#i hate when writers have to fuck up relationships just to keep the plot interesting
iridescentis · 4 months
I was going through my old S2 reactions and man I'm sad about lutteo again
I think for the most part as far as I can tell, the general consensus is dislike over here, but I was really rooting for them and it just makes me so sad that the drama ruined that for me! their cute moments were so strong I loved them a lot but after finishing the show and looking back it just wasn't healthy at all and that just makes me sad
Idk I just, as I've said before, I feel the same way about them as I do with quite a lot of TV relationships, like Cory and Topanga or Maddie and Diggie - in theory it's cute and the scene writing for their happy moments is good, but it just isn't sustainable or healthy for either of them
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allwaswell16 · 5 months
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A fic rec of One Direction fics where Louis is a villain of some sort as requested in an ask I can no longer find oof Hope you see this rec whoever asked for it! If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
- Louis/Harry -
💀 Wanted Most by BornOnABeach
(E, 156k, thief Louis) Louis Tomlinson is a thief, and a damn good one at that. Most have heard of him. Most don't understand him. And Harry Styles is the FBI agent who can never seem to catch him.
💀 Cover Me with Jewels by ShatteredGlassHouse / @larryislove
(E, 55k, thief Louis) the one where Louis is a jewel thief and dating Harry Styles, the heir to a designer jewellery business empire, but Louis worries Harry will discover him, so he disappears for five years. 
💀 Tied Down by HamPalpert
(E, 48k, drug dealer Louis) The most interesting case in Liam and Niall's careers falls directly into their laps, courtesy of an epic fuck-up of one Harry Styles, partner to the almost-infamous drug dealer Louis Tomlinson. 
💀 I'll Throw Away My Faith (Just To Keep You Safe) by @theboyfriendstagram
(E, 42k, assassin Louis) AU. Harry Styles is an MI6 agent on a mission to find out who’s planning on killing the Prime Minister. Louis Tomlinson is a wanted professional assassin, hired by the MI6 to kill whoever wants to kill the Prime Minister.
💀 Please, Deceive Me by Larringiscaring
(E, 42k, thief Louis) Louis robs casino's with his ex-boyfriend, and Harry trusts a criminal a little more than he should
💀 no pressure, no diamonds by @karamelised
(E, 42k, thief Louis) Louis is a thief, Harry a grifter. They are thrown together for a huge diamond heist in Paris, where their past soon catches up to them.
💀 Buried Like Treasure by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird
(E, 40k, thief Louis) Semi-retired thief Louis Tomlinson has been pulled in for one last job: steal a painting from an uninhabited mansion. Neither one of them expects a natural disaster.
💀 The Risen (series) by @creamcoffeelou
(E, 28k, cult au) In search of the next breaking story, Harry goes off to do something no one else has been able to do: get the scoop on Louis Tomlinson and his devoted group of followers.
💀 For You, I Will (I Don't Believe in Magic, but) by theweightofmywords / @lil0
(E, 17k, criminal Louis) Louis leads two lives, when all he wants is a simple one with Harry.
💀 focal point by rainbowsandgucci
(M, 8k, thief Louis) By the time you read this, I’ll be gone, so don’t bother looking. Last night was lovely, Harry, I’m sure you agree. Sorry to run, but that’s just how life works sometimes, I’m sure you understand. Don’t forget about me. xx P.S. Thanks for the money
💀 Daisy by Jennifer_Kaid / @poetsreprieve
(E, 3k, mob au) An assassin who lurks in shadows, who kills with a detachment towards his victims, their death always displayed artfully for anyone who stumbles upon the corpse once his work is done.
💀 Stealing My Trust by Phillipa19
(E, 3k, organized crime) Harry hates the danger Louis' 'job' puts him in, but no one ever said being in love with a criminal would be easy.
💀 we're swimming with the sharks until we drown by velvetnoodle
(T, 3k, thief Louis) There’s only one thing that makes Harry’s job on the casino floor bearable, and that’s a chance to grab the attention of the mysterious man who frequents the establishment often.
💀 How to Catch a Christmas Tree by Anonymous
(E, 2k, omegaverse) It's two days until Christmas and Harry needs a Christmas tree.
💀 Marionette by Anonymous
(E, 2k, witch Louis) Harry is a vampire on the hunt. He doesn’t know that he’s not the top of the food chain.
💀 The shape I've made you into by flamboyo / @riverswater
(M, 1k, established relationship) "Sometimes, I wish you'd hit me."
💀 Twenty-Eight by @beardyboyzx
(M, 1k, spy au) Agent Harry Styles has finally caught his nemesis, but there's a knot in the plot he's not ready to detangle.
- Rare Pairs -
💀 To Catch a Thief by StormDancer
(E, 49k, Zayn/Louis) There are some rules even thieves have trouble breaking. Marriage vows, for instance.
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showtoonzfan · 1 year
Ganna be honest the only reason I’m sticking around Helluva right now is because I’m waiting for the Fizz and Ozzie episode, as well as seeing Fizz’s backstory. I don’t give a shit about Barbie’s episode, (REALLY hope that’s not the next one, if it is I’m not watching it, I can’t stand another fucking poor pity me Blitz episode) nor the episodes that come after since we already know by the leaks how this shit is ganna end, so I really think I’m going to drop the Stolitz show after the Fizz and Ozzie one.
Season 1 was bad but season 2 is just worse. It’s retconning fucking everything, flip flopping it’s character motivations and can’t stay fucking consistent for the life of it, the female characters are still pushed to the back and have no thought or care written into them compared to the males, the humor is absolute dogshit because the creator only sticks to one fucking form of comedy every single time and can’t focus on the serious aspects without an unfunny shitty gag or distraction, the constant push of everyone wanting you to ship Stolitz and care about them despite them still having no chemistry or reason why they should end up together, (and being horrible people themselves) the constant dangling of future plot threads only for it to have an underwhelming “conclusion”, and introducing new threats when we STILL haven’t gotten to know our main fucking characters well and their dynamics/relationships, the show tries so hard to be deep and compelling but fails every time because in reality the writers have no idea how to write trauma and abuse and it’s just a fetish show for people who sexualize gay men to the maxes and get off to sex, the obvious fact that Viv has NO idea where this story will end or what her end goal is for the show, so she keeps pulling ideas at the top of her head without planning what will come after, causing everything we watch to not have any build up, proper time and dedication, or feel earned.
The show CONSTANTLY goes back to the status quo every episode and barley acknowledges the previous one that happened or existed, the characters stay the same and are never going through actual fucking development, learn from their mistakes or past, and when the writers aren’t retconning things, the characters are exactly the same as they were in the beginning of the show. The only characters I slightly care about at this point are Via, Striker, Fizz, and maybe Ozzie, but Striker clearly is a tool that Viv seems to have no sympathy for, and Octavia? Well…fuck Octavia, who cares about her feelings, lol, she’s a meanie for being upset with her father and needs to suck up to him just because he’s nicer, and when I say I “like” Fizz and Ozzie, that’s not saying much. We barley know them and I hate that Fizz is tied to Blitz in the first place, because you know Viv is going to end up sucking Blitz’s dick for every shitty action he did and have the end work in his favor. It’s so predictable, Fizz and Blitz are going to make amends, even if it’s not this season, I know it’ll happen, cause every fucking episode that focuses on Blitz wants you to feel bad for him and side with him, even when he’s being called out for being a dick, especially if you’ve seen the leaks. Speaking of those, with Viv mentioning that this season has 12 episodes and episode 12 was ALSO leaked, it gives me no hope or interest for the show. This show wants you to hate anyone and anything who doesn’t side with Stolas and I don’t give a shit about him and Blitz, since this is literally confirmed to be the Stolitz show, and these are two awful unfunny characters who should have never been main characters in the first place.
