#like qi rong is THE WORST
silviakundera · 8 months
with the release of TGCF s2, I've decided to start re-reading the novel on my lunch breaks but by god I'd forgotten how much Mu Qing makes my head ache. Maybe the only character in the series that I struggle to enjoy reading.
it's very silly but simple: He reminds me of a personality type in real life that I really really do not like being around - that personality type who seems to willfully interpret everything you say in the worst possible light... who overthinks your every text conversation to imagine all of these undertones and implications that were never there. Like... maybe my words just mean.... literally what I said?! maybe you created bullshit to get mad about in your own head and now you're making me responsible for it?!! Maybe I'm not actually judging you and you're just taking your self-esteem issues out everyone around you? 🤔 It's fucking exhausting.
tldr; Every time this dude is on the page I wanna find him funny but instead I get war flashbacks to toxic irl people I've suffered to know, including family who can't be escaped 💀
i honestly envy the readers who can stan him, cause they don't have my baggage.
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yumaisbored · 30 days
caps lock STAYED on when mxtx was writing Qi Rong’s dialogue
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georgethem · 25 days
watching the tgcf donghua after finishing the books is an Experience bc every time jun wu is onscreen i get, like, nauseous 💀 like don't u dare touch or even look at xie lian....unbelievable
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talesfromnatea · 2 years
as a member of the royal family, Qi Rong must’ve had his own personal attendants like Mu Qing to Xie Lian. Those poor fuckers
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Qi Rong, escaping: I'm going to cook and eat this small child hahahahaha
Xie Lian, pinned to his own altar making out with his pon farr-ing boyfriend: yeah sure whatever have at it
10/10 protagonist I love him
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radiantmists · 4 months
i just processed that qi rong is older than hua cheng and i feel like i need to go stare at a wall to digest this
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vamputer · 5 months
if qi rong has a million fans, then i am one of them. if qi rong has ten fans, then i am one of them. if qi rong has only one fan, then that is me. if qi rong has no fans, then that means i am no longer on earth. if the world is against qi rong, then i am against the world.
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rainyatw · 6 months
Qi Rong is such a gamer boy (derogatory)
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kyannnite · 2 years
i hate qi rong (i love qi rong)
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emotionaldisaster909 · 6 months
And the fact that
Donghua team performed an OUTSTANDING JOB of a character study through animation
Like I’m watching him insult Lang QiangQui
And it suddenly hits me that I kinda understand and feel him???
Like Ke Mo
Even though he is wrong
He has a right to hate Yong An
Xie Lian has much more of it, but-
Have you ever thought that
We never get to know
How Qi Rong died?
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Even though he didn’t care for XianLe, it was his only home
So when you see him talk about this-
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You can see that underneath his arrogant hateful craziness
There is genuine pain
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He laughs in one second
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No matter how deeply twisted everything about his mindset is
At its core it’s a lack of any established moral guidelines in his upbringing
And the worst coping mechanism of fighting pain, insecurities and fear of abandonment
By going batshit crazy in defense and grabbing onto everything that makes him seem “important”
Yet by doing so he succeeded in becoming so unimportant
That even his remaining family thought about him so little
That we never got an explanation of how he died
He definitely died alone
And at least for this
He has a right to feel angry
Because anger is just helpless pain
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Most iconic Xie Lian moments according to me
Contains spoilers!!!
