.”
Choso sharpened his gaze, watching you and the atmosphere that had suddenly been created. He pursed his lips into a thin line, immediately grabbing your wrist, and pulling you to his side.
“Satoru.” His voice was icy, a darkened tinge creeping into the sentences. “Can you leave her alone? She clearly doesn't like you, nor does she want to share your same oxygen.” He spat, perching in front of you, using his own body as a shield. “Get the hell out of here.”
If there was one thing Gojo hated more than impertinent people, it was bastards who wanted to take away what was his.
And more than that, Choso was impertinent and wanted to take away what was his.
“Oh, Choso…” A chuckle. “Pft. Hahaha!”
The laughter disappeared immediately, and an instant later, there was a clatter of bones crunching. Gojo was roughly holding the edges of the aforementioned's shirt, slamming him against a wall, his gaze lost in an abyss of darkness that promised much pain. The crowd had settled around them.
“Escuchá y mirá bien, hijo de puta,” The words came out grotesquely — blood in the bile and razor edges in the pharynx. “If you know what's good for you, you're going to shut up. If you want trouble, I can perfectly well give you a free visit to the dentist — do you want me to break your teeth?” Then he turned to you, a closed-eyed, innocent smile. As if it was no big deal. “Hey, Jazmín.” The softness in his countenance was instantaneous, a beast hanging on by a thread. “How about we make a deal, hm?”
The twinkle in his eyes was evident. 
An opportunity.
“You accompany me there —” He gestured down the hallway. “Just the two of us, and I, in return, won't break this asshole’s bones until his only companion is a wheelchair. What do you think? That's fair, isn't it?”
And even if it wasn't, it was of no consequence.
Satoru was at his limit.
“So, sweetheart? Clock’s ticking!”
If you didn't look at him now, he really would do something crazy.
Satoru Gojo.
Smoke abounded in the atmosphere, the smell of alcohol was palpable in the heavy atmosphere along with the loud reggaeton music playing in the background. Candy echoing through the large speakers coming from the room as under her breathing she sang along to the music, her voice being unable to be perceived thanks to the high volume.
A sigh leaves her lips as her gaze scans the place, people she didn't know dancing and leaving their souls on the dance floor, some drunks lying on the big couch and some running upstairs to throw up in the bathroom along with some sneaking illicit substances to each other as if no one had noticed what they were doing in the shadows.
There's a feeling in her gut that tells her, no, that screams at her that it might have been better to stay in bed, but she couldn't let Utahime down when the girl begged her all week to go with her, she was her best friend after all. Her and the fact that the boy standing in front of her had asked her out. Still playing in her mind the first time they met, she had only turned around to borrow a pencil and the boy clearly had hearts in his eyes as he passed her a ruler instead, it was comical to say the least, but adorable.
She vaguely rests her chin over his shoulder, tangling her arms around his muscular frame while he takes a sip from the beer can he got a few moments ago. Curious eyes descend down the chinese ink covered skin as she smiles. "You should get another tattoo.", she pulls the drink out of his hands to take it, too lazy to get one on her own. "Maybe the dick on the note I passed you today in class, or maybe the dick I drew on your hand… Or the one I drew in your book when you weren't looking, there's a lot of possibilities, you know? It's like I'm your personal artist… Maybe I should draw yours."
There's a chuckle escaping his throat and a pair of flushed cheeks that he looks at tenderly, shoulders bumping as his face is just inches from Choso's. "Are you getting shy now? That's cute.", her eyes sparkle but before she can do anything as their noses brush against each other she hears a voice in the distance. An irritating timbre that makes her close her eyes in discomfort, forcing her to take a deep breath feeling a tingle and a current of heat succumbing her insides.
Fuck no.
Everything happens so fast, words are exchanged and a thread of tension forms in the middle of the two men present as a circle of people forms around them, and before she can process the whole situation, her friend is slammed against the wall in fury and there's a pair of blue orbs with fierce tints in them looking at her expectantly. Heat is rising to her cheeks as he calls her name slowly. It was a mess, everything was a mess because wherever Gojo Satoru walked, there was always trouble.
She knew that from the first moment Utahime mentioned to her not to go near him, a total waste of time and a place where she would only come out shedding tears and with a broken heart, so that's what she did. But he was insistent, many times she thought about giving in and accepting, maybe it was so he would stop bothering her, or because the insistence and the certain… obsession seemed slightly attractive to her, however that didn't mean she didn't hate him with every bone in her body. It was simply detestable.
She looks at him and it's as if her body moves of its own accord, grabbing him tightly by the arm to separate him from his companion and lead him down the hall. "Loco de mierda.", she whispers to him when they are already far away from people and in a place that is not easily perceptible to the sight of others. "Sos pelotudo vos? Que mierda te pasa?", the rage is palpable in his voice at what had just happened. "What do you want? Make it quick, I won't be wasting my time on you tonight. I just don't understand why don't you go bother someone else."
If she could, she would rip her hair off right there.
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assim-eu-sou · 3 years
Temporada 2, Capítulo 26
- Well, I would imagine that you can’t send in a video with people on the verge of tears - Sharon looks like she’s about to spontaneously combust - These kids wouldn’t survive in the College of Music, I get roasted every week and want to happen. - Would it kill Matteo to just like… tell the truth? Like really. Then people might be less mad at him. - See, Gastón is the blueprint. He communicates with Nina and they don’t have issues. - Gastteo>Lutteo??? - Sharon is like thank goodness for Jorge Luis - Ámbar is like WOW Matteo did my job himself - This scene with Ámbar’s doll and Luna is WILD - Ámbar is WAY confused and I would be too - Karol did a great job with this scene though - Jsdkjdfkjkj what is Juliana doing - Les falta una voz femenina LOOOL - Aw cute Alfredo is gonna be her fake grandfather… wait til she finds out the truth… - And Ámbar is celosa! But I don’t blame her because it seems like Alfredo likes his fake granddaughter more than his “real” one - When does the Simbar subplot begin… I am waiting… - Gastón says, Matteo, perhaps try some empathy on for size - My lovely little Luna and Simón just having some fun :) - Juliana is so savage but I’m not gonna pretend that my prof hasn’t has some roasts of similar hilarity - The boys are fightinggggg - Nina is the firmed Luna needs to balance her, that’s for sure - Ámbar: people are how they are and they’re not going to change - as if she’s not gonna go through at least 3 different personality changes before the show ends - YES THE SWAPPED LOOKS akjfdjkldsjklwejkldajkl I”m with Jazmín - Matteo looks like he’s being held at gunpoint - “Disculpe me el señor mas misterioso del mundo” dfljkdfkjkjl - PLEASE NOT THE VIDEO MATTEO LOOKS LIKE HE’S GONNA COMMIT A MURDER
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hide-in-imagination · 4 years
Kaleidoscope Of Views // an excerpt of the Gary is her father AU
Because an anon asked me to write everyone’s reactions to finding out Gary is Ámbar’s father, and because Taylor Swift’s folklore album fed my inspiration. 
I dedicate this oneshot to the anon who wrote me, obviously, and to my friend @theuniversezecho because she loves dissecting every line on my fics and I feel like she’ll have fun with this one doing just that. 
Nico was there for it all.
His uncle’s presence had always had some kind of double effect on him. On one side, it made him want to avoid him as much as possible, but on the other, it kept him hyper-aware of everything he did when he was near. Maybe all of it could be summarized in apprehension. In wanting to be ready for whatever he did.
That’s how, when his uncle started talking with a woman he had never seen before, with an expression he had never seen in him either, Nico almost by instinct gravitated toward the scene, keeping a distance but completely tuned in to the conversation.
He hadn’t even noticed Ámbar was in the middle of it until it became evident. He couldn’t believe his ears and eyes as everything unfolded. It was like a scene taken out of a soap opera. It didn’t seem real, but the dawning, heavy feeling in the pit of his stomach was disturbingly real.
Ámbar left the Roller as if her life depended on it. Nico could only imagine what it must have felt like for her. Maybe it really was like she’d collapse onto herself if she stayed there a second longer.
The woman— Silvana, her mom— tried to go after her, but his uncle grabbed her before she could get far.
“You have a lot of explaining to do,” he told her.
Silvana didn’t look like she wanted to talk. She told him as much, that it wasn’t the time, but his uncle roared at that.
“The time passed eighteen years ago, I’m not waiting any longer!”
Silvana looked around then, and her eyes met Nico’s for a fleeting instant.
“Not here,” he heard her say.
His uncle all but dragged her outside after that.
Around the Roller, conversations resumed— or maybe they never stopped— and everything was as usual again. Normal. Calm.
As if nothing had happened.
Pedro noticed Nico had stopped working.
That wasn’t unusual, unfortunately. His friend wasn’t a bum, don’t take him wrong, but he did have a tendency of getting distracted. It could be over anything— a pretty girl, a notification on his phone, a song beginning to play through the speakers of the Roller making him go ‘Bro, this is my jam!’
So, when Pedro saw him standing in the middle of the Roller staring at nothing in particular, he didn’t think any of it at first. He just walked up to him, intending to snap him out of it as always and get him back to work.
When he reached him though, two things became instantly apparent.
One, he hadn’t been staring at nothing as Pedro had thought. The appearance of a wandering, unfocused gaze was just a cover, an attempt at hiding the fact he was actually quite focused on something.  
Two, the scene he was witnessing, and now, in turn, Pedro as well, was very important.
He could tell by the tension between the three, by the tones of their voices and their body language, even before he heard the words that actually changed everything.
Ámbar ran out of there, Gary and the woman quickly followed, and Pedro could do nothing more than stare agape.
He turned to his friend. “Nico?”
Nico looked positively shocked.  
“Did… Did that really just happen?” He asked, meeting Pedro’s gaze. “You heard it too, right? Right? It’s not just me, I’m not hallucinating, right?”
“No, I heard it too,” he confirmed. It was really crazy though. Gary? Ámbar’s father? “Did you know any of this?”
“No! I had no idea!” Nico snapped, distressed. “Oh my god…”
Nico ran a hand through his hair and paced, his face scrunching more and more in confusion.
“So, Ámbar is my cousin? But- But she’s Luna’s cousin. Does this make Luna my cousin too? I- What the fuck is going on?!”
“Okay, slow down, slow down,” Pedro said, placing calming hands on his shoulders. “First of all, there’s no real blood relation between Ámbar and Luna so, no, technically Luna’s not your cousin. Ámbar though... yeah, it appears she is.”
“But- how?! How could we not know any of this before?!”
“Judging by the looks of it, it was a very complicated situation,” Pedro said. It was all he could say, really. Nothing was very clear; not even to those involved, apparently. “Now that I think about it though,” he commented after a pause, “you’re both blond and have fair eyes. It does make kind of sense.”
“You have fair eyes too!” Nico countered. The ‘you idiot’ at the end was implicit. “Are you my lost cousin as well?!”
“Lost cousin?”
Both boys turned to find Simón looking at them with an amused expression.
“What did I miss?” He chuckled.
Pedro and Nico looked at each other.
This was going to be a hard one to explain.
People could say anything they wanted about her, but Jazmín Carvajal was talented.
Perhaps not at studies, or at board games, or at videogames, or at cooking, or at chores, or at swimming— but who cared about any of that? Her talent was better than all of that together, it was the Louis Vuitton of talents. And no, she wasn’t talking about her impeccable fashion sense or enviable good looks. Although, she had been born with both. But whatever, her other talent was still better than those.
Now, people would probably wonder: Jazmín, what could possibly be better than having a great fashion sense? Well, at first, she had thought so too. But then she realized that there was something even better:
Being in the right place at the right time for gossip.
Whether it was arriving at just the right time to see new couples form, or at just the right time to hear juicy secrets, Jazmín had a talent for being there.
And this? This was the juiciest secret to ever juice.
Gary was Ámbar’s father? And her biological mother was not only also in the picture but she was way prettier than Sharon. Now she understood where Ámbar had gotten her beauty from— with those parents there was no way to be anything less than gorgeous. She had to admit, she was a little jealous. But then she remembered she was Jazmín, the Roller’s second prettiest, owner of Ja-Jazmín, and luckiest girl in the world because this news was going to be a HIT.
Right when the Sol Benson drama was starting to subside, life gifted her with this pure gold scoop. Her talent really was the best. Even Delfi, her best friend and biggest competition in the media world, hadn’t been there to see it due to a Uni class. No one had, except Jazmín. If you asked her, it was a divine sign that this was her calling. Being a star/influencer was her destiny.  
Sadly, by the time she realized what was going down, most of it had already been said. She was a little slow at pulling out her tablet discreetly, so she only got to film Ámbar’s storm out and the tense exchange between Gary and Silvana before they left as well. But whatever, she’d just recount the rest. Storytelling was her specialty after all.
Once the coast was clear, Jazmín stood rapidly and walked out of the Roller. Normally, she’d record in the lockers, but she didn’t want anyone to overhear her and find out about everything before she could post her video.
She found a quiet place next to some trees, lifted her tablet and began filming.
“Guys, you will not believe what just happened.”
 Simón could not believe his ears.
Ámbar knew her biological mother? She had never mentioned that. He thought she didn’t know who her real parents were. Well, no, at the time they all thought she was Sol Benson, but then that had turned out to be a lie. When had Ámbar met her real mom? It couldn’t have been in Cancún, unless the woman followed her all the way here. Maybe it had happened shortly after they came back.
