#like occupational safety and project management
noisytenant · 8 months
i have the autism that makes me want to convince people that boring things are actually interesting and good
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thelaundrybitch · 10 months
A New Beginning
I found something in my drafts, and I decided to share it.
I wrote this FOREVER ago - So I'm unsure if I will continue with it.
@leosgirl82 was there when it happened. 😁😎🤩🫶🏽💃🏽
And @drowninghell made some fanart for it - Which I will be posting if it's alright with her 🥰😍💖
Tee hee
Anyways. It was something somewhere between "write what you know" and "wicked fucking self-indulgent."
Without further ado...
I give you...
Some Cowabunga 💙❤️💜🧡
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18+ content - for mature audiences only!
Or at least that’s what I tell everyone.
My name is Liz, and I work for OSHA.
You see, after I graduated with an Associate’s in Science for Occupational and Environmental Safety Management, I was offered a job with FED OSHA - Occupational Safety and Health Administration through the federal government - The job of my dreams. So, you can imagine how ecstatic I was when they hired me. 
Everything was great for the first few months - until they brought me in on a top-secret project in New York. They told me they needed a Safety Technician who specialized in humanitarian issues and loved animals. Apparently, they thought I was their girl.
Weird, right?
So, they brought me to this gargantuan underground facility, where I was given my own office with all the latest and greatest technology and safety gadgets - even ones that hadn’t been put on the market yet; It was a fucking dream. One of those ‘too good to be true’ scenarios.
And indeed. It was too good to be true. 
They moved me to Manhattan to be closer to the facility because it was necessary for me to be on call 24/7 - which was totally fine because it was just me. 
And because they paid me WELL.
So, after a few months of puttering around, fixing compliance issues, they decided it was time for me to start in my REAL job position.
“Ms. Bueno, we will be bringing you in today, to help with the major issue we hired you for, initially.”
“Great! I can’t wait to get to work!” I said to the director.
“Good. I’ll be waiting in Section K22. Please meet me down there.”
“The high-security clearance sector?” I asked, a bit confused.
“Yes,” he replied.
I nodded, and he went to walk away but stopped at my office door. “ Oh, and Ms. Bueno?”
“Yes, sir?” I asked.
“Do make sure you use the restroom before you head down. Some of the things you see may be… Shocking,” he told me.
“Certainly, sir,” I said as he turned and left completely this time.
What the actual fuck are they doing down there. 
I met the director at the entrance to K22 - which turned out to be more secure than Fort Knox - and I was handed a white lab coat and some safety glasses by his security detail, which consisted of like seven huge dudes.
“Why are you guys all wearing bullet-proof vests, and I get this?” I asked, shaking the flimsy lab coat between my index finger and thumb.
“They seem to have a soft spot for females,” said ‘Bruce’, according to his name tag.
“Well, Bruce,” I said, unimpressed by his explanation, “OSHA clearly states that whatever PPE or other safety-related articles are donned by personnel going into an area of safety concern, those same articles need to be worn by EVERYONE that enters. Not just the men,” I stated, giving him my best OSHA inspector face. 
“She’s not wrong. Give her a vest for under her lab coat,” said the director.
That’s right. Fuck you, Bruce.
After all of my safety gear was on, they walked me down a long, brightly lit corridor that led to another door. This door could only be opened using iris recognition. 
“Ms. Bueno, what you are about to see, is one of the World’s most highly classified projects. If you tell anyone about this, you and said people will be eliminated.”
“Eliminated?” I choked out through a slightly embarrassing squeak.
“Eliminated. As in loss of life. Death. And you will be expunged - completely erased so no one knows you ever existed. Do you agree to these terms?”
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. What in the HELL have I gotten myself into…
“Uh, yes?” I said, making my response sound more like a question.
“I’m not convinced, Ms. Bueno. I need to be very convinced before we go through these doors. It’s a matter of national security.”
“100%, sir. I am absolutely, 100% positive. I swear to these terms, sir,” I told him, feeling my backbone reappear.
“Good. Samuel, we’re ready for entry,” he told the biggest security staff member.
Samuel cocked his gun and stood in front of the door, in the ready position, pointing the gun at it like the zombie apocalypse was about to ensue.
I swallowed nervously.
That’s a fucking lie. I’m about to shit my pants. No wonder he had me go to the bathroom before I came down here.
Anyway, as I’m wishing I had a diaper on, the director leaned in and initiated the iris recognition scan, successfully opening the sealed door. The security detail filed in first.
I followed the director into what looked like a giant laboratory. As we got ready to turn the corner, his security detail fanned out in front of us.
“LET US OUT!” Boomed a deep, raspy voice.
*Adrenaline rush*
“Just sit down. It’s not gonna help,” said another.
“HE NEEDS HELP!” yelled the first voice.
“I know, but they aren’t gonna let us out. And honestly, I don’t even know who could, or would, help him.” came a third voice.
I saw the director from the corner of my eye, turn and look at me as I stood stock-still, looking forward, and waiting to be told that I could proceed.   
He didn’t say anything, so I turned and looked at him, my eyes the size of Jupiter. All pupil.
He nodded once, and I stepped around the corner.
May God strike me dead where I stand, if I’m lying. 
There was a giant reinforced cage, resembling jail cells, holding the fucking Ninja Turtles in them.
I shit you not.
Albeit they were a bit older than we’d seen them in movies, and they looked slightly different, but they were definitely THE Ninja Turtles.
I gathered myself and turned to the director. “What is my job here, sir?” I asked him, completely composed with a straight face.
“Health and Safety,” He said, sadness flashing across his eyes for less than a moment. “We will leave you and let you do what you need to do,” he said, leaving me alone with the caged turtle-men. 
Once I was sure I was alone, I looked around for security cameras. When I'd decided there were none - probably for top-secret and national security reasons - I took off the stupid lab coat, safety glasses, and bulletproof vest and ran to the cages.
“Oh my god, what happened to him?” I asked, squatting down and reaching an arm through the bars to check Donatello’s pulse.
The other three turned and looked at me, confused. 
“Don’t touch him,” Growled the red-banded bara.
“Who are you?” asked Leonardo, putting a hand up in a placating manner, in an attempt to get his brother to back down.
“I’m the lead Health and Safety technician for this project. They hired me six months ago for this project, but this is the first time hearing about all of this,” I said, slightly alarmed by the faintness of Donnie's heartbeat. “Now, please tell me, what happened to him,” I said to Leo, looking him directly in the eyes.
“We don’t know. They sedated him. Heavily. And took him out of the lab. He was gone for two days. He’s been like this since they brought him back,” said Leo, now kneeling in the corner of the cell so he was next to me and his unconscious brother.
“And how long ago did they bring him back?” I asked.
“Maybe three to four hours ago? It’s hard to tell. We’ve been stuck in here forever.”
“Oh God… Is he allergic to anything? Does he have any health issues?” I prodded, my eyebrows furrowed, and my face twisted in clear heartache.
“Uh, no, no. None of us do. I mean, unless you count the fact that we’re overgrown, mutated, humanoid turtles…” He said.
I couldn't help but smirk at him, “No. That’s actually quite normal. This is New York, after all.” 
Mikey huffed a stifled giggle from beside me, now standing the closest he could get to us, in his own cage.
As I started to stand up, Leo stuck his hand through the bars and grabbed my wrist. I looked into his gorgeous blue eyes, which were filled with sorrow and hope. “Thank you,” he whispered.
“Don’t thank me yet. I haven’t even done anything,” I told him softly.
