#like social media was far more interconnected than it is now
endlessfuckup · 8 months
I originally wrote after seeing a post joking about a very serious thing that happened to dan and phil back in 2012.
I wrote it because the post triggered some really upsetting memories for me. I had gone through that exact thing on a smaller scale and it ruined my life for a long time.
I was going to delete it because it seemed too far and too personal.
But, I think people should read it anyway.
imagine if you posted private thoughts & photos of yourself to a place where you are certain only you and maybe, at most, 20 or so people will see them-
its your only safe place...
now imagine if suddenly a lot more than 20 people find out who you are. like millions of people. and, despite your best efforts, they find what you thought was your most deeply hidden secrets.
oh shit...
your employers see them. your coworkers see them. your friends all know now. oh god your fucking family have now seen that. All of it sent to them by some of the many complete strangers that watch you online.
oh fuck nonono...
What do you even do? What do you even say? You have no idea who or how many have seen.
maybe everyone has.....
There is nothing you can do but try to minimize the damage being done. all by yourself.
its just impossible..
what feels like the entire planet is pointing, laughing, calling you slurs and telling you to kys
you seriously consider it for a moment...
you have to just go on silently pretending that nothing happened at all. Live. On. Camera. in front of the entire fuckin world
How the fuck would you feel?
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idlerin · 7 months
love sick — profiles: ppl who think love sucks + [name]
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masterlist — inarizaki dogs | episode one
[name] has been invested in finding “the one” ever since she was little. this was mostly influenced by her parents who were so deeply in love that taught her to seek the kind of love she deserved to have. it became worse when she was 12 and was exposed to the world of romance books, you could say she loved love.
[name] has a sort of “love guru” business going on, except she’s unpaid. it all started during first year, where she helped a guy from her media literacy class named akaashi keiji confess to his long-time crush who was their senior, bokuto koutaro. the confession went well and they ended up dating, bokuto teased his friend to get advice from you and in his words “maybe your crush would like you back” (the response of said friend was “don’t call it a crush, what are we, highschoolers?”).
[name] did end up giving good advice and bokuto’s friend eventually started dating the “crush”. a rumor started spreading that [name] was real-life cupid and a bunch of people started reaching out to her to ask for help. it became such a big deal that [name] ended up creating an email for them to send their love-related concerns (in it, she mentions that to keep in mind her acads come first!).
the mini “business” ended up being a hit and she developed many nicknames in the process, like “resident cupid” and “campus sweetheart”.
[name] is a 2nd year student along with atsumu while kiyoko and semi are 3rd years and kageyama is a 1st year.
[name], kiyoko, and semi are childhood friends (but kiyoko and semi are older than [name] by a year), they lived on the same street, so they’ve practically known each other forever. they all went to the same junior high but split up in senior high school, kiyoko went to karasuno while [name] and semi went to shiratorizawa. this meant it was harder for them to meet kiyoko constantly, [name] and semi had to dorm within campus because they lived a bit far from the school itself.
[name] met kageyama when she went to one of the volleyball tournaments and kiyoko introduced them to each other. they instantly hit it off ([name] found him adorable and so “little brother coded”) because of [name] being so talkative (kageyama kept thinking how she acted so much like hinata).
[name] and atsumu became friends the summer before the start of the first semester, while [name] was moving in to her new dorm. it was very much a meet ugly because atsumu accidentally splashed his drink on [name]’s brand new sweater (and his first reaction was to flirt with her), [name] responds by saying it was alright and ignored his attempts. atsumu became curious and not long after they realized they were assigned to the same hall! (you have no escape now).
atsumu soon realizes the two of you had too similar personalities and became partners in crime. then you soon figure out your lives were more interconnected than you thought (he knew kageyama). you don’t know since when has your life been surrounded by volleyball (you were always the most unathletic person in the room).
it was only until all of your worlds collide one saturday morning where you accidentally make plans with all of them all at once (you were out of it because you stayed up late responding to love advice emails) that they all became friends too (semi and atsumu instantly hit it off, kiyoko is civil with everyone, kageyama was still in miyagi).
you, you were just happy everything in your life was falling into place just the way you like it!
until of course, suna rintarou came into the picture. none other than atsumu’s friend you don’t acknowledge and the name constantly found in the emails you receive.
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love sick ! a suna rintarou social media au
synopsis. cupid! calling cupid! as the resident matchmaker slash hopeless romantic of tokyo university, you are the person people look for to get love advice or to set them up with the love of their lives. when suna rintarou comes to you asking for the opposite, to help fend people away from trying to get with him, to the extremes of even asking to fake date you, you couldn't refuse! mostly because you did owe him since he was on the receiving end of a bunch of your clients’ unsuccessful love efforts (hey, you do warn them your matchmaking only has a 62.3% success rate).
a/n — belated happy valentines everyone! (still valentines for some people tho i think) i hope you guys has a nice day :)
taglist is OPEN ! + @yas-mjm @agirlwholovesalot @yenqa @fairywriter-oracle @noideawhothatis @renardiererin @cheezitwh0re @zephestia @nicerthanu @wolffmaiden @2baddies-1porsche @bluegrey02 @qualitygiantshoepsychic @lylovw @fo-love @cloudsvna @apinu @coyloves @rockleeisbaeeee @geombyu @girlkissersco @reveusecherie @erenjvegerrr @rintarousgirl @ris-krispie @kamikokii @complexivelovely @hearts4faey @yuzurins @eleanorheartschishiya @hearts4itoshi @justsomeonewhoyoudontknow @rijhi @sleepystrwbrryy @snail-squasher @seiamor @wave2love @le000xxgrd @iuspired @theidontknowmehn @linmabbe @rntrsuna @skomiomi @tenaciouswritersheep @i-am-l0ved
to those i can not tag, kindly change your mentions settings thank you!
note: this is not the whole taglist, it’s been a year since i posted the masterlist to love sick and there may be people who don’t want to be in it anymore so i’ve only tagged those who confirmed they still want to be in the taglist through this post by liking or commenting as i don’t want to bother people! hehe
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azrielgreen · 8 months
I feel like no matter how hard I try I can’t get over jealousy and insecurity and constantly comparing myself to other writers in the fandom. It’s either I don’t write enough, or I don’t write fast enough, I don’t write interesting or unique enough. If I get kudos, someone gets more, if I get comments, someone gets more thoughtful comments. It’s like a dark spiral in my brain. Do you have any tips on pushing through despite all the inner turmoil and noise? I’d be very grateful for your help!! 🖤
Hello, love, I'm sorry for the delay in answering. I wanted to give your Ask the proper attention in answering it.
Comparison is the death of joy.
I think jealousy and comparison in fandom is rife and no matter how much positivity and success someone projects, they too have had their dark moments comparing hit counters and kudos. In a fandom of THIS size it's deeply unhealthy, I personally believe, for us all to be so interconnected and visible.
I also believe that writers should write for themselves and the joy of creating something and crafting it, never expressly FOR the outcome of comments/attention but of course, that's becoming the norm now. People write to be popular. I see so many people at this point in the fandom not getting anywhere near the same amount of interactions they were a year ago, so comparisons and jealousy unfortunately become widespread, and equally, cliques begin to form to police the remaining attention as it slowly simmers down.
My tips for pushing through this would be first and foremost, write for yourself. Keep your true passion alive by writing what you fucking LOVE! Writing for other people will only ever go so far because attention wanders, interest fades and hyperfixations dissolve. If you write for yourself first, and share second, then you'll always be true to your inner creator and you'll always have ideas, passions and authentic stories coming alive inside you.
