#like that and the stammering around the fact is a like heavily implies george was the girl
denkilightning · 3 years
what was the context of that line?
ill assume you mean the "george i thought i was only in love with you!" line.
the entire scene starts at 1:25:25 of "quackity and jschlatt win the dreams smp elections" which you can find on quackityvods on youtube.
rp/ when quackity asks george, tubbo and schlatt, if they want to talk about their feelings, he adds he hasnt talked about his feelings in a while.
then quackity stars saying that he likes this girl, while keep glancing at george (i believe its intended, given how he keeps looking forward and back at george multiple times). wait ill actually give you quotes here (he says and then just fucking transcripts the entire clip)
quackity: listen, im [glances at george], i- i met this girl, the other day [glances at george], and i thought i could share with you boys my thoughts on it [looks back at geogrge and tubbo]
tubbo: o-okay? (quieter) whats up big q?
quackity: she's a- she's a girl? and she looked at me? and i think i fell in love
schlatt: woo (/pos, idk how to describe that expression)
tubbo: okay
quackity: i think i fell in love. and i just dont know- i just dont know how to approach these feelings i have
george: yeah youre probably in love
quackity: [smiling, hopefully] you think so? george i thought i was only in love with you!
george: well [pauses] sometimes times change
quackity: no, george, i dont want 'em to change. i dont want em to change, george
george: its up to you! 2x
quackity: you think so? 2x
george: yeah
quackity: [slightly flustered? i am bad at describing tone sorry] anyways! regarding my feelings- so i take this girl is like she likes me too, but shes not telling me. shes not telling me that she likes me!
george: shes just playing hard to get
quackity: she- do you think so? (speaking over george) do you think shes har-
george: who doesnt love you? who- how can she not love you?
quackity: [in a higher pitched tone, clearly happy] you think so?
george: [nodding] i know so
quackity: [makes a happy "whaa" noise] george? george? [in a very small voice] do you love me?
george: [takes a pause in nodding but nods again, saying nothing]
quackity: tubbo, tubbo can you please like stare that way? (over schlatt) can you stare that way?
schlatt: oh this is really awkward (over quackity) jesus 2x im cringing right now
quackity: what? what? [laughs] what? sounds like youre fucking little jealous. sounds like youre a little fucking jealous pal
quackity: [walking towards schlatt] i know you
[end transcript]
thats the entire context! after that quackity tells schlatt to tell viewers how schlatt used to call him an term of affection (i think pumpkin?) and then schlatt goes "imma make a speech", they announce the speech and he does the speech where he changes lmanbergs name to manberg.
i believe its also important to add few moments like:
quackity asking george if theyre ok with him calling them his gorgeous friend (they say he can call them whatever),
when quackity tells george his only job is to have a fat ass george says at 6:28 "well you should be pretty good at that",
at 7:17 quackity goes "i love you" and then slightly flustered changes the topic
at 10:33 tommy tells george to sit down and have some manners, quackity tells them verbatem "you can sit wherever you want, baby" and repeats it. tommy yells at him that you can't be dating ur coworkers and quackity says theyre not dating theyre just flirty friends
at 34:45 when wilbur reads out the election results quackity asks george to hug him
then at 1:55:16 starts a scene that pretty much ends with quackity kissing george multiple times (sic!) and everyone laughing cus georges skin has no lips to kiss so its implied theyre kissing on the lips
when george says fhey have to go shower at 2:05:07, which then extends to saying bye to everyone until 2:06:40, one of quackitys goodbyes is "thank you for the kisses"
given All Of That (and reminder thats from a single stream) AND quackity in a lore stream telling george "i was gonna propose-" yeah there are some heavy implications c! quackity has romantic feelings for c! george
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George x reader / Hate to Love you
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Request 1: hello fellow twin lover.. I don't know if your taking in request but i would love it if you would write a George x reader story. Manybe start off with a bit angst but later on too a little bit smut and whole lot of fluff... (From @wizards-magic-and-witches)
Request 2: Hello! How are you doing? I see you are having fun at Tour! Im so jealous! It must be a great experience! I was wondering if I could ask for having love/hate relationship with George oneshot? (From anon)
A/n: I’m back! I feel like I haven’t posted in a while even though it’s only been like 2 days, lol. Anyway, this took me a while to think of and to write but I finally got and I think it’s pretty good. It’s a bit of a complicated love/hate relationship but I think it works. It’s got angst, fluff and smut in so it’s a pretty good combination. Set around OOTP before Umbridge and her destruction. (And yes, the tour was brilliant anon, I probably need to stop spending my money on it though). I’m sorry for the wait for both of you but I hope this lives up to both of your requests and thank you for requesting! I put this fic on my queue and I’ve only read through it once so I hope it’s okay but feedback is always appreciated. Sorry for the long A/n.
