#like marella and maruca are cool and stuff
lucyshypemaster · 1 year
man, I really really miss the og friend group
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THIS here is the real fitz before his character got ruined
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rayniscatstatue · 2 years
“Severed Ties and Dreams”
Word count: 1605
Prompts: 54. “I don't hate you.”
78. "I hate you, I can finally say that without ripping my own heart out. I can finally say it with every fibre of my being, every bone, every nerve and I never want to see you again."
96. "You two deserve each other, you really do. Now, will you just leave me alone?”
Character relationships: Sophie Foster and Keefe Sencen (romantic), Keefe Sencen and Biana Vacker, Linh Song (platonic), Sophie Foster and Rayni Aria (platonic)
Description: Sophie and Keefe start fighting about how Keefe is always trying to make sure she is okay. Then Sophie snaps at him.
Keefe’s pov-
I don’t remember how the fight started.
I just simply can’t but all I know is that Foster is shouting at me. She seems to hate me right now. When ever this happened before we were dating though things always cooled down.
I don’t think that will happen this time.
Her dark brown eyes are filled with furry as the words finally hit me. "I hate you, I can finally say that without ripping my own heart out. I can finally say it with every fibre of my being, every bone, every nerve and I never want to see you again."
I body feels rigid. The words repeating in my brain.
“Foster.” I say, knowing my eyes are glassy.
“Don’t fucking call me that.” She stares daggers at me. The guilt hitting me.
“I don’t even remember what I did!” I shout. Waving my arms around the place.
“Sure you don’t, lair.” Her voice is bitter, spitting words at me. “I hate you, Sencen.”
“So you get to call me by my last name?” I watch as she unclasps the necklace I gave her. “That really fucking hurts Sophie. I didn’t mean for that shit to happen. I’m sorry for what ever I did, but my mind won’t let me remember it. I am trying as hard as I can. Everything has become a blur to me.” I take a few steps back.
“You have a photograph memory, Sencen. This shows how much of a dick you are.” She grabs her water bottle, slowly unscrewing the cap. “Should’ve just stayed with the Neverseen.” I can barley hear the last part that she mumbles.
“I left for you! I did that all for you!”
“Don’t seem like it!” She chucks the water at me. The cold hitting me in the face as it drenches me. I quickly turn my heel as I run out the door. Leaving her behind.
Sophie’s pov-
I watch as he turns his heel. Quickly speeding out the door.
I pull out my imparter, it being my only last hope. “Dex Dizznne.” I say.
The ring runs through the house. I don’t actually hate Keefe. I just don’t know what got into me. I should be great full that he is trying to protect me.
I am the one being over dramatic.
My imparter tells me that he is unavailable. Time to move onto the next person. I know Keefe would be going to Fitz so he is out of the question. Marella is always good with this stuff.
“Marella Redek.” I wait as my imparter once again rings. Waiting forever.
Another friend unavailable.
“Linh Song!” I am shouting now.
She has instead hung up on me. Unusual.
“Tam Song!” I ball my other hand into a fist as I wait. Already taking a guess what will happen. But it is worth it.
He is once again unavailable.
“Oh my god, Biana Vacker!” I feel my nails pierce the skin on my palm. Might as well punish myself for this one.
She hangs up on me, must be with Linh or something.
“Okay fine, Jensi Babblos!” I stumble over to the couch as my imparter rings through.
Another one down on the list, only Maruca, Rayni and Wylie left. If not then I am screwed.
“Maruca fucking Chebota!” I start to attach the necklace to my imparter like a chain. I don’t care, at least show Keefe that I still care.
Two more shots left.
If this doesn’t work I am pouring sand down my throat.
“Rayni Aria.” I take a deep breath in.
Her face flickers onto the screen, finally! “Sophie, are you okay? It looks like you have been crying.” She points out.
“Can you just leap over to Havenfeild, I need some advice and your the only person that actually answered out of Dex, Marella, Linh, Tam, Maruca and even Jensi. I can’t hail Fitz or Keefe though.” Tears start to pour down my face. My other hand still in a fist.
“Okay, I will be on my way. Don’t worry I will punch Tammy boy along with Linh and co in the face afterwards.” Rayni replies determinedly.
“Thanks, but no need to go punching people.” I weakly smile as the imparter flickers off.
I unclench my fist to see blood poring down. The sticky substance on my hand. I wipe it on my black cape, hoping to hide it.
That’s when I start to hear footsteps coming up to my room. Rayni.
She opens the door. “Oh my god Sophie.” She rushes over to me. “Spill, I will give the paper towels to clean up the tea.”
“I-I got into a fight with Keefe. I think it was over how he was always trying to protect me.” I whisper.
“Just go speak to him, I am sure he will forgive you. He loves you for goodness sake.” Rayni waves her arms around as if I am an idiot. Can’t disagree though.
“But I told him I hate him, plus I told him that he should’ve stayed with the Neverseen.”
“Okay, damn.” Rayni takes my hands in hers. “Speaking to him upfront will always help.”
She continues to go on giving me relationship advice. I am starting to question if I should’ve hailed Wylie first.
Keefe’s pov-
I knock on the door of Everglen. I need to speak to someone. Specifically Biana.
“Hello, Keefe!” Della opens the door. “Are you okay?” She notices my puffy eyes from crying.
“I need to speak to Biana.”
“Alright, she is up in her bedroom with Linh though.”
“That doesn’t matter.” I brush past her as I find my way to the stairs of the mansion.
I want her back, I really do. I just want to be able to love Sophie without anything or anyone getting in the way.
I rush down the hall wiping my eyes. Hoping to make them less puffy. I know it probably isn’t working but oh well.
Biana will under stand.
I repeat those words in my head as I make my way to her door. I knock or the door, twice.
“Hello?” She opens it. “Oh, Keefe. Come in.” She pulls me in as I sit down on her bed.
“What happened?” Linh turns towards me. Her imparter going off at the moment. She cheeks it. “It’s Sophie, should I answer?”
“W-we kind of had a fight.” I tuck my knees into my chest.
“Okay, I won’t answer.” Linh presses decline as Biana sits down on the other side of me.
