#mom wanted to close the door and she didnt even look down so she hit the baby with the door
jonny-b-meowborn · 1 year
Actually also my mom needs to stop being so fucking selfish and careless when it comes to my kitten. Because when I tell her to not bother Salem because she's sleepy, then I'm being selfish and mom can pet her whenever she wants because she also lives there and pays for her. But when she almost lets the baby fall out the window and scares her and I get angry at mom, then it's my problem because it's my cat and the baby should get used to living with people. The cat is ours when it's convenient to my mom, but it's just mine when mom does something wrong or when Salem makes a mess. Fucking hell
#i went to a store for a moment and in that time my mom went to my brother's room to have a cigarette#because brother is also gone and mom cant smoke in our room anymore#cause we cant fully open the window around the kitty#and she closed the door behind her so that Salem stays in our room while shes there#so far so good#but when i come back home mom left the room and not only left the door open she left the window fully open#and salem sprinted inside#mom wanted to close the door and she didnt even look down so she hit the baby with the door#lightly but still. salem got spooked#and then mom reliazed that the window is open and the baby is walking towards it#so she yelled at her and ran to the window#and when i yelled at mom for not being careful and almost letting salem jump out the window she got angry at me#because its my cat so she doesnt have to do anything#like????????#yeah thats my cat and i dont want her to die#or get stressed out#like no wonder she pees everywhere when mom keeps making her stressed#like shes a baby she doesnt understand that if she goes out the window shell get hurt#why is my mom upset at a literal kitten when shes not careful around her#we have to be careful for her because she doesnt understand consequences of doing stupid shit#and yeah im the one that cleans her litterbox and feeds her and plays with her and all that and thats fine#but the bare minimum she can do is watch out for her#especially when shes the only person at home with her#cause like. if she left the room and i wasnt there to point out that salem entered it she would just lock her inside with an open window#and all that necause she wanted to smoke a cigarette without going out#sure we used to smoke sometimes at home at the window but we cant do that anymore because theres a literal baby here#wont hurt her to fucking go outside#or if she really wants to smoke indoors then be fucking careful#'its your cat you take care of it' my ass its still a living creature that wouldnt survive on its own#bee buzz
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alieeelinn · 6 months
Sandwich | Tyler Hernandez x fem reader
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Content: Tyler hernandez x reader
Summary: Tyler has been running errands for the whole day and just needs to rest for a bit
Warning(s): there's Tyler angst if you squint but this is just fluff, since it's my first post, I wanna be nice
A/n: the reader also goes to the phantom realm btw. This is my first post hope yall will like it! I kinda suck at writing though, but my requests are open if you feel like requesting, and if you do request it might be a while before I do it since I never know what school has in stock for me
Tyler had lost track on how long he had been running errands and chores for. He felt exhausted, and he still needed to study since mid terms were just around the corner. He sighed as he stared at the book and notebook infront of him.
Taylor went to Ash's place about 2 hours ago since they had a group project together. Tyler dropped his head on the desk and sighed, he let out groan and looked at the clock on the desk.
There was still a couple more hours before going back to the phantom realm. He didn't even realize that his eyes were closed until they shot open when he heard a knock on the door. He furrowed his eyebrows 'That's weird? Tay wouldn't be back in another hour or so' he stood up and opened the door to their shared bedroom.
Another knock was heard as Tyler mumbled some words under his breath "can't this person wait?" Another knock was heard and Tyler swore that if the person behind the door would knock one more time- "what?" all the anger that was bubbling in him faded as his face softened when he recognized the familiar face infornt of him.
"Hi Ty! Hope you dont mind me coming here without telling you" the girl let out a chuckle, and oh how Tyler would have loved to hear it again, it was like music to his ears a melody that he would chose to listen forever if he could "hope I didn't annoy you with knocking more than I should have" Little did she know that she did, but it was her so he didnt mind.
He stepped aside to let her in and closed the door once she was inside "before I went here I actually got some bread since I wanted to go to that new Bakery people were talking about, and I got us some cinnamon rolls to try!"
He watched her put the plastic bag on the dinner table as she took out the stuff she had bought. I raise my other eyebrow and looked at the different kinds of bread she was taking out "why did you get so many?" She responded with a simple 'hmn?' and put the plastic bag away once she took out all of the bread inside the bag.
I look back to Tyler once I put the empty plastic bag aside, and see him holding one of the loaf bread that i had bought. He lift his head up and looked at me as he rose both of his eyebrows waiting for an answer from his question, I let out a small chuckle as I went back to the dinner table "I wasn't planning on buying three, my original plan was to buy some cinnamon rolls and a plain loaf bread, but thenn"
He looked at me as I took the loaf bread out of his hand and took the other one from the table "I saw that they had different flavors" I lift my right hand and showed him, as if then - and only then he realized that the loaf breads didn't look the same "this one is purple yam and this one is cheese" I smiled at him as he shook his head.
"You still shouldn't have bought so many" I watch him pull a chair out for himself and sat down, as he dropped his head on the table, I cringe as I heard his head hit the table. I put the loaf breads down and walked to his side "You okay Ty?" I asked as I sat on the table and played with his hair.
Ever since his dad passed, he was responsible of taking care of his mom and sister he became the head of the house running errands and doing chores, all at such a young age, he was probably used to it but - he was still human. He eats, sleeps and breathes, he was no boy with super powers, he was just a child. A child that needed to be protected to be kept safe. He went through so much at such a young age, he didn't deserve any of that.
"How about we go sleep for a while hmn?" I continue to play with his hair as I wait for his response "we still have a few more hours before we go back to the phantom realm" He lift his head from the table and stared at me with tired eyes.
My eyes softened and my heart ached, it hurt to see him like this, I just wanted to hug him tight and tell him how much of a good job he's doing staying so strong for his family. He pulled me closer as he hugs my waist and rests his head on my lap, we stay like that for a few minutes in comfortable silence as I continue to play with his hair.
"Let's go to your room so you can properly rest hmn?" He squeezed my waist then let go as he lift his face from my lap, I hop off from the table and as if on que when Tyler was about to stand up from his seat, his stomach let out a sound.
I look at Tyler and laughed, he looked away clearly embarrassed of what just had happened "okay, okay - maybe you should eat first then we can go sleep" I took the four cinnamon rolls that i got earlier and went to the kitchen counter "do you want to try the cinnamon rolls now or do you want me to make you a sandwich?"
He stood up and walked up to me "sandwiches are fine" I smile at him and went to put the cinnamon rolls in the fridge "you can go sit down I'll make the sandwich" He rose an eyebrow at me and I scoff "goo, shooo" he let out a chuckle as I push him to go sit down.
I grabbed a plate from the cabinet to put the sandwich on and then took the plate and walked to Ty "here" I smile at him and placed it down, I pulled a chair out next to him and sat down - I looked back to Tyler and he looked at me with confusion on his face "what?" He made a face that said I had the nerve to ask him 'what?' "You didn't make one for yourself?"
I smile and lightly shook my head, to think he doesn't get the hint that I want to take care of him, that all he has to do right now is rest yet, he still cares and asks why I didn't make myself one "not hungry, I eat a few chips before I went here" He looked at me for a moment like he didn't want to believe me or was about to protest that I should eat.
"Ya know, you're making me look like I'm a greedy boyfriend that wouldn't care if their partner were starving"
I let out a dramatic gasp "I am not!" He smirks and I gave him a playful smile and rolled my eyes "just eat" he started eating as we told eachother about our day, well mostly me but I knew he didn't mind.
Once he was finished eating I took his plate and went to the sink to wash it, while I was washing the plate I'm the corner of my eye he leaned on the counter with his arms crossed as he watched me do such a simple task "what?" He gave me a soft smile and said nothing, I rinse off the soap on the plate and put it in the rack "Alright let's go?"
We went to Tyler and Taylor's shared bedroom as he went in and went to the upper bunk bed, I close the door and went up aswell, I crawled to the other side as he opened his arms as I went to lay down beside him, I let out a sigh as I close my eyes slowly drifting off to sleep.
"Thank you for making me a sandwich" he said softly almost a whisper as he pulls me closer, I hum in response as sleep overtakes the both of us.
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soggyriceee · 1 year
Helping Hand | dbf!Captain Price
summary: after your parents argue again, you walk over to your neighbors house who, you've had relations with in the past. true feelings are brought up be end in the most romantic way, loooooong back story but I feel like that makes the smut part of it so much better
warnings: dbf!Price, female!reader, age gap (reader 22, Price 45), unprotected P in V, fingering, daddy kink (bc hes daddy)
another restless night. your mom screaming at your dad for being at the bar late at night, him screaming back that he needed the break. "I work 60 hours a week!" he'd yell. "you are never home for dinner, barely make it to your kids important days!" she'd yell back, sometimes throwing a pan at him. it was bad. and you'd have to hear it every other night. your brothers drinking was no help either. family arguments were common, no matter how much you tried to avoid them. your mom would burst into your room, telling you to take her side, your father having the same idea.
"can you guys please stop I have exams tomorrow." you remember telling them, trying your hardest to focus on the notes in front of you. it was 12 in the morning. they were all supposed to be asleep. but of course, your dad stumbled in drunkly, waking up your mom and brother. it was peaceful in the house until it wasn't. thats why you'd often saunter over to your neighbor, John, to get some sleep.
"of course kid, you never have to ask." he always told you, smiling down as he opened the door wide. his wife was always delighted to have you over, she saw you as one of her own seeing as they never had kids. John was too busy with the military, kids was never truly an option for him. but he never saw you as his own, as his kid. he saw you as a woman. a woman who caught his eye the second she moved in next door two years ago.
your family had moved next door so it was closer to your college, but also to your fathers job. and Price and his wife were very quick to welcome you all into the neighborhood. they were the first people who invited you to their cookouts, parties. anything. your father had grown so close to Price, it was like they were brothers. and thats what made Price's feelings towards you even more conflicted and morally wrong. he knew he couldn't pursue you. he was significantly older than you, married and friends with your father. there were a surplus of negatives rather than positives and he was not willing to risk anything.
but when the summer time hit, and you'd slide into his pool, the pink or white bikini latching to your skin, he couldn't help but excuse himself up to his room and fuck into his fist, moaning your name into his hand. and what was the worst part about it all, he didnt care about what his wife would think. he cared what you'd think.
his marriage was falling apart quickly. his wife was very passionate about having kids, even though she was 40. "please, at least before im dried up for good." she'd beg him. but he wouldn't budge. kids was not something he wanted to have, ever. and because of that arguments were not a foreign thing for the two of them. so, it wasn't that you were young. or maybe it was. but it was because you would give him a new sense of life, a breath of fresh air away from arguments and constant stress.
the first night you had come to his home, tears falling from your cheeks, he was instantly worried. he pulled you into the house, pulling you into his chest. his wife came out quickly, gaping at your disheveled look. "oh my.. what happened my dear?" she ask, dropping the cup of tea in hand and running to hug you alongside John.
from that night on you made it routine to come sleep over in their house, whenever you needed. they even gave you a key. you felt more at home with them than you did at your home. they let you decorate the guest room into your own, took you out on small little events. it gave John's wife a sense of motherhood, one that she wanted for years.
so, when you and Price were in your room together, making out passionately, his hand gripping your boobs, your hands tangled in his hair, it didnt strike her as odd when she walked in to see you both on your bed. "she was having a hard time in school.. English test, right?" John said to her, quick to have an excuse. you nodded, swallowing hard. "y-yea I just.. needed to vent." you said, looking at her.
that was a month ago of course, she had believed you both. but that was the last time you and Price had ever really done anything of sorts again. and that was the last time you had been to their house. the feelings, tension between you both was too much and you both knew, that you wouldn't be able to make the right decisions if you both were alone together again.
but things were getting hard again and you needed to escape home. another family fight, this time about your father bringing up another woman's name during sex. it was disturbing, gross and uncomfortable for you to be around. but the screaming, breaking glass. it was not something you wanted to spend your summer night listening to.
looking out the window, you bit your bottom lip before making the final decision to sneak out and head over to your home. your real home. grabbing your phone, laptop and AirPods, you made your way out the window, landing on the mini roof in front of your window and slowly, climbing down to where the floor was. silently, you made your way across your lawn and over to Mr. Price's, looking at all the new flowers his wife had recently grown. a part of you felt guilt, selfish even for coming into their home, knowing what had happened between you and Price a few weeks ago. but you needed peace. you needed him.
knocking on the door, you crossed your arms behind your back, waiting anxiously for the door to open. a few seconds after, the door slowly opened, revealing a disheveled looking Price. his face was bright red, lips glossy. he had no shirt on, but a grey pair of sweats. a part of you felt embarrassed, but a bigger part of you felt a bit of pain, assuming he was just fucking his wife upstairs. "o-oh.. hey kid." he said, clearing his throat. " hi.. John. I guess this was a bad time but I-"
"no.. no its not." he said quickly, shaking his head. "I-i was just.." he pointed his thumb behind him, maintaining eye contact as he tried to find the words. you gave a small, apologetic smile before turning. but he was faster, gripping your wrist and pulling you back. " stay. please." he whispered, looking down at you, his eyes submissive. you swallowed before looking behind him, seeing an empty bottle of whiskey on the table. "isn't.. Mrs. Pri-" "she's not Mrs anymore.." he cut you off, looking away from you.
you felt guilty for bringing up the topic, even more guilty for thinking he was fucking her upstairs instead of you. his grip on you loosened and he backed away. "you don't have to stay.. but i'm assuming your here cause your parents. and you shouldn't.. be around that. you shouldn't be alone.. and I don't wanna be alone anymore either." he said, his words growing breathless towards the end, his eyes moving back to yours. your heart felt heavy for him. he was struggling for God knows how long alone. you gave him a small nod, his hand taking yours before he pulled you gently inside.
the door closed and you looked around the empty home, dishes and beer cans scattered about. "im sorry for the mess I uh.. its been hard to-" "let me help you." you turned to him, looking up at him. his doe eyes pierced into you, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. that was all the confirmation you needed before turning back around, grabbing the empty cans and moving towards the kitchen recycling can. " thank you." you heard him say from the living room. "dont mention it. its a good distraction for me anyways." you said, the memory of your parents fighting coming back to you.
"hey.." he said, somehow coming up behind you. you quickly turned, wiping your eyes quickly and giving him a fake smile. his hands cupped your cheeks, his thumbs wiping the tears. " your here now.. safe." he whispered, keeping his eyes on yours. his lips trailed from your eyes to your lips, then back to your eyes. " John.." you whispered, pulling your head out of his grasp. he cleared his throat, stepping back. you both wanted it, bad. but it was wrong. and you both agreed to it, nonverbally of course, but it was an intuition.
" im sorry." you said softly, looking down to your shoes. "dont apologize. you have done nothing wrong." he said, patting your arm before walking away.
the rest of the night you spent in 'your room', reading up the rest of the texts you had for your exams. it was raining pretty hard outside, thundering and lightening. it was peaceful, more peaceful than your home.
stretching, you sat up from your bed and made your way down to the kitchen, hungry. you were sure price was hungry as well so why not make some grilled cheese? as you hummed your way down the hall, you heard what sounded like cries coming from inside John's room. you stopped in your tracks, standing in front of his room. you then heard empty bottles rolling against the floor. sighing, you leaned your head against the door. you didnt know if you should open the door, or stay outside. or just walk away.
but your heart was more powerful than your mind and you couldnt stop your hand from knocking against the door. "John.. can I come in?" you asked softly. when he stopped sniffling, and all you could hear was the empty bottles, you slowly opened the door. in front of you was John, sitting against his wall, tears running down his face with another bottle of whiskey by his side. he wasn't moving, wasn't blinking. just crying.
you slowly approached him, sitting in front of him. you took the bottle, placing it under his bed, out of sight. " can i.. hold your hand?" you asked, looking at his blank face. when he gave you a soft hum, you reached for his hand, cupping it in both of yours. he felt his breathing go from fast to slow, his hooded eyes making his way to yours. "i'm here John.. you don't have to be alone anymore.." you said softly, scooting closer.
for the next hour John spent crying into your chest, apologizing for being drunk around you. " I-im sorry for.. for this. I know drunk p-people probably make you feel-" "stop. you have a valid reason. I understand. id actually prefer being around drunk you than my drunk father anyways.." you said, running your hands through his hair. he held your waist, sniffling every now and then. he was finally calm, finally at peace. he felt safe in your arms and despite how embarrassing it was to be the older person seeking out comfort from the younger, he knew the last thing you'd do was judge him.
"are you hungry?" you asked, realizing John had been playing with the hem of your shirt for a bit. he looked up, his eyes scanning your lips before meeting your gaze. a soft smile was painted across your face, your hands still in his hair. "im.. im sorry." he whispered. before you could ask him what he meant, his lips pressed against yours, his hand slipping around the side of your neck. he poked your lips with his tongue, asking for permission. and you embarrassingly fast let him in.
he shifted so he was sitting now, pulling you onto his lap. his tongue roamed your mouth, occasionally sucking your tongue and earning a moan from you. when he finally pulled away, a short string of saliva connected you two. heavy pants and the sound of rain was all that could be heard as you both stared at each other, waiting for whats next. just as you opened your mouth, he spoke.
"i.. I know you think its because im drunk. but I promise you.. ive wanted to do that for so long." he whispered, eyes going back to your wet lips. " I dream of it, even when she was here. I couldnt bring myself to not think about you when I kissed her. when I fucked her. when I laid beside her. I know I sound like a horrible person, and I know what im risking here saying this to you. but.. but I have a feeling you feel the same about me.." he said softly, his hands holding your hips in place, hoping and praying you wouldn't run away, never speaking to him again. but you wouldn't do that. because you cared about him too much. you wanted this to happen as much as he did and you weren't going to let this moment slip away.
your hands cupped his face before leaning in again, John accepting the kiss before your lips even met. it was a slow, passionate kiss. he pulled you closer into him, moaning into the kiss when you'd pull at his bottom lip. his hands slowly snaked up your shirt, now holding your waist. "I need you.." you breathed against his lips, eyes still closed. it was desperate of you. but you didn't care. seeing how badly he wanted you made you want him even more. you didn't care if she walked in and saw the two of you, told your parents, the whole neighborhood. you guys could run away, live in a different state, a different country even. you guys could be happy. and as much as you wanted that, you knew the right now, this was the best you'd get.
he slowly pulled you off his lap, standing up before lifting you up. he laid you gently on the bed, resting between your legs. his lips attached to yours again, his hand finding your covered breast immediately. your whimpered into the kiss, thrusting your hips up to feel his hard on. his other hand found the side of your face, holding it as to keep you close. his lips moved down to your jaw, then your neck. he was careful to not make too many marks, especially ones to high up. you whimpered at his teeth nibbling your skin, his tongue sliding slowly across the mark to ease the pain. " ive wanted this.. for so long." he Sid against your skin, his hands working to pull down the pajama pants you had put on a while back.
he threw them behind him, not caring where they end up. he sat up, looking down at your panties. a large wet spot shone threw, a breathy chuckle eliciting from him. "is this all for me baby?" he asked, his fingertips ghosting over the spot. you nodded quickly, bucking your hips up. " use your words darling." he said again, looking up at you this time, his fingers still ghosting over the same spot. "y-yes.. yes daddy." his face formed a bright smile before looking back down at your panties, fingers slipping under the hem and pulling them down. "daddy huh? dont think ive ever been called that." his fingers ran up your slit and stopping right before your clit. you groaned at the teasing, trying to move your hips to meet his fingers.