There are tons of better shows out there right now, as well as old shows I haven’t watched yet, and I need to stop wasting my breath repeating the same thing over and over. Tearing the show apart IS fun, but at the same time, it’s the same case with every episode. Fast pacing, unfunny humor, tonal problems, filler, favoritism in writing, lack of buildup, retconning, and the main point that certain characters suck and others deserve better. It’s legit the same issue every time so that’s why it’s starting to get so tiring critiquing the show and watching it, especially since I don’t give a shit about the characters or story, cause the characters I actually care about get thrown in the dust while the characters that fucking suck get focus constantly and idolized, and whenever an upcoming plot for an episode SEEMS like it’ll intrigue me, the potential is swept out the window because no one on this writing team is a good writer, not Adam, not Brandon, and especially not Viv, who hasn’t learned anything or improved, and doesn’t realize that she just doesn’t have the writing chops for what she’s TRYING to accomplish, and the show will never improve because the creator is a stuck up brat who can’t take criticism and treats it like acid rain.
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harukamitsuki · 1 month
I'm procrastinating writing at the moment, so I decided to create a list of the things I hate about Voltron, a show I can't help but love and rewatch 200+ times. I mean. I've been pretty damn vocal about one thing in particular, but I should probably remind people I hate other things too so...
This list will be long, so read more under the cut!
1 - Okay, let's just get the obvious one out of the way: Lance. Reasons why can be seen here, here and here. The first link really goes into the details, the second one is more confusion as to why people think Lance is treated the worst, and the last is more why Lance would be horrible as Black Paladin. MOVING ON TO NEW POINTS!
2 - The ships. Specifically... ahem... Klance, Sheith, Allurance, Lotorance (Lotor/Lance), Shidge (Shiro/Pidge), Shance (Shiro/Lance). Those, in my opinion, are the top offenders. I've explained my grievances with Sheith in a post here. It's not that it's paedophillia, it's the bond. As for the rest, while I dabbled a bit in Klance and Allurance in the aforementioned posts against Lance, I've yet to actually explain.
First of all, the fans are awful. Tip: If you keep trying to force people to like your ship instead of letting them get to their own conclusions, they're just going to hate that ship even more. This isn't a Voltron-specific thing, but it's still rampant.
Second of all, Lance doesn't treat either of them well. He's constantly antagonising Keith, even when Keith stops biting back in season two. The closest he gets to respecting Keith is telling him to suck it up when he's upset that the Black Lion chose him. Keith does try to be amicable to Lance, but it doesn't work because Lance is always picking a fight.
And Allura. Lance is constantly ignoring her boundaries and invading them. There isn't a single moment where they're alone together and they feel like friends, much less pining, before season seven. The only time is when Allura encourages Lance to take up Red, and he didn't even notice she was upset that Red rejected her. In fact, Lance just keeps talking about himself and how he was rejected, ignoring how Allura was rejected twice, and by the Lion her father piloted. Allura also never reacts well to Lance's flirting, always ignoring him and frowning when he does. If Allura, at least, used to laugh at his terrible attempts at flirting, maybe I could try to believe it.
Third, general grievances with these ships.
Lotorance. Lance hated Lotor from the get-go. They barely have a scene together without Lance glaring at him. If they shared some sort of chemistry outside of Lance hating him from afar, and if the writers didn't make Lotor a twist villain for no reason, then maybe. As of now, I only like it as a complete crack ship.
Shidge. Pidge is fifteen. Shiro is twenty-five. You do the damn math.
Shance. I can definitely see Shiro being Lance's bi awakening, if I believed canon Lance was bi. (Canon Lance was straighter than a chopping board, but fanon Lance is a walking bi flag). But them being together? Ignoring that Lance is 17 and Shiro is 25, if you can do that, it wouldn't feel like a healthy relationship. Lance is blinded by hero worship and, from his canon personality, he likely wouldn't realise if Shiro isn't faring well or would just constantly pile his troubles onto him without thinking about if Shiro could handle it. So, yeah, don't like this ship.
So, yeah. I don't like any of the popular ships, which is surprising. I don't hate all of them. I do like Kallura, (should have been canon), and Shallura, (surprising, because I really do like gay!Shiro), and Shunk, (who doesn't, honestly?). But I tend to prefer the nicher ones. Katt (Keith/Matt), Heith (Hunk/Keith), Hance (Hunk/Lance)...
3 - The writing. Usually, I would respect the writers because it's hard as fuck to plan and write an entire series, but they just kept missing. They would set up so many interesting plots and ideas, only to do absolutely nothing with them. This, in and of itself, is not enough to make me lose respect, but that's not all. Plot holes, terrible escalations, too slow pacing, (slow burns are good - great, even - but not when things are supposed to be happening), horrible romances... It's to the point where, for a long while, I avoided the show and only read the fanfiction. There are so many people who don't watch the show, only exposed through fanfiction and social media posts, because the writing just isn't good.
The writers get things right few times. I'm sorry, but if your entire job is to write a coherent, well-thought out story, why did they do such a bag job at it? I'll tell you why - they let the fans control what they did. Shiro was never supposed to come back. He was supposed to die at the end of season two and never come back, but the fans wanted him back so guess what? The writers brought him back! In doing so, they cut right into Keith's character arc and made him go through it off-screen. The fans built Lance up as the main character and fan-favourite? Well, the writers just decide to hand him everything. Reward him for being the fan-favourite and then ruin his character by never making him work for what he got.
The writers decide to pull a J.K.Rowling and went 'aw, yeah, Lance is bisexual!' despite him never showing an interest in a guy throughout the entire show, other than being a big fan of Shiro. They throw in gay!Shiro at the literal last minute with some background character who only ever had one line. Thanks, DreamWorks. It's not like you could've just let Adam live so Shiro could be going home to SOMEONE.
Unexpected things always happen. An actor being unavailable, a sudden irl event making it so the episode you planned would appear tone-deaf, the joke you wrote was less funny and more offensive... So on and so forth. Sometimes you have no choice but to change what you have planned because delaying it would just make the studio and the fans mad. Just... TRY to make it make sense. And don't fold to the fans, dammit. Shiro should have stayed dead because he just doesn't do anything when Allura and Keith saved him. The main character should have stayed as an ensemble, rather than pushing Lance as the central focus, because it would have left less reasons for me to hate Lance and give other, specifically Hunk, the development they deserved.
The show also never adresses traumatising shit, (*cough cough* Keith's sacrifice attempt *cough cough*), but that can be forgiven because it was aimed at children. I do, however, like that LM corrected an interviewer when they asked about Keith 'attempting to kill himself'. It was quickly corrected to 'sacrificing himself' because that's what it was! I'm sick of people acting like he was suicidal because he wasn't. He was actively scared of what he was going to do, i.e. sacrifice his life for everyone's sake. He tried to do it for the greater good. Would you call one of the many who died during wars suicidal? No. You would call them noble and heroic for their sacrifice, because that's what they are. That is what Keith was trying to do. He saw the only way out and decided one life in exchange for the many is a damn good deal and took it. Saying he was depressed and suicidal is undermining the actions he took.
So, yeah. In my eyes, the writers did two good things. Correcting the mistake belief that Keith was suicidal, and creating this shit-fest of a show. (God, I love/hate Voltron).
4 - How Pidge is treated by the fandom. Pidge is so mean. She's rude and callous and selfish and that's okay. What's not okay is acting like these traits make her a queen. She's rude, fine. She's callous, fine. She's selfish, fine. She's incredible for this? Um, no? Stop treating her like she's just sassy. She's mean. I mean, not long after Shiro's death/disappearance, she calls Keith, who is mourning Shiro so deeply, a 'loner'. Without even getting to know him. She just deems him a loner, even though Keith is just so genuinely kind?
