#like out of a toolbox 🔨
alluraaaa · 5 months
question for all voltron likers because i’m curious
bonus question for the tags: what would ur bayard be
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aphroditeinthesea · 2 months
I love your work so much omg 😭 🙏🏻 you’re such a good writer 🫶🏻
I saw you were looking for requests 👀 and I was wondering if you’d be willingly to do Leo Valdez x f!reader where they are kinda rivals (yk they just bicker all the time) both working on the argo together or making weapons with a team in the forge. But then some guy joins their team and starts mansplaining the basic equipment. There’s just situation after situation where the reader will explain something to the guy and he won’t listen but then the second Leo says it he gets it. And at first Leo kinda notices but just thinks it’s because he’s in charge and stuff. At some point though he overhears the guy showing her how to do something (the wrong way) and he’s like “yo back off man, she knows what she’s doing”. Maybe he even protects her from open flames when the guy almost burns her handling the equipment wrong (something she’d told him a million times before)?? Maybe both happen idk?? The two just become close after that and he ends up confessing or something
Sorry about how much I wrote 😭 your request rules said you liked the requests to be specific and I wasn’t sure how in-depth to write… so if that’s too much you can totally take a bunch of it out lol (I work with power tools because I’m an arts major and I’ve had so many guys trying to explain basic power tools to me… so this has been on my mind for MONTHSSS)
“ i’m a feminist, obviously (but i wouldn’t really mind him saving me) ”
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leo valdez x fem!reader 🔨
⚠️ o/c being creepy, mansplaining, almost getting set on fire
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
“That’s not,” Y/N stormed over to the boy. She grabbed the wrench out of his hands and began turning it, “righty tighty, lefty loosey.”
“What did you just say to me?” He scoffed.
“You were turning your wrench the wrong way, Valdez,” she replied, handing the tool back to him.
He grabbed it from her, crossing his arms, “for your information, that’s exactly how I wanted it.”
She rolled her eyes, “did you sleep, like at all?”
“A little.”
She huffed, “get some sleep, I’ll clean up.”
“No,” he defended, “I just need to finish this up-”
“If you try to use power tools why you're half asleep, you'll end up getting yourself killed,” she grabbed the wrench from him again, “and you know who’ll have to clean up your dead body? Me, and that’s gross.”
“You're too good to me.”
“Fuck off.”
He chuckled, wiping his forehead, “okay, fine. I’m heading out.”
“Bye,” she waved him off.
“See you later, sweet cheeks.”
“Shut up!”
He closed the door of bunker nine behind him, leaving her alone. She sighed with relief, tightening a few loose screws.
She hummed to herself as she began cleaning the mess around her. She picked up some tools, placing them back on their shelves.
“Nice song.”
She jumped at the voice. She turned around to see a boy standing by the stairs. “What are you doing?”
“I’m Marcus,” he replied, walking closer to her, causing her to slowly back up, “son of Hermes.”
“Well, what are you doing here?”
He put a hand on the ship, “heard you're working on this Argo thing, figured I could give a few pointers.”
She grabbed a toolbox, quickly walking away, “we don't need any help, thanks though.”
“Come on,” he smiled, following her, “you can always use some help, the more the merrier, right?”
“Take it up with Leo,” she answered, avoiding eye contact with her. She rushed to collect her things and made an escape to the door.
“I’ll walk you back.”
“I’m fine,” she sighed, opening the door and walking out.
She almost forgot about the incident the next day when she walked into the bunker. She found Leo with an annoyed look on his face, digging through a toolbox.
“What’s up with you, Bernard?” She commented as she walked towards the son of Hephaestus. She knew it was a stupid name, but she did love how much he hated it. She also loved the fact that he didn't understand it (she started using it more after finding out he had never seen the Santa Clause movies).
He sighed, “Mr. Macho over there,” he nodded his head toward the boy from the night before playing with a blowtorch. “He convinced Chiron that he should be working on this, too.”
She scrunched her face, “he gives me the creeps.”
“You know him?”
“He came in here last night after you left,” she explained, “I think he has a thing for me or something.”
Leo’s face tensed, his fist clenching around the hammer he held, “you think?”
“Hope not.” She took a deep breath before walking past the tall boy to grab some extra wood.
“Hey,” he grinned at her, “miss me?”
She forced a smile, walking away from him, “you know it.” She cursed herself for trying so hard to be nice to the little fucker, but she really didnt feel like starting something right then.
The day went on with her desperately trying to ignore his comments towards her. She found herself staying by Leo’s side in hopes that Marcus would think they were dating. As much as the idea grossed her out, it was better than some weirdo thinking he had a chance with her.
“I’m gonna head out,” Marcus mentioned, wiping off his hands with a rag.
“Bye,” Leo spoke flatly. Y/N stayed silent but let out a breath of relief when the boy walked out.
Leo looked up at her, noticing her change in demeanor, “are you okay?”
“What?” She met his eyes, “yeah, yeah,” she nodded, “I’m fine.”
He raised an eyebrow, “are you sure? Because I can figure out a way to get him out of here, if you want?”
She shook her head, “thanks, Leo. But, I’m fine, really.”
“Okay,” he breathed out before looking back to continue what he was doing.
She grabbed the blowtorch Marcus had formerly been using. She began using it (i don't know how they work i’m sorry), when Marcus walked back into the bunker, he immediately rushed over to her.
She rolled her eyes as he wrapped his hands around hers, “you're using it wrong.”
“I don't think I am.”
“No, you hold it like this-”
“She knows what she’s doing,” Leo called over.
Marcus just shook his head, “see when you do this,” soon the flames blew back towards them. Marcus threw the blowtorch down in the direction of Y/N in a panic. The flames spewed out and before Y/N could react, she felt herself pulled into a corner, tanned arms wrapped around her.
“What’s the matter with you?!” Leo yelled, his arms tightening.
“Look, it was her fault,” the son of Hermes motioned his hand towards the girl.
“Are you kidding? Since she’s been here, nobody’s almost died (italic). Then the second you walk in you almost turn her into toast!”
She nervously sighed. She slowly reached her hands up to hold onto his forearms, brushing her thumb against his skin.
“You shouldn't have a girl working on this in the first place, there's no way she knows anything about this!”
Leo took a deep breath before yelling once again, “get out!”
“What?” The boy scoffed.
“Get out!”
Her heart rate quickened. Despite all her fighting with him, she had never seen him this angry. She watched as Marcus shook his head before stomping out of the bunker.
Leo’s grip on her loosened, letting turn around to look at him, “are you okay?” He asked, briefly looking her up and down for any wounds.
She nodded, “I’m okay,” she looked up at his face, yet avoiding eye contact, “thank you.”
He softly smiled down at her, “yeah, well, that guy was an ass.”
She giggled, nodding in agreement.
“Don't worry, I’ll set him on fire next time I see him.”
She wrapped her arms around his torso, “thanks, really.”
“Of course,” he nestled his nose into her hair, “if anything happened to you, I think I would have actually killed him.”
“Good to know.”
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