"patience baby.. daddy wants to take his time with you." he said, chuckling at your desperation. nothing was funny to you, but you wanted him do bad, you'd be willing to do anything he asked of you in this moment. his fingers continued to tease you until he slid one inside you for just a second, before quickly pulling it back out. he loved how fast your cunt clenched around his finger, the surprised gasp leaving your lips when he slid it in, then out. "you like that?" he whispered, watching how your pussy clenched every time his finger got close to your hold again. "yes please.. please do it again." you begged from beneath him, eyes pleading with his distracted ones.
he smiled to himself, adding two fingers in at once this time and watching them completely disappear. your head pressed firmly against the pillow, your eyes squeezing shut. he moved his fingers in and out slowly, then fast, analyzing which pace got you reacting to his touch more. when he found it, he continued with it, his eyes finally moving up to your face. your beautiful face. he felt like he had fallen in love all over, watching your face twist in pleasure. it scared him most certainly. he'd spent what felt like years and years in a somewhat loveless marriage. seeing you, your beautiful face, kind personality and hearing your beautiful voice made him scared. scared that if he did commit to you, you both would end up like his marriage.
but now, he couldnt worry about that. your moans and whimpers were too much of a distraction for him to think about anything serious. he wanted to focus on now, and thats what he did. "feel good baby? is daddy making this pussy feel good?" he asked above you, body completely hovering over you as he tilted his head to the side, looking down at you. you nodded, opening your eyes and gripping his shoulders. "s-so good~" you whined, nodding your head quickly. " good girl. such a good girl for me aren't you? gonna cum on daddy fingers huh? gonna show daddy how good you feel?" he asked, his thumb quick to find your clit and moving at the same pace your fingers were.
no matter how hard you tried to talk, his fingers were doing magic on your lower region. you felt a knot forming at the pit of your stomach, your moans increasing in pitch. " I-im gonna cum" you cried out, pulling him down into your chest and hugging his shoulders. he grunted in your ear, keeping the same continuous pace, whispering how beautiful you were, how hes gonna claim your pussy. how hes gonna gonna make love to you, rather than just fuck you. his genuine words, surprisingly, made you finish, your cum soaking both him and his bed sheets. he gasped, peeking down at your cunt as his fingers slowed in pace, listening to the squelching noises your pussy made for him.
he sat up, looking down at the mess beneath you both. he hadn't realized it, but his fingers kept moving in and out of you. it was like he was in a spell, a spell from your pussy. " j-john" you finally called out, getting his attention. he smiled and slid his fingers out, sliding them in his mouth. he hummed around them, causing you to hide your face in your hands. he was quick, however, to remove them. "dont hide from me. I want you to see how good you taste." he said before pressing his lips back onto yours. your own taste flooded your mouth, your hands tangling back into his hair.
at the same time, he began to pull his sweats down, his dick springing free, slapping against his lower stomach. the sound made you pull away and look down. to say you were nervous was an understatement. but he was quick to shut down any worries you had. "im gonna go slow with you.. I promise." he said, lifting your head. he gave another small smile down at you, rubbing your cheek with his thumb. you leaned into his touch, closing your eyes and smiling. it almost slipped from him, but he held back the ' I love you' as he watched you lean into him. his heart was fluttering and he felt like crying all over. happy tears though. because he was truly in love, an the knew that after this, you'd have to go back home. pretend like what happened never happened. at least in front of people. but he didnt want that. he wanted to show the world you were his and he was yours.
he was so deep in thought again, you had wrapped your legs around him to get his attention. "s-sorry. your just so beautiful" he smiled, kissing your forehead before standing from the bed, pulling his sweats and boxers off completely. he was quick to slide back between your legs, his tip hitting your soaked pussy. he looked down, grabbing the base and moving it around your cunt. "shit your fucking drenched honey." he whispered, watching as strings of your wetness rose from you as he lifted his dick away. you whimpered in embarrassment, a bright pink covering your cheeks.
"its sexy." he said, looking into your eyes. he swallowed before looking back down. "like I said, I wanna make love to you. I don't want this to be just us fucking. i.. I see you more than that." he said, his eyes wandering your body nervously before meeting your gaze. you smiled up at him, pulling him closer so your foreheads touched. " then make love to me John." you whispered, looking at him through your lashes.
his lips pressed onto yours, his hands holding onto your hands as he slowly, and carefully, slid into you. it was easy, considering your slick. but it still hurt, the stretching of your walls around his thickness. the moment you let out a pained whimper he stopped, telling you to tell him when you were ready for more. and it did take a while, but he eventually bottomed out inside your cunt, groaning at the warmth and wetness. his head fell into your neck, catching his breath before he tapped your hips. "are you ready for me love?" he asked into your neck, lifting his head to see your face when you answered. when you nodded, giving him a shy 'yes', his hips moved out, slow, and back in, slow.
at first it hurt. yes, you had small flings in college, and you had definitely told him about them before you figured out how in love with him you were. but never had they meant a lot to you. you are drunk for most of them, causing you to regret not waiting for the right guy which, in this case, would be John. you looked up at him, his bottom lip between his teeth as his browns knitted together. he let out soft grunts with every thrust, a breath after a few more. he looked beautiful, so handsome.
" darling s-stop looking up at me before i.. I finish too soon." he breathed out, looking into your eyes finally. you blushed and looked down to where your bodies connected. the sight alone made you clench around him, a whimper slipping past you. your hands found his neck, your eyes squeezing shut. his thrusts remained pretty slow, causing you to buck your hips up. "faster.. please." you whispered, opening your eyes to see his already on you. "anything for my princess." he responded, kissing your forehead as his thrusts picked up in pace. he wasn't going super fast, but he was going at a decent speed.
whimpers slipped past you with each thrust of his, your head falling back into the pillow. his name, and a few daddy's, slipped past your lips every so often, encouraging him to keep going. " f-fuck princess you're.. you're so tight" he groaned, his breathing picking up in pace. his grunts slowly turned into moans and you had assumed he was close. he took one leg and wrapped it around his waist, allowing deeper access into your cunt. his tip every so slightly hit your cervix, emitting more moans from you.
you hadn't realized it at first, but your nails dug into his back, leaving both crescent marks and scratches. and he fucking loved it. it was your way of marking his body, what was yours. he wanted more. " fuck baby.. mark me. I-im all yours~" he moaned, his head dropping into your chest as his thrusts began to become a bit more fast. he was certainly close, and you were too. " John im gonna cum" you moaned, leg tightening around his waist.
his breathing grew rapid, his head raising to look down at you with hooded eyes. his hands gripped the side of your neck, his other around your hip. he felt his dick pulse inside you, scared of cumming inside you, but also hoping you'd let him. "inside me.. please" you whimpered out, sensing his worry. he gave out a quiet whimper, his eyes squeezing shut.
it was perfect, your bodied moving together. and what made it even more perfect was the fact you both were going to cum, together. it was beyond romantic and made the feelings between you both even stronger. he opened his eyes, feeling as though he couldnt hold back any longer. he didnt know what had came over him, if it was your pussy, the alcohol, or just his emotions, but he couldnt stop the words from flowing out.
" fuck princess I-im cumming- fuck I love you.. oh I fucking..love. you!" he groaned, the last few words accompanied with a powerful thrust. his cum shot into you, a loud groan and a gasp escaping him. his grip on you tightened, his eyes watching as your cum shot out of you as well, mixing with his.
his eyes fluttered closed, his body falling onto you. you looked up at the ceiling, breathing hard as you just recalled what he had admitted to you. 'he loves me..?' you though, your chest feeling heavy, but a good heavy.
he eventually rose up, swallowing as he looked down at you. "I-im sorry im probably still drunk I didnt mean-" your lips slammed against his, discontinuing the sentence he had planned. " I love you to John." you said against his lips. you felt the smile spread across his lips as he moved back down to kiss you, his arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you into him.
the rest of the night you both spent cuddling, watching tiktoks on your phone. when you eventually dozed off, he placed your phone on the charger, went to use the bathroom one last time before coming back next to you. he pulled you into his chest, spooning you. he kissed your bare shoulders, whispering 'I love you' after each peck. he was happy. he didnt worry too badly about what could happen. he was happy now. and he wanted to stay that way forever.
| aghhh after serious writers block I give you guys this. this was a lot more cute than my other ones so I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I did |
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alternativegirl23 · 1 year
This is a "soft dom" Lee Bodecker fanfic. Will be mature in nature. Warnings will be posted as needed. Reuploaded 9/18.
Deal With The Devil- Chapter 1
You hear three loud, quick knocks on the front door. Rushing over, you check yourself in the mirror, fixing your hair and practicing a small smile. Opening the door, you see your fathers friend, Lee Bodecker, standing in front of you. Your father told you a few days prior that Lee would be coming over for dinner. You smiled as you held out your hand to greet him. 
     "Hi Lee, its nice to meet you". He flashed a broad grin before saying hello in return. Bending down, he removed his shoes and placed them on the small linoleum square before stepping onto the off white shag carpet. You hadn't seen him out of uniform very often, but it was always a nice surprise. A blue button down that brought out more of the blue in his eyes.
      A pair of black jeans that hugged his legs just so. Lee came in for a hug and you started to give one tentatively. Even though Lee was a familiar face, you hadn't been around him enough. His proximity is a little too close for comfort, so far. He leaned in closer to you to close the gap. 
     You finally wrapping your arms lightly around his broad back, the closest you had been to him now. Only ever exchanging handshakes and smiles since you saw him a few weeks ago. Your head started to grow a little hazy as you breathed in some cologne he wore. It was warm, spicy and comforting.
      Your eyes closed briefly as you really tried to take in the scent he wore. Before you even knew what happened, you let out a little content moan of relaxation. Instantly your eyes flashed open. Shit. He didnt hear that, did he?  
You released yourself from his grasp and he flashed a small smile, his brows knitting in concern. You couldnt tell if it was faux worry or real. 
"You alright sweetheart?", he asked. You nodded quickly, wanting to not let him know so soon. You swore, as soon as you hit thirty….you started to look at older men a little differently. 
     Attractive  men in their early forties didn't seem so bad. And Lee definitely fell into that category. As long as they treated you right and had a younger energy about them, maybe you could make it work. At least that's what you like to think. Both of your arms releasing each other, you and Lee made your way into the dining room.      The clatter of a few utensils as your mom finished up dinner. 
     She came out with a broad smile on her face, looking like the content mom and housewife she was meant to be. Carefully setting down the platters of food, she welcomed Lee and told him to sit down and make himself comfortable. 
"Thank you Ms. You have a beautiful home", he complimented. He pulled out his seat and sat down, your dad and yourself doing the same. Setting down mashed potatoes, a salad, and a fall apart tender chuck roast. 
     Your mouth started salivating. You hadn't realized how hungry you were until now. After saying a quick prayer and digging in, the conversation strayed from pleasantries into more interesting territory. 
     "So Lee, how are you and Jane?", your mother asked. You looked sideways at Lee. 
     He sighed heavily as if he was trying to avoid this question all night. With a shake of his head, he set down his fork before clearing his throat. "Not good. She said wants a divorce", he anwsered.
     Everyone went silent. No one knew what to say. 
     "Im so sorry", you finally piped up. Lee gave a solemn nod in your direction. Saying there wasn't much to be done but he thanked you anyway. Determined to cheer everyone up despite the circumstances, mom announced she made dessert, a coca cola chocolate fudge cake. You smiled while giving a look in Lee’s direction.  He only gave a small sad smile in response, your dad picking up on it.      '"Now come on Lee, I know you got a major sweet tooth. She does too”, he said. 
     Pointing his dinner fork in your direction. Your mom tsked and took away the fork as if it was a weapon, clearing the rest of the dishes with it. “This one loves anything sweet”, your dad mentioned offhandedly. Shaking your head, you gave a half hearted chuckle. Lee had to smile a little at your reaction, turning towards you now. 
     Trying to shake off his sorrow, he spoke up for the first time after dinner had started. “I love sweets too. Ex wife said I ate too much of em”, he said with a tone of disgust. You looked at him in an attempt to forget his current circumstance, saying, “Well you can never have too much of a good thing, right”, you asked. He gave a genuine smile…just the smallest one, but that was enough for you. “I suppose not”, he said with a hint of lightness to his voice. 
     Your mother came back with a crystal cake stand as she carefully set it on the table. “It looks so good mom”, your eyes widening, mouth salivating knowing moments from now you can sink your teeth into it. Lee smiled up at your mother, thanking her as she started passing out plates. She acknowledged his praise with a quick grin and started cutting pieces for everyone, sitting down when she was done. After the cake was consumed, wine and beer was given to you and Lee, your parents having drinks of their own. 
     Everyone sitting down around  the TV to wind down before bed. The white glow surrounding the living room in its cocoon of light. Nothing else seemed to exist when everyone was like this. You spared some glances at Lee, whose eyes looked glazed over, like he wasnt fully paying attention. As time passed, you realized you were two glasses deep into the wine. 
     You should stop. You hardly drank as it is and you were already going to feel like shit tomorrow. But a heavy, roiling feeling in your stomach suddenly made you stop moments after. Only a few sips left of your second glass but your stomach couldnt hold anymore. You stumbled out of your seat, half running to the bathroom and closing the door. 
     Just barely opening the lid and emptying your stomach into the toilet. You knew you had gone too far. You hardly noticed the knocks on the door until you stopped, shutting the lid, flushing and washing your hands. Eyes locking on Lee across from you, you weren't expecting him there. 
     "You alright Darlin'?" he asked. Shaking your head, trying to steady yourself against anything that would keep you upright. Your feet fumbled over themselves and Lee's arm reached out to catch you before you fell.
"I feel like shit", your words slurring. He gave a lighthearted little chuckle.     "Here, lemme look a'tcha", his fingers carefully moving your face to meet his.   Something in his face shifted, noticing how tired you looked.
      A crease furrowing his brow, a look of sadness mixed with concern. 
     He just wanted to help you. He puts his arm underneath one of yours and starts helping you towards the stairs. You hear vague words of concern from your parents. Lee reassured them he'd put you to bed. 
     Slowly and steadily, you put your feet up to try and help yourself up the set of stairs. "Just take it easy sweetheart. I'm in no rush", you hear Lee say softly in your ear. A few minutes later you both get up the stairs, he makes you sit down and slowly takes off your shoes. He leaves you in your clothes to remain decent.    He does his best to make you comfortable. 
     Getting you a trash can just in case, a bottle of water and some aspirin. "Sweetheart, I can check in on ya if ya need me to. I just…I wanna help and protect ya if I can". Lee stands there nervously, secretly hoping you'll say yes. To his surprise, you said that'd be nice as you laid your head down on the pillow. 
     He smiled softly, tucking you in carefully, making sure your feet were covered. You were passed out before you heard his husky voice say "I'll be just across the hall if you need me darlin'". As your door softly clicked close, you didn't even hear him leave.
#lee bodecker #the devil all the time #soft dark lee #sheriff bodecker #smut  
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sin-content · 1 year
Soulless - Aus Story - 1
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It was a normal day for this timeline's Sin, before she fell, before she learnt how to leave her au, before she was even nicknamed Sin, she was just in her yard sitting under her favorite tree writeing in her book about her day, it wasnt like a diary but a journal, it was a nice day, untill her soul came out of her chest, she felt it and let out a little gasp, dropping the journal and looking at it, confused, she touches it, she never saw her own soul, this was the first time! They dont learn about souls at school, only heard storys about them at 3rd grade, but she wanders, why is her soul like that? In those storys she heard so many times they were discribed as falt colored slightly glowing hearts, but her soul, it looked cracked down the middle, no, seperated down the middle, one side cyan, wich is supose to be paciance she thinks, the other side, green, and thats supose to be kindness, she thinks her soul is very neat.
She holds it in one hand holding it close, looking down at it, when a cyan string comes out of nowhere wrapping around the soul and taking it, before she can react, process it or look at where the string comes from, she hears a girl's voice saying "gotcha".
She felt nothing, she didnt understand why she didnt feel or even care about anything, she looked both ways wanting to see where the voice came from but she didnt see them anywere, she got up from under the tree picking up her journal, she walked around abit but, it was so weird, everything looked so unmotivating, it phisicly looked grayer then ever, she didnt want to stay outside anymore so decided to go inside, she saw her sister looking as excited as ever, she came to her and told her about her day as usual, she patted her head and just acted like it was all fine, eventually she made a excuse to get away from her and went upstairs, locking herself in her room, she didnt feel anything, she was so confused and weirded out but, wasnt sad, mad or annoyed about it, she couldnt be, it was just nothing, she didnt feel empty, she didnt feel numb, she didnt even feel hopeless, just a weird sence of nothingness, it felt all consuming, she knew she hated it though, she sat down on her desk and just stared at the wall infront of her for hours untill her mom knocked on the door asking her whats up and telling her dinner's ready, she did respond but she didnt feel hungry either, she heard her stomach wanting some food thats for sure but she ignored it for abit untill the slight disconfort hit, then she snuck down and stole some snacks, she wanders if her life will be like this now, empty and bland and tomorrow she has school, after she eats, showers and goes in bed she wanders, how will tomorrow be?
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meow meow, good evening or morning. it must be 22:12 in your timezone though. 'cos i didnt watch it' no way you haven't watched hotd sis.... 'i tried watching doctor who with my mom' omg i see i see. i tried to watch it YEARS ago when my english was even worse than now and it was quiet an expirience... 'so i just didnt watch it' so you know what you need to do yeah ;;) 'are you faulting him for that ?' nooooo?? why'd you think that of me TT i was merely pointing the detail that broke my heart TT where is an accusation?? where do you see it?? if i mock a person, i say it straightforward. '😡😡😡👿👿👿🤬🤬🤬👹👹👹👺👺👺 here you go' thanks. that's me when you say i'm faulting this pretty boy with glossy eyes. 'im shocked you send me a lot of asks' does it bother you? 'praying for myslef' praying for you, catmom 'i meant im good at math (cos i am) but as a bad person at math ??' *suspicious emojis pls ty* understand. my math teacher sent me to take a part in a math competition and i was like ??? girl i'm a linguist ?? tha fact this word have 1 similar letter with 'math' doesn't mean anything ?? so yeah. relate. 'i have starrted writing the witch prompt' OMGOMG are you kidding ofc i'll read it!!!!! i'm excited!! you know i can wait for a lifetime (FHDHDKSO YES) for your works!! take your time, enjoy the process, eat the rich!! giving you good luck through a forehead kiss<з 'A THOUSAND CHICKS' srry i had 2 options in mind and forgot to edit it. 'dude cant understand english' maybe you need to repeat it in high valyrian hsksha no but i think he wouldn't be bothered by a scandal? more like his brother being upset? but i see viserys and reader being these 2 elder siblings or the mom friends that are 'oh this prick made it again' 'yea he did' 'great' 'go calm him down' 'why me?' 'you're his wife' a VERY heavy sigh 'I WANT TO MAKE IT ANGSTY SO BAD' girl you're kidding.... no but i just recalled what i've been thinking of. NO. a better thought. daemon takes reader to the Red Keep again, not for the first time. they're in the hall (idk it's name but where the feast was). reader's going through the doors and it hits daemon so much. like he has a big flashback from the day they were betrothed/get married and he instantly gets on one knee saying 'marry me, for real'. probably viserys and aemma, maybe someone else who was in the room are stunned. including reader who doesn't understand what's going on. maybe she's already told him about this magic thing, maybe he's had some memories recalled due but yes. just a thought that popped out in my head. for some reason i also think he'd be offended if reader called him anything else but 'husband' in high valyrian. also about that thought with aemond collecting historical myths and rumors, little number of facts. i see him observing the relationship between his professor and daemon closely, although he's hurt to see it. he just look at them trying to assure himself 'no way these are truth' but also somewhat liking feeling this way? not exactly in a masochistic way but he likes babying his pain? hard to explain. just the need to express his feelings in a harmless way and to pity himself. whale aegon just walks away in such a situation. bc "do you love me?" issues. i have a feeling that you'd disagree on this. it's ok. it's just a lot of thoughts that just exist in my head. while i have these, i also can imagine aemond freaking out and going feral when daemon visits the museum for the 10th time a week. thanks for reading this!! love you!! wait for anything you have for us!! take care <з
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meow meow, good evening or morning. it must be 22:12 in your timezone though.
idk i went to sleep before 10 so lol HAHAAHAH
'cos i didnt watch it' no way you haven't watched hotd sis....
