#and when i yelled at mom for not being careful and almost letting salem jump out the window she got angry at me
jonny-b-meowborn · 11 months
Actually also my mom needs to stop being so fucking selfish and careless when it comes to my kitten. Because when I tell her to not bother Salem because she's sleepy, then I'm being selfish and mom can pet her whenever she wants because she also lives there and pays for her. But when she almost lets the baby fall out the window and scares her and I get angry at mom, then it's my problem because it's my cat and the baby should get used to living with people. The cat is ours when it's convenient to my mom, but it's just mine when mom does something wrong or when Salem makes a mess. Fucking hell
#i went to a store for a moment and in that time my mom went to my brother's room to have a cigarette#because brother is also gone and mom cant smoke in our room anymore#cause we cant fully open the window around the kitty#and she closed the door behind her so that Salem stays in our room while shes there#so far so good#but when i come back home mom left the room and not only left the door open she left the window fully open#and salem sprinted inside#mom wanted to close the door and she didnt even look down so she hit the baby with the door#lightly but still. salem got spooked#and then mom reliazed that the window is open and the baby is walking towards it#so she yelled at her and ran to the window#and when i yelled at mom for not being careful and almost letting salem jump out the window she got angry at me#because its my cat so she doesnt have to do anything#like????????#yeah thats my cat and i dont want her to die#or get stressed out#like no wonder she pees everywhere when mom keeps making her stressed#like shes a baby she doesnt understand that if she goes out the window shell get hurt#why is my mom upset at a literal kitten when shes not careful around her#we have to be careful for her because she doesnt understand consequences of doing stupid shit#and yeah im the one that cleans her litterbox and feeds her and plays with her and all that and thats fine#but the bare minimum she can do is watch out for her#especially when shes the only person at home with her#cause like. if she left the room and i wasnt there to point out that salem entered it she would just lock her inside with an open window#and all that necause she wanted to smoke a cigarette without going out#sure we used to smoke sometimes at home at the window but we cant do that anymore because theres a literal baby here#wont hurt her to fucking go outside#or if she really wants to smoke indoors then be fucking careful#'its your cat you take care of it' my ass its still a living creature that wouldnt survive on its own#bee buzz
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salemsailedaway · 2 years
“It’s just like i was a kid again. But i wasn’t. And he never was.”
a/n: hey, it’s me salem, just a warning..
this comes from a kinda personal place. it’s a comfort fic and it contains some mentions of r4p3, s/a, and inc3st. This is what i wish happened, i wish i had a wilbur to comfort me through these past memories but, i didn’t. this is kinda a way to comfort me because it makes me feel like i had a hero.
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going to my grandmas house was either the worst or the best, there was no sane in between, i mean, i’d either wake up to a stupid smelly boy or,,
or, my mom would head to the hospital and i’d be left to my grandma. i’d get home after a long day and toss my stuffed bag onto the floor with a dull thud, i’d rush to the back door and rip my shoes and socks from my aching feet, and it was heaven from there.
i rushed out to the garden before my grandma had time to stop me, before she could tell me that “he” would be home in the evening. i didn’t want to know that and i didn’t care, i just wanted to see the other boy,, the boy who didn’t wrong me. The handsome man id know since birth and even before then. i felt like i had known him my whole life, with him it was heaven, with him,, “he” couldn’t hurt me like i’d feared. “wilbur !” i yelped with joy, jumping into the taller’s arms. he chuckled and ruffled my hair, “Did you shrink?” i puffed my cheeks out and jumped down from him, “you- you definitely just- grew !” he only smiled, that pearly white smile i adored. i heard- my grandma yelling, “[REDACTED] will be over soon!” and that was enough to switch the mood.
“i never liked that guy you know? always so show offish..” he said as he cracked open a soft drink, “you can.. stay here tonight.” i shook my head, it was getting late and i knew that my happiness would be over as soon as i saw that face. “lets just savor this, yea ?” i said smiling my best smile. “Yeah,” wilbur said, worry was evident in his face and in his voice, but i tried to convince him i was fine nonetheless. We tried not to pass the time and just bask in each other’s presence’s, talking about whatever and holding each other, looking at the stars greeting the sun as it took its leave. i felt sick. i felt sick walking to that- that den. it was awful because i knew i couldn’t escape. i just had to face it, a million more times just to see wilbur.
“hey! nice to see ya!” “he” spoke with a stupid lopsided grin. he reeked of sweat and dog fur and when he hugged me, i almost puked. “ha- yea !” i grimaced into his shoulder and quickly pulled away, yet the adults, our supervisors, our rulers did nothing and saw nothing. why didn’t they save me ? probably because they’re too fucking selfish to even think about the possibility of their “sweet baby” being a repulsive monster. “how’ve ya been?” his hand rested on my shoulder, “haha great !” i forced a smile to my face and tried so hard to push down the bile in my throat. “that’s good, good..” he trailed off and that tone, that certain phrase made me shake my head. not tonight,, please god not tonight. “let’s head to the gaming room, i got something new to show ya.” once more i shook my head, “not,, tonight ? m’ tired, man,,” i spoke slowly, meekly. “oh come on! i thought you missed me?” “yeah, it won’t kill ya to spend a little time with your old cousin!” my aunt backed him up as my grandma nodded softly. it might kill me, it really might. and it really did, as soon as i got into “our special room” my clothes were torn and so was my heart. i miss my heaven.
after “he” fell asleep i went upstairs. i vomited several times and quietly sobbed. big messy tears ran down my cheeks and my throat ached. i cleaned myself up before sneaking out, i needed to see him. it was cold but it was so much more bearable than whatever i had gone through in that stupid house, i didnt care if i was stepping on broken beer bottles and dead animals, i needed to see wilbur. even if i had to run through this stupid forest filled with waste and rot, i thought that i’d become the waste and the rot if i wasn’t purified. Purified by wilbur.
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razorblade180 · 3 years
More Actor AU
The previous one <-
Ruby:Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful- *pie to the face* Ahhhh! Nora!
Nora:HAHAHAHAHA! I couldn’t resist!
Yang:Do you think she thinks less of me?
Jaune:You and Ruby are sisters. You may fight but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t care.
Yang:Yeah, Ruby...
Jaune:.....Wait are you talking about Blake?
Yang:*caught of guard* Uhhhhh
Jaune:Because why would she think less of you for choosing to act like a first responder?
Ren:*outside* He has a point!
Director:Stick to the script!
Raven:Does she have it?
Qrow:You’re going to have be a little bit more specific.
Raven:*slams hand and leans* Does. Salem. Have. The Tape?
Raven:Yeah the sex tape, it was in the vault.
Qrow:Whaaat? Who’s on it?
Raven:*smirks* Who isn’t on it?
Qrow:Oh shit....*downs whiskey* Tai is gonna kill me!
Ruby:Quick, the door!
Weiss:*shakes it* They’re locked!
Yang:Let me-*trips up stairs* agh! My face!
Weiss:Yang! *snickering* Oh gods, are...are you okay?
Yang:Uuuuugggghh. Imma just lie here. Guess we die. *raise head*
Weiss:Uh oh, bloody nose. Time out.
Apathy:*shuffling backwards*
Blake:*on the ground* Imagine, asking grimm just to leave?
Nora:Psst camera man. Pan to Penny.
Penny:*getting make up done* Yo!
Nora:Ready to die a second time!?