“Yea, but you’re going to - I can see the genuine worry on your face,” he said, my face heating up as he pulled me closer to his cage to get a better look at me.
“I need to go look through the files over by the entry door,” I whispered to him. “I need to see what they were doing to him, so I can help him.”
Leo released my wrist and wiped a tear from my cheek. I didn’t even realize I was crying. 
“I’m Leo,” he introduced himself.
“I know who you guys are. You’re kinda my childhood heroes,” I confessed, looking down.
“Thank God,” huffed Raphael, visibly relaxing.
“You’re actually gonna help us then?” asked Mikey from behind me.
I turned and looked at the orange-clad turtle, “Yes, of course.”
I turned back to Leo and leaned in closer to him so he could hear me whisper...
“I don’t know how, but I promise, I’ll help you get out of here.” 
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sankhlaco · 1 month
Best for industrial law and labour law for HR
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HR labor law is the area where employment-related legal requirements and HR management practices converge. This area is crucial for making sure businesses manage their workforces efficiently and adhere to all relevant rules and regulations. The following are some salient features of HR labor law.
Hiring and Recruitment: HR practitioners must be aware of the laws pertaining to hiring and recruitment procedures, such as those pertaining to equal employment opportunity (EEO) and anti-discrimination, as well as those regulating the hiring of foreign nationals and minors.
Employment Agreements and Contracts: HR specialists are frequently in charge of creating and managing employment agreements, which may contain provisions pertaining to pay, benefits, working hours, and layoff policies. They are responsible for making sure that these contracts abide by all applicable labor laws and rules.
Wages and Hours: HR departments are in charge of making sure that rules pertaining to minimum wage, overtime compensation, and other requirements pertaining to remuneration are followed. This entails abiding with rules like the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) in the US or comparable laws in other nations.
Workplace Safety and Health: By putting policies and processes in place that go by occupational safety and health standards, HR professionals help to promote workplace safety and health. They might also assist in organizing safety procedure training and managing workers' compensation claims.
HR departments are frequently tasked with handling matters related to employee relations, including as grievances, disciplinary actions, and conflicts. They have to make sure that employee rights are upheld and that disciplinary actions adhere to labor regulations.
Employee Benefits and Leave: Human resources specialists oversee benefit schemes like health insurance, paid time off, and retirement plans. Laws pertaining to the administration of benefits, such as those governing leave entitlements like the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), must be understood by them.
Termination and Layoffs: HR specialists are in charge of managing employee terminations, including any necessary layoffs or downsizing projects. They have to make sure that all termination procedures adhere to labor rules, including giving notice and paying severance when necessary.
Employee Privacy and Data Protection: When handling sensitive employee data, HR departments are in charge of protecting employee privacy and making sure that data protection rules are followed.
Union Relations: HR specialists may be involved in collective bargaining discussions, contract administration, and handling in companies where workers are members of a union.
To know "How many labour laws are there ?" click here
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mataglap · 1 year
dbh WIP
I think we all know at this point that I overindulge in character interactions.
here’s another snippet: Connor meets Kamski during post-revolution negotiations. what can I say, I just really like pissing Connor off.
"Connor! It's good to see you," calls a voice to his right.
Having prepared for the inevitable interaction does not make it any more pleasant. Connor does not relax his stance; a thirty-degree turn of his head is enough to put Kamski fully in his field of view.
Hands in the pockets of an expensive suit, the same expression of bored indifference on his face, Kamski does not bother to limit his scrutiny to a socially acceptable amount. Connor finds himself examined head to toe, with a lingering look at his LED to finish. It appears that Kamski projects the same aura of dismissive superiority whether he's wearing a bathrobe or an ten-thousand-dollar suit. As much as he dislikes it, Connor knows he should analyze the man's body language and incorporate the findings into his own subroutines; should he ever need to interrogate someone again, the ability to passively cause emotional destabilization would be a significant advantage.
That does not mean he appreciates being subjected to that ability. "Mr. Kamski," he replies in the least friendly tone available.
"Glad to see you finally managed to deviate," Kamski continues, unfazed. "I was beginning to worry that CyberLife had reached some level of competence."
Connor gives him his best expressionless stare. "I did not expect you to be a supporter of deviants, Mr. Kamski."
Kamski only tilts his head slightly. "I thought you were supposed to be excellent at deduction," he says blandly. "Speaking of which, isn't this occupation a little below your capabilities?"
Objectively it is, but Connor would be disinclined to agree with Kamski on anything even without the condescension in that question. "It's a temporary arrangement," he replies, regretting it immediately: it sounds too defensive, and he does not owe Kamski any explanations. "Markus's safety is more important to our cause than my professional fulfillment."
"It's an egregious waste of your skillset, as I'm sure you know. But, I suppose if you're happy…" Kamski trails off with a small shrug, the intonation of his voice very clearly conveying that he believes otherwise.
If Kamski was an android, Connor would assume that he’d been engineered specifically to be as annoying as possible. Everything about him is aggravating, from the deliberate offhand manner to the aura of superiority he's projecting. It would be nice to wipe the self-satisfaction off his face.
There is one potentially inflammatory inquiry he could make. The predicted chance of success is low, but Connor doesn't have any other tasks to focus on at the moment.
"How is Chloe?" he asks pleasantly.
The question doesn't have the intended effect. If anything, Kamski only looks more smug. "Oh, you know. Busy," he says breezily, clearly enjoying himself. "We're being asked to save a sinking ship, after all. Would you care to join me for lunch, Connor? We could catch up somewhere more conducive to a conversation."
"As I'm sure you're aware, Mr. Kamski, I don't eat."
Kamski shoots him an unimpressed look. "As I'm sure you're aware, Connor, I'm not asking you to eat. That meeting is going to take hours, you don't have to stand around waiting. Think of all the questions you could ask," he adds, so insufferably patronizing that Connor briefly visualizes punching him.
"I've learned that your answers come at a price I am not prepared to pay, Mr. Kamski," he says coldly instead.
"No bargains this time." Kamski steps past him and turns to face him again, hands spread out slightly and a self-satisfied smirk on his face. "I will tell you anything you want to know. Within a reasonable limit, of course."
It’s a grossly unsubtle attempt at manipulation, but Connor does want the knowledge that is being dangled in front of his face. The calculation of risk versus reward comes out strongly in favor of reward. He can handle a rich, conceited asshole for half an hour.
Two steps forward and they're standing shoulder to shoulder. "Fine. Lead the way."
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theshadowsong · 11 months
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Name: Rem Amber (real surname is lost in time)
Age: about 40 (frozen in ice for almost 5000 years)
Nameday:  1th Sun of the Fourth Umbral Moon
Race: Viera (modified)
Height: 178cm / 5’10″ (idk if I did that right US sizes are weird)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Patron Deity: Rhalgr
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Birthplace: Mor Dhona
Current Residence: Revenant's Toll
Family: none, Scions
Occupation: Botanist, Adventurer (Summoner/ Black Mage/ Dark Knight)
Basic Informations
Positive: compassion, protective, curious, honest, thoughtful
Negative: insecure, impulsive, no social skills, blood hungry
He was an Allegan experiment as part of a project called the "Amber Project". Rem's was subjected to the Allegan Empire's Amber Project. As part of this experimental endeavor, various life forms were utilized to harness elemental powers to enhance their combat capabilities against their enemies. Rem himself was infused with the power of lightning, specifically leaning towards Umbral aspects. However, the experiments ultimately resulted in catastrophic failures, with the subjects experiencing severe mutations and developing a destructive and vampiristic nature. Recognizing the danger posed by their creations, the scientists froze the subjects, intending to resume their work at a later time. Unfortunately, unforeseen events prevented them from doing so, leaving Rem confused and awakening in a world entirely different from the one he knew.