Don't get me wrong. I love Pidge. She's great and she's an absolute joy to write. I admire her tenacity in trying to find her missing family members while also able to put the universe before them. Watching her break down about Matt when she thinks he's dead is so utterly heartbreaking because I really did like her.
But acting as if she's perfect because of this? No way.
(Also, I refer to Pidge as 'she/her' only in these posts. I much prefer gender neutral or trans Pidge.)
5 - Hunk's treatment. He deserved SO MUCH BETTER! This sweet, precious boy. He's the only one who reacted approppriately to becoming a child solider. He's an anxious, terrified kid and he's still able to swallow that fear and fight on because there are people, people like Shay, who have no idea what freedom means and if the sky is blue.
He's the only one who has to find and fight for his family when they get back to Earth, which makes me sad. Very sad. He cares so much about his friends. Even if he's scared, he'll still put himself in danger for them.
But the narrative treats him like garbage, reducing him to the comedic, fat joke, while Lance never treats him like a best friend. He deserved so much more than what he was given.
6 - The people in charge were so obsessed with doing every character dirty. They wanted to keep Shiro death, wanted to kill Keith after admitting to not knowing where they were going with him, tried to kill Hunk who did nothing wrong to deserve this, and actually killed Allura off when they realised Allurance would not work in the long-term because Lance would not be able to part from Earth for so long while Allura would not be able to stay confined to Earth at all.
7 - Lance fans would hate him if he was white.
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delta-queerdrant · 8 months
useless desires (Persistence of Vision, s2 e8)
I just realized I posted my drafts out of order! And skipped Persistence of Vision!! So sorry, but also what is time, etc.
"Persistence of Vision" could also be titled “kisses no one wanted to see on television.” There are so many of them! Voyager is a show that is fundamentally bad at romantic subplots, and this episode in particular seems determined to deliver awkward makeout scenes that literally no one asked for.
Truthfully I’m inclined to like this episode - it’s gothic, and it's about feelings, and those are both good things! (Season Two as a whole is strong in the area of feelings-forward episodes, even as it struggles with such matters as “plot.”)
We open with Janeway, modern career woman, losing her cool due to the pressures of command. The Doctor orders her to blow off some steam with a holo-novel, so we’re back to Victorian governess cosplay. 
This show’s conception of self-care is so very nineties - Janeway is a leader, but she’s also a woman, which means that an essential layer in her Maslow’s Pyramid is “putting on a corset and getting snogged by a bargain-basement aristocrat.” The problem with the governess holonovel is that it invokes universalized cliches of gendered desire (bodice-ripper tropes) instead of drilling into what this character, specifically, would look for in a holonovel (my money is on lady doctor/cowboy romance, but I will also accept steampunk adventure, or pirates). Some women dig feeling feminine, but they also want to feel like themselves.
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Soon Janeway’s repressed lady psyche, pushed to the brink, begins to spill out into ordinary life. When she dares to enjoy a coffee ice cream (instead of one of her inexplicable cups of soup), she begins to hallucinate. Mark shows up!! A ghostly dog barks!!!
I am usually one to try to get behind a canonical love interest - even if my shippy preferences lie elsewhere, canon relationships shed light on character. But man, I hate this jerk. No doubt real!Mark has many pleasant qualities that phantom!Mark lacks, but let's be real, dude has all the charisma of a bin full of pencil shavings.
Mark (and Mollie) have been on Janeway's mind; we know this because she gave their photo a long, plaintive look before trotting off to the holodeck. Now phantom!Mark declares that, quote, SOMEONE ELSE IS IN YOUR THOUGHTS NOW(!!!) As further evidence of her guilt, a hallucinatory Mrs. Templeton appears and jumps her.
Who the heck is someone else?? One is inclined to assume that we're being setting up for a Janeway/Chakotay romance arc - but it’s hard to feel certain this show isn’t fucking with us, making shippy promises it has no intention of keeping. It seems equally possible that Lord Burleigh is someone else and the writers truly believe that Janeway feels guilty for kissing holograms behind her fiance’s back.
At any rate, atmospherically backlit aliens have shown up; the rest of the crew starts hallucinating, seeing loved ones or, in B’Elanna’s case, a torrid romance with Chakotay?? (I am actually okay with these two as fwb, but their relationship is so fundamentally platonic that, again, it feels like the writers are just messing with us.) Mark shows up and kisses Janeway (gosh, two Janeway kisses in one episode, each one profoundly disappointing).
Only Kes is strong enough to resist these bankrupt conjurings of female desire. Her siren is a Tom Paris who needs to be rescued, which is actually a pretty funny and on the nose interpretation of what Kes is into. Overcoming her urge to engage in some hurt/comfort roleplay, Kes rescues the ship, Medusa-like, by using her telepathic powers to return the awkward to sender.
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I enjoy this episode because it’s about women’s personal lives, even though the script seems extremely confused about what those personal lives consist of. Janeway and Torres share a very sweet “welp, that was awkward” scene at the end in which they resolve to be a little less repressed in the future.
Of curse, we can't possibly expect either of them to follow through with their vow; when it comes to nineties television, the richest texts are usually those below the surface. 3/5 surreptitious coffee ice creams.
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dinitride-art · 1 year
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…y’all weren’t fucking kidding about this huh. Like I know why they (not all of them, most of them are chill) hate Will (because he’s gay) but still. They’re pretty bold over there huh.
“Some b tier side character” weird way to refer to the character that has the first episode of season one named after them because they’re that important to the literal start of the entire story (The Vanishing of Will Byers),
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one of the main focuses of season's one and two,
and a character who definitely has had more than eight lines in the last two seasons.
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Yeah, sorry. This isn't how you put a B-list side character in a shot. Center frame, close up shots, focusing on them speaking- and you definitely don't do close up shots of their emotional reactions to add depth to their character so you can tell the story you want to tell the best you can.
"I didn't know she was lying to you, Mike!" "Is it early, Michael?" "So you can swap spit with some stupid girl?" "Yeah. I guess I really did." "I'm not gonna fall in love." "A day free of girls!" "Funny how a lot of Will's lines in both season three and four have to do with Mike. How his character arc has to do with Mike.
"It's nothing. It-it's just this painting I've been working on."
"Why do you keep lying to Mike?" "You're not- you're friends with Angela and Stacy and you come to parties here?" "For mom's work- that's not what you implied. I just, I don't think Mike's gonna like that you're lying to him, and he doesn't deserve that, and when he finds out he's gonna be mad."
"No, listen to me. She's having problems here."
"She was lying to you, Mike! Straight to your face, ever since you got here and... I've been a total third wheel all day. It's been miserable. So, sorry if I wasn't... wasn't smiling." "What about us?" "You're mad that I didn't talk to you? Seems like you made it super clear that you're not interested in anything I have to say." "You called maybe a couple of times. It's been a year, Mike. Meanwhile, El has, like, a book of letters from you." "And us?"
"Sometimes, I think it's just scary to open up like that. To day how you really feel, especially to people you care about the most because what if- what if they don't like the truth?"
"Well, once we save her, El, we should stop on the way back. El could make us super rich and we'd never have to work. We could just play D&D and Nintendo for the rest of our lives."
Will hasn't been involved in the supernatural plot for the past two seasons. That doesn't mean he hasn't been involved in an equally important part of this story. Side characters don't get relationship conflict that spans over multiple seasons that ties into the larger themes of the story.
"It's not my fault you don't like girls!" "I mean, what did you think, really? That we were never gonna get girlfriends? We were just gonna sit in my basement all day and play games for the rest of our lives?"
As for how Mike views Will Byers, that has always been very clear.
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And that's just season two and season four (I don't have season one and three on hand).
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Yep. This is him. Will Byers. The B-tier side character who Mike Wheeler has never looked at once in his life, nevermind cared about, and who is barely even going to be in season five!