“What happened?” Biana asks. She grabs my hand as Linh grabs the other. I hold onto their warm touches.
“It was the classic I just wanted her to be alright. But this time it escalated massively.” I mumble as Biana’s imparter starts to ring.
“Sophie, it seems that she is also in distress.” Biana looks up at us as she declines on her. I feel so bad. Hopefully Tam or Marella will be able to help her.
Maybe even Fitz.
“Keep going.” It is Linh this time. Her eyes soft behind her black and silver hair.
“She shouted that she hates me. Also mumbled that she wished I stayed in the Neverseen.” I look down at my feet.
“Oh my god, I know her emotions can sometimes run high but this is unexpected.” Biana mutters beside me.
“I could only feel anger at the time, maybe a little guilt as I was turning my heel.” I drop my head down as I rest it on Linh’s shoulder.
“Just deep breaths.” Linh speaks to me, putting her head on top of mine. “1.” I breath in.
“2.” I breath out as Biana say says it.
We keep going like that up to 100.
“Now, you should speak to her.” Linh says.
“I hear foot steps.” Biana points out as we all look towards the door.
Two pairs. “There are two people.” I mutter.
“Yeah.” Linh agrees as a knock comes to the door. Biana stands up to open it.
It revels Sophie and Rayni.
“Sophie, why are you here?” I stop myself for a second as they step in. I notice her glassy eyes. “You hate me.”
“I don’t hate you.” She mutters, looking down. The rest of the girls looking at each other awkwardly.
“We will go.” Biana says as she grabs Linh to walk out the room.
That only leave me, Sophie and Rayni. At least she found someone.
“Do too.” I whisper.
“Keefe, look at me.” She crouches down in front of me, grabbing my hands.
All I can feel is a spiking guilt. She actually doesn’t hate me.
“No.” I shake my head.
Instead Sophie grabs my face with one hand. Bringing it up to her’s.
The soft press of her lips against mine. I kiss her back as I squeeze my eyes shut. Hoping to live in this moment forever.
She really did take back everything. So do I.
She leans back, my lips now feeling cold.
“I love you.” Foster raises my chin with her hand.
“I love you too.” I rest my head on her shoulder. Faking into her warm embrace.
I missed this feeling.
“I will leave.” Rayni points to the door.
“Thanks, Rayni.” Foster calls to her, not looking up.
“You two deserve each other. You really do. Now, will you just leave me alone.” She walks out the door. Directing her last sentence to Foster.
“Love you.” I whisper again.
She giggles, the best sound ever. A smile creeping up on her cute face. Her blonde hair falling perfectly down her shoulders.
Ps. Loved how I made Rayni and Sophie’s sister like relationship!
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shithead-123 · 1 year
Kotlc collecting habits Pt.2
Basically what I think various kotlc characters (mostly the kids) would collect. other than prattles pins bc we all know everyone collects those so.
this is inspired by my own habits of picking random shit up and stuffing it in my closet.
Tam: Again like Linh, not much of a collector. I think he's the least collect-y of the group. But of the very few things he does collect, he collects things that are useful, a lot like dex. he's hyper vigilant almost. He was Linh and his own sole caretaker (Linh took care of him too but Tams internalized this wayyy more than Linh did), and anything that can protect him and Linh is something he would collect. small knives, emergency med kits, fire proof clothing even. things like that. he's ready for the apocalypse. But maybe, far down the line, when he's starting to relax, he has a small book collection. I will die on my hill of Tam being a bookworm. he, Tiergan and Wylie can bond on their shared love of Pride 7 Prejudice. Or other equivalent elven books. Linh and Prentice are illiterate and proud (not that they're not smart, prentice is literally a keeper, they just hate reading). He also has a collection of Weird shirts Linh has made him. He doesn't throw them away. He'd rather die than wear them, but he'll look into his closet sometimes and quietly organize the shirts she made him and give a small smile.
Maruca: She seems like a bead girlie to me. Like her bead box, is gigantonourmous. She has made soooooooo many bracelets and necklaces and jewelry and honestly even beaded embroidery for her friends and herself and Wylie (Wylie is not her friend, he family, so it's diff). She still has vasttttt amount of beads left over. Literally once a month she goes on a bead hunt, bonus points if it's with someone else like Biana of Marella or something. On her reoccurring bead hunt, she will say she's only buying beads to make one(1) bracelet, and then proceeds to buy the entire store out. It's so funny. No one wants to go on her bead hunts anymore bc she makes them carry shit while she hunts for more beads. Honestly queen behavior. Literally all her clothing and jewelry and everything has beads on it. side point: she seems like she would be into making lace, and anyone who's ever watched ppl make lace, or make lace themselves, know that it's incredibly tedious. so hats off to her.
Marella: Marella does not think things through, if she likes, she takes. yes. I feel like she would have a collection specifically for like fire related things. Like fire earrings, fire decorated bandanas etc. OMFG wait. COWGIRL MARELLA. PLS SOMEONE DO THIS I WOULD DIE. anyways, after like the initial shame and fear she gets from manifesting as a pyrokinectic, I think she would feel angry. I mean I know. this is canon pretty sure. She's not ashamed anymore, and wants to prove this fact with buying fire related stuff. I also think she might be into collecting ribbon. Like for her hair. She ties little bits of ribbon in it and it makes her feel pretty. She starts doing it regularly bc her mom used to put ribbons in her hair before her accident. Nw she does by herself bc no one will do it for her. :)
(stellarlune spoilers): ik most ppl have read it by now but still
Rayni: She's again, a lot like Linh and Tam. She doesn't have a the capacity to collect things because of her living situation in the never seen. All she has is her cat statue. of course, she had a life before her parents tribunal and subsequent banishing, and from that time period, I feel like she would pull a Linh and collect stickers. Actually that could be bonding, like Her and Linh find each others sticker stashes, and start trading them like Pokemon cards. It's their bonding time. Linh can yell at Rayni and Rayni can yell at Linh art various sticker deals they're making, and at the end, they have cool new stickers and they're happy. Btw Rayni does have a very large cat sticker collection. She currently on the hunt to look for a cat sticker that looks like her cat statue. She'll find it someday. again side note: Rayni never actually uses the stickers. They're in a super secret bin underneath her bed or something.