Secondly, and I know how hard this is for people, but stop comparing as much as you can. There will always be someone who has more than you and there are people who have less than you. Writing is art, art is to make people feel things they would not otherwise feel. To provoke humanity and lead us towards self exploration. To give comfort, empathy, guidance, joy, cathartic heartbreak and much more! I think so much of the true meaning of writing has been lost by the imposing domination of social media in fandom. I always recommend people trying to find that spark again, that little flash of magic that reminds you why you started.
And thirdly, this is hardest to hear, I know, but when you feel like this, it's usually a good indication to take a break. When you feel anxious, unhappy or low, you're going the wrong way. Move away from what is causing this, especially if it's anything on the internet - a dangerous and often toxic microcosm with an echo chamber effect.
Writing in real life is a beautiful thing, too.
Write something just for you, don't tell anyone, then orphan it, never read the comments, and move on. Rekindle your passion however you can, romanticise your methods, find new sources of inspiration and above all, please, have fun! and if you're not having fun in fandom - a place intended for fun and fuck all else - then please, take a break, love. Nothing is more important than your mental health.
P.S - also take into a account how MASSIVELY skewed A03 stats are due to longevity/legacy fics. There is ✨NO WAY ON EARTH✨ if I posted YD today it would make it into the top 1000 fics out of 24k and that would be wonderful still, that has always been my experience in the past. No comparison is ever justified or solid and it is truly the death of joy. Write for you, for your friends, and the people who will read it in 10 years time who NEED it. Nothing else matters.
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Good Omens, staying skeptical, and the mystery and the lie at the heart of Gravity Falls
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-Neil Gaiman, 29 June 2023
I recently came across this post by @apathetic-revenant, which goes into extensive detail about a whole secret meta lie generated by Alex Hirsch, creator and head writer of Gravity Falls, midway through the show.
It went like this: the show was very focused on mysteries, codes, ciphers, etc, and early on a character discovered a mysterious journal with an unknown author, and this drove the plot. There were clues placed in the show so that people could solve the journal author's identity, or more probably so that it would all make sense in hindsight after the big reveal. However, the show ended up with a larger-than-expected fandom who started organizing online in a way the creators hadn't expected or planned for, and they were worried everyone would collectively solve the mystery too easily, too soon, and the suspense and appeal of the story gradually unfolding would be lost.
So they took a fake BTS photo that appeared to reveal the journal's author and "leaked" it online. To give it credibility, the show's creator posted "Fuming right now" and then deleted the post soon after, once they were certain it had been seen and screenshots taken. The Gravity Falls fandom then stopped trying to solve the mystery, as they believed the answer had already been revealed. It was a solution "targeted toward delaying that group problem-solving, without actually affecting the experience of any individual person watching the show."
Ok, Good Omens fandom. Are we Gravity Falls all over again? Are we also experiencing meta lies?
Is it possible that Amazon's marketing department has just released a new promotional video about Aziraphale & Crowley's "timeline of interconnectedness" (discussions here and here ) where they honestly:
got several of those timeline dates wrong, including labeling the entirety of seasons 1 and 2 as belonging to the same year?
mixed all the season 1 and 2 clips together so they're completely interconnected and out of the order they were presented to us so far?
didn't consult with Neil Gaiman for even a moment to be sure they had their facts straight? (Or literally anyone else who's spent years working on it? Or even someone who has just watched it once while paying attention?)
didn't understand the way most series tell a story by moving through time in a realistic linear fashion?
When Neil said today that "time is fine" in response to questions about the timeline of interconnectedness video, was he trying to misdirect the fandom away from the mystery that's clearly hidden throughout both seasons (and especially season 2)?
The Good Place seems suddenly more relevant than I'd imagined:
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Neil has told us that his Tumblr posts aren't canon. He's also said:
"Never trust the storyteller. Only trust the story."
"Writers are liars, my dear, surely you know that by now? And yet, things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow-truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot." -Both quotes are from The Sandman [link]
So here's my plea to whichever part of the fandom might read this: Stay Skeptical. It's wonderful to talk to Neil about his characters, the worlds he's created, his writing process, his views on world events, his sense of humor, his kindness, his compassion and empathy, and his good advice & encouragement for the entire range of the human experience. I respect him very much, and I'm thrilled he's here on social media talking to all of us. (Except he doesn't have social media, obviously. He's like Schrödinger's Social Media Neil-cat.)
I'm looking forward to all the surprises I'm certain are in store for us (and Aziraphale and Crowley) in Good Omens season 3. I trust Neil (and Terry!) to deliver our beloved characters to a very satisfying ending. But I don't trust Neil to honestly answer all of our questions on social media - and neither should you.
Especially not when he's already blamed obvious season 2 changes to the Bentley on the "lighting" (as just one example).
With lots of thanks to the members of the @ineffable-detective-agency - including @bbbitchvibbbez, @kimberleyjean, @maufungi, @noneorother, @theastrophysicistnextdoor, and @thebluestgreen for all their excellent fact-checking, ideas, and discussions!
Interested in diving further into all the Good Omens mysteries? I have more posts plus Clues and metas from all over the fandom, here.
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skinnypaleangryperson · 5 months
I undoubtedly have a lot of mental disorders and self-esteem issues more than I've ever had in my life because of constant stream of social media but some people have true they lost their minds. I have, too, but at the very least I don't feed into it actively and brainlessly with every single toxic waste of an argument that I can come up with. Every time I open up an app it's like seeing the complete burning of humanity's mental health in front of my eyes. I feel it too, but at the very least I'm trying to protect myself with a little bit of sense and reason. I don't think we were ever supposed to have this kind of interconnection to millions, which seems like it has led to people being far too over analytical about pretty much every psychological aspect of being human beings, whether they're used to just be a sense of docile gentle natural empty acceptance where everybody is now hyper analyzing everything that could possibly ever be conceived to man
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s-------i-------g · 1 year
I've Written a Book for No One to Read
If you’ve been paying close attention to the goings-ons through my social media presences (don’t worry, I don’t expect it), you may have seen a few posts alluding to writing chapters of a book. This was actually not a joke! Basically, I was planning on finishing the whole book and waiting for someone to message back with “can I read it?” at which point I would’ve revealed that the each chapter had been uploaded to this very blog from the start [note to self: edit that for tumblr, cohost, and spacehey], but the most interaction on any of these posts that I ever saw was on twitter, and right before finishing off the book I was permanently suspended (for normal reasons) and so that fizzled right the hell up, didn’t it? Let’s be real here, that’s not a great way to get people to actually read your work anyway.
I cannot stress enough how much of my social network was built onto the racist, collapsing platform formerly known as Twitter, and since that’s gone now/I have to start again and I’m being unduly secretive about it, I have to actually promote my own work which is a huge pain in the ass. So now you can know that exists and you can still ignore it! Seriously, I’m not going to be upset either way.