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Definitely not important at all! To the plot OR to Mike! Funny how Mike has more scenes with Will than with El, "Who he actually loves," though. Weird. And definitely not significant at all. Guess the writers just didn't know what to do with Mike while El was away growing as a character so they just stuck him with Will. And really, they didn't know what to do with him in the last shot either! Just stuck him in the middle for some reason. And next to Will!
It's definitely not because Mike and Will are important characters, to both each other, the core themes of the show (forced conformity, abuse, love), and to the plot! Nope!
It was just a mistake. Damn. They really fucked up that last shot bad then. Putting Mike AND Will together in the center of the shot which, well, normally would be intentional in order to emphasis their importance to the story and their relationship but this is Stranger Things! We all know that no ones putting any thought into any detail of this show. Really, it was just a simple mistake. The blocking, the multiple angles emphasizing it, having this as the final shot of the season. None of it matters.
Least of all, Mike and Will.
Just another string of errors attached to these two.
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REBELDE S2 WAS A HOT MESS (major spoilers ahead)
I think conceptually speaking having Gus as a villain this season was a good idea. Who can be a bigger enemy to music than s producer only interested in money who exploits his artists? I hated that he died in the end. Biggest wtf of the season, now he exits the next season completely and our mains are left to deal with the fallout in what most likely will be an attempt to copy Elite. Rebelde is about the music and the highschool drama not an student accidentally killing one of the most important producers in the country, what?????
Esteban was interesting this season, i like that tried to kind of make him the villain. Him getting sucked into Gus bullshit and doing whatever it took to be the best was a nice change from him being really plain last season. I hated him 80% of this seasons runtime but at least this was intentional on the writer's part. I'm so not looking forward to the murder plot with him next season.
Jana works better when she is alone than with Esteban, they make each other lamer, I thought her arc about not having to always please everybody was cool, and i don't think her conflict at the beginning of the season with MJ was nonsensical at all. She's 16, of course she's jealous of someone who could steal her spotlight, not to mention MJ was her friend and left her and the band to go with Jana's shitty ex lol. I like that the girls ended up together at the end and it didn't feel like something forced to me, so many things had happened to them by that point that the reason they were fighting in the first place probably felt stupid anyways.
Dixon is one my favorites lol, this guy is ride or die with everybody. He was willing to keep going with the band, to forgive MJ, he was even trying to help Esteban before he turned into an asshole, i think he's actually the most mature one of the bunch. Whether he was the best in the class depends on personal taste but I think it was well done in the sense that he was the only one to stand up to Gus and remain true to himself as an artist. I like his friendship with Jana cause we almost never get platonic relationship in teen media between girls and boys without feelings being involved, i screamed when they kissed but I hope they keep it as a "we were just too drunk" thing. I liked him with MJ at first, now I think he deserves better.
MJ didn't really have an arc this season, she was just doing her own thing, the actress is a really talented singer so I wish she was more present in the race for Gus's contract. I think she and Sebastian were pretty cute together but I could see their breakup coming from a mile away (more on this in his section). I didn't mind her bit with the pregnancy scare (sin gorrito no hay fiesta, guys) and i just want her to have more to do next season.
Fucking Sebastian. I like to believe that if he knew Gus was such a monumental asshole he wouldn't have done what he did at the end. I thought his arc about being a better person because of MJ was cute however what was wrong from the start is he was changing because of her so I knew the moment she was gone, he was going to go back. My guy just needs therapy and i would have more sympathy for him if his entire villain arc in s1 wasn't based around him being classist lol. (Also I can't believe we were doing the i can fix him in the year of our lord 2022).
I hate what they did to Andi and Emelia. I didn't mind Andi's addiction arc per se because it's pretty common in the music industry, I hate that it made her absent for a pretty good chunk of the major drama this season and that they broke her up with Emelia that way. The thing is, i don't think before the song thing they were actually "bad for each other" their relationship didn't have any major problems before so breaking them up was the most homophobic act of 2022.
Luka is above good and evil in the show, he's kind of an ass but he has been like that since day one and everybody has learned to tolerate him so really, he's just fun. I hope they would've spent more time with him an Okane being actually together but they are only a thing in the last 3 episodes and Luka is literally unconscious in the last one so we were given cruuuuuuumbs. I thought the scarf thing was really cute, I love them, please don't take them away.
I didn't expect much from Okane but he was a pleasant surprise. It's a shame they ruined his storyline with Jana by adding the sex tape thing because he gave her actual good advice (apart from the drugs) and i think they could have s great friendship dynamic, he could certainly make her more interesting. Idk where he went at the end, i just want him to be left alone in this entire bullshit plotline and be happy and home with Luka.
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stromuprisahat · 1 year
Slightly incoherent The Witcher S02 rant
(Finished and posted two years later with no Starbucks involved...)
They’re trying so hard to be The Next Game of Thrones, they’re erasing everything that makes The Witcher special. Things are changed unnecessarily, *new* *original* storylines added- much simpler and inferior to source material.
There’s a lack of ~variety~ of dangers. Different kinds, different degrees... It’s all life-threatening, fatal. The writers forgot some things can be dangerous only thanks to specific circumstances. Leshy in the woods can be just that- monster living in witchers’ keep’s backyard, not some weird parasite trying to murder or transform all the witchers.
Another trend I've noticed is "No rest for the heroes.". Characters aren't allowed to have a place and/or time to develop without preasure. The most peaceful part of Ciri's story got turned into parade of incompetent, inconsiderate idiots. It’s the same issue I had with first season of Shadow and Bone, where MC's studies and integration into new enviroment got struck out. Both were lacking "action". Both got cut short and re-written to be more "eventful". In both cases the story AND characters suffered. Characters aren’t developed, they become changed. Netflix seems to have a pattern, and- considering second season of S&B- doesn’t learn from its previous terrible results.
Another huge issue is pacing. The whole season feels like it happened in a week, when Blood of Elves took more than a season of the year.
“I know someone...” As it turned out, we all do.
When we’re at things I hate, there’s the trend of connecting EVERYTHING. You have a minor part to fill? Give it to one of already existing characters to make their path more eventful and memorable. What happened to random soldier, corpse no. 54 or anonymous inkeeper in shithole MC’s just passing through? You don't constantly cross ways with the same three people! Make the world real by houndreds of faces you'll never see again! It’s like the creators didn’t notice this is a TV show, not a video game, where you have to animate every different feature, so more NPC with the same faces are to be expected.
I also dislike the trend of giving some storylines to one-off side characters or making new things up just to make them important enough to keep them around (Istredd, Dara, Stregobor). Why can't you accept some people appear, fuck up your life and you never see them again? Are they pushed to keep some actors around?
The books are mostly following Geralt’s and Ciri’s story, but not exclusively. Show offers a chance to add more background politics, wider picture. Instead they bait us with well-known, already beloved characters that get reduced to something they’re not. I’ve made a separate post about Francesca Findababair, but they didn’t treat Philippa any better. Instead of a badass, crucial for the plot, the intelligence behind Redanian Intelligence, she’s just an owl. Dijkstra’s messanger to keep in touch with some sad little elf kid.
Voleth Mier disaster
There isn’t more genric evil creature in fantasy than “demon”. Then they call it “Mother of Evil”? She’s feeding on fear? I’m starting to suspect someone in the writing room has some serious mommy issues. ... and no imagination.
Apparently Blood of Elves without a final boss fight is too boring to adapt faithfully. There’s no time to increase the stakes gradually. Every season needs to end with a BANG!
Shared dreams? Why is there the need to connect everything even more to make it MORE important and SPECIAL and INTERESTING?
Vesemir and the rest of Kaer Morons
Why the fuck is Coën Wolf, not Griffin? Remember how I talked about unnecessary changes? Why bother keeping names, when everything else is different?
