#like the boxes are her version of the friendship bands
stardoopy · 1 year
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rikeijo · 10 months
Today's translation #476
Go Yuri Go!!!, Yuri!!! on ICE official fanbook, Hosoya Yoshimasa interview
Part 2.
-- You do you think is a rival of the character that you play?
H: I don't think that Otabek thinks about others as "rivals" that much, in general. I don't think that the feels that he is competing with somebody for getting better scores, or doing better performances. Watching the scenes, when he is saying his monologue, I thought that he rather wants to overcome the clumsy and mentally weaker old version of himself.
-- Please, tell us also something about Otabek and Yurio's interactions.
H: In the show, we see a scene, where Otabek says to Yurio, that Yurio is similar to him. After that he says his declaration of friendship, but in the screenplay, there was a note saying "he likes that in Yurio, that he is similar to him", so when I was playing my role, I was keeping that in mind. But as these two were talking, I couldn't stop thinking about Otabek's undercut, for some reason. I was wondering what actor would play the role of Otabek, if they were to make a live-action movie.
[Notes: YoI live-action movie...💀💀 Only if directed by Sayochin.
@thegirlwhorideslikeasamurai mentioning MAPPA in her reblog gave me some flashbacks 💀
Actually, it's very interesting that in 2019 Avex made another anime movie, Eiga no Osomatsu-san, which flopped (~6 oku yen at box office, for comparison, JJK movie made like 130-140 oku?), and they also managed to make fools of themselves, by claiming that they want at least 666666 people to see the movie and "let's count officially", but it ended up being close to "400000"... (I bet that's another reason, why they were even more wary of IceAdo, after the trailer also flopped, and theaters were like 90% empty). Both IPs' huge popularity was based on fujoshis mainly, and you can actually see that when people were commenting on that movie flop online, they also talked that "YoI is going to be next, bc fujos just get bored and move on..." In YoI's case, it's not that they just moved on, they actively started to hate the creators, and everything that they do, if it isn't 100% about Yuuri being the center of the universe, drawn in a way that they approve of (so in a """uke""" way). Too bad YoI is not a pixiv original fujo doujinshi (I know some people kind of forgot that it isn't), so their requests were actually never met properly 😞
But what's even more interesting though, is that unlike on YoI, they didn't give up on Osomatsu IP, even though it has been already dubbed "owakon", "finished content" by fandom in 2019... And made a live-action movie in 2022 starring Johnnys Smile-upers? ((I just looked it up how it came to be and oh boy, it seems that avex had quite close ties to a child predator with hundreds of victims, as multiple bands were under their label... (It's common for a big Jp entertainment-related company to have ties to him, but still... I never thought of it 🫠...))) So they went for a rebrand for that IP, you can say - now catering mainly to fans of boy idol groups. It's quite clear that YoI is treated.... Differently.]
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slightlytoastedbagel · 8 months
It's time for the winter sekai gift exchange!! My gift is for @mccnstruck and it's a polyneed fic :D
They're building snowmen (Snow Mikus specifically). I hope you enjoy it!! (And also tagging @winter-sekai-gift-exchange so they can put all of the gifts in one place) (the fic is also under the cut)
"Ichi! Did you get the scarf?"
"Yes Saki! Hold on a second."
Stubby legs carried her up the hill to her three friends, a blue scarf bundled into her arms while she tried to not trip into the snow. Shiho had already laughed at her once for it. Plus, it would get Snow Miku's scarf damp, she doesn't deserve a cold, wet scarf! She would have offered her own but Honami insisted she kept it on.
Ichika had just about reached the top when her friends' work came into view. A snowman, about the same height as Shiho, stood at the centre of the hilltop. Two sticks where stuck into either side of the head, stones for eyes and the mouth, Honami's apple sliced up to make the hair bands and nose, a tie made from the last few leaves off the tree. She thought it was amazing.
"There you are!" Saki greeted her at the top, a giant grin on her face. She grabbed onto Ichika's arm to drag her over to Honami and Shiho, who were adding the final touches to their joint effort. "C'mon! You can put the scarf on!"
Honami giggled at their friend's enthusiasm and Shiho just grinned at them all. Ichika nodded and went to wrap the scarf around the snowman's neck. She stepped back to see their finished Snow Miku, a smile creeping onto her face.
