#like not literal vampires but vampire women
spacedoutman · 1 month
Kissblr- which member of Kiss are you using as a weapon and why?
You’re moments away from the best victory of your life.
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carefulfears · 9 months
how many of you would get mad at me if i said that mulder fucking another woman while wearing scully’s crucifix necklace is one of the most romantic things to ever happen….like, gothically and punitively so….it’s like….well, it’s like…it’s like “aw boohoo he has to get laid because he’s so sad his partner is gone” but like for a person who never allows themself any indulgence or respite or attention, who therefore only has sex as penance. only in blood. and it’s like…yes, it’s self-harm, in many ways, but in many ways it is also confession. crucifixion, as a laying down of sin. bless me father, for i can’t save them, and i miss them anyway. crucifixion as being watched over…when he asked maggie, “why did she wear this?” and maggie answered, “because i gave it to her.”
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Some Iwtv fans will seriously fight tooth and nail to argue that Armand is more evil or Lestat is more evil as if both them bitches aren't going to the hell under hell and then to the hell right under that one!
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maryoliverdotcom · 7 months
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sibelin · 6 months
how fun that my colleagues (both men btw) spent ten minutes to explain to me that women with too much makeup look like "dumb bitches" thinking they were dropping the take of the century 💀
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starbound-wanderer · 22 days
As someone watching Buffy for the first time I gotta admit that no one was lying even a little when it comes to Xander being Joss’ self insert lmao
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dwarfbutch · 8 months
the star is definitely my favorite fionna and cake episode but i think it's really funny how the show really wanted me to care about gary and marshall while vampire world bubbline were literally fighting to death gay sex style. i mean marceline is an evil femme and bonnies butch and in a big boss cospay and they're killing each other homoerotically and you want me to care about two blokes doing fuck all? im sorry but i was kinda hoping for a ceiling fan to fall on them
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robotpussy · 1 year
people need to stop responding to bait like I'm actually so tired
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saulbaby · 5 days
The more of iwtv that I read the stranger the choice of aging up Claudia seems
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thepunkmuppet · 7 months
just ended up arguing with someone in youtube comments (yes my life is apparently sad, shut up) because they were saying xander harris. XANDER HARRIS. is categorically in no way misogynistic. I just
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theangelswans · 6 months
honestly will never get over that one book I read where this girl spends the ENTIRE BOOK convinced that the guy she’s dating is a vampire and is going through her checklist of vampire lore because she really wants him to be a vampire but then at the end it turns out he’s actually just really rich and committed to the bit
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elvesofnoldor · 9 months
Ancient Vampire woman with a God complex processing trauma accumulated from being entombed for 6000 years at the hands of her husband. 10,000 dead 3283247 injured.
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invinciblerodent · 7 months
with all the ""breeding"" oriented confessions and posts popping up on my dash [because that's apparently what you freaks (affectionate) are into], it doesn't escape my notice that out of literally ALL the character combos I've dreamed up in the past ten years, only like two are actually, physically capable of any form of reproduction, and there's only one (Harwen and Josephine) that I hc has, reproduced, once. They have one daughter, and that's it.
There's only one couple like that in this game, and that's a pair of idiots I honestly cannot picture ever actually wanting/having kids.
Going down the list and ruling out all the obvious plumbing issues (and vampirism) literally only leaves me with Petyr and Shadowheart, which..... my cringefail son should not be anyone's dad. That's the kind of emotional trauma that makes future DnD characters.
I mean, parents of the year right there: the reclusive woodsman who voluntarily exiled himself to the forest for being such a bitch, and the woman raised in an abusive cult with zero idea of what a parent-child relationship is even like. Oh, and their sometimes-boyfriend, the one sorta halfway mentally stable adult in the whole equation... whose entire presence in their life is that he just occasionally drops by for a threesome and breakfast, maybe a few days up to a tenday, and then dips out for another few months. (Yeah, here comes your Uncle Halsin, he's come to teach you about the forest and to fuck your dad while your mom watches. Just the thought has me snort-laughing.)
Dungeons and Dragons? Naaaah. It's Damage and Daddy Issues.
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chewyhue · 2 years
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bro i'm drawing a cover for chapter one of a story my boyfriend and i are working on and MAN korra is hot as fcuk now
i updated her facial features and hair texture and she looks so good. i am so gay
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nailgunstigmata · 10 months
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thinking about how denniscoded astarion is but he annoys me on a level i cant explain and ill never bring myself to make the decisions neccessary to have him like me
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fayevalcntine · 2 years
The way some people talk about black female characters like Claudia or Grace in this fandom is directly more tied to how they serve to Louis as a character or victim to the detriment of their own selves and I don't really like that.
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