The book (can it be called it book if it’s entirely online?) is something I’ve been doing in my spare time for the past few months, mostly combining a great deal of ideas I’ve had floating about forever and actually committing to writing them down in a way so that they can finally be excised from my he. It’s not something I put a ton of thought into, just stuff I had a rough idea about, fleshed out a little, went over again, and then published it as I was writing it. It was the first time I approached a project that’s so “big” so loosely, and it was freeing to do. I’m not pinning all my hopes and dreams onto this thing, I’m just putting it out there for someone to read. Or not read, as it may be. It would be great if it lead to something a bit better than what I’ve got going on now, sure, but I’ve learned to not get my hopes too high. At the very least I’m finished with it for now. If this actually gains traction, there’s a possibility of shoring it up a bit more for proper publication.
So now, in a somewhat more formal way, I’m introducing you/the world to CARETAKERS, an experimental, science fiction work (with maybe some fantasy/unexplained shit) that spans multiple viewpoints, locations, and time periods. It might actually be very difficult to read, and that’s not including what it’s about. It concerns an Earth, not too far in the future, that has been destroyed by both climate change and a world war, the response to which has been to launch most of the population into space with the intent of finding a new home, but the majority of the ships are destroyed about a year into their travels (not that most of the people on Earth know that). This work tends toward being bleak and pessimistic, and often addresses real world situations in ways that might be uncomfortable for people to read. CW: Sex, Light Racism, Drug Addiction, Depression, Death, Suicide, Mass Murder, War, Climate Catastrophe, Nuclear War, The Apocalypse. Use your best discretion to decide if it is for you.
I would also say that as I kept publishing it as I was writing, there are going to definitely be some mistakes and inconsistencies. There are characters who aren’t fleshed out much, and there are things I didn’t do much research on that may be straight-up wrong, especially regarding heroin addiction and cultural backgrounds. My intent was never to be problematic, and if you feel like some aspects are, I’m not going to tell you you’re wrong, but I’m doing my best to mitigate the damage in advance. The work itself is fairly short. I would be hesitant to refer to it as a “novel.” “Novella” may be too much. “Novelette” doesn’t sound like a real word. “Series of interconnected short stories told in the most obnoxious, confusing way possible” now that one seems far more accurate. I’m guessing if you were to properly print any given chapter, few of them would surpass two pages of print. I’m going back to trying to make comics again, thanks.
Anyway, enjoy?
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johannestevans · 1 year
Having read a bunch of your fiction and essays on various topics, as well as followed you on social media for a while, I am in absolute awe of your confidence, self-assurance, and ability to set boundaries - all things I struggle with immensely, and far too much for someone who is almost 30 and should have their shit more than together by now! Any tips or tricks you have for increasing self-confidence and generally empowering oneself would be much appreciated.
Hi there, Anon!
I think that raising one's confidence can be a complicated process, especially because in various ways when our confidence is a lot lower, it's often because we've been made to feel in various ways like we shouldn't be confident, or that we don't have the right to take up the space that we take up.
Part of this becomes reflexive and self-replicating - because we're so used to saying "yes" to everything, we might just say "yes" automatically to everything, and even if internally we know that we would prefer to say something different or we know that we don't want to do something right away, we've said yes, or it's fine, or don't worry about it, almost as soon as someone asks!
So especially for the thing of building oneself up, I would say that one of the most important ways to assert yourself and your boundaries, and also to give yourself an opportunity to consider things for yourself, is to give yourself time.
Especially online, but also just in a generally very interconnected world, it can feel like as soon as someone reaches out to us, as soon as a question or request is made of us, we have to reply with urgency. You don't.
99% of the time, things are honestly not that urgent. And when I say "question" or "request" I honestly mean like, any kind of message - there's nothing wrong with leaving something for a little bit and giving ourselves time and space to think about it and consider it. If your mother asks you to come do x for her but you're never comfortable with family gatherings because other people treat you badly or similar, you can sit on it for a while and think about it, how to reply, whether to say no or to say "I can only do y, not x".
You can also say that face to face, you know? You can always go, "I don't know! Let me get back to you," or "Hmm, I'm not sure right now, let me think about it," and that's entirely fair. Anyone who would get upset or frustrated about you asking for time to consider things is someone who won't respond well to a harder boundary when it's set, and it can be a good way to prompt people to show their red flags, you know?
There's a lot of fear I think about being seen as a flake or being seen as unreliable, especially when expectations have been placed on us to be hypercompetent or always available, but most people honestly don't fixate or consider these things very deeply.
You don't have to be everything to everybody, you know? There are a lot of other people in the world who can and will fill any roles that you're not able to fill yourself, and you like everybody else have the right to assert your boundaries and to live without the weight of the world on your shoulders.
What you can be, and what you are, is you. Nobody is capable of being you better than you are, and all you can do, all you can be, is the best sort of you you want to be - it's often used as a cliché, but it's a true one, you know?
It's important to remember that you don't exist to service or please other people. You exist, in the first instance, to live your own life. The old adage is that you cannot pour from an empty cup, and that's true - you need to be fed, you need to be healthy enough, you need to be fulfilled and happy, and you need to juggle any external things you offer, any services or any further weights on you, alongside your own needs.
I much believe that it's a very important and very fulfilling thing to serve others and to work toward repairing around us what is broken, but we cannot and should not do that by breaking ourselves in the process.
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pauline-03 · 10 months
Public Health Campaigns & Communities
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The convergence of public health campaigns with social media platforms in the modern digital era has changed how people interact and perceive health-related content. Public health communications and community engagement are greatly aided by the complex interplay between our social experiences on social media and the affordances of these platforms. Using a case study to provide a thorough analysis, this essay examines the symbiotic relationship between social media, its affordances, and how communities use these platforms in the context of public health initiatives.
Public health campaigns can benefit from the special affordances offered by social media platforms. Compared to more conventional forms of communication, social networking platforms like Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Twitter have made it easier and faster to share news with a far larger audience. Because of these characteristics, it is now essential for academics to use social media to communicate their research and to produce reputable content that can be viewed by a large audience (Dong et al., 2020). These advantages are used by public health advocates and organisations to disseminate instructional materials, reach a wide audience, and encourage healthy lifestyle choices.
An effective case study demonstrating the significant influence of social media on public health efforts is the COVID-19 pandemic. Social media sites such as Twitter and Instagram have emerged as vital conduits for the dissemination of factual information, dispelling myths, and promoting preventative measures. Health officials took advantage of social media's real-time nature to interact with the public, share instructions, and offer timely information.
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Social media platforms have made it easier to distribute infographics, videos, and other visually appealing content that conveys complicated medical knowledge widely. As a result of the popularity of hashtags like #MaskUp and #StayHome, there was a sense of collective commitment to public health recommendations. Social media users' interconnection facilitated the quick dissemination of information, highlighting the cooperative character of community involvement in public health initiatives.
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Social media platforms function as dynamic areas where citizens participate actively in public health initiatives. With the ongoing advancement of technology and other reasons, social media is becoming an increasingly potent instrument for educating people about a variety of socially relevant issues and raising awareness of them. Social media efforts can help advance mental health. According to a study on the use of social media for health by teenagers and young adults, 25% of participants said that social media may give them helpful information (Latha et al., 2020). Users are encouraged to submit their experiences, ideas, and support for health initiatives on these participatory platforms. User-generated material is a common component of public health campaigns, empowering people to become advocates for health promotion. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, people promoted a sense of unity, emphasised the value of immunisation, and shared personal tales of conquering the virus. The communal exchange of personal stories aided in the de-stigmatization of health-related concerns and encouraged open dialogue among community. 
