#like rick knew they both absolutely would and he was like NO I'M NOT LOSING YOU
thosewildcharms · 1 month
I love the implication that Rick probably asked Michonne how she met Nat/Bailey/Aiden and she told him about her not leaving people behind and that's why he said that when they were pillow-strategizing 🥰
well YES but I also like to think he just Knows this about her. like in that early season 6 episode where he tells her and glenn to help the alexandrian's get home safe if they can but to NOT risk their own lives for them and michonne was like 🤨 he knew she (and glenn) would both endanger themselves for other people and he was (futilely) trying to talk them out of it. but either way YEAH so true anon! he loves that about her! it's part of why he recognizes her as such a great leader. you know, alongside literally everything else about her lol
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thewalkingthread · 3 months
you're losing me - r.g. (part 2)
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part 1
pairing: rick grimes x reader
summary: you're adjusting to life after rick cheats on you
warnings: cursing, rick is an absolute lost puppy without you
author's note: i'm not sure what you guys were wanting in the part two in terms of resolution, but i wrote this with intentions of rick being a loser LOL BUTTTTTT, I can absolutely make an alternate ending where they work it out. but for now, boss babe Y/N.
It's been a month since you and Rick broke up. The day after you caught him and Jessie you packed all your stuff up and moved into Daryl's little cabin just outside the walls.
It was odd at first, being away from Rick. Being away from Carl and Judith. It was miserable. You were miserable.
You stayed in the cabin for a week straight, despite Daryl's several attempts to make you go into the walls with him during the day. Eventually he stopped, knowing you would face everyone when you were ready.
By everyone, you meant Rick.
Everyone caught on pretty fast considering you moved out of the house, out of the whole community. Maggie and Carol were the first to come see you and ask what happened.
It wasn't until Carl came knocking on the door with Judith on his hip that you decided to take that step and go back in to the walls.
According to Carl, everyone knows what happened. Everyone knows that Rick cheated. Everyone knows it was with Jessie- not like that was a surprise to anybody.
Your first day back inside was awful. Everyone kept giving you pity glances, knowing that you were the victim. You hated it. Yes, Rick cheated on you but you definitely didn't need anyone's pity.
You avoided Rick like the plague at first. Any sight of him you were turning the opposite direction. Whether you liked it or not, Rick is the leader of Alexandria- your leader.
You couldn't avoid him forever. But you sure as hell did your best.
Now a month later, you still weren't okay. Who would be after finding your boyfriend macking on another woman he told you not to worry about?
"I'm here to relieve you of your duties, madam." Abraham bowed deeply to you. You rolled your eyes, handing him the rifle.
"Thank you, kind sir." You laughed, heading down the ladder. Things were a bit easier now. People were acting normal towards you again, everyone was moving forward.
Well, not everyone.
Rick has made several attempts just to get you to glance at him, let alone speak to him. Despite him cheating on you with Jessie, you haven't seen them together since then. It seems that they broke off whatever they were.
It didn't matter though, the damage was done. The trust was broken.
You walked towards the pantry, needing to take note of the things we were running low on for the next run with Daryl.
Your footsteps slow down when you hear commotion by the pond. You see Carl and Ron a few feet apart from each other. You could tell just from their body language that things weren't alright.
You stopped, watching them for a second before deciding whether or not you should intervene. They're teenage boys, surely they can sort out their issues.
"Well your mom is a homewrecker!" Carl shouts at Ron. "She knew my dad and Y/N were in a relationship!"
Ron scoffs, raising an eyebrow at Carl. "It's not her fault your dad is a cheating pig! He chose to cheat on Y/N, sorry my mom's better."
Before you knew it, Carl was lunging himself at Ron. "Take it back, you little shit!" The two boys began to roll around in the grass, wrestling one another.
You ran towards them, other people stopping to witness the commotion.
"Y/N, is the best thing that's ever happened to my dad." Carl grunted, landing a punch to Ron's face.
"Carl!" You shout once you reach the boys. You pull on his shoulder, trying to tug him off of Ron. "Get off of him, Carl." You urge.
Much to your dismay, the boys continue to pull at each other, both trying to land a punch.
"What the hell-" You hear the all too familiar southern accent from behind you. You look around and see a small group of people gathered around. Jessie comes bursting through the wall of people, seeing her son on the ground with a black eye.
Rick manages to pull Carl off of Ron, pushes him back. You grab onto Carl, checking him over to see his bruises that were already forming.
"Do one of you want to tell me what the hell is going on?" Rick shouts at the two teenagers.
Both of the boys glare at each other, neither one of them saying anything. Rick glances around the area, "Nothing to see here." He shoots everyone a look. Everyone scatters except Jessie, who pulls her son off the ground.
"Carl?" He angles his head to his son once the crowd disperses.
Carl scoffs, rolling his eyes.
"Don't you roll your eyes at me, son." Rick clenches his jaw. "You think this is acceptable be-"
Carl stops him before he can finish. "Oh save it, dad! Everything was fine. Everything was great! But you decided to cheat on Y/N and then everything went to shit!" Carl snaps.
“No! Y/N left and now we’re all feeling emptiness! I’m feeling it, Judith is feeling it- You’re feeling it.”
"You want to talk about acceptable behavior?” Carl scoffs, nodding his head up at his dad. “Check yourself first." He shakes his head before walking away.
You stand there awkwardly. Rick glances at you as if to ask for an explanation. You cock an eyebrow at him and shrug your shoulders.
Carl has a point.
“He’s a smart kid,” You say smugly before heading away.
“Look, Y/N-“ you could hear Rick’s footsteps follow shortly behind you. His hand latched onto your elbow softly, halting you in your spot. “Can we talk… please.”
There was a desperation in his voice that you haven’t heard before. His eyes stared at you deeply, dark bags had formed beneath his eyes and the wrinkles on his face seemed deeper.
“I don’t really think there’s anything to talk about, Rick.” You shake your head at him.
His frown deepens. “There is, there’s so much we need to talk about. I- I need to say things. Explain myself-“
You raise an eyebrow at the scuffed up man in front of you. “Explain yourself? There’s nothing you can say that will justify you cheating on me.” Your voice raises slightly, causing the few surrounding people to glance at you two.
“Y/N, please. Can we just talk?” He glances around. “Somewhere private?”
You sigh deeply, glancing around the audience around you. “Fine.”
You turn on your heels, heading towards the house. Rick followed closely behind you, you could practically feel his breathe on your neck.
Carl was on the living room floor with Judith, playing with some blocks and dolls. His eyes lock on yours when you open the door, a smile spreads on his face before disappearing when he sees Rick step in behind me.
The father and son lock eyes before Rick nods his head towards the stairs. Carl rolls his eyes before pushing himself off the ground and stomping towards the stairs.
“Carl-“ Rick glares at the boy. You put your hands up to stop him.
“I’ll go talk to him,” you shush Rick quickly before following Carl up the stairs. He was on his bed, a comic book opened in his hand.
“Hey, you.” You smile at Carl as you knock on the door frame.
Carl sighs deeply when he sees you. “I’m not going to apologize for hitting, Ron.” He mumbles.
You laugh, head tilting backwards. “Oh, please. I wouldn’t want you to. The little shit deserved it.” You smile at him, stepping into his room. You sat at the end of his bed.
“Are you okay?” You ask.
Carl frowns, shutting the comic book and tossing it to the side.
“I miss you. We miss you.” He says. “It’s different without you. Judith doesn’t sleep through the night anymore, dad can’t cook for shit. The house is a mess, there’s no order.” He ranted on.
“Things between me and dad have been hard. He knows I’m angry with him and so there’s this weird tension between us.” He sighs.
You bite your bottom lip, hearing the frustration and tiredness in Carls voice.
“Do you think I should give him a second chance?” You ask Carl, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Honestly? No. He doesn’t deserve it. He doesn’t deserve you.” Carl shakes his head. “You shouldn’t be with something that makes you question their loyalty.”
“You know, no matter what happens with me and your dad… Our relationship will never change. I’ll always be here for you, Carl. No matter what.” You reach out, placing your hand on top of his to give it a good squeeze.
“Thank you for sticking up for me to the little brat.” You smile, lightening the mood. Carl gives you a smile, nodding his head.
“I guess I better get downstairs. Just wanted to make sure you’re okay. And hey, cut your dad some slack… what he did to me was wrong, but that’s an issue for me and your dad.”
Carl nods his head in defeat as you walk towards the door.
“Hey, Y/N.” You stop, turning back at the teenager.
“I meant what I said. He doesn’t deserve you.”
You give him a tight lip smile and nod your head before heading downstairs. You could hear Judith’s cries from the top of the stairs. Your heart instantly breaks at the sound.
Rick’s in the middle of the living room, bouncing Judith in his arms in an attempt to soothe her. Her cries seemed to get louder as soon as she saw you walking down the stairs.
Her cries turned into screams as she thrashed in Ricks arms.
“Ma!!” She cried, reaching for you. “Ma-maaa,” she screams between cries. Rick looks at you desperately as you approach the pair.
You reach for the toddler, your hands grazing Rick’s at the hand off. The screams instantly subsides once she’s in your arms. She hiccups as she clutches onto you.
Rick sighs and falls onto the couch. You sit at the opposite end of the couch, Judith lets her head rest on your chest, trying to calm down.
“Carl said she hasn’t been sleeping well,” You break the silence between you.
Ricks eyes squeeze shit as he pinches the bridge of his nose. “None of us have since you left,” he mumbles.
Your heart breaks a little at the thought. You don’t say anything after that, not really sure what to say. Rick shifts his body towards you and you really take in his current appearance.
He looked tired.
“I know I messed up,” he starts. “I know there’s nothing I can do to change what I did. But I want to fix this- I want to fix us.” The desperation stays in his voice.
“This past month has been absolute hell, without you. I’ve been- I’ve been miserable.”
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for hurting you, I’m so sorry for ruining us. Please just let me make it right. Please give us another shot, Y/N.”
The way he was looking at you right now was almost enough to make you crack.
"I can't," I said quietly. The room fell still. Silence enveloped us in a suffocating hug.
"I'm sorry, Rick. I can't." I repeated. I felt tears well up in my eyes, saying it out loud.
It's taken an entire month for me to even be able to look Rick in the eyes. I was a few begs away from giving in and taking him back.
He doesn't deserve you.
Carls words rang in your mind.
"I think you and I both know the end of our relationship began as soon as we stepped into this place." You frowned. "Whether you meant for it to happen or not, you allowed this place- Jessie, to drive a wedge between us." You sigh.
"You." You lock eyes with him. "Not me." You shake your head.
"I let it go on for a while. I forced myself to just deal with a lot of the stuff. The late nights, missing dinners, forgetting dates." The memories of you waiting endlessly for Rick caused a scowl to settle on your face.
"I really wanted us to work. I loved us. I thought we were it." A small chuckle leaves your mouth. "I would've lassoed the moon for you if I could. Even though you hurt me over and over again with each lie, I wanted to stay. Because I loved you with everything I am."
Rick's jaw clenches and his eyes are moving around the room repeatedly before settling onto yours sadly.
"Loved." His voice cracked.
You gave him a tight sad smile.
"I asked Carl if I should give you another chance." You clear your throat. "He said, no."
Rick tugged his bottom lip between his teeth.
"Said you don't deserve me."
Rick chuckles with a nod. "He's a smart kid," Rick echoes what you said earlier that day.
"I really did love you, Rick." You reach over, latching his hand in yours. "I'll always care for you. For the kids. Y'all have a special place in my heart." You nod, holding Judith close to you.
"Would you believe me if I said I do love you?" Rick cocked his head to the side. "That I'll spend every day of my life loving you even if you hate me." Something in his eyes tell you that he's being 100% honest.
You squeeze his hand 3 times.
"Thank you for everything." You offer him a smile. Despite better judgement, your body leaned towards him, capturing his lips with yours for one last time.
Rick sighed deeply, taking you in for the last time.
Rick watched as you got up to put Judith to sleep. Then he watched as the love of his life walked out the door because of his stupid mistakes.
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toboldlygohome · 3 months
Mark Watney X Reader
Summary: Nothing could have prepared you for the pain of losing your boyfriend on Sol 6. But you were even less prepared to find out that he didn't die. You left him there. Alone.
Character(s): Mark Watney, Beth Johanssen, Chris Beck, Melissa Lewis, Alex Vogel, Rick Martinez.
Warning(s): Descriptions of grief, Mentions of death, Cursing (lots of it), Mildly sexual themes (nothing explicit), Mentions of malnourishment.
A/N: I absolutely adore The Martian, but I've noticed a criminally low amount of fan content for it, so I decided to make some! I've decided to follow more closely to the book plot rather than the movie (Just because I like the dialogue more and it's more scientifically accurate). However, there will be a couple scenes from the movie sprinkled in just because I thought they were fun. I hope you enjoy!
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It was the morning of Sol 6 and you were up early to make some coffee before your EVA mission. The past few days on Mars had been busy, but far more rewarding than you could have ever imagined. You were one of the geologists in the Ares 3 crew, along with Commander Lewis of course. Mars, to you, was a playground of science. A giant sphere of discovery you couldn't wait to explore.
Today's EVA was to gather samples from near the hab. You had seen plenty of rocks on the way in that you needed to overturn almost as much as you needed oxygen to breathe.
You sensed a hand on the small of your back and felt goosebumps trail up your spine. "Morning Y/L/N. Anything to report?" A playful voice proclaimed.
"Other than bland coffee and terrible sleep, nothing of interest~" You turned back and smiled at your boyfriend. He brushed his thumb over a patch of exposed skin on your lower back before pulling his hand away.
"Hey, at least you don't have to sleep under Martinez, bastard was tossing and turning all night." He smirked as he made his own cup. "I'm barely getting by, the only thing keeping me grounded is this bland ass coffee."
You snickered and rolled your eyes. "Poor baby," You teased.
You and Mark Watney had been together for almost three years, in secret of course. NASA isn't exactly fond of sending couples into space where they might throw caution to the wind and procreate in transit. You were professionals, this mission was something you both had been looking forward to since it was announced. But that wouldn't stop the Space Administration from removing you both from Ares 3.
Nobody knew you were together. Not NASA, not your families, not even the crew knew of your relationship. As far as anyone was concerned, you were just great friends (inseparable in fact). You went out for dinners, went on morning jogs together, spent late nights gaming and going over the mission handbook. Everyone knew you confided in one another and worked incredibly as a team. But nobody would have guessed that instead of playing Yahtzee together on your evenings off, Mark was slowly and deliciously making you breathless with his lips, melting you with his touch.
Once the mission actually started, it was much harder than anticipated to cut out the physical affection. There were cameras everywhere on the ship and absolutely no way to hide from them. The only place for privacy was the bathrooms, but you had a rather close call that involved Mark dragging you there under the guise of helping him with his laptop (which obviously earned an eyebrow raise from Johanssen,) only for him to kiss you with the desperation of a man dying of thirst. You were nearly caught by Beck and you both decided not to risk it again. Luckily, you and Watney were a couple of problem solvers.
Instead of kisses, you resorted to touching. A hand on the back, an arm on the shoulder, a nudge of the elbow. Casual touch became your replacement for intimacy.
Mark pulled a smug smile and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. "You know what Y/N, I am a poor baby. But I can think of something that would make me feel better..." He whispered close to your ear. You flushed and playfully shoved him back.
"In your dreams Watney." You scoffed but your hand lingered on his stomach, earning a cheeky grin from the botanist.
"How'd you know?" He laughed, glancing down at your lips briefly. You knew what he was thinking: that it had been awhile and maybe he could risk just a little peck. Mark was a reckless one, that's for sure.
"Guys, quit flirting so loudly. I was trying to get a few minutes extra sleep before Lewis pulls out the bugle," Beck strolled in and grabbed a ration packet.
"Flirting? With him?" You asked incredulously, jabbing your thumb toward Mark.
"And vice versa," Beck shrugged.
"You must be seeing things, maybe we should call a doctor?" Watney sassily took a sip of his drink.
"Hilarious," Beck replied. Chris had been fighting for you and Mark to get together for about as long as you've known him (which is a decent number of years, in case you were wondering.) Little did he know you had already jumped that fence. You felt bad for keeping it from him, but you were sure he'd understand given his thing with Johanssen.
"Oh good, you guys are already up." Lewis sighed "hey, can one of you wake up Martinez? He's not listening to a single word I say."
You gave Watney a sidelong glance. He groaned and downed the rest of his terrible space coffee. "Yeah sure, I can go get the bastard. I'll give him a piece of my mind while I'm at it." Mark stomped off to the bunks and Lewis followed him. You casually sat beside Beck, who gave you a knowing smile.
"You know Chris, it would probably happen on its own if you didn't push it so much." You mumbled against the rim of your cup in an attempt to hide a smile.