"Xie Lian didn't know whether to laugh or cry"
Keeping every memento of his worst time ever as a reminder of why being kind and forgiving is worth it
When he runs off after he gives Hua Cheng CPR that one time pretending he's looking for his hat
When he keeps roasting Xiao Ying's looks even as she's dying
When he was a prince and he was told his future looked dark and he said that can't be cause he only wears white
Eating food off the ground
Building his own temple, we love a girl boss
When he pet E'Ming like a little puppy after being explicitly told not to ever touch it under any circumstances
Putting Banyue in a pickle jar
When Wuming said he would follow Xie Lian to the death and Xie Lian went "youre already dead"
Breaking rocks on his chest for money
Being trampled to death as general Hua, doormat core
The whole Fangxin Guoshi arc, whew 🥵
Carrying around a big ass bag of scraps everywhere
When he became jealous of Hua Cheng's special someone not realizing the very obvious fact that he was Hua Cheng's special someone actually
Slapping tf out of Qi Rong for making fun of Hua Cheng being blind in one eye
Pretending he had no idea who Nan Feng and Fu Yao were
When Mu Qing and Feng Xin were freaking about how creepy the Ten Thousands Gods Cave was whilst he found it incredibly romantic
Being a bit too into pretending to be Hua Cheng's puppet on Mount Tonglu
Feeding into E'Ming's praise kink
When he disguised himself as a pregnant lady to be possessed by the evil fetus spirit and it worked
When he disguised himself as a woman so badly he looked hideous and needed help to not look like that
When he spent the entirety of the Xuan Ji capturing business in his wedding dress disguise, including meeting Pei Xiu like that
It hurts, it hurts, it hurts-
When his response to the sex pollen was to kill himself
"I do not worship god, i am god!"
Every single sweet and tender interaction with Hua Cheng's butterflies that everyone else is terrified of
When everyone ignored him in the communication array because he was cringe
Getting drunk on a tombstone with little ghost fire Hua Cueng after his life fell apart
Controversial but i think his calamity era was also iconic and very sexy
When Heaven's Eye said his lips are exuding evil energy and he turned bright red
And then later when Heaven's Eye said the evil energy is inside him and he immediately changed the subject
Recognizing literally everyone despite their disguises but keeping quiet about it not to embarrass them.
Calling Yin Yu boring and forgettable looking to his face
Defending Hua Cheng, evil ghost king, in front of the whole entire Heavenly Emperor
When he was working in the rice field with Hua Cheng and he kept staring
Being poor
Having ridiculously bad luck
Ascending three times
Big daddy issues even with his dad still alive
When his life had just fallen apart and he didnt know how much a lantern could cost because he had been ridiculously rich all his life
Holding up a massive temple from falling apart???
Kissing Hua Cheng for spiritual energy in front of literally everyone more than once
When he could hear rats talking???
Adopting children
Not iconic Xie Lian behaviors
His abhorrent cooking
Trying to kill himself???
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catradoraism · 1 year
hua cheng’s warped self image is so funny sometimes bc here are some things xie lian does pre confession scene and hua cheng still thought xie lian was gonna reject him
makes out with hua cheng multiple times under the guise of exchanging spiritual energy when (1) it is not necessary to do it like that and (2) literally no one exchanges spiritual energy like that
being visibly relieved when hua cheng lied about having a spouse to the villagers and then becoming immediately disappointed when hua cheng says that he loves someone they’re just not together
told hua cheng he was envious of hua cheng’s beloved (twice)
said that he wished he was the one who had seen hua cheng at his worst because he admires him and wants to understand everything about him
immediately becomes violent when people speak badly about hua cheng (qi rong) even against other heavenly officials (pei ming) despite xie lian’s unwillingness to be violent unless absolutely necessary
told hua cheng “only after having met you did I rediscover that it’s such a simple thing to be happy”
told multiple people (including his boss) that hua cheng in child form was his son to protect his identity because yeah obviously a child that looks like hua cheng would be xie lian’s son
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good-vs-evo · 3 months
i came across a phrase i found interesting while i was doing my research project (save me) (all roads lead back to research for me) and the thought has stuck in my head and i got hit with the urge to share it here lol
the term “lotus eater” refers to one who is indulgent in pleasure and luxury and lives in a dreamy, forgetful, idle state (there are two definitions, one associated with greek mythology and the other just referring to a self-indulgent person. i combined the terms for the purpose of this lil analysis thing)
- hua cheng probably sees himself as thus, especially since he sees xie lian as the pinnacle of purity and goodness, like a lotus
- he sees himself as just a dreamer, unworthy in a way of having xie lian. he doesn’t deserve him, so he tries his best to do things that makes him worthy of xie lian’s love and attention
- every time he gets close to xie lian, and indulges himself with a small touch, or words, or gifts, he feels even more like a lotus eater. he takes his dianxia’s kindness as his own. he is indulgent in the pleasure of his attention and the luxury of his proximity. he is burdening his love with these things (or so he thinks)
- meanwhile, xie lian likely views himself as a false lotus, as qi rong says, only pretending to be pure
- he knows he has violent thoughts and he’s done bad things before, things that weren’t the best (WHICH WE DON’T BLAME HIM FOR, HE WAS SO YOUNG)
- but he seems to despise himself for these things sometimes, faulting himself for his impulses and desires and thoughts
- lotus eater and false lotus respectively, they see the worst in themselves
- yet, they see only the best in each other and wish the other saw that good in themselves
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revel-inbluehues · 6 months
Oh my goodness gracious, I am several different types of broken rn. I just watched episode 7, and I NEED TO RANT AND I'M PROBABLY GOING TO LEAK A SPOILER OR TWO.