'i tried watching doctor who with my mom' omg i see i see. i tried to watch it YEARS ago when my english was even worse than now and it was quiet an expirience...
HAHAHHHHAHAHHAAH subtitles man, we both need subtitles, God bless subtitles
'so i just didnt watch it' so you know what you need to do yeah ;;)
i- what? HAHAHA ??? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
'are you faulting him for that ?' nooooo?? why'd you think that of me TT i was merely pointing the detail that broke my heart TT where is an accusation?? where do you see it?? if i mock a person, i say it straightforward.
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'😡😡😡👿👿👿🤬🤬🤬👹👹👹👺👺👺 here you go' thanks. that's me when you say i'm faulting this pretty boy with glossy eyes.
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'im shocked you send me a lot of asks' does it bother you?
no 🤨🤬 are we gonna go through this again? you're not a bother
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'praying for myslef' praying for you, catmom
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'i meant im good at math (cos i am) but as a bad person at math ??' *suspicious emojis pls ty*
HAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA OK 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨😕😕😕😕🧐🧐🧐🧐🙄🙄🙄🙄😪😪😪🤥🤥🤥🤥 HAAHAHAH idk if the others as sus but i added them anyway AHHHAHAHAHA
understand. my math teacher sent me to take a part in a math competition and i was like ??? girl i'm a linguist ?? tha fact this word have 1 similar letter with 'math' doesn't mean anything ?? so yeah. relate.
'i have starrted writing the witch prompt' OMGOMG are you kidding ofc i'll read it!!!!! i'm excited!!
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you know i can wait for a lifetime (FHDHDKSO YES) for your works!! take your time, enjoy the process, eat the rich!! giving you good luck through a forehead kiss<з
T_T 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 for a second there i thought you were talkin about the modern!daemon au (cos wait for a lifetime AHAHHAHA) and i was about to say im excited to write that too but i have not started. but i am so honored you would say this T_T thank you lovie <3 <3 <3 AND EAT THE RICH???? HAHAHHAHAH SO TRUE BUT SO OFF TANGENT????? HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
'A THOUSAND CHICKS' srry i had 2 options in mind and forgot to edit it.
HAHHAHA NO it was just so funny HAHHHAH
'dude cant understand english' maybe you need to repeat it in high valyrian hsksha no but i think he wouldn't be bothered by a scandal? more like his brother being upset?
so true so real dude could literally not give less of a shit. there could be an untrue viscous rumour about him going around and he's make it real for shits and giggles T_T a menace T_T no wonder why his brother's hair whiteHAHHHAH
but i see viserys and reader being these 2 elder siblings or the mom friends that are 'oh this prick made it again' 'yea he did' 'great' 'go calm him down' 'why me?' 'you're his wife' a VERY heavy sigh
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 NAUR THATS
'I WANT TO MAKE IT ANGSTY SO BAD' girl you're kidding....
no i want to kill them HAHAHH 😈😈😈😈 either literally of emotionally im not sure yet
no but i just recalled what i've been thinking of. NO. a better thought. daemon takes reader to the Red Keep again, not for the first time. they're in the hall (idk it's name but where the feast was). reader's going through the doors and it hits daemon so much.
like he has a big flashback from the day they were betrothed/get married and he instantly gets on one knee saying 'marry me, for real'.
😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 he's such a simp for that and i love it T_T i love it so much
probably viserys and aemma, maybe someone else who was in the room are stunned. including reader who doesn't understand what's going on. maybe she's already told him about this magic thing, maybe he's had some memories recalled due but yes. just a thought that popped out in my head.
T_T NAUR THIS IS SO JUICY I LOVE IT THE DRAMA THE EVERYTHING DO YOU WANT A SPOILER the more people in daemon's life become ok with him and yn, the more people in yn's life become less ok (as in im going to add a past lover A PAST LOVER WINK WINK HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHHAHAAHAHHAAHHA) shhhhh i will not clarify i didnt say that
for some reason i also think he'd be offended if reader called him anything else but 'husband' in high valyrian.
[scoffs] simp
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also about that thought with aemond collecting historical myths and rumors, little number of facts. i see him observing the relationship between his professor and daemon closely, although he's hurt to see it. he just look at them trying to assure himself 'no way these are truth' but also somewhat liking feeling this way? not exactly in a masochistic way but he likes babying his pain? hard to explain. just the need to express his feelings in a harmless way and to pity himself.
no i agree aemond would 100% do his darndness to make sense of it all. i have to say i disagree with this one a bit (and not at all aegons) i think aemond may want to feel the pain as a reminder of the fact he is not yn's beloved, i dont think he likes it T_T he may want to keep feeling it as a reminder but at his core he's just sad T_T
whale aegon just walks away in such a situation. bc "do you love me?" issues. i have a feeling that you'd disagree on this. it's ok. it's just a lot of thoughts that just exist in my head.
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while i have these, i also can imagine aemond freaking out and going feral when daemon visits the museum for the 10th time a week.
aemond be like "why are you in my house T_T' daemon be like '??? this is an office? in a museum ?? funded by the government ??? which basically means me ??'
thanks for reading this!! love you!! wait for anything you have for us!! take care <з
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im luv u thank you for sending me the messages to begin with <3 <3
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reidsnose · 4 years
sticky notes (spencer reid x reader) (platonic!baux reader)
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overview: reader leaves and recieves a passive aggressive sticky note before going on a case
genre: fluff and humor?
a/n: i thought of this last night while i was trying to go to sleep and i could not stop thinking about that one vine and its also super snowy where i live lol. anyway i wrote it today throughout the school day and couldnt wait to put it on here :)
'whoever used the last sugar packet, your moms a hoe.'
you let out a small chuckle and stuck the sticky not to the container that usually held packets of sugar before taking a sip of your bitter, unsweetened coffee that you would have to deal with for the rest of the day.
"i hope hotch didn't take it," prentiss laughed, peering over at the note.
"everyone knows hotch drinks his coffee black." you retorted.
"no only you know that because you were his assistant before you joined the team," she joked, resulting in you sending a light elbow to her side. "you know we are handwriting analysts. everyones going to know you wrote that."
"except that they wont because i type everything. besides, i dont really think anyone on the team wont take the joke." you chuckled, pushing the door open with your free hand and heading into the bullpen.
"briefing room in 5 minutes, we have a case," hotch called from the balcony.
"theres fresh coffee in the break room, i feel like were going to need it," you said to the rest of the team that were sitting at there desks.
they all eagerly got up, ready for a fresh, hot drink to wake them up. you smiled as you walked to the briefing room, standing by your unassigned assigned seat. you took a sip of your drink, making a face at the bitter taste.
"why is your beautiful face scrunched up?" Garcia asked, setting down files in front of all the empty seats.
"someone took the last sugar." you stated simply.
"i have some in the batcave, youre always welcome" she winked, sending you a warm smile which you gladly returned.
"youre the best."
"yeah i know," she answered before the other agents began filing in, Spencer taking a seat next to you. "alright crime fighters, today youre all headed to snowy Alaska."
"actually," rossi looked at hotch and then garcia before continuing, "Garcia i think youre coming too."
"sir?" she looked over at hotch.
"dave is right. the connection will be spotty anyway, it would be best if you came a long and worked from the precinct." hotch confirmed.
"oh. alright." she obliged before continuing with the details of the case.
(a/n: im waaayyyy too lazy to write a whole case)
"wheels up in 5, it will take a while to get there and we dont have time to waste." hotch said at the end of the briefing before walking out.
"oh shoot i left my phone in the break room," i whispered, smacking my forehead with my palm.
"do you want me to wait for you?" spencer offered.
"no its ok," you smiled, jogging down the stairs.
"ill take your go bag. hurry i dont know if i can convince them not to leave without you!" he called after me, a giggle escaping his throat at his own joke.
"thanks! it'll be their loss anyway!" you laughed, as you sped walked to the break room. "there you are." you whispered to your phone that was sitting on the counter.
your eyes drifted to the note you had left earlier only it was gone. a new note sat in its place, a reply scrawled on it.
'ill have you know my mother is a very nice lady'
you smiled and rolled your eyes, slipping the note into your pocket as you walked briskly towards the jet. you walked out and saw reid waiting for you at the door of the jet, motioning frantically for you to board. you had taken a little too long looking at the note.
"10 more seconds before you're officially late!" he yelled, looking at his watch.
you broke out into a sprint, running as fast as you possibly could, trying to get across the runway in time.
"dont leave without me!" you yelled out, knowing they wouldn't.
you looked at the windows, seeing the team's faces pressed against the glass, watching amused.
"5 seconds!" he warned as you neared the stairs. "3..." almost there! "2..." just a few more steps. "1!" his arms shot up as you pushed past him into the jet, just in the nick of time.
"wow im impressed pretty lady!" morgan laughed, giving you a high-five which you exasperatedly accepted.
"have a seat y/l/n, we have a long flight." hotch said. you began thinking he was made at you but then you saw him trying to stifle a smile, "i dont think ive even seen you run like that in the field."
he held out his fist which you bumped with your own before flopping breathlessly down onto one of the chairs on the jet.
~time skip to the end of the case because i feel like it~
you walked out of the police department, watching your own breath swirl around the air in front of you.
"could you believe that detective?" jj scoffed walking with you towards the suvs in the parking lot.
"i know he was so...creepy." you agreed, "if i smelled his coffee breath one more time id take his tiny d-"
you didnt get to finish your sentence, though; you felt a cold snowball bash against the back of your head.
"gotta go!" jj laughed, hopping into one of the last suvs and driving off.
"whoever threw that snowball, your moms a hoe!" you yelled out crouching down to gather some snow.
"what?" spencer yelled, emerging from behind a trashcan.
"IT WAS YOU!" you laughed, throwing a snowball and hitting him straight in the chest.
"wait no. what did you just say?" he asked, eyes wide.
"i said whoever threw that snowball, your moms a hoe." you stated, suddenly feeling bad, "but not your mom, diana is-"
"a very nice lady." he finished, reaching into his pocket and fishing out a crumpled little paper.
"oh my gosh," you breathed, pulling out a note from your own pocket.
"i had a feeling it was you!" he laughed.
you raised your eyebrows, "yeah right! you had no clue!"
"i totally did! i was like, 'hmmm who in the office talks like this? oh yeah my idiot best friend'." he countered, smirking.
"well i had a feeling it was you too!" you lied, crossing your arms.
"youre lying!" he laughed.
"no im not!"
"yes you are! you have a tell!"
"i do?!"
"yes! you purse your-" he swiftly reached to the floor and picked up a small amount of snow, wiping it across your mouth, "-lips."
the cool snow melted quickly on your now very warm face, causing you to instinctively wipe your it with your sleeve, "oh its on!"
snowballs were flying left and right in the nearly empty parking lot, seeking refuge all over your bodies. you watched him sneakily duck behind a trashcan, thinking you hadn't seen him. letting out a small chuckle you creeped towards the trashcan, standing behind him as he peered his head around the other side, looking for where you had gone. you took a small amout of snow and reached your arm around his head, wiping it against his mouth as he had. he jumped letting out a small scream before turning around and latching his arms around your waist.
he picked you up and spun you around, loosing his footing on the slippery, causing a strange mix of a laugh and a scream to escape your mouth. he fell back on a fresh layer of snow, with a dull thump. you fell directly on top of him, your foggy breaths melding together as your laughs started fading. his eyes flickered from your eyes down to your lips, a new rouge gracing his cheeks and nose, one that would be there regardless of the cold.
"ca-can i kiss you?" he asked, looking back up at your eyes.
"please." you smiled, heart close to bursting out of your chest as he closed the gap between you.
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gingerthesimp · 4 years
Heartless monster
Nate Jacobs x Reader
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Warnings: kinda toxic relationship, slight cursing, mention of rape, drug use, violence and some smut at the end
Summary: Nate and y/n have been dating for a few months. She´s the complete opposite of every other girl her boyfriend has dated before. And when she wants to make it public he doesn’t approve, so she decides to make him jealous. Seems like her plan worked...  
Nate <3: im a mckays right now. i will pick u up a bit later.
“Fucking idiot!”, I muttered under my breath after taking a hit from my mango flavored puff bar. A million thoughts coursed through my head, “Is he really at McKay’s? What does later mean? IS HE TALKING TO OTHER GIRLS?” This is the real me. Insecure, nervous and possessive. I’m not the cocky bitch everyone sees in me.
 I tried to call Nate a few times but of course he had other things to do. After lying on my bed and waiting for him to call for another 20 minutes I decided to get up and go to Fez’ shop since he is one of my best friends. I was sure at least he would be happy to see me. 
 “Mom? I’m meeting a friend of mine. See you later.”, I shouted after putting on my shoes. My mother was currently in a little midlife crisis and didn’t want to communicate with anyone and I respect that. 
 The walk to Fezco’s shop didn’t take long and I honestly really enjoy walking in the dark, even if I was risking getting raped or even worse. 
 “y/n! What are you doing here?”, Fez exclaimed after I opened the door to the little gas station and before coming up to hug me. “Oh you know Fezzie, I was bored again.”
 Fezzie. He absolutely despises that name but still lets me call him like that. 
”Well, feel free to stay here if you want then.“, he invited me. We then shared a little blunt and talked about random shit like always. After what seemed like an hour or so we saw a white truck pulling up in the driveway.
 “Wait....that’s Nate‘s car!“, I remembered. He picks me up sometimes with it so of course I would remember. But I didn’t say anything.
Instead one of the maybe dumbest but also greatest ideas came into my mind. I started kissing Fez on the neck. "Please, just make out with me. I know it`s weird but I need your help right now.“, I pleaded. The ginger haired boy looked like he wanted to say something but then decided to just play along. Fezco put his arms around my waist and started shoving his tongue inside my mouth. 
Suddenly I heard the door open. “Y/N WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!” , Nate Jacobs shouted while looking likes he’s about to explode. His jaw clenched and his fists balled. Me and Fezco stopped kissing and I turned to Nate, smiling innocently, “Why are you so furious? It’s not like I have a boyfriend or anything, right?” “Oh y/n, you are going to regret this very soon!”, he stated angry. And now Fez decided to speak up, “Calm down man, it’s not like she owes you anything.” “Don’t tell me what to do! Nobody asked for your opinion anyways.”, Nate exclaimed before punching my friend right in the face.
 I decided to step in before it could get worse, “NATE STOP! IT WAS MY FAULT! HE DIDNT DO ANYTHING!” Nate chuckled a bit before answering: “Well sweetheart, looks like you should`ve thought about that before practically fucking him in front of me.” Now I got really mad. FUCK HIM? We weren`t even close to doing that. Just as he wanted to hit Fezco another time I grabbed his arm. “Please stop hurting him. Do it for me, if you really love me.” Seems like my words made him realize he’s doing a mistake so he left Fez alone. Instead Nate grabbed my wrist harshly and I could only shout a quick, “I’m so sorry, I will explain later” to Fezco before getting dragged out of the shop.
 “Why did you make such a scene?”, I asked irritated. Nate just huffed clearly annoyed and didn’t speak to me until we reached his truck. “Get in.“, he ordered while opening the door for me.
 After a while he finally spoke up, “Why?“. “I don’t want to hide anymore, Nate. Why can’t you just tell the truth? Tell everyone that we´re in love?” I asked on the verge of tears and looking at my boyfriend for the first time today. “I do love you, y/n. I really love you. But I just can`t. We’re very different, you’re not like the other girls I’ve dated before.” “You can`t? Or are you just a fucking pussy? Scared of what daddy´s gonna think of you when it turns out you´re dating an outcast? Fuck you, Nate. I don`t need you anymore. You´re a stupid little spoiled boy who knows nothing about life.”, I screamed and when I tried to slap him he pinned my arms above my head with one hand and started choking me with his other one. “If I was you I would be careful with my words. I invented you. Nobody knew your name before me, so don´t be a ungrateful whore.”, my boyfriend whispered in my ear and just as I couldn´t breathe anymore he pulled his hands away.
 I pushed the passenger door open and exited the vehicle. “You´re a heartless monster, Jacobs!”, I cried with tears streaming down my face.
Then I ran home. 
-time skip 30 minutes-
I was scrolling through Twitter when I suddenly got a facetime call from Kat. I´m pretty close with her but she doesn´t know I´m dating Nate. 
When I accepted it I saw that she was filming my boyfriend, they were at McKay´s party and he was standing in the middle of the livingroom, talking about me. “I wanted to tell you all that me and y/n are dating.”, he shouted and clearly everyone in the room was as shocked as me when I heard what he said. “And we´re truly in love. y/n is an amazing girl and none of us actually deserve her. So if you can´t accept the fact that we are happy together you better shut up!, and with that Nate exited the room. 
Kat flipped the camera and looked more then surprised, “What the actual frick y/n? When did you plan on telling me that?”
I explained everything to her as fast as I could and then got up and ran to McKay´s house.
I felt the need to apologize to Nate for everything I did tonight. I was a real cunt.
-time skip 3 minutes-
When I got there I just saw him getting into his truck, “Nate wait!” He turned around and looked at me surprised, but I could see the little smirk that formed in the corner of his mouth. 
When I got to him I kissed my lover hard on the lips and he kissed me back. It was a long, passionate kiss. “I´ve been waiting to do that the whole day.”, he admitted and we got in his car. 
On the way to my house Nate put his hand on my thigh as always. But suddenly I felt it moving closer and closer to my clothed core and a moan escaped my lips. “You like that?”, he asked, giving me a playful wink. I could only nod when he put his large hand under my miniskirt and pulled down my red lace panties. 
When he stuck one of his calloused fingers in my tight hole and started rubbing my clit with the other ones I reached for Nate´s soft brown hair and gripped it as hard as I could. He quickly parked on the nearest free space and let`s just say it was a very long night.
omg guys! that`s the first fanfic i`ve ever written. i know it´s not the best but i still hope you enjoyed reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it! anyways, feel free to send me requests on what i should write next. :)
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sallyf4ce · 3 years
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chapter II
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-> sally face x f!reader
-> enemies? to lovers
-> previous | next
cw: drugs, cigarettes, abuse, panic attack
*does not follow original plot of sally face*
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summary: larry knocks (y/n) off her feet, literally. later, him and sal come to apologize, bearing a gift of homemade lasagna. sal and (y/n) bond over their similar bodies. his eyes look familiar.
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The sound of your skateboard and the wind brushing past your ears practically deafened you, which allowed you to think in peace. Maybe you’d survive in Nockfell.
Maybe it wasnt as bad as you made it. You’d grow close to the old apartment, push through school, leave your mother as quickly as possible, and start fresh somewhere across the world. The only thing that you wouldn’t get close to is the forest surrounding Addison. It loomed over you, day and night, dewy pines poking out at you like a warning sign. Maybe mom moved here just so she could torture you with the forest. Remind you of what happened.