Word count: 3.9k+
Warnings: Implied and heavy smut, angst, swearing
Masterlist | Requests open
The breakfast at Hogwarts was something that managed to get every student out of bed. The food was amazing and the atmosphere was always usually calm, watching as owls swopped in with the morning mail as students met with their friends studying and gossiping. But occasionally a fight or two broke out as Fred had experienced in the last week except now it always seemed to be the same two people.
“How could you possibly think that was funny?!”
“Well, it was! Just because you’ve got no sense of humour!”
A loud frustrated scream sounded and Fred Weasley sighed heavily at the sound of his twin and Y/n fighting once again. It seemed to be that at every meal they found something new to argue about.
“I hate you so much George Weasley.” Y/n looked livid with the taller redhead. Her face was red, nostrils flared, fists clenched and teeth gritted.
“Yeah well,” George only slightly stammered in his anger before he found his voice. “I hate you too Y/n!” They both squared up to each other and for a second Fred thought they might actually fight but then Y/n was hurrying away to the other side of the room, joining some of her friends. Meanwhile, George stormed over to where his twin sat and took a seat. Fred could have sworn he saw George’s lips twitch slightly as if they were trying to fight a smile as he grabbed his breakfast, that’s when Fred’s suspicions started that there was more than meets the eye with them two.
From there it only grew. Y/n and George still didn’t talk and when they did it always managed to lead to yelling but sometimes Fred would spot George’s gaze wonder to Y/n for just a little too long in the great hall. He once saw Y/n do the same to George in potions but the second she spotted Fred, she turned her attention quickly back to her brewing cauldron, her cheeks a furious pink. Fred also couldn’t help but notice the amount that George spoke about Y/n, sure he was angry as he spoke but she seemed to be his favourite topic of conversation these days.
“So, what’s going on with you and Y/n?” Fred asked as he and George entered the common room. George shrugged but there was the tiniest hint of a blush on his cheeks.
“What do you mean? I can’t stand her, she can’t stand me. Simple as.” George sat down causally but Fred knew there was something. His twin laughed at his suspicious look and told him again that there was nothing between himself and Y/n. Fred only had to hum disbelievingly with one last narrowed glance before pretending to act as if he no longer cared for George to crack.
“Okay, how do you know?” George hurriedly whispered, leaning closer to Fred who smirked.
“Well, I wasn’t sure so thank you for confirming that.” George shrunk back in his seat a little bit with an annoyed huff. “But it wasn’t hard to read between the lines of you yelling at each other.” Fred smirked proudly at his sleuth-worthy skills.
“Look, you can’t tell anyone okay?” George said his words urgently as though everyone in the room was about to find out. Fred nodded but looked further inquisitive and George knew Fred’s line of questioning hadn’t even started yet.
“Okay. But what’s going on between you? Are you serious with her?” Fred was sincere, he wanted to make sure his brother wasn’t just being messed around with. He knew George tended to fall hard for girls he liked even if he didn’t tend to tell them that. George almost looked as if he had followed his twin’s train of thought because he looked meaningfully at Fred as he explained the situation.
“No, it’s casual.” George shrugged and Fred let out a loud scoffing laugh. George turned to give him a long glare, Fred lessened his sarcastic laughter.
“I’m sorry Georgie, it’s just- you don’t do casual.” Fred shook his head as he smirked at his brother but he was worried at what George had tangled himself up in. He knew he had liked Y/n in a romantic way before since he had told Fred so, that was long before they had both started ‘fighting’ though and publicly claimed hate for one another. “How long as this ‘casual’ thing been going on for?”
“A couple of months.” George answered, he was trying to act normal but he knew Fred was right. He had been in love with Y/n since way before their whole ‘situation’ had started. In fact, he’d had a crush on her since their 4th year – George had just never gathered the courage to tell her and he was pretty sure she had hated him up until quite recently. He wasn’t good with communicating his feelings. That’s why, after their spontaneous night together when Y/n had proposed something more casual between them both, George had said yes.
*3 months ago*
It had been a heat of the moment sort of passion. Y/n had been staying the last few weeks of the summer at the burrow due to her parents being on business somewhere and George had loved it. Although he wasn’t always sure where he stood with Y/n it was nice to have someone to talk to other than his family members. Her and George had that kind of love/hate friendship that was hard to get used to but they both knew that they could trust each other fully.
