#like no wonder she pees everywhere when mom keeps making her stressed
jonny-b-meowborn · 1 year
Actually also my mom needs to stop being so fucking selfish and careless when it comes to my kitten. Because when I tell her to not bother Salem because she's sleepy, then I'm being selfish and mom can pet her whenever she wants because she also lives there and pays for her. But when she almost lets the baby fall out the window and scares her and I get angry at mom, then it's my problem because it's my cat and the baby should get used to living with people. The cat is ours when it's convenient to my mom, but it's just mine when mom does something wrong or when Salem makes a mess. Fucking hell
#i went to a store for a moment and in that time my mom went to my brother's room to have a cigarette#because brother is also gone and mom cant smoke in our room anymore#cause we cant fully open the window around the kitty#and she closed the door behind her so that Salem stays in our room while shes there#so far so good#but when i come back home mom left the room and not only left the door open she left the window fully open#and salem sprinted inside#mom wanted to close the door and she didnt even look down so she hit the baby with the door#lightly but still. salem got spooked#and then mom reliazed that the window is open and the baby is walking towards it#so she yelled at her and ran to the window#and when i yelled at mom for not being careful and almost letting salem jump out the window she got angry at me#because its my cat so she doesnt have to do anything#like????????#yeah thats my cat and i dont want her to die#or get stressed out#like no wonder she pees everywhere when mom keeps making her stressed#like shes a baby she doesnt understand that if she goes out the window shell get hurt#why is my mom upset at a literal kitten when shes not careful around her#we have to be careful for her because she doesnt understand consequences of doing stupid shit#and yeah im the one that cleans her litterbox and feeds her and plays with her and all that and thats fine#but the bare minimum she can do is watch out for her#especially when shes the only person at home with her#cause like. if she left the room and i wasnt there to point out that salem entered it she would just lock her inside with an open window#and all that necause she wanted to smoke a cigarette without going out#sure we used to smoke sometimes at home at the window but we cant do that anymore because theres a literal baby here#wont hurt her to fucking go outside#or if she really wants to smoke indoors then be fucking careful#'its your cat you take care of it' my ass its still a living creature that wouldnt survive on its own#bee buzz
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Title: Convince Me To Go {11}
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AU Chris Evans x Reader
Warning: Cursing, Angst, Plot
Words: 2.8k
Summary: When we run away, we’re usually running from something. This time you may have run toward it instead.
Note: Welp. 🤷🏾‍♀️  I hope you enjoy this.
***Loosely Edited/Proofread***
You were dead on your feet. It had been a long night, a tear-filled night, coconut rum filled night, sleepless night, manic night, a night where you hated yourself and pitied yourself all at once. You’d gone over and over your decision. Thought about the last few days and everything you’d felt, and it was overwhelming. You tried not to think about the fact that he was right now in his loft, probably in his bed wrapped in the sheets you’d been wrapped in for the last day or two and it probably smelled like you. You dipped your nose into your jacket and gave a wistful smile, you still smelled like him.
 Taking a deep breath, you just stared at the luxury high-rise you lived in. it felt strange looking at it and even thinking about going in.
 “Ms. Y/L/N.” The doorman Albert approached you with a smile.
 “Hi, Albert.”
 “Ms, are you all right? Everyone has been looking for you for days. The police came by wanted access to your penthouse, your parents. It has been a madhouse,” he informed.
 You nodded; you knew it had been. You knew they were probably trying to uncover every possible clue to where you’d gone. No one would suspect Boston, no one would suspect anything.
 “I’m fine.”
“Are you sure Miss?” He looked over your attire with a confused look.
 “Are those pajamas ma’am?”
 The sound of his voice made you laugh. He’s probably never seen you in pajamas, let alone heard of you stepping outside in pajamas. You had an image to uphold and it did not include casual wear.
 “Yes Albert, I’m fine. Thank you.” You walked ahead inside the high-rise and to the elevator. All eyes were on you, but you pretended not to notice. How could you now? You’d spent the last few days being somewhat invisible. No one cared who you were. He didn’t care. Now—it was back to reality.
 Once the elevator opened at the door of your penthouse you hesitated for a moment but walked inside anyway. Everything was the way you left it. you took a slow walk around your dwelling and looked at every piece of your life. The fancy paintings, the crystal, the pristine walls and floors that were the best Italian marble money could buy. When you got to the kitchen you scanned the top of the line appliances, and tiled backsplash you’d requested special from Greece, it was handblown and sparkled when the light hit it, you knew for a fact it cost a lot, too much really.
