#but sophie fitz keefe biana and dex were such a power group
lucyshypemaster · 1 year
man, I really really miss the og friend group
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THIS here is the real fitz before his character got ruined
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crippling-pages · 2 months
reasons to ship Tiana (tam and biana) <3
@innereverblaze You asked to be convinced on which ship (Tiana or Dexiana) you should ship, and I am here convincing you to ship Tiana. This is also there for anyone else wondering why I ship Tiana or why YOU should ship Tiana. Thank you.
*cracks neck* Okay lets do this
Tiana is the pairing between Tam and Biana, and their ship is AMAZINGGG. These are just a few of the tropes in their ship
Opposites Attract
These are their main tropes, though there are a ton of other smaller tropes too! (Ex: Rain/Sunshine, Sun/Moon, Talks A Lot/Will Listen (for me, I hc that that one can go for both).
Moving on to moments in the book; it's a fact that all the boys (Dex, Keefe, and Fitz) had/has a crush on Sophie. One after another, they each picked Sophie. All three of them. But, when we meet Tam, instead of falling for Sophie like the others, he notices Biana. The moment being when Keefe says, "The Foster Fan club is closed" or something like that, Tam blushes says he isn't interested, then proceeding to glance at Biana,which shows that he may be interested in Biana, not Sophie. He doesn't like Sophie right away like the others did, he sees Biana and he likes Biana. And Biana has always had a problem, not being noticed or seen. She was the 3rd child of a famous family; Alvar was the oldest and already doing great things (to their knowledge), and Fitz was a super powerful Telepath. And she was just Biana, at the time. When people saw her, it was for her status or her brother. And when Sophie came along (wanna be clear that I'm not blaming Sophie; forever a Sophie stan), everyone started to talk about Sophie, including her own brother and former crush. Now it seemed like one of the few parts of recognition she got was given to Sophie, the mysterious and multi-abilities girl with humorous talent, and everyone was thinking about her. And then we meet Tam. Like I said before, Tam takes interest into Biana. Before the crew officially meets Tam and Linh, Tam contacts Biana this time, to contact the others. He could've chosen any of the others, expect he chose Biana. And since then, he's always been Biana > Sophie.
And Biana does similar to Tam. When Sophie and Fitz go to visit Tam and Linh in the beginning of the book during Lodestar, they come back and Biana complains, saying that they were lucky and this implies that she wanted to see Tam again too. Later in the book, when Sophie, Dex, Fitz, and Biana go to visit Wylie, they spot Tam reading in the sitting area, and Biana changes her mind and goes to sit next to Tam. She smiles, and then says, I quote, "Plus, I haven't seen you in forever!" Note the fact that she says "you," not "you and Linh." Biana was excited to see Tam again that she decided to say there with him instead of doing what their original objective was. Tam replies to this, smiling shyly. After all, no one has ever wanted to be with him before. He was a twin and a shade as a child, and both were taken as bad things, so he probably was very alone as a child, with no friends or anyone other than Linh to talk too. But now, he sees Biana wanting to talk to him, choosing to sit down and catch up, saying upfront that she missed him. None of the other people in the group have really directly talked to Tam before (for the whole series, if I may add) that isn't for Neverseen or Black Swan related purposes. Continuing on, Tam replies to Biana (again, smiling shyly), "I hear we'll be seeing more of each other soon." (That could be recognized as flirting but I don't think Tam knows what flirting is during this moment of time so it's probably not). This suggests that he is actually excited and eager to see Biana more often, and as we know form Tam, he doesn't that excited often. From these moments and interactions, we can confirm that both Biana and Tam, ever since first meeting, find interest in each other and want to learn more about the other and want to see each other more, are are excited when they get to be together.
There are another handful of moments in Lodestar between them, but there are two more that stand out to me the most. (Three, technically). One is the oh so famous scene when the group is at the Exilium training area, and they're talking about Marella, and the Biana points out that Marella is staring at Tam. There are a few other comments by the others. Tam himself is surprised, by this, and simply says "Okay" and lets the topic go. Biana, however, does not. She says something along the lines of, "Okay? That's it? That's all you have to say?" implying that she's shocked that Tam doesn't have another say on this, and he starts blushing at Biana questions, since they hint that she's eager to know what he really thinks. This can also be seen as possibly jealousy; She sees Marella staring at Tam, and giving him a flirty smile; she'd want to know if Tam finds her cute in return, or that he might be interested in her, and the thought of that makes her jealous. Tam is saved from responding, because Linh speaks up and says "He doesn't like her. He likes brunettes." She says this smirking, and directing it at Biana. This may mean that she's trying to subtly tell Biana that Tam finds her cute, or pretty. Tam then says, "Gross, why do you know that?" Note that he isn't denying it. He isn't saying that he doesn't like them, he's asking why Linh knows this. Linh then says, "Because you aren't as sly as you think you are." This could mean that Linh has noticed how Tam acts around Biana. She noticed how he looked at her in Neverseen after being asked about joining the Foster Fan Club, then denying it. Maybe Tam has looked at Biana other times that weren't noticed by Sophie, but by Linh.
Another moment is when Biana tells Sophie that she and Tam found something in the Silver Towers. Sophie asks what she meant by her and Tam, since to Sophie's knowledge, only Tam was was working there, and Biana explains that she went to visit Tam early that day. This suggests that Biana wanted to see Tam again. As I said earlier, Biana was and is eager to see Tam again, and this is another moment being proof of it. Along with this bit, Tam had to spend hours in the Silvers Towers per day, so that means that Biana got to spend hours alone with Tam, and they probably had learned much more about each other and had gotten closer. Later, when they're in the Silver Towers, Biana says to Tam, I quote, "Go on. Show them how cool you are." Tam blushes at this. As the statement says, Biana thinks Tam cool, and that matches up with Biana wanting to spend more time with him. This is also another time Biana has complimented him (she once complimented him about his ability in Neverseen ,calling it an 'anti-vanish'). Tam is insecure about ability, hence likely being judge a lot as a kid and his parents being disgusted, and with Biana constantly telling him its impressive and cool, he starts to feel less bad about it and left insecure.
There are a few more moments in Lodestar, but for now I shall be moving onto Nightfall, quite possibly the book with the most Tiana moments, and I'll be doing them in bullet points so I don't have to write anymore paragraphs so it'll be easier for you to read. (Hence there are a lot, we'll be doing the biggest and my personal favorites)
Nightfall Moments (With page numbers)
On page 217, when Forkle takes about sending Tam and Linh back into Foxfire, Biana squeals and gets excited, saying that they'd see each other more, hang out during study hall and team up in PE. This is another moment showing that Biana gets happy and excited at the thought of spending more time with Tam.
Page 384, when Sophie, Fitz, Tam, Biana, Livvy and Grady are in the Forbidden Cities, Biana points out that a bunch of girls are staring at Tam. This is similar to what she did when Marella was looking at Tam.
Page 387, Biana tells Sophie that she and Tam didn't find anything in Candleshade; Candleshade is big, with hundreds of floors; it would take hours and many days to search, so that would mean that Biana and Tam would have spent even more time together, just the two of them alone. Again. Multiply times. During these times, they've definitely have gotten much closer and know much more about each other. (At this point, I feel like they've definitely gotta a crush on each other.)
Page 397; when Biana, Sophie and Tam are talking about what they should wear when sneaking into Nightfall, Sophie says "What about Tam?" and Biana replies saying that he'll be alright if he "ditches his shirt." This implies that Biana wants to see what Tam looks like without a shirt on; this is also likely Biana subtly flirting with Tam. Tam is embarrassed, and says that he'll get cold, ever the oblivious.
Page 442; Marella says that Biana is possessive of her brother, and Biana replies that she isn't possessive, and that she doesn't like it girls use her to get to her brother, since to them, Fitz is the best looking boy in the school. She then says to Tam, "Linh must know how that feels." And that suggests that Biana thinks that it is very good looking, or just as good looking as Fitz, and that a lot of girls would go up to Linh because they would want to get closer to Tam. This again, could be Biana subtly flirting.
Page 447; I feel like people sleep on this one a lot. It's when they're trying to figure out where to put Alvar after finding him in Nightfall. Tam says that Choralmere could work, since it be unexpected and the Neverseen wouldn't expect it. It's basically Tam subtly saying to Biana "I'll bring your almost dead brother to my abusive home for you even if I really don't want to go see my parents and house again but it okay because your more important and I care about you."
Pages 451-452; Possibly the most underrated Tiana moment in the series, and it's when Tam and Biana talk about the the cruelty of Tam and Linh's parents, and what their parents did to the them. Biana brings up how screwed society is, and how she feels bad about how her life is/was almost perfect, and that it's that way because of the "Vacker Legacy." She said that she wished she could like others in bad situations, like in the one Tam and Linh were in. Tam comforts her, telling her that she doesn't need to feel bad, saying that it wasn't her fault. He said that she didn't know how bad the world was, that not a lot of people do. This makes Biana feel a lot better, thanks to Tam. (Not gonna lie, Sophie third wheeled in this scene.)
Page 457; Another minor one, but while they were talking about Alvar, Biana's eyes start to tear up and she moves to go look at the portrait of Tam. She was in a room full of art, with many pieces and decorations, yet she decided to look at the painting of Tam.
Page 474; This is my favorite moment in the series (I made a post about it, you should check it out!). It's when Tam stops and notices that his portrait was re-painted, and Biana says that she did it. It shows how Biana disliked the portrait, and that she didn't believe it represented Tam right. Even though it wasn't hers, and that it belonged to Tam's mother, she spent time and repainted it. I feel this says a lot about what Biana thinks of Tam. (It was basically was: Biana: *repaints the picture of you your mom made because I didn't like it and because it wasn't truly you and you're amazing and should be recognized as you are now not as you were before or like how your abusive parents see you as*). Physic/Livvy also says "not to spoil the moment" implying that Tam and Biana were having a moment.
There are a few other, smaller moments in the book, but these are the biggest and main moments. To my memory, Flashback has two moments and they're minor, but still say a lot.
It's when someone says that Tam should look in Everglen for clues and stuff, but Fitz says that his parents might not let him because of Alvar. Tam replies saying, "Don't worry. Biana would let me in." That means, despite the Alvar situation, Biana would still let Tam inside Everglen to search around. She also decided to help him.
Around the end of the book, when they're fighting the Neverseen, Umber shoots an arrow of shadowflux at Biana. Not Linh, who we knows means a lot to Tam. Not Linh, who Tam would sacrifice his life for. Umber didn't shoot the arrow at Linh, but at Biana. This could mean that Umber sensed how much Biana meant to Tam, and that he might've cared for her as much as he did for Linh.
Flashback was more of a Sophitz/Sokeefe book, so there wasn't a lot. Moving on to Legacy, there were a surprising about of moments, despite Tam not even being there. (Note that I haven't read Legacy, and that it's my least favorite book in the series, followed by Stellarlune.) I don't remember much from Legacy, but I do now some vague moments, but otherwise these won't be that good and that accurate.
Biana has mentioned, a handful of times, about getting Tam back. When she can, she brings up Tam. This means that even when he's not there, she thinks about him.
There was a few scenes in the book where Biana says that she misses Tam.
There's this one scene, and it's when Sophie and Biana are talking, and Sophie's "Happy Shadow Thoughts" t-shirt is brought up. Biana says how she really wanted to get one. This suggests Biana saying that she wanted to have the shirt because it was about/related to Tam. (She trails off, after saying that she wanted a shirt of her own, a look of longing and sadness appear son her face.) Biana and Sophie also talk about Tam's kidnapping, and Sophie comforts her.
After everyone walks up from being knocked out during Keefe's transformation, Sophie says that Tam will help them, and when Biana wakes up, the first thing she says is "Tam?" Since we already know that Biana missed Tam a ton, one can only assume that one of the first things she did after Sophie left was go and hug Tam...
And that's that for Legacy. (I swear that only good parents in Legacy was when it was about Tam).
Moving on, we have Unlocked and Stellarlune. Unlocked has this one moment (though it is a VERY important one), while Stellarlune doesn't have any Tiana (or Dexiana) moments. Let's do Unlocked.
In Unlocked, on page 676, Fitz teases Biana for rushing up the stairs to Solreef. He says that "she's dying to see Tam" and then stage-whispers to Sophie "My sister' a fan of silver bangs." While this is two facts for the price of one (that Biana missed Tam a whole lot, and that Biana finds Tam cute and likes his bangs), what Biana says next is "Really, Fitz? You want to talk about crushes?" And this is important, because Biana, sweetheart, when the hell did Fitz mention ANYTHING about crushes??? Hmm? When?? *proceeds to jump up and down because this literally confirms that Biana has a crush on Tam* (Biana also then blushes bright red after what Fitz said, and I quote from Sophie, "which was either embarrassment or confirmation. Or both." And we all know that when an author says "or both" 98% of the time, it is both.)
And that is that. All (almost all) of the Tam and Biana moments in the series, along with in-depth analysis for each.
Furthermore (yes, I'm not done), let's talk about the characters themselves.
Tam's character is shown as the stoic, quiet, and 'emo' character (he isn't actually emo, though. He's just seen that way because of stereotypes). Biana is the sparkly, bright, and the princess of the series. Their opposites. But they also have a ton in common!
Both have siblings (trust me, you can relate about siblings)
Both have expectations from society and their parents
Both have once been hated on (Biana with the Alvar situation, and Tam... in general.)
Both are underrated and underappreciated people.
Both can be snarky at times.
Both are stereotyped (Tam being a Shade and people automatically assuming he's evil/not a good person; Biana being a spoiled princess because she's the daughter of a powerful family.)
Both are important and valuable people.
Literal icons. They're so icon.
BAMF duo.
There are other kinds of similarities between the two, but these are the main ones.
Either way, both would bring out the best in each other. Biana's brightness would bring out Tam's, and Tam would help Biana become more confident with herself. They would help each other with their trauma, comfort each other, and just help each be the best they can be. Tam would be able to talk to her about the Neverseen, and his parents, and Biana could talk to Tam about her scars, and Alvar. They even each other out and help each other be better. All in all, they're good for each other and would make each very happy.
And finally, here are some my Tiana headcanons to show you how cute they are <3
Biana buys Tam bouquets or flowers. One time, Tam mentioned that he liked flowers, and the next day, she arrived at Solreef, blushing a very bright red, and handed Tam a bouquet. Linh had to deal with a happily dazed and swooning Tam for a full 15 minutes.
They have movie nights at Solreef. (Solreef has a mini theater for when they watch human movies.) They'll cuddle up on the couch together, laughing and having fun, and falling asleep.
They are the MOST competitive people you will ever meet. On their own, they're competitive, but together, oh boy is it dangerous to be on the other side. Almost everything is a competition. Sometimes they've had to sit out in Base Quest because they made it too much of a deal. Sometimes the crew does Tam and Biana vs. Everyone else (Tam and Biana almost always win).
Tam's ticklish. Like, really ticklish. Biana's one of two people who knows (the other is Linh, though she doesn't really acknowledge it anymore) and she 100% uses it to her advantage. If she wants to go shopping but Tam's being a bit lazy, she'll just carefully graze her fingers on his side... Or sometimes she just wants to see Tam laugh. It makes her feel good. She loves him laughing, and smiling, and giggling. She gets all warm and fuzzy inside. ...Or when she's just bored.
Tam designs and makes clothing for Biana. (I headcanon that he's obsessed with clothing and fashion, like Biana is.) After Biana got her scars, he promised her that he'd show her that they can and are beautiful. A few weeks later, he comes to Everglen, and hands Biana one of the most gorgeous dresses she's ever seen. It was because of seeing how beautiful she looked in the dress did she start realizing that her scars were a part of her now.
Physical touch is probably their biggest love language. Like, no matter where they are, they need to be in some kind of contact. Walking in Atlantis? Arm around waist. Black Swan meeting? Hand holding. Lunch with the crew? Hand on knee/thigh.
Tam has very unnoticeable freckles around his cheeks, and sometimes Biana will just stare at Tam from across the room, counting them. (To be fair, she'd stare at him either way.)
Biana gives Tam a ton of compliments. He's never really been complimented as a child, or even now, so when they start dating, Biana's 10x more open about complimenting Tam. She'll start casually calling him "pretty" or "amazing" or "literally the best person in the entire world" etc etc. And since Tam isn't used to it, he almost always gets all blushy and shy and giggly about it.
Every time Biana hears Keefe joke about Tam being 'shady' and 'darkness in the flesh' she's smirking to herself because the Tam she knows is literally the cutest, funniest, and most adorable thing she's ever seen.
Tam's 6'2 and Biana's just about 5'5 (when they're completely grown). Tam teases her about being short.