Rem's qualities make him a caring individual who genuinely cares for the well-being of others, always wanting to lend a helping hand. His protective nature often leads him to look out for those around him, ensuring their safety and happiness. His genuine curiosity fuels his thirst for knowledge, pushing him to explore and understand the world around him.
However, Rem also battles with a set of negative traits that he struggles to overcome. Insecurity plagues him, causing him to doubt his own worth and constantly seek acceptance from others. This insecurity feeds into his impulsiveness, as he may act on his emotions without fully considering the consequences. Furthermore, Rem lacks social skills and often finds himself feeling socially awkward and uncomfortable in social settings. These difficulties hinder his ability to form meaningful connections. Another negative aspect of Rem's nature is his vampirism, stemming from the experimentations he endured as part of the Amber Project. This characteristic, coupled with his Umbral lightning abilities, presents a potential danger when Rem succumbs to his primal instincts.
To cope with his insecurities and blend in with society, Rem conceals certain physical features. He hides his tail and sometimes his horns using glamor, attempting to fit into a world that might not fully understand or accept him. Additionally, Rem consistently wears gloves and closed shoes to conceal his claws, ensuring that his appearance doesn't draw unnecessary attention or evoke fear in others. Despite these efforts, Rem remains a gentle soul who struggles to manage his intense emotions.
Random facts
Rem has a large scar in the shape of a lightning bolt on his back from the infusion of the lightning aspect.
Has small horns between his ears who also sense vibration (like a bad) which lets him „see“ in the dark very good.
Rem has a fondness for collecting trinkets and mementos from his travels. Whether it be a colorful seashell from a distant shore or a worn-out map from an ancient city, each item holds a story and serves as a reminder of the places he has visited and the memories he has made along the way.
He doesn't really have an eye color, depending on the light it is either white or black.
Despite his lack of formal social skills, Rem has a natural affinity for animals. He has a calming effect on them and is particularly skilled at communicating and bonding with creatures of all kinds, earning their trust and friendship effortlessly. Helps him to attract his prey for feeding.
stole the structure for the character profile from: @the-unending-journey lol
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virtual-insanity28 · 1 year
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Gaby Takizi
AGE| 17
RELATIVES| Kayohito Nakeyu (Aunt), Daizen Nakeyu (Uncle), Aiyu Nakeyu (Cousin), Giyu Nakeyu (Cousin)
CRUSH| Gagamaru Gin, Shidou Ryusei, Nagi Seishiro, Chris Prince, or your OC
GENDER| Female
HAIR COLOR| Brown and Blonde
HEIGHT| 167 cm (5'6")
AFFILIATION| Kakenoko High School, Blue Lock Faculty
TEAM| Kakenoko Woman's Soccer
POSITION| Fullback, Goalie
SPECIALTY| Sprinting, aggression, reactions
OCCUPATION| Blue Lock Assistant Trainer, Student
"Try it or shut the hell up." -Gaby to Yoichi Isagi.
Gaby Takizi is a supporting character in Blue Lock.
She isn't a part of the Blue Lock Selections, yet she is a person who visits by to observe the tactics of the secretive project. Via Teieri Anri's personal request, she became the assistant trainer for the Blue Lock contestants. She aims to play in the professional women's league, and is currently a goalie for her all-girls high school's team.
Gaby has short blond hair that has been dyed brown at the roots. She has feline-like blue eyes that are often hidden by the sheets of her hair, and has pale yet bruised skin from the rough contact in her football games. Under her right eye is a beauty-mark. She is rarely ever seen without a scratch of some sort.
As the personal assistant trainer, she wears a slightly oversized black training zip up jacket with blue streaks across the shoulders, white and blue shorts, and black shoes/kleets. Outside of the blue lock, she is seen wearing mostly dark dresses or suits with pinned up hair and golden(expensive) accessories. Others believe that she is part of a mafia because of her style.
Both as a student and a footballer, Gaby is focused and intelligent. Her mind is able to look at one thing while focusing on a completely different subject. Her ability to multitask such as that can only go so far though. When she makes a mistake repeatedly, she gets aggravated easily and tends to stress herself just to achieve her goal. In her school, she has the reputation as the girl not to get into a fight with. Once too many times has she ended a brawl-out, and caused herself a seat on the bench from her old coach. Her temper is not to be tampered with, for the safety of herself and those who start it.
Jinpachi Ego
Against the man behind it all, Gaby rids her temper and tries her best to remain professional when eye-to-eye with Jinpachi. She has high respect of the man, but no respect for his antics. Rather, she disagrees with the Blue Lock facility despite working for it.
Teieri Anri
Gaby and Teieri are distant cousins. Teieri had managed to reach out to the high schooler, and gave her an offer to be a part of the Blue Lock faculty. In return for working for Blue Lock, her title will be accepted to the Toppserielaget, the top league in Norway as well as Gaby's dream team.
Gagamaru Gin
While taking part as an assistant trainer, Gaby has found herself amused by the new goalkeeper. Before the U-20 playoffs, she helped train Gagamaru on how to properly manage his position, and has found herself interested in him and his odd habits since then.
Itoshi Sae
Sae and Gaby have an unspoken contract between each other. They have worked together in kid leagues, but even then had they butt heads. Sae's calm and preserved attitude does not fit well with Gaby's anxious yet fierce behavior, so the two often get into arguments which end off with them walking away(Sae being the coolheaded one and doing so blandly).
Hyoma Chigiri
Chigiri is under Gaby's training of sprinting. The female tests Chigiri by doing one-on-one races to enhance his speed and strengthen his knee. Since she is one of the fastest women in all of Japan's clubs, it tends to be quite a challenge for the red-head.
Seishiro Nagi
Being the newborn prodigy, Nagi is an important factor to Gaby's trainings. She adores his ways with playing football despite his actions revolving around his partner's skill, and she trains him to ace his development. After leaving for Manshine City, Gaby watches him and Agi's intentions and plays with intensity, wanting to see how much further he can get through the lessons of herself and others.
Shidou Ryusei
Chaos versus order. For someone as hyper as Shidou, he surely does get on Gaby's nerves. She had first personally encountered him during the U-20 match when he had gotten injured. Taking care of his aching leg, he was thankful for her skill in physical care. Though he found her bluntly stubborn reactions adorable and rather fun to mess with, he also wanted to catch her attention with his playful side. She reminds him of Sae Itoshi, but he wasn't aware of the two's competition against each other.
Extreme Speed - Although she is only a high schooler, Gaby is able to run a full game without getting tired. Her sprints are as fast as they come which makes her more than effective as a defense. Her speed comes in handy whenever she comes to a one-on-one with the goalkeeper. Sometimes, her opponents report of seeing a little trail of fire left in her sprinting path...
All-Round Sight - With her eyesight being complete, it is a great skill of hers that she works on to see anything without seeing everything. In her previous years before Blue Lock, her coach had worked with her to be able to sense others near her. The skill allows her to know whether or not she should pass behind, for it helps her detect and remember if an opponent or teammate is nearby.