Silvana— that’s what the guys had said her name was. They’d also said that, apparently, Ámbar didn’t get along with her at all. That made sense. If the woman had appeared out of nowhere after 18 years of absence— years in which she had to live with Sharon— Ámbar had valid reasons to be resentful.
Simón wondered how it must’ve been for her to see her for the first time. To finally be able to put a face to the empty space.
Then the guys finished their recounting and he didn’t have to wonder anymore. He could picture it better than he wanted to.  
“She ran out.”
“It was too much.”
“She was very upset. I honestly had never seen her like that.”  
Simón had.
He had seen her sad, had seen her lost, had seen her trying to act strong with tears in her eyes.
If it had been like that or worse…
Simón found himself wishing he had been there. But for what? What would he have done? Run after her? He didn’t do that anymore. They weren’t like that anymore.
Wanting to be by her side was almost nostalgic, except the feeling was too wrapped in barbed wire to be remotely nice.
(And could it really be nostalgic if it had only been two months? If he still had flashbacks in dreams? If he hated himself for seeing her sometimes and not hating her as much as he wanted to?)
Simón got back to work along with the guys. But as he delivered orders or wiped tables, the image of Ámbar remained in his mind; sad, lost and broken as those times before, but this time alone. It came with the anxious thought that, if he wanted to, he could find her. He knew he could. If he just walked out that door, he’d know where to find her.
But he stayed where he was, because he had promised himself not to go near her again.
She probably wanted to be alone anyway. She’d want to pull herself together before having to face anyone again. She had a lot to think, a lot to come to terms with— surely the calm of solitude would help with that. And even if she wanted someone… it surely wasn’t him.
And so, the minutes ticked by. He wouldn’t be able to say exactly how many, but it had been a while when Gary returned.
Simón saw him immediately, but he didn’t notice him. He was by himself. His conversation with Ámbar’s mom must have ended and she left. Would she come back another day to see Ámbar? Simón wasn’t sure if he wanted that or not.  
His thoughts, though, focused on the one that was there. Gary. Gary López. The new representative of Vidia and manager of the Roller. The creator and manager of the Red Sharks. Ámbar probably had a good image of him due to that, before. Then she’d had to watch that image corrode into the man that should’ve but was never there.
Simón knew Gary was arrogant and selfish. He had swayed Vidia into dropping the music business because he wanted to pursue rollerskating instead. He had dismantled their skating team for deeming them not good enough and forbidden them from using the rink. All of that he’d done it without the slightest empathy.
But one thing was to be a business obsessive man willing to push everyone aside in order to get what he wanted, and another very different one was to be the kind of man capable of causing an irreparable damage to a person that was his responsibility and carry on with his life as if it was nothing.  
If Simón didn’t like Gary before, now he hated him.
“Nico,” Gary called the instant he spotted his nephew. “Come here.”  
Nico left the table he had been cleaning and went to his side obediently. Simón stood close to them, watchful.  
“Yes, uncle?”
“Ámbar’s not picking up her phone and I need to find her, any idea where she could’ve gone?”
“Um, I don’t know. Her house, maybe?”
Gary pulled out his phone. “Send me the address.”
Nico pulled out his own phone and began searching for it.
Simón moved towards them.
“Nico, don’t.”
Both turned to him as Simón stood next to Nico and put a hand on top of his phone, pushing it down. “Don’t give him anything.”
Gary glared at him. “Who told you this was your call? Mind your own business,” he spat.  
“If Ámbar’s not answering your calls then she doesn’t want to talk to you,” Simón reasoned firmly.
“Well, I need to speak with her, I’m not asking for your opinion.” He turned to his nephew. “Nico.”
Nico looked nervous at the threat in his voice, but Simón kept his hand stubbornly over his phone. He stood in front of Gary and stared him down.
“Do you even realize how hard this must be for her?” He said indignantly. “Have some empathy and give her some space—”
“The one who doesn’t understand anything is you!” Gary roared, taking Simón by surprise, but he managed not to back down one centimeter. “I didn’t know any of this, I didn’t even know I had a daughter walking around somewhere— So don’t come telling me to have some empathy because the only one who knows exactly what she’s feeling right now is me!”
Simón was left as if in pause.
He hadn’t been expecting the outburst. No; that wasn’t exactly right. Gary was known for being short-tempered. He could be calm and then screaming at some poor soul the next second. Simón had been prepared to stand his ground against that.
But, the thing was, those outbursts were always based on anger, on annoyance. And while this one had much of that too, there was an emotionality, a raw anguish in his eyes and voice that Simón had never seen or expected to see in Gary.
And so, against all logic and all he thought he knew, Simón found himself forced to accept what was in front of him.
He does care.
Gary seemed to realize his slip. He squared his shoulders and lifted his chin, straightening the scarf over his chest. Simón recognized the gesture, the physical display of putting his guard back up. His heart skipped when he realized from where.
Ámbar does the same.
“She needs to know I had no idea,” Gary stated, serene now but with the same firmness of steel. “So, Nico,” he said turning to him again, “hurry up.”
Simón saw Nico glance at him out of the corner of his eye. A question.
Simón lowered his hand.
Nico lifted his phone and typed on it for a while. He looked at his uncle and said, “Sent.” Gary checked his phone and turned to leave.
“I don’t think she’ll be at her house.”
Gary stopped in his tracks and turned. Simón met his gaze.
“Check the park around the corner. That’s where she used to go when she was upset.”
Gary didn’t say ‘thank you’, but the feeling was there in the one courteous nod he gave him before heading out.
Simón watched him go, clenched fists and anxious heart.
He hoped he had done the right thing.
Luna, Nina, Jim and Yam had just finished P.E class, their last class of the day, when they found out about everything through Jazmín’s video.
Luna had been the last one to finish changing from her gym clothes back to regular ones. When she walked out of the dressing rooms, she saw all her friends were already on the schoolyard and hurried towards them.
“Sorry I’m late, I’m ready now,” she said as she reached them. “What are you watching?”
They were all glued together looking at something in Jim’s phone. They turned to her and there was an expression in their faces Luna couldn’t pinpoint.
“Luna, you need to see this,” Nina said, at the same time as Jim passed her the phone.
“What is it?” Luna frowned, receiving it. It was open on a video in Jazmín’s channel. All girls gravitated toward her as Luna tapped ‘play’, watching it along with her over her shoulders.
At first, it was just Jazmín’s typical blabbering, but as the video went on Luna’s eyes widened, and by the time it ended, she was totally agape.
“What?” She uttered, blinking rapidly as if the video she just watched would disappear from the screen and prove to be a figment of her imagination. “Wait, wait, wait, wait, is this real? Gary is Ámbar’s dad?”
“Well, there’s not much video of the moment but, why would Jazmín lie about something like this?” Nina reasoned, who also looked taken aback.
“Yeah, I mean, Jazmín may want to make her channel popular but, she wouldn’t just make up something like this to achieve that,” Yam said.
“Yeah, Jazmín is not a liar,” Jim agreed, “so we can only assume she’s saying the truth.”
“Wow…” Luna murmured. It was the only thing she was capable of saying.
“‘Wow’ is cutting it short,” Nina said. “Statistically speaking, this is something near impossible. I mean- Gary didn’t get here because of Ámbar, he came because Vidia hired him and he happened to get interested in the skating business. If none of that had happened, he and Ámbar would never even have crossed paths. This is like— less likely than getting struck by lightning.”
“And if Ámbar’s mom hadn’t appeared and Gary hadn’t recognized her, they never would’ve even known either,” Jim added, just as surprised as the rest.
“The worst part is that, if we look at their actions, it makes sense that they’re related,” Yam reflected. “I mean, Ámbar has done nothing but harm the Roller lately, and in the short time Gary’s been here he’s done exactly the same. Except worse because he’s the manager and therefore he can do whatever he likes.”
“You think they’ll join forces against us?” Nina asked worriedly.
Luna shook her head.
“No, no, no, stop. You’re getting way ahead of yourselves,” she reproached. “Ámbar just found out that he’s her father— Do you really think she even cares about the Roller or us right now? Finding out about something like this is very shocking. Didn’t you see how she ran away? She must be very upset.”
The girls looked shamefaced.  
“Yeah, you’re right,” Jim said. “It must be very tough.”
“Yes,” Yam expelled reluctantly. “Although it’s a little hard for me to feel sorry for her after all she’s done.”
After some coaxing from Luna, the girls continued with their daily routine of dropping off their bags and then meeting again at the Roller as usual.
As Luna walked home though, she thought that nothing was ‘as usual’ anymore. Her whole life had changed in the last couple of months, and now things kept changing around her at a dizzying speed.
Luna didn’t want more things to change. She wanted some sense of normalcy back into her life, like the warm feeling of happiness and belonging that washed over her whenever she was with Simón.
The Roller team didn’t exist anymore, they weren’t allowed to skate in the rink she loved so much, her given name was Sol Benson which meant everything was different and her biological parents were long gone… She didn’t know how she would be dealing with all of it if it wasn’t for Simón accompanying her all summer, the unconditional love of her parents, the grandpa she didn’t know she had, and the girls, who were always there for her.
Now Ámbar knew who her real parents were too, but, unlike hers, Ámbar’s were alive, which meant she actually had to face them.  
And, unlike her, Ámbar didn’t have that many people around.
Well, it’s her own fault, a little voice protested in her head, but Luna couldn’t help but feeling sympathy for her. After all, she knew very well what it felt like to uncover your past, and no matter what bad things she had done, no one deserved to be alone during a time like that.
She could only hope that the Red Sharks would act as a support for her, although she doubted it with the kind of people they were. Ramiro perhaps would want to help, although he and Ámbar were never really close.
Luna was the one farthest from Ámbar, they always had been, but at the same time, she had moments in which she felt like they were the ones who could get the other the most. At least on some level. If only they could understand each other… but Ámbar had never wanted to get along with her.
Luna sighed, half from tiredness and half from frustration.  
She was gonna try to be nice to Ámbar during this time— like she always had, to be fair— but if Ámbar kept pushing everyone away, there was nothing she could do.
 Juliana looked at her watch and back at the three teenagers in front of her.
“Still no news from Ámbar?”
Benicio lowered his phone from his ear. “She’s not picking up.”
“Something must have happened,” Ramiro said. “Ámbar has never been the kind to skip training sessions, and she’s always on time.”  
“Well, what do we do?” Emilia asked. “Do we train without her?”
Juliana looked at her watch again, seeming troubled. She was probably thinking of how to adjust steps that required couples to just three people. For Ramiro it wasn’t an issue because he was paired up with Emilia, so he was more worried about why Ámbar hadn’t appeared than about the training session.
Ramiro looked to the side and saw Simón standing near the entrance of the rink.
“Can I speak with you?” He asked.
With a slight frown, Juliana nodded. “Yeah, sure.” She turned to the trio. “Try contacting her one last time,” she told them and walked toward Simón.
“As if I hadn’t sent her a bunch of messages already,” Emilia said with a roll of her eyes, but she unlocked her phone anyway.
Ramiro focused his gaze on Juliana and Simón. He couldn’t hear what they were saying from he was standing and Juliana’s back was to him, but he could see Simón’s face and he looked serious as he spoke. Juliana must have asked something because Simón shook his head no. He looked somewhat... unhappy? No. Worried, maybe. Ramiro wondered what it could be about.
It was over as soon as he formed that thought though. Simón walked away from the rink and Juliana returned to their side.
“Ámbar is not gonna come today.”
“What? Why?” Benicio asked, voicing Ramiro’s thoughts.
“I don’t know, but she’ll tell us whenever she comes back,” Juliana replied. Ramiro frowned. If that’s what they had talked about, why didn’t Simón tell her? “In the meantime, today we’ll—”
“I think I know why.”
Everyone turned to Emilia. She tapped on her phone and positioned herself so everyone could see the screen. Juliana protested at first, claiming they were already behind in their training and it wasn’t the time to watch silly videos, but then, as Jazmín’s tale went on, even she was left speechless.
The video came to an end and there was a collective silence. Ramiro felt it as one of those moments during skating when you connected with your partner on a level so instinctual that you almost became one mind. At this moment, they were all processing the same.
Benicio was the first one to react.
“I gotta go see her.”
He attempted to skate away, but Juliana stopped him immediately with a hand on his chest.
“You will do nothing of the sort, you’re staying right here,” she declared firmly. “All of you.”
“But Juliana,” Emilia said, looking bothered, “this is…”
“I know,” Juliana said, more softly now. “And I’m sure Ámbar is going through a lot right now, so if really you want to help her, give her time to process all of this. Okay?”
Ramiro understood the logic of what Juliana was saying, and if Benicio’s and Emilia’s deflated stances said anything, they understood it as well. And Ámbar was not his friend by any means or even someone he had talked to that much. But…
“Does she have to process it alone?” He had to ask.
Juliana looked at him.
“This kind of news?  …Yes.”
That afternoon, Juliana put them up to do individual training. Ramiro loved perfecting himself so it was an almost ideal outcome for him, but even though he tried to focus wholeheartedly on his footwork, his thoughts kept jumping back to Ámbar intermittently.
Like- First they had convinced her that she was Sol Benson when in reality it was Luna –that alone was enough to merit an existential crisis— and now she had to deal with this? If Ramiro had to deal with a life like that then, fuck, he’d be burning things down too.