Tam takes Biana out on dates in Atlantis often. He knows how much she loves shopping, so they'll go to a few shops and look around, and he'll get her a few things.
They're the biggest on cuddles. It's the most important thing EVER to them. They won't (intentionally) do it when others are around. Neither of big fans of that much PDA. But when its just them, CUDDLES <3
Tam's ace, so kisses are rare coming from him, and it makes Biana flustered. Sometimes, he'll kiss her just to see her blush.
They secretly date for the longest time ever, and at one point, they just don't care anymore and are way more open about their relationship in front of everyone. And obviously, they don't tell anyone about the sudden switch, so everyone's like "??? What??? When did they get so close??"
They love each other so freaking much and I ship them so hard I could EXPLODE
And you have it <3 Why I ship Tiana, and why YOU should too <3 thank you.
(tagging because I can): @keefe--sencen @swans-chirping-in-the-distance @frizzle-mcshizzle @theleopardstalker )
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fintan-pyren · 2 years
Stellarlune predictions
(It got a little long)
Sophie decides that her goals don't align with those of the Black Swan and makes her own rebel group
She wants to actually take action this time
"You swore an oath to help the world"
"That's exactly what I'm doing"
Glimmer, Tam, Marella, Dex, and Maruca are on her side
Her other friends don't think it's such a good idea
They ignore them
Basically go around committing arson and causing chaos
And trying to find Keefe
Unfortunately, Team Moonlark doesn't have many resources or much information
Since they're a bunch of kids
You know what we need? Someone powerful who used to be high-ranking in the elven world who would know a lot of elven secrets and who also wants to change the world but isn't part of the Black Swan (since the Swans don't approve of their actions)
Who could that possibly be?
Time to go rescue Fintan!
How do we get into his prison though? It's high security
Good news, Dex has access since he and Bronte were trying to open Fintan's cache
They just need to disguise Sophie as Bronte to get past the guards
They free Fintan
He's willing to help them
They become significantly better at arson and now have more information
More chaos and adventures
Black Swan really isn't happy now
The Mooonlarks find out a bunch of new information about Stellarlune and Gisela's plans
Team Moonlark ends up facing off against their friends from the Black Swan (Fitz, Biana, Linh, Wylie, Stina, etc), who are trying to stop them from committing arson
Team Moonlark has trained a lot
They're a lot more powerful than they used to be
But bad news
So are the Swans
They have fancy new uniforms and everything, courtesy of Tinker
They talk and then kinda fight a bit until one of them actually gets injured and there's a big uproar about them injuring their friends (How could you???) and they all leave
But the Moonlarks realize that Keefe could help them defend themselves without injuring anyone so they keep trying to find him
But the Swans are also trying to find him
So it's a race to find Keefe
Team Moonlark gets to him first (or so they think) and he joins them
But it turns out the Black Swan (specifically Fitz) actually got to him first and explained what Sophie's been doing (arson and freeing Fintan and all that) and convinced Keefe to be a double agent for them
And Keefe uses his power to capture them
Sophie and the rest of Team Moonlark get thrown into the Black Swan's prison
Keefe comes and visits Sophie in prison
It's very touching
Lot of shippiness and tragic heartbreak or whatever
"I trusted you, Keefe"
Still in the prison
But good news
We still have Fintan with us
The prison was meant to be able to hold a pyrokinetic, but now there's extra body heat. Enough for Fintan to make a fire so they can escape
Uh-oh! The prisoners are escaping
Fintan ditches them and leaves
Uh-oh! The Neverseen arrived at the Black Swan's base just as the prisoners were trying to escape
We need to defeat them with the power of friendship (and also some knives)
The friendship isn't enough
Good news, Fintan came back and decided to help them
At some point during their adventures, they uncovered some information about the Neverseen (they were lying about some of their goals to get him on their side) and he's kinda annoyed
He's realized that he doesn't think they're good people anymore
So it's the power of Friendship and Fintan and Also Some Knives
They drive away the Neverseen for now
[Sokeefe ship moment]
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what your favorite kotlc character says about you
Sophie: so you're anxious and tired. you've probably got brown eyes. you read a lot of YA, huh? and you're mainstream. this is the equivalent of liking vanilla ice cream. but that's okay. vanilla tastes good.
Keefe: how's the trauma? drink some water and take your meds. and you really need a hug. your favorite trope is hurt/comfort. you read angst to feel something. you need a weighted blanket. and you probably ship something with keefe in it as your otp.
Fitz: do you really like him or do you like the idea of him you created in your mind? Because i'm willing to bet it's the latter. Also, you're probably a Sophitz shipper. Or you have gifted kid burnout. One of the two.
Biana: you're probably a girl. or you want to be stepped on by a pretty, powerful woman. either way, valid. you like those aesthetic pictures of flowers. yeah.
Tam: hi, daddy issues and mcr phase. you still wish it was 2013 and you were wearing dark eyeliner and avoiding your emotional trauma like you didn't hate your parents for the mental trauma they gave you, just the fact that they made you cry and told you couldn't go hang out with your friends
Linh: so you just. really like. cute animals, huh? and you really love the idea of "cinnamon roll but could actually kill you" thing. neato. cute animal pictures btw i love your cat, tell it i love it so much
Marella: So. You like arson. Neato. You just really wanna light stuff on fire. You really just want to see things burn. You'd light your hair on fire if it didn't hurt and wouldn't smell horrible. No. Don't test that out. Put the candle down. I said, put the candle down.
Dex: you spend too much time on your phone, go socialize with people for once you reclusive turtle. also how's feeling like you're the nice one in your friend group going? you gonna snap soon? no? Maybe? yes? if so, i can relate
Maruca: how's the euphoria obsession going? you're too young to watch euphoria? figures. you'll probably like it once you're old enough. Not even gonna lie to you.
Stina: wow, that's a lot of pent up anger. also, who are you sad that you made fun of in grade school? because same.
Wylie: hi dad friend, i'm river. have a good day, be sure not to talk too long about how weird allosexuality is
Fintan: calm down, edgelord. we know you enjoy feeling crazy. we know you like being weird. you can settle down now. go take a nap.
Alden: this is no one's favorite, go home.
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
Shattered Upside Down
A kotlc wings au: masterpost here
Chapter 9: The Little Reminders
word count: 7.1k
chapter summary: Sophie and her friends are in the Lost Cities. The broken down, monster-infested Lost Cities. And they only have a certain amount of time to do everything they need to before something bad shows up. But monsters aren't all that comes to try and get them.
warnings: monsters, blood, implied death (of a character never met or mentioned again, who died a long time ago, it's not as bad as it sounds), arguing with parents, fighting, buildings collapsing, brief medical mention, swearing
taglist: I’ll reblog with it. let me know if you want to be added or removed!
Y'all ready? We're tying in some little details from earlier, so that's fun! Enjoy the chapter! Apologies if formatting is a little weird. Tumblr did a thing so I don't know what it'll look like when I post it!
ao3 link here or read below
It was so quiet a pin drop could’ve shattered the world.
Not that it would’ve made a difference. Colored glass and cracked gems littered the ground, an entire city brought to its knees. Mold and mushrooms crawled painstaking through the cracks, condensation crying down the sides, water marks left in their wake. Building after building as far as one could see was destroyed, damaged, some even reduced entirely to rubble.
Sophie didn’t even want to breathe as they moved, the stench of monsters and rotting flesh and decay permeating the area.
They hadn’t seen anything, not yet. But she knew they were there. Somewhere. Watching. Gauging. They’d entered the monsters’ territory, and now they could only try to do what they needed before those things decided to respond.
Their scent was thick enough Sophie wished she’d remembered to bring that mask she’d had before she’d run away, the same one they’d worn on that damning mission. It was supposed to be the end. They’d bring down the facility and clean up the aftermath and everything would get better.
A bright pink hair ribbon fluttered in a breeze, stuck beneath a cluster of broken crystal on the side of the path. A hand print beside it, frozen in the mud. A small hand print. It was gouged through with claw marks. She didn’t want to know what had happened. She knew.
Where do you think they are? Fitz asked, just to her. She gave him a mental shrug in response. She didn’t want to know. No amount of preparing would be enough for whatever happened.
Part of her, a surprisingly large part, didn’t want her parents to show up. She didn’t want to confront them and explain herself and lie her way through the conversation. And she knew she’d be at the center of it. The Moonlark. Sophie Foster. Always in the middle of things. Not that they were wrong, it was just tiring.
Yet another part of her remained horrified she’d even presented this ultimatum. She could risk herself; she’d had more experience with monsters in the past week than she’d had since everything started. Sure, it wasn’t much. But it was something. One of them even saw her as a...friend.
This group, she didn’t want to risk. But they wouldn’t let her do it alone and they’d planned this out beforehand. They weren't going in with their hands tied. And they could all easily escape, rely on those wings if it came to an emergency.
Maybe they’d even leave them alone again, like that creature in the tree the night they ran.
But their parents? They’d been stuck underground for the last several months. And they weren’t even fighters in the first place. They were painfully elven and she loved them to death. She couldn’t stand being responsible for anything that happened here today.
It was so horribly cruel of Sophie to have picked this place, to have given them so little choice. The place was infested. The stench made her eyes water, rips and tears marks littered the buildings everywhere you looked.
Something darted through her peripheral and she flinched. The creatures knew they were here. They just hadn’t attacked. Maybe they’d gotten lucky, were in a part of the city with some of the more docile ones, although all of them were threatening.
Let's get a head start. So they don’t catch us off guard. It seemed forbidden, intrusive to speak aloud. Like there was this careful illusion held together by the silence. None of them were willing to break it.
The others nodded, breaking into two groups.
Sophie, Linh, Biana, and Wylie in one; Dex, Tam, Maruca, Marella, Fitz, and Keefe in the other. Those that could hide the wings, and those that couldn’t. And Dex, who was going to grab some supplies.
Sophie pulled her cloak closer, checking it was secured as a breeze passed by. The wings buzzed in response, the open sky beckoning her. She’d have to be extra careful they didn’t make a noise if their parents showed up.
Wylie nudged her, raising his brows in question.
Right. She was supposed to find them. Track them. She was the telepath of their group.
Everyone reeked of anxiety, muscles tensed as she leaned back against a nearby building for stability, raising her fingers to her temples.
Starting with a blanket sweep, she scanned the nearby area, searching for any presence she could find. The wave spread from her like an explosion, rocketing outwith her at the center. She could feel Fitz stumble, perking up as the wave washed over him, faintly hearing someone ask him what happened. She didn’t bother to hear the reply.
There were pockmarks scattered throughout, empty holes moving within the web she wove. Monsters. Since that day in the facility she’d learned what they felt like, the hollow space they left behind. Like looking for a blind spot. They were...everywhere. But none attacked.
Reaching further, she kept scanning, about to give up.
Someone smelling of cherry blossoms placed their hand down on her shoulder, shaking her slightly. Sophie jerked, inhaling deeply, keeling forward and nearly toppling over if it weren’t for that hand.
Not here yet, she whispered, trying to reorient herself. The sudden change from concentration back to reality had been jarring--unintentional on Biana’s part, but a large stressor nonetheless.
Move!! Biana hissed in her mind, pulling Sophie along.
Her mind lagged a moment behind as she was dragged, shaking her head to try and comprehend the enormous, gaping shadow that had fallen over their group.
She covered her mouth to try and slow her breathing as they ducked around a corner.
Biana hadn’t shaken her awake out of impatience or question. She’d jarred her into reality to escape.
Now that she was aware of it, the pungent odor of breath and smoke coated her tongue. Just how distracted had she been? How far out had her mind been reaching that she didn’t even notice the thing right beside her?
It’s claws made a horrid screeching sound against the crystal as it moved, talons sinking into the wall several feet above where they’d just been, its enormous barbed tail swinging lazily, thwacking into that very spot she’d been leaning against, leaving cracks and scratches all down the side.
C’mon, Linh called, gesturing from where she was tucked away on the other side of the road. Let’s get away from here.
There was no way they could get past that tail, sporadically swinging around and blocking that path to the rest of their group. Goddamnit. How had they gotten separated so quickly?
“There’s no way we’re getting through there,” Biana groaned oh so quietly, speaking Sophie’s thoughts aloud, shaking out her hands, trying to dispel the nerves.
Sophie absentmindedly nodded in agreement, surveying the area, looking for the least dangerous, quickest path. She didn’t even need a destination, just away. Biana’s fingers closed around her wrist, drawing energy from her skin as they both sporadically faded in and out of view. Huh. When had Biana grown so powerful?
The thing shifted its weight, tail thunking around and sinking into the wall, using it as leverage to crawl further up the building, staining it red wherever its skin grated against the crystal.
Now, Sophie urged, pulling them both back. Use this moment. Take advantage of every single second you’re granted and wring every inch of progress you can from it. With the tail momentarily occupied, you’d think she’d go forward. Dart through the danger and emerge victorious.
No. Sophie Foster didn’t like to do things the way people expected her to. It made her eyelashes itch.
She whirled around, Biana attached to her wrist. They’d backed themselves into a corner, but just how far back would this corner go? What would it give them if only they had the keen insight to ask?
Its eyes made contact with hers and its mouth dropped open just as they turned their backs, the sound of the ground trembling behind them as it dropped itself down, starting the hunt.
Rock slammed against the soles of their shoes as they stumbled through the rubble, tripping over colored pebbles and ducking under collapsed pillars, buildings rising on either side of them like they were trapped in a maze with no end. No solution.
Growls and screeching claws echoed around them, and she knew they were surrounded. She couldn’t see them but she knew.
They’d caused a commotion and now everyone was coming to see what all the fuss was about.
Cursing, they rounded a corner only to come to a screeching stop, a mound of crystal pieces blocking their path. Turning, they looked over their shoulders.
Something skidded down the side of the building, the narrow gap between walls, claws scratching as it descended, something unpleasant in its eye. It’s mouth gaped, no teeth in sight but a hissing noise emerged nonetheless. It was large enough it nearly didn't fit in the space, but it contorted and slithered and narrowed its gaze onto her, mouth falling open with a mechanical click.
Well, fuck. It’s too early for that. The morning chill hadn’t even dispersed yet.
Both their heartbeats hammered in their chest, adrenaline surging as she realized this one was very much not friendly, it wouldn’t even try to be. Leave leave leave leave leave she needed to get out. They needed to go somewhere anywhere else.
Where are you going? Linh asked, somewhere from beside Wylie. It seemed Biana and Sophie were the only ones in danger. Great. The others didn’t even know they were being hunted, stalked, tracked, assessed.
Um. Good question, she responded. I’ll let you know when we figure that out. Biana glanced at her sidelong, seeming to realize Sophie actually didn’t have a plan and groaning. Then grinned, laughing with her hand over her mouth to stifle the sound as she threw herself into their escape.
They turned on their heels, putting their backs to this new monster once more, and ran. On hands and knees, rocks and pebbles shifting uneasily beneath them as they climbed over the pile.
Their cloaks with the chaotic movement and Sophie caught a single glimpse of the vibrant orange against Biana’s back before she was bumping into a corner and moving again.
It crashed into something behind them, the haphazard destruction providing a dangerous terrain it couldn’t quite navigate. Good. Good. This was good.
Run. Jump. Avoid. Disappear.
It roared behind them, screeching in pain as something heavy crashed down. Maybe it’d gotten caught on a building. Good. That was good, right?
Sunlight shone through the gaps between buildings, spastic as they channeled extra power into their legs, dashing darting dancing through the destruction until she saw an opening, looked up and remembered that flash of orange and realized she was not burdened to the ground and she grabbed Biana’s hand.
“JUMP,” she screamed, her voice echoing through the walls and reverberating back to her against the crystal.
They jumped, pushing all that channeled strength into their legs and leaping higher higher higher until they crested the walls and could see for miles for everywhere for eternity.
And they caught themselves.
Those wings snapped out, flinging themselves from beneath the cloaks and smoothing their descent. She blinked and that film dropped over her eyes.
Biana moved jerkily yet somehow smooth in the sky, letting go of Sophie’s hand as she flitted to and fro, movements that would’ve made Sophie undeniably nauseous.
It took her only a moment to locate the others, to find Wylie’s exasperation and Linh’s concern. To change course and point Biana in the right direction and swan dive down, curving around crumbling spires and rods.
Risking a glance backwards, she couldn’t locate that creature, it seemingly lost within that maze of buildings and halls and paths that would’ve trapped them too had the sky not beckoned so loud.
Clear. They were in the clear. It was behind them. They were fine.
Vaguely, she could see the other group in the distance, the rest of their friends pointing and waving as they watched them soar in slowly descending circles, growing ever closer to the ground. They’d gone off to find Dex’s supplies, just perusing through the city. It’d take several people to get everything he needed, maybe even more than one trip.