Jensi: U guys thought I forgot him huh. Plant dad. Plant boy. Exotic plants. Native plants. Invasive plants. He has a nice little garden which is periodically harvests from. He's the gnomes favorite bc he loves plants. If anyone wants a little cottage core scene they go to his house. He has poisonous plants, and like maybe sometime in the war against the never seen sophies like looking for this super rare plant that has insane toxins in it and Jensi's like. Oh yeah I have like six of those in my backyard lol. and I also bred them to be even more potent. want some? Sophie is flabbergasted. She has new respect for the Venus fly-trap he gifted her. Fintans a plant dad? wrong. He's nothing compared to Jensi. Nothing.
Wylie: I'm going full angst with this one and saying he collects hairpins/clips. Like the ones his mother used to make. He obviously doesn't use them. maybe he gives some to Maruca and other friends/family with longer hair. (wait Wylie with long hair. hmmmmm. I like it). But mostly he just hides them away. And when he's trying to remember what his mothers smile looked like, (Bc he doesn't have photographic memory, and he was very young when she died, he's bound to forget) he opens up the hair pin box and cries. he gives one of the remaining pins he has to Tiergan bc he has long hair. And they cry together. Could also be sad times with him and Prentice too. They mourn together while looking at the hair pins.
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happy anniversary and- where are you?
Relationships: Maruca Chebota/Linh Song, background implied Stina Heks/Sophie Foster, implied pre-Maruca Chebota/Linh Song/Biana Vacker Characters: Maruca Chebota, Stina Heks, Tam Song, Biana Vacker, Linh Song Extra stuff: Percy Jackson Fusion, Fluff, Anniversaries
Linh's half-sister Stina is the only person in the Poseidon Cabin when Maruca visits it in search of Linh.
"'Sup," she says. "That reminds me. I still need you to teach me that one sword trick."
Maruca laughs. "I'll do it when you and Sophie kiss and make up."
"Is that your way of saying never?"
Maruca shrugs. "Maybe. Anyway, do you know where Linh is?"
"No. She might be spending time with Tam, though."
"She's not here," Tam, Linh's half-brother on their mother's side, says.
"Maybe I'm here for you."
Tam rolls his eyes. "Yeah, right. Anyway, I think she's hanging out with Fitz in the Aphrodite Cabin today?"
The Aphrodite Cabin is as pretty as always. It's pale pink, purple, blue, and white, and either looks like a bi dream or a pastel palace. Maruca's never been able to peg either one as a solid answer.
Biana's alone inside, sketching a random dress. Maruca's always been a fan of them, and sometimes Biana's able to make the dresses.
Nevertheless, Maruca instantly gets distracted by Biana's sketches. This time, it's a water-inspired dress that almost looks like it's made from sea.
"That's super cool," Maruca says.
"Thanks!" Biana grins, and Maruca forgets to breath for a few seconds. "Don’t tell her, but it’s for Linh.”
"Do you know where she is?"
"Nope, sorry."
And so Maruca goes to the place she should really have checked first.
She really should've thought that the daughter of Poseidon would be near the water first.
And, as always, Linh greets Maruca with a smile and a custard burst.
"Fitz made it," she explains.
"Ooh, you got the good stuff."
Indeed, Fitz's creation is as good as always.
"Happy anniversary," Linh says, smiling.
Maruca matches it. "Happy anniversary," she says, and kisses Linh.
A comprehensive guide of parents based on my notes:
Maruca - daughter of Ares
Stina - daughter of Poseidon
Tam - son of Hades
Biana - daughter of Aphrodite, legacy of Apollo
Linh - daughter of Poseidon
Sophie - daughter of Athena
Keefe - son of Zeus
Dex - son of Hephaestus
Marella - daughter of Hephaestus
Jensi - son of Athena
Fitz - son of Aphrodite, legacy of Apollo
Calla - a nymph
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confusedamphibian · 3 years
kotlc headcanons sexuality and gender edition because y’all didnt ask
I headcanon them as agender with they/he. they went through that not like other girls phase but never ended up being a girl. Also Dex cut their hair. And they are a bisexual mess too
genderfluid and queer. Me? projecting? Nooooo… But anyway zir a pronoun hoarder (I hope I’m using that right) and basically said “fuck around and find out” and never found out
either gay or aro or both, also cis. His dad is pretty homophobic so he’s a bit repressed but hes doing his best
he/they demiboy. also aspec and mlm. Can’t say where on the ace spectrum or if he likes girls thats all I know. his parents are really supportive but he’s still scared to come out.
lesbian queen, and shes a cis girl but she likes to fuck around with gender a little and uses she/her and spark/sparkle pronouns
he’s very gay gay homosexual also a trans boy, he’s binary but like Biana he likes to fuck around with gender and uses he/ghost pronouns.
shes wlw probably a lesbian and uses she/her and is a trans girl. Tam and linh switched genders like the cool people they are. Also they both sorta presented as their genders physically before getting banished like they had their hair the way they liked (minus the cool stuff) but their parents where ofc very transphobic.
Lesbian nonbinary and uses they them no gender only arson
Lesbian very much is actually in love with sophie also a trans girl
aroace and agender the 3 As. uses he/she
not as main as the others but hey. Definitely he’s gay and polyamorous and all pronouns all gender.
genderfluid and aro ace.
queer and genderqueer all pronouns
aro ace he/him
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girlofmanyfandoms · 4 years
A/n: So, I feel bad for not posting lately, here’s my AU where I take a slightly different take on the Keeper of the Lost Cities series. A few changes that I’m trying to make: more friendship-based, no love triangle, probably more gay, more racially diverse cast (without any harmful stereotypes). I’ll try to stay true to each character’s personality!
I’ll also take this time to say there’s stuff I haven’t released yet, so tell me if you want me to release those!
Disclaimer: This is in no way hating on Shannon’s series, I just wanna see where the story would go if we took a slightly different approach!
