#like the artist in charge of making blade adorable is at the front of the room
fisheito · 1 month
i love how eiden pauses at every outfit reveal with a . hotboy synopsis like clan member: *steps out of the changing room* eiden: and now, if i can have ur attention--- FEAST your eyes on this MARVELOUS hunk of grade AAAAAA+++++ prime meat..,, his accessories perfectly accentuate his finest features...! His fit ! is flawless!! BREATHTAKING. REVOLUTIONARY!!!!!!!!! and yet!? one can't help but get excited... for what lies UNDERNEATH that BREATHTAKING attire ( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• )
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xtodorcki · 3 years
hello love !! i absolutely adore your writing, i find you do the characters so much justice <3 i was wondering if you would be able to do a piece where the reader, a mewly appointed captain of the regiment, has a talent for drawing that no one knew about. she suddenly finds time for this hobby and commences drawing portraits of her fellow comrades, mainly of levi, and picks up the habit of leaving all the sketches under the door of erwins chambers once a month, thinking it would be a great anonymous gift or at least, some fun. levi does not see it as fun and instead is convinced this is a threat to him directly and that someone is watching them, making it known that they can attack at any time. everyone hunts for the culprit in secret, the reader doesn’t know bcs she’s in the capital delivering something. levi finds out it was the reader and they fight physically about it, accusing her of treason etc... until reader confesess it was her and that she had feelings for him, he says he likes her back but she should’ve brought a different approach , fluff in the end <3 much love <33
“Works of Art,” Levi x Reader
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Why can I see Levi being dramatic like this over some drawings🤧💀
Summary: You’re secretly an artist that draws your fellow comrades (mostly Levi) and secretly leave it under their door but Levi takes it as a threat.
Warnings: none
You had sat in your room, pencil in hand and a piece of paper laid out in front of you. You didn’t know what to draw at first but your mind settled on your previous Captain.
You’ll admit that most of your drawings has been Levi and you couldn’t help but feel the urge to draw him, he had the most perfect facial structure- at least to you and it was much better to draw out on paper.
Of course you’ve drawn your other comrades from time to time. You’ve even slide the drawings underneath their doors at odd hours so nobody knew it was you.
It’s not like you didn’t want them to know but a scout spending their days slaughtering Titans just to come home and draw wasn’t exactly an ideal topic you wanted to get into.
As time went on, the more you paint and draw out Levi on the canvas in front of you, your stomach would flutter, being able to admire his face without staring him down from across the room.
You admired Levi more than anything, he really inspired you in ways he doesn’t even know about. The first day you saw him riding down the town with his horse, coming back from a expedition and you were standing off to the side just a teenager.
That day, that look on his face, the way he carried his team and was the most popular for his skills- you wanted to be like him and after convincing your family (more like telling them you’re not taking no for an answer) they finally let you go off to the training corps.
Now years later, you’re here. You were under Levi’s team for well over two years before you got pushed up to be a Captain but you missed the moments being under Levi’s team- you enjoyed every moment. You missed the days he’ll willingly train you and push you towards success and that was the main reason why you were so great at being a scout, why you were pushed up as a Captain.
You looked up to him, you watched his work and you trained yourself into oblivion to be as good as he is.
Now you’re sitting here on your day off painting his face. You were embarrassed thinking too hard about it, if he were to walk in right now- it’ll be over for you. You wouldn’t be able to look at his face again.
Months went by quickly, the more drawings you had left under your comrades door- the more Levi started to see it as a threat as he looked at the piece of paper with his face on it.
He even called a meeting with Erwin to discuss about the drawings, he felt as if he was being targetted- that the scouts were being targetted and he didn’t take this lightly.
He was more determined to find out who it is and even told a few close comrades to search in secret. You didn’t know this- only because you were in the town doing some work.
Levi noticed you didn’t come to the meeting and walked inside your office, his eyes looking around and he didn’t want to be nosey but out of the corner of his eye- towards the back of the office tucked in the corner was some paint.
This interested him enough to walk over, flipping open the sketch book and seeing the pages, the drawings and even found a few of his face. This immediately boiled his blood, you were a traitor- you were targeting him- that’s all he could think of.
He stormed out of there, grabbing his things and walked outside to try and find you. It was absolutely the worst timing for you- you stepped inside the land where the base was at while fixing the uncomfortable gear you wore around your waist until unexpectedly Levi had charged at you with his sword.
You were thinking this is his sick way of testing out your ability and training- he usually did back when you worked under him.
You slipped your blade out with ease and blocked his attack that near struck your face.
“Levi?!” Your eyes were wide at how close the blade was, he could’ve easily killed you and he didn’t seem phased.
Instead he used his leg to trip you on your back, wincing at the impact of the ground and he held his blade towards your throat with his foot rested on top of your chest to prevent you from moving.
“What the hell are you doing? Is this some sick training exercise?”
“Why have you been sending threats to my office, brat?” He stared at you with a look of disgust on his face and you froze, what threats?
“What are you talking about?”
“The drawings. Are you a traitor? Are you threatening to kill me?” He pressed the blade down more, the tip of it just barely touching your skin but from how sharp it was- it was made a cut.
“They’re just drawings, Levi!” You gave him a crazy look, he was acting completely insane, who acts like this over drawings of them? Shouldn’t he feel special?
“Why is your sketch book mostly my face then, hm? Explain that before I slice your throat here.”
You opened your mouth to say something but quickly shut it. You didn’t want to openly admit your feelings towards him and you sure felt violated for him snooping around in your office. But you also felt completely embarrassed- he’s seen your sketch book.
A lump formed in your throat, your eyes looking away from his as your cheeks started to grow hot and he got impatient, grabbing the collar of your shirt and yanked you up on your feet.
Now you were face to face with him, the dirty look he was giving you could instantly kill you if it was possible and you felt intimidated and terrified.
“Use your words, brat! I’m running out of patience.”
“Okay! Okay.” You put your hands up in defeat, your eyes connecting with his and your hands started to get sweaty.
“I- uh... how do I put this? Most of my drawings are... of you. Only because I admire you, you’ve inspired me to join, to train harder than most and I also.. like you.” You rushed the last part out, your cheeks red as a tomato and he stared at you in disbelief at first.
“So, you draw me because you like me?”
“Yeah, exactly.” You stuttered, biting down onto your bottom lip and he let go of you collar, making you stumble back.
“Why be so secretive about it then?” He asked, putting his blade away and crossed his arms over his chest.
“You’re not the easiest person to open up to, Levi.” You admitted, scratching the back of your neck and he gave you a unamused look.
“Look, Y/N.” He started off, bringing his fingers up to pinch the bridge of his nose.
“Honestly, you could’ve just done it in a different way instead of acting like a spy. Maybe if you would’ve been straight forward, I would tell you I like you just as much.” He looked up at you again, making your heart stop for a quick second.
Did he just admit feelings for you after holding a blade to your throat? You were stunned, you didn’t even know what to say about his confession but it made butterflies fly around in your stomach and your cheeks were turning a shade of red again.
He noticed how flustered you were, chuckling to himself and reached over to place his hand on your cheek, rubbing his thumb over the warm skin and your eyes stared into his.
“Oh- sorry, I guess I should’ve done a different approach.” You said quietly, your hands starting to get shaky as his eyes burned right through you.
“Yeah, you should’ve.” He rolled his eyes, gesturing him to follow you inside and you were quick to follow behind him as he went straight for your office.
Once both of you were inside, he was quick to grab your sketch book and open it back up again. He turned more pages and looked at the drawings he didn’t bother to examine earlier.
You felt shy being in here and watching him go through your sketch book at the many drawings of his face- you even had a drawing of his hands and that made him laugh under his breath at the sight of it.
“You’re talented, I give you that.” He closed the book, setting it down and walked to where you were as you leaned back against your desk.
“Oh, thank you.” You gave him a shy smile, your heart pounding in your chest the closer he got to you.
“Now what if I actually killed you because you were being so sneaky?” He asked quietly, the sarcasm in his tone made you tilt your head as you thought about it.
“Guess I would’ve died an idiot.”
He rolled his eyes again, standing in front of you and even leaned forward to trap you between your desk and his body as he gripped onto the edges of the desk, his eyes staying on yours.
He tilted his head, almost admiring your face and you stayed quiet as the tension grew between the both of you.
“How bout you draw me right here, right now.” He offered, making you raise your eyebrows at his suggestion.
“Really?” He nodded his head, a smile coming across your face as he stepped back and grabbed one of the chairs.
You were quick to grab your sketch book and sit down in front of him, the excitement running through your veins as you grabbed a pencil and opened up to a empty page.
Your eyes moved up to meet his, watching the smile on his face only grow and it made your heart flutter considering it was rare to see him smile and it was rare for him to even agree to do something like this.
But he sat in front you, intrigued and wanting to watch your work up close and how it’s done. He was also very intrigued in you and the hobby you loved so much.
During the time of you drawing him, you had finished up his face before he had leaned over and grabbed a hold of your chin in his hand.
The sudden contact caught you off guard, your eyes staring into his before he had planted his lips on yours in a short but soft kiss.
When he pulled away, he had licked his lips and leaned back against the seat, urging you to continue on as your shaky hand tried to finish off the work of art named Levi.
Woooooooo hello
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arewelonely · 4 years
I just went through your whole account and devoured everything!!! You're so good😭!! I adore how you write Jily 😍! If you ever feel like it, could you do 7th year Jily smut where they sneak away to some quiet corner or some secret room to have alone time together, please?
thank you loveee <3
James shifted which hand was holding up his chin so he could better peer at her while Professor McGonagall spoke, wand waving and objects shifting on the desk at the front of the classroom. He cocked an eyebrow.
Lily jerked her head towards the door.
His eyebrow raised higher, and his girlfriend smiled sweetly, held his eye contact, and then broke it. Ah. Shite. He bit his lip hard, dug his fingernails into his cheek. Lily. They were in class. She lifted her gaze back up from his literal pants to meet his eyes.
James swallowed and looked back to Professor McGonagall. He took his wand and held it under the desk, looking out of the very corner of his eye to lift Lily’s quill. He lowered it to dip in the ink and then brought it slowly to Lily’s parchment…
You’ve been spending too much time with me and the boys.
He exhaled and stretched his neck from side to side, scooching around in his seat. He was sure his handwriting was terrible, but Evans would figure it out.
Sirius shot him a look from his other side and James rolled his eyes. He pushed back his shoulders and tried to appear like he was concentrating on the lecture.
He fiddled with his wand in his lap. Yet, his quill was soon scratching across the parchment and he flicked his eyes up, a smile getting ready to break free.
I’ve read ahead, I can explain this lecture to you later.
The muscles in James’ face rippled and he risked a glance. Lily’s legs were crossed and she looked far too smug, red hair tucked behind her ear. Her tie was… it was drooping. She must have loosened it at some point in a previous class as she got tired; it was nearing the end of the day. He could loosen it some more.
James forced a swallow and turned back to McGonagall, the grandfather clock to her side showing forty-five minutes left. He had N.E.W.T.s this year, it was his last year, he wouldn’t be able to learn from McGonagall after this. He liked Transfiguration–it of course helped that Minnie had always had a soft spot for him (Quidditch, his good marks, et cetera), but he actually did enjoy this class.
James pretended that he didn’t notice Lily shifting in the seat next to him. He tried to pretend that he didn’t notice his quill was moving again though his hands were still clasped in his lap. It was really hard to avoid her though. He was too curious.
Who are you to deny me?
James squirmed his mouth around his smile. He bit the inside of his cheeks and then his lower lip and his nose wrinkled. Who was he to deny her?
He shifted his grip on his wand, took a quick glance at Lily’s paper again to get the mental image of her desk…
You denied me the other day.
You needed a shower.
I was hard all throughout my shower.
And I fixed that soon after.