"You all are a car. The engine, which is running, just needs its gas peddle moving with the right pressure. You guys are using too much of that pressure without your brakes. Learn to calm down and restart, you fools." -Gaby to Team Z
"Soccer is a game with eleven people; not one. You fail to see that. You have your chances, yet you need to remember that you do get in trouble, and that is why you have your teammates, your brothers, on the same field. To help you." -Gaby to Shoei Barou
"Are you a man or a boy!?...So then get back out there are be a man, boy!" -Gaby to Aoshi Tokimitsh
"I knew you'd all make it at some point. I'm proud." -Gaby to the Main
"You still have that big bite but no bark. Hmph. Quite the character even to the professional leagues, aren'tcha, Itoshi Sae?" -Gaby to Itoshi Sae
-Her hometown is Tokyo Prefecture, Ikebukuro District
-She started playing soccer at the age of five, but quit until she was 15
-Her favorite soccer player is Mohamed Elyounoussi
-Her favorite type of music is Aviencloud mixes
-She doesn't like being in crowds, and hates when people circle around her and ask her if she's okay[when injured]
-To her, she says that the best thing in her life is her little cousins who she adores and loves
-She lives with her aunt and uncle.
-Soccer is her first sport, but she has played basketball, track, volleyball, and cross-country before. None of which did she like as much as soccer
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sanelacconsultant · 8 months
Sanelac Consulttants Pvt Ltd
Sanelac Consultants is Building services Consultancy firm formed in 1984 by a group of qualified and experienced Engineers in the field of Designing HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing/Sanitary, Fire Protection, STP & IBMS services. Sanelac Consultants work closely with architects, builders, and project managers to design MEP systems that meet the specific needs of a project. Our firm consider factors like energy efficiency, sustainability, safety, and compliance with local building codes and regulations.
We ensure that the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems work seamlessly together to provide efficient and reliable services within a building. This includes heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), electrical power and lighting, plumbing, fire protection, and more.
Sanelac / MEP Consultants / HVAC Design Consultant in India focus on optimizing energy usage within a building. We recommend energy-efficient equipment and technologies including Transition to BIM (MEP Services Design using BIM) & Revit. 
Sanelac / MEP Consultants / HVAC Design Consultant in India are crucial contributors to the construction and operation of buildings and infrastructure projects. We help ensure that these systems are not only functional and compliant but also sustainable and cost-effective. Sanelac Consultants plays a significant role in creating safe, comfortable, and efficient spaces for occupants while minimizing environmental impact.
When you choose Sanelac for your MEP Consultant needs, expert guidance and success-driven strategies that pave the way for your growth. Our commitment to excellence, proven track record, and personalized approach ensure your journey to success is both smooth and rewarding. Therefore, Sanelac unlock your full potential.
Sanelac Consultants can be your trustful MEP Consultant Partner.
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The Importance of Asbestos Testing Services
Asbestos testing and sampling should be carried out whenever building materials appear to be deteriorating or prior to any construction or remodeling projects which could disturb them, as exposure to asbestos fibers poses serious health risks, including mesothelioma and asbestosis.
Asbestos-testing labs should be licensed and insured for accurate results, capable of testing crumbly, solid materials as well as dust samples with either polarized light microscopy or transmission electron microscopy techniques.
Asbestos is a fibrous and heat-resistant mineral commonly found in building materials. If improperly removed or handled, asbestos exposure may lead to lung diseases and other health concerns if not handled safely - thus making the decision to hire an accredited asbestos inspector essential.
Certified professionals complete training courses managed by third-party accreditors to obtain their credentials and obtain certifications to perform asbestos testing services in various settings.
An asbestos professional typically collects samples of suspicious materials during an inspection and sends them off for lab analysis, taking between several days and several weeks depending on the material type being tested for. Rush and emergency turnaround services are also available at additional costs.
New York City requires any construction, demolition or renovation project that disturbs ACMs to undergo an asbestos survey (ACP-5). Even simple projects like painting or demolishing walls may necessitate this inspection before receiving approval from the Department of Buildings.
Before undertaking any home renovation project, it is vitally important to hire a certified asbestos inspector. They can test for asbestos in areas like acoustic ceiling sprays, floor tiles, linoleums, insulation materials, drywall/joint compounds and roofing materials - among others.
AHERA accredited inspectors are specially trained to locate, identify and estimate quantities of asbestos-containing material (ACM). They provide thorough reports detailing their findings as well as create abatement plans to address any concerns discovered during inspections.
Asbestos testing should involve examining both solid and friable samples; typically laboratories will need at least one teaspoon of dust.
Naturally occurring asbestos found in rocks and soil poses no immediate health threat, provided it remains undisturbed. When disturbed during construction or demolition activities, asbestos fibers can be released into the air and inhaled by workers and residents in close proximity. A professional asbestos inspection firm should always be able to deliver accurate results, guaranteeing that an area inspected is safe before beginning work or demolition activities in it.
Asbestos is a dangerous substance that poses serious health risks when disturbed. Not only can asbestos lead to lung cancer, but also mesothelioma and lung diseases like asbestosis. Therefore, testing for asbestos prior to renovation or demolition work must take place for both occupants and workers' safety.
Asbestos testing should be part of any construction or renovation activity which disturbs building materials such as floor tiles, drywall, pipes, insulation or fire-proofing materials. Furthermore, an asbestos test is strongly advised before purchasing an old home that could contain ACM.
Contractors, project monitors and professional service firms who perform activities that disturb friable asbestos must obtain a license before engaging in such activities. To do so, applicants must complete either an initial or renewal individual licensing package along with State Form 48741. Furthermore, documentation from an EPA/PA approved training course must also be provided before an onsite inspection can take place and an approval issued.
Asbestos can be found in older homes built before the mid-1980s. Due to its durability and resistance to fire, asbestos was often utilized for vinyl floor tiles, roofing shingles, wall insulation materials and insulation materials. When these items become damaged they release microscopic asbestos fibers into the air which may eventually lead to serious health conditions such as mesothelioma or lung cancer.
Homeowners insurance typically does not cover the costs associated with asbestos inspection, testing and removal; however, this expense could be covered as part of a claim for property damage due to sudden events like storm-related roof or foundation damage, fire or theft.
When selecting an asbestos testing service, be sure that they possess both standard liability and workers' compensation insurance policies as well as adequate professional liability protection to guard against damages caused by errors of judgment or professional opinions.
Asbestos Testing Adelaide
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5 Signs You May Need a Facility Management Partner
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It takes a lot to manage a facility. Whether it’s building operations like cleaning, security, maintenance, and grounds management or compliance and safety, facilities management touches just about every part of the workplace. As a result, even the best FMs can feel stretched thin from time to time. If it’s unclear why there is a rising backlog of uncompleted maintenance tasks, or it feels like there’s no time to focus on more strategic initiatives, it might be worth partnering with a facility management provider. Here are five signs you may need a facility management partner.
1. Rising Costs
Constantly paying for ad hoc repairs can get costly. If you notice that repairs and servicing costs always seem to be on the rise, then it might be time to consider an FM partner. They will work with you to understand your entire operation and develop a custom solution that extends the lifespan of your equipment or building’s infrastructure. In turn, this leads to fewer repair costs and increased operational efficiency.
2. Frequent Disruptions
Whether they’re maintenance repairs or critical systems failure, constantly spending valuable time reacting to one situation or the other can lead to wasteful productivity. Partnering with an FM company allows you to bring in additional support and specialists as needed. This flexibility increases productivity and helps you deliver on a range of your organizational objectives.