Penny:Hell yeah! Gonna make the people cry twice! *puts in red contacts*
Cinder:*chokes Raven* I’m taking what’s mine.
Raven:Last time I checked your name isn’t Tai. So get your hands off my throat. *looks off set*
Tai:*face palming*
Yang:*red* Mom!!
Raven:Someone was thinking it.
Fiona:*reading lines*
Robyn:She’s very focused right now. I think she’s nervous. *grabs megaphone* Cameras go live in five minutes.
Fiona:*tearing up*
Robyn:No wait! I was lying! Please dry those tears!
Fiona:Stop stressing me out! I’m new here.
Robyn:*hugging her* Ssssshhh I’ll rehearse with you.
[Volume 3]
Blake:*getting first aid*
Adam:*staring at camera* Funny thing about Blake Belladonna, she hates reshoots.
Blake:Do not...
Adam:She hates them so much in fact that she’ll do whatever it takes make the first take an absolute masterpiece. Blake Belladonna however also does about half of her stunts. Good stunts too. All those flips and hand to hand, that’s just her being cool. *puts hands together* I’ve worked with her since day one. I’m in most of those actions scenes. So let me tell how insane this girl is.
Blake:Oh geez...
Adam:Ten minute ago, we’re just shooting the scene where her character and my character are fighting. The plan was I “backhand” her and she falls on the ground. Now we’re not perfect. We’ve accidentally grazed each other before. But when I tell you Blake literally just sat there and watched as my hand swung at her....
Blake:Man, I don’t know what happened! *snorting* I knew it was coming, but then the next minute I had no time to go with it.
Adam:Now normally, a sane person would yell cut, but not Blake. I’m looking at her shocked as she’s staring back mouthing “roll with it.” And against judgment, I did.
Blake:It doesn’t get more authentic than that! Plus it only stung.
Yang:Until we finished the scene! We look at you and this red mark is appearing and you’re like “yeah, Adam knocked the hell out of me.”
Adam:And now I feel bad!
Blake:Nah man, perfect scene. Way to improvise.
Yang:Blake Belladonna everyone.
Fennec: *dies*
Corsac: Corsac no!!!
Ilia:Wait, your Corsac.
Corsac:Shit, really? Damn, read the long lines all volume.
Ilia:W..wait...*smiling* d..did switch roles? Has no caught that?
Blake:N...no? *looks around* We didn’t right?
Sun:*containg laughter* Please...please tell me we haven’t mixed the roles all season? You audition for...?
Corsec:Fennec. I’m playing Fennec right? *snickering*
Blake:I...uh..how’d we-
Corsec:I’m just fucking with you.
Blake:Oh my god! Dude, I thought we messed up so much shit! My heart!
Blake:Y’all are jerks. I type the credits don’t scare me like that!
Ghira:*tears cloak off*
Tyrian and Salem: Dayuuuuuum! Look at that man!
Ghira:Pfft, god damn it. You ruined my roar! Hahaha.
Director:Alright Jaune. So in this scene you punch the wall because you just learned about Salem being immortal. Remember to hit hard enough get a good bang for the mic, but we don’t want you breaking your hand or anything.
Jaune:Got it!
Director:And action!
Jaune:*cracks wall*
Nora:Welp, he didn’t say anything about breaking the wall.
Cinder:*holding sister* Diva in the building yall. Introducing mini me.
Ember:I get paid!
Cinder:Yeah you do!
Everyone:(The resemblance is uncanny.)
Interviewer: Has it feel to work with distinguished talents like Tyrian.
Mercury:There isn’t a moment that man lets me rest. I could have one scene and that guy is offset staring at me and shimming or wearing a prop just throw me off-he’s doing it now! *smiles*
Tyrian:*in Salem’s costume* I don’t know what you mean Mercury? Are you...*props leg up* distracted?
Mercury:Serious doesn’t exist with that man on set.
Interview:Adam, how’s it feel to be the most hated character.
Adam:It’s hilarious. I go the store to get a coffee and the cashier is doing a double take as they stare at me wearing a shirt with Pumpkin Pete on it. Before they process who I am exactly I’m just like, “please tell me you have pumpkin spice?” And their perception is ruined immediately.
Interviewer:Ever get hate at events.
Adam:Oh it’s a game now! Not by my choice. This was Yang’s idea.
Yang:*pokes in* Y’all talking about the game where I make people upset? *sits in his lap* excuse me.
Adam:Against my will...*snickers* anytime I go to a convention with Yang, she enters the room from the opposite door and let the people gather to her while haters gather to me.
Yang:By the time I reach him I see about a dozen people glaring at him while my fans are following me until I get where I need to go. Right before I do, I walk up to Adam as if I didn’t know he’d be there, then jump into his arms happily. Everyone shuts up. They don’t know how to cope.
Adam:That’s with almost any hero in this show. I’m minding my own business and then they cling to me for shock value. Yang and Blake are the worst though.
Yang:I’ve sat in his lap like I am now at a Q&A before because people booed when he showed up. The beef isn’t real people! My arm is fine!
Jaune:*staring at Pyrrha’s statue*.....
*foot steps approach*
Jaune:*looks left* !?
Pyrrha:*holding flowers* A tragedy, this person’s death. You knew them?
Jaune:I...y...no. Just heard of her.
Pyrrha:Really? Cool. Reall strong person. Her people were heartbroken when she chose Beacon. But it was the place she dreamed of. Ashamed she died. Gone, never to be seen.
Jaune:She may be gone, but I know she had no regrets. Pyrrha was a huntress through and through, and I believe she fought like one until the end.
Pyrrha:*nods* Yeah, I think so too. *containg joy*
Pyrrha:This isn’t the real scene by the way.
Jaune:I was about to say! Like, what the hell is happening!? I read the script and missed this part!
Pyrrha:Hahahaha! Good improvising. *claps* way to roll with the nonsense. I can’t believe you said no though! That’s how you get haunted.
Jaune:*laughing* I thought I was! Ghost Pyrrha walking with flowers saying “oh you know her?” I thought I did until you showed up!
Ren:We just shoot random scenes of you talking to Pyrrha and never address it. Jaune is just crazy now.
Pyrrha:I’m down for that!
Director:No! Well....no! Stop trying to get more lines!
Ozpin:You know originally I brought my kid here so we can bond and he was like “awesome!”
Cameraman pans over to Oscar and Penny sitting on a bench eating together, laughing.
Ozpin:*smirking* I was played, but I respect it.
[Volume 6]
Jaune:*walks up to Ruby* Promise that you’ll meet us there.
Ruby:I promise. *smiles*
..... *both lean in*
Ruby:......*kisses him*
Nora:Woah! Cut!
Ruby:Huh? What’s up?
Nora:There’s no kiss!
Ruby:Really? Feels like a kiss should be here. Huh, my bad. Thought it was written in.
Ruby:*posed up in chair* They had to cut out me kissing Jaune. That’s fine, still kissed him.
Nora:All I’m saying is maybe I should get a kiss with him.
Director:Nora, just ask him out on your own time.
Nora:Pffft what? Me, into Jaune? No..... I just think it would make good narrative sense.
Nora:......*walks away* It just would!
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Playing Hard to Get?
Sweet Pea x Reader
Summary: You aren’t sure why Sweet Pea has been acting the way he is. Surely it’s not because he likes you?
This was not supposed to be this long... And I’m not supposed to be contemplating a 2nd part... Whatever...