James’ jaw had a thoroughly difficult time deciding whether it should tighten, loosen, or just fidget around uncomfortably. Fuck, Lil, we cannot discuss this right now.
We could, if you would take a bathroom break.
Forty minutes.
Lily audibly sighed and James ignored Sirius’ continued confused stares. He took his quill back from where it had been standing upright in the air and scratched down a few notes to make himself pretend that he was paying attention (transfiguration, concentration, focus–)
His quill wobbled and tried to jerk out of James’ grip. He narrowed his eyes at it, rather than its culprit, and tightened his hand. The feather squirmed even more and then shot upwards out of his grasp. James glanced over at Professor McGonagall, but she was thankfully answering a question from the other side of the classroom. What he would have done if she had asked to see his parchment...
But Evans was in charge now. James pursed his lips. He leaned back and raised his eyebrows, watching the feather lower itself to the parchment.
A circle.
Then another, and–ah, alright, and a long, circumcised dick.
James snorted and leaned forward a tad to cover the drawing from anyone else’s view. She was an artist, his girlfriend.
His quill was still squiggling under his body and he glanced down after a bit to find a messily-drawn vagina, with a flowerlike clit at the top.
James’ hand went to his neck. Oh. He rubbed it, staring at the page. Heat spread down his back. He cleared his throat.
“Professor, sorry, bathroom.”
He folded the parchment to hide the drawings, sliding it under his books, and walked towards the door. He let one of his fingers trace the top of Lily’s shoulders as he passed behind her.
Once in the hallway, James scanned the doors. There was a broom closet on this floor, if his memory served him right.
His footsteps echoed in the halls. Everyone was in class. Lily better be on her way.
Yes, here, he yanked the door open and shut.
In the darkness, James pressed his back to the wall and rubbed his forehead. He was growing harder now that there was no one here except him and the thoughts his girlfriend had placed in his head… He cupped himself with an exhale.
He would never stop thanking the world for Lily Evans.
“Yeah, in here.”
Lily grinned and her eyes were sparkling as she shut the door behind her. James could just see her twinkles and then it all was dark and she tugged on his tie and kissed him, one hand sliding around his back, fingertips poking. “Hey.”
Lily looped an arm around James’ neck and pushed downwards, hoisting one leg around James’ waist. He caught her as she lifted her other leg, effectively climbing him in two steps, and Lily bent her head to kiss at James’ jaw as he laughed and turned them, nestling Lily on top of a stool stashed in the corner. Her hands danced along his shoulders.
“It was my artistry that got you, huh?”
James rolled his eyes and dragged his hands up from her waist. The corner of his mouth quirked as Lily took a raspy breath in. “Yeah, that dick drawing really got me going.” He drew circles with the pads of his fingers around Lily’s sides, inching his way closer to her chest.
“Mm?” Lily pulled him closer by his tie again, her legs squeezing him tight. His eyes adjusted to the dark and he smiled at her. “You seemed to have more trouble concentrating with my beautiful vagina though, or did I misinterpret the massive blush?”
James pushed away his smirk, bending to kiss her, trying to get her to stop talking–
But Lily dissolved into laughter, head falling to his shoulder as she squeezed him tighter again. She then picked her head up and tapped at his chest, nudging him away. “I was right!”
“Alright, hush, now…”
Lily winked and pushed aside his robes. James stifled a groan as she palmed his dick through his pants, having grown harder with the mention of her, so close to him.
“C’mere, Potter.” Lily cupped her palm around James’ jaw and brought him closer, kissing his lower lip and then his top. He bent over her more to deepen the kiss and slid his hand under her shirt, scraping his fingers upwards to brush under, up, and across her breasts.
He broke the kiss when Lily gave a soft moan and lowered his head to her neck. He kissed lightly under her jaw, right on her pulsepoint, and then gripped Lily’s waist tighter, sliding his hands towards the front of her thighs as he sucked softly.
“Ey, Potter…”
“Just a small one,” James said, biting his lip and glancing up at her, smile creeping around the edges of his mouth.
Lily flared her nostrils and shook her head, shoulders shaking with small laughter.
“Or I’ll move on down here?” He lifted Lily’s skirt up, his hands spreading out around her thighs.
Lily inhaled. “Alright.”
James swallowed as Lily held his eye contact, something in the glint of her eye and the curve of her mouth making his dick strain against his pants. He knelt down and kissed the inside of her thighs, stroking ahead of and behind his lips, couldn’t help his smile when his fingertips reached her underwear and she wiggled against him. He kissed along the point where her thigh met her pelvis and pushed aside her underwear to drag his fingers up along her.
She exhaled and twirled her fingers in his hair, scooting closer to the edge of the stool.
“Gimme the glasses,” she whispered.
James breathed out a chuckle and removed his head from under her skirt, beaming up at her until she plucked them from his face and placed them upright on her head like sunglasses.
“Cold metal,” Lily said, and James smirked and watched her nose shift around on her face as he pulled her underwear down and stroked her.
This was why he had left class, and he knew it and he knew that Lily knew it and his dick was so hard he had to give himself a squeeze every so often just to relieve some of the pressure because Lily, Merlin, she was breathing sporadically now. He couldn’t see her anymore, his head bent under her skirt, but he could feel her heartbeat on his lips. One of her legs was dangling over his shoulder and whenever he hit a particularly good spot, or got a good rhythm going, she’d push him closer with her heel.
Every so often James got a breathed version of his name–“Mm, James”–and occasionally she would whisper out instructions. For the most part, though, her heel and her wiggling and twitching against him when everything clicked just right drove him along.
“Okay, okay, come on up here.”
James rubbed the back of his hand against his lips and rose to his feet. He pressed Lily’s back against the wall and met her lips. Her kiss was insistent and she sucked on his lips and then his tongue. He grinned when she let go and pressed his forehead to hers, dragging his fingers back up her thigh.
Lily bucked against his hand and her nails dug into his shoulder blades. He bent to kiss her again, pressing light kisses on her jawline as his fingers pushed back and forth in time with Lily’s movements.
And yeah, this was why he had left class, for having to hold himself back as Lily’s squirming got more persistent and as she let out a few gasps and brought his unoccupied hand to her breast to squeeze briefly and then just drag along her body…
“Damn, James,” Lily exhaled. She rubbed her hands across his back as she pulled him away slowly and his pace slowed.
James caught her eye and smirked, swooping in to kiss her.
“Mm, mm, come here,” Lily kissed him one last time and then slid forward, stumbling a little bit as she landed on her feet.
James chuckled, his arms spotting her as she teetered. “You alright there?”
Lily glanced up at him, coy. “My legs are a bit shaky, perhaps.” She pulled up her underwear and then tugged at his pants, pulling him closer. She watched him as she undid his belt and slid her hand slowly around his dick.
He groaned and bent his head to her shoulder. “You’re talking.”
“We’ve got a stool right here if you’d like.”
James huffed out a laugh and maneuvered them so he could rest against the wall as Lily now sunk to her knees and took him in her mouth, eyes smiling as she licked around his tip and then sucked as far as she could.
He knew he had been dripping already and it wouldn’t take long. He rocked into her mouth slowly. The feeling of her enveloping him so fully… he hoped this was how she felt when he kissed her there. Her eyes were shut and she rubbed her hands on his thighs and around his balls. His glasses still sat atop her head.
He swallowed and managed, “ah shit, I–”
Lily increased her speed and took him as he came, humming a little around him. She then released him and pressed kisses to the inside of his thigh, stroking up and down his leg. He inhaled when her hand came close to his dick, it giving a little twitch in response. Lily grinned and brushed by it again.
“I think that’s your favorite part,” James said.
Lily raised her eyebrows and took his hands to get her back to standing again.
“When my dick just reacts to you existing.”
“Oh, yeah, for sure,” she said, her hands pressing to the sides of his face and kissing him again, and again and again. “I mean,” she continued, her kisses dipping to his jaw, “it’s analogous to your smirk when I needed a moment to stand.”
“I don’t smirk.”
Lily snorted and James grinned, plucking his glasses back from the top of her head.
“Beautiful,” he declared, blinking into the now clear world in front of him. His world beamed back.
They righted themselves, Lily fixing her skirt and James tucking his dick back into his pants. They straightened their robes and Lily tugged on James’ hair just because she could and she pulled him to her again and his hand snuck around her waist. They kissed in between grins and musings on how much time it had been since they had left class.
“I’m going to head back first,” Lily announced finally.
James frowned. “I left first.”
“Yeah, and I have more of a reputation to uphold.”
James snorted. “You just forced your boyfriend to leave class because you were horny, hardly a goody-two–”
Lily leaned back against James’ hand still holding her tight and shrugged. “They don’t know that.”
“What was it in the first place?”
“What was what?”
“What got you all riled up?”
Lily grinned. “Ah, I don’t know, you waltzed into class all cute and I’m horny this week and–”
“Just this week?”
Lily pressed close for one last kiss and then opened the door to the closet so a bit of light shone in. “I don’t know, I think I’m ovulating or something, ya know how it goes.”
“Oh, yes, I totally do,” James said, shaking his head and laughing.
“Anyway, I might need some help with my abundance of hormones a little later, perhaps tonight, or tomorrow, or–”
“Or why don’t you just draw a vagina on my paper when you’re feeling like it, and I’ll follow shortly thereafter?”
Lily beamed. “Yes, that sounds perfect.”
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firaknight · 3 years
Follow up of Adeleines opinions on the helpers :) (stuff in parenthesis is the ability they have)
Blade Knight (Sword): 7/10 Mysterious little dude:
He’s cool! He’s kinda hard to understand at times (he’s got a thick accent, idk what kind), but he’s very nice! He’s got a lot of standards when it comes to swordsmanship and is very strong! He’s working on showing Adeleine the proper stances for sword fighting (it’s possible for her to emulate that style with her paintbrush, minus the cutting ability of a real sword).
Chilly (Ice): 9/10 Snowed Man!!
Snowed man friend!!!! He’s very serious about things but he’s a good friend! Only problem is he has to stick around Adeleines Ice Dragon drawing to prevent the poor guy from melting (they’re working on finding an eternal ice that won’t melt so he can stay cold!). He likes to make snow cones!!! (Which are hella good btw)
Bio spark (Ninja): 8/10 Speedy!!!
One of the fastest helpers around! They’re speedy, sneaky, and all around a mysterious little dude! They have a habit of showing up so quietly that nobody notices for a good couple minutes before they’re just like “I wasn’t even hiding I’ve been standing here this whole time.” Overall, odd but kind little friend!
Birdon (Wing): 7/10 Soft birdie!!!
They’re just a little birdie!!! Birdons probably the most carefree helper out of the bunch, and they like relaxing really high up (much to Adeleines dismay). They tend to make stuff out of the feathers they shed (and they shed very often), so they’re always giving friends bracelets, headgear, jewelry, and such made out of their feathers. Adeleine actually has a coat lined with their feathers and it’s SUPER warm! They’re a little strange (and Kawasaki keeps trying to cook them [see: Star Allies title screen skits]) but they’re a wonderful buddy!
Wester (Whip): 9/10 Yeehaw man!!!!
Dude is legit just a very small cowboy. He cannot help his smallness... He’s agile and absolutely has an accent when he talks. He’s a little chaotic, but has a good heart. Probably taught Adeleine how to mount and ride a grizzo just for fun. She’s got a cowboy hat he made for her!
Plugg (Plasma): 10/10 Old friend!
She’s known Plugg since Crystal Shards! The two are good friends and Plugg likes to paint with her! He’s got some... interesting ways of painting (sticking his entire face into paint and then running facedown on the canvas), but he’s a lovely friend! He likes to run around a lot tho, probably because he’s constantly generating electricity and needs to burn it off so it doesn’t overload him. Will absolutely charge electrical devices without a second thought.
Como (Spider): 6/10 Spider...
