#so i can clap with glee when he pulls his bullshit
silviakundera · 11 months
with the release of TGCF s2, I've decided to start re-reading the novel on my lunch breaks but by god I'd forgotten how much Mu Qing makes my head ache. Maybe the only character in the series that I struggle to enjoy reading.
it's very silly but simple: He reminds me of a personality type in real life that I really really do not like being around - that personality type who seems to willfully interpret everything you say in the worst possible light... who overthinks your every text conversation to imagine all of these undertones and implications that were never there. Like... maybe my words just mean.... literally what I said?! maybe you created bullshit to get mad about in your own head and now you're making me responsible for it?!! Maybe I'm not actually judging you and you're just taking your self-esteem issues out everyone around you? 🤔 It's fucking exhausting.
tldr; Every time this dude is on the page I wanna find him funny but instead I get war flashbacks to toxic irl people I've suffered to know, including family who can't be escaped 💀
i honestly envy the readers who can stan him, cause they don't have my baggage.
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useless-fanfictions · 2 years
Awkward Teenage Crush Kiss | Hevans
Pairing: Kurt Hummel/Sam Evans Fandom: Glee Rating: Teens+ Tags: awkward kiss, crushes, fluff 3336 words | 1/1 chapter | completed Ao3 Link
Summary: {Anonymous Prompt: I’d love to read a Heavans 38 Kiss (Awkward teenage crush kiss)} Or, Sam Evans has a crush on Kurt and he doesn't think Kurt knows about it. Spoiler alert, Kurt most definitely knows.
Sam most definitely does not have an issue. Nope. Definitely not. 
He doesn’t watch the way the drumstick twirls expertly between slim fingers and he most definitely does not watch the muscles and tendons in the arm twitch and bulge with the movement of said drumstick. He doesn’t because he doesn’t have an issue at all – it’s that simple.
Sam crosses his arms and shifts on his feet, so entirely thankful of the distraction that Rachel offers the group. Apparently now she’s not getting a nose job – which Sam never saw the problem with (if it didn’t harm her or anyone else, who where they to tell her that she shouldn’t?) – and Sam is glad that she’s choosing this moment to announce it.
Especially because it gives Sam more time to not stare at Kurt’s slim waist, cocked hip, and almost bored expression. Gah, how much that looks stirs something inside of Sam is kind of ridiculous.
“Sam?” Mike is cocking his head and before Sam can focus on his buddy, Mike is following his line of sight.
“Oh,” is all Mike says. The tall Asian man claps him on the shoulder and gives him a pitied look.
Sam jerks back because he doesn’t know what that means at all, but he doesn’t want Mike to be assuming things. He wasn’t staring at Kurt or watching the way his hair sways when he moves because it’s standing up and sexily – artfully – tousled. He doesn’t want Mike reading into things that aren’t there.
This isn’t the first time since Kurt transferred back that Sam has had to try to bullshit himself about his feelings.
The feelings that he’s still trying to convince himself that don’t exist are the same ones that keep his heart thrumming quickly against his sternum every time the other boy comes into the room and the same ones that keep him up all night. Fantasies, both light-hearted sweet and dirty, keep him up and make him tired for school the next day, but he doesn’t have it in him to get upset at himself. He’s been trying to come around to this whole new set of feelings that seem to have just been plopped into his lap.
The glee club walks off stage. Now that Rachel is here, they will be running through the Lady Gaga routine. They’ve got it near-perfect, and this is the first dress rehearsal – which, as far as Sam can tell, is them making great progress.
“Look,” Sam catches Mike’s arm, stopping the other teen from following the rest of the group in. Sam waits until Artie has rolled off stage until he drops his voice to a whisper, eyes scanning the room to see if they’re being listened to or not, “I don’t know what you think you saw, but bro-“
Mike interrupts him, “You’re in denial still?”
“What?” he asks dumbly.
Mike glances up to where Sam knows – has no idea actually, because he hadn’t been watching him – Kurt is and then looks back at Sam. “I went through the same thing, Tina helped me figure it out and she’s been really supportive. So all I’m saying is that I get it.”
Sam may be a little slow to grasp things sometimes, but is Mike saying what he thinks he’s saying? “What?” he asks again because he’s not sure what else to say.
“Come on, guys,” Mr. Schuester ushers the two of them off the stage the rest of the way.
“I’m here if you need,” Mike smiles politely at him and goes over to his girlfriend and wraps his arms around her in a tight but quick hug. Then Tina, Mercedes, and Kurt are marching past Sam to go back onto the stage – oh right, they start the number. 
Sam tries to watch the performance as innocently as everyone else does until his cue pulls him out onto the stage with the rest of his friends.
Two days later, the glee club master the “Born This Way” performance and then they are back in the choir room and Mr. Schue is giving out the newest lesson. Sam is only partially paying attention because it is getting to the end of the school year and spring is in full swing (with the summer heat right on its tail) and the choir room has always had poor circulation meaning they froze in the winter and now that it’s warming up everyone is quick to shed their layers – including Kurt.
Dressed down to just a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, Sam can’t help but notice how different he is from the boy who left McKinley earlier this year. He had been shorter and way skinnier (Sam realizes now that he must not have been eating properly) and now that he’s grown and filled out a little bit, people can’t help but notice him when he walks into a room. Especially today with his pale arms and long neck on full display.
The week’s lesson is a simple touch-up on the group’s choreography because Schue says something about not wanting to start anything too strong when they are getting close to when they should start preparing for nationals.
He then uses Kurt to demonstrate a few of their known moves and Sam’s in his own personal hell because he should be watching the way Kurt keeps his back straight and poised while he spins and how his foot flexes and keeps a perfect point outwards when he kicks his leg into the air, not the way the tendons in his neck flex when he bends down or the way his pants hug his ass and crotch so perfectly as if he’d chosen them for that very reason.
Sam’s mouth floods with saliva when he thinks about what those pants are hiding, and he feels like a disgusting predator. Kurt had just gotten back to his school and friends after needing to escape from an abusive closeted gay boy – what the hell is Sam thinking that he’s doing?
But then Kurt finished the short set of moves with a flick of his hair, standing more up from his face than laying relaxed on his forehead like Sam remembers it from before. And Sam knows that he loves Kurt’s hair, he’s not sure why, but it’s one of the many attractive things about this boy-
Someone aggressively kicks his chair. He jerks forward and almost falls out of it and onto the floor.
“What the-“ he turns and sees Mike glaring at him.
“I asked you a question, Sam,” Mr. Schue is saying, pulling Sam’s attention from the other football player.
“Oh,” Sam rubs his hands together nervously and flicks his eyes around the room, they’re all staring at him and he doesn’t even want to know what they’re thinking.
Wonderful for him that Puck can’t keep a single thought to himself. “Yeah, so stop daydreaming about Doll Face over there and pay attention.”
There are a couple of people who laugh and snicker and Sam feels his face heat up in embarrassment. When he looks up again, he catches Kurt’s confused gaze and oh God, the last thing he wants is for Kurt to find out.
“What uh- was the question?” Sam clears his throat and asks.
“Oh, I was just wondering if you could come up here and show us another few moves.”
Sam agrees and stands up to walk to the front of the room while Kurt returns to his seat. He’s sure that his blush doesn’t go away for the rest of the class period and he is unable to meet anyone’s eyes after.
Of all people to catch him after class, it just has to be Kurt.
Sam has been trying to convince him for weeks now that what he’s been feeling is just some stupid crush (something less than that, even) and every time he thinks he’s getting better – he’s sleeping easily and holding conversations with the boy without embarrassing himself – it just has to be Puck that unravels it all.
“I know Puck can be a dick sometimes,” Kurt is saying to him while they walk out of the choir room. They share the next class but usually Sam takes the long way around so he can avoid panting after Kurt the entire walk.
“But he got me thinking,” Kurt continues. “You have been watching me a lot lately, haven’t you?”
“I uh…” Sam is screwed.
They are walking close together (Sam tells himself that it’s because the hallway is crowded and so they have to walk this close in order to hear each other and to not get trampled) and Kurt is watching him with piercing blue eyes. He holds his chin out and shoulders back, so much confidence oozes from him.
“It’s okay,” Kurt says when Sam doesn’t talk for a few seconds.
Sam holds his breath, waiting for the other shoe (in the form of Kurt’s patronizing kindness and speech about how he just shouldn’t be so obvious about his crush) to drop and stomp on Sam’s fingers that are barely holding him to the ledge of this cliff above the endless waters of self-consciousness and awkwardness that he is about to be surrendered to.
“Okay?” Sam echoes in disbelief.
“Yeah, I mean- I don’t really know for sure why you have been, but regardless, it’s flattering.”
Sam watches Kurt’s usually pale and ceramic cheeks tint pink as he ducks his head and watches his feet for a few steps. This confuses Sam more than his words have – what the hell does Kurt have to be embarrassed for? It’s Sam with the silly crush here, not him.
“Is it flattering or creepy?” Sam asks because he has to, he has to know that he hasn’t come off as too strong at all or it won’t let him sleep.
“You think someone having a crush is creepy?” Kurt stops abruptly and turns to look at Sam head on.
The shorter boy’s abruptness shocks Sam into an honest answer, “What- who said I had a crush on you?”
It came out a little rougher than he meant to, but he was sure that “watching someone” and “having a crush on someone” were two different types of attraction and Sam hasn’t even figured out if he’s into all guys yet. And since he’s pretty sure there is no sexuality dedicated to just being attracted to Kurt Hummel, it has been taking him a while to figure things out. So, the part of himself that he’s been trying to keep hidden and protected for a few weeks now panicked and snapped out the question instead of using the reasoning tone like he had been planning on.
“I- oh.” Kurt says at first, meeting his eyes for only a second before he rocks on his feet nervously and looks at the ground again. “I just thought- uh, well I hoped, actually, that maybe you did.”
“You- wait,” Sam’s hands shake while his head rushes as his brain processes what he just said. “You hoped?”
A smile graces Kurt’s mouth and Sam loves it so much, and the blush that grows darker as he scuffs his feet on the tiled floor. The hallway is emptying out and the bell that will signal their tardiness is going to ring soon and Sam doesn’t think there has been anything else that he cares less about. There is this warmth blooming in his chest and shit- maybe this is a little more than a simple crush.
“Y-yeah,” Kurt breathes, he looks up and his smile grows at the obvious hope mirrored on Sam’s face. His shoulder lifts in a casual shrug. “I was hoping that you liked me, too.”
Too. Sam’s heart skids almost-painfully in his chest and he gasps at the word, all of his emotions plainly broadcasted on his face.
“Uh,” Sam is grasping at what to say next. Kurt’s cheeky grin shares that he knows that Sam likes him too and is now just being awkward, but Sam has no idea what to do or say. “I don’t really know how to- umm…” Sam breaks off in an awkward laugh and rubs the back of his neck.
“You don’t know how to what?” Kurt tries. His hand raises halfway between the two of them, like he was going to touch Sam but thought against it, and then he glares at the limb as if it offended him before dropping it to his side again.
“I don’t know what to say- like, I want you to know that I do like you, but I’m just not sure how-“
“But you do like me?”
“Yes,” Sam confirms.
If Sam thought his simple grin was cute, then it is nothing for the breath-takingly beautiful way he smiles wide enough to show his teeth and crinkle his eyes. His entire face lights up with joy, and Sam’s not sure when he stopped breathing because the sight makes him gasp and the rush of oxygen is almost euphoric.
“Are you serious?” Kurt asks, trying to get his expression under control and take on a serious tone.
When Sam grins, though, he gets to see his pretty smile once more.
Part of him cannot believe that they just admitted to something like this and are now staring at each other like goofy idiots in the middle of an otherwise abandoned hallway (the bell must have rung already but neither of them are making a move towards the classroom still). Sam doesn’t want to be anywhere else.
“Of course.”
“Well then, now what?” Kurt asks and one of his eyebrows quirk up and Sam finds it so incredibly adorable. Okay, so maybe he isn’t trying to pretend like nothing is going on – but at least it is no longer a problem.
“I don’t-“ he starts, but then something occurs to him. There is one thing that he wants to do, something that he’s been thinking about for a while and now he might have the opportunity to do. “Oh, uh, can I kiss you?” Sam asks hurriedly.
“Right here?” Kurt looks around.
Sam sees that there is no one else except them, their voices echo a little bit even. All of the surrounding classroom doors are closed and they aren’t standing in the view of any of them anyways. “Why not?”
“Uhh…” Kurt glances down at his hands again and then back up. “I don’t know how- and I know you’ve kissed a lot-“
Sam is quick to amend him, “but never another boy. I’m just as nervous,” he sticks his hand out and they both look down to watch it shake a little. Sam feels like a strong wind could knock him down with how weak-kneed he feels.
“I mean, sure- yes.”
“Yes, please?”
Sam laughs, a genuine laugh, and rocks back and forth on his feet a little bit. He rubs his palms on his thighs, drying the sweat from them, and licks his lips nervously. Also looks a little nervous and he licks his lips after watching Sam first.
“Yeah, right- so…” Sam mumbles before starting to lean down.
Kurt takes a tiny step forward so that they are standing a lot closer than Sam had anticipated and he accidently smacks their foreheads together. They spring apart instantly.
“Ouch,” Kurt breathes and brings a hand up to his head.
Sam mentally curses himself out. “I’m sorry- I didn’t mean to.”
“It’s okay, Sam,” Kurt giggles and tilts his chin up and levels the tall blonde with another stare.
“Oh- uh, okay.”
Sam leans down again, this time keeping his eyes open enough to watch what he’s doing more. Then he gets close enough and he can’t keep his eyes open without going cross-eyed (which hurts his head, so he’d rather not do that) and so he slips them closed. Then their lips connect.
It’s only for a split second and then Kurt is pulling back.
Sam opens his eyes and his eyebrows shuffle down in confusion. But before he can even full wonder why Kurt pulled away so quickly, the boy is speaking.
“Oh God, was that too quick? I wasn’t sure what we were doing, and I thought it was gonna be a quick kiss, but I’m so sorry I-“
Sam’s laughter cuts him off. How can Kurt, who is usually so confident and sure of himself, be so freaking self-conscious now? Sam finds it endearing, actually, that his nervous and awkwardness are evenly matched here.
“You’re adorable,” he says. He slowly picks up a hand and holds it up to Kurt’s face, giving him ample time to pull away if he’d wished to, he doesn’t. So, Sam cups Kurt’s jaw and pulls the boy in for another, longer kiss.
When their lips touch Sam realizes that it really isn’t much different from kissing a girl (what with how soft and nice to touch Kurt’s skin and lips are) and he knows how to kiss a girl, so he presses his lips in a little harder before turning his head to the side to better slot their mouths together.
It turns out that Kurt doesn’t really know what he’s doing so Sam keeps it sweet and brief. Their lips make a wet suction sound when they separate. Sam watches Kurt’s eyes flutter open and he is still so beautiful up this close.
When Sam straightens up fully, ignoring the way his back pops in like ten different places, Kurt squints at him. “What?” he asks.
“That’s it?” Kurt grumps.
Sam genuinely laughs and, much more gently this time, presses his foreheads together. “We have to get to cl-“
Kurt sneaks in for another sweet press of their lips and Sam feels hands on his waist and the warm weight of them is one of the best feelings he’s ever felt.
But it only lasts for a second before all of him is gone and he’s standing a few steps ahead of Sam, walking in the direction of the class that they are now tardy for.
“You’re right,” he calls over his shoulder, his voice bouncing around the empty hallway. “We should get to class!”
Sam laughs and chases after Kurt.
He’s not sure if this makes them boyfriends or not, nor does it help him figure out the puzzle that still is his sexuality, but it still does matter to Sam. And it matters to Kurt if the way that he’s walking lighter and grinning much easier says anything. They’ll talk about it eventually, but for now, he’s just going to remember the feeling of the boy’s lips against his own.
Sam almost forgets that they share this class with a couple of other glee kids and so when they walk inside and he meets Mike’s eyes after accepting his tardy from the teacher, he is a little shaken. He watches Mike’s eyes flit back and forth between Sam and Kurt before raising an eyebrow at Sam when the pair of boys take their seats. Sam just shrugs he knows that his blush tells the whole story.
Later that hour, he gets a note passed to him and reads:
you will be telling me everything after class -mike
Sam grins and tucks the note into the folder that he had and pays attention to class. He’s sure that by glee club tomorrow, the whole group will know that something is going on and Sam doesn’t have it in him to be mad at how quickly gossip spreads.
And if Sam is out of his seat the moment the bell rings so that he can be at Kurt’s side quickly, then that’s what he does. Now that Kurt knows, Sam isn’t going to hold back anymore (within reason, of course). As much as he doesn’t care about the gossip, he doesn’t care about the jokes that get tossed around for the rest of the year about Kurt having an oversized golden Labrador retriever puppy following him constantly.
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abbacchiosbelt · 3 years
Someone Great | Yandere!Satoru Gojo x GN!Reader
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Word Count: 3.1k.
CW: Manipulation, yandere behavior, kidnapping. SFW but allusions to not sfw acts.
"What's wrong, sugar?"
Gojo's sing-song voice makes you cringe - he knows what's wrong. It's just like him to play the fool, to pretend that he was innocent in all of this and that you were the one with the problem. You glare at him and he holds his hands up, the grin on his face never faltering.
"You know I'm just doing this to keep you safe. How many times do I have to tell you—"
You cut him off, repeating the phrase he had attempted to drill into your head back to him. "You're the strongest. No need to tell me again."
Gojo shrugs, unbothered. "I'm the strongest." You roll your eyes at his need to repeat what you'd just said, the words only meant to stroke his out-of-control ego. Gojo plops down where you're tied up on his couch, snaking an arm around your shoulder. Even if you pulled away, there would be no escape from him. Some bullshit jujutsu sorcery kept you bound to your current spot, unable to move. Gojo squeezes your shoulders with his broad arm, making you wince. "C'mon, at least look at me. You know I love you."
Anyone else in the world would be lucky to see Gojo's eyes and hear those words from him - you'd felt lucky once, too. But that was before Gojo took an interest in you, before he took control of your life.
"Baby," he sighs, pressing a peck to your cheek. "You've gotta get used to this. You can't keep fighting me forever. I know you love me too."
"It's been a week," you spit. "A week since you trapped me here."
"And haven't I treated you well?" Gojo replies, calm.
"I would never hurt you. You'll realize one day that this is what's best for you."
There was a distinct divide in the world you lived in - there were civilians, and there were Jujutsu Sorcerers. With the sorcerers came curses, although the average civilian wasn't meant to be aware of curses or what they entailed. You, however, had become a frequent flyer when it came to needing the help of Jujutsu Sorcerers.
When you were born, a curse attached itself to your back. Later, you'd learn that there was a man in the hospital room with your parents meant to dispatch the very thing that had attached itself to your back. You were only 5 when your grandmother had told you about the family curse - each child born in your family was cursed upon birth. It had been happening for centuries. Allegedly, one of your ancestors had done something to anger an obscenely powerful curse. Your life would be filled with troublesome events, she'd said. But it wasn't all bad. There were people in this world who could dispatch such curses. They could see them, unlike you or your family. Your life wouldn't be easy, but it wasn't over before it began.
It wasn't easy. People tended to avoid you, even when you were young and innocent. It was hard to make friends, and most of the interaction you got aside from your family involved the sorcerers dispatched to take care of the ever-returning curse on your back. They were kind to you, but they were always distant. You did the best you could, hoping that one day someone would be able to see past the gloomy aura that followed you around.
That someone came in the form of one Satoru Gojo, dispatched to dispel your curse when you were in your mid-twenties. You had recently moved and registered with the local technical college. By now, it wasn't a big deal to you to tell people about your curse, especially to jujutsu sorcerers. They always were a bit odd, and though you had never grown close to any of the sorcerers who had serviced you, their presence was more calming than the presence of your peers.
Gojo had been sent to your home, the technical college hoping to ease your burden (and unknown to you, hoping to offload Gojo for just a couple of hours) by not making you take the train. His arrival was like no other jujutsu sorcerer you had met - he'd barged in your house without knocking, a broad smile on his face and stylish sunglasses covering his eyes.
The shriek you made at his surprise intrusion was undignified, but the white-haired sorcerer didn't seem bothered. He had laughed and rubbed the back of his head. "Aah, sorry. I thought this was an urgent deal." He raises his eyebrows as he watches your lips contort into a frown. "I'll knock next time."
"You'd better," you mumble, and Gojo smiles.
"Or else?" He quips, taking a step towards you. You didn't even know this man, and he was acting like this? This is who the technical college had sent over?
"I'll request someone else." You respond, curt. He laughs, loud and jovial. What was with this man?
"They didn't tell you about me, then?" He crosses the distance between the two of you and sticks his hand out, tongue poking out of his mouth. You take his hand, dubious, and he shakes it with vigor. "I'm Satoru Goju, and I'm the strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer."
You stare at him for a moment, dumbfounded. He really had an ego on him. He takes your silence in stride, still smiling. "I know. You don't meet people like me every day. But trust me, I'm here to help you. Don't you feel better knowing that I'm here?"
As much as you wanted to tell him no, that he's a certified, over-bearing maniac who just barged into your house... You can't help but bask in the comforting aura he emits. Something about him, despite his manic personality, felt safe. The air in the room felt calming—
Gojo notices your sudden shift in behavior and tilts his head, still smiling "When we shook hands. No need to worry about it coming back for a while."
"Oh," you reply, amazed. It didn't take the other sorcerers long to dispel the curse on your back, but it usually was a bit of an affair. Satoru Gojo had gotten rid of the damn thing without needing to lift his pinky finger. "Well... Thanks." You shift from side to side, suddenly feeling small in his presence. Maybe he really was the strongest.
Gojo puts his hands in his pockets and leans back, relaxed. "If you really want to thank me, let's go into town. I'm starved."
The awe you felt immediately dissipates and turns back into annoyance. Sure, he had done you a great favor, but it was part of a contract you had with the college. Now he wanted food? Still... You couldn't deny that you were curious about him, even if he was managing to press all your buttons upon your very first meeting. You sigh, resigned to the fact that you knew you would regret it if you didn't take him up on his offer.
"Fine. Let me grab my bag." Gojo claps his hands together at your response, humming contentedly.
"Great! I have a bit of a sweet tooth, so I hope you're okay with sweets for lunch..."
Gojo goes on and on about his favorites while you grab your bag, fighting with yourself not to roll your eyes at him. What had the college gotten you into?
As time passes and Gojo visits you to remove your clingy curse, the two of you grow closer. It's slow, at first. He gloms onto the fact that he annoys you and revels in it, smiling with glee every time you roll your eyes at him. At one point, he removes his shades when he arrives and teases you about the expression on your face for the rest of the day. It's like he can read your mind - you want to kick yourself for being so obvious, but it's impossible with someone like Gojo around. No matter what he does or how much he makes your blood boil, the calming aura surrounding him never falters. You feel at home around him. When you start to feel something tugging at your heart whenever he's around, you know you're at the point of no return.
You don't expect anything, though. Gojo is beyond your level - it's not a judgment of yourself, but simply a fact of life. Besides, Jujutsu Sorcerers were hesitant to get in relationships with civilians from what you'd learned over the years. You couldn't blame them, as their line of duty would put their partner in harm's way. The least they could do was be with another sorcerer who was able to defend themselves.
It comes to a head one evening when Gojo had stopped by unannounced. You weren't due for another curse removal, but you didn't mind his company. You had answered the door in your pajamas, not expecting anyone other than perhaps a neighbor wanting to ask you a question. Instead, you opened the door to see Gojo standing there dressed to the nines and holding a gigantic bag from the sweets store you and he frequented.
"U-uh." You stammer, feeling at a loss for words. "Gojo?"
He shifts from side to side, and you catch the tiniest hint of nervousness from him. Odd. "I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd drop by. I know you're curse-free right now, but I always want to check on you."
You balk at how smoothly he'd confessed, ushering him in without saying another word. You weren't sure what to say - had Gojo really just said what you think he'd said? He always wanted to check on you? Surely he meant it platonically, there was no way he looked at you romantically.
Gojo sits down on your couch likes he owns it and pats the spot next to him. You sit down without thinking, watching Gojo carefully as he unloads the bag of sweets on the coffee table. He talks about the different sweets as he places them gently onto the table. His blindfold had been pushed up, revealing those sparkling blue eyes of his that made you feel like you could gaze at him forever.
"Are you even listening?" You snap your head towards Gojo, finding his lips just a breadth away from yours. He had moved closer, close enough so that you could feel the warmth of his body, and you had been too distracted by your thoughts about him to notice the very real physicality of him.
"Gojo," you mumble, He pulls back a little and simply gazes into your eyes, waiting for you to continue. For a man who always talked, he was being rather quiet right now. "Why did you come here?"
Gojo smiles, soft - it's a look you haven't seen on him before. "Why else?" He leans towards you, oh-so-close again. "I can't stay away from you."
Whatever self-control you had is gone, and you lean forward to press your lips against his. He responded immediately, using one of his broad hands to cup your face as he deepens the kiss. The tension between the two of you is palpable, and the heat flooding through your veins is telling you more, more, more—
But just like that, he pulls away, sighing.
"Gojo?" You ask, concerned. Was it you? He looks at you, the longing in his eyes obvious.
"You know you can call me Satoru," He says, playful. But a second later, his face falls into a serious expression again. "I want this. I want you." He turns to face you, sliding one of his hands onto your thigh. "But this isn't what jujutsu sorcerers do. The danger you would be in if we were together... I can't put you through that."
As much as you want to argue, you know he's telling you the truth. You place a hand atop his. "Satoru, then. I think it's obvious I want this too." He smiles and gives your thigh a tiny squeeze. "I won't force you to do something you're not comfortable with. But, you'll still be my friend, won't you?"
Gojo chuckles, but there's no mirth in his laugh. "Who else would annoy you? Ah... I could never be without you, either." He turns away from you and stares into the distance, closing his eyes. "Maybe..." He shakes his head suddenly and turns back towards you.
"I should go." He bites his lip, staring at you. "Or maybe... just once. We could be together."
Oh. Oh.
"I'd love to, Satoru."
Once turns into twice, and twice turns into three times. Gojo departs after cleaning your sheets and making you breakfast, ignoring your pleas that he didn't have to do any of that. 'It's the least I can do,' he'd said, smiling all the while. It had felt off, though - like there was something unsaid. You'd chalked it off to melancholy over the fact that things could go no further, and had spent the rest of the day busying yourself with chores.
The visits continue, though, even when you don't have a curse that needs expelling. Things don't make it to the bedroom again, but Gojo is intense. His eyes are always on you, and he's practically plastered to your side. When you go out he keeps his distance, but he's always on alert. He takes your hand when he knows no one is looking and sneaks kisses to the top of your head in private. You accept it, knowing that this is how things have to be.
It concerns you when suddenly, Gojo starts to appear at your apartment every day. You'd thought about giving him a key, but you couldn't remember if you had or not - yet he had a key, and he'd told you that you'd very much given it to him. Perhaps it was the curse muddling with your memory, he'd suggested. It had happened before.
It's fine, then. He's just looking out for you - it's the best he can do in the current situation. Gojo starts to spend the night, walking around your apartment at inane hours to make sure things were okay. When you're sleeping, he checks your phone (he'd watched you put in the password) and your calendar. He deletes texts from people he doesn't approve of and removes calendar dates when they interfere with his schedule. It's all to keep you safe, of course. You are the most important thing in the world to him.
You're blissfully unaware of this, writing off any strange incidents happening to you simply because of the curse that clung to your back. Even when it wasn't present, it still appeared to meddle in your life. As long as Gojo was there, though, you felt safe.
You never expect Gojo to be the one who makes you feel unsafe.
A particularly busy week at work left you unable to see Gojo for longer than usual - you were working, and he was out of the country on official business. You couldn't answer his calls or texts like usual, only replying every once and a while when you had the chance.
When Gojo returned, he was angry. You'd never seen him angry before, yet here he stood in front of you, eyebrows furrowed as he lectured you about answering his texts. It was unusual, and it felt wrong. You weren't dating him. You were just friends. That had been established by Gojo himself, so why was he acting like this?
"Satoru, you're not my boyfriend. You don't need to keep track of me every second. Even if we were dating, it'd still be too much."
He grits his teeth at that, clearly not impressed. "Don't you understand how much you mean to me? I can't stand it when I'm not with you."
You give him a pointed look. "This is... too much. I don't like it when you act like this." As much as you cared about him, this was ridiculous. He wasn't your keeper. You think of the threat you made the first day you met him. "I can request someone else to dispel my curse." He glares at you. "We'll still be friends. We just need some time apart."
"You don't get it." Gojo scolds. "I didn't want to do this, but I can't take it any longer. You can't take care of yourself. I need to protect you." He's on you faster than you can blink, and the last thing you see before your vision goes black is his angry expression softening back into bliss. "Just go to sleep. We'll be home soon."
When you wake up, you're in a strange room with no windows. It's pitch black, but whatever you're laying on is heavenly. It's plush, and it smells like Gojo— Gojo. You panic, sitting up in a hurry and rushing towards the door. Locked. You shake the handle and pound on the door, confused and terrified. "Satoru? Are you there?" You yell, panic in your throat. "Please, let's talk! Please, Satoru!"
The door swings open and you fall back, gazing up at the towering figure before you. Gojo had never intimidated you, but the way he stood above you now was terrifying.
"How are you feeling, sugar? I hope that didn't hurt." He steps into the room and flicks on the light switch, alighting the room with a soft blue glow. He crouches in front of you and pushes his blindfold up, a manic smile crossing his lips. "I love you. I want to keep you safe. This is the best solution," Gojo says. "It's the easiest solution."
"W-what?" You're baffled by his words, by his behavior. What had he done? "Satoru, this isn't... This isn't normal. You have to let me out of here." You pause, trying to think of something to push him towards your favor. "We can figure our relationship out. I-I didn't mean what I said about requesting someone new, I just got scared."
"And I don't want you to be scared of anything," Gojo says, giving your head a condescending pat. "You won't be as long as you're here with me."
You grunt, frustrated. He was the reason you were scared! "I can't stay here forever. You won't do this to me."
"I will." Gojo tilts his head. "I told you, I love you. I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe."
Tears well in your eyes - what else could you say or do? Nothing was getting through to him. Gojo notices the tears brimming in your eyes and leans forward, wrapping his arms around you. What once felt comforting feels suffocating, the warmth of his body and the familiar scent of him all too much.
"This is what's best for you. I promise."
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cdroloisms · 3 years
more of the vegas team 2.0 !! time for a group therapy session* :D
*includes very little therapy
tw: TORTURE (doesnt happen in the scene but is Absolutely talked about), abuse, beatings, violence, manipulation, toxic relationship, prison arc, mental instability, emotional distress, trauma, dehumanization
"So!" Wilbur claps his hands, smiling widely. "Are we ready to start?"