"It's obvious he likes you too. Practically written all over his face," Beck said. "Honestly though, you two don't even realize when you're flirting. It's kind of incredible."
You huffed, "Now's not the best time for all that, you know."
"I know, I know. Just, keep it on the table okay?"
"Whatever you say Dr. Beck," You snickered. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have an EVA to prep for."
Chris rolled his eyes and poked at the food on his plate, "you're excused."
"Alright team, stay in sight of each other. Let's make NASA proud today." Lewis announced.
"How's it looking over there Watney?" Martinez asked.
"Well, you'll be happy to hear that in grid section 14/28, the particles are predominantly coarse. But in 29 they're uh... much finer. That should be ideal for chem analysis."
"Oh wow! did everyone hear that? Mark just discovered dirt! Should we alert the media?" Martinez teased. Mark glanced up at you, but you couldn't see his face behind the helmet.
"Hey, you better watch it fly boy. I'm working this grid too!" You laughed.
"Sorry, what are you doing today Martinez? Making sure the MAV is still upright?" You could hear the smirk in Mark's voice.
"Well, I'd like you to know that visual inspection of the equipment is imperative to mission success," Rick preached. "I'd also like to report that the MAV is still upright."
You and Mark giggled as you worked on the grid. "Watney, you're keeping your channel open, which leads to Martinez responding, which leads to all of us listening, which leads to me being annoyed," Lewis scolded halfheartedly.
"Roger that, Martinez the captain would like you to please uh," Mark looked at you for approval and continued. "Shut your smart mouth."
Rick cackled and you playfully nudged Mark on the shoulder.
"We'd prefer you use a different adjective to describe Martinez's mouth." Beck said from inside the Hab, resulting in even more laughter from the rest of the crew.
"Did Beck just insult me?!"
"Dr. Beck and yes!"
"I'm happy to turn the radios off from here commander. Just say the word." Johanssen suggested.
"Johanssen, constant communication is the hallmark-" Watney started.
"Shut him off" Melissa gave the order.
"No-" Johanssen cut him off. Mark tossed his little hammer in the dirt and looked back at the captain like she had just kicked a kitten. You patted the shoulder of his suit and urged him to get back to work.
"I'm sorry for my countrymen, Vogel." Lewis said.
"Accepted," Vogel shrugged and glanced up at the sky. "The storm... It's closer than Houston reported."
"We've got time," Lewis said. "Focus on the task at hand. This EVA's all about chemical analysis. Vogel, you're the chemist so you're in charge of what we dig up."
"Ja, Please dig thirty centimeters and get soil samples. At least one hundred grams each. Very important is thirty centimeters down." Vogel clarified, eyes back on his work.
"Will do, stay within a hundred meters of the Hab," Lewis said.
You worked in peace and quiet for a few minutes. You measured the grid while Mark hammered the grid labels. You could hardly wait to take samples. Mark was right, it was perfect for chem analysis. Unfortunately, your work was short-lived because Johanssen had some bad news.
"Commander, you should come inside. You're gonna want to see this."
"What is it?" Lewis asked.
"Houston has upgraded the storm to 'severe.' It's going to be here in fifteen minutes." Johanssen said.
You perked your head up to get a look at the sky. Already it was getting darker.
"Martinez, how's it looking?" Asked commander Lewis.
"Not good." He said.
After a moment of contemplation, Lewis made her decision. "Back to base."
The Hab shook and the sound of wind and debris outside only exacerbated the tension within. Lewis commanded everyone to put on their flight suits and you congregated around the screen, wondering if this was the end of your mission.
"Sustained winds over one hundred kilometers per hour now. Gusting to one twenty-five," Johanssen frowned.
"Jesus, we're gonna end up in Oz," Watney said. "What's the abort speed?"
"One fifty kilometers per hour, anymore than that and the MAV's in danger of tipping." Martinez placed his hands on his hips.
"Any predictions on the storm track?" Lewis asked.
"This is the edge of it... It's gonna get worse before it gets better." Johanssen delivered the bad news with confidence. Silence fell over the group and you grabbed Mark's hand. You wished you could feel the warmth, but the gloves on the flight suit acted as a barrier. Watney met your sorrowful eyes. You'd have to end the mission before it even started. He let go of your hand and pressed you into his side. It was over. 25 sols early. You leaned your head against his shoulder and willed the grief to subside.
"Alright, prep for abort. We'll go to the MAV and hope for the best. If the wind gets too high, we launch." Lewis grabbed her helmet.
Outside the Hab, the wind was disastrous. Mark was nearly swept off his feet by the force of the gusts. He slammed into you, but you managed to keep him on his feet.
"Shit! Thanks." Watney regained his balance.
"Visibility is almost zero. If you get lost, hone in on my suit's telemetry! The wind's gonna be rougher away from the Hab, so be ready!" Lewis warned.
The Ares crew stumbled toward the MAV with ever increasing uncertainty. You had to lean into the wind to avoid being thrown backward. Mark wasn't doing much better. It didn't help that his mind wasn't on getting to the MAV safely, it was on how to keep it upright. Watney was smart, too smart for his own good.
"Hey," Watney panted. "Maybe we could shore up the MAV. Make tipping less likely."
"How?" Lewis Huffed.
"We could use cables from the solar farm as guylines. The rovers could be anchors. The trick would be getting the line around the-"
You choked on your scream as Mark was struck by a massive piece of wreckage, sending him off into the disorienting mist of dust and wind.
"MARK!" You screamed and tried to stumble after him, but you could barely see an inch in front of your helmet.
"What happened?" Lewis said.
"Something hit him!" Johanssen said shakily.
"Watney report..." Lewis said. You listened hard and prayed he'd answer. "Watney, report!" Nothing.
"He's offline, I don't know where he is." Johanssen reported as calmly as she could. You bit back a whimper as you shuffled forward.
"Commander, before we lost telemetry, his decompression alarm went off!" Beck said.
"Shit! Y/L/N, where did you last see him?" Lewis asked.
"H-he was right in front of me and then he was gone," you managed. "He flew off due west" You pointed.
"Okay, Martinez, get to the MAV and prep for launch. Everyone else, home in on Johanssen."
"Dr. Beck, how long can a person survive decompression?" Vogel asked.
"Less than a minute." Beck looked back at you. You could hear the pain in his voice. No. Mark couldn't be... He was just beside you a moment ago.
"Commander, the MAV's got a seven degree tilt. It'll tip at 12.3."
"Copy that."
He's alive, he can't be dead!
"Johanssen, Watney's bio-monitor sent something before going offline. My computer just says 'Bad Packet,'" Beck said.
"Give me a sec," Johanssen said.
"Commander, message from Houston. We're officially scrubbed. The storm's definitely too rough."
"Beck, I have the raw packet!" Johanssen said, "It's plaintext: BP 0, PR 0, TP 36.2. That's as far as I got."
Beck sighed and shook his head. "Blood pressure zero, pulse rate zero, temperature normal..."
Your chest tightened and your eyes burned. "Temperature normal?" You asked hopefully.
"It takes a while for the-" Beck swallowed. "It takes awhile to cool."
"Commander, tilting at 10.5 degrees now, with gusts pushing it to 11." Martinez reported.
"Copy, if it tips, launch."
"What about you commander?"
"I'm going to search a little more."
"You really think I'll leave you behind?" Martinez asked.
"I just ordered you to. You four, get to the ship." Lewis replied.
"Let me help search commander, we'll find him faster if we-" Lewis cut you off.
"That's an order, Y/L/N. Go."
Beck nudged you forward. You reluctantly allowed him to.
"Johanssen, would the rover IR camera do any good?"
"Negative. IR can't get through sand any better than visible light."
"What about the proximity radar? Could it detect Watney's suit?"
"No way. It's made to see Hermes, not the metal in a single space suit."
"Give it a try," Lewis ordered.
"Commander, I know you don't want to hear this... but Wat-... Mark's dead." Beck said.
Everything around you was a blur. You went through the motions from training. Strapping yourself in, readying your station, waiting for launch. You couldn't look at the empty seat beside you. You couldn't think about anything but your job right now, If you allowed your thoughts to that dark place, you'd have to be dragged along by the rest of the crew.
You couldn't do that to them. Not now.
Lewis returned to the ship and strapped herself in. "Still at pilot-release," Martinez said softly. "Ready for launch."
You swallowed the lump in your throat.
"I'm sorry Commander, you need to verbally-"
You felt the bone-crushing power of ascent. The g's did nothing but forcefully push the tears from your eyes.
You wish it would have been you.
Mark Watney closed out of the mission log application and stared at the computer screen for a few minutes. He couldn't fathom the hopelessness he was feeling, it was too deep to swim out of. What else was there to do but sit and wait to die? Maybe it would be easier to just go into the airlock and open the doors!
Watney turned his head to a picture of you on the wall behind the computer. It was there among other pictures of the crew and their families. You were standing with your brother in front of one of those rickety wooden roller coasters at Six Flags. He felt a painful twinge in his chest. You thought he was dead and there was no way to tell you otherwise.
He was completely alone, had the whole goddamned planet to himself. Mark rubbed his hands over his face. "Fuck..." he said. "Fuck!" he pulled at the hair on his head before looking up at the picture again. He wished he would have kissed you. He wanted to that morning when you were sharing coffee. He should have said he loved you. Mark hadn't said it in so long.
He knew you like the back of his hand. You were blaming yourself. Everyone in the crew was probably doing the same. He could barely stomach the thought.
Mark grabbed the picture from the wall and shuffled to the bunks. He was so tired and in a lot of pain from the stupid antenna. He was about to settle into his bed, when his eyes landed on yours. After a moment of deliberation, he hobbled into your bunk and pulled the covers up to his chin. It still smelled like you. He buried his face into your pillow and cried.
You sat in the dining area in the Hermes, watching as the windows slowly spun around. It had been about a week since the incident and you weren't sure you had any more tears left to cry. You did your best to keep on task during your waking hours, only allowing yourself to feel when everyone else was either asleep or taking the piloting shift.
Your fingers drummed lightly against the table, mingling with the beeps, boops, groans, and hums of the ship keeping you safe from the unforgiving vacuum of space. You thought about a lot of things. About Mark, his parents, the house he wanted so badly to buy, his favorite music, his plants growing in the botany lab... The one thing you didn't want to think about was his body, how it would be buried by sand and dust within the year, how Mars would never let it decay. You tried not to think about how if you had just reached for him, maybe he'd still be alive.
"Y/N?" A familiar German accent spoke. You tensed and dared a glance back at Vogel.
"Hey, what's up?" You plastered a grin on your face.
"I have noticed you've not been sleeping. You are... Okay?" He asked, lumbering closer. He was clearly very tired and you felt terrible he was here worrying about you instead of getting some much deserved rest.
"Yeah... Yeah I'm okay Alex, just... Can't sleep." You sighed.
"Have you spoken to doctor Beck? I am sure we have sleep medication on board."
"Oh I know... I just don't really want to bother him, you know? I mean, we're all going through it right now..." You shifted under his gaze.
"You are having bad dreams," Vogel stated. "You're afraid if you sleep, they will come back."
"How could you tell?" You peeked tiredly up at him.
"My little monkeys... before I left, some of them had bad dreams. A father can always tell." He sat down beside you at the table.
You felt your eyes burning again. You hadn't dared ask for comfort from your crew mates, not even Chris. Now that you were receiving it, you wished you had asked for it long ago. There was a hellish cocktail of emotions running through you: relief, sadness, safety, longing, despair. You were so relieved that Alex was here. You were sad to think about how deeply his loved ones must be missing him. You thought about what Alex said about his "little monkeys." Mark would have made a great father if he'd only had the chance.
"You love him. Very much," Vogel said.
"I did..." You whispered.
"You do." Alex grabbed your hand and the tears poured from your eyes. "You do..."
"I do," You let out a choked sob. Vogel pulled you into a gentle hug.
"This pain of loss we feel... It will never go away. But it will get easier to live with as time goes by. This, I promise is true."
"Thank you Alex." You whispered.
"You're welcome..." He patted your back and pulled away. "Now, shall we try some rest?"
"I'll try," you put on a brave face.
"And- what is it?-" He thought aloud. "When first you don't succeed-"
"Try try again," You said with a sad smile. "Words to live by."
So, I'm still brain storming the whole, "Mark Watney can only really make his potato farm last 90 days," problem. Can't say It's going too well. I'm surrounded by the stench of my own shit. Kinda distracting.
I've made the executive decision to take a long overdue break out in the rover. Sure, logically I know I should probably utilize every spare second on planning my survival right down to the last drop of water, but riddle me this: just who is gonna stop me? Not NASA, that's for sure.
It's funny. I came into the rover to escape the rancid poop smell, but it seems to have followed me. Turns out, I was the poop smell all along! If Y/N were here, they would have forcibly shoved into the shower. They'd say something like... "Don't even think about touching me until you smell like ocean breeze!" (What does ocean breeze even smell like? How do you smell a breeze?...)There are few things in life Y/N hates more than stink. Me being on Mars is probably one of them.
What I would give to see you right now. Even just a dream would be nice, but I guess that's asking too much.
I miss my parents a lot. Maybe that's an understatement. I haven't really let myself think about it, but sitting here in this cramped rover really has my mind wandering. I really should have told them about Y/N. Maybe if things don't work out for me, they could confide in each other.
I don't have much else to say. The calculations aren't done and quite frankly, I'm depressed.
I'll probably scrub this log from the system, It's kind of a downer.
You had been doing better. Getting at least 6 hours of sleep a day was an accomplishment and you were eating your meals, but a certain date on the calendar was growing closer. You made yourself busier and busier, but no amount of work would keep this day from coming.
On Earth it's January 8th, which is a very special day. Our anniversary! It's official, we've been together for three years! Yeah, yeah I hear you. These logs are for work purposes only, but I promise no one's gonna see this one. Not even you.
I think about that day a lot. It was freezing outside and snowing everywhere. I don't even remember why we walked to the cafe that day, but I'm thankful for it. You were holding your hot cup so tightly and your coat wasn't nearly thick enough for the weather. You were complaining that the snow came early and I laughed at you.
I think we both knew for a long time that this would happen. A year at least. We kept ourselves just at arms length, on the brink of lovers without ever crossing that line. We never discussed it before, but we knew once the mission was over, we'd do it. We'd take that step.
I had wanted to kiss you all day. Want isn't really the word for it. How about craved. Desired? Yearned~
I wrapped my coat around you and you complained again, said that I'd catch a cold and it would all be your fault. The way you looked at me... Still gives me chills when I think about it. It's like I'm still standing on that sidewalk, snowflakes landing on my nose.
I told you, "I can think of something that'll warm us both up..."
You said, "Then what are you waiting for?"
I was right of course. I always am. I just didn't expect you to be so... magnetizing! Like damn babe, you had me weak in the knees! (What am I, a Disney princess?)
I'll be back with you someday. It'll be your anniversary present from me. You're welcome in advance. XOXO - World's Handsomest Boyfriend.
-P.S. You left your deodorant in the Hab. I've been using it. Totally not creepy.
-P.P.S. Who's the stinky one now?
-P.P.P.S. You better be prepared, when I get off this wasteland of a planet, I'm making up for lost time. You aren't gonna be able to walk for AT LEAST a week.
-P.P.P.P.S. I was talking about CUDDLING you perv~
(or was I? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
This had to be one of the greatest days in Mark Watney's life.
Sweet, sweet contact!
[11:18]JPL: Mark, This is Venkat Kapoor. We've been watching you since Sol 49. The whole world's been rooting for you. Amazing job, getting Pathfinder. We're working on rescue plans. JPL is adjusting Ares 4's MDV to do a short overland flight. They'll pick you up, then take you with them to Schiaparelli. We're putting together a supply mission to keep you fed until Ares 4 arrives.
Watney could hardly believe it! Everything was working! They had known he was alive since Sol 49! His eyes were brimming and his breathing came out in short gasps as he fought to control himself. He used to take messages for granted, now they're the only tether he has to humanity.
He's not alone anymore.
His hands shook as he wrote out his message.
[11:29]Watney: Glad to hear it. Really looking forward to not dying. I want to make it clear it wasn't the crew's fault. What did they say when they found out I was alive?
Mark shifted in his seat. The reply was taking a bit longer than expected. He hadn't talked to anyone in so long. The thought of being so close, only to fail right in the beginning was terrifying. He wasn't sure he could survive that kind of disappointment.
[11:48]JPL: We haven't told the crew you're alive yet. We wanted them to focus on their own mission.
What. The. Fuck.
Mark covered his face with his hands and released a frustrated groan. "You've got to be shitting me!"
You didn't know. You didn't know he was alive.
"What the fuck? Wha... What the fuck?!" He took a shaky breath and wrestled with his frustration.