Social media platforms provide public health campaigns with previously unheard-of possibilities, but they also come with difficulties and moral dilemmas. The efficiency of campaigns can be hampered by the quick dissemination of false information and the emergence of "echo chambers," when people with similar views reinforce one another's opinions. According to a recent study, bogus news spreads more quickly than actual news on Twitter. For example, polarisation on the internet might encourage the spread of false information.  Users also have a propensity to gravitate towards content that supports their opinions and associate with communities that are built around a common story—a phenomenon known as echo chambers. The rise of social media echo chambers could be explained by selective exposure and confirmation bias (Cinelli et al., 2021). Promoting inclusive dialogues that reach a range of audiences and utilising tactics to guarantee information accuracy are two ways public health advocates must overcome these obstacles. For instance, during the epidemic, government health officials "took action" against 14 social media posts that spread false information about Covid-19 (Zainul, 2022).
In summary, the distinct affordances that social media platforms provide are closely linked to our social experiences in public health initiatives. The COVID-19 pandemic case study emphasises how social media may have a revolutionary impact on community participation, the dissemination of factual information, and the promotion of healthy practises. Social media platforms are dynamic hubs for information sharing and community development because of their participatory nature, which enables communities to actively participate in public health activities. Understanding and utilising social media platforms' affordances is essential for the success of public health initiatives and the welfare of communities everywhere as we continue to navigate the rapidly changing environment of digital communication.
List of References
Cinelli, M., De Francisci Morales, G., Galeazzi, A., Quattrociocchi, W., & Starnini, M. (2021). The echo chamber effect on social media. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118(9). https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2023301118.
Dong, J., Saunders, C., Wachira, B., Thoma, B., & Chan, T. M. (2020). Social media and the modern scientist: a research primer for low- and middle-income countries. African Journal of Emergency Medicine, 10, S120–S124. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.afjem.2020.04.005.
Latha, K. R., Meena, K. S., Pravitha, M. R., Dasgupta, M., & Chaturvedi, S. K. (2020). Effective use of social media platforms for promotion of mental health awareness. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 9(1), 124. https://doi.org/10.4103/jehp.jehp_90_20.
Sheikh, B. F., Karam, A., Botero, L. F. V., Neulat, L., Madhujan, L. R., Meléndez-Samó, L. M., Subba, U. K., Siu, O., & Giannone, Z. (n.d.). Stories of hope, resilience and inspiration during the coronavirus pandemic. https://www.apa.org. https://www.apa.org/international/global-insights/stories-pandemic.
Zainul, H. (2022, March 4). Harris Zainul. https://www.isis.org.my/2022/03/04/moh-acted-on-14-viral-fake-news-posts-for-covid-misinformation/.
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My thoughts on the death of Twitter.
Twitter is dying, hell it's pretty much already dead. I personally never had a twitter account, but it was important. With facebook arguably falling out of favor with the latest generations, twitter was the defacto social media platform for large swathes of people from every demographic and age group. It was a conversation space, and yes it could be hostile, toxic, and prone to mobs, but it also had intimately human moments. It holds so much of our culture, records of developments that will just fade to mild fluctuations in magnetic fields, as the hard drives that once contained crystalized pieces of our human journey, become nothing more than rubbish.
The internet is like an ecosystem. There's a balance to it, a push and pull. It has currents,tides and jet streams, complicated interconnected relationships that not even we as the participants fully understand. And now, one of the single biggest occupants of an ecological niche we do not even fully understand, is about to disappear. Not die, disappear. Because death implies decay and return, as if more than a decade of human communications are going to go somewhere, or return somewhere. But there is no place for it to go to, or return to. We are losing so much historical data, so much that we won't even know what we're going to miss until it's far too late.
And that's just about the historical records issue, because when twitter goes, there is one part of the platform that will need somewhere to go. The people. To paraphrase Aristotle, "Nature abhors a vacuum". Twitter is dying, and it's not going to leave anything behind except its users, and the people who built it. I cannot say what will happen next, but there are hundreds of software and firmware engineers without a job, and several hundred million people without a platform.
I was looking over an article on where Twitter users planned to go next. There were lists, and discussions of using mastodon, and explorations of discord group chats. I felt like I was looking at the build up to our mini apocalypse, and I was there for the tumblr exodus. I watched as the entire platform panicked, as we all ran around like chickens with our heads cut off. It felt like the entire platform was collapsing, and then I watched, as the platform shuddered, and groaned, and it held, but I remember watching communities talk about where they would go. I admit that I was genuinely scared, because I thought that this gestures vaguely might be over, and now I can't help but to think of twitter, and its users. Because for them, it really, probably, is over.
Imagine the level of panic that we went through during the 2016 ban, except instead of tens of thousands, imagine hundreds of millions of people, hundreds of thousands of communities packing up their bags and discussing their best options for survival. The absence of twitter as a platform is going to drastically all sorts of dynamics, and the energy from hundreds of millions of panicked people is not something that just fizzles out. The death of Twitter is going to have ripple effects we can't even being to understand yet, but this is an end of an era. Something big is coming, and while I can't pretend to know what it is, or what's going to happen next, this feels important. This feels like a moment that people are going to talk about in history books one day. We are watching the future unfold before our eyes, and we are cursed to not understand what it all means until it's over.
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mariacallous · 2 years
On the evening of Jan. 8, U.S. President Joe Biden took to Twitter to condemn an invasion of government buildings by a violent mob. Hours after a crowd vandalized the National Congress, Supreme Court, and presidential palace in Brasília, the official @POTUS account bashed the “assault on democracy and on the peaceful transfer of power in Brazil.”
It all felt like déjà vu. Almost to the day, Brazil was seeing a remake of the Jan. 6, 2021, storming of the U.S. Capitol, which sought to prevent Congress from certifying Biden’s 2020 election victory. A day after Brazil’s insurrection, Biden called new Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva to convey his “unwavering support” for the country’s democracy. The two decided to meet in Washington in February and are convening on Friday.
Now, together at the White House, Biden and Lula must face the uncomfortable reality that the two insurrections that sought to overturn their respective election victories are parts of the same plot. What’s more, Brazil’s iteration would likely never have occurred had the United States not experienced what it did on Jan. 6, 2021. The two attacks were in many ways fueled by U.S. social media companies’ reluctance to police disinformation related to the election results—and Brazil’s was empowered by the U.S. justice system’s failure so far to hold former U.S. President Donald Trump to account. Though Biden was not involved personally in either riot, as U.S. president he has a unique responsibility to help Lula combat anti-democratic forces in Brazil.
Trump’s Big Lie—which falsely claims that he won the 2020 U.S. presidential election and more generally that recent U.S. elections have been riddled with fraud—did not start after the 2020 election. Trump has promulgated the narrative since 2016. “I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally,” he tweeted just 19 days after being elected via the Electoral College (but losing the popular vote).
Since the 2021 insurrection, Trump’s claims have emboldened far-right politicians all over the world. In June of that year, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tried to undermine a vote that gave power to the opposition by saying, “We are witnessing the greatest election fraud in the history of the country.” His narrative included a conspiracy about a so-called deep state and calling the media a “propaganda machine enlisted in favor of the left.” That same month, Peruvian presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori promoted her own Big Lie about election fraud while she delayed conceding to Pedro Castillo (who would later be ousted by Peru’s Congress).