While they’re similar to Taranza, they have a lot more spider tendencies, and therefore kinda scared Adeleine. She’s tolerable of them (more so than Susie), but tries to keep her distance. They’re helpful and are very very very sweet!!! They just tend to do creepy spider things and it freaks her out...
Bugzzy (Suplex): 7/10 Massive bug dude
He’s like... huge. Closer to, if not taller, than Adeleines height. He has very sharp pincers on the front of his face, and they can be painful when used, so he either wraps them in bandaging or puts rubber caps over them! That way he can grab and hold friends without harm! He’s oddly cuddly and likes to carry people around (not neccisarily throwing them) in his pincers. Overall, big doofus bug who has lots of love.
Broom Hatter (Clean): 8/10 Clean freak
Literally cannot handle dirty shit. At all. Has the urge to clean everything. Perks are that they keep the base everyone hangs out in super duper clean! Adeleines taught them to draw and it helps them not want to compulsively clean everything. They make really pretty art!
Poppy Bros Jr. (Bomb): 9/10 Funky lad!
He’s got an older brother of the same name (Poppy Bros Sr.) and he’s a boss in training! One day he hopes to be just as good as his brother! Dude is ultra high energy (which is why he’s always hopping around) and tends to be a little obnoxious. They can’t entirely help it, they’re just energetic! They’ve taught Adeleine how to yeet explosives and she’s genuinely good at it!
Rocky (Stone): 7/10 He is literally just a rock
Sentient rock! He’s a little slow and can’t really talk, but he’s a buddy! He likes to just turn into his stone form and just sit like that. It’s comfy and feels like home to him. Will not hesitate to use himself as a step or a seat for someone if needed. He also gives everyone hes friends with a special rock! Adeleines has marbling to it and looks absolutely beautiful!
Waddle Doo (Beam): 8/10 Funky little man!
He’s got only one eye and therefore has poor eyesight. You’d think one eye would be better, but nope! He wears essentially one huge contact lens to help! They’re buddies with Parasol Dee and Bandee!!! Doo is on the calmer side of the group, and tends to not be so insanely high strung. He’s still a little anxious, but he’s better at covering it than the other. He hangs out with Wester sometimes (whip-like attack squad)
Chef Kawasaki (Cook): 2/10 Hes creepy and I don’t like him.
He has this weird... unsettling energy about him. He’s tried to cook both Coo and Birdon more than once and she genuinely doesn’t like being around him. He makes good food, which has stopped him from being a 0/10 in her book, but thats it. He’s only there because Kirby thought he’d be a nice addition and everyone knows that if Kawasaki crosses the line he will get booted on the spot. (Kirby has standards too!)
Gim (Yo-yo): 7/10 Hes just a robot huh.
He’s kinda strange, and doesn’t appear to have a lot of feeling, but Gims really nice! He likes to show people all the tricks he can do with his yo-yo (which is surprisingly a lot) and gives all his friends a yo-to so they can do the tricks along with him (Adeleines is teal with red and black stripes. It’s also got a couple paint splotches on it that we’re added on purpose).
Burning Leo (Fire): 8/10 Toasty heater child!
They’re small and warm!!! All the time!!! They like to be held and snuggle up to cold stuff because it’s the same feeling as snuggling up to warm stuff for humans. REEEEAAALLLYYY wants to hug Chilly but there is the very real possibility that Chilly will literally melt so he holds off from that. Adeleine tends to be cold and likes to hold Leo like a hot water bottle. He’s learned how to make his head fire harmless so people can hold him and not get burned!!
Driblee (Water): 9/10 Oh my god they’re adorable!
Sothisispartiallyjustmebecauseilovethewaterabilityimsorry They’re a little lizard mermaid! They adore swimming more than you’d think and hold pool parties!! They hang around Chilly because their water tends to be on the colder side and Chilly can use them to reform melted bits of Adeleine can’t get Ice Dragon to do it. They’re actually made entirely out of water! They can literally transform back into water by going into water. This also means that they can conform to spaces not meant for them like bottles and containers. They like to make drinks for people since the water they use for attacking is some of the cleanest water out there! (It also tastes super fucking good)
Bonkers (Hammer): 7/10 Kinda scary...
He’s big, taller than Adeleine (especially if he stands fully upright), and has an intimidating look, but he’s all bark and no bite! Dude is literally just a ball of sunshine! He likes to carry people around and will 100% shield someone from attacks (he’s sturdy!!!). He’s helping Adeleine with her strength because she’s fragile and a little scrawny and he’s all muscle (shes gotten a lot better!). Shes got her own lightweight hammer he lets her use so she can get a little stronger!
Sir Kibble (Cutter): 9/10 Smol knight!
He cannot help his size... but he’s tough! He also has no fucking braincells and does not think but he’s a good boy! He likes to headbutt people but his helmet poses a problem (it literally has a blade attached to it) so he puts a padded pool noodle over it to protect others (the padding is so the noodle doesn’t get chopped from the blade itself when force is applied). He’s just a little dude with no thoughts... head empy...
NESP (ESP): 4/10 They talk too much and know stuff about me that I never told them.
Strange and not very cool :( They have a tendency to read other people’s minds because they purposefully don’t tune their thoughts out and therefore know a lot of stuff they really shouldn’t. They also don’t know how to keep their mouth shut. Thankfully they’re just funky from psychic power and on a good day they’re kinda nice to be around!
Vividria (Artist): 10/10 THATS MY ADOPTED SISTER!!
They’re siblings. Drawcia adopted Adeleine as one of her own and that makes Vividria her sis! They paint together and Vividria kinda sticks up for Adeleine in more dicey fights because of Adeleines low HP. They’re the bestest of friends and are super cool with one another! She’s still growing and is one day gonna reach Drawcias size!! (If we put it into normal heights [Adeleine being 5’3” and Kirby being 1’8”] Drawcia is over double Kirby’s height. Probably closer to 3-4 feet)
Parasol Waddle Dee (Parasol): 9/10 Oh my god they’re just a smol friend...
Dee is literally almost as high strung and anxious as Bandee but they’re so sweet!! They like rain!! They also give parasols to all their friends! (Adeleines is teal with paint splotches!) They tend to nap a lot and will totally join cuddle piles. On hot days they’ll utilize the chumbrella as a big shade for everyone in the nap pile. Just a squishy little dee!!!!!
Knuckle Joe (Fighter): 10/10 Hes super supportive and nice!
He saw how fragile Adeleine was and said “aight so I may not be a master but I’m gonna teach this kid how to fight” and didn’t wait for any objections. Once a week he goes out into the forest with Adeleine and shows her how to fight like him! Physical combat is important!!! She can’t fire off energy blasts or deal lightning speed punches, but she’s getting there! He’s ultra supportive of everyone and loved to teach people stuff!!! He care about everyone!!!!
Beetley (Beetle): 8/10 Why is he so angy!!
Always grumpy. He says it’s because he keeps losing to Bugzzy but it’s just because he’s super small and gets picked up like a burger all the time (if you didn’t wanna be held like a burger don’t be burger shaped idiot). Isn’t aggressive but will headbutt people with the blunt end of his horn when he’s being extra grouchy. Adeleine likes picking him up because he gets all stiff like a ferret (when you pick them up and they stick their feet’s up all stiff).
Jammerjab (Staff): 9/10 Funky but fun!
Was originally really wary of them because of the whole Void Termina thing and their assosciation with the bad guys wasn’t a good thing but they’re super cool! They’re graceful and like to stand on their staff a lot. They also help the smaller helpers get stuff up high (they themselves are small but their staff can extend a lot so they can use that for extra height). They let Adeleine use their staff and she’s not that good at it (she always whacks herself in the face while trying to use it) but it’s a nice gesture! They know a lot about the Jambastion and like to tell people all the wacky secrets it holds (like how Hyness has an entire room full of just robes that all look the exact fucking same or how theres a specific set of hallways that move and change to get trespassers lost in them). Honestly a fun little guy to be around
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glacecakes · 4 years
Alchemy Lullaby (16/?)
Of all the changes that came with living in the castle, becoming a father was not one he anticipated. When Eugene encounters a small child suffering like he did, he gives them the opportunity to grow up the way he never did… helping them both heal. (AU where Varian is 4 and gets adopted by Eugene)
The worst child custody fight you’ve ever seen.
Read the rest on AO3
Y'all I am so nervous I really hope this delivers! I spent a good 5 days just agonizing over how to get my idea across, editing, redoing, this was a monster to make. The biggest goddamn shoutouts to Scar server, coloring_the_banner, @aj-reblogs, and @space--butterflies for ideas and inspiration, and @finnoky for being my partner in this whole mess, as well as the amazingly talented artist for this chapter. SIMP FOR FINN OR DIE BY MY BLADE Oh also, I had to retcon the last sentence from the previous chapter you shall see why.
Quirin and Ulla, glaring one another down.
A flask in Ulla’s hands, a sword in Quirin’s. 
Varian whimpered from the doorway. Rapunzel and Eugene were so close, he could feel it! As each second ticked by, another rock reacted to her warmth, heating up his soul, his heart. He just had to hang on a little longer, and he could go home! Right? 
Quirin stared Ulla down. His back was turned away from their son in the doorway, and he didn’t intend for Ulla to step any farther. 
“Quirin,” she says, exasperated. “This is what you wanted, is it not?” She swirled the small vial around in her hand. “You wanted the moonstone, the rocks taken care of! This will do that!” To demonstrate, she let a single drop fall onto a nearby rock. Amber creeped up the surface, swallowing the rock wholly until it crumbled away, leaving only the amber behind. “If we give this to Varian, it’ll eject the moonstone from him!” 
“I want the moonstone destroyed, and I want Varian safe,” Quirin hissed. “You were the best option; I didn’t want to kill him!” 
Ulla raised an unimpressed eyebrow. “I thought you were all about duty? ‘No matter the cost’?”
“Not at the expense of a child!” 
“Oh, relax. This won’t kill him. Probably. I’m actually not sure.” She shrugged, and Quirin’s anger grew. How could she be ok with killing a child, her own son? The whole reason he was here was to satisfy his morals and duty, and yet her solution was not feasible. 
He’d let Ulla manipulate him for far too long. She knew how he felt about her, and she’d used it against him this whole time! She preyed on his desire for a son, for a family, and he’d totally bought into it. The man had told himself he was doing this out of duty, but he never was. 
“If you cannot guarantee his safety, then I won’t let you hurt him.” He said, and Ulla’s face fell. “I only put up with those experiments in the hopes of a solution, and yet all that’s come from this is pain. I…” He looked back at Varian. “I stole a child from his father in the hopes that you could end this.”
“And I can,” Ulla insisted. She thrust an arm out, reaching for Varian. “If you would just trust me!” 
“What a fool I am,” He sighed. “To ever think I could trust you.”
Her eyes narrowed, face morphing into a scowl. Quirin brandished his sword, but alas she was prepared. From her apron she pulled a small vial and threw it at Quirin’s feet. It exploded into goo, trapping him in place. 
With him out of the way, Ulla’s attention fell solely to the boy. Her hair practically floated in midair, more and more chunks falling out her bun as she stalked forward. “Oh, Varian,” She sang, gaze trained solely on her son. “Come to momma, moondrop. Let momma fix you.” 
Quirin struggled desperately to escape from the goo trap, but the alchemy held strong. “Varian, run!” he cried. 
The child backed up in fear, shaking his head. “Punzel’s gonna be here! She’s coming for me!” He insisted. Just a little longer, he just had to wait a little longer…! 
His momma laughed in agreement. “Yes, stay. It doesn’t matter, Varian. Just take your medicine, and all our problems will go away…” Now that Ulla was closer, her scowl morphed into a cheshire grin. She ran a hand through her hair, leaving a large piece hanging like a curtain over one eye. 
Varian’s mind reeled as tears streamed down his face. Think, think! Eugene always told him to come find him when he was in danger, but he knew where Eugene was! He was coming! Why wasn’t he here yet?