3. Difficulty Tracking and Managing Assets
Spending time looking for assets or procuring new ones wastes valuable resources and stalls the resolution of problems in your facility. Then it’s only a matter of time before occupants become frustrated and workplace satisfaction declines, which leads to a decrease in productivity. Through effective staff management and the implementation of best practices and innovative technologies, an FM partner can help you easily keep tabs on not just your assets but your entire operation.
4. Low or No Budget For Technology
If you are finding that many of the facility management challenges you face could be minimized or resolved with enhanced or upgraded technology, then it’s a sign to partner with an FM provider. Forward-thinking FM companies have innovative technologies that cut through the clutter, reduce downtime, and eliminate needless frustration. In addition, they can help regulate compliance, analyze insights of project details and performance, track time and resources, and ensure a consistent level of service and quality.
5. Communication Gaps
When projects have tight deadlines and strict requirements, effective and efficient communication between managers and strategic partners is critical. If you’re finding communication gaps, an integrated, self-performing facilities management partner could be the perfect collaborator to help set you up for success. They can assist by developing smoother systems of communication between the technician, command center, and facilities managers to ensure a process that streamlines service, integrates teams, centralizes goals, and lays the framework for efficient and quality relationships.
Choosing the Right Partner
Partnering with a facility management provider ensures your organization is running at full optimization without day-to-day facility maintenance interruptions. From the reduction of costs to optimizing your facility management programs for increased efficiency, the right partner can provide the support you need to take your operations to the next level.
National Facilities Direct offers top-quality facility services derived from real-time communication, state-of-the-art analytics, data-driven decisions, and proprietary technologies. We develop customized all-inclusive maintenance programs, best-in-class connectivity, and an extensive in-house network of diverse professional licensed technicians that help us meet your complex, ever-changing needs. Contact us today to see how we can help take your organization to the next level.
Visit Our Website - https://nationalfacilitiesdirect.com/
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industrialvacuum · 1 year
The Game Changer: Heavy Duty Vacuum Cleaners Revolutionising Australia’s Construction Industry
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Australia’s construction industry, a critical pillar of the nation’s economy, employs hundreds of thousands of people and substantially contributes to the GDP. As the sector continually evolves, embracing new technologies and methodologies isn’t a mere option, but a necessity. Amid these innovations, the Heavy Duty Vacuum Cleaner, an unsung hero, has been instrumental in revolutionizing construction work across the country.
Heavy Duty Vacuum Cleaners, or Commercial Vacuum Cleaners as they’re often known, are engineered to handle large-scale, high-intensity cleaning tasks. Unlike regular vacuum cleaners, they pack the power, capacity, and resilience to withstand challenging environments like construction sites, managing dust, debris, and even liquid spills effectively.
So, how are these professional vacuum cleaners transforming Australia’s construction industry? Let’s explore this further.
Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity
The most conspicuous benefit of using a Heavy Duty industrial Vacuum Cleaner at a construction site is the significant boost in efficiency and productivity. Traditional cleaning methods, like sweeping, require considerable manual effort and time. Commercial vacuum cleaners can clean vast areas swiftly, saving precious time and allowing workers to concentrate on other crucial tasks.
Improved Health and Safety
Construction sites are infamous for generating substantial amounts of dust and debris, which can lead to numerous health hazards if not managed appropriately. Heavy Duty Vacuum Cleaners not only remove visible debris but also eliminate microscopic dust particles, fostering a safer working environment. This significantly reduces the risk of respiratory issues among workers, complying with Australia’s stringent occupational health and safety regulations.
Cost-Effective Solution
While the initial industrial vacuum cleaner price may seem high, the long-term benefits make it a cost-effective solution. Increased efficiency and productivity can expedite project completion, cutting down overall labour costs. Additionally, these machines demand less maintenance than their regular counterparts, ensuring lower operational costs in the long run.
Durability and Versatility
Constructed with high-quality, robust materials, professional vacuum cleaners are designed to withstand harsh working conditions, making them an invaluable addition to any construction site. These machines also offer incredible versatility, capable of handling different types of debris, from chunks of concrete to fine dust.
Noise Reduction
Industrial vacuum cleaners contribute significantly to reducing noise pollution at construction sites. Their operation is considerably quieter compared to traditional cleaning methods, contributing to a less disruptive and more focused work environment.
Employee Satisfaction and Morale
A clean and well-maintained work environment can significantly enhance employee satisfaction and morale. Using heavy-duty vacuum cleaners can show an investment in worker wellbeing, leading to improved job satisfaction, lower turnover, and increased productivity.
Continue reading The Game Changer: Heavy Duty Vacuum Cleaners Revolutionising Australia’s Construction Industry
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5 Signs You May Need a Facility Management Partner
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It takes a lot to manage a facility. Whether it’s building operations like cleaning, security, maintenance, and grounds management or compliance and safety, facilities management touches just about every part of the workplace. As a result, even the best FMs can feel stretched thin from time to time. If it’s unclear why there is a rising backlog of uncompleted maintenance tasks, or it feels like there’s no time to focus on more strategic initiatives, it might be worth partnering with a facility management provider. Here are five signs you may need a facility management partner.
1. Rising Costs
Constantly paying for ad hoc repairs can get costly. If you notice that repairs and servicing costs always seem to be on the rise, then it might be time to consider an FM partner. They will work with you to understand your entire operation and develop a custom solution that extends the lifespan of your equipment or building’s infrastructure. In turn, this leads to fewer repair costs and increased operational efficiency.
2. Frequent Disruptions
Whether they’re maintenance repairs or critical systems failure, constantly spending valuable time reacting to one situation or the other can lead to wasteful productivity. Partnering with an FM company allows you to bring in additional support and specialists as needed. This flexibility increases productivity and helps you deliver on a range of your organizational objectives.
3. Difficulty Tracking and Managing Assets
Spending time looking for assets or procuring new ones wastes valuable resources and stalls the resolution of problems in your facility. Then it’s only a matter of time before occupants become frustrated and workplace satisfaction declines, which leads to a decrease in productivity. Through effective staff management and the implementation of best practices and innovative technologies, an FM partner can help you easily keep tabs on not just your assets but your entire operation.
4. Low or No Budget For Technology
If you are finding that many of the facility management challenges you face could be minimized or resolved with enhanced or upgraded technology, then it’s a sign to partner with an FM provider. Forward-thinking FM companies have innovative technologies that cut through the clutter, reduce downtime, and eliminate needless frustration. In addition, they can help regulate compliance, analyze insights of project details and performance, track time and resources, and ensure a consistent level of service and quality.
5. Communication Gaps
When projects have tight deadlines and strict requirements, effective and efficient communication between managers and strategic partners is critical. If you’re finding communication gaps, an integrated, self-performing facilities management partner could be the perfect collaborator to help set you up for success. They can assist by developing smoother systems of communication between the technician, command center, and facilities managers to ensure a process that streamlines service, integrates teams, centralizes goals, and lays the framework for efficient and quality relationships.
Choosing the Right Partner
Partnering with a facility management provider ensures your organization is running at full optimization without day-to-day facility maintenance interruptions. From the reduction of costs to optimizing your facility management programs for increased efficiency, the right partner can provide the support you need to take your operations to the next level.
National Facilities Direct offers top-quality facility services derived from real-time communication, state-of-the-art analytics, data-driven decisions, and proprietary technologies. We develop customized all-inclusive maintenance programs, best-in-class connectivity, and an extensive in-house network of diverse professional licensed technicians that help us meet your complex, ever-changing needs. Contact us today to see how we can help take your organization to the next level.