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Sweet Pea is annoying. He likes to storm angrily out of class and recline on the desks with his legs across the aisle. You know the one you need to go down to get to your designated seat. He’s loud, always yelling about something and banging his fist on the wall…. and his bike! Sometimes he’ll pull up beside you on the road only to roar away into the distance.
“Seriously?!” You yell in annoyance as Sweet Pea rushes up behind you and grabs your books out of your hands.
“What?!” he exclaims back, “I just wanted to see what answers you got for the homework!” He holds your notebook out of reach making you roll your eyes at him.
You aren’t really friends with Sweet Pea but you do share many classes with him and lately he is everywhere.
“So what are you reading?” he asks as he flips through the books still in his hands.
“The Salem Witch trials, I have a report due in about a week.”
“That report is due in a week?”
“Yep,” you say popping the ‘p’ as you grab the books out of his hands.
“Shiiit… I haven’t even started on it… the guys and I were out taking care of Ghoulies, you know we like to make sure that the streets aren’t crawling with Jingle Jangle.”
“Ugh… I hate that stuff… Where did it even come from? It’s such a shame we have to be subjected to such vile conditions and now drugs are just running rampant.”
“Yeah I know what you mean… We’re trying to keep it contained, but they produce it faster than we can take it out. By the way, I read your story in the Red and Black, it was terrifying.”
“You did?!” you ask surprised, “I didn’t think you were into that kind of stuff.”
“What kind of stuff?”
He laughs and looks down at you, “You write ghost stories that put Stephen King to shame and I’m not supposed to like that?”
“Shut up! I’m nowhere near Stephen King’s level!”
“You’re still the most talented writer on the staff, and you know it!” he says holding your gaze longer than necessary.
“Well thank you…” you say looking away embarrassed.
He just shrugs as he tugs on your hair, “I’m just being honest.”
You swipe his hand away from your hair, “Well that’s sweet.”
You walk into class and over to your seat with Sweet Pea following close behind you, he sits in the empty desk in front of you and puts his arms on your desk.
“You know there’s a party this weekend at the quarry. Are you going?”
“Not really into parties, so probably not,” you say as you pick up your book to pick up where you left off.
“Right…” he says turning around in his seat.
All throughout class Sweet Pea is yawning and stretching behind him or reaching back. During your next class he claims the seat behind you and plays with your hair the entire class and makes jokes in your ear that the teacher can’t hear. You soldier through until the end of the day and roll your eyes as he roars out of the parking lot on his bike.
“Boys…”you mumble to yourself as you watch him drive away.
The next day equally disruptive behavior annoys you throughout the day and you aren’t sure why he’s acting like that.
“Hey…ugh...(Y/N)!” Fangs says running up to you in the hallway, “A few of us are going to the Pop’s for dinner, you want to come too?”
You’re totally caught off guard by the question since you aren’t even friends with Fangs and you’ve barely even spoken to him.
“Why do you want me to go?” you ask almost suspiciously.
“Uhhh…. Your story in the Red and Black is awesome! I really just want to… talk… to you about ...it?”
“You do?”
“Umm...okay? I guess I can come with you guys…” you say still incredibly confused about the entire situation.
You turn to head back to class and miss the thumbs up that Fangs sends to Sweet Pea who was watching down the hall.
“You know you’re being ridiculous right?”
“Look! I did what you said! I complimented her! I asked her questions about herself and she still didn’t want to go to the party with me!”
“Did you ask her to go to the party with you?”
“Just… be nice to her at Pop’s tonight…”
“Aren’t I always?”
“You literally pulled her ponytail so hard the other day I thought you were going to take her head off! And how many times have you snatched things she’s reading out of her hands or pulled her earbuds out of her ears? Sweet Pea, in girl world... that’s annoying!”
“She has to be into me! I’ve been flexing while sitting in front of her all week!”
Toni can hardly believe her ears and just walks away from her friend.
You kick the tire of the old beat up 67 Impala and it does nothing to resist you.
“That’s right. Just sit there. It’s fine! I don’t need to go ANYWHERE!” you yell as you glare down at your very dead phone. Of all the days to forget to charge your phone…
Not to mention, the last thing you said to your mom was that you were going to Pop’s, so she won’t even be expecting you for hours…
‘Great,’ you think, ‘so much for the national guard and a grid like search party…’
You look up at the sky and you can see the light waning behind the storm clouds.
Oh, did I mention it is raining? Well it’s raining.
You know you don’t have much light left and the evening is quickly cooling down so you set off down the road huddled in your already soaked hoodie praying that no one unsavory stops you on your way to a brightly lit area.
The intensity with which Sweet Pea is watching the door of Pops is a little frightening to his friends.
“Try her again,” he demands without breaking his gaze from the parking lot outside the window.
“Sweets…” begins Toni, “I know how much you like her…”
“Try her again!” he yells turning his full attention to his friend.
“She isn’t answering, we’ve tried her 10 times. I’m sorry man she isn’t coming…” Fangs says reaching across the table and patting his friend on the shoulder. Sweet Pea shakes him off out of anger and jumps up from the booth stomping out into the angry evening, the storm easily mimicking the feelings rolling around in his chest.
You can hear the sound of a motorcycle as it draws closer to you on the road. You are past terrified of who it could be, you are tired, wet, cold and numb from walking in the rain for the past 45 minutes. You don’t even notice when the bike slows to a stop and you’re surprised when a familiar voice calls out your name.
“Sweet Pea?!” you yell turning to face the guy as he runs up towards you. He’s already pulled his jacket off and draps it around your shoulders the moment he gets to you.
“What happened?!” he yells above the rain grabbing your shoulders.
You take a moment to answer as the warmth of his jacket seeps into your skin and you lean into him.
“My car broke down and my phone died…” you murmur lowly exhaustion taking over your form.
He rubs your arms trying to warm you up, you had no idea you were shivering, but he could feel your body practically vibrating under his hands.
“Come on, I don’t live far from here!”
He leads you over to his bike and helps you on before hopping on and rushing off to his trailer.
You don’t pay much attention to anything as you are herded into his trailer and he rushes to grab you a towel and dry clothes. He hands you the towel, an oversized black t shirt and some boxers and leads you towards his bathroom.
“Jump into the shower to warm up and I’ll put your clothes into dry okay?”
You just nod numbly before going into the bathroom and peeling your sopping clothes from your body. He’s waiting outside the door and grabs your clothes from you when you hand them to him. You turn toward the shower and quickly figure out how to work the faucet before stepping into the hot spray of the shower. You just stand there for around 15 minutes until you hear a knock on the door and the muffled voice of Sweet Pea on the other side.
“You okay?”
You nod absently until you realize he can’t see you.
He knocks louder, “I’m okay…” you croak out your voice raw from the cold.
You spend a few more minutes in the shower before you get out and dry off. You put on the clothes he gave you and walk out of the bathroom.
“Hey… I hope you like frozen lasagna… I put your phone on charge for you too so you can call you mom in a few minutes.
You smile at him, “Thank you… for everything… and lasagna is great…”
You sit down at the table and start to eat, you really didn’t realize how hungry you are until you start eating. You can feel yourself coming alive again.
“Feel better?”
You look up to see Sweet Pea watching you as you shovel food into your mouth.
“Yeah… Thank you really! I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t come along.”
“I’m glad a passed by when I did. You want me to call your mom now?”
You look over at the glowing numbers on the microwave clock, it was only 7 you didn’t have to be home for a couple of hours.
“Or we could watch a movie or something…” you suggest softly.