Biana began lowering herself, but Sophie couldn’t help but linger in the sky just a few moments longer, taking in the destruction. Reminding herself of everything they were fighting for, why she needed to step out of her own skin and remember all the people she’d left behind.
She shouldn’t have.
Something glimmered off in the distance, only visible with this new eyesight from this vantage point, but she dropped like a stone.
The void let her through, jumping between places and glitching through the air like she had when she’d grabbed Marella, falling atop Biana in the sky and wrapping her arms around her, jerking them through the void and onto the ground, sprawling a few feet away from the rest of their group.
Biana sat up, shaking herself off and covering her wings, drawing that cloak close. Everyone’s hearts were hammering, echoing in her ears as her throat went dry.
Sophie got to her feet, bracing her hands on the back of her neck. She couldn’t dare speak it out loud, didn’t know what was still listening. If that creature had truly gotten itself caught or if it was just waiting to continue the chase. She didn't want to bother with it, just thinking it a minor nuisance as the real shit came to fruition.
Huh. Her world had devolved into such chaos that a monster chase was just a brief interruption, nothing to be thought over.
She shook her hands out, Wylie reaching down to help Biana to her feet.
There was no use putting it off any longer, so she spoke into the entire mindbubble. They’re here.
Sophie couldn’t pull her wings close enough; they were so conformed to the shape of her body she worried they’d bend that way permanently. But still, she wanted them closer. She’d buttoned up the front of her cloak, prepared her lies, but it wasn’t enough. Nothing would ever be enough.
She scratched at her arms to try and distract herself, but that just pulled at her damaged skin, leaving lacerations and blood stains behind. She really should’ve wrapped them. Why hadn’t she wrapped herself up? That’s what she’d gone with Tam to get.
Linh's skin was covered in bandages, her legs and arms tightly bound. It hid some of the incandescence, and in the morning light she almost looked completely normal. Sophie should’ve done the same to herself. She’d gotten so distracted she hadn’t even thought to, and none of the others had remembered to remind her.
Strange. Usually they were so on top of her injuries. It was...unsettling to imagine why they weren’t this time. Not that--not that she wanted them to focus on her. She just--
“Is everyone prepared?” Wylie’s voice was so loud in this silence it made her physically jump, taking all of her energy to keep the wings from shooting out in fear, giving herself away. She did get some impressive height, though.
“Nope. Let’s do this anyway.” If they didn’t do this now, didn't confront their parents and convince them to stop trying to find them, they’d just have to do it again later.
They were fine for now. They were relatively safe and unharmed. Their injuries were from themselves, not the forest. The forest. The forest only she had access to.
If you can, grab the stuff to make a temporary crystal or find a pathfinder of some kind, she sent out to everyone. So you don’t have to rely on me.
Nice try, Foster. I like relying on you. But yeah we’ll look.
She rolled her eyes. Of course he was joking. He knew she was anxious and the little fucker was trying to make her feel better. And it was fucking working. She scowled.
Alright. Now or never. Do or die.
Live with it.
Sophie couldn’t see through the tears falling from her lashes, the wet getting caught up in those films. The world was made of fragments and smears and it was all she could do to hold herself together as she saw her father climbing over a mound of rubble.
Grady. Dad.
There were others beside him, an entire group who had come out to try and get them back, but she couldn’t stop herself from desperately reaching out one last time. She saw him and her legs were moving moving moving and she just had to get to him to let him hold her to feel him alive beneath her fingertips.
He was moving too, eyes widening as he sprinted forward and then he was right there and his arms wrapped around her and held on so so tight and his chin rested on her head and her face was buried in his chest and he smelled like soap and feathers and warmth and home.
She’d missed this so much.
“Hey, kiddo,” he whispered against her hair, the braids she’d woven them into on the walk over, trying to tame the mess. She’d have to do that when flying. They rocked back and forth, just holding holding holding each other.
She’d missed this.
Eventually, he stepped back a bit, holding her out by the shoulders and looking her over, gnawing at his lip as he saw all the blisters, the lacerations, the burns. The scratches.
It’d been a rough couple of days.
“Are you okay?” he asked, bringing her in close again, this time oh so gentle. Like he was afraid one wrong move would tear her apart.
She just shrugged; she couldn’t get her throat to work. She exhaled, the breath shaky and uncontrolled, wiping at her eyes to try and compose herself. She didn’t even know who else was here. Did she care?
Sophie stepped back, but Grady reached up to pat the top of her head, smoothing down her hair. She leaned into the touch. She’d missed this.
He stepped to the side when he saw her leaning to try and see around him, glancing around the area now that she was here and there was something to protect.
There were so many people. Any number was many. She didn’t know why she thought she could do this. She could do this.
Taking a deep breath, she counted who’d come.
Ro and Sandor--Sandor--stood on either side of the group, weapons out and noses lifted to the wind. Protection. Della was wrapped around Biana, fussing over her and feeling the bandages on her arm. A pang of guilt hit her, but she pressed it aside. Mr. Forkle stood beside Wylie, the two of them in some sort of discussion she hadn’t expected. Elwin had rushed to Linh just beside Wylie, and was now carefully lowering her to the ground, Juline giving a helping hand.
Juline. She looked up, making eye-contact with Sophie, holding it.
“Everyone else is in a different part of the city,” she said, clearing her throat. “But they’re fine. They’re okay. Well--” she cut off, eyes glazing over as she reached out to Fitz.
Grady’s hand tightened on her shoulder, but the sensation faded as her mind reached away from her body.
I’ve...they’re here. She said, unsure how else to put it. Are you all doing alright?
It took him a moment to respond. Yup. Just a little--shit. Just a lot of unwieldy things. I just dropped something. Dex seems to be having the time of his life, though. None of it makes sense to me.
Okay. Reach out if you need anything. Or just to interrupt...because this conversation isn't going to be fun.
He laughed slightly, hollow. Yeah. I definitely don't envy you right now.
Wait, have you envied me before?
Good question.
She waited for him to answer it, but it was silent on his end. Well you can’t just--
Take care, Sophie. I love you.
He severed their connection.
“--Sophie?” Someone was shaking her--Grady. That was Grady. His hand was on her shoulder and he was shaking her back into her body.
“Mmm. Yup. That’s me,” she slurred, shaking her head slightly to regain her stability, to ground herself. She rubbed at her eyes, Fitz’s words echoing in her mind. I love you.
She wanted to say it back. Why hadn’t he given her the chance to say it back?
Sophie found Juline once more, directing her words in that general area but addressing the whole group. “Yeah, they’re all fine.”
“Tell them to come here, please.” Ah. Okay. Right into it, then.
She shook her head. “They’re busy.”
Sandor stepped forward, fist tightening on the hilt of his blade. “They can un-busy themselves for this.”
Wylie took it for her, and she nearly leapt forward to hug him right there and then, but it didn’t seem like the right time. She didn’t want to be the only one they addressed.
“Unfortunately, they cannot. But anything you need to tell them you can tell us and we’ll relay the information.” He crossed his arms, glancing towards her as if in question.
She inclined her head slightly. Yes, it was okay that he stepped in.
“We’ll need all of you in one place for this,” Sandor said, and Sophie’s stomach dropped.
“We’re not going back.”
Grady’s hand tightened on her shoulder, flexing as if he wanted to pull her closer and just leap away with her. But they were separated. If they stole the four of them away now, they’d never find the other six.
She hated that they had to strategize like this.
“Look,” Ro began, pointing a dagger at her to emphasize her point. “I don’t know what kind of idiocy has infected your group, but you can’t be up here. You and your little fucked up elf brains have to come back with us, to the underground. And we’ll take you by force if necessary.” Everyone flinched, Juline frowning at her like they’d had an agreement beforehand, a plan, and Ro had gone completely off the rails.
Sophie just shook her head. “No. We’re here to see you. To let you know everyone’s okay, and that you don’t need to worry.” Ro rolled her eyes, and Sophie was tempted to flip her off. “But we are not going back, and that is final.”
“This absolutely is not final, kiddo.” Grady contradicted, turning her around slightly to face him. The movement sent her cape swirling and for a moment she thought the wings would become visible, but they remained hidden. Thank fuck.
This would never end. They’d only go round and round and round in circles and neither would ever concede and their parents would never understand why. They’d just sit here until--
“While we’re...discussing that, how about you sit down and let me look over you, that sound good?” Elwin waved her over from where he sat beside Linh, whose bandages had been peeled back. Biana sat by Linh’s side, looking over fresh, better wrapped bandages over her cuts. He must’ve gotten to work on the two of them while Sophie had been talking with Fitz. Right. His little farewell would haunt her the moment she had time to think...which didn’t seem to be anytime soon.
She nodded, walking over and placing herself beside Linh, bumping her arm with her elbow in greeting. Linh bumped right back into her, smiling as she winced. Something about this light made her look almost normal. She wondered why no one else had commented or asked about the patterns on her skin. Could they even see them?
He inhaled, sucking the air in through clenched teeth. “I bet you two were exposed to the same thing, huh?” He asked, gently pulling Sophie’s arm and inspecting the peeling skin.
“Yep,” she answered, unsure how much Linh had already said.
He doesn’t know it was Marella, she whispered into Sophie’s mind.
What did you tell him?
Run in with a weird creature and a stray explosive? Sorry, I was thinking on the spot.
Sophie nodded. She could work with that story.
“I’d tell you to be more careful around fires and those kinds of things, but I don’t think you know how,” he teased, but his frown didn’t fade as he gently observed the visible skin, pulling serums and creams and bandages from his bag. “I guess that’s why you specifically requested I come.” Sophie nodded, then realized she should probably say something.
She cleared her throat. “You don’t know that. Maybe we just missed you.”
He laughed, gently rubbing a thin layer of something over her arm before covering it with a light gauze. She sighed with relief, leaning against Linh. She hadn’t realized how much pain she’d been in until she felt the cooling effect of the balm.
Both Sophie and Linh were given several elixirs, luckily none too soured or rotten. Biana;s injuries were light enough that she only took a pain reliever.
Unfortunately, the brief peace couldn’t last. The adults seemed content to just keep watch, the scent of sweat and anxiety overwhelming as they surveyed the area, eyed the tree line, the mounds of rubble, just long enough for Elwin to do the basics of what he needed.
Probably because they expected him to be able to continue the treatment once they’d gotten to the underground.
They didn’t seem to understand that they were not coming back.
She wanted to. She didn’t want to leave.
Mr. Forkle approached her on the ground, offering her a hand to help her stand. The gauze across her palm rubbed strangely as he hoisted her to her feet, the sensation off-putting enough that she shook it out slightly as she found her balance.
Linh tugged at her cloak as she stood, readjusting it so it sat against the wings properly, hiding them. Elwin had tried to get her to take it off, but she’d refused. Told him to just do what he could see right now and worry about the rest later.
He’d also told them all he’d want to look at their backs, see what had happened after he’d left them for a short time and returned to find them gone.
He’d told them he’d forgive them if they apologized for scaring the shit out of him, that they didn’t have to do it now. They could deal with all of that later.
There wouldn’t be a later. She just had to convince them to let them all go.
They’d never agree to let them all go. This was an impossible task, doomed to fail from the start.
“You kids just love getting in trouble, don’t you?” He asked, stepping back to let the others come forward. The groups condensed, kids (and Wylie) across from the adults, the line seemingly already drawn.
She shrugged. “That tends to happen when you give children the responsibility of fixing a broken world.”
Linh winced, but this time it wasn’t from her injuries.
“That responsibility was meant to be shared and eased with the help of the Black Swan, help we cannot provide with you as runaways.”
Sophie rolled her eyes. “No. You’re still part of the problem. You weren’t helping anyone, certainly not us.” Oh. Okay. She was doing this now.
“We know you think our ways are too traditional, that we’re not making progress--”
“No. Let me talk.” She held up a hand, silencing them. She’d let them silence her into submission when she’d burned down that storehouse; she wouldn’t let them do it again. “The first time the Neverseen were defeated, how did that happen? Us. We--my friends and I--took the fight to them. We didn’t sit at home waiting for approval from the council, waiting to fight ‘legally.’ There was a problem. A problem that got people killed. And you’d been fighting for decades and got nowhere until I tracked Gisela across the globe and found her myself. Until Dex hacked their trackers and trailed them. Until Biana infiltrated their base on her own to plant bugs and get us intel.”
They looked like they wanted to stop her, but she pressed on. “Your complacency has gotten you nowhere, and I am not at all sorry to be fighting to get results. The Neverseen were gone. My friends brought them to their knees, and you said you’d support us, take it from there and pick up the pieces. Well, guess what? Those pieces scattered in the wind because they weren’t properly disposed of and now they're out in the world, causing even more trouble than we ever could have imagined. You didn’t do your part, so I don’t trust you to support us now. You’ll have to earn that back, and if this”--she gestured to their little group, the people they’d sent to try and convince them all to come back, to tug at their hearts and play into their guilt--”is any indication, you are only getting further and further away from that.”
She crossed her arms, trying to keep herself in check. She hadn’t even known she’d had all that bubbling beneath her skin, but now that she’d open that part of herself she could feel it frothing, foaming to escape. There were so many ways she’d been disappointed, so many mistakes people had consciously made, it felt like her veins would burst.
Ro���s mouth had fallen open, torn between anger at her stubbornness to come back and loving Sophie’s disregard for those in charge, the disobedience.
Biana glanced at her out of the corner of her eye, raising a brow in question. Sophie nodded, imperceptible. They needed someone to cool the situation down, someone good in social situations.
Juline opened her mouth to respond but Biana cut her off, stepping forward. She was never afraid to be blunt and Sophie loved that about her.
She smoothed out her clothes, her scars on full display. “You seem to misunderstand why we’re here. We left abruptly, we know. It was necessary. Now that things have calmed down, we agreed to see you again--to give you some peace of mind. To let you know we’re okay in person. Not just the four of us, all ten.
“We didn’t come here to debate returning. We’re not coming back, not right now. So stop trying to convince us, and don’t try to justify your actions against valid criticism.”
There was silence for a moment, then Della spoke.
“You’re not safe out here,” she said. Smart. Begin the conversation with an indisputable fact in their favor. But Sophie could do that too.
“We’re not safe anywhere.”
Sandor sighed, but it sounded more like a growl, not even looking at her, still scanning the perimeter. They were fairly out in the open; for some reason, they hadn’t moved to better ground.
“You’ll be much safer where we, your bodyguards”--he gestured to himself and Ro--”can see you and protect you. That’s what we’re here for. This is a massive nest of monsters; we’re lucky we haven’t been attacked yet. This is a mess.” He gestured around the area, the cracked crystal and claw marks.
He was right. Which was why they needed to end this quickly. Get them out before they were hurt. She needed to go somewhere else, to cool off. She could feel Linh and Wylie’s eyes on her, wondering if she’d explode at their parents like she’d done with Biana.
Sophie nodded in agreement. She was nodding a lot during this conversation. “You’re very good bodyguards, but we’re staying up here. Besides, our location isn’t here.”
“Then tell us where you are,” Juline cut in, a hint of panic in her voice. Glad to see the four of them safe, but none of them the person she’d specifically come for. And she didn’t know it, but that one person’s body wasn’t working the way it should.
Combined with her outburst, the realization that they were completely out of power in this situation was settling in. She could read it in their widening eyes, the shifts in their stances, like they were rearranging themselves.
“We can’t. We literally can’t.”
“Please, Sophie--” Grady began, running his hands through his hair in frustration, looking like he wanted to grab her and shake some sense into her, but he froze.
They all did.
Because they all heard it.
A horrendous screeching noise, like metal grating against metal. Or claws against the ground.
SOPHIE. GET OUT OF THERE. Fitz’s voice pounded into her mind, panic and terror following.
What? Why?
“Move,” she hissed, shoving Linh to the side, noting Biana dragging Wylie the other way. Away. They had to get away.
She looked over her shoulder, seeing their group scramble, glancing around frantically, trying to find where the noise had come from. Sophie hadn’t bothered to figure it out, just moving away.
Something crashed to the ground, a great plume of smoke and dust arising from the area, whipped around by a sudden wind, like something was beating its wings. It must’ve been a tower, building, the sound so horrendous she stumbled, hands pressed to her ears as it ripped through her.
Wylie was panting on the ground across from her, eyes closed as his hands covered his ears.
The building took eternity to fall, seconds of time dripping past like a deluge, one after another until she couldn’t tell the difference and someone was screaming her name or maybe that was just the ringing in her ears but something was coming coming coming it was after them they’d overstayed their welcome and everything was crashing apart around her.
Think, Foster, she reminded herself.
Next step. Find the others. Find everyone.