He glanced around wildly, looking at anything aside from his momma and the glowing vial in her hand. From Quirin, who struggled to free himself, to the moon shining through the window…
Wait, that’s it! The incantation! The one Quirin said to only use in danger! This surely counted as danger, right? 
“Wither and decay…” He mumbled, and Ulla’s face lost all color. “End this dest-destiny…” He didn’t really know what the words meant, did that matter? He hoped not. 
“Don’t you dare,” Ulla growled, grabbing Varian’s arm roughly. “Don’t you dare you brat! You worthless child!” She pushed the vial into his face. “DRINK IT!”
Eugene stood front and center at the lab’s entrance, chest heaving as he stared at the scene in anger. His baby boy, backed into a corner and at a madwoman’s mercy! Righteous justice bubbled in his chest, a desire to grab Varian and cause just as much pain to this lady as she had caused their family. Rapunzel at his side readied her frying pan while her braid shone like the sun. Cassandra stood by as well, sword drawn and ready to fight Quirin, though she lowered it slightly when she saw he was no threat. 
The alchemist snarled, throwing down Varian’s arm and reaching for her alchemy. “Honestly, if you all had just waited five minutes, I would’ve gladly handed him back…!” Why did none of them see her way? She just wanted to extract the moonstone from a baby who had no use for it, nor a proper grip on his powers. She wanted the rocks to vanish, just like the rest of them! Ulla charged at the trio, throwing a smoke bomb to distract them. The room filled with smoke, hiding Varian from sight.
“Varian!” Rapunzel called. “Hang on, honey! We’ll save you!” 
Ulla’s voice rang out loud and clear from behind. “I’m trying to save us all, you morons!” Rapunzel brought up her frying pan to bat away another bomb now that she could see Ulla through the smoke. “If I had the moonstone, I could retract all the rocks!”
“What makes you so sure you can control them if Varian can’t?” She barked. The only response she got was a goo bomb trapping her pan to her hand. “Ugh, seriously?” Ulla smirked, throwing another bomb she knew Rapunzel couldn’t dodge. The princess braced for impact, only for Cassandra to push her to the floor just in time. 
“Eugene!” Cassandra called through the smoke. “Go find Varian!” 
Eugene held up his shirt to help his breathing through the smoke, though it was slowly beginning to dissipate. He could barely make out Quirin’s form, trapped under Ulla’s alchemy. While part of him still hated the man’s guts, seeing that he was not on Ulla’s side (anymore) was enough to push that down for now. “Quirin,” He rasped. “Varian. Is he ok? I swear if you hurt a hair on his head-”
“He’s fine, I tried to stop Ulla from using that chemical. I’m so sorry,” That got Eugene to blink in shock. A truce, a common enemy, that would’ve been expected, but an apology? “I should never have taken him, I was just trying to do my duty, I never wanted him to be hurt-!”
Eugene cut him off. “Yea, we can hash that out later. Varian?” That made Quirin blink a few times in shock. He was just ignored, just like that? Well, he couldn’t blame Eugene, it was his son after all. But still, ow. He pointed his sword in the direction of the boy.
“Varian, bud, you there?” Eugene said, and the smoke finally cleared enough that he could see his son still in the corner. “Oh thank god-” He trailed off at his son’s appearance. “Varian…?”
Pitch black eyes stared back. His baby’s lovely hair, raven black with a streak of moonlight, was now dark as the rocks he controlled, with teal flowing through his head. A large shadow loomed behind Varian, creeping and slowly swallowing the room in darkness.
“Break these earthly chains… and set the spirit free.”
The floor beneath him cracked, and the air turned stale, blowing away any remaining smoke.
“Wh-” Cassandra tried to speak, but broke into violent coughs. Like sand in an hourglass, energy sapped away from the adults in the room, redirected towards the toddler. With each heartbeat Eugene felt himself weaken, but still he staggered forward, dropping down onto his knees in front of his son. 
The past few days have been wrought with anxiety, but now, seeing Varian in front of him, so close yet so far… that was worst of all. Eugene’s boy was dressed in rags similar to when he was first found (Where was his suit? His suit that he adored and made Varian look like himself?). Oh how Eugene wanted to scoop Varian up. To run away, to the ends of the earth. But that would make him no better than Ulla. To think just a few days ago, nothing was wrong, their only problem had been Varian’s jealousy towards Rapunzel. How had it all gone so wrong? Did that make Eugene a bad parent? If he had fought harder, would Varian be in this position? Or would this destined to happen, the forces inside his son doomed to swallow them all whole?
He reached out, hands shaking, and pulled Varian into his arms. His clothes sizzled slightly under Varian’s touch, but he didn’t care. He rocked Varian back and forth, just how he liked it. “Varian?” Eugene whispered. “Varian, can you hear me?”
“...Wither and decay,” Varian murmured, another tear falling.  
Distantly, Eugene could hear the others struggling. He heard a thump as someone collapsed, the distressed cries of Rapunzel. He glanced up, and… was it just him or was her hair flashing? Like a candle on the verge of going out, Rapunzel’s hair flickered between blonde and brown. She grasped at her chest, clawing at it as if something was trying to burst out. From under her fingertips a faint gold glowed. 
“....Thief…” Ulla’s voice rasped. She lay on her stomach and rolled a vial over to Eugene. “U...use that on him! Make him drink it! Otherwise we’ll all die…!” Her eyes turned desperate, a silent call for a truce. 
His arms were now burning where Varian touched. He rested his chin on Varian’s normally soft hair, only for it to feel hotter than a thousand suns. But none of that mattered. All that mattered was the boy he had in his arms. His baby, his darling, finally back where he belonged.
Eugene held the golden chemical, ready to move it to Varian’s lips…
And faltered.
He wasn’t going to risk Varian’s life for his own. 
He tossed the vial aside and placed a kiss to the top of Varian’s head, ignoring the searing pain it caused his face. Though it might have just burned his stubble off. “Bluebird,” He whispered. “Dad’s here. You’re ok now. Come on, Varian, come back to me.” 
“End... this destiny…” Varian faltered ever so slightly. 
From where she had collapsed, Rapunzel sat up shakily. “Varian, you mean so much to us. Please…” While his vision was blurred, Eugene could tell he was right; her hair was brown again. A golden stone pulsed on her chest, giving her the strength to stumble towards them. Upon reaching her love and son, she collapsed once more, placing shaking hands on Varian’s shoulders. Miraculously, she didn’t burn. 
“Sweetie,” She whispered. “We’re here, we need you.”
A single tear trailed down Eugene’s cheek. “We love you,” he said.
There was silence. 
Tiny hands squeezed at Eugene’s arm. It didn’t burn.
“Daddy…? Mommy…?”
Varian blinked once, twice, eyes no longer tar, but rather the same electric blue as always. His hair was back to normal too, and the burns slowly began to fade to a general ache instead of searing. Even breathing felt easier. Eugene let out a wet laugh, placing a kiss to the crown of Varian’s head once more. 
“Yea bud, daddy and mommy,” he choked out, and Varian sighed, content. They sat there for a moment, the three of them, Rapunzel wrapping both of them into a hug. Finally, after days of agony, they were together again. 
Slowly, steadily, Cassandra stood up, leaning against her sword. She couldn’t help but feel a little awkward, but nonetheless glad to see Varian back to normal. Quirin, who had finally managed to free himself from the goo, also seemed at peace. They stood in place, watching the family with smiles on their faces.
For a moment, all was calm. 
A hand snatched Varian’s shirt collar, retching him from his parent’s grasp with a cry. Eugene barely had any time to react before Ulla was forcing the amber solution down Varian’s mouth. 
“No!” He yelled as his son began to cough and sputter, writhing in Ulla’s grasp so much that she almost dropped him. With hungry eyes she watched as Varian curled in on himself and screamed, his pain causing a flurry of rocks to sprout all over the lab and weaken the already damaged structure. Not only that, but creeping tendrils of amber engulfed each new rock, reaching claws out to try and ensnare anything that ventured too close. 
Cassandra tried to strike one with her sword, but it shattered on impact. Shit, this stuff was just as strong as the rocks!
“How is this better than the moonstone!?” She hissed at Quirin. The knight didn’t respond, instead shielding her when a nearby rock exploded from the force of the amber. A war of yellow and black raged, ravaging the room.
“Varian!” Eugene screamed, horrified as the child seized on the floor. Much like Rapunzel moments ago, a bright glow centered on his heart grew. This one was cyan, and as it got brighter, his hairstripe grew dimmer. 
Ulla’s hand dug into the boy’s chest, seizing what grew. He let out a final scream, and the room exploded in a bright light. 
Rapunzel’s own breast glowed briefly, reigniting her hair long enough for it to wrap protectively around her boyfriend. Quirin and Cassandra huddled together to brace for impact. Wind howled around them, so loud that it was all they could hear, and dust blew directly into their faces. 
When Rapunzel’s hair parted, and Cassandra and Quirin opened their eyes, the house was destroyed. 
Shattered support beams lay strewn across the landscape, some impaled by black rocks that were beginning to move. A loud groan echoed, haunting as the rocks of Old Corona shifted directions until all of them faced towards the ruined lab. 
At the epicenter, where all the rocks pointed, lay a very still boy. 
Too still. 
“No no no!” Eugene lurched forward, coughing violently as the debris that coated his lungs made itself known. But that didn’t stop him, dragging across the ruins until he was at Varian’s side. “Varian!” He begged, shaking arms picking up his son. He cradled him close to his chest, hoping, no, praying, that Varian was ok. 
He was quickly joined by Cassandra and Rapunzel, who's searching hands checked Varian for signs of life. Cassandra placed a finger on his neck, and let out a massive breath. “He’s alive,” she whispered. “Just unconscious.” 
“What on earth was that…?” Rapunzel asked, fear clouding her emerald eyes. 
In all honesty, Eugene had no clue. He glanced at his sunshine, with her once again brown hair, and Cassandra, with her broken sword and shattered look, and sighed. 
Suddenly, the rocks lit up blue around them. It started off their usual hue, glowing brighter and brighter, even more so than when Rapunzel’s hair reacted to them. The air hummed with electricity, and sparks jumped from rock to rock with loud cracks. 
The trio whipped their heads around. Eugene’s heart leapt into his throat as he clutched Varian tighter.
Ulla stood off to the side, previously silent, now admiring her new form. Her hair was set free from its bun, ending at her waist and a bright teal, more saturated than Varian’s hairstripe. Gone was her alchemy apron and goggles, replaced by a black, capped sleeve dress. Dark blue spikes covered her lower arms. 
The moonstone spritzed with power on her chest. 
“After 5 agonizing years…” Ulla’s voice was haunting, almost melodic. She spread her fingers out, beckoning a rock to her command. It creeped up from the earth until she rested her palm on its surface. The power was addictive, filling Ulla’s veins with refracted sunlight. No wonder Varian put up such a fight, she’d rather die than be without this power ever again!
Her euphoric haze faded at the sight of the trio. In the thief’s arms was her son, the boy who had given her so much grief for all these years. It was laughable, how easy the solution had been in retrospect. But oh well, live and learn. 
Rapunzel glared down the other woman, clutching Eugene’s bicep in support. Like hell they would let this woman get away with what she did. So what if she had an indestructible body armor and ultimate power? She hurt their kid, and they’d kick her ass. 
Ulla’s grin turned wicked sharp. “I can make the world as it should be,” she raised her arm, and the spike she’d summoned grew. Then another joined it, and another, and suddenly a ring of obsidian rose around her. Their points all faced the family, preparing to spring forward.
“Starting with you.” 
Without warning, the rocks formed a trail, several jutting closer and closer, snaking through the earth preparing to meet flesh. They braced for impact-
Ulla gaped at the piece of rock that jutted out of her chest. 
Panting, Quirin drove the point further into her. 
She fell to her knees.
Then her side.
Her eyes stared forward, unblinking, gazing at the son she never loved.