Loud footsteps joined the wheels of your skateboard. You looked back, and on your trail were those two kids from the apartment. The tall one’s face was almost right in yours. You let out a small yelp as your skateboard hit a rock and sent you tumbling to the ground, completely destroying your knees in the process.
“Shit!” larry yelled out in surprise as he dodged the skateboard that went right between his legs.
You quickly reached out to your head, trying to calm the searing pain pulsing through it. What the fuck just happened?
“What the fuck?” you groan. The blue haired boy, sal, grabbed your skateboard and came up close to you. pulling down his sleeves, he quickly grabbed your knees and covered them, soaking up the gushing blood.
“Larry!” sal turned around to face him. You winced as the fabric of his sweater clung to your knees. Your hands grabbed his to pull them off but you froze. They were soft and cold, almost like snow. How would it feel to hold them longer? Would you warm them up? or would they freeze you?
What the fuck?
You snapped out of your trance and moved them off your knees. You scowl at larry and pick your skateboard back up.
“Nice job, asshat.”
His face flushes at the insult and he moves back. Sally stands up and offers you his hand, but you dont need his help (obviously a lie, your entire body was aching like a scale 8 earthquake). You shove yourself up and wipe your burning palms on your jeans. With your feet back on the skateboard (it took a few tries to get up because your knees kept buckling), you flip them off and begin skating back to addison. You just wanted a nice fucking stroll alone, why were these fucks literally everywhere you went?
It’s around 12:45 now. You came home, took a bath, bandaged up your knees and took some tylenol. Mom was already in her bedroom and there were some leftover beer bottles on the coffee table, so she probably wouldnt wake up anytime soon. you quickly trashed the bottles and decided for a quick nap on the couch, since your room was… occupied. your pyjamas, for now anyway, consisted of an oversized grey ac/dc shirt and some soft-ass spandex shorts.
“finally, a fucking break from this shit.” a content sigh escaped your lips as you threw yourself onto the cold couch.
a few knocks sounded at your door.
“(y/n)? it’s uh, it’s sal. and larry.”
“coming.” you mumbled angrily even though they couldn’t hear you.
the blinding fluorescent lights of the hallway hit you as you opened the door. along with them came the smell of freshly baked lasagna. your eyes widened for a second, before looking up at sal. he stared at you, taking in your appearance. your hair was ruffled, eyes blinking sleepily as they adjusted to the light. your shirt had ridden up and showed a bit of your stomach. he blushed as you pulled it down and glared at him, a slight tinge of red on your own cheeks.
“larry.” he nudged his friend. the brunette walked up in front of sal, holding a pan of lasagna.
“listen man, i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to fuck up your knees n shit. jus’ got excited cause of your sanity falls shirt. can we, uh, can we come in?”
larry quickly jumped back in surprise.
“i guess that means no.”
you yelled out a quick ‘wait!’ as you cleaned up your apartment and hid your mom’s weed and other things. god, for a grown woman, she didn’t know how to clean for shit.
opening the door back up, you waved them inside.
“god, you smoke a lot.” larry coughed a bit at the smell of your apartment, which earned him a shove.
“sorry! god, sal, so mean.” he mumbled.
“s’ my mom. i only smoke outside. uh, take a seat on the couch, i’ll warm up the lasagna.” you pulled it out of larry’s hands as they both took a seat on your makeshift bed.
sal shifted. “you sleep here?” he asked, confused. maybe your room was being used as storage.
“for now. there’s some weird ghost shit going on in my room. some fucking preppy ghost woman keeps squealing when i come in.”
ghosts? you believed in ghosts? maybe they’d be able to take you on their expeditions! sal perked up at the thought of you becoming friends.
“you believe in ghosts?”
“well, i saw one, so what else could it fucking be?” you chuckled as you shoveled the now warmed up lasagna onto three plates. sal noticed and his eyes widened.
“oh, no, i- i don’t want any-” he waves his hands.
“you’re having it, i don’t care.”
larry laughs as you shove it into their hands.
“feisty, aren’t ya?” he stabs some and shoves it into his mouth. you sigh and lean back into the couch.
“you guys go to the school here, right?”
larry nods. “yeah, there’s only one school in nockfell.”
“eww, larry face, don’t chew with food in your mouth.” sally laughs. in the corner of his eyes, he thinks he can see you smile.
“yeah, we go to nockfell high. i’m assuming you’re going there too.”
“mhm. starting monday. hurry up and eat, i’m not warming it up again.” you grumble. sal doesn’t move. “god, okay, i’ll look away. i have to go clean this thing anyway.” you wave your prosthetic’s fingers.
“oh, yeah, you also have a prosthetic!” his face shifts into a child-like curiosity. it’s a face that you’ve seen before, and it makes you giggle a bit every time. you place your hand on his lap. sal does a double take and his mask raises a bit.
“you wanna touch it, don’t you. go ahead.”
“damn, sal, you get all the ladies. leave some for me.” larry chimes in, hand on his forehead in mock sadness. he chuckles.
“you gonna touch it or what?”
“uh, yeah.” sal slowly lowers his hands onto it. he traces your fingers, flexing them every once in a while. he flips your palm and looks at the graffiti ‘s’ you drew on it.
“when was this?” he looks back up at you.
“grade 10, two years ago. got bored in class and accidentally took out my sharpie instead of a dry-erase marker. god, my mom was mad.” you chuckle at the memory. she didnt let you back in the house for two days. you had to camp out in the shed, where you stored your extra food so she wouldn’t steal it.
sal hummed. “what about this one?” it was a big ‘SF’. was it for his name? of course not, she didn’t know you back then, moron. still, it warmed him up a bit.
“not for you, that’s for sure.”
“damnnn, savage!” larry put his plate down. “mind if i get more?”
“larry, we brought it for (y/n).” sal scolded.
“nah, i don’t mind. knock yourself out.” you nodded, continuing your conversation with sal.
larry trotted towards the kitchen.
larry’s point of view:
sal and (y/n) seemed to be getting along quite well. good for him, really. we might be able to coax (y/n) into our friend group. i didn’t like her at first, but i think she’s just a little stand-offish. anyway, back to the lasagna. man, i wish mom would make it more often. she only makes it for guests. where is it? oh, there. (y/n)’s going to nockfell high, right? probably should tell her about travis.
your point of view:
sal was still tracing your arm, running his pale fingers over where the prosthetic connected to your skin. the doctors could have chopped your arm off completely, up to your elbow, but you wanted to salvage as much as you could, so it stops mid-forearm.
“do you take it off often?” sal hummed. it felt a little intimate, tracing your prosthetic. it was like soothing a part of your body that was already gone. what? what was he thinking?
“mmm, i take it off every night. if i leave it on, i could get rashes ‘n shit. rashes aren’t fun. ‘m assuming you take yours off every night too.” he nods.
“i don’t like taking it off during the day. phantom limb shit, you know? it hurts a lot.” you grumble.
“got the lasagna. since you’re going to nockfell, ‘should probably tell you about travis.” larry sits down. “he’s your typical stick-up-the-ass bully. doesn’t really like sally face ‘n our crew.”
“yeah. just ignore him and you should be fine.”
“we‘ll protect you.” larry swings an arm over your shoulder.
huh? you can protect yourself. does he think you can’t? is it because of your prosthetic?
“i can do it myself, you dimwit.” you push his arm off your shoulder.
“time for you to leave.”
“woah, dude, calm down-” larry’s eyes widen in panic. he didn’t mean to offend you.
“i’m sorry!”
“i’m not hurt, just need my sleep. it’s 1:30. go on now.”
sal sets down his cold, uneaten lasagna and larry takes a quick bite out of his.
“see ya!” he mumbled, words muffled by food. you click your teeth as he walks out of your apartment and towards the elevator.
you spin around to face sal. his hand lingers on your counter.
“your knees. how are they?”
you look at his eyes through his mask. they’re light blue. like the lake that you so dreaded. like the sky that morning. like your dad’s shirt. he blinks.
“uh, f-fine. they’re fine. they should heal in a few days. time for you to go.” you grab his shoulders and shove him through the door.
“see you tomorrow?” he stumbles.
“yeah.” the door shuts with a slam and you’re filled with an overwhelming sense of dread.
oh god, not this again. your vision blurs as you try to grasp onto your breath. you can hear the blood rushing in your ears. your heart thuds like it’s going to break through your rib cage. it feels like someone is strangling you, coaxing the last breath of air from your lungs. your nails scratch at your throat desperately, your salty tears only making the marks burn more. at least the cold metal of your prosthetic cools you down a bit.
shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up. you can’t wake anyone. you bite down on your lip to suppress the strangled cries leaving your mouth. god, not the lake, please. not the forest. not the huge, dirty, rabid wolf-looking creature behind your father. not his cries. please, just make it shut up. SHUT UP.
you wake up the next morning to your alarm ringing.
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taglist: @purelydarling @ghostfacefricker6969 @deadpoetsandhoney
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Prince Iwa-Chan
Oikawa!Sister x Iwaizumi Hajime
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a/n: it aggravates me that my mans bara-arms-iwa-chan is so UNDERRATED!!!!
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requests open!!
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like look mom, im in love
ofc youre an oikawa
tbh, i dont think iwa wouldve been comfortable w you when yall first met
lets say youre a year younger than tooru
its a well-known fact that theyve been friends since they were really young so you, being oiks’ baby sister, was also part of your little trio
like lets say they met when they were 6
that would make you about 5
since yall have an older sister, you were exposed to the girly girl stuff like dolls and princesses
ngl, tooru was too thats why hes so flamboyant
but seems his fashion style refutes that
ya didnt hear that from me
tooru had already developed a deep fascination w volleyball bc he saw it being played during the 2000 summer olympics
but you remained w your sister and continued letting her treat you like a princess
im not really sure how old his sister is but lets say she was about around middle school when you were 5-6
however, tooru still made you play w him even though you didnt know how but you didnt care bc you were close w your brother so you would play ball w him
then came along iwaizumi hajime that tooru met from school
he found out that this boy also liked volleyball and tooru yeeted them both home so they could go and play at the back yard
you peeked from your window and you just thought iwa was the most handsome boy youve ever met
ofc, you just bolted down the stairs to where your brother and his friend was
oiks saw you standing by the door w a red face and him, being still a child and not understanding crushes, thought you were sick
he went to you and beckoned hajime to follow him inside
tooru sat you down and asked if you were okay but you just kept staring at hajime
he figured that you were just confused as to who this person was
‘oh! iwa-chan! this is my little sister, y/n! y/n, this is my classmate, iwaizumi hajime!’
cue iwa hitting him at the head
‘i can introduce myself perfectly fine, bakakawa!’
iwaizumi hajime,,,
iwaizumi hajimeee,
iwaizumi y/n
that thought made you turn even redder and you squealed in embarrassment before running back to your room
lmao what
if your personality doesnt align w this, i deeply apologize
i just think if you were an oikawa, you would bound to immediately also be drawn to this handsome specimen named iwaizumi hajime
he be getting the oikawas though
iwa was actually concerned but oiks waved it off
‘don’t worry, iwa-chan. shes weird like that. lets go toss the ball!’
so that was kinda how he met you
now, since hajime basically lived in your house by how much him and your brother hung out, youve slowly mellowed out and gotten to be friends w him
despite your hatred w bugs, you still went w them to explore just bc you wanted to be around hajime
lmao tooru youre now irrelevant
hajime didnt mind and he always made sure you were okay with the adventures of the day
even though you were only like a year younger, he cant help but baby you bc of your much smaller height than him and overall cute baby face
one day, they both came home from school all sweaty bc they raced home
‘iwa-chan! you can settle in the living room while i go shower!’
‘don’t call me iwa-chan, bakakawa!’
‘then stop calling me that!’
he sat down on the couch and started doing his homework when he heard you come home from school
lmao how do little japanese kids go back and forth from school to home at the age of 6
idek how to cross the street
‘oh, okaeri, y/n’
you perked up at his voice and you ran to the living room, seeing him
he grunted and you threw yourself to him in a hug
if your personality doesnt align w this, i deeply apologize
i just think if you were an oikawa, you would bound to immediately also be drawn to this handsome specimen named iwaizumi hajime
part 2
tbh it doesnt even faze him anymore since you do this to him every time
he continues doing homework and just wraps one arm around you and starts patting your head
then silence
but its the good kind of silence
you and iwa just sit there with you snuggled up on him while he continues to add numbers
then it was ruined
by the pterodactyl oikawa tooru who comes flying down the stairs and glomps on to iwa’s other side
‘y/n-chan! stop hogging iwa-chan!’
‘he’s mine, tooru-nii!!’
you pout while iwa turns and gives him a glare
‘shut up, bakakawa! and stop calling me that!’
‘aahh!! you were mine first, iwa-chan!’
‘i was never yours! be quiet!’
‘itai, iwa-chan!’
‘he’s mine forever! we’re going to get married so butt out, nii-chan!’
once everything calms down, yall actually start your homework and work
‘anything happen today, y/n-chan?’
oikawa always asked that question bc he believes its his duty as older brother to be caught up in your life
thats actually annoying bruv
‘hmm, me and the girls in my class were playing princess tea party today and a boy asked to be my prince.’
oikawa is 7 now and he faintly has an idea about crushes and his father made him promise that he would protect you from nasty boys
‘calm down, bakakawa’
iwa mumbled, continuing his homework but also paying attention
‘i told him i already have a prince’
oikawa was so smug and crossed his arms
‘hm, serves them right-’
‘prince iwa-chan and i are going to get married and live in a castle so there’s no room for anybody else’
iwa had to double check and turned red really fast
like who was this iwa-chan
wait, what his name?
his name has iwa in it
is he iwa-chan?
y/n’s prince iwa-chan?
was he really iwa-chan?
you glared at tooru and shook your head
‘no. iwa-chan is my prince’
you were so shamless about this fact
lmao i want your confidence
from then on, youve called iwa as your prince
like his name on your phone is literally prince iwa-chan
then when you were in middle school, you’ve started calling iwa as haji-senpai
there wasnt even a large event that spawned this
well,,, actually,,
youve noticed that iwa hated the nickname ‘iwa-chan’ a lot and he hit tooru many times bc of it so you stopped calling him that bc you didnt want him to be mad at you
so you started calling him senpai bc he was technically an upperclassman
when you first called him this, iwa was lowkey shook
‘haji,,,, senpai?’
you nodded from your spot on the couch, not looking up from your homework
‘see? i can only call iwa-chan, iwa-chan! OOF!’
that was iwa hitting tooru at the face with his pencil case
‘y/n, you dont have to call me that. we’ve known each other since we were little so you dont have to call me by an upperclassman term’
you shrugged
‘i know. but you dont like it when you’re called iwa-chan, do you?’
‘not if it’s by this trash’
he jutted a thumb to the fallen tooru
‘so,,,, iwa-chan is fine?’
your eyes sparkled at the permission of being able to freely call him that without worry
he gulps at your face and turns away to hide his red face before nodding
‘my prince iwa-chan!’
‘no! my iwa-chan!’
‘shut up shittykawa!’
‘itai, iwa-chan!’
keeping up with the oikawas
this nickname will forever be stuck
since you went to the same middle school, you were known to be around your brother and iwa and even staying behind for practice to walk home w them
it became a bit of a joke to the team of you picking up your prince
one day, a teammate called iwa, ‘prince iwa-chan’ and he almost busted a fuse
was ready to square up bc only his babie can call him that
but when you came through the door
‘prince iwa-chan! your princess is here!’
he turned all soft and squishy and pats your head so gently that they couldnt believe this is the same boy who is the ace
you were interested in volleyball so you were kinda friends w the team but you didnt really care for the sport, mainly focusing on your academics
thats how it really was for you three
they focused on sports while you studied
oh my here comes highschool
oikawa and iwa were already known throughout the FREAKING PREFECTURE bc of how TALENTED THEY ARE AT VOLLEYBALL
and you were already known by your pretty face and your cute personality
basically genderbent oikawa
and just wanted to stop you from reading by telling you that you are beautiful and you are a KWEEN and you are a GODDESS and confidence is the most beautiful thing to wear and best of all, it’s free!!
ofc, youd have to go to aoba johsai bc your brother was there
‘y/n-chan! you need to go where your brother is! you love him, don’t you?’
‘sure, tooru’
you actually went to seijoh bc you would see iwa 
you didnt hear that from me
your first day, boys (and gals) were already flocking towards you when they saw you walking with iwa and tooru
still being the overprotective brother since day1, oikawa was just snarling at anyone getting close to his baby sister
lmao what baby
hes only like a year older
but iwa was being terrirorial protective bc he finds it as an obligation as tooru’s best friend and your childhood friend
when oiks wasn’t paying attention and being drowned by his fangirls, iwa was your bodyguard
there was this one boy who started walking towards you as yall were going to your class but hajime placed an arm around your waist and pulled you closer
‘oh? i’m only at the first floor, iwa-chan. don’t get all clingy now’
lmao, girl hes trying to show that boy that hes your unofficial mans and will cut off his family jewels if he tries to even BREATHE in your direction
umm,,, iwa’s not yandere in this one yall
iwa just rolls his eyes and makes you walk forward until yall are at your door
‘i’ll see you later, iwa-chan!’
‘yea yea. i’ll pick you up’
he starts to walk down the hallway but you poke your head back out and shout
‘i miss you already, prince iwa-chan!’
he turns red all over and freezes for a 0.0002 seconds before raising a hand without turning around
now ladies and genitals
this is when iwa-chan starts to catch feelings like he catches them spikes
your cute smling face and saying his dumb nickname that he actually loves was like a recipe for a stroke for him
it has come to the point at the mere thought of you would make him all flustered and red
it tripled over when this happened:
puberty was kinda late for you and you actually just woke up looking like a goddess one day and you were like, lmao what
your chest just ballooned up and your height just skyrocketed that your skirt was now very short
ew i dont know what i would do in this situation
you were self-conscious about this and was kinda scared 
obvs, you would scream for your mother and she and your father and brother bolts up to your bedroom thinking there was a whole michael meyers in your room
but when you explained that your uniform doesnt fit anymore, she starts making appointments to get you fitted for another one
but you had to wait for a few days
so you went to school looking like a whole snacc
more of a snacc than you did before
when iwa saw you, he had a literal nosebleed in the middle of campus and runs to the bathroom to get all cleaned up
why in the name of asahi do you look like that?!
when you saw your prince look at you in horror and run away, you cried
you were already very self-conscious and him doing that just topped the cake
cake that tooru doesnt have
oop imsorry
tooru reassures you that he had a nosebleed and he was just sick and ran to not get any blood on his clothes
but you just walked away with your head down low
it didnt matter to you if this caught all the student body’s attention
that their precious oikawa y/n, little sister of the oikawa tooru, was a walking perfection goddess Venus
all that you cared about was iwa’s opinions bc he was your prince and your best friend
girl, accept that you actually like the mans
this was the worst day of your entire life and you went straight to your locker to get your gym clothes out and wear it for the day
it was tight but at least it covered skin
and it still attracted enough attention to be catcalled and whistled at
it felt violating
the entire morning, there was more attention and more people flocked over to you and guys were staring at you as if you were a piece of meat, not a girl
‘harry potter is a boy! not a piece of meat!’
sorry i cant help it
you were so uncomfortable that you called your brother during lunch time to come pick you up for lunch bc you were too scared to walk alone after being catcalled during your walk to your class
tooru sends out iwa to go help you as an apology from this morning and he just runs to your class bc you were in trouble and he was going to protect you!!
go iwa-chan!
he finds you sitting on your chair, looking down at your desk as there seemed to be boys piled up on top of each other, trying to get your attention
first world problems, amirite
that angry grunt but at 2x bass boosted
hearing his voice, you were still embarrassed from earlier but you were so relieved
iwa pushes people away and he grabs your hand to pull you up before wrapping an arm around your waist, protectively
‘if i see you idiots making her uncomfortable or even trying to touch her, i will destroy you’
protection and the feeling of safety is my fave
he leads you out of there to the stairway where him and his teammates were eating
he held your hand tightly and you squeezed it, trying to show that you were grateful
even if they were still male, your brother was there and if something happened, they were both strong enough to take them on
besides, its just mattsun and maki anyways
tooru saw you and he hugged you before leading you to the 2 others
‘guys, this is y/n, my sister. that’s mattsun and that’s makki.’
you slightly smiled and raised a hand in greeting
to be safe, iwa made you sit a step down from him so that if something happens, he could protect you
idk how but you do you boo
‘i can protect her too, iwa-chan!’