The few precious seconds it took her to gather herself enough to reach for her temples were too many. She was out of time.
“I said MOVE!” Fitz was yelling at her, sprinting from a nearby alley, a pathway through the mess. He was moving lopsided, his limp aggravated by whatever the physical labor had done to his knee. Oh.
That’s why he’d warned her.
His group was heading their way, a monster in tow, screaming at them to get out.
The other six were close behind, Keefe darting around corners, Dex leaping into the air with channelling. Marella’s hands were glowing, Tam’s fingernails stained black.
Their cloaks fastened tight but something something something still looked off if you were focusing. No one was focusing on them.
They were occupied with something else.
It screamed.
Sophie stood there, frozen, as it crawled over a mound of rubble, jerking and frantic, several eyes littered over its body, claws digging into the crystal as all its sight narrowed in.
On the other group.
Where her father was.
“NO!” She didn’t know who said it, who screamed. But her throat stung and her body was trying to move without her permission.
“Dex,” Juline yelled, a strange relief washing over her face as she saw him, quickly vanishing as the creature tumbled forward. It moved so inhumanly quick, limbs upon limbs emerging and cycling as it danced uncontrolled toward their vulnerable parents.
Ro had drawn her sword, a maniacal grin slicing her face as she laughed, widening her stance.
No no no nonono. She couldn’t kill it. She didn’t stand a chance and she’d go down trying and it would be all Sophie’s fault because she’d frozen and wasn’t doing anything when if anyone deserved to pay it was her.
Grady’s face had hardened, a weapon in his hand she didn’t recognize pulled from somewhere as he stood back, eyes on that charging creature when his face went slack and he whirled, another one emerging from behind.
She couldn’t get to him, an eternity between them, rocks and debris and a wall of hurt throwing them further and further apart with each step she took forward. Linh was tugging at her arm, Maruca at her other. Trying to get her away.
It was impossible to fix this. They’d doomed themselves from the start.
He was still wildly searching the area, searching for her.
They made eye contact, his face softening as he saw her, saw how far she was. That she could still get away, wasn’t being directly attacked.
“No,” she whispered, watching him turn away, steel settling over his skin. A calm acceptance
She wouldn’t do this, wouldn’t watch him die.
Sophie lunged forward, breaking from her friends’ grasps with that new ease,
She was dancing through time and space, here and there and everywhere in a single instant. There was no distance too far, nothing she couldn’t be in this one moment in time. This one moment that she’d make last an eternity. This world was hers to command.
She appeared, just at his side, shoving him away, letting that prowling creature descend on her instead, sinking its teeth into the skin of her shoulder, ripping through fabric and darting away.
She didn’t care. She didn’t care at all. Because Grady was fine just a few feet away. He was fine. That’s all that mattered.
His eyes widened as he watched her, trying to stand amongst all this chaos and rubble, and she didn’t understand didn't understand the fear, the pain in his eyes. The screams and gasps echoing behind her, the way the world seemed to pause for a moment.
Not until she saw the tattered remains of her cloak fall to the ground.
“Go home,” she whispered, backing away from him. “Go back. It’s not safe up here.”
He wasn’t moving, he wasn’t talking; no one was.
But the creatures were still screaming, eyes condensing and coalescing, observing her and the people around her.
“Get them out of here, Sophie” Maruca screamed, force-fields flickering into place around the creatures, caging them in. But she wasn’t steady on her feet. Why hadn’t she raised the shields earlier? Maruca nearly fell, her hold flickering. She was buying Sophie a few seconds, but that was all she could give. Who knew what she'd given already.
Sohie steeled her nerves, letting the wings buzz behind her, keeping the attention. Let them see her, let them focus on her and not notice the things on her friends backs too.
“I’m sorry,” was all she said, darting forward faster than Grady’s eyes could understand, glitching the two of them just a little bit away, beside Della. She grabbed the two of them, and vanished.
The clearing was just as she remembered it. The crystal grate sat crooked on the ground, the trees around as menacing and uninviting as ever. Last time she’d been here it was raining.
It was supposed to be the last time.
She let go of the two of them, ripping through the void back to the Lost Cities. Another two. Juline and Elwin. She brought them back.
Went back and forth until they were all back, all away, all safe. Safer, at least.
“Sophie, wait--” Grady was reaching for her. He scrambled for his pocket, telling her they'd just come back. She couldn’t leave, she had to stay. Let the adults go back and handle it.
She twirled the pathfinder through her fingers, listened as he fell silent.
It’d been right there in easy reach when she’d grabbed him. So she’d taken it. They’d needed one, and taking it from him kept them from coming back. At least for a little bit.
He was reaching for her.
She didn’t look back.
She vanished.
The shields fell just as Sophie arrived. There were monsters loose in the Lost Cities, chasing her and her friends. She didn’t care.
The world had ended years ago.
Nothing. That’s what she felt.
Everything was numb. The echoing screams of the creatures, the grating of their claws against the ground, the sweat and fear of her friends. None of it registered. It would hit her later, she knew, but not now. Not yet.
Sophie dug her nails into her scalp, watching the creatures explode out of their containment, finally set free. They laughed, animalistic, bodies thrashing rhythmically as they slithered forward.
Apparently physics didn’t matter anymore.
Thoughts and plans filtered through her mind, the mindbubble alight with chaos. She tuned it out, just watching from the center of it all. The eye of the storm.
Someone was in the sky, unused to flying but moving with enough precision she knew they’d done it before.
One of the creatures locked eyes with her, maw falling open with a haphazard grin. A mechanical creak came from it’s neck as it twitched.
It scrambled forward, close to the ground, crossing the clearing in just a few short moments.
She didn’t care.
It was going to tear her to pieces.
She didn’t care.
The ground rumbled, trembling and bucking and weaving into new positions, throwing them all the ground, the scent of thunder and terror rolling over her, knees buckling beneath her.
The stench hit her first, the watered down rot, a dying perfume of withered roses and rotten fruit. Cloyingly sweet, deceptively undead. Her eyes began to water, like she’d been physically hit. She couldn’t see through the tears, but she didn’t need to.
It made itself known.
Dark and decay seemed to slip through the cracks of the stone, falling upwards like unnatural rain.
It crushed that creature beneath its gargantuan paw, cracked and molten.
It was right in front of her.
She looked at it and it looked back, nearly four times the size of the thing it’d just killed like it was nothing.
Monsters vs monster. It’s eyes glowed a deep gold, dripping down the midnight blue of its face, its body vaguely bear shaped.
It looked away, charging towards those other monsters, the movement accompanied by a jingle.
There was a collar around its neck, tags clanging against each other as it moved, killing--destroying--each of those creatures her friends ran from one by one.
An intelligence lingered behind its eyes, its movements. This was...even more unsettling than the creatures, than the destruction littered around her.
It blinked at her like it knew her.
Sophie forced herself to her feet, to take in absolutely everything she could about this thing before it vanished. It could be the difference between life and death.
It lowered it’s head to the ground, and
Behind it’s head, hidden by the whorls of curls decorating its stocky body, was a little girl sat atop it.
A little girl in a chaotic, elaborate gown, something human’s thought princesses would wear, frizzy red hair tangled around her face.
The little girl she’d seen in the facility.
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sugarshackpeasant · 3 years
sophie and her friends: too predictable or do they have a spy
so i don’t think that shannon will have one of sophie’s friends betray her but this is who i suspect if shannon did:
so lets use the process of elimantion for this, in sophie’s main-ish group (i’m counting maruca and marella as part of the main group) there’s keefe, fitz, dex, tam., linh, biana, wylie, marella, maruca
keefe: obviously its not keefe, most of his character is about not wanting to be like his mom
fitz: i kind of suspected fitz in the earlier books, but his reaction to alvar being a traitor was way too strong for him to be a part of the neverseen
dex: he got tortured and kidnapped in book one, he’s definitely not a spy
tam: we say from his pov in the legacy short story and he hated being a prisoner of the neverseen, he’s not the spy
wylie: not the spy, he was tortured by the neverseen, the neverseen killed his mom, and prentice and tiergan are in the black swan 
marella: i think it would be too much like the brant plotline if marella was a neverseen member, and the whole evil pyrokinetic thing has already been done twice
maruca: hasn’t had enough page time, for her betrayal to be impactful and wylie’s her cousin and the neverseen literally tortured him
that leaves two main suspects: biana and linh
when i started writing this post i was leaning towards biana and i’ll make a case for her, but first let me address linh
i’m writing this while i’m in school (lol) but the more i thought about ti during english class the more it made sense
let’s break it down:
linh was banished and sent to exillium
wouldn’t that make your blood boil if your parents just let the council banish you for an accident instead of not taking a hydrokinetic under the ocean
being banished under circumstances like that would make you pretty angry at the council and your parents right?
angry enough to want revenge?
linh and tam were already treated horrible by elvin society because they were twins and wouldn’t you hold a grudge for that?
at exillium it seems like it would be pretty easy to recruit the kids for the neverseen
a bunch of angry and powerful kids and being anonymous is enforced all the time
and we know tam is more openly bitter about linh and his banishment, but couldn’t linh just be putting on a front when she’s around other people because she doesn’t want them in her business
okay so lets just assume that the neverseen recruited linh a little before the gnomish plague got spread
lets think about why the neverseen would recruit her: she’s banished and angry, she was already discriminated against before she was banished, she’s very powerful and she’s more likely to follow orders than her brother (remember that tam doesn’t like being told what to do by anyone), and she and tam lived right by wildwood (i think, but i know that they lived where the plague was)
okay the neverseen’s recruited her and she lives by the perfect spot to spread the plague, so they do the thing with the tree and now the plague is out in the world
and i know that you’re probably thinking that fintan made alvar reveal he was a spy so why wouldn’t he make linh reveal herself too?
think about it, if you were fintan and you were deciding who you wanted to reveal themselves as a spy to sophie and her friends would you rather reveal alvar who can spy on alden (that’s about it) or linh who is now trusted by sophie and the black swan?
make sure to remember that sophie doesn’t tell alden everything, the people she normally goes to first are either her friends or the black swan
linh is in the better position here and why would fintan want to reveal both of his spies, instead he could reveal alvar to fuck with sophie and her friends head while still keeping linh who is in a better position to gather intel
also lets not forget that everyone else in the friend group has been injured or had severe psychological trauma from the neverseen
sophie and dex were kidnapped and tortured, keefe’s had his ribs broken and his mom’s been emotionally abusing him his whole life, fitz was tortured by umber, wylie was tortured, tam was taken prisoner and forced to do a lot of fucked up shit (you really think that wouldn’t leave any trauma at all?), and biana has permanent scars and almost died
marella and maruca haven’t been majorly injured but they’re also a lot newer to the group than linh
linh has been with the group for a while now and nothing major has happened to her that i can remember
also maybe linh was another factor in gisela wanting tam in the neverseen, maybe linh just wanted her brother safe and on the winning side
and maybe that’s why linh doesn’t want to be around glimmer because she doesn’t want glimmer recognizing her or her voice
lets assume that linh probably had a code name 
so what do you think, is linh a spy for the neverseen?
alright, so i said that i also thought that biana could be the spy, but after everything i just wrote, i think it’s less likely, but it’s still a possibility, so here’s why is supect her:
biana vacker always being used to get closer to fitz, never the golden child, always in fitz’s shadow
she always just kind of gave me a vibe in the first three books that maybe she was in the neverseen
think about it, alvar was a member of the neverseen and he thinks that biana is the sibling that would understand why the vacker legacy is fucked up
so maybe once she manifests as a vanisher he recruits her
but idk biana also got scarred and almost died from vespera’s attack and that would take a lot of commitment to a cause to let them almost kill you just to maintain your cover
so personally i don’t really think that biana’s a spy anymore but if you can think of more reasons on why she might be, feel free to tell me
so what do y’all think is linh a spy or is biana a spy? or do you think that it’s someone else from sophie’s friend group?
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For the prompts: Team Valiant has to do some kind of "bonding game" to make sure they can work with their councillor teammates. They play Uno as teams and it it eventually ends up with someone flipping the table and/or screaming. Myabe a fist fight or two.
So, I really love this prompt. 
Word count: 891
About: listed above
Tw: capital letters
(whoops I made it gay-)
Oh and this will be going on my wattpad later tonight, my user is ohwowhatethis and I have the same pfp, you can’t miss me :)
“Sophie, it’s just a plus 4, calm down!”
“No Biana! This is a betrayal! A betrayal I tell you! I cannot believe my own girlfriend would do this to me”
This game of Uno had lasted almost 4 hours by now. The council wanted Sophie to bring a human game for team bonding experience. It didn’t help that the rest of the friend group had heard about it and there were now 23 people playing. Sophie had to leap back to the Forbidden cities to get 2 more packs of cards. 
“Sophie, it can’t be betrayal if we aren’t using teams anymore.” Dex pointed out.
Originally they had divided into 3 teams, the councillors, team valiant, and then the people just there for fun. However, that didn’t last very long as Bronte apparently couldn’t resist screwing over Alina and so they quickly abandoned the teams and it was now every man for themselves. 
“It is a personal betrayal, Dexter.”
“Stop your blabbering, is it my turn yet?” Stina looked like she was about to fall asleep.
Stina smugly put down a wild card and chose green.
“Oh you mother-”
“Ramira!” Oralie yelled “Language! We do not swear at children!”
The councillor rolled her eyes, she had nearly sworn at everyone in the room at least twice. Every time she tried, Oralie cut her off.
Ramira took a card from the pile. And another. And another. And another. 
She picked up 11 cards before getting angry.
Terik started laughing from the other side of the round table.
“What are you laughing about?” Ramira sneered. 
“Well, I can sense potential...so I used it to my advantage. Blame Keefe, he gave me the idea”
“Hey! Don’t put this on me! You told me Stina would choose green and all I did was shuffle the cards when everyone was looking at Sophie screaming-”
“You little rats” Said Ramira as she stood up from her chair, Terik matched her. 
“Councillors,” said Oralie. “We are above fighting like this!”
“Well clearly someone isn’t above cheating” said Ramira with a look in her eye that could kill a man.
“Oh, what? You can’t handle a little prank-”
“BE QUIET!” yelled Oralie as she bounded up from her chair.
Naturally everyone was immediately silent, surprised by the normally sheepish woman’s outburst.
“This was supposed to be a bonding activity! Instead we are fighting like children and threatening each other! This is absolutely ridiculous, I cannot believe that two people of such high status, power, and education could be so...so...childish!”
The councillors looked down in shame, along with Keefe.
“It’s...it’s my fault. I told Councillor Terik to use his powers to cheat.” Keefe kept his head down in shame.
“No, it’s my fault.” Sophie said. “I knew how intense games of Uno could get, the only worse game I could’ve chosen was Monopoly.”
Terik shook his head. “The blame can only be put on me and my fellow councillors. I was the adult in the situation and should not have encouraged cheating.”
Bronte stood from his chair. “It doesn’t matter whos’ fault it is. What matters is that we have acknowledged our mistakes and we can now move ahead. Let’s continue with the game, I may be diplomatic but it doesn’t mean I’m not still determined to win this thing,”
“Nice try old man, but I have this in the bag,” said Tam, as it was now his turn. He put down a custom card reading ‘Play rock, paper, scissors with the person directly across from you. Whoever loses picks up 8 cards.”
“Oh it is on” said Bronte, putting his hand in position to play.
1 hour later, Linh sat with her head on the table, fast asleep. Marella right next to her. Fitz and Tam had both quit and were now sitting in the corner talking with their foreheads touching. Keefe was doodling with his legs crossed on the floor, Dex peering over his shoulder. Sophie and Biana were laying on the floor next to each other while holding hands and talking. Maruca and Stina were leaning on the wall next to each other. Wylie sat in another corner reading. Only the councillors remained playing. 
Bronte sighed, “Plus 4”
“Ugh,” said Alina. “I’m tired of this”
The others mumbled their agreement. 
“Let’s just settle for a tie this time,” Emery said. 
Everyone in the room that was still awake nodded.
Slowly, everyone got up and prepared to leave.
“Well,” Zarina said, “Same time next week?”
“Yep,” Sophie said as she stood up. “Next time I’ll bring Sorry!” She had a grin on her face that showed she knew what chaos she was about to create but no one seemed to notice.
Everyone steadily streamed out the door. Grady and Edaline were waiting outside and picked all the kids up before leaping them to Havenfield for a sleepover, it was easier than everyone’s guardians picking them up.
Once everyone had changed into their pyjamas, Keefe pulled out a familiar deck of cards.
“So,” he said with a smirk. “Anyone up for a game of Uno?”
They all looked at one another.
“You’re on.”