He had said that he didn’t care about his Red Sharks teammates, only about their skating abilities and the chances the team had at succeeding and making it big. His friends were the Roller guys, even if they were mad at him, and that wasn’t going to change. But maybe he’d make an exception.
After all, Ámbar had been part of the Roller Team once too. And from the look of things… She was gonna need a friend.
 The instant the video ended, Delfi was already marking Pedro on her phone.
“Hello, my l—"
“Is it true?” She fired instantly.
“What is?”
She could perfectly picture his frown of confusion but she had no time for it.
“Is Gary Ámbar’s dad?” She quickly clarified.
“Wh- How do you know about that?!” He asked, stunned.
“So it is true!” She replied agape. “Oh my god!”
She was speed-walking through her campus, meaning to take a cab the moment she was outside. She had to go to the Roller asap.
“Delfi, seriously, how did you find out? I thought you were in class.”
“Jazmín made a video about it and posted it on Ja-Jazmín.”
“What? I didn’t even see her there. Oh god.”
“How is Ámbar? Is she there?”
“No, she never came back. Gary either. Her mother even less, she looked like she didn’t want to be near Gary for another second.”
“Wow… I can’t believe all of this, it’s so crazy. I mean, what are the odds that precisely her biological father would be put in charge of the very place she had frequented all her life AND the new skating team she is now part of? This is insane.”
“Tell me about it. Nico is freaking out.”
“Oh my god, Nico! Right, this makes them cousins! Wow…” She finally got to the street and turned her gaze to the traffic. “Now that I think about it, they do look quite alike.”
“I said the same thing!” Pedro jumped, maybe a little too excited, but it warmed Delfi too that they had thought the same. “At least genetically it adds up.”
“Was anyone else there when it happened?”
“Only Simón. Although he didn’t see it first-hand, Nico and I told him.”
Delfi told him to hold as she climbed into the cab and gave the driver the destination.
“And what was his reaction?” she asked once she was settled. “I mean, I know he’s still mad at Ámbar for what happened, but he did have a thing for her at one point…”
Pedro sighed. “I think that thing you mention may not be as in the past as we thought,” he said worriedly.  
She frowned. “Why do you say so?”
“You should’ve seen how he confronted Gary when he returned asking for Ámbar’s address. He blatantly told him to leave her alone and have some empathy.”
“Oh wow. Was Gary mad?”
“Super mad. He yelled at him, told him he had no idea what it was like and that he had no right to meddle. Simón had no other choice but to let him be.”
Delfi sighed, staring out the window as the streets passed and blurred together.
“Yeah, I think the only ones who really know what it feels like are Ámbar and Gary.” The rest of them could imagine it but… No, scratch that, she couldn’t imagine it.
“You know Ámbar is not my friend anymore,” she continued. “And truthfully, I’m happy it is that way, but… I don’t know, I think this whole thing is awful. I hope she and Gary can talk and figure things out. I hope he’ll be nice to her. Although, it’s very unlikely because Gary it’s a brute. I mean, neither of them are very good people but… I still hope they can clear things up, get along, bond… It’d be awful if Gary denied her. Or if he ran away; she doesn’t deserve that. I mean, sure, Ámbar it’s no innocent flower but, as much pain as she’s caused, I don’t want Gary to treat her badly…” She paused, going over her own words. “…Is it silly of me to think that?” She asked, feeling unsure.
There was a small silence before he answered.
“No. It just goes to show the amazing, beautiful girl you are.”
Delfi could hear the smile in his voice, see the tenderness written in his expression as clear as if he were with her, and it made a thousand butterflies flutter in her stomach.
She smiled warmly. “You are the amazing one. The best boyfriend any girl could ask for.” She looked out the window again. “I’ll be there in a couple minutes, talk to you there?”  
“I’ll have an apple juice ready for when you arrive.”
God, could he be any sweeter?
“Thank you. See you soon. I love you.”
“Love you too.”
Delfi put her phone back into her bag and let out a long sigh.
Yeah, she was quite content with her life right now. She wouldn’t change it for the world.
 When Matteo arrived at the Roller after some long classes at University, he had been hoping for some peace. Studying Business Administration wasn’t as boring as he had feared, made even more bearable each time he imagined himself owning his own record company. The classes could be very tedious though, and the amount of information his teachers could shoot his way in one hour and a half was as impressive as it was tiring.
Matteo wanted to relax, but just walking into the cafeteria, he realized that wouldn’t be possible.
Tension hung heavy in the air as everyone was gathered talking about something. Matteo heard them mention Ámbar and Gary and he immediately prepared himself for the worse.
“What happened?” He asked as he joined the group.
“You didn’t see Jazmín’s video?” Yam asked.
He frowned. “No, I haven’t seen anything, why?”
There seemed to be a silent conversation between everyone. Luna looked at Simón. He didn’t seem happy, but he sighed and made a gesture as if saying ‘go ahead.’ Matteo felt the usual jab of jealousy he got each time he watched them together, but he pushed it down. He was more worried about what Gary and Ámbar could’ve done this time.
He expected to hear some new, unfair prohibition, like they couldn’t be in the Roller for more than two hours at a time or something.
He did not expect what they actually told him.
“What?” He looked at everyone, searching for signs that they were messing with him. “Are you serious? Gary?”  
“Yeah, we couldn’t believe it either,” Pedro said.
“I still can’t believe it,” said Nico. “I mean- Ámbar is my cousin. This is so weird.”
It was weird. It was very weird indeed. Just with Luna turning out to be Sol Benson, Matteo thought he had met his quota of coincidences for the rest of his life. Apparently not.  
He was still getting his head around everything Nico and Pedro had told him when, suddenly, many voices rose at once.
“Where have you been?”
“We called you many times!”
Jazmín looked absolutely ecstatic and unconcerned as she entered the Roller and came up to them.  
“I was doing some celebratory shopping!” She said cheerily, showing off the shopping bag in her hand. “What are you doing all gathered like this? Ah, I know, you’re talking about my video, right?” She grinned. “Isn’t it the best? I totally made it in a rush but it’s such a hit, guys. You have no idea how many comments I’m getting. Everyone is so shocked by the news!”
“Jazmín…” Delfi said in a disapproving tone, but she didn’t seem to notice.
“Now tell me, what were your thoughts? I mean, besides the fact I look gorgeous in this outfit,” she said with a flip of her hair. “Do you think Gary will take a paternity test? Many people seem to think so, but I think that with how alike they look it’d be a joke to take one– I mean, how do you deny that?”
Simón’s voice finally stopped her. He stood in front of her and looked at her seriously.
“You need to delete that video right now,” he said in a polite but rigid manner.
Jazmín snorted. “What? Are you crazy? Is my biggest success so far!”
“What you told in that video was something private, not something for everyone to find out about,” he reprimanded. “It wasn’t right for you to upload that.”
Jazmín’s smile finally fell and her posture turned defensive.
“And was it right when she burned down the rink?” She demanded. “Was it right when she gave our choreography to The Sliders? Or when she bought dislikes to my video in the Vidia competition? Guys, it’s Ámbar,” she reminded them, in a tone that suggested it was silly to be even talking about it. “She has done worse things.”  
No one jumped to contradict that and Matteo could understand why. Everyone had been affected by Ámbar in one way or another.
Which is precisely why it was so telling when Luna, the one who had been targeted the most, was the one to intercede on her behalf. She told Jazmín that Simón was right, that even though Ámbar had done bad things, those had nothing to do with what was happening now.
Not a day went by that Matteo wasn’t amazed by how big Luna’s heart was.
Jim was the next one to say she agreed, and it was written in everyone else’s faces that they did as well, even if begrudgingly.
With one last “please” from Simón’s lips, Jazmín finally gave in and deleted the video. She moved to one of the chairs and sat down, sad, holding her shopping bag to her chest as if it was a plush toy. The pout remained on her face even after everyone else carried on with their day.
Unfortunately, it didn’t matter much now if the video was gone. Deleting it was more a nice gesture than anything else considering the ton of views it had. Everyone who knew Ámbar probably knew everything already.
Matteo settled down at one of the tables with an orange juice, and his thoughts went back to their dating days. Ámbar used to love having videos made about them, showing off how perfect they were. Or just about her, to bask in people’s love and attention. To be honest, he couldn’t completely blame Jazmín for not having thought twice when Ámbar used to be like that.
But she was not that Ámbar anymore, just as he was no longer the same.
There was a shift that occurred in the mind of a person that used to live for praise when they realized image was of no help when they needed it most. When they realized they couldn’t get what they truly wanted because they didn’t know how, because in the world of appearances it was never taught how.
Something happened at that moment. Something that Matteo knew very well because he had been through that too.
The visibly defined lines in the world seemed to fade, like a chessboard with no squares, leaving you in doubt of how to move. You had to rebuild your sense of self, but without the polished, beautiful vase of glass that had always been there, water had no shape.
Matteo had slowly found his way thanks to the people around him. His friends had shown him there were other scales to weigh his worth. Luna taught him that not being bound by fixed contours could be a good thing— it allowed new, better things to come in.
Matteo was a slow learner. He still had times when he felt that to lose or win defined if he had worth or not. He lashed out when he felt insecure. He lost Luna for it. But he had a sense now of who he was and what he wanted. He was still like a clay figure made by a kindergartener, but he was getting there.
Ámbar though, seemed to had collapsed without a direction. From the spilled water had risen a storm, still shapeless and chaotic, but strong enough and deathly enough to keep any harm from ever touching her again.
Matteo wondered what she would do now that her past had hit her and her present had changed. Now that everyone knew what was happening, turning her storm into no more than a snow globe, displayed for everyone to see.
Would she become even worse? Like a vengeful hurricane destroying everything in its wake?  
Or would she finally subdue her waves into a less hostile tide and allow someone to try to reach her?
Knowing Ámbar, he feared it would be the first. From his experience, he hoped it would be the second. But if she let someone like Gary in— would that be a good or a bad thing?
After everything Ámbar had done to the Roller and the team, he doubted anyone else would want to get near.  
But maybe…
He looked over to the side and watched Simón as he took the orders from one of the tables.
Maybe the one who tried once would be willing to do it again.
After all, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right?
Matteo took a long sip of his drink and leaned back in his chair.
Only time would tell.
This was a very fun writing exercise for me. I had to get into a lot of character’s minds and, sometimes, it was like I wasn’t even the one writing anymore. There are some lines here that make me proud, but I feel like I can’t take the credit for them because they came to me almost as if something had possessed me. 
In my experience, though, that’s the best kind of writing. 
I hope you liked this and thank you for reading ♡  — C 
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priea01 · 4 years
Flozmin Rewatch
Part 91
Jazmín schooling Dani on good manners. He’s so rude all the time.
FoodTruck! I love Jazmín helping him remember the word. I first wondered why they used the English word instead of making up a word (or saying the words for food and truck?), but then I remembered how many words English unapologetically stole from other languages, so we’re not really in a position to talk.
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[Image:Lolita. On screen caption reads, “Yeah, of course, what am I going to do? Be rude to her?”]
Yes, healthy, normal, good response when a gay person hits on you and you don’t swing that way.
Elena listens worse than my four year olds.
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[Image:Flor, holding a coffee cup. On screen caption reads, “-Great, that’s nice. -Yeah she really remembered you.”]
Jazmín’s reaction to Flor saying this reads like she’s a wee bit embarrassed by how much woman want to get with her. Or perhaps she’s just embarrassed because Flor said that in front of Elena.
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[Image:Flor, holding a sugar shaker with the lid off. On screen caption reads, “Vir will be so happy to know that he’s back.”]
Holy hell, Flor. Want some coffee with that sugar?
Look at this not-couple, setting up other people.
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[Image:Flor. On screen caption reads, “it’s two people that love each other a lot and”]
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[Image:Flor. On screen caption reads, “I feel like they just need a little push to be together.”]
Gee, I wonder who else might need a little push to be together.
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[Image:Flor and Jazmín, pushing their identical bracelets together. On screen caption reads, “[Jaz:] No, like this. [Flor:] Bracelets.”]
They’re such nerds and I love them so much.
To contrast Lolita, we have Vir’s less than good response to being hit on by another woman.
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thechickandtheduck · 5 years
Hi, there! Well, if it's not too much to ask, I would like some flozmin+estrella sisters (any of them, all of them!). And since I'm asking, it would be great for it to be in English. Thanks!
There isabsolutely no sound coming from downstairs. Flor found the skirt exactly whereshe knew she would find it: in the pile of clothes in the corner of Jazmín´swardrobe, just under the place where her jackets are hanging. It´s not a permanentpile of clothes. Flor´s clothes never stay in Jazmin’s house. Never for morethan a couple of days and never on purpose.
It´s not arule, exactly.
She´s prettysure that Jazmín wouldn’t mind. She had suggested, one morning while they hadbreakfast and Flor made sure to put her pajamas back into her bag, that shewould be more than okay to give Flor one of her drawers. She had to spare, andit would be more practical, she had told her casually. Flor had laughed, as ifJaz had told her a joke, and deflected the conversation to talk about how goodthe muffins were that morning.
She justwasn´t ready.
And sheisn’t ready now, as she starts making her way downstairs. She isn’t sure why,because the truth is she wants so many things with Jazmín. Things she nevereven knew she wanted. Things she didn’t dare to want. And it’s very overwhelming;to want so much and to be so certain that she will probably get them. Andperhaps it’s that, that overwhelming feeling that has her wanting and notwanting at the same time.