‘shut up, shittykawa. youre literally sticks and bones’
‘so mean! iwa-chan, you’re so mean!’
you giggled, head leaning down to rest on iwa’s right thigh since you were full and tired and he runs his hand through your hair
mattsun and makki shared a look before asking
‘are you dating our ace, y/n-chan?’
at the mention of dating, you both turned red and you sat up
iwa shouts but his red face and ears betrayed him
‘iwa-chan grew up with us so he’s naturally like that. we’ve adopted him into our family!’
oikawa explained but you looked at him and he gave you a knowing look
oh he noticed everything
the lingering looks during practice
the bashful smiles during hang outs at home
unnecessary touches during the walk to school
oikawa may be annoying but he’s observant and he is smart
after that fiasco, the two boys were a little wary of letting you walk home alone so iwa offered to take you since he was already making more progress and didnt need extra practice while tooru wanted to practice more
‘iwa-chan, can we go to your house this time?’
he turned to look at you curiously since you never ask to go to his place
‘i miss your mom and ive been meaning to go visit her. so can we, iwa-chan?’
you squeezed his hand and showcased your pleading look making him agree
his house wasn’t a frequently hung out spot since your house was closer but you were still familiar with his home since his mother was fond of you
mama iwaizumi peaked from the kitchen and greeted him home before squealing at the sight of the youngest oikawa
‘oh my, y/n-chan! hello!’
‘hello, auntie!’ 
she gave you a big hug and you returned it with a laugh
iwa just standing there to the side with a smile bc his mom approves so all is good in life
‘you’ve grown so much, y/n-chan! so much prettier too!’ you turned bashful at her compliments.
then she leaned forward to whisper in your ear but made her voice loud
‘say, has my son finally ask you to be his girlfriend?’
omg mama iwaizumi really ships it
iwa turns red and complains to his mom about being in his business too much
‘don’t be so timid, hajime! y/n-chan could be taken from under your nose any minute now!’
‘dont you think i know that’ he mumbles but very lowly so that no one hears him
but you decide to tease him more
‘no. but i’m waiting for it. i’ll tell you once he does, auntie!’
fed up with the teasing, he grabs you and drags you up to his room to change into comfortable clothing
you sit on his bed while he rummages through his closet for a sweatshirt and sweatpants
‘here! change into these!’ he shouts, still flustered and refusing to look at your eyes
youre an oikawa and you lived to tease so you stood up, tossing the clothes to the side and wrapping your arms around his neck
ooo gurl you want iwa to die today, don’t you?
he gets even redder and scowls
‘oi, y/n, what are you doing’
you shook your head
‘nothing. i just miss my prince iwa-chan. you were so brave for saving me today, prince iwa-chan’
the nickname used to not affect him that much but now, he watches the it fall from your cherry lips
‘say my name’
you furrowed your eyebrows
he gently shakes his head no
‘my real name’
‘iwaizumi hajime’
you say, distracted at the way his mouth moves
‘and what’s yours?’
‘iwaizumi y/n’
you breathed out
he growls softly before taking your sinful lips
wowza jesus took the wheel bc he stepped on that pedal
we going straight 100 mph up in this bih
iwa really said, ‘skip the confession. imma go straight for my babie girl’s lips. also, proposal who? let’s go get married in vegas!’
it wasnt even been literally 15 minutes until you came bounding the stairs wearing hajime’s signature grey hoodie with his seijoh sweatpants and calling for your auntie to announce you were now dating are going to get married
she screams and comes running from the kitchen, holding a ladle
you flashed a grin while iwa shows a small smile with red cheeks from behind you before telling you that you were both too young to get married
‘i told ya you would be the first to know’
after dinner, you call your brother and hes like, ‘okay, since you’re not at home i’m assuming youre at iwa’s’
‘omgomgomg, nii-chan! i just had dinner with my boyfriend’s family! they accepted me!’
oikawa just has that special type of voice that even without being on speaker phone, it sounds like he is
iwa laughs at his friend’s worried questions
‘better hand over your princess to the prince, grand king’
oikawa screamed
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i hope i did my mans justice 
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xgryffinwhore · 3 years
mama i’m in love with a hitman
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summary: two years with barry what could go wrong? oh yeah hes a murderer-
warnings: some angst, marriage proprosal oop-
you had originally begun acting because it was the only affordable option to get you some time away from your family. ya, you still lived with your family.
anyways, acting became kind of like a release for you. you had been going for about 4 months now, you loved everyone you worked with, they were such great people.
then one day, barry berkman showed up,
and basically changed your life.
the first day you saw him, your heart basically feel out of your ass. holy shit was this guy hot; tall, mysterious, and awkward as hell. perfect.
you took him under your wing, immediately engaging with him and bugging him about his person endeavors and whatnot. you two became inseparable, youre bascially the only reason he even uses his messaging app.
you showed him the ropes of LA, giving him tours of sketchy venues, shitty Chinese restaurants. you always felt so awful for him, dragging him around to every place.
"I'm sorry, barry, im just trying to give you the full LA experience"
"its ok, being seen with the prettiest girl in LA isnt so bad"
yeah, one thing led to another, and you had moved into barry's apartment a year after. your relationship was strong; you cuddle, argue, fuck, all of that modern day romance contraband.
everything was exceptional, other than the fact that he was dragging his feet on marrying you...
yeah, you had dropped some major hints. wedding magazines everywhere, leaving honeymoon deals up on the desktop, evening face timing your friend and talking obnoxiously loud about the idea of getting hitched.
tomorrow was your two year anniversary, and you two had been buzzing about it all week, all the lovey dovey language and such.
"babe, tomorrows the day" he squeezed your shoulders from behind you. you were sitting at the coffee table, and he had just served you toast. "i know old man, didnt think we'd last did ya?" "first of all, im only like four years older than you, second" he kissed you on your temple "i knew you were the one."
in the midst of sipping your coffee and passing back and forth news papers, barry’s phone begins to vibrate; the name “Fuches” catches your eye. who was fuches and why did barry have to step out of the room to answer it?
when he came back he looked ghostly, his complexion pale and his lips quivering slightly. “all ok?” you ask, trying to sound lowkey; “uh um- yep. just have to head out for a bit, they need me at work.”
he left abruptly after, grabbing a hat and his black coat. weird. it was the middle june.
you hadn’t heard from him all day, except for a text at lunch that said
barry: Won’t be home tonight, dont forget to lock up.
your heart sunk, the day before your two year. i mean really what was his damage? you didn’t realize how hard it was to fall asleep without him, you tossed and turned until you eventually caved in and called.
ring...... ring.....
‘hey! it’s barry berk-uh um block! leave a message if you want to i guess um ok bye howthefuck do i turnthisthing off-OHH!’
oh how you missed that dorky man, true, it had only been a few hours but his touch was your saving grace. the line beeped and you decided to leave him something
“aha hey bar, y/n here. beds cold without you. miss you. be safe.”
the night way cold and long, you were drifting to sleep. but you heard the front door jangle. you sleepily run down the hall way and run straight into barry. you hugged him, his bosy was stiff and he was trying to inch away from you. "bar!" you whined looking up at him, his nose was bloody and he had a black eye.
“bar?” you wiped his cupid’s bow, the sleepy haze quickly wearing off. he pushes past you “just fell, please just wait for me in bed.” by the time you caught up with him at the bathroom, the door was already shut.
you heard the shower turn on, and you could hear him faintly hiss in pain. he was in there for a while, by the time he got back you could hear the birds chirp, which means it must have been close to 5 am. the sun was still down, and you watch his dark figure slip into bed next you to.
“i love you.” he whispered
“i love you too.” you turned to face him, you knew something was up, you knew he had been hiding something.
“you always leave in the night, when i’m sleeping you always leave barry. is it another women?” barry’s face contorts into a confused scribble. “y/n what? you’re the only one.”
“then why don’t you tell me what you’re really up to. go’s we’ve been dating for two years and you can’t even tell me why you sneak away in the night?!”
barry grabs your hands and puts them close to his face “god y/n i’m sorry happy two years” he gushed and kisses your fingers. a tear trailed down his stubbly cheek. “there are just things i can’t tell you because i don’t want to lose you.”
this hurt you, barry knew all of your deepest secrets, the things you never told anyone other then him. all of this had you worked up, how could he speak to you this way the day of your two year mark? despite his protests, you packed a tooth brush and drove to your friends to stay the night. this was just too much for 3am, you needed space. to clear your head.
you didnt sleep at all that night, you nodded off from 8am to 10, your friend waking you up. "girl i know you dont want to hear this... but barry is outside, hes been parked here since 9" she threw your jeans at you "now go outside and work this shit out, im not prepared to deal with your heart boken ass."
so you put on jeans, and headed for disaster.
you came outside, 'sleepy always looks so good on her' barry thought to himself. you loved him so much, it was so hard to fight with him.
"listen bar, im sorry im just sensitive you know th-"
barry never interrupted you. for as long as you remember there has never once been a time where barry talked over you, or interrupted what you were saying. its something you loved about him, he always seemed so interested in what you had to say, he thought your words where so important.
he pulled a rolled up magazine out of his pack pocket, it was yours, it had faded circles on what cakes and dresses you wanted. he unrolled it and scurried to the 5th page. he pointed at the big raise ranch that you put exclamation points next to.
"this house, i want this house."
he went to the 8th page.
"and this car, we could have that if i stop going to wendys so much"
he giggled to himself and mumbled something about how he knows a guy that can re pair a cooling system.
'uh-um ok barry, what does this have to do with anything? house, car, is this what you drove over here to tell me? you want a better car? you need a bigger house."
he shook his head and trialed to the second page with that beautiful sheath wedding dress, you remembered that.
"youll wear this yeah? some time in the early fall. wouldnt that be nice, still warm, and the leaves-oh the leaves- orange and yellow bring out your eyes so i just figured."
he pulled out the rock, and shit, it didn’t disappoint. you’re not materialistic but what the FUCK?! how did he even afford that-
he slipped it on your finger and you both embraced. messy kisses all over whatever skin you two could find. it was bliss, it was happiness.
you hugged for a while. just sat there reflecting on how far you two had come, and how happy he was going to make you feel for the res rod your life. it’s crazy, you thought marriage wasn’t in the cards for you. but with barry, you can see 5 kids, a dog, and a stupid picket fence.
you were so captured in this moment, you didn’t notice barry’s demeanor change. you looked up and him, he was pale white, staring behind his shoulder at the street. you leaned over his forearm and saw a beat up mom car.
in it was a shaggy dude, didn’t look too much older then barry. he was plump in the face, and his face was aged.
“fuches!?” barry exclaimed.
“come on. we have a hit, i habe your sniper in the back. now.”
another WHAT?
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daddynegandesires · 3 years
Secrets chapter 3
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Summary: ellies birthday and mothers day is coming up as emotions and pent up anger are spiraling between you, negan, and jack while more and more secrets begin to unfold.
Warming: nsfw, fluff, kink, depression, abuse
Sorry for the late update on this chapter its kind of a short one ive just have been going through some personal things and havent found the motivation to finish this one yet.❤ i hope you all like it!❤
You and negan haven't spoke in a few days ellies birthday is today and you have been busy decorating. Negan is suppose to be picking up the cake at the store. jack has returned back from his "business trip" withq an odd hickey on his neck that keeps gawking at you everytime you speak to him. You want to avoid conflict because you arent so innocent yourself after what happen with negan last time you saw him but thats just not who you are....you have to confront him but you also dont want to ruin ellies day infront of everyone.
"Hey jack, do you mind helping me with this streamer" you called out to him from the ladder
"Sure hun" he took the streamer from your hand taping it up to the wall
"Thank you.....uh negan should be here soon with her cake" you said folding up the step ladder
"I could of went and grabbed it" he scoffs
"I uh..well sorry i didnt know it was a big deal" you try to laugh it off politely
"Dont even worry about it...." He walks past you ramming his ahoulder into you heading outside
Negan had arrive with the cake and so did a few of ellies friends and your mother. You and your mothers relationship really has never been that great but you try to make peace with it for ellies sake. Negan came in with a huge gift box all wrapped in pink with a bow.
" i thought we agreed nothing crazy" you whispered to him
"Whaat...can i not spoil my girl" negan grins at you
Ellie runs out of her room her eyes light up at the size of the gift her dad got her.
"Mommy look at this...its humongo!" She says messing with the bow
"I see honey..dont mess with it yet" you giggle
"Where is your boy toy.." His tongue slides across his bottom lip
You kept silent while negan stared you down waiting for a response but nothing came out his eyes were burning a hole through you he always knew when shit was up.
"Ah i see....the silent treatment" folding his arms
Negan walks off to go play with ellie and say hello to a few people when your mother walks up to you.
"Hey mom..." You say emotionless
"What is negan doing here.." She asks
"Mom...please dont. Thats ellies dad. I told you we are trying to work on things for ellies sake" you say annoyed.
"Well...once a cheater always a cheater. Im just saying" as she sips on her cup of wine walking away
A few hours have passed and ellie got to blow out her candles and eat cake. Jack still hasnt said much to you throughout the whole party and its more than obvious that negan is starting to catch on im just hoping he doesn't notice the hicky on his neck. Ellie has been bugging you about negans gift so you were going to let her open it.
"Ellie open it up over here sweetie so everyone can see" you say smiling
Ellie quikly rips the hot pink rapping paper off and squeals in excitement as she realizes its a electric scooter that she has been wanting. Negan was standing by your side with his hand sneakily rested on your lower back with a huge smile on his face.
"Oh my god you got me that scooter!!" Ellie begins jumping up and down
"Negan....those cost alot" you whispered in his ear
"dont worry about it....i got it taken car of" he says sternly
"Lets take it outside!!" Negans runs over and picks it up in excitment with all of the kids following him outside to ride on the scooter. You were throwing away dirty plates when jack came up to you
"So you want to explain why you and negan have been so close" he quietly says to you
You instantly start to burn with rage as he asks you that knowing he has been keeping things from you too and the fact his assistant melissa has been speaking to him inappropriately. You were holing the knife in your hand for cutting the cake reminding you of the incident that happened between you and negan once you found out he was cheating. you froze and gripped tightly on the knife thinking of how to approach this.
"You're a fucking whore..." He spat at you
"Jack.....get the fuck away from me" you quietly say
"Yeah i bet thats what you want.....so he can fuck you" he says through gritted teeth
"Its. Ellies. Birthday.....fucking knock it off we can settle this later" you slowly set the knife down unclenching your fist
Jack stands there glaring at you with his jaw clecnhed before giving up and walking away. You let out a sigh of relief and pour yourself a glass of wine. You take a sip closing your eyes feeling like everything is going in slomotion in that moment when you here yelling outside and notice its negan and jack. You drop your glass spilling your wine everywhere running outside.
"Back the fuck off man!" Jack yells with his fist balled up
"Ohh...you really want to go there dude..." Negan laughs
"You are fucking (y/n) and i know it!" Jack lunges towards him throwing a punch hitting negan in the face making him stumble
Negan catches his balace reaching up to his face touching where jack punched him in the mouth realizing he is bleeding negan licks the blood off his lips and lets out a sinister almost scary deep chuckle.
"Oh...you fucked up." Negan lunges towards jack football tackling him to the ground he starts punching jack over and over again blood all over his fists
"Negan!!!...no! Stop!" You rush over trying to pry negan off of jack
"Negan stop for ellie please!" You begin to cry struggling to finally get him off causing you to fall backwards with negan on you
"You are a dead fucking man!....now get the fuck off my property..." Negan threats
You push negan off to go check on jack you try to get jack to respond to you and see if he is okay but he just spits in your face shoving you away causing you to fall before you know it negan charges back over and starts beating the shit out of him all you can do is scream at them and cry. Through tear filled eyes you notice the cops rushing up the street pulling into the drive way the last thing you remember is the cops pulling negan off and everything went black.
Jack and negan were both arrested but were soon let go apparently i had fainted due to stress and dehydration they kept me in the hospital until i was better. You kicked jack out of the house and you haven't spoke to negan since ellies birthday. Things have been rough being alone for ahwile and ellie was getting upset about not seeing her dad.
Text from negan:
Hey....im coming by
You looked at your phone to see a text from negan but you just ignored it and continued to cook some food for ellie. There was a knock at the door you sighed annoyingly before unlocking the deadbolt and opening the door to negans innocent brown eyes staring back at you. before you could give him a chance to speak you shut the door in his face but he quickly caught it in time with his foot in the doorway before it closed.
"Negan...ellie should be home. She is still upset" you sigh
"Thats okay i want to make it up to you two" he says pushing the door open coming inside
You just stand there silent with your arms crossed untill you hear ellies bus coming down the road and before you know it she busts through the door yelling.
"Mommmyyyy! Happy mothers dayzz!" Ellies runs up to you handing you a picture she made at school
"Awe...thank you sweet heart its gorgeous" you took the pink paper from her smiling and when to hang it on the fridge
"Look i want to take you two out to dinner...its mothers day and you deserve it..look i know i fucked up but that asshole had it coming" negan says
"Negan dont.....go ask Ellie she is the real one you need to be apologizing to not me" you stare at the ground avoiding eye contact.
"Ohh ellie daddy wants to talk to you!" He walks off to her room
You, negan, and ellie were all out at dinner at your favorite steakhouse enjoying your meal when the waiter brought a bottle of wine
"Negan....i cant afford that" you quietly say
"Ah ah....you deserve it i mean you are the best mom ever" he winks at you popping the lid off pouring wine into your glass
"Thanks..." You shyly say before taking a sip
"So.....the school fired me" negan cleared his throat
You choked on your drink hearing the words that had just came out of negans mouth
"What?..how come" you say wipping wine off your chin
"Well....they dont want me as a coach anymore since what happened at ellies birthday. They say its wildly inappropriate and against policy to still have me there" he bites in his steak
"What are you going to do..." You ask worried
"Ohhh no biggie i always have things taken care of" he smiles at you
"If you need anything im here..." You look up at him
" i know....thank you" he reaches across the table holding your hand
The three of you finish up dinner afterwards you all go for a late walk through the park. It felt nice to get out and have some fresh air after what happended at the party. Your phone kept buzzing off the hook of texts from jack you kept trying to hide it from negan to not let him worry. You felt bad hiding it from negan but you knew it would start a fight but you also didnt want to let jack go without some talking. Negan took you and ellie back home ellie ran inside and got ready for bed.