The night it had happened was in the last week before school, George had snuck downstairs for his typical midnight snack to find Y/n sitting alone and staring out at the stars. The way the moonlight had bounced off her face, highlighted every perfect inch of her skin made George forget where he was and what he was supposed to be doing. He even spaced on his own name as Y/n called it.
“George? What are you doing?” her voice was whispered but the quietness made it somehow louder.
“Oh, just getting a late-night snack.” He pointed to the kitchen and Y/n nodded with a supressed giggle before resuming to watch the night sky. George ignored his stomach rumble and joined her. She looked pleasantly surprised as he sat down next to her on the small sofa. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay or I will be.” She reassured. Y/n had only recently split from her boyfriend but she seemed pretty alright to George. Just as he nodded, he noticed that Y/n had looked away quickly as a tear rolled down her face. “Y/n?” She was usually so guarded, it was strange to see her vulnerable.
“I’m sorry.” She tried to wipe her tears but as they started to steadily stream, it seemed almost impossible. George couldn’t help but reach out to wipe some away as she gave up with a sniffle. She didn’t seem surprised by the contact or flinch away from his hand, she instead leaned into his touch and sought his comfort. He smiled sadly to her. “It’s just I feel so lonely. I know it’s ridiculous – I’m in a house with 8 people but-“
“It’s not ridiculous.” George went to take his hand away but Y/n reached to hold it closer to her face as though she was scared to let go. “but you don’t need to feel lonely Y/n because I’m here.” Y/n smiled with a tint of blush on her cheeks and George realised what he had said. “I mean- We’re all here. Not just me- I mean I am-.” George rambled before Y/n laughed and her index finger pushed against his lips, shushing him.
There was a moment that passed between them. One that was full of a type of tension that George wasn’t sure of. His breath caught in his throat as Y/n’s finger curled down slightly so her fingertip could trace his lips. She looked curiously at him as though he was a mystery to her. “You are honestly amazing George; do you know that?” Y/n’s eyes softened as they met his and he felt his insides melt. His cheeks were definitely blushing now.
“I had an inkling.” George watched Y/n light up at his humour with a giggle and he couldn’t control the feelings that he had anymore. He wanted to kiss her, cut off her laughter with his lips crashing onto hers. Before he could actually act on his thoughts, Y/n had stopped laughing and was now looking at George with a knowing, coy glance. He realised his eyes had been on her lips, it must have been evident what he wanted to do because before he could process the look on her face, Y/n had taken a hold of his own and started to kiss him. He kissed back without hesitation, his hands lowering to her hips.
The kiss picked up heat and suddenly there was an intensity between them both. But George could feel the need for oxygen in his lungs and he had to pull away. Luckily, his brain had the right idea and guided his lips to meet Y/n’s neck, kissing and sucking passionately at the exposed skin. She moaned and George smirked.
“Shall we go upstairs?” Y/n had spoken with panted breath as George pulled away. She looked nervous yet suggestive as her eyebrows quirked up. She was staying in Charlie’s old room whilst she was here so they knew they could have privacy especially now they were allowed to use magic outside of Hogwarts.
George wouldn’t have usually done it but with Y/n things seemed to be different, he nodded and led her upstairs by the hand.  
It had happened again only once whilst they were at the burrow and as good as it all was, George couldn’t help but question what it all meant. He had feared that it would turn awkward between them both but if anything, it had alleviated the sexual tension that had loomed over them.
It was a week into the school term when Y/n talked to him about it. George had found himself craving her touch ever since the burrow and he knew it was near impossible in this school to have any form of privacy, apparently that didn’t seem to bother Y/n.
“I just think we need to both blow off some steam.” Y/n shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. Her arms were crossed but she looked more relaxed than he had seen her been since school had started. With it being their seventh year, exams were of upmost importance to most especially Y/n but George never let any of that stress faze him.
“How do you mean?” George had asked innocently. He was very confused, he had just been leaving dinner when Y/n had pulled him to the side privately for a ‘talk’.
“I mean,” Y/n drawled her words out slowly as she reached out to rest her hand on George’s arm. He tried desperately not to think about the contact or the heat of his face. “I think we both need an outlet George, something to do to relive stress.” She smirked before she leant in to whisper close to his ear. “And what better to do than each other?” George felt his heart race at both the proximity and her words. When Y/n pulled back to meet his eyes, they both knew they were on the same page.