[12:05]Watney: They don't know I'm alive? What the fuck? WTF? Seriously! What the fuck is wrong with you?
[12:23]JPL: Please watch your language. Everything you type is being broadcast live all over the entire world.
They did not just say that.
After everything he has been through, there is no way JPL just told him to watch his language.
So, that's how they want to play it, huh?
[12:42]Watney: Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck shit fuck shit fuck! Fuck fuckity fuckfuckfuck! Oh look! A pair of boobs!-> (.Y.) How's that for watching my language, you goddamned bureaucratic felchers!
NASA got the message loud and clear.
Four months passed and you fell into a routine. Wake up, eat, work, sleep, repeat. It was predictable, which was something you were thankful for.
You took on Watney's role as the ship's botanist. You weren't as good as him, but really, who was? You couldn't match his skill even if you tried. Still, you followed all of his experiments. Took diligent notes and snapped as many pictures as you could.
Martinez joked that you took better care of the plants than yourself. It was one of those jokes meant to expose an underlying issue: You weren't looking after yourself. There was a shadow hanging over everything you did. The crew was experiencing it too. Mark Watney was one of a kind. Everyone he touched felt his loss so viscerally, so deeply.
You needed time, just like Vogel said. But that didn't mean everyone had to be okay with you beating yourself up like this.
Lewis knew better than anyone how you were feeling. As the Commander, she should have tried a little harder. And you... You were right there in arm's reach. Yes, Lewis knew how you felt only too well.
You heard a faint Knock in the doorway. You looked up from the camera and met Beck's eyes.
"Data dump will be completed soon. Care to join?" He smiled.
You managed a smile back, "Yeah, sure. I'm hoping I got something from my siblings. Maybe my niece and nephew too." You strapped the camera to the wall so it wouldn't float away, then you pushed yourself toward your crewmate.
"How about your parents?" He asked.
"Oh, that's a given. I can't get them to leave me alone," you chuckled.
You floated down to Semicone-A, where everyone else was already waiting for the data dump.
"Is it here yet?" Beck asked.
"Almost, it's at ninety-eight percent." Johanssen shot him a grin.
"You're looking cheerful, Martinez," Beck laughed.
"My son turned three yesterday." He beamed. Should be some pics of the party. How about you?"
"Oh, nothing special. Just some peer reviews of a paper I wrote a few years back."
"Complete," Johanssen said. "All the personal e-mails are dispatched to your laptops. Also there's a telemetry update for Vogel and a system update for me....Huh.... There's a voice message addressed to the whole crew."
"Play it." Lewis shrugged. Everyone gathered around the screen as Beth pressed play.
"Hermes, this is Mitch Henderson," the message started.
"Henderson? Talking directly to us without CAPCOM?"
Lewis raised her hand to signal silence.
"I have some news. There's no subtle way to put this:.....Mark Watney's still alive."
Your stomach dropped.
"Wha-" Beck choked.
"I know that's a surprise. And I know you'll have a lot of questions. We're going to answer those questions. But for now I'll just give you the basics. He's alive and healthy. We found out two months ago and decided not to tell you. I was strongly against all that. We're telling you now because we finally have communication with him and a viable rescue plan. It boils down to Ares 4 picking him up with a modified MDV. We'll get you a full write-up of what happened, but it's definitely not your fault. Mark stresses that every time it comes up."
You clenched your eyes shut as they burned painfully with tears.
"Take some time to absorb this. Your science schedules are cleared for tomorrow. Send all the questions you want and we'll answer them. Henderson out."
Silence fell over the bridge.
"He...He's alive?" Martinez beamed.
"He lives." Vogel nodded excitedly and squeezed your shoulder.
"Holy shit!" Beck laughed. "Holy shit! Commander! He's alive!"
"I left him behind," Lewis muttered.
You covered your eyes with your hands, fighting to stay quiet.
"No, hey... we all left togeth-"
"You followed orders...I left him behind. In a barren, unreachable, godforsaken wasteland." Lewis scowled and trudged off the bridge.
Everyone stood around the console. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.
"Y/N?" Chris asked softly.
"Are you okay?" Beth added.
You shook your head. You couldn't look at any of them right now.
"I need a minute..." you said softly before hurrying back out of the Semicone. You retreated back to the comfort of the botany lab. It was all so much to process.
First Mark is dead, you left him behind to die. Then Mark is alive, you left him behind to die. He doesn't want you to blame yourselves, it was terrible luck. He's healthy. He can contact Earth. Mars is a desolate planet. He's all alone. On an entire planet. You left him there. He will never be safe until he's back on Earth soil. It will be four years until Ares 4 arrives.
He will be alone on Mars for four years.
You left him there.
I'm typing this letter to you because talking to you relaxes me. I won't actually be sending this to you. It's not going to be professional in nature like the other notes I've sent you. (JPL says that you have received all of them, but have neglected to send me any of your responses. The only one I have gotten from any of the crew was one from Lewis. She invited me for beer to make up for leaving me on Mars.)
Anyway, some bad stuff happened. I wish you were here. Not because I want you to have been launched by an airlock. Never that. I just really fucking miss you. I really need you right now. I almost died last night. I had to do some serious surgery on my suit to keep me alive and I had to sift through the dilapidated remnants of the Hab to find a new one.
I'm so tired. I just want you to hold me. I'm so sick of all of this. Fuck Mars, Fuck the Hab. I'm so sick and tired of getting my hopes up and being disappointed. I miss you so much. You make every one of my bad days good. I know if you were here, everything would be okay again.
Why did this have to happen?
Mars keeps throwing curve balls at me, but I'm not giving up. I've got a lot to look forward to and I'm trying to focus on that.
P.S. Your bed stopped smelling like you a month ago.
The crew of Ares 3 met in the Rec. A secret message had arrived not even an hour ago. One that would alter their mission by 533 extra days.
"Are we going to do it?" Johanssen asked.
"I won't lie, I'd sure as hell like to. But this isn't a normal decision. This is something NASA expressly rejected. We're talking about mutiny. And that's not a word I throw around lightly," Lewis explained. "We'll only do it if we all agree. And before you answer, consider the consequences. If we mess up the supply rendezvous, we die. If we mess up the Earth gravity assist, we die. If we do everything correctly, we add 533 days to our mission. 533 days of unplanned space travel where anything could go wrong. Maintenance will be a hassle. Something might break that we can't fix. If it's life-critical, we die."
"Sign me up!" Martinez announced, causing you to smile. At least someone else was as enthusiastic to bring Mark home as you were.
"Easy, cowboy. You and I are military. There's a good chance we'd be court-martialed when we get home. As for the rest of you, I guarantee they'll never send you up again," Lewis said.
"If we do this," Vogel looked to you and back at Lewis. "It would mean over one thousand days of space. This is enough space for a life. I do not need to return."
You couldn't have possibly said it better yourself. It was like Alex was reading your mind.
"Sounds like Vogel's in. Me too obviously," Martinez laughed.
"Let's do it," Beck agreed.
"If you think it'll work, I trust you," Johanssen said.
Lewis nodded and turned to you. "Y/L/N?"
"You don't even need to ask me. Let's go get our boy," You smiled.
Wow. This is the first time you've smiled... a real smile, since leaving Mars.
'Hang in there babe,' You thought. 'I'm on my way.'
Yep, another secret letter do my dear, long lost love~ How predictable. I don't really care, today's been a great day. I can't believe you're coming back for me! Here I was, thinking I'd have to survive without you for four years. Then there you go, riding in from the sunset to bring me home.
Logically I know the rest of the crew had something to do with it, but I kind of like the idea that maybe I am a Disney princess and you're my knight in shining armor coming to rescue me.
It's like the story of Rapunzel, except my tower is a whole planet and instead of catching my hair, you're catching my MAV. Now that I think about it, the stories are more different than they are similar.
That hardly matters though, what does matter is that for the first time I actually feel like I'll survive. I trust our team with every fiber of my being, but most of all I trust you. I'm gonna rest easy tonight. And in the morning I'll start my work on the rovers!
See you in about a year babe! I'll be counting down the hours. Literally.
Happy anniversary Y/N! You thought I'd forget? Never! You know why that is? Because I fucking love you, that's why!
Four years we've been together as of today, that's assuming we are counting the year we've been apart as "being together", (which I do.) Today I'm really beating myself up over frying Pathfinder with my drill all those months ago. It was my only form of communication with you and I royally fucked it up.
You'd think that cutting myself off from Earth, NASA and humanity at large would be what upset me the most. Nope, it's the fact that I can't send you a super sneaky secret anniversary e-mail. I also missed my parents' birthdays, your birthday, Christmas AND Thanksgiving. Twice. Also, fucking Valentine's day! I used to hate that holiday before I met you.
Anyway, as you can see, I totally have all my priorities in order! Also! I got you a present~ Since you have no way to read this, I don't feel bad spoiling it for you. I found a little rock. It's in the shape of a heart.
Awwww wow! That's cute, I just realized that I'm giving you my heart for our anniversary! To be honest, you had it a long time ago.
I miss you. I miss your smell, your eyes, the feel of your skin. Most of all, I really, really miss your voice. I just want to hear you. I've forgotten what you sound like. I'm scared If I didn't have this picture of you and your brother, I'd forget what your face looks like too.
I'm starting my long commute to Schiaparelli in 23 days. It'll be a two month drive. I really hate driving in the rover. But if it gets me to you, who cares? I'm stalling. I've got a lot of work tomorrow and I just want to enjoy today. I wish I was there with you to enjoy it obviously, but we can't all get what we want (least of all, me.) I've learned how to settle.
Speaking of settling, what do you think about getting married in the woods, or a big grassy field? I'd like there to be as much green as possible. No red or orange, we're talking the opposite side of the color wheel here. I can picture you walking down the aisle. I'll be an absolute mess, but who cares. You're the love of my life. Thanks for, y'know, coming back to pick me up instead of leaving me to die on Mars.
I hope you like the rock.
P.S. I grew a beard and my hair looks like the 80's had a baby with a grease monster. You'd hate it.
P.P.S. I hope you're into pirates~
P.P.P.S. Y/N Watney... Mark Y/L/N... hmmmmm, so hard to choose!
P.P.P.P.S. We are never eating potatoes again.
You stared at Mars creeping back into view. The last time you were here, Mark was sitting beside you, arm around your waist, your head on his shoulder. Maybe it wasn't your most subtle of moments, but how could anyone not be enthralled by the beauty of the red planet? Even now it was hard not to feel stricken with wonder.
Sometimes your mind played tricks on you. You'd see a speck of dust on the window and think you could see Watney on the surface. That was ridiculous of course, There is no possible way to see an individual person this far out. That didn't stop you from imagining it.
NASA had briefed everyone on the Martian's health, explained that he wouldn't look the same as the last time you saw him. You expected as much, but the thought still worried you. It wasn't that you were worried if you'd still find him attractive, there was no force on Earth or beyond that could change how much you loved Mark Watney. It was his health that worried you.
During all your back and forth questions with NASA that Henderson had arranged, you inquired about his health. They said he was doing well, but that he was stretching his little amount of food to its limits. That's what scared you the most. How would his immune system fare? How would he acclimate back to normal food on Earth? All of these questions went unanswered. NASA was honest, "we won't know for sure until he gets here."
"Mind if I join you?" Lewis asked softly, floating a short distance away.
"Of course Commander. I'd like the company," You said. It was surprising to realize you actually meant it. It'd been awhile since you wanted to spend time with anyone.
Melissa floated further into the cupola and settled beside you.
"Crazy to think that in a few days he'll be up here with us again..." Lewis said softly.
"Yeah..." you said softly, keeping your eyes ahead.
"I know how much you miss him... You two were always great friends."
You swallowed hard and tried to ignore the pit in your stomach as you nodded. "Yeah..."
You could see Lewis looking at you out of the corner of your eye. Her expression was conflicted. "I'm really sorry this happened. I know it's been hard on you. I should have searched a little longer-"
"Commander." You stopped her from continuing. "You did all you could. You made the right decision. I wish none of this had happened, but none of this was your fault. It couldn't have been easy to make the choice, and I'm willing to bet that if I were in your shoes, I wouldn't have been strong enough to do it. I'm sure everyone else feels the same exact way, Mark included." You placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Thanks, that's... Thank you," Melissa smiled.
"We're a team, that's what we do. We keep each other grounded."
"That's actually sort of what I wanted to talk to you about..."
"What do you mean?"
"NASA just sent the message a few minutes ago. They're letting us talk to Watney... Directly," Lewis said. You blinked in surprise. No matter how many times you asked, NASA wouldn't allow any kind of direct communication. You wondered why the sudden change of heart.
"Henderson thinks we need to remind him of what he has to look forward to, keep his eyes on the prize so to speak. At least, that's how he's been pitching it to the director. Anyway, the rest of the crew and I agree you should be the one to do it," she finished.
"R-really? I can talk to him?" You asked hopefully, hoping this wasn't a dream.
"Y/N, I can't think of anyone else he would need to hear from more."
Mark was waiting by the coms in the MAV for any final updates from NASA regarding the meticulous destruction of his ship, piece by piece. He had just finished taking out the main window and it was heavy as hell, even in Mars gravity. He was happy he at least had some time to rest after all that hard work. If he was lucky, maybe they'd wait too long and it would be too dark to get any work done. He could use a good sleep, it seemed like he was needing it more and more lately. Watney suddenly heard the telltale beeps that signaled an incoming message. He was expecting a barrage of questions about his progress, instead he got something so much better.
[19:22] Y/L/N: Hey, Mark.
Mark's voice got caught in his throat.
It had been so fucking long since he talked to you. His eyes burned and his hands shook. Watney leaned his head back in relief, thanking god for this incredible gift. "I just about gave up on you man..." Mark smiled to the sky before nervously typing back.
[19:23] MAV: Y/N!? Holy crap! They're finally letting you talk to me directly?
You released a sigh and covered your face with your hands. He was responding! Really responding! Everyone was looking at you. Beck beamed at you while Martinez watched on with interest. Lewis was waiting to see if you could handle it. No way you were gonna let this one chance slip through your fingers. You sniffed and wiped your eyes before responding.
[19:24] Y/L/N: Yes, NASA just gave the OK for direct communication an hour ago. We're only 35 light-seconds apart, so we can talk in near-real time. Johanssen just set up the system and I'm testing it out.
Mark sighed and smiled. Level headed and professional as always. How you had such self control, he had no idea.
[19:24] MAV: What took them so long to let us talk?
You looked up at Lewis, silently asking if you could relay the truth. She nodded.
[19:25] Y/L/N: The psych team was worried about personality conflicts. [19:25] MAV: Why? Just 'cause you guys abandoned me on a godforsaken planet with no chance of survival?
Mark typed without thinking and as soon as he hit send, he regretted it. He didn't want you to feel bad, It was a joke. You'd understand that right?
[19:26] Y/L/N: Not funny. Don't make me come down there and kick you.
Watney let out a choked laugh. Half a chuckle and half a sob.
[19:26] MAV: God I missed you.
You smiled at the screen and pushed down the urge to hug Martinez behind you. You were really talking to him! He was only 35 light-seconds away! Suddenly you realized you were blessed with an opportunity even more amazing than just talking with him. You could ask him what you had been asking in all of your disregarded emails!
[19:27] Y/L/N: We missed you too. I've had to take over the botany lab. You'll be happy to know I haven't killed any of your plants...Yet. How are you feeling? We've gotten a few updates from NASA regarding your health, but nothing in incredible detail.
Watney chuckled at the text appearing in front of him. 'Cute,' he thought.
[19:27] MAV: Awwww, are you worried about me?
The crew laughed and you shook your head, swiftly adding your response.
[19:28] Y/L/N: Do I really need to answer that?
Mark snickered and decided not to tease you. He wanted to tell you all of his woes and adequately prepare you for how much he had changed. But he didn't want to put a damper on the mood. Luckily, Watney was a master at sugarcoating.
[19:29] MAV: I'm doing okay. My clothing feels a little loose and I'm craving spaghetti. I'm also in desperate need of a shower. Other than that, I'm just fine. Looking forward to seeing you and the rest of the crew.
Your smile fell. You were happy he was being at least somewhat honest, but you knew it was probably worse than he was making out to be. Unfortunately, Watney was a master at sugarcoating.
[19:29] Y/L/N: We're looking forward to seeing you too. I think it's safe to say a big group hug is in order, if I can get Vogel in on it that is.
Watney hummed at the thought of holding you in his arms. The image was so clear, yet so far away.
[19:30] MAV: At this point, I'd even settle for holding hands. Group hug sounds nice. How are you doing Y/N? I wrote you a lot of emails.
You grimaced and thought your next words through very carefully. With the crew watching, it was hard to collect your thoughts.