"I know he is talking to you..." Negan says sternly while placing one hand against the wall beside your head
"Negan....can we not talk about this right now" you say turning your head away from him
"No!...you will look at me when im speaking to you" negan grabs ahold of your chin forcing you to look at him
"Yes....yes im still talking to him.." You say embarassed
"Why....he is such a load of whoreshit....im standing right infront of you (y/n)...im here now! Take me back please. Im an honest man now!" Negan growls
" get...off of me!" You scream and shove him away from you and begin to walk angrily down the road
"(Y/n) get back here now!...where the fuck do you think you are going!" Negan trys to catch up with you when it suddenly starts raining
"Negan stop trying so hard!...this is going nowhere!" You say crying
"Why do you keep saying that!...i want this to work!" Negan finally catches up to you grabbing you by the arm spinning you around
"......well i dont..." You choked on those words as they slipped out of your mouth it felt like your heart had just stopped for a split second it killed you to say that to negan but it had to be done
"You....dont want this." He said quietly and upset with rain drops running down his perfect face
"Negan....i.... I cant. You have to let me go" you say caressing his face" you said giving him a half smile with a single tear rolling down your cheek
"W....what about ellie.....thats my babygirl" Negan begans to tear up pulling you into a hug
"You can still be in ellies life.....i start therapy next tuesday" you say ending the hug
"You can talk to me (y/n)" negan sniffles
"There are just things that just feel easier letting out to a stranger sometimes..."
"I love you....." Negan says bresthlessly
"....i love you too but from a distance.....i have boundaries set now negan"
You and negan began to walk back to the house getting inside you hand him a towel to dry himself off. Negan follows you to the bedroom.
"There are still some of your clothes in the closet...." You say facing away from him
"You still have some of my old clothes here...." Negan opens the door seeing his shirts still hanging in the same spot before he moved out
"I didnt know if you still wanted them or not..." You say nervously
"Its okay. Thank you" negan takes off his soaking wet shirt switching it out with an old faded band shirt
"You can sleep on the couch if you would like..." You offer him
"You sure you are going to be okay with that?" He raises an eyebrow at you
"Yeah....plus its been lonely here just me and ellie" you chuckle handing him a blanket
Negan takes the blanket from you before turing around to open the bedroom door to leave. As soon as the door shut you quietly sobbed making sure it wasnt loud enough for negan to hear. You wiped your tears away before getting yourself ready for bed. You tossed and turned for most of the night your head filled with unnecessary thoughts and cenarios. You just wanted all of this pain to go away you dont know what you are doing with yourself anymore the only thing that keeps you holding on is ellie and negan.
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hollandsmushroom · 4 years
JJ x Plus size reader
No fuxking clue how many words this is but here you go, my first fic in ages! I hope y'all enjoy.
Fluffy soft JJ is the whole plot really.
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You laid on the HMS Pogue, an oversized shirt covering your body as everyone else swam around the boat. Your hands were pressed into the soft flesh of your abdomen, you felt the bit where your stomach stuck out where your bikini pressed too much into your chub. Your friends looked to be having an amazing time, and you wishes so much to join them, but there was a deepest fear of rejection and mockery for your body. The rest of the pogues had already seen you in a swim suit before but today felt different, when you woke up and looked in the mirror, it felt wrong, you felt bigger, misshapen, unattractive, simply, you felt wrong. JJ watched you from the water, his eyes scanning your still figure, admiring how your shirt feel across your breasts, tucking into your back roll, slipping down off your belly and ending at your thick thighs. God, your thighs, part of him wanted to bite the soft flesh of your inner thighs as you wrapped your legs around this head. He shook his head, trying to get the thought out of his head because he could feel himself growing hard.
"Y/n, you joining us?" JJ called, trying to distract from his smutty thoughts.
"Nah, not today, sorry JJ," you replied, rolling your head to the side to look at him as you spoke.
"Aw, come on, the waters great and it's so hot out you have to swim," Kie shouted as she splashed at John B and Pope who wrote annoying her.
"Y/n, if you dont come in I'm pulling you in," JJ spoke, swimming closer to the boat, "I'm serious"
You looked down at him, seeing the threat behind his eyes, you stood up, it was slightly painfull seeing as your sweaty thighs had stuck to the fiberglass of the boat. You sucked in a deep breath, tugging the shirt over your head, leaving you in just your high waisted bikini. JJs eyes widened, he let out a low whistle, mumbling 'damn'. Had it been most other days you wouldnt have caught the adoration in his voice but you would have taken his explitive as a compliment, but you weren't like you were most other days. Taking his words as mockery, tears pricked your eyes, you dove over him, entering the water just behind him and diving deeper and swimming underneath his legs and under the boat, gasping for breath when you came up on the other side. You laid in your back, ears under water as you caught your breath, what you couldn't hear was the group freaking out, especially JJ.
"Y/n should have come up by now" he spoke, spinning himself around in the water.
"Yeah, they should have," John B agreed looking down into the murky depths past his feet but seeing nothing.
"Y/N!" JJ called before diving down, looking to see if you had hit a rock or something but unable to find any sign of you.
You lifted your head out of the water, hearing your friends call out for you, and it clicked, something you hadn't realized in your fog of self loathing that you had dove into the water and then disappeared. They must be freaking out, you thought as you gripped the edge of the boat, kicking you legs as you hoisted yourself in, grabbing your shirt immediately to cover your body.
"Hey guys," you hollered, catching there attention as they all searched for you.
"Y/N, what the actual fuck, we thought you drowned" Pope yelled
"You scared the shit out of me," John B chimed in
"If you ever do some shit like that again you're dead to me, I was so worried" Kie added finally
JJ, as opposed to everyone else didnt say anything, just climbed into the boat and enveloped you in a hug. You flinched at the contact, not wanting anyone to feel how big you were.
"I thought you died," he whispered in your ear, and something in his voice broke when he spoke.
"Well I'm alive," you spoke, coldly, remembering what he said. He pulled back from the embrace, trying to look you in the eye, sensing that something was off.
"Yo, you good" he asked gently, still trying to catch your eye.
"Yeah, I'm fine, I just remembered that my mom needed me home for something" it was a total lie, the only thing that your mom needed you to do was to stay the fuck out of her way.
"Oh, okay, guys we got to get Y/n home, they have something to do," JJ shouted to the rest of the group, even though he didnt really believe it.
The group was quick to return to shore, all piling into the twinkie to get you home. John B., Pope, and Kie all spent the way to your house chatting, but you stayed quiet, your hands fiddling in your lap, JJ was quiet too, watching you with concern and curiosity in his eyes, what was up with you? You never would have done the disappearing act earlier on any other day, you knew it would cause too much concern, he was also worried about your silence, you were often such a talkative and fun person.
"Sorry for cutting the fun short guys," you broke your silence as you stepped out of the van.
"Nah, it's fine, you didnt, cause ya know, the fun never ends," John B. smiled at you
"Plus, there is always time tonight, we could meet back up at the Chateau," Pope chimed in.
"Yeah, maybe," you smiled softly, thinking about how you didnt want to see anyone else today, just lay in bed. As you climbed the steps to your house someone caught your wrist making you turn around, your eyes meeting JJs. As soon as you saw him, you felt your heart melt a little, how gently his hand was on yours, but then you remembered what he said earlier. You pulled your wrist from his grasp, looking him dead in the eye.
"Yes, JJ?" You asked, a slight bitterness in your tone, causing him to step back.
"I-I just wanted to say goodbye," he said, scratching the back of his neck anxiously.
"Oh, bye" you said, opening the door and closing it quickly behind you, your back hitting the wood.
JJ stood there for a second, staring at the paint peeling off the door, feeling wounded at your coldness.
"Hey JJ, you comin?" Kie yelled at him from the Twinkie, snapping him out of it.
"Yeah, yeah," he mumbled, jogging back down the steps.
You stayed in your room for hours, your phone buzzing on the night stand as you hid under the covers. The sun had set on the water, the sky still shining a faded orange and purple. You hadn't moved since you got home, just laid in bed and let your mind stop, the existence of your body disappearing beneath the covers.
Your cheeks were damp with tears, wiping them away as they feel was too much work. There was a light knock on your window, making you shoot up straight in bed, looking at the window pain, behind sat a very concerned looking JJ.
You got out of bed, lifting up the window and stepping aside so JJ could climb in, this was something he had done before, crash at your house if he was tired of John B. but didnt want to go home.
"Hey Y/n," he spoke softly, a rarity for JJ
"JJ, what are you doing here?" you hissed, still not wanting to be around anyone
"Well, you weren't answering your phone and you were acting really weird earlier so I, I got worried"
"Yeah, like you care" you snapped, still over reacting at his words earlier
"What the fuck is your deal," he bit back "I'm trying to be nice, to be a good friend, and maybe make you realize that I fucking like you but you keep shooting me down,"
"What?" you muttered
"Nevermind, I shouldn't be here," he said, making a move for the window.
"No, you cant like me," that caught his attention, he turned around, your face was confused, your brain clearly trying to put things together, "how could you like me when I look like this, I mean, you even mocked me this morning,"
"Wait, what? Mocking you? When, what? And why the fuck cant I like you, is there some rule somewhere written in fucking stone,"
"Yeah, you made a mocking cat call when I took off my shirt to swim,"
"You thought I was mocking you?" His brow furrowed "I wasnt mocking you, that was genuine, I was trying to get you to realize that I have a thing for you!"
"JJ why?"
"Why? Why what? Why do I like you? Are you serious? Have you seen yourself!"
"Yes, yes I fucking have and that's exactly why you cant like me," you yelled, a tear escaping your eye.
"What are you even saying, Y/n?"
"This" you gestured to your body "This is why you cant like me, I'm fat JJ, I jiggle and my thighs rub, I have back rolls, I-" JJ cut you off, grabbing your face in his hands, thumbing your cheeks softly as he pressed his lips to yours hastily. You melted into him, giving yourself to the kiss, as if something in you surrendered to his affection.
You both pulled away, gasping for breath, forehead leaning on each other.
"Y/n, I like you, and that's always been something I've had a hard time saying, but I do, I like how you stomach sticks out, and how thick your thighs are, sometimes I imagine myself between them," you pulled back, looking him dead in the eye and biting your lip. "Moving on, I like how your boobs aren't a handful, they are like 5 handfuls, and how soft your back rolls are, I like you, I like your body, so get that through your dumb head," he joked, tapping your skull causing you to giggle. He pushed you down onto the bed, him landing softly on top of you. "Now that's out of the way, will you please just be mine, Y/n?"
"Yeah, JJ, I'll be yours, happily," his face broke into a smile as he ran his hands up and down your sides, leaning down and mashing his lips with yours.
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honeypirate · 4 years
You’re Lucky
Soulmate AU where they share a birthmark that is in the same shape and place. 
Bokuto Koutarou x Fem!Reader
I’ve read through this a few times but I’m sure there are things I have missed while editing.
4k+ words
You stared at the mark in the reflection in the bathroom mirror. Steam filled the room from your particularly hot shower, your skin red and the mirror foggy except from the stripe down the middle you made with your hand which just had stripes of water beads on it. You sigh as you watch your reflection touch the owl shaped mark and trace it’s outlines. “A soulmate mark on my ribs, useless” you whisper as you leave your bathroom, steam shooting out the door when you open it. 
“Hey y/n!” Yukie says as you come into morning practice, you wave at her as you pick up your shoes from the door “sorry i'm late!” you say and make your way over to her around the boys practicing, sending a glance in Bokuto’s direction and blushing when you find him already looking at you. You wave with your fingers and he grins before waving back “Up front!” Akaashi else yells, successfully getting Bo’s attention. 
You were their third manager who was also a third year, you helped where you could but honestly you just loved volleyball. Your passion for the game was why the coach allowed another manager the same year as the other two when you joined your second year. The energy was intoxicating and you loved to watch the growth of the players. Plus it didn’t hurt that they were all so cute, especially Bokuto who has become your close friend. Your energies just matched perfectly and you always knew what to say to get him out of his depressive funks. 
You were talking to the other managers about the training camp coming up the following week while the boys were cleaning up, the whole time Bo was watching, fire in his eyes and excitement when he heard your words about being able to come to the camp too. “HEy! You're going to come to the summer training camp right?!” he shouts when you exit the gym and you giggle “of course Bo! It’s so intoxicating to see your energy playing! AH I mean all your guys energy.. Everyone's energy. It’s really fun is all I mean!”   this boy is so damn clueless it hurts but at the same time you were grateful he just kept on talking even after your rambling and flusters.
After practice and meetings you walk to the bus stop with Bokuto, Akaashi, Konoha, Yukie, and Kaori. After a very animated conversation about which soulmate mark was superior, you all agreed that a name on the wrist is so much better than thoughts in your head and tied with thoughts being written on your arm because that could be entertaining. The one you had, an hidden mark, was 8 on the list, and no one asked to know what yours was so you never told them. From this conversation you realized that no one cares about Bo’s either. The rest of them have very obvious ones, a birthmark on the face, words on arms, ones that told you that you weren’t theirs so you never brought any attention to it. 
You’re on the bus sitting next to Yukie, with Bokuto and Akaashi behind you. You get a call from your mom and answer just in case it was an emergency  “hey darling!” he voice was so loud that Bokuto behind you could hear the conversation “my friend from work said her son has a rib birth mark!” Bo’s ears perked up at that. “She did? Did she say what shape it was in?” he hears you mom squeal “she said it was in the shape of a lion! That’s yours, right honey?” you pinch the bridge of your nose and Bokuto can feel the sadness creeping in until you say “No mom. Mine is shaped like an owl” Bokuto’s face turns red as he stares at the back of your head as you get up to get off the bus at your stop, waving at the guys and mouthing “see you tomorrow” behind you as you continue your phone call. 
An owl. Your soulmate had a matching rib mark that looks like an owl. He knows exactly who your soulmate is because that mark is very familiar to him,  he’s been looking at the same mark every time he’s shirtless. 
After that he talked to Akaashi about it and they came up with an idea to breach the subject without it being weird like he was creepily listening to your phone call. Since you were all going to the training camp in a few days he’ll just take off his shirt while you’re around, during a game he’ll pretend he’s too hot, then you’ll know too and he won’t be creepy. Perfect. Perfect except now he doesn’t know how to be around you, he already wants to run to you, hold you and never let you go. Now he has to keep this secret. He had Akaashi promise to keep him on track with the plan. 
The next day was Friday and then the summer training camp on Monday. You showed up to practice in the morning and the moment you walk through the door Bokuto is right by you “good morning y/n!” He practically sings and you laugh “good morning Bo!” You say and pat his shoulder, he has way more energy than you have ever seen this early. He was smiling at you with a glint in his eye like he knew something you didn’t, which he did and he was dying to yell it from the rooftops but Akaashi comes up to him and drags him away whispering something you couldn’t hear. 
All practice his eyes were on you, a smile on his lips, every time you would make eye contact he would beam at you so brightly your heart would skip as you smiled back and waved. The other managers asked if something was up but you just shrugged “there’s always something up with Bo. I just go with the flow” 
At the end of practice the coach announced that because there is the training camp you could have the weekend off, you were so excited to be able to sleep in for once. “Hey do you wanna hang out tomorrow since we have the day free?” Bo whispers from behind you and Akaashi smacks his arm “hush it’ll be fine” Bo says to him and he rolls his eyes. You laugh “of course Bo! Wanna get lunch?” He nods enthusiastically and you chuckle “come over to my house at noon and we can go to that place you keep talking about” he beams “the new noodles place?! YES!” He shouts and the Coach glares at him, making you and him chuckle as you turn your attention back to the meeting. 
The next morning you wake up naturally without an alarm which is something you haven’t done since you started school. You stretch out your arms and smile as you reach for your phone, opening it you see a few texts from Bo, opening them you start to chuckle. “Good morning beautiful!” Your heart flutters as you read the word beautiful, then you notice the time stamp of 7 am. He was up for two hours already. The following text said NOODLES!!!! In all caps and with four exclamations, you could feel his excitement through the letters. The last text that was received just thirty minutes ago said “wake up please I miss you!” Your heart skips again, he was always saying exactly what he meant and you loved it, but you knew it couldn’t be like this forever, he most likely had his own soulmate out there and when he finds them he won’t be like this anymore. You text him “good morning Bo! If you want to come over early feel free! I’m going to make some breakfast!” His text back is immediate “oh thank god! I’m already here” you laugh as you hear the doorbell and throw off your covers, excitedly running down to answer it. 
“Bo bo bo b-bo-ku-to “ you sang as you made your way to the front door, you open it and grin up at the grey haired boy, before you could say anything he’s pulled you into a hug, his arms under yours and wrapped around your waist, his head buried into your neck. Your heart rate skips and your stomach flops like crazy, this was so much more intimate than any hug you’ve ever shared with him “H-hello Bokuto!” you say and he chuckles, his breath hitting your neck and giving you goosebumps “hello Y/N!” he basically whispers into your ear. You feel your face warm and you quickly pull yourself from his grasp, hiding your face as you turn to quickly walk into the kitchen “What do you feel like eating? I think we have ingredients for almost anything ha ha “ you say awkwardly as you retreat away from him, trying to calm your heart rate and breathing
After breakfast you head up to your room to get ready, it wasn’t new to have him hang out while you do your makeup, you would get dressed in the bathroom and then sit in front of the mirror on the floor while he connected to your speakers and played music or read a book you had on your bedside table. What made it different this time was the way he was watching you from his spot laying on your bed, a small smile on his lips as he played music and watched as you expertly lined your eyes, admiring how effortless you made it look. You feel his eyes on you and you quickly swipe blush across your cheeks and nose so it wasn’t obvious that you were blushing before making eye contact with him in your mirror, he winks with a grin and you chuckle and stick your tongue out at him. 
“Noodles noodles noodles tasty tasty noodles” you were singing under your breath as you walked down the street to the restaurant, Bokuto was watching you from the corner of his eye, a smile on his lips from how adorable you are. He always thought you were special, always jealous of who your soulmate would turn out to be, had a crush on you since the very first day he met you when he yelled his signature heys and you returned them to him with the same energy. He adored you and he never would have admitted how hard he fell for you if he didnt know  he was your soulmate. 
“This was an amazing idea Bokuto!” you said as you take your first bite, he chuckles and nods enthusiastically, swallowing before saying “we are definitely becoming regulars here” you nod “oh yeah!” when you finished eating you just pushed your bowls aside and talked, talked about loads of things you never have before. Your families, your future plans, your favorite sleeping position. Just anything that came up, never running out of subjects. “Ice cream?” he asks and you nod “you are brilliant Bo this is why we are friends!” he laughs, his cheeks flushing as he stands quickly and takes your hand, pulling you up and not letting your hand go even as he starts walking. 
After a few blocks, your conversion still flowing even as you focus on on the fact that his strong large hand was still holding yours in his, fingers laced together. “Hey Bokuto” you say as you get to the ice cream truck “yeah whats up? Do you want to share? I wouldn't mind it but feel free to get whatever you want, my treat” you chuckle “thanks bo, I will keep that in mind but uh.. I was wondering if you meant to be holding my hand still” his face flushes and he looks down at your hands together, to be honest he didn't do it on purpose, it just felt right and he didn't want to let go of your hand. 
“I can let go if you want” he says, trying to fight the feeling of sadness he can feel coming on, he couldn't get sad at this because you wouldnt understand that he was sad that his soulmate didn't want to hold his hand. He wanted to stick to the plan he made with Akaashi. You chuckle softly and squeeze his hand “i'd rather you didn’t, actually” you say, stomach flipping as he beams at you after you say that, you squeeze his hand and he feels his heart rate skip. 