"Ah! She looks perfect!" Honami cheered to her left, Saki nodding in agreement.
"Great choice, Ichika." Shiho commented on her right, she turned to smile back at her.
"Thanks Shiho! Although..." Ichika turned back to Snow Miku and finally realised what was missing. She ran back up to her and took off her blue mittens, putting the sticks used for her hair into each one. When she knew they wouldn't fall off, Ichika walked back to her friends.
Saki gasped happily to Ichika's last minute addition, Shiho chuckled along. Honami, however, started off worried.
"Ichika-chan, won't your hands get cold now?"
"Don't worry, Honami, I have my coat pockets!" Ichika shoved her hands into said pockets to prove her point. It convinced Honami, at least, because she relaxed and looked back to their creation.
"It is a lovely finish, good idea Ichika-chan."
Ichika giggled at her compliment. By then Saki and Shiho had gotten themselves into a snowball fight, which ended with them both tumbling down the hill. Honami ran after them with concern. Ichika stood at the top for a minute to watch the three of them.
She loves her friends.
Ichika found the scarf at the bottom of her closet.
It was in a box full of things she couldn't bear to look at anymore, but could never bring herself to throw away. Photos, piles of sheet music, friendship bracelets (one of which was actually Shiho's, she must have left it here on accident) and the scarf. Miku's scarf.
There wasn't a need for it to be in the closet anymore, she was friends with Honami and Shiho again, Saki was out of the hospital and they had a band now. Leo/Need. Representing the Leonid meteor shower and how they need each other. Ichika thinks it's perfect for them. Plus, the four of them share a Sekai together! With a version of Miku in it! It's everything she could ever hope for!
She looks down to the scarf in her hands. Saki wanted to start doing more outside of just the band, right? Things friends would do, like shopping or visiting places together. Or maybe a walk in the park. The weather forecast said it would be snowing over the weekend...
Ichika sends a text to their group chat. Three replies come in fairly quickly. Everyone is free for Sunday.
She smiles and hopes they enjoy the surprise.
Ichika only sees a blur of yellow latch onto her before she's trying to keep Saki and herself from collapsing into the snow. She succeeds, however now Shiho is laughing a them, so did she really? Honami is chuckling as well now that she looks at them both. Seriously...
Shiho moves to drag Saki off of her. The latter pretends to resist but turns to hug Shiho instead. She let's her.
"So what did you want to do today?"
Oh right, she did bring them outside for a reason. The scarf is wrapped around her neck, she clutches it and blushes slightly. A gasp is heard to her right, and she turns to see Honami staring at the scarf.
"Isn't that..."
She remembers? Saki clearly doesn't, at least not a first, turning her head like a confused cat. Or maybe a dog would be more appropriate with her. Shiho also looks confused. She may as well get on with it.
"I was looking through some of my older things the other day, and I found this scarf. Remember that night it snowed really hard and we all went to the park and built a Snow Miku?"
Saki gasps as if she was just told the truth behind Rin's disappearing cookies (Kaito ate them not knowing they were her's and now feels really bad and has been trying to make some as an apology) (he confessed to Ichika and Honami last week). Shiho's eyes widen.
"You kept that scarf this whole time?"
"I couldn't bring myself to throw it away... After everything I wanted to keep as much as I could about our time together. Even if I never actually used them since."
"Awwwww, Ichi!!!" Saki returns to bear hugging her. She flushes.
"So I'm guessing you wanted to build another snowman?" Honami asks, possibly out of mercy. Saki stops crushing her to instead gasp and jump about in excitement.
"Ooooh! Yes! Is that what you wanted to do, Ichi? Yes I want to build another snowman!"
Shiho laughs, Ichika somehow feels herself becoming even more flushed. She doesn't take notice of it, instead allowing Saki to drag her through the park. Up a certain hill.
"Huh. This is where we built the last one." Shiho pipes up before Ichika could say it. She just nods in agreement instead.
"Oooooh. Wait, we have the scarf, but a snowman needs more than one scarf. Hona, come with me!" Saki talks so quickly Ichika struggled to keep up, but then Saki was leading Honami away by the arm. Despite the initial shock, Honami went along with her to the closest tree. Saki said something to her before kneeling down onto the ground. Honami began looking at the tree branches that had broken off.