[19:31] Y/L/N: I wrote you plenty of my own. There was only so much air time to be used outside of helping you survive. My guess is they put priority on Commander Lewis' emails. Rightfully so of course. I'm doing fine. I've missed you a lot. To be honest, a lot is probably a huge understatement. It's hard to express exactly what I want to say over message.
Mark nodded. You watched him presumably die, leave his 'body' behind, mourn his loss over a period of months, find out you left him there alive, be unable to talk to him for about a year, and suddenly he was here reading and responding to your messages, but you have to limit the details so as to keep those private thoughts private. He couldn't imagine what he would do if the roles were reversed. What you wanted to say needed to be kept between you and him. He understood. There was a lot he wanted to say too.
[19:32] MAV: I know what you mean. I'll be there soon, then you can tell me all about it in person. And I'll tell you all about my space crops and my long voyage to the MAV. Have I mentioned I'm a space pirate?
The crew laughed and for a moment, it felt like he was there. Really there.
[19:33] Y/L/N: Good to know you're still the funniest person on Mars. [19:33] MAV: Thanks! [19:33] MAV: Wait a minute! Rude! Don't make me come up there! [19:34] Y/L/N: Don't threaten me with a good time, Watney. [19:34] MAV: ;)
You were about to make some really elaborate emoji out of parentheses and dots, when you saw a notification from NASA. Playtime was over. You scowled as you broke the news to your boyfriend.
[19:34] Y/L/N: I hate to cut this short, but NASA wants us to keep the line open. We'll be in touch asking for updates on your progress, but don't expect too much witty banter.
Mark's heart sank a little, but there was no use in leaving such a perfect night on a sour note.
[19:35] MAV: Figures. NASA never lets me do anything fun! Tell the others I said hi. [19:36] Y/L/N: I'll be sure to pass it along!
Mark's leg tapped nervously. He knew NASA was right about keeping the line open, but he really didn't want it to end yet.
[19:36] MAV: Hey, thanks for coming to get my sorry ass. [19:36] Y/L/N: No thanks necessary. We'd do it a million times over.
Watney knew you meant it. He could feel the warmth through the bland MAV text on the screen. He couldn't wait to be up there with you...But what if something went wrong? Fuck, don't think about this now! Everything's going to be fine! Right? But what if... There was always a chance, especially on Mars, that things would not go your way. And the likelihood of him surviving this mission was slim at best. He needed to tell you. He should have said it a lot more. A whisper here and there in the hallways, maybe some stupid middle school secret code. Like hell he was going to pass up this one chance, consequences be damned.
[19:37] MAV: I love you, Y/N.
Your heart lurched in your chest. The room fell silent. Martinez lightly squeezed your shoulder. Your eyes flitted around the room to your colleagues. All of them stared with bewildered looks on their faces. What were you supposed to say? What if you got him in trouble? If he was worried about that, why would he send this in the first place?
'You know what, Fuck it,' you thought.
Watney watched the screen with baited breath. "Please..." He whispered. "Please."
[19:38] Y/L/N: I love you too Mark. Sleep well, we'll be there before you know it.
Mark released a cry of joy and typed through the tears.
[19:39] MAV: You too. Goodnight. [19:39] Y/L/N: Goodnight, Mark.
The line received no new messages after that. Mark rested there a moment before retreating back to the rover. Once the airlock had engaged, he removed his helmet and admired the picture of you and your brother he had taped to the rover computer.
He used to take those words for granted. Why say it when you could show it? He showed it to you as often as he could... At least he used to. You never made him question it for a second. You gave him compliments, brought him water on late nights, listened to his nerdy ramblings about plants and D&D. He'd help you to bed when you were too tired to stand, work out the knots in your shoulders while you typed. Over a year has passed and your grip on his heart is still firm. And when you said those three little words, all of it made sense again. Mark Watney would never again question the power of I love you. He was going to remind you every chance he got. He was going to ask you for it as often as possible. His mom and dad would hear it in every phone call, and no more excluding his friends. He loved them too. He would say it until the term loses all meaning, then he'd remember this night where I love you saved his life.
Mark took off his gloves and danced his thin fingers over the photograph.
"See you soon, baby..." He whispered, "I love you."
You pulled on your headset and took a deep, self soothing breath. In an hour, the love of your life was going to be launched into Mars's orbit in what could barely be considered a MAV. The thing was a Frankenstein version of the shuttle you had taken off the planet nearly two years ago.
You shook your head. What Mark needed right now was confidence. You could do that.
"How you feeling Y/L/N?" Martinez smiled over at you.
"Like I'm gonna throw up," You laughed.
"Anxious huh?" He smirked, "For the launch, or for your man?"
"Both," You smacked his arm and rolled your eyes. Martinez and Beck hadn't stopped giving you crap for the I love you texts. You didn't mind too much, it was nice being able to acknowledge that side of your relationship with Mark. Unfortunately it made for some rather awkward conversations with the NASA administrators.
"You got nothing to worry about, he's in good hands," Rick said reassuringly.
"I know, we're all badass trained professionals with years of experience," you chuckled. "I can't help it. I'm built to worry."
"You've checked and double checked the telemetry. Johanssen confirmed all of your calculations. It's going to be a smooth ride for sure."
"I'll believe it when I see it."
Mark scowled at his reflection in the mirror and stroked his beard. He looked like shit, no way around it. He hadn't taken a moment to really look at himself for a long time and he couldn't say he liked what he saw.
"It's the end of an era," Watney said to nobody as he grabbed the razor. "No more captain blonde-beard."
Mark took his time shaving his chin and trimming the hair on his head. By the end of it, he still looked like shit but slightly less so. He felt a little more like himself at least.
He patted his chest to make sure the picture was still there, tucked under his uniform. It was there, along with his anniversary present to you. He slipped the headset over his ears and turned it on. It was nearly time to go. Watney pulled the suit on over his head and double checked if it was all on securely.
"I'm leaving Mars today, one way or another..." He whispered. "About fucking time."
"Fuel engine green," Your voice seemed to cause time itself to slow down. Not just for Mark, but for the entire world. "Engine alignment, perfect." Mark closed his eyes took a series of deep breaths, trying in vain to keep his emotions in check. "Communications five by five. We are ready for preflight checklist, Commander."
"Copy." Lewis said. "Mission Control, this is Hermes actual. We will proceed on schedule. we have T minus two minutes, ten seconds to launch... Mark." The commander turned her attention to the man of the hour. "About two minutes Watney. How you doing down there?"
"I'm good." He swallowed the lump that was forming in his throat. "I'm anxious to get up to you. Thanks for coming back for me."
You sniffed and shot a smile to Johanssen, who sent you a grin of her own.
"We're going to make it happen. Remember, You'll be pulling some pretty heavy g's. It's okay if you pass out. You're in Martinez's hands."
"Well, tell that asshole no barrel rolls."
"Copy that, MAV."
"Go," you said.
Mark's bottom lip quivered
"Go," Johanssen said.
"Remote Command."
"Go," Martinez said.
"Go," you said again.
He couldn't fight it anymore, he let the tears fall.
"Go," Beck said.
"Secondary Recovery."
"Go," Vogel said.
Mark steadied his voice before speaking, "go."
"Mission control, we are go for launch. T minus ten," You said.
Mark closed his eyes and focused on your voice. "See you in a few, baby..." He whispered.
The force of the blast was incredible, and growing more painful by the second. His breathing came out short and panicked as the Hab canvas rattled nightmarishly against the MAV. His panic only increased as the canvas ripped from the shuttle, exposing him to the full force of the MAV's thrust. He couldn't even scream. All he could do was watch the sky grow darker and darker.
"Watney." He heard your voice from far away.
"Watney, do you read me?" Your voice called again. His eyes drooped and his vision faded.
"Watney. Do you read?" You asked in the calmest voice you could muster.
"He's probably passed out. He pulled 12 g's on the ascent. Give him a few minutes," Beck said.
"Copy that." You said and turned your attention on the numbers before you. "I have interval pings. Intercept velocity will be eleven meters per second."
"I can make that work," Beck confirmed.
"Distance at intercept will be....we'll be sixty-eight kilometers apart..." You whimpered and buried your face in your hands.
"Did they say sixty-eight Kilometers? Kilometers?!" Beck cried.
"Keep it together, work the problem. Martinez, any juice left in the MAV?" Lewis asked.
"Negative, Commander."
"Then we'll have to go to him. Y/L/N, time to intercept?"
"Thirty-nine minutes, twelve seconds," You steeled yourself and focused on your coordinates.
"Martinez, what if we point the attitude thrusters all the same direction?" Lewis asked.
"Depends on how much we want to save for the attitude adjustments on the trip home."
"How much do you need?"
"I could get by with maybe twenty percent of what's left. If I use the other eighty percent... We'd get a delta-v of thirty-one meters per second."
"Y/L/N, Math."
"In thirty-nine minutes, we'd deflect....seventy-two kilometers! Use seventy-five point five percent of remaining attitude adjust fuel. That'll bring the intercept range to zero," You did the math quickly.
"Do it." Lewis said.
"Hold your horses, that'll get the range to zero, but the velocity will be forty-two meters per second."
"Then we have thirty-nine minutes to figure out how to slow down. Burn the jets."
Mark awoke to find himself spinning. Flashes of stars and the red glow of the Martian surface had him feeling a little dizzy. "MAV to Hermes?"
"Watney?" You gasped.
"Affirmative," he grunted.
"What's your status?" You asked calmly.
"Uhhh..." He winced and leaned back in his seat. "My chest hurts. I think I broke a rib. How are you, sweetheart?" He groaned.
"We're working on getting to you," you relayed. "There was a complication in the launch."
"Yeah," Watney dejectedly looked at the massive hole in the roof of his ship. "The canvas didn't hold. I think it ripped early in the ascent."
"That's consistent with what we saw during the launch," Lewis agreed.
"How bad is it, Commander?" he asked.
"We were able to correct the intercept range with Hermes's attitude thrusters, but there's a problem with the intercept velocity."
"How big a problem."
"Forty-two meters per second."
"Well..." Mark paused and tried to wrap his head around that number. "Shit."
You typed furiously, staring at your screen unblinkingly as you worked through all the possible ways to bring down the velocity.
"Hey, I've got an idea," Watney said.
"Of course you do, what have you got?" Lewis asked.
"I could find something sharp in here and poke a hole in my EVA suit. I could use the escaping air as a thruster and fly my way to you. The source of thrust would be on my arm, so I'd be able to control it pretty easily."
"How does he come up with this shit?" Martinez laughed.
"I can't see you having any control if you did. You'd be eyeballing the intercept using a thrust vector you can barely control."
"I admit it's fatally dangerous, but consider this: I'd get to fly around like Iron Man."
"We'll keep working on ideas," Lewis said.
"Iron Man, Commander. Iron Man."
"Stand by," Lewis temporarily cut contact with Watney.
You furrowed your brows at the screen, waiting for the correct course of action to jump out at you. Suddenly, there it was. "Wait! that's it!" you looked back at the Commander. "Mark's a genius! We could use the ship's atmosphere as thrust. We could blow the vehicular airlock. Seal the bridge and the reactor room. Iron Man... But bigger!"
"....." Melissa stared at you for a moment before addressing Alex. "Vogel?"
"Yes commander?"
"I need you to come inside and make a bomb," she ordered.
"I have visual, I can see the MAV," Beck said. "Jesus Mark, what did you do to that thing?"
"You should see the rover," Mark radioed. He was ready to get out of his goddamned chair, ready to get away from this hunk of junk that could barely be considered a MAV.
"Call out my velocity to Mark every two seconds or so," Chris said.
"Copy." You responded.
"Hey Beck, the front's wide open. I'll get up there and be ready to grab at you." Watney said.
"Negative, no untethered movement. Stay strapped to your chair until you're attached to Beck."
"Copy." Mark huffed. Lewis was right, impatience would be the death of him out here and he had come too far to die now. Instead, he focused on your voice calling out the relative velocity.
"Three point one meters per second."
"Eleven meters to target."
"Six meters."
"Contact." Beck grabbed the canvas of the destroyed MAV. "Firm contact."
"You have fourteen seconds Dr. Beck."
Nothing could have prepared Watney for how he'd feel seeing Beck's helmet poking through the opening.
Pure. Unadulterated. Serotonin.
"Visual on Watney!"
"Visual on Beck!"
"How ya doin' man?" Beck pushed himself toward Mark, meanwhile Mark was trying not to have another emotional breakdown.
"I....I just...Give me a minute, you're the first person I've seen in eighteen months," Watney croaked.
"We don't have a minute," Beck clumsily collided with Mark. "Contact with Watney... Connected!"
"Restraints off," Watney called.
"We're outta here!"
"Houston, this is Hermes actual. Seven crew safely aboard," Lewis's voice echoed in your mind as you, Martinez, Johanssen, and Lewis pushed yourselves toward the airlock where Vogel and Beck were bringing him in.
You could see his dusty helmet from the small window on the airlock. Already you were feeling an overwhelming ache deep in your chest. There he was, only a few feet away, behind this door. Your crewmates flew in and clambered for Watney.
"Hey guys!" He laughed.
You were frozen in the doorway.
His helmet came off.
Everything slowed down.
Everyone was smiling and laughing. High fiving. Quick hugs. They all wanted to get as far away from the smell as they could.
Your eyes met.
There were beads of what looked like water floating in the air. When did you start crying?
Mark held out his arms to you and you wasted no more time. He hugged you as tightly as he could with the bulky arms of his EVA suit. His face buried into your neck as he cried softly. "Y/N...." He whispered in a broken voice. "Y-Y/N?"
"I'm right here Mark... Right here." You cradled the back of his head, scratching that spot at the base of his neck. He always liked it when you did that
"I stink, don't I?" Watney laughed in between sobs.
"You do. You really do," You tried to keep up the joke. "But if im being completely honest, I couldn't possibly care less," you laughed.
Slowly, you pulled back so you could get a good look at his face. He was thin. Gaunt, and covered in bed sores. That should have been expected of course, It's not like he had anywhere to shower in the rover. He looked at you like you were an angel. He looked embarrassed, like he wanted to hide.
Your fingers danced over his cheek and his eyes fluttered closed at the tenderness. The crew watched on with pride and varying degrees of bashfulness.
Mark opened his eyes and stared at you pleadingly as orbs of tears flowed from their corners. "Y/N... Please..." He whispered.
You didn't hesitate for a second.
You grabbed the sides of Mark's face and smashed your lips against his. So soft... your hands are so soft and your lips are trembling. The heat of your skin, the scent of your hair. It was even better than he remembered. He couldn't breathe, he could barely even think. He wanted so desperately to kiss you back, to fall into your embrace until there's no space left between, but his ribs hurt like hell and his suit was in the way. Mark whimpered as your fingers tangled into his hair. Fuck. Fuck. 'Everything hurts baby, please don't stop kissing me,' he pleaded in his head. 'Don't stop.'
When you started pulling away, he reached out to pull you closer again, but winced when he moved his arm.
"Slow down, baby." You breathed and pressed a little smooch to his forehead.
"Alright love birds, I need to get Iron Man over here to sick bay."
"But-" Watney protested.
"No buts, you need an X-ray and a shower. Maybe three." Beck laughed.
Mark looked at you pleadingly and you caressed his face. "I'll be by once Beck fixes you up. I gotta help check the ship for damage. Okay?"
He nodded and smiled. "Don't miss me too much~"
"You seek the impossible, Watney." You kissed his forehead again and let Chris lead your Martian down the hall to his quarters.
"Wow," Martinez said "I can't decide if that was incredibly romantic or incredibly awkward."
"Shut up Martinez," You playfully shoved his shoulder.
"Honestly though, he smells terrible! You've got some nerves of steel, Y/L/N," Johanssen joked.
"My boyfriend just spent eighteen months alone on a remote planet, If he wants a kiss he's gonna get that goddamned kiss. Definitely not a quick one and definitely not a half-assed one. But I will say one thing," you grinned.
"What's that?" Lewis smirked.
"He's not getting another one until he brushes his teeth."
Mark settled into his bunk after what felt like hours. He finally had a bath. Five, in fact. The showers were on a timer to conserve water. He had to run that timer five times before he finally felt clean. The water hurt the sores on his skin, but he felt so much better afterward that he almost wanted to go in for a sixth one. Mark brushed his teeth about three times and got rid of all the tangles in his hair. He'd need someone to touch up the cutting job he did. Now that it was all brushed out, it looked astoundingly bad.
After his long grooming session, Beck took an X-ray and determined that he'd broken two ribs. Chris bandaged him up, gave him some pain medicine, made him eat, and sent him to bed for some well deserved rest. At first, Mark protested. He hated the idea of everyone else fixing the ship while their lead engineer was taking a nap. But he was painfully tired and painfully...well... in pain.
Hey! His bunk didn't smell like shit! That's a huge upgrade from his bunk in the Hab- no more thinking about that place.