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moonchildsaurora · 4 years
The ex-Mercenary with the endearing dimples
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»»—— Crew Member #5 of Space Pirates ATEEZ ——««
all aboard The Perihelion, welcome to the co-pilot’s log system! here you’ll be able to access the crew’s profiles should you wish to read about their journeys: (no nsfw content)
[CAPTAIN] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
“if you fall for those dimples, then you’re already half-way in the hunter’s trap”
only a handful of people actually know of his origins, and being a changeling sure comes with a lot of perks for his (previous) field of work
[database file: changelings are nomadic beings, and are able to shift both face and form at will. There are no official records of a changeling’s standard/normal form, and very rarely would anyone get a chance to witness it. Most changelings take on forms of existing beings, depending on the location they’re at and how much they want to blend in, some preferring to add their own artistic flair on appearance]  
San’s hair changes almost as quickly as he changes his dagger blades, his current hair of a rich dark brown colour with a turf of silver that never seem to stop shimmering slightly – much like moon light. Which makes his Selenian [database file: moon/silver elves] form all that more convincing
he started his mercenary life on the planet Tundaoria, where all main networks of black markets and underground work are based at
young blood with no last name, a growing reputation – San is an all-round enigma. But he had a talent for tracking, deadly accuracy and disappearing without a trace, hence nobody questioned him other than for getting a job done
he used to work with a small group, ‘Windstriders’, known for their efficient timeframe and clean work. People pay for the quality, majority of the time San worked with others but sometimes he might pick up a few solo missions on the side
earned the nickname ‘Dimples’ from his ex-team mates however whilst he seems harmless on first glance, “the kid? Aye he’s one big sweetheart he is”, he’s learnt to use that highly skewed perception to his advantage
that’s to say he’s managed to coax beings either to bed for a night of pleasure or their deathbeds, talk about deadly charisma  
“so on average, what are the chances of someone walking out of your room alive?” 
San prides himself with maintaining a level of morality, and won’t kill unless it’s the specific target themselves and/or out of self-defence for any unfortunate souls who decide to intervene with his job. Has nothing against stealing or gambling because, “what’s living without taking a few risks?”
lowkey has a soft spot for younglings and became unexpectedly close to a particular orphanage in a town on the far northern-side of the planet. The head guardian (most orphanages are cared by a guardian or two) found San passed out nearby after a particularly tedious mission and took him in for healing. Since then that place had become an unofficial healer’s spot and safe house  
the younglings absolutely adored having him visit, especially when “look, look! The Moon Prince is here!”, bearing gifts such as trinkets, new toys or aleagette pastries [database: assorted savoury or sweet pastry-type snacks that melt in the mouth when eaten, the surprise is that the flavour isn’t known until the first bite]. San would later on start contributing part of his earnings towards the upkeep of the orphanage as a repayment for the guardians’ hospitality (and it’s really for the younglings but he won’t admit that)
every time a youngling treats him to a toothy smile, a wild giggle or when the bolder ones would run up and wrap their petite arms around his legs his fondness grows exponentially. Once, a guardian caught him helping the younglings doodle whatever their hearts desired on themselves so they could match the many permanent silver ink patterns that decorated his arms and back
“already influencing the little ones with your ways, Sannie?” (another nickname that the younglings picked up on and would parrot it back)
“I’ll have you know what we’re doing here is called art”
the one time San was caught off guard was having a past target’s associate track him down to his safe space and carry out a revenge attack – “you took my family away from me and now I’m going to take yours”          
San never fully recovered (the invisible wounds at least) for causing innocents to get caught up in the crossfire, for realising too late how attached he’s become to these people and their meaningful presence in his life 
as a parting favour, the Windstriders helped San relocate the survivors of the orphanage far away to the much more peaceful city of Aeria (known as ‘City of Healing’ on the planet Cidestea). They said goodbye to a reliable comrade, to his old identity, to his previous lifestyle; mutually promising that contact will only be made again in a dire situation as a last resort – Dimples was off the radar for good
5 years later, after a successful loot haul The Perihelion stopped by Aeria for a re-fuel and mainly because Seonghwa wouldn’t miss an opportunity to stock up on his medicinal herbs (also adopting some new plant children). Hongjoong led his small crew after being directed by a local to “the best tea spot in town” which turned out to be ‘Mosaic Brews’ run by none other than San
now sporting a more turquoise shade of hair and a woodland elven appearance where once silver ink ran along his skin, now a bold black-brown. The younglings who decided to stick by him now have grown too, toughened up by life yet maintained their soft innocence under San’s care for the past years
curiously they stared in awe at Yunho and Mingi, clearly never seeing such giants (to them) before, the older ones enthusiastically brought out the multi-coloured teas for their new guests and the younger ones were spoiled by Seonghwa’s constant cooing. Hongjoong thought San was more than what met his eyes, the seemingly bright shop owner who’s dimples were on full display and heartily conversed with the young captain still had a guarded air around him
it wasn’t until Yunho and Seonghwa gave a few Urousbaines (with captain’s approval of course, one does not just hand out rarities for free) from their loot to the younglings and San’s nonchalant reaction that got Hongjoong’s eyes sparkling
“don’t worry little one, the flower isn’t frozen, here pass me that water bowl.” and the younglings are still convinced till this day that San is some intergalactic prince with magical powers. Because right in front of their eyes the supposedly frozen flower bloomed and the sunlight refracted off its crystal-like petals, casting a spectrum of colours to fill the small shop
“oh how wondrous! How did you know to do that?” (…and San has left the chat)
A LOT of convincing was needed to get San to hear Hongjoong out (by now the crew knew what their captain wants, he gets) and only after tucking the younglings in for the evening in their rooms on the upper level of the shop did the serious talk start
San swore to leave that life behind but he would be kidding himself if he said he didn’t feel a slight tug at his heart for adventure, yet again. It was a tug-of-war between what the head knows vs. what the heart yearns for
“But Sannie how are you going to save the galaxy if you’re stuck here?” came the soft-spoken voice of the youngest and the group nearly had whiplash turning around. The younglings had snuck downstairs and listened in on the convo, knowing it’ll be sad to part with San but even sadder for him to purposely hold back
the younglings won the debate, that they weren’t naïve nor helpless anymore and together they could take care of themselves and the shop – after all they’ve only learnt from the best (San did notify some of the locals whom were trusted regulars of his temporary leave and to keep an eye on the younglings in his stead)
Yunho offered a communication bot to keep in touch so San could check-in whenever he wished, the younglings were fascinated as the Sheirzoi showed them how to work it and a chorus of “oohs” and “ahhs” were heard when they saw the main deck of the ship through the screen. At present, he made sure to check-in at least once every week, all smiles & dimples when he sees the little ones’ faces squeezed into the single screen
San held onto the younglings right up until he boarded The Perihelion, and making sure to wave back until they were right out of sight. He packed simply but made sure to put up some of the drawings the younger ones gifted him up on his room’s walls and the ‘lucky charm’ that got braided into his hair was worn proudly (the older kids had woven a band with colourful beads & crystallised Echetta wings they found in the garden – from the ‘lucky butterfly’)
the crew reminded him of his old team, how they looked out for one another despite not being blood-related but nevertheless a family of sorts. Eventually everyone found out of his changeling abilities after he nearly gave them a heart attack, “SAN! YOU’RE PURPLE…WHY IS YOUR SKIN PURPLE?!”
Hongjoong never dug too deep into San’s past but was very grateful and appreciative of his fighting skills, thus made him in charge of training the others to be able to defend themselves at least. Cue strict combat trainer San to pop out (Yeosang adds a new curse word to his vocab list after every lesson)
they’ve seen his lethal side where he went on a rampage after Seonghwa got shot
Is probably the only one Jongho trusts to trial his new weapons without blowing something or someone up accidentally
argues with the hot-headed Wooyoung frequently that sometimes Seonghwa has to put them in time-out, initially was legit arguments but now it’s more with an affectionate undertone
Hongjoong and Seonghwa nearly gave him ‘the space dad & mum talk’ after, “bloody hell did you get attacked or something?” upon seeing an array of purple-pink marks across San’s neck when he came stumbling back to the ship just near dawn. The faint scent of perfume lingering and tousled hair gave away that much. “At least leave us a message if not we’re sending the precious cargo retrieval brigade next time”
recently adopted a Kiatrafel [database file: small winged feline-like creature that can spit fire], he calls her “my girl” and is in the midst of training it to not mark its territory everywhere (including on people)
“SAN! Your hellcat just pissed on Hongjoong...again and coughed up flames on Yunho’s notes. Captain says if you don’t come within 5 seconds he’s throwing her down the chute”                                          
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(moodboard made with love, by @s1ardusk​ ♡)
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molloaf · 4 years
Teach Me to be Brave Ch. 5
Read on AO3
The day whizzed by Manon in a blur of assignments and overheard excited chatter about Paris’ new dynamic duo. She moved from class to class without a thought, but the narrative of the students around her remained the same buzz of excitement and wonder. Before she knew it, the final bell was ringing, and it was time for her to take her leave and head home.
Emotionally, Manon was exhausted. Her body, of course, was largely unaffected by her gymnastic endeavors the night prior as a result of the magic in the suit. She found, however, that keeping up appearances and watching her every word very carefully to avoid any and all suspicion from her classmates was more weight than she was used to carrying on a daily basis.
“What’s for dinner tonight, then, Manon?” Remy elbowed Manon in the ribs to pull her from the mental fog she appeared to be lost in. The spunky brunette jolted and shook out her jumbled thoughts before turning to her best friend who was watching her pack up her things with a quirked eyebrow.
“Tonight’s menu features a Taleggio, Ham, and Cornichon baked croissant with a summer berry tossed salad accompaniment,” Manon declared in a fake fancy accent, putting on airs about her culinary creation-to-be. A strange, high-pitched, muffled whining noise was suddenly heard from the back corner of the room, and Manon turned to see Chris gripping something in the pocket of his black hoodie with all his might before he loudly coughed.
“What are you looking at, Chamack?” he bit, though the tips of his ears were tinging red with clear embarrassment. Manon rolled her eyes and turned back to her conversation without acknowledging the obnoxious boy.
“Chris, would you mind hanging back after class for a minute?” M. Agreste called out to him.
“Again?” Chris groaned. Manon couldn’t help herself, and she twisted around to stick her tongue out at him, hopeful that maybe their teacher had caught wind of his actions that day.
“God, my stomach is yowling. That’s either going to be really gross, or it’ll star in my hungry daydreams for weeks to come…” Remy grabbed the attention of his experimental chef bff again as he rubbed his stomach performatively.
“Who says you get any?” Manon scoffed, acting offended. Elise laughed her bright, sunshiney laugh as she hung off her boyfriend beside Manon.
“Your mom is lucky that she gets to try it! It’s definitely gonna be better than those bacon onion tempura lollipop abominations you brought for lunch yesterday.”
“When she bit into it, it brought a tear to my eye,” observed Remy. He dramatically brushed a finger across his bottom eyelid as if he were crying right then.
“Sometimes they’re hits, sometimes they’re misses! You still gotta take the shot,” Manon winked. All laughed as they slid their respective backpacks onto their shoulders and made to leave the room.
“Have a good evening, M. Agreste!” Manon called as they exited. Their spirited homeroom teacher looked up from his computer to smile warmly and wave to the trio.
“Goodnight, guys! Good luck on problem #6,” M. Agreste flashed a devilish grin at them, and Remy groaned in response. “Ready, Chris?”
The bully nodded reluctantly and headed for the front of the room as the teacher stood to close the door. Manon was silently disappointed that she didn’t get to hear the beginning of her rival being chewed out by an authority figure. She decided to try to watch his behavior tomorrow to see if he’d really given it to him.