Shiho nudges Ichika, she looks away from the other two.
"We may as well get started." Shiho said, already moving to build the snowman's body. Ichika nods despite the fact Shiho can't see her and moves to roll up a head. She was halfway there when Saki and Honami returned. The latter handed her sticks over to Saki before assisting Shiho in forming the body. Saki starts jumping on the spot in excitement, one hand full of sticks and the other full of rocks.
Before long, Ichika had built up the head and moved it towards the body, waiting to put it on top. Shiho had paused, pondered for a second, before nodding and stepping back to let Honami and Ichika move the head on. Once that was done, Saki walked up to the snowman to put the rocks into the head for eyes and the mouth. She also stook the two sticks into the side.
"Hmmmm. Can I have the scarf Ichi?"
Ichika nodded and handed over the blue scarf to Saki, who proceeded to wrap it around the snowman's neck and tied it up at the front.
"There! We have no leaves this time, but Snow Miku has her tie!" Saki presents her work to the other three with jazz hands, Honami clapping along and Shiho trying to hide a chuckle. Ichika smiles, but ponders the Snow Miku for a second. They were hit with a cold breeze and she put her hands into her coat pockets to keep them warm. As she did so she felt something in her right one. Her old mittens. That's what was missing.
Ichika walked up to the snowman and, once again, put the mittens onto the sticks used for Miku's hair. Then, she stepped away again and smiled.
"You kept the mittens as well?" Shiho asks teasingly.
"I suppose I did. I hadn't realised they were in that pocket." Ichika blushed again. She was doing that a lot today.
An "awww" could be heard from Saki and Honami smiled warmly. The four looked at their second Snow Miku together.
"Thank you, Ichika-chan."
"Thank you for inviting us to build another Snow Miku." Honami explained. Saki and Shiho are quick to agree with her. Ichika feels warm watching the three of them.
"Your welcome."
She would build a million Snow Mikus if it would make them happy.
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iwanthermidnightz · 1 year
As Taylor Swift rolled into Los Angeles this week, the frenzy surrounding her record-breaking Eras Tour was already in high gear.
Headlines gushed that she had given $100,000 bonuses to her crew. Politicians asked her to postpone her concerts in solidarity with striking hotel workers. Scalped tickets were going for $3,000 and up. And there were way, way too many friendship bracelets to count.
These days, the center of an otherwise splintered music world can only be Taylor Swift.
The pop superstar’s tour, which is now finishing its initial North American leg with six nights at SoFi Stadium outside Los Angeles, has been a both a business and a cultural juggernaut. Swift’s catalog of generation-defining hits and canny marketing sense have helped her achieve a level of white-hot demand and media saturation not seen since the 1980s heyday of Michael Jackson and Madonna — a dominance that the entertainment business had largely accepted as impossible to replicate in the fragmented 21st century.
“The only thing I can compare it to is the phenomenon of Beatlemania,” said Billy Joel, who attended Swift’s show in Tampa, Fla., with his wife and young daughters.
In a summer of tours by stars like Beyoncé, Bruce Springsteen, Morgan Wallen and Drake, Swift’s stands apart, in numbers and in media noise. Although Swift, 33, and her promoters do not publicly report box-office figures, the trade publication Pollstar estimated that she has been selling about $14 million in tickets each night. By the end of the full world tour, which is booked with 146 stadium dates well into 2024, Swift’s sales could reach $1.4 billion or more — exceeding Elton John’s $939 million for his multiyear farewell tour, the current record-holder.
Swift has now had more No. 1 albums on the Billboard 200 over the course of her career than any other woman, surpassing Barbra Streisand. With the tour lifting Swift’s entire body of work, she has placed 10 albums on that chart this year and is the first living artist since the trumpeter and bandleader Herb Alpert in 1966 to have four titles in the Top 10 at the same time.
“It’s a pretty amazing feat,” Alpert, 88, said in a phone interview. “With the way radio is these days, and the way music is distributed, with streaming, I didn’t think anyone in this era could do it.”
But how did a concert tour become so much more: fodder for gossip columns, the subject of weather reports, a boon for friendship-bracelet beads — the unofficial currency of Swiftie fandom — and the reason nobody could get a hotel room in Cincinnati at the end of June?