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girlofmanyfandoms · 4 years
We All Have Storms
A/n: So I finally finished it, and I tried to work on my imagery, sorry that it sucks! My Marellinh fic is next, so bully me into finishing that, mkay, enjoy!
Word count: 3794
Trigger Warnings: Brief homophobia scene
Warnings: some of my editing was deleted, so if it says ditto bug in there somewhere, I forgot to delete it
Writing taglist: @everyonehasthoughts @imaramennoodle @bookwyrminspiration @holesinmyfalseconfidence @percabetn @an-absolute-travesty  @linhamon-roll @holesinmyfalseconfidence @linhamon2 @a-lonely-tatertot @loverofallthingssmart @vibing-in-the-void @clearlykeefitz
“Thanks again for coming over, Keefe,” Fitz called over his shoulder as he lugged a bin onto the carpet in between them.
“You didn’t have to do this.”
“Are you kidding, Fitzy?” Keefe started emptying out its contents, seeming particularly interested in the box of Prattles pins. “This is a trip down memory lane. And besides, I could hardly miss the preparation for my best friend’s Winnowing Gala.”
“Ugh, how do you say that so casually? I feel like the weight of the world’s on my shoulders. That name is taboo.”
Keefe sighed. He didn’t really want to talk about the upcoming event - it made him uncomfortable and feel wrong in so many ways. He was in a battle between being proudly there for his friend and yelling for him to call it off. But there was no way around it.
“Tell me something. Do you feel like the weight of the world’s on your shoulders? Or the weight of the Vacker Legacy?”
Fitz pulled out a snow globe that he got as a souvenir from Tokyo and shook it aggressively. “Ok, that’s another phrase on the Not To Be Spoken List.”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
Fitz sighed loudly and threw his hands in the air in frustration. Keefe caught the snow globe with one hand and shoved the bin the the side, scooting closer to him.
“I-I’m s-sorry, that wasn’t directed towards you, I-“
Keefe pressed a finger to Fitz’s lips, making him turn bright red. Keefe noticed and smirked a bit, but he told his inner voice to shut up. Don’t get your hopes up, Keefe. “Yeah, I know. I get it, dude, way more than you think. You don’t want to live your life being pressured to confine yourself to a perfect preppy boy who marries someone at the top of his match list so that he can gain the approval of family members and make a power baby. You don’t want your name to define you, so you try to let out your pain and your fears however you can.”
Fitz was stunned at how perfectly he had described his situation, and in such few words, yet he felt a pang of sympathy. “It must be difficult being a Sencen.”
“It must be stressful being a Vacker.”
“Now you’re avoiding the question.”
“You didn’t ask one.”
Fitz hesitated. Was he treading on dangerous grounds? Or was this just what a friend would do? “It was insinuated. I was asking what you’re struggling with in the Sencen family. And... if I can help.”
Keefe shook his head, dragging the bin back between them. “That’s not something you want to involve yourself with,” he huffed exhaustedly. “Nice rubix cube. Or at least I think that’s what Sophie called it.”
He solved it within seconds, but scrambled it again and repeated the process as Fitz watched in silence. Solved. Scrambled. Solved. Scrambled. Solved. Stopped.
Keefe raised an eyebrow. Fitz has moved closer and put his hands over Keefe’s. Neither could describe it, but all they knew was that it felt right. They met eyes for a moment, unable to move.
Why do I like this? Keefe thought to himself. I feel like we could stay like this all day. Meanwhile, all Fitz was thinking about was I hope he doesn’t hate me for getting so close, His hair really does good, and I hope my hands aren’t clammy, that would be embarrassing. Fitz pulled back abruptly and combed his hair back with his hands. “I’m really sorry about that.”
“You need to learn to stop apologizing for what isn’t your fault,” Keefe mentioned.
He laughed, relieved that the awkwardness had somewhat left the conversation. “I’ll do it when you do it.”
“No fair!” Keefe launched a pillow at him. 
Fitz was quick to grab one in defense, and soon, it was an all out war. 
It went on for a few minutes before Della peeked through the door.
“Boys, that’s no way to be on a day like this, you’re going to mess up your hair!”
“Sorry, Ms. Vacker,” Keefe said sweetly.
“Aw, you don’t need to apologize, Keefe. You’re a Vacker, too. Just make sure you two fix yourselves up.”
“But this is my signature hairstyle!”
“Then change into your other outfit and help Fitz. I’m getting Eda so she can help with the last minute preparations. You boys behave.” 
When Della walked off, Biana appeared behind her and rolled her eyes. “Boys.” But when Della has turned the corner she winked at them and ran off giggling.
Keefe tackled Fitz, and ended up straddling him. Fitz’s cheeks heated up and butterflies formed in his stomach as an alarm rang in his head, screaming This isn’t just a friends thing. He tried his best to ignore it, but the more he tried to focus on the words coming out of his mouth, the more he realized just how perfect and soft Keefe’s lips were. He gulped, hoping to distance himself from these thoughts. 
“Remember, Fitzy,” Keefe began, leaning in very close to his face. “Behave.”  
He whacked Fitz in the head with a pillow, grabbed his suit, and ran down the hall after Biana for some tips. Fitz was left shaking badly. Slowly, he sat himself up. 
“What a flirt,” he breathed, though quite out of breath. But there was no time for contemplation. One of the biggest events of his life was about to take place and he could not disappoint. He gave himself a few moments to steady his heart before taking his tailored outfit and stumbling into the bathroom. ————
Fitz groaned in annoyance for the umpteenth time that day.
“Y’know I can help you with that.”
Fitz squealed in surprise.
“Forgot I was around?”
Fitz seemed incapable of forming words, so he nodded.
“Come here,” Keefe gestured to him. “I learned how to tie a tie from Elwin, the trick is the make a huge, loose opening and swing this part over.”
Keefe finished tying it for him and patted his chest. “Done.”
“Thank you,” Fitz managed to say. He was sure Keefe was doing this on purpose now. 
And he was. Because some little part of him had hope.
———— “Want me to walk you down the aisle?” Keefe joked, knowing his friend needed a little less pressure and impending doom around him.
“Well, the crowd won’t allow you to walk out on the same time as me but...” Fitz trailed off. Was he really going to ask this?
“But what?”
“Can you hold my hand? At least until they open the curtains? I need to feel grounded.”
“Aw, I ground you? How sweet!” While his tone was teasing, his heart was jumping for joy.  
“You don’t have to-”
“No, I’ll do it,” Keefe blurted out a bit too fast. He cleared his throat. “Wouldn’t want you to feel alone on your big day.”
They interlocked fingers and Keefe felt like the floor was swaying beneath his feet. It couldn’t be. He had to be misinterpreting Fitz’s emotions. Was that joy? And happiness? And nervousness? It had to be because of the crowd chanting his name on the other side of the curtain. It had to be. 
But maybe it’s not, the voice called. Keefe pushes the thought to the side once more. He didn’t have a chance with Fitz. Boys don’t match with other boys, and there’s no way someone as kind and dorky and fun as Fitz would like a prankster artist with mommy and daddy issues. No way at all.
Keefe squeezed his hand. “You ready to go out there?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
“Let’s go then.” Keefe nodded to Dex, who was standing by the controls, ready to move. Dex nodded back, and deafening cheers erupted as Fitz, in his royal blue suit, came into view from beyond the real curtains. Keefe patted his back and slipped to the side to let him pass. Fitz flashed his pretty smile, masking the pain and fear. ————
“Evelyn Tanaka, I’m pleased to meet you, Mr. Vacker.” The girl curtsied in front of him.
He offered a modest and seemingly genuine bow and smile. “You look lovely tonight, Ms. Tanaka.”
She swatted his arm playfully. “I’m sure you’ve told that to all the girls here.”
Fitz put his hand on his chest, playfully mocking taking offense to her comment. “Of course not, Ms. Tanaka. Us Vackers have morals, laws, and tastes. I would never be so rude as to reuse a compliment. I give them out the those who deserve it.”
Evelyn blushed and spun around so Fitz could get a full view of her dress and hair. “I take it that means that I’m to your taste?”
“Very much so. Care for a drink?” He extended his hand and she gladly accepted, earning plenty of jealous glares. Biana came to the rescue, jumping into conversation with the group of girls nearest to them and talking on and on about the latest fashion trends in Atlantis. Fitz sent her a grateful look, glad he would have a little more space to figure out what he was going to do.  
Evelyn was a nice girl, and clearly very kind and powerful. Endearing, even. But Fitz had his heart sent on a certain ineligible bachelor.
Keefe was watching from across the room, half heartedly flirting with some of the girls who had lost hope in winning Fitz over, just like him. They locked eyes, trying to communicate all the words they might never get to say. A frown turned to a scowl on Keefe’s face as he excused himself from the conversation and stormed outside into the utopia-like grounds. Fitz didn’t understand why when he realized that Evelyn had closed in, adjusting his tie.  
“I’m really sorry, Evelyn, my friend stepped out for a bit and he looked sick, I’m gonna go check on him. Save me a dance?”
“Of course!” Evelyn leaped for joy, and went to find a friend of hers to tell her of her supposed victory.
He rushed outside, fiddling with the ring box that his father had given him just in case he found the “right one.” It was so tempting to give it to Keefe, but with the amount of time it took to recognize his feelings, he wasn’t quite sure either of them were ready for such a big leap.
At last, he found Keefe, legs dangling from a sturdy tree branch. “Oh, you’re here,” he said coldly. His voice was almost apathetic.
Fitz’s eyes welled with tears, his mind a storm of emotions that he was sure Keefe could sense from the few feet that separated them. Fitz got a running start and climbed onto the branch beside his.
Keefe chanced a glance at him, and immediately wished he hadn’t. Fitz was silently crying, shoulders shaking, and gasping for air. Because of him. The angry facade slipped away and he climbed to the next branch to sit beside him and pull him into a side hug. Fitz leaned on his shoulders and took the tissue that Keefe offered. He cleaned his face up, but his eyes were still red and puffy, and he was sobbing without tears. 
Fitz reminisced about all the tragedies and battles they had fought in there years on this Earth, and yet nothing beat this. Keefe rocked him gently. “You ready to talk about it?”
He chuckled bitterly, but had take a gulp of air. “What is there to say?”
Keefe tugged slightly on the fairy lights in the tree and looked off into the distance, still rubbing circles onto his back consolingly. “A lot of things. Mainly us and.... where tonight is going?”
The hesitancy in his voice was blatant, and it frightened him. Despite it being a relatively cloudless night, Fitz was shivering. There were so things that could go wrong: his family looking down on him, his family’s image crumbling, the shame of a bad match, and a million other things that crashed and mixed with the other concerns swirling around in his mind, like a tropical storm transforming into a hurricane. 
Fitz tried to focus on Keefe’s expression and body language, to read him and see into his brain. No telepathy. That’s crossing the line. Instead, he focused on Keefe’s features, which were much more prominent in the moonlight. His expression was pained, and his eyes held the sorrow of trillions of widows and widowers alike. His hair practically glowed, and seemed more unruly than usual, like waves raging in a storm. There was a war going on in his mind, and he wasn’t strong enough to make it out alive. Not alone, at least. But still, Fitz needed to set the record straight - or rather not straight.
Impulsively, Fitz seized Keefe’s wrist and finds his vein. “Do you want me to call off the Gala? For you?”
“I-I don’t know what you mean.” Keefe tried to pull out of Fitz’s vice grip, but he held strong, still gentle enough not to hurt him. “Why would you it off? This is one of the biggest events of your life.”
Fitz sighed, his heart rate picking up. He was going to have to be blunt about it. “Do you like me? Romantically?”
“What? No!” he squeaked.
And his heart skipped three beats.
One for guilt. One for fear. And one like a held breath.
“You liar,” Fitz accused, but he said it with a breathy laugh, full of relief. Releasing his arm, he wrapped him in a tight hug and murmured into his shoulder. “I like you too, dummy.”
Keefe’s eyes were widened in surprise, and his response was rather delayed, but he hugged him back, resting his chin on top of Fitz’s head. “You couldn’t have given me a few hints?”
“I asked you to hold my hand!”
“Yeah, but you could’ve meant that platonically. Be more clear, Fitzy,” Keefe teased, pulling back a bit to boop his nose.
Fitz blushed furiously. They had reached the eye of the hurricane. It was calm. Safe. Serene. “Well, are you gonna kiss me or not, idi-”
Keefe didn’t wait for the end of the sentence as he tilted Fitz’s chin up and gently pressed their lips together. They grinned, but didn’t break the kiss. It was a picture perfect moment, something taken right from a fairytale. A tidbit from a could-have-been.
But it was over all too soon, and a gasp from just beyond them sent them tumbling into the storm once more. Fitz pulled away and his face went pale. He witnessed it. His father. Alden Vacker. Had witnessed him kissing his male best friend in a tree on the day of his Winnowing Gala.
“What is the meaning of this, Fitzroy?!”
“I can explain-”
“There is no explanation! You disgrace the Vacker name on a daily basis, why must you make it worse by playing these games?”
“Dad, it’s not a game-”
“It’s disgusting!”
“It’s LOVE, dad.”
“You’re fooling yourself! There are hundreds of girls ready to give you their everything and you waste your time with this blasphemy! This wouldn’t be happening if you’d just learn to control yourself.”
“I can’t control the way I feel!”
“You and I both know that’s not true. And you can still control how you act, just enough to save yourself and the rest of the Vackers the embarrassment!”
“Will you listen to me for once in your life?!” Fitz shouted. He was done with his father’s manipulation. “I am romantically attracted to Keefe. I like men. That’s the way I am, that’s the way I was born, that’s how I feel. I’m not in control of it, and I’m not going to accept any disrespect from anyone about this! Much less a lowlife like you!”
“You are not my son,” Alden spat, stomping his foot on the ground.
“And you aren’t welcome here,” Della snarled. Her jaw was clenched and it was clear she was about to go in for the kill. Edaline stood behind her supportively, looking just as deadly with a string of fairy lights coiled in her hands threateningly.
“Radelle, Eda, surely you see-”
“The only place you be seeing yourself is off of my property,” Della countered.  
Alden scoffed in disbelief. “I believe you mean OUR property, dear.”
“Then you forget who the Vacker name really belongs to.” Edaline handed Della the coil of fairy lights. “You take care of him, I’ll start sending the girls home.”
“Gladly,” Della said through clenched teeth, before turning to the boys. “You two can have a sleepover tonight, I’ll bake some treats. But remember, behave.” Fitz could’ve sworn he saw his mother wink before she forcefully escorted Alden out of Everglen. HIs mind was incapable of forming full thoughts.
“Sleepover, huh?” Keefe hopped down from the tree. “Sounds like we could cause some chaos.” Keefe opened his arms in expectation.
“First of all, do NOT make a mess in my room,” Fitz started. “Second of all, there’s no way I’m dropping down there. You won’t catch me.”
“Aw, come on, Fitzy. Aren’t relationships about trust?”
“Wait, so you’re comfortable with the label of ‘boyfriend’?”
“Yes, Fitzroy Avery, but that’s besides the point. I wanna carry you upstairs. Drop down and get on my back.”
Fitz cringed at the sound of his name, but dropped down anyway, clinging to Keefe’s back for his dear life. 
“Onwards!” He cheered as he gave Fitz a piggy back ride all the way to his room. ——————
Fitz smiled down at the boy relaxing in his lap, lovingly combing his fingers through the boy’s blonde locks. This must be what makes life so divine. This is what euphoria is. The little gems of life where you cherish others with every fiber of your being. This is happiness. He’s what I want. Keefe leaned towards Fitz’s touch, his mind clearing plagued by other thoughts. “What’s wrong?” Fitz asked. “And no beating around the bush. I want to know what’s really bothering you.” When Keefe didn’t talk, he added, “You’re going to have to open up sooner or later, babe. I don’t want to be left out of the circle. I want you to let me in.”
“You don’t want to know the storm growing inside of me,” Keefe rasped, blinking back a few tears. “It’s too dangerous. And I don’t want to risk losing you.”
His eyebrows furrowed and he smiled sadly. “Keefe, you could never lose me over sharing your thoughts and feelings. This relationship is a two-way street - you open up to me and I open up to you. And... we all have storms, they’re just a little different. Some people might have thunderstorms, while others have hurricanes, and some might just have some windy days. But that doesn’t invalidate it. A storm is a storm, and a problem is a problem, regardless of the size and severity.”
“Getting poetic, are we?” Keefe joked, before biting his lip. “Sorry. I guess it wouldn’t kill to tell you some things.”
“Take as long as you need to. You don’t have to tell me everything at once, if you’re not comfortable with it.”
Sighing, he gave himself a moment to collect his thoughts. “I... just hated being around them. I couldn’t stand the way they expected me to fit into this perfect mold, or their version of perfect.”