 Everywhere you turned was luxury and opulence you never thought twice about before. Some of the stuff you didn’t even realize you had until now like vases that looked like they belonged in a museum, and sheets that felt like clouds. When you stood in your bathroom you came to the realization you were rich and lived that way. You wondered if this was his life before he just left it all. None of it felt real anymore, none of it felt right. You closed your eyes and concentrated on the loss you felt. You didn’t know of what or why the feeling was so prominent. Fighting back the tears you slowly undressed. Each piece of clothing you took off you held to your nose and inhaled deeply.
 By the time you got into the shower, you were once again a machine just doing things that felt routine without a thought. Your brain was nowhere there. You didn’t know how you got through it, but you did. As you stepped into your bedroom again you sat on the bed and just stared out.
 You heard your front door open and the loud shrill voice of your mother and with it every muscle in your body tensed.
 You knew she was going room to room looking for you. Taking the extra few seconds you had you tried to mentally and emotionally prepare yourself that was your mother. Sure enough, after a minute, she darkened your doorframe.
 “Oh my god! How could you do this to me?”
 “Hello to you too mom.”
 “Y/N, where have you been? Do you know everything you’ve missed? Everything you’ve put all of us through, especially poor Broderick.” You rolled your eyes.
 “I’m sure he managed,” you lacklusterly retorted, like the machine you felt like.
 “Managed? Y/N, he is your fiancé. He loves you.”
 “Mother, I caught poor Broderick with his ex the night of the rehearsal dinner. He was hidden away in a room with her on her knees with his dick in her mouth.”
 She gasped loudly.
 “Y/N, language!”
 “Really mom, I just told you Broderick cheated on me and you’re worried about my fucking language?”
 She looked at you as if she had no idea who you were. Yes, you’d never spoken like this to her before, or to anyone. Yes, this was new, but it felt real, like you.
 “Perhaps it was nerves. Men are confusing creatures honey. Weddings can make everything so stressful. He slipped up, but I know he loves you.
 “Mother! He slipped up? I’m your daughter. Is that what you want for me? A life with a man with such low morals?”
 “Darling, don’t be overdramatic. It’s not like he had sex with her. Don’t throw your entire life and future away because of one small incident.”
 You walked away to your closet hoping to escape her. It didn’t seem to matter to her one bit.
 “We have a lot of last-minute preparations to do before the wedding tomorrow. Chop, chop.”
 She proceeded to list off the plethora of errands that had to be done, on top of things that needed to be done. You tuned her out as you got dressed and did your best to just keep moving forward. You didn’t know what she was saying, nor did you care. She could have been telling you about the end of the world and you wouldn’t have caught one word. The more she spoke the more annoyed you became. This was your life; this was the future you were setting yourself up for. You were going to be your mother.
 At the thought, you stopped turned to her and just watched her. She was beautiful no doubt and carried herself with poise and grace and was the envy of every one of her friends. She was respected, feared even, waited on hand and foot but what else? She was oftentimes cold, or blaze about things that didn’t have to do with pedigree. You wondered if she even loved your father, wondered if she were happy with him. wondered if she’d found herself in this situation and ponied up and did what was expected.  Maybe that’s what happened and now she was this shell of a woman.
 “I don’t think I love Broderick enough.”
 She didn’t even stop talking. It was like what you said didn’t even register.
 “Mother, I don’t love Broderick.”
 “Y/N, love is a child’s myth. Something we daydream about. You’re an adult, with being an adult you put away silly daydreams like love. Love is not practical.”
 You remembered his words; he’d said something almost identical. He’d said he loved you.
 “Do you love daddy?”
 She stopped speaking for that and studied you carefully.
 “Is this cold feet? If it is it is absolutely normal to be nervous before your wedding. It is a major life-altering event.”
 “Shouldn’t I love the man I’m vowing to spend the rest of my life with? Shouldn’t there be some passion?”
 “Passion? Good lord Y/N, what has gotten into you? I’ve never heard you say things like this. We do not have time for this melodrama. Thanks to your disappearing act we have to play catch up to be ready for tomorrow. Now stop the chatter and let’s go.”
 With that, she turned and walked out leaving you there to exasperatedly just stare out into the distance. This was going to be a long day.
You went from this store to the next, to the next and did it all over again for hours. You gave the final sign off on flowers, jewels, food choices, music, drinks, and everything else under the sun. You were exhausted and so damn tired of hearing about the plans for tomorrow. You sat there with the wedding planner who again drilled the entire schedule into your head. There was time for everything, mingling, jokes, speeches, handshakes with everyone under the sun but no time for you to even slip away and pee. It was strange to you none of this mattered before. You wondered how you’d made it this far and kept it together.