“She is the best C.E.O., and best chief marketing officer, in the history of music,” said Nathan Hubbard, a longtime music and ticketing executive who co-hosts a Swift podcast. “She is following people like Bono, Jay-Z and Madonna, who were acutely aware of their brands. But of all of them, Taylor is the first one to be natively online.”
Before Eras, Swift hadn’t been on tour since 2018. And her catalog has grown by seven No. 1 albums since then, fueled in part by three rerecorded “Taylor’s Versions” of her first LPs — a project hailed by Swift’s fans as a crusade to regain control of her music, though it is also an act of revenge after the sale of Swift’s former record label, a move that, she said, “stripped me of my life’s work.”
“Folklore” and “Evermore” expanded her palate into fantastical indie-folk and brought new collaborators into the fold: Aaron Dessner from the band the National and Justin Vernon, a.k.a. Bon Iver, rock-world figures who helped attract new listeners.
The other major tour this year that is enticing fans to book transcontinental flights, and to show up costumed and in rapture, is also by a woman: Beyoncé, 41, whose Renaissance tour is a fantasia of disco and retrofuturism. Like Swift, she is also a trailblazing artist-entrepreneur, maintaining tight control over her career and fostering a rich connection with fans online. Together with Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie,” a critique of the patriarchy told in hot pink, they are signs of powerful women ruling the discourse of pop culture.
But in music, at least, the scale and success of Swift’s tour is without equal. Later this month, after completing 53 shows in the United States, she will kick off an international itinerary of at least 78 more before returning to North America next fall. Beyoncé’s full tour has 56 dates; Springsteen’s, 90. (Recently, Harry Styles wrapped a 173-date tour in arenas and stadiums, grossing about $590 million.)
Outside Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City, fans posed for selfies and shared their ticketing ordeals. Esmeralda Tinoco and Sami Cytron, 24-year-old former sorority sisters, said they had paid $645 for two seats. A stone’s throw away, Karlee Patrick and Emily DeGruson, both 18 and dressed as a pair in angel/devil costumes after a line in Swift’s “Cruel Summer,” sat “Taylorgating” at the edge of the parking lot; they said they had paid $100 for parking but couldn’t afford tickets.
As Swift’s opening acts finished, the crowd rushed in. Glaser, the comedian, later said that of the eight shows she had been to, her favorites were the ones where she had brought her mother — and converted her to Swiftie fandom.
“Everyone is in love with her,” Glaser said her mom told her after one show in Texas. “Now I get it.”
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Dead Doesn't Mean Gone is nowhere near Casey being introduced, but i'm really excited about him so thought I'd just dump all my headcannons for him so far here
His mum's mexican, not sure about his dad.
Lives with his grandma and little sister - this version of Arnold Jones is, unfortunately, a complete asshole, so when Casey was about 13 and Robyn 7 their grandma got custody.
He actually met Raph before he lived with his grandma. They both play hockey, so played for different teams. At first they were mostly rivals, but it quickly developed into friendship.
Casey doesn't really talk about his dad to Raph and there's a lot of reasons why. At the time Casey was very much like "he's my dad and he loves me, if I tell anyone they'll completely misunderstand the situation." Like he's protective of his loved ones, and felt he had to defend his dad, even if his dad's actions were awful. Plus he knows that Raph lives in a children's home, so he felt awkward talking about Arnold (Raph doesn't actually mind when people talk about their dads).
After Casey moves, Raph knows that something happened with his dad, but Casey won't talk about it. Raph's grown up around a lot of different kids, so he knows there's a lot of potential reasons Casey and Robyn are living with their grandma now, so he decides to wait for Casey to tell him and just be supportive in the meantime.
Casey is afraid of rats - there was a bad experience with them in his childhood.
Raph mentions Splinter to Casey but doesn't go into much detail. Casey just knows that Raph and his brothers have an adoptive dad who can't legally adopt them, most likely due to an unknown illness.
Unknown to Casey, he has met Splinter already. Unfortunately, it was during the time of night Splinter isn't himself. This did not help his fear of rats at all. (Splinter didn't hurt him, just scared him pretty badly.)
Screamed bloody murder the first time he met Splinter properly. Was then super confused cause "Raph, this is your dad!? He's a gaint talking rat!","Technically he's a rat demon", "Not helping Donnie!"