“I hated how they only talked to me when they thought I was doing something wrong, something shameful. They made me feel like my best wasn’t enough. So... I stopped trying my best. I stopped obeying their stupid rules, I stopped thinking about what others would think of me. I wanted to be imperfect, and I wanted to shove it in their faces. I pranked, I ditched, I did anything I could to defy them. I was tired of being the circus puppet, so I cut my strings and stole the show.”
Fitz remained silent for a moment, Keefe shifting uncomfortably in his lap. He went to get up, but Fitz placed a hand on his chest, stopping him. “Sounds like you’ve got quite the thunderstorm.”
Keefe scoffed. “More like a whirlpool. And I don’t want you to drown with me.” “It won’t get that far,” Fitz insisted, concern emitting from him in waves. “I won’t let it.”
“And what can you do to stop it, Fitzy? The tides are turning, and absolutely no one is strong enough to steer the ship away.”
“You don’t know that. Keefe, I need you to have hope.”
“I knew it was a bad idea saying anything.”
Keefe closed his eyes from the sudden exhaustion, using what little energy he had left to turn to Fitz. “Can you emote a little quieter? I know I’m the light of your life, but you don’t need to worry about me that much.”
Oh, it was a whirlpool alright. But not in the way that Keefe imagined. Fitz’s heart pounded like a marching drum, as he reached into his back pocket. 
Keefe opened an eye in mild curiosity. “What’re you doing?”
“Get up, I have something to offer.”
“Oh?” His mischievous smirk returned, the manner in which his eye was dazzling hinting how clever and evasive he thought he had been. “And what would that be?”
The sapphire on the ring, placed firmly in its royal blue velvet box, glimmered from the light of the chandelier, and Keefe practically stumbled back in shock.
Fitz roller his eyes amusedly. “I’m not proposing. Not yet, anyway. I’m making you a promise. A deal. And if you accept this ring, you agree to it.”
“Bribery, Avery dearest? I thought you were above that.”
Fitz’s lips twitched with the beginnings of a smile. “Think more negotiation.”
“Alright,” Keefe said, scooting closer in a criss cross position. “I’m listening.”
He took a deep breath before speaking up again. “Keefe, in giving you this ring, I am vowing to always be by your side, through thick and thin. I will respect your boundaries, and let you open up on your own time. I will let you in just as much as you let me in. I will express myself just like you do. I promise to be with you no matter the weather.”
“Then I’ll be your lighthouse in the darkness,” Keefe responded softly.
Fitz slipped the ring onto Keefe’s finger. To no one’s surprise, it was a perfect fit.  
“It looks good on you,” Fitz complimented before a realization flashed by his eyes. “But if you don’t like it, we can find another!”
“It’s perfect,” he reassured him. “You’re perfect.”
Fitz hid his face to cover his blush. “So you promise? Through turbulence and tranquility?”
They interlocked their fingers.
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a-lonely-tatertot · 4 years
Finding Home
A/N: Introducingggggg AMY and linh! it gets gay at the end dont worry, once again thanking @bookwyrminspiration for betaing for me!
Tw: mention of injuries and some phantom pains (is that what they’re called??)
Word count: 2279
Chapter 2: Runaway
A month and an accepted roommate later, she got to remember she was Sophie for a minute. Sophie before everything happened. She saw her sister for the first time since their parents were kidnapped and it knocked the breath out of her. Short, bright pink hair blowing around her set face, Amy’s wide eyes stared up at the apartment complex. 
The stairs passed in a blur as Sophie barreled down them almost tripping over her feet on the way down. Amy, her Amy. “Amy!” she yelled barreling into her sister. A moment too late she thought it would be extremely awkward if it wasn’t Amy.
But it was, and she hugged her tighter than ever. Sophie buried her head in Amy’s short hair taking in the comfort of her sister. “You smell weird,” she whispered.
“Missed you too, sis,” Amy chuckled lightly. 
“Dyed your hair and got glasses?” Sophie said, pulling away and holding her at arm's length. 
“Sorry, are we not going to address the fact that you’re passing as human? Under my original name?” Amy asked.
“Uh yeah guess I’ve got a bit of explaining to do.” Sophie rubbed the back of her neck.
“Oh yeah, but over coffee, because I was not ready to see my sister for the first time in over ten years,” she laughed, “And I need a lot more energy cause we have a lot of talking to do.”
So they talked and talked until the sun set behind the skyline and the street lights flickered on empty roadways. They talked until they were out of coffee to drink and snacks to eat and stars to count. 
Sophie could barely pay attention to the first day of classes. Every flash of strawberry blonde and soft eyes sent her back. Back to bright mornings and weird lockers and one on one classes. But not only that; it sent her back to her friends. Dex appeared in the ramblings of Jena, one of Amy’s many friends who could talk for hours about chemicals and science. He clouded her memory when she walked into Chemistry and it threw her back to his laboratory. She thought of him looking at the skinny, freckled covered kid that hung onto her Quantum Theory teacher’s every word. 
When she walked into the library, three days in, and saw the spiraling stacks she remembered Fitz and how he could get lost in a book and never leave the pages. 
Marella could be found in the rare smiles that were Anaz. How sarcastic comments came to her with ease and there was always gossip flooding the halls. 
In her English teacher’s humor, she found Keefe. How Sophie collected pens just because they were there and how doodles filled Amy’s margins. 
Red became her color. In the morning when she didn’t know what to wear Biana flooded her mind. When she didn’t know how to hide her scars she thought of her. Sophie would wear them as a testament to the people she left behind. And when her eyes caught sight of the scars that littered another student’s body, clear on their dark skin, she stood a little taller. They were a testament to survival.
Tam, she remembered when the world was so loud. How he was able to control his impulses, his power, his shadows like her telepathy and inflicting. When she just wanted to hide from it all she remembered him, and kept going.
And the one that came as a surprise to her was Stina. The cold exterior and the sense of superiority that followed Henry, who locked so much of him away in a tiny box, to hide from the rest of the world. And how when you really got to know them there wasn’t a small corner that was as cold as it seemed.
But the one that never really went away was Linh. It didn’t surprise her. No, she knew she would never really get Linh out of her head. So Sophie accepted the small tug that came with seeing people together. As they laughed and smiled and hugged, as two girls held hands firmly; she wondered if that could’ve ever been them. If their broken world would’ve allowed it.
When she thought of them, her hand found her neck and the crystal and she held on tight only to let go. Because that was no longer her, and those people were no longer her’s. Amilia Ruewen did not know them. The crystal was all she had left of them.
And at some point that would have to be okay.
“You’re coming to this club with the group tonight,” Amy grinned. Ugh, a night with Amy’s friends? Sounded like torture. 
“Why?” Sophie asked. In her head and in her apartment, they were Sophie and Amy. To the world, their jobs, their school, their friends, they were Amilia and Natalie. 
She didn’t have work until Saturday and she had already finished her homework and Amy knew this. There wasn’t a way she wasn’t going. Amy looked up and smiled all teeth, all eyes. Someone save me, Sophie thought.
Spoiler: it went a lot worse than she expected.
There was a feeling that Sophie knew well. It was why she was here in the first place. The feeling started in her wrists, where she had been bound countless times. It spread up and down to the edges of her fingers which had caused so much pain. The fingers that held weapons and the hands that held both the blood of her enemies and friends. It filled her shoulders with tension and her legs with a need to run. But she couldn’t. She was surrounded by bodies, moving, dancing, controlled by the beat of the drums that shook her core like a war cry. That was because it was a war cry. The image of her friends, the small family she had made, half-dead and filling up every bed in the Healing Center. She had run away from them. That was what she alone had done. Sophie ran from the dangers and the responsibility.
“Breathe,” an order. In. Out. One. Two. Three.
“Sophie? Soybean?” Amy’s voice. Amy’s hands on her shoulders. “Hey, hey,” her fingers cradled her jaw. “You’re right here, I got you, you’re okay. We won, it’s over.”
But it wasn’t. At night the demons came back to haunt her. And she would be running from them for the rest of her life.
Sophie had told herself when she left the Lost Cities she wasn’t following orders anymore. Little notes and anonymous gifts were things of the past. She told herself this as she took a picture of her shifts for the next week. They flowed through her mind as she wrote notes for a lecture. Words scribbled on papers and typed on documents controlled her whether she wanted them to or not. They set the path and all she had to do was follow it.
This time it wasn’t directed at her. 
“Hey Soph, you got anyone who would send you mail?” Amy called from the hallway.
“Nope!” She had barely even heard what Amy had said, too absorbed by homework.
“Huh, okay.” 
“You sure it’s not for you? It’s from that town like an hour north of campus,” Amy asked a minute later, shoving the envelope in front of her computer. “Get out of your nerd stuff and look at important things.”
Sophie made a noise but took the envelope, “My nerd stuff is important!”
Amy chuckled lightly, “Sure dear, you’re almost as bad as Jena.”
“My lord Amy it has your name on it,” Sophie shook her head, “And Jena is really smart and, unlike you, actually capable of holding an intellectual conversation!”
“Huh, guess I’m blind.” Rolling her eyes, she went back to her homework as Amy tore open the letter. Where was she? Oh yeah-
“Do you know about that road house right outside of town?” 
“Amy I swear if you interrupt me one more time-”
Amy ignored her, “It’s a coupon to there. We could take the gang this weekend.”
“Yeah sure, totally, now just let me finish my homework,” Sophie said, not realizing that she could’ve just agreed to anything.
“Nat you can drink?” Amilia asked. It was a running gag.
“Oh shush, I’m not eleven anymore!” Natalie retorted. And she wasn’t eleven, she was twenty-three and Amilia had to remind herself of that often. 
The roadhouse was dark, full of wooden booths. In the corner there was a pool table surrounded by a group of guys. Amilia sat at a table with three of Nat’s friends, her friends, she reminded herself. Thunk! The sound of darts reminded her of throwing stars. Shaking her head slightly she tried not to think about all she had left behind. Amilia, she thought, but it echoed outside her head.
“Amilia!” Tina called, waving her hand in front of her. 
“Sorry, what?” she asked. Get out of your head, she thought sternly.
They all chuckled quietly and tampered off into their different conversations. It was a nice normal, zoning in and out, the words just soft buzzing. She traced the rough wood of the roadhouse with her eyes. The chipped, frayed edges. Dark, daunting, but cozy. The roof domed up to balconies with rooms for the inn part. Sophie didn’t know if anyone actually stayed there anymore. Posts came down into booths, to a karaoke machine in the corner, to the bar that stretched along the entire left side. There was a girl, flannel tight around her waist, short dark hair held up by various barrettes keeping the strands away from her face. The pen and cups flew through her hands with experience and it was mesmerizing to watch. Sophie couldn’t see her face, but there was a tugging feeling that the girl was familiar. From a past life, she thought, and laughed. She had had many past lives. At this point she wouldn’t know which one the girl would’ve been from. If she would just look up, the urge to know who she was got stronger. She was someone to her someone important-
Crash. Her heart pounded, her ears rang. The shattering sound of glass was ironic because it played backwards in her ears. Shattered heart becoming whole.
Sophie, because to that face that was all she was. Her feet moved without her permission. 
Because this girl wasn’t just someone to her, she was everything to her.
She was the hardest to leave behind and the only one that could make her stay.
“I’m supposed to be bartending,” Linh whispered into her shoulder, “and your friends are looking at us.”
“Fuck off, I get the longest hug I want after not seeing you for a decade,” Sophie laughed stubbornly into her shoulder.
Linh turned her head into Sophie’s neck and hummed quietly, “I think that’s fair.”
For the first time she relaxed. The world fell off her shoulders and she realized this was the feeling she had been chasing. Linh smelled like cigar smoke and whiskey and cats (she made a mental note to ask about that later). But she knew, as she shifted closer, holding Linh as tight as she could, after all those years she would still smell like the ocean, she’d still smelled like home.
The next morning she found herself passed out in a room that wasn’t her own. An old lamp sat on a wooden nightstand. Next to it, barely lit, was a piece of paper. In big bold letters it read: The Western RoadHouse. In scratchy handwriting there was a note. it filled the entire card,words running into each other. In her very tired state Sophie could barely decipher it.
Hey! Sorry I had to work early and you looked way too peaceful to wake up. How much of last night do you remember? We talked about how I got here, and how you got here. And, well, we talked for hours and did you know the more tired you are the pinker your ears get? And the easier it is the fluster you? You also get clingy and rub your eyes a lot. I ended up having to carry you up to my room and swear to Amy on everything that I had you would be okay. But I realized in that minute in a half of hauling your dead weight and listening to you murmur in your sleep that I had missed you. I ran away because I’ve always been running, but I don’t wanna run anymore. If you’d let me, I’d like to run to you instead. This is me asking if you’ll be my girlfriend, or just go out on a date if you didn’t get that. So yeah? Can I run to you?
For a moment she thought she was dreaming. Then she read it again and all she could do was laugh. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes she grabbed a pen and paper and wrote a simple message in neat, loopy handwriting.
Well then runaway,
Come running.
She wrote her and Amy’s address at the bottom and slipped it into Linh’s bag on the nightstand on her way out. When Amy pulled up in the van she only raised an eyebrow.
“Did you win?” she asked, turning down the music slightly as Sophie closed the door.
She smiled, mouth crooked, eyes wrinkled, for once unguarded and wild. “Yeah, I think I did.” Whoops and hollers rang out from the back where her friends crowded together. They whooped and hollered and clapped her on the shoulder as Amy pulled the van out of the lot.
Tag list: @enbies-and-felonies, @clearlykeefitz, @ruewen-and-rising, @you-are-the-vacker-legacy @linhamon-roll  @lemontarto  @rainbowtay-11 @an-absolute-travesty @girlofmanyfandoms(if you want to be added or removed come find me here)
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imaramennoodle · 4 years
Hey guys! Here’s part 1 for the kotlc the 100 au.
Tags (lmk if you wanna be added to the taglist): @vibing-in-the-void @everyonehasthoughts @clearlysokeefe @never-ever-too-many-fandoms
Part 1:
Sophie Foster sat bolt upright as the door to her cell clicked and slid open. Her eyes widened as she caught a glimpse of her mom standing behind two guards.
Sophie’s mom, Edaline Foster, was the head doctor of the Ark. She was also part of the council. And when the council was involved, things hardly ever ended well.
A gaurd marched in and slapped a pair of handcuffs onto Sophie’s wrist. She gasped.
“No! I’m not eighteen yet! I still have another year!” She struggled to escape. It was no use. Sophie was going to die. They were probably skipping the retrial and getting rid of all the criminals now, to save air. Sophie knew that they were running out. That had been why her dad was killed, because he had tried to tell people what was happening.
On the Ark, anyone who committed a crime, even the smallest one possible, like getting into a fight, was sentenced to death. If they were under the age of 18, they would be in prison until their eighteenth birthday, when there was a retrial to see if the criminal was guilty enough to be sentenced to death.
Sophie was marched outside of her cell. She twisted against the handcuffs and the guards holding her arms back.
She felt a needle go into her neck and started to feel dizzy. The last thing she saw was her mom whispering words that she couldn’t quite make out.
Sophie’s eyes snapped open. It was dark.
As her eyes adjusted, she realized that she was strapped into a chair, next to a girl with long, shiny black hair. Around them, there were others, all also sitting in chairs, confused.
A voice spoke over some kind of loudspeaker. It was Chancellor Endal. “I am sure that you are all confused about what is happening. My answer is this: All one hundred of you are being sent to the ground,”
There were surprised gasps and a few people started yelling about how they would die the moment they reached the surface.
“... on Mt. Weather,” the chancellor continued, “You will find enough supplies to last you three months. Good luck, and may we meet again.”
There was a click, and everyone was silent. Then, there was the sound of something powering on, and their tiny ship shot off of the Ark.
A boy with strawberry blonde hair had unbuckled himself from the harness and was now floating around the ship.
“What are you doing!” Sophie yelled, “That’s dangerous!”
The boy grinned.
“Hey, aren’t you the one that wasted a month’s supply of oxygen on an illegal spacewalk?” Sophie said.
He held up a thumbs up. “That’s me! Glad to know that I’m known everywhere.”
Suddenly, the ship went almost completely dark, the only light coming from a few emergency lights scattered around the ship.
Then, they crashed.
Sophie stood up and searched for the boy who had been floating around. If he was hurt, she was the closest thing that they had to a doctor. Sophie had been training to be one before she was arrested for knowing that the Ark was running out of air.
The boy had stood up and was now brushing off his shirt.
“You shouldn’t have done that. You could have died.”
He shrugged. “So what? When they sent us down here they basically sentenced us to death.”
A boy yelled something from near the huge door. Everyone’s heads turned to look at him.