Warnings: I didn’t edit this at all-
Word count: 2868
Tag list:  @everyonehasthoughts @imaramennoodle @bookwyrminspiration @holesinmyfalseconfidence @percabetn @an-absolute-travesty @linhammon-roll-bromance101 @linhamon-roll @holesinmyfalseconfidence @linhamon2 @a-lonely-tatertot @loverofallthingssmart
Let me know if you want to be added or if I forgot to tag you!
“Uh, no boys, she’s sitting with me.”
Jensi raised an eyebrow. “What’s wrong with her sitting here, Marella?”
“Nothing! I just need to pull her to the side for some girl talk.” Marella pulled Sophie’s sleeve, navigating across the cafeteria to an empty booth in the corner. Sitting down and adjusting herself, she extended a hand. “Marella Redek. No nicknames. I know the ins and outs of everything around here.”
“Sophie Foster,” Sophie introduced, shaking her hand, though her response came out as a murmur. She brushed her hair out of her face, trying to shrink as small as possible. “But I’m sure you knew that.”
Marella nodded. “You must’ve caused the Council a lot of trouble if you’ve gotten your way into Level Two right after being with humans. What was it like, by the way?”
“Pretty normal, I guess. Well, not for me, I was a highschool senior at 12, and my parents wanted me to attend community college instead of an Ivy League. Even the newspapers were talking about it, and that ticked my parents off big time.”
“I know, crazy, right?” Sophie started digging into her lunch. “Why would the news choose a story about a child over actual breaking news?”
“No, I meant those words you used. A high school, college, a new paper? What do they mean?”
“Oh, that’s right! Those are more human terms, sorry,” Sophie apologized. “There are levels of human school: Preschool, which is usually ages 1 to 4, elementary school is from ages 5 to 10, middle school is ages 11 to 13, high school is ages 14 to 17, and college is at least four years, and gives you the certification you need to get a good paying job. Newspapers are just mini books made completely of paper that tell you what’s going on in the world.”
“Oh,” Marella said, looking off into the distance. “I guess I never really thought that human school would be so different from Foxfire. We just have these levels, and then the elite levels. What was your human family like?”
Sophie tugged out an eyelash, which didn’t go unnoticed on Marella’s end. “U-um-“
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be pushing you so much on your first day. I should be helping you adjust.” She toyed with her food. “So, how’s our world been for you so far?”
“A little overwhelming,” Sophie admitted. “I don’t feel half as glamorous as anything around me. We don’t exactly have crystal houses and fancy ball gowns in San Diego.”
“You don’t?” Marella shook her head vigorously. “Right. Sorry. Let’s get back on track. Anything you think you’ll need to know that I can help you with?”
Sophie clutched her knees, now rolled up into a ball. This Marella girl was a bit intense at first, but maybe she wasn’t so bad. After all, she had saved her from sitting with some yes-boys. The declared leader of them seemed friendly, but a little too hyper. No, she decided, Marella wasn’t half bad. “I don’t know. Anything really, you know best.”
“Alright, then. This place is sort of a maze, try to find someone with a similar schedule to you so you can walk together until you know your way around. You know Stina Heks?”
Sophie shivered and nodded, thinking back to seeing her raging through the halls screaming about someone making her bald. She could’ve sworn she heard her say “Disney,” too.
“Stay away from her. Stereotypical bully, not afraid of fighting dirty. The Vackers, Keefe Sencen, and their little bubble are all the buzz. They’re pretty nice, and Sencen’s a bit of a flirt, but if you don’t like attention, maybe steer clear from them.”
Sophie let out a bitter laugh. “Easier said than done. The Vackers are the ones who found me. Fitz brought me here, Alden sent him out to find me, and Della helped me get ready for Foxfire.” Sophie paused to pull out another eyelash. “I don’t think Biana likes me much.
Marella’s eyes widened in shock as she leaned back and blew out a breath.
“Is that bad?” Sophie was panicking a bit now. What had she screwed up now?
“Well, it’s not good for your social status, that’s for sure.” Marella started slicing her food, which resembled Jello. “If you’re on her bad side, you’ll want to stay away from Maruca, too. They’re best friends.”
“Great,” Sophie sighed. One day in and she already had a long list of people to avoid. “Anything else I should know about?”
“Oh, yeah, but I’ll stick to school stuff. Your most difficult subjects are gonna be Elementalism and Alchemy.”
“I can help with that,” a boy called, sliding next to Sophie in the booth and placing his tray down. “Dex Dizznee, by the way.”
“Sophie Foster.” She grinned a bit. Edaline had gone without her to the apothecary and mentioned the “Disneys.” This must’ve been who Stina was shouting at. “I saw what you did to Stina earlier. Wicked move.”
“Finally, someone understands the genius! She deserved it, too, after what a pain she was last year. That’s where the alchemy comes in handy.”
Marella rolled her eyes, and Dex leaned back casually. “Don’t act like you don’t think she deserved it Marella. You know she did.”
“Ok, it was kind of satisfying seeing her run around like that-“
“-but don’t take it as a sign that I’ll join in. I have a reputation to protect.”
Dex snorted. “Yeah, as the gossip girl.”
“I don’t gossip, I have connections,” she corrected.
“Whatever you say madam,” Dex relented jokingly. “What about you, Soph? Got anything you could build a reputation for?”
“Not really,” she expressed. “I don’t want the spotlight. I just want to make it by here.”
Marella took a bite of her lunch and scoffed. “Good luck with that.”
“Tell you what, my next class is Multispecesial Studies, I can walk you to Alchemy,” Dex offered.
“Really? That would be great, thank you!”
“No problem. It’s hard making it by for people like us.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Marella chugged down her lushberry juice.
“We’re different, special.”
“So, outcasts?” Sophie rested her head in her hand and stirred her drink nonchalantly, taking in the view of the cafeteria. It was remarkably pristine and clean, its white walls with blue accents not showing a hint of grime. With the barstools at tables all around the center and the booths to the side, it looked like every diner’s dream.
“No, not outcasts. Think more sideline supporters.”