Does warm up to Splinter. Eventually Casey does end up seeing Splinter as a father figure, but due to *gestures at Arnold* doesn't feel comfortable calling him dad so instead it's either Splinter or Tio.
Has a lot of confusing feelings about his gender that he was not ready to get into after moving (This Casey is genderfluid). Starts figuring stuff out when he's roughly 15 and comes out not long after.
The fam are all very supportive! (Most of them are LGBTQ+)
Makes her own skates.
Splinter sees them and asks if Casey wants to learn metal forging.
(If you listen very closely, you can hear Leo's blood pressure rising.)
Donnie and Casey bond over making things in the garage. The earn some money by fixing people's cars and stuff after school/on weekends. When Donnie goes to university, Casey keeps at it and opens her own mechanic's shop.
Skateboards with Mikey and watches horror movies with him. Sometimes they'll watch horror anime together.
Casey at Leo "Aren't you tired of being nice. Don't you ever just wanna go apeshit?" Also sometimes they'll talk about what it's like being the oldest sibling and having to borderline raise yourself and them.
Not sure yet if she learns ninjutsu officially, but she does pick up a lot of stuff from the brothers and April. She knows how to box.
Watches anime and got into Japanese punk and metal bands.
Finds the forest deer unsettling as all hell. Does not get why Mikey is so fond of it.
Once tried to summon a demon with April (Girls Night!) and laughed so hard she couldn't breath when the ritual spat Splinter out (Splinter yelped). April was swinging between excited that it worked and wanting to know why it dragged Splinter in, meanwhile Casey is curled up in the corner wheeze-laughing
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briamichellewrites · 1 year
7 - Bria’s Version
Markers are temporary. Tattoos are forever. That was the shirt Bria made. The band thought it looked so cool! How did she make it? She found an old plain white T-shirt and she cut it to waist length. Using a needle and thread, she sewed the bottom, so it didn’t get destroyed when she washed it. She then put a cardboard box in between the layers to keep it from bleeding through before using a permanent black marker. It was very easy to do.
What did it mean? It was from a conversation she had with Mike and Brad about her drawing on her arm with permanent markers. She just randomly said it and she thought it was funny, so she made it into a shirt. It looked so cool! Did she make her own clothes? Not really. She just knew how to use a needle and thread from a homemaking class she took at school.
She took it because she needed the class to graduate. They learned how to sew, cook, and bake. Was it just for girls? No, some guys also took it but they were the minority. She thought they were only taking it because of the number of girls. The teacher would give them instructions, then leave them be. She would look up from whatever she was doing at her desk every so often to see how they were doing. If they had any questions or needed help, they had to ask each other.
“She basically used us to get the paperwork done.”
“What if you burned yourself”, Chester asked.
“She would tell you to run it under cold water while she got the school nurse. One time, I think I was in middle school, we were changing clothes from gym class. I have no memory of what led up to this. Somehow the conversation led to us wondering if I could fit inside the locker because I’m naturally tall and skinny.”
After getting into the locker, they closed it. They were not being malicious or anything. Somehow, the gym teacher came in and opened the locker to find her inside. She was so angry because she thought she was being bullied and she asked the girls what happened. The teacher then asked her privately what happened. She eventually realized they were just being dumb kids. They laughed.
Did they get into trouble? They were just told not to do that again. Middle school. They all remembered what that was like. It was a time when everyone was dealing with puberty and hormones while being awkward and insecure. Friendships were made and broken. Sometimes within a week. They tried to fit in while figuring out who they were. It was a rite of passage every kid had to go through. Ten out of ten would not go through middle school again.
Rob, Brad, and Chester knew what it was like to be tall and skinny. Chester was bullied for it. They had insecurities about it but they learned to love their bodies. Especially if it meant they could play Keep Away with the other guys. Rob was the tallest, so he could hold whatever he wanted above his head and nobody could reach it.
He thought it was funny how they all jumped up to grab whatever he had taken. After a minute or two, he always gave the item back. Bria was about five feet, nine inches tall without shoes on. That was as tall as she was going to get. She didn’t have a problem with her height because it meant she could reach for things on higher shelves at the store. They all thought she could be a model because she was naturally beautiful. The kind of beauty that people noticed.