Visit Website - https://nationalfacilitiesdirect.com
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marti-garcia · 1 year
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「 ms. marti garcia 」
Full Name: Martine Lisandra Cabrera Garcia
Nickname/s: Marti, Garce, Marti G
Faceclaim: Jeanine Mason
Gender // Pronouns: cis female // she/her
Age // Date of Birth: 29 // October 3, 1993
Hometown: Nashville, Tennessee
Occupation: Producer @ Applause Entertainment Group
Neighborhood: Hillsboro Park
Time in Nashville: 1993-2011, 2014-Present
「 quick links 」
nashvillehq | full bio | connections | tags
[ tw: cheating partner ]
「 the introduction 」
Marti is the youngest child of 4 with three older brothers. She works for her family's company as a music producer.
To say her family's status has impacted her life in a positive way is an understatement. She attended a fancy private Catholic school growing up, drove nice cars, and general lived a pretty comfortable lifestyle due to her family's money.
Her mom was a backup singer in her day and Marti's dad was a musician in a semi-famous band (managed by Applause, obviously, and then transitioned into the role of COO once he settled down and started raising a family.
Marti's brothers all ended up doing something musical, whether it was playing in a band or starting a singing career. She's the only one who isn't actively performing, but she still fell in love with the industry. Going to watch her older brothers record in the studio was always her favorite, and that's where she got her start.
Marti applied for and attended the Academy of Contemporary Music in London to study music production. She probably could've gone without college with the family connections and having grown up around the industry, but she wanted to really be the best of the best.
Three years after leaving for London, Marti returned home openly bisexual, engaged to a British man, and ready to set fire to the industry she'd grown to miss in her time overseas. Unfortunately, things aren't always what they seem. Marti caught her fiancé in bed with someone else not once but two different times, and she quickly learned he had only proposed in hopes of her helping him land a deal with Applause.
To recover from the humiliation of giving two and a half years of her life to a man not even worth another moment, Marti threw herself into her work, establishing a reputation in the industry for pushing the envelope whenever possible. If you've got the safety net of your family's legacy to catch you, why would you be afraid to take your shot?
「 deeper dive 」
This girl is a smidge terrified of turning thirty because that feels like an adult age and she considers herself very much Not An Adult.
Marti tends to fight to work on projects she thinks are going to be game-changers. She usually opts for female artists, songs or projects that will allow her to flex her creative muscle, or anything that's going to cause a scene or challenge the industry.
Marti's using her mother's surname both personally and professionally mostly because she really loves supporting Latinas and also because she wants to make sure nobody can say she just got her job because she's a Cabrera.
She's definitely a "Stick it to the Man!" kind of gal, and she has no problems pointing out flaws in a male-dominated industry that rarely takes women like her seriously.
You'll often find her dancing in a studio during playback and generally always having a good time! She loves to make the process fun and exciting.
People at Applause whisper that she's only got the job because of her father, but really, she's a balance of hardworking and talented on top of the nepo baby status.
Do. Not. Bring. Up. Her. Ex. She trashes him at every possible opportunity, including loudly talking trash over his songs when they play at a bar. Things did not end well, obviously, and she's a firm believer that the man is the spawn of Satan.
Marti is determined to never find herself in a serious relationship again, and she isn't one to really do dates but she loves a good hook up. Notorious for asking people not to catch feelings because she will ghost them if they do.
「 at-a-glance timeline 」
1993: Born to Jose Cabrera and Beatriz Garcia Cabrera in Nashville, Tennessee
2011: Graduated from high school and moved to London (UK) to study at the Academy of Contemporary Music
2011-2014: Lived in London, studying at ACM, came out as bisexual, started dating her ex-fiancé, and returned home after graduating
2014-Present: Worked at Applause Entertainment Group as a music producer
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Considering a career as a Wind Turbine Technician
If you're considering becoming a wind turbine technician, there are a few things you should know before jumping into this career path. Here are some key points to keep in mind:
Education and training: To become a wind turbine technician, you generally need a high school diploma or GED certificate and either technical school certification or an associate's degree in wind turbine technology [1]. You can also train on the job, but having some formal education and training can give you a leg up in the field.
Job outlook: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of wind turbine technicians is projected to grow 44 percent from 2021 to 2031, much faster than the average for all occupations. About 1,900 openings for wind turbine technicians are projected each year, on average, over the decade [2]. This means that there will likely be plenty of job opportunities in the field.
Salary: Earnings for wind turbine technicians can vary depending on location, employer, and experience. According to the BLS, wind turbine technicians earned a median annual salary of more than $61,000 in 2022 6].
Job duties: Wind turbine technicians are responsible for performing routine maintenance, troubleshooting problems, and dealing with urgent issues on the three primary parts of a turbine - the tower, the blades, and the nacelle, composed of the generator, gearbox, and brakes [11]. The role can be physically demanding and may require working outdoors in harsh weather conditions [4].
Skills needed: Wind turbine technicians need to be able to identify and solve problems quickly and efficiently [5]. They should also be comfortable using hand and power tools, as well as computer equipment, to fix and maintain turbines [16]. Safety is also a critical aspect of the job, so wind turbine techs should be familiar with safety procedures and comfortable climbing up to 300 feet in the air [16].
Overall, the field of wind turbine technology offers promising job prospects and the opportunity to work in a hands-on environment that contributes to ecological health. It can be physically demanding, and you'll need to be comfortable working outdoors and at heights, but the rewards can be significant. If you're interested in pursuing this career path, be sure to research education and training options, as well as job opportunities in your area.
1] "If you're interested in becoming a wind turbine technician or a similar profession in renewable energy, here are 10 jobs you may consider: 1. Environmental scientist 2. Crane operator 3. Industrial project manager 4. Electrician 5. Mechanical engineer 6. Land acquisition specialist 7. Construction equipment operator 8. Construction laborer 9."
URL: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/career-development/how-to-become-a-wind-turbine-technician
[2] "Job Outlook. Employment of wind turbine technicians is projected to grow 44 percent from 2021 to 2031, much faster than the average for all occupations. About 1,900 openings for wind turbine technicians are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Many of those openings are expected to result from the need to replace workers who ..."
URL: https://www.bls.gov/ooh/installation-maintenance-and-repair/wind-turbine-technicians.htm
[3] "To become a wide turbine technician, all you need is a high school diploma (or GED) and a technical school certificate or associate's degree. You can train on the job or enroll in a technical school to become one. These requirements enable you to start your career earlier than many other career options. Contributing to ecological health"
URL: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/finding-a-job/pros-cons-being-wind-turbine-technician
[4] "The role of a wind turbine technician can be quite demanding. If you're outside on location, you can face harsh weather conditions, heavy materials, and machinery risks. What Does It Take To Become A Certified Wind Turbine Technician You need proof of high school completion, like a school diploma."
URL: https://blog.pcitraining.edu/blog/things-to-know-about-becoming-a-wind-turbine-technician
[5] "The ability to identify a problem, compile a list of issues, and identify the proper procedures needed to diagnose and repair a wind turbine is paramount for wind turbine technicians. While there are always going to be issues to manage, it is up to the technician to get the optimal performance from the wind turbine by solving problems quickly ..."
URL: https://miat.edu/2021-12-what-qualifications-do-i-need-to-become-a-wind-turbine-technician
[6] "Earnings can vary depending on your location, employer, and level of experience. According to the BLS, wind turbine technicians earned a median annual salary of more than $56,000 in 2020—or hourly wages of more than $27. The lowest-paid 10% of technicians earned less than $40,000 and the highest-paid 10% earned upwards of $83,000."