"This is fuckin' stupid."
Ignoring Quackity, Wilbur looks out over his handiwork; Quackity, Sam, and Dream and himself are sat down in a circle on the ground, all looking like they're at varying levels of get me the fuck out of here. Quackity glares up at him with his one good eye with a scowl on his face, while Sam looks pointedly at the opposite wall like it's the most interesting thing in the world. Across from him, from where he is sandwiched between Quackity and Sam, Dream gives him a pleading look that Wilbur deliberately ignores.
"Big Q is right," Sam sighs, anxiety making his voice slightly tinny, "We're wasting a lot of time, Wilbur. We all have a lot of stuff to get done to get ready for tomorrow-"
Wilbur's arm snaps out, pressing on Sam's shoulder as the taller moves his hands to the ground in an effort to push himself up.
"No- come on, Sam. Don't be like that, man. It'll be fun! We're a team," he stretches the word just to watch the others flinch, feeling a cold sweep of satisfaction when they do, "It'll be good for all of us- what do you think, Dream?"
Dream freezes, wide eyes turning to look into Wilbur's, lip beginning to tremble. Wilbur smiles serenely, watches as he shakes worse with every second of Quackity's angry glare and Sam's cold gaze directed at him with equal parts curiosity and excitement, smiles wider when he finally wilts under the weight of all of their eyes.
"I think- I think that it's a good idea, Wil," he mumbles, flinching back when Quackity's eyes narrow further, and Wilbur bites down his laughter.
"Wonderful!" Quackity turns the fury of his expression back over at him, all but snarling, lips curled and wings fluttering in anger on his back.
"What the fuck- no I'm not helping with this- this stupid fuckin' group therapy bullshit- what is this, a fuckin' AA meeting?" He accompanies his words with a series of jerky gestures, seemingly oblivious to the way that they make Dream curl more and more into himself, and Wilbur digs into his inventory-
"Yeah, that's exactly what this is like, Big Q!" He drops the result of his search unceremoniously into the other's lap, grinning at the look he's given when Quackity finally stops fumbling with the item.
"Is this a stick of dynamite?"
"It's your talking stick!" Quackity looks about three seconds away from cursing him out or burying a sword in his neck, while Sam and Dream look like they would rather be anywhere else at the minute, and this is the best decision that Wilbur's made in his life. "I was thinking that because there's clearly been some tension between us-"
"Quackity tried to kill Dream three times this week."
"-that it would be good for us to talk about our feelings!"
Sam looks entirely unimpressed, a flash of frustration breaking through his usual mask of cold indifference.
"Wilbur, what are you-"
"Ah ah ah!" Wilbur gestures at Quackity, smoothing down a smirk at Sam's irritation, "You can't speak."
"And why am I not allowed to speak, again?"
"Big Q has the talking stick, so he's the only one that can talk right now."
"Wilbur," Sam's hand moves to his face, palms digging into his eyes, "you don't have the talking stick, either."
"Oh, sorry," Wilbur reaches over, easily plucking the dynamite out of Quackity's hands and ignoring the younger's protests, "As I was saying, only the person with the talking stick can speak!"
Wilbur turns his eyes to sweep over the three again, feeling a cold thrill growing in his chest; Dream has hidden himself entirely behind the cloth of his hoodie, knees drawn to his chest and hood pulled up over his head. Quackity, to his left, mutters angry curses, directing his glare at anyone that he deems worthy of his ire - which, per usual, means just about everybody. Sam holds his gaze with a cold stare of his own, a knowing look in his eye, and Wilbur smiles wider in challenge; you going to try and stop me?
Sam doesn't speak, looking away. That's what I thought.
"Anyway!" Wilbur claps his hands together, dynamite still held in his right hand, "Anyone want to go first?"
"...this is fuckin' stupid as hell-"
"You don't have the talking stick, Big Q."
"Fuck off."
"Would you like the talking stick first, then?"
Quackity grits his teeth, opens his mouth to begin what will no doubt be another expletive-filled rant, when he catches Wilbur's line of sight and his eyebrows narrow, lips pressing back together. The electric feeling in Wilbur's ribcage grows further, amusement piquing; interesting.
"Actually," Quackity smiles tightly, forced civility entering his voice, "I would love the talking stick first, Wilbur."
"Of course!" He reaches his hand out, dynamite held loosely in his fingers, "I was thinking that we could talk about our feelings, what's making us upset, you know? So we can all work together better."
"You know- I get that, I get that," Quackity's smile gets sharper, voice growing crueler as he yanks the dynamite out of Wilbur's grip, brings it to his chest, "I see what you're saying, Wilbur. And I think that this is a great idea."
Wilbur's eyes flick to the others as he nods along; it seems like he wasn't the only one to notice the change in Quackity's tone. Sam looks noticeably more uneasy, shifting in his seat and tapping at the floor by his side. Dream looks like he's praying to the gods for the ground to swallow him whole.
Sorry, mate, but there's no one listening in hell.
"Las Nevadas, this place- I've put a lot of fuckin' time into this, ok?" Quackity drums his fingers on the side of the dynamite as he talks, and something in Wilbur shifts, settles, at the symbolism, "This isn't a country, isn't some- ideal, or egg, or some shit. It's power, plain and simple, and it's mine." His lips curl back, his golden tooth glinting in the light, "And I get the feeling that some people aren't taking this place nearly as seriously as they should be."
Dream's head snaps to the side, the pale face of his mask peeking out from where it had been pressed into his arms.
"What do you mean-"
"Dream-" Quackity reaches out, making Dream scramble backwards as Quackity's hand lands on his shoulder and grips it tightly. "I'm sorry. I don't think that you have the talking stick?"
Dream shakes, tugs unsuccessfully at the hand locked around his upper arm, breathing shuddery as he ducks away to look at the floor again.
"Thank you," Quackity grins, lips curving cruelly. "As I was saying, all I want is for everyone to take a little more responsibility and shit, you know? We have to be efficient if we want this place to get off the ground, and we can't be efficient if everyone is fuckin' complaining all the time. I just think that it's about time that we let go of old grudges, move on already, you know? Focus on what really fuckin' matters-"
Dream's shoulders tense, and in the sliver of his face that isn't covered by his mask, Wilbur watches with unbridled glee as his eyes flash.
"Oh- you've got to be fucking kidding me-"
Quackity sneers. "Dream-"
Wilbur doesn't even catch the man moving, but between one blink and the next, the bright red stick in Quackity's hand has been ripped away from him, held in Dream's white-knuckled grip above his head as he scowls at Quackity.
"No- it's my time to talk now, ok? I have the talking stick- it's- it's my time to talk now. You fucking asshole- move on? You tortured me!"
"Oh- don't be so fuckin' overdramatic-"
"Overdramatic? You- you kicked my ribs in! You carved your name into my skin! You ripped out my fucking nails just to hear me scream-"
"What the fuck was I supposed to do? You weren't giving up the information!"
"You didn't have to fucking torture me-"
"Watch your fuckin' mouth or I'll do it again, dickhead," Quackity hisses, a sword suddenly in hand, the blade pressed against the underside of Dream's chin- which would usually be the end of it, but Dream, who must be running on too much adrenaline to register the familiarity of the position, narrows his eyes and bares his teeth at the winged man.
"Yeah- go on, kill me, and we'll see what happens when I respawn, Quackity. I hope you like explosions-"
"Big Q, Dream." Sam's voice, deep and heavy with exhaustion, finally seems to snap the two out of their bloodlust, because Quackity stumbles back into where he was sitting and Dream immediately curls back into himself, breathing loud and rattling in his panic. Sam directs a disapproving glare in Wilbur's direction, "Wilbur, where did you even get popcorn from?"
"Oh- sorry," Wilbur smiles, lets the red and white striped bag fall back into his inventory. "I guess that might've been a bit rude."
"You guess?" Sam mumbles, massaging his temples with a heavy sigh. Quackity glares back and forth at all of them before standing and stomping away to sulk, his footsteps loud and heavy against the marble floor. Sam ignores him, pushes at Dream's shoulder with one hand, gets no response, and Wilbur laughs.
"You know, Sam, I think that went great."
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bratkook · 4 years
clairvoyant. (m) part ten.
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pairing: jungkook x reader , taehyung x reader word count: 21.3k genre: smut, angst, fluff warnings: mentions of violence (jungkook gets decked), a series of very unfortunate events happen to jungkook i’m sorry lol, its cute at the end tho, penetrative sex, nothing too crazy  author’s note: hi i know this is like very overdue...but the writers block was gnarly with this chapter. nonetheless it’s here!! i’m gonna go bury my head under sand now that this is finished bc i can’t believe i actually finished this story...anyways i hope you enjoyed it, pls let me know what you think of the series! byeee ily
“Hey,” Jimin snaps his fingers in front of Jungkook’s face, only making the boys nose crinkle up but otherwise not stirring him from his slumber. Hazy dreams consisting of the potential child that could have been, wrapped up in a white blanket, cloud his mind too much to hear Jimin’s attempt to wake up.
“Wakey wakey.” He pats your cheeks this time, his fingers pressing into your face and squishing your cheeks until your lips are puckered out. On the flip side you’re too tired out to dream, your mind playing a nice little montage of pure white noise, showcasing that your brain was currently out of service.
To be fair, Jimin had given the two of you more than enough time to wake up on your own terms but he had been sitting in his own home bored beyond belief while you two snoozed away and honestly, neither of you looked comfortable.
Jungkook was slouched into the couch, his butt near the edge while his head hung forward, you were contorted into a pretzel with your limbs sprawled in unnatural positions. Your head still lay resting on Jungkook’s lap, your neck tilting up at an angle that bordered on painful but your face looked at ease while Jimin squished it.
His fingers move from squishing your cheeks to pinching your nose because desperate times called for desperate measures.
He counts slowly and before he gets to nine, you let out a strangled gasp, your eyes shooting open as you aggressively swat in front of you, smacking Jimin’s hands off of your face as your lungs search for oxygen.
You’re half asleep still, not entirely sure what happened so when Jimin stares at you innocently, a fake look of concern on his face, you don’t catch on to his bullshit when he asks whats wrong.
“Jimin?” You mumble out, rubbing at your eyes weakly as you push yourself up into a sitting position. The muscles in your neck ache considering you had slept half lifted up on Jungkook’s thighs. Your hand digs into the still sleeping boy as you push up, more specifically his crotch, the pressure causing him to groan before his own eyes are fluttering open.
“What’s going on?” He rasps out, his face screwed up while he tries to blink the sleep away, the throbbing pain in his crotch being momentarily forgotten.
“Wow, so weird that you two woke up at the same time. An absolute mystery.” Jimin shrugs, an unconvincing smile on his plump lips, the piercing you gave him months ago glimmering at the action. “But now that you’re up, anyone want breakfast?”
As you slowly come to, the dull ache in your head reminds you of the bottle of wine you and Jungkook downed last night, and with that comes the feeling of relief once more.
Jungkook on the other hand had focused his blurry sight on the last remaining test still on the coffee table. The two of you had celebrated last night but there was still the slim, slim, chance that those two tests were duds. Jungkook liked to think he had some good karma saved up but the chain of events of the last few weeks had proven him otherwise. Now he was partially convinced that someone of a higher power had it out for him, but he would pray to whoever would listen to give him another stroke of luck with this.
He raises one weak hand, finger pointing at the cardboard box in a way that resembles a horror movie and when you and Jimin follow the line and you sigh as you realize it was in fact a horror movie, “Right, fuck. It’s fine, it’ll be fine.”
When your eyes look to Jimin, a look in them making it clear that he had to say some comforting words right now, and he can only muster up a pathetic, “Right.”
Jungkook chuckles under his breath when you scoff, reaching out with his hand to rest on your shoulder to comfort you, “Yeah it’ll be fine, do you uh–“ he pauses slightly, not wanting to push his luck once more, “do you want me to go with you again?”
Jimin is merely an observer, his butt rested on his coffee table as his eyes flicker back and forth between you two, acting like shy teenagers as if Jungkook hadn’t blown his load in you, resulting in the pregnancy test drama of last night. 
“No, I think i’ll be fine alone this time.” You turn to fully face him for the first time this morning and when you smile at him Jungkook smiles back. His eyes are puffy and his hair is ruffled up on one side and completely flat on the other, in return, you still have traces on your face of whatever makeup you hadn’t cried off, your hair tangled together at the side of your head. The two of you look like absolute messes but theres a small glow of happiness around the two of you.
“Im thinking eggs & bacon, do we agree?” Jimin speaks up, breaking the small staring match you two had going. He would’ve let you continue, really he loved watching the lovey dovey heart eyes or whatever, but his stomach was growling and the way you two are acting along with that has the tiniest twinge of nausea curling in his gut.
“Do you have hash browns?”
Jimin can only scoff, pulling out his phone to add as much hash browns as Jungkook’s heart desired, “Baby, its uber eats I can get you all the hash browns you want.” He reaches out and pats his cheek gently, “Don’t you worry.”
When Jungkook places a hand over his chest in dramatics, you reach over and grab the remaining test, wanting to leave the bromance swirling in the air. As your hands curl around the cardboard the initial nerves and pure panic you felt last night was missing, you had been reassured twice that you weren’t and you were blocking out the fact that todays test could be different.
You weren’t going to be a mother. Jungkook wasn’t going to be a father.
As you walk over to the bathroom Jimin watches you from the corner of his eyes as he fills out the order on his phone, he knew your breakfast favorites so he didn’t have the need to ask you.
The second he deems you far away enough his eyes look up at Jungkook and the boy looks nervous, his teeth nibbling on his bottom lip as his eyes bounce from staring at Jimin’s phone to the now closed bathroom door. It’s evident that Jungkook is no longer nervous about the idea of you being with child, no his nerves were on royally fucking this up a second time, because thats apparently what he did best.
Jungkook jumps slightly when Jimin places his hand on his bouncing knee, a reassuring smile on his face as he stares at him, “Relax Thumper, just don’t be an idiot and you’ll be fine.”
The look Jungkook throws his way has Jimin laughing, don’t be an idiot right like he had done such a good job before.
“Right, sorry. Just–“ he sighs and completes the order on the phone, “be honest with her man. I know you mean well but don’t be naive enough to think all you need to do is bat your eyes at her and she’s yours.”
In theory, Jungkook knows this, he knows that just because you two had cleared the air last night didn’t necessarily mean everything was golden now. He wanted to properly make amends, properly confess to the way he was feeling after having it bottled down and shoved so far down his throat he was surprised he could even speak. But he didn’t really want to do it over breakfast while Jimin watched the entire exchange go down like his favorite movie.
When you exit the bathroom with a giant smile at being confirmed once again that you were not pregnant, he can’t even get himself to match your cheers of glee as you clap, Jimin standing up and joining in on your frolicking, the two of you twirling around like school children playing games.
The only thing on Jungkook’s mind is last night, how thanks to the wine you were so quick to deny being with Taehyung even though it was half true, telling him he’s on thin ice but somewhat forgiven. He’s absolutely stumped on what is and what isn’t okay in terms of acting.
But the more he thinks of it the more he feels queasy, so he forces the thought away, focusing instead on the breakfast placed in front of him by Jimin, hoping the hash browns he had asked for were enough to settle his nerves.
You take note of Jungkook’s behavior, how he’s quiet as he pushes his food around with his fork, lost in his mind while you and Jimin joked around sat at his dining table. His ears only tune in near the end once Jimin states he has to leave.
“Wait why?” Jungkook mumbles out, pushing his half finished breakfast away from him as he stares at Jimin, already stood up and tossing the containers away.
“Damage control, my parents are pretty pissed we ditched their event so I need to go make amends before they cut me off.” He mimics a scissor cutting motion with his fingers, trying to make light of the situation but you can only cringe at his words, covering your face with your palms as you remember the slight scene you had caused.
You had surely did it now, crying in the hallway of some fancy event and only solidifying the hatred you knew his mom had for you.
“Im sorry.” You mumble behind your hands, dragging them down your face as you frown.
Jimin waves you off with a roll of his eyes, slipping on his leather jacket and pulling out his phone, “Don’t be, it’ll be fine. You guys can stay here if you want to.”
You sigh and begin cleaning up your mess as well, “No, I think I’ve used up my allotted time for refuge for the entire week.” The slight guilt you felt from last night not allowing you to overstay your welcome even though you knew that there was no such thing with him but Jimin had done enough for you already, you couldn’t hide in his apartment all day.
“Yeah, I should probably go too.” Jungkook speaks up, if you were leaving he wanted to go with you, desperately wanting some alone time when neither of you were inebriated to properly talk.
As you say your goodbyes and order the uber Jungkook’s nerves take over once more, standing in relative silence on the sidewalk as you wait for the car. He can see the way you stare at him in curiosity, your hands clasped in front of you as you wonder what was clouding his mind so much to turn him into this.
It only gets worse when you get into the car, and once he sees the campus approaching in the distance he feels that same anxiety seize his throat, wrapping around his tongue and weighing it down. His window of opportunity was minimizing, slowly slipping out of his grasp because he was too tongue tied, too nervous to say the wrong thing again.
It’s not until you two step out and onto the pathway leading towards the center of campus that he forces his mouth to start moving, “Wait–“ he practically chokes out, his tongue remembering how to form words after being held captive by his nerves.
He doesn’t even notice he had reached out and grabbed onto your shoulder in an attempt to stop you from walking away after saying goodbye. A curious smile is on your lips as you stare at his hand and follow it up to his face, the typical Jungkook look on it that softens you up.
When you raise your brow up in question he forces himself to sputter out the rest of his sentence, “Do you maybe want a coffee, you know, for old times sake?”
He finally feels his body relax when the smile doesn’t leave your face, a tiny nod of your head easing his nerves further, “Sure, I promise not to toss it this time.”
Jungkook matches your smile, “Deal.”
He shoves his hands into his jean pockets, inching away from you backwards towards the cafe, a tiny grin on his face as he motions you over with a flick of his head. He continues to step away, his strides getting wider when you start to follow him, a teasing lift of his lips that only increases when he speeds up, a laugh spilling out of him when he sees you run after him to catch up.
Your arm hooks around his when you reach him, a similar laugh leaving you when he knocks his hip in to yours, the two of you walking in calm silence up the path. Its still relatively early in the day, and considering it’s a Sunday the majority of students are still in bed nursing hangovers from the night before so everything around you seems untouched. The colored leaves on the floor laying in piles along the stoned path, the occasional squirrel shooting past in a haste to get to the next tree, not at all what you’re used to seeing on campus.
Its such a stark contrast from the chaotic events of last night, the both of you getting a chance to actually breathe, the small sense of normalcy returning and you didn’t realize how much you missed it until this moment, how much you missed just being around Jungkook in a casual setting.
Unfortunately that tiny taste of serenity doesn’t last for long, the minute the two of you step into the cafe, your arm still locked around Jungkook’s, you feel his body tense up instantly. His eyes lock onto Jisoo’s as she’s stood behind the counter, her lips pulled together tightly as she tries her best to keep a neutral face for the sake of her job, but when she sees the way your arm is holding onto his she can’t control the way her brows pinch on her forehead.
“Oh man.” Jungkook groans, stepping further into the building and you have enough sense to unhook your arm to prevent the situation from taking a turn for the worst.
“Hi, welcome to Java Brew, what can I get you.” She speaks through gritted teeth, a forced smile on her face as she glances at Jungkook before looking directly at you. She looks like she wants to combust, maybe have the floor swallow her whole while taking one of you with her.
Neither of you were on her good side, with Jungkook rejecting her advances and you verbally coming to his rescue and calling her out in this exact shop, it’s not a shock when the same coworker as last time swoops in as he senses the tension and tells her to go to the back.
When she enters the employee back room, slamming the door and having it echo in the empty cafe the other worker sends you an apologetic look, “Sorry, she’s not having a good day. What can I get you?”
Jungkook feels his body relax now that there wasn’t a stare down happening, being able to list out both of your orders and paying with ease, the two of you slowly making your way to the furthest booth from the counter, wanting to remain hidden if Jisoo came back out.
By the time your drinks are brought to you Jungkook has built up enough courage to do what he wanted to do. His hands cup his drink cautiously, his lips rolling together as he watches you take a small sip of your own. It was now or never and realistically the worst that could happen was flat out rejection and he was willing to accept that, especially after everything that had transpired.
“Hey Y/N,” he softly speaks out, “look I know we barely got on okay terms last night but I need to be honest with you.”
Your eyebrows raise slightly at his words, setting your cup back down as you stare at him inquisitively, “Oh, honesty? Thats a big change from before, sure Jungkook.”
He knows your words are teasing, especially with the way you grin at him, a roll of his eyes being sent your way as his mind tries to wrap around the words he wants to say.
“I’m just going to go ahead and say everything I wanted to say that one morning.” His voice is stern, not towards you, almost to himself in an attempt to prevent him from chickening out.
“Okay.” Is your only response, taking another sip of your drink as he lets out a tiny breath of air.
“Okay.” He repeats, pursing his lips, “First off, I want to thank you, for being a good friend to me even when I clearly didn’t deserve it, for going out of your way and offering to help my inexperienced ass out.”
As much as you want to chime in with a teasing joke you swallow it down, seeing just how much he was struggling to find the right words.
“It probably doesn’t seem like much to you because thats just the kind of person you are so maybe you don’t notice it, but you’ve helped me bring out a side of myself that I’ve always wanted to show.”
He takes a second to breathe, sneaking a small glance at you and seeing a tiny smile on your face as you wait patiently, “I know I have moments where I’m still stuck in my shell but more often than not the moments I have where I feel like the person I want to be, its when I’m around you. And after everything that happened I’m so–“
The word dies on the way out when he watches as your eyes narrow at him and he already knows why, the apology hanging off his tongue being the culprit, something you told him you didn’t want to hear. So Jungkook shoves it back, stomping it down his throat with cleated shoes to prevent it from ever coming back up.
With a slight clear of his throat he continues like it never happened, “I don’t want to lie to myself or you anymore, the crush I have on you is still here, growing even and I’ve been wanting to ask you this for weeks now. If you think you feel anything for me, even the slightest bit, can I please take you out on a date. A proper one.”
Its starts as a flutter in your gut, the sensation spreading until the warmth in your cheeks gives away to how you’re feeling. Jungkook’s confession made you feel the way you thought it would, the nervous glint in his eyes but determination set in his tone had words of acceptance itching to fall from your tongue.
Thats when the flashes of Taehyung’s words ring in your ear, talk of going on dates and figuring out feelings echoing inside your mind. Jungkook can see your inner turmoil, your eyebrows creasing your forehead, your lips pursed in a way that shows him you’re holding back and he knows rejections coming. He can just feel it in his bones, a sad smile on his face as he just waits for you to say it.
“Oh Jungkook,” you sigh almost solemnly, a slight frown tugging down your lips as you stare at him, “had you told me this the morning of I would’ve said yes, instantly. I know I’m not officially with Taehyung but we’re kind of in the middle of figuring it out and I don’t think it’d be fair for anyones feelings if I try to juggle the both of you.”
It was the truth, as much as you knew where your feelings lied with both of them, you owed it to Taehyung to be honest with him, especially after everything he had done to try to prove his feelings. Although the two of you were navigating this rather blindly, jumping ship just because Jungkook had decided to finally own up to his emotions seemed too impulsive even for you, no matter how much you wanted to.
Jungkook understood, you didn’t owe him anything, but at least now he had that weight lifted off of his shoulders. Being able to speak his truth without letting other people’s off handed comments influence him made a small sense of pride bloom inside of him.
This wouldn’t stop Jungkook from nurturing the seed of a crush he had, now blossomed into the prettiest petals, it didn’t matter how much space it took in his chest. If and when things with you and Taehyung moved forward or fizzled out he’d like to think that you and him would remain okay regardless. That was good enough for him.
So as he walks you back to your dorm he doesn’t feel the sting of rejection he anticipated, being able to joke and talk to you like he used to, no longer worried about looking into your eyes because he knew the fire you had in them from before was long gone. He lets himself smile along to the way you laugh at a stupid joke he had told, his eyes crinkling up as he sees how your head drops forward as your laughter fills the air.
It was the obvious heart eyes he was currently sporting that allowed any onlookers to know just how he felt, and unfortunately for Jungkook one of those onlookers just so happens to be Kim Taehyung.
That streak of bad luck Jungkook thought was cleared after this morning seems to make a u-turn and head right back his way, full speed, with no intention of breaking.
Whoever must be in charge of Jungkook’s timeline of events must be cackling from up above when they see Taehyung glance up from his phone by chance. He was currently perched on one of the benches outside of your dorms, nerves causing him to overthink everything as he scrolled through his phone. 
You hadn’t responded to any of his texts last night, and neither had Jimin, so he had assumed the worst. He found himself stalking your socials and his friends’, checked the morning news for anything and then forced himself to calm down because the rational side of his brain told him that odds were you were drunk off your ass and asleep at Jimin’s.
The very last thing he expected to see was you walking up to your building, a giddy smile on your face, with Jungkook right beside you and those dumb heart eyes on his.
Taehyung is somewhat regretting not having gone up to your room to wait if you’d show up because the minute he sees Jungkook he’s seeing red. It’s almost a blessing that you or Jungkook don’t see the way he stands up from the bench and swoops in, firmly pressing his hands against Jungkook’s chest and shoving him a little harder than he might have intended.
Jungkook goes from looking at you to the world spinning around until his back collides with the floor in a nasty thud, the air leaving his lungs in a whoosh, the burning feeling of being winded only leaving him more confused as he lays on the floor.
“Oh my god!” Your voice sounds warped from the way his blood pounds in his ears, your head whipping to the side when you see the way Jungkook gets tackled in a blur.
Taehyung says nothing as he hops onto the boy with a grunt, straddling his chest and swinging once, his fist colliding with Jungkook’s jaw, his knuckles swiping his nose, leaving a burning trail in its wake. Instantly Jungkook knows it broke skin, with the coppery taste of blood filling his mouth and the warmth of it dripping down his nose it’s not hard to tell.
“Didn’t I tell you to stay the fuck away?” Is all Taehyung snarls out, no longer fighting, one punch was enough to get his point across. Instead he just rests his weight on Jungkook’s stomach, his jean clad knees digging into the concrete. 
The anger he feels slowly starts to fizzle out until his tunnel vision widens and he realizes Jungkook is merely laying underneath him without saying a word, a dazed look on his face from just having been pummeled into the ground.
“Are you kidding me?” You shout out, your brows pinched together as you move to stand behind him, scooping your hands under his arms and hauling his body off the freshman with all your strength.
Taehyung doesn’t resist, letting you stand him up and away while Jungkook groans on the floor, having to shake his head slightly to try to see straight.
He hadn’t even realized who had been the attacker until Taehyung spoke, this just confirmed that Jungkook would have definitely not been able to stand his ground against him if he was actually getting jumped. Jungkook might have the up on him in terms of muscle and strength but where Taehyung lacked in muscle he made up is quickness, along with pure determination and rage on his side, and that always won.
“Fuck..” Jungkook wipes at his face, effectively smearing the blood around and making it worse, he pulls his fingers away from his face and see the mess on them. At least this time the shirt he was wearing was black.
“Taehyung,” you snap, twirling him around in your grasp and having to cup his face to get him to stare at you since he kept glaring at Jungkook, “what the hell was that for?”
His eyes immediately soften when he stares at you, even though you look absolutely livid his heart still melts at the way your nose scrunched up as you glared at him, anger swirling around in your eyes.
“Honestly, just had to get that out of my system.” He shrugs like its no big deal and has the audacity to try to go in for a kiss as if he hadn’t just plowed Jungkook down like a wrestling match. His eyes open up once his lips meet air when you dodge it and he frowns, “What?”
When you say nothing he sighs in defeat, eyes moving back over to Jungkook when the boy groans to life and starts to haul himself up, his hand coming to cradle his jaw, turning his head to spit out the blood in his mouth in a grimace.
“Fair, I think I’ve had that coming.” Jungkook speaks with a wince when his fingers touch his nose, thankful that his track record hadn’t resulted in it breaking, yet.
Taehyung motions out with his arm to prove his point and you sigh when you look back at him, seeing the innocent look on his face, “Is he bothering you?”
“Bothering me? What?”
“Yeah,” he leans in closer as Jungkook finally stands up, “I mean, why else is he with you...” he trails off, curiously turning his head to stare at Jungkook. The younger boy was a shit liar and pretender, all it took was one sharp stare for the guilt to be written all over his face. Taehyung could see that Jungkook had done something, what it was though he had yet to find out.
As much as you didn’t want to tell Taehyung about last night you felt like you owed him that much since you were loosely dating. However, you really didn’t want to tell him out in public after he had knocked Jungkook onto his ass once already.
“Its a long story, I’ll tell you inside.”
Taehyung wasn’t this alpha male that wanted to have a claim over you, he had just set Jungkook straight for the disrespect, but the slight guilt was growing inside of him when he sees the defeated look on the younger boy’s face. He was unaware that you and him had talked it out briefly so when he saw him strutting up with you after he had told him to stay away it seemed like he was pushing his luck. As he looks around and sees the tiny crowd that had gathered to watch what they thought would be a beat down he realizes he might have crossed a line.
Jungkook was currently using Jimin’s borrowed shirt to wipe the blood off his face, his arm waving you off when he saw the look of concern on it, “Really, I’m fine. I don’t blame him.”
“I’m sorry Kook.” You weakly respond, stepping towards him to make sure he was okay but he stops you, a shake of his head as he looks at Taehyung again. The last thing he needed was Taehyung swinging a second time because you had checked up on him.
When he wipes at his nose once more he hisses when he feels the burn of whatever skin had broken open, “Don’t worry about it, I’ll see you in class.” He doesn’t wait for a response, feeling a tiny bit of embarrassment at just being pummeled in front of you after you had a decent night, all things considered, and a pretty nice morning. Somehow the morning after never seemed to work in his favor.
You watch as Jungkook’s silhouette gets smaller in the distance, Taehyung finally relaxing when he can no longer see him, turning to you and taking the lead to walk into your dorm.
He wraps his arms around you, resting his chin on your head as you shuffle inside, his arms squeezing you until you’re laughing instead of trying to push him away, succeeding in momentarily distracting you of the small beating he had done. Joy just gives you a wave as you two walk on by, your arms digging into Taehyung’s side to get him to release you since his hold had become crushing.
Tae just laughs when you shove him away forcefully, his back hitting the side of the elevator as you gasp for air dramatically, “Jesus, you trying to strangle me?”
“Aren’t you into that?”
You scoff and press the elevator button for the second floor, “Usually not like that.”
He steps towards you again with a goofy smile, his large palm spreading open as he guides it to your throat like he knew you liked, “Oh, baby don’t worry I know how to do that.” He gingerly wraps it around you, pressing into your skin with a smirk on his face when your mouth drops open slightly in shock at the audacity he had.