Men noticed. When she turned eighteen, she could have any guy she wanted. Two more years. They would have to protect her. If any guy broke her heart, he would have six guys to answer to. Did she ever get a mental health evaluation done? Yes, she was found to have trauma but it wasn’t serious enough for PTSD. She was at risk of developing bipolar disorder because of her trauma.
She had some of the symptoms, but it wasn’t enough for a diagnosis. Some of the symptoms also overlapped with her ADHD. What were her symptoms? Impulsiveness, hyperactivity, easily distracted, trouble sleeping, and anxiety. They would keep an eye out for other symptoms. Was her hair part of her impulsiveness? Of course, it was. When it grew out, she was going to dye it another color. Maybe one color on top and another on the bottom. How would she do that?
She had no idea. They laughed. That would be interesting to see.
The following day, she came in with bright green hair with black hair underneath. It looked so cool and fit her personality. How the hell did she manage to do it? She separated her hair before tying the bottom part with a ponytail holder. Using a paintbrush, she painted the green dye on her roots before washing it in the bathtub.
She was going to be the first country musician with multicolored hair. They all took pictures of her cool new hair. She was going to have to give her hair a break before dying it again because too much dye could damage it. That was a good idea.
“I’m country goth with a side of punk rock.”
They laughed. When Anna arrived, she nearly fell over in shock! It took her a minute to figure out what she was looking at. What did you do to your hair? They laughed as she walked over to her. Once she got a closer look, she asked her how she did it. She repeated what she had just told the guys. It looked so cool! She would have to try it, though not with bright green. Maybe she would try a blonde color. That would look awesome! They laughed again.
Mike oversaw the process of dyeing Anna’s roots to a lighter shade of brown. She initially thought of trying blonde but then changed her mind because she wanted something more subtle. Bria had a bottle of that color at her apartment. She brought it over. After sitting in a chair, she covered her with a towel she didn’t mind getting stained. She also had her change into old clothes.
It was just better than worrying about getting hair dye on clothes that she wanted to keep nice. She parted her hair to where she wanted it. After getting the paintbrush and hair dye ready, she painted her part like she was painting a picture. Mike was curious to see how she was doing it. When she was done, she had her rinse out her hair using water. Once it was dried, it looked awesome! Mike laughed, as he examined her hair.
Oh my god! Did he want to do it? No, thanks. He was going to dye his hair red. She didn’t have that color on her. The next time she bought it, she would let him know. She thought he would look very nice with red hair. He laughed. After getting his camera, he took pictures of their very unique hairstyles. They then heard the doorbell. It was his parents.
He forgot they were having them over for dinner. Mike introduced Bria to his father, Muto, and mother, Donna. It’s nice to meet you. Muto asked her about her hair. She showed it off while explaining what she did. Anna then showed off her hair. He joked about being too old to understand. They laughed. She and Anna cleaned up their mess. Anna then went to see her hair and change clothes. When she came out, they asked her what she thought. It looked so cool! They laughed.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon @fiickle-nia @boricuacherry-blog
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mmorginsights · 2 years
Sontham movie gulabi
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Sontham movie gulabi mp3 song#
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Sontham movie gulabi movie#
We do not upload theatrical cam prints of any movies to respect the efforts of the movie makers. Play Sanam hit new songs and download Sanam MP3 songs and music album online on. But the woman's father disapproves so they decide to run away and get married. Sanam Songs Download- Listen to Sanam songs MP3 free online. Please mail us at the email ID for any suggestions and critiques. Chandu finally meets the woman, Pooja, who calls him on the phone without revealing her identity and sparks fly. You must agree to the terms and conditions here before you access this website. Your email must have subject line as "raremovies.tk" and contain the name of the movie requested and details of the stars in that movie. New Song Kurisena Mp3 Download From Orey Bujjiga Telugu Movie 2020.All Most Popular And Latest Telugu Songs Like Kurisena Mp3 Download in 320Kbps, 192Kbps & 128Kbps By Indian Singer Armaan Malik, P Meghana From Telugu Film Orey Bujjiga, Music Composed by Anup Rubens, Written By KK, Official Published By Mango Music.