When shefinally maker her way down, Jaz and Carla are sitting exactly as she left them.They are both sipping tea and avoiding eye contact. It’s not terrible, shesupposes. With Jaz and Carla, it’s usually more yelling and eye rolling and thekind of tension that comes from two people who don´t really get along. Still,Flor can’t help the way her shoulder moves up and down and the little soundthat come out of her mouth.
Both hersister and her…and Jaz- because that is a conversation that they haven´t yethad, but that doesn’t make her anxious, so it’s okay- turn around to look ather. They both also smile at her, and Flor supposes that’s kinda nice.
“Found it,”she announces, before handing the skirt to Carla and sitting down.
“Great,”her sister says, eying the piece of clothing carefully.
“So, whereare you off to now?” she asks, trying to bring conversation back into the room.
“Well,Fernan has this medical thing in Mendoza,” she starts, and Flor usually doesn´task too much about Carla’s new relationship. Not because she doesn’t care,because she does, but because she doesn’t need to. Carla is always ready tooffer information although she is not pressed to do so.
She wouldnever say it out loud, but she would like for Carla to ask about Flor’srelationship, too. She finds herself wanting to talk more and more about Jazmínwith her sisters lately. With Miru, she doesn´t even have to ask. Her littlesister is all about inappropriate questions that sometimes Flor answers,because Miru likes to be like that, and Flor loves the way that kind ofconversations make her feel.
Vir isalmost never inappropriate, but she likes talking about it as much as Flordoes. She can’t believe, sometimes, how long she kept her feelings for Jazmín asecret from her big sister. Vir always makes sure to include Jazmín in familyactivities, and Flor is already dreading the day her sister leaves forPortugal. And lately, Flor has even gotten away with sneaking Jazmín into someof the conversations she has with Lucía. It is always a bit more one-sided, butlast week, Lucía even stayed in the kitchen to have dinner with them after along day at the hotel. It was a big win for Flor, and it was also kinda weird,but the best kinda weird.
With Carla,though, those types of conversations are non-existing. Flor is not sure why.Her sister isn’t against the relationship, and she is even trying to get betteralong with Jaz – and Flor only knows that because Vir told Miru and Miru toldher- but still, the topic is never addressed with Flor herself. Flor is alittle surprised Carla agreed to stop by Jazmín’s house to pick up the skirt.She figures she really wants it, and she is leaving in just a few hours.
It feelslike hours when Carla finally stops talking about Fernan, and just when Flor isabout to say something, Jazmín’s cellphone rings. She can tell by Jaz face thatthe caller is Javo, and Jazmín excuses herself to take the call outside. Florgets so hang up thinking about Javo and what happened with Vir, that Carlatalking takes her by surprise.
“So, thisplace is nice,” her sister says, more to no one in particular than to Flor. Itis enough, however, to get Flor ranting.
“I know,right? Jazmín decorated the place herself. It was her grandma’s, but she has hmm given it such a…I don’t know. It’stotally hers. And it has such great lightning, I swear. It’s great forpainting, not that I paint, of course, I mean it’s just not really my thing,but Jaz always says that, and I guess it’s true because…”
Flor stops,embarrassed, when she notices Carla looking at her weirdly.
“And you already have your things here,” hersister adds, pointing to the skirt.
“No”, Floris fast to correct. “This was just here, but hmm, I don’t have my things here. It’s too soon for that,” shecontinues, although she is sure Carla doesn’t care.
“Okay”, Carlaanswers. “I just figured…” but she stops herself before continuing, dismissingthe whole thing with a hand gesture.
“No”, Florsays, “you just figured what?”
Because nowFlor is a bit curious, and she doesn’t know if what Carla is about to say istotally insensitive, but she still wants to know,
“Well, thatmaybe it hasn’t been long, but you guys look, you know…solid”.
And maybeit has to do with the need Flor has been having for this kind of conversationwith Carla, and maybe it is just what is it, but it feels as if that last wordcarries the special kind of warmth that Flor is now associating with all thingsJazmín. Flor smiles, suddenly feeling a bit shy and also a bit proud, becausethey are. They totally are. They are solid.
And Flor isnot exactly used to that. To solid.And to have heard it from her sister, from the one sister Flor least expectedit, well, it makes her feel strong. She is strong, after all. A few tears threatento escape her, and Flor doesn´t want to take things that way, so she justsmiles at Carla, who now is again looking at her strangely.
“We are,”she says simply, and just then Jaz makes her way inside.
Theyabandon the topic as fast as they had approached it. Carla stays for a littlelonger. She eats another muffin and doesn’t compliment Jaz, but, when shementions that one of their new suppliers is charging them too much, Jazmínverbally agrees with her and they spend a few minutes complaining about it andFlor feels so happy about it that she is sure she has gone crazy.
That night,while Jazmín gets ready for bed, Flor takes a bottle of perfume that she alwayskeeps in her bed and leaves it in Jazmín’s bathroom. To stay.
Because thesteps don’t have to be big. They are solid, after all.
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from-red-string · 6 years
Singles have a good time - Part 2
Feliz Dia dos namorados!💛 The final might come tomorrow YaY. Again, I hope you like it.
The next day, Delfi spoke to Pedro about Valentine's Day and he was absolutely alright with that, he thought it was cool what they were doing for Jazmín. But three days later, Ámbar was still bringing herself up to tell Simon about the change in the plans, so after school on the same day, she finally approached him. "Simón, we need to talk." Ámbar rushed to the bar where her boyfriend, now scared looked at her. 
"Hi, something is wrong?" Simón asked setting the drinks aside to focus on her. "No, everything is perfect." Ámbar smiled then shook her head. "I mean, yes, it's Valentine's Day." "Yeah? What about it?" He frowned scratching his neck nervously. "We can't do it. I can't make it. Jazmín is alone and we have a promise about Valentine's Day, no one spends this day alone. Fab & Chic deal." Ámbar explained not even stopping to breathe, but Simón just smiled peacefully. "Ámbar, it's fine." He took her hand. "It's kind of relief hearing that." Ámbar's eyes got wide. "I also needed to tell you for a few days now that I can't go out on Valentine's Day." "Oh good." Ámbar grinned then realized what he just said. "Wait. What? Why?" "The Roller Band has a concert on that day."   "That's great, babe. Why didn't you tell me before?" Ámbar was trying to cheer him up.   "I didn't want to ruin our date," Simón said apologizing. "I'm sorry, I should've told you before. I knew I shouldn't worry, you understand." They shared a quick kiss. "Tell me more about it." Ámbar asked, stealing a cup with a yellow smoothie from his side of the bar. He raised his eyebrows, laughing. "Are you sure you're choosing this one?" He mocked her and she smirked, drinking from her straw. "It's a party." He attempted to explain. "On Valentine's Day?" She already felt relief for knowing he also couldn't go out that day. As weird as it sounded she really cared about how Simón would feel with that. More than about anything else. "Yes, it's a different party, the producers said 'this is not just a party, it's an experience'. I don't know what they mean by that, but we had to practice how to play at least three songs in the dark." Simón described finishing the drinks he had to deliver, feeling insanely better after talking with Ámbar. "That's weird." Ámbar chuckled observing him. "What's the name?" "Singles have a good time." Simón announced getting his tray and walking around the bar. "Ever heard of it?" He kissed her cheek and left to serve the customers. Yes, she's heard of that party. Only hearing the name 'Singles have a good time', all the peace she felt from finally talking to Simón about Valentine's Day vanished. The party promised that no one would leave the club alone, it was only a catchy phrase and even though she knew it was a fake promise, that information was little to her tossing stomach. She trusted Simón but he is just too sweet for his own good. On the following day on the rink, Ámbar and Delfi were skating while Jazmín was sitting on the bleachers with her tablet. "I spoke to Simón and it's all fine." Ámbar said to Delfi trying to fake calmness even tho she didn't have it in her body. "Really?" Delfi replied, Ámbar's tone didn't work on her. "Yes." Ámbar nodded. "He is going to play on Valentine's Day." "Only Simón?" Delfi frowned, Pedro didn't tell her anything when she spoke to him, there's no reason for him not tell her about the concert. "The Roller Band." Ámbar rolled her eyes, then stopped her skates, turning to Delfi sensing in her mood a sudden change. "Pedro didn't tell you?" But she didn't need any answer, just by Delfi's eyes she already knew it. "I'm sure it's nothing, he just didn’t think it was important." Delfi became really worried, Ámbar took her hand skating with her next to where Jazmín was sitting, seeking help in her to help her to calm Delfi down. "The Roller Band has a concert." Delfi informed, shook. Jazmín just nodded, confused. "On Valentine's Day." Ámbar continued but Jazmín kept looking confused. "Pedro didn't tell her." "Well, he didn't have to tell her." Jazmín said, making Ámbar shake her head and bury it into her hands. Delfi felt desperate, realizing Jazmín was right. "Jazmín! They had a date, he should..." Ámbar bawled. "No, she is right. We're not dating, he didn't have to say anything to me." Delfi interrupted.   "He should have told you anyway." Ámbar protested, annoyed. "There might be a reason why he didn't tell her." Jazmín wondered and Ámbar shook her head again. "What about this party?" Defi automatically turned to Ámbar. "Do you know anything else, Ámbar?” Jazmín wondered. Ámbar doubted if she should keep it quiet or tell them everything she knows, but she decided for the second option. "Singles have a good time..." Nothing else needed to be added. The girl group already searched information about that party, they used to say that once they reached the age to go, they would be there, but the year has come and Jazmín was the only one who was single. Delfi pretended to be cool, her mind was looking for all the possible reasons Pedro had to lie to her, not lie, just not telling her he had a concert on the day they were supposed to have a date. He could've just told her that he couldn't be on the date or... It doesn't matter, it didn't matter for him, it makes no difference to her now. They don't owe anything to each other. "It's a concert, so what?" Delfi scoffed. "Yeah, only a concert for a bunch of single people with, willing to not to be single anymore." Jazmín said, making Ámbar close her eyes to suppress her annoyance. "I mean, maybe not to get in a relationship but up for a game." Delfi just stared at Jazmín, unable to say anything, her face giving away how upsetting the idea was for her. "Not that he'll care because he will be there for playing..." Jazmín panicked, looking at Delfi's sad eyes, trying to correct herself. She looked at Ámbar who is watching her. "Finished?" Ámbar raged, Jazmín felt lost and sighed. "We could go to the party." Jazmín suggested on a last attempt to help Delfi, already regretting her words. Jazmin didn't want to do that, this party only remembered her how she is pulling her friends back by being the only single, but she wouldn't share that information with them. "Don't be ridiculous, Jazmín. I don't want to go there." Delfi said totally breaking her cool pose on the subject. "We can't do it." "We should do it." Ámbar stated. An idea began to grow in Ámbar's mind. Hearing Jazmín, she should be there on that party, of course it was for Delfi, not for someone who has brown eyes, brown hair and is known as the Roller Band's guitarist. "No. I can't go." If he didn't tell me, he doesn't want me there. That was one of the million thoughts playing in Delfi's head. "You can, why not?" Ámbar asked narrowing her eyes, analyzing Delfi's every slight move to understand why she was hesitant. Jazmín was feeling guilty, she truly understood Pedro, he only didn't tell her, because Delfi said she had to be with Jazmín, he didn't want any harm. "He doesn't want me there." Delfi worried. Jazmín's guilty sensation deepened. "Does it matter? He must've gotten upset by the date turn off, he just didn't think he needed to tell you." Ámbar clarified and Jazmín felt a bit lighter, perhaps she wasn't the one to blame. "And if he invited you, you wouldn't be able to go anyway." Ámbar completed rolling her eyes. Jazmín's guilty feeling was back and heavy in her heart. "That's why we need to go." Does that make any sense? Jazmín thought. "Why don't talk to him now? He is on the stage fixing his drum." But those were the words she let out. "No, she has to take him by surprise." Ámbar defended her, before Delfi could open her mouth. "You suggested the plan. Are you backfiring?" "He's not expecting anything right now either, she could solve it quickly." Jazmín replied. "We are going to the party and you keep an eye on him and talk to him there." Ámbar declared. "Don't answer any of his texts." She ordered Delfi. Ámbar was so busy imagining the perfect plan for the party that she didn't even notice her sudden change of heartbeat about what really happened. Pedro not telling Delfi wasn't a catastrophe until Jazmín's suggestion to hit the party came.
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deliverydefresas · 6 years
masters of the scene
we’re somewhat on a schedule here, talk about progressss!!!! I’m also the shookest bc i had to split this part in two. that hadn’t happened since i was like, twelve. shookestest. Hopefully part 2 of this one will be up this week, so fingers crossed for that. 
(also, this being split also means that instead of our usual l/m/l pov, this is half luna, half matteo. same with the other one, sorry)
shout out to my baked goods for helping me and being proud aunts of this au even when it’s a mess most of the timeeeeee, ily 
in case you’ve missed any part:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
AU: Matteo Balsano is a famous singer who has been crushing on this one girl he saw every day behind a window many years ago, back when he first started recording his debut album and inspired his first big hit, “Princesa”. Luna Valente, professional Olympic skater turned actress is at a local (and very popular) talk show to promote her breakout movie. This is where it all starts.
According to our sources, the answer is a big, bold, YES.
Your – and ours too! – favorite couple has reunited with their management to discuss ‘how to break it to the public’ according to our sources. Benson and Balsano, who have been linked by fans and media for a little over three months now, are finally ready to take a big step on their relationship and shout their love to the world!