 By the time you got to the dress boutique for your fitting, you were drained. Your bridesmaids were all there and ready with hugs and loud shrieking and compliments. They complimented your hair, your outfit, your shoes, the way you looked well-rested and ready. All you could do was smile and keep every falling piece of your demeanor hidden. In the sea of bridesmaids, you saw your maid of honor, your best friend. The look on her face said it all. She knew you were falling apart, and any minute would be the minute of your breakdown.
 She quickly accosted you to one of the dressing rooms and locked the doors. When she threw her arms around you, you did your best to not sob.
 “A call would have been great, Y/N.”
 “I know, I’m sorry.”
 “Where have you been? What happened?”
 You closed your eyes and told her the whole tale, what you saw with Broderick, running to get on a bus to Boston of all places, the bar, the mugging, him, the incredible hours you spent together, you even told her about what happened at his place. She was shocked and her expression showed it. by the time you finished spilling your guts, she sat beside you taking it all in. a few minutes went by without her speaking.
 “Wow. What a trip.”
 “Tell me about it.”
 “So, you’re back?” She sounded surprised.
 “Why do you sound surprised? Of course I’m back. I live here Bree, I grew up here, my family is here—my life.”
 “Yeah but—he’s there.”
 She said it as if that was all that was needed to be said.
 “Bree, its an impossible situation.”
 “How? You don’t love Brod, you like him and tolerate him, always have since college but that can’t eat, can’t sleep, give my last piece of cake for you, kill for you, die for you, sit worried by your hospital beside, no.”
 “According to my mother love is a daydream.”
 “You don’t believe that.”
 “I don’t know what I believe. I left here engaged, prepared to marry Brod and do what my parents want and merge the families, merge the money. Then I met him and we did so many things together. I saw a different life, a different--.” You didn’t know what else to say.
 “You saw what your life could be,” Bree filled in. She smiled warmly.
 “He’s a good guy Bree, a really good guy.”
 “And you’re back.”
 “I can’t just walk away from my entire life. My parents would freak.”
 “They would freak no matter what. I know what it means to be a part of a family that dictates everything, being part of a family that moves you like a puppet. I know it too well. I also know that you don’t want to be our mothers, neither of us do. It’s your life, your choices, you have to live with them not her.”
 You nodded and thought hard about what she was saying. It was true.
 “Quick question, how was the sex? Better than Brod?”
 Your jaw dropped and gave her an are you kidding look.
 “Are you kidding? It was unbelievable. He is unbelievable. Brod could never.”
 She giggled. “Do you really want to spend the rest of your life with less than subpar sex?”
 On that note, she walked out giving you time to think. You opted to not try on the dress and instead insisted you finished your errands for the day. You desperately needed to be alone in a bath with some wine.
 By the time you finally got your wish it was close to nine. As you soaked and drank you just stared out to nowhere. Your head was miles away in Boston. You couldn’t stop thinking about him. you wondered what he was doing now. Wondered if he were thinking about you, did he miss you? You couldn’t not think about him and your time together. The sound of your doorbell was what broke you out of your memories. After two rings it was clear whoever it was wasn’t going away. You dragged yourself out the tub and threw on a robe and walked to the door with the glass of wine still in your hand. When you opened the door there stood Broderick.
 “Thank god Y/N.” He threw his arms around you and hugged you as if he were the concerned fiancé instead of the cheating fiancé. You didn’t know how you’d stomached hugs from him all these years. This felt wrong. You wondered if it had always felt like this or was something different. Pulling away from him you stepped back.
 “What’re you doing here Brod?”
 “Can we talk?” You stepped to the slide allowing him inside then walked toward the kitchen for another bottle of wine. After pouring the glass full you leaned on the island and watched him.
 “You’re not talking.”
 “I’m sorry Y/N, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I—there is no excuse for what I did. All I can do is tell you how sorry I am and promise it’ll never happen again.”
 You studied him as he spoke, he looked remorseful, a little torn up really like he meant what he said.
“Have you slept with her?”
 “No, not since we began dating. I’ve never been unfaithful to you.”
 “Except that one time with your dick in her mouth.” He lowered his eyes and you scoffed. Could you really still be angry about it? you’d done the same thing in Boston, maybe a lot more. You finished the glass and sighed out.
 “Do you love me, Brod?”
 “Do you love me? Two people should get married because they love each other. Do you love me?”
 “Of course,” he responded with an incredulous look on his face.
 “Why what?”
 “Why do you love me? What do you love?”
He looked to think about it for a moment or two.
 “You’re beautiful. You’re ambitious like me, you like everything I like, real estate, trips, fine wine, museums, the finer things in life. You are incredibly smart, smarter than ninety percent of my team which is why I have you look over everything before I sign off on it. You’re sexy, so damn sexy it never fails that when you’re on my arm every man is envious. We fit Y/N; we look perfect together. The life we will have will only be something most would dream about. We’re the only practical thing.”