Eskel didn’t deserve this shit. The writers are counting on our pre-existing knowledge of his relationship with Geralt, so his death has at least some impact. Zero effort on their part, merely one (1) flashback. The Wolf funeral is plain stupid, while supposed to look "cool". a.) There isn't many witchers, they tend to die on the Path. b.) I'm sure the mutations just make the witchers tastier. No side effects. c.) Eskel was a fucking tree. Did the wolves just use him as a fancy chewing toy?
Lambs is a dick, but a dick, who loves his family. Not a bully picking on young traumatized girls.
Vesemir’s probably the second worst, considering the whole mischaracterization mess. They’ve changed friendly grandpa into "Let us use Ciri to make more witchers". Not OOC at all.
The writers also kinda missed the whole point of only four witchers living in the gigantic keep, but never mind that...
Why do they bother looking for new stories, when they just grind it into homogenic crap corresponding with The Pattern™?
Since when are witchers training in temples? (So much for neutrality...) And where's the chubby Slavic panímáma? Melitele's tample was about healing and herbs, not magic, that's Yennefer's storyline. Yes, it matters. It completely changes the perspective.
Since there’s no emotional build-up for anything, creators went for low-haging fruit. But Roach had to die for more reasons. Aside from the obvious (Horses aren’t immortal and we can’t kill the bard.), it’s the perfect way to get Geralt on gorgeous black Friesian. Y'no, because other horses are never so cool. And the Hero™ can't ride just some chestnut these days... Don't get me wrong, I love Friesians since I was a child, but this trend is beyond annoying.
Why change 14th of the hill? That’s Triss’ storyline and passing it on Yennefer served absolutely nothing.
Then we have Rience, who is for some reason super powerful- not only he doesn't have a problem drawing from fire, he can teleport to witcher's keep? Place full of magic, the very same one that's hard to find and he's never been to? Compare with game!plot, where Lambert’s dimetrium bombs messed with Yennefer’s magic enough for her not to be able to call someone.
There should be a list of banned words, or words and phrases that are often overused: power, protect, save, curse(d), fault, ~ needs you. ~I~ need you., Together. *meaningful pause*, You can fight this., glowy eyes = evil, suicidal self-sacrifice, not perfect but real, family, I beliiiiieve in you., force, darkness...
Sorry, but using a quote from one of the strongest moments of Blood of Elves in completely different situation will NOT give you extra points. Quite contrary. This is how you ruin one of he best parts of the books- by holding a sword to your SO's (who's been through some serious shit) neck.
Honorable mention of Emhyr var AnotherDumbVillain, for publicly proclaiming Ciri’s his daughter ...now the whole Nilfgaard knows what he wants. Stupid and the easiest way to let his enemies’ spies know just HOW much is she valuable.
Things I liked about this season: Tris and Ciri's meeting, Vereena, Yenneskíer chemistry
If there’s one thing second season of The Witcher taught me, it’s “Keep your expectations low, you’re gonna be let down anyway.”.
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guardianbee · 1 year
reading into the gwenverse and spider-gwen: shadow clones back-to-back was such a bad idea because now I can clearly see they keep rehashing the same shit over and over and OVER again, ideas and character beats that were already done and done BETTER in the earlier runs.
Gwen wants to be normal but she can't be normal. She and her dad fight about her being Ghost Spider. She and MJ fight about her commitment to the band. She contacts Reed about technology to advance the arc's plot. And these are literally the ONLY relationships they commit to continuing (and in terribly superficial ways) that are not 616!Peter. She hasn't interacted with Miles in any meaningful way in ages! She thought about calling Harry ONCE about 15 issues ago and hasn't thought about him since! Glory (who was actually her closest friend on The Mary Janes) hasn't spoken a word in issues, and forget Betty lmao. Her world is so empty because every writer refuses to expand it AND continues to just create alternate copies of Gwen and "develop" the relationships between them that it feels borderline masturbatory.
You can't claim that Gwen lives in this "low-super" world and then continue to put her in these very "high-super" situations, such as the debacle with the 616!Jackal, the King in Black arc, everything related to the Spider-Verse and her pretty sizeable appearances in those issues, the GWENVERSE (which had another terrible villain based on influencer culture that they gave a half-assed sympathetic backstory to, FYI), and now the Shadow Clones. Over half the time she's not even on her earth anymore! If the writers can't find a way to make earth-65 interesting because they either don't know how to deal with Gwen's public identity OR they're bad at writing any decent character introspection or building up relationships readers actually WANT to read about, then either retcon that shit or just abandon earth-65 altogether and have Gwen become a permanent transplant to 616 (not my ideal scenario but better than them pussyfooting around with cloning or multiverse hijinks while giving Gwen the same problems without resolving shit).
Spider-Gwen worked when she was grounded in HER world. When there were consequences to every act she committed as Spider-Woman. And sometimes those consequences were very steep. She went to jail! She developed feelings for her best friend and she couldn't date him because half the general public hated her! A local gang tried to kill said best friend and her bandmates while she tried to let loose for ONE fucking night! While Gwen's fate as a superhero was and is still fantastic, the problems she faced were relatable and made her endearing, problems tied to themes of responsibility, guilt, rejection, acceptance, and balance. But ever since her constant back-and-forth between earth-65 and earth-616, she's lost that relatability, and the problems she currently faces are so divorced from reality and tied up in meta-commentary that unless you're insane like me and have deep knowledge of Spider-Man lore, you're gonna be lost practically all the time. Hell, even WITH my knowledge, I'm just baffled by these creative choices! While I acknowledge that the Gwenverse and Shadow Clones arcs are committing to this idea that Gwen could have been anything on earth-616 but her death ultimately upended her possibilities, that's not the only idea worth a damn. AND (and), that idea was ALREADY done and done better in the original Spider-Gwen run, making these series feel redundant and self-indulgent.
anyway make Spider-Gwen relatable again and develop an interpersonal relationship that's not her dad, MJ, or fucking Peter Parker 2k23
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toushindai · 6 months
Life-Sized Blogging
toushindai / 30s / cis female (she/her/hers)
A known bisexual. Administrative coordinator by day. Writer also by day. Asleep by night, unless something’s gone terribly wrong. Autistic, at all hours.
My special interests take the form of serial fandom obsessions. It’s currently and very narrowly whatever the fuck Rauru and Ganondorf have going on in Tears of the Kingdom right now. If you followed me for (counts backwards on fingers) Hades, Transistor, Baccano!, Soul Eater, or any other fandom I don’t post about anymore, sorry about that. I do not have any control over the direction of the special interest.
I write a lot of fanfiction, specializing--I may as well cop to this, I think it's been the case since I was in college--in what we'll call eroticized power dynamics. You can find me on AO3. You'll also find me occasionally peddling my wares on my nsfw twitter. My main twitter, wallofillusion, should be considered defunct at this point.
Below the cut, I'd like to highlight a few of the fics or fic series that I'm proudest of for each fandom.
Tears of the Kingdom
Questions of Kingship: Two PWP one-shots followed by a multichapter plotted work. Elements of dubcon and noncon throughout. Recommended if you like made-up politics, think TOTK maybe should have thought a little harder about the implications of its made-up politics, or just want to see two horrible men who hate each other fuck about it.
Following Ganondorf's oath of fealty to Hyrule, Rauru "invites" the Gerudo chief to stay at Hyrule Castle while Gerudo's subsumption into Hyrule is negotiated. It's a strategic action; Rauru does need to keep an eye on him. But his frustration with Ganondorf's false humility hides a desire that even he is not comfortable with, and Ganondorf has his own plans for the self-styled king of Hyrule.
Hello it is I a megzag main. reach out and grasp will be your best starting point. It focuses on Megaera's friendship with Thanatos and how it is affected by her (and Thanatos's) relationship with Zagreus. This series is available as a pay-what-you-want e-book at itch.io. From there, feel free to branch out; there is a lot of porn here and some things that are not porn. A further guide to my Hades fic can be found here.