With a deep groan, Watney eased himself into bed. Weird...his sheets smelled like you. He didn't mind of course, you always smelled nice. He had never been more thankful for the centripetal force spinning the ship. He would have hated having broken ribs in zero g's. He imagined trying to sleep with his body constantly moving ever so slightly. Sounded like hell to him.
Mark wondered what the others were doing. He hoped there wasn't something too terribly wrong with the ship. The subtle groans of metal didn't ease his nerves. He was never scared of the Hermes before, but he was just now coming to terms with that fact that the ship had taken some serious abuse over the past few months, not to mention the past few hours. Normally Hermes would undergo maintenance after each mission, but because they turned around to get him that maintenance was scrapped.
New fear unlocked: Dooming his team to die in space because they had to turn around and get him.
He almost thought the knocking on his door was the hull breaking apart into a billion little bite-sized pieces.
"Come in," he said.
He expected it to be Beck checking in on him, but he was relieved when you poked your head in with a shy smile.
"Heyyyy, look over there! It's the world's handsomest boyfriend!" You said with gusto.
"You are such a kiss ass," Mark laughed, which hurt his ribs, which made him laugh again from how pitiful he must look.
You scoffed as you stepped into his quarters, shutting the door behind you. "You calling me a liar?" you grabbed a loose storage box and used it as a chair so you could sit beside his bed.
"That's exactly what I'm calling you," he smirked. "Seriously. Have you seen me lately? I look like a... a popsicle stick with a bad haircut."
You looked him up and down. His sores looked a lot better after cleaning them. You had no doubt they would heal nicely. The malnourishment on the other hand... That might take some work. You and Beck already had a few dietary plans for him. You discussed it while you reorganized the chow hall. Still, Mark was the most beautiful person you had ever seen. Even now, those alluring blue eyes were mesmerizing you. And let's not forget that goddamned tantalizing smile.
"I'm looking at you right now, babe," You giggled.
"You're still as gorgeous as ever. Just a gorgeous man who's been through some shit," you carded your fingers through his hair. Mark hummed and closed his eyes. "How are you feeling?" you whispered.
"Physically or emotionally?"
"Emotionally, happy. Very happy. Best day of my life kind of happy," he smiled. "Physically, pretty shitty. The medicine hasn't kicked in."
"Anything I can do to help you feel better?" you asked warmly.
Watney sent you a smug look, "Oh, I can think of a few things that might help~"
"Not until your ribs are healed."
You leaned down and pushed his hair back so you could kiss his forehead. He gave you a dazed grin, "oh, what do you know? I feel better already," he whispered in a gravelly voice. "... I really missed you..."
"I missed you too Mark..."
"I can't believe I can... I can feel you again. I can hear you and see you and feel you... s'insane..." He reached up and cupped your cheek despite the pain. "You were always on my mind. I-I just really wanted... I wanted to make it back to you." He brought his thumb just under your eye to catch a stray tear.
You covered his hand with yours and pressed a kiss to his palm.
"I-I don't even know what to say... I've been feeling so much, I don't know how to... how to-" He swallowed hard.
"Everything's changed so fast," you reassured him. "But we aren't on the messaging system anymore. It's a long journey home, we have plenty of time to find the right words," you continued to run your fingers into his hair.
"I fucking love you... " he closed his eyes and reveled in the feeling of your nails against his scalp. "I'm gonna marry you one day, decided just now."
"Just now?" You snickered.
"No...Realistically, it was the first night we uh... slept together. Do you remember that?" Watney chuckled.
"Of course I do," you smiled, thinking of his messy blonde hair, searing gaze, and strong arms. He took his time with you that night, unhurried, attentive, and unabashedly vocal. "How could I forget?"
Mark shook his head and looked away to hide his blush, but not even his smile could distract you from it. "Sorry, sorry. Go on, continue!"
"Well, I uh..." He let out a sheepish chuckle. "Obviously every part of that night was perfect, but it's what happened after that really changed things."
"Oh?" you leaned closer, curiosity getting the better of you.
"You let me be the little spoon. I'm fine with being the big spoon most of the time, but you gotta be the little spoon sometimes, you know? No one ever let me be the little spoon before you... And when I woke up, you were still holding me." His fingertips danced down your arm, leaving a trail of chills in their wake. Once he reached your hand, Mark intertwined your fingers. It wasn't a conscious movement for him, simply muscle memory. But you couldn't keep your mind off of it. "I know I goof around a lot, but I can't stress how serious I'm being when I say... I have never felt that loved before. It was just... such a perfect night. I knew that you were the one for me well before, but that was the first time I really saw my future flash before my eyes like that."
Your eyes stung a little as you tenderly kissed his lips. "Want to know when I decided?" you whispered against him.
"Please..." He whispered back.
"Remember when I had that terrible flu during the first year of our training program?"
"Oh damn, yeah I do! You looked terrible, baby." Mark teased.
"I felt terrible. I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, and I definitely couldn't go to lectures... I was so worried about missing, even though the professors agreed there was no way I could come to class. You brought me a copy of your notes. The copy machine in the library was down, so you had to write them by hand... you even filled them with these horrible stick figure drawings," you laughed and Mark brought your knuckles to his lips and watched you, immersed in the sound of your voice. It was like he was trying to commit you to memory. You were doing much the same.
"Anyway, you stayed with me and you made some Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup. You stopped by everyday until I got better."
"We were just friends back then," he whispered against your hand.
"I know, but every time I think about how much I love you... that memory comes back, playing on repeat."
"Say that again."
"That again," you smirked. Mark gave you a sassy eyebrow. "Which part babe?" you laughed.
"The uh..." he trailed off.
You lightly kissed his cheek, "I love you, Mark... I love you so much." You peppered his face with little smooches. When you finally pulled back, he was all red again and teary eyed.
"I love you too, Y/N," He whispered. You sat together in silence for awhile before Mark suddenly remembered something extremely important! "Oh shit! I almost forgot!" He winced as he reached into his pocket. "Happy late four year anniversary!" He finally presented you with his gift.
Your fingers trembled as you took the little rock into your hands. Mark's Martian heart stared back up at you, dusting your palm orange.
"Y-you remembered our anniversary?"
"Of course I remembered! Have I ever forgotten before?" Mark smirked.
"N-no, but..." You couldn't help it, you were crying again god dammit. "Thank you Mark, I love it." You beamed and kissed him so hard he lost his entire train of thought. He sighed and pulled you closer like he had wanted to do hours ago. Fuck. There you go again, playing with his hair like it wasn't going to rile him up. He moaned and reached for your waist, only to be pulled swiftly back to reality by the jarring pain in his abdomen. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Mark." You pulled away quickly.
"It wasn't you, I was getting too carried away." He winced and took a deep breath. "My bad," Watney laughed.
You sat down on the crate beside his bed and settled for playing with his hand. While you took inventory of every new callus, Mark once again saw his future flash right before his eyes. You and him and that little house with the green shutters. He's gonna have the best garden in the neighborhood, you'll have all the time in the world for reading. No potatoes. No disco.
"Y/N... Can you hold me?"
"Oh baby, I would love to but the beds are so small-"
"Ouch, oof, oh! ow!" He scooted closer to the wall to make room for you.
You sighed and shook your head. "Mark, your ribs-"
"Please..." he whispered. Dammit! What are you supposed to do when he gives you the puppy eyes!? Beck is going to kill you...
"I can't ever say no to you, can I?" You laughed and scooted into the bed. "Seriously, you've got me wrapped around your finger."
Mark smiled as you tucked yourself into his side. He wanted to be the little spoon, but he couldn't turn over so his back was against your chest. He'd just have to heal quickly, then he could freely snuggle, (and do other things) without any constraints!
He turned his head so he could admire your lovely, beautiful face. You were already looking back at him, one hand holding your rock close to your chest, the other was draped carefully over his waist. Mark swears he's never seen anything more breathtaking in his life.
He slowly leaned closer- Fuck! His ribs hurt so bad, where the hell is the Vicodin when you need it?
You gently smoothed out the crease between his brows with your thumb and pushed his hair back again. Mark closed his eyes, succumbing to the bliss that came with knowing he would never be alone again. You kissed him again and pulled his blanket over the both of you.
"I love you, Mark."
"I love you too."
He felt your hand slip under his shirt and onto his stomach. You drew soft shapes onto his skin, but stopped when you felt the scar just above the hem of his pants. It was jagged and angry.
He swallowed.
Much to his surprise and relief, you didn't pull your hand away. You just kept tracing the new territory.
He sighed and kissed your temple. His body shuddered in relief. "Th-this isn't a dream, right? You'll still be here when I wake up?" he whispered.
You peeked your head up and smiled "I'm not going anywhere, I'm afraid you're stuck with me." You leaned in and gave him one more kiss. He smiled into it and finally allowed himself to rest his eyes.
"Don't threaten me with a good time, Y/L/N..."
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glitteringcrab · 2 days
Nip this in the bud (3)
Well, if the theory that Rick C-137 was the one who personally triggered Rick Prime to use the Omega Device on Dianes, and then went after Rick Prime again anyway, consciously risking to lose absolutely everything (and almost did lose absolutely everything) is true, then...
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A) This phrase from the creators makes kiiinda more sense:
“There are parts of us that might cost us the things that we really want. There is an implicit choice there, where Evil Morty is giving Rick a decision where you can either stay here and beat the shit out of this guy until he’s dead, which is what you supposedly have always wanted, and while you’re doing that, that’s gonna be the reason why I’m walking away with the power to destroy everything you ever cared about.”
And I'm saying "kinda" because Eyepatch Morty (a) downloaded the weapon plans while Rick C-137 was busy being out cold and (b) actually stuck around long enough for Rick C-137 to finish killing Rick Prime so he could threaten him to his face. Exactly because he stuck around, it was theoretically possible for Rick C-137 to attack him right after finishing off Rick Prime... The two objectives were not mutually exclusive.
But here's the thing. Rick C-137 was already risking everything he ever cared about being destroyed when he decided to keep hunting Rick Prime even after Rick Prime killed all Dianes as retaliation to Rick C-137, specifically.
OF COURSE he would not care about the possibility of Evil Morty using the Omega Device to kill his loved ones when he was presented with Rick Prime on a plate. OF COURSE. He had already risked everything to achieve this moment, he would absolutely NOT back away now.
And Evil Morty knew this, because he figured out the Omega Device was used after he had downloaded Rick C-137's brain (otherwise he'd already know all about it).
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He knew Rick C-137 would risk absolutely everything and prioritize getting revenge over keeping his family safe. So OF COURSE he would keep doing it while Evil Morty waltzed around with the weapon plans.
B) And, most importantly, RICK PRIME ALSO KNEW THIS.
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He kneeeeeeeew there was exactly ZERO possibility Rick C-137 would give him even the tiniest chance of survival by prioritizing attacking Evil Morty instead of killing him.
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Rick C-137 hated Rick Prime that much, and Rick Prime knew it. All parties involved knew it (except Morty Prime lol).
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Which, on one hand, seemingly gives more credit to Rick Prime's "warning"...
...Because if Rick Prime knew there was zero chance his life would be prolonged for even one minute, and Rick C-137 knew Rick Prime knew that, then what does Rick Prime have to gain by giving him that warning?
Absolutely nothing...
Nothing except deliberately poisoning any seeds of trust that had been planted between Rick C-137 and Evil Morty, doing his best to ensure Rick C-137 would try to kill his eyepatched grandson sometime in the future, so that at least one, if not both of them, would die.
And for some reason I can't help but get the impression that Rick Prime mainly wanted Evil Morty dead, as punishment both for besting him and for daring to insult him:
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Because although he did try to turn Rick C-137 against Eyepatch Morty, he never tried to turn Eyepatch Morty against Rick C-137.
He didn't say "oh, Rick C-137 will try to kill you for having these plans, like he tried to kill me" or anything of the sort. Although Eyepatch Morty is a child and therefore likely more impressionable...
He only said this:
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(which I'm not sure how to interpret, but I'm leaning towards Rick Prime knowing having the Omega Device schematics would make Evil Morty a multi-dimensional target, knowing his "warning" would be ignored by the kid, and wanted to rub this in Evil Morty's face... Eh, I'm not sure.)
He let Evil Morty walk away, well, not unsuspecting, exactly (because it's impossible to have "unsuspecting" and "Evil Morty" in the same sentence lol) but unknowing, and therefore kinda more vulnerable, to the fact that he had encouraged Rick C-137's fear of Evil Morty becoming unhinged.
As far as Evil Morty knew, he had parted that battle using the Omega Device threat to (a) convince Rick C-137 to leave him alone and (b) use Rick C-137 like a slave, if he ever needed to.
Option (c), murdering Ricks out of spite, was not in Evil Morty's list of options (in fact he even said as much), but it is in Rick C-137's list of options.
As far as Evil Morty knows, he is now safe-ish from Rick C-137...
...but it might be that he is a bit less safe than he thinks.
(I may be overthinking this, because Evil Morty using the Omega Device for whatever reason is not that much of an extreme concept. It would have crossed all of our minds even without Rick Prime's warning... Although I'm sure that Evil Morty's explanation "using a weapon like this doesn't get you left alone" would have satisfied most of us. It's very much in character for him.)
C) Dan Harmon said that by letting Evil Morty get away with the Omega device, Rick "basically gave a leash that’s around his neck to someone that isn’t him, because he’s more invested consciously in the destruction of himself".
This means that Rick C-137 does, indeed, recognize there is a possibility of Evil Morty Omega Device-ing him for whatever reason (or at least mistreating him under the Omega Device threat), and doesn't care.
Which, I suppose, could also mean that Rick C-137 did believe Rick Prime's warning.
But it's less that he feels any sort of appreciation for Evil Morty saving his life (which makes me very very sad :c ) and more that he feels plenty of hate towards himself.
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citrusrick · 6 months
season 7 episode 10 "Fear No Mort" (MAJOR SPOILERS)
there is so much to unpack in this episode, i am sitting here struck almost speechless by it, honestly. this episode made me feel so many things and i'm emotional lmao, there's no way all my thoughts are getting into this one post.
morty's big fear being losing rick in any capacity: rick dying, rick replacing him, rick moving on from him/the family and leaving him behind. like we knew this, but seeing it portrayed in this way really got me. and though he's afraid of losing rick, he's also afraid of how much he relies on him.
also, we see rick using anti-aging serum to stay alive as morty ages within morty's fear-simulation, which means morty is afraid of rick dying and keeping himself alive synthetically. loving all these complex emotions in morty.
this episode kept making me think of season 1 episode 4 "m. night shaym-aliens!). a lottt of season 7 episodes had callbacks which i really enjoyed personally!
getting to see rick and diane actually interact with each other for the first time ever (though it is morty's fear-brain idea of them) was very interesting. but we can't be sure that's how diane really was since morty didn't actually know her (only second through whatever he's been told), still interesting though.
rick's character development this season (and honestly throughout all the seasons) has been absolutely amazing to watch. we really saw it when he didn't follow morty down into the hole and trusted him to handle it while standing back to watch over him, when he actually hugged morty back, and especially when he didn't go back into the hole when morty said diane was in there. rick really is starting to heal and move on.
"You just look real sad, which I'm afraid of. You know, of being responsible for your sadness." when morty said this, oh my god MY HEART. i feel like that line held so much more meaning, too, because he knows how intense rick's emotions can get and what he's capable of, and morty would never want to be the cause of that.
"I'm afraid that if I jumped into a hole, you wouldn't even jump in after me." HE WOULD, MORTY, HE HAS! (s2,e1 'a rickle in time')
season 7 as a whole really fed the fanbase, with the evil morty, rick prime, and diane storylines. i was nervous about how this season was going to go, and i'm so happy with the end result! god, so fucking good. i am so excited to see what happens in season 8 and what they do with all these new developments we've seen in both rick and morty.
god, i just love this fucking show so MUCH!
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graniairish · 3 years
Walking on Eggshells – Part 2
Hello my dears. I just couldn't resist and had to write a second part. (maybe there will also be a part 3)
Pairing: Daryl x female! Reader
Words: 5159
Warnings: language, sexual content, NSFW, 18+ (my first attempt to write smut in English - hope it didn't get too bad)
Part one
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"Um ... what ..."
You stood in the door of your room, confused. Hershel had finally released you into "home care" after almost a week of continuous surveillance in the infirmary. In your opinion, the older man was exaggerating a little. You were fine, you had no dizziness, and the headache was gone. But that did not stop Hershel from telling you to take it easy anyway.
Your beloved work in the vegetable fields had to wait for the time being.
Somewhat reluctantly, you had agreed to everything, only to finally be able to go back to your own four walls. You wanted to sleep in your own bed again, even if it was just a simple Prison bed in the former director's office. But still, it was your home.