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Sontham movie gulabi mp3 song#
Download and listen to SANAM band’s Gulabi aankhen MP3 song from Universally SANAM album online on movies will be uploaded in this site. The composition of Gulabi aankhen (गुलाबी आंखें) song from Universally SANAM album is by R.D. Aryan Rajesh, Rohit, Sunil Directed by: Sreenu Vaitla. But, the girl among them falls in love with this guy but does not express his feelings for him fearing rejection. All contents are subject to copyright, provided for educational and personal noncommercial use only. The film stars Aryan Rajesh, Rohith, Sunil, Namitha and Neha Pendse. Belonging) is a 2002 Indian Telugu-language romantic comedy film released on 23 August 2002. Gulabi aankhen (गुलाबी आंखें) song is a reverberated version of the original Gulabi ankhen song from the movie The train. Two guys and a girl are close friends one of the guys believes that friendship is more valuable than love. Chup Chup Thara Song - Ninne Pelladatha Movie - Nagarjuna,Tabu. Sontham From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Sontham ( transl. on 9th August 2019 and runs for 3 minutes and 17 seconds. This song is released by Universal Music India Pvt. Gulabi aankhen song is a Hindi love song that is ideal to play in the background while you’re handing a bunch of red roses to your crush.
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dearestdaffodils · 2 years
Stranger Things series rewrite headcanons part 2
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Since Eddie is the “freak”, he never really gets compliments. So when he does, it consumes his mind. For example, the reader once tells him that she likes his smile and Eddie makes it his mission to always be smiling around her
One time, Eddie goes with the reader to get revenge on Dustin’s bullies. This is when Eddie falls in love with the reader. He literally watches her smash a mailbox with a baseball bat and he swears she walks back to the car in slowmo with a sexy metal song playing in the background
Eddie once tells the reader that he has nightmares/insomnia and the reader gives him her favorite stuffed animal. She catches him fast asleep with it tucked under his chin on more than one occasion
Dustin is grumpy in the mornings. Like, 80 year old man grumpy. The reader has to essentially poke him with something from across the room so he’ll wake up without hitting her
Eddie is the exact same way. Except the reader tends to lean towards throwing things at Eddie to wake him up
Dustin makes a mixtape (with Steve’s help) of his and the reader’s favorite songs and they listen to it on car rides or while the reader is cooking dinner
The reader always has extra school supplies, lending them out to anyone who needs them
Once at a sleepover, the boys talk the reader into straightening Dustin’s hair while he’s asleep. He looks surprisingly like Steve with straight hair
When Dustin gets the colored bands on his braces changed, he lets the reader pick the colors (she usually coordinates them to the holiday/season)
The reader quickly discovers that Robin and Steve are like children when they are together. She becomes their buffer for when they get in flicking fights
Steve is the only one that remembers that the reader and Eddie got “married” when they were in preschool. Steve remembers because he “officiated” the wedding
When Steve and the reader graduate from high school, Dustin cries more than anyone. He handpicks flowers for the reader and gives her a framed photo of the two of them at the Snowball dance. He gives Steve a “monster fighting” kit along with a collection of little notes that Dustin wrote for Steve throughout their friendship
Steve and the reader have a small grad party with just their friends and despite the fact that Eddie despises any music that isn’t metal, he sings Slipping Through My Fingers by ABBA for the reader when they get a moment alone. He is afraid that the reader is going to leave Hawkins and him behind, but she reassures him that she can’t leave him or the rest of their friends
The reader makes herself her own versions of the Hellfire shirt. She has one just like Eddie’s, a tank top version, a crop top version, and one very similar to Eddie’s except the sleeves are her favorite color
Dustin lets the reader paint his nails cause he likes the way it feels
Eddie hates how hot his hair gets on the back of his neck during the summer but refuses to do his hair himself (he claims his rings get stuck) so he always has the reader pull it into a bun, ponytail, or braid for him so he doesn’t get too hot
Eddie can’t swim. He never learned cause his family never had the money for swim lessons. So Dustin and the reader teach him to swim one summer
You know that audio, I believe it’s from Doctor Who, “I got my spaceship, I got my boys…” that’s the reader with Eddie, Steve, Dustin, the other boys, and even the rest of the members of Corroded Coffin. She’s constantly saying “I got my baseball bat, I got my boys, I’m good to go”. She’s ready to go to war for any and all of them. And they do the same for her.