The group of friends chatted casually on the stroll towards home, as they did every day after school. They all lived within the same neighborhood, so they were able to walk together most of the way before diverting onto their respective streets. Manon expounded on her recent trip to the produce market across town in search of the perfect, crisp cornichons she needed for her sandwiches. Elise updated the gang on her latest modern dance routine that she was cooking up for competition, flip-flopping on which moves were too complex for her to pull off in a fast-paced sequence like that. Remy filled them in on how his twin pet frogs were currently in a fight, refusing to occupy the same half of their tank at the same time. Manon suggested couples counseling.
“They’re not a couple, they’re brothers!” Remy shouted, his voice reverberating off the tall buildings surrounding the group of friends.
“That doesn’t always stop a relationship in the animal kingdom….” observed Elise.
“You are not allowed near Erlân and Ramón ever again.”
“Aw, come on! They love me!”
“Nuh uh. You’re a bad influence with those utterly impure frog thoughts you just aired.”
Manon rolled her eyes at her lovestruck besties as they bickered good-naturedly beside her. She loved them so, but thinking of that fact reminded her that, since last night, she was keeping a very large secret from them. Guilt quickly soured her mood.
“H-have a good night, guys. I’ll let you know how the croissants turn out! Maybe there will be enough leftovers for me to bring them for lunch tomorrow.” Manon tried to keep her voice even and cheerful as she turned rapidly down her street, breaking off from the group to hide her conflicted face.
“Oh, uh, bye, Manon!” Elise called at her rapidly retreating pal with a confused wave. She shrugged to Remy, and they continued walking and discussing frog technicalities.
“Are you feeling okay, Manon?” Tikki poked her little bulbous head out of Manon’s backpack to speak into her charge’s ear. A look of concern was plastered on her adorable face.
“Huh?” Manon startled, almost forgetting she had Tikki in there. “Sorry, Tikki. I just don’t like lying to people. It makes me feel… dirty.” The girl frowned.
“I’m sorry to hear that you’re upset, Manon. It’s a tough job to be a superhero, and it’s a lot of responsibility to have foisted on you all in an instant. However, Ladybug chose you because she knew that you could overcome the obstacles and thrive.” The kwami patted Manon’s shoulder with her tiny paw.
“That’s right! Ladybug chose me.” Manon looked confused, struck by the thought. “How does she assume these things about me? Do I know Ladybug?”
Tikki shook her head dismissively, “I am not allowed to speak the name of my previous owners to those who don’t already know it. It’s a magical spell placed on the Miraculous to protect secret identities if a kwami is captured, so don’t even ask,” she chuckled. “And anyway, I think maybe you should just get inside and look in your physics book.”
“I promise I’ll get the homework done, if that’s what you’re worried about,” Manon replied, twisting her head to look at the little bug creature over her shoulder with a curious quirked brow. “Science is usually my worst subject, but M. Agreste is a good teacher.”
Tikki shrugged and nodded. As they came upon Manon’s building, the girl keyed her code into the pad next to the front door and took the elevator to her floor. Once inside her apartment, she flopped her bag down on the couch and set about getting her dinner ingredients out of the fridge.
Tikki watched her new Chosen as she worked, a look of determination and excitement on the teen’s face like a great artist struck with inspiration. Manon turned the TV on for background noise, pulled out a cutting board, and began slicing up deli meat, cheese, and tiny pickles while the oven preheated. The brunette danced gracefully about the kitchen, pulling armfuls of sauces and liquids from the refrigerator, several spice jars from a tall cabinet, bowls from the dishwasher. Tikki caught the sparkle in Manon’s eye as she made various concoctions from citrus juices, vinegars, creams, seasonings, and oils in little bowls.
Twenty minutes later, the sandwiches were in the oven, roasting the croissants to a golden brown while the cheese melted. Manon wiped sweat from her thick brows and took down her hair from the ponytail she had tied it back into, shaking it out to her shoulder blades with a sigh.
“Phew. I hope this one works!”
“You look so alive while cooking! Is this a hobby of yours?” Tikki questioned, hovering over to the tired girl.
“Yeah!” Manon perked up instantly at the mention of her special interest. “I’ve been cooking things by myself since I was little, because my mom was always gone at night working. Over the years, I think my tastes have strayed from the norm, though…” she trailed off with a light giggle, reminiscing about the strange dishes she had come up with just in the last month.
“I think you have great taste,” Tikki beamed, “and I can’t wait to try a tiny bite of that sandwich when it’s done.” The hungry kwami rubbed her hands together and licked her lips, looking at the oven.
Manon laughed and felt herself relax slightly. She had really come to love cooking. Someday, she thought maybe she could open a restaurant, or maybe a bistro, to showcase her unique recipes. That is, if enough people actually liked them. She made a mental note to pinch off a tidbit of her sandwich to slip to Tikki during dinner later without her mother noticing.
Right on cue, Manon heard her mother’s key unlock the apartment door as the oven timer was about to ring out. Quickly telling Tikki to hide, Manon slipped on an oven mitt and pulled the tray out of the hot oven just as Nadja entered.
“Hey, Mom!” greeted Manon.
“Hi, Sweetie. How was school?” The pixie-haired talk show host replied to her daughter.
“Ah, nothing to write home about.” Manon shrugged, deciding not to vent about Chris and his goons today. She wanted to keep her spirits up to enjoy dinner.
“No new drama with that boy today?” Nadja asked anyway, like she had read Manon’s mind and decided to pry.
“Ahhh,” chuckled the girl, “He gave some trouble to Odette, the girl who got akumatized last night? She’s in my class.” With her face turned away from her mother, Manon frowned briefly as she glossed over the detail that she had been targeted by them as well, and may have even made herself an enemy of the group with just a few sentences.
“That’s a shame. I hope she didn’t let him get in her head. He seems too stupid for her to trouble herself with.” Nadja shook her head and looked up at the ceiling. She had heard plenty of earfuls about Chris Lahiffe and his jerky jock pals over the years, ramping up now that he and her daughter were in high school. Nadja had even had some talks with various teachers and Principal Mendeliev regarding the rambunctious behavior, but the problems always returned in time.
“Exactly, Mama. Plus, M. Agreste held him after school when we were leaving. Here’s hoping he got expelled!” Manon’s optimism was a bit misplaced in vengeance, but Nadja decided to let the girl have her fantasy. “And he seemed kinda jealous when he heard me talking about these sandwiches,” Manon grinned with pride as she plated the croissants and poured homemade dressing on the salad she had crafted. Nadja lit up, hunger in her eyes.
“You’re too good to me, Manon.”
. . . . . . . . . . . .
The croissants were a success in Manon’s book. She may sometimes find out that not every idea was as delicious in execution as it sounded in her head, but lately she had been right more often than wrong. Even Tikki agreed, having eagerly gobbled up the bite Manon offered to her when Nadja’s back was turned during dinner.
After the dishes were cleared, Manon packed the remaining few croissants into a container and slid it into her lunch bag for the next day. It was time to start her homework, she realized with a groan. The teen slung her backpack over her shoulder and marched into her bedroom to begin.
Flicking on the light, Manon was greeted with the comfy, familiar sight of her room. Three of the walls were an ashen grey color, accented by the fourth wall which was almost neon teal. Leaning against the accent wall was her dresser, tall and white with several keepsakes and curios on top such as Ladybug merchandise and little Japanese keychains made to look like miniature foods. A bookshelf stood proudly next to her queen-size bed, full of fiction novels about girls who go on adventures and participation trophies from various sports Manon had played as a child, but never exactly excelled at.
Her desk was triangular in shape, placed in the corner with a large, plush rolling chair at it. The great window beside it gave her a view of the streets below and the buildings surrounding, as the apartment was on the 7th floor. Manon placed herself elegantly in the chair as she tossed her bookbag onto the ground beside her before slumping and groaning at the idea of homework once more. She flicked on her lamp, which was clipped to the bookshelf between the desk and her bed in order to provide light to both.
As Manon flipped open the heavy textbook to read her first homework question, a yellow piece of paper stuck to the page caught her eye. Lifting it to catch the light, Manon read the mysterious note curiously. It seemed to be an address, though Manon didn’t recognize it, and a time, 8 p.m. Her heart leapt into her throat when she saw the initials in the bottom right corner:
Her eyes snapped to the clock on her bookshelf instantly. 7:36, it read. Manon’s golden eyes blew wide as she glanced rapidly between the note and the clock, urging her brain to form thoughts. Once she managed to push through her shock, she flipped open her personal laptop on the desk and speedily hopped on a navigation website. The walk time to the address was almost half an hour.
Manon stood before she even finished thinking, twisting her long hair into a braid lightning fast, two strands of cowlicked hair hanging loosely over her forehead as they always did when her hair was pulled back. The frantic girl grabbed her backpack and tore through the apartment to the front door.
“Are you going out, Manon?” Nadja turned around from where she sat on the couch to look at her fleeing daughter.
“Oh! Mom! Ah, yeah! Remy is having…” her mind blanked briefly, “relationship issues? With his frogs! Not Elise. We’re gonna help him! But I gotta go right now so bye!” Manon blew a kiss to her confused mother as she tugged on a light jacket to face the brisk evening ahead, and then she was gone.
Tikki floated along behind Manon down the hallway of the large building as the girl decided the stairs would be faster than the elevator. The kwami looked sheepish.
“Oh, right. I did tell you to check your physics book, didn’t I? Sorry, I got a little distracted by the food.”
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the Crew - people
One of several groups of teens that tend to hang around together, the Crew is not as... hardcore as other groups. They were one of the first groups of teens to be known, before we really understood that the vast majority of the system falls within the teenage range.
rayna lynn is 16 and is Donna Marie's twin sister and was one of the first of us to make herself known to main Renee in 1999.  She had often fronted when main Renee couldn’t handle it, and her thing was games of all sorts, especially cards and video games.  She’s very much the tomboy and is also prone to wrestling with people. She’s nominally the head of the Crew. When she first became known in 1999 she was often seen with another, Selena (different from Selena of the Overseers).  Selena eventually changed her name to Selene to separate herself from the associations most had to the name “Selena”.  rayna and Selene called themselves the “Gruesome Twosome” and would often post that way at a message forum we frequented at the time.  An event in the fall of that year (1999) involved a traumatic blending and Selene was one of the ones involved with that.  rayna took the loss hard.  rayna looks a lot like our real life daughter but with dark blond hair and hazel eyes.
Kayla aka Kaylana has been known to sign posts either BWA (bitch with attitude) or DWA (dyke with attitude). She's 15, freely calls herself a dyke, is as much of a tomboy as rayna and was the one most involved in the marching band when we were in high school.  She loves to watch DCI (Drum Corps International) competitions and has really hated the fact that we didn’t get to see our sons march in marching band.  She’s red-headed with green eyes and the temper to match.
Despair is an age slider who ranges between 13 and 17, usually hovering around 15.  She is depressed almost all of the time.  She sees the world in black and white and shades of grey. She tends to write free verse poetry and has a certain way with words when journaling.  She stays mostly to herself or can be found with her sister ‘Kat. Her other sister is Jackielynn. Despair is dark skinned with black hair that she wears over her dark dark eyes.
Cara and Casey spend much of their time inside.  They are both 15 and are identical twins.  They have been known to come out when a song they know is on and they like to dance.  They are bouncy and full of energy.  They are also mischievous and like to play jokes on people.  But only in fun.  Neither of them seems to have a mean bone in their body.  They are both petite brunettes with brown eyes.
Alex15 is brother and protector to Alex5.  He is 15, as in his name.  Both boys came about because of certain things that happened usually involving physical abuse of some sort.  They were also often front when the girls felt that they should be a boy instead.  He has not actually fronted since our early teen years.  He and his brother are both white with dark hair and dark eyes.
Terri is 15 and we don't know hardly anything about her other than the fact that she is there.
Alejandro first became known to us in 2003 during one of our hospital trips.  He’s 15, he’s queer, and he has a tendency to flame.  He likes to dress up, is usually one of the ones who can actually put on make-up, and he’s got pretty good taste.  He’s very shy, and tends not to speak much. He’s black with very short hair and dark eyes.