Okay, firstly, the first half was hilarious, just FX and MQ being absolute comedic gold. I completely forgot that FX was afraid of women since I read the novels a long time ago, but it was hilarious. He looked so disgusted. Them getting in funny situation is good as it is, but the animators did a fantastic job at the facial expressions of FX, MQ and the background heavenly officials who were hearing all of this play out. I laughed at it all, and poor SQX being embarrassed, tired, and exasperated at the dice shenanigans that he had to deal with earlier.
But, funny as it was, the second part was my favourite bit.
I literally froze when I saw Fang Xin. It was beautiful and terrifying at the same time. Knowing what that blade had done, the history it has made it so much more impactful since this is the first time since this is the first time XL is seeing it in 600 years or so while this is the first time HC is seeing it in around 800 years if I remember it correctly. It is such a metaphorically heavy blade, and seeing its design and animation is so very beautiful.
Meanwhile, LQQ commented on how different XL seemed, and XL responded on how this is how he always was, just that LQQ never knew it. Even still, XL felt like a teacher to LQQ, so I feel like no matter how separate XL tried to be, he did very much care for LQQ as I'm sure the next episode will show.
But I think the major part that got me was LQQ's speech about not becoming full of resentment or like XL, which is one hell of a gut punch. Once again, bravo to the animators for that little cut to XL's eyes widening. I always knew LQQ was a parallel to XL, and it is most clearest here. In that moment, XL knew that he was LQQ's White No Face, and that, in LQQ's perspective, where he started the worst moments of his life in a twisted attempt to make LQQ just as resentful as him. It was a fantastic comparison and a terrible irony to XL, something he clearly acknowledged as he laughed and tried so hard not to cry. XL's comparison to the White No Face is something that will probably hurt every time, since to XL, only he and JW know about it, and he's unable to share the burden of what happened, which probably just hurts even more. The parallel between LQQ's words to XL and XL's words to White No-Face is so painful, especially to XL, who thinks that it's his burden to bare, and it probably hurts more when you consider that he literally just got Fang Xin back.
And throughout all of this, the one other person who knew all of this, and wanted to share the burden was standing right next to him, looking hurt and about to cry as he watch his most loved hurt. HC knew the significance of it all, and it was a stark reminder of all the times he failed to protect the one he loved the most, and since this right after he accidently hurt XL as well, this must be painful for him too. There is so much foreshadowing for all the donghua-watchers only and so much tragedy underlining this scene.
The part where XL hesitated to hold Fangxin, when you know everything, hurts so much. It caused him so much trauma, wielding it would have just been such a painful reminder.
Let me move onto fangirling before I cry.
Firstly, I was waiting for the daruma doll bit for a while. He looks so cute and angry at the same time. It's adorable, and I laughed when LQQ side-eyed HC in the daruma form.
Secondly, why do HC and XL still look so HOT EVEN AS THE WEIRD CANDLE DEMONS, OMG???? HC with horns, blue skins, and black sclera is going to haunt me for DAYS, and XL looks so good with it as well. The candles on their heads look so funny though.
The next episode is for the Qi Rong simps, and I would like to remind everyone that Qi Rong, heathen that he is, is still physically hot, even if I have the visceral desire to punch him.