 He was right. Everything he said was spot on. You did look perfect together. You and he were named the couple of the year three times and this wedding was dubbed the wedding of the decade. The two of you together could produce a beautiful life, a perfect life. You looked down and released a breath. You were practical.
 “I’ve amended the prenup to show you how serious I am about this. Look.” He took out a folded stack of papers from inside his jacket and pressed it to the island and pointed out the section he wanted you to read. Stepping beside him you looked at it.
 “Infidelity clause. If in the event that F-N/L-N, otherwise known as Mrs. Havenmayer finds out or had evidence of Mr. Broderick Havenmayer’s infidelity the means of this prenuptial agreement is null and void. This ensures that every asset including real estate, investments, monetary wealth, jewels, vehicles, and companies shall be split so Mrs. Havenmayer to have the right to should divorce proceedings are initiated.”
 You looked to Broderick who took your hand.
 “Y/N, I am serious. I want this to work. I don’t see why we shouldn’t. I will take care of you.”
 An infidelity clause would seem like the perfect solution to most, like a sure thing. If he fucked up you got half or maybe all of everything. That was a pretty hefty if. It was the same as saying I’m buying you. Could you put a price on your happiness and peace of mind? Broderick took a velvet box out of his jacket and opened it to show you a blinding diamond ring.
 “Will I see you at the alter tomorrow?”
 It took you longer than it had the first time, but after a few minutes, you nodded. Broderick smiled and slid the diamond onto your ring finger. “Consider it an upgrade.” He smiled and kissed you. You felt nothing. No spark, no tingle, no dizziness, no tightness of the chest, nothing. It was like kissing a wall. He turned and walked out of the kitchen.
 “I’ll see you tomorrow Mrs. Havenmayer.” The words made you shudder.
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Your kid painted me in puke? No problem, here's a frog, paint your kids and van with all your combined puke!
I should start off by saying my parents are immigrants. And also n-parents. And the only two major reasons I'm here in the U.S is because my mom needed a full-time loyal maid and personal servant, human dog (to respond to her command words), and basically just be at her disposal for whatever she may or may not want or need, whenever she felt like it. My siblings are younger.
Anyways, I didn't mind the house jobs and being given orders to go do something constantly even being woken up while sleeping a lot. She'd dump my younger siblings to start sleeping by me as soon as they turned two months old (she used to briefly pump her breast milk and have them in jugs for me to warm up and feed the baby with, until she figured out she some moms don't brest feed and just stopped) One was born when I was a freshmen in high school so I'd cater to him all night, wake up at like 4 am to make sure I clean up, clean him, set up clean bottles and warm water for his formula, bibs and extra clothes for the day, diapers and wipes and all that. And then prepare everything to be at a certain distance from her bed so that all my mom had to do is reach out. Then I'd make sure my mom and other siblings had breakfast ready before I start to get ready to walk the long trek (I hated it in the winter) to get to the bus stop. That's a little just background to lay the foundations for one of my small victories against her.
My mom wasn't the cleanest person out there, but she loved to rain on my parade about what a disgusting mess I was and how filthy I was (there's a term for generally dirty people in my native language and she loved to use it on me) so I developed a little anxiety to always keep things clean and organized just to keep her off my back.
Okay now the real post. There's only one thing I absolutely loathed. It was when anything bodly related getting on me. Specifically on my skin. My mom picked up on it by how I'd go to extreme lengths like following one of my brothers around with a bucket under his head whenever he was sick because he had a tendency to projectile vomit while swinging his head around to not get it on him. Or unlike her dumbass, I'd have a diaper and wipes ready BEFORE taking the old diaper off so I wouldn't have to deal with any messes. Her dumbass would let the kid run around and remain seated screaming out my name to grab her diaper. And when the kid pees, I'd have to pour cleaning agents then run the spot over with a carpet washing machine or whatever annoying method she deemed was necessary. The unspoken rule was, if anyone had an accident, whichever "grownup" (I was 14) was around had to clean up. This escalated to my mom hiding out in the bathrooms, or conveniently running out for a "quick errand" etc.. I just stupidly kept on cleaning shit up. Until I noticed. How she'd accidentally get shit on a stray thread of her shirt and complain about how she needed a shower right away and then come back right on time when I was done. I used to have fun taking extra long to mess with her. But bottom line is, She just didn't want to clean her own children's shit. She didn't even want to be a mother to her own kids unless it was to look good in front of others. But that's another story. I one decided I was fed up with being on gross duty by default and made a stink about how if her kids are sick, she should take them to a hospital to get cheked out because the amount of gross shit I had to clean up during flu season was just sickening. Worse if one (all) of them got a virus. She tried the whole I'm your mother I give you everything this is how you repay me, didn't work, heard it all. That graduated to her accusing me of hating and differentiating against HER children because of a little spit. I was pissed off. I said if it's her children then she should be the one cleaning up and caring for them when they were sick (or, you know, in general). My projectile brother was sick that day so while I was doing my homework, this ~bitch~ knew that his stomach was upset and lied to him that I had the puke bucket next to me in my room. This kid enters and I almost started bawling from the frustration and anger and extreme bitterness I felt when my bed, walls, carpet, part of the clothes in my closet, myself, AND my homework was puked on the second he opened his mouth to ask me. My mother simply walks in, looking so smug, and told me that since HER kid walked to my room on his own and had an "accident", I'd better clean up or I'd just have to sleep in that puke fest. I bit my tongue and played depressing but good korean ballads as I basically bleached my room. Anyone who's grossed out by everything puke and is also a clean freak will understand the dilemma of wondering what to clean first, room or body. The smell especially.