You eat your ice cream as you walk around the city, your hands stay laced together, if you let go for any reason, you reach out for each other the moment you can hold hands again. Both drawn together. When the sun goes down you shiver, instinctually moving closer to him as you walked through the park “are you cold? Do you want my hoodie?” you shake your head “it’s okay, i'll be fine until we make it back to my house” he drops your hand and grabs his hood, pulling it from his body swiftly and then handing it to you, the look in his eyes saying”no, i will absolutely not be taking no as an answer” you chuckle and put it on, saying thanks from beneath the fabric as you slide your arms and head through the holes. You push the hood from your face and bury your face in the comfort of the neck, “you always smell so good Bokuto” his face blushes and he scratches his neck, reaching out for your hand and lacing your fingers together. “K-koutarou, you can call me Kou” he says and you smile, giving his hand a squeeze. “Then you can call me y/f/n as well. Do you wanna watch a movie in my room?” he nods “yes please! Wanna watch Ant Man? It’s so funny!” you laugh “of course! Then we might as well watch both, and if we’re going to do that then we should watch every marvel movie that has Ant Man in it!” he starts to jump on his toes “hey hey hey! We must be cut from the same cloth! You are a woman after my own heart!” you chuckle, trying to hide how flustered you feel, at some point this relationship will end when you both meet your soulmates, didn’t mean you couldn't have this one day though “makes sense that we get along then!”  you say and he nods “yes, it really does” he says wistfully, like he was thinking of something he was longing for.
You watch Ant Man, then make some popcorn and watch Ant Man and the Wasp, then you watch Civil War, but before Ant Man even makes an appearance in that one you are falling asleep on his shoulder, hand still in his and your breath hitting his neck as you listen to the actors talk, your ears coming in and out of the sound as you fall deeper, your body pulsing with drowsiness and the last thing you remember is his soft chuckle and kiss to the side of your head. 
Your alarm wakes you up at 6 and you groan “turn it off turn it off turn it off” a sleepy voice says besides you and you nod with your eyes closed before reaching over and hitting the button “sorry” you whisper, still half asleep as you roll over, burying your face into Bokuto’s chest and drifting back to sleep in the warmth of him. 
When you wake up again he’s running his fingers across the back of your neck and arm, you are pressed into his chest and when you open your eyes you are greeted by his smiling face. Your cheeks flush bright red and you quickly roll off him and sit up “what happened?” you ask and he laughs  “you fell asleep and I tried to leave after the movie but you had a death grip on my shirt and hand, i didn't want to wake you because you looked so cute” he laughs and you force a laugh out, feeling so awkward by the fact that it felt so good to be with him, and your cheeks flushing even darker at him calling you cute. “What time is it?” you ask and he sits up “uhh it’s 11:43” you laugh and feel a little of your awkward feelings disperse “i slept so good” he chuckles and stands, stretching his arms above his head and you pause, staring at the skin of his back that showed, toned muscles and dimples above his shorts waistband. “me too actually. I heard your parents leave for work so good thing we won't be getting in trouble today” he turns around, sending you a knowing look for catching you ogle him and you roll your eyes making him laugh. 
You hide in the bathroom as you pull yourself together, this isn’t the first time he’s slept over but usually he sleeps on the floor from crashing out after a sugar high and movie marathons. Not cuddling you. Not making your goddamn heart beat out of your chest. Jeez what are you going to do? If this keeps up you don’t think you can continue being his friend, if you fall for him and he finds his soulmate it’ll rip your heart out. And if you find yours first you don’t want to hurt him. You’ll have to just keep your distance. You wash your face and brush your teeth and then exit the bathroom, your mood bland as you head back to talk to Bokuto. 
“Hey Kou” his face brightens as you walk back in the room and you look down at the floor, your heart tensing and your stomach heavy like a brick as you finish your sentence  “I uh I have to do some things today alone so uh I don’t think we can hang out too much today” the mood in the room shifts as he gets sad “ah that’s okay y/n. Don’t worry about it.” He clears his throat and comes over to you “see you tomorrow yeah? Yay training camp!” He fakes being happy but you see right through it, he feels like you do, sad to be without him and sad at your obvious terrible lie. He wraps his arms around you and you decide to make it a good one, a good last hug. You wrap your arms tight around his neck and press your face into his chest as he holds you tight. 
You make it to the bus in the morning early and alone, usually you would have walked with Bokuto but today you sent him a lousy excuse as to why you wanted to walk alone. You sit in the middle row by Yukie, pulling up your hood over your face and putting in headphones so you could pretend to sleep and not have to talk to anyone, successfully ignoring Bokuto and putting a little more distance between you both. 
“I don’t know what’s going on” Bokuto said to Akaashi as they were putting their stuff in their room for the week “we hung out Saturday and it was amazing and now she’s avoiding me and lying and it’s so obvious and sad because she doesn’t look in my eyes” Akaashi shakes his head “Bokuto just ask her” his eyes brighten at the idea and he takes off running through the door and out towards where he knew the girls room was. 
“Hey guys!” He was breathing heavy and smiling as he appeared in your doorway, your back to him facing Yukie, you didn’t turn around or say anything you just retreated into yourself more. “Hey Bokuto what’s up?” Yukie says and chuckles “can I speak with y/n alone for a moment?” He says and the other girls nod and stand to leave. You feel your heart drop and your stomach rises to your throat. 
You stand up and turn when Yukie leaves, closing the door behind her. You don't say anything, you just nervously play with your fingers as you look at the ground instead of at him. “Why are you avoiding me?” he asks, straight to the point. You clear your throat “Bokuto I.. . I don’t want to catch more feelings for you because I know when we find our soulmates it will be hard to let you go. So i think it will be best for us to spend time apart” the gears turn in his head, his heart hurt at you calling him Bokuto again but he’s happy too. You are distancing yourself because you have feelings for him already. Little did you know you were soulmates. He pulls you into a hug and sighs into your hair “as you wish” he whispers and then kisses the top of your head before quickly leaving your room without another word. 
Bokuto realized he had to do it today, he couldn't wait any longer, he would wait until a few games go by then during lunch he would take off his shirt around you and you would know. Easy peasy. The first game goes by, then the second, you leave during the third for a managers meeting and to help make lunch and then finally, finally the third game is over and it’s time for lunch. 
He whips off his shirt and colored vest and pants as he catches his breath, placing them over his neck as he places his hands on his knees as he breathes. You bring him over his water bottle “thank you Y/N” he winks and you blush and look away. He brings the bottle to his lips, exposing his birthmark as he drains it. You go to walk away from him but the mark catches your eye. You freeze and he notices, a smirk on his lips as he watches you. “Yo-your soulmate mark, is an owl?” you ask, your voice quiet and he nods “sure is! Do you like it?” he asks and runs his fingers across the mark. You clear your throat “uh.. Uh yeah. It’s cute. Real cool Kou” you are in mid panic, you just told him to stay away from you and now you think he’s your soulmate. How are you supposed to tell him now?! “Yn..?” he asks and before he can reach for you, you have turned to walk away fast “sorry Koutarou i gotta..” you don't finish your sentence you just run. 
You run down the hallway to the very end and stop, the doors in front of you locked or you would have gone father. You place your palms against the door and lean down, trying to steady your breathing, and then whip up to look behind you as you hear feet running up. He has his hands outstretched, a look of concern on his face “what’s wrong?” he asks and you feel yourself start to hyperventilate “I.. I “ you can’t speak as you look into his eyes, your breaths uneven and panick. he comes up to you, taking your hand and placing it on his chest “hey hey hey, it’s okay. Breathe with me” you nod as overwhelmed tears fall from the corner of your eyes, his other free hand runs through your hair slowly, your other hand going up to rest beside your other as you look deep into his golden eyes. After a few minutes your breathing has matched with his, he reaches up and wipes away the stray tears on your cheeks “I’m sorry Kou I just got really overwhelmed. I just told you I wanted space but now you’re my soulmate. I didn’t know what to do” his cheeks flush “It’s okay love, I’m here with you” your eyes widen a little “did you know?” you whisper and he blushes and looks down sheepishly “I eavesdropped on your conversation with your mom on friday. I didn’t know how to bring it up so i thought i would wait until i could show you” you slap his shoulder “Koutarou! You should have told me immediately. God we could have had such an amazing weekend! But no! You let me kick you out!” he chuckles and falls to a knee “i’m sorry darling! Please forgive me” he kisses your knuckles and you blush “you’re lucky you’re cute” you say and he stands, pulling you into a hug as he laughs “I’m lucky you’re mine” you lean back and cup his cheek “you got that right” you grin before he dips down,  pressing his lips to yours. 
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lstories · 3 years
Felix and Olivia (First Meeting)
I'm auctly making lore for my worlds? Weird. (Thanks for jinxing me, past me. I've been working on this since before I posted the Gaudi and Emma story)
(Safe, Soft, Unwilling then Willing vore)
Word Count: 3646
Olivia woke up to the sound of steel hitting stone. It wasn't unusual but it wasn't a good sound. She jumped out of bed and ran to her wall before she leaned out of her window, like magic her head and upper torso started to freeze in the snowy storm raging outside but her legs were still warm. She saw three men outside climbing the stone wall, each with clothes and masks covering their entire body's and face. "He holds a child hostage!" One of the men shouted, they were in more modern clothing than Olivia was used to so she would have to show her father once they were 'dealt with'. She ran to her bed, jumping onto it and grabbing the perfectly pink plushie on her smaller pillow. They climbed threw the window one by one, the one that shouted that she was being held captive tried to reassure her that she was being saved. Once they got close enough she leaned over and pressed a button on the side of her bedframe. The ceiling started to open as gun no bigger than a soda can was lowered down. After a second, a laser shot out to the forehead to each of the heroes. One pulled out a sword, the second drew his bow, and the last held out his hand as a small ball of fire started to swirl in his palm. "3 INTRUDERS DETECTED. 52% THREAT LEVEL. DETAINING." the robotic voice called out. Olivia covered her eyes, still seeing a flash threw her eye lids and the cracks of her fingers. She heard the mechanical wiring of the gun being brought back into the ceiling and opened her eyes, the three men were still standing there. Olivia started to count down "3... 2... 1..." and all the clothes they were wearing and items the had fell to the ground at the same time, their bodies gone and only their belongings remained.
Olivia slightly chucked at the clattering of the potions and sword. She grabbed the potions and put them on a shelf full of others with different colors and different shaped bottles. She didnt know what they did but they looked cool and the liquid inside constantly swirled which was mesmerizing. Olivia put all the weapons and books in her closet to sort out later. She started folding the clothes, slowly stacking them into a pile and putting all of their hats onto another rack almost full of hats from all over time. She finished folding the clothes, putting the plushie on top and ran out of her room with a grin. She ran down the hallways and corridors of the castle, light being created by an unknown source above her. She eventually slowed down while passing a room, she heard pleading to be released and threats on whoever locked them away. Threw the crack in the door she only saw darkness soon lit by a ball of fire and as it slowly moved and grew lightning cracked around them as the fire was snuffed out. Olivia ran off, her dad didn't want her to talk to people that came from other worlds or times. She ran down some more doors and hallways until she reached her dad's lab. Once she walked in everything changed from a medieval stone castle to a sterial white futuristic laboratory. She was able to slip by the cleaning robot, instead grabbing a small disk she put on her back. She ran into the lab and put the clothes on an empty desk which she also jumped onto and began to play with her plushie while she waited for her dad to finish what he was doing.
Olivia didn't know what her dad was working on immediately but she knew it was usually to help her, her mom, or her brother. Her dad walked out of a side room, a few barrels floating behind him. His eyes settled on Oliva, she looked at the ground as her dad walked over.
"What are you doing, you know your not allowed to come into the workshop."
"We have visitors and they had new stuff and I wanted to see what you were making"
"You could have told me threw the intercom, it reaches threw my entire workspace"
"The guy in the front scares me"
"Well... (sigh) I'll make something else soon. Please leave the clothes with him and go back to bed"
"But I'm not tired, and I want to help"
"You know you can't help. Not yet at least"
He started to guide the barrels to the top of the machine in the center of the room. A green, thin liquid flowed out of the barrel's and into the large vat on top. They could see it filling threw the glass in the middle of the machine.
"I remember this, it makes new life in an instant right, or it's supposed to"
"You... remember? What do you remember seeing it from"
"Oh, umm. I uh, saw it while reading from... your... private... collection.
His face shifted in anger slowly settling on disappointment. He grabbed her plushie and walked over to the control panel, shoving it into the small glass tube. "If words won't stop you from going into my library, maybe action will" he said while pushing a button, sending the plushie into the vat. Olivia ran over to her dad to try and stop him as she started to cry, his frantic button pushing wasn't even trying to experiment on it, just destroy. She tried to form words threw a blur of tears, just wanting her dad to stop. "Mom made that for me" she finally blurted out. Her dad stoped, remembering walking past the room of her mom stitching it together. He hit a release valve, a green steam shot into a containment vault above them. The plushie fell onto the ground, a thin white mist flowing from it. Her dad walked away, the plushie floating to follow him until he threw it into a chemical cleaner. The machine shook for a few seconds before the plushie was released. Olivia immediately ran over and picked it up to check what the damage was. An intricate design of thin green vines covered the pink plushie as if it was re-dyed. She was relieved that it wasn't damaged but she was sad it had changed color's. As she was thinking how she could dye it back to pink, she thought she could feel it move a bit. She looked down to see its front paws trying to climb her shirt like a puppy. She hugged it tighter, trying not to let it move. It made a small squeak as her dad sat down next to her.
"I'm sorry for my outburst, but you know why I can't let you read threw my collection"
"Beacuse if I read the wrong book I could die on the spot, I know. I just want to help you bring mom back"
"I would love if you could help, but what kind of father would I be if I knew the risks and let you take that chance. I want you to live your childhood which is why I'm making you a protector if I can't help you"
"Wait... this isn't to help mom"
"I will never stop trying to bring your mother and your brother back, but I still have to protect you. Please, stay out of my studies, I can't risk you getting hurt. Now, let's get you to bed"
He got up, carrying Olivia in his arm's. They walked out of his lab and her dad took the disk off her back and threw it onto a nearby table. As they walked threw the doors a disinfect mist sprayed out of the walls but hit an invisible bubble around them. Her dad walked threw the castle slowly so he wouldn't disrupt her. Olivia almost fell asleep, barely staying awake from the tiny movement of her plushie. They passed by the dark room, a red light started to grow as her dad walked closer, she heard screaming from the three people in the room and the door slammed shut just as he walked neer the red light shinning from the crack. She looked back just as her dad was walking away, she saw the red light die down threw the windows on the top as the screaming stopped. Olivia slipped in and out of sleep, her dad lulling and rocking her to sleep and the small plush keeping her just barely awake. As they walked threw the castle her dad was regal in his movements, though no one else lived in this castle to see it. They walked down the hallway to her room, the pictures on the walls shifted and seemed more picturesque than usual and the light that illuminated the halls started to dim.
The doors to her room opened as her dad walked down the hall, the light that illuminated it was completely gone by this point. He placed Olivia on her bed and tucked her in, the weather outside changed to a light rain and the tapping of the raindrops on her windowless windows finally rocked her to sleep, she didn't even hear her dad close the door.
After a few minutes Olivia woke up to the sound of squeaking and the feeling of her shirt being pulled. She looked down to see her plushie biting at the collar of her pj's, squeaking as it tried to stand but feel down. She picked up the plushie, holding it in her arms as it tried to bite at her sleeves. "It's never eaten before, it has to be hungry." She thought. "I've never needed to give you a name before... how about Felix." She said while grabbing the biggest pillow on her bed. It looked up at her for a few seconds when she said that before going back to gnawing on her sleeve. The biggest pillow she had was almost 6 feet long that she would sometimes hide in. She put Felix on the pillow while looking for something to feed him, he started to gnaw at the soft fabric before collapsing onto it. The pink fabric of his body started to break apart and the green fabric started to stretch over the pillow. As the green fabric touched the pillow the surrounding fabric formed into a fluffier pink fabric. Certain parts of the pillow started to constrict into limbs and in a matter of seconds her plushie had taken over her pillow. Felix started to move slightly, the fabric on his face shifted and his eyelids opened. His eyes were pure black as Olivia had seen before but there was small blue speckles she'd never noticed. His mouth showed a row of translucent rainbow teeth. He sat up, rubbing his head before looking over at Olivia, a confused expression showed over his face. She pushed the button oh her bed and stumbled over to Felix, picking him up and throwing him onto the floor. He may have been two feet taller than her but he was still the weight of a pillow. His face was stained with confusion and shifted to fear as the small gun lowered from the top of the room and shot out a thin laser that settled on his forehead. He looked around the room for somewhere to hide, eventually settling on the curtains and running over to hide behind them. They automatically closed to an impossibly thin line and he ran to the closest, then over to the hat rack, each hiding space stoped being usable as he got to them. Olivia was confused to what he was doing, it wasn't like any intruder that had come neer the castle or any of her dads monster she had found lurking outside whatever room he was in. She let out a small giggle, it was funny seeing him run around the room but she stopped when she heard the AI's voice.
"1 OCCUPANT DETECTED. -82% THREAT LEVEL. NO DETAINMENT NEEDED" the voice said before the gun retracted into the ceiling. The gun has never not gone off, even the most minor threat would be sent away. If he wasn't a threat then maybe he was a friend. Olivia sat on her bed staring at Felix while he tried to process what had happened. He knew the gun was dangerous but he didn't know why, he unfolded himself from the ball that he scrunched into and stood up while checking his surroundings. He questioned what he was doing out loud, surprised that he could talk when he did, he didn't sound any older than Olivia. She got a better look at him while he was mostly still, he was just a bigger version of the plush he was, though a few features were bigger. He looked over to Olivia, neither of them knew what to do. They sat in silence, studying each other and thinking of what to say. Both of them spoke at the same time and both apologizing as they interrupted each other, Felix lightly laughed to himself about it. "Who are you" Olivia asked as she scooted closer to the edge of the bed. "Oh, I'm Felix. That's what you called me before I-" Felix said as he tried to sit on the floor, he put his hand on the ground as his wrist and forearm sunk into each other and he fell onto the ground. He hit the side of his head, it sunk halfway into itself and lightly bounced back up. He took a second to figure out what happened as Olivia giggled at it. Felix sat up, pushing his arm into the floor and letting it crumble into itself. "Before I became this. Whatever this is?" Felix said as he looked over his body.
"Were you something else before my dad made you?" Olivia said scooting closer while her knees were dangling off the side of her bed.
"I dont think so. I remember wakeing up but I dont remember going to sleep, auctly I dont remember anything before walking up" Felix said while pushing his fingers into the ground, watching as they buckled and bent with a lack of joints then letting them extend and bend them like they did.
"So why are you he-" Olivia scooted too close to the edge of the bed and fell. She braced herself for the impending thud, but it never came. She opend her eyes the see the pink and green fabric under her.
Felix instinctively jumped under her. "I think I'm here to protect you" Felix tried to say with his face still pressed into the ground.
"Is that all, or do you also want to play"
"play what?"
"My dad talked about this old game he used to play when he was a kid called hide and seek. I'll count down from 30 and you go hide"
"oh, ok" Felix found a place to hide pretty quickly. Olivia was surprisingly ok with what was happening.
They played for a while, Felix never found any good hiding spots while the room seemed to help Olivia. Felix only found her when she started laughing. He didn't see the humor in it or why he did what she said but he was starting to have fun, and he was also getting hungry. Olivia was hiding in a new closet that opend up in front of her. The door looked like it was made out of the same stone as the wall which is why she probably hadn't noticed it before. Her eyes were getting heavy as she sat in the darkness. Her mind started to drift as she heard the rain taping on the windows outside. She could barely keep her head up for more than a second at this point. She heard the light shuffling of Felix looking for her while she finally fell asleep. After a while she woke up to Felix yelling her name, he sounded horrified. Olivia opened the wall door and rubbed her eyes. "Felix?" He looked over, he couldn't cry but he deffenetly would be. He ran over and hugged Oliva, pressing her into his body.