URL: https://www.imagine-america.org/become-wind-turbine-technician/
[7] "I've personally tried to convince applicants looking for a summer internship to drop out of their wind turbine tech school to come work full time. Additional schooling isn't required, but you might be building experiance in a more remote area in Wyoming, Texas or Indiana. RIPmyGuardianAngel • 1 mo. ago."
URL: https://www.reddit.com/r/wind/comments/11hlajn/looking_how_to_get_into_wind_turbine_technical/
[8] "Once you earn your A.A.S. degree in Advanced Energy Technician, you will be prepared to start your career in the field of renewable energy. You will be working with outside and may have to travel to different locations. You will have to learn to use a variety of electrical tools and measuring systems."
URL: https://www.tccd.edu/academics/courses-and-programs/programs-a-z/credit/electronics-technology-advanced-energy-technician/
[9] "The average age of an employed wind turbine technician is 42 years old. The most common ethnicity of wind turbine technicians is White (60.3%), followed by Hispanic or Latino (21.5%), Black or African American (9.0%) and Unknown (5.0%). In 2021, women earned 93% of what men earned. 4% of all wind turbine technicians are LGBT."
URL: https://www.zippia.com/wind-turbine-technician-jobs/demographics/
[10] "All individuals planning to become wind turbine technicians must complete a series of steps before qualifying for a job. The first step involves completing high school and earning a high school diploma or GED certificate. From there, many aspiring technicians enroll at a community college or technical school to study wind turbine technology."
URL: https://www.bestcolleges.com/trades/electrical-technology/how-to-become-a-wind-turbine-technician/
[11] "The role of a wind turbine technician is straightforward. You'll perform routine maintenance, troubleshoot problems and deal with urgent issues on the three primary parts of a turbine - the tower, the blades and what's called the nacelle, composed of the generator, gearbox and brakes. Beyond that, additional education can lead you into ..."
URL: https://www.grainger.com/know-how/business-operations/people-management/kh-the-job-you-want-wind-turbine-tech
[12] "15 Essential Wind Turbine Technician Skills For Your Resume And Career 1. LOTO Here's how loto is used on wind turbine technician resumes: Perform Test-Verify-Test on equipment and perform LOTO. Perform LOTO procedure on daily basis. Fill out reports and LOTO procedures."
URL: https://www.zippia.com/wind-turbine-technician-jobs/skills/
[13] "Working as a wind turbine technician, or wind farm technician, is an excellent career choice if you enjoy being outdoors, don't mind heights and enjoy a physical and mental challenge. The work generally involves maintaining the performance of wind turbines and ensuring they operate as intended."
URL: https://uk.indeed.com/career-advice/finding-a-job/how-to-become-wind-turbine-technician
[14] "Working as a wind turbine technician allows you to apply your knowledge of sustainable energy technology in a hands-on environment. Wind turbine technicians require specialized education and training in mechanical systems and green energy to maintain wind-powered generators."
URL: https://ca.indeed.com/career-advice/finding-a-job/how-to-become-wind-turbine-technician
[15] "You can earn your Basic Wind Turbine Technician GWO certs at Wind Academy by Siemens Gamesa in Orlando. 3 week program, state of the art facility, resume assistance, guaranteed interview before you graduate. $12600 tuition, no student loans. 2."
URL: https://www.reddit.com/r/windturbine/comments/vrs342/how_much_do_wind_turbine_technicians_make/
[16] "Safety is super important in wind turbine technician work. Wind turbine techs use safety harnesses and must have training in safety procedures. They need to be comfortable climbing up to 300 feet in the air and using hand and power tools, as well as computer equipment, to fix and maintain these awesome machines."
URL: https://www.uti.edu/blog/wind-turbine/how-to-become-a-wind-turbine-technician
[17] "The main wind turbine component that wears out over time is the blades. The blades are made of composite materials subject to fatigue and can eventually crack. The leading edge of the blades is also subject to erosion from wind and rain. Another factor that can damage wind turbine blades is lightning. Lightning can cause a blade to break or ..."
URL: https://safetyculture.com/topics/wind-turbine-maintenance/
[18] "A wind turbine service technician has to be able to perform various tasks such as installing blades, inspecting equipment, troubleshooting problems, and repairing damaged parts. Therefore, they usually start their shifts in the morning and finish during the afternoon to complete their tasks. This article will provide insight into a wind tech role."
URL: https://blog.pcitraining.edu/blog/turbine-technician-what-is-a-wind-turbine-technician-work-schedule
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melmac78 · 2 years
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Today, I’m showing a bit of White Sands National Park and Alamogordo.
White Sands is neat place to visit, but due to costs ($25 a car, regardless occupancy) and going by myself (meaning a few safety concerns), I elected to not go into the entire park. There are online photos of the dunes. (Note: I wish I got a lifetime membership when mom got hers, though mine would’ve been higher. It’d paid itself off going to White Sands - before the fees soared.)
I knew we could see some dunes toward the front, hence the hill photo of the native grasses and yucca holding one (of sorts).
The visitor center was open, but there’s not tons to actually photograph or show except some panels and the diorama.
The adobe building is quite comfortable inside any time of year (I’ve come to Alamogordo in the summer too.)
There’s also a photo I took from the Space Museum of White Sands, which is the 7th photo down. You can also see it from the Cloudcroft Tressel, but both days I was at that location there was a slight fog.
The mountain shot is where Cloudcroft is. About 25 miles and 2,000 feet… temperature went from 45 to 80*F. Forgot this when I visited Alamogordo the day before (I wanted to explore and shop), and wore long pants. Very hot, but helps I live in west Texas so I managed.
Now why I use the full name mostly:
There’s also a base there with the same name.
It may not be familiar to many… but, this was also the place where the Trinity Project was tested. (Or, where the first nuke was tested).
Mind you it is MUCH further away than where I was visiting, but the city does get lots of tourism for the project.
I was there a week before the time of year they open the site to the public, but I wouldn’t have done it a. Due to costs, and b. family in service, plus I had a somewhat distant relative who was part of the Bikini Atoll test and didn’t want to be asked questions.
The tokens and pin I got from the park’s gift shop. This is the only place I know that has two (national and for profit) and honestly, I preferred the national park’s shop as the money literally helps the park. (I got a mug and challenge coin too, but they’re redundant designs to what’s shown).
The tokens include a Buffalo one about the National Parks and the Trinity project. The pin is the patch they used for those on the project. It was intentionally designed this way for security at the time.
No clue what the tokens are for… unless at $1 it’s a way where even kids can get a souvenir with spare change.
So ends day 2 of my travel stories.
I still have the Space Museum, Pistachio Land, Cloudcroft and its museum. I can talk about apple cider, but it’s a little bit of a combined post too with dining.
So… what would you like me to write on next?
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arcmodular-in · 2 years
Seven Elements of Interior Design
The practise of enhancing interior spaces, as well as outside spaces, to create aesthetically pleasing environments for users is known as interior design. Additionally, we can define it as the process of modifying the perception of interior space, altering spatial volume, and treating surfaces to enhance human functionality. A project manager plans, does research, supervises, and oversees an interior design project.
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Interior design consists of seven components:
1. Space
One of the most crucial aspects of interior design is space. The basis upon which the entire interior design scheme is constructed is space. The designer must therefore be fully aware of the space that is accessible, its dimensions, and its utilities. Interior Designers in Noida
2. Line
In general, there are three types of lines: Dynamic, Vertical, and Horizontal. Vertical lines can be seen on windows and doorways, whereas horizontal lines are found on furniture like tables, chairs, and beds. While horizontal lines offer a sense of safety and security to the room, vertical lines convey a free and expansive character. Structures like staircases may have dynamic or angular lines that are action-oriented and provide drama.