Not so much of the power dynamics in this fandom but I love Red/Boxer so much. I am not immune to a sword with a gentle voice. Here's the two of the on the verge of becoming a couple; here's what was as far as I can tell the first Red/Boxer smut on the entire internet even though I showed up three years late. Here is a post-game fic in which they finally must discuss the final act of the game.
Maskmaker trio my beloved. I've written over 100k across two separate "Monica is alive" AUs and my sole comfort is that I could never be as obsessed with this thought as Huey is.
Mad Religion is a one of my masterworks: set in the 2001 of an AU where Monica never died, Huey and Monica stumble upon a branch of SAMPLE only to discover that Elmer has already stumbled upon the cult on his own and is trying to make their sacrifice smile. Because that's what he's for--isn't it? If you like writing dealing with unnamed religious trauma, this one is for you.
Other than that--wow I cannot even begin to summarize my work in this fandom. Here's Ronny and Maiza getting to know each other in 1711. Here's Huey being the worst father imaginable to Liza. Here's a lil tone poem of Huey thinking on Monica and Elmer in the 1930s. Conversely here is Fermet leaning real hard on Huey's boundaries. There's more out there, my friends, but it's so scattered. I'm not even mentioning Ronny/Lucrezia here.
Soul Eater
Hello it is I a Medusa/Stein main. And also a "Stein's relationship with Lord Death/authority" main (I was working through some things at the time).
What it Means to Lose Control: When Stein has to give up control in order to fight, some are more than willing to step in and claim it from him. A Medusa/Stein divergent AU. I turned this into an e-book, with some side stories included; you can get that here (mobi | epub)
A God without an Ego: An examination of the relationship between Stein and Lord Death—where it works and where it falls apart. Looks like I never put this one on AO3... well, I'm not linking each piece individually on ff.n. The best way to read these ones is on e-book (mobi | epub)
Prior fandoms
If you want to go further back than "the tail end of my college years" godspeed and for god's sake please don't tell me about it. WallofIllusion on ff.n, you'll find some The World Ends With You, some Ace Attorney (original trio), some Death Note, and some Yu-Gi-Oh!. Also more Soul Eater than I transferred over to AO3.
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skaruresonic · 1 month
I find it interesting that you say you wish Shadow could do stuff outside of the Ark, as I feel like the thing writers have complained about the most when it comes to “Sega being strict about Shadow” is when it comes to how Shadow acts in casual situations. I personally think Murder of Sonic had the perfect showcase of how Shadow would act in a social gathering sort of situation. At the current moment, I think it’s Shadow’s relationship with Sonic in casual situations that is currently the most puzzling to writers at the moment with the current “Constant dick measuring contests” problem.
Seriously though I think Murder of Sonic is the perfect example of how to make Shadow fun while still keeping within Sega’s guidelines for him. It’s the most antithetical situation to the Ark stuff and it shows just how much fun you can have with him when you put him in such scenarios.
Unfortunately, I haven't played or watched an LP of MoStH so I completely lack the necessary context to talk about it.
Usually when I complain about "let Shadow do things," it's a plea to remember his interiority and not just make him an angst vehicle or trauma receptacle. I'm getting fed up with seeing Shadow being forced to contend with his past over and over again because it sends the unfortunate message that that's all there is to him. Which just feels regressive.
Not to say that Sega handles Shadow perfectly all the time - they have something of a problem of relegating Shadow to a plot device sometimes. But that small needle gets buried in the haystack of "fuck Sega" so hard that it stifles any nuanced discussion we could be having about the matter.
At the current moment, I think it’s Shadow’s relationship with Sonic in casual situations that is currently the most puzzling to writers at the moment with the current “Constant dick measuring contests” problem.
I feel like it's easy to flanderize Sonic's occasional goading of Shadow into "Sonic annoys Shadow and Shadow hates his guts." That makes folks swing in the other direction of "well SA2!Shadow respected Sonic so it's OOC for him to be violent or competitive towards Sonic ever."
I also think maybe ST is pushing for more overt depictions of Sonic and Shadow's dynamic and offering more explicit explanations of Shadow's character precisely because something about it isn't clicking for people? Like, maybe the problem isn't so much that ST is pigeonholing the two characters as much as it is that they feel the need to dumb it down for the folks who aren't getting it?
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abeautifulblog · 1 year
What was the verdict? What did you think? Is blood origin worth watching?
Yesssssss, question mark?
[My thoughts/opinions on Blood Origin, accompanied by screencaps from the groupchat liveblog -- spoiler-free, actually!]
Blood Origin has a more interesting story than TWN S2 (it's the story of how the Conjunction of the Spheres happened, and how the first witcher came to be, eyyy! :D), and the actors do a better job convincing the audience that their characters actually care about the other people onscreen.
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In fact, coffee-mage said, "Honestly, Blood Origin is rekindling my enjoyment for Witcher more than S2 did, just because this is such an interesting universe"
The scenery is quite beautiful, and so are a lot of the costumes. The empress's costumes in particular have that gorgeous, hedonistic opulence reminiscent of Queen Amidala's outfits, stunning and original, legitimate works of art in their own right -- although they are offset by a lot of pleather armor with no coherent aesthetic, and wigs that are worse than what you'd find at Party City.
I didn't even hate the het romance, because it was a friendship first and a romance second, and it was built on a foundation of earned mutual trust and respect. (And it's enemies-[to-friends]-to-lovers, if that sweetens the pot for anyone.) It was a bit zero-to-sixty when they make the shift from being friends to making cow eyes at each other, but a lot of things in the show were, which brings us to Blood Origin's two main failings:
1) That the story was too rushed. This show had kind of the opposite problem from TWN S2 -- that instead of fucking around and wasting time in order to make a thin amount of plot stretch to cover eight episodes, Blood Origin was frantically trying to cram a complex, multi-layered story with a large cast (like, 8+ primary characters?) and all their backstories and motivations and character arcs into four episodes.
2) That the writing is just. not. good.
I'll be blunt with you guys -- whoever's writing for TWN is simply not smart enough to tell a grown-up story, not on an individual level, and not a world-building level. Blood Origin is supposed to involve a lot of complicated political maneuvering, but these writers' idea of what makes up the mechanisms of power is childishly, cartoonishly simplistic, and it could not be more clear that they have no idea how empires are administrated, how diplomacy and soft power work, what kind of time scale these things run on.
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Which isn't even touching on the nonstop abuse of As You Know, Bob dialogue, and how, thanks to the time constraints, almost everyone's backstory is told-not-shown. "AS YOU KNOW, I WAS A FOUNDLING AND YOUR PARENTS TOOK ME IN, AND THUS I GREW UP TO REGARD YOU AS MY OWN SISTER--"
Like, guys. GUYS. This is the kind of shit I wrote in middle school.
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It's better than TWN insofar as they remembered that they needed to actually introduce us to these characters, tell/show us what they're like as people, what their relationships and conflicts are, but MAN the dialogue is clumsy as fuck. Character interactions are as basic as can be, and any nuance or complexity there is coming from the actors, not the writing.
The premise of the show -- the story, the characters -- is not fundamantelly flawed. It had the potential to be very good, but it's not, because the execution was hot dogshit.
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Joey is a delight as always, but his role in this show is so tiny and SOOOO pasted-on, just a sliver of framing narrative at the beginning of the first episode and the end of the last, so if that's what you're coming here for, you're going to be disappointed. I truck with the theory that they shoehorned him in at the last minute to try to draw in Jaskier fans and keep Blood Origin from being a total flop, because he's not integral to the story at all -- you could remove the framing narrative without a single hiccup.