But nowhere was Trump’s Big Lie replicated as eagerly as in Brazil. Former President Jair Bolsonaro copied so many of Trump’s rhetorical tactics to undermine trust in elections that they sounded almost like a Portuguese-language dubbing of the U.S. president. After his inauguration in 2019, Bolsonaro claimed that he had won the election by a bigger margin than he had in reality. And ahead of last October’s contest against Lula, Bolsonaro’s administration promoted—and then pushed for a behind-the-scenes investigation of—bogus claims of widespread fraud in Brazil’s electronic voting system. Bolsonaro’s allies even made a last-minute attempt to halt the Oct. 30 runoff vote by claiming that Brazil’s electoral court was preventing radio stations from airing the same number of ads for Lula’s and Bolsonaro’s parties—a Brazilian version of Trump’s “Stop the Count.”
It’s no accident that Brazil’s insurrection so closely mirrored the one in the United States. The far-right movements in the two countries are deeply interconnected.
Ties between the Bolsonaro family and Trump aides date back to 2018. That year, Eduardo Bolsonaro—the former president’s third son and a member of Brazil’s Chamber of Deputies—met with former Trump strategist Steve Bannon and soon after became the South American representative of the Movement, a coalition of far-right extremists in Europe and Latin America that Bannon had founded. In a September 2022 interview with BBC News Brazil, Bannon praised the then-Brazilian president’s expertise in engaging his supporters through social media and said both he and Eduardo have “charisma” that is lacking in U.S. politics. He also acknowledged that he spent a lot of his time “talking backstage” with the Bolsonaros during the 2022 Brazilian presidential campaign. Two of Bolsonaro’s other sons, Carlos and Flávio, are also deeply involved in the former president’s political enterprise; Carlos manages his social media profiles.
Since Bannon and Eduardo Bolsonaro met, Eduardo has spent a great deal of time in the United States, meeting at least 80 times with members of the U.S. far right. He was even in Washington in the days before and after Jan. 6, 2021. The grounds for his visit are still not clear; at the time, the Brazilian Embassy in Washington said the foreign ministry was not aware of the trip. While in Washington in January 2021, Eduardo met with Trump’s daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, as well as MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, who is reported to have suggested that Trump should declare martial law to stay in power.
The elder Bolsonaro, for his part, did not condemn the attempted U.S. insurrection, stating that “there were people who voted three, four times, dead people who voted,” which is false. He used Trump’s Big Lie to say Brazil needed paper ballots in its own elections, otherwise “we [in Brazil] will have a problem worse than the United States.”
After Bolsonaro’s family and close allies helped spread Trump’s Big Lie, key actors in the “Stop the Steal” campaign also planted the seeds of mistrust in Brazil’s electoral system.
In August 2021, Eduardo was a keynote speaker at an event Lindell hosted in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where the businessman promised he would reveal proof of election fraud in 2020. (His attempt to do so failed miserably.) On stage, Eduardo attacked Brazil’s electronic voting system, saying, “You dial the number of your candidate and pray to God that your vote will be correctly counted.” Bannon, who was sitting by his side, then claimed that the 2022 Brazilian election would be “the second most important in the world and the most important of all time in South America. Bolsonaro will win unless it is stolen by, guess what, the machines.”
Bannon was among the first to call on Bolsonaro not to concede to Lula last October; he did so on a Gettr livestream just hours after results showed Bolsonaro’s defeat. Bolsonaro never conceded—and remained publicly silent for 44 hours after the election results were announced while his supporters violently blocked roads and camped in front of military premises. He did not condemn them and left the country for Florida two days before the end of his term.
Now, as Lula and Biden meet, Bolsonaro remains in the United States. And with the news that the former Brazilian president recently applied for a six-month U.S. tourist visa, his presence is becoming more uncomfortable for the U.S. political establishment. Several House Democrats have called for the Biden administration to order Bolsonaro out of country, as more information surfaces about his role in a wider plot to subvert Brazil’s election. While Brazilian authorities have so far said there are no grounds to request Bolsonaro’s extradition, recent developments in ongoing investigations into the Jan. 8 attacks have placed Bolsonaro at the heart of a plot to overturn last October’s election results.
Apparently seeking to make a comeback as the darling of the extreme right, Bolsonaro spoke at an event at a Trump golf course in Miami last Friday hosted by the far-right organization Turning Point USA. Some of Bolsonaro’s most prominent Brazilian supporters, such as YouTuber Allan dos Santos and businessman Paulo Figueiredo—once a business partner of Trump in Rio de Janeiro—are also based in the United States, engaging in Portuguese-language disinformation campaigns aimed at Brazilian audiences from U.S. soil.
The Biden administration has a responsibility to help fight ongoing threats to Brazil’s democracy. Many of the people spreading disinformation in Brazil are based in the United States—Bolsonaro included. They have also mostly spread their lies on U.S.-run social media sites—platforms that suffer a lack of oversight due to Washington’s failures to pass substantive tech regulations. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the continued failure to hold Trump legally accountable for the U.S. Capitol riot sends the message that anyone can use the Big Lie as a valid political strategy and get away with it.
The Biden administration must take a decisive stance on these issues. U.S. and Brazilian authorities should coordinate on not only Bolsonaro’s status but his supporters’ actions in U.S. territory. One U.S. law makes it a crime to organize or help an attempt to overthrow a government. But it is unclear whether this could apply to Bolsonaro and his followers. Can repeating a false claim about the legitimacy of an election be framed as an attempt to overthrow a government?
The White House should also pressure U.S. social media companies to better moderate foreign-language content and engage with foreign authorities on how best to curb threats to democracy in other countries. Research shows that Silicon Valley has failed to properly combat election-related disinformation in non-English languages. The bulk of Meta’s 2022 election-monitoring resources, for example, were geared toward the U.S. midterms, despite the Meta-owned WhatsApp having been central to the spread of election-related falsehoods in countries such as Brazil.
Finally, the U.S. Justice Department’s investigations into Trump must move forward. While Biden has rightly stayed away from the investigations to avoid the suggestion of political interference—and should continue to do so—their slow pace has cast doubt on whether justice will be achieved at all, particularly as Trump campaigns for the 2024 U.S. presidential election amid growing calls to “move on.” To the outside world, the message so far is that the main culprit of Jan. 6, 2021, is getting away with it—and political forces in Brazil are watching attentively.
The Brazilian justice system, by contrast, has moved more swiftly in the wake of the Jan. 8 attacks to combat anti-democratic forces. The day of the invasion, Lula ordered federal security services to intervene in Brasília. A few weeks later, Lula fired the head of the army who resisted punishing a military officer with close ties to Bolsonaro who is under investigation.
These steps notwithstanding, bilateral collaboration between Biden and Lula is essential to protect democracies worldwide. Today, the two leaders’ response must be strong and their message clear: We will not let the Big Lie become the new normal. Democracy will win.
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roamnook · 4 months
New Study Reveals Startling Statistics: 75% Increase in Global Carbon Emissions Over Past Decade. Take a Deep Dive into the Data Now!
The Power of Numbers: Revolutionizing the Digital World
The Power of Numbers: Revolutionizing the Digital World
Greetings, readers! Today, we delve into the fascinating world of numbers, where concrete data and hard facts fuel digital growth and pave the way for revolutionary technological advancements. Prepare to embark on a journey of discovery as we unravel the transformative potential of numbers in various domains, from IT consultation to custom software development and digital marketing.
The Digital Transformation
Before diving into the intricacies of numbers, let's take a moment to understand the significance of the digital realm in our lives. The digital transformation has revolutionized the way we live, work, and interact. From smartphones to smart homes, from e-commerce to social media, the digital landscape permeates every aspect of our existence.