It had been three days with Fred in the know of their situation and he was already being insufferable about it all. Every time Y/n walked past or was within visible sight, Fred would nudge him with a wink or a suggestive look but George ignored him, not wanting anyone else to catch on – him and Y/n had both agreed it would just complicate matters. They kept up their charade with secret promises of meeting up later that night. The fun thing was that George always managed to find a new place and Y/n was amazed with his knowledge of the castle.
Tonight, they had found themselves in the room of requirement which true to its name had given them just what they needed: a private space with a large roomy bed (and some bonus romantic candles and flowers which had made Y/n swoon a little). They kissed passionately on the edge of the bed and wasted no time to strip down to their underwear. Y/n laid beneath George as he kissed every reachable area of Y/n’s skin occasionally making her elicit moans especially when he reached her cleavage.
“Well, well what do we have here?” George lowered himself down to Y/n’s underwear which seemed to be new. They were lacy and cute and George couldn’t help but press a kiss to them. Y/n giggled before letting out a loud moan as he mouthed her area through her panties. He smirked as he pulled back. Y/n let out a groan of frustration. “As nice as these are, they’d be so much better off.”
“No objections here.” Y/n joked, watching as with a laugh George pulled her underwear off quickly. He resumed his place, briefly kissing Y/n’s clit before moving his tongue further down south. Y/n’s hands pulled at his hair as he continued, her moaning becoming more louder as George delved further into her entrance, tasting her. Suddenly she realised she was becoming tenser and as much as she wanted him to continue, she wanted something more. Y/n pulled George’s hair insistently. “George, I need you. Please.” Her breaths were panted but George seemed to understand as he nodded with a smirk and crawled back up Y/n’s body to kiss her lips again.
Her hand reached down between their bodies to grope George through his underwear. He swiftly removed it and Y/n’s hand began to move expertly up and down his shaft. He moaned and it seemed to echo around the room much to Y/n’s amusement – she didn’t mind hearing it twice. George’s lips found her neck again, sucking and biting at the skin as Y/n guided George’s dick to her entrance. She let go as he pushed in to her wetness.
He went in slowly because he liked to make sure Y/n was okay before he became rough in anyway. He moaned loudly as he bottomed out inside of her and Y/n panted beneath him. He caressed her face as she adjusted and they smiled at each other, George peppered her with kisses trying his best to make her feel comfortable. When he pulled back the smile on her face seemed wider but funnily enough it’s as if there was something more to it. George mentally shook off his thoughts, trying hard to not read into the situation. Eventually Y/n nodded and George began to move gently at first before picking up tempo. He went hard, knowing that Y/n liked it. She moaned louder than he had ever heard her and he smirked.
At one point, he picked up Y/n’s legs and put them over his shoulders so he could go harder and he didn’t even have to check if it was okay because the action and the result of it caused Y/n to scream his name so loud that he was sure it broke the soundproofing enchantment but he didn’t care because it was singly the hottest thing he had ever heard in his life. George could feel his climax as he thrust deeper into Y/n, she must have sensed it because her hands cupped his face and brought lips roughly down to meet her own. She pulled away only an inch to encourage him to cum as she herself succumbed to her own orgasm. It only took watching Y/n’s pleasure to release his own. He thrust deeply as he spilled into her before pulling out and falling down next to her.
She cuddled into his side with a kiss to his chest and he smiled down at her. She returned it but George spotted the same thing he had earlier, this time he was surer that it was there. It was almost like a hesitation at something. Y/n’s head rested atop of his chest and just as he was about to ask Y/n about whatever seemed to be bothering her, he heard a small snore and knew that it would have to wait until tomorrow.
The thing was that George didn’t see Y/n the next day or the day after that. It was only when they were paired together in potions that he got the opportunity to speak to her.
“Listen about the other night…” George spoke in whispers to Y/n as Snape walked around the room not to mention their classmates who were as nosy as students came were stood around the same worktable. Y/n looked surprised at the topic of conversation and immediately gave him a warning look. “I’m sorry, it’s just that you looked like something was bothering you. I wanted to make sure you were okay.” He rubbed the side of his neck as he could sense Y/n’s tension whether it was at the mention of whatever was bothering her or him discussing their private nights, he didn’t know.
“George can we just get on with our potion?!” Y/n’s voice was loud enough now for the room to hear. He shut up, affronted by her tone and then he realised she must be diverting attention away from what he had just been talking about by keeping up their charade of hatred.