He looks surprised for a moment then just smiles and nods, “I’ll let you pick. You’ve had a rough day.”
“Do you have any horror movies?” You ask innocently.
“Do I have any horror movies? I have any horror movie you could want to watch!”
“Do you have The Conjuring?”
“I’ll put it in!” He says as he gets up and heads to the entertainment center and pops the dvd in. You get up and follow behind him plopping down onto the couch and making yourself comfortable. He grabs a blanket and drapes it over you both before hitting play on the remote.
As the movie progresses you curl deeper into his side and he slips his arm around your shoulders. You aren’t sure when you head finds his shoulder, but you find you don’t mind it at all.
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plusultrabitchez · 5 years
Rooms on Fire Chapter 11: Day Off (NSFW)
(This was going to be all fluff but NSFW snuck in. Sorry not sorry.)
You wake up to Hades licking your foot. You groaned and pulled your foot back under the covers. You were cuddled up with Hitoshi, both of you still nude from your lovemaking the previous night.
Hades started to whine. You huffed, not wanting to leave the warmth of the bed, but you had your fur baby to take care of. You finagled yourself out of Hitoshi's arms, being careful not to wake him, and slid to the end of the bed. You quickly put on some underwear and one of Hitoshi's shirts which was huge on you.
"Come on bubby." You said in a baby voice grabbing Hades's cheeks and giving him kisses. You tied your hair up in a messy top knot on your way downstairs. You winced as a slight pang shot through your ribs as you lifted your arms. It had been almost two months since your injuries, you were completely healed and were back to work within 3 weeks, but you every now and then you would get sore.
You let Hades outside in the backyard and got started on your morning routine. You started up some Tash Sultana on your sound system and headed to the pantry. Binx and Salem has rushed to the kitchen and hopped up on counter meowing loudly. "Yeah yeah, breakfast is coming you greedy gremlins."
You placed their food down and then prepared Hades food. He came running back inside as soon as he heard the rustle of his food bag. He jumped up and down happily barking and wagging his tail. "Sshhhh! We don't want to wake up Hitoshi bub!" Hades settled down and went to town on his food occasionally looking up at you and wagged his tail so hard his whole body was moving. You smiled. "I love you too Hades."
You and Hitoshi finally had a day off together and these days were your favorite. You would make a big fancy breakfast and you two would spend all day on the couch watching movies, reading, playing video games all while cuddling up a storm and order take out.
You went to the kitchen and got the coffee started. Thank god Hitoshi liked his coffee as strong as you did. You would have to make it significantly weaker for anyone else. Once coffee was brewing you got to work on making breakfast. It was going to be cinnamon roll pancakes, eggs, bacon, and hash browns today.
Hitoshi rolled over in bed. Half awake his arms reached out and searched for you. When he couldn't find you he growled and opened his eyes. He yawned and stretched and slowly sat up. The smell of coffee, bacon, and cinnamon crept into the bedroom. Hitoshi inhaled deeply and sighed. "God I love her."
He slipped on some sweatpants and made his way downstairs. He was greeted with the sight of you in nothing but your underwear and his shirt which only covered half of your butt. You sang along and swayed your hips to the music playing while you flipped pancakes. Hitoshi didn't announce his presence just yet, he just wanted to memorize this moment.
"Coffee is ready." You said without turning around. Hitoshi chuckled. "It creeps me out how you can do that." He said making his way over to you. "I'm a wizard." You stated very matter of factly. "Clearly." Hitoshi wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his head on your shoulder.
"Good morning gorgeous." He gave you a sweet and gentle kiss on your cheek.
"Good morning handsome." You nuzzled your head against his as you flipped another pancake.
Hades forced himself between the two of you. Hitoshi rolled his eyes. "Morning Hades." He reached down to pet his head, but Hades dodged his hand and then sat himself down between the two of you.
"Why does he hate me?" Hitoshi asked slightly annoyed. He had been spending the night several nights a week for a few months and Hades still hadn't warmed up to him.
"I think he thinks you're hurting me." You said with a wink, turning off the stove and moving to the coffee pot.
Hitoshi smirked. "I mean, I do make you scream all night whenever I'm here."
You laughed. "Mmm, that you do."
You stood on your tippy toes to reach a coffee cup when you felt Hitoshi's body press up against your back. He reached up and grabbed two coffee cups and set them down on the counter.
He grabbed your hips and lifted you onto the counter positioning himself between your legs as he leaned in to give you a proper good morning kiss. You hummed happily as his lips enveloped your own. Your fingers tangled in his crazier than normal hair as he pulled your body flush against his and he ran his hands up your thighs.
“Are we going to have a repeat of last night?” You asked between kisses.
“I’m thinking about it.” Hitoshi bit your lip and gently tugged. You panted as you ran your hands down his chest to his stomach. He twitched as his breath hitched when you hooked your fingers into the waistband of his sweatpants. You giggled at his reaction.
“You’re such a brat.” He growled squeezing your thighs obviously trying to control his urges.
“And you desperately need some coffee.” You said poking his chest.
“I think we both do.” Hitoshi gave you a quick peck before moving to the coffee maker and pouring you both a cup. He handed you your mug and both took a sip. You both happily sighed in unison.
“I love you.” Hitoshi said smiling at you. He loved the way you looked in the morning. Bare faced, messy hair, wearing his shirt, sipping your black coffee. You beamed at him. “I love you too.”
You and Hitoshi ate you breakfast and discussed how your previous day went. You usually did this over dinner, but you were both desperate for each other so you didn’t do much talking the night before. You both got your favorite blankets and pillows and refilled your coffee before plopping onto the couch.
“What are we watching today?” You asked.
“I’m in a Freddy mood.” Hitoshi said adjusting his pillows.
“Nightmare on Elm Street Marathon it is.”
You cuddled up together and turned on the movie. You laughed and quoted along with the movies in your best impersonations and occasionally made out. You made it through the first three movies and it was time for you to get up to put in the fourth movie.
You went to move from under the blankets, but Hitoshi had other plans. He grabbed on to you and held you close to him has he started to kiss you. “What about the movie?” You asked through giggles.
“The movie can wait.” Hitoshi said in that low voice before stripping your shirt off. The cold air hitting your bare chest made you gasp. Hitoshi immediately put his mouth around your already hard nipple and hummed. You threw your head back and moaned as his other hand reached between your legs and started playing with you through your underwear.
You thought Hitoshi had gotten his fill last night, but he was insatiable. He growled as you bucked your hips. He could feel your underwear being soaked through. The way he touched you never failed to send sparks through your being.
You quickly discarded your panties. You reached between your legs and inserted two of your fingers inside your slick folds. You quietly moan at the feeling. “Fuck she’s so sexy.” Hitoshi thought as he watched you finger yourself. After a few minutes of watching you pleasure yourself he was painfully hard.
“You want me wrapped around you tiger?” You asked in a sultry voice.
Hitoshi bit his lip and nodded. You removed your fingers from yourself and let Hitoshi suck them clean. You loved working him up like this. You pulled down his sweatpants enough to free his erection. “Shit.” Hitoshi groaned as you grabbed his cock and rubbed it against you before lining the tip up at your entrance. You didn’t break your eye contact with Hitoshi as you lowered yourself onto his erection.
He grabbed your hips and he lifted you up slowly only to slam you back down on his cock. “Fuck!” You called out.
“You okay gorgeous?” He asked through ragged breaths, worried that his primal desires got the best of him.