He steps closer to you, his hand still on your throat as he looks down at you. But as he leans down, just about to press his lips to yours its never comes, your hand pulls his palm away from your neck as you step further away from him, “You think I’m gonna kiss you after that?” You question, your eyes narrowing at him and he gulps, not knowing if you were being serious or not but the elevator dings, the door sliding open.
“C’mon.” You shrug, stepping out of the elevator and waving him towards you. His long strides match yours, grabbing your hand and tugging you along in an attempt to lighten the mood. Success ringing in his head once more when he hears you giggling softly as you stumble behind him, but he only tugs you faster until you’re forced to keep up. It’s a playful race to your room, just for the sake of making a challenge out of it but Taehyung’s legs are too long and you’re barely able to keep up with his pace as he drags you along chaotically.
“You’re like fucking bambi.” Taehyung laughs out as you collide with his back when he reaches your door and stops abruptly.
“Dude, you’re hauling my ass around.” You swat at him before pulling out your room key, he takes it from your hand and slides it into the compartment until your door clicks open.
He’s expecting to walk in and see your room mate knocked out on her side but its spotless, her sheets neatly folded and the ever present sticky note pressed against your desk, announcing that she’d be gone most of the day cramming with her study group. You could picture Wendy now, a big gulp size of coffee in front of her and her jumbo framed glasses sitting on her face as she scrambles through her notes.
“So,” you start, facing Taehyung as he makes himself beyond comfortable on your bed, “you want to go ahead and tell me why the hell you decided to tackle Jungkook down like a wrestling match?”
Taehyung scoffs in disbelief, “You wanna tell me why you guys were chillin together all buddy buddy when you were icing him out just yesterday?”
“Not really.” You mutter out under your breath, setting your bag on top of your desk and slipping out of your shoes. You knew you had to tell him though, if things seriously progressed with Taehyung you’d feel guilty having never told him what transpired in the early stages of this.
“Does this require me tackling him down again?” He implores, a stupid grin on his face.
“No, definitely not. Please don’t ever do that again, need I remind you you’re not exactly on the administrations good graces, if you get caught fighting you’ll be kicked out Taehyung.”
He waves you off without a care, if Taehyung was kicked out it would be a blessing in disguise.
“I won’t, now can you tell me whats up? You look like you wanna barf.”
A laugh reaches his ears as you shuffle onto the bed with him, choosing to face him fully as you sat with your back towards the end of your bed.
“You should’ve seen me last night.”
His eyes widen up, a smile accompanying it, “Oh my god, did you and Jimin get shit faced? Did you finally destroy the stupid ice sculpture they always have?” Taehyung’s mind is already going into overdrive as he tries to mentally calculate the amount of money in damages you and Jimin could have theoretically caused but then he pauses. 
How did Jungkook fit into this?
“I wish we got shit faced.” Your voice lowers in tone, your fingers deciding to pluck at the exposed thread on your comforter, “We kind of had to leave early because I was having a panic attack.”
Taehyung just tilts his head in curiosity, choosing to remain silent because he still didn’t know how Jungkook came into the picture, how you having a panic attack at Jimin’s parents event resulted in you and Jungkook getting coffee this morning. It all seemed like a riddle and Taehyung really didn’t want to have to guess his was through it.
“I kind of thought I was pregnant last night.”
“What? Why didn’t you tell me anything, should I go get a test?” The look on your face shuts him up entirely once more, the realization hitting him at once when he understands. It all makes sense now, Jungkook slotting into the missing piece, “Oh...it was?”
“Jungkook’s yeah.”
Its quiet for a moment, Taehyung briefly wondering if you were in fact pregnant with his room mates child and thats why you two had decided to make amends. His gaze lands on your stomach, wishing he could see through the fabric of your shirt.
“Are you?”
Your eyes practically bulge out when you look up at him, “No! No, I’m not.”
Taehyung joins in on your nervous laughter, finally feeling like he could breathe,  “Poor kid,” he jokes, his hand running through his hair as he laughs, “I bet he was in a hurry to tell you it wasn’t his or something huh?”
A frown replaces the smile on your lips and Taehyung catches it right away, the scrunch in your brows as you almost look offended by his comment, “No actually. He was very supportive, he was ready to replan his entire life and let me have the baby if thats what I wanted.”
Taehyung hadn’t been expecting that, he hadn’t thought the boy who had pretended you two weren’t friends anymore would be ready to become a dad after one night together. Hell Taehyung hadn’t been ready to become a dad the last time you had a pregnancy scare, he wasn’t sure he ever would be ready.
“Are you guys relieved then or?” He couldn’t gauge the tone, usually one would be ecstatic over not being pregnant but you just seemed nonchalant about it all. You sat on your bed like you had so much more you had to say and it makes him a little nervous.
“Of course we are, I’m not ready to be a mom just yet and Jungkook, as supportive as he was, isn’t ready for a kid either. We weren’t even talking before last night so can you imagine?” You try to tease but the tone drops too much for him to play along because he knows what he has to do.
Taehyung just studies your face for a minute, the way you’re refusing to look into his eyes as you talk to him. He knows more went on between you and Jungkook, a pregnancy scare was not the sole reason you two were walking back to campus with the biggest smiles on your faces.
He knew of Jungkook’s crush on you and it seemed like you knew now too, the guilty expression on his face couldn’t be hidden even behind the small trails of blood and it spelled it out for him.
“Can I ask you something?” Taehyung whispers out, waiting until you finally look into his eyes and nod before speaking again, “If Jungkook hadn’t done what he did after Halloween, would this,” he motions between you two, “be a thing?”
“Thats not fair to ask.” You defend, a blank look on your face.
“Yes it is Y/N.”
“No it’s not Taehyung, if that wouldn’t have happened with Jungkook you wouldn’t have confessed and you know that.”
He sighs, sitting up higher on your bed and reaching for your hands gently, “But would you have wanted me to? I remember the night of the party after it all happened Y/N, the way you were acting wasn’t just because Jungkook stopped being a friend.”
“No, it’s fine Y/N. I know you’ve liked Jungkook for a while now, you can admit it. Please admit it, because acting like you don’t isn’t helping anyone.” He pauses to take a breath, his fingers still rubbing your knuckles in his grasp, “But as much as it hurts to know, I need you to tell me if you’re only pursuing things with me just because of what Jungkook did.”
It feels like theres a lump in your throat that you can’t swallow, and as much as you don’t want to cry again you can feel the slight sting in your eyes. “I like you Taehyung.”
He laughs, a gentle laugh that lets you know he isn’t upset, “I know you do babe, but do you like me as Taehyung your potential boyfriend or Taehyung your good friend.”
He can see the gears churning in your head, your eyes focused on his fingers instead of his face again, “Do you like me as much as you like Jungkook.” Is the final blow he gives, the way your face falls is answer enough for him but he needs to hear you say it for his own sanity.
“Taehyung.” You breathe out, finally looking into his eyes with a defeated expression.
“It’s okay if you don’t know.” He lets go of your hands now, “but I think you’d be doing yourself a disservice if you didn’t try to find out.”
He moves to get up from your bed and you reach for him when he finally stands, your hand wrapping around his arm and keeping him next to your bed, the earlier conversation with Jungkook coming back, “That’s not fair to you.”
Taehyung shrugs solemnly, “It’s not fair to you if I expect you to be with me regardless of how you might feel for someone else. I’ll always be here and you know that.”
“I love you Taehyung.” You mumble out with a small frown, your heart only twisting more when he laughs as if he’s not hurt.
He knows when you say you love him it’s not in the way he wants it to be, you love him as a friend, you love the Taehyung that would go out with you until 3am, the Taehyung that forces you to blow up prints of his ass. Not as the Taehyung who wanted to introduce you to his parents, who wanted to have you be his phone background. But he could live with that.
“I love you too Y/N.” He leans down to press a kiss against your forehead, giving you a final smile before pulling away from your grasp and leaving the room. It’s not until the door shuts behind him that he feels his resolve cracking, the small smile he had forced onto his face falling off. This was definitely not the way he thought the morning would go. He felt a little naive in thinking he could ease you into feeling the same way he did, especially when he already knew how you felt about Jungkook.
Maybe that was why he had been so hell bent on making sure Jungkook knew to stay away from you, knowing how easy it would be for him to win you over if he had to chance to talk to you. Taehyung and your relationship seemed doomed to fail from the beginning and it stung a little more when he realized that he was the only person who hadn’t seen it coming.
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The buzzing from your back pocket makes you jump, the nerves you currently have only aiding in your heart pumping erratically. You set the coffee down on the bench beside you as you pull out your phone.
Jimin 7:56am : Don’t pussy out.
You glare at the phone, wishing he could see your face through the device. Don’t pussy out? Really. Thats sound advice but what else could you expect from Park Jimin.
The phone gets shoved back into your pocket as you grab the coffee once more and continue walking to your morning class. You had a plan set, Jungkook was always early to this lecture but you hoped the seat beside him was still open, at least for today.
It had been a few days since the pregnancy scare but it feels like it happened so long ago, the roller coaster of emotions that coursed through you during that night and the morning after had been such an over load for you. Jungkook and you hadn’t spoken in between it all, he said he’d see you in class so thats what you were going to do.
When you enter your building the chatter of students roaming around before their class fills the space. A familiar set of eyes spots you when you enter, a smile lifting his lips when he looks down at his own hands and spots the same coffee you most likely carry as well. He’s a good distance away from you, having chosen to sit at a table in the main room of the building instead of inside the classroom but now that he’s spotted you he gets up as well.
Once you enter your class you see that Jungkook isn’t here but his usual desk mate is, she’s sitting in her spot with her notebook spread out as she scribbles on it. Your plan had met a tiny hitch in the road but its surely something a charming smile could fix. She only looks up when you’re stood directly in front of her, a subtle clear of your throat getting her attention.
“Hi.” You grin in the friendliest way you can muster, “I know we’ve never spoken but do you mind if we switch seats for the day?”
Her eyebrow cocks up, a little confused by your odd request, “Oh uh, sure?”
“Great! Thank you, I sit up there.” You point with your pinky towards the top, right beside Jackson who’s currently staring at you like you’ve grown a third head, “He’s single and flirty so have fun.”
A blush tints her cheeks as she packs up her stuff with a bit of excitement at sitting next to another cute boy and when Jackson sees her making her way up the steps he can’t find it in himself to be upset because the girls cute too, shooting you a sly thumbs up as he fixes his hair up.
“Thats not your seat.”
The voice startles you, nearly dropping the drinks as you try to sit down in your new seat. Jungkook chuckles at your flustered state, setting his drinks down onto his own desk before sliding into his seat.
“I know it’s not, I can move if you want.” You tease, your eyes widening when they land on the identical cups of coffee he also has. Looks like the two of you had the same plan.
“Please don’t.” Jungkook slides into his own seat, sheepishly smiling when he stares at your drinks as well. “Am I being bold by assuming one of those is for me?”
“No,” you laugh, your fingers toying with the lid of your cup, “I think we both had the same idea tho.”
He just smiles widely as he hands your coffee over, “Fine by me, I drink two cups in the morning anyways.”
The both of you swap drinks, ending up with two of the same on your desks but the action makes you feel somewhat giddy inside, hiding your smile behind your cup as you take a sip.
“Why are you sitting here though, really?” He asks softly as he sips his coffee, his wide eyes glancing around the room and seeing the students slowly start to fill it up.
“Just wanted to sit next to you today, can we talk after class? I have something I need to tell you.”
That instantly makes Jungkook nervous, his stomach turning and making him stop drinking his coffee. There was something you needed to tell him...that could go in so many different directions.
You take note of his anxious face and try not to laugh as you drink your coffee, “Nothing bad I swear.”
“Okay,” he hesitates, biting around his straw, “sure.”
Jungkook can honestly say anything said during the entire lecture went in one ear and out the other. His brain was too busy exploring the different scenarios regarding why you wanted to talk after class. A million and one different options came to mind but he couldn’t find himself thinking any of them would be good for him.
Maybe you were going to tell him you two couldn’t be friends anymore after Taehyung had slammed him into the concrete. Or maybe the realization that you two almost had a baby had sunk in and when the smoke cleared you came to terms with the fact that Jungkook was a horrible potential partner and friend so you would be kicking him to the curb.
His eyes are glazed over as he stares at the floor, his lips pursed in thought while his mind ran like a tiny hamster on a wheel.
“Jungkook.” You try again, reaching out and patting his cheek with your palm, smiling when his eyes blink back to the present. “You were up in the clouds.”
His eyes stare at you for a moment before roaming the room, only a handful of students remain packing up their belongings while Jungkook, who normally bolts out, stays seated for the first time in forever.
“Sorry.” He mumbles with a grin, finally coming into motion and stuffing his notebook into his bag. “Where did you wanna go?”
You patiently wait for him, your hip resting on the side of his desk, “We can go to that crepe place you showed me near campus?”
His face brightens up at the mention of it, standing up with a smile as he hooks his backpack over his shoulders, “Okay! C’mon.”
In a turn of events it’s now you who’s full of nerves as you and Jungkook walk off campus, fiddling with your hands in front of you while you made small talk, the tiny nervous habits he had picked up on coming out to play but he doesn’t comment on it.
He forces himself to not overthink anything again, not allowing his self sabotaging comments to derail anything, for all he knew you wanted to talk about possibly having secret santa since Christmas would be approaching soon.
Even as the two of you step into the crepe shop, placing your orders and taking a seat at a small table in a corner he doesn’t speak first, he just sits there with a small smile as he watches the way you scrape the polish off your fingernails. 
“I’m really sorry about Taehyung,” Is what you blurt out, his smile falling from his face as he remembers being body slammed onto the ground with passing students watching in shock. Those were excellent first words for diving into this conversation.
“Please-” he chokes, thankful that your food gets brought out at that moment, “please don’t mention it. I’m okay, see, no bruises.” He motions to his face with a forced smile, eventually melting into a real one once more when he sees the way you start to giggle.
“Okay, sorry. I’ll pretend it never happened then?” Your pitch raises at the end and he nods in agreement. Pretending it never happened was fantastic, maybe it would help him forget as well.
“So was that why you asked to hang out?”
Jungkook just blinks at you, slow and practiced, his mind displaying an error screen because he was at a loss. His mouth opens and closes once and you pity him, knowing he really doesn’t know how to respond to your vague answer.
“Is this about secret santa then?”
That has you at a loss too, your head tilting at him, “What?”
“Nothing.” He deflects, cutting up his banana and nutella crepe and stuffing it into his mouth just as quickly. It makes you laugh, your nerves momentarily fizzling out until it falls silent once more, the sound of his munching filling the empty space.
“Remember that conversation we had at the cafe before, you know.” You wave off, seeing him lick his lips and nod in confirmation, he definitely remembered that. Spilling his emotions out to you and getting a reality check in the form of rejection in return.
“Yeah,” he breathes out, pursing his lips as he stares at your untouched strawberry covered crepe, “sorry if it made you uncomfortable.”
“Jungkook, no, it didn’t. I just-” you wipe your sweaty palms on your thighs, begging your courage to not slip between your clammy fingers, “I was wondering if I could...maybe change my answer.”
The beeping computer noises in his brain quiet at that, his lips pushing out further in confusion, not wanting the excitement of the possibility that you might change your answer from a no into a yes to take over his rational thinking.
“But I thought you said no because of Taehyung?”
The slight sting of remembering Taehyung’s sad face flashes through your mind and you fidget in your seat uncomfortably.
“I did, but Taehyung and I had a conversation about all of it and we ended things.”
Jungkook frowns at that, not feeling the happiness he thought he would. He hoped it wasn’t because Taehyung had given him a gnarly right hook, he didn’t want that altercation to be what came between the two of you, “Wait, why?”
It was time for you to be honest, Jungkook had given that to you and considering these feelings had been clouding your mind ever since October, you owed it to yourself to finally admit to still having them. “Because I realized that I really like you Jungkook, a lot.”
He sets his fork down, letting the words process and fully sink in. The first inkling of happiness starts to creep up his spine, he feels a little bad that you and Taehyung ended things, especially because of him, but he can’t deny his feelings. 
The nerves you felt start to dissipate when you see his lips stretch into a smile, his wide eyes almost sparkling as he stares at you with hints of excitement that match the way you feel inside.
“Really?” He almost whispers, leaning forward in his chair as if you two are sharing a forbidden secret.
A grin is sent his way as you mimic his actions, leaning over in your own seat to meet him halfway, “Yes really, so is that offer for a date still on the table?”
“Of course it is.”
You sit straight in your seat again, finally cutting in to your food now that you didn’t feel like puking out of nerves. Jungkook feels like things were going in his favor once more, maybe his good karma just took a while to kick in, the string of unfortunate events just being hurdles to test his patience. 
“So, secret santa huh?”
He hums as he chews his food, wagging his fork at you as he swallows, “Don’t tell me you guys don’t do it?”
You stab through a strawberry as you think it over, you had actually never participated in secret santa before but it did seem like a fun exchange, “Can’t say we have, theres a first time for everything though.”
Jungkook wonders if your friend group would be civil with him if things with you progressed, sure Jimin seemed to be on okay terms with him but then again if Taehyung had plowed him down and Yoongi had sat him down for a talking, how the rest of them would act was currently a big mystery. Maybe Jungkook would have some ass kissing to do, but for now he found it was best to focus on ensuring your future date went exactly the way he wanted it to.
“I’m gonna need a detailed list of your favorite foods.”
That makes you laugh before you bring your food to your mouth, “Really, why?”
He just shrugs, “Because I want it to be perfect.”
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Wendy sighs as she’s stood in front of you, her fingers gripping your jaw as she forces you to stop fidgeting in your chair.
“Can you stop!” She snaps, giving up on trying to apply your eyeliner. The last thing she needed was the right side to end up looking like a tribute to her emo days, raccoon eyes and all.
“Sorry, it tickles.”
She snorts at that, knowing that wasn’t the only reason you were wiggling around like a toddler. “Oh really, thats the only reason why?”
Your eyes flutter open at her teasing tone, knowing better than to open them all the way because if you transfer your eyeliner onto your lid you know Wendy will smack you.
“Yes you whore, why else.”
She blows you a kiss at the endearing nickname, motioning for you to shut your eyes again to finish up the eyeliner. Wendy waits until she flicks the wing, biting down on her lip as she forces herself not to say what she wants to say until the chance of ruining your makeup is in the clear.
You feel her fanning your face, your brows pinching together as she remains quiet for another moment.
“Because you’re nervous, you’ve had it bad for the greek god for a long time okay don’t front.” Her tone is confident and it makes you scrunch your face up.
“What is with you and comparing these guys to Jesus and greek gods, they really don’t need their egos inflated Wendy.”
Her laughs fills the room as she moves on to coating a pair of false lashes with glue, resting her butt on the edge of your desk as she waits for it to get tacky. “Oh hush, you know I’ll never say it to their faces.” She gives the lashes a blow, curving them in her grasp to help them shape to your lid easier, “Either way stop changing the subject, you’re way more nervous about this date than you were for your date with McDreamy.”
You couldn’t deny that, the jitters running through your body, your mind running through how the night would play out, the slight tingle in your lips when you wondered if Jungkook would be the type to kiss you good bye when the date was finished. Those were all the things that were missing last time.
“You seem to be rooting for this despite you claiming he was a pig last time Wendy.” You bite back, being defensive was your coping mechanism.
She hums as she starts to apply your left eyelash, securing the inner corner and pushing them up so they wouldn’t droop over your eye once fully dry.
“I may have spoken prematurely, you only give me rundowns when shit get catastrophic okay.”
That much was true, even though you two were room mates and friends underneath it all, you rarely told her every single detail of your life. She was always busy with course work and you didn’t want to swamp her further with every minuscule thing. Which lead to you dumping everything on to her when it became too much.
So, after things with Taehyung fizzled out you came to her and laid it all out once more. Her and Jimin had been the ones to push you towards accepting Jungkook’s offer for a date after you had already declined.
“Either way, you’re deflecting. Just admit you’re nervous because you want this to work out.”
You remain silent as she applies your other lash, rolling your lips together and not opening your eye until she deems it safe to do so. When your eyes flutter open and meet hers you see the smug look she has on her face, she could read you like a book.
“Okay fine, I want this to work out so badly. But realistically, I don’t think there’s anything that can happen that can make me not enjoy this date.”
“Really, nothing?”
Your mind sorts through every possible scenario that could make this date a disaster and comes up blank, “Well, unless he calls me some other girl’s name-”
“Please,” Wendy laughs out, “the boy probably has a notebook page filled up with just your name. Oh my god, he probably writes Jeon Y/N and circles hearts all around it!”
“Stop!” You swat at her arm with a playful scowl on your face, “Don’t poke fun at him.”
That image was swirling through your head now, picturing Jungkook hunched over his desk during class or in the middle of studying and instead of taking notes he’d be scribbling your name into the corner of the paper. It makes a stupid smile spread across your face and Wendy chuckles when she sees it.
“You’re such a simp.”
“Okay, give me that.” You snatch the brush from her hands, going to apply your own makeup since she seemed determined to make you more flustered than you were. There was about twenty minutes left until you were set to meet up with Jungkook and if you kept getting distracted you’d end up running late and thats the last thing you wanted to do.
She raises her hands up in defense and lets you do your thing, choosing to approach your closet instead to help you pick out a shirt for tonight. You were hell bent on wearing the black high waisted jeans you had on because they made your ass look good and also hit your ankles just right so you could wear the cute chunky black heels you had just bought. Wendy pulls out a few shirts and holds them up beside you as you apply your bronzer, weighing out the options in front of her.
“Whats the vibe for today? Super classy or classy with a dash of slutty?”
You hum in thought, setting the bronzer down and moving on to the finishing touches, “Classy with a dash of slutty never fails...”
She agrees wholeheartedly, hanging up the second option and handing you the first one as you give your makeup a final check. When you grab the shirt from her an approving nod is sent her way, the black lace corset top was right on the edge of classy and slutty, perfect.
Even as you slip on the black wool coat, something you absolutely needed to ward off the cold December air, the jittery feeling inside of you doesn’t lessen. In fact it increases, more so when your phone vibrates with a text from the man of the hour.
Jungkook 8:27pm : I’m ready whenever you are (:
“Do you know where you’re going?” Wendy asks as she plops back down onto her bed, her hands crossed on her lap with a tiny smile on her face, pretty proud of her makeup skills.
“Not the exact place, I’m pretty sure it’s a Japanese restaurant because I’ve been bombarding him with sushi places.” You smile to yourself when you scroll through your thread with Jungkook, seeing the countless screenshots of restaurants in the area, surely he was overwhelmed by how many different places you had sent him but you wanted to give him options while still allowing yourself to be surprised.
Y/N 8:28pm : I’ll be down in like 2 minutes!
You pocket your phone again, analyzing your full outfit in the mirror and ruffling your hair as a final check. Wiping your palms onto your jeans you take a brief moment to think about how nervous Jungkook was, remembering the way he had acted before his date with Jisoo, how he had been so unsure of absolutely everything including his outfit. He had needed your guidance to calm down, needed your opinion on which shirt to wear, had he asked someone else for guidance tonight?
“Everything’s gonna be fine okay? By the way, do you need me to vacate the room for the night?” Wendy questions from her spot on the bed, her eyebrows wiggling at you through the mirror.
“No,” you laugh, with the fear of the pregnancy scare still fresh in your system you highly doubt the two of you will be in a rush to repeat the actions of that night, “you’re safe in this room.”
Wendy doesn’t fully believe you but she doesn’t argue, just agrees and gives you a quick hug before waving you out of the room with a massive smile, hoping just as much as you were that tonight went well.
Right as you exit your building you spot Jungkook, he’s sat on one of the benches by the front door, his hands folded over his knees as he stares off towards the middle of the quad. He only looks your way when he hears the soft clacking of your heels on the concrete and when he takes you in he feels his heart skip a beat.
He stands up from the bench in a swift motion, his dark hair fluffing on top of his head from his haste action. For a moment he says nothing, his eyes fully giving you a once over and admiring how beautiful you look, its only once he meets your eyes that his slight slack jawed expression turns into a sweet smile.
“Wow, you look beautiful.” He breathes out, his hands reaching for yours and bringing you in for a hug. His arms wrap around you easily, pulling you into his chest and giving you a squeeze that invades all your senses, warmth spreading throughout you when you feel surrounded in Jungkook.
“Thank you.” You mumble out, your own hand placed on his back, your fingers rubbing the material of his coat. As they trail up towards his shoulders they catch on something and you pull back slightly, your hands turning his body around without a warning, a small noise of question leaving Jungkook.
“Kookie, your coats on inside out.”
His eyes widen at that, craning his head around to see what you meant, “What, really?”
“Yeah,” you laugh out, your finger flicking the white tag by the collar as you bit your lip, trying not to laugh more when he whirls around as if he’ll get a better glimpse at it that way, “here take it off.”
He stops his moving instantly, standing still with slightly red cheeks as you help slide the black coat off of him. When his eyes catch on to the tag he feels more embarrassment fill his system, his first date jitters being the sole reason for the slight wardrobe mistake.
You found it endearing though, picturing him in such a haste to get out and meet you that he didn’t get a proper look at his coat, shoving his arms through it without a care just as he exited his room.
“There, all better.” You ease his arms back into the jacket, your hands adjusting the collar of it, leaving them placed on his shoulders as you stare up at him. Your close proximity has Jungkook gulping, his eyes flicking down onto your lips, desperately fighting the urge to kiss you. He wanted to do this right, do it respectfully, no matter how badly he wanted to plant one on your nude colored lips.
“Thanks,” he whispers out, his breath hitching in his throat when you lean up and press a soft kiss to the side of his cheek, the gentle smack of your lips on his skin only flusters him further, “we should get going to make the reservations.”
“Okay, let’s go.” You pull away with a satisfied smile, absolutely loving the effect you had on him, the shy Jungkook that had taken your heart captive being shown once more.
The cold air keeps you walking close to him, needing the extra body warmth to stop the chill from creeping into your bones. Because of this, every step you took left fluttering touches on your hand as his grazed it. Jungkook keeps his gaze forward, his lips pressed together lightly as he contemplated what to do. His fingers twitched at his side, slowly spreading apart until the courage grew inside of him and he was reaching out to clasp your hand with his.
His large palm envelopes yours easily, dwarfing it in comparison and it leaves you feeling secure. He notices the extra pep in your step, the soft swinging of your intertwined hands and he sneaks a glance over at you, a smile spreading across his face when he notices the giddy expression on yours.
Neither of you mention it, you just enjoy the innocent sensation of feeling connected as you walked together, nearing the awaiting car Jungkook had gone ahead and ordered.
Everything was going just the way he wanted it, the antsy feeling he had the day before that prevented him from getting a good nights sleep, the frantic texting between him and Eunwoo as he asked for help on his choice of restaurant had left him so anxious.
But all of it was worth it, especially when he sees the way your face absolutely lights up once the uber approaches the restaurant of the night. You had snuck it in between the large batch of others, having never been there before but heard so much about it, you were secretly hoping Jungkook had looked into it a little deeper.
“You got reservations for Urasawa?” You finally speak up, your head leaning towards Jungkook as you duck to look at the bright sign.
Jungkook feels a little proud to have caused the marvel in your voice as your wide eyes peer up at the building, bouncing over to him and showing the elation you had when he nods at you.
Once again, everything was going just the way he wanted it to.
The pair of you enter the restaurant with excitement evident in your faces, you take a moment to admire the dim interior while Jungkook approaches the host’s booth.
“Welcome, do you have a reservation?” The brunette woman questions, a smile on her lips as she taps onto the ipad in front of her.
“Yes, it should be under Jungkook for 9 o’clock.”
Its at that very moment that everything starts to slowly go downhill, the mirage of perfection fading out, the light trickling of the sand that wasn’t noticeable before becomes increasingly hard to ignore when it seems as if the floor continues to sink underneath him.
The final avalanche that buries him under comes in the form of a sympathetic smile from the hostess as she scrolls up and down on the reservations list, Jungkook’s name coming up short.
“Sorry sir, there’s nothing here for the name you provided. Is it under another name perhaps?” She tries to find a solution for him, seeing the growing desperation in his eyes as he turns his head over to look at you, seeing you blissfully unaware as you continue to eye the decor around the waiting area.
“Uh, n-no, it has to be under Jungkook.” His brows pinch onto his forehead as his fingers begin to nervously fidget on top of the counter. “Can you check again?” He pleads.
The hostess, which he learns is named Tera thanks to her name tag, nods immediately, going back onto the ipad and typing his name once more. Just like before it pulls up nothing so she goes as far as typing it in every form she possibly could, hoping a typo was the reason behind this reservation being lost.
“I’m sorry–“ she starts, her own hands becoming clammy as she realizes she’d have to be the bearer of bad news and ruin whatever date plans Jungkook currently had. She flicks over to tomorrows date and checks there, her eyes widening when she spots Jungkook’s name in the 9 o’clock spot he had mentioned. It seems as if whoever had booked the reservation for him had officially fucked up and slotted him in for the wrong date.
“Oh, I found it.” She cringes more when Jungkook looks relieved, maybe she shouldn’t have said it in that tone. “But it’s booked for tomorrow.”
He’s about ready to slam his head down onto the wooden counter attached to the booth, a concussion would be a hell of a lot better than wherever the hell this situation would take him. How could it possibly be booked for tomorrow, when he had called and made the reservation he had repeated the date and time about fifteen times, going as far as spelling out his name to avoid any possible confusions.
This was just concrete evidence that someone of a higher power really did have it out for him.
Tera must sense the complete despair Jungkook was currently going through, if the blank look on his face as he tried not to let out a scream didn’t spell it out, the way he tenses up when you finally approach him does. When you wrap your arm around him and gently nudge his side, asking if there was a hold up because the restaurant looked fairly busy, Tera decides to try to throw Jungkook a rope to prevent him from sinking further into the sand.
Jungkook is at a loss, not knowing how to break the news that the reservations you two had been excited for had been booked incorrectly and you’d have to settle going to Mcdonalds instead. So much for a perfect first date.
After frantically scrolling through the current customers seated she manages to find one table that just cleared up, it’s meant to be used by another customer in half and hour but by then she’ll be off the clock and they’ll just have to wait. She didn’t get paid enough for this.
“Perfect, if you could just follow me, I’ll lead you to your table.” She speaks up as if she hadn’t just told Jungkook his reservation was fucked.
Jungkook looks utterly confused as he stares at the hostess, seeing the way she’s trying her best to communicate through her eyes so you wouldn’t know what was going on. Unfortunately Jungkook is not fluent in telepathy but he knows enough to understand that she had just done him a solid, absolutely saving his ass from further embarrassment and giving him another shot at redemption.