Matthew and Marcus showed up with Todd and Tyler sometime in 2004.  It was a shock to main Renee who had always maintained we had very few males in the collective.  The four of them showing up was just part of something that proved her very wrong.  Matthew and Marcus are identical twins, are 17 and both have a noticeable southern accent.  Matt loves to read and Marc loves to sing.  Todd and Tyler are identical twins and are 16.  We don’t know much about them except that they can joke with the best of them and they tend to try and cheer people up.  All four brothers are biracial, again with dark hair and dark eyes.
Bitch #2, so called because Kayla had already been using BWA, is antagonistic and proud of it.  She’s somewhere between 16 and 19, ornery, short tempered and is often impatient with people in general.  If she had her wish we would live like hermits.  She doesn’t really like people much and certainly doesn’t like to put up with any kind of emotional display.  She looks much like the body.
Tony (aka Anthony) is 19 and was one of the main fronters for a while.  He used to just be the guy who sat in the corner of the Front Room and listened to Linkin Park. In 2005 he took charge of Bane and Blade when Malice wanted to kick the shit out of Bane for daring to say what he thought about the father.  Tony kept the twins with him to prevent Malice from getting her way.  He started being a regular fronter late in 2006.  He and ShayRisa are the two who used to front the most frequently.  Tony tends to try and act tough, and he’s protective as hell of those he cares about. Although he was first freaked out at the idea of being a “mom”, he has come to adore our outside kids.  He was one of the ones who was called to the Kids Castle summer of 2008 to help a group of children who had come forward with new info about our parents.  Unlike many of us, he definitely has the ability to get angry and to express it.  Sometimes the way he expresses it isn’t the best, but he’s been trying really hard not to do anything that will hurt the body.  He’s a pretty complicated guy.  He’s white with black hair in a skater’s cut and dark green eyes.
Daniel, whose age we have recently learned is 13, carries some very specific memories of the father.  He isn’t very well time-oriented and only sort of knows those we are around.  He seems a little vague, and when he first showed up he inadvertently scared most of the kids in our system.  We later learned that they weren’t scared of him, but of what he carried.  Daniel is also bi-racial with dark hair and green eyes. He is linked to the child Daniel in the Kids’ Castle the same way Alex5 and Alex 15 are.
Teesha, 14, is another of the video game teens.  Other than knowing that, we know next to nothing about her.  She looks like the body does.
Abby and Gail (both between 14 and 16) are both members of the graphics team.  They are usually behind pattern design.  They do patterns for more than just computer graphics.  They also help come up with our quilt patterns and with our beading projects.  Those of the graphics team are in general fairly artistically inclined.  If it’s any kind of arts and crafts project, the graphics team most likely has a hand in it.  Both girls are white with brown hair and brown eyes.
Kyle, Kevin, Kristin, Kylara and K’Tara all came forward at one time.  We refer to them as the K-clan and Kayla is in charge of them.  The five of them are 15 and were the ones who were the most involved with our first boyfriend.  Of all of them only Kevin is really oriented to the here and now.  He is the head of the graphics team.  His is the final say so on any graphics project.  He is also the coordinator between the graphics team and the code rats (web design).  He and Tony often butt heads when trying to design a page, usually because the graphics team wants it to look one way and the code rats are telling them they can’t code it like that.  Kevin tends to get obsessive about graphics projects.  He and other members of the graphics team have the ability to completely block out awareness of the body when they are focused.  We have to sometimes yell pretty loud to get his attention and get him to give the body a break.  All five of them are biracial with skin tones like our outside children and dark hair and eyes.
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sketchysaniwa · 5 years
Halfway Saniwa (Ch.4)
Halfway Saniwa (Ch.4)
{Chapter 4: Speak Your Mind}
For the following 2 weeks Kaiita was brought into contact with the outside world; the new and digitally tangible one as well as beginning her introduction courses. Firstly, her studies of the Japanese language took the forefront along with her basic introduction to the Saniwa and the Grid of Transient Time Channels.  This was the system in which most of her power over her mission would be intimately integrated. It was late evening and Kaiita was sitting on the floor in a new room in a different wing of the E.S.C. HQ with a clear stylus brush hovering over a large plate on a low table.  She was practicing her hiragana and katanana, when Konnosuke came padding into the room. It was one of the rare times he ever left her side- but it was important due to the fact he was clarifying something that had arrived for her. “ Here it is!” he announced with no shortage of pride in his voice, which made Kaiita look up from her work. “Hm?” “Your ID and citizenship papers.” ‘Citizenship papers?’ this irked her eye brow with a bit of concern.  “But- I’m Canadian, right?” she agreed to joining their army- no one said anything about giving up her citizenship. Konnosuke shook his head and pushed the envelope he’d brought in closer to her.  “Of course you are, but since around a few years before the war began, everyone became a dual citizen of the planet or United Countries Sovereign.  It was a sign of the world’s unification under a common cause of restoration and collaboration. It is considered a sign of progress of this era, one of our finest achievements!“  Kaiita could only imagine what impact this had on immigration, but she had enough politics to worry about.  For now she took a look at her card which slid out smoothly into her open palm along with a small folder of documentation papers. Everything seemed to be in order; it signified her as Canadian in origin and alliance, and – sure enough- a dual citizen of the UCS. It showed her sex, height, weight, skin and natural hair color-… biological age? This was actually marked down as Early 20’s but then in brackets – unspecified. ‘Perhaps they couldn’t gauge exactly how long I was frozen for?’ There was that odd shudder again. Every time she encountered something that nailed it into her that she had lost everything, it left an unsettling weight in her stomach. It scared her. In some strange way perhaps Kaiita was still in denial. She was still refusing to admit what happened- even when staring at her own picture on the glassy surface of her ID card. “Ah! You’re rather good at this.” Konnosuke commented, having crossed behind the girl and now stood with his front paws sitting on top the table. He- it- they, where looking over her hand writing. “You think so? It can use some improvement, I think my hand shakes too much and makes some of the loops too small.” She replied placing the documents down beside the sheet of scribbled words. 
“ – Now you are officially in the roster of Saniwa , if you searched up your name, your basic stats will appear on a simple web browser search.” “W- what wait?! That’s public knowledge?!” she was joining the army- Not wanting to become an internet presence! “Hardly, “ Konnosuke said, holding out his paw in a gesture for her to calm down, “ It’s not what you think. Saniwa are privy to a lot more information than the common public. Your name will pop up in a basic search, but not your photograph, just a few simple details, that’s what’s available to the public, but as for specifics- if YOU- yourself looked up your name you would get a much more in-depth profile result. While other saniwa may have something in the middle- depending on what you wish to share. “ ‘I suppose that make sense’ she thought, “ If I wanted to search up allies or team mates I’d get a rough overview of a saniwa in question right?” “Exactly!” the fox confirmed.
“Now how about we do a few practice phrases- introduce yourself Kaiita-sama?” the fox situated himself across from her and Kaiita swerved around to face him with her text book on her lap. For the next 2 hours they went over basic phrases of introduction, some key situation things and words she could really use in emergencies before breaking for dinner. Japanese was a dense language, and she was having trouble remembering similar looking symbols. Kaiita only hoped with usage in real life the meanings would stick eventually. For now she could relax and eat her dinner- which was found down stairs in a cafeteria. 
What Kaiita eventually came to understand was the science and research wing- where she was originally kept, this was the main center. People came and went from all branches of the government in regards to the war on the world history. She saw people dressed in various military garb and regalia- and most of all- saniwa. It was easier to pick them out in fact- what she had initially felt with Keiko was a saniwas aura. A natural barrier or space in which their presence fills a space around them. Konnosuke explained that a saniwa  was a shorter word for sayaniwa which was originally what a purified site was called. Specifically it referred to a place where a deity was worshiped and its divine will was received- eventually this translated over to people who fulfilled a similar function, receiving the name of the location itself as a literal title. So like a shaman or a priest- but something a bit more intrinsically connected to ‘space’ itself. This space seemed to follow saniwa wherever they went. It was a core attribute of their powers. Kaiita wandered into the mess hall where a plethora of people milled about their business, grabbing a snack, taking a break or just passing through on their own business. What was so interesting, was the clash of old and new right before her eyes. People clearly dressed for battle, would don combinations of modern and ancient clothing! It was rather an interesting sight to see. It proved to her quickly that a saniwa could be literally- anyone! Men or women, adults and even children! CHILDREN! What sort of branch of an army hired children?!
 Kaiita gawked in the middle of eating her food at a girl standing no taller than maybe 4 feet ! She short brown hair brushed over one eye in the company of a man who… had pink hair? They also wore a very ornate and flashy golden kimono. In fact all those she could tell where saniwa were rare ever alone. They have an attendant of some sort at any given time usually. Kaiita couldn’t figure out who they were exactly, for now she had a lot to memorize simply in terms of how people got around now a day. From learning basic transit, language and customs, it was a lot to take in and get straight. At the very least people were not to unforgiving to someone who just didn’t get it right away- even more so- she wasn’t the only foreigner there. Not by a long shot.
As she bit into a piece of tuna she could see a blonde across the mess hall with the ugliest jacket she’d ever seen! He followed by a much more refined individual wearing a rather artistic attire and what she could tell was purple hair. Purple hair- so many colors. At least she guessed that about the future correctly- she imagined once upon a time a future where people could look however they wished- including normally impossible shades of hair. Another thing she did notice about every single saniwa’s attendant was each carried some kind of weapon on their person. Usually this weapon was some sort of Japanese blade. In fact- she could tell the difference between the types- because Konnosuke made her memorize them. The fox told her this was also very important to her line of work- which would become clear once the first initial hurdles of her training where done. 
‘One of the most important parts-‘they had said.
She must have mouthed that perhaps whilst eating for suddenly- “Hm? Did you say something Kaiita-sama?” the fox who had been eating some stuffed inari sushi- something she was surprised an synthetic organism was able to- was not looking at her. “Oh!” she put her chop sticks down a moment, sipping her tea to clear her throat. “I was actually wondering- about what you said regarding the study of swords.” She gestured to yet another saniwa who stood up across from another table, a small girl in a very flowery military attire following them with a ‘tantou’ on their hip made to follow. “Oh? You’re curious about them huh? Well worry not- your introduction to the toudan danshi is tomorrow.” They declared with an excited swish of their tail.  The fox pointed with a paw, “ –every saniwa as you can observe has a person following them yes? Those armored people are called toudan danshi. They are very important, to us, and to you. You’ll see, I am quite looking forward to this myself- I am curious who will be called to your side first!” “ -called? you mean, someone is going to volunteer? One of them?” she straightened up, watching them more closely- and for a moment she could have sworn she’d seen the SAME person pass by a second time. The one with the purple hair- but the saniwa they followed was different! Did they switch charges here too? “ Tommorow, Kaiita-sama, now that you have clearance to leave since your ID has arrived-… we shall be leaving this place. But not before you learn who and what toudan danshi are.” That made her stand up in shock- “ I’m leaving?!” So soon?! Or was it? Maybe she was just becoming used to this place… when did the time creep up? 
“Calm down- calm down- sit sit-  everything will be fine.” Konnosuke said once again doing their best to settle her down. And how could it not work- with those adorable paws waving at her? The girl resumed her seat and waited for her partner to explain. “ I understand you perhaps are nervous, but you need to go somewhere more… home-like. As much as I’m sure you have adjusted to this place, it is both part of your training, your job, but also as another positive contribution to your health. You need to go somewhere more domestic now. Your home, your citadel awaits. It waits for you to open the door to it and take shape. It’s going to be quite the sight- I know you’ll be happy there.”