"The digital revolution is far more significant than the invention of writing or even of printing."
- Douglas Engelbart, Inventor of the Computer Mouse
Indeed, the digital revolution has brought forth unprecedented opportunities and challenges. With the exponential growth of data, harnessing its potential becomes paramount. This is where numbers step in as the guiding light, providing us with the insights and strategies needed to navigate the vast digital ocean.
The Power of Data
Data, in its raw form, is like an untamed beast. It holds immeasurable value, waiting to be unlocked. But how do we tame this beast? The answer lies in numbers. Numbers have the ability to transform raw data into information, knowledge, and actionable insights.
In the realm of IT consultation, numbers serve as the foundation for building robust systems and infrastructures. By analyzing data patterns, IT consultants can identify weaknesses, anticipate potential risks, and formulate effective strategies to optimize performance and security. The ability to interpret and manipulate numbers is what sets successful consultants apart.
Custom software development, on the other hand, thrives on the power of numbers. Developers leverage numerical algorithms and statistical analysis to create innovative solutions. Through precise calculations and logical processes, custom software drives efficiency, enhances user experience, and unlocks unprecedented potential for businesses across various industries.
Numbers also form the backbone of digital marketing. In a world driven by algorithms and analytics, marketers rely on concrete data to refine campaigns, target specific audiences, and maximize ROI. By understanding consumer behavior, tracking metrics, and utilizing advanced numerical models, companies can unleash the true power of their marketing efforts.
The Real-World Applications
Now that we grasp the fundamental role of numbers in the digital revolution, let's explore their real-world applications and the practical implications they hold. Here are some compelling examples:
1. Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Machine learning and AI represent the pinnacle of numerical innovation. By leveraging vast amounts of data, these technologies enable computers to learn, adapt, and make decisions without explicit human intervention. From self-driving cars to virtual assistants, the applications of machine learning and AI are boundless.
Imagine a world where businesses can predict consumer behavior with unparalleled accuracy, doctors can diagnose diseases based on vast medical databases, and speech recognition systems can understand the intricacies of every language and accent. All of this is made possible by the power of numbers.
2. Cybersecurity
In an increasingly interconnected world, cybersecurity is of paramount importance. Numbers play a crucial role in this domain, ensuring the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of sensitive information. Encryption algorithms, digital certificates, and network traffic analysis all rely on the mathematical principles rooted in numbers.
By employing advanced numerical techniques, cybersecurity professionals can detect and mitigate threats, safeguarding individuals and organizations from malicious actors. From preventing data breaches to safeguarding critical infrastructure, the power of numbers is instrumental in ensuring a secure digital ecosystem.
3. Data Analytics
The age-old saying, "Knowledge is power," rings especially true in the world of data analytics. Unleashing the value hidden within vast datasets is a daunting task. However, numbers provide the key to unlock this value, fueling insights that drive informed decision-making.
Data analytics empowers businesses to optimize operations, identify trends, and gain a competitive edge. By employing statistical models, regression analysis, and predictive algorithms, organizations can make data-driven decisions that shape their strategies, enhance customer experiences, and increase profitability.
The RoamNook Advantage
At RoamNook, we are passionate about harnessing the power of numbers to drive digital growth. As an innovative technology company, specializing in IT consultation, custom software development, and digital marketing, our mission is to empower businesses through the transformative potential of data.
With our team of expert consultants, developers, and marketers, we bring unparalleled expertise to the table. Our holistic approach combines technical prowess, scientific rigor, and practical know-how to deliver solutions that go beyond expectations.
By partnering with RoamNook, businesses gain access to cutting-edge technologies, tailored strategies, and measurable results. Whether it's optimizing IT infrastructure, developing customized software solutions, or unlocking the power of digital marketing, RoamNook is here to guide you.
Join us on this exhilarating journey as we revolutionize the digital world one number at a time!
In conclusion, the power of numbers is undeniable. From the intricate world of machine learning to the robust stronghold of cybersecurity, numbers shape the digital landscape and fuel innovation. Data-driven decision-making has become the cornerstone of success in the modern age.
As individuals and organizations alike, by embracing the power of numbers, we unlock the potential to transform our lives and industries. With RoamNook as your trusted partner, you can confidently navigate the complex digital realm and harness the transformative potential of data.
Visit us at RoamNook today to embark on your digital journey. Let us fuel your digital growth and pave the way for a future empowered by the power of numbers.
Source: https://scholar.google.com/scholar%3Fq%3DIntroduction%2Bto%2Bcomputer%2Bvision%2Bapplications%26hl%3Den%26as_sdt%3D0%26as_vis%3D1%26oi%3Dscholart&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwj-_6fxw4WGAxV1MVkFHaiGA70QgQN6BAgMEAE&usg=AOvVaw2WGM2ixjzBjy6yuTgXbgeC
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ascendantgb · 6 months
The Power of CEO Branding: Building Trust and Influence in the Digital Age
In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, the role of a CEO extends far beyond boardroom meetings and financial reports. With the rise of social media, 24/7 news cycles, and increased transparency, CEOs are now more visible and accessible than ever before. As a result, the concept of CEO branding has emerged as a crucial strategy for business leaders looking to establish trust, credibility, and influence both within their organizations and among external stakeholders.
CEO branding encompasses the personal reputation, values, and public persona of a company's chief executive officer. It's about more than just promoting the company; it's about crafting a distinct identity that resonates with employees, customers, investors, and the broader community. In essence, CEO branding humanizes the corporate entity, making it more relatable and trustworthy in the eyes of the public.
So, why is CEO branding important?
First and foremost, CEO branding can significantly impact a company's bottom line. Numerous studies have shown that consumers are more likely to trust and support companies whose CEOs are actively engaged in public discourse and advocacy. A strong CEO brand can enhance customer loyalty, attract top talent, and even drive sales. After all, people want to do business with companies that are led by authentic and inspiring leaders.
Moreover, CEO branding can serve as a powerful tool for crisis management and reputation repair. In times of adversity or controversy, having a respected and visible CEO can help mitigate damage to the company's image and restore trust among stakeholders. By demonstrating transparency, accountability, and a commitment to addressing issues head-on, CEOs can navigate challenging situations more effectively and emerge stronger on the other side.
Additionally, CEO branding can provide a competitive advantage in the war for talent. In today's competitive job market, top candidates are not only looking for attractive compensation packages but also for companies with a compelling mission and values-driven leadership. A well-established CEO brand can help attract and retain top talent by showcasing a company's commitment to innovation, diversity, sustainability, and social responsibility.
Furthermore, CEO branding can play a crucial role in shaping industry narratives and influencing public policy. By leveraging their platform and influence, CEOs can advocate for important issues, drive meaningful change, and position their companies as leaders in their respective fields. Whether it's advocating for environmental sustainability, promoting diversity and inclusion, or championing ethical business practices, CEOs have the opportunity to drive positive impact beyond their bottom line.
However, building a strong CEO brand requires more than just a polished public image and a savvy social media presence. It requires authenticity, consistency, and a genuine commitment to the values and purpose of the company. CEOs must lead by example, embodying the principles they espouse and demonstrating integrity in their actions.
Moreover, CEO branding is not a one-time endeavor but an ongoing process that requires continuous cultivation and engagement. It involves actively listening to feedback, engaging with stakeholders, and adapting to changing dynamics in the business landscape. By staying authentic, responsive, and accountable, CEOs can build lasting trust and credibility with their audiences.