“[Sol] thinks it’s time for them to tell everyone. She’s in love, and is tired of hiding it from her family, friends and especially of her fans.” But what about Matteo? “[He] has his doubts and is adamant of how the public will react to their relationship. He doesn’t want anyone attacking him or her for it.”
Earlier in the week, news of Benson’s retirement from professional skating broke and the fans were very vocal on their displeasure of Balsano’s – rumored- involvement, as well as the lack of public response in support for his girl. So, was this topic touched at all?
“Absolutely. [Matteo] cares about how his fans see him, and while he knows none of them would believe he was at fault, he still wants to clear the air and let them know the truth.” And what’s the truth exactly? “He never asked for [Sol] to quit. But he likes her and wanted to spend more time with her before their obligations forced them to be apart, so he suggested a break. Ultimately, it was Sol who chose she was done with the sport.” Talk about true love!
Either way, we’re all excited to see what’s next on this couple’s agenda, and can’t wait for them to blind us with their cuteness!
For more Soltteo, click here!
“Well? Is everyone suddenly deaf? Do I have to ask again?” Matteo’s lawyer – and best friend, if his snaps were any indication- tried to lighten the mood with a joke, grinning towards them. His eyes flickering to Nina’s the most.
“Not much.” Matteo answered, his gaze still on her. Luna huffed silently at him, making him grimace. Luna had the urge to stick her tongue out to him, but she had to remind herself she was an adult. Or trying to be one, anyway.
“So, no deal has been made? Has any party thrown any ideas?” Gastón questioned them.
Delfi nodded. “Actually, Miss Benson gave a very nice one before you came in.” Luna blinked a couple times. To be honest, her brain hadn’t even registered half the words that had came out of her mouth, her anger usually blinded – and deafened, too, apparently- her memory.
“I did?”
Thankfully, Delfi smiled before explaining, “yes, you did. A televised interview is brilliant; you don’t have any exclusivity with printed media, and Matteo’s can’t be compromised since it’ll be live on TV.” The older girl turned to her – soon to be ex-  manager, “I’d advice to choose Jazmín. Not only because of the ratings and demographics, but also because she’s close to us and would agree to not touch certain topics, as well as to open a spot on her show faster than any other person. The fact that Sol is somewhat familiarized with her doesn’t hurt, too.”
Tamara vaguely nodded at Delfi, but was quick to turn to her, silently asking her if that was what she wanted. Luna knew she’d suggested and all, but that had been in a moment of anger. Angry at Mariano for attacking Matteo, and angry at Matteo for being quick to judge, as well as resented he had ignored her for two weeks, to now try and act like nothing had happened. Truthfully, she didn’t think it was a good idea.
“I’m not sure, Delfi. You’ve said so yourself, I’m not properly ‘trained’ and if I end up saying something that could make everything worse I-”
Gastón frowned, interrupting her babbling. “But I thought this was your idea? Why would you suggest it if you’re not sure you can pull it off?” His words hadn’t any malice in them, yet, she still felt a twinge of offense, and Luna didn’t know how to answer him.
Her best friend did, though. “Sometimes our mouths are quicker than our brains.” Nina’s eyes went between Matteo and her, making Gastón grin, and nod in understand. She was full offended now, reaching out to her friend to pinch her arm in protest. Nina whelped silently, mouthing ‘sorry’ to her; her eyes, though, showed her amusement.  
Delfi called for their attention, “we can train you, if you want.” She offered.
“I don’t think-” Mariano wanted to protest. Luna wanted none of it.
“Don’t you dare. Delfi’s been nothing but professional here, actually trying to help, don’t you dare minimize her work or insinuate she’s not capable of doing it.” Mariano pursed his lips, turning to Tamara in help. Tamara’s glare and shake of her head was all he got. When she was sure he’d given up, Luna acknowledged Delfi. “I’m not sure this is a good idea, sorry. If I’m being honest, Jazmín scares me; going to her show, alone, is terrifying.”
Delfi pondered her words for a moment, not really looking at her, or at anyone or anything in specific. She just stayed quiet, looking at nothing and biting her lip.
No one said anything for a couple of minutes, and Luna wasn’t sure if they were waiting for Delfi, or if they, themselves, were thinking her words over. Either way the silence was awkward for her, and silently prayed for someone else to break it.
Tamara did.
“If you excuse me, I think I’ll go ask where our drinks are at.” She put her gaze on her. “Care to go with me, Sol?” She couldn’t nod fast enough. Luna wasn’t too naïve, she knew Tamara wanted to speak to her, alone, but the silence was driving her mad and would take whatever excuse.
She felt Matteo’s eyes follow her out of the room.
Luna let out a big sigh as soon as the door closed. Tamara was a few steps ahead, waiting for her. “So, what do you want to tell me?”
“I wanted to apologize. It seems that I underestimated your relationship with Balsano, and going in there, asking you to ignore him was a bad idea, I’m sorry.” Tamara’s words were full of sincerity. However, they only confused her.
“What do you mean?”
The woman showed surprise. “You didn’t notice?”
“Would I be asking you if I had?”
Tamara smiled. “I suppose not, no. What I’m saying is, he seems to like you, and you ignoring him, God forbid, set him off. He kept looking at you, waiting for you to notice him, and when you didn’t, it got to the point of annoying him, making him lash out at Mariano and I.”  
“But Mariano was provoking him, Matteo – well, I would be annoyed too if someone did the same to me.” Luna pointed out, crossing her arms as she walked.
“Perhaps.” Tamara agreed, her smile intact, “I do want you to know, though, that this is Matteo Balsano we’re talking about. Do you think he’s not used to being provoked in interviews? By the fans or the paps? He knows better than to give in their games.” Luna fell a few steps behind. Tamara stopped walking altogether, waiting for her to speak again.
“Be honest, Tamara, what are you trying to get at?”
“I think you know what I’m trying to say, munchkin. I could be wrong in what way exactly, but he cares about you.” Tamara sighed. “Either way, I was wrong when I advised you to ignore him. It’s obvious he took it personal and now both him and Delfi are upset.”
“I am upset with him, anyway. I wouldn’t have been completely cordial when I saw him, even if you hadn’t told me anything.”
“I don’t know the boy, but I think he’d rather have you mad at him than evasive.” Luna was over with having everyone else getting amusement out of her and Matteo, so she turned the conversation back to professional.
“Do you think I should do that interview?”
Her manager composed herself, her expression turning serious. “Honestly? Yes. Not for Balsano’s reputation, but to give your fans a peace of mind. We warned you a written statement could come off as careless, no matter how much you made it sound as grateful and loving as you feel. Most of them feel betrayed, confused, and back-stabbed. I know you feel like you can’t handle it, but you’re the bravest person I know, Luna, and you could beat Jazmín at her own gossip game if you wanted to. And, even if you don’t, Delfi is right; they have connections with her, they can blacklist any topic or question you don’t feel comfortable talking about. I would accept her offer of more training, too.”
Luna tried to sigh her nervousness away. She failed. “Can I think about it some more? I don’t want to rush it.”
Tamara smiled comfortingly, nodding once. “Of course, I wouldn’t expect anything else from you. It means I successfully taught you something.”
She frowned, feeling bad Delfi’s dab had affected her. “You did an amazing job as my manager, Tamara. I’m sorry I didn’t defend you back there, because honestly, you did more than good. You gave me choices, gave me a voice when it mattered, just like now. I’m thankful I had you with me.”
The woman sighed happily, giving her a hug. “Sweetest girl, that you are. I’m glad I could help you the years I did, you’re truly a brilliant, humble, talented young lady and to work with you has been my honor, munchkin.” She sighed again as she dropped her arms around her and started walking again. Her next words make her cackle. “Now, let’s go look for our drinks. I have a feeling I might need a bit of rum with mine.”
Matteo could only watch as the door closed, ignoring the urge of following right behind and beg Luna for a chance to talk. He’d obviously been blind to ignore she would get mad at him for blowing her off for weeks. Either he was losing his touch with women, or it went powerless when it came to her. Whatever it was, he was now in trouble with her and completely oblivious as to how to fix it.
“Dumb and dumber, come here.” Delfi called for Gastón and him, using her favorite nicknames for both. At this point it’d lost any malice behind them (there hadn’t been any to begin with, really), and he was used to it, so he followed suit when she signaled for them to huddle up in a circle. Gastón looked unsure of doing so, glancing quickly in Nina’s direction. He so was going to give him crap for it once they were done here.
“What’s the plan?” He wondered, eager to hear what Delfi had decided to do. 9 out 10 times, it turned out to be a good idea. The 10th time was usually him changing the plan.
“We have to convince her to agree to the interview. It’s the best counterattack, and if it’s with Jazmín we can make it foolproof, keeping it safe and predictable. We can even think and write her answers beforehand,” she looked at him, “it’s honestly the best way for her, Matteo.”
Matteo pursed his lips. “I trust you, Delfi, but I don’t want to force her to do something she’s not comfortable with. She’s mad enough at me as it is, pressuring her could make it worse.”
“We also can’t be one hundred percent sure Jazmín will agree to stick to a script. Remember last time? She went for the kill with Luna. She knew it would get her and Matteo in trouble, yet she still chose to do it.” Gastón reminded her, siding with him. It was in moments like this when Matteo was grateful he was his best friend.
Delfi cringed. “Well…”
Matteo knew that look. Delfi knew more than she was letting them see. “What?” he urged her to explain. Did she know about it beforehand? Why hadn’t she stopped it if she did?
“I couldn’t stop Ámbar, really! She went behind my back and coerced Jazmín to hint it and warned me literally seconds before she went live. You know I would’ve stopped it if I knew with time.”
“Blondie started this mess?” Gastón was incredulous. Matteo, however, was seeing red. It finally clicked on him that she’d purposefully had set Luna up back then. He’d recognized her smirk in the interview, and he’d completely forgotten to ask her about it further once it was over. He’d tried to play it off as her being her smug self when it was about being in public – he’d seen it enough when they dated not to- but now it made sense. And he could bet it was all about him eating those stupid cupcakes.
Delfi looked at him, worry in her eyes. “Matteo, don’t. Focus on what’s important right now, not in the past. Ámbar cut off Jazmín when it got out of hand, remember? She helped your girl once it was obvious she couldn’t save herself. Calm down.”
“She shouldn’t have started it in the first place! I thought she was Luna’s friend, and yet, you’re telling me she threw her to tigers? Exposed her to the tabloids knowing damn well she wasn’t ready for it? And for what? Because I ate her stupid dollar cupcakes?” he hissed, pulling his hair in frustration.  
Delfi’s glare was pure ice, now. “I’m not going to fight with you about this, as it is between Ámbar and you. You want to complain about it? Do it with her, bitch your mouth off, if you want to. However, right now, we’re discussing how to protect your precious star from more attacks since you have decided you want to keep her in your life; because – surprise! - if she stays, then so will the news about her. So, focus, you idiot.”
Matteo was still seething, grinding his teeth together. Gastón palmed his back softly. “Dude, she’s right. I’ll help you hide Ámbar’s body later – and Jazmín’s, too, if you want- but now it’s not the time to get mad. Think of Luna, she needs our help more than she needs you to defend her honor with Ámbar.”
Finally, he relented. “Fine. I’ll deal with Ámbar later. How do I convince Luna to accept, though? She won’t even look at me right now.”
“That’s easy.” Delfi said, discreetly pointing to where Nina was sitting. “We talk to her, and she talks to your love. I’ll get Pedro to talk to Simón, so he does too. They’re her best friends and will convince her to jump off a cliff is that’s what they want.” Matteo frowned, Delfi rolled her eyes. “They’d never do that, oh my God.”
“Whatever. How do we convince Nina to convince Luna, then?” He looked at his best friend, silently asking him if he knew. Gastón merely shrugged.
“Do I have to do everything for you two idiots?” Delfina huffed, before raising her voice. “Nina, can you come, please?” she called, making the girl look up from where she was sitting, looking at her phone. She was with them in less than a minute.
“Hi.” She said shyly, blushing when Gastón threw a grin in her direction. Delfi turned to him and pretended to gag. Matteo was half mad still but teased his friend with a wink.  
“I’m going to go straight to the point – you need to convince Luna to do that interview.”
Nina blinked once. Twice. “Okay.”
Matteo was skeptical. She just couldn’t have agreed that easily, he must’ve heard her wrong. “Really?”
“I’m not stupid, I know that’s the safest bet for my friend.” Nina frowned at him, “I can’t say it’ll be easy, though, she seems to be very scared after her last one with Jazmín. Maybe-” her frown deepened, stopping her thoughts from escaping her mouth.
“Maybe?” The three of them prompted.  
“Maybe if she weren’t alone… If she had someone else to stop her from rambling, like Ámbar-”
Matteo objected. “Absolutely not. Ámbar can’t go with her, just no.” He shook his head multiple times, rejecting the idea.
“I wasn’t saying it has to be Ámbar. Simón, Tamara, or Delfi-” Nina threw him a quick look. “- even you could. Luna just needs someone to calm her rambles and assure her they won’t let her talk more than necessary. That’s all.”
Delfi’s eyes shone. “That’s brilliant! If Matteo goes too, and both make it clear they’re just friends and he had no input in her decision, everyone will have to believe they’re just friends, and we won’t have to give exclusives with ‘our side’ of the story, either. You’re a genius, Simonetti.”