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baiwu-jinji · 3 months
i apologize in advance if this ask sounds kinda weird, but i'm kinda curious to hear your thoughts on how the narrative treats qi rong, mostly because i think interacting only with the eng version/fandom might take some context from his character. i've seen people complaining that some fans woobify him too much, others complaining that some people treat him as a pure hate-sink when he's more than that. while i do think he's a multi-layered character, i do sometimes get the feeling that mxtx did not go easy on him, with the revised version being even crazier than before (some even say he was given a bit of onesided incestuous subtext with xl, but i wonder if that interpretation isn't just the result of weirdly translated lines in eng). i think this might be because he strikes me as a meta personification of sorts for toxic fans who place their identity and self-worth on just one person they completely idolize, and when that person is shown to be imperfect they immediately turn against them, and we know mxtx has had experience with those kinds of people.
i do think he's largely meant to be seen as unsympathetic overall, though i think there's strong nuances with his character as well. since his childhood he always lacked something and never really had a well formed identity, his prince name being symbolic of his life. he projected himself onto xl in life, and he kept on absorving the worst traits of the people around his life without really understanding them in order to feel powerful and important, from the xianle nobles to the signature traits of the other calamities. he also strikes me as very... "little brother"-coded, in the sense that he keeps looking for any sort of recognition and seems unable to mature. even when he hates xl i think he still somewhat craves his attention, and qr only developed a bit when he was forced to let go of this role by accidentally becoming a father instead. i think it's also interesting that he started out a lot like his father, but ended up sharing the fate of his mother.
i do wonder how the cn fandom views him and if he's nearly as divisive as he is here. i'd also be pretty interested in seeing some meta about him from cn fans. again, it feels like some context is missing by not speaking the language the book was originally written in...
Hi! I think the narrative basically takes the same stance as Xie Lian in its attitude towards Qi Rong, which is the sort of "I can't love you but I don't want to hate you, the best I could give you is indifference". I agree that Qi Rong isn't meant to be lovable, but MXTX isn't dismissive of him as a character either - she devoted almost an entire chapter to Qi Rong's death, let him speak his mind, and gave him some form of closure.
Qi Rong having onesided incestuous subtext with XL (!!) in the revised version is...very interesting haha, I haven't read the revised version so I can't know (someone please tell me where to get the revised version ><). Although I want to speculate that even if there is some incestuous vibes, it's not truly sexual - it's probably libido directed the wrong way when you're lusting over someone else's identity, but not over that person per se. Qi Rong lusts over XL's identity in the sense that he wants to be XL - or rather he wants to be perfect, worshipped, all-powerful etc. (bit of digression, there's an underrated psychological thriller called Cracks starring Eva Green, if you watch it you'll know what I mean)
I don't have the impression that he's truly divisive in the Chinese fandom, but then I don't engage with the Chinese fandom that much so I could totally be wrong. And I don't think any context is missing for English readers either (except maybe the humour of QR's obscene language might be lost in translation?) because human nature is the same everywhere, and Qi Rong's distorted psyche is more a matter of human nature than cultural context.
As for Chinese fandom's view of QR, there's this great meta I translated and posted a few days ago, and I found some other opinion pieces about Qi Rong on Zhihu (Chinese equivalent of Reddit), as you'll see they're quite diverse.
A lot of Chinese readers say that what stands out most about Qi Rong is his comedic role in the story because his cursing and name-calling are really funny; a lot of people also mention being really touched by his self-sacrifice to save Guzi. I found this one post that has a similar view to yours, which is QR represents MXTX's toxic fans:
"I always felt it's the author admonishing her fans in an implicit way not to be as crazy as Qi Rong [...] My guess is that the author can't ask her fans outright not to act in this way because that would hurt people who support her but are immature, however she can't turn a blind eye to these people going around provoking more resentment, so she creates QR to remind her fans not to be like QR, or they'd appear as unlikable as QR to the public. But the author still feels symathy for thse fans, so she didn't depict their representation in the novel as totally incorrigible - QR retains some humanity and is a little adorable when he starts to care about people."
I also saw opinions about the narrative (or rather Xie Lian) not going easy on Qi Rong, like this one:
"Xie Lian is clearly a very good person but why is he so heartless to QR? He eventually treated QR as a joke and a burden, but QR was once a true follower of his. At first I thought XL was perfect and cares about everyone, but he never really cared for his cousin. When I read that XL felt neither joy nor sorrow when QR died saving Guzi, my heart chilled. If XL could forgive the masses who betrayed and reviled him, why can't he forgive his cousin who once followed him whole-heartedly?"