Your face was flushed and your eyes glazed over in desire as you smiled. “Harder Toshi.”
Hitoshi was surprised, but didn’t waste any time complying with your request. Hitoshi loved the way your breasts bounced as he continuously slammed you down. You yelped then giggled as a smack landed on your ass.
Hitoshi gave you that cocky grin as he smacked your ass again, but a little harder. You giggled and bit your lip. Now a harder smack making you moan. That was going to leave a mark. He continued to spank you and bounce you up and down on him. “Fuck baby I’m so close.” You purred. “Me too.” Hitoshi panted and brought you close to him. No matter what kind of sex you were having, he always wanted to hold you close when he finished. He continued to thrust as he kissed you greedily and gave you ass one last hard smack making you yell his name as your orgasm soaked him. He groaned and emptied himself into you.
You both laid there in each other’s arms trying to catch your breath. “Okay.” Hitoshi said still panting. “Now we can start the fourth movie.” You giggled and pinched his side making him laugh.
You had gotten cleaned up and continued your movie marathon now with a feast of take out spread across the coffee table. You two sat on the floor eating straight from the containers, switching food with each other from time to time. You smiled at each other as you stuffed your faces. You were so blissfully happy.
Hitoshi’s phone started ringing. “God I hope that’s not work calling you.” You groaned.
Hitoshi checked the caller ID and his eyebrows quirked. “It’s my mom actually. I’m going to take this.” You nodded in agreement shoveling more food in your mouth.
Hitoshi laughed at you and pinched your cheek as he answered the phone “Hey mom!”
“Hi sweetheart! How are you?” Mihoko asked.
“I’m great! I’m spending the day with (Y/N)”
Mihoko chuckled. “When are we going to meet her Hitoshi?”
Hitoshi laughed nervously. He wanted you to meet his parents, but didn’t know if it was too soon to ask you. “Umm, I’m not sure. She’s really busy being a top dog hero.”
You looked inquisitively at Hitoshi. You were only hearing his side of the conversation so you weren’t sure what was happening.
“I know, I see her all the time on TV. She’s very pretty and talented young lady Hitoshi.”
Hitoshi smiled and looked at you resembling a chipmunk with your cheeks full of food. “Yeah she is.”
“Are you talking shit about me?” You whispered. Hitoshi rolled his eyes at you.
“You should bring her to dinner this Saturday. Your father and I would love to finally meet her.”
“Um one sec.” Hitoshi covered the phone with his hand. “Are you off this Saturday?”
“I work in the morning, but I get off in the afternoon. Why?”
Hitoshi gulped. “Do you, um...” he chuckled nervously. “...want toooo.....meet my parents?”
You choked on some of your rice. Hitoshi patted your back as you chugged some water. “Sorry, I was just, not expecting that.” Hitoshi was nervous now. It was too soon. You had only been together for few months. His worries were stopped in their tracks as you smiled sweetly at him.
“I would love to.”
Hitoshi’s heart fluttered and he gave you a chaste kiss before removing his hand from the mic. “Yeah mom, we’ll be there.”
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saphraen · 6 years
RWBY Vol 5 Review
And so ends volume 5! I'm not going to go too in depth for this specific episode since I think others have substantially covered it, but I'd like to share my overall thoughts on this volume. ​I posted this on the RT forums, but I figured I might as well post here too so it doesn’t get lost in a sea of comments. 
What this volume did well:
1) Character development
Bravo! I was really, really impressed by how well you guys developed your characters this volume. It was something that the show has been lacking in favor of plot and action and you really made up for it this time. As much as I love the story and the world that you have created, what consistently draws me back in are the characters. The four main girls mean a lot to me for many different reasons, and it's been so rewarding seeing them grow and address their flaws. Others have said that many characters took a backseat this volume, but I think that's okay. It's impossible to develop every character at once, and that's why different volumes have focused on different characters. If we look back:
Volume 1 - Jaune and Blake
Volume 2 - A bit of everyone (i.e. Mountain Glen)
Volume 3 - Yang?
Volume 4 - Weiss, Blake, Ren/Nora
Volume 5 - Yang, Blake, Ilia, Raven
The biggest problem within the topic of character development, of course, is Ruby. As the main protagonist she desperately needs some development of her own, but little things like the "I'm angry" line and her working on hand-to-hand combat show that she hasn't entirely been forgotten, so I suspect you're saving the focus on her for later when we finally delve into the Silver Eyed Warriors and Summer's backstory. I'm desperately holding out for a moment when she reaches her limit and needs her team to pull her back together.
I'll just quickly go over a couple of the characters that we focused on in Volume 5. First off, Yang! Finally we get some development for this girl! I'll be honest here: for the first 2.5 volumes I didn't care about Yang at all. She was badass, her semblance was cool, and her puns were great, but she was also very shallow. It wasn't until the end of volume 3 that I actually became invested. Cutting off her arm was perhaps the single best decision ever made for her character, because it finally made her real. It forced her to sit down and examine a) what her flaws are and b) what she's fighting for. I loved that this volume she decided that her priority was protecting Ruby, that she decided fuck you mom I'm better than you. Her speech to Raven in the finale was very powerful, because it shows the true nature of her character. She's not simply the party girl here for a good time, she's the rock that holds team RWBY together. I liked that in this volume she was clearly very broken and still working through the physical and emotional consequences of what happened at Beacon. She very obviously isn't okay, and I hope that comes back in Vol 6. I also think that her decision to accept Blake's return is extremely significant, and shows how she's grown. Raven just ran away, again, at the exact same time that Blake came back, and I think that in that moment Yang realized that they're not the same person. That being said, I really really hope that in Vol 6 they have to work to repair their friendship, or at least have a conversation about it.  
And now on the topic of Blake! Oh man you guys really killed it this time. Blake is perhaps the character that receives the greatest spotlight in this show, and although this frustrates some I think that it's ultimately paid off. She's come such a long way from the quiet, closed-off girl of Vol 1 and 2. I almost cried when we found out that she asked Sun to come with her when she talked to Ilia. Finally, finally, she's learned that she doesn't have to do everything alone. Many have criticized the Menagerie subplot for being unnecessary and boring, but for the most part I disagree. Was it perhaps a bit drawn-out and repetitive at times? Absolutely. But it was also so unbelievably important to Blake's arc, and provided an opportunity in the form of Ilia for Blake to put in practice what she's learned about accepting the help of others and not running away. It ultimately allowed her to return and be able to face both Adam and her team. Seriously, she called out to both Adam and Yang! Pre-Menagerie Blake would never have been able to do that out of fear and guilt. Furthermore (and I truly honestly never thought I would say this), this volume made me love and appreciate Sun. He is perhaps the single best friend in this entire show, and he has been so essential to teaching Blake that she needs to let her friends in. He has consistently been the force that drives Blake back to her team (asking her in Vol 1 why she hasn't told her friends about being a faunus, telling her in Vol 4 that Yang would sacrifice her arm again to protect her, the tail grab to spin her to face her friends this episode!! YOU GUYS!!!), and it was so cool to see Blake recognize this and thank him for it. You did so well with these two, CRWBY, so thank you.