But you did not expect what you found there now.
As if rooted to the ground, you stood in the middle of the room and looked around with big eyes in disbelief.
Your room, your little private realm, should actually be here. But the room in front of you was no longer your room. Your things were still there, but they were not the only ones that filled the shelves on the walls.
The most noticeable change, however, was your bed. It was still in the far corner of the room, but it looked absolutely strange. Because right next to it there was now a second, and the way the sheet was stretched over it made it look like a double bed.
"I thought Hershel wouldn't release ya until tonight," you heard Daryl's deep voice behind you.
Still slightly confused, you turned to the archer. He stood uncertain in the doorway, Crossbow slung over his shoulder, hands clasped on the strap. His blue eyes were fixed on you as he chewed the inside of his cheek - his nervous tic.
And how this man was nervous right now, and it was not just his ears that betrayed him - which had just turned deep red.
Daryl did not expect to find you here now. He actually wanted to talk to you about it first and not just put you in front of a fait accompli. Though, somehow, he would have done it one way or another.
He was afraid he had done something wrong, crossed a line, or something like that.
"I couldn't take it there any longer."
Only now did you notice that his hair was wet and still dripping. Could it be that he had showered?
Daryl nudged his nose up in a nod.
“I know we didn't talk about it,” he began uncertainly, “but Hershel said it would be better if someone took care of ya. And since there is no chance that ya will move back into the cell block, I thought that would be a good solution."
“That's right,” you had to smile, “I'm not going back there so quickly anymore. I like my privacy."
"Well, if it bothers you ... that I ... then ..."
"No no, I don't mind" you might answer a little too quickly, "I ... I was just ... surprised."
The man across from you felt instantly relieved. You, the woman he loved, wanted to live with him. He could hardly believe his luck.
Daryl took off his Crossbow and leaned it against the wall by the door before walking slowly towards you, his eyes full of love.
“Y/N/N we wasted so much time. I don't want to waste another minute. We don't know how much time we have left."
Daryl lovingly cupped your chin with two fingers while he gently touched your lips with his.
You could not help but melt into his touch. That you could do this now was still a miracle to you, and you would enjoy every single second of it to the full.
"But I sleep on the right side," you finally said with mischief in your eyes when your lips had separated.
"Forget it", Daryl snorted and went to the bed, "I'm sleepin’ between the door and ya."
You rolled your eyes with a smile. Always the protector.
"Don't think I didn't see that."
A few weeks had passed since the incident during your run. You are now working side by side with Rick in the vegetable fields again. The plants were blooming and developing fantastically - and they would be very good yielding.
After a long shower to wash dirt and sweat from your body, you made your way to the inner courtyard of the prison, which was used as a canteen during the warmer months of the year. Dinner had just started, and so all residents, regardless of whether they were old or new, huddled together to have their meal together.
When Daryl returned from his shift at the Guard Tower, he spotted you chatting with Carol who was just distributing the food. He liked how carefree you looked at that moment.
Without thinking about it, he walked over to you and greeted you with a kiss on the cheek before you had the chance to notice him.
"Yuck, don't do that," you giggled, "you're all sweaty."
"And hungry," he said with a grin.
Carol shook her head with a smile before filling two bowls and holding them out to you.
"Here take these, you lovebirds."
Taking the bowls Daryl nudged his nose up in a nod and went with you to the table where Glenn and Maggie were already sitting.
You had not noticed how your loving and familiar way of dealing with each other had been uncomfortable for some - or at least for one.
Michelle was sitting at a table with several other Woodbury residents and had been watching you with narrowed eyes. Green with envy, she got up at some point and went back to the cell block where she lived.
But Carol had noticed, and she would move heaven and earth to keep this woman from disrupting your relationship.
Little by little, Rick and the other members of your sworn family joined you to enjoy the meal together and to end the day.
"We should slowly start bringing our supplies up to date," Rick skillfully changed the subject.
That was his less than subtle way of reducing the conversation to necessities.
"Or in other words, time for a run," Daryl said in a nutshell.
“Tightly sealable preserving jars would be important. It will soon be harvest time and we have to preserve the fruit and vegetables. Thank God we have a lot more than we need right now."
That was the first thing that came to your mind. After all, it was important to have vitamins in winter too. Even if cooked fruit and vegetables were nowhere near as tasty as fresh ones. But in those times, you were grateful for everything. And in winter, fruit and vegetables were actually a luxury.
“We should also think about how to heat the buildings. The winter could last longer than we'd like”, Daryl expressed his concerns.
"If we had animals, pigs or goats, maybe even sheep, we would be better supplied with meat."
Hershel had always been a farmer, and you could only agree with the man with a smile.
"Or chickens," said Maggie with a dreamy look, "once again a real roast chicken, that would be something nice."
"Or turkey," you added.
"I just think you can't find something like that on the next street corner," said Glenn, who now leaned over the map that Rick had spread out in the middle of the table.
"Well, the weekly cattle market will probably be canceled."
Daryl's cynical response made you roll your eyes.
"If ya keep doin’ this, these things will eventually get stuck," he said in your direction with a raised index finger.
"That's what my grandmother always meant," you said with a shrug, "and nothing has happened so far."
“You both sound like an old married couple. Really disgusting”, Carl shook himself.
You and Daryl looked at each other questioningly for a moment before you slapped the boy lightly on the back of the head at the same time - he on the right and you on the left.
For about five seconds there was absolute silence at the table, until everyone started laughing uproariously as if on command - except for Carl, who was rubbing his head tightly.
“What that would prove,” Rick grinned as he wiped a tear from the corner of his eye, “but seriously now. Does anyone have any ideas?"
“I know there was a farm supply center in the south. From seeds to packaging material to combine harvesters, everything was there. The only question is whether that still stands."
Hershel leaned over the map and pointed to an area southeast of the Prison.
“That's a good hundred miles, and only if you drive on the main roads. It will be a run for several days on back roads."
Your stomach cramped painfully at Glenn's words. You knew that Daryl would go on the run. Unfortunately, since the incident, it had become very clear to you that there was no assurance that someone would come back from a run. And the thought that something might happen to Daryl made you uneasy.
“While we're there, we might as well stop by this huge warehouse complex 30 miles to the east. I think there are still some useful things there. "
Glenn glanced at the place on the map Maggie was pointing with her finger.
"Wasn't that an Amazon warehouse?"
"Yea, why are you asking?"
"Well, I think that this time it won’t work with overnight express."
At Glenn's stupid saying you had to smile, like everyone else. Though yours was more of a bitter smile. This run would certainly not be overnight.
"Everythin’ okay? Ya are never that quiet."
It was getting late. The moon was shining through the windows of your shared room and you could hear the crickets outside. You were snuggled close to Daryl, your head on his shoulder, your legs intertwined. You stared in silence into the darkness of your room, which was only faintly illuminated by the moonlight.
Daryl gently stroked your back. Usually there was something incredibly calming about it, and it never took you long to fall asleep relaxed - but not today. The worries about what could go wrong with the run did not let you calm down that night.
In a few hours he would be gone with Maggie and Glenn, as well as a few others. The fear of losing him paralyzes your thoughts.
"Ya don’t sleep. I know that. I can hear ya thinkin’."
You did not answer, just took a deep breath - in and out again. What should you say?
> I'm afraid something will happen to you <
> I'm scared of losing you <
> Please don't go <
There was nothing to be said, just that nagging feeling was there. This fear that the man by your side could suddenly be snatched away from you.
Daryl put his arm around you and hugged you tight as he kissed the top of your head and let his lips linger there for a moment.
"We're a well-coordinated team," he finally began as he leaned his head against yours, "and it's not the first time we've done such a big tour."
It almost seemed as if Daryl had read your mind, yet all his confidence could not take away your worries.
"I promise I'll come back to ya."
"You can't promise that Daryl."
The archer released his hug and shifted his weight so that you were eventually half under him. Leaning on his left arm, he looked down at you, the contours of your face only faintly visible in the light of the darkness.
"I promise I will come back to ya Y/N. We both have our whole lives ahead of us, and I don't intend to miss a second of it."
"Nobody knows ..."
But you did not get any further, Daryl's lips were instantly on yours. At first the kiss was deep and full of longing, but after a while it became more and more hungry. Your fingers ran through his hair and played with them on the back of his neck while your tongues fought for dominance.
As Daryl's hands slowly moved down your ribs, your lips parted for a much-needed breath.
Right at the beginning of your relationship, you discussed that sex would not be an issue for you for the time being. After what had happened to Lori, Daryl simply could not and did not want to take the risk of pregnancy. Condoms were not to be found for a long time. And neither of you wanted to play Russian roulette - like Maggie and Glenn.
But there were other ways of showing how much you loved each other, how much you wanted each other - other ways of having fun together.
Daryl's right hand went down to your ass, which he gripped tightly as he pulled you close.
You moaned softly as you could feel him rubbing his growing erection on your most sensitive spot. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you pulled him closer to you. An approving growl left his mouth as he left hot kisses on your neck, making sure to suck the spot that caused your thighs to tighten around him.
You ran your trembling fingers through his hair, trying to hold onto the feeling of his lips against your skin.
The hand on your ass eventually moved down the back of your thigh - as he pulled it closer - which changed the angle of your pelvis significantly. The lustful moan that came out of your lips as you rubbed against him only made him harder against the layers of clothing.
God how good it felt for him when you took your pleasure into your own hands. But you did not get far, because Daryl's kisses slowly wandered further down. A pleasant shiver ran through you.
You knew exactly what he was up to and the anticipation made you almost impatient.
But he took his time, first freed you from your shirt and then devoted himself to your nipples with relish - first the right, then the left - until they were both hard and upright.
The longing feeling in your most private place became more and more unbearable and in an attempt to get some friction, you tried to rub yourself against his thigh.
Daryl only chuckled.
"Impatient, are we?"
Daryl's kissed down your stomach before leaning back. He was now kneeling between your legs. For a moment he soaked up the picture in front of him, burned it into his memory. How you laid in front of him, lower lip between your teeth, breathing heavily, your legs spread, the unmistakable traces of your arousal on your underwear.
A moan came from your lips as he finally ran his hands up the inside of your thighs. Without touching the place where you needed him most, he hooked his fingers into the waistband of your panties and freed you from this annoying piece of fabric with one flowing movement.
The sight the archer now saw made his cock twitch painfully.
It was almost like torture how slowly he ran his thumb through your folds and collected what already glistened there.
With faltering breath, you watched him as he slowly brought his hand to his mouth and licked his thumb clean with an animalistic growl.
You came almost instantly at the sight.
When he finally sank his middle finger into you, you threw your head back and closed your eyes in delight. He pumped his finger into you a few times before adding a second. He twisted and curled them in just the right way so that with each thrust he perfectly hit the spot inside you that made you squirm under him.
Your moaning grew louder as he closed his lips around your sensitive bundle of nerves and began to suck rhythmically. Your orgasm rolled closer and closer, and the knot in your stomach tightened until it was about to snap.
"Daryl - fuck - I ..."
"then let go - for me."
And that was exactly what you did. You came with his name on your lips, repeated like a prayer, and with each new wave Daryl took whatever you were willing to give him. You tasted like nothing else to him, and he could never get enough of you.
He slowly kissed his way back up to your neck while his fingers were still moving slowly inside you.
Your hands went into his hair and hungrily drawn his lips to yours. Just a moment later your tongues fought for dominance; you could taste yourself on his. Now your hands slowly made their way down to his crotch. He wanted to hold back. But he could not help himself, and grinded into your palm to find the relief he needed so damn bad.
Daryl's hips spasmed, thrusting forward a few times before he was groaning and shaking his head.
"No. Tonight is just about ya."
"But ..."
Before you could go on, his lips were back on yours in a demanding kiss.
" I wanna make ya feel so good today, that ya'll be happy to have a few days off."
And with that statement, his fingers left your hot core, only to re-enter with one more.
Your eyes rolled back when you felt him stretch you.
"Fuck," you hissed as you tried desperately to find hold while Daryl's fingers kept trusting into you.
As he felt the sweet pain of your nails scratching his back, his cock twitched painfully in his shorts.
The thought that you marked him, that you would let him run around with declarations of your love on his body for the next few days, almost drove him mad. He started rubbing his crotch against your thigh for some relief as he fluidly moved in and out of you, getting you closer and closer to your next release.
The knot inside you got tighter and tighter, and you tried desperately to keep it from snaping again. Your legs started to shake involuntarily, and you knew you would not be able to resist much longer. Your breath came in shorter intervals and your moans got higher and higher. It would not last long till you would be swept away by pure bliss.
When the wave finally hit you, it was an overwhelming feeling. Your inner walls clenching and unclenching around his fingers again and again as your orgasm swept you away like a tsunami.
It took you a few moments to come back from your high while Daryl's gentle movements of his fingers let your orgasm slowly fade out.
"Okay", you began with a trembling voice as he slowly left your inner core, "that was something else."
Daryl’s head rested on the crook of your neck as you slowly recovered your breath, but you could still feel him chuckled lightly.
Slowly you stroked his hair and patted his neck. When he shifted his position slightly so that he did not crush you any further, you noticed that his shorts were suspiciously stuck to you.
Apparently, he had enjoyed this whole interaction too.
"I love you," you whispered before leaving a kiss on his sweaty forehead.
"Love ya more."
You patiently worked your way through the corn plants with the rake. The work was strenuous because the plants were close together - after all, you needed the greatest possible yield in a small area - and the relentless Georgian sun burned down on you.
Your hair stuck to you and the sweat kept dripping from the brim of your straw hat. Your arms ached, and despite the leather gloves you wore, you had blisters on your hands where they were tightly gripping the wooden handle of your gardening tool.
But despite everything, you kept working. You had to work through the soil so that the weeds had less chance to dispute the valuable nutrients from the crops.
This large field that you had laid out in the style of the "three sisters" was your whole pride. Corn, beans and pumpkins, the holy trinity of this bed, were perfectly coordinated. The Native Americans had already cultivated these three plants in this way.
And what worked for them could work for you too.
You have been toiling for hours. Your clothes were soaked in sweat and your back ached. Nevertheless, you continue to work, moving slowly but steadily through the beds.
"Here," you heard Rick say behind you at some point.
With great effort you straightened up and massaged your back. You felt every single vertebra as it slowly popped back into its original position. An exhausted moan could be heard as you finally turned to the man behind you.
Rick just stood there, bottle of water in hand, his eyes fixed on the fields.
You gratefully took the bottle from him and took a few sips of the refreshing liquid. Especially with such sweaty work in the blazing sun, it was incredibly important to drink enough if you did not want to suffer sunstroke.
And unfortunately, you were predestined to forget it sometimes. But Rick paid attention. You were family, and family looked after each other.
“Looks really good. If the plants continue to grow like this, we will be able to bring in quite a good yield. You are really a talented little farmer."
You looked at him in surprise with raised eyebrows.
"I'm not sure right now whether I should thank you or whether you insulted me."
“Believe me Y/N”, Rick laughed and put his hand on your shoulder, “that was meant as a compliment. An honest compliment. If we didn't have you, we almost certainly wouldn't even be able to harvest half as much. You really have a knack for it."
“Well, everyone does what they can. And I can do that."
You lowered your gaze. You felt uncomfortable when someone complimented you, so you tried to belittle it.
"No", Rick smiled at you friendly, "some do more than others."
After a long day of work and a long - but cold - shower, you sat down with Carol for dinner. You missed your family members. You missed Daryl.
The presence of the older woman had been a comfort to you in the last few days. This run had been going on for five days now, and it was impossible to tell when they would be back.
The feeling you felt in the pit of your stomach was almost the same as when Daryl had disappeared into the forest with Merle. Back then you thought you would never see him again.
But it was different now. Now you had hope that you would see him again.
“It's only been five days Y/N/N. It's too early to worry,” Carol tried to cheer you up.
"I'm not worried," you said stubbornly while you continued to stare at your now cold food.
"Yes of course. That's exactly why you've been poking around in your meal for ten minutes. You haven't even taken a bite."
You looked tiredly at the woman across from you.
“Eat, you worked hard. And tomorrow you will work as hard again as I know you. You need the calories. And believe me, you'd rather eat it voluntarily than have me cram it into you."
Carol had used her best mother voice. Even if Carol was not many years older than you, this woman had somehow become a mother's substitute for you.
After a few moments you finally began to empty your bowl slowly.
Getting around the days was easy. There was always enough work in the gardens and in the fields, you were busy and did not have much time to think.
In the nights it was different. They were bad.
The bed was way too big for you alone, and you lacked the warmth of Daryl's body.
Even on the hot nights of Georgia, you always fell asleep snuggled together. Ever since you had spent your first night like this, you knew that you could never do it again without it.
Now you were alone. Yet again. Daryl was still on this fucking run, and the solitude in those four walls that you had always enjoyed before, now seemed overwhelming to you.