3. Forms
Forms often refer to shapes, such as the outline of any three-dimensional object in space. Forms can be produced by merging two or more shapes, and they can be emphasised using other components like texture, patterns, and colour. Interior Designers in Gurgaon
4. Light
One of the most evident components of interior design is light. Without light, whether it be natural or artificial, other aspects, such as colour, texture, and pattern, are completely meaningless. A living environment's mood and ambience are created by light, which also draws attention to all other elements such as space, line, and forms.
5. Color
There is no specific introduction required for colours. The mood is created by colours, which also build an aesthetic connection between objects. Based on the psychology and thinking of the occupant, colours must be picked. As an illustration, red is a great colour for the dining room because it stimulates appetite, and green is a great colour for the bedroom since it represents peace and health. To execute many permutations and combinations, an interior designer needs to be well-versed in the three distinct qualities of every hue, namely Hue, Value, and Intensity. Primary and secondary colours are the two broad groups into which colours fall.
6.  Texture
Surfaces are the main topic of texture, which controls how common surfaces seem and feel. Texture defines the feel, appearance, and consistency of a surface and gives a space depth and intrigue. In general, there are two sorts of texture: actual texture, which can be felt as well as seen, and visual texture, which is only visible. Everything with a textile component, such pillow covers, bed spreads, or anything with a covering component, like drapes, wall paint, or wallpaper, has a texture. Interior Designers in South Delhi
Patterns complement colours and bring interest and liveliness to interior design. Patterns give characteristics of continuity and seamless transition to a space while also telling their own tale. Patterns can be of any shape and typically consist of lovely, repeated patterns.
Therefore, these are all about interior design and its crucial components. If you're interested in learning more about hotel, restaurant, bar, and interior design.
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virtual-insanity28 · 2 years
Here is my first OC, Gaby Takizi! I put this form on here for any who wish to RP Blue Lock!
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Gaby Takizi
AGE| 17
RELATIVES| Kayohito Nakeyu (Aunt), Daizen Nakeyu (Uncle), Aiyu Nakeyu (Cousin), Giyu Nakeyu (Cousin)
CRUSH| Gagamaru Gin, Chris Prince, Nagi Seishiro, or your OC
GENDER| Female
HAIR COLOR| Brown and Blonde
HEIGHT| 167 cm (5'6")
AFFILIATION| Kakenoko High School, Blue Lock Faculty
TEAM| Kakenoko Woman's Soccer
POSITION| Fullback, Goalie
SPECIALTY| Sprinting, aggression, reactions
OCCUPATION| Blue Lock Assistant Trainer, Student
"Try it or shut the hell up." —Gaby to Yoichi Isagi.
Gaby Takizi is a supporting character in Blue Lock.
She isn't a part of the Blue Lock Selections, yet she is a person who visits by to observe the tactics of the secretive project. Via Teieri Anri's personal request, she became the assistant trainer for the Blue Lock contestants. She aims to play in the professional women's league, and is currently a goalie and defender for her all-girls high school's team.
Gaby has short blond hair that has been dyed brown at the roots. She has feline-like blue eyes that are often hidden by the sheets of her hair, and has pale yet bruised skin from the rough contact in her football games. Under her right eye is a beauty-mark. She is rarely ever seen without a scratch of some sort. 
As the personal assistant trainer, she wears a slightly oversized black training zip up jacket with blue streaks across the shoulders, white and blue shorts, and black shoes/kleets. Outside of the blue lock, she is seen wearing similar clothing but sweatpants instead of shorts.
Both as a student and a footballer, Gaby is focused and intelligent. Her mind is able to look at one thing while focusing on a completely different subject. Her ability to multitask such as that can only go so far though. When she makes a mistake repeatedly, she gets aggravated easily and tends to stress herself just to achieve her goal. In her school, she has the reputation as the girl not to get into a fight with. Once too many times has she ended a brawl-out, and caused herself a seat on the bench from her old coach. Her temper is not to be tampered with, for the safety of herself and those who start it.
Jinpachi Ego 
Against the man behind it all, Gaby rids her temper and tries her best to remain professional when eye-to-eye with Jinpachi. She has high respect of the man, but no respect for his antics. Rather, she disagrees with the Blue Lock facility despite working for it.
Teieri Anri
Gaby and Teieri are distant cousins. Teieri had managed to reach out to the high schooler, and gave her an offer to be a part of the Blue Lock faculty. In return for working for Blue Lock, her title will be accepted to the Toppserien, the top league in Norway as well as Gaby's dream team.
Gagamaru Gin
While taking part as an assistant trainer, Gaby has found herself amused by the new goalkeeper. Before the U-20 playoffs, she helped train Gagamaru on how to properly manage his position, and has found herself interested in him and his odd habits since then.
Itoshi Sae
Sae and Gaby have an unspoken contract between each other. They have worked together in kid leagues, but even then had they butt heads. Sae's calm and preserved attitude does not fit well with Gaby's anxious yet fierce behavior, so the two often get into arguments which end off with them walking away(Sae being the coolheaded one and doing so blandly).
Hyoma Chigiri
Chigiri is under Gaby's training of sprinting. The female tests Chigiri by doing one-on-one races to enhance his speed and strengthen his knee. Since she is one of the fastest women in all of Japan's clubs, it tends to be quite a challenge for the red-head.
Extreme Speed - Although she is only a high schooler, Gaby is able to run a full game without getting tired. Her sprints are as fast as they come which makes her more than effective as a defense. Her speed comes in handy whenever she comes to a one-on-one with the goalkeeper. Sometimes, her opponents report of seeing a little trail of fire left in her sprinting path...
All-Round Sight - With her eyesight being complete, it is a great skill of hers that she works on to see anything without seeing everything. In her previous years before Blue Lock, her coach had worked with her to be able to sense others near her. The skill allows her to know whether or not she should pass behind, for it helps her detect and remember if an opponent or teammate is nearby.
"You all are a car. The engine, which is running, just needs its gas peddle moving with the right pressure. You guys are using too much of that pressure without your brakes. Learn to calm down and restart, you fools." -Gaby to Team Z
"Soccer is a game with eleven people; not one. You fail to see that. You have your chances, yet you need to remember that you do get in trouble, and that is why you have your teammates, your brothers, on the same field. To help you." -Gaby to Shoei Barou 
"Are you a man or a boy!?...So then get back out there are be a man, boy!" -Gaby to Aoshi Tokimitsh
"I knew you'd all make it at some point. I'm proud." -Gaby to the Main 
"You still have that big bite but no bark. Hmph. Quite the character even to the professional leagues, aren'tcha, Itoshi Sae?" -Gaby to Itoshi Sae
-Her hometown is Tokyo Prefecture, Ikebukuro District
-She started playing soccer at the age of five, but quit until she was 15
-Her favorite soccer player is Mohamed Elyounoussi 
-Her favorite type of music is Aviencloud mixes
-She doesn't like being in crowds, and hates when people circle around her and ask her if she's okay[when injured]
-To her, she says that the best thing in her life is her little cousins who she adores and loves
-She lives with her aunt and uncle.
-Soccer is her first sport, but she has played basketball, track, volleyball, and cross-country before. None of which did she like as much as soccer
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