He mutters out a thank you and follows behind her, subtly wiping the sweat that had accumulated on his forehead from the stress, finally getting a second to admire the interior much like you had earlier and he’s pretty glad he had chosen this restaurant.
Once Tera shows you both to your table, placing the menus in front of each seat she retreats back to her booth with another thankful glance from Jungkook. He pulls out your chair and scoots you in to your seat before sliding into his own with a grin.
“Can I be honest?” Jungkook asks with a sheepish smile as he toys with the edges of the menu.
His eyes roam the selection of options, placing the menu back down to stare at you across from him, “I’ve never had sushi.”
Your curious stare turns into one of disbelief as you set your own menu down, leaning towards him slightly, “Jungkook we’re at a sushi restaurant.”
He simply shrugs his shoulders, “Well this is the best place to try it then huh?”
Well, you guess he’s not wrong. You dive in head first as you start to explain every item on the menu to the best of your abilities, questioning him on his likes and dislikes to be able to advise him on what he’d most likely enjoy eating.
Jungkook just sits there with a goofy smile, nodding along as you point to each item, his eyes switching over from your own eyes and then your lips, tracing the way they move as you talk.
He honestly wouldn’t mind it if he ended up totally hating sushi, he just wanted to make you happy and to properly spend time with you on a date that he had probably thought about way too many times. In the end, he lets you take the reins as you decide on one of the assorted plates, letting him get a taste of a few different options and if he liked any in particular you could just order more of it.
“I hope you like it.” You breathe out once the waiter leaves with your order, your fingers playing with edge of the table.
“I will, I eat almost anything.” That much was true, Jungkook wasn’t a picky eater by any means. He enjoyed seafood and judging the few plates that have gone by your table he can’t imagine he won’t enjoy it.
“So, how are things are your job?” He asks after taking a sip of his water, he had missed hearing about the random things you and Yoongi got into at work. Most of the time it was mindless editing on the computer, the occasional drama happening with entitled customers, but he lived for hearing about the days you assisted on shoots. The way your face lit up as you talked about your passion made him want to listen to you talk all day.
“Pretty good, one of our usual photographers who rents the space actually asked me to assist her on a location in a few weeks.” Your smile says it all, finally catching the eye of someone who’s work you actually admired, it helped ease the thought of you being a nobody after you graduated.
“Holy shit thats great, does she do the same style you’re into?” Something about the genuine excitement laced in Jungkook’s tone has you sitting in your seat a little higher, unloading every tidbit of information about the photographer you had.
Jungkook lets you rant, watching the way you move your hands around as you talk, his questions only fueling your fire of talking about your career finally blossoming. It flows from one topic to the next, mentions of Jimin and Yoongi being brought into the mix, the two of you avoiding talking about Taehyung and Jungkook’s dumb friends, until the topic switches once more when Jungkook mentions his workplace.
“Wait, since when do you have a job?” You ask just as your food gets brought out, an assortment of rolls laid on for you to choose from and you hold in a cheer when you see how delicious they all look.
Jungkook eyes them curiously, seeing the array of different colors, your question leaving his mind when he spots one with a black and yellow coloring. You watch the way he visually picks a roll and smile to yourself as you pick up your chopstick and grab onto the sushi roll of choice, bringing it up to his mouth, “It has shrimp tempura, avocado and cucumber.”
It takes no convincing for him to open his mouth for the train of food, chewing the roll and savoring the flavor as you analyze his reaction, hoping he enjoys it. Jungkook presses his lips together after he swallows, a thoughtful look on his face as he looks up for a moment, “I think I’m a sushi fan now.” He laughs out, smiling wider at the look of relief on your face.
“Try out the others too, this is my favorite.” You plop another roll onto the single dish in front of him, hoping he’d also enjoy the spicy tuna roll as well.
Jungkook pops it into his mouth with no hesitation, enjoying the slight heat this one had compared to the previous one. You eat the same roll as well, the two of you smiling at each other as you chewed, no longer anxious on if Jungkook would have to settle with eating teriyaki chicken if the sushi was a fail.
“Oh, I got a job last month–“ he finally answers when he swallows, “nothing fancy, I just work part-time at a clothing store not too far from campus.”
“Any reason why you chose to get a job now?”
He hesitates as he reaches for another roll of sushi, his chopsticks pausing in the air for a moment, “I just needed a reason to not be in my dorm.”
That didn’t need any further explaining, after knowing the atmosphere Taehyung had created in their shared dorm plus the rundown Yoongi had given you on Jungkook and his friends, it wasn’t a surprise that he was scrambling for a reason to not be in his room at all. Choosing to focus on his new job, doing all of his school work in the library instead of his dorm, and only retreating into his room to sleep, had become his new routine.
“Well, do you like it?” You try to deter the conversation away from bringing up the past string of unfortunate events.
“It pays good and we rarely get asshole customers so it’s alright. Either way it’s only temporary until I land an internship or something.” You gasp when you realize that meant Jungkook had finally decided on his major. He breaks out into a smile when he explains he decided on computer science, eager to get his general education over with so he could dive into the best parts of his major.
Now its your turn to fire off the questions, dying to see Jungkook as excited as you were when you talked about your job and it works, the two of you finishing up your assorted plate and ordering more of your favorites while Jungkook gushes about a start-up company he had shown interest in. Wanting to get a one up and already contacting them for a potential internship for the following year.
“Why are you in ceramics and creative writing if you always knew you wanted to get into software development?”
Jungkook can only grin at you as he picks at the extra rolls on the table, his stomach nearing on being full but he just can’t seem to get enough.
“I needed extra units and I actually really enjoy ceramics, plus creative writing could come in handy with the story aspect of things if I decide to branch into video game development.”
You set your chopsticks down, not being able to eat any more or your pants would surely pop open, Jungkook on the other hand finishes off the remaining rolls with a smile on his face, completely satisfied with his choice.
“I still have the ceramic mug you made me by the way.” You admit, your lips curling up as you recall the jumbo mug Jungkook had so kindly hand crafted just for you. It was currently sitting on the edge of your desk, exactly where you always put it after you had your morning cup on the days you didn’t have early morning classes.
“Really?” He wonders, a slight burst of something he can’t pinpoint going off inside of him. He finally sets his own chopsticks down after obliterating the food, stacking up the empty plates in the center of the table.
“Of course Kook, although i’m really glad you made it as big as I asked you, I think it’s contributing to my coffee addiction because now I feel like the cup isn’t big enough.”
He quickly tells you he’ll make you an even bigger one, smiling when you start to laugh over the mental image in your head. Really how much bigger could it be before the cup resembled an actual pot.
As the waiter swings by to clear off the plates Jungkook shyly orders mochi ice cream for the two of you to share, definitely not something you’d ever dream of declining so you settled further into the seat as the two of you continuing mindlessly chatting.
It’s not until motion coming from your left grabs your attention, successfully losing your train of thought when your eyes land on someone you thought you’d never see again. He’s being brought to his table, right next to yours and Jungkook’s, with a pretty blonde as his date. You hold no special feelings for this person, just a mindless hookup that happened before summer ended, but just knowing they were seated right there while you were on a date with Jungkook made you uneasy.
Jungkook catches onto your change, how you started to subtly tilt your head away from your left, framing your hand by your face to prevent someone from spotting you. If it wasn’t for the small gasp of realization he hears, followed by a semi obnoxious whisper of your name, Jungkook would’ve asked you what was wrong.
Instead his own head follows the sound of the voice, landing a mere 6 feet away from the table, the boy seated almost parallel to Jungkook but his attention was clearly on you and not his date.
“Y/N!” The stranger tries once more when you squeeze your eyes shut and try to pretend you couldn’t hear him. He was on a date for fucks sake, why the hell was he calling out your name like you were old friends, you two had barely even talked after you hooked up.
Jungkook continues to watch in slight concern because you really didn’t look like you wanted to speak to him, even his own date looked slightly embarrassed, reaching her hand out to try to shush him in the rather quiet restaurant but whoever this was seemed very persistent.
“Uh Y/N, who is that?” He asks through his teeth, trying his best to be discreet to not grab his attention further.
“It’s no one.” You say with a slight clear of your throat, clear code for I’ll tell you afterwards so Jungkook nods in understanding.
Clearly the stranger didn’t think he was no one, because he had turned towards theatrics, extending his arm out to wave at you in such a chaotic motion you can’t stop yourself from finally whipping your head towards him and giving him a glare. 
Because of that you spot the exact moment his hand rams into the passing waiter who’s holding a tray of drinks, watching in almost slow motion as they topple over on the tray and the mixture of sake and soda spills directly onto Jungkook’s front.
Jungkook’s reaction is instant once he feels the cold liquid trailing down his skin, pushing back from the table in shock, the slight screech of the legs against the wooden floor catching the attention of the surrounding people.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry!” The waiter apologizes, frantically reaching into his apron for spare napkins as Jungkook stands up, the front of his light colored shirt being absolutely ruined, the strong smell of alcohol sticking to the fabric.
Jungkook can only sigh as he drops his head back, eyes looking up at the ceiling, practically piercing through it as he attempts to glare at the sky. Really?
“It’s okay.” Jungkook reassures the waiter, he knew it wasn’t his fault, so he gives him a soft smile as he take his own napkin off the table and tries his best to dab at the liquid soaking into his shirt.
The more guests grow curious the bigger the scene gets, eventually grabbing the attention of the manager as he makes his way towards the two of you trying to clean up the mess.
Try as you might the murky looking stain wouldn’t be going away with just your napkin but Jungkook still appreciates your effort, letting you pull at his shirt as you tried your best.
“Folks, I am so sorry about this!” The manager speaks up from behind you, nearly startling you as you set the soiled napkin down onto the table.
The poor waiter had already scrambled to the back, most likely worried he’d be getting fired so Jungkook feels inclined to clear his name, “It’s fine, it wasn’t the waiter’s fault–“
“Yeah, it was totally my mistake!” The same boy from before chooses now to speak up after having caused this mess and seeing the way he’s still comfortably sat in his seat is what makes you snap.
“Jesus Jaehyun take a fucking hint!” You hiss out, not missing the way his eyes widen at your tone. He takes that hint loud and clear, turning to fully face his now very uninterested date with his eyes not daring to look over at you again.
“Listen your meal is on the house.” The manager continues, choosing to ignore your little outburst that honestly has Jungkook wanting to laugh.
“Really you don’t have to do that.”
“No we insist, please don’t worry about it.”
You and Jungkook share a look before nodding because sure, who didn’t enjoy free food. With you now seemingly satisfied the manager makes his exit right as your mochi ice cream gets brought out.
By now Jungkook can say he has lost the craving for sweets, his cheeks burning in embarrassment at the lingering eyes who are no doubt talking about him under their breath. He really wanted to leave now and you catch on to that as quickly as it comes.
“You wanna go?” You ask softly, reaching for his hand as you stay stood beside him.
“Yeah.” He mumbles out, still choosing to slide out his wallet to at least leave a tip for your server.
“Okay, let’s go.” You tug him along after he leaves some cash on the table, watching as you give a final glare at the stranger dubbed Jaehyun.
Jungkook wonders if first dates always went this bad, his date with Jisoo failed to have any bumps in the road this extreme. Maybe it was the universe’s way of testing him, your relationship already had a handful of bumps so whats a few more to solidify that you both felt a certain way for each other despite the bad karma that seemed to follow Jungkook.
And as you two exit the restaurant Jungkook doesn’t know if he wants to laugh or cry when he sees, or more so feels, that its pouring outside. Neither of you are prepared, the forecast of the day never mentioning the possibility of rain at all.
“Oh my god.” You laugh out, ducking your head and practically running down the sidewalk as you yank Jungkook behind you, not stopping until you’re stood under a small area where the roof of the building hung over the sidewalk.
“At least now the wet stain will blend in with the rest of your shirt.” You joke and Jungkook smiles once more, bringing his free hand up to ruffle his now damp hair.
“Silver linings I guess.”
You slide your phone out and order an uber for the two if you, ignoring Jungkook’s voice of protest at you having done that. He had paid for the last uber and even though dinner was technically free he had also provided the tip, so it only felt right to spot the uber back.
Jungkook doesn’t start to feel a little defeated until you’re both stood there waiting for the car, his eyes are focused on the sidewalk, the splatters of rain being the next thing in line to put a hitch in the night. He had planned on going for a walk not too far from here, having seen a park that had sculptures that lit up once the sun went down. In his mind that would be the perfect place for the two of you to come down from the food you had eaten and Jungkook could get an idea on where your feelings stood.
That same defeated feeling lingers as you two exit the uber but Jungkook really tries to not let it put a damper on his mood when the night had been nice overall. You didn’t seem to be upset about anything, a giant smile on your face as you and Jungkook sprint towards your building to seek shelter from the bullets of rain. He had taken off his black coat and held it over the two of you as a makeshift umbrella, having to wring the coat out once you entered the dorm building.
“I thought monsoon season ended months ago.” You laugh out breathlessly, tucking your damp hair behind your ears and resting against the plain wall behind you.
“I’m telling you, i’ve got bad karma.” He grumbles as she shakes his coat off, walking towards you with a wry smile on his face.
You pout when you notice his expression, reaching for his hands once more and leading him towards the elevator, “Jungkook no you don’t–“
“Yes I do.” He playfully whines, resting his forehead on the cold elevator wall, feeling the rumble against his head as he makes a childish noise.
“Jungkook!” You laugh, pulling him away from the wall to face you as you cup his cheeks in your hands, “No you don’t, look I had a good time tonight.”
“You did?” He mumbles out, his cheeks still being pushed in your hold and puckering out his lips slightly.
“Yeah Jungkook, I did. I would’ve had a good time even if we would’ve stayed in my room doing nothing. I like spending time with you.” It was an honest confession, it didn’t matter where Jungkook had decided to take you for your first date you knew from the start that you’d have a good time.
But you knew Jungkook had wanted this date to go a certain way, from the way he emphasized how perfect he wanted it to be, so you let him playfully mope about it as you lead him towards your room.
When your door clicks open Wendy scrambles up from her laying position on the bed, her headphones hanging around her neck loosely as she yanks them off, “So, how was the date with the greek go–“ she freezes when she sees the state you’re both in as you walk inside, your hair is sitting in wet clumps on your head, your clothing looking damp but not as wet as Jungkook’s considering he had a massive stain of a questionable substance on his shirt.
“What happened?” She slowly asks, her eyes glued to Jungkook’s shirt and he feels himself bringing his arms up to shield it from view and Wendy averts her gaze to look at you instead.
“Just some rain.” You shrug as you take off your coat and hang it from the back of your chair, Jungkook takes a moment to stare at your exposed back, not realizing how revealing your shirt was since you’d kept your coat on the entire night.
“Yeah but his shirt.” Wendy tries again and when Jungkook makes a small noise of despair from the back of his throat she stops talking, pressing her lips together to stop from laughing.
“I got caught in the crossfire between some drinks.” Jungkook finally mumbles out, stuffing his hands into his cold and damp jeans with a slight grimace when he remembers the feeling of it all.
Wendy’s mouth drops open slightly in confusion, turning to you again for further explanation, “Well drinks and Jaehyun.”
At that she hums, having heard about Jaehyun considering he was the last random person you had casually slept with his name was on a list of fallen soldiers. She wanted more details, craved them, but she also knew it would be best not to ask right now. Plus with the solemn look on Jungkook’s face she kind of wants to give the two of you space to talk if you need to. “Oh wow, okay well I’m gonna head down to the student lobby and grab some snacks. You guys want something?”
You give her a pointed look, especially when she starts to gather her laptop up, clearly showing she would be gone for a while, “Wendy you don’t have to leave.”
“I’m not leaving, I’m going to get snacks.” She corrects you with a scoff, shoving her feet into her fluffy slippers as she approaches the door. She gives you and Jungkook a quick wave before she dips out in a hurry, no doubt going next door to hang out with Yeri.
“Okay so who was Jaehyun?” Jungkook finally asks as you take his wet coat from him as well, hanging it off the corner of the room divider you have propped open beside the wall. Your back is turned to him so you miss the teasing smile on his face, your tiny outburst at the restaurant had been kind of hot but Jungkook would keep that to himself for right now.
As you think of Jaehyun and the stupid scene he had cause it makes a soft groan leave you. You ebb the annoyance away when you sort through your closet to try to get Jungkook something to wear so he could get out of his sticky shirt, settling on an oversized university shirt you sometimes wore to bed.
“He’s some guy I slept with a while ago, it happened once, we never spoke again so I don’t know why he was so insistent on talking to me.” You really didn’t want to give him more details than that so you’re thankful when he doesn’t ask anymore questions about him. Leave it to the higher ups to plant Jaehyun at the same restaurant as you two, the perfect plan set in motion to lead to the chain of events resulting in Jungkook’s now ruined shirt.
He lets out a soft sigh as he starts to unbutton his shirt, his eyes focused on his fingers and missing the way you try and fail to look away from his exposed chest. “This is the bad karma I was telling you about.” He pouts as he slides off the stained shirt, grabbing the cotton tee from your hands and slipping it on quickly.
“Jungkook, you don’t have bad karma.”
“Yes I do, look I didn’t say anything but they fucked up the reservations today, we were this close,” he pinches his fingers for added effect, “to having to eat at Mcdonalds.”
That finally earns a laugh from you as you step out of your heels, “Wait really?”
“Yes!” He shouts with a laugh, his eyebrow cocking up when you offer him some black sweats, he highly doubts they’ll fit so he declines them.
You shrug and decide to slip them on yourself, along with a comfy shirt, sliding behind the room divider since you were currently braless. “Okay to be fair–“ you peak your head back out as you shimmy into the sweats, “I really wouldn’t have minded that, Mcdonald’s fries paired up with a soft serve would slap.”
Jungkook flops halfway onto your bed, his feet planted on the floor as his upper body splayed out. As much as he agreed with that, and now sort of craved it, he didn’t want that to be the route this date took.
“Why do you think you have bad karma?” You ask once you step out from behind the divider, looking cozy as you sit onto the bed next to him, your hands reaching out to trace on his arm closest to you.
“Because of the dumb shit I did I mean, first the pregnancy scare–“
“Okay but it was negative.” You chime in and he mulls it over before nodding. Alright, that one cancelled out like pemdas.
“Then it was running into Jisoo at the cafe, getting a light beat down from Taehyung, our reservations getting booked wrong, getting a sick mixture of sake and soda spilled all over me, not getting to eat that mochi ice cream!” He adds on with more emphasis, “And then we leave and it’s pouring so I couldn’t take you to the next part of the date.”
At that you pause, your head tilting as you stare down at his flustered face. He gives you a side glance when he notices your silence, seeing the way your lips slowly curve up, “Wait, there was supposed to be more?”
“Yeah,” Jungkook breathes out, he wanted to continue being honest with you and his feelings, not letting his nerves and doubt weigh his tongue down like it always did, “I was gonna take you to this park near by, they have these really pretty sculptures that light up scattered all around. I thought it would be a nice place to just walk around and talk, and if things went well I was gonna ask–“ he pauses to take a breath, the words jamming in his throat as he forces his eyes shut for a brief moment.
“If you wanted to be my girlfriend.” He finally gets out, his eyes fluttering open and looking over at you, seeing you already looking at him with the softest gleam in your eyes.
The simple question has you smiling like a giddy school girl, finding out your crush liked you as much as you liked them, the fuzzy sensation in your chest spreading the longer you stared at him. Jungkook on the other hand only feels his nerves flip in his stomach the longer you don’t say anything, his eyes widening up in worry at your prolonged silence.
“Yeah Jungkook, I wanna be your girlfriend.” You shyly respond, biting your lip when you see a smile replace his worried expression, his lips spreading out and revealing his teeth.
“Yes.” You laugh as he sits back up, his face now level with yours as he looks at you, and he can’t stop himself from planting one on you now, desperately wanting to feel your lips on his. His hands cup your face with a sense confidence you hadn’t experienced from him, guiding you towards him before he meets you halfway and presses his lips against yours.
His lips feel soft as they slot between yours, your eyes falling closed as your own hands come up and rest on top of his. The nerves Jungkook felt earlier fizzle away as you press harder against his lips, starting a gentle rhythm as your lips move together in a slow dance that he had grown to miss since the last time you kissed him.
The soft huffs of his breath escaping his nose as he kisses you fan across your cheek, a smile spreading across your face and making it difficult to properly kiss him back the way you wanted so you pull away with a light smack. Your teeth gently press down onto your lip as you smile at him, your noses still nudged against each other. His own eyes are still shut, being too scared to open them up and reveal he was actually dreaming, he had spent too many nights stuck in his dreams that all consisted of you.
They don’t crack open until you press another soft kiss against his lips, your hands moving away from his and going to cup his own face, your thumb softly caressing the skin of his cheek.
“I’d really like to go to that park you mentioned though.” You whisper out, not wanting to speak any louder and break the soft atmosphere created.
Jungkook kisses you once, twice, three more times before nodding, “I’ll take you, I promise.” He knew you’d love it there, maybe it’d be a good place for you to take picture of, find inspiration if you were in search of it. Whatever it may be Jungkook knew it’d make you smile and awe and he wants to give that to you.
“You wanna stay here for a while?” You ask as he leans a little further back so he can stare at you without going cross-eyed. Jungkook nods instantly, wanting to spend as much time with you, his girlfriend, as he possibly could.
He had another hour or so before they did rounds for the weekend and all you wanted to do was snuggle on your bed, maybe watch a movie– “Lets order delivery for some Mcdonald’s dessert?” He reads your mind, a playful smile on his face, he really had a sweet tooth and being robbed the enjoyment of eating that mochi ice cream still stung.
“Jungkook, you absolute mind reader, yes we can.” He manages to sneak another kiss from you before you stand up to grab your laptop, ready to search for something the two of you can watch while Jungkook places the order, grinning when you crane your head over the device to ensure he had gotten the mcflurry you wanted.
Maybe first dates didn’t need to be perfect if they were with someone you were meant to be with.
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“So are ya’ll like doing it.” Hoseok questions, an innocent look on his face as he takes a sip of his water. You were currently gathered outside of a giant warehouse that Taehyung had demanded you meet him at. His birthday was nearing and all he had asked was for a friendly game of paintball. There was absolutely nothing friendly about paintball, you could already picture the baseball sized bruises that would litter your body but if thats what he wanted then so be it.
“Doing it?” You question right back, your eyes narrowing at him as he nods, looking at you before turning his head to look at Jungkook who was currently talking to Jimin while Chaeyoung and Wendy laughed at something.
“He’s my boyfriend, so yeah.” 
“Oh, so it’s official. You know, sex hits a little different when there’s a title on it.” He teases, a playful smile on his face when he sees the way your cheeks puff out when you scrunch your face up in slight embarrassment.  Hoseok knew you and Jungkook were officially together, your whole group knew, Taehyung included, he just enjoyed getting under your skin like an annoying brother would.
“Shut up.” You laugh out, swatting at his stomach with the back of your hand. He dodges your attack with ease, hopping to the side with a cackle that grabs the other’s attention.
All of you had come in groups in separate cars, Jimin, Chaeyoung, Jungkook, you and Wendy coming together in Jimin’s car; Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi had come together and gave one of Chaeyoung’s friends, Chungha, a ride as well. You were all just waiting on Jin, Arang and the man of the hour, Taehyung.
“Where are they?” Yoongi huffs out as he leans against the metal benches set up outside the warehouse, his foot kicking up some of the rocks that littered the floor.
“Taehyung probably had some trouble with his hair, fifty bucks says Jin is currently lecturing him in the car.” Namjoon adds, laughing when everyone agrees with no hesitation.
Jungkook slowly creeps his way over to you, slithering his arm around your shoulders and tugging you into his side with a grin on his face. He leans down and presses a kiss to the top of your head, you can sense his uneasiness, having felt it the second you brought up the events Taehyung had planned and extended the invite to Jungkook. 
“You okay?” You ask softly, not wanting to grab everyone’s attention again as they all began their own conversations.
Jungkook just gives you a squeeze at the question, “Yeah, just a little nervous about being here with everyone you know.”
That was understandable, after everything went down it was only normal that all of your friends got the low down of what happened between you and Jungkook. Your friendship was very tight knit so it made sense that they all took your side and distanced themselves from Jungkook instantly. So far none of them had been malicious or cold towards him, greeting him as if nothing had happened, because if you told them everything was okay then everything was okay.
The main person Jungkook was uneasy around was Taehyung, and with good reason. The two of you hadn’t spoken at all since things ended, he had asked you for a bit of distance which you completely understood. So when he had texted you with the invitation for today, with an okay to bring Jungkook along, you had been a little surprised, not being able to decline because you knew it was for his birthday.
But Jungkook still couldn’t help but feel like he shouldn’t be here, add some guns to the mix and he can’t stop thinking he’d have a massive fucking target on his back the second he entered the paintball field.
Taehyung did in fact have a plan, nothing as aggressive as Jungkook was currently picturing, but it was sort of the reason he was running a little late. He had practiced the simple words he wanted to say in front of the mirror in the boys bathroom over and over, gaining himself some odd stares as he did so, before he knew it the time had flown by and he was scurrying out of the bathroom like it was on fire.
Seokjin was currently scolding him about being timely like Namjoon had joked, Arang sat in the passengers side trying really hard not to laugh whenever she saw the faces Taehyung made through the mirror. This felt like being stuck in the car with your parents after you got a bad grade in school, “Alright, I get it. I’m sorry, but can you blame me.”
Silence fell over the car at that, Jin taking a moment to think it over before shaking his head, no he couldn’t blame him. Taehyung had told him that he wanted to speak to Jungkook before bullets went flying. He knew deep down that you and him were going to be okay, he just needed time to get over his feelings for you, his main concern was clearing the air with his room mate, not wanting any awkwardness lingering.
When the sound of Jin’s tires rolling onto the tarmac creep up all of you turn your heads to look at it, the boys throwing their arms up in relief because finally! Now that they knew he was here everyone slowly starts to make their way inside the building, ready to sign whatever waivers and other paperwork was needed before they all got torn up by the paintballs.
Taehyung gets out of the car when he notices you and Jungkook trailing behind, wanting to get your attention, specifically Jungkook’s, before he was around everyone else, “Wait, Jungkook!” He shouts out, succeeding in having the both of you stop in your path, turning to face him with your brows raised.
Jungkook doesn’t think he heard him right until he waves him over. He feels like his feet are cemented into the floor, needing you to give him a gentle push before he jumps into action and slowly walks his way, a little unsure of himself. Seokjin was still outside so you felt secure that if a fight broke out, he could separate them, but hopefully that wouldn’t happen.
“Happy early birthday.” Jungkook starts first, cringing slightly at his words until he sees the way Taehyung smiles, something he hadn’t seen directed towards him in weeks.
“Thanks man, look I just wanted to say sorry-”
“No, you don’t have to.” Jungkook tries to wave him off because in his head everything was absolutely justified.
“Yes I do Jungkook, look we both fucked up okay but I took it a little too far. I never should’ve put my hands on you, or threatened you the way I did when the situation had nothing to do with me.” He knew he did it because he was protective of you but he had enough sense to know that maybe he could’ve let you handle it the way you wanted to without getting involved himself. All it caused was an uncomfortable atmosphere in their room when it used to be easy going, the two of them getting along pretty well despite their differences in personality.
“I still think it was well deserved but I appreciate the apology. I know it might not mean much, and I hope this doesn’t rub you the wrong way, but I promise I’ll never hurt Y/N again.” Jungkook means it, the way you had stared at him with so much hate in your eyes was forever burned into his mind, seeing you cry because of something he did or rather didn’t do wasn’t something he ever wanted to be the cause of again.
That makes Taehyung smile, the hollow feeling in his chest still being felt but all he wanted was your happiness. Beneath it all you and Taehyung were close friends and just because things weren’t meant to be between the two of you didn’t mean he didn’t wish for you to find it with someone else. If that person happened to be Jungkook then that was okay with him.
“Treat her right for her own sake, not to save your ass from getting plowed down again.” He teases, throwing a soft punch onto Jungkook’s shoulder.
The younger boy chuckles as he clutches his arm, “I will, by the way, was inviting me your ploy to shoot me with no consequences?”
Taehyung lets out his classic laugh as he makes his way into the building, Jungkook following him closely and watching as he shakes his head, “Hell no man, I need you on my team.”
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“Fuck Jungkook.” You mewl out, your hands tangling into his hair and yanking him towards you for a kiss, your tongues gliding together messily, letting Jungkook swallow your moans down as he rolled his hips into you.
He knew he had to be quick but he wanted to relish in being inside of you, always loving being in this position with you, it didn’t matter how often of an occurrence it was now. Seeing you with your hair splayed out and messy, your lips swollen from his kisses and bites, the soft moans of his name filling the room as he fucked you, it would never get old.
The way your pussy pulses around his length has him gasping out, his fingers curling around his bed sheets as he rocks harder into you, your heels digging into his butt to urge him closer. Your hands release his hair and trail down his back, your nails digging into his skin and he hisses. Having discovered that Jungkook had a light kink for pain you lived for it, subtle scrapes of your nails,  harsh bites to his skin, pinching his nipples, it was all stuff Jungkook never knew he would be into until he got with you.
“You always feel so good.” He grunts out, his eyes squeezing shut when you clamp down on him on purpose, smiling when he lets out a guttural moan. “Ah, shit, do you want me to cum before you.” He snaps playfully, seeing the way you pout and shake your head.
“No, please make me cum.” You plead, a soft pout on your lips as you lift your hips up to match his motions, keening when his dick expertly hits your g-spot. Jungkook had more than enough time to get acquainted with your body during winter break, the two of you choosing to remain on campus and getting as much time alone together as you wanted since both Wendy and Taehyung had gone to visit family.
“Fuck, when you ask like that I can never say no.” He mutters out, his hips pulling back before snapping forward once more. The sound of your skin connecting from the force of his thrusts fill the empty dorm room and Jungkook knows he found the pace to get you quivering underneath him once your back arches up, your pebbled nipples grazing his chest as you moan out his name. He doesn’t think he’s ever heard his name sound so pretty.
The coil inside you tightens up as his pelvis continues to grind against your clit with every roll of his hips, your desperate cries raising in pitch and Jungkook smiles when he realizes he’s got you right where he wants you.
“Nngh, right there Kook–shit.” You gasp out when he chooses to bring one hand down between you, the pad of his thumb rubbing tight circles onto your aching clit. Your jaw drops open as your climax creeps up on you, only needing a few more flicks of his thumb until you’re unraveling below him.
Jungkook groans when your orgasm crashes over you, your walls pulsing around him as you gasp and moan his name out, your fingers digging into his skin further as you throw your head back into his sheets. He leans forward and latches his mouth onto your neck, suckling on the skin below your ear as he fucks you through your orgasm.
“Oh god,” you groan out when he leans back onto his knees, his large palms gripping onto your hips and fucking you with more force. His eyes are glued to the way your tits bounce, moving up to stare at the fucked out look on your face as you start to come down from your climax, “love your cock.”