“Um, aren’t you guys forgetting something?” Gastón interjected, “Luna couldn’t be madder with Matteo if she tried. How is she gonna agree not only to the interview, but to an interview with him?”
Matteo’s mood went down once again at the reminder. What he didn’t expect, though, was for Nina to punch him on his arm. “Ouch! What was that for?”
Nina huffed. “For making my best friend mad, of course. Do you know how hard that is to achieve? She’s all sunshine and rainbows most of the time!”
“You can punch him more later, Nina,” Delfi told her. Matteo glared at his manager, who simply waved him off, “but please tell us, how can this idiot fix it?”
Nina thought about it for a moment. “Well, apologizing, for starters.” Done. He’d beg if he needed to. “And being completely honest. No bullcrap like ‘I forgot to call you back’ or ‘my battery died’, Luna hates when people lie to her, and will hate to hear dumb excuses more. Even if it’s a hurtful truth, like not wanting to talk to her, she’ll prefer that to a lie.” Then she turned to him, her brown eyes sharp. “Why did you ignore her these weeks? Is it because you didn’t want to answer her question?”
“I panicked.” He admitted, ashamed of his cowardliness. “I wasn’t – still am not- ready to admit my reasons.”
“Why?” she wondered, curiosity getting the best of her.
“Because she will see him as the creep he is.” Gastón snorted. Matteo flipped him off.
Nina’s eyes shone with mischief. “So, it is true. You’ve known her longer than that night at JaJazmin.”
“Something like that.” He wasn’t going to spill everything to Nina, not before he told her best friend first; the only person he owed an explanation to was Luna, no one else.
The girl just stared at him for a couple of seconds, before nodding and changing the subject.
“Luna is more likely to forgive with a full stomach. After this meeting she has one with Yam, and after that we’re going out for lunch. I guess, if we casually bumped into each other at Yelao’s…”
Matteo felt hope expanding through his body. He might not owe an explanation to Nina, but he now owed her a big, great favor.
“We’ll be there.” Gastón confirmed for both, knowing well Matteo had no objections to that plan.
“I feel like I have to warn you, though,” Nina spoke to him, “since you were so against Ámbar accompanying Luna to the interview. She’s going to be there, as well as Simón.” Matteo pursed his lips, but he could acknowledge this was probably his only chance. Only the skies knew when Luna would talk to him again if he didn’t apologize soon.
“I’ll manage. I promise.” He had to. Just then, the door opened once again, revealing Luna, Tamara, and one of the receptionists, each carrying a small platter with drinks.
Delfi waited until all drinks where on the table, and the receptionist was gone, to star talking again.
“So, have you given any thoughts on the interview, yet?” She must’ve taken Luna by surprise, because she almost choked on her hot cocoa. He raised his arm on instinct to palm her back, but 1) she was very far away, and 2) he was sure she’d probably rather choke and die than having him help her; so, he put his arm down as fast as he could.
Tamara answered for her. “Could you give her a couple of days? She wishes to think it over before making any decision.” His manager frowned for a bit, ultimately nodding and glancing quickly to him. He understood the look; Matteo had those days to make it right between the two and convince her.
“Of course, of course. But please try not to take too much time, it’s only going to get harder for you both the longer you wait.” Luna gave Delfi a thumb up, not quite done with her coughing. Matteo had to bite his tongue to stop himself from asking if she was okay. Thankfully, Gastón approached her with a glass of water.
“Thank you.” She coughed a couple more times, before drinking the whole glass, sending Gastón a small smile. “Are we done with this yes? I kind of have an appointment with Yam, she’s making my dress for the wedding.”
Now it was Matteo’s turn to choke on his lungo. “Wedding?” Delfi palmed his back a couple of times.
“Yam’s getting married and we’re her bridesmaids. She’s insisting on making our dresses herself, since Mora is making hers; we have our first fitting today.” Nina explained to him. He could bet she was having fun at his reaction, if her smile was any indication.  
“Nina.” Luna called for her friend, shaking her head slightly. Then she turned to him, and Matteo was relieved she didn’t look mad. Just a bit serious. “So, are we done? Or do you have something else to discuss with us?” He wanted so bad to tell her no. That they weren’t anywhere near done, that they hadn’t even started yet. But he wouldn’t be talking about the meeting.
“Since you have stuff to think over, I’d say we’re done. For now, that is.” Delfi answered her, “if you choose to it, then I’ll schedule another meeting and we’ll go into more detail about what kind of deal we can make with each other.”
“We’ll get in touch in a couple of days.” Tamara agreed, moving to gather her things from a chair, urging the lawyer to finish his drink, before saying her farewells. When it was his turn for her goodbye, she was serious as she took his hand, and whispered. “Can I trust her with you? Will you take care of her, the way she deserves?”
He didn’t even think about it before answering. “Yes.”
The older woman stared for a moment, her eyes searching for something. Whatever she found, or didn’t find, was enough for her. “Good.”
The lawyer only gave him a brief nod to everyone before following Tamara out. Once they left, Luna and Nina started their goodbye’s too. Nina offered him a quiet ‘see you later’, which he responded with a grateful smirk. Luna hesitated for a second as she stood in front of him, biting her lip.
“I’m very sorry, Luna.” Her green eyes set on his, “if you have time I can explain, I-”
His girl sighed. “I have no time for this, Matteo.” He recoiled at her words, not expecting her to be so… sharp. She sighed again when she saw his reaction. “I literally have no time right now. We’re late to Yam’s already, but…”
“But?” He sounded hopeful, and he wasn’t ashamed to admit it.
“But if you have the guts to call me again, maybe we can talk about it some other time.”
He felt his grin appear on his face and couldn’t resist hugging her. “I will! I’m so, so very sorry, Luna I swear-”
“Yeah, yeah, but don’t you think you’re in the clear! I’m still angry at you, and I’m expecting the truth and nothing but the truth, okay?” she was being serious, he could tell. She broke the hug quickly, arching her brows to get the point across. He saluted her.
“Yes, ma’am. I promise.” His face was starting to hurt from grinning so much, so wide. Luna didn’t return the smile, yet, he could see her eyes softening a little when she looked at him.
He watched her – and Nina, but mostly her- leave, the weight on his heart dropping almost completely now that she had agreed to give him a chance to explain.
“I can’t believe she actually agreed to hear you out so quickly. I’m impressed.” Gastón broke the silence a couple of seconds after they left, whistling lowly and palming his shoulders.
“Same. I would’ve let you on the dog house for at least another week. Either she’s too good, or…” Delfi quietened down, thinking over her words.
“Nothing, actually. She’s too good, period. We need to toughen her up.” She sounded worried at this, pursing her lips. “Are you guys still ‘casually’ meeting them up for lunch?” Gastón and him looked at each other, then nodded. “Be careful. The place you’re going is lowkey enough for me to not advice you to take a guard but stay alert of your surroundings. It’s not only you, but her, and Simón and Ámbar. It can get wild in a minute.”
She was right, of course, she was always right. “We’ll be careful. Thank you for worrying, Del.” Then his brain caught up on the other subject. “Wait, since when does Ámbar and Simón are acquainted with each other?”
Delfi grimaced. “You don’t even want to know, believe me. Those two are a mess.”
Gastón gasped, laughing out loud. “You don’t mean… those two…?” he suggested, wiggling his brows.
“What? No!” She made a disgusted face. “The studio from Ámbar’s new musical wanted the RB to write a song for her to sing, but Simón’s having a hard time meeting Á’s taste. He’s apparently not ‘emo’ enough to write about her character.”
“’Emo’? Why does she need him to be ‘emo’?” His friend asked the same question that was on his mind.
“The song’s to be sung at her character’s lowest point, I think. It needs to be emo AF.”
“And Simón can’t be emo?”
Delfi raised her left brow. “Have you ever heard an emo song from the RB?”
“Exactly.” She said in an obvious tone. “Okay, losers, I gotta go. Pedro and I are having lunch, and I’ll run our plan by to him, be careful and try not to make too much drama.” She looked pointedly at him at the last part.
“It’s not my fault drama finds its way into my life, okay?”
“Be serious! If I hear from someone else, you two went at each other’s throats in public…”
“Yeah, yeah, you’ll tell everyone I have a micropenis.”
Gastón choked on air, barely holding in his laughter. Somehow, even after hearing that threat at least three times a month, he still found it funny.  
“And they will believe me.” Delfi threw him one last warning look, before kissing his cheek, only giving Gastón a wave as goodbye as she left them alone.
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theherondaels · 6 years
For You
I know what you're thinking, a Eurovision au? Nicola, it's only April!
Yeah, people, here's the thing... I wanted to post that last May...
Sara is obvi my oc... why don't the sl charas have siblings like c'mon
Have fun reading!!!
Matteo wasn't entirely sure if the last few hours had really happened.
Everything still felt so surreal.
Just two hours ago he had sung his heart out on the Sanremo stage and now he was showered with flowers and well-wishes. His family had been the first to congratulate him, both his parents wearing proud smiles. Matteo's sister, Sara, almost killed him with her hug. "I always knew you would win. Nobody can resist the Balsano charm," she let go of him, stepping aside.
"Yes, the others had nothing on you," his best friend and manager, Gastón, interrupted their sibling moment, hugging him tightly. Matteo laughed a bit. Sure, having won Sanremo was nothing. It was not like he had left some of Italy's best singers and songwriters behind him. His fans must have dialled their hands bloody. He really needed to thank them.
"Alright, moon man," Gastón said, lightly shoving him towards the line of reporters, "time for the interviews."
"Congratulations on your win," a blonde woman said. "How does it feel to have won the ticket to Barcelona?" she then asked. The realization that he would really participate in Eurovision and what it meant  hit Matteo at full speed.
He was going back to Spain. Back to Barcelona.
Back to her.
"Matteo, are you okay?" Gastón asked when the Italian hadn't answered his question yet. "Yeah, sure," he answered a bit spaced out. "Are you really sure?" Perida questioned again, not believing him. "Yes, we don't want to keep Ámbar waiting," Matteo said, reading the blonde's name tag.                  
That shut Gastón up, allowing him to answer the question. He did so with a smile and bid her goodbye after, the next interviewers already waiting.
"Hello, Delfi and Jazmín from Fab&Chic here," a black-haired woman quickly introduced herself and her colleague. "So, Matteo, everyone is dying to know for who you wrote the song for! Can you give us a hint?" she asked, looking at him expectantly.
Matteo's whole body tensed. He knew that with the tone of her voice Delfi wouldn't accept no for an answer.
"I wrote it for someone special a long time ago," he admitted, smile fading a little, not trusting his own voice to say her name.
"Well, we're sure, whoever it is, feels very special indeed right now," the read-head said warmly. Matteo liked her. She wasn't as harsh as Delfi. "Anything else you want to say? A greeting to your fans perhaps?" Jazmín suggested and Matteo promptly answered. "Yes, of course, my fans. I'm very grateful for every single call you made. I wouldn't be standing here without you," he stressed, smile truly genuine. "See you in Barcelona!"
They said their goodbyes and Matteo sighed when he saw how long the line of reporters still was. He would be doing this for a while now.
Matteo really hated interviews nowadays. Everyone wanted to know who the girl of his song was. He always used the excuse that he wanted to protect her identity, and he did want that, but the whole truth was that it was too painful for Matteo to talk about it.
Sometimes Matteo wished he could just wake up with amnesia. Not remembering his time in Spain would be great. No heartbreak, maybe he could even skate again. Writing occasionally helped with his heartache, but skating was always a one-way ticket into depression.
Matteo only knew that this interview was for Spain’s biggest life-style magazine, Vidia, and that his interviewer, Bruno, could be a real pain in the ass. Gastón’s words, not his.
"So, your fans wondered who exactly your inspiration was and did a little research." Balsano clenched his jaw. They just had started. He didn't like this at all. "And they were so kind and sent us a very interesting video." Matteo's eyes briefly flashed to Gastón out of panic, who stood left to the camera, looking shocked as well, before adverting his eyes back on the screen. The video began to play and Matteo's insides shredded themselves into bits.
He knew the song. Remembered the choreography.
Matteo wanted to discontinue the interview, but he never got the chance to. Once he had spotted her everything around him lost meaning. His eyes were glued on the skating girl.
Dark brown hair. Lovely curls. Vivid green eyes.
The fingers of his left hand cramped on his thigh, memories - the good and the bad - replaying in his head.
He still cursed himself for not telling her goodbye. For not confessing his love to her.
"Jesus, all it takes is one video of her and you're moping around again," Sara said harshly,  switching on the light. "And the interviewer definitely got that video from the competition website. Slimy git."
"How did you even get in here?" Matteo asked, clealry annoyed. "Gastón gave me the second key card," she told him. "Leave me alone," he muttered, putting the duvet over his head. "Real mature, Matteo, real mature,"  Sara said, inspecting his hotel room.
She sighed and turned around. "Today's the first rehearsal. Luna or not, this is your dream. So, get presentable before I'll drag you through that door," she warned. Matteo sighed, deep down he knew she only wanted the best for him.
Thanks to his sister he now stood on the big Eurovision stage, feeling a bit lost. He was glad he got to sit on the moon during his performance. The enormous stage was a little daunting, even for him. The empty arena already gave him chills, just how magnificent and nerve-wrecking would the night of the final be?
He also wore the silver suit again. "Ready, Matteo?" Gastón yelled. Matteo gave him a thumps up, before adjusting his guitar again. He let his gaze wander around the arena, starting to play the first chords of 'Siento'.