What is he doing right now? Was he okay? Was he thinking of you, too?
With these wistful thoughts, you finally drifted into a dreamless sleep.
"If they are not back by tomorrow, we will send a search party out," announced Rick over breakfast.
You made no reply as you continued to choke down your small portion of porridge, bite by bite. You were not really hungry, but Carol's stern look had kept you from skipping breakfast.
“I'm sure they are fine. They will definitely be back here soon, "said Hershel soothingly," they are all experienced with such actions. They are sure to be fine."
Yes, they were all experienced, knew how to behave and how to protect themselves, but that nagging feeling persisted in you.
You had spent the whole morning working in the fields again, laboriously dragging buckets of water to provide the crops with enough moisture. If it did not rain soon, this would probably be your main occupation for the next few days and weeks.
You had two canisters tied to the outer end of a thick wooden stick. So, you could carry the heavy burden on your shoulders and not in your aching hands.
As you were trudging up the hill again with a full load of water, Rick was leaning against the base of the central guard tower, smiling, and staring into the distance.
"Looks as if we could save ourselves the search."
These words made your body tingly and you immediately turned to face the gates. You could not prevent an unspeakably bright smile from spreading on your face.
"Oh my god," you whispered when you saw the column of cars approaching the prison.
An unmistakable chopper at the head of the convoy.
An army of butterflies exploded in your stomach when you saw Daryl. He was back. He really came back to you.
When he finally brought his bike to a stop and casually dismounted it, you couldn't hold back any longer. Without further hesitation, you dropped the water canisters, which hit the floor with a thud, and immediately spread their moist contents over the floor.
You ran quickly towards Daryl. But even before you had covered half the distance, he was already coming towards you - a radiant smile on his lips.
When you finally met, you immediately put your arms around each other in a tight hug. Your head rested on his chest while he laid his head lovingly on top of yours.
Cuddled so tightly you could hear how fast his heart was beating, and an indescribable feeling of happiness flooded your body. Daryl was back - back by your side.
"Did you miss me," he finally began, and you could hear him grinning right away.
“No,” you answered, “not at all. Not one bit."
“Felt the same way."
With these words, his strong arms tightened around you even more, as if he were trying to melt into you.
So absorbed in your reunion, it took some time until you noticed that Rick and Carol were already discussing the successful run with the rest of the group.
"We got almost everything," you heard Glenn say when you had finally separated from each other and now went to the cars where everyone else was standing - your little fingers still hooked together.
"We found hundreds of canning jars and even seeds," added Sasha.
"Wheat, oat and a lot more." Maggie pointed to the back of the overcrowded pickup truck.
"And we also solved the problem with the heating," said Daryl mysteriously.
This run was really a complete success. But the biggest surprise was yet to come.
> C O C K A D O O D L E D O O <
Suddenly the gushing and loud greeting was silent. Inquiring eyes met knowing faces.
You and Rick looked at each other as to ask if you really had heard this now.
> C O C K A D O O D L E D O O <
"What the hell is that", Rick wanted to know.
"What did it sound like?"
Daryl grinned mischievously and leaned casually against his bike; arms crossed over his chest. His chin raised challengingly.
"No," was all you could say at that moment.
"Yea," Daryl nodded, still grinning.
"No way!"
"Yea, a rooster and six chickens."
"How? Where? How?"
You were completely surprised and had to grin broadly. That was one of the best that could have happened to your community.
"Believe it or not, they were just walking around on a street corner," Glenn explained, looking incredulous about his statement himself.
"So the cattle market wasn't closed after all," you replied sarcastically.
Immediately Daryl had to roll his eyes.
"Just don't start with that," you chuckled and gave him a playful clap on the upper arm.
“You really missed something Y/N,” said Maggie with a grin, “believe me it was really impressive to see how Daryl caught the poultry. Didn't know that he was doing so well as a farmer."
"Yea, ha-ha, very funny!"
Daryl's ears had turned deep red, but then he had to laugh himself at the thought of this chicken-catching operation.
"I really would have liked to see that," you said with a laugh.
"Well, maybe there will be a repetition," said Glenn, "we have to get the critters out of the car somehow without them getting lost again."
"Ya can forget that right away," Daryl announced in a stern voice.
"Don't worry, I'll help you", you smiled at your boyfriend.
After a few minutes of reunion, you started to get the supplies out of the cars and to distribute them in the storage rooms.
Building a chicken coop was definitely on your to-do list for tomorrow. And it has been a long time since you had been looking forward to a job as much as this.
"And I found something for you too," Maggie whispered to you when she put her arm around your shoulders in a friendly manner.
You two had just cleared away a load of canning jars and were about to trot back to the cars.
"And that would be?"
Surprised you stopped and looked at her questioningly. You did not ask her to get you anything.
“I won't tell you yet,” she smiled, “but you will definitely enjoy it - as well as Daryl."
With these words, your best friend left you in the yard as she made her way back to the cars with a mischievous grin.
Part one Part tree
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misswondersusaan · 3 years
My opinion on the plot of Daryl, Leah and Carol:
Well, here we go! I thought no one would be interested in knowing my theories about what I think will happen this coming season but after talking to several people around me who watch the series (which are and are not shippers) they have found some meaning to what I think.
What a coincidence that Daryl Dixon experienced his "first romance" in the last season. Do not? How interesting that he does it out of reach of his best friend Carol and that he kept it from her.
If he had no problem maintaining any kind of relationship with other women, what a coincidence that he does it just when his "best friend" is happily married and far from his possibilities. And what seems most curious to me... if he is so "in love" with that mysterious woman, why didn't he run away with her when she asked him? Why postpone your happiness as a couple to "keep looking" for your friend "Rick"? Why did you make the decision to leave with her when your "best friend" told you that she couldn't go see you anymore? Too many coincidences ...
(In addition, I find it really curious that he never had an affair with any woman within the group or the communities. If he has no trouble linking, why didn't he do it sooner?)
Why, if you feel that you "belong to that person", don't you look for her to the ends of the earth? For fear of being rejected? Do not... Daryl searched for Carol despite knowing (thanks to Morgan) that she wanted to disassociate herself from everyone ... He didn't stop looking for her. In addition, despite knowing that she did not count on him for her plans, he did not stop waiting for her a whole cold night, sitting on a log next to his greatest enemy (Negan) ...
I disagree with the plot they want to give to Carol and Daryl's relationship as I think our favorite archer has more depth, but I think I know where this is going ... yeah, a fucking love triangle.
Why? I think it is to surprise with the wow factor. And some of you will say, girl you are so delirious... It is clear that they are trying to make that they are "only friends" but no, sorry, you are wrong... If they were only friends, Daryl would not have kept the "real secret about Leah" from her, if they were friends, Daryl would have told Carol that he was leaving with Leah and that he wished her to be happy with Ezequiel. But no, Daryl didn't do that.
It may be that he saw in Leah a traveling companion, a wonderful illusion that took him away from what he believes he does not deserve. He said "best friend". That's how he thinks Carol feels about him. Friendship. How Carol thinks he feels for her.
Isn't it funny that now that it is known that there is going to be a spin-off they give us this situation? They had never experienced Daryl's sexuality and now they do. And above all ... if he had "forgiven" Carol and proposed to go with her to New Mexico, why blame her now after remembering the past? Very simple ... because the pain burns him. He feels that in addition to not being reciprocated by her, he cannot help her either and that Carol does not trust him (she didn't tell him about Negan , she didn't follow his "advices", etc.). The thought that he missed the opportunity to get her out of his head, the way he feels her, infuriates him. Because loving her does him good and bad ...
(I make a little interruption to say how funny I find that Dog finds the note hahahahahaha Oops! Like a damn romance novel).
For me this is a turning point. That argument, in which Daryl becomes unstable again, is the fault of the trust he feels with her. He feels capable of being vulnerable in front of her... And that anger that pays with her, despite seeming conscious, is not. He acts like a wounded dog. Does Carol deserve it? Absolutely not. Am I mad at him for that? Absolutely yes, but unfortunately he thinks it's the only way to get her out of his head. But he knows it's not like that and we'll see ... Keeping her away from him will burn him and Leah's reappearance will confirm his feelings for Carol.
"This is Daryl's camp, right?" Ezekiel asked Carol when he went looking for her. He knew where Carol was going ... Maybe he also gave Carol an ultimatum to stop going to see Daryl (as Leah).
Dreaming about him, looking at the acorns she gave him... They haven't given us all that for nothing. I'm sure.
Although, I hope you don't want to kill me for this but ... I even think that to get hooked on the spin-off, in this season they leave the feelings between Carol and Daryl implicit to the viewers but not to them, that is, that the viewers see clearly that they feel more than friendship, that both end up being "best friends" again and travel to New Mexico; leaving us wanting to know what will happen on that trip. It seems malicious, too ... but I do not rule out that it may be so. I would have liked a season 11 full of vibes like season ten (before this madness of extra chapters) but it will not be like that ... We have to prepare for what is coming (more suffering) although we must not lose hope until we see the end of the series.
To conclude, before I'm apologize for my English (I'm still studying), I wanted to ask you to take a look at the song that Greg Nicotero dedicated to Norman and Melissa on his Instagram a couple of months ago; Going to California by Led Zeppelin. Norman and Melissa weren't making a playlist to be inspired by their spin-off? Well I think there you have a little clue!
Thank you very much for reading to the end! PS: If you don't believe in caryl or are going to be rude, please don't bother commenting. Here I just want nice comments and respectful opinions. Thanks!
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rinasred · 4 years
Night falls, I'm cast beneath her spell.
An hournite fic -
Summary: Rick has been engaging with a mystery girl online, he hopes that she reveals herself to be his long time crush beth... maybe he gets what he's hoping for. <3
read on AO3
Rick had always been good at keeping things to himself. He never understood how some people can go around telling others every aspect of their own lives. He was especially that way in school and on social media. His classmates knew absolutely nothing about him, if you asked them they'd probably just say he's the angry kid with the drunken dad (of course no one knew he’s actually his uncle). Or recently they'll mention how he hangs out with those weird girls all the time, meaning Beth, Yolanda and Courtney. But that's about all the knowledge Rick's peers have about him.
Sitting on his bed rick scrolls through his Instagram feed, where he keeps himself anonymous. A noise comes from his phone to show that he has a notification. It's a message, and there's only one person it can be from. He checks it to see that it's from a user by the name of BubblyGirl04. A grin comes across Rick's face as he reads the notification. Rick and this girl have been messaging non stop for the past months, they've been talking even before he found out about hourman and the JSA.
With a giant smile on his face Rick opens the message to see an image attached, it's a photo of delicious looking pasta. Under it the mystery girl wrote.
Bubblygirl04: So... What do you think? Do i just get better or what?
YellowMustang: It looks amazing, my mouth is actually watering up... And to answer your question, yes, you do in fact get better.
Bubblygirl04: Thanks!! You're too sweet for you own good!! <3
Rick looks up from his phone, his face heats up as his cheeks turn a reddish color. Luckily he was alone in his room, he would die if anyone caught him blushing the way he is now.
BubblyGirl04: So tell me, do you think that i should join the cooking class at our school? I don't want that to make it easier for you to figure me out.
YellowMustang: Join as you please, I don't think the cooking instructor will see you coming. She's probably gonna have to call up Gordon Ramsay to our school.
YellowMustang: Alsoooo... What's so scary about me figuring out who you are??
Bubblygirl04: Lmaoo Gordon Ramsay? No i definitely can't handle the pressure of him tasting my food, i would go into anxiety overload. And we talked about this, I don't think i'm ready to reveal who i am... Not quite yet anyway.. sorry :(
Just like that, he could feel his heart sink in his chest. Like blades being pulled out of it, he would always suggests that she tells him who she is, but she never seems to be ready. But Rick could understand, he wasn't sure if he was ready to reveal himself to her yet. He would never admit it but he was afraid she'd be disappointed. She's sweet, smart, talented and funny, he couldn't imagine losing her because he wasn't good enough.
Yellowmustang: Yeah ok, don't be sorry, i understand.. it's just.. sometimes i wish we could be something real.
Bubblygirl04: We are real?? Are we not??? We talk everyday, and we tell each other everything about our lives?
Yellowmustang: ... It's not real until i get to hold you... It's not real until i get to whisper in you ear that you're mine..
Rick's mind made up so many situations as to why she didn't reply, it's been forty minutes since he had sent the text and still, nothing. He lays down on his bed with both palms covering his face. He groans when the thought of his message comes across his mind. He wonders if he should get up and do something to distract himself, but honestly nothing can really take him mind of this girl.
A ping can be heard from his phone, Rick jumps up and sees the phone laying at the bottom of his bed. He chuckles with the hope that it's a text from the mystery girl. Leaning forward he grabs the phone and checks the notification. The banner across his phone reads "JSA GC". It was from the imessage group chat that him and the girls made a few weeks back. His excitement toned down when he realized it wasn't from the girl he had hoped.
Courtney: Rick!! WTF!?!??! You're like super late, where are you??!?!
Yolanda: Relax Court, i'm sure he's just held up... Rick we need you here, pat has a whole thing set up for us... You know how he is.
Rick: Sorry, i had something come up. But i'm on my way.
Rick sends the text and quickly gets up and puts on his shoes. He puts his hoodie on and rushes out the door. He knew that if he were any later, he would never hear the end of it from Courtney. He gets in his yellow mustang that belonged to his father, thanks to pat it's now a working engine. Driving to the Pit stop where the group is, Rick couldn't help but ponder on everything that happened with the mystery girl. But he knew he couldn't think about that at practice, he needed to have his full attention on practicing, the injustice society was still out there somewhere and they needed to be stopped.
Arriving at the pit stop entrance Rick is approached by Courtney immediately.
"What the hell rick? It took you long enough, doesn't taking down the ISA mean anything to you?" Courtney lectures.
"Yeah of course it does you know that, i just.. got caught up in something but it's fine now."
Yolanda walks towards Rick as she stands besides Courtney. "You okay rick?" Yolanda questions. She looks at Rick with a sincere concerned look, she could tell something had been bothering him.
Rick pretends not to notice her concern. "Yeah, i'm fine. Can we just get started already." He says while walking further into the pit stop. He notices Pat has dummies of the ISA up again, well at least they aren't as cheesy looking as the ones Courtney destroyed. There are around four cpr dummies on sticks decorated with makeup and costumes resembling the ISA members. Wow, is this what pat spends all his free time doing? Rick thought.
"Rick! Good to see you buddy. Alright now that we're all here, i'll tell you what we're going to be studying today." Pat stated to the four teens as they stand in front of the bleachers awaiting his instructions.
While Pat was rambling on about teamwork and it's important on the field, Rick zoned out after noticing Beth. Something was different, her hair wasn't down as it usually it, it was braided down into crown braids. Rick stared in awe as she shyly looked at Pat while paying close attention to what he was saying, she cared so much about these missions and never missed a single practice. Rick admired her efficiency, he admired her everything.
"Alright so today we're going to be focusing on how your abilities work together on the field. So we will start off with each of you being paired with one another and we'll see how you can use your powers to help each other out. Then we'll do one last practice with all four of you, got it?" Pat explained.
"Got it." The three girls say in unison.
"O-oh, yeah got it." Rick says shortly after them once he's focus is back on pat and off of beth.
Pat sets the dummy of icicle in the center of the room. "Alright first we need Courtney and Yolanda, let's see how stargirl and wildcat can work together to beat icicle." Pat states.
Courtney picks up the cosmic staff from beside her feet, she gets in a fighting stance. "Alright, i was born for this." She lets out eagerly.
"Uhh, Yeah me too!" Yolanda adds on.
"Okay let's go, and while we're practicing, Rick and Beth you guys can wait on the bleachers until it's your turn." Pat explains.
Beth goes to seat in the middle of the bleachers and sits down before taking out her phone and staring at it longingly. Rick's eyes follow her as he can't help but to gaze at her.
"Gee, i get lectured for being late only to be benched? Quite a team we have going here." Rick complains sarcastically before walking to sit next to beth, his legs began to rush because of his excitement of finally be able to be with her all day but he tries to slow down as to not seem too eager.
Booms and zaps can be heard as Courtney and Yolanda practice on the dummies. As always Courtney is complimenting herself after every success and Yolanda is just excited to put use of all the amazing things her cat suit can do. Rick watches them practice for a second before turning to Beth, she still had a sorrowful look on her face as she stared at her phone.
Rick notices she hasn't said a word to him all day, which was unusual of Beth, she's usually the first to initiate every conversation. She didn't ask anyone how their days were or talk about all the amazing things her and chuck talked about, nothing.
Taking a deep breath Rick tries to think of something to say to break the silence. "So... How are you beth?" He asks, sliding closer to her on the bench.