A soft voice broke the silence. “Tam?” The girl who had been sitting next to Sophie elbowed her way towards the boy.
The boy’s face lit up and he pulled her into a hug. Sophie vaguely registered them as looking really similar to each other.
“You’re the Songs!” said someone from somewhere behind Sophie, “I’ve heard about you!”
“Yeah,” said the girl, who didn’t look very happy about it.
“Do you wanna be known for something else?” asked the boy.
“Like what?”
“Being the first girl on the ground in a hundred years.”
With that, the boy pressed the red button to open the door. It lowered down, and the girl uncertainly stepped onto it, and then onto the ground.
She stood in the sunlight for a few seconds before yelling, “We’re back!” at the top of her lungs.
Everyone took this as a sign to run out of the ship at once.
Sophie was the last one to leave. She picked up a map on her way out and made her way towards a ridge, where she held the map up and looked between it and the other mountains.
“Why so serious?” asked a boy with messy blond hair and a wrinkled shirt who had snuck up on Sophie.
“That’s Mt. Weather,” Sophie pointed to a mountain on the map, and then to the actual one, “They dropped us on the wrong mountain.”
Sophie was not happy to see Wylie. She hadn’t even expected to see him. He was the chancellor’s son, so he must have done something pretty serious to get sent to the ground.
Sophie was busy helping a girl bandage her broken arm when she first saw Wylie. He tried to apologize to her, but she just ignored him and walked away. After all, Wylie was the reason that her dad was dead and that she had been in prison for the past year.
She finished bandaging the girl’s arm. “You should be fine for a couple of days,” Sophie said. The girl smiled and walked away, leaving Sophie alone.
Fitz, a boy who Sophie had seen a couple of times in her Earth Skills class, wandered over to her. “You know where Mt. Weather is, right?”
Sophie nodded. “Yup. It’s just over there.” She tried to point towards it, but it was blocked by a group of trees.
“Great. Can you come with us to get some supplies from there?”
Fitz led her to a small group that consisted of Dex, the boy who had floated around the ship, Keefe, who seemed to be Fitz’s best friend, and Linh, the girl with a brother.
Sophie unfolded the map and looked at it. “I think we have to go that way.” She pointed towards the forest, and the group set off for Mt. Weather.
They had been walking for thirty minutes before they got to the river. It looked perfectly normal, except there was no way to cross it.
Keefe pointed to a sign across the river that read ‘Mount Weather’ in large letters. “Look!”
Everyone turned to look at what he was pointing at.
“How are we supposed to get over?” asked Fitz.
“That’s easy,” Linh said, “We swim.”
She took off her shoes and socks and started to get in.
“Linh, no. You can’t even swim, and if you could, we have no idea if the water’s even safe. You could get radiation poisoning,” Sophie said, grabbing her arm and holding her back.
Linh twisted away. “I read somewhere that it’s human instinct to know how to swim, and besides, it doesn’t look too deep and I can see a couple of fish. I’ll be fine.” She jumped into the water.
“See! It’s perfectly fine. I’m not dead yet.”
Something dark slithered just under the surface of the water, behind Linh.
“Behind you!” yelled Keefe.
Linh didn’t pay attention until it was too late. The thing must have grabbed her leg, because she was yanked under the water and started trying to get away. Sophie’s eyes widened.
Keefe jumped in to try and get the thing away from Linh.
It must have worked, because after a few minutes, the splashing stopped and Keefe started pulling Linh towards the shore.
Fitz reached over and helped him pull her back up.
Linh coughed a couple of times and sat up on her elbows. Sophie sighed in relief. They had only been on the ground for a couple of hours, but four people had already died and Sophie would do pretty much anything to keep the rest of them alive.
Dex was standing a couple yards away. He called everyone else over. “We could probably swing across on this vine,” he said, “It looks pretty sturdy.”
“Who wants to go first?” asked Keefe. Nobody answered, so he shrugged and grabbed onto the vine.
Keefe got a running start, then jumped up onto the vine. When he got the the other side he let go and yelled “I made it!”
Sophie smiled at Keefe just before something came out of the woods behind their small group and hit him just under his ribs. Keefe collapsed
It was a spear. There were other people on the ground. 
Edaline Foster was in the area of the Ark where they were monitoring the 100 through metal wristbands that tracked things like blood pressure and heart rate.
A few of the many screens had gone dark, showing that someone was dead. Edaline scanned the remaining screens and let out a breath when she found Sophie.
Grady Ruewen, another member of the council, who also happened to not like Edaline very much, appeared behind her. “You’re needed in medical.”
Edaline nodded with a tight smile and walked back towards her job. Elwin, her assistant, went up to her.
“There’s a girl here who wants to know about the quarantine in the prison. Says she wants to see her boyfriend.”
The council hadn’t told people about the mission to the ground and had instead said that there was a virus outbreak in the prison and that nobody could visit anyone.
A girl with long brown hair pulled into a ponytail was standing in the waiting area. She walked up to Edaline.
“What was there an outbreak of?” the girl asked.
“Strep,” Edaline answered, “and no, there is no way for you to visit your boyfriend. It’s very contagious.”
“Really? Then why did I see a guard that was stationed there walking around just a few minutes ago? What did you actually do with my boyfriend?”
Edaline sighed. “You’re in engineering, right?”
The girl nodded. “Youngest zero-g mechanic in the history of the Ark. I’m Biana, by the way.”
“Good. Come with me.”
Biana rolled her eyes and followed Edaline.
Edaline led Biana towards an unused area of the ship, where the escape pods were kept. They hadn’t been used in a hundred years, but Edaline figured that Biana would be able to help her.
“Why did you bring me here? All that’s here is a couple of rusty old pods.”
“Because you’re going to help me get to the ground.”
Biana just looked at her. “Are you crazy? The ground isn’t supposed to be survivable for another 100 years!”
“I’m not supposed to be telling you this, but your boyfriend’s on the ground, along with 99 other criminals. My daughter, Sophie, is with them.”
Biana stared at Edaline for a minute. “You’re serious. Is Dex ok? Is the ground seriously survivable?”
“I don’t know, but right now, this pod is our only chance of getting down there. Can you fix it?”
“Yeah, but I’ll need a lot of new parts. This thing is ancient.”
“I can get the parts. Just worry about getting it to work.”
Sophie and Dex were the first to make it back to the clearing where the drop ship had landed. They were followed by Fitz and Linh.
Tam ran up to them. “What happened out there? Where’s Keefe?”
“We were attacked,” Dex said.
A few other people, including Wylie, had wandered over.
“By what?” Fitz asked
“Not by what, by who. Everything we thought we knew about the ground was wrong,” Sophie said.
“What do you mean, everything we know is wrong?” Tam asked.
“There are others out there. People. They threw a spear at Keefe and we don’t know if he’s alive or dead.”
“But we’re still gonna look for him, right?” asked Fitz.
Sophie nodded. “We’ll go tomorrow. Right now, we need to focus on finding food and setting up tents.”
Edaline was standing over Chancellor Endal, trying desperately to save his life.
One of the guards had found him laying in a hallway after being shot in the chest, and her and Elwin had been doing surgery on him for the past thirty minutes.
“He needs more blood,” Edaline said.
“We’ve already used more than we’re supposed to-“
“I don’t care!” Edaline said, cutting off Elwin, “We just need to make sure he lives long enough to see his son again.”
Elwin sighed. “Whatever you say.”
After they had finished, Edaline was sitting in the waiting area.
“How is he?” Grady, who was sitting a few feet away, asked.
“I don’t know. I hope he’ll be fine. I don’t want to deal with you as chancellor for any longer than I need to.”
Grady raised an eyebrow, but didn’t say anything. He was the acting chancellor, in case Chancellor Endal died or wasn’t able to be chancellor before the next election.
“We think we’ve found the person who shot him,” Grady said after a few minutes.
“Tam Song,” Grady said, holding out a tablet with a picture of a boy on it, “His sister, Linh Song, was sent the the ground along with the rest of the hundred, and he’s been reported missing from his job as a janitor.”
“So what, you think he shot the chancellor, snuck onto the drop ship, and went to Earth with them?”
Grady nodded. “Yes, that’s exactly what we think.”
“You really think that a seventeen year old kid could have pulled that off?”
Edaline stood up and left the waiting room. 
Biana was tinkering with the control panel of the pod when Edaline walked in. “Finally! I need a few new parts.”
She stopped talking when she saw Edaline’s face. “What happened?”
“Nothing. We just need to get this to work as fast as possible. What parts do you need?”
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keefesencenisawsome · 4 years
Okay, but just hear me out.
For those who have read both PJO and KOTLC I have found something.
So I was looking at the characters and noticed how Nico and Leo have a relationship similar to Tam and Keefe. The characters are essentially the same too. Like both Nico and Tam are depressed emo boys with darkness powers and Leo and Keefe use humor to cover up their depressedness. But the character similarities don't end there.
If we really look at the characters of both books there's a lot that they share.
Despite the relationship paring similarities between those who are dating, other relationships also over lap.
Nico/Tam is the depressed over protective brother to Hazel/Linh who is the shy, younger sibling who at first is scared of their powers. Percy/Sophie and Annabeth/Fitz were shipped together since the first book. Percy/Sophie and Jason/Dex are BFFs, despite being shipped together either inside or outside the books. Chiron/Forkle is protective of everybody, guiding them when needed. Dionysus/Bronte act like they don't care about any of them, but turns out to actually care at least a little. Clarisse/Stina and Percy/Sophie are sworn enemies, but both are on the same side and will work together nicely when absolutely necessary. Blackjack/Silveney are horse shaped creatures with wings who have a close relationship with Percy/Sophie. And we all know Tam had a brief crush on Sophie when he first interacted with her justifying the Nico x Percy crush.
Now I will admit the only weak connection is Leo/Keefe and Percy/Sophie, seeing as Sokeefe is super obvious in the books, while Lercy is really only shipped by a small group of fans.
It's currently 2 a.m. and I'm benge reading KOTLC and noticed this. I am in no way saying anyone stole anything, I just think it's kinda cool how these two books are so similar character relationship wise.
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i’m craving some classic base quest with the whole squad so if you could write that that would be lovely 🤍
Here you go! :D This turned out quite long! But we all know that the squad can’t get anything done, so.
Dex clapped his hands together. “Okay. Let’s review the rules.”
Sophie rolled her eyes. “You mean ‘how-to-make-sure-sophie-doesn't-have-an-unfair-advantage.’”
Dex dimpled. “Precisely.” He cleared his throat. “No tracking people’s thoughts, no teleporting, and no transmitting to the other team.”
Sophie smiled sweetly. “Are you done yet?”
He shrugged. “I think so.”
Keefe swaggered over and leaned an elbow on Sophie’s shoulder. “Well, Foster, we can’t let you just… win. We’re supposed to be getting some actual training.”
Biana rolled her eyes. “Again, I’m pretty sure base quest wasn’t what Mr. Forkle meant when he said we should do group training.”
Fitz patted his sister’s shoulder. “He said to improve our teamwork and coordination. What else would we do?”
She rolled her eyes.
Linh shuffled her feet. “So… I’m guessing those aren’t the official rules? Because I’ve never played before.”
“You’ve never played base quest before?” Fitz’s jaw dropped.
“Of all the things your parents have done, not teaching you base quest is the worst,” Keefe agreed.
Tam glared at Keefe. “They did a lot of worse things, jerk.”
“Oookay.” Biana patted both of their shoulders. “How ‘bout we take a deep breath and let Dex explain?”
“Thank you.” Dex launched into a detailed explanation.
When he was finished, Fitz hooked his arm through Sophie’s. “Yeah, so I call Sophie for my team.”
“Not if I call her first.” Biana joined him on the other side.
Sophie gave them both looks. “You know I’m saddled with all kinds of unfair rules?”
“You’re Sophie Foster.” Fitz chuckled. “I don’t think rules have ever stopped you.”
Keefe snickered. “I’m so proud.”
“Okay, can we please get back on track?” Dex crossed his arms. “If you three are going to be a team, everyone else is with me.”
Keefe sighed dramatically. “What if I want the Foster too?”
“Too late,” Biana told him.
Linh smiled shyly at Dex. “Sounds like a good plan to me.”
He blushed and looked at the ground. “It’s only fair that the two new players are on the bigger team.”
Keefe shoved between Tam and Linh and set an arm on each of their shoulders. “Let’s get this thing going already.”
“Okay.” Sophie glanced around. “We’ll take the windmill for our base.”
“Windmill?” Dex tilted his head.
“The wind pushes the blades, and the power generated is used to provide electricity and stuff,” Sophie explained. “We are in the Forbidden Cities.”
“Not really,” Fitz interjected. “I mean, this is a field, not a city.” He winked.
The group groaned.
“Our base will be that other… windmill,” Dex said, gesturing to one on the opposite side of the field.
“I know I’m new to this, but shouldn’t base quest be played somewhere a bit less open?” Linh asked. “It seems like there aren’t many hiding places.”
Keefe sighed dramatically. “These flowers are knee heigh, Linh. If you’re not willing to get down and shimmy on your belly, you’re not playing the game right.”
“To your bases!” Dex interrupted, sweeping his hand dramatically. “The game begins in sixty seconds!”
The group split off, running toward their windmills at top speed.
Dex stopped beneath theirs, panting. “Okay. Strategy.”
“There’s not much water around, so I won’t be of much use.” Linh frowned.
“I can hide you with shadows, and you can sneak,” Tam offered.
“Hey, hey, if anyone gets to be the creepy shadow sneaker, it’s me,” Keefe complained.
“Keefe, you can sneak, Linh can defend, and I’ll mount a full attack.” Dex cocked a half-smile. “I have a few tricks up my sleeve.”
“Okay.” Linh shrugged. “I’ll make it work.”
“Alright, game on in three… two… one…” Dex cracked a smile. “Let’s go.”
Tam immediately began gathering shadows around Keefe, who threw himself down on the grass and began to shimmy. A moment later, Tam joined Keefe on the ground.
Someone looking carefully would notice a group of darker shadows than the rest, but it was a pretty good disguise.
Dex began to jog across the field, pulling things out of his pockets.
They would probably be mad at him after the game for using gadgets, but they had let him write the rules.
His first weapon of choice was smoke cubes. He had three. It would hopefully be enough to cause a disturbance and let him get to their base.
Fitz stood in front of the other windmill, proudly flexing his muscles. Biana was, predictably, nowhere to be found, but neither was Sophie. She was probably enhancing Biana.
He glanced back. He couldn’t see Keefe or Tam, so he decided to go for a not-so-subtle warning.
“I think Sophie is enhancing Biana!” he yelled behind him. “Be careful!”
Linh shaded her eyes against the sun and turned her ear toward Dex, gesturing toward him.
He repeated his call, and she nodded nervously.
With that done, it was time for the real game.
He grabbed a smoke cube in each hand, ran until he was ten yards away from Fitz, and hurled them at him.
Fitz realized what he was doing a second too late. He attempted to duck and cover his eyes, but still ended up bent over coughing.
Dex sprinted for the right side of the windmill as fast as he could, but Fitz had recovered by the time he drew close, charging at almost twice Dex’s speed.
Did this guy go for runs twice a day or something?
He pulled his last smoke cube out and aimed for Fitz’s chest.
Fitz dodged quickly, the smoke cube landing behind him.
A shout came from the other side of the field, and Dex looked up. Biana and Sophie had appeared and were dashing toward the windmill. Linh looked between them, unsure of who to chase.
He had to end this thing now.
Dex grabbed his final weapon and tossed it to the ground. A three-by-three sheet of metal sprung up between him and Fitz.
Fitz swerved around it, but it cost him precious seconds.
Dex slapped the windmill and turned around, a grin breaking over his face.
As he had predicted, Sophie, Biana, and Fitz were not happy with his gadget strategy.
“It’s not any more powerful than vanishing,” Dex argued.
“But you could have an unlimited supply of those prepared ahead of time, and I can only vanish for so long.” Biana crossed her arms.
“Fine. We can set a limit next time.” Dex shrugged. “Doesn’t change the fact that Team Deefaminh crushed.”
“Um… Can we change the name?” Tam shuffled his feet.
“I agree with the Tamster for once,” Keefe said. “Sounds like ‘the famine.’”
“Whatever.” Dex bumped Keefe’s shoulder. “We won.”
Keefe groaned. “But I didn’t even get to sneak up like a pro shadow boy!”
“Well…” Tam half-smiled. “We could always go again.”
“Not a bad idea,” Fitz said.
Five games later, they headed home.
Hope y’all enjoyed! Thanks for reading!