2) Technical animation I was really blown away by how visually stunning RWBY was this volume! It seems the crew has really gotten into their stride using Maya, and it certainly paid off. The detail in every shot was absolutely incredible - the backgrounds are beautiful, hair is looking better than ever, and the expressions!!!! Holy shit you guys all of the facial expressions were so well done. You were able to convey so much simply with eye animation. They really gave us a sense of exactly what each character was feeling without saying a single word. A great example of this that stood out to me was Weiss during the RWY reunion. She didn't say anything, but just from the animation of her face I could tell what was going through her mind: happiness at seeing her friends reunite with their family, then sadness upon realizing that she's not part of it and no longer has a home, and then finally utter relief and joy at being welcomed into that family. And Blake's cat ears!! Thank god the bow is finally gone because I absolutely loved seeing her emote with them. Excellent job with this.
3) Emotion I suppose this one is sort of a combination of my previous points, but I think it warrants its own discussion. There were so many times this volume where I was moved to tears, where I yelled out loud, where I rewatched over and over because those scenes were just so impactful. I lost it completely when Weiss finally sees Yang and just tosses aside her sword and jumps onto Yang, declaring how much she missed her. This is why I love RWBY. Not because of the world, not because of the fights, but because of the depth of the characters and their relationships with each other. Weiss Schnee, the perfectly composed and aloof heiress, just threw her most prized possession that she'd finally gotten back on the ground so that she could embrace the only friend she'd seen in months. That moment, and many others like it, were so unbelievably powerful. Even small moments, like Ruby saying "soon you'll be combat ready!", Raven saying "I'm sorry", Ilia saying "I don't know what else to do" really tugged at my heart. Another example I'd like to point out was Emerald's reaction to Cinder losing in this episode. It was so cool to see Emerald, whose entire world is Cinder, completely break down, and I can't wait to see what's in store for her character next.    
Finally, there are two other things I'd like to point out that don't exactly fit under those categories. The first is the plot twist that revealed Raven to be the spring maiden. Although a few guessed it, I myself did not see it coming at all and was completely blown away. The red herring with Vernal completely fooled me, and the reveal was perfect. Raven throwing off her mask and saying "Vernal's not the spring maiden. I am" sent chills down my spine. And it added a level of complexity to Raven's character that was desperately needed. Suddenly her motivations make more sense. She's a fascinating character because, on the one hand, she portrays herself as someone who prioritizes survival over emotional attachments, but on the other hand she literally has a semblance that is grounded in those attachments. There's clearly a lot more to her character that we haven't seen yet, and being a maiden could go a long way in explaining her actions. Many have criticized her for sort of being all over the place, which if we take everything at face value is true. The thing is, I'm not entirely convinced that what she says is the truth. Did she really kill the previous spring maiden? If so, the explanation that she left her family to prevent them from being a target due to her maiden powers falls apart and she becomes much less interesting. And did she really want the relic to protect her tribe against Salem? Because there's no way she didn't realize that Salem would then hunt her more until Yang pointed that out. So the jury's out on her, because a cowardly character who left her family simply because she's selfish is much less compelling than a character who puts on a front of being strong and distances herself from those she loves to protect them. I suppose we'll just have to wait and see, but nevertheless good job in crafting an extremely complex character!  
The second is Ilia. There has been a lot of discourse regarding this character, and I'd just like to share my own perspective. Personally, I think CRWBY did an absolutely fantastic job with this character. I've been waiting for LGBT representation in RWBY for so long, and although it's perhaps a bit overdue, I can honestly say that I am so grateful for the character that they gave us. I'm a sucker for redemption arcs, so I liked her even before we found out about her feelings for Blake, but that just cemented my love for her. I'm saying this as a gay woman, and I think that you handled the reveal perfectly. Her declaration felt very natural in the moment, and it went a long way in adding a level of complexity that explained her actions. Ilia wasn't working against Blake's family out of revenge for Blake not returning her feelings; rather, those feelings were what made carrying out those order so hard. The outrage that RWBY's first openly queer character was a villain was unjustified because she was never shown to be irredeemable. She was never an evil, heartless villain. In fact, she was set up to be a foil to Adam, who is the evil irredeemable villain. People have said that her redemption was too abrupt and unbelievable, but I completely disagree. From the moment she first appeared on screen, she was consistently shown to be conflicted about working for the White Fang and hurting Blake. And she got that redemption! And she didn't die! I love this character so much, and I know that CRWBY does too, and I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for her. Thank you. Truly.      
Okay now that I'm done gushing, onto what didn't work this volume! Much of what I'm going to say has been said by others, but I feel it bears worth repeating.
1) Show vs. tell: As I mentioned before, a strength of this volume was the character development. I appreciate that you took the time to address that, and I feel that there were many conversations in this volume that added a lot of necessary dimension. A good example was the scene between Weiss and Yang, where we finally got a look into Yang's feelings towards Blake leaving, and a seed was planted for whether or not Yang will forgive her when she returns. That being said, there were many conversations that didn't add anything. Dialogue is great when it furthers a character, but using it to further plot is... iffy. You guys have built an incredibly complex world, and I get that this volume was an attempt to a) get all of the characters up to speed and b) explain gaps in your story and world. And that's okay to do occasionally (for example, explaining more about aura since that's been a confusing and inconsistent topic), but when every episode has a long exposition scene... I swear, there were at least three scenes that took place with everyone sitting on those same couches in the same bland setting. The biggest problem with these exposition scenes was that, for the most part, they covered things that the audience already knew or could figure out, with maybe one or two new pieces of information. The scene with Yang and Weiss in Raven's tent was infuriating, because it had been built up for four seasons with very little payoff. And then everything we learned was basically restated a couple episodes later in the living room. In a show with a mere 14 episodes averaging 15 minutes each, you absolutely cannot do this. Every second is crucial and must be treated as such. If specific characters need to be filled in, that should generally happen off-screen with a line acknowledging that it happened. This volume started off quite well, with the fast pacing allowing RWY to be reunited by chapter 6. After that, though, the show slowed to a halt because of episode after episode of dialogue. Early RWBY volumes relied too much on action, but this volume relied too much on exposition.  Ironically, despite its criticism for not advancing the plot and spreading itself too thin, I think that Vol 4 had the best balance of action and exposition. I believe that one day you guys are going to get it right, and I hope that this feedback can help that!      