One week later it rained a lot and there were frogs everywhere. My mother hates frogs. She made the mistake of telling me this everytime she sees anything frog related. So I plan. She had an appointment that she could not miss and had to take all the kids with her cause I was at school and she couldn't find anyone on short notice to babysit. I make sure to be extra good and spend as much time taking out the trash as frequently as I could. I was searching for the biggest frog I could find. It took me some time because I didn't want to touch it with my bare hands, but I got it into her ancient van.
When I came back from school that day, that smell of multiple people puke was in the air. Her eyes were bloodshot. My siblings all looked stressed out. The van door was open. She was expecting me to come clean it. I simply walked into my room and shut it. Had this been an accident, she would have made my life miserable. But because of what she'd said to me, and her strong pride, I periodically peeked with a smug smile just to watch her cleaning her van for hours. And I enjoyed the stories my siblings told of how she'd gotten them all in the van and right as she walked in with my then youngest brother to put him in his car seat, she'd spotted the frog and unleashed her own projectile vomit all over herself and HER KIDS. Who all the proceeded to do the exact same thing to each other again and to her. One even peed and shit his pants simultaneously from the force of it. I am glad I was not there but also wish I kind of was just to see her reaction mid-puke when she realized I was at school and that also because of her words, she had lost a free car and kid washer.
(source) (story by nahisharoon)
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paniccord-ff · 7 years
36. Part 2
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I can’t believe I am an actual model, me a model. How amazing is this, I can’t stop thanking Chris because this was on him. The car came to a halt outside the hotel “I think the fans have found my hotel” Chris said so calmly like there ain’t a whole bunch of them “and we have no bodyguard, let’s just rush in. They are behind barricades” the driver slid the door open for us “ok, let’s just do this” I am not about to wait for Chris, climbing out of the car and walking into the hotel. The screams pierced my ears, the doorman opened the door smiling at me. Walking into the hotel turning around, seeing Chris taking pictures with fans. He is such a sweetheart with them when he wants to be “I love y’all too, I need to go in. I’ll be back later” he waved running inside, he is saying that like tonight won’t get even worse for him “they love you so much” I said walking to the elevator “I mean who doesn’t love me, come on. I am Chris Brown, I am bomb as fuck” he walked in front of me backwards “keep telling yourself that” gripping his tee “watch it” he nearly hit into the guy “woah! My bad bro” the guy caught Chris as he was about to fall back “it’s fine Chris” I like his accent, that is so nice “he said Chris like he knew me, crazy” pressing the elevator button.
EJ is still sat in our hotel room, he never left at all “I thought y’all was leaving my room” Chris doesn’t look happy “I am waiting for little miss the jeans didn’t fit me and I gave her trash jeans” he pointed at me “shut up, I need my suitcase Chris. Please get it me! I can’t do this, I need clothes” Tamia laughed “being on the road is not all that cute, shit be going missing” she said but I want my things “Chris, I am serious. I want my suitcase” he shrugged sitting on the couch “they are on the bus, I can’t get them” furrowing my eyebrows at him “we are going to be here for like three days, get me the suitcase please or I will not be happy. Let’s go EJ” I might as well go “hey, wait. The hell you going?” Chris pointed “I told you, I need to go and buy you something. I am just shopping” he looked at me and then EJ “I can come?” sighing out “no Chris, just please no. You will ruin the surprise” he is so hard headed “what surprise?” EJ said all confused, eyeballing EJ “oh yeah” EJ said in a whisper “right, Joe is going though” blinking at Chris several times, not knowing what to say now “oh no, we don’t need that. We are fine” EJ said for me “it’s not for you, it’s for Rylee. Take Joe or one of my cousins or even Mijo” I hate Chris being like this “no, that is final. I said no, I don’t need it. Text me what you are doing” turning on my heels “you honestly up to something” he spat, I will just ignore him for now because he is holding me up.