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Any Team Valiant headcanons?
oh for sure!
it's the cool kids club!!! Dex has never been more thrilled. He's never been in any sort of exclusive thing that this is just a whole new world for the kid and he loves it. He will even tolerate Stina, as long as he's part of a cool kids club. He's going to gloat about how he's a part of it and Keefe and Fitz weren't forever though. He's only a teenage boy.
Keefe is actually relieved to not be involved. He played it up so that people would think he cared, but honestly, the poor kid has so much on his plate that the last thing he needs is more to do. So this kid is so so so so so happy that he's got more freedom than anyone else in this group. He does feel kind of bad for Sophie, though. It's not her fault she's the moonlark and has to be involved with everything.
Biana is so thrilled to be somewhere on her own without her brother that she jumps, both feet first, into the mess of Team Valiant. She makes them cloaks, and they have excessive sequins, and they read "Screw you, we're the Best" on the back.
Wylie is the only one with a significant amount of brain cells. Thank you for coming to my ted talk. Stina also has a brain cell. But only one.
None of these other idiots have any brain power whatsoever. If you leave them alone with each other, yes. Everything will be on fire. The council made a mistake in who it appointed. They should not have made Sophie the leader. Sophie has no brain functionality at this point. She speaks only in vine references and the council has been fruitlessly taking notes every meeting. No one knows what she's saying. Dex nods along though, so clearly there is some sort of meaning. Probably.
Marella is pissed as hell that she ain't on this team. She's the one who wants to change everything about the government, she's the one who's got opinions. She's read every single text on politics, searched through every library in the lost cities, and some in the forbidden cities, reading everything she can about government and government reform. The council had once mentioned this idea and she'd turned in an essay about why she should be on this team. They said she "wasn't what they were looking for."
Somewhere, in her chest, she knows that they kept her out of it because she's a pyrokinetic. She knows for all the council's progress, they still don't give a darn about their people. This is for looks, she says to herself, curled up in a bundle of blankets. "They don't want to change, they don't want to fix things. Not really. Why aren't there talentless? Why isn't there a pyrokinetic? If they want change so badly, why won't they change?" Linh pats her back, softly. "I know," she whispers. "I see it, too."
There's a group hail. Every meeting, as Councilor Emery is saying his bland line about listening and adapting, Sophie, like clockwork, sends this meme:
Tumblr media
Emery doesn't know why no one takes him seriously anymore.
Grady doesn't like it. He will not expand on why he doesn't like it, but his eyes always seem to catch on the way his daughter sags, her whole being exhausted, whenever she comes home from one of the meetings.
One meeting, however, was devoted solely to introducing the council to movies. Dex and Biana both agreed that Barbie movies would be the best place to start. Sophie's request for Harry potter was turned down because of the level at which they require background information. That was a fun meeting. Keefe would probably have been sad to miss Bronte crying over the ending of Barbie in The Nutcracker.
Contrary to popular belief, Sophie is a terrible strategist. Her ideas consist of, "I had a dream about talking rats, I think we should look into that a bit more." and then she goes down a researching hole and comes back from the council's library a day later knowing far too much about rats and underground cultures. She will then say that the best way to defeat the Neverseen is befriend the rats, and Stina will sigh and take her home for the day because this girl got no sleep last night and she's got bags the size of dinner plates under her eyes.
Wylie is actually the best strategist. The thing is, he does not and will not ever trust the council. Growing up with Tiergan, knowing that the council took his parents from him, ruined his biological father's life, and by extension his own, has hardened him. He almost doesn't want the council to succeed. He occasionally debates arson during meetings, and contemplates how easy it would be to simply burn things down.
The Team officially disbands after the Black Swan defeat the Neverseen. Because, you know the council really didn't do much. The council still has all the power in the government, but no one knows that they were saved by a group of "terrorists" who were granted official immunity in the eyes of the law. Forkle grinned. Legal immunity was a dangerous thing to give anyone, especially him.
They meet on Tuesdays, even after the war is over, and have dinner at the Ruewen's house. It's a fun time. Like, it's a mess, but it's fun. It's low key, calm, and Sophie can talk about the newest thing she's been researching without trying to fit it into a battle plan. Wylie talks about all the things that could have been fixed openly, trusting the people he's around. Stina and Dex bicker constantly, clearly trying to avoid the romantic tension between them. Biana hugs Sophie tight, and she shows off her latest projects, and wears her favorite dresses.
Grady smiles. This is what these kids should have had from the beginning. Carrying their entire generation never should have been on their shoulders.
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cadence-talle · 4 years
Dream of Endless Shadow
a dark!Tam AU, written to go along with @lemontarto‘s dark!Tam drawing. Make sure to go look at it if you haven’t seen it yet! 
Wordcount: 2,274 
Trigger warnings: Death, non-graphic violence 
Taglist: @everyonehasthoughts, @clearlykeefitz, @loverofallthingssmart, @a-lonely-tatertot, @enbies-and-felonies, @molly-sencen, @lemontarto, @appalyneinstitute1, @ruewen-and-rising, @silver-snow, @linhamon-roll, @hyperlollypop, @never-ever-too-many-fandoms, @keeper-of-the-lost-queers, @impostertamsong, @vibing-in-the-void, @yeetersofthelostcities, @mistythegirlfluxmess, @diamond-dreamerr, @we-have-no-bananas-today, @an-absolute-travesty
Laughter floats through the air and up a sweeping cliff, gathering around a pair of figures standing at the edge. Linh glances back at her brother, hair pulled back into a low ponytail. She’s smiling- she’s always smiling. Tam wonders sometimes how she can be so happy, looking at all they’ve lost. 
“Come on,” she says, holding out a hand. “You’ll be fine.” 
Tam quirks an eyebrow. “You can’t guarantee that.”
Linh raises a hand in the air, and the water below them rises with it, a huge shimmering bubble. She grins at Tam. 
“Yes I can. Just jump.”
The sun beats down on his back as Tam stares down at the ocean. It’s safe- he knows it’s safe, but he can’t stop his fear. Linh is always the brave one, anyway. 
She charges ahead while Tam stays behind, rushing around corners before he’s made sure it’s safe. He doesn’t understand, really- how she can be so happy, so fearless, so Linh. 
“Come on,” Linh says again, grabbing his hand. “On three, okay? One…”
She’s amazing. 
She’s powerful.
And Tam knows that they’ll be fine as long as she’s by his side. 
He takes a deep breath and jumps. 
Tam glares down at the dark streets of Atlantis, eyes tracking barely-visible figures on the ground below. He could probably see better if he dispersed the shadows, but that would blow his cover- and besides, he can see well enough. 
Well enough is pretty much all he’s getting, these days. He can see well enough, he can sleep well enough, he’s eating well enough. 
Well enough isn’t good, of course, but Tam doubts he’ll ever be good again. 
Finally, the person he’s looking for exits the shop underneath him. Tam was a little surprised when he found Ruy Ignis in a flower shop in Atlantis, but he supposes it makes sense; it’s not like anyone knows what he looks like. Tam only recognized him by his voice, and even that took a couple visits to figure out. 
Ruy turns the corner and enters an alleyway to the side of his shop, humming something under his breath. With a quiet grunt, Tam wraps shadows around the man and drops to the ground a few feet away. Ruy makes a sound of surprise and summons a forcefield.
Tam releases the shadowflux he’s been holding in his hands, and it slinks through the forcefield to wrap around Ruy’s neck, hovering just a few inches above the skin. The man’s eyes go wide as he scrambles to get away. Tam clenches a fist and it moves closer to Ruy, shrinking little by little until it’s a hair away from the skin. 
He chose shadowflux not because it was easy for him, but because it hurt. Tam wants this man- all of the Neverseen, really- to feel pain, to feel what he’s been feeling for days now. This hurt, this ache, always there but never healed. Not really. Tam forces the shadowflux closer, and-
Sophie and Biana rush into the alley, both clad in dark tunics and capes. Biana has a throwing star in her hand, but she’s not looking at Ruy- she’s staring right at Tam. 
“What are you doing here?” Tam growls, relaxing his hands just enough to let Ruy breathe. Sophie narrows her eyes at him. 
“I could ask you the same thing,” she says. “Where have you been, Tam? We’ve been worried sick!”
“I’ve been out,” Tam replies. “I’m fine.”
“Right,” Biana says slowly. She turns to Sophie. “Can you bring Ruy back to the Black Swan? I’ll stay here.”
Sophie nods, shooting Biana a quick smile before grabbing Ruy’s arm and leaping away. Biana turns to Tam. 
“This is what you’re up to?” she asks. “Trying to kill people?”
“They deserve it,” Tam answers. Biana shakes her head. 
“Maybe so, but we don’t do that, Tam. We don’t kill. If we do-” her voice breaks slightly, and Tam can tell they’re remembering the same thing. “We’re just as bad as them.”
“Then I guess I’m bad.” Tam responds, curling the shadowflux back into his palms. He sighs. “I just want to avenge her, Bi. I want to- to destroy them as much as they destroyed me. As much as they destroyed her.”
“Linh wouldn’t want-”
“Don’t pretend like you know her!” 
Biana takes a step back, eyes wide. Tam only realizes how loud he’s shouted after the fact. “You didn’t know her,” he adds more quietly. “No one knew her like I did.”
“Maybe not,” Biana says slowly. “But I still loved her. She was amazing. Kind, talented, fierce.” She looks at Tam, staring straight into his eyes. “She wouldn’t have wanted you to be sad. She would have wanted you to keep living, not take other lives away.”
“I-” Tam shakes his head. “No. I can’t. I have to- to do this.” To do anything, he adds in his head. Biana lets out a long breath. 
“Okay. Just- promise me you’ll be safe, okay? You shouldn’t have to die for her.”
“I know,” Tam says, because he does. “I promise.”
It might not be a promise he can keep. 
This was supposed to be standard. 
They’d received word of trolls being attacked in the woods off Brackendale- and while, of course, no one had gotten hurt, Sophie had decided to check it out anyway. Something’s been shifting lately, some sour wind sweeping into the Lost Cities and bringing with it the smell of death. The Neverseen are braver, now, and they need to be careful. 
They weren’t careful enough. 
They’re ambushed almost immediately when they move into the woods. Black-cloaked figures drop down from the trees, surrounding them on all sides. Next to him, Tam hears Linh growl, pulling water from the air and forming it into a ball, ready to attack. Marella summons fire, Keefe and Fitz grasp throwing stars, Dex readies his newest gadgets and Sophie gets ready to inflict. 
This time, they’re not going to lose. Not again. 
And for a moment, it seems like they’re winning. Most of the Neverseen are already on the ground, unconscious or held down. Tam can’t recognize most of them- he thinks one of the only ones left standing is Gethen, but he can’t be sure. 
It’s odd, for the Neverseen to be taken down so easily, but Tam chalks it up to their little group simply being stronger now. He turns to watch Linh, swinging water in a sweeping arc and knocking a woman to the grass beneath their feet, and smiles slightly. 
And then-
It doesn’t happen in slow motion. Tam doesn’t see the throwing star coming, doesn’t hold out a hand to try and stop it. Linh is upright, and then she’s not- she’s fighting, and then she’s lying on the ground with a piece of silver metal embedded in her neck. 
Linh is alive, and then she’s not. 
Tam doesn’t even get to say goodbye. 
The first few days were the worst. 
He didn’t do anything but sit on the couch in Tiergan’s living room, staring blankly at the wall as he relived that moment over and over again. 
A flash of silver, a small cry cut off too soon. Blood staining the grass and getting on Tam’s hands as he rushes to her, too late. 
Too late. He’s always too late. 
Nightmares and sleepless nights bleed into empty days, and Tam doesn’t care. He feels time slipping away, feels himself get weaker (he’s not eating. what’s the point, when she’s gone), feels shadows wrap around him. 
They’re shockingly cold, but at least feeling cold is feeling something. 
So he falls backwards into the shadows, letting them surround him, crush him out of the half-dead state he’s been in and back into his own body. And slowly, the sadness recedes. It’s not gone, it’ll never be gone, but Tam has managed to cover it up with something else. 
Rage is what gets him off of the couch, what gets him to eat, what gets him out of the house. Anger is what makes him track down each and every member of the Neverseen and kill them. 
Or, try to. Someone always shows up to stop him. 
At this point, Tam is sure they’re tracking him somehow. Sophie, Biana, Keefe, Dex- someone is always there, telling him to slow down. 
Stop, they’ll say. You’re going to hurt yourself. This isn’t safe. 
And Tam knows it’s not. He can feel the shadowflux creeping through his veins; a cold, tingling sensation. It doesn’t hurt, not yet, but it will eventually. 
It’ll take over, eventually. 
Tam doesn’t care. 
He’s standing on the edge of the cliff again, the one he and Linh used to come to when they went swimming. It’s clouded, today, the water below gray and upset. No more sunny blue days. 
Sunny blue days disappeared a long time ago. 
Tam came here to find some long-lost part of Linh, to remember, but all it does is hurt. Hurt and hurt and hurt again, and it never stops. 
It never stops. It’s never going to stop. The only way is-
The water below is dark. It won’t catch him this time. 
Tam takes a shaky step forward. 
A flash of silver, a small cry cut off too soon. Blood staining the grass and getting on Tam’s hands as he rushes to her, too late. 
And a laugh. High and cackling. Tam knows that laugh. 
And he turns away from the cliff. 
They’re at a human picnic spot, sharing a piece of fruit the gnomes gave them for lunch. Linh’s laughing at something Tam says when a screech echoes through the air. 
A hawk has just picked up a mouse in its talons, carrying it through the air and towards a tree branch. Linh gasps and stands up, but the humans on the other side of the clearing are faster- one grabs a rock and hits the hawk in the wing. It goes crashing to the ground, and the mouse scurries away. 
The humans leave, laughing, as Linh rushes over to the bird. 
“It’s hurt,” she says, gently lifting a wing that is bent in a way no wing should ever be. “We need to help it.”
“It was going to kill that mouse,” Tam points out. “You didn’t want it to do that. Why are you helping it now?”
“Because it’s hurt,” Linh says, glaring at him, “and it was just trying to find food. And even if it wasn’t-” she shakes her head- “it’s a living thing. If you can help a living thing, you should.
“If you just leave it, it could die. No one deserves that, no matter what they’ve done.” 
Tam sighs, crouching down next to her. “Fine. How can I help?”
The security at Gethen’s prison cell isn’t very good. 
The goblins at the door didn’t even give him a second glance as Tam moved through the door- although, to their credit, Tam is pretty sure he still has a reputation as “Sophie Foster’s friend.” 
Still, he doesn’t get any questions as he moves through the stone-lined walls and stops in front of a chilly cell. The man inside gives him a sharp smile. 
“Tam Song,” he says. “I’ve been wondering when you would come to visit. Last time we talked you seemed a bit… unstable.”
“Last time we talked I tried to kill you,” Tam says bluntly. “Now I’m here to finish that.” 
He summons shadowflux, ignoring the chill that runs through his whole body. He’ll deal with that later. Right now, all that matters is his sister’s murderer. 
Gethen laughs. “You always were stronger than the rest of them,” he shrugs. “I’m not surprised to see you’re the one who went insane.”
“I’m not insane,” Tam growls, pushing the shadowflux closer to the man. “You killed my sister. Now you’re going to pay.”
Gethen’s eyes glint and he starts to say something, but Tam pushes the shadowflux into his skin and whatever he was going to speak is lost in a scream.
A flash of silver, a small cry cut off too soon. 
 Tam narrows his eyes and forces the shadowflux closer, pushing it into the man’s brain. 
Blood staining the grass and getting on Tam’s hands as he rushes to her, too late. 
Gethen’s body goes limp, but his eyes are wild and Tam knows he’s still in pain. 
A laugh. High and cackling. And-
Gethen falls to the floor, his chest no longer heaving. He’s gone. 
He’s gone, and Tam should be happy. Linh is avenged. She can move on now. She can be satisfied.
Linh wouldn’t want this, Biana’s voice whispers in his brain. It wasn’t for her. It was for you. 
“No,” Tam bites his lip so hard he tastes blood, falling against the cold stone wall. He’s so cold- everything is so cold. “No, no, this was for her. This was for revenge.”
But he can see Linh, leaning over that wounded hawk. She looks up at him, straight at Tam, and her brow furrows. 
No one deserves to die, no matter what they’ve done. She says, shaking her head. She stands up, moving toward Tam. What have you done, Tam?
“I just wanted them to hurt,” Tam whispers. “I wanted them to die.”
Linh frowns sadly and the memory dissipates. Tam sinks to the floor, head in his hands. The floor is cold, the walls are cold, he’s so cold- 
Shadowflux moves toward him, burrowing under his skin. Tam lets it, lets it move through his bloodstream and into his heart. 
Everything is cold. 
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