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iconicdigital1 · 9 months
How to Maximise Brand Reach: Unveiling the Power of Digital Marketing
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In today's interconnected world, establishing a robust online presence is not just an option but a necessity for businesses aiming to thrive and expand their reach. With the advent of digitalisation, the marketing landscape has undergone a revolutionary transformation. Now, more than ever, the prowess of digital marketing has become the cornerstone for businesses seeking to amplify their brand reach and engagement.
Digital Marketing Consultants: Pioneering Growth
Digital marketing consultants like Iconic Digital, are the architects behind successful online strategies. For businesses, tapping into the expertise of dedicated digital marketing consultants can be transformative. These experts specialise in leveraging the ever-evolving digital landscape to craft tailored strategies that resonate with the local audience while also ensuring global visibility. Their adeptness in SEO, PPC, content marketing, and more helps businesses not only survive but thrive in the competitive digital realm.
Outsource Marketing: Unveiling New Possibilities
The concept of outsourcing marketing services, including social media marketing, has gained immense traction. By collaborating with a social media marketing agency in London, businesses unlock a treasure trove of opportunities. These agencies bring finesse to branding, content creation, and audience engagement, ensuring a seamless online presence across diverse platforms. The advantage of outsourcing lies in tapping into specialised expertise while focusing on core business activities.
Impactful Social Media Agency: Redefining Engagement
A social media agency can be the catalyst for elevating a brand's social presence. With an in-depth understanding of local markets and global trends, these agencies curate content that resonates deeply with the target audience. From crafting compelling visuals to implementing data-driven strategies, these agencies drive engagement, fostering meaningful interactions that translate into brand loyalty and amplified reach.
Outsourced Marketing Services: Beyond Traditional Boundaries
The concept of an outsourced marketing department has redefined traditional marketing paradigms. By outsourcing marketing services, businesses gain access to a dedicated team that operates as an extension of their brand. This approach not only reduces overhead costs but also brings in a fresh perspective, innovative strategies, and a pool of resources that propel brand visibility, ensuring a far-reaching impact in the digital sphere.
Maximising Brand Visibility through Outsourced Marketing Services
Iconic Digital’s approach to outsourced marketing is holistic, encompassing a spectrum of services such as search engine optimisation (SEO), content marketing, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, email marketing, and more. By leveraging these strategies, they optimise your online presence, drive organic traffic, and enhance conversion rates, ultimately elevating your brand’s visibility and market positioning.
Harnessing the Power of Digital Marketing: Key Strategies
·     Targeted Content Creation: Tailoring content that resonates with the audience's preferences and behaviours is pivotal.
·        SEO Optimisation: Ensuring visibility on search engines through strategic optimisation techniques enhances brand visibility.
·      Data-Driven Decision Making: Leveraging analytics and consumer insights aids in crafting precise marketing strategies.
·   Social Media Engagement: Actively engaging with the audience across social platforms fosters relationships and expands reach.
·  Mobile Optimisation: Crafting a seamless user experience across mobile devices enhances accessibility and user engagement.
In the digital age, the impact of digital marketing on brand reach is unparalleled. Businesses in London and Surrey, by collaborating with digital marketing consultants and outsourcing marketing services, unlock a world of possibilities. From augmenting online visibility to fostering meaningful engagements, the ripple effect of strategic digital marketing resonates far and wide, enabling businesses to carve their niche in the digital realm.
As the digital landscape continues to evolve, embracing innovative strategies becomes the cornerstone for brands aiming to scale their reach and influence. Iconic Digital understands the pulse of digital marketing, offering bespoke solutions that amplify brand presence. With a team of seasoned experts, they navigate the intricate digital terrain, empowering businesses to soar to new heights of success.
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systemtek · 1 year
Reducing The Carbon Footprint Of Your Business Using Technology
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The term ‘carbon footprint’ has been in use for some time now, as a handy if reductive way of addressing our contributions to carbon emissions – both personally and in terms of businesses and enterprises. It should come as no surprise that businesses and industries carry a great deal of the weight in terms of national carbon emissions, and that their responsibility to address climate change is far greater than that of the individual. As a manager or business owner yourself, it would then fall on you to chart a course towards a more sustainable future as a business by reducing the size of this carbon footprint. Not only are there ethical factors at place, but also legal imperatives – to say nothing of consumer demand and the PR positives that can come from directly addressing pollutive practices. But what are some ways in which the modern tech-forward business can adequately address its carbon footprint? Renewable Energy Sources One of the major routes by which larger businesses can seek to reduce their carbon footprint is through pivoting away from pollutive energy sources altogether. Renewable sources like solar and wind have been available for decades, and continue to grow as effective alternatives to fossil fuels. This change could be as simple as signing up with an eco-conscious energy supplier that guarantees supply of renewable energy to the grid; alternatively, a business could assemble its own solar arrays to produce its own energy off-grid. Heating Systems Energy sources are just one part of the equation, though. Energy efficiency is another vital consideration, particularly with regard to building heating systems. Older heating systems are inefficient at heating water, resulting in energy lost and undue pollution. An efficient combi boiler could be revelatory for the smaller office in terms of carbon emissions. Larger offices and administrative centres, meanwhile, might benefit from newer iterations of air source heat pump technology – which run on electricity as opposed to natural gas. IoT IoT, or the Internet of Things, describes a not-so-new form of technology wherein ‘smart’ systems can speak to one another via an internet connection. On the consumer side, the IoT has been somewhat defined by gimmicks: refrigerators that can access social media, and wireless speakers that can play music on command. However, for businesses IoT devices can be revolutionary in terms of energy efficiency. Interconnected systems can automate the switching on and off of lights, heating systems and even equipment. This allows for the most efficient possible usage of said equipment. Cloud Computing Cloud computing is another technological innovation which has been a fixture in modern life. Consumers use cloud computing on a daily basis to store personal files such as photos, in the form of products like iCloud and Dropbox. Businesses can use cloud computing to host large tranches of their own data, and even live information such as websites and active databases, off-site. This means less energy expended on in-house server arrays. When combined with an eco-conscious cloud computing service, this could dramatically reduce emissions. Read the full article
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aravind1111 · 1 year
Connecting the World: The Evolution of Telecommunication Utility Services
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In today’s interconnected world, the rapid advancement of telecommunication utility services has revolutionized the way we communicate, work, and live. From the early days of landline phones to the era of smartphones and high-speed internet, these services have become an indispensable part of our daily lives, connecting us with loved ones, facilitating business operations, and enabling access to a vast sea of information. In this blog, we will dive into the fascinating journey of telecommunication utility services and explore the pivotal role they play in shaping our modern society.
As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, telecommunication utility services have revolutionized the way we connect with the world. Gone are the days of cumbersome landline phones; now we have sleek smartphones that allow us to effortlessly communicate with anyone, anywhere. This revolution has truly connected the world like never before. Whether it’s making video calls to loved ones on opposite sides of the globe or browsing social media to stay updated on global events, telecommunications have become an integral part of our daily lives. With lightning-fast internet speeds and a plethora of communication platforms to choose from, this revolution has made it easier than ever for individuals and businesses alike to collaborate and share ideas. The telecommunication utility services revolution has undeniably brought people closer together, breaking down barriers and fostering a sense of global community in our increasingly interconnected world.