It was the night of the final and Matteo was a nervous wreck. Not because of his performance, everything had went smoothly during the rehearsals. Of course, he wanted to to well.
But Matteo's biggest wish was that somewhere in Barcelona Luna would see him. Listen to him. Come back to him.
The group from France had left the stage, it was his time to get up there. Matteo took his place on the moon, guitar in hand.
And just before the melody began to play Matteo gathered all his courage.
"This is for you, little moon."
Once again, Matteo was being congrulated from all sides. He really had won, and with both the highest jury and televote at that. He liked to think that Luna had voted for him. He got to perform a second time, the Italian flag draped around him. Confetti was flying everywhere, the sight bad from all the colourful slips of paper.
Matteo heard her, before he saw her.
At first, he thought he had imagined it, but then Matteo saw her silhouette, coming closer towards him. The Italian was so shocked that he stopped singing. His heart was beating loudly in his chest, almost drowning out her singing.
For a moment, he couldn't believe that she really stood there. She was as beautiful as she had always been,  her dress matching his suit in colour.
A billion questions raced through his head. Why was she here? Who had organized this? How did she know the lyrics?
He opened his mouth, wanting to ask her all this. His eyes found hers and, suddenly, nothing around them mattered anymore. Matteo was too busy memorizing Luna's perfect face, missing the high five Gastón and Sara gave each other.
"Don't you have a song to sing, chico fresa?" Luna grinned, tears in her eyes.
And for the first time in four years Matteo Balsano was truly happy.
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niuxita21 · 6 years
Several times, Jaz states “did you change your mind/are you bored with it already?” to Flor i.e. closing the plant selling business, not opening the hair salon, and at one point, even about IVF. Do you think canon Jaz worries that Flor will one day day change her mind about them? Could that have been the root of their “everything is ruined” argument before they got married? All this leads me to ask, what do you think is flozmin’s greatest challenge as a couple? Thanks for the last ask response!
Hey again! And thank YOU for giving me an excuse to ramble on and on about my beautiful almejita!
I don’t think, based on what we know about Jazmín’s character, that Flor changing her mind about them was something she feared, at least not with the same intensity as Flor, because she doesn’t have Flor’s abandonment issues. She may have had a lingering fear of getting her heart broken again like with Elena, but, judging from the readiness with which she entered into a relationship with Flor, that doesn’t seem to have been an issue for Jaz (I want to think because she knew Flor was a kind soul and wouldn’t pull an Elena on her. Witness all the times Flor fucked up in the beginning and involuntarily hurt Jaz, she immediately apologized and recognized that she acted the way she did because of her own issues).
I think the reason Jaz said that was because Flor, bless her, does have a tendency to lose interest in things pretty quickly (acting, the plant business, being a tour guide, opening a hair salon, etc.). I feel like Jaz always meant that as “It’s a shame you’re not following through with it because it would’ve been a good enterprise for you to take on,” the way you would tell someone you care about that you regret they’re not going to continue doing something they were very excited about (though perhaps when it came to IVF it WAS a bit more personal for Jaz).
So to me, the root of the pre-wedding “everything is ruined” argument (my most hated moment in this entire storyline, bar none) was the show’s need to shoehorn in the adoption storyline and give it more importance than it should’ve had, at least in relation to Flor and Jaz’s love for each other, and sacrificing Flor’s character in order to do so (just like they’ve always done when they needed a quick source of conflict). Flor said several times in the past that she loved Jaz and that was the only thing that mattered, so I don’t buy for a SECOND that marrying Jaz would’ve meant less to her just because the adoption could fall through. So I think Jaz was just hurt hearing this bot!Flor say their wedding was suddenly “ruined,” but precisely because it came out of nowhere and not necessarily because it was something Jaz had been fearing.
As for their biggest challenge as a couple, I think it’s probably adopting two grown kids before the age of 30 and after knowing each other for barely two years I mean what who said that. In all seriousness, it’s hard, because I feel like the first instinct is to say that Flor’s issues will pose the biggest challenge to their relationship, but I refuse to perpetuate that discourse because it does a huge disservice to Flor and the strides she made in her progress over the course of the show. If they were real people, I’m sure Jaz would also have issues that would put a strain on the relationship at times, but because she was created mainly as a foil for Flor, her character wasn’t as fully developed as it could have been. But even taking that out of the equation, idk, they seemed so stable and solid towards the end of the show, and after EVERYTHING they went through and overcame (homophobia, Flor’s issues, their exes, the kids talk, their families’ disapproval (well, Flor’s, at least)), I’m struggling to think of something that would continue to challenge them as a couple going forward. Which I suppose is a good thing, lol.
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mylutteoheart · 7 years
omg, your latest fic is so cute, and I can't stop smiling. I am not the anon who requested it, but I think it would be cool if you would write a part 2 in which Simon is now teased by Luna and țhe rest 😂. Also, maybe you could write about time when Ambar is leaving for university, about their goodbye, and perhaps, fuțure reunion?
I’m so happy that you liked it so much. This definitely made my day better. Here’s part 2, there will be a part 3 because I want to write the goodbye and the reunion but if I do it all in this one fic, it’ll probably be too long to read. I’ll probably post the next part sometime this week, I don’t know when exactly. In the meantime, enjoy this part. :)
The Big Reveal (part 2)
part 1 | my other fics | part 3
Simón andÁmbar were walking into Jam & Roller holding hands, they were giggling. Lunanoticed that something had changed between them. She realized that they are acouple now. Honestly, she didn’t expect this to happen, she knew about hisfeelings but she didn’t know how Ámbar felt. She was surprised to find out thatshe felt the same way. She never saw any hint of feelings towards her bestfriends, his now girlfriend is a really good actress. Luna thinks by herself. Shesmirked, she suddenly had a really great idea, at least that’s what she thinksit is.
She walkedup to the new couple, smiling from ear to ear: “What do we have here? I thinkthere’s a new couple in our midst.”
Ámbar felther cheeks turn red, for the first time ever. She was speechless.
“Hi, Luna. Goodto see you. How’s the training for the competition going?” he tried to changeto subject as soon as he noticed that his girlfriend felt a littleuncomfortable. They both have to get used to this situation, he was thinking.
“Don’tchange the subject, okay? You, know. I had no idea that you had feelings foreach other” she kept going on. Part of it was true, she didn’t know about Ámbarbut then she remembered the last few weeks where he couldn’t hide what he felt.It was so obvious. She smiled at the memory of Simón admitting his feelings infront of everyone. He could be such a romantic sometimes, he’s definitely theright guy for Ámbar.
Ámbarcouldn’t handle the teasing anymore so she left the two alone without sayinganything. But of course, Simón followed her. She loved that he was like that.
“Are youokay?” he was very worried about her, “I’m sorry about that” he said with asoft voice.
“Don’tworry, it’s fine” she put a hand on his shoulder, reassuring him that it reallywas okay. They stared into each other’s eyes for a few minutes. It felt likehours.
Matteo andGastón interrupted them however: “Would you look at that? The hot new couple ofJam & Roller.” Matteo started teasing them as well, he was even putting onhis typical smirk. How is this possible, is everyone going to do this today? Shewas wondering, she didn’t like it at all.
“So are youguys going to be one of those couples that can’t take their hands off of eachother in public” Gastón blended into the conversation, pointing at theirintertwined fingers. This can’t be happening right now. Ámbar rolled her eyes. Theguys both laughed at each other’s jokes. She took that as an opportunity toslip away with her boyfriend. They ran to the park, hoping they wouldn’t findanyone of their friends. But luck wasn’t on their side today, because Delfi andJazmín were there too. This is unbelievable, Ámbar kept thinking in herself.
As soon asthe friends notice the couple, they basically run towards them. Jazmín wasfilming for Fab & Chic. She wanted to get the news out as first. “Hello,Ámbar. I see that you have a new accessory by your side, it’s really pretty” Ofcourse Jazmín had to use a fashion reference to tease them.
Delfi rolledher eyes and said: “Congratulations, guys. I’m happy for you” The couple washappy that there was at least one person they’ve seen today that didn’t teasethem about their new relationship.
When theywere finally alone for a few moments, Simón asked the question he’s been wantingto ask since their kiss: “Ámbar, what’s going to happen to us when you leavefor Paris next year?”
“Are youserious? Can’t we just enjoy the present for now and worry about our futurelater? We just became a couple.”
“I know,but I already know that I’ll miss you once you leave and I think you mightforget me when you’re there.”
“That won’thappen, I promise” she ensured him. How did she deserve such an amazing guy?
“How areyou sure about that? Feelings can change.” He pleads, sadness clearly seen inhis eyes.
“If there’sone thing I know for sure then it would definitely be this fact” she smiledshyly, hoping it would cheer him up a little. “Everything we’ll be okay, we’llbe fine. I promise you” she didn’t believe that those words came out of hermouth, she usually is the one that needs cheering up. This relationship is somethingtotally new for her, he didn’t just change her for the better, he also made herfeel things she never did before. Right now, here in this moment, she feelsblessed.
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itsfinancethings · 5 years
November 02, 2019 at 02:14PM
It’s time to start thinking up ways to spice up your holiday season, but a newly viral video of a Flamin’ Hot Cheeto turkey already has set off a chain reaction suggesting this is one recipe people won’t be trying at home.
Nothing says “tradition” like shoving a gigantic 2-pound block of cheese inside your turkey’s carcass and then coating all over it with crumbled Flamin’ Hot Cheetos.
“Fam..I just seen a video of a Flaming hot cheetos Turkey being prepared….what’s wrong with people” a Twitter account that goes by the handle Pooch shared this weekend via what looks like Jason Fredericks’ Facebook page.
“When the cheese went in, I died,” one Twitter user wrote.
“This is why there is a hell,” someone wrote in response. “What is the reason,” another demanded.
Perhaps it’s to impress your followers and give a boring turkey a kick.
The video instructs us to start with a 15-pound turkey that gets brined in salty water and brown sugar. After more than a few generous dashes of tabasco, it marinates. Of course, after you cover the turkey with melted butter, the crushed Cheetos — the star — coat the turkey.
But that’s not the defining feature of this newly anointed internet famous bird.
Before the Cheetos, another key part of this recipe is the side dish is cheesy potatoes. You stuff the turkey with an industrial sized block of cheese.
Then, the hypnotic video of this Flamin’ Hot Cheeto turkey shows people stuffing the turkey with potatoes. In the end, the potatoes and cheese get mashed up in a delightful side dish. If you deign to try this, it’s important to note that when you stuff a turkey, you have to ensure everything cooks all the way through.
A Flamin’ Hot Cheeto turkey recipe (without this video) went viral in 2017 courtesy of Reynolds Kitchen, which also offered Cool Ranch and Funyuns variety. But this highly shareable, highly doable recipe video went newly viral on Saturday as the cooking method of this one spread fear and confusion throughout the Twitter community.
People do not find it appetizing, but who knows? It could taste great. After it all, it has the key ingredient: Cheetos. What’s not to feel thankful about?
Flamin’ Hot Cheetos have become ubiquitous from memes to works of art. In fact, searches for the snack have become an increasingly popular search on Google over the last few years.
At least it’s better than the (satirical) microwaved turkey of 2018.
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#Deinstalling @__flatline. • • • #Longbeach #jollyranchers #startbursts #flaminhotcheetos #blackpanthershirt #storagebin
A post shared by Jazmín Urrea (@lumpyjazzy) on Dec 27, 2018 at 8:31pm PST
See reaction to the flaming’ hot Cheeto turkey video spread with the force and mystery of Cheetos on a buttered up turkey below.
When the cheese went in, I died https://t.co/rmft4ozk09
— Francis Lam (@Francis_Lam) November 2, 2019
Man, there really is a fetish for everything. (ht @Francis_Lam) https://t.co/MzqyKu57H3
— Maryn McKenna (@marynmck) November 2, 2019
They put a massive cheese block inside this toddler-sized turkey and then crumbled FLAMING HOT CHEETOS on top of It. I’m gravely offended and I don’t even eat turkey. https://t.co/zTgdCxGUGr
— Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers (@sejr_historian) November 2, 2019
Literally NO ONE:
The internet: but what about a flaming hot Cheetos cheese stuffed turkey? https://t.co/3SXU5jA7YW
— Mirya R. Holman (@prof_mirya) November 1, 2019
Are we at the end times?
WTF…just make fondue. You don’t need to melt 2 lbs of cheese in a turkey covered in flaming hot Cheetos.
This ain’t it. This isn’t close to it. Not down the street from it. Not over the bridge and around the corner from it. https://t.co/eUVF784RVO
— TexasIsBest (@CeeCee1017) November 2, 2019
0 notes
s-aoki · 2 years
There is a sensation that climbs in his ribs, working its way into his gut until the mere act of breathing is suffocating. It is a sensation that, in extreme fascination, he must admit is memorable—a longing that bursts into a tidal wave of enviable disproportion just at the instance when he thinks he is too libertine to control the flow of his emotions. Diluc never believed his mistakes were reparable. In the end, countless scars scattered across his body remind him of the constant inability he possesses to make amends, though the mere thought of doing so is a nice one to hold onto.