“Fine.” George half-yelled through gritted teeth earning a glare from Snape. He added ingredients haphazardly into the cauldron and noticed that Y/n looked genuinely bothered as she read the instructions and worked on her own side of the project.
George tried to pull her aside after class but Y/n escaped before he had even slung his bag over his shoulder. He sighed and bit his lip in irritation, he had a feeling Y/n wasn’t acting anymore.
Fred tried to tell him it was nothing but George could hardly believe him. He knew Y/n sometimes better than he knew himself – there was something wrong and he wanted to know what it was. So, he attempted to make an effort with Y/n but she was distant towards him. George was reminded of how their relationship had been when they had first known each other. Y/n was mostly on her guard and tended to treat George as if she hated him and he did the same to her but one day after a rather intense fight, they just broke down into laughter as if there had been no reality in any of their words and there wasn’t. They knew from then on that whenever they were rude to each other it wasn’t really meant that way unless told differently.
George managed to catch Y/n as she was walking up from Hogsmeade one day with her friends. She looked somewhat annoyed but encouraged her friends to go on without her back up the castle. George gave an inner sigh of relief.
“What George?” There was tone of snappiness to her voice but George ignored it.
“What the hell has been going on with you Y/n? I never see you anymore.” He made sure that his sadness at the situation was being portrayed in his voice and expression. Y/n’s gaze fell to her feet, it looked as if her guard was falling back down but then in the blink of an eye it was raised back up as George spoke again. “I miss you.”
“You mean you miss the sex?! Grow up George.” Y/n’s voice was matching her anger prompting some people to turn and look. She noticed the students from school looking on and tried her best to walk away but George pulled her back. He was hurt by her words, sick of people telling him that but he persisted on, he needed Y/n to know what she meant to him. Y/n must have caught his hurt look because she looked sorry for her choice of words.
“No, I don’t. I miss you.” George went to reach for her hand but she pulled away quickly, the annoyed anger returning to her face, there were tears burning behind her eyes. He led her to a more secluded place, away from prying eyes and ears. Y/n was thankful but didn’t show it for long as she blinked away her tears and looked away in anger. “Y/n please. If I’ve made you feel like this I am so sorry. I lo-.” He quickly stopped himself from forming his whole sentence but Y/n had caught on to what he was going to say. For a minute she looked shocked then confused and then her lips were crashing against his unexpectedly. They kissed each other passionately for a while before George pulled back, his brain remembering what was happening. “Y/n.”
“Ugh! This wasn’t supposed to happen!” Y/n rubbed her hands over her face as she huffed out a breath. George gently removed her hands from her face and caught her gaze, with a look of confusion and tenderness.
“What wasn’t?”
“Falling fucking in love with you!” Y/n’s tears seemed to be steadily streaming now, she seemed annoyed at herself. “We agreed that-!”
“Fuck what we agreed.” George said simply and he laughed as Y/n’s eyebrows furrowed together cutely. He crossed whatever gap was between them and pulled her in by the waist. He heard her breath hitch and he couldn’t help but smirk a little as her hands rested on the nape of his neck, playing with the hair there. He leaned to kiss her tears away one by one and she gave a watery giggle. He kissed her on the lips and it was so much sweeter than any kiss they had shared before. It was love not lust in their minds as they kissed. It was how George had felt as he watched Y/n look out at the stars that night at the burrow and how he had felt when his lips had met hers for the very first time. An electric spark ran throughout his veins – the feeling was intoxicating him.
Y/n was the first to pull away, her smile had increased in brightness as she looked at George. He could see the red of her cheeks and knew his must be the same if not brighter. He took a deep breath before he broke the silence that had formed after the kiss.
“Y/n I’ve been in love with you since way before any of this started between us. None of this was meaningless to me ever. I just want you to know that.” George sounded sure and confident in his words as well as his look. Y/n met his eyes and nodded with a smile.
“It never was to me either. I mean I didn’t know I was in love with you before but there’s always been something about you George. Something that pulled me to you and I’m so glad it did.” Y/n and George shared one last smile as they both leaned into kiss each other. The kiss lingered this time on both of their lips as they intertwined their hands and started to walk back up to the castle.
“Why don’t we go love each other hard?” George’s eyebrows waggled and Y/n let out a loud happy laugh at his line. She cringed slightly at him and hit his chest with her free hand.
“I hate you George Weasley.” Her eyes narrowed but the smile she wore outshone the rest of her faked anger. George laughed, reaching down to peck her lips which she all to happily returned.
“I love you too Y/n.”
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