(Although from a meta perspective, a lot of the plot holes make so much more sense if you interpret it as Jaskier making shit up. Something unbelievable happens and you're just like, LOL, OH LOOK, THERE'S JASKIER BACK ON HIS BULLSHIT. XD)
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Michelle Yeoh is also a treat, though god only knows how they roped her into this trashfire. To be sure, her role is so thin that she's basically doing nothing but serving stage presence, but by god she's serving it in spades.
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Anyway, tl;dr --
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High production value, and a concept with a lot of interesting potential, but foiled yet again by the holistic incompetence of TWN's writing team.
(Seriously, just -- HIRE. BETTER. WRITERS. It blows my mind that they pour all this money into these shows, but then don't think it's worth their time to find people who know how to tell a story?? Like they don't seem to think that part MATTERS? When to my mind, it's the only part that matters??)
So, is Blood Origin worth watching? I can't say, that is a question you will have to answer for yourself. *I* had a great time, but that was more about the day-drinking and getting to share the experience with friends.
So yeah, I guess that's my recommendation -- watch it with friends.
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radiant-reid · 2 years
have any plot (like cat adams, maeve, the shot in the leg in season 5, prision, his romance with jj, etc) that you find not interesting or not necessary?
oo i love this question !! i did it with all his trauma
tobias hankel (side note: i love the fact they used Sympathy for the Devil because i love that song) interesting for sure, i was at the edge of my seat and very necessary to his character development even though it was sad. i do think the drug addiction plotline could have been expanded a lot more thoroughly
held hostage by a cult interesting 11/10. i love this episode with my whole heart and he didn't seem too traumatized by it so that's nice
thinking his dad's a pedophile and murderer i think necessary for some backstory but again it's pretty fucked up for him
anthrax infection interesting !! not necessary overall, but i think it was a cool, suspenseful addition to the episode which is awesome
shot in the leg not necessary to spencer, necessary because of mgg. i'm just glad the writers didn't decide he needed to die or something
the whole headache/does he have schizophrenia thing i think this one's overlooked but it's so scary and sad for him, like he thinks his entire world is about to come crashing down. it did help him with a profile though
maeve not interesting, at all. i think it would have been much much better if she was expanded because there were a few tiny seconds and then a whole episode for her so i didn't feel connected to her or sad about her death like i did when Haley died, i just thought it was sad because Spencer was sad
shot in the neck love the suspense it added, love a mommy Alex moment, love JJ and Blake talking about Spencer having kids, don't love the fact they never gave him kids !!!!!!
dirty dozen/cat adam 10/10, so interesting, and i loved how much they made me hate Cat and the fact she kept coming back. the whole episode Entropy is one of the best with all the twists and turns, i just love it so much
his mom getting Alzheimer's why do they hate him and his mom ? just why ? it's so freaking sad and it's even sadder because he knows it could happen to him. totally unnecessary and mean. every other character got some happy family relationships with the family trauma they had, but spencer? nope.
prison still not sure how i feel about this in terms of necessity. i thought it was a really interesting storyline, sure, but its trauma rating is 12/10
JJ if you've been here a while, you probably know how i feel about this: i hate it. i love both characters so much but the plot of their hidden feelings for each other is such cheap, poor-quality writing
the whole 300 episode interesting and necessary !! i love how it shows how much he cares about his friends and Penelope especially and i love how it linked back to another episode, i wish there were more like that. i also really did think he was going to be a toasty boy
everyone he loves leaving him without any warning again, why ? we've got his dad, gideon, emily (worse because his best friend had to lie to him), hotch. this was so fucked up and i don't really feel it was a necessary trauma for him to keep reliving. is happy spencer too much to ask for ??
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shizuu-chann · 1 year
I need to write my thoughts, so if you have no interest in Horizon: Forbidden West, then feel free to move along. No worries. But I have Thoughts about the Burning Shores DLC, more specifically the introduction of Seyka as a love interest. Spoilers abound; you've been warned. Also, not looking for a debate. I won't be debating. If you like Seyka and the romance, that's your business. I'm not here to change you mind. I'm just here to express my opinion.
Before anything else, let's address one thing: my opinion on this pair has absolutely nothing to do with it be a lesbian couple, or fuck's sake, Seyka's race. Anyone who knows me or has been following me for a while knows that none of that offends me, and I embrace diversity in all forms. So, for anyone inclined to do so, don't come at me in the comments/reblogs/tags trying to paint me like a villain because of my opinion on the plot and the romance itself as a plot device. Everyone knows this is the website where if you say ANYTHING negative about the above, there are going to be people who decide you're a bad person when you're not, and I don't feel like dealing with that.
Getting into it, I'm sure you could gather from the paragraph above the cut that I am not a fan of the Aloy/Seyka pairing. Seyka has grown on me a bit more since playing through the DLC a second time, but man do I think she makes a terrible first impression (and by "first," I mean the first time playing through the entire main story). I hate how she jumps down Aloy's throat for "keeping secrets" when she does the same thing, and I hate even more that Aloy gives a shit about how upset Seyka gets hearing about Nemesis coming to destroy life on Earth. Like, bitch, she asked. Don't get upset with the person who told you the truth when you asked for it, and don't feel somehow guilty about revealing the info when that's what the person literally wanted! To be fair to Seyka, she says something similar when she said "At least you were honest" when Aloy apologizes (again, why???) for "dropping that on her." So, there's that, I guess.
In general, I just think the whole romance was weird and out of place. If I had to choose between Seyka and no romance, I'd choose no romance. Personally, I ship Aloy with Avad. I really like Avad, I think he's cute and a good person, and I'd be interested to see how they would make that relationship work. Barring Avad, I like her and Erend, or even Talanah (Talanah's crush on Amadis notwithstanding). At least with any of those three, or even just Avad or Erend, there's history there. Aloy knows Seyka for, like, two weeks tops in game (going based purely off how many day/night cycles went by while playing through this time, more like 5-7 days). It feels very much to me like a summer camp fling: something that's fun and new, and you really get along with this person, but then you have to go home and back to reality, and eventually you forget about each other and move on. I'd be okay with her joining the squad back at the Base, but only as a friend. I really don't feel like dealing with that weird tension in the next game.
Which brings up my next point on why this romance is not good, in my opinion: why did they introduce it so late? Now, I enjoy DLCs. If they seem worth it, I'll buy them, because I love new content and places to explore, but I am also of the opinion that devs/writers shouldn't put seemingly important characters or character development into extra, and clearly optional, content. If it wasn't in the base game, then it's not as important. Otherwise, it would have been included, again, imo. There are going to be people who won't play Burning Shores, and if Seyka makes an appearance in Horizon 3, a lot of people are going to be lost, confused, and reasonably annoyed. I've kind of shipped Aloy with Avad for two entire games at this point, but they're going to introduce an actual whole ass love interest for Aloy in a DLC that you can only play AFTER you've beaten the base game/main quest line? That just feels so forced and strange, and I don't understand why they would do that.
I can understand Aloy not having romantic feelings for anyone in the first game. She's on a mission to find out where she came from and why, stopping another end of the world with HADES, etc. And while the second game is similar, this is also Aloy's character growth journey. She learns how to make friends and rely on them. She learns that she doesn't need to take the fate of the world onto her shoulders, that she can share that burden with people she learns to trust. So introducing a love interest in Forbidden West feels reasonable--but not in a DLC at the end of the game. They should have introduced Seyka much earlier. Hell, I might have even accepted her introduction when meeting Alva at the Greenhouse or going to retrieve Alva and delve into Thebes! I would have been MUCH more receptive to Seyka/Aloy then! But after the whole story is over? Why? For what? What was their thought process???