You’re slurring your words now and he chuckles at the effect he has on you, shutting his eyes as he feels his own orgasm creeping up on him. It’s not until the constant buzzing of your phone beside your head starts that his eyes open up. Your hand swats the bed as you reach for it, quickly seeing that Jimin had texted you a handful of times and was now calling you, you were late.
“Fuck, Kookie you gotta cum.” You sigh out, tightening your sensitive walls around him, making him gasp and almost double over.
“I know, fuck. Almost there.” He groans, quickening up his pace when he feels the pleasure about to send him over the edge. His grip on your hips tightens up, his fingers digging into your skin as his thrusts become sloppier, losing the grace they had when he had made you see stars. No, now he was desperate, whines of your name leaving the back of his throat and his eyes fluttering shut as he finally spills into the condom.
He hunches over your body as he shallowly ruts his hips, milking his orgasm until he was absolutely spent. The two of you lay panting on his bed sheets, a sheen of sweat on your skin and dopey smiles on your faces.
Jungkook sighs as he pulls out of you, his eyes glancing at the condom covering his cock, he’d be damned if the two of you ever got a pregnancy scare again during college.
Your snort and nudge his hips with your knees when you notice what he’s looking at, “You love condoms huh.” You tease, laughing harder when he nods with a giddy smile.
“You’re gonna have to sign a contract if you want me to fuck you raw.” He jokes, slipping the condom off and tossing it into his bin by his bed. He grabs a towel from his desk before approaching you once more, helping clean you up before cleaning himself.
“I’ll do it, don’t temp me.”
He shoots you a playful glare as he slides into his boxers, he knew you would, “Stop trying to corrupt me.”
“Mm, you like it.”
He doesn’t deny it, a blush coloring his cheeks as he watches you get dressed in a hurry. You fight back a smile at his silence, choosing not to tease him further because you were really late.
“Okay we really gotta go.” You speak out, grabbing your phone and shooting Jimin a quick text saying you were on your way, all he sends back is the middle finger emoji and you scoff.
Jungkook reaches for your camera that was propped on his desk, double checking the memory card and battery before handing it to you. You don’t bother checking your appearance, trusting Jungkook’s thumbs up of approval before you both bolt out of his room.
The herd of students gets more dense the closer you get to the main quad, having to weave between everyone as you approached the area your friends wanted to meet up at. They’re all huddled near a corner outside of the literature building, looking totally inconspicuous, none of them noticing you or Jungkook approaching until you’re tapping Jimin on the shoulder.
He whirls around because he knows it’s you, the glare in his face softening up when he takes note of your hair, “Nice sex hair.”
“Fuck off.” You swat his hand away from your tangled locks, hastily pulling it away from your face and trying ti rake through it. “Also why the fuck is your hair blue now.”
He rolls his eyes like it’s obvious, motioning over to Taehyung who now also had blue hair, “It’s so they don’t tell us apart.”
“Wait, us? You’re doing this bullshit too?”
Taehyung lets out a laugh at that, nodding his head proudly at having roped Jimin into his antics, “I bet him the new iPhone if I could outrun him.”
Namjoon snorts, his fingers pinching his nose because Jimin is absolutely getting scammed and you knew this too, hell everyone knew it even Jungkook judging by the laugh he holds back.
“And what does Jimin get if he wins?” You ask, your hands coming to cross over your chest as you give Taehyung a pointed stare.
“The pride of having beat me?” Taehyung attempts, his pitch rising up as his face screws together at his plan being revealed.
“Tae you’re an ass.” You laugh out when Jimin finally gasps at the obvious betrayal. Admittedly the distance you had given him, along with the time apart during winter break had been good for your friendship. The two of you were now back to acting like you used to, no longer wary of any lingering feelings.
“Plus, did you two forget that Jimin has tattoos on his arm?” Yoongi drawls out, his head tilted as he stares at the exposed ink on Jimin’s skin. If they were going to go streaking again and had gone to the lengths of matching their hair color all it took was someone recognizing Jimin’s art work to snitch on him.
“We’re not amateurs.” Taehyung scoffs, yanking up the fabric of his hoodie sleeve and revealing the horribly fake tattoos on his own arm.
All of you choke down laughter at the chicken scratch on his skin, they were totally fucked.
“Right, my mistake.” Yoongi chuckles under his breath, “Here are the masks, good luck you idiots.”
Jin and Arang make their retreat with Yoongi, wanting to get a decent view since they had missed the time Taehyung did this last semester.
“We’re doing this for you Yoongi, it’s your last semester with us!” Tae shouts out.
The older boy turns around with an exasperated look on his face, “I don’t need to see your bare ass to celebrate my last semester Taehyung, don’t rope me into this!”
Hoseok sighs as he shakes Jimin’s shoulder, “I hope you can run man, Taehyung’s kind of a seasoned pro so best of luck to you.” Its not reassuring at all, Jimin feels like he got blindsided with this. Sure Taehyung had brought the idea up when he was a little drunk so maybe he had agreed too easily but now that he was sober he wasn’t sure why he had said yes.
“You wanna join us Kook?” Taehyung speaks up once more, beginning to hop in place as the nerves kicked in, wanting to get nice and limber to outrun Jimin and the security that would no doubt get unleashed on them.
“Yeah, no thanks.” Jungkook laughs, stuffing his hands into his jeans and looking at the two blue haired idiots. There was no way in hell he’d be joining them.
“C’mon, think of it as initiation into the group.” Taehyung winces out in pain when Namjoon smacks the back of his head.
“He’s already in the group asshat.” He mutters out and Hoseok nods along, giving him a shrug when Taehyung looks for back up. Instead he grumbles out in agreement.
“Whatever, just make sure you get all our good parts Y/N.” He points his finger at you and slides out of his hoodie, the less clothes he had on from the start the better. Namjoon holds onto it for him, beginning to walk away towards Yoongi with Hoseok by his side.
“Will do, is this gonna get blown up into a canvas too?” You question, hoping the answer would be no but you knew Taehyung too well, his head nodding along instantly and Jimin joins in. Of course.
You give them both a salute, Jungkook jokingly wishing them good luck as you leave them behind to go join your group in their spot. It was the start of the spring semester now, the mandatory rally being held to welcome the students back from break with news on exciting events happening in the coming months. The perfect time for Taehyung and Jimin to do what they wanted to do, a bigger audience than last time ready to witness it first hand.
The soft music playing through the speakers gets cut off abruptly as the two smurfs jump on stage, their black masks covering them from the nose down and judging by some screams of glee you realize that some of the freshman recognize the situation from last year.
“This is gonna be good.” Hoseok laughs out, hiding his smile behind his hands as Jimin snatches the mic off the stand.
“Welcome to the new semester!” He shouts out, slightly muffled by the fabric but his words get their point across.
Taehyung reaches forward and yanks the mic from his grasp, the rustling being heard as he places it directly on his mouth through the mask, “I see some familiar faces, here’s the rundown–“ he starts, turning around to double check his surroundings and when he spots the same principle huffing and puffing her way over, already knowing what was next, he continues, “you guys gotta help us get away, do what you gotta do.”
“Are you gonna help us?” Jimin asks as he leans towards the mic in Taehyung’s hand, laughing when the whole crowd screams yes in unison. That satisfies them both, the mic dropping between them and landing with a thud, the feedback ringing through for a moment and thats when they both strip out of their clothes.
When poor principle Kang sees the nudity she lets out a shriek, pointing towards the boys and sending off the guards in a wave of deja vu. Jimin screams as he yanks his clothes off, taking off the stage while Taehyung nearly trips while yanking off his sweats.
He grunts when he takes off after Jimin, the entire crowd whistling and yelling at their bare bodies. Your eyes are glued to your viewfinder once more, holding in your laughter to keep it steady as you followed their path.
Jimin still has the lead, weaving between students with grace as he looks behind him, shooting you a peace sign when he spots your camera. When he bolts passed you, you make sure to focus on his back side, snapping a few photos of the winner of this streaking race to later blow up.
The entire crowd gasps and you whirl back around, a laugh finally leaving you when you spot the security man that took a tumble trying to literally tackle Taehyung down. The shout that leaves Taehyung makes your whole group laugh, he doesn’t look as carefree as the first time, not trying to pose and dance with students. No, he had a brush with near-death at almost being caught so his main concern was getting the fuck out of there.
“Holy shit!” Namjoon laughs even louder when two other guards close in on him.
“He’s gonna get caught.” Seokjin groans, already imagining the hell Tae’s gonna face with administration.
But then a group of students slip in between them, causing the guards to ram into them and leaving Taehyung with enough of a gap to escape. His eyes spot your camera and he blows a kiss towards it, smacking his ass as you take a photo before being lost in between the cars. God they were idiots, but they were your friends and you love them.
“That was...amazing.” Hoseok whispers, starting a slow clap that begins to grow with everyone attending.
You’re still recording the whole thing, panning your camera around to get everyone’s reactions before it’s suddenly stopping, your nose bumping into the side of your device.
“Ow.” You wince, pulling back and gasping when you see Jungkook had his palm wrapped around the lens that was just about to pop him in the face like before.
“Listen, you won me over the first time you did that you don’t have to do it again.” He teases, smiling when you lean up to kiss him in apology.
“I’m sorry.” You laugh, letting the camera fall against your chest when he releases his grip on it.
“Is this where you tell me you hope I have a good first year in college?” His eyebrow cocks up, remembering your chosen words from the first time you had met.
You shake your head as you recall them as well, still somewhat thankful your camera had decked Jungkook’s face.
“No, this is where I tell you I love you.”
His smile matches yours now, his hand coming up to cup your cheek and bring you in for another kiss, “I love you too.”
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albertasunrise · 4 years
No More - Chapter 6
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Summary: Frankie has been your best friend since you were in the 2nd grade. You were each other’s first’s, he, your first love and as you’d both gotten older you always somehow fell into bed together after one too many drinks with the boys. You don’t know how much longer you can keep this up but fate has other plans for you both and events are set in motion to decide for you.
Warnings: Angst, Unprotected Sex, Oral (F) 18+
Pairings: Frankie/ Reader
‘Fuck off Frankie.’ You spit, anger bubbling under the surface from his confession.
He scoffs at your reaction, grabbing Emma’s bottle and bringing it to her lips as her tiny hands grab at it. He smiles for a moment, admiring how innocent she is and how sin-free she is before he returns his attention to you. The look on your face is one he’s only ever seen a handful of times in the time he's known you. The lasting one being when he told you he was enlisting.
‘What?’ He says finally with a straight face.
‘You’re in love with me?’
‘Since when?’ You scoff, rolling your eyes as you start to gather Emma’s things.
‘Since as long as I can remember.’
‘Bullshit!’ You yell, your face red with rage ‘I have been in love with you since we were ten years old. You have never loved me!’
‘I have always loved you.’ He counters ‘I just didn’t realise that’s how I felt.’
‘No, you don’t get to say that to me.’ You’re crying now ‘You don’t get to tell me you're in love with me after all this time.’ You storm out the house to pack Emma’s stuff into the car before coming back inside where Frankie has finished feeding her ‘Give her to me.’
Frankie passes you the baby, his face dropping as he watches you storm out again to put her in the car. He follows you out, tears streaming down his cheeks as he watches you strap her into her car seat.
‘At least let me say goodbye to her.’ He sobs, scooting past you when you nod to get to his baby ‘Goodbye sweetheart. Daddy had so much fun with you.’ He says softly and you can’t help but feel a little guilty ‘I’ll miss you. Te Amo, Hermosa.’ He finishes as he places a soft kiss on her head.
‘I’ll speak to you later about organising when you can have her next.’ You say coldly ‘Clearly you can handle taking care of her by yourself so I don’t see why we can’t work something out.’
He simply nods, watching as you get in the car and pull away. He’d never intended to tell you outright like that. He’d wanted to show you what you meant to him, prove his love to you but he felt that he may be too late. He had no chance of getting you back now. Brad had always had a hold over you that he'd never understood. Even after the two of you had broken up he was able to get you to come running at the clap of his hands and it had driven Frankie mad. He knew that he liked to be in control, to call the shots. He just hoped that he wouldn't be like that with you. You deserved the world.
‘So this is the famous Emma.’ Says Brad sweetly as he steps into your lounge, smiling down at the baby who was bouncing away in her walker ‘She’s beautiful, baby.’ He says sweetly as he smiles at you.
‘That she is.’ You reply as you stand next to him, smiling widely as he pulls you into a lingering kiss ‘I have a confession to make.’
‘Oh?’ He asks as he raises an eyebrow at you.
‘I didn’t get a chance to do any food shopping today. I was in back to back meetings all day and was late picking Emma up from her dads.’ You rush as you look at him guiltily ‘I know I promised I’d cook you Thai but we could order it instead?’
‘Sounds perfect.’ He replies as he pulls you into a more heated kiss.
‘Not in front of the baby.’ You wink as you slap his ass and walk over to the drawer where you store the takeaway menus.
The food arrives a little after you put Emma down for the night, baby monitor sat on the coffee table as the two of you eat your food and enjoy each other’s company. You’d been seeing Brad for a little over a month now. Frankie had Emma Two nights a week and you alternated weekends, it was awkward having to see him after your argument but you were civil for Emma's sake. Neither of you had discussed it, you simply handed Emma over to each other like she was a parcel. It hurt, how bad things were between you but you didn't know how to be around him. You didn't know whether to believe what he had told you. Was he in love with you? Were you making a mistake pushing him away?
‘So are we like a couple now?’ Asks Brad, grinning at you as you climb onto his lap.
‘I suppose we are.’ You reply, smiling sweetly as you lower your lips to his.
‘Mmmmm, I was hoping you’d say that.’ He replies, grabbing your hips as you grind against his growing erection.
‘You wanna stay over?’ You ask, trapping your bottom lip between your teeth as his hands slip under your skirt.
‘I’d love you.’ He replies before pulling you into a bruising kiss that goes straight to your core.
You moan against his lips as he slips his hand inside your underwear, groaning at how wet he finds you already before slipping a finger into your heat.
‘Fuck you're good at that.’ You growl, your hips rocking as he slips in another.
You gasp as he makes you cum, your walls clenching around his digits as you kiss him with fervour. Your hands fumble with the button of his jeans, the two of you giggling as you awkward pull them down just enough to free his length, pumping him a few times. You sink down onto him, throwing your head back in a silent scream as he fills you deliciously and you start to rock your hips, his large hands guiding your pace. The two of you know you need to be quiet this time, no screaming each other’s names in a fit of passion for risk of waking Emma. Flipping you onto your back he pounds you with deadly accuracy, quickly pulling your orgasm out of you but you dragged him along with you.
‘God, you're amazing.’ He growls against the shell of your ear, placing open-mouthed kisses just behind it.
‘You’re not too bad yourself.’ You joke, shivering at the pleasure his mouth brings you.
‘I was wondering if perhaps you'd like to come away with me this weekend.’ He asks as he pulls out and lays beside you ‘I know it’s Frank’s weekend with Emma. So I thought perhaps you and I could get a hotel room.’ Kiss ‘Order room service.’ Another kiss ‘And I can fuck you till the entire hotel knows my name.’
‘Well.’ You start as you roll to face him ‘I think that sounds like a great idea.’ You giggle as you kiss him again.
You were surprised to find Frankie’s drive adorned another truck when you arrived to drop Emma off for the weekend but you recognised it straight away and smiled. Benny was outside as soon as he heard your car pull up, scooping you up into his arms and spinning you around as you giggle at his attention.
‘Fuck, how are you?’ He asks as he lowers you back to the ground, hot on your heels as you open the door to reveal a sleepy Emma ‘Fuck she’s gotten so big.’
‘Yeah, she’s growing like a weed.’ You chuckle as you let him scoop her up into his arms.
‘Have you missed your Uncle Benny hmmm?’
‘I seriously doubt she remembers you, sweetie.’ You chuckle as you hand him a few bags before grabbing the rest and taking them inside.
Frankie is sat on the couch with Will, sipping a beer as the two men laugh at whatever it is they’re talking about. Emma’s squeals upon seeing her dad has his head whipping around so fast you almost missed it and then he was on his feet.
‘How’s my angel?’ He asks as he takes her in his arms and raises her above his head, giggling as she screams and wriggles in glee.
His expression changes when he looks at you. It’s not sour like it had been the first few times you'd dropped her off. No, now it was one like a boy whose puppy had just been kicked and you have to look away or succumb to his sad smiles.
‘Everything she needs is in there.’ You say as you motion to her bag ‘She’s started eating a little solid food do I’ve put some jars in there along with her milk. I’ll be back on Sunday to grab her but you can reach me on my mobile if you need anything.’
‘You’re going somewhere?’ He asks, stroking Emma’s back with his thumb as she starts to snooze on his shoulder.
‘Yeah.’ You reply plainly ‘Brad and I are staying in a hotel in the city for the weekend.’
‘Oh right.’ He replies, nodding sadly ‘Well have a nice time.’
‘Thanks.’ You reply.
You say farewell to the boys and kiss Emma goodbye, a little shocked at how easy you found leaving her now but you wouldn't dwell on that now. This weekend was about you and Brad. Sweet, sexy, Wonderful Brad.
‘Who the fuck is Brad?’ Asks Will as soon as you leave, noting the pain that fills Frankie’s face from his question.
‘He’s uh… He was her boyfriend at school.’ He starts as he sits back down on the couch ‘They bumped into each other a month or so and he leapt at the chance to get her in his bed.’
‘Sound a bit bitter Fish.’
‘Fuck off Ben.’ He scrubs a hand over his face before looking at Emma ‘She seems happy with him so that’s the main thing I suppose.’
‘What happened between the two of you?’ Questions Ben ‘I saw how cold she was with you. What did you say to her?’
‘I told her how I felt.’ He says plainly as he rests his cheek against his daughters head ‘She told me to fuck off.’
The hotel is extravagant. The lobby is practically carved from marble, tapestries and paintings adorning the walls, giving the place a medieval-like quality. The room was even more elegant. A four-poster bed sat proudly against the back wall and opposite a door leading to a white marble bathroom that contained a large hot tub bath and a wet-room shower.
‘Well, we are definitely testing out that tub later.’ He says as he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close ‘But right now I wanna christen that bed.’
You don’t get a chance to respond as he's scooping you into his arms and throwing you on the bed. Pushing open your thighs and pulling down your underwear in one swift movement. His mouth is on you in a heartbeat, his tongue working you towards your first peak and you let yourself be vocal. You scream his name as he makes you cum with his tongue before he's stripping off his pants, underwear with it, and plunging himself inside of you. The sex is quick but hot, the two of you writhing in pleasure as you drink each other in. When it's done you kiss each other softly, grinning like to lovesick teenager before he drags you to the bathroom to christen that tub.
‘Shit man, what do I do?’ Frankie can’t help but panic as Emma continues to scream ‘She’s burning up.’
‘Have you called her?’ Asks Will and he shakes his head ‘She only left a few hours ago.’ He pauses as he places a soothing kiss on his daughters burning brow ‘She’ll probably think I’m making it up.’
‘I found the thermometer.’ Says Ben as he appears in the kitchen, waving the device above his head ‘What do it do?’
‘Just slot it in her ear.’
Ben does as he’s told, his brows drawing together as it throws back a reading.
‘What does it say?’
‘Website I found here says that you should call a doctor if it's 102 or more when the kids between 3 - 6 months old.’
‘Fuck I don’t know what Doc she's registered at.’
‘You need to call her.’ Says Will and Frankie concedes.
‘Can you hold her?’ He asks Ben as he hands his screaming daughter to his friend.
Grabbing his mobile he brings up your contact details, the phone ringing in his ear as he waits for you to pick up.
He tries again. Stroking his daughter's dark brown curls as he desperately tries to fight back his tears but still, you don’t answer.
‘Fuck.’ He growls as he slams his phone down.
‘We’ll take her to the emergency room.’ States Will, grabbing her day bag and guiding a frantic Francisco and Ben out the door.
Ben has taken you to a beautiful five-star restaurant that is a mere five-minute walk from your hotel. You order your drink and then excuse yourself to freshen up, not realising you’ve left your phone on the table.
When Ben sees Frankie’s name flashing on the screen he feels a flash of jealousy wash over him. What the hell did he want? His jealousy increases when he sees his name flash up a second time. Picking up your phone he types in your password and deletes your missed calls. Nothing is going to disturb his evening.
‘She’s fine.’ Says Will as he watches his friend coo over his daughter ‘You heard the doc she’ll be fine.’
‘What if she hadn’t been?’ He said, his hands shaking ‘Why didn’t she answer?’
‘She might have her phone on silent.’ He states ‘She may have left it in the hotel room. There’s a multitude of reasons.’
‘She said I could reach her if I needed her.’ He growls, his knuckles white as he grips the cot ‘Why couldn’t I reach her?’
Will didn’t know what to say to him. He agreed in a way, you should have answered, but he also knew that there was more to Frankie’s anger than just you not answering your phone.
‘FUCK.’ You scream as Brad rips another earth-shattering orgasm from you.
His pace increases as he chases his own release, growling against the shell of your ear as you bite down on his shoulder, desperate to muffle your screams. He cums hard, collapsing on you bonelessly as he pants, desperate to catch his breath.
‘Wow.’ You chuckle as you kiss him sweetly, resting your forearm over your eyes as you try to calm your frantic heart.
‘Yeah.’ He chuckles.
You lay in each other’s arms a while, revelling in your post-sex high before your mind drifts back to your daughter.
‘I think I should just check in.’ You say suddenly as you reach for your phone.
‘Baby this weekend is about you relaxing.’ He says as he grabs your wrist and pulls you against him ‘He’ll be fine without you. He’ll ring if he needs anything right?’
‘Right.’ You reply as you shake your head ‘Right, you’re right. I’m being silly.’
‘I like it when you’re silly.’ He says sweetly as he pulls you into a bruising kiss, hands roaming over your body as he grabs at you possessively.
‘What do you mean she had a fever?’ You growl, desperately trying to keep your voice down ‘Why did no one ring me, Ben?’
‘Fish tried calling you twice last night.’ Replies Ben loudly ‘He was frantic. Didn’t know what to do. Doc said she’s fine but he was so upset babe. You said he could reach you if he needed you. Well, news flash... He needed you.’
‘He didn’t call me!.’ Your voice went a little louder than you had meant it to.
‘I promise you babe he did.’
‘Right well I’m coming home.’ You snap as you run a shaky hand through your hair.
‘No need. She’s fine now.’ He growls ‘Just answer next time.’
The line goes dead and you stare at your call history. You take a screenshot and send it to Ben. Why would Frankie lie to them about calling you? Your phone dings a few moments later and it’s a screenshot of Frankie’s call history and sure enough, there sat two outgoing calls to you. You thought back to last night, where you would have been at that time. You had been in the restaurant with Ben, but it was not long after you’d arrived there that he had called. You’d gone to the bathroom. Did you have your phone? No, you’d left it on the table. Your brain whizzed through a million scenarios before you remember that Brad knows your phone passcode.
He didn’t…
Did he?
Chapter 7
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benedictscanvas · 4 years
all the wrong places [2/7] - spencer reid x reader
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: 2k
Summary: It only takes a moment for Spencer to realise that he doesn’t just want to marry you someday, he wants to marry you as soon as he possibly can. But since he can’t come up with a solid plan, he turns to his BAU family for help in planning the most important day of his life so far. Is that a mistake? Most definitely.
Warnings: Series probably aren’t meant to be exclusively fluffy, but this one practically is! I need some fluff in my life, damn it! There may be some mention of regular Criminal Minds things, some language but mostly just good ol’ Spence lovin’
a chapter every day for seven days! (20-26th July 2020) so please drop an ask if you’d like to be tagged <3
Chapter Two - By Candlelight
It had been a week since Spencer’s attempt to propose to you had gone so horribly wrong. And, as it turned out, Derek and JJ had been watching at the time from his desk and Derek had gasped when he knelt down, so JJ now knew everything too. That wasn’t so bad. What was an issue in Spencer’s eyes, was the fact that neither of them had stopped teasing him about it since.
“Spencer,” Derek said on the jet home from the case that they’d been on for that week. Spencer looked up to find him above him, but was already suspicious, seeing as he couldn’t remember the last time Derek had called him by his first name. His suspicions were proved correct when Derek knelt down in front of him, an earnest look painted in his eyes, “I just...need to tie my laces.”
“Your shoes don’t even have laces, Morgan,” Spencer replied coolly, returning to his book, although he was really checking you were still asleep out of the corner of his eye.
Derek simply laughed and took his seat beside JJ again who was trying to glare at Derek in warning but couldn’t help bursting out laughing herself.
“Sorry, Reid, it’s hard to resist. It’s also hard to get the mental picture of last week out of my head.”
“Imagine how I feel,” Spencer deadpanned, still focused on the book. JJ clearly took pity, as she motioned for him to lower his book and he did so reluctantly.
“You can’t let this put you off completely,” she said kindly, “Just come up with a new plan. Something that can’t go wrong.”
“Anything could go wrong. Literally anything I plan could go wrong in some-”
“Romantic dinner, Spence! Just the two of you, some fancy restaurant she likes, the ring. It won’t go wrong.”
Maybe she was right. He did still want to propose to you more than anything, especially having seen the determination you showed on this case. You had been the one to make the breakthrough and the way in which you explained it to the group had him watching you with those dopey proposal eyes that he found himself having to shake off far too often now. Dinner was surely one of the most foolproof plans. So many had done it. It must be a safe (ish) bet.
“Y/N doesn’t really like fancy restaurants,” he said instead, because it was the first thing he could think to say.
“All women do really, even if they say they don’t,” JJ said confidently. Spencer’s nose scrunched up. He really didn’t think you did. But JJ was most likely a better judge of women than he was, he reckoned, adding up the evidence, so he wouldn’t argue.
“I don’t think even you could mess this one up, kid,” Derek said jokingly, though it earned him a sharp elbow in the ribs from JJ.
“Just book a table for that incredible French place tomorrow night and don’t tell Y/N where you’re going. And make sure you tell the restaurant what you’re planning too, they’ll pull out all the stops.”
He wasn’t sold on it. But he wasn’t sold on any of the ideas he’d come up with either and he wasn’t sure how much longer he was willing to wait to call you his fiancee. So he smiled a little half smile at his friends.
“Okay. I’ll do it.”
JJ clapped her hands with glee, which woke you up. Spencer simply glared at her, but when you gave him that soft sleepy smile with half-lidded eyes from the other side of the jet, his resolve against her melted away. He asked JJ to google the number for the French restaurant.
Technology had never been his forte, after all.
His heart was beating out of his chest, but it had been for hours now, so he felt he was beginning to get used to the feeling.
He put all of his focus and concentration into driving the two of you to the restaurant, trying to ignore how beautiful you looked in your dress, how underdressed he felt for the occasion, how uncomfortable the little box in his pocket was.
The texts he had got from JJ and Derek, wishing him all the luck in the world and, in Derek’s case, telling him not to fuck it up again, did nothing to calm him down. In fact, he got a text from Penelope wishing him good luck too, telling him not to worry about how she’d found out, and then he found himself even less calm than he had been. Now, if this went wrong, he would have three people needing to know the sad, sad story rather than just two.
“You still not telling me where we’re going? You know I’m not one for surprises.”
“You don’t like surprises put together by people you don’t trust completely.”
You hummed at that, amused.
“Very true. And since I trust you more than anyone, I suppose I can let this slide,” you admitted with a smile in his direction, although he didn’t turn to look at it in case he got lost in the reflection of the streetlamps in your eyes and lost his nerve. Or lost control of the car.
“Good,” he said succinctly, then because he couldn’t help himself, “Have I told you how beautiful you look yet?”
“Three times already, and I only emerged from the bathroom half an hour ago,” you didn’t miss a beat, but he could see your fingers tapping a rhythm on your leg that told him he’d still managed to fluster you a little. He took great pride in it, “With your eidetic memory, I would expect you to know that, though, Doctor.”
“Maybe I do,” he said, as he pulled into a parking space on the street near the restaurant, “Doesn’t mean I’ll stop saying it.”
“We’re not going in there are we?” you asked incredulously, leaning over the centre console to look into the darkened windows of the restaurant over the road, “It looks so expensive, Spence!”
“You’re worth it,” he said simply with a mini-shrug, reaching over and lacing his fingers in yours before bringing your hand up to his mouth and kissing the back of it once, twice, “Let me open your door for you.”
He scrambled out of the car and round to your side before helping you out. You were eyeing him suspiciously now, but you took his arm as he led you inside anyway, because it was a chilly night in the streets of DC.
“I’ve not missed an anniversary, have I?”
“That was last month, don’t you remember?”
“I know that,” you said, faux exasperated, “But this isn’t one of those bullshit anniversaries people make up, is it? Like, the first time you gave me flowers or the first time we had sex on the jet.”
He almost snorted.
“We’ve never had sex on the jet, Y/N,” he reminded you pointedly and you wiggled your eyebrows at him suggestively, though it only made him stifle a laugh.
“I was just listing examples.”
“Well, no, it’s none of those things. I just wanted to do something special. You were fundamental to solving this case, and you deserve to be treated.”
How was his voice so calm, when he was so far from it? He had offered you his arm so that he didn’t have to take your hand again because otherwise you might realise how much he was sweating again. He was always sweating now. It was annoying.
“You’re sweet,” you giggled, flustered again, cuddling up to his side as the two of you entered the restaurant and were greeted by a wave of warm air from the indoor heating. It was a relief.
Spencer quickly realised that the place was indeed very, very fancy. Far fancier than he had expected when JJ described it to him. Was this the kind of place she encouraged Will to take her out to? Poor Will. Spencer wouldn’t be coming here again if he could help it, and it had nothing to do with the prices.
“Spencer, I don’t know what half these things are,” you whispered conspiratorially across the table, “And the menu isn’t even in French!”
This had been a terrible idea. Curse JJ. Curse Derek. Curse Penelope too, as it turned out.
“Yeah, I’m struggling too,” he admitted lowly, glancing around at the other patrons. They all fit right in. He did not feel quite so comfortable. But looking at you, you looked even more uncomfortable than him, pulling down the hem of your dress in your chair and fiddling with your necklace. He felt awful.
If he had just trusted himself (rather than JJ) he would never have put you in this situation.
The box in his pocket suddenly felt so much heavier as he realised there was no way he would be taking it out anytime this evening. Not when all his instincts had now focused in on getting you out of here as quickly as he could.
He looked outside the window. Looked back to you.
“You’re a genius and you’re struggling? There really is no hope for me then.”
You were still finding the heart to joke around, but your voice was quiet and he knew if you stayed then he wouldn’t hear any of that raucous laughter he always coaxed out of you at that diner a few blocks away.
A lightbulb moment. The diner.
“You think we could sneak out?”