Walking behind EJ, everyone be staring at us like we are foreign but it is EJ’ fault. He acting mad boujee “here we are, now we need to find a test for you. I will hold it of course, we don’t want anyone taking pictures now” why is there so many tests, it’s stupid “have you seen this?” Tamia walked over to us with this light blue box “sperm check? Oh shit, I mean if I thought Chris’ sperm didn’t work I would get him this shit to upset him but clearly it does, how the hell does this shit work” EJ took the box “seriously? Can we just get the test” I snapped, EJ scoffed glaring at me “ok, right so. Do you think you are early? You can get early detection?” I shrugged not knowing, EJ looked me up and then down “oh girl, your jeans ain’t fitting so let’s not play. We will get the regular thing” hitting EJs arm “that’s mean” he laughed picking the box “sorry, you know I love you” walking behind EJ to the cashier.
I feel somewhat excited but scared at the same time, what if I’m not because then that means I am fat “oh no, drive!!” EJ shouted, looking at him confused because we are here. Looking out of the blacked out window seeing Chris and his cousins walking out of the hotel, he stared at the car and it’s weird because it’s like he looked at me but turned his head away “he wouldn’t leave if we stayed and you know that” EJ is right, Chris would sit in the car and wouldn’t leave “he just misses me, don’t be mean about him” I miss his little face “he is about to have you on baby watch, this is going to make Chris paranoid about you. He needs it though, Royalty is never his and that is sad. That bodyguard built bitch said something on Insta saying Chris leaving his child to fed for herself, I goes bitch you a lie and she took it down. But it’s nice, I will be so happy for the both of you” rolling my eyes at Nia’ bullshit “fuck that bitch, I am coming for that ass. Watch” she messed with the wrong bitch, on god I will be having her crying to us.
I feel so bad, Chris probably knows that was us. I hope he won’t get too offended “I wonder where them niggas are going, I want to go to the club. I’ll have to ask him, I love London’ nightlife too” sitting on EJs bed as he spoke “Chris hasn’t really text me” placing my bag down “oh yeah, congratulations. Rylee Turner the model!” Tamia grinned at me “thank you, I heard that Mark guy saying to Chris to get me a manager and I will have an entourage. I mean, is that something that just happens or?” EJ chuckled “they will find you the right people but you got us, I will ditch Chris in a hot second for you. I can’t be sitting with them niggas, they be using me as bait for their jokes. Remember me bitch! Chris can dress him damn self, he always gets annoyed with me talking about shit ain’t right but then again you did call my jeans trashy” EJ will not let that go “well I got upset and I will more than likely have you two, probably cry to Chris and have you both. He doesn’t like me crying.” EJ held the pregnancy test box out to me “no hiding away now, come on. Let’s find out the truth” I am so damn nervous, taking the box from him “do them both” so nervous, I hate this.
Sighing out closing the bathroom door “there best not be pee on that shit” holding them both out to him “I dried them” he scoffed pulling a face “just take them, oh god. I am so scared, I feel also upset. I don’t know” covering up my face with my hands, my emotions are everywhere, sitting down in the chair in the corner “did you want to be a mother?” EJ asked “honestly no, then I got to know Royalty. She changed me, I realised that I wanted to be someone’s mother. I fell in love with Chris and that made me want that, I will be so happy because I don’t think I can. I mean I can but it will be a battle. My mom lost a lot of babies, there is three of us but before Kyrie came along if my mom kept them babies there would have been another three. My parents don’t even use protection that is how much she struggled, oh god. I feel sick” Tamia cooed “stop it, how long do we wait anyways? Ain’t this shit supposed to be like a minute?” she looked over at EJ “yes but now I feel nervous, girl. You didn’t have to tell me how nervous you are. You are making me nervous now” EJ is the worst “oh Rylee, I hope you are pregnant” he is making this even worse for me “negro will you just look!” Tamia spat, EJ sighed out “oh god, but I hate telling bad news. Upsetting Rylee is not cute” EJ actually cares.
EJ does not understand how nervous I am, the butterflies in my stomach right now. I just want to be sick “EJ! Will you just turn them around and look, we will look together!” Tamia spat, EJ scoffed sighing out “fine, one, two, three” staring all wide eyed as they both stared at both sticks, the silence in this room. I should have just looked myself, they are not reacting at all “can you just tell me? If it is bad news at least I can just lose weight?” I am more than likely not pregnant, feeling my heart sinking slowly. My heart aches “shall I tell her or you?” Tamia said “just please, I can’t do it anymore” when you feel your heart breaking, this is me right now “well Rylee I think you will need to” he paused “how do I put this?” he looked at Tamia “I think she might need to start learning how to change diapers” Tamia said, my face softened “you are pregnant bitch!!!” EJ screamed running at me, my hands over my face as I cried out “oh my god, oh Rylee” feeling a pair of arms wrap around me “aww Rylee, this meant so much to you” sobbing out tears of joy.