“So, advocates,” Sophie helped. “I don’t really see that, but maybe one day. Right now I just want to pass.”
“Well you can’t do that on an empty stomach,” Marella chided playfully. “Eat up. Lady Galvin is a stickler for accuracy.”
Fantastic. Sophie had only been there one day and she had already ruined her Alchemy teacher’s favorite cloak. Marella was right, Alchemy was tough. She’d have to take Dex up on his offer. She wandered through the halls, trying to find the way to her next class, P.E. She strolled like this for a few more minutes before a snobby voice called to her from down the hall.
“Lost, new kid?”
Sophie winced. Great. The number one person on her People To Avoid list had already found a way into her world. She attempted to speed walk, but the clacking of leveled boots followed quickly, and she was spun around with a harsh push.
Stina laughed, and for a 12 year old elven child, it sounded quite maniacal. “Why so frightened? I don’t bite. Much.”
Somehow Sophie sincerely doubted that. There had to be some fangs behind that evil smirk. But maybe she could play it cool with this demon in disguise.
“I’m not frightened, just lost. Do you think you could point me to P.E.? I don’t want to be late on my first day.” Sophie held her breath, hoping she came off as casual.
“My pleasure,” Stina grinned a sickeningly sweet smile. “In fact, I’ll walk you there. Wouldn’t want our newest prodigy to miss class because of some weak instructions, now would we?”
“No, of course not.”
Stina linked their arms, acting as if they were old pals going on a walk in the park to catch up. It was silent except for the shuffling of their shoes, so Sophie made sure she was hyper aware of her surroundings, trying to memorize the numbers on each locker and how they connected to the twisting, winding paths of the school.
At this point, she was sure Stina planned to do something crazy to her, like stuff her in a locker or hide her body, so she had to think fast. Luckily, this was her specialty.
“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry,” Sophie began, stopping abruptly. Stina stumbled a bit, but regained her composure in seconds. “I forgot something at my locker! Oh, I’m so sorry, but Edaline told me I’d need what was in my locker. You go ahead, I shouldn’t keep you from your class! Don’t worry, I’ll find my way to Phys Ed.”
Sophie speed walked away, leaving Stina in the dust. Once she rounded the corner, she took off, speeding through corridors and halls until she ran out of breath. Giving up, she rested her head against the wall, trying to clear her head when she was forced to her feet and slammed into a locker. There was a click, and through the slits, Sophie could see Stina’s eyes crinkled in smugness and satisfaction. Yet through all of this, the only thing Sophie was thinking of was, That was pretty lame on a scale of bullying-ness.
“Good luck getting out of there, Foster,” she remarked. “Now, you get comfortable, I have some business to attend to.”
“Gonna go sharpen your claws?” Sophie snapped.
“No, newbie, I’m going to put the princess of Everglen in her place. Don’t worry, I’ll keep you updated!”
And with that, Stina clacked away, her footsteps receding and the silence finding its way to creep back in.
Sophie had no way of telling time. This she had learned when she realized she had in fact left something in her locker: her Imparter and the Ruewen crest. She let out an audible groan of frustration, and tried to occupy herself with her temporary home. There were books about unicorn breeding on the shelf above her, to which Sophie wrinkled her nose. Next, there was a box of animal pins, glittering and shiny, and she was very tempted to stuff a few in her pocket, but she restrained herself. She took to examining the pictures on the door with what little light she had and realized, to her disdain, that this was Stina’s locker.
Sophie shivered in disgust and tried patting herself out and getting the Stina vibes off of her.
“Well, if I’m going to be stuck here, I might as well take advantage of it,” she decided. Sophie put all of her energy into memorizing the photo album beside her, and wound up with some lovely photos of baby Stina, along with some other cherished memories. She was scanning through Stina’s diary and chuckling to herself at her inevitable revenge when yelling came from around the corner. Sophie dropped the journal and shuffled forward a bit, peering through the slits. This could be her saving.
“MESS WITH BIANA ONE MORE TIME-” Maruca had her pinned to the wall and looked ready to murder her, but Stina remained unfazed.
“Relax, duchess, you might be the heir soon,” Stina responded coolly.
That was the breaking point. Maruca opened her locker, which was, unfortunately, next to the one Sophie was trapped in, and slammed it shut.
“Maruca!” Sophie yelled, but Stina rattled in her locker, and shouted curses over her, both to insult Maruca and to put an end to Sophie’s escape plan.
Maruca was quick to exit, and soon enough it was just Stina and Sophie, trapped in their lockers, trying to determine the other person’s next move.
“Do you happen to know how to break down locker doors?” Stina commented dryly.
“Would I still be here if I did?”
“You got a hairpin?” Sophie asked. “Or some thin piece of metal you can slide in between the crack of our lockers? I might be able to break out of mine by picking the lock.”
“And what about me? Gonna leave me here to rot while you run free?” She harrumphed. “I don’t think so. If I’m suffering you suffer with me.”
“I’ll get you out too, just answer the question and slide the metal through the crack.”
Stina huffed, but Sophie heard the sound of metal on metal scratch as something hit her foot. “My family crest. Do not scratch it.”
“You got it.” Sophie used her fingernails to get a little bit of extra room before sliding the crest through the door. She maneuvered it a bit, and the door let out a click as it swung open. Sophie fell forward face first, but sat up and whooped in victory.
Stina cleared her throat. “I’m still here.”
“Oh, I know,” Sophie poked smugly. “But if I’m going to break you outta there, you’re going to owe me a favor.”
“I do NOT-“
“Fine, then stay there. And spend all day, heck, maybe even until tomorrow, stuck in that cramped locker with no food or water whatsoever.” Sophie began to stroll away slowly, biding for time just in case Stina changed her mind about the offer.
“Fine,” she grumbled. “Just get me out.”
Sophie cheered to herself silently and crouched down in front of the locker and got to work. Stina was peering through the slits in the locker, and for a moment they felt each other’s breath on their faces and they met eyes before glaring at each other and backing up a bit. The door swung open, and Stina came crashing down onto Sophie.
Stina pushed herself off of her quickly, seeming very flustered. She reached out a hand to Sophie, which she took. Stina shook Sophie’s hand off of hers.