“This was a terrible plan, and I’m sorry, but we could sneak out now and get burgers,” he said hurriedly, watching as your eyes lit up, “If you want?”
“Oh, I want. I definitely want,” you said, the glimmer in your eyes telling him exactly what you were about to do. You stood up, glad to finally have an excuse to leave all these formalities behind you and hollered, “Let’s go!”
There was a clatter where someone dropped their cutlery at the sudden noise. Spencer barked out a laugh and didn’t stop laughing as you began running out of the venue, grabbing his arm on your way and bringing him out with you. The two of you were breathless as your crossed the road to the car and got in. When Spencer glanced back at the restaurant, he saw a man playing the violin making his way to your table. He grimaced. So that was what the place had planned for him. His idea was so much better, even if the ring was staying put.
He was reminded of that fact when you leaned across the car and pulled his face to yours, kissing him with every bit of air you had left after all the laughing. It wasn’t much air. When you were quickly forced to pull away, still gasping and still giggling, you stayed close and he relished the light scratch of your fingernails in the curls at the base of his neck.
“I love you,” you whispered to him, giving him your whole heart as you did so often. His thumb found its rightful place on your cheekbone, stroking back and forth, “Let’s go eat.”
“Let’s go eat.”
And with that you were slipping back into your seat, each of you clicking seatbelts into place with eager haste. The burgers at the diner really were extraordinary, and the milkshakes were perfect for sharing. Although, he bargained, he’d never thought so before you were around. Maybe everything was perfect for sharing with you.
He drove off, trying not to smile to widely at the thought as your hand rested heavy and welcome on his thigh. Silently, he thanked the gods he’d never believed in that the ring was secured firmly in his other pocket.
taglist (ily all <3)
@mrs-dr-reid @soda610 @alexxcorona113 @thupidalethea @may-beforejune-afterapril @ilovesupersoldiers @hurricanejjareau @stardream14 @mortallythoughtfulgurl @aperrywilliams @saranyx @anotherspencerreidblog @thegayestdestielshipper @burkgolden​  @reidsmyhusband-emilysmymistress @zozoleesi @baumindss
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fandom-queenliness · 4 years
Day 13: Revelations
Yes, I am *checks calendar* 5 months late, but guess what, time is meaningless now! So hush!  @felinettenovember
Félix had been avoiding her.
For three days.
Every time he saw Marinette, he looked in the other direction. Buried his nose in a book if she waved at him. Hurried away if she approached him. Once in class, she had been walking up the stairs to ask to partner with him, and he had literally jumped out of his seat and asked Max.
And Marinette was very, very pissed.
Okay, fine! He didn’t want to work with her, that was cool! Fine, he didn’t want to hang out, Félix wasn’t a social creature. But running away from her? Ignoring her messages?
Oh yeah, she was NOT happy.
So that was why she had waited after school until he had finished in the library, and then pounced upon him once he had left.
Félix gripped his chest, looking like she has thrown him rather than grabbed his arm. “Marinette! Jesus Christ—"
“Why are you avoiding me?” She asked stoutly.
“What?” Félix froze up and looked away, those silver eyes flashing. “I am doing no such thing.”
“Cut the bullshit. You came around a corner, saw me, and walked in the opposite direction.”
He shrugged, still not looking at her. “I realised I had somewhere else to be.”
“It was first period. Class started in two minutes.”
Félix started to retreat, his shoulders pulling him tensely. “Marinette, please, I can’t—”
“Can’t what?” she demanded, taking a step closer to him. “Talk to me? Answer my texts? Look me in the eyes?”
“Marinette I—”
She grabbed his hand, squeezing it. “Please Félix just tell me what’s wrong—”
He shook his head, tearing away his hand. “I can’t, you need to leave me alone.”
The words stung, but she shoved away the hurt. “Fine, but I need you to tell me why!”
“I can’t, please understand this,” he pleaded.
“How can I? You’ve been ignoring me and it hurts Félix—”
“I’m sorry, but I need to handle this on my own.”
“What do you need to handle? Let me help—”
“You can’t help, Marinette!”
She gripped his hand again, pleading as well now. “Why? Give me one good reason!”
Félix reeled back, looking frazzled and upset. “I need to go home—”
“Stop walking away from me! Just tell me what’s wrong!”
“You can’t help, Marinette! Just leave me alone!”
“Why, just tell me why, and I will.”
“I can’t do that, I told you—”
“No you haven’t! You haven’t told me anything!”
“If you just trusted me—”
“You won’t tell me anything—”
“For good reason!”
“Like what?”
“Please, I’m worried. Did something happen—”
“It doesn’t matter—”
“Of course it matters! You’re acting so strangely—”
“Just leave me be!”
“I will, when you—”
“For the last time, I can’t—”
“Stop avoiding the question—”
“You are so stubborn—”
“And you’re so annoying—”
“Go away Marinette—”
“I’m not leaving until you answer—”
“I can’t, you oblivious idiot—"
“Just tell me Félix!”
The world stopped.
For one moment, it stopped, and she didn't breathe.
Then Félix took a step back, and the world restarted.
Marinette couldn't move, couldn't speak. All she could do was stare up at him, trying to understand his words, their meaning. Félix stared back, pale hair a mess, silver eyes wide, cheeks flushed as he gripped the strap of his bag.
Behind him, she saw a stormy grey sky. Thunder clapped. Neither moved.
It’s going to rain, she realised. Then, holy shit Félix loves me.
Something was blooming in her chest. Warm and golden, unfurling like a flame. Marinette couldn’t name it, exactly, but it felt like… happiness. Relief. And something else, something deep and yearning that she hadn’t wanted to think about until now. Something that snuck up on her whenever Félix smiled. Whenever Félix rambled about a book. Growing in secret until he said those words. Until she felt safe enough to realise what she felt.
Félix, her heart sung, Félix, Félix, Félix. He must have been avoiding me because he had just realised. He must have been nervous. He must have been scared of changing our friendship.
It started to rain, but they were safe under the awning of the school.
Marinette wanted to grin for joy, to holler out in glee, wanted to tell the whole world what she felt. Her blood was fire and light and stars. But Félix…
He was still staring, horrified. Terrified.
Marinette felt that flame dim at his expression, worry creeping in like frost. Is he okay? Did I push too hard? Oh my gods I literally forced him into confessing I’m—
“Félix?” She asked softly, reaching out to touch him.
He started to stutter, still staring into her eyes like a spooked horse. “I—I don’t—I didn’t want—Didn’t mean—You just kept yelling and I just—I mean I—”
‘I don’t, didn’t mean.’
I don’t love you. I didn’t mean it.
Marinette slumped, realising what he was trying to say. She had surprised him, scared him. What he said didn’t mean anything. It was in the heat of the moment. Something to shut her up. She was wrong. It was a slip of the tongue. A mistake.
Not love.
“Oh,” she whispered. “I’m sorry. I don’t—I’m so sorry.”
She hung her head, tears burning through her eyes.
Gods, she was an idiot. A clueless, stupid idiot. Of course he didn’t love her. She should have realised—but what was there to realise? She had jumped to conclusions. He hadn’t had some big revelation about falling in love with her.
No, she was just a fool, who had realised too late what she felt.
Marinette turned away, hands shaking while she tried to stifle her sobs. She needed to—to leave. Get away. Curl up and cry and maybe punch an akuma. She just couldn’t be here, near him. Not when her heart was falling to pieces at her feet.
Félix sounded pained. “Marinette—”
She paused mid-turn. “It’s fine,” she told him, squeezing her eyes shut, shut against the lightning and the pain. “I shouldn’t have—I’m sorry for pushing. I didn’t realise…”
Marinette looked at him and smiled, tears spilling down her cheeks. Félix was pale, staring at her with wide eyes.
“You don’t feel the same,” she said through her smile. “And it’s fine. I was too pushy, you just said what came to mind.” Laughing bitterly, she scrubbed at her face. “I didn’t even realise… what I felt until you said it. How stupid am I? Too blind to know until now.”
“You…” Félix was blinking, looking stunned.
Marinette closed her eyes. “I’ll see you tomorrow Félix,” she whispered, turning to walk home.
“Wait!” Félix shouted, and damn her, she turned around, even though she knew this would only hurt, only lead to pain—
“Are you in love with me?” He asked. Lightning flashed in the sky behind him
She swallowed. This was the moment she would ruin everything. “Yes.”
“Then why are you acting like I don’t feel the same?”
Thunder echoed through the air, and Marinette’s felt her breath disappear.
“I thought—you said you—”
“I was stuttering,” Félix reminded her. Oh. “I was nervous about your reaction. I didn’t say anything.”
 Marinette wanted to slap herself for jumping to conclusions. But that means—does he—
“Did you mean it?” She asked, voice quavering in the air between them. “Do you love me?”
Félix nodded, blinking rapidly. “So—uh… we—you lo—I mean—”
Marinette shook her head, smiling as she reached up to cradle his face, threading her fingers through his silky hair.
“I’m an idiot,” she told him. “I thought it was a mistake.”
“You thought my declaration of love was a mistake?” Félix smiled down at her, leaning into her hands.
She laughed lightly. That warmth was back, but this time, she felt it in the space between them. “Like I said, I’m an idiot.”
“And does this idiot want a boyfriend?” His voice shook at the end, but Marinette didn’t care. All she cared about was the way his arms came around her waist, tugging her closer.
“Yes,” she whispered, leaning up to kiss him as lightning struck the city, and her world became only pure light, and Félix.
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brandstifter-sys · 4 years
Word Count: 2479           (Ao3)
Rating: T+
Characters: Virgil, Remus, all other sides as of PoF mentioned
Pairing: Dukexiety (platonic but could be not platonic if you want)
Warnings: Body Horror, Spider!Virgil, knife, sex mention, grossness, Gore, swearing, physical strain, exhaustion
Virgil is a spider boy, and spiders need to molt. It’s not a pretty sight and it’s an ordeal Virgil hates. Lucky him, he has a best friend who is willing and able to help, even if it drives him nuts.
"Hey Princey, where's Virge?—Whoa are you okay, you look like you need to sit down, kiddo!"
"Patton, Virgil won't be joining us for a few days, surely his eating habits and sudden baldness have been a sign of the time of year for him." Logan commented from his seat on the couch. Roman was curled up and shaking, pallid and horrified.
"You mean?" Patton squeaked and shuddered. 
"Yes. I will be joining Janus and Remus during the clean up. I suggest you try to avoid his room for the next few days. Molting is a delicate process." 
Virgil felt like jello, trapped in a hard shell. He was on his back spread and nude, unable to move without the sickening feeling that came with it. His chelicerae and extra limbs were out and just as rigid, making his position more awkward. He couldn’t breathe and he desperately tried to force his gelatinous form to shift and expand where his head was. He was dizzy, just trying to crack the eggshell-thin casing like a chick about to hatch, only without anything solid to chip at the barrier.
The casing around his head split in half, with a sickening crack, leaving him gasping for air. Oh that sweet, sweet oxygen was tainted by the taste of his own skin-flavored goo falling into his open mouth. His eyes were sealed shut, but not out of fear for what he would see, since they didn't do a great job at blocking the light. No they were closed until he was sure none of his shell got in his eyes, trapped in the gelatinous muck that would cause his eyelids to tear if he dared open them.
"I thought I might have to cut you out of there if you took much longer," someone, Janus he assumed based on the tone, hummed softly nearby, "Time to cut off the area around your shoulders. Do try and wiggle out of it once it's done. And yes, you have to get yourself out." 
Virgil tried to calm his breathing, waiting for one of the worst parts. He was too fragile and squishy to be nicked by a blade, let alone a full cut. But he trusted Janus more than the others, except maybe Remus, especially with his mouth wide open.
Virgil could feel the vibrations through the floor. The steady gait and heavier footfalls were different from what he expected, but he could chalk it up to Janus being tired, he and Remus did carry him here and set up when his outer layer went rigid and his bones melted into this disgusting jelly.
He heard the blade gliding over his shell just above his shoulders with such a slight amount of pressure. It was far too smooth to be Janus's work, and Remus wasn't there, so it had to be Janus, but something about the stiff meticulous nature was throwing him off. 
"Now you have to go up towards the ears on both sides and then to the crown. Once that's done you can carefully lift those pieces away." Janus said to the person cutting his head free. Virgil's heart pounded in his ears, at least his soft organs were still intact, as intact as the situation allowed. He struggled to keep his breathing even, unsure where the blade was. 
"Would it be more efficient to cut along the fault?" That was Logan. That was okay, he was not easily disturbed. His suggestion, however, was not okay.
"Do you want to risk slitting his throat?" Janus asked with an edge to his voice, "He is vulnerable and having that scalpel near his throat will make his anxiety worse."
"I understand. In that case—" Logan trailed off and continued his task. Janus hissed under his breath, in a way that only Virgil would understand, but he didn’t, which was concerning. For the smart side, Logan had his stupid moments and this Janus was regretting bringing him in so soon.
"And to be clear, I am not supposed to peel the exoskeleton." 
"Correct. And once you remove the upper half, will you have a suitable specimen?" this Janus responded curtly. He was done sharing this vulnerable moment with the nerd. 
"Yes," Logan said as the tips of his fingers brush Virgil's new skin, making him wince, "Remus has already called 'dib'—is that the correct phrase?" 
"He has already called dib on the lower half."
Virgil winced as cool air hit his tender form. He could feel the slime stretching and pulling away from him with a soft, sickening snap, with the tendrils falling back into the near liquid of his body. Logan was quick to set that piece aside and remove the other with as much dexterity and grace as before. 
"Shall I tell Remus his presence is requested at this time?" Logan asked as he gathered his samples.
"No. I suggest you sink out to your room before he bursts in like the unhinged maniac he becomes when told to sit still and wait." this Janus droned. Logan nodded and sank out. And not a moment too soon. But it felt like the other presence changed rapidly.
"Virgil, I’m the only one here with you. I'm going to clear your nose before I wipe your eyes," Remus hummed, after dropping his disguise, and knelt down beside him on the old sheet he was laying on. The bulb syringe entering his nostril was a strange sensation when his nose was basically formless, as was the goo exiting his nose, but it was a relief. 
"Stay focused on breathing, Virgil, 3/4 time—that's it. One more time." 
The second his nose was cleared, Virgil closed his mouth. Remus giggled and conjured a clean rag. 
"Whatsamatter, Soft-skull? Don't like the taste of your own mucus? It's like a giant loogie!" Remus cackled and carefully wiped down his face. 
"I thought you said you weren't gonna pull that stunt," Virgil wheezed. 
"Nerd wanted samples more than I want my dick sucked. I had to pretend to be Jan to keep things calm in here—you think the nerd would listen to me? Besides, Janus isn't good at anything but the first cuts. He thinks it's nasty!" Remus laughed, "It is but that's not the real issue—it's the mess that you leave behind that's the problem!"
Virgil rolled his eyes and focused on wiggling out of his shell instead of the duke's rant. It was the same one every season. Whether it was Janus's scales or the molting, Remus would bitch about the mess.
"... and I know what you're thinking—what everyone thinks! 'Why are you so bent out of shape? You like grossness and garbage and mess!'" Remus rambled, "There's a difference between a messy aesthetic and a mess! Organized chaos, Harlot's Web, I know exactly where everything is and where it's supposed to be even if it looks like shit! It's mine to manipulate! Your body cast is not in the design plan!" 
"Talk cryptids, dammit!" Virgil hissed as he tried to squeeze his way out of his exoskeleton, weakly curling his toes, or attempting to, "I hate this shit too!" 
"Cryptids and cursed objects?" Remus cooed. 
"Fine!" Virgil grunted, feeling the goo on his skin shifting and stretching with the slightest movement, peeling him away from his old skin slowly. He was going to take hours to get out.
"Okay so I know you don't usually watch the videos of Dybbuk box openings and you should, gets the blood pumping, but you know those are fake, right? They're all a sham!" Remus started ranting. His rage was actually quite helpful as a motivator to move. 
"...and don't get me started on the bullshit wax! It's so hard to clean! You know I have a design aesthetic and wax is not a part of it! Especially when there's no restless spook involved! It's a lot of crap with no real payout! If I wanted to have a creepy old box covered in wax I could make one myself!" 
“Fill it with spider exoskeleton,” Virgil huffed and wheezed at the exertion, “It’ll make a good snack!”
“Just like you!” Remus giggled, “But seriously, those things don’t hold any angry ghosties, and they seem problematic in other ways too, which usually isn’t a problem for me, but no spooks? That’s crossing a line! I could create better cursed objects!” Remus paused as a wicked grin split his face. Oh no.
“Get me out of here and you can see something really cursed!” Virgil spat, venom shooting from his mouth, literally, and landing on the sheet under him. He broke into a fit of coughing, his form sloshing and molding in the shape of his exoskeleton. 
"Easy there, Swamp Thing!" Remus jeered, "If no one helps Bolt, Nimby, Cirrus, Cyoomy, Hansel, or Gretel when they molt, you don't get much more help either." 
"Swamp Thing? More like the Blob!" Virgil retorted bitterly. Remus clapped his hands and grinned.
"You are so right!" he cheered, "That's a better nickname when you're like this! Like an alien creeping out of a meteor all gelatinous and prone to leaving slime trails! Emo Jello! How you still have lungs is a mystery to me! You don't even have a digestive tract!" 
"Great reminder, jackass!" 
"It is! All your fluids and organs are blended up—except for your heart, blood, brain, and lungs!"
Virgil tried to ignore the glee in his voice and focused on moving. He didn't feel like telling him that his blood was traveling through his body through osmosis, always finding a way back to the heart and lungs, he would see it eventually. The rubbery slick kept him stuck to his exoskeleton, bending and stretching, but always pulling him back. 
"You look like a jaundiced Hellboy cosplayer in a deflated Paleman blow-up suit who's gonna eat a crap ton when he gets back to normal! And then there's the whole hair growth thing! Like throwing straw on a potato sack filled with rotten meat! Do you even have eyelashes now?"
"You. Tell. Me." Virgil grunted and grit his teeth, which were far too soft to actually bite anything or grind. Remus squatted next to him and leaned in close. 
"They're coming in!" Remus grinned and stood up. Virgil groaned and flexed his chelicerae. Some movement was better than none. He was trapped, like swimming in tar, and he had to fight to escape his full-body restraint. 
"Do you want some music? I can do a striptease!" Remus asked and wiggled his eyebrows. 
"Does this get you hot and bothered, sicko?" Virgil scoffed and tried to focus on curling his fingers with what energy and strength he had. Remus pouted and wiggled his mustache in thought. 
"No, not really. But just standing here is boring! Besides, it's just incentive for you to burst out of your shell!" 
"Not. Interested." 
"You and I both know you would do anything to stop me from getting naked for no reason!" Remus teased. He was right of course, but it was still irksome.
"Shut up," Virgil hissed, still not getting anywhere, "Put on some music and keep your fucking pants on!" 
"Fine!" Remus groaned and rolled his eyes. He snapped his fingers, filling the room with some sick emo jams. At least they made Virgil more at ease! 
Two Days Later…
"Remus, c'mon!" Virgil panted as he fruitlessly clawed at the soft carpet trying to remove himself from his exoskeleton, smearing goo all over. He was weak and exhausted from the endless strain. His body was still akin to a gummy bear with a dark cherry filling, but at least his bangs were back. 
"Nope! I already cut out your—" 
"Please! I'm not even stuck!" Virgil cried, "Pull me out of here!" He was so close to bursting into tears. Two days straight of wiggling just to get back to normal took its toll on him. Two days straight of moving two inches forward and one inch back with no food or water left him weak. There was no time for sleep and no time to rest. Remus didn't sleep the entire time either and it showed. 
"I could tear you in half, and then your guts'll spill all over the floor and there'd be a huge stain and you'd be pissed off while you bleed out!" he said with a bright grin that bordered on maniacal.
"It's just my legs! Please!" he begged, "I don't have the strength!" He was actually crying at that point. Remus ceded and carefully looped his arms under Virgil's. The goo stuck to his shirt as he carefully pulled the emo from his old skin and scooped him up into his arms. 
"Easy there, Raggedy Anx, you're free to crawl on the ceiling and scare those losers like some fleshy horror movie creature bent on devouring them, starting with the eyes," Remus said and stood up. He could have easily snapped Virgil's spine over his knee, watched him writhe in agony and scream until he couldn't manage it anymore. He could watch his fluids pool under his translucent skin and ooze out of the puncture wound from the snapped vertebrae. 
He did the smart thing and placed the fragile blob of emo on the bed and stepped back. Molting meant growing and that meant he needed space as everything took shape again. Remus could already see what changes happened under that shell as Virge gasped, forcing air in to help his expansion. 
"Stress workouts?" Remus asked and stretched his arms above his head. 
"You fixed your—" 
"Yeah and that was your fault!" 
"No no no, I didn't mess up the piercing—you let it get infected and tried to rip it off!" 
"I'll rip yours off if you don't shut up!"
"I can regrow it, without going all rigor mortis alien!" Remus laughed, "But I can't make it any bigger, so you have me beat!" 
"Go to bed," Virgil huffed, "You're losing it." He kept up his hyperventilating style of breathing and closed his eyes. Just a few more hours of this and he could finally get some rest. 
"But you're not sleeping!" Remus argued, "And I vowed to watch over you while you're weak and nasty!" 
"You sound like Roman," Virgil scoffed. 
"You take that back!" 
"'I vowed' c'mon that's a Princey line!" Virgil huffed, “You need to get out of this room. Come after you get some rest and food. You did your part.” Remus pouted and snapped his fingers. The exoskeleton and sheet on the floor vanished. That was the last thing he had to do before Janus could take over. 
“Fine, but I’ll be back and there’s nothing you can do to stop me!” Remus laughed and sank out. Virgil rolled his eyes, like he could ever stop Remus from doing anything! This time he didn’t want to.
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bottomlouisficfest · 5 years
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The first half of the Bottom Louis Fic Fest is complete! We posted 21 fics in the first month and we know it was a lot to keep up with, so we wanted to compile them all so you can make sure you’ve read every single one of these incredible fics. Please give all of these fics a chance and be sure to give the authors kudos, reblogs, retweets, and comments so they know how appreciated they are. And look out for even more amazing fics coming up!
Note: You can find the part 2 masterpost of the 2019 BLFF fics here.
Now That This Old World Is Ending
A fic by daggerinrose on AO3 | @thetommmo on Tumblr | @real_thetommmo on Twitter
49k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Needing a good distraction from his broken heart, Louis Tomlinson goes on a camping trip with his friends to Northern England. However, a different kind of distraction arises when his friends disappear from their camp. Hellbent on finding them, Louis soon discovers that the area has been taken over by a cult and teams up with a resentful archer with fire in his eyes and blood on his hands.
Far Cry inspired AU.
Listen To Your Heart
A fic by lovelarry10 on AO3 | @chloehl10 on Tumblr | @oneolddirection on Twitter
35k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post  | Twitter post
Louis has always been comfortable being Harry’s one and only. When Harry starts to branch out, Louis has a hard time letting him go.
Harry is very lucky to have someone who listens to what he has to say, despite the fact that he’s deaf. He’s finally feeling like he’s coming into himself, but Louis seems bothered by his newfound confidence.
You'll Find Me (in the region of the summer stars)
A fic by sweetmelodrama on AO3 | @peakmelodrama on Tumblr | @peakmelodrama on Twitter
50k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Niall had never been exactly perfect at choosing young boys to become the next hero of Olympus, but there was just something in Harry that told Niall that this boy was going to be changing things around Mt. Olympus forever.
Or the one where they're all greek gods except for Harry, who thanks to Niall has to defeat everything from sirens to giants to dragons in order to survive. What Harry doesn't know is what could be waiting for him at the end of his quest -anything from nymphs to dryads... or even a certain soulmate omega.
the world is vast
A fic by Harryskiwiposes on AO3 | @hadtobelou on Tumblr
26k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“I hate this. I fucking hate this so fucking much.” Harry began to cry. “She was only 17 for fuck’s sake. She had her whole life ahead of her! She should be researching colleges and skipping school to hang out at the mall. She should be playing with her little brothers and helping her mother in the kitchen with dinner. This is bullshit! Complete bullshit! I thought I could do this, I thought…”
He didn’t finish his sentence. Instead he kicked the brick wall before collapsing against it, his head back, rain beating against his face, mixing with his tears.
They stood in silence for a few moments before Harry looked to Louis. He saw the same sadness and sorrow as the night before. He felt the same connection, the same feeling that he and Louis were alike - both broken looking to belong.
Or - The Killing Au
Pour Decisions
A fic by hazzahtomlinson on AO3 | @watermelonwalls on Tumblr
12k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt 80: AU where drunk!Louis fills out a fake job application for hot boss Harry Styles, including lurid details about his ‘desired position’ and ‘qualifications,’ and accidentally submits that instead of the real one.
A fic by bitter_leaf on AO3 | @bitter-leaf on Tumblr
24k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Harry tucks the flower into the top pocket of Louis’ jacket, patting over his heart just once.
“What is it?” Louis asks, eyeing the sunny little yellow flower, a bit like a buttercup, “It’s lovely.”
Harry pushes a piece of hair behind his ear and smiles, “It’s a primrose. I got them in this morning, reminded me of you.”
When they first meet at Harry’s flower truck, Harry falls hard but Louis’ unavailable. Only before long, Harry reignites a spark that Louis thought long forgotten.
sweeter still when we're alone
A fic by louisjewels on AO3 | @louizsv on Tumblr | @perfecltnow on Twitter
20k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis is looking up at him, eyes glazed over and fucked out. His hair is a mess and Harry truly feels like he’s fallen under Louis’ spell.
“That’s right, you little witch,” he groans. He grabs the back of Louis’ hair and pulls it so that his head is tilted so far back that they’re barely centimetres apart, breathing in the same air. Harry closes his eyes and moves closer.
Nobody ever tells you that love potions taste like cherries.
Ours are the moments I play in the dark
A fic by edensrose on AO3 | @holdingthornsandroses on Tumblr | @thetrashpigeon on Twitter
30k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Jane Austen's Persuasion AU. Nine years ago Louis Tomlinson was persuaded to break off his engagement to Harry Styles, a poor sailor. Since then Louis has come to regret being so easily convinced to give up his one chance of happiness. Now Louis' family is in debt and his childhood home is being sold. In a complete reversal of fortune, Harry has returned to England a wealthy bachelor looking to settle down. Events conspire to bring them together once more though Louis is- must surely be- the last man on earth that Captain Styles would think of now.
Warming Up To You
A fic by youreyesonlarry on AO3 | @youreyesonlarry on Tumblr | @youreyesonlarry on Twitter
56k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“I feel you,” Harry nods along as he zips his bag open, carefully pulling out his fancy looking camera before pressing a button to turn it on. “I love taking pictures for a number of reasons, but I think the best part of the whole thing is that I’m able to go through my older pictures and have all these memories from those moments come back to me.”
He puts the camera against his eye and points at Louis, and before the shorter one can even react, he hears a ‘click’, and Harry’s smiling down at the screen of his camera.
“And I don't think I want to forget about the day I got stranded in a cabin with a pretty stranger,” he finishes off.
The Time is Now for Me and You
A fic by grimouis on AO3 | @ratherhear on Tumblr | @grimouis on Twitter
9k | Explicit | Louis/Liam | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis inhales shakily and then buries his face into the crook of Liam’s neck and cries. Liam just holds him close, keeping his hand moving lightly along Louis’ spine to let him know that he’s here and that he will be alright, despite Liam not knowing what’s going on.
It doesn’t take longer than a few minutes of crying before Louis extracts himself from Liam’s embrace, seemingly having collected himself enough to not break down again.
“Do you wanna tell me what all this is about?” Liam asks gently, keeping a gentle hand on Louis’ arm.
“We broke up.”
or; Liam is a weenie and Louis is a mess.
Ready To Fall
A fic by whoknows on AO3 | @crazyupsetter on Tumblr
21k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
“Ninety and rising,” Nick says triumphantly, as though making Harry’s heartbeat pick up by thrusting an obscenely attractive person in front of his face is any kind of success. “Louis Tomlinson has just walked into our control room and suddenly our dear Harry Styles has lost all ability to speak. Could this be some kind of strange coincidence?”
“I hate you,” Harry hisses, forcing his eyes back into Nick’s direction, uncaring that the mic must have picked it up. “I thought we agreed that you were going to play fair.”
“I’m sure I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Nick denies, except he’s holding up a picture of Louis’ face now, sharp cheekbones prominent, soft lashes nearly sweeping against his cheeks as he looks down, and his fucking mouth –
“A hundred and two!” Nick crows, all but clapping his hands together in glee. “The highest it’s ever been!”
“To be fair, I did bend over the desk on purpose,” Louis’ voice comes crackling in the headphones. Harry practically breaks his neck whipping his head around at the sound of it, gaping at him through the glass panel. “You can’t really blame him for getting a little excited about that, can you?”
Just a Little Taste
A fic by amomentoflove on AO3 | @daggerandrose​ on Tumblr | @dagger_rosefics on Twitter
13k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis works at The Blind Bat as a bartender during one of the busier times of the night. Typically, there’s one bartender on duty, his best mate Niall Horan, but Louis steps in to help with the demand. There’s always someone who needs a drink, a menu, or something to replenish their energy. He also has to look out of the humans who willingly allow vampires to feed on them. He’s quite protective of the regulars who come to get their kicks with a quick drink and a bite. A vampire’s bite, and the rush of endorphins that come with it, can be addicting. He should know.
Should Be, Meant To Be
A fic by thecheshirepussycat on AO3 | @the-cheshire-pussy-cat on Tumblr
9k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Prompt #65: Louis signs up for a Sugar Daddy dating website on a drunken dare. He forgets for a while, until one night he gets a notification for a message request from none other than his really hot (really rich) boss, Harry Styles.
Don’t Call Me Angel
A fic by larryent on AO3 | @larryent on Tumblr | @benicegivelove on Twitter
16k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Manhattan is a dangerous playground for the rich and entitled Alphas of New York. Those same wealthy Alphas are robbed after spending one night in the presence of a blue-eyed Omega and Officer Styles is assigned to the case.
Absolutely Smitten
A fic by MyEnglishRose on AO3 | @lwtisloved on Tumblr | @darlinlou on Twitter
20k | Mature | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Adopting Clifford was a way for Louis to finally cope with his loneliness, as a lively dog would spice up his life and his boring daily routine. Now, he surely didn’t expect Clifford to lead him to meet one strange man obsessed with his cat that he walks and cooks with.
Somehow, Louis falls in love pretty fast along the way.
Or. Louis is walking his dog. Harry is walking his cat. Leashes get tangled, and feelings too.
Somebody Gets Hurt
A fic by LashtonTommo on AO3 | bottom_tommo on Twitter
6k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles have been romantically linked for years. The couple threaten their careers after trying to amuse themselves on a slow day.