"Dont scare me like that, I thought you died. I need to protect you and you need to stay in my... line..." he trailed off and kept mumbling as Olivia talked
"In your line of sight? You sound like one of my dad's robots, I thought you were going to be fun to be around" she started to get sad as she tried to get away from Felix, she was just going to go to bed and be silently upset with her dad in the morning. "Hey, let go of me"
Felix stared at her, the blue specks defused into his eyes. "My- my li... my line of..." he couldn't keep a single thought strait besides his want for food. He needed food.
Felix slightly opend his mouth, his yellowish tounge gently licked across her face. She was the best and only thing he's ever tasted, he wanted more. He gently placed her whole head into his mouth, slowly licking at her face. Olivia was thrashing around just trying to get away from the thing that was currently eating her. Her movements started to slow as she felt what was happening, his tongue was super soft and weirdly warm. Her movements almost came to a stop, it was so soft and comfy. Felix worked her shoulders into her maw as he pushed her head into his throat. Olivia started to flail again, she was still being eaten, she couldn't just stop struggling. Felix worked her further and further down and she would occasionally stop and let the warmth and fluffiness surround her. Soon her head reached his stomach and small grey tendrils slightly rubbed at her face. She would have thought they would tickle but they pressed down almost like a massage. As more of her body found it's way into Felix's stomach, she could feel herself drifting off to sleep from the feeling, the gentle sound of his heartbeat and the muffled sound of the rain helping.
Felix finished swallowing her legs, he leaned against the wall to his side as the rest of her entered his stomach. Olivia studied the stomach walls a bit closer, she could see through them. She could see the light being broken by thin strands of various fabrics. It wasn't much thicker than a few dryer sheets, if she wanted she could tear her way out. A small strand of fabric moved through her line of sight and she looked back to her clothes. The grey stands were slowly tearing her pajamas to shreds and the cotton strands were being moved to find a place along Felix's stomach like they were always there. She held a hand to one of the grey tendrils, it gently pressed at her hand like it was waiting for something. She pressed back at the stomach walls, a muffed rumbling grew above her. He was purring, Olivia would've never guessed that he could purr but he was. She had to stifle a yawn, this wasn't so bad. Felix rubbed back at the light pressure in his stomach. He could feel every strand that was on the verge of snapping. He had done it, he ate the only thing he was made to protect... he ate...... oh no.
"Olivia, are you ok in there? I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I just got so hungry and I needed to eat and you were just-"
"Felix, please be quiet. I'm trying to sleep"
"WH- your in my stomach! How are you so calm!"
"Your warm, comfy, and your stomach gives a really good massage. Also, your not hurting me, its probably safer in here"
"But a stomach isn't safe. Your-"
"Can we just go to sleep. If you want you can sleep on my bed"
"I..." Felix looked over to the bed, he was deffenetly getting tired. He slowly stood up, having to carry his huge stomach until he collapsed onto the bed. Olivia kneaded into the stomach walls causing Felix to purr up a storm. He had to admit, everything about this felt amazing. The gentle pushes, prods, and rubs from inside his stomach along with the feeling of being overly full while protecting Olivia was heavenly to him. The gentle patter of rain, Felix's soft heartbeat and purring, and the massage his stomach gave started to lull her back to sleep. "Goodnight Felix" "Oh, goodnight Olivia" It didn't take long for them to both drift off to sleep.
:timeskip to morning:
"Goodmorning Olivia. I'd like to apologize for last night, and if you'd like you could help with-" Olivia's dad walked into her room. His eyes settled on the plush monster with an enormous stomach lying on her bed. Felix groggily opend his eyes as he moved to see around his stomach. His eyes widened as he saw Olivia's dad in the room. "Oh no- give me a minute and I can explain" Felix struggled to get up and Olivia started to wake from the movement. Felix was lifted by his arms and legs by an invisible force. "What... Did you do... with my daughter" Olivia's dad yelled as he started to tear Felix's arms and legs. Olivia fully woke to the sound of tearing fabric and her dad yelling. She tried to stand up and her hand sunk back into the fluffy fabric. She started to remember what happened last night and pieced two and two together. "Dad, stop hurting Felix" It took a while to sort out what happend and why she was inside what was previously her plushie. After a bit of explaining and pleading Olivia convinced her dad to let Felix stay.
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heavcnslyre · 4 years
ricky bowen x reader series! part two
— starstruck au!
series masterlist, part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part six, part seven, part eight, part nine, part ten
IN WHICH you’re dragged along to camilla’s plans to try to meet ricky bowen— but the wrong one out of the two of you ends up in an encounter with him instead.
WARNINGS a lot more swearing this chapter rather than last, you have to get stitches
NOTES this chapter is actually pretty long. i’m not super happy with how it ends but it’s going to pick up in the next chapter exactly where it left off in this one, i just didn’t want to keep adding onto this one lmaoo. also there are some parts that are lowkey written poorly but i’m tired and it’s not too bad HAHAH enjoy!
edit 1-16-21 i changed the song he was singing if u saw it before no u didn’t!!!
(y/n) - your name
text dividers from @writeyourmindaway !!
lowercase intended.
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“bye ash! have a good time!” you called as ashlyn was leaving. she waved goodbye and drove away in her parents car. it had taken a couple of hours for her to be happy with her outfit and hair/makeup, but she ended up looking really nice (not that she didn’t before, she just seemed to glow when she felt prettier). as you turned back into the house, camilla grabbed your arm and pulled you into your bedroom.
“what the hell cam?” you asked as she closed the bedroom door.
“mom and dad just agreed to me taking you around the city tonight and we’re going to nini’s party,” she said, turning towards the still packed suitcases and digging through them. you watched, eyebrows raised.
“really? what’s in it for me? i’m not just going to follow you to la to stalk this poor guy.”
camilla rolled her eyes and holds a dress up against herself in the mirror. “you can meet nini, maybe. you like her music, don’t you?”
“that dress is mine. and yeah i like her music but i’m not crashing her birthday party just to meet her.”
“whatever. you can wait in the car. i’ll just.... buy you something later.” she put the dress she had down and grabbed another one.
“how about you stop talking about ricky? i’ll go if you stop.”
camilla gave you an incredulous look. “stop talking about him? have you met me? or seen him?”
“fine. at least for the rest of the trip. take it or leave it.” she sighed and paused for a second, before nodding and grabbing the first dress she had.
“alright. but i’m wearing your dress.”
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after the short drive to los angeles, camilla drove around, trying to find parking. but, naturally, it was los angeles, and there was no available parking. after more than ten minutes of searching, camilla sighed in frustration and pulled over, directly next to a ‘no parking’ sign. you pursed your lips and pointed up at it.
“cam, this is very clearly a no parking zone. you’re going to get a ticket,” she ignored you and dug in the backseat for her bag.
“i’ll be back in less than half an hour. stay put. if someone tries to talk to you... ignore them. or punch them, or something. i don’t care. just be safe.”
“you too,” you said, although it came out as more of a question. she moved the mirror to face her, made a few adjustments to her hair, then left the car quickly. you sighed and sank into your seat. it was going to be a while.
after almost half an hour with no sign of your sister, you texted her a simple ‘you okay?’ but recieved no response. you fidgeted in your seat, switching between random apps on your phone, trying to pass the time. eventually, close to 50 minutes pass and you sighed, realizing that you should probably go look for her.
you wrung your hands out and grabbed your bag, opening your door quickly and rushing across the street. the street was crowded and the main entrance to the club was packed full of fans wanting to get into the building. you stood on your toes, trying to find camilla, but you didn’t see her anywhere. ready to give up, you spot an alleyway by the building. you considered it for a moment before mentally saying fuck it and walking towards the alleyway. you’re busy looking for an entrance when a door opens suddenly and you ram into it, head first, knocking you onto your butt.
“ow, fuck,” you said, rubbing your head and wincing as you saw you were bleeding.
“oh, god!” the person who opened the door exclaimed as they knelt onto the ground to be at your level. “i’m so sorry— i didn’t know you were there.”
“it’s... it’s fine,” you said. “how could you have known?”
“can i help? i might have some bandaids in my car...”
you shook your head and look up at the person. “no, it’s... wait, are you ricky—”
he put one hand over your mouth and the other on the side of your face. “i’ll give you tickets to my next concert or something if you don’t scream my name.”
you shoved his hand off of you. “didn’t have to make it sound so kinky. i don’t want tickets to your show.”
“i...i didnt—” ricky stuttered but trailed off as a car pulls up in the alley. someone comes out of the drivers seat quickly.
“ricky, what the hell is going on?” the person asked as they advance towards you quickly. the person in the passenger seat gets out shortly after the first person and walked towards you as well.
“i... i hit her with my door on the way out. should probably take her to the hospital?” he asked nervously. the person knelt next to you and you recognize him as the guy ashlyn’s talking to from a few pictures she’s shown you.
“wait, you’re—”
“(y/n)?!” the person from the passenger seat exclaimed as they approached you. your eyes widened as ashlyn kneels in front of you, putting her hand on your cheek.
“ashlyn? what the hell?”
“i was about to ask you the same thing, what are you doing here?” she asked, worry written on her face. she moved your hand to look at the mark on your forehead.
“cam forced me here, she came to meet...” you looked over at ricky. “came to meet him.”
ashlyn rolled her eyes, not looking away from your face. “of course she did.”
“wait, how do you guys know each other?” ricky asked. “and who’s cam?”
“(y/n)’s my cousin, camilla is her sister. huge fan of yours,” ashlyn explained. “i should get her to a hospital.”
“let me take her,” ricky piped up. “i was the one who hit her.”
“ricky, you’re not even supposed to be out of the house right now. imagine what the press would say if you show up with.... a girl you don’t know at a hospital. you’d never get the role,” big red said firmly. ashlyn gave him a similar look to what big red was giving.
“i know but... i should take her. it’s only fair, i hit her,” ricky said, and him and red stared at each other for a minute. “besides, she just said her sister’s here. someone needs to find her, it’d be easier to explain coming from her cousin than me.”
“she would probably have a heart attack if it came from you,” ashlyn agreed. red sighed.
“fine. but just be careful, and stay out of the light. lurk in the shadows, or whatever. i’ll see you at your house in two hours.”
“okay.” ricky said. ashlyn stood up and helped you up.
“ricky, if you do anything to her, i will kill you. be careful. (y/n),” she turned to you. “i’ll try to distract cam and i’ll meet you at grandmas. text me what the doctor says.”
you hugged her quickly. “okay, i will.”
ashlyn gave one more stern look to ricky who raised his hands in defense before walking away with big red. ricky grabbed your bag off the ground and offered an arm for you to lean on to help bring you to the car. you shook your head, telling him you were fine and climbed into the passengers seat of his fancy car. he looked around before getting into the car quickly and putting on sunglasses.
“are you like on the run from the cops or something?” you asked after a minute of silence. he lookedcat you quickly, eyebrows knit.
“what do you mean?”
“well, you were coming out of a club through an alleyway, your friend was pulling the car into the alley and you’re acting super paranoid. should i be worried?”
he laughed. “no. running from the press, more like. i’m not supposed to be out this weekend. i’m.... up for a lead in a new tv show and any press this weekend, good or bad, could ruin it.”
“then why are you out? you could have easily avoided this whole situation by staying home,” you said pointedly. he sighed.
“i promised nini i’d sing at her party. i didn’t want to let her down. and i didn’t think someone would be walking down the alleyway at close to midnight anyways.”
you scoffed. “yeah well, i was there because of you anyways. your fault all around.”
he looked over at you with the same confused expression as before. “you were there because of me?”
“not like that. don’t get your hopes up,” you said. “my sister is obsessed with you, remember? she told me to wait in the car while she went to find you. it had been a while and the main entrance was packed. i needed to find a way in.”
“so... more your sisters fault, huh.”
“yeah. i guess so,” ricky grinned at you. you gave him a small, unamused smile back and turned to look out the window.
once you made it to the hospital, a doctor came to greet you almost immediately, as there were few people there. the doctor closed the curtain around you as he did the examination and ricky sat on the other side of it. you ended up getting a few stitches but he confirmed that you didn’t have any serious damage. the only thing he suggested was to keep an ice pack on it.
“so she’s okay?” ricky asked, peeking in through the curtain. the doctor laughed.
“yeah, she’s fine. let me go grab the ice pack, i’ll be back,” he left you and ricky in awkward silence for a moment. but, it was broken by his phone ringing loudly. his eyes widened and he answered the phone quickly.
“mom? what’s up?”
you couldn’t hear what she was saying on the other end, but he seemed to tense up after every second she talked. you watched, raising your eyebrows.
“okay, alright. stall him. i’ll be there in...” he looked at the clock on the wall. “twenty minutes. okay. thank you!”
ricky ended the call and turned towards you, a sheepish grin on his face. “yeah... so we may have to take a quick pit stop before i take you home.”
you glared at him. “you’ve got to be kidding.”
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he wasn’t kidding.
as soon as you pulled up to his house, you text ashlyn.
you; help ricky is kidnapping me he just brought me to his house
ashlyn; if i didn’t know ricky i would be really worried rn
ashlyn; pretty well we’ve hung out a few times
you; oml
you; well he’s a kidnapper. and he made me get stitches
ashlyn; no way you needed stitches? what are you gonna tell your parents?
you; no clue!!!!! do i just casually tell them ricky bowen ran a door into my face???
ashlyn; fuck they probably wouldn’t take that well. i’ll figure it out and save ur ass. hang on.
you; you’re my favorite person in the entire world
ashlyn; i know
“you coming?” ricky asked from outside the car. you looked up from your phone, not even realizing that he had been waiting.
“oh, sorry.”
“no problem,” he mumbled. you get out of the car and he lead you into his house (past his six cars). it was huge. tall ceilings, brand new looking leather furniture, huge doors leading to the backyard, a spiral staircase. if you were being honest, it was pretty close to your dream house (or, one of your dream houses). you stared at it in disbelief.
“you, a seventeen year old, live here?”
ricky doesn’t look at you. he was staring into the yard, searching frantically. “yeah. been in the industry five years now, makes you a lot of money. i guess.”
“you guess?” he didn’t answer, instead suddenly pulled you out of the view of the backyard. he looked around, sees that it’s clear, and pulled you towards the stairs.
“keep your head down for a second,”
you put your head down and walk quickly next to him. “ricky, what the hell?”
“just... hang on.”
“why the hell are you pulling me?”
“shut up for a second.”
you stared at him, taken aback. “fine.”
once you got upstairs, he pulled you into a random room.
“here’s my guest room. make yourself comfortable i’ll... be right back,”
you folded your arms over your chest. “why the hell did you bring me here just to hide me?”
ricky looked at you with wide eyes. “no, no! i’m not trying to hide you, necessarily. i just... don’t think either of us want anyone to see you.”
“harsh, but fine. go, mingle or whatever. just be quick. i don’t want my parents to be more pissed than they probably already are,” he thanked you and ran out of the room quickly. you sighed and sat in a chair in the corner of the room, pulling out your phone.
ashlyn; talked to ur parents. told them that you’re with a friend of mine because you fell and he wanted to take care of you. they’re not... happy, necessarily. less pissed than before tho
ashlyn; u still alive over there?
you; yeah. ricky hid me in his guest bedroom so he could go mingle at some party i’m assuming his parents are throwing
ashlyn; OHH yeah his parents threw a party tonight, i don’t see why he needs to be there?
you; he told me on the way here that a producer of the show he’s trying to get a role in is here and he wasn’t supposed to leave home this weekend
you; idk or at least that’s what i think he said i didn’t rly pay attention
ashlyn; aren’t you just a kind ball of sunshine
as you were typing your response, you heard a guitar strumming from outside. looking up and realizing that the balcony door was open, you decided to go see what was going on. you looked down and saw ricky sitting on a stool, strumming his guitar. he started to sing— a song you didn’t recognize. you knew most of his music (in result from camilla blasting it around the house every chance possible) but this one sounded new.
you say you gotta think it over
i can't stop thinkin' of you
is he the guy you want to hold ya
i'll be here when you need me to
you listened, suddenly intrigued. this song was nice— gentle, almost. you actually kinda liked it. and he seemed at peace as he was singing in front of these people, he seemed genuinely happy.
make you feel beautiful in the morning
light you up when the rain won't stop pouring
'cause there's a million little things I haven't told ya
it kills me every time he's with you, so
ricky made eye contact with you and his expression almost softened when he saw you watching. he smiled gently at you.
he continued the song. he seemed to be in a trance, so focused on the song and perfecting it. as you listened to the lyrics of what was obviously a love song, you sighed. it was beautiful, but you didn’t think it was appropriate for you to just be standing here watching him, as if this was a big romantic gesture in a movie. before he finished singing, you turned away and left the guest room.
you made your way down to the garage, trying to avoid anyone who happened to be inside— for both yours and ricky’s sake. you slipped into the garage quickly and before you even took ten steps inside, ricky was behind you.
“what are you doing?” he asked, a happy expression still on his face from singing. your eyes widened at his expression but you shook the feeling off quickly.
“i want to go home,”
“alright. were you planning on walking?”
you rolled your eyes. “haha. no dumbass, i was going to wait for you in here. not walking to glendale.”
he grabbed a pair of car keys from the hooks. “hey, glendale’s not that far, you’d make it there alright.”
“yeah, a teenage girl walking the streets of california at random hours of the night by herself. definitely make it there alright.”
he hummed. “you did it earlier,” he winked at you and moved to open the passenger door of his blue car for you. you got into the car and he closed the door, going to the drivers side.
“what’s your grandmas address?”
you told him the address and he pulled out of the garage, checking to make sure no one was watching, pulled out of his driveway, and drove down the street.
“so, what are you in california for?” he asked after a couple minutes of silence.
“holidays. we haven’t spent christmas with my family in a while, and california with my grandma seemed like a somewhat neutral place for us and my aunt and uncle to come to.”
“and where are you from?”
“western new york.”
ricky whistles. “completely across the country. yikes. different time zone too, right?”
“yeah. and the jet lag is an ass, i’m exhausted.”
“oh i get that. when i go on tour... i do nothing but sleep, eat, and perform.”
“that is quite the life to live.”
“tell me about it,” although he obviously meant that as a joke, there was a lining of bitterness in his tone that you picked up on. you looked over at him, but he stared straight forward at the road.
“so,” he started again, obviously eager to change the subject. “ashlyn’s your cousin?”
“mhm, has been my whole life,” you joked and he rolled his eyes playfully at you. “i had no idea you guys knew each other.”
“you didn’t know she was talking to big red?”
“i knew she was talking to a boy, she didn’t mention who he was, other than showing me a couple pictures. didn’t even tell me it was nini’s birthday party she was going to tonight.”
“oh. yeah, ashlyn’s the best. big red’s really happy with her.”
“and she seems happy with him. turn left here,” you pointed and he moved over into the turning lane. he turned onto your grandmas street and her house was the second on the right.
“thank you. for the ride,” you said awkwardly as you opened the door to his car.
“yeah, sure. thank you... for not getting too pissed at me for making you have to get stitches.”
you give him a small laugh and sit for a moment, feeling like you should say something else, but finally deciding to just leave. you said a small bye and he gave you a small wave and you rushed into the back door of your grandma’s house.
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