2) Action And nooooow onto the most heavily critiqued aspect of this volume. I'm not going to lament for the days of Monty's fight choreography, because I think that's completely unfair. Monty was an incredibly skilled animator, and his fights were absolutely unique. They were what drew many people to the show in the first place. And the thing is, it's okay that the fights aren't yet up to par with what he could do. It's okay that RWBY has evolved past being a show that is entirely driven by its fight scenes! I'd rather have a well-balanced show with good plot and character development than something that is only entertaining because of its flashy action shots. THAT BEING SAID: I don't expect you to be on Monty's level, but I do expect you do actually include fight scenes. I'm sorry, but you just can't get around that. This is a show about a group of teenagers who are training to become fighters in order to save the world. At its core, that is RWBY. Unless you want to change the whole premise of the show, you simply cannot avoid animating fight scenes. I suppose this comment is more directed at the fans who rail against people for being upset about the lack of action in RWBY, rather than its creators, since I'm sure they're already aware of that. I'm not an animator, so I'm not going to comment on the quality of the fight scenes since I honestly have very little idea what goes into creating a good fight scene. But I will comment on the fact that over the course of this volume it became obvious to me that CRWBY was avoiding animating fights whenever they could. The exposition itself wouldn't have been so frustrating if it had culminated in action. The problem was, any time dialogue naturally built up to a fight, either it was diffused before getting to that point OR the camera cut away and came back after the fight had been finished. And the most frustrating thing about this volume was that there were plenty of moments that naturally led into fight scenes that we didn't get to see! To name a few: Blake and Sun vs the bat and spider faunus, Weiss and Yang vs the tribe, Emerald vs the bandits, Yang vs Merc (FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHY DID WE NOT SEE THIS REMATCH), Ruby vs Emerald, Ruby Weiss and Blake vs Emerald Merc and Hazel (SERIOUSLY??? THIS ONE WAS THE MOST INFURIATING!!!! WE FINALLY HAVE A CHANCE FOR A TEAM FIGHT AND THE CAMERA JUST CUT AWAY? Please you guys I'm begging). And the thing that gets me is knowing that CRWBY canstill animate compelling fights. They did it in Vol 4, they did it with Yang vs the bandits, and they did it with the Maiden fight! I know you guys can do it, which makes it so frustrating that you don't. The pacing of this volume would have vastly improved if you'd let those scenes fully play out, instead of cutting to another dialogue scene and destroying all of the tension you had carefully built up. If the animators are afraid of animating fights, then its time to hire someone who isn't because, as I said before, this is an action show. It's like if BNHA (another story about teenagers going to school to learn how to fight) suddenly stopped showing all their fights. It wouldn't be nearly as good of a show if you didn't get to see all of the training the characters have done finally pay off. Thus, going into Volume 6, you really need to evaluate where your resources go. Many others have suggested this, but I really think that having fewer, longer episodes would go a long way in allowing you the time to create a more polished and balanced show. I'm okay with waiting an extra week if it means that the pacing isn't constantly disrupted by cliffhangers and cuts away from action.  
3) Mistral???? The last comment I want to make is one that I haven't seen many others bring up yet, but I think it's important to address. An issue with this volume was that there was this big battle built up for Haven, but neither we nor the characters were given any reason to actually care about Haven beyond "it would be bad if Salem gets the relic." If you craft this huge world, giving us four very distinct kingdoms and allowing the characters to explore them, then you need to actually let the characters explore them. I liked Vol 4 because we moved through the different towns in Anima and got to see how they were different from Vale. And Mistral was set up to be this fascinatingly complex kingdom, with a vibrant landscape and a complex social hierarchy. I loved learning about it in WoR, and was excited to explore it more this volume. Except then we barely got to see it at all... We had a beautiful montage at the beginning of the volume, and got to see Qrow wander around looking for huntsmen, but that was it. I seriously can't believe you guys wasted such a great opportunity to explore the kingdom. I get that it's hard to fit in everything, but if you had taken one of those exposition heavy scenes and placed it while the characters were walking through the city you would have killed two birds with one stone. Instead of having everyone catch up around the dining table have them do so while exploring the market! Have Weiss and Yang talk on a fountain outside of the house. There's no point in giving us information about Remnant if you don't actually use it in the show, ya feel? I'm saying this now because we still have two kingdoms left to explore, and it seems as though Atlas is next. So here is my advice to you for Volume 6: show us what Atlas is like. Show us why it's different from Vale and Mistral. Give us a reason to care about saving it.
And there you go! This is most of my feedback for RWBY Volume 5. Props to you if you read this whole thing, and thanks for taking the time to listen to my thoughts! I would like to finish this by saying that the criticism I give is not out of malice. There's this absurd notion that to enjoy something means that you can't criticize it, and I think that that's a very unproductive mentality. RWBY is a show that is very important to me, and I just want to see it be the best that it can be! If my feedback is at all read and considered, then it was worth spending a couple hours typing up. Despite the problems I had with this volume, I certainly enjoyed watching it - this was my first time watching the show serially and engaging with the community has been a lot of fun! RWBY is only getting better, and I absolutely cannot wait to see what the future has in store. All of your hard work certainly doesn't go unappreciated, so thank you again for a great volume :)
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The Witch and the Beast Himself: Chapter 11
I stood directly across from Izaya in my apartment with a fireball in my left hand, prepared to take him on. He stood across from me in my kitchen, posed in a fighting stance with his flick blade out and pointing at me. While he was right that I didn’t want to damage my apartment in any way, I needed to make it clear that he was not welcome to invade my home and that messing with me was a bad idea.
“Are you just going to stand there and gawk at me?” Izaya taunted me in English. “Or are we going to get this over with?”
“What are you even talking about?” I replied in English. “Why are you doing this to us?! All I wanted was a nice and peaceful life here but you continue to butt in!”
“I’ve already explained myself to you,” He responded. “Plus what made you think you were going to have a ‘nice and peaceful life’ here of all places? This city is brimming with dangerous savages and criminals. Nothing about this city is ‘nice and peaceful’. You signed up for this life once you moved here and started dating Shizu-chan, the most savage of them all. If you’ve found your person yet, then you should probably leave this city while you can.”
“I did find my person,” I replied, thinking of Celty. “And a few other great people along the way. They’ve become really great friends of mine and I am thankful to have them through all of this! Nothing you say is going to change my mind!”  
Celty’s outside! I thought. I need to get her attention, she could help me stop him!
“Yeah yeah,” Izaya waved his flick blade around as if to emphasize that he did not care either way. “They’ll turn on you once they find out who you are if they haven’t already.”
“No, you’re wrong,” I said. “Some have already seen it and continued to stay by my side.”
“I’m afraid that's where you're wrong. I’ve spent nearly my entire life watching and observing humans. They will turn their back on you the moment it is necessary for them to. Or worse, use you only for your power.” Izaya taunted. “You know why, (your name)? Because they’re human! All your friends are humans. It’s natural for humans to deny ideas and situations that they can’t understand even if it’s staring them dead in the face! Or they'll use you for their own means; they won't give a damn how you feel in the process because all you did was become beneficial to them. And that’s one reason why I love all humans, (your name)! I love every single one of them! Even the dangerous ones that make up this lovely hellhole!”
“You’re a fucking psychopath, Izaya. I’m done listening to you. Last warning, get the FUCK out of here RIGHT NOW before I burn your ass!”
He smirked at me as if my warning did not faze him, holding up his knife again. “You’ll realize it soon enough, (your name). I know every one of those humans you hang around. I know Celty. And I sure know that beast you're in love with.”
“I’m done listening to you!” I yelled angrily, charging at him with my fireball in hand to swipe it at him. He dodged me again by jumping to my left.
“Oop, too slow!” He laughed as he dodged my attack.
About as quickly as he jumped away from me I felt a jab of searing pain in my left side that pulsated throughout my body. I felt every move he made in almost slow motion as he shoved his flick blade into my side and quickly yanked it out. It took me a minute to realize exactly what just happened.
He stabbed me!  
“Ahhhh!!” I screamed out. My fireball went out as I bent over and held my side in pain. Struggling to catch my breath, I gasped as I looked up to see him point his blade in my face with an inch of my blood dripping from the tip. The sight of it shocked me, causing me to go hazy. My strength drained from my body; I began to feel weaker and weaker as I realized that he stabbed a vital pressure point. As I lost more blood I fell down on the ground, unable to move my body and gasping for air.
Dammit, I fucked up. After he mentioned Shizuo, I didn't stop to think about what I was doing before I acted. And now it has cost my life.