The Evolution of Telecommunication Utility Services
The journey of telecommunication utility services began with the invention of the telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. Since then, this groundbreaking technology has seen numerous advancements, leading to the development of mobile phones, fiber-optic cables, satellite communications, and more. We’ll take a look at the key milestones that have paved the way for today’s interconnected world. Back in the day, telecommunication utility services were a far cry from what they are now. Can you imagine having to rely on a single landline telephone for all your communication needs? It’s crazy to think about! But thanks to the rapid advancements in technology, telecommunication utility services have evolved exponentially. Now we have an array of options at our fingertips — smartphones, internet-based calling services, video conferencing, just to name a few.
The Rise of Mobile Telephony
The advent of mobile telephony brought about a transformative change in the telecommunication landscape. The freedom of being able to communicate on the go revolutionized how we interact with each other and access information. We’ll explore the growth of mobile networks, the birth of smartphones, and their impact on society and businesses. In the past few decades, the rise of mobile telephony has been nothing short of remarkable. From huge brick-sized models with limited functionality to sleek pocket-sized devices that can perform a multitude of tasks, mobile phones have revolutionized the way we communicate and interact with the world. Gone are the days when people were tethered to landlines or had to search for payphones in order to make a call; now, with just a few taps on a screen, we can connect with anyone, anywhere in the world. Mobile phones have become an essential part of our lives, serving not only as communication tools but also as portable entertainment centers, cameras, navigational aids, and even personal assistants.
High-Speed Internet: Connecting Beyond Boundaries
In the age of information, high-speed internet has become a necessity. Telecommunication utility services have facilitated the expansion of Internet infrastructure, making it possible for people worldwide to access knowledge, entertainment, and services in real time. We’ll delve into the technologies powering this connectivity, such as fiber optics and 5G, and discuss the potential they hold for the future.
Enabling Global Communication: Satellite Technology
Telecommunication utility services go beyond terrestrial networks; they also extend into space through satellite technology. Satellites play a crucial role in connecting remote areas, providing disaster relief, and enabling various essential services. We’ll uncover the significance of satellite communications and their impact on modern-day life.
Bridging the Digital Divide
While telecommunication utility services have transformed lives, they have also highlighted the digital divide that exists between urban and rural areas and developed and developing nations. We’ll discuss the efforts being made to bridge this gap and ensure equitable access to communication and information.
Telecommunication and Business
The business world heavily relies on telecommunication utility services for seamless operations. From video conferencing to cloud computing, these services have enhanced productivity and collaboration across industries. We’ll look at some real-world examples of how businesses leverage these technologies to thrive in a competitive environment.
The Future of Telecommunication Utility Services
As technology continues to evolve, the future of telecommunication utility services looks promising. We’ll explore exciting emerging trends such as the Internet of Things (IoT), virtual and augmented reality, and the potential of quantum communication. These innovations are set to reshape the way we connect and interact with the world.
The telecommunication utility services revolution has shaped the world we live in today, connecting individuals, businesses, and nations like never before. From humble beginnings with the invention of the telephone to the current era of high-speed internet and mobile communication, these services have proven to be an indispensable part of our daily lives. As we eagerly embrace the future, it is essential to remember the transformative power these technologies hold and their potential to drive positive change on a global scale. Together, let’s embark on this exciting journey of exploration and discovery as we continue connecting the world through telecommunication utility services.
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lizseyi · 1 year
Eco-Friendliness And Closeness To Nature In Your Brand Marketing - Shredded-Paper
With each and every passing day and week, it seems that more and more businesses and organisations are realising the importance of addressing the climate crisis with every inch of seriousness that it deserves. 
It appears that small and medium-sized businesses up and down the UK – and across the world – are acknowledging that they need to be sustainable and eco-friendly in their actions, not just some aspects of their messaging, if their “green” credentials are to be seen as convincing. 
And of course, that’s excellent news. Even many brands that might have previously felt less need to publicly recognise the crucial role that sustainable practices play in protecting the only planet Earth we have, are now becoming aware that they will lose business competitiveness if they don’t. 
But of course, even if your business knows that it needs to optimise some aspects of the sustainability of its operations, you will also need to consider how to present that element of your organisation to the wider world. 
So, for today’s blog post here at Shredded-Paper.co.uk, we thought we would take a look at some of the best ways to do exactly that.
Don’t take a ‘half-measures’ approach to sustainability – instead, go ‘all in’ 
The fact that you are reading this blog post, indicates that you know how important “the optics” are when it comes to brand eco-friendliness. 
If your organisation is practising certain “green” measures – such as donating to an environmental charity – but is far from sustainable in, for example, the packaging it uses for the goods it delivers to customers, you can expect those customers and other observers to quickly notice it. 
And of course, in today’s highly interconnected world, they will also draw attention to it, through channels such as their social media accounts. 
Now, at this point, you might be thinking… surely, no organisation can be 100% environmentally friendly in everything it does? You might fear being “called out” on certain aspects of your firm’s operations, even if you are working hard to move towards more sustainable practices in the future. 
Well, if that’s the case, our advice would be that you explain this in a sensitive way to your customers. Set out what your brand is doing right now to optimise the eco-friendliness of its operations, and acknowledge where you know your business still needs to make progress.
By communicating openly and honestly like this, your customers will likely appreciate that your business is not “greenwashing” (in other words, suggesting it is “green” in aspects in which it is not). 
Use products in your business operations that are genuinely sustainable 
Of course, what you do in this regard will depend on exactly what your business does. Nonetheless, whether you promote sustainable products in your business’s store, or ensure the materials and products that feed into your organisation’s various processes are eco-friendly, you can be sure that your target customers will notice and appreciate this. 
A great example of such products could be our own natural shredded paper here at Shredded-Paper.co.uk. Many of our customers are e-tail stores or eBay-based businesses that sell a variety of goods online, and that use our shredded kraft paper as “cushioning” for items set to be delivered across the UK or the world.  
And let’s face it – whether your eye has been caught by something like our Gorgeously Green straight-cut paper or perhaps our Lime Green zig-zag-cut offering, these papers are tougher than tissue paper and look a lot better than bubble wrap. Plus, they are made from 100% recycled material, and 100% recyclable in turn. 
Draw upon ‘earthy’ colours in your marketing 
This one might seem a bit “obvious” to some of you, but it’s true that customers do tend to strongly associate “earthy” and “organic” hues with eco-friendliness. 
So, you might want to consider how you can communicate this through your brand’s marketing. It may entail incorporating some green colours into your company logo, using rural imagery on your website and social media channels, or investing in packaging materials in such colours. 
Our Spring 2023 collection of natural shredded paper, for instance, encompasses papers in organic colours like lilac, mint green, yellow, and ice blue.
Share information about your firm’s sustainability efforts on your company blog 
Has your brand been involved in an environmentally focused event lately, or has it collaborated in some form with an organisation that focuses on sustainability issues? Maybe you have made a breakthrough in achieving greater eco-friendliness for certain aspects of your firm’s operations? 
Whatever the exact situation for your business, the above are all great examples of things to communicate on a brand blog. It will also help you to demonstrate that your organisation really does “practise what it preaches” about sustainability. 
Are you looking to take steps right now to optimise the “greenness” of aspects of what your business does? If so, it’s worth remembering that standard delivery of our highly rated and sought-after natural shredded paper in the Shredded-Paper.co.uk online store is free for most UK mainland postcodes. 
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