By the Still of Your Hand
A fic by summerwine on AO3 | @smrwine on Tumblr | @SMRWINE on Twitter
10k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis has a little insecurity, Harry makes him feel better about it.
written in the stars (that's you and me)
A fic by fackinglouis on AO3 | @fackinglouis on Tumblr
22k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Louis pushes himself up on one elbow and stretches enough to just barely trace his fingertips over Harry’s jawline. Harry’s eyes drop to track his movements as he does it again. “D’you feel that?” he whispers.
To him, it feels like all of the universe’s magic lives just beneath his skin when he touches Harry with intent. It feels like something special. Louis watches Harry’s lips part and wants to touch that too. He almost does, but then Harry shakes his head. “Feel what?”
Written for the prompt: Louis is a funny and bratty psychic and Harry is set on proving he's a scam.
thinking about the t-shirt you sleep in
A fic by nonsensedarling on AO3 | @absoloutenonsense on Tumblr
52k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Harry's alpha fraternity donates to a local thrift shop (because of Liam's latent crush on a cute beta in his lecture). Louis' financial situation  (and confusing omega instincts) lead him to make some interesting fashion purchases. Lots of pizza, feelings, and not-really-lying.
Paint me a Literature of Love
A fic by bottomlouiswriter on AO3 | @xoxo-hl on Tumblr
18k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Harry loves literature. It also just so happens he falls in love with a painter who is the perfect subject for prose and poetry.
Louis loves art, specifically acrylic. It seems perfectly fitting that he finds a man that inspires him to paint with all the colours in his supply.
Or - The 90's au with art teacher Louis and literature teacher Harry.
building me up (but buttercup, you lied)
A fic by sakturen on AO3 | @softhie on Tumblr | @28pxls on Twitter
31k | Explicit | Louis/Harry | Tumblr post | Twitter post
Harry’s mouth felt dry just saying those words. What he had with Louis was so much more than a simple ‘fuck buddies’ situation. It was slow kisses in the morning between soft sheets and shy smiles, it was holding hands in the afternoon while walking and eating ice cream. It was breakfast for dinner, laughing and licking honey from each other’s lips as they shared goals and even some secrets, it was happiness, it was glow.
To Harry, what he had with Louis meant everything. Until Louis decided it meant nothing.
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Mr. Grinch
A/N: On the 4th day of Christmas there is no true love. Oops. 
Warning: this is not a happy tale. 
Word Count: 1,890 (at least its short.) 
Prompt from: Anon 
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“When did you become such a grinch?”
“White Christmas, white lie...same thing, right?” 
Billy tapped his trigger finger on his desk impatiently. This is all bullshit. His secretary stood in front of him listing off all of the appointments and meetings that she scheduled for him that week. Most of the things that she handled for him were, in fact, bullshit. Things like haircuts and suit fittings, RSVPs to all sorts of events, sending flowers and other garbage when the occasion called for it. He still made all of the appointments that mattered to the business, trusting no one but himself with the most important things. The tapping steadily increased as she mentioned internship interviews. Billy cringed, recalling the last round of all too eager students that had interned in the offices at ANVIL. ‘Nother buncha ass kissers. “Move that to after the holidays,” he made a dismissive gesture with the hand he’d been tapping, sending an obscenely overpriced fountain pen tumbling from its holder. 
 His secretary nodded, unfazed by the way he’d cut her off mid list. “No problem Mr. Russo, does January 10th work?” 
 Billy fixed the pen and leaned forward, elbows on his desk. “Yeah, sure. Listen, Amy, there anything on that list that I actually need to know about?” He pointed to the sheet of paper in her hands, lifting one eyebrow. 
 Amy scanned the rest of the items. “Just the fundraiser. I need to know if you’re going this year.” 
 Billy swallowed, a chill flooding his veins, crashing through him like an angry ocean wave. “I can’t make it.” The sound of ecstatic, youthful laughter and cheerful holiday tunes crept in from the corners of his memory.  
 “But I haven’t even told you when it is,” Amy pushed. 
 “Look, I’m not goin’, Amy, no matter when it is.” I can’t. Not that one. He blinked, a banner and wreaths, bright reds and holly greens flashing through his mind. 
 Amy clicked her tongue, crossing the Toys for Tots fundraiser off her list. “Just send a check, then?” She asked in a curt tone that she wouldn’t get away with if her ass didn’t look so good in that skirt. Billy nodded silently. “When did you become such a grinch?” She looked up from her list and was taken aback by the shadows in his eyes. 
 “Just the way I am, sweetheart. Now,” he pointed to the paper she held. “That all?” 
 Amy straightened up, narrowing her stance and drawing herself up to her full height. “Yes, sir, that’s all.” 
 “Great,” Billy responded, hitting the hard T sound with added emphasis. “You can go.” 
 She scoffed under her breath as she turned and left his office. Gotta find a new secretary. Put that on your fuckin’ list, Amy. Billy stood abruptly from behind his desk, unbuttoning his suit jacket. In three long, quick strides, he reached the door and closed it with a little more force than necessary, locking it before returning to his desk.
 He smoothed one palm slowly over his hair as he sat back down in the black leather chair, opening the bottom drawer. Pushing the hanging files forward, he opened the hidden compartment in the drawer and reached in for the small stack of items that not a soul in the world knew existed. I wasn’t always this way… He rifled through the notes and photos until he found the one that he was looking for, dropping the rest back into the compartment. Slumping against the backrest, he held the photo, falling back into the memory, the sounds and images that he’d chased away before slicing their way back in. He swiped his thumb over the glossy surface, his own face grinning back at him with Lisa on his shoulders. Frank had Jr. upside-down, the boy’s surprised glee frozen in time while Maria stood between the men, her arms wrapped around their waists and her mouth open in a hearty laugh. I’m so sorry, Frankie…
 Billy sighed, letting the photo flutter down to his desk before hanging his head in his hands and letting the barrage run its course. 
                                         “Thanks again for doin’ this, Bill. I know it’s not really your thing but the kids are gonna lose their shit when they see you here.” Frank clapped Billy on the shoulder as the two men entered the school gymnasium. Wreaths and lights had been hung around the room, and long tables with red tablecloths had been set up, transforming the basketball courts into a holiday bonanza. A large banner emblazoned with the Toys for Tots logo, a cheerful train full of gifts, took up most of one wall, and festive music filled the air. A few volunteers from the school were setting up a snack table with cookies and beverages, candy canes and chocolates.  
 Billy tugged at the bottom of his jacket. The starchy dress blues always felt too formal for his liking. “Ah, it’s no problem Frankie, I can suck it up for one afternoon.” He sniffed, looking over the room as more volunteers brought in big empty boxes covered in patterned wrapping paper. Guess they’re expectin’ a big turn out… lots’a donations...that’s good. “‘Sides,” he turned to Frank, using the back of one white gloved hand to smack his brother in the chest. “We’ll just add it to the list of things you owe me for.” He winked and grinned, knowing that neither of them kept track of what was owed or promised. 
 Frank’s booming laugh drowned out the chorus of Silver Bells as the two of them took their place by the table under the banner. “Oh I owe you, huh? Okay.” He passed Billy a red velvet bundle. “Put your hat on, Santa, I’ll buy you a beer after this.” 
 “Oh c’mon,” Billy complained as he unfurled the pointed red hat, complete with a puffy white ball on the end. “Really?” He held it up between his pointer finger and thumb, letting it dangle in disgust. 
 “Yeah, really,” Frank laughed. “It’s part of the whole thing. Don’t be a grinch.” 
 “Fine.” Billy pulled the hat over his head, hair shifting out of place as he did. “But this ain’t for you. It’s for those kids’a yours that can’t actually be yours cause’a how smart they are.”
 “Alright, Saint Bill. You’re a real martyr.” 
 But before Billy could come back with a crude or witty remark, the doors from the school hallway opened and a stream of kids of all ages poured in, their eyes going wide at the sweets and decorations. One voice rang out, clear as day, and Frank and Billy both turned toward it at the same time.
 “That’s my dad, and that’s my uncle Billy,” Lisa proudly pointed out Frank and Billy to her friends through a smile full of metal wires and red and green rubber bands. Maria and two other moms who had volunteered to help run the event followed closely behind their excited children, trying to herd them to the tables they’d been assigned to to help collect and sort the toys that would be donated before the party portion of the event got underway. Billy caught Maria blowing a kiss over to Frank before a flash of green under a mop of dark hair came hurtling at the two men. 
 “Dad! Uncle Billy!” Jr. launched himself at his father before doing the same to Billy. “Uncle Billy! I didn’t know you were coming too!” He turned to his classmates. “Guys, this is my uncle!” 
 Frank chuckled. “See, told you. I’m invisible when Uncle Bill’s around.” 
 Lisa made her way over to them with more restraint than her younger brother, but the excitement to see both of them was clear as day. “Hi Dad,” she hugged Frank and didn’t squirm when he kissed the top of her head in front of her friends. “Hi Uncle Billy,” she wrapped her skinny little arms around Billy’s waist, hugging tightly. “I gotta go help at the tables,” she said, pulling away and setting her immature features into an all too mature expression. “But will you stay for the party?” 
 “Yeah, Uncle Billy,” Maria had finally made her way over, leaning in to kiss her husband on the cheek. “Will you stay for the party?”           She reached over and squeezed Billy’s shoulder with a smile. 
 That had been the first year that he signed up to represent their unit for the Toys for Tots drive at the Castle kids’ school. At first he’d been hesitant, having only ever been on the receiving end of those coat and toy drives, and not quite sure that he really wanted to be part of it at all. But the way that Lisa and Frank Jr. had lit up like Christmas lights just to know that he was there changed everything. Billy didn’t like kids, and he had no desire to have his own. But Frank’s kids were different. They were his family, and he found that he was just as much a sucker for them as Frank was. That was the first, but he’d gone to two more of those events during the years that he and Frank were home around the holidays, and he actually found himself looking forward to the event. 
 Until everything changed. Until I fucking destroyed everything. 
 Billy had generally made peace with the fact that he’d sold his soul on the cheap. For most of the year, he could tuck his guilt away, hide it under expensive suits, distract from it with flashy cars and government contracts. But Christmas brought it back to light. I can never go to one of those things again. Wouldn’t be right… But ANVIL was a company owned and largely operated by former members of the US Marine Corp- a highly successful company- and as such, he needed to support Toys for Tots. “Anything for good publicity”, his people had told him.
 He opened his top drawer and pulled out a black monogrammed note card, a large W.R. embossed in gold. Reaching for the pen he’d knocked askew earlier, he began to write. 
 Please know that while I would love to be there in person to support this year’s toy drive, my business is taking me out of the city until after the new year. As always, ANVIL is happy to support your wonderful work. I hope that this donation makes a lot of kids happy. 
 He signed it, his signature digging into the paper, before standing back up, fixing the knot in his tie and re-buttoning his jacket. Opening his office door, he leaned around the frame and called for his secretary, tapping the note card twice on the hinges. She appeared seconds later, wordlessly. 
 Handing her the note, he told her to send that with the check for Toys for Tots, adding that she should double the normal donation this year. She read his neatly written words and looked back up at him. “Out of the city?” 
 Billy gave a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders. “White Christmas, white lie...same thing, right?” 
 Amy barely controlled her distaste for her employer. “Sure, sir. Same thing.” She turned on her heel and headed for the finance office to have the check cut. 
Billy returned to his desk and sat down with the photo. “It’s not the same thing,” he sighed, feeling no extra warmth from his charitable giving. “Not even close.”  
@something-tofightfor​ @its-my-little-dumpster-fire​ @suchatinyinfinity​ @gollyderek​ @thesumofmychoices​ @obscurilicious​ @traeumerinwitzhelden​ @jigsawlover10​ @getlostinyourparadise​ @breanime​ @nananananananananananabatman​ @lexxierave​ @songforhema​ @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes​ @lysawayne​  @ymariejp​ @belladonnarey​ @audreychaz​ @songtoyou​ @stories-you-wont-hear @luminex3​ @ificouldhelpyouforget​
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dotthings · 5 years
Let me try for some coherency. I scribbled watching notes.
Cas. :( Well I am not a bit surprise he’s not own with this. I don’t see how else he’s supposed to feel. Or how else Dean would feel. Or how Sam would feel. Sorry if TFW is so inexplicable to some people but they’re all making perfect sense to me. It’s sad but they make sense.
That Dean and Cas argument with Sam in the middle like :0 :| poor Sam, poor poor Sam, imagine having to watch all this intense Dean and Cas, he hates it when they bicker, and this is a real argument. 
“I know how much he meant to you. He meant a lot to me. But that isn’t Jack any more.” So there it is, the truth beneath Dean’s walls he put up. None of this is because Dean is cold or uncaring. He is, however, still very angry and still (thinks) that he has to kill Jack. The place Dean lands with Jack in this ep also doesn’t surprise me because I been knew and that makes sense too but it also makes sense that right up the line, he’d think he has to kill Jack and follow that anger. This is an extraordinary situation in fact. Even though TFW have been faced with not-versions of themselves before, they’ve never killed another family member while in that state. And I think Jack’s escalating danger levels in this ep pretty much vindicates why someone might think he has to be killed...even though Jack isn’t evil or malicious still (more on that in a moment).
“Nerds.” “Takes one to know one.”
I was just talking about this about Dean. About his facades and how he used to mock nerds and geeks--still does even now--but is actually the biggest geek and I love that Sam calls him on his nerd qualities. His nerd traits. WHAT HAVE I BEEN SAYING.
So nobody at all can lie any more and the world, as a result, starts tearing apart at the seams. Look SPN, when I said I wanted more emotional honesty...lololol that’s not what I meant. Some lies are necessary.
Oh my god it’s God. Hi, Chuck. (I was spoiled for this, it was still really fun when Chuck just popped up in the alley).
Cas was going to see about the cage in Hell. Was he thinking he could put Jack in it?? Was that his alternative to just killing him? 
Jack visiting his grandmother and she calling Jack out on the fact that he lied to them. Oh snap, Jack. You’re sick of all the lies but you told one (for a kindness). Some lies are necessary. You lied to people too.
This episode has some realness here about what holds society together and different types of honesty. Lying is wrong...except 100% blunt honestly all the time would be a complete disaster and there are some lies we need to tell for the sake of kindness, for community, for forgiveness, or it all will fall apart. Which lies are too far and which are necessary. Can a lie hurt but also be for a kindness and be necessary? SPN has had its main characters lie for years. They lie with credit card scams so they can pay for gas and food and lodging. They lie about who they’re secretly working with behind each other’s backs. All of Team Free Will has lied to each other. Kept things from each other. It doesn’t go well for them. Yet here’s an ep showing that some types of lies are necessary as part of the fabric of society.
Dean is sooooo done with God’s bullshit I am laughing. This is also really subversive because yes we love Chuck and his guitar. Chuck singing Fare-thee-Well. Chuck as a likeable (if irresponsible deadbeat dad) figure on SPN. But how benevolent is he actually? And they don’t have time for a song right now, they just don’t.
Team Free Will are still speaking to each other after Cas stormed out. That’s a good sign!
“I built the sandbox. You play in it...but when things get really bad that’s when I step in.”
Uh...kinda. Sometimes, Chuck. Yes he’s intervened a few times. He put Sam and Dean on the airplane. He put Cas back together more than once. He stepped up when he needed do about Amara at the end of S11. So maybe a C+ on actually being there in a pinch.
“Jack is apocalyptic.” Which--self-evident right there in the ep, thanks, Chuck. Oh and can we stop pretending Jack isn’t incredibly dangerous at least? Oh he’s not just dangerous he is world-endingly dangerous. Note I rooted for Jack to be okay, and want him to be saved, but the situation is what it is right now.
It made a lot of sense to spec based on the ep title Chuck was going to show up to intervene and stop TFW from having to kill Jack, and I’m sure with a reference that blatant in that title, Dabb knew that would be the assumption. It made sense. The overturning of that is interesting here. Chuck didn’t show up and didn’t show up and when he finally does it’s to hand them the weapon to destroy Jack. Which at this point in the ep I’m still wondering--but it could be a test. Let’s see what happens.
Oh. Whoever shoots the gun, what happens to the target, happens to them. Aaaand we’re back to Dean with a self-sacrificing plan.
Damn Cas is so damn salty still about the Dean-in-the-box plan I love it. He hates that plan. Now he’s extra special plus cranky because he’s looking now at losing Jack and losing Dean simultaneously. I’ve talked a lot in my posts about Cas’s big love for both Jack and Dean. This is diabolical. Cas could lose them both with one gunshot. Of course he doesn’t want his son to die...but he doesn’t want Dean to die. Save Jack...means saving Dean too. 
I really loved this Sam and Dean scene and while Cas doesn’t get to verbalize what’s going on in his head, Sam certainly gets to vocalize what Sam’s thinking. “I’m the one who brought him back. He burned his soul off to save you and me. You want me to say I’m okay with losing you and losing him all at once. I can’t do that. I’ve already lost too much.” MIC DROP SAM WINCHESTER.
“I don’t feel anything.” There’s the crux of the Jack Problem. He intellectually understands what’s “good” and what’s “bad” but he doesn’t, in his own words, feel it. He’s the most powerful being on the planet and he’s completely hollow inside, lacking true empathy, lacking instincts, strong attachments, an innate sense of right and wrong. That’s...really terrifying. It’s really not at all hateful to Jack to comprehend how scary that combination is. “I want to love you back, it’s just I can’t.” 
This is. Damn. We saw AU Cas in ep 300, what happens when Cas never learned to access his emotions. As an angel, our Cas was taught that emotions were bad, they were a weakness. He was taught not to heed them. To control them. To never be led by his heart or his feelings. But instead of heeding that, Cas led with his whole heart, he often drowned in his own emotions, overwhelmed by them. He has intense attachments and pain and loneliness and fear and even moments of peace and joy. He feels it all. He’s the most feeling angel to ever feel, and how painfully on point is it that his son is now...emotionless.
“You’re my favorite show.” Wow it got super meta in here, Chuck.
“Why does it always have to be on us,” wonders the tormented characters. “Because you’re my guys!” gushes the enthusiastic Winchester fan, God.
I feel so called out right now. I do. While I am certainly in the camp that feels that too much torture porn angst without hope is a weaker story, like many fans, there is a certain catharsis and satisfaction in watching our favorite characters suffer and triumph and keep on going and not let the suffering defeat them.
In this ep Dabb is taking that idea and expanding it out to a walking talking metaphor, embodied in Chuck, who turns out to be a toxic wielder of suffering for his own amusement. Tying to Jack’s lack of emotions, Chuck seems okay with others suffering. It’s not that he lacks feelings, because he gets something from watching these “characters” suffer, but he’s lacking in empathy because he doesn’t seem to care that they’re suffering and in the world of SPN these are not characters, these are real people he’s jerking around making them dance to his angst-buttons for his own enjoyment.
Cas still is clinging on to hope that Jack can be fixed and my heart hurts for him. At this point, I’m still hoping Jack can be...but it’s not looking good.
Jack kneeling in front of Dean to be killed. Because while he’s dangerous, no he’s not evil or malicious. “I understand. You were right all along. I am a monster.” This is just...really sad. I’m sad.
Oh, SPN, you tried so hard, but I never thought Dean would be able to pull that trigger. Also the tragedy of Dean--he didn’t hesitate because Dean had a sudden revelation he wants to live so he’s not going to seppuku the problem after all. No, it’s because he just couldn’t do it to Jack in the end, to his son, who had earned his love and his trust after a rough start. Dean understands that this Jack isn’t the Jack he recently knew and Dean also understands how far gone Jack is and how dangerous. Yet he still can’t do it. This makes perfect sense to me. I could also see how he might have pulled that trigger (and that would have been horrible and it would have hurt Dean so much...and I don’t just mean because of the magic ricochet of that gun...it would be too much. And...it looks like this ep agrees with me on a textual and meta-textual level. Uh-huh.)
"This isn’t how this story is supposed to end.” Chuck, our author, isn’t enjoying the fact that his characters are doing things he didn’t plan on and didn’t intend (which happens during the creative process).
“Pull the trigger and I’ll bring her back,” Chuck offers. “No.” says Dean. “My mom is my hero and I will miss her every day of my life but she wouldn’t want this.”
And then Sam goes OFF. “over and over and over again...losing people we love.”
“This isn’t just a story. This is our lives.”
I am LOVING THIS. I actually clapped my hands with meta-ish glee. 
This is so self-critical. On a story/character level, this is amazing for Sam and Dean, who are defying fate, refusing yet again to be jerked around by a cosmic puppetmaster. Sam goes as far as defying the idea that they don’t deserve to be happy. Not in so many words. But he is flipping off the concept that all they are good for is suffering AND I AM SO PROUD and I think Dean gets it too but oh my poor Dean was just willing to commit seppuku and while Dean is rejecting being puppetted around, not for anyone, not even to save Mary, I don’t know if he’s at the place where he sees it how Sam does--that screw you, I don’t deserve to suffer like this open defiance. 
So Sam shoots God. lololol for a hot second there I thought Sam was going to kill God and welp that would have been a plot twist but no, just a flesh wound so Sam is wounded too.
Chuck’s not thrilled his favorite human pets aren’t playing along for his amusement.
“Story’s over. Welcome to the end.”
Well. God was the big bad all along. GOD WAS THE BIGGEST BAD OF SPN ALL ALONG.
I was hoping Jack wouldn’t have to die. At least none of his dads had to kill him and the set-up with Jack landing in The Empty seems like he’s not gone forever. WHAT DID BILLIE MEAN “WE HAVE TO TALK.” About what. What is going on.
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daysswithyou · 5 years
Fallen Chapter 17: Broken hearts
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Characters: DAY6 Young K x OC (Rachel)
Genre: angst, fake dating, high school romance, fluff, romance
Brian nearly gets tackled to the ground the moment he shows himself, Wonpil and Jae slamming into him with full force as they cuff him around his neck. He pushes the jesters off him good-naturedly, before shoving them in the direction of the chalet. He wonders if they're tipsy, and the empty beer cans littering the area confirms his suspicions. He shakes his head at their antics, wondering how the duo have so little restrain when it comes to drinking. Sungjin and Dowoon are the only sober ones on the team, the former grilling meat and the latter silently sipping on his soda in the background.
"You're finally here, took you long enough."
Sungjin takes a playful jab at Brian's tardiness, eyes darting between the sizzling meat and Brian's face, a smirk hanging on his lips.
"Sorry, the wedding ended late."
"Still, shouldn't you make up for being late? I had to suffer more because of your absence. Birthday boy wouldn't leave me alone, clinging onto me and whining about why you weren't here yet."
His captain shivers in exaggeration, before proceeding to jerk his head in the direction of Wonpil, whom is now engaged in a high note battle with Jae, their dolphin-like screams making Brian wince. Turning back to Sungjin, he says,
"I'll gladly make up for it. What do you need me to do?"
"We're running out of ice to chill the drinks, and ice cream too. Take Dowoon with you, those two are too out of it to be of much use now."
Sungjin and Brian both snigger under their breaths as they continue to eye the comedic duo. The raven-haired male claps Sungjin on the shoulder, wishing him a silent good luck in being able to watch over Jae and Wonpil while the two of them were away.
Walking up to Dowoon, he puts his arm over the broad shoulders of the younger, steering him in the direction of the convenience store.
"Come on, let's go get Wonpil's favourite ice cream."
Dowoon follows without much resistance, the light bounce in his step an indication that he, too, was glad to get away from the rowdy scene for a short while.
“We got everything?”
Dowoon takes a peek into the bag as he does a visual check of the items bought, nodding his head as he raises it up from its craned position over the bag. He meets Brian’s eye for a short while – until something else coming up from behind Brian’s back catches his attention.
Or rather, someone coming up from behind Brian’s back catches his attention.
Brian notices how the smile is wiped from the younger’s face, and the feeling of someone watching him prickles the back of his neck.
“Dowoon, what’s wrong?”
Dowoon’s voice comes out soft, barely above a whisper.
He lifts a shaky finger to point at something behind Brian but the star player does not have to turn his head to figure out what caught Dowoon’s attention – for he hears the familiar click of heels against the tarmac floor; a memory buried deep within his mind resurfacing yet it’s an unpleasant one, his fist clenching as his lips curl at the memory. He feels the figure stand right behind him, and he turns around to face the person, knowing very well who to expect – but expectation doesn’t necessarily make one more prepared for how the outcome feels – and this one feels like a punch in the gut, a slap in the face.
Seeing Ayeon never gets easier – only harder – but this time, for different reasons.
Unlike before, his eyes that meet hers don’t hold any warmth, a greeting no longer hanging by his lips as he reaches for you. Instead, he stares her down with a steely cold gaze, his lips forming a sneer as his fists remain firmly clenched by his side. Ayeon remains unfazed by his hostile reaction towards her, keeping her poker face in place as she crosses her arms over her chest. She smiles a sickeningly sweet smile at Brian, and he has to look away for a moment before he gets too disgusted and loses his appetite for the birthday party later. She feigns innocence, and lets a surprised gasp fall from her lips as she pretends to finally notice his presence.
“Oh Brian? What a lovely surprise! What brings you to this chalet? I was just having a small weekend getaway here and – ”
Brian rolls his eyes at her nonsensical rambling, and decides to put an end to it.
“Cut the bullshit Ayeon. You’re not here on accident; you never liked such places. What did you say about them last time…”
Brian pretends to be deep in thought, letting his head hang low as he lets out a scoff.
“Right, I remember now. You said that such places were filthy, meant for the good-for-nothings that could not afford better. So, how about you stop pretending to be nice and tell me what you want, so that we can settle it and have nothing to do with one another again. Ever.”
He punctuates his points with venom, head snapping up to give her a murderous glare to get his point across. But Ayeon merely laughs at him; finding him amusing when he’s angry. Now that her ploy has been exposed, no need to keep up the façade.
“Ah Brian, as expected, you haven’t lost your sharp mind yet. You’re right – I’m not here on accident. I just wanted to confirm something with you, since I have no other way to reach the other party except through you. Evening…Luna… was it? Rachel’s café. We’re pretty interested in the area; we’ve got a contract all prepared. I was hoping that you would be able to kindly put me in touch with her.”
Upon the mention of Rachel, Brian nearly lunges at Ayeon, but is promptly stopped by Dowoon’s firm grip on his shoulder and his deep voice of warning; having forgotten about Dowoon the moment he started arguing with Ayeon.
Brian comes back to his senses immediately, taking a step back obediently when Dowoon pulls him away. Brian’s eyes dart between Dowoon behind him and Ayeon right in front, weighing the gravity of her words uttered before.
Her parents are real estate developers. They have the power to take away Rachel’s parents life works the moment she convinces them to take interest in the area. No… this won’t do… I need to convince Ayeon to leave Rachel alone.
Ayeon watches Brian’s internal battle with perverse glee, the corner of her blood red lips tugging up ever so slightly as she drums her perfectly manicured nails against her arm, mocking Brian with impatient, incessant taps of her heels against the tarmac floor. Brain notices this all – she’s a predator waiting for her prey, him, to take the bait.
He knows he shouldn’t, it’ll be like throwing himself into a blazing fire to be burned alive, but he has no choice – if he wants to protect the one, he loves.
Turning behind to face Dowoon, he tries not to let his fear show as he swallows slowly, steadying his voice with great effort as he utters his next words.
“Dowoon, could you take the things and go back first? Tell Sungjin that I’m a little…caught up. If he asks, tell him I’ll be back soon.”
He gives Dowoon a pointed look at his last words, making it very clear that he does not want Sungjin knowing. Sungjin might come running for him, and things might blow out of proportion; no one could ever predict. The less people know, the better.
Dowoon shakes his head slowly as he gulps nervously, not entirely convinced by Brian’s conviction. Dowoon stays unmoving from his spot, not wanting to leave Brian alone with Ayeon, most especially not with the sinister look on her face now. Brian senses Dowoon’s apprehension, and merely gives the younger a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder – or so he thinks. In reality, Brian’s grip is too tight, his blunt nails are digging into Dowoon’s muscles, the skin potentially bruising later. With one last push, he pushes Dowoon towards the chalet, nodding his head as Dowoon takes a shaky step away from the pair.
Ayeon wouldn’t try anything when I’m still here and we will both never figure out her true intentions. But. I can come back for hyung later. I just have to pretend to walk away and then figure out where they’re headed for later.
Keeping his head down, Dowoon pretends to walk away in defeat, turning away from the pair fully. When he’s certain they can no longer see him, Dowoon quickly hides behind a pillar, eyeing the pair carefully.
Seeing that Dowoon is gone, Brian turns back to face Ayeon, his murderous glare back on again. He cuts to the chase immediately, launching his accusations with no mercy.
“What do you with her Ayeon?”
“Rachel? Oh I want nothing to do with her Brian. But…”
Brian snaps, clenching his jaw in annoyance at the way that Ayeon is taking her time to toy with him.
“But I want you Brian.”
She takes a step closer, sliding her fingers across the lapel of his navy blue jacket as he slowly takes her time saying her next words.
“Just…you…and me… having some fun together.”
Brian stays in his spot unmoving, eyes fixed faraway on a spot above her head. He refuses to look at her; the sight is revolting. Seeing that her tactics are not working against the uncooperative Brian, Ayeon decides to tease him more, now tilting her face upwards so that her lips rest just millimetres away from his.
So close, that if either of them moved, they would collide.
“Of course you can say no, but…”
She grips his jacket tightly, tugging it harshly to prove her point.
But Rachel will pay the price for your disobedience.
Brian shifts his eyes downwards, eyeing Ayeon through his slit eyes.
“What do you want?”
“Follow me.”
Ayeon finally lets go, not even bothering to smooth out the wrinkles in his jacket before marching in the direction of where she came from. Brian follows, and Dowoon trails behind the duo.
You groan when the shrill tunes of your ringtone pierces through the silent night, and you turn to your side as your blankets tangle around your legs – which nutjob was calling you at such an ungodly hour? What could not possibly wait till daylight?
Kang Younghyun calling
You swipe the green button without hesitation, ready to give Brian an earful if he roused you from your precious sleep for a prank.
“He – ”
“Rachel? Can I see you for a moment?”
You were about to chide Brian for rudely interrupting you, but the urgency in his voice made you hold your tongue. You bring the phone away from your ears to check the time – 03:12 – and you groan once more, your pillow muffling the sound.
“Younghyun, can’t this wait till tomorrow? It’s very, very late now; we can meet tomorrow if you want to alright?”
You were about to end the call but his next words have you jolting awake in your bed as you throw your blanket off you.