Tamia held out a tissue to me “oh god, I just can’t believe it. Is this real life” wiping the tears that fell with the tissue “yes girl, look at the screen” he held out one of the tests “it says three plus weeks but you need to find out yourself, it doesn’t tell you anything but that” tears fell even more, taking the test from EJ “I am actually having a baby, I am going to be a mother” staring at the word pregnant like it wasn’t real, this seems so surreal to me “you got me choked up now, I am so happy for you. After everything you deserve this, you have found out you’re pregnant and you’re a model. So happy for you” getting up from the chair, hugging both Tamia and EJ “I appreciate you both so much, I am having a baby. Oh my god” this seems so weird to me.
My mind is everywhere right now, I am just excited, nervous, emotional “you still look in a daze, you look real tired too. That must have took a lot out of you” blowing out air “I have been stressing a lot, my mom said I was and I said I didn’t believe her. Oh my god, I need to apologise to her but I want to tell Chris first, oh my god yes. I need to tell Chris, oh my god. I am actually pregnant and have been for a while. It said three plus weeks?” looking at Tamia “yeah, it says that if you are more than three weeks it will say three plus” I really need to get checked out “are you really supposed to get Chris an anniversary gift?” EJ questioned “yes I do” I think I am going to bed, getting up from their bed “there you have it, hide those sticks. We are going to think of something exciting for y’all, all of this excitement got me not wanting to go out now” EJ pouted out “just hide those things, we will think of something together and get his ass with a big surprise, he stay doing it for everyone so please hold off. Stop being sick and crying, don’t want him to catch on” waving EJ off “whatever, but thank you both so much. I think I am emotionally drained now from all of this” this took it out of me so much, I had so many emotions going through me.
Looking at my phone seeing Chris had actually text me an hour ago, the elevator doors opened and I stepped inside “going up?” this guy said, looking up from my phone and seeing the couple “oh yeah, top floor” smiling at them, tapping on Chris’ message.
From: Chris
To: Rylee
Where are you? I have ate but do you want some food? The boys are thinking of going to the club, if you don’t mind? I will bring some food for you either way
He is so cute, I don’t even want food I am just so happy but yet so drained from all the commotion. Looking up at the number and seeing we are reaching the top floor, the elevator doors opened and I let the couple go first and then I stepped off, replying to his text.
To: Chris
From: Rylee
It’s fine, I am not hungry. You can go to the club but if you are drunk then do not come to the room. I will tell you this in advanced I will cuss you out, I am not in the mood for that at all. I am going to sleep now anyways, be good. Miss you x
I am not about that cleaning sick mess today. I want to actually sleep in a bed. I miss home so much, tour buses are horrible. Pushing the room door open, my phone ringing in my hand. Chris is always waiting for my text “hello” answering the call, this hotel door is so damn heavy “seems like so long since I have heard your voice” he is so dramatic but I couldn’t help but smile, letting the door close behind me “been that long huh” switching the light on in the room and there in the middle of the room, my suitcase “god, I love you” he got me what I wanted “I love you too, I got the suitcase. After cussing some niggas out, are you going sleep now?” he sounds so sexy right now, it’s weird “uh yeah, I am tired. All the travelling and then everything that went on, the bed will feel a little lonely but have fun” I am happy to have the bed to my damn self, Chris be poking his dick in the back of me to wake me up and doesn’t really let me sleep “I rather be with you but you know how it is, niggas want to chill. I didn’t go to the club, I was waiting for you to say yes. I’ll be back before you know it, I will be with you soon. And was you in that car that went by?” I knew it, he saw me “uh yeah” I admitted “I couldn’t see but I just knew it, I felt you” biting my bottom lip smiling “I love you Chris” he’s making me so shy “I love you too, EJ is a dickhead. I know that was him, rest up and goodnight baby” I want him with me now, pouting out “goodnight” I don’t even want to get off the phone, Chris and I both sighed out together before he hung up. I can’t wait to tell him, to tell him we are going to be parents and we are having a mini us.
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thesmithfamily08 · 5 years
February 19th 2020
Time just keeps flying!  Honestly this feels like the fastest school year ever.  I’m not sure if it is because all three of them are in school now or because I am watching extras or just because I am older and time goes by faster but the end of the year seems like it is just around the corner!