“I need my family crest,” she said, looking off to the side uncomfortably.
“Oh,” Sophie frowned, unsure why she felt a little disappointed. Probably because my back hurts and I was just refused the little she could have given as thanks, she thought. “Right. Take it.”
Stina’s fingers brushed against Sophie’s as she took it back and pinned it onto her cloak once more. “Well.” Stina lifted her nose upon in the air, regaining her haughty facade. “Until we meet again, Foster.”
“Yeah, Sophie nodded, getting back to her feet. Once Stina was out of earshot, she muttered, “Hopefully that’s never.”
Sophie dusted herself off, finally registering her circumstances. She was late for class, and she looked disheveled. Stina had just walked off, leaving her lost, confused, and just waiting for a punishment of her lifetime. Sighing, she walked along the edges of a pyramid.
“Ms. Foster,” a cold voice crowed from behind her.
Sophie recognized that voice. Dame Alina. “Yes, ma’am?”
“Is there a particular reason that you’re not in class right now?”
“Incoming!” a boy screamed from the top of his lungs, a bunch of verminions on his tail. Alina shrieked and ran into a neighboring hall for shelter. Sophie took this as an opportunity to find her way out of this maze and escape Alina’s grasp. She followed the boy until they reached the Healing Center, where he hid until the verminions passed by. Sophie stopped. She could go in and ask whatever medic was present for directions, but the thought of going anywhere near a doctor made her sick to the stomach.
“Can I help you, new girl?”
Sophie jumped. The boy she had been following was right in front of her, and she instinctively slunk back.
“Chill, I won’t hurt you. The name’s Keefe, but you can call me-“
“Sorry Keefe, but I’m really late for class, do you know where P.E. Is?”
He furrowed his eyebrows and massaged his neck, looking a bit hurt. “Uh, yeah, take a left after the next three halls.”
“Thank you!” Sophie bolted to class and arrived there out of breath.
“Sophie! Just in time for us to start splotching,” Dex waved her over. “It’s easy, you just use your telekinesis to move this marble into the other person. If you succeed, it bursts and you get a paint splotch on you.”
“Great,” she muttered. “You won’t believe what I’ve just gone through.”
“Tell me at the end of class. We’re gonna need all of our focus for this.”
“Alright,” she sighed. She couldn’t be upset, seeing Dex that excited lifted her mood just a bit. And that was just the boost she needed.
This was it. It was down to her and Fitz for the Splotching Champion title. Sophie gathered her concentration. She could not mess this up.
The splotcher was thrown in between them, and Sophie gave it her all. The marble exploded with a loud boom, and they were both thrown into opposite sides of the room. Sophie saw nothing but the green paint, and then darkness.
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lovingmyselfcore · 5 years
Legacy Thoughts
**this post if full of spoilers for Legacy (KotLC 8) so if you haven't read it proceed with caution**
Disclaimer: I'm very aware that this post does not matter and Legacy was published and I do not own the book or the series or know what's best for it. These are my thoughts and OPINIONS
Legacy was not my favorite book in the series. But it wasn't awful.
I understand that Shannon Messenger made it to focus on that painful last sentence in Flashback and I know some people loved it. But after waiting a year I would have liked for that to have only been part of the plot.
I wanted more moments of figuring out about Tam being part of the Neverseen and finding a way to communicate telepathically and not get caught.
I wanted more Team Valiant missions and learning to navigate being a Regent for all of them.
More about how Biana not caring about her scars being received by the Vackers and the public.
More of learning about why exactly Oralie chose to give up her DNA instead of the one paragraph 'It was the only way for me to have a child.'
Diving deeper into Keefe's drawings.
More then one small part of a chapter about how Linh was dealing with all of Tam being in the Neverseen etc.
When Linh went back to her parents house, how they reacted.
Maruca and her Psinopath ability.
Marella and her training with Fintan.
More about the Councillors since we sort of glossed over that whole thing about them going to this place in sort-of-but-not-really space.
How things are really going with the other species.
That dude from Keefe's drawing that was in London and his daughter.
I would have loved to dive deeper into her resetting her abilities.
Even Fitz, we didn't really get to see how and what he was doing about Alvar.
Grady and Edaline.
Honestly I had to drag myself through over half of the book because a lot of it was Sophie complaining and not really doing anything.
I mean she was complaining about being a bad girlfriend when she could've very easily fixed that! I mean, what was that?
I would have been fine if there was no real action but just a deeper dive then 1 paragraph about the stuff I listed above!
But you have me a book with no action and just Sophie complaining non-stop?
(I did appreciate that whole thing that everyone was telling her about not only being the moonlark though, that was good.)
My thoughts on the ending:
I am a Sophitz shipper (but I wouldn't absoulutely despise Sokeefe)
But now I think she would be better off alone.
I wouldn't mind Sophitz or Sokeefe but I've only really seen the latter as friends.
But the ending about Sophie and Fitz going back to just being friends I didn't hate.
Fitz has some issues about him caring too much about the 'unmatchable' thing. He sees that. Sophie sees that. We all do. Our guy has some things to deal with.
So yeah.
Sophitz of Sokeefe?
Who else saw Oralie being Sophie's birth mom as very obvious? I did like the reasonong of why her 'mom' should be an Empath though. That was cool.
I have one theory and it's about Glimmer.
She won't reveal herself and she's a flasher.
Something tells me she's Wylie's mom. Somehow, someway. I believe she's Wylie's mom.
But that's just a theory! A Book Theory! Annnd cut.
So anyway Legacy was certainly was not my favorite, but book 9,I believe it's the last one. (Correct me if I'm wrong.) Better be AMAZING. Because honestly I did feel kind of let down with Legacy but I may be the only one.
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everysongineverykey · 5 years
Glam, Glitter, and Goblins
So! My kotlc secret santa was @ladystinaheks, who mentioned liking awesome dresses and the color blue, so here's a little fanfic about the kotlc girls being introduced to human dresses that i hope you'll enjoy! (I wanted the title to be a pun on the name of some fashion show but couldn't think of anything lol)
"Well?" pressed Sophie excitedly. "What do you guys think?"