Even with that in mind he can't stop himself, his eyes roaming over your figure, a rough, unapproachable expression on his face. Since you started working here, his relationship with you hasn't been the best of all... Far from it, actually—you were like cats and dogs. The third day of your first shift you spilled wine on his shirt, blushed so much and apologized multiple times (your cheeks were adorable, by the way, when they were tinted red) and in return, he just scoffed, giving his back to you.
What had caused that abrupt action on his part he didn’t know in depth, but that was what sealed your future interactions. Not only did you avoid him like the plague, but the conversations you shared were fraught with tension, overwhelmed by your palpable resentment and his absolute inability to communicate properly. Truth be told, from the first instance Diluc saw you, he felt something prickle in his chest—he would burst into a disproportionate heartbeat, in rapid breathing and nightly sighs spent with his hand on his cock as he moaned your name under his breath, wishing it was your lips around the tip, or your lovely, pretty eyes focused on his gaze; you reduced yourself to his fantasies, soft hands in his russet hair, honey kisses on the freckles on his cheeks and nose, or his back, or all of him—
But when he visualizes you at a distance conversing with a client amiably, his thoughts might be interpreted differently, and your hatred seems to multiply just a little bit more at his impertinence. (No—he swears it's not unhealthy. It's not insane to imagine breaking bones or punching the teeth out of your own clients. That would be against the legality of his business, and Diluc was a single father of a three-year-old girl. There was nothing immoral about him. He had child support to pay.)
Except, of course, his fantasies about his hot employee, her captivating figure, and her charming accent—oh, and when you speak Spanish? Diluc is ecstatic—or everything about her, driving him crazy until his concentration on everything is dull.
Today, fuck the Gods and his luck, it’s one of those nights. Those nights when the music blares loud, Come On, Let's Go on the speakers, alcohol dancing from corner to corner with inebriated office workers, or parents who are likely to be very late that night. The only thing different? He couldn't overlook it. His eyes never leave your figure, nor the orange-haired boy smiling flirtatiously at you. This is stupid. It's really stupid. Everything would have been simpler if he was nicer, or used eyes of: “Fuck, you're beautiful.” instead of: “Fuck you.”
As insurmountable as he was, he crossed the stretch of distance, placing a hand between the two of you, perhaps more abruptly than he expected. His countenance was darkened, and his eyes had slid to you in an act of inertia, startling the giggling boy who paused from his hunting intent.
“Jazmín, I don't think I pay you to chat.” There it was, his abruptly hostile tone. Fuck. He wasn't making the situation any easier on himself. Then, his eyes drifted to the guy. He’s a threat. “We don't distract employees either. I do believe you won’t be bothered if I take her back with me, would it?”
The boy cleared his throat. “Huh? I, In fact…”
“It’s irrelevant.”
He didn't even let him finish, holding your elbow and the tray that held several empty glasses in the other. Maybe his grip was stronger than he anticipated. Maybe he wished he could stop feeling that warmth of jadedness in his chest. Maybe, just maybe, he wanted to say that he really likes you a lot—fuck, he wants you so badly—but he just murmurs, very low, close to your ear:
“Behave yourself,” A quiet whisper, inaudible. His hand, unexpectedly, descended to your waist, gripping the material of your shirt softly, but not to the point that is something you can’t perceive. “I wouldn’t want to reprimand you in my office. Don’t make me do so, yeah?” It is possessiveness. It is borderline sick, perhaps, that he feels a need to possess. To fuck you senseless. To grab your elbow and just take you to his office where he will indeed make sure you’re naked on top of his desk, his red angry tip brushing against your cunt, his hands and your soft thighs… Fuck. “Be good.”
The music echoed through the speakers of the place, it was soft but loud enough to overshadow most of the voices in the bar, but all in all it was a pretty quiet night compared to the others. There were people coming back from their jobs with a lot of weight on their shoulders, drowning their frustrations in a glass of vodka, friends catching up after a long time and laughing when remembering old memories from when they were younger, and the occasional lonely person trying to get through the night alone. It was just... perfect.
"Stop it.", there's a chuckle accompanied with a little smack to his shoulder. "I'm working now, Childe, you're gonna get me fired."
"Oh c'mon, pretty. Just sit down a little, you've been going back and forth all night."
"Yeah, that's what I have to do.", a soft smile appears on her face as she sees the pouty lips of the ginger begging for a little of her time. "You can bother me later, now give me your order already."
But before the young man can even formulate a response, he is brutally interrupted and a messy flame-colored hair appears on her radar. And instantly she knows she's in trouble when his serious countenance and withering gaze settles on his friend, providing him with a curt, stern reply and then pulling her away from the overwhelming environment.
The situation was strained, based on careful glances and it was like walking on eggshells, everything she said or did could be used against her. Every day being greeted by dark eyes and limited interactions that made her feel out of place, but it was all so she could pay the rent for her tiny apartment.
Still remembering the first day with a bittersweet taste on her palate, just trying to be nice with the mere goal of being able to work in a decent work environment and comfort, but now her eyes show her resentment that she doesn't know if there is any coming back from.
"I wasn't doing anything.", the space is small, her back hits the cold wall of the hallway, causing a wave of shivers to grow across her skin. "How do you think I can do my job if I don't talk to customers?"
She looks up at her boss, there is a fire in his eyes but this time it is different, and his words only make an anger grow inside her, pushing her off the cliff and sending her over the edge.
Her hands grip the material of her uniform tightly, her blood burns deep inside her and a wave of adrenaline rushes through her veins as her cheeks are tinged a warm crimson color.
It was enough.
"The only thing we're going to your office for is to sign my resignation." she whispers through her teeth when she has him close enough, her curious eyes watching the freckles adorning the bridge of his nose as her breathing becomes heavy. "I'm sick of your fucking attitude, I tried countless times to be nice with you but useless. You're useless, Ragnvindr."
Her words are sharp, her point fingers touching his heavy chest, feeling his increasing breathing under her finger tips. A «you need to get fucked.» burns in the tip of her tongue but instead she says; "I'd rather sleep on the street than keep working one more day in this fucking hell hole. I'm done."
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assim-eu-sou · 4 years
Temporada 2, Capítulo 12 Notes
Whew… Nina is really setting her up for a disappointment
The way Jazmín is sweeping the floor…
She said philosopher time
Does Santi leaving mean people are gonna stop watching the boys when they sleep? I hope so.
Well, I guess they aren’t gonna get sleep anyway being the bosses of the roller.
How insensitive can Sharon be? Saying it’s good that the rink is closing when it’s a place where she could do something she loved and express herself. Grrrrr.
Yessss no more camera in the loft!!!!
A strange dream indeed… with Alfredo in it
She’s like “you’re close to figuring out who it was??F?{?K:LSLFKL:A”
Ámbar is about to have a panic attack right there at school with the bombs their dropping on her
Ok if I was Male or Katja I would be so scared whenever Valentina was acting a scene in which Ámbar was angry. Like SCARY
He won Rock Paper Scissors because his scissors were sharper PLEASE
I just KNOW Matteo is about to make a bad decision
I was sooooo right
Eeeey what was Fer so rude for… jealousy perhaps
Gaston and Nina having the brain cells of their duos… iconic
Me thinking about how Ámbar is pretty hours
Soy Luna would be nothing without dramatic irony
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cutsliceddiced · 5 years
New top story from Time: Incendiary ‘Flamin’ Hot Cheeto Turkey’ Video Has Lit the Internet Ablaze
It’s time to start thinking up ways to spice up your holiday season, but a newly viral video of a Flamin’ Hot Cheeto turkey already has set off a chain reaction suggesting this is one recipe people won’t be trying at home.
Nothing says “tradition” like shoving a gigantic 2-pound block of cheese inside your turkey’s carcass and then coating all over it with crumbled Flamin’ Hot Cheetos.
“Fam..I just seen a video of a Flaming hot cheetos Turkey being prepared….what’s wrong with people” a Twitter account that goes by the handle Pooch shared this weekend via what looks like Jason Fredericks’ Facebook page.
“When the cheese went in, I died,” one Twitter user wrote.
“This is why there is a hell,” someone wrote in response. “What is the reason,” another demanded.
Perhaps it’s to impress your followers and give a boring turkey a kick.
The video instructs us to start with a 15-pound turkey that gets brined in salty water and brown sugar. After more than a few generous dashes of tabasco, it marinates. Of course, after you cover the turkey with melted butter, the crushed Cheetos — the star — coat the turkey.
But that’s not the defining feature of this newly anointed internet famous bird.
Before the Cheetos, another key part of this recipe is the side dish is cheesy potatoes. You stuff the turkey with an industrial sized block of cheese.
Then, the hypnotic video of this Flamin��� Hot Cheeto turkey shows people stuffing the turkey with potatoes. In the end, the potatoes and cheese get mashed up in a delightful side dish. If you deign to try this, it’s important to note that when you stuff a turkey, you have to ensure everything cooks all the way through.
A Flamin’ Hot Cheeto turkey recipe (without this video) went viral in 2017 courtesy of Reynolds Kitchen, which also offered Cool Ranch and Funyuns variety. But this highly shareable, highly doable recipe video went newly viral on Saturday as the cooking method of this one spread fear and confusion throughout the Twitter community.
People do not find it appetizing, but who knows? It could taste great. After it all, it has the key ingredient: Cheetos. What’s not to feel thankful about?
Flamin’ Hot Cheetos have become ubiquitous from memes to works of art. In fact, searches for the snack have become an increasingly popular search on Google over the last few years.
At least it’s better than the (satirical) microwaved turkey of 2018.
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#Deinstalling @__flatline. • • • #Longbeach #jollyranchers #startbursts #flaminhotcheetos #blackpanthershirt #storagebin
A post shared by Jazmín Urrea (@lumpyjazzy) on Dec 27, 2018 at 8:31pm PST
See reaction to the flaming’ hot Cheeto turkey video spread with the force and mystery of Cheetos on a buttered up turkey below.
When the cheese went in, I died https://t.co/rmft4ozk09
— Francis Lam (@Francis_Lam) November 2, 2019
Man, there really is a fetish for everything. (ht @Francis_Lam) https://t.co/MzqyKu57H3
— Maryn McKenna (@marynmck) November 2, 2019
They put a massive cheese block inside this toddler-sized turkey and then crumbled FLAMING HOT CHEETOS on top of It. I’m gravely offended and I don’t even eat turkey. https://t.co/zTgdCxGUGr
— Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers (@sejr_historian) November 2, 2019
Literally NO ONE:
The internet: but what about a flaming hot Cheetos cheese stuffed turkey? https://t.co/3SXU5jA7YW
— Mirya R. Holman (@prof_mirya) November 1, 2019
Are we at the end times?
WTF…just make fondue. You don’t need to melt 2 lbs of cheese in a turkey covered in flaming hot Cheetos.
This ain’t it. This isn’t close to it. Not down the street from it. Not over the bridge and around the corner from it. https://t.co/eUVF784RVO
— TexasIsBest (@CeeCee1017) November 2, 2019
via https://cutslicedanddiced.wordpress.com/2018/01/24/how-to-prevent-food-from-going-to-waste
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assim-eu-sou · 3 years
Temporada 2, Capítulo 65
- Bruhhhh they’ve been living here the entire time without Gary knowing???? - Sharon and her “sixth sense” - Ughhhh I want them to give the skate to Juliana NOW - Chicos, tudo bem? Não, Juliana… - Juliana is in such a good mood though? - Pleaseeeee not Ámbar walking in when they’re talking about her - Nico really just made plain noodles - I bet Gary 100% knows that they live here and is just stringing him along - HAHAHA Simón taking Gary’s plate and scooping all of the noodles there onto his - Ugh just missed picking up the picture from Lily - Luna really just has a projector in her mind - HAHA JULIANA IN HER DREAM - Ugh I love the LVEUS instrumental - Ámbar has the most extravagant night robes - Thanks a LOT Sharon for bringing out the bad side of Ámbar. - It felt weird hearing Tino call Luna ‘Lunita’ - Jkdjkjkkj the way Ámbar always says 
“insuporrrrTAbles” - “Jazmín, sos una genia”. “En serio????” Aw Jazmínnn - Alfredo is really just stalking Rey - BAHAHA Simón is baffled that Ámbar is asking about her day - Ámbar’s like ew. I have to talk to Luna instead of Simón to get information - If I didn’t love Ámbar so much I would be very unhappy with her right now… - Alright, Gary knows EXACTLY what’s going on at that apartment - Nice of him to tidy up the place a bitt though lol - They sure do have a ton of guitars in there - Pedro family picture :) - PERSONALIZED MUGS FOR EACH OF THEM I WEEP - What lovely bros - Alright, perhaps Nico should have asked Gary but no one’s using it… - You know, I thought we were done with Sebas - Matteo sure ain’t happy, shocker - LMAO Ámbar lurking in the background - What’s up with Luna’s skating… I see she has different ones but it can’t be all that - Luna sure be hearing that phrase a lot. Yes the truth is right in front of you. - Gastón is not taking any of Matteo’s crap about not being interested in Luna - Ok but Delfi Roller Band Siempre Juntos sounds really good, actually. - Queen Delfi reuniting the Roller Band - The Roller está más unido que nunca… Sort of. - Ámbar is so funny sometimes when she’s not being heart-wrenching or awful. - She has found the art from Lily…. - PLESAE LOOK AT THIS PRESENTATION FROM THE KIDS - I WEEP they did such a good job :’) - Wahhhhhhhhh I’m emo emo emo the teacher in me is very emo - Luna came right out with the “Please stay with us”.
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