There're also people saying that Qi Rong's potential divisiveness is what makes him a great villain, like this post:
"What MXTX's well-received villains have in common is a tragic childhood and not being loved growing up, and they only have a soft spot for one person. Although these villains did horrible deeds and are unrepentant, they all reserve some kindness in their heart for the only person who's good to them. This contrast is striking and touching, yet most likely to cause controversy. Therefore, MXTX knows very clearly how to create a memorable villain, and I admire that."
Someone else says when they read about Qi Rong they "don't know whether to laugh or cry" (XL's signature emotion hehe). They add that "this is where MXTX is successful in writing a villain - you both hate and pity him; he's infuriating, but you don't really want to see him die either."
Another view is that since Qi Rong has no filter, he sometimes serves as the truth-telling voice. For example, when XL wanted to keep Lang Qianqiu in the dark about the truth of the Gilded Banquet Massacre, Qi Rong blurted out the truth.
There's also a question posted on Zhihu that asks why people like Qi Rong, and there're some interesting answers. There's one post that says "I find him attractive because he's depicted as alluringly ghostly in a lot of fan art like vampires in Twilight" haha
Another post says they like Qi Rong "because he's guilelessly wicked, while XL and Hua Cheng are hypocrites" emmmmm
Another one says they like Qi Rong because "being Xie Lian is exhausting, he's so wronged but he just endures it all, while Qi Rong just launches verbal assults whenever someone rubs him the wrong way, it's so cathartic. The most difficult thing in the world is to be a good person, because as soon as you do one thing wrong, everyone criticises you; but if you're a bad person, even if you did just one good thing, everyone praises you for it and shows you pity".
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one-flower-one-sword · 3 months
Hello, and thanks again for sharing your thoughts on my previous ask.
More random thoughts to share! : -D
At the end of the fight with Jun Wun, Xie Lian props up his bamboo hat to shield Jun Wu from the rain. That really stood out to me. Jun Wu tormented him for so long. Most people would spit on his body and burn it. Haha, maybe not all that, BUT, they wouldn't give him any sliver of kindness and that would be expected. Xie Lian doing so is just another tell of how much compassion he has for others, and it just blows me away. I couldn't help but see the parallels between what he did for Jun Wu there and the kindness the man with the bamboo hat showed him. I'm still thinking on this a bit, but...Xie Lian had people who loved him (Hua Cheng) and showed kindness to him (the man with the bamboo hat) even at his lowest. I wonder, even if unconsciously, if he wanted to provide some hope to Jun Wu that he can move forward past the worst part of himself. Not saying at all that Xie Lian wants to be part of that process, simply that once Jun Wu is no longer trying to actively harm him or others, he doesn't have any ill will to him. (but even that is over simplifying things - I'm sure Xie Lian could have bad days where he does). But that's my vague thought on this... Xie Lian is able to see the good in people even while not dismissing the bad they've done. To me, it seems he tries to nurture that as much as possible. What are your thoughts on that scene though? :) __________
Interestingly enough, Xie Lian has the hardest time with Qi Rong's personality. Qi Rong is mean-spirited, self-aggrandizing, and cruel as a child, and even more so as a ghost. By the time he's a wrath ghost and we see him facing off with Hua Cheng and Xie Lian, he's really quite pitiful. He can't even see how pathetic he is and it really comes off like a child begging for any attention he can get, even if it's bad attention. Xie Lian's feelings towards him are very complicated. I find it a little ironic and sad because it really does seem that if Qi Rong had had a much firmer and consistent hand in discipline, boundaries and love, that things could've been different for him. Maybe Xie Lian could have when they were young and both alive, but Xie Lian had so much going on himself and honestly, Xie Lian was still a child himself! The adults needed to step in at that time. And when Xie Lian is old enough, I think he's realized he just can't with Qi Rong. For whatever reason - history, personality, family dynamics he can't deal with Qi Rong in a compassionate way and so does what he can and keeps his distance (until present time run-ins start happening). And honestly, that's probably one of the few acts of self-care and boundaries Xie Lian set for himself. He knew his limits with Qi Rong. I do want to be clear that Qi Rong's actions are his own. He's hurt and killed many. He made his own poor choices and is responsible for that. I just think, if from the beginning, if he'd had someone