The looks on the girls' faces were those of a group of people who had just been introduced to a wildly new style and did not know what to think. Sophie knew that much without having to read their minds. Her desire to belong was still strong enough that if even one of her friends decided they didn't like their dress, she'd cry.
Ro watched it all with an amused smile on her face. Sophie hadn't told her about her gift yet.
All eyes turned to Linh, who was holding up her simple blue sleeveless robe. It didn't go past her knees, useful for moving around in, but probably unlike anything Linh or any of the other girls had seen before, let alone worn. She stared into the mirror, holding it against her chest, passing her eyes over it again and again, evidently trying to find the right word.
"It's definitely... shorter than what I normally wear," she said tentatively, quickly smiling over at Sophie. "But I can get used to it."
"So you like it?" Sophie asked eagerly.
"Well, I- I'll know when I put it on. But it's making a good first impression, yeah, definitely."
Sophie beamed as Linh sidled into the bathroom to try it on.
"You know," said Stina thoughtfully, pulling her human dress over her tunic and watching the way it swished when she turned, "I never expected something so weirdly..."
She paused, staring at her reflection and scrunching up her nose.
"Simple?" tried Sophie.
"....Eeeyeah," agreed Stina slowly. "That. But also elaborate."
Sophie looked at Stina in her floor-length sky-blue prom-ish dress and decided she agreed. It was plain by elvin standards, but the embroidery around the collarbone and shoulder area definitely added a spark of elfin pizzazz.
"It's... yeah. Plain, but it tries. It's not bad, actually. This is what human women wear every day?"
"That?" Sophie had to laugh. The thought of Amy and her human mother drifting around the house in prom dresses all the time was honestly hilarious. Amy didn't even like dresses that long anymore- she'd grown out of that phase by the age of eleven, apparently. "No, definitely not."
This response elicited looks of confusion from all of the girls.
"So then, what do they wear?" Biana chimed in.
Sophie opened her mouth to tell her the truth, but then closed it as a clever lie occurred to her.
"You won't believe this," Sophie began mischievously, "But they actually wear weird Halloween costumes most days. Mostly ducks, clowns, dinosaurs, that kind of stuff."
"Really?" asked Ro eagerly from across the room. "Oh, man. I mean, that's probably not true. But oh man, I wish it was."
"It is true," Sophie insisted. "It started out as a jokey fad in the eighties, but it took off, and now it's commonplace to walk down a street in any country and see women all around dressed up as princesses."
"Ha!" snorted Maruca. "You're lying. Halloween? Isn't that that weird holiday you have where you disguise yourselves and ask strangers for candy? I'm calling your bluff. What are these even for if they're not everyday wear?"
Sophie tried to keep a straight face, but gave up once she saw Biana smirking at her. "Yeah. Okay. You're right. I'm lying. Yeah, no, the dresses I gave you guys are mostly just formal wear. Except for Linh's- speak of the angel-" (Linh had just appeared from the bathroom clad in her new dress) "- Linh's, Marella's, and Grizel's. Those are technically sundresses. They're common on hot days, but-"
"Wait," Biana cut in, "You mean this is what humans wear to important occasions?"
She held up her dress, which wasn't really a dress so much as it was a shoulderless mini dark blue top covered in sequins accompanied by a floor-length ruffled skirt, also navy blue. It classified as a prom dress, though.
"Eh, that one's technically supposed to be worn to prom- which is this big fancy high school dance that basically all human schools have- but yeah, it could definitely work for a fashion show or something. Don't you like it?"
"Like it?" repeated Biana incredulously. "I mean... yeah, of course I like it, but it's way too... plain for stuff like formal dances or whatever."
Sophie was unable to control her laughter. Of course they would find these tame. Why hadn't she predicted this? She debated telling them about what humans wore for relaxed occasions. "Oh, my god. You know that's one of the most expensive on the market, right? That's supposed to be the most extravagant prom dress out there, and you're calling it... plain."
She couldn't see Biana's face, and she wasn't sure she wanted to.
"If that's formal," Marella demanded, "If mine's formal, then what's casual??"
"Oh, god..." Sophie wiped away a tear. "Most human women usually just wear shirts and pants."
"Shirts and pants," said Linh weakly, reminding everyone she was still there. "That's what you wear every day."
"That's why you were complaining about having to wear dresses when you first got here," Biana whispered. "Oh, wow. What a life to live. And that's not considered... weird or anything?"
"Believe it or not," Sophie giggled, "Human women spent the better part of history fighting for the right to wear pants. There's no concept of d-" her voice degraded into laughter again as she tried to enunciate "dress nobility".
"Huh," said Maruca plainly. "That's hard to imagine. Then what I'm wearing is fancy to you?"
She did a little twirl in her incredible outfit. It was navy blue, floor-length, covered head to toe in sparkles, fully sleeved with the fabric at the bottom spiraling out in a circle. Sophie nodded, still smiling. Maruca looked like a literal goddess- then again, all the girls did.
"Well," said Grizel, speaking up for the first time that afternoon, "I quite like mine- even if it isn't exactly what we wear at home."
Grizel's dress had been difficult to find, but it was very elegant- a dark blue maxi dress covered in blue and white flowers. Sophie was rather proud of her choice.
"I like mine, too," added Marella, "Though I think red and orange would go better with my aesthetic. But yeah. I like it. Blue at the chest, white everywhere else? It's nice. A little plain, but they all are."
"I'm so glad," Sophie smiled.
"And I'm glad I didn't get one," Ro said. "You elves might be all for frills and sparkles, but I'm content to sit out. But it was fun watching the girls adjust to a lack of glitter. Thanks for this, Blondie." She clapped Sophie on the shoulder.
"Actually," Sophie said confidently, "I've got something for you, too."
Ro stopped in her tracks, looking at Sophie like she had just sprayed her with glitter.
"Ex-cuse me?" she said as politely as possible.
"Oh, you're in for it now," chuckled Grizel.
"What?" Ro looked like she could kill Sophie right there. "Blondie. No. You didn't."