I've already had an attachment to another character for Aloy to fall in love with, and went the entire second game thinking that maybe she and Avad could have something (because, at least the way I play/interpret it, they seem to have something, even if it's only a mutual respect--I mean, Avad clearly has a crush, but I play Aloy like she reciprocates, but is just too busy to think about it). All that only for some random person to show up and get shoehorned into the plot at the last second and go "hey, look at me! I'm hot and badass, AND a carbon copy of you, Aloy! I have all your physical abilities, the same temperament and outlook on life with only minor differences, and we both even have sisters! Isn't that awesome? Aren't I awesome? Now, act like a weird, stuttering mess as you develop this weird and out-of-character attachment to me after knowing me for a week."
I've run out of steam writing this now, but I think I got my point across. This crush of Aloy's just feels so out of place and out of character. It would have been much better had it not been so abrupt and fast. If she'd had the whole game, or at least a decent chunk of the MAIN game to develop it, I would be more receptive, but this? I just can't. I don't like it. ANY romance introduced THIS LATE and THIS QUICKLY is bad.
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stevecoven · 1 year
"talk to me about my ocs" on it, boss!!
what's Murph's relationship with the BATs, like how do they fit in?? do they get along with everyone, do they like to hang out with one of them in particular?? (if you're cool answering that, that is)
Murph worked with the BATTs for maybe ~6 months before the Day of Unity as part of the rebellion (I messed with the timeline a little bit, Steve joins at least a month before the DoU rather than a few days for plot convenience) and gets on with all of them pretty well
Katya: the reason Murph is here. One of Murph's infamous prison breaks (get arrested on purpose, get locked up in the Conformatorium, bust out of jail and free all the other prisoners in the process) was also one of Katya's several stints behind bars. She feels indebted to this stranger, who also happens to be a mad powerful witch who seems to hate everything to do with the Emperor, so when Raine tells their bards about assembling a rebellion against the DoU Katya insists on tracking down the Rustwarden and recruiting them to the cause. Murph, relieved to know they're not the only one in this fight any more, accepts right away. The two become fast friends quickly and Katya becomes Murph's confidant/emotional support buddy. She's a hopeless romantic (and a fanfic writer) so I see her getting obsessively invested in the drama between Murph and Steve, but she knows better than to get involved. Also Murph went to school with her cousin Roscoe (another OC of mine) who is a dick and they bond over teasing him too. Post-canon they get even closer and Katya is definitely Murph's girl bestie (except when Delphy is in town)
Amber: I feel like she's super easy to get on with. Definitely super nosy and asks way too many invasive questions about Murph's past, but Murph likes her enthusiasm and goofing around with her. Like Katya, Amber is super invested in the drama with Steve because she's a slut for gossip but far more meddlesome/awful at keeping her mouth shut so Murph doesn't trust her with quite as many deep secrets. Loves to braid Murph's hair when their mutated hands can't do it anymore, which is a key bonding experience for Murph. Murph has a lot of affection for her in an annoying younger sister kinda way
Derwin: he's an absolute fucking mystery. Murph can't figure out how this soft-spoken eloquent guy ended up so close with the other two but somehow it works. He doesn't ask nosy questions like the other two, to the point where Murph assumes he's just not interested in getting to know them, but he's extremely observant and picks up on all sorts of little things. Murph finds him a little strange but often enjoys his calm and collected presence compared to the hyperactive nature of the girls, and every so often he'll drop the most sage and life-changing advice you've ever heard out of nowhere
and of COURSE Steve gets adopted into this group dynamic pretty quickly too. He's excited to have new friends who think he's cool and they're all pretty trusting of him considering he's ex-EC (mainly because if they said anything mean Murph would eat them). Post-DoU they're a close friend group and regularly go out for drinks/food/movies together
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tobeornottotc · 2 years
Hiya! Curious why you don’t like between us? I was so looking forward to it but haven’t been able to get into myself. I watched the first episode and didn’t feel anything so I’ve been watching the rest through gifs to see if it will spark my interest. I won’t go as far as to say I don’t like it, I’m hoping once it finishes I’ll be motivated to watch in its entirety. So far I’m just not connecting to it. Just wondering your thoughts on why you don’t like it?
Hi, Hello
Oh Boy here we go. Okay first of all I don't think I'm the right person to trust with this show. A small backstory on my relationship with this director, I don't like anything he produces, so that includes the famous Until We Meet Again which is loved by most people, and is my most hated BL series, like you however, I did look forward to between us because BounPrem and WinTeam stuck in my heart I liked them, I liked their edits, I even liked analysing the novel premise. Ofcourse I do it has psychology, trauma, depth, characterisation and a love story that is meant to be passionate (put a question on that one), so I thought between us even underneath this director would make sense and I would love it.
However anon, it didn't this director makes me want to fight someone, (I'm a peaceful person but he unleashes a horrible side to me) because I despise his choices, I despise how he directs, how slow it always feel, how I feel like there's no plot even he chooses the best plots to adapt, how grating his characters all of a sudden feel each time they're the main character, how lacklustre his shows feel sometimes even when something exciting is going on he has the power to make me hate my self each time I watch his shit. And honestly it's a me thing because personality wise I like him he's the cousin of my bias and he cares aboout queerness being represented correctly but I can't lie to my self I hate Between Us, I just can't even look at it every time, and it hurts because when it's WinTeam sometimes there's hope, other times I don't know why I'm watching this, the side couples are fuckking irritating, they take up so much screen time for nothing, and that's my taste, I dislike comedy so maybe New isn't for me, all I know is I'm not the person to try and ask this question to because I'm still processing what it is about this directors stuff so everything he's involved in makes me hate my self and wanna stop watching BL, because it's not adding up, and I've seen some reactors be able to equate how I feel see Kent Clark example who kinda makes fun of between us all throughout my school president episode 2 reaction he himself feels the same way I feel, yeh some points makes this show feel good, consent, passionate love, characterisation, some scenes, some even side couple storylines have potential but something isn't clicking it constantly feels like a fuckkking waste of time and honestly it's been 6 episodes and I'm not someone who is a masochist so I won't keep putting my self through extreme pain to get why this show is good and it leaves me feeling very isolated (but again I'm not trustworthy in this situation) like episode 6 where while I got why it should be loved I thought the acting was abysmal, sorry I guess, I thought i'm not connected to these characters even though I should be and I just wanted to turn it off, with any other director and script of the same story Between us will be my favorite so to see another New piece be intensely disliked by me despite me knowing why people like it, is just very sad, I don't want New anywhere near my fave books, companies (DMD, GMMTV should stop giving his shows too), and writers. I don't want him to direct anything I think I can watch because he ruins it for me and this has been happening since Love By chance so yeh No.
Sorry for the very biased and ignorant response but this is my truth, I hate myself for it, I think Between is can be amazing for a lot of people however I really do think it's overhyped because of the looks and somewhat chemistry of the main actors, i think it's efforts to having a deeper insight into characters that make sense is good but the whole execution just falls apart and I don't know how else to explain it, I know I'm a hypocrite because I know there must be some heavy biases here but honestly the fact that New has made me dislike the acting and appearance of my favorite thai bl actor, you know that something is wrong so I won't hide it. Gifs are really pretty, fanmusic videos are the best way to watch between us I know once its over the youtube your story edit of WinTeam i'll watch and i'd like probably because it's not them in the show that's the problem it's New. And I think a lot of people feel it but they can't explain why it feels that way to them even UWMA people had this complaint, people say it should be good because it's an amazing story premise, idea, thought, representation but all they feel is annoyance and a weird dislike for it and some people are doing for the same for this but not majority so even though I hate it doesn;t mean you'll hate it.
Thanks anon
I know I wasn't probably nice, or helpful but this show like takes my excitement and happiness out of me, like UWMA, Remember me, Star in my Mind, Dear Doctor, Love by chance 2, and so many fuckking more directed by New. Alright I'm out. Thanks for the question :)
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