who could be firm and compassionate, things could've been different for him. And potentially, if he'd met someone as a wrath with the patience and compassion to guide him, things could've been different...even if it took another 800 years! On the flip side, maybe Qi Rong did come across such a person but rejected it. We'll never know since it wasn't revealed in the book, but it's interesting to think about. Also, this is the first time I've thought about their relationship dynamics so I could totally be missing some things. What are your thoughts on their relationship dynamic? ------- On a more lighthearted note - one of the things I really love about the novel are all the many ways Xie Lian and Hua Cheng show their love and care for each other. Not just with big moments, but in little ways too with words and actions. There's so much material and every time I'm reminded of it, I just smile inside. I'm so happy for them! But one scene in particular that came to me was right after Xie Lian and "Ming Yi" help Shi Qingxuan escape the Heavenly Capital. They go back to Puqi Shrine and find Hua Cheng tidying up the place with essentially his shirt off. Xie Lian gets flustered and tells him to put his clothes back on and once he does, Xie Lian notices his collar is a little crooked and straightens it for him. Haha, I thought it was very sweet and definitely a "you're already married" moment. : ) Any favorite small moments you remember off the bat?
Thank you for your ask! I'm sorry it took me so long to reply after all (the funeral was last week, so as you can imagine the days leading up to and after it were quite stressful and draining). That said, let's get right into it :3 Gonna go through it from the top:
Xie Lian - His kindness and compassion really are admirable. It's why I find it so baffling when he's described as naive and/or arrogant by fans because that's not at all how the text portrays him. Throughout the story, he's the one willing to against the status quo - both in the human realm and in heaven - and to help the ones no one else cares about, no matter how much pain it results in for him personally. The trauma Jun Wu causes him almost makes him lose himself and then afterwards there's a long time where he blames himself and it's only through meeting Hua Cheng (again) that he gains back his confidence - and like you said, the final scene with Jun Wu shows in such an understated yet profound way that the core of who Xie Lian is has not changed at all: someone who believes that people deserve saving, that kindness is never in vain.
Qi Rong - I can't think of much else to add at the moment, but yeah just like you said, he might have turned out different had he had better parental guidance, but in the end the text is very firm that our choices are our own. I think it's also interesting that when people call Xie Lian naive and arrogant for wanting to save the common people and blame it on him being "spoiled and privileged", it's actually Qi Rong who demonstrates what happens when people born into privilege never question their status and instead do everything they can to take advantage of it and uphold it. Meanwhile Xie Lian even at seventeen was very critical of the power structures and morals that surrounded him and unlike Qi Rong didn't believe that he should be held to a different standard of justice than those "lower" than him. And it can't be chalked up to different guidance, since Xie Lian's views clashed repeatedly with those of his parents and his teachers.
Hualian - I absolutely adore all those small moments that showcast their relationship. Some of my favorites that immediately come to my mind are when they're in heaven and Mei Nianqing is explaining about Jun Wu's past and then inquiring about Xie Lian kissing Hua Cheng:
"Xie Lian could sense that he'd have a hard time swallowing whatever the state preceptor was about to tell him. He wanted to call for Hua Cheng, but before he could do so, Hua Cheng had already come to sit beside him." [...]
"When Xie Lian realized that Hua Cheng likely hadn't lived past eighteen, his fingers trembled. Hua Cheng reached out with one arm and gently covered Xie Lian's chilly hands, palm to back. Although their skin was equally icy, there was warmth where their hands touched." [...]
"Xie Lian had been desperately trying to stop the state preceptor from talking, but with no success. Covering his face, he silently shuffled behind Hua Cheng, who smiled and circled an arm around him as he raised his brows."
Hua Cheng's mere presence is such a source of comfort and safety for Xie Lian, it makes me so ;_; that he wanted him near for emotional support. And they're so tactile, so gentle with each other, always seeking to be close and to reassure and comfort each other through touch ;_;
I feel like I just rambled but I hope my answers managed to still be interesting and satisfying! Thank you for your ask, the distraction and interaction really helps rn <3
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