"Don't worry," laughed Sophie. "It's not what you think. Here. At least take a look." She handed Ro a plain white box, the same one that the others had come in.
Ro took one look at the box, took it warily, then looked down at Sophie menacingly.
"Listen here, kid, if this has even one sequin on it, you'll know exactly how much flesh-eating bacteria I've been growing."
"Oh, I'd like to help with that if there is," offered Grizel excitedly before being shushed by Marella. Everyone was crowded around the poor ogre by now, craning their necks to see the box's contents.
Ro shot Sophie a warning look, then lifted the lid and pulled out, to everyone's surprise, a leather jacket.
"See, I'm not that stupid," said Sophie as Ro pulled it over her shoulders and took a look in the mirror.
"Huh. Well. It's a lot more lowkey than everything else I've seen today. But..." she paused, as if lost in thought. "But it's not bad. Tasteful. Like everything else, a little plain. But cool. Cool. Alright, you've escaped punishment this time, Blondie, but I'll be on the lookout."
"I'm sure you will," said Sophie teasingly. "And you look good. By any standards. You all do."
It was true. They were all stunning- well, more than usual, anyway.
"Funny," said Marella. "If this is female fashion, then men's couture must be, I mean, just like this. Right?"
Sophie didn't have the heart to tell them about the intensely boring suits men wore for formal occasions. It would, she supposed, have to wait another day.
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arsonistblue · 5 years
Why I love the KotLC Characters
(Spoilers for pretty much all the KotLC books)
Since this is a long post, I’ll put the stuff under the cut so that if you’re not interested, you don’t have to scroll forever. 
Sophie: She’s realistic, relatable, and so kind to her friends. She will do anything to protect the people she cares about, and tries to make sure that everyone knows they are awesome. Sophie is one of the most well-developed characters I can think of.
Biana: KICKASS Q U E E N, she’s so strong and resilient, and protective of the people she loves. Biana is funny and kind, always trying to cheer people up while still being honest.She comes up with rational ideas to make sure everyone gets out of sticky situations alive, and adds her own flair to everything. Honestly like she is so unique and fabulous. Also (in case you can’t tell) I have a huge crush on her 
Dex: Dex is one of those characters that I could tell them I love them a hundred different times. He’s so fun and caring, so damn smart and he doesn’t let anything stop him. He’s so strong for putting up with the bullying from having parents who were a bad match and triplet siblings. 
Keefe: He’s so kind and compassionate and loving and caring and uggghhhhh I love him. Keefe will do anything to help his friends, even if it means bending their trust, because he always tries to do what’s right. He has to deal with two shitty parents, and he handles it with such grace. 
Fitz: He’s passionate and loyal, and while he makes mistakes, so does everyone else. Fitz is hardworking and tries to better himself as a person, also trying to maintain his friendships and hold onto his family. 
Linh: She’s so empathetic towards others, and always believes in second chances. So kind, smart and also knows how to put up a fight. She held a fucking tidal wave by herself, and in doing so saved the lives of her friends. If that doesn’t scream badass, idk what does. 
Tam: He’s so kind and strong, he willingly went with Linh when she was banished, because he’s so protective and caring towards the people he loves. He never stops coming up with ways to help, and will do whatever it takes to help the right cause. 
Wylie: He’s been through so much, what with his father going to Exile, his mother dying right before his eyes and even when he was abducted and tortured by the Neverseen. And despite all of this, he keeps going, even retaining his sense of humor, as seen in Legacy. Wylie is so kind and strong and he’s awesome. 
Marella: She has such a unique and feisty personality, always bringing her own sarcasm to the conversation (and I love her). She is so strong for accepting her pyrokinesis and her future as a presumed talentless. As well as this, she makes sure people know when they’ve crossed a line, and keeps others in check. 
Stina: HUGE character development. Like seriously, mean girl to kinda okay to rude to friend? FUCKING SLAPS. She has such a personable character, and while she is flawed in her judgement, she realizes her wrongdoings and tries to make up for them. 
Maruca: BADASS BITCH. Honestly though, like in Legacy when she told Sophie that she was a psionipath? She must’ve rehearsed that speech so many times, proving how dedicated she is. I don’t remember the exact quote, but it was something like “I’m the piece you need. I can turn this game in our favor.” 
Jensi: He’s so pure, a little angel baby. Jensi Babblos is one of the sweetest characters in the series, and while he doesn’t get much recognition, he’s always kind to Sophie and her friends. In fact, he was one of Soph’s first friends! He is outgoing and tries to see the best in everyone.
Edaline: She is so strong and has overcome so much, from losing Jolie, to thinking that Sophie was dead, to watching Soph put her life at risk so many times? She is so resilient and refuses to let anything break her. She’s such a good mom to Sophie and so nurturing to everyone. 
Grady: Grady is so protective of Sophie, and so snarky and I just love him so much. He helps Edaline when she can’t handle the anxiety or sadness, helps people overcome things. He doesn’t let his terrifying ability stop him from doing what he loves, and he’s so loving towards everyone. 
Elwin: He’s so damn smart, he can fix any malady within the physical spectrum. He’s so kind and funny to Sophie and Keefe (his star patients) and everyone else, and he gave Keefe and Fitz Mrs. Stinkbottom and Mr. Snuggles respectively to help them through tough times. So pure, so sweet. 
Sandor: Sandor is protective of his charge, doing everything in his power to protect Sophie at all costs. He’s loyal and passionate, also quite funny when he gets a chance to be. We also see his tender, loving side with Grizel, how he cares for her. 
Ro: RO IS MY WIFE. She is so powerful and funny and sarcastic and amazing and oh my god I love her. She handles Keefe so well, always protecting him. She also threatens Lord Cassius with flesh-eating bacteria, and gives people a good laugh. Also, Auntie Ro? Need I say more? 
Bronte: HUGE CHARACTER ARC. He went from a total bitch to loving and caring and kind and yes!!! Also Bronte is a smol bean and you cannot convince me otherwise. Also when Amy goes to the lost cities, he’s super cool about it and doesn’t get all mad, instead he’s understanding and curious.
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