“Rachel… please… don’t go. I have to see you now… please. There is something I must tell you, so please let me see you. Please, please, please don’t leave me alone…”
He sounds so desperate, like a vulnerable, broken, little boy. It was a startling difference from the confident, strong and cheeky Kang Younghyun that you’ve become so accustomed to – and the difference scared you. What happened during the past few hours? Did someone hurt him? Did something catastrophic happen? – because it sure sounded like it did from his shaky, small voice that had just begged you over the phone. That was not the Kang Younghyun that you knew – someone must have broken him. You were worried – afraid even – but if Younghyun was terrified now, you have to be the strong one here. You needed to protect him now – like how he did for you before.
Steeling your nerves, you asked in a calm voice,
“Younghyun, where are you now? I’ll come find you ok, tell me – ”
“I’m outside your house. By the door.”
“Ok, don’t move. I’ll come down now, stay with me on the phone.”
Jumping over your bed, you flung your bedroom door open as you dashed down the stairs, reaching the front door in 3 big jumps. You fumble with the lock in the dark for some time, cursing your shaky hands as your phone was perched precariously between your shoulder and ears.
You throw the heavy door open, ready to launch yourself at Younghyun – but the sight in front of you made you halt in your steps, your questions dying in your throat.
He was an absolute wreck. His previously styled hair was now unkempt, the slightly longer strands obscuring his eyes. His crisp suit was now wrinkled and crumpled, darker patches of sweat staining the navy blue almost black. However, the drastic change in his appearance wasn’t the most jarring difference – but rather – his eyes. It was his eyes.
His twinkling eyes always curved into beautiful crescents were now bloodshot; and even under the slight haze of sleep, you can see the web of red veins from his eyes blown wide, the dark orbs now looking like a bottomless, black pit. In it, you see fear and hysteria, and you shiver even though it was a hot, balmy night.
This isn’t the Kang Younghyun I know. What have they done to him?
You feel your heart physically aches as your chest caves in, taking shallow breaths as you feel the first tears stinging your eyes.
Younghyun – too – is no exception.
The moment he gets to lay his eyes on you, tears well up in his eyes and he lunges forward to engulf you in a bone-crushing hug before you get to see the first tears fall, your phone clattering to the ground from the force slamming into you.
He has one arm wrapped around your shoulders and the other crossed across your upper back, his hand resting against your ribcage. But this hug is unlike the others – it isn’t comforting, neither does it convey warm emotions. Instead, it is one that is physically painful to receive, and speaks of depths of sorrow. His chest is pressing into yours so tightly that it crushes your chest, making it hard to breathe. The gentle hands that used to caress your skin were now gripping onto your shoulder and ribcage tightly, his nails digging into the thin skin. Despite the physical torment, you can’t find the heart to push him off or scold him – you can sense that he really needs it, and you let him does what might make him feel better as you blink back your tears. But the moment you feel his warm tears slide down your neck, your tears well up again and this time round, a few droplets slip down your cheeks. Burrowing his face into your hair and neck, Brian holds you as he cries, apologies spewing from his lips furiously.
“I’m sorry Rachel… I’m really sorry, I’m very sorry. I am so, so, so, so sorry…”
He keeps repeating the same words over and over again, and you raise your hands to run them soothingly across the vast expanse of his back, hoping to calm him down.
“What are you sorry for? Please talk to me Younghyun… it hurts me to see you cry.”
Younghyun bites back another sob as he hears your kind words, but fresh tears fall from his eyes, staining your neck and back as they slip further down. He can’t think of anything else to say to you except to apologise – and that’s all he keeps doing.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”
Knowing that your words bring him sorrow instead of comfort, you opt to keep your mouth shut as you continue to rub his back, alternating between strokes and circles.
When your neck no longer feels wet and he stops shaking, you know he’s exhausted himself from all the crying. His body feels heavier against you now, you supporting most of his weight. You move to bring him into the house, but his voice stops you.
“Whatever happens, please know that I did it for you. I love you.”
Your hands still in their ministrations, too shocked by what you just heard. Only one response comes to mind, and you say it for him – knowing that it will comfort him, as much as it will comfort you to finally get it off your chest.
“I love you too.”
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lookbluesoup · 5 years
Whumptober 9 - Shackled
So, kinda stoked to share this one!! It’s part of (another) idea I’ve had sitting around for ages that I would love to turn into a multichapter story someday. If I can find the courage to commit to a longer fic xD I also think it would be a really fun premise to make a quest mod of. But alas, I don’t know how to mod. x’D This story is inspired by “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell. Which, if you haven’t read, I highly recommend! It’s free online! c: 
Also, Butler is crazy. Which is fun to write for, and hopefully fun to read, but fair warning - he is an unhinged villain and says/does some deliberately inflammatory things!
Heavy, molded cloth suctioned to Nate’s face. What staggered breath he could inhale tasted poisonous. Black. Tight. Suffocating. Rough hands shoved him forward, but beyond that no sense of space except for the fabric squeezing tighter and tighter. Panic pulled all the air from Nate’s lungs, leaving him light-headed. Trapped. Helpless. He writhed, wanted to scream, but his throat had collapsed. 
Metal pincers closed a vice-grip around Nate’s arm, dragging him along even when he dug in his heels. “Do. Not. Resist.” The stilted voice of the protectron ordered. “Injuries. Will. Lessen. Your chances. Of survival.”
Nate was a little too distracted by the world caving in around him to comprehend. A boot kicked him in the back, sending Nate against wet concrete. Even through the fetor of the hood, he could smell rot beneath. The cold steel kiss of shackles clamped over his wrists. 
Then General Butler ripped the sack from Nate’s head and turned on the light. Blinding fluorescence made it hard to focus on anything outside of the immediate few feet. 
Shuddering, Nate tugged against his shackles. “The hell?” He snarled up at Butler, only to be met with dark, accusing eyes. 
Butler took an even breath. “Seein’ as I bought you dinner and all,” He unholstered his pistol, examining it with superficial interest. “Maybe we can finally get down to the dirty business this evening. General to general.”
“General to general, huh? Could just be where I’m standing, but I think our playing field’s a little uneven.” Nate jabbed back. “What is this, an interrogation?”
“In a manner of speaking.” Grinned Butler, spinning the pistol around a withered finger. “Guessin’ you figured out the truth by now. About this place. About my little… hobby.”
“I dunno what you’re-”
Butler’s patchwork face flushed with rage. “What, you think I’m stupid? That nosy reporter comes snooping around and then an old pre-war army dog shows up at my doorstep, wantin’ to buddy up? I knew you were a plant the minute I laid eyes on ye.” He jammed his pistol hard under Nate’s chin, forcing the man to meet his eyes and grinning savagely, “So the way I see it, the only way to keep playing my game… is to make the both of ya part of it.” 
Nate’s stomach dropped, “I came alone, Butler.” 
The general leaned back and smiled. “Boy, you really should learn when to cut the bullshit.” Motioning to a shadowed door, an inhumane chuckle seethed out of him. 
An unpainted assaultron, headpiece replaced by a gawking skull, shambled into the light. It drug Piper into the room, bound and bruised, spewing acrimony and adding a few new Wasteland obscenities to Nate’s vocabulary.
Lips pursed, Butler studied her like a hawk sizing up a morsel of prey. “Mouthy thing. I can’t hear myself think.”
The assaultron pulled her head back, shoving a dirty rag down her throat so roughly Piper was left gagging in a heap on the floor.
Nate’s jaw clenched until his ears started whistling. She met his gaze, only for a moment. Enough to reassure him that she was alright. He didn’t know how she’d been caught, but the reason hardly mattered. With both of them trapped down here, they were at the mercy of Butler’s insanity. 
“That’s better.” The old general stalked around her, rubbing at the gap where his nose used to be. “My but you are pretty, aren’t you?” He knelt without regard for personal space, peering at her with abject intrusiveness. “Why, if I were a little younger…” His fingers scuttled through the locks of her hair.
Piper’s eyebrows arched, a nuclear explosion in her hazel eyes as she jerked away.
“Get your shriveled hands off her!” Nate snarled, lunging against the restraints so hard he felt his skin break under the steel. 
Butler turned, sitting up a little straighter when he saw the abrasions. “Does it bother you? Tch. So touchy!” He stood, sauntering back to where Nate still dug against his shackles. “Now, I wonder why that could be…” The general’s brow furrowed thoughtfully, then splayed upward. “Ahhh-” He laughed once, hollow with arrogant delight. “I understand.”
Nate’s eyelids creased, a crater opening in his chest. 
Smirking with rancid glee, Butler’s beady eyes flexed open as he studied his captive with renewed interest. “You know, the instinct to protect a mate is a fierce impulse. It can drive almost any creature to kill. Humans though? They’ll even die for it. Crazy, isn’t that? Just crazy! It makes no sense, from evolutionary terms.” Dropping down beside Nate, Butler leaned to the side, tilting his head to peer at Piper. 
Nate stared at her, and she kept her focus squarely on him in return, drawing strength from one another. 
Butler continued his twaddling. “I mean, she’s a looker, no denying it. I bet she’s got your dick wrapped around her finger all kinda ways. Hell, she convinced you to come out here!” He laughed abrasively, clapping Nate on the back like an old pal.
Nate didn’t laugh back.
Butler thought that was even funnier. His guffawing seemed liable to crack his chest open, “You would die for her, wouldn’t you?” He gawked between them, “Even if you knew she wouldn’t be far behind crossing the veil. What, you don’t think that’s strange? You’re a smart man Nathaniel, doesn’t it occur to you to think how insane a thing like that is?”
“The only insane thing here is you!” Nate spat. “Kidnapping innocent people off the road, killing them like animals.”
“Oh, c’mon now.” Butler’s amusement faded, “Where’s the legendary General of the Minutemen I’ve heard so much about? You exterminated those Brotherhood bucketheads, didn’tcha? And the big bad Boogeyman underground. Old soldier, where do you get by criticizing me, hunh? Dead is dead.” He holstered his pistol. “I bet you were raised by Christians - real orthodox ones. Catholics? Baptists? Yeah, that must be it. No other reason to be such a damn hypocritical fool.”
Standing, he sauntered back toward Piper with an arrogant frown, “Thank God for the bombs. This world, now, this is the way things oughta be. None of that prewar greater-good nonsense. Life is for the strong. I got every right to do whatever the hell I want with anything weaker than me. And why shouldn’t I? I’m the apex predator.”
“You’re a murdering psychopath is what you are.” Nate sneered. “A senile old-”
The general’s fist collided hard with Nate’s jaw. He went reeling, would have hit concrete hard if the handcuffs hadn’t pulled him taut against the metal pin. 
A grunt bubbled through Nate’s throat as he swallowed back metallic-tasting drool, refusing to give Butler the satisfaction of seeing blood. 
Lurching forward, Piper let out a muffled cry, “BLUE!” distinguishable even through her gag. 
Butler shook his fist out with a deep scowl, then smiled again with a mouth full of wooden teeth. “I think I’ll enjoy hunting the pair of you.”
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anastasiaskarsgard · 5 years
So this was a request from @anxiousamandapanda
Concept: Roman is being an asshole, and the reader just loves him so much that nothing he can say will push her away. Plus she loves his sassy face. Arguing turns into smut,
I even ended it with fluff as a bonus. No one is more surprised than me!
Warnings: smut, cursing, violent roughness, rejection
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Katie nervously walked up to the familiar modern mansion where The man she knew would be her eventual undoing, lived. Roman Godfrey. She’d tried to run away and forget him, traveling to the far corners of the globe, in hopes of locating whatever or whoever, could make her forget Roman. But relief never came, and the farther away she got, the more she yearned for him. She knocked and rang the bell, but after a few minutes with no response, she tried the door. Luckily it was unlocked. She peeked inside, not seeing anyone so she yelled out, before closing the door behind her, and seeking him out.
Katie: Roman! Are you home? I knocked but no one answered,so I let myself in. Helloooo????
She checked all the rooms downstairs, and then heard something fall from Romans room. Butterflies sprang into action at the thought of seeing him after all this time. She walked in his room and couldn’t help but feel pure joy, looking upon his gorgeous features.
Roman: I was ignoring you. Please see yourself out.
Katie: is that any way to talk to your favorite girl in the whole wide world
Katie slowly approached Roman, like he was a rabid animal.
Roman: Wow. You’re delusional and you don’t fucking listen. I don’t have time for your bullshit Katie.
She heard his words, but she didn’t believe them. She ran over to him attempting to crawl in his lap,?desperate for any kind of contact.
Katie:! Oh Romie! I missed you!
Roman looked at her in utter disgust, grabbing her by her shoulders and pushing her off his lap, watching as she flailed her arms, before crashing on the ground and sliding several feet away.
Roman: are you fucking insane? Don’t fucking touch me!
Katie looked up at Romans sneering face, and her heart melted.
Katie: God you’re so fucking hot when your mad
Roman: can you ever take anything serious? Where the fuck have you been?
Roman didn’t want to admit it, but the past four months had been hell. When the one girl he actually believed when she’d told him she loved him asked him if he loved her, he had refused to answer. Sure he could see it caused her a lot of inner conflict and pain, but he’d tell her that he loved her when he felt like it. When he was certain. He never dreamed she’d walk out and stay away for months without so much as a text or email. It had broken him and he’d just recently started functioning again.
Katie: I got side tracked.
Roman: for four fucking months??
Katie crawled slowly across the floor like a cat, trying to lean against his leg, looking up at him longingly.
Katie: it was a large track
Roman: get the fuck away from me, before I rip your throat out....
He pushed her hard, making her roll over, landing on her hands and knees. She stayed thAt way a few minutes, breathing harder than Roman felt was needed. His lips upturned a bit at her dramatic antics. He loved how ridiculous she was. He’d never admit to that either but she was exciting. Suddenly she jumped to her feet and marched right up to him, looking him in his eyes defiantly.
Katie: as long as you touch me, you can do whatever you want to me
Roman: don’t say it unless you mean it.
He absent-mindedly played with her hair, thrilling internally that she’d returned. He loved how she was such an obedient whore for him. She allowed him to do whatever depraved perverted acts he could think of, and be thrilled she’d made him happy. He had gotten used to having that constant source of love, and craved it like a drug. He tried to find it in some old booty calls, and had even gone on a date with one, but it wasn’t the same. Sure these girls were obsessed with him, and some even said they loved him, but it wasn't real.
Katie: fuck me up Daddy, I deserve it.
Katie grabbed his bulge above his pants, keeping eye contact, biting her bottom lip
Roman: I fucking hate you...
Katie: not as much as I hate myself
He growled and bit her lip almost hard enough to draw blood before pulling back
Roman: we are both so fucked up. Last chance to get the fuck out before I take out all my fucking aggression on you.
Roman looked for a reaction, but she didn’t even flinch. He turned around and stalked away leaning against his counter looking in the mirror. He stared at himself, trying to figure out what he was feeling, when it hit him. He was happy. He turned his attention to Katie, who was now stark naked, jumping on his bed. She squealed when he turned around and met her eyes.
Katie: you know just the thing to say, to get a girl naked.
Roman: you are ridiculous, why are you naked? What makes you think I'd even care to see you again?
Katie: I can see your smile shining in your eyes fool! You can glare and sneer all you want, but your mouth is a dirty liar. You eyes never lie. But maybe you get over things better than me. Time offered me no relief, neither did distance. How long did you miss me? Be honest.
Roman: I missed your bat shit crazy ass every day. Every hour.
She stopped jumping and walked closer to Roman standing just in reach to tempt him. She could see his bulge straining against his pants, so he was still at least physically attracted to her.
Katie: I missed you.
Roman: why?
Roman regretted asking as soon as he said it. He didn’t want to appear weak or vulnerable. When he looked at her face and observed her puzzled lost expression on her face, he saw red.
Katie: why did I miss you?
She was impossible he raged. He tried not to explode. She knew why he asked why. He had had it with her nonsense, turning away from her. He balled his fists, and clenched his jaw.
Roman: just go. Everything is a game with you.
Katie: I left because I love you too much. I’d follow you through the gates of hell if you’d hold my hand.
This was what he’d yearned to hear, her weird little professions of love, he could feel his walls coming down, and he was close to giving in.
Roman: stop!
Katie embraced him again defiantly. Holding him tighter as he tried to shrug her off. He understood she was mad he didn’t answer her question the way she wanted to hear, but he wasn’t going to live in fear of being abandoned when she didn’t get her way
Katie: I tried to stop. I left the country trying to forget you, but I couldn’t so now I’m not leaving. You’ll have to kill me. I’d rather be dead, then away from you.
Roman: how do I know you won’t just up and run away again? I couldn't survive it a second time
Katie: because I got away from you and we both know you weren’t going to ever try to find me, and yet I came back. knowing you might kill me at any moment.
He grabbed her by her chin, looking her in the eyes with a sinister smirk playing across his lips...
Roman: how do you know I won’t just fuck you until I’m bored of you, and then throw you off the roof, or drain you dry?
Katie: as long as I get you one more time, I’ll die happy. But I know in my heart, you’d never really hurt me. The only thing you ever do, is push me away when I won’t stop touching you.... like now.
He was trying to push her away, but nothing scared her away. He wanted to touch her, but he knew he wouldn't be able to stop once he started.
Roman: how could you go knowing I’m left here alone?
Katie: you don’t have to be alone ever again
He wanted to believe her. He tenderly ran his hands across her body, having to use every once of self control to play it cool.
Katie: just answer my question I asked the day I left
Roman continued running his hands across her body, lost in thought it seemed, before looking her dead in the eye...
Roman: no
Katie: thats really your answer?
She took a step back, tears already filling her eyes, threatening to spill over. She searched his face for a hint but when his expression didn’t change she lost it and screamed in his face
Katie: answer me! .
Roman: get on your fucking knees.
Before she realized what she was doing, she slapped him across his smug face. His expression became more sinister, as she saw his eyes darken and his smile appeared forced as it spread across his face.
Roman: God, Ive missed your fire. Now get on your fucking knees, bend down and kiss my shoe, and then do that sexy little crawl you do over to the bed. NOW!!!
She immediately got on her knees, laughing excitedly, clapping her hands with glee. She looked up at him with the cutest look on her face, and it took his breath away for a moment. As dark and lustful as his thoughts were, and as hard as he was trying to be an asshole, she somehow always softened him up with just a glance and a giggle. She fascinated him but she didn’t listen well.
Roman: what are you supposed to be doing
She remembered what she was supposed to do as she kissed his shoe, and made her way over to the bed. Roman went in his closet and grabbed some ties, picking up her underwear before climbing up on the bed, pushing her on her back.
Katie: What are you doing? What’s behind you? Let me see.
Roman took her underwear, and shoved them in her mouth, gagging her. He then grabbed her wrists, securing them together and tying them to the headboard. He beamed down at her, and wiggles his eyebrows at her
Roman: that’s better.Finally, you’re quiet and helplessfor me to do as I please
She whimpers through the gag and his smirk gets bigger. He slowly strips off the rest of his clothes and makes his way towards her, never breaking eye contact. He settled next to her feet and She closed her legs tight, feeling embarrassed. He grabbed her ankles and yanks her legs apart, crawling between them and humming as he sees how wet he’s made her, and then looks at her with a raised brow.
Roman: are you sure? There’s no turning back. Till death do us part.
She nods her head and then bucks her hips as he licks along her slit. He grabs her thighs, opening her up wider, pinning her down so She can’t move. She whimpers and whines through her underwear as thrusts his tongue deep inside her, laps up her juices and sucks on her clit. Her eyes slide closed as the pleasure completely takes over and she ges lost in the sensations Roman is giving her. Just as Her climax builds to seconds away from bursting, he pulls away. She cries out in frustration, but it’s muffled by her gag.
Roman: What was that? I can’t understand you. You’re not being a brat are you?
She blinks at him, growling in the back of her throat at his mock concern. He glares at her and She cries out in shock as his hand slaps down on her thigh, leaving a perfect red imprint of his palm. He lifts his other hand and She squirms, trying to shift away from any more slaps. He rolls his eyes, And yanks her back, sitting on her shins to pin her down. He slaps her thighs over and over again until Shes sobbing, almost insane from arousal.
Roman: I’m going to remove your gag, but I can put it right back in
He leans forwards and pulls her underwear out of her mouth.
Katie: please Roman!
Roman: Please what? Say the words
Katie: Fuck me, please!
Roman: When I’m ready.
He begins to trail kisses up to her breasts, taking his time on each breast, looking up at her making the most delicious sounds.
She arches into his mouth with a moan and then scream as he bites down.
Katie: Roman! please!
He shakes his head and pushes his knee between her legs, pressing up against her pussy. She moans and bucks her hips, grinding against him, desperate for any kind of friction.
Katie: Roman, please claim me. Make me yours
He stills and then she hears a low growl come from his throat. She gasps as he roughly grabs her hips and pushes his other leg between hers. She whimpers as he lines his cock up with her entrance, slowly rubbing his head across her swollen clit, before placing himself at her entrance, hovering above her but then he freezes.
She wants him so bad she feels like she’s going to explode, but she doesn’t dare buck her hips, or try to rush him.
Katie: I love you Roman Godfrey
He slams into her, giving her no time to adjust as she feels his cock bottom out. He cries out from how tight she is, and can barely move inside her as he feels her walls clench around his shaft. He pounds into her more aggressively, causing her to gasp and moan With abandon. She wraps her legs around his waist as he fucks her into the mattress, groaning and mosning, saying the dirtiest sweet nothings in her ear. He lifts her up a bit as he settles back on his haunches, pushing back inside her, grabbing her by the hips, so tight she’ll for sure have marks, and starts fucking into her, slamming her down as deep as he can go. He hammers away at a frantic pace, watching his cock slide in and out of her perfect pussy. She scream his name as She cums, arching her back, desperate to get her hands free, to touch him. He groans as She tightens around him even more, crying out as he cums deep inside her, his fingers digging into her flesh. He collapses over the top of her as he pants for air. She whimpers and pulls at her restraints so he might get the hint and untie her.
He leans up and unties her, carefully checking her wrists. When he’s done, he lays beside her and pulls her against his chest, kissing her forehead.
Katie:. i love you so much
Roman: good
Katie: I’ll never leave you again
Roman: you better not princess.next time, I WILL fucking find you, and I’ll RIP out your treacherous heart and eat that motherfucker.
Katie: perfect. I’d deserve it.
Roman: you were so tight. You didn’t share my pussy while you were away did you?
Katie: absolutely not!
Roman: I can tell.
Roman had had several women In her absense, but none of them made him feel the way she did and for the first time in his life, he wanted to be completely faithful. She was all he wanted.
Roman: Katie. Open your eyes,
She obeyed and gazed into his pretty eyes, as he seemed to be trying to find his words. He had the cutest look of frustration before he just grabbed her face and crashed his lips into hers whispering “I love you’s” over and over between kisses. He pulled back and looked the most vulnerAble she’d ever seen him look
Roman: I’ve only ever said that to my sister and my daughter.
Katie: that’s makes me the winnner at life. The best boy loves me so I win.
Roman: now I wanna just say it again and again. I never got why people said it so often, but I feel it now. I love you Katie. I truly do.
Katie: I love you more Roman Godfrey. Can we rinse off, get clothes on and go get pancakes?
Roman rolled his eyes, but then smiled and nodded his head.
Roman: you can have anything you want.
Katie: seriously?
Roman: name it
Interactive story Bonus!What should she ask for?
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vagrantblvrd · 6 years
Pack Dynamics (1/1)
Summary: There’s a clear hierarchy when it comes to the crew.
Notes: Prompt fill for Anon who asked for FAHC Myan. :D?
There’s a clear hierarchy when it comes to the crew.
Geoff is the boss, except when he isn’t.
Jack is the boss, except when he isn’t.
Ryan is the boss -
“I’m in charge,” Ryan says, like some poor schmuck in one of Geoff’s shitty movies who’s just learned they have three months to live as he reads the note Geoff left for him again. “Jesus Christ, I’m in charge.”
-  when Geoff and Jack finally get their shit together and realize they want in each other’s pants in the romantic way and decide to go off on a “sextravaganza cruise” on Geoff’s stupid yacht.
Out of the corner of his eye Michael sees Gavin and Jeremy share a look. Barely contained glee like a couple of troublemaker kids in a different genre of shitty movies Geoff likes to torture himself with, and then they fist bump each other before running out of the room giggling.
Michael’s never really seen Ryan scared.
He’s seen him focused on the job at hand when they’re out and about wreaking havoc. Seen him determined when shit goes wrong and they’re working on flipping things around. Seen him concerned, worried, when shit really goes wrong and it’s make or break time.
Michael’s seen Ryan happy and relaxed, this little curl to his mouth as the others pull their usual bullshit and everything’s good.
Not so much, but now -
Yeah, the fucker’s scared.
For good reason, because with Geoff and Jack out of the picture for the moment, Gavin and Jeremy are going to get the rest of them killed in some horrible way.
Dust off all their shitty little plans they’ve got saved up for days like this. (Jeremy likes to act like he thinks Gavin’s a menace like he’s not as bad. Put the two of them together on anything and you’re bound to regret it sooner rather than later.)
And since Ryan is officially in charge?
He gets to be the one to explain everything to Geoff and Jack when they get back.
“Hey,” Michael says, and claps a hand on Ryan’s shoulder, puts some cheer into his voice because the poor guy looks like he’s going to cry. “Congrats on the promotion.”
So the thing about Gavin and Jeremy being the worst?
Absolutely one hundred percent true.
“Oh my God,” Ryan says. “Oh my God.”
The Rimmy Turtle is chugging along a jogging path down by Del Perro Pier with cops in hot pursuit and at least one police chopper overhead.
Gavin’s got his firework launcher going - and even though the news chopper is too far away to pick it up – Jeremy’s got to be cackling his stupid head off.
The camera cuts to people running from the chaos, a few overturned cop cars that are merrily burning away, and they’ve only been gone for half an hour. Forty-five minutes at most.
Any other time and Ryan would be down there too, probably riding that hardcore bike of his with the skulls because he’s got some weird fixation.
Now, though, he’s like some poor dad in a shitty movie dealing with his adorably rambunctious kids and failing spectacularly.
“Yeah,” Michael says, fishing his keys out of the little bowl by the front door. “We should probably make sure they don’t die or something.”
It’s a rule of theirs, the Fake AH Crew, Michael’s pretty sure.
“Should we though?” Ryan asks, plaintive note to it, but he’s pulling on his jacket as he does.
“Look,” Gavin says, the moment they’re sure the cops have given up the chase. “What did you expect us to do?”
Parents out of town and the weird uncle in charge, so of course – of course – they were going to pull off a shitty little heist centered around a goddamned dare.
The worst they’ve got are some cuts and a handful of bruises, and the Rimmy Turtle is never going to be the same again, but hey.
No one died. (Yet.)
“I don’t know,” Ryan says, sarcasm on full. “Maybe be a little smarter about things?”
That -
Wow, yeah.
Gavin’s eyebrows shoot up, and Jeremy coughs discreetly behind his hand. Michael stops rooting around the cabinets in the shitty safehouse they’re in and glances over at the others, and Ryan.
Ryan’s massaging his temples like he’s got a bitch of a headache.
“Okay,” he says. “Let’s just forget I said that. Clearly I should know better by now.”
You’d think, yeah.
Michael watches Gavin and Jeremy as they shuffle out of the room to patch each other up, and shakes his head.
“Hey,” he says, shifting over to the cabinet over the fridge where he hits pay dirt. “Aspirin or Ibuprofen?”
There’s a long-suffering sigh from Ryan and a thump-rattle as he drops down into one of the kitchen chairs at the crappy table that’s literally on its last legs.
“Surprise me.”
“You know,” Ryan says, like some washed-up has been drowning his sorrows in a smokey bar somewhere. “Normally I’d be out there with them.”
It’s only been one day – one (1) fucking day – since the incident at the pier, and Gavin and Jeremy are already causing trouble again.
They haven’t made the news yet, but Matt sent them a link to surveillance cameras showing those two morons breaking into a research lab. Not too alarming, because as prone to causing trouble as though two are, they’re fairly competent.
The alarming part comes in with the second link Matt sent, black vans pulling up to the research labs and Merryweather goons spilling out armed to the teeth.
“Sure, sure,” Michael soothes, taking a sharp right. “I know you would, Ryan.”
If Geoff and Jack were in town Ryan would have come up with some other horrifyingly risky  way to pass the time. Maybe fuck with the FIB or IAA directly to get a little of their own back at Agent 14 and Rackman. (He’s still upset they didn’t get to keep the jetpacks after the clusterfuck with Avon and that AI of his.)
Ryan grumbles, shooting Michael these little looks like he knows he’s being humored but not sure what to do about it without seeming more pathetic than he already does.
“I would, though,” he insists stubbornly.
It should be hilarious, this. Ryan deeply worried he’s turned into a responsible adult when it comes to this kind of shit in spite of himself, but in reality it’s just kind of sad.
Michael reaches over to pat his hand comfortingly because Ryan looks like he could use it.
Jeremy loses another car and Gavin sprains his ankle. (No one knows how the hell it happened, but hopefully it will slow them down.)
Ryan gets bruised ribs and this scrape on his face due to him not having an iota of common sense when it comes to his own personal safety. (Also, that part where his Zentorno is going to be in the shop for a good long time and Gavin is footing the bill.)
And Michael got a headache of  his own now. (Three of them, really.)
“Here,” Michael says, handing Ryan a can of his precious diet soda. “You look like you need it.”
Ryan snorts, mouth pulling up into a small smile as Michael sits next to him on the couch with a drink of his own.
“Hitting the hard stuff tonight, huh?” he asks, because he’s still an asshole.
Michael rolls his eyes and cracks open his own diet soda.
“Considering the kind of shit those two have been pulling, I’d rather not drink myself into a stupor just yet.”
Ryan hums, this amused little sound and Michael settles next to him, careful not to put pressure against his ribs.
“I have a new appreciation for Geoff and Jack,” Ryan murmurs, as though he’s going to remember this when they're back and he has some bright idea of his own. “Jesus Christ, do I ever.”
Michael snorts, and taps his can against Ryan’s in solidarity.
So the whole crew hierarchy thing is kind of bullshit when it comes down to it.
They listen to Geoff for the big ideas because he’s got some good ones mixed in there with all the shitty ones.
But when it comes to making sure everyone comes out of (mostly) in one piece, that tends to fall to Jack and Michael.
This quiet little pact of theirs born out of watching the others run riot all over town and somehow managing to scrape through situations that should have killed them. (Certainly would have killed anyone else.)
When Geoff and Jack head off on their cruise, Ryan gets a note from Geoff telling him to make sure the city’s still there for them to come back to. Make sure the crew’s still there.
Michael, though.
He gets a note from Jack, asking him to keep look out for the others. Namely Ryan, who makes for a good leader, it’s true, but Gavin and Jeremy are terrible human beings who love fucking with Ryan at times like this.
Ryan tries to keep up with those assholes while Michael looks after Ryan, and like some kind of goddamned miracle, it works.
Which is great, because Michael's kind of attached to these assholes.
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