Konnosuke sounded so sure- “I’m not so sure.” Kaiita blurted out. Realizing how rude it must have sounded- she apologized.  “ I mean- “ words died in her throat. How could she feel at home in such an alien place? As much as it was nice, wonderful even-..this wasn’t home. How could it ever be? It shamed her to think this way, but she was homesick. An irrational part of her felt guilty of some kind of betrayal, to simply replace her –home- with another. It was perfectly juvenile! As she mentally admonished herself the fox padded closer until they were nearly nose to nose- and Kaiita straightened up in surprise.
“….?” What did they want? Eventually the creatures face softened into an unmistakable smile.
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“It is going to be okay Kaiita-sama. You will be fine. You can do this. You’re ready.” Convincing herself was one this- but hearing someone say that, with such conviction, was another. And it slammed hard in her chest- resulting in her shoulders feeling just a bit lighter.
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dapperfvck-arc · 7 years
FULL NAME. John Constantine NICKNAME. officially, Conjob, mostly from his days on the punk scene. On the esoteric side of things he may be referred to “The Laughing Magician” or, more derisively “a petty dabbler”. BIRTHDAY. May 10 (by original Hellblazer canon, he was born in 1953, but I’ve taken it upon myself to adjust his birth year to some time in the early 70s give or take) ETHNIC GROUP.  Caucasian NATIONALITY.  English (with strongly implied deep Russian roots) LANGUAGE.  English, basic grasp of most major European languages, profound fluency in dead/magical/infernal languages SEXUAL ORIENTATION. Bisexual af RELATIONSHIP STATUS. Verse/continuity dependent, though this blog is fairly heavily multi-ship. However, it should be noted that on the MCU continuity, John is in an exclusive, committed relationship with Matt Murdock ( @dcviltongued ) CLASS. Middle to lower class. Is very good at getting fast money (scams, gambling, dealing in magic artifacts/antiques of questionable quality and veracity) so may appear to be better off at certain times HOME TOWN / AREA. Liverpool, England, but has been living in London since leaving the family home at 17. CURRENT HOME. Heavily verse/continuity/thread dependent. John is a frequent traveller. PROFESSION. Somewhat verse/continuity dependent. Really it’s just a matter of whether or not he charges for exorcisms or magic rituals. My personal endgame for John is legitimacy. Like becoming a preternatural PI (and sometimes mundane) for hire or whatever. As a general rule though, his profession is con artist. He’s never worked a honest day’s work in his life. The closest he ever got was when he was a “rock star”. He could also be considered a professional gambler, patronizing horse tracks, underground card games, legal casinos, and I imagine can hustle at pool. Scams range from blackmail to using his reputation as an occultist to take advantage of people willing to pay for spell work.
HAIR. Short and usually rather messy. He rocks bedhead pretty aggressively. May be shaved and very short on the sides and styled into a faux to actual mohawk. He’s very blonde despite not getting very much sun as a general.  EYES. Electric blue, often almost fever bright. Deep and captivating, extremely intense straight on. NOSE. difficult to pin down due to the range of styles in which John have been drawn. Usually broad and more or less regular, occasionally somewhat crooked from being broken, though by and large, it’s portrayed as straight. Some artists, such as Moriat and Sean Murphy have drawn it as narrow and somewhat aquiline. I guess, I tend lean toward the former despite my deep love for Murphy’s interpretation of John, simply because I feel like my choice in FC is somewhat based on Tim Bradstreet and Leonardo Manco’s artistic interpretations of John, both of which I honestly adore just as well. FACE. Yet another loooong explanation here, I’m sorry. Artists tend to lean between giving him either a square face, classically handsome appearance (Steve Dillon, John Higgins, Ron Tiner, most of artists that have drawn him in the DC titles he’s appeared in), a broader, more every man appearance (Sean Phillips, Leonardo Manco to some degree, though later proved quite capable of drawing him stunningly handsome, and Tim Bradstreet), however still attractive but somewhat more haggard, stubbled, and/or slightly seedy in appearance, and finally a sharper, more diamond shape to his face featuring high cheekbones, a pointed chin and fine bone structure (Sean Murphy, Marcelo Frusin, and Moriat). Once more, in reference to my face claim for John, I suppose I tend to favour a more classically handsome appearance, simply because I like the idea of him having a pleasant, almost trustworthy face given that he is a con artist and considered an extremely good one (sometimes even the greatest con artist alive but idk whatever), and I feel like looking as dodgy as say, Frusin’s interpretation, I can’t imagine him being as successful as he is, you feel me? That guy looks like he’ll fuck you over for a corn chip. LIPS. Sensuous, faintly lined from his his smoking habit COMPLEXION.  Like any good Englishman that tends to move about by night and quite a bit dressed, John’s very pale. I do think he has a faintly pronounced undertone of pink. This colour will get brighter when he gets drunk, aroused, angry, or the exceedingly rare instance that he’s embarrassed  BLEMISHES. None SCARS. Aside from the scarification, which is better off detailed in the next section, and I ALWAYS FORGET TO MENTION THIS, he definitely has a long scar over one eye from a demon trying to cut it out with a blade. Since many magic rituals call for blood, I head canon that he also has faint scarring on his arms because he doesn’t practice human or animal sacrifice and his own blood instead.
TATTOOS. Arse tattoo of pine tree courtesy of Swamp Thing being a punk bitch, ritual tattoos faded into appearing as scarification. HEIGHT. 5′11 (184.34 cm) WEIGHT: prolly ranges between 150-160lbs (140 at his lightest) BUILD.  Long legs, somewhat of a broad upper torso, can be a bit soft in the middle. In general, he’s rather thin but his musculature is not usually very defined. In other words, no big, sexy pecs or cut abs. If anything he’s more sleek lines and narrow planes. ALLERGIES.  none USUAL HAIR STYLE. Freshly fucked USUAL CLOTHING. Dark suits, usually dark blue or black and trench coat, usually tan, has also been portrayed as black, yellow, or a mossy kinda green. In theory it could be said that these aren’t just differing interpretations from artists but that John owns coats in different colours, styles, and fabrics, but his favourite is the tan, longer style
FEAR. abandonment, amounting to nothing, not being able to protect those he cares about ASPIRATION. survival, making some kind of mark on this world, a measure of contentment POSITIVE TRAITS. Compassionate and determined, above all. Though not about to admit to it, he's still deeply idealistic. Strangely forgiving. He doesn’t really keep grudges. Loving, considerate, understanding, and rarely judgmental  NEGATIVE TRAITS. Those good things up above? They’re encased in a shell of harsh cynicism and apathy. Depending on his mood or particular part of his life depends on how hard a shell he is to crack. He may also experience depressive periods where he doesn’t give a shit about anyone or anything and just wants to drink. VICE HABIT.  Chain smokes, drinks, frequency dependent on what’s up in his life, though I do not believe he’s an alcoholic, sorry, because lol look, drinking a lot doesn’t mean you have a dependency. Indulges in drugs infrequently, mostly hallucinogens and weed, though I also tend to head canon that he flirted with a cocaine habit while fronting Mucous Membrane.  FAITH.  It’s complicated GHOSTS? Duh. He sees them plain as any living person AFTERLIFE?  Yeah, but uh, he doesn’t consider them eternal respites. They’re just planes of existence that he can either enter, leave, or pull people out. REINCARNATION? Maybe? ALIENS? I meeeeaannn....technically in DCU he’s acquainted with the concept of aliens and may or may not have fucked Hal Jordan POLITICAL ALIGNMENT. Liberal ECONOMIC PREFERENCE. comfortable  SOCIOPOLITICAL POSITION. working class warlock EDUCATION LEVEL.  Predominately self-educated. His frightfully intelligent and has been cited as having genius level intellect. Although I’m not sure I’d go so far as confirm that, I do thing he’s extremely clever and pragmatic. School bored him to tears and he was the type of kid the counselors and teachers say “exceedingly bright but unwilling to apply himself”. He reads voraciously, has an eidetic memory, and isn’t afraid of putting himself in new situations.
FATHER.  Thomas (dead, murdered by the Family Man) MOTHER.  Mary Anne (died in child birth) SIBLINGS.  Cheryl (murdered by husband, currently residing in Hell), an unnamed twin brother referred to as the Golden Child or Boy, the true heir to the Laughing Magician (stillborn, soul was later absorbed by John in trippy magic ritual, only to be expelled later in life when it was revealed that...uh...he was influencing John’s destiny to be perpetually sabotaged. Hellblazer’s a weird comic, you guys) EXTENDED  FAMILY.  Gemma, his niece. They have a rather stormy relationship. Chas, his best mate. Lovers may also be included in this. NAME MEANING. John: Jehovah has been Gracious/Shown Favour (lmao) Constantine: Constant, steadfast, generally referred to as “The Constant One”
HISTORICAL CONNECTION. Is strongly implied that John’s related, if perhaps distantly, to Constantine the Great.
BOOKS.  Prefers non-fiction MUSIC. Rock music, most notably 70s and 80s era punk rock. Likes the Pogues. Given the stack of evidence that John skirts the edge of the Goth scene cos he likes the aesthetic on women, I have a feeling he’s adopted into his music tastes. The Cure, Smiths, and Cocteau Twins in reference to an 80s mixtape John might make. Which i question the Smiths heavily, but The Cure and Cocteau Twins seems fairly legit. I bet Kit loved the Cocteau Twins. In that same vein of thought, although I tend to think John doesn’t like electronic music, he may have adopted some industrial bands into his preferences but he’s not about to talk about ti any time soon. DEITY.  Whichever one doesn’t hate him HOLIDAY.  doesn’t care MONTH. same SEASON.  Fall PLACE.  London or New York, in the case of sentimentality that he will never be able to get back to, the years when he was bumming around Ireland with Brenden and Kit WEATHER. Overcast SOUND.  He’s a city boy through and through, even if he may get frustrated with society on a whole, so he’s comforted by city sounds more than silence SCENT.  A freshly poured pint, the first cigarette of the day, skin and sex sweat TASTE.  Gin FEEL. He’s a sensualist. Body to body, breathing another person’s breath, his please, another person’s pleasure, his pleasure, all that good stuff. I also feel like he enjoys being drunk or stoned for the sake of having his thoughts dulled to a degree. He’s the sort of man who has lots of thoughts and situational observational input. John is basically perpetually mentally overstimulated and he likes the relief from that in inebriation. ANIMAL.  Fox  NUMBER.  hahaha idea numerology man COLOUR.  warm and neutral tones
TALENTS. So many. He’s a jack of all trades in a lot of ways. He can pick a lock, displays some artistic talent in that he can draw very intricate magic circles and sigils, if you consider that John wrote Venus of the Hardsell, he’s clearly got some ability to express himself in lyrics and words, i like to think he can play guitar, is apparently good with delicate craftsmanship (he used to help Dani build furniture for her dollhouses. This is canon by the way), suppose you could say he can sort of sing, but that’s debatable, and of course he’s very manipulative and speaks very well, is educated enough to be able to bullshit through various situations. TURN ONS. Total ass man, loves a great ass on a man or woman, dark hair, dark eyes, strong men, he’s a switch, but loves being manhandled and dominated to a degree, by either gender, honestly, danger, open affection, being wanted, loved, and cherished. So many things, honestly. John Constantine is easy. TURN OFFS.   Hardcore kink HOBBIES. Sleep, pub crawls, pretending he’s normal, reading TROPES. Con man with a heart of gold, charming bastard, unrepentant rogue, urban magician, supernatural detective, living legend AESTHETICS. smoke, chalk dust, wind and rain swept streets, London after midnight, narrow, dark alleys, haunted places, rumpled bed sheets, messy hair, dive bars, wicked smiles, deep kisses
MAIN  FC. Ewan McGregor // comic caps from various issues he’s appeared ALT  FC. Keanu Reeves for my filmverse OLDER  FC. Don’t have one as yet YOUNGER  FC. Ewan McGregor   VOICE  CLAIM.  Jason Stathem
Tagged by: @vamptrampbamf Tagging: lmao fuckin everyone.
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