Izaya laughed at me again. “You didn’t see that coming, did you?! You’ve been hanging around Shizu-chan for too long! Unfortunate for you, you don’t have Shizu-chan’s retard strength! Well it was nice knowing you, (your name) and thanks for the blood. I’ve heard that a witch’s blood has powerful magic of its own, which I will put to the test. Buh-bye now!” I watched with blurry vision as he walked over to my living room window to jump out of it until a shadowy figure jumped over my body. It appeared to pull a bright silver katana straight out of it’s arm and lunged at Izaya. He quickly spun around to intercept its attack with his blood-coated flick blade. The clash of the two weapons caused him to lose his grip on his flick blade and sent it flying towards me. I watched in a dark daze as the flick blade slid and stopped in front of me as the two figures continued to fight. The last defining feature I caught of the shadowy figure before blacking out was it’s glowing red eyes.
Everything was a blur as I went in and out of consciousness. I caught glimpse of me laying down with my head in someone’s lap and being pulled by a black, shadowy horse drawn carriage. In another I heard Shizuo yelling incoherently at the top of his lungs. The rest was endless floating in the complete darkness of my subconscious with an unbearable, shooting pain in my side.
Multiple times I felt myself being drawn closer and closer to a comforting, faint light in the dark. Each time that I started to float towards it, the excruciating pain in my side lessened. But the closer I got to it, the clearer it became to me that once I reached it, my life on Earth was over. I thought of everyone that’s ever been in my life: Mom, Dad, some of my old friends in the US, the friends I’ve made here, and Shizuo. I would never see them again. I would never get to see my parents again. I would never get to laugh and talk about anime and manga with Erika, Walker, and the rest of the van gang. I would never get to become better acquainted Celty and Shinra. And most of all, my relationship with Shizuo would not continue. I would never get to feel his touch, experience his light hearted playfulness, or his sweet, warm kiss again.
And worst, I will never get to tell him I loved him.
Maybe Izaya was right. Coming here may have not been best decision in my life. I should’ve stayed hidden in Salem til I grew old, tired, and passed away of old age. But then again, maybe it would be better to just let myself go because now I get to experience the Paradise that awaits me at that the end of the light.
I thought of Izaya and all that he’s put me through. As much as he wants to taunt me and make me feel like garbage for coming here and falling in love with Shizuo, if I let myself die then that would mean Izaya won. He would continue to go after Shizuo without me around to be there by his side. He would have proven that I should’ve never came and that living a nice and peaceful life in this city would be impossible. I can’t allow that. I can’t allow that fucker to win! And I sure as hell can't leave everyone I know and love behind. Most of all, I can't leave Shizuo behind.
I planted myself in my hazy black dream, causing me to feel the pain with full force, as if I were stabbed a second time. I felt myself fall through blackness, down to the Earth, and crash land on my back, causing me to wake up, coughing and gasping for air. I woke up in a bright, white room which appeared to be a hospital, lying on a bed. I was wearing a hospital gown and had a hospital blanket draped over my chest. When I tried to sit up, pain seared from my side through my ribs. I winced and groaned before accepting the position I was in and lying back down.
“Ughhh, this sucks,” I groaned in English.
I felt a faint energy at my feet that jumped up. I was then greeted by Shizuo, who leaned his face into mine for a passionate kiss and an extremely light hug. Once he pulled away I seen expressions on his face that I had never seen before: worry and fear. He had been crying. He wiped the tears from his face, causing me to tear up a bit myself.
“You’re finally awake.” he said softly in Japanese. It took me a minute to process what he was saying to me as if I suddenly forgotten how to speak the language. I then understood what he said, replying in Japanese, “How long was I out?”
“It’s been about a week.”
“About a week?!” My eyes widened. “It felt like I was only out for a few hours.”
“Nope, it's been much longer than that. We thought you were...dead.” he shuddered. “Celty and that Saika girl rushed you to the hospital as soon as they could. The nurses eventually told us all that you could've died at any moment and that you were barely hanging on.”
“That's… that's crazy. I really had no idea it’d been that long. I'm sorry I was out for so long.” I said, feeling tears forming in my eyes.
“You better stop that shit,” Shizuo lightly joked, the skin around his eyes and cheekbones becoming red and puffy as if he were about to tear up himself. “And don't apologize to me about it. Neither of us saw it coming. You’re really lucky that the Saika girl happened to stop by when she did.”
“Who’s the ‘Saika girl’?” I asked.
“Um, shit, I can't ever remember her name. She lives next door to you, has glasses, big boobs…”
“Anri?!” I gasped. Was she that black shadowy figure with red eyes that I saw fighting Izaya before I passed out?
“Yeah, her!” Shizuo snapped his fingers as if I jogged his memory. “She told me everything that happened. She said that she noticed something really weird was going on in your place so she went to check on you. That’s when she saw that cockroach there and he’d stabbed you.” Anger spiked in his voice once he mentioned what Izaya did, but tried to contain himself. I could feel in his energy that he did not want to lose his temper in front of me in my condition. “She followed him after he jumped out your window but her path was blocked by those Blood shits. After slashing a couple of them and freaking them out, she said she ran back to your apartment to see Celty had went in and discovered what happened. They also found that he dropped his blade beside you before he took off.”
“Yeah, I remember that part, Anri knocked it out of his hand before I passed out.” I recalled, realizing that the black shadowy figure was definitely Anri.
“After that, they brought you here. I didn't find out until later on that night when Celty called Shinra.” Shizuo pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes before continuing his story. “I tried to go after the shithead to make him pay for what he did to you but I couldn't find him.”
“You’re getting creative with your nicknames,” I joked with him. He looked at me with seriousness in his face that made me lose my smile, seeing that he was no longer in a joking mood. I decided that I should be more considerate towards him since he had to wait almost a week for me to wake up.
“I'm just… I'm sick of this.” Shizuo said. “I'm sick of him butting into my life like this all the time and now he's brought you in the middle of it. I don't know what to do anymore. Maybe we should break up so that he'll leave you alone.”
“No!” I jumped up so quickly that the pain in my side sharpened. I winced a bit at the pain before lying back down and continuing, “I had some time to think about our relationship while I was pondering on my deathbed. Despite what he's put us through lately I don't want to break up. That would just mean that he won and he'll keep doing this to you until one of you kills the other. Plus did you honestly think I’d just agree to something like that?”
“Yeah… you're right.” he replied, taking in every word I said.
“I know I fucked up. I reacted to fast which allowed him the advantage. Normally I think my fights through before I act but I guess I was just so angry at him that I might've underestimated him at the time. But I promise that won't happen again.”
“I really hope so,” Shizuo said. “Because this will not be our last fight with him. The fleabag is up to something, and we need to stay prepared for whatever it is.”
“Of course,” I said. “I'm prepared to take on anything knowing that you'll be right there with me.”
He leaned his face back into mine, smiling gratefully.
“You know something, (your name)?” Shizuo said.
“You look so beautiful right now, even like this.”
“Oh stop it, there's no way you could think that at a time like this.”
“I do think that. I think that about you all the time, no matter where we are or what we're doing.” he paused for a minute to watch my face, then said, “I’m so glad I didn't lose you. I missed you so much while you were out of it. It would've really sucked if you died on me before I even got a chance to say that I loved you.”
I looked into his eyes, taken aback that he finally said it to me. “I missed you too, Shizuo. So were you telling me that you loved me just now?”
Shizuo leaned his face into mine for another kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down to me so that I would not have to raise up to him. He pulled back slightly to confidently say, “Yeah, and I'll say it again: I love you, (your name).”
I giggled in excitement and pulled him into me for another hug.
“I love you too, Shizuo Heiwajima.”
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