Also I did a thing....I booked our Disney Vacation!!!!!  There is no better feeling than making a goal to do something and making it happen.  My mom is coming with us and she has helped me a lot financially to make this happen but I am so proud of myself for actually making it happen.  I really can’t wait!  We are going June 10th and staying a week, also....we are FLYING!!  YAY I’m so excited to get the kids on an airplane. 
So what has been going on around here, we got report cards back and everyone has straight A’s max made huge improvements on his standardized test, everyone has straight A’s well Lily doesn’t have A’s yet but still she can’t be doing any better.  Penny is reading chapter books on her own now.  She is really into Junie B Jones which really are super cute.  Rob made the girls new beds for Christmas this past year and now they both have twin beds and we can sit in between them and read which has made the night time routine a lot easier now that they can all see better.
Lily did the cutest thing the other day, so for Christmas lily got me a box of brownies, me the only person in the world who doesn’t like chocolate, but anyway I made them.  Lily comes running into the kitchen with her mouth open sniffing the air saying what smells so good lol.  It was probably the cutest moment ever.  Lily sure does like her food, we are working on getting her to eat her meals and not just snacks because lately she is just wanting sweets.  That being said she has always been the best and least picky eater she is just going through a thing where snacks are better than real food.  It is neat when they were little we always dreamed of the days when we could have normal dinners, it seemed like there was always someone upset or the baby would be crying or what not.  Now they all three sit at the table and eat whatever it is, im so proud of them always at least trying what I make and usually they like it. That being said I don’t go out trying to make things that I’m not sure if they will like or not but still it is pretty great having them kind of grow out of the picky stage and appreciating dinner time.  We always sit around and talk about our day, or talk about what we are thankful about or things like that.  It is the best part of the day most of the time.  I’m thankful that they aren’t all in a bunch of sports that keep us from being able to do it often.
Penny and Lily had their first sleepover last weekend.  They stayed at Macy's house!  They were actually sad when we came to pick them up because they wanted to stay longer, so I would say it was a pretty good success.  They were tiny terrors the next day though, oh man it was awful I think they stayed up until like 11:30 and got up at 6 so it was a much shorter sleep night than their usual 8 - 7 at home.  That is what sleepovers are for though and I was really happy that Macy invited Lily in on the mix as well she would have definitely felt left out.  I know there is no way that Penny would have been ready for a sleepover at 5 but I am glad that she has gotten through her anxiety of being away from home!
Max and Penny have gotten interested in the Marvel movies, they are watching all of them in order, we just got through the Age of Ultron.  It is awesome that they are starting to really like movies that are good, haha.  Black Widow has a movie that should be coming out soon and max wants to be caught up with everything so we can see that in the theaters.  It is funny when Max was 3 and it seemed like every little boy wanted to be dressed at a superhero Max totally didn’t get it because he didn’t like those movies or anything to do with them he likes dinosaurs and pirates, things he understood, he definitely likes to understand things well.  
So Charlie is a wonderful dog, seriously though like a week after we got her I had this huge pit in my stomach because I was worried about her tearing things up and peeing and pooping everywhere plus get all the vet bills and what not.  I wanted a dog I was just scared of what I was getting into.  Well fast forward a few weeks and she is fantastic, like we haven’t had a potty accident in gah probably over a month.  She plays with her toys and not really anything else.  She walks on a leach pretty great, she stays off the furniture, she loves playing in the backyard on her own.  She has stopped traumatizing the cat for the most part, she sleeps in our bed all night every night without even having to bet let out to go to the bathroom.  Like I don’t know what else we could want.  She is the best dog, plus no shedding, at least not yet I will confirm that after spring when she should shed her undercoat.  She loves being brushed and she even does good in the bath and lets me blow dry her after.  Like I feel silly for being so stressed out in the beginning.  Yes the vet bills are a thing but we are almost done with the puppy shots so that will slow down and I can’t say I’m not worried about grooming but so far so good, plus I think she may even like me more than Robby and I didn’t think that would ever happen ever. 
Natalies baby shower is coming up in just under a month!  I think I have everything figured out for it but I’m definitely stressing out a little.  There are going to be approximately 50 people here, so feeding that many people is kind of a thing but I have a plan!  I am having a lot of fun planning it though and I can’t wait to see all the cute stuff she gets!  I can’t believe the baby is going to be here soon, I am so beyond excited to meet him.  Also, it is a BOY!
Life is good guys, I’m enjoying being a stay at home mom more than I could have ever thought possible.  My kids are happy and healthy, smart and sweet, kind people.  I don’t know if I actually know what I am doing or if I just got lucky with the best of the best but I’m pretty stoked to be living the life I am living.
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