Beth looks up from her phone and towards Rick, their eyes meet. Rick heart begins to beat out of his chest as he glanced into her honey brown eyes.
"Oh hi rick.." Beth says looking up from her phone. "I'm fine... Super excited for practice.. How about you?" Beth says, not sounding like her normal chipper self.
Rick couldn't help but think back to the mystery girl, because for a while he had hoped beth would reveal that she was behind the account. It made sense, both beth and the mystery girl had so much in common. They both are have no siblings, they have distant parents and not to mention their talent for cooking and baking. But Rick thought he was just getting his hopes up, he felt as if he let his existing crush on beth cloud his judgement.
Even though Rick really liked this mystery girl, his heart belonged to beth since the first grade. Ever since she was the only one to remember his birthday (rick's asshat of an uncle was too drunk to bother remembering). She brought him in cupcakes that she made herself, they were chocolate and fudge, with vanilla frosting and the words "happy b day rick" written on top in green frosting. Him and Beth sat together at recces that day and at the cupcakes on the bench.
Rick was never the type to remember specific details, but he could easily go on about the gorgeous blue sundress beth wore that day, he remembered her telling him she wanted to wear something special for his big day. She sang him happy birthday in the most beautiful harmony. He never forgot how beautiful she sounded, even when the teachers couldn't bother to do something for his birthday, he knew he could always count on beth.
"I'm okay i guess." Rick responds fidgeting in his seat.
"Well thats good to hear." Beth says going to look back at her phone.
Rick notices how often she had been staring at her phone screen today, which was fairly unusual. Beth was never the type to use her phone during conversations. "You waiting on a text?" Rick suggests, hoping to get some type of explanation out of her.
Beth jumps and quickly puts her phone away upon hearing those words. "No, it's nothing i was just thinking about something a friend of mine sent me." She says vaguely, turning her vision to rick finally.
He could tell something was wrong, he knew her better than he knew himself. "Hey, how about we let wildcat and stargirl do their thing in here, and go get some fresh air while we wait for our turn." Rick suggests, hoping to get some alone time with beth for the first time today.
"Sure! I could use a breath of fresh air." Beth responds, getting up and walking towards the exist, rick follows behind her.
The summer sun rays touch Rick's skin, the heat was really starting to come in now that summer has officially started. He smiled and watched as beth took off her cardigan and tied it around her waist.
"So, umm beth... I think i have something that i want to ask you, i mean i have been wanting to ask you about this for some time, but i was a little too embarrassed in case you'd say no and it's well its a lot-" Rick rambled on, preparing himself for what he was about to ask, he couldn't believe he had finally gained the courage to do so.
Beth walk closer to rick, placing her hand gently on his arm to calm his nerves. "What is it rick? You know you can tell me anything!" She reassures him.
He did know, thats what made her so amazing. "Beth... I have feelings for you." Rick admits.
For a second it felt like time had stopped as rick glanced at beth's precious face to see her reaction to his words. She gapes her mouth and her eyes widen in shock. He soft hold on Rick's arm becomes a soft grip.
"You... have feelings for me?" Beth asks rhetorically. Rick nods his head in responds, he slightly pouts, afraid of what she might say next.
"Do you feel the same way?" He asks. He could feel his heart beating out of his chest, his palms were dripping with sweat. He felt as if he could faint any second.
Beth eyes light up, her shocked expression turns into a grin. "Oh my god- RICK!?!? OF COURSE I LIKE YOU!" She shouts as she rushes in for a hug.
The warmth of Beth affection calms Rick down immanently, a grin as bright as the sun comes across rick's face as he sighs out of relief. They embrace each other for some time, not even realizing how much time had passed.
Once the hugs ends, beth lays her hands on rick's shoulders, as he grabs her waist slighting to bring her closer to his height. Rick's heart flutters as he stares into beth's eyes, he would always catch glances of her eyes when they hung out, but he was always to shut to look into them for too long. But not today, he felt like he could stare into her eyes forever, looking at her had always made him feel safe.
Rick couldn't even think about the mystery girl, whoever she was, if she wasn't beth, it didn't matter to him.
"Can i confess something to you Rick?" Beth questions, with a look of concern in her eyes.
"You can tell me anything, beth." Rick replies, he knew that she couldn't say anything that would dim his happiness. The girl of his dreams had just admitted to having feelings for him too, this moment was too special to be ruined.
"Well, i've kind of been having a thing with this guy-" Beth begins, those words sank Rick's heart. He never experienced such intense jealousy in his life, the euphoria he felt had slowly began to fade away as he listened to beth speak.
"And well we met online and never actually talked in person, in fact i'm not exactly sure who he is. And I don't know if i'm gonna keep talking to him, because... whenever i talk to him, i've always imagined you." Beth lets out.
Rick's joy comes rushing back upon hearing the end of beth's sentence. She imagined him, even when she talked to other guys, he always dreamed of being on her mind as much as she was on his. Then slowly, rick's logic comes into play when he ponders upon beth's situation with this guy.
He thought back to how he was in an exact similar situation but with a girl, could it be? After all this time imagining beth, could it actually be that Rick was right.
Before he could even think of the words to say in response to beth's confession, rick leans in his lips brushed her, delicately. The warmth from her lips caused rick to shiver as he cupped the back of her neck with his right hand.
After a while, when the kiss is over, rick dazedly stared into beth's eyes again. She stared back, her face surprised but pleased with Rick's response.
"Hey beth." He says.
"Yes?" She replies.
Rick leans into her ear and whispers, "You're mine." He could feel beth freeze up upon hearing him speak those words, just like that it clicked to her as well. "Now it's real." He says finally.
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That probably wasn't good at this point, there should be pain, there had been pain. Unbearable pain, pain he'd passed out from at some point, blinding, terrible pain. If he focused on the pain long enough, he could feel the bullet itself burrowing deeper, tearing through tendon and muscle, doing more damage by the second. Ridiculous he knew, but hadn't changed it.
That was gone though. His shoulder, his arm, hand, even his fingers numb. He couldn't feel a single thing anymore. His fingers wouldn't budge an inch, would be easy to believe they weren't even there if not for the fact that when he looked down, he could see bright red, almost black blood dripping from them. Proof he was still alive, probably not for much longer though.
Coldness has set in, a coldness that had nothing to do with the wall bracing him, or the concrete floor under his legs. The small shack uncomfortably warm in fact. The day outside humid, the sun high. So the cold came from something else, something inside, an icy grip that had him exhausted, dreading closing his eyes. A deep seated chill, death's fingers scraping down his spine, a cold there was no escape from.
He couldn't stand, had tried, god how he had tried. Had told himself he couldn't lay here, he couldn't give up, he had to get up and find help. The guy who had done this was still out there, wasn't he? Was probably watching, waiting, hoping Rick actually managed to take a single step out of the door so he could finish him off. It would be too easy to kick the door down and simply do it, where was the fun in that? Much as he needed to get up, to find his way somewhere safe, he couldn't. He'd lost far too much blood. Would have stood a chance if the bullet was his only injury, a single through and through. His bigger problem was the initial wound, a simple fistfight with the stranger in the woods, how cliche, that had earned him a knife to the gut, sharp blade driving deep, hard and fast. A nearly fatal wound even if the world hadn't gone to shit and he could get to a doctor. Out here, he didn't stand a chance. If he didn't bleed out, sepsis would hit. Infection raging, might have already started.
Letting his head fall back against the hard wall, his eyes fell closed, but only for a second, a brief second before he forced them open, knowing far too well how tempting sleep was. Sleep was giving up, giving in to death, and Rick wasn't quite ready to give up just yet. His eyes fell once more to the floor ten feet away, so fucking close, yet so far away. Might as well be miles for all the good it was doing him there. If it even still worked, if the batteries hadn't died, if he wasn't completely out of range of anything or body, if anyone was even listening.
He'd cursed that walkie talkie a million times since Negan had given it to him, had threatened to smash it, lose it, everything but keep it. A bitter laugh left him as he imagined how absolutely pissed Negan would be if he could see him now, if he saw how close he was to giving up. Could almost hear his fucking voice demanding Rick get up, get the walkie, and call him. The voice was so realistic, he actually looked around for him, brow furrowing when instead of the empty shack he actually saw him, crouching by the door, glaring at him, disgust written in his eyes. Of course he wasn't real, was some messed up figment of his imagination. Even dying he couldn't get peace. And even as he thought that, the voice got louder in his head, the crouching Negan's face turning into it's usual smirk.
"You just gonna fucking lay there all night, prick? Not even gonna fucking try?"
It wasn't even Negan, no one was there, but to Rick's delusional mind, he was, mocking as always, which instantly pissed him off. "Typical Rick. Things get a little tough, he just gives up" came the voice, the taunt growing, as did the smile on his face.
"Fuck you" Rick managed before a fit of coughing took his breath, blood spit to the side before tired eyes once more fell on the figure. "I'm tired" he admitted, head falling forward as he sucked in a deep breath, the shack spinning crazily until he shut his eyes again, nausea hinting, and he had to swallow, refusing to throw up on himself.
"Go ahead, Rick. Take a fucking nap. Good fucking plan" Negan taunted, "Maybe while your lazy ass sleeps, your friend will return finish you off"
Rick forced his eyes away, knowing damned well he was hallucinating, bloody hand leaving the wound on his stomach and cradling his head, trying to drown his voice out. It didn't help much, it wasn't real, it was in his head. As was the sound of heavy steps approaching, the leering face suddenly inches away, as always invading his personal space. The voice grating, having Rick gritting his teeth, but, the upside, he was oblivious to his injuries, focus centered on his obnoxious husband. His eyes lifted warily, frowning slightly, instincts urging him to reach up and touch that familiar face, but he resisted, knowing if he did, his husband would dissipate in front of his eyes, and even being a serious pain in the ass, it was something, someone keeping him company. It brought a harsh laugh bubbling up, a huge mistake since it reawakened the pain, causing him to bite back a cry, the metallic taste of blood filling his mouth from the bite to his lip. Even his imagination couldn't conjure up a decent version of the guy, how sad was that? Half dead and clearly losing his mind, yet Negan was still an asshole. Typical.
Which brought his attention back again, voice barely audible.
"It hurts." An admittance he never would have made had he been clear headed, or even suspected Negan was actually here.
"Course it fucking hurts, /Rick/!! You're all fucked up! Look at you! The great fucking Rick Grimes. Gonna die in some old shack and become some brainless walker! Not much different than now. Get up, Rick. Get the fuck up!"
His eyes slid closed again, the tiredness once more sweeping over him, body ready to quit. Even if he managed to crawl to the stupid walkie talkie, what then? Best case scenario, he got hold of Negan, but it's not like the guy would care. Rick would simply be another casualty, he certainly wouldn't bother leaving his place to come get him. Would laugh, make some annoying speech, belittle Rick, after five minutes, Rick would probably kill himself. Worst case scenario, he moved, and suddenly his insides were on the outside. Both ended the same, Rick dead, Negan happy. His car was a pipe dream, he'd never make it, even though it was literally right outside. The minute he opened that door, the unknown guy would open fire. Three scenarios, all ending the same.
Through all this, Negan was still talking, pacing the room now, and oddly enough, hallucinogenic Negan was empty handed, no Lucille. Why this little detail bothered him so much he didn't know. Maybe because everything else was a perfect match, yet the stupid bat didn't make an appearance. That would certainly piss Negan off, he thought almost hysterically. But, crazy thoughts did momentarily drown out imaginary Negan. Wasn't good, he could feel himself fading, feel the darkness closing in, the edge of his vision wavering. So he turned his full attention back, forcing himself to focus, not only on him, but his words. How weak he was, good for nothing, perfect ending for someone like Rick. An endless litany of insults, hatred almost bleeding into every word.
He couldn't prove him right, couldn't allow him to be right. Had to figure a way out, somehow. He could die after, after he shut Negan up, face to face. Couldn't allow him the satisfaction of dying here alone, delirious, much as his body wanted to.
His next move was hard, harder than anything he had ever done. More painful than he had imagined. Each tiny move mocked, the laughter echoing in his mind. But he did it, mainly because of the wall behind him, but he was on his feet, even if the entire room was spinning and there was now two Negan's standing in front of him. Stomach rolling, arm hanging uselessly, stomach cradled by his forearm. The wall was the only thing holding him up at this point, and he wasn't even going to try to move until the shack stopped moving. It was vaguely reminiscent of drunken college parties, but with his life on the line.
Despite all this, a sense of glee shot through him. He hadn't yet moved, but he was up, more than Negan had thought he could do. He realized how ridiculous gloating to an imaginary presence would be however, so he shut up, eyes narrowing at the still talking male now hovering by the walkie. At least until another sound caught his attention, the distant sound of footsteps, fading it seemed like, but he'd lost enough blood and was just woozy enough that he couldn't guarantee it. Hopefully whoever was out there was leaving, assuming the damage was enough, that Rick was laying in here dead. Which, with an imaginary Negan hanging around was very possible. He could be laying almost dead and all of this was some vivid dream as he faded away, that whole life flashing before your eyes thing. Only chock full of annoying Negan. Negan who had moved on from how weak and useless he was and straight into how many would be thrilled with his death, how he should just do everyone a favor. Wasn't gonna happen. In fact, the room had stopped moving under his feet, and despite not being able to stand completely straight, he managed to shuffle a few steps, not far, but a few shaky steps. The blood covered wall seemed so far away now, even though he could reach out and touch it. He didn't care give into that urge, instead he took step after shaky step, forcing his body forward, focused only on the sound of Negan's voice now.
Unfortunately, bending wasn't an option, he tried, he did, god did he try, but inertia caught up, vision once more going hazy, and he hit the floor. His hand closed on the walkie just as consciousness left him, everything fading to dark, body seeking rest, needing rest. Rick gave in, the floor feeling cool against his face, even as he felt new pain from his fall, knew that on top of everything, his eyebrow was now split. He only knew that because blood clouded his vision in the seconds before he passed out, happily giving in.
He wasn't sure exactly how long he was out, but the room was now pitch black, the tiny window in shadows, everything silent. Even imaginary Negan was gone. But he was still gripping the stupid walkie. Rolling onto his back, eye burning and hard to open from the now dried blood sealing it shut, or maybe it was swollen shut, probably a little of both by this time. Aches and pains were all over, not an inch of him didn't hurt in some way, consciousness growing harder once more. But before he gave in again, he had to say his peace, hadnt done all that simply to die clutching the fucking walkie. Not just yet.
The thing maybe weighed five pounds, but it felt like lifting a hundred pound weight, almost impossible, but he was just stubborn enough to do it. Barely. Despite that, when he clicked the little button, heard that familiar crackle of an open line, he spat out, hoping his words were audible, clear, hoping. Praying Negan was listening. Especially if he was about to fucking die here.
"Hey /babe/! I fucking did it, I fucking did it despite your taunts. I got up. And if I survive this attack, I'm killing the guy you sent to do this"
He didn't know why, but he was suddenly certain that guy was a savior, that his darling husband had sent him here to kill him. Had probably succeeded. The walkie got dropped onto his chest, eyes fixed on the ceiling, the pain once more giving way to numbness, the cold creeping back in, this time enough to get him shivering, entire body shaking, coughing as blood rose once more, no doubt from severe internal bleeding caused by the blade that had torn open his stomach.
The walkie remained silent, there wasn't a single indication that anyone had heard his message, or cared, the party probably well under way celebrating his death.
Curling up on his side, he spit up more blood, blackish, and once more darkness threatened. Maybe some sleep would do him good, just a quick nap, not too long. Just gathering energy. Heal a bit hopefully. Something. His eyes had just slid shut when the walkie sprang to life, the sound unusually loud, making him start, eyes flying open at the cheerful voice echoing through the static. Two words, that's it, words he couldn't figure out the meaning of.
"Almost there!"
He sounded so happy, so cheerful. Rick figured he was coming to finish him off himself, but couldn't bring himself to care. Instead he pondered how exactly Negan knew where here was. Almost here. How? Two options, both very plausible. Negan had accompanied the guy who tried to kill him, or the damned walkie had a lojack, some GPS thing rigged up. Neither would surprise him, in fact it could be both. Gps and a desire to be the one to land the actual killing blow.
He didn't stay awake to find out, eyes closing again, sighing in something akin to relief as he once more gave himself over to darkness. Negan better hurry if he wanted to make it in time. Rick had the sneaking suspicion that this time he wouldn't wake. The damage done to much.
He heard the car at the same time he faded, a single car door, seemed far away, most likely his imagination. Like everything else. He didn't even try and look, he was that sure he was hearing things. Instead he let himself slip off to blissful sleep once more, smiling slightly as darkness surrounded him, pain easing, coldness leaving. Sleep was definitely good.
It was the last clear thought he had, at least for the time being. Anything else could come later. Much much later.
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