Eddie once witnessed the reader smack a bully upside the head with her lunch tray. It’s one of his favorite memories
One year, Eddie and Steve lose a bet with the rest of the group and have to dress up as princesses for Halloween. They enjoy it more than they let on
Eddie is the KING of dad jokes
Dustin scrapbooks. He has boxes of books he’s made with pictures of all his friends
Max looks up to the reader a lot, and even starts to try and emulate the reader’s style and personality
Max gives the type of hugs where she cups the back of the other person’s head and tries to keep them as close as possible. The first time she does it to the reader, the reader squeezes the younger girl as tight as she can. They hug for at least 30 minutes
Nancy acts like the paparazzi to Eddie and the reader. She always has her camera on her to take candid pictures of the pair because they always come out amazing. She gifts the pictures to them afterwards. Her personal favorite is the one of Eddie and the reader sitting on a dock down at Lover’s Lake, making flower crowns
Eddie used to chew his hair when he was little as a form of self soothing
Hopper once thanks the reader for looking after the kids and tells her that he’s proud of her. He doesn’t speak of it ever again but he invites the reader over for family dinner every week as a thank you
One summer, Nancy decides she wants to go on a road trip with the reader and Robin. She doesn’t tell them that though. She tells them she needs them to come to the store with her and the next thing they know, Nancy’s driving out of Hawkins
Eddie tried to grow a mustache once. It didn’t work. He can only grow some light scruff
Dustin, Mike, Lucas, and Will take the reader out for Mother’s Day one year. She cries about it for an hour afterwards because she loves them so much
After the battle at Starcourt, both Robin and the reader are wary of fireworks. They get together on the Fourth of July and hide from the fireworks for a few years after. Steve, Eddie, Nancy, Jonathan, El, Max, and the younger boys decide to change that one year and slowly reintroduce fireworks to Robin and the reader
The reader, Max, and Robin become known as “the floor friends”. If the group is having a meeting at someone’s house, these three voluntarily sit on the floor. On multiple occasions, the group will go over to the reader’s trailer to hangout and find Max and the reader laying on the floor talking
Eddie likes to manspread and Max likes to make fun of him for it. She literally teaches herself the splits in order to out-manspread Eddie
@wayfaring----stranger​ @themarvelousbee​ @balanceofgray​ @mochas-rambles​ @efvyqrs​ @10minutesofscreentime​ @allie-mcginn​ @poguebaby @short-potato​ @wh0re4harrington​ @jinxed-jk​ @seggsyswagger @nothanksdidntask @tenkomybeloved​
@byebyebikinisss​ @hellfirebabes​ ​
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smallcrystals · 3 years
You ever wonder what the events within Forgotten Friendship were like from the unique perspective of our boy Flash? (Especially after the reveal that a scrapped version of the climax had him help contain Wallflower via a car chase…)
Flash woke up that Saturday like all his peers: With all his good memories of Sunset sloppily blanked from his mind; Except unlike all of his fellow students, Flash would have more memories missing due to him & Sunset having dated. They obviously were a couple for a decently long time (To the point where he can confidently claim to know when something bothers her), so they must’ve had some good times together before Flash wised up to the fact that he was ultimately being used as an accessory & inevitably broke up with Sunset…
So for three days, all of Flash’s hypothetical moments of fun & intimacy with her disappeared, along with all of the subsequent memories of her redemption. Having years worth of bad memories forced to the forefront of his mind must’ve really screwed with him mentally. Micro, one of his closest friends, was getting bullied out of his lunch money & Flash was completely blind to that. (Bullying which she seemingly kept up even after getting magically disciplined by Twilight.) Subsequently, any of his remaining memories of her were likely tainted to the extreme. Now, Flash feels fully vindicated mocking her at the Battle Of the Bands, Dazzling’s influence be damned! Conversely, Flash would now see her as a massive hypocrite for ever advising him to get over Twilight. (That is, if he even remembers having said conversation considering it took place at Camp Everfree…)
Honestly, it’s a damn shame he was relegated to a mere voiceless cameo; If Flash arrived to help during the final confrontation, especially after all of that mental trauma screwing with his perception of Sunset, would’ve been an amazing moment for his character! But an equally great shame is the fact that no fan-fiction (None of the ones I’ve seen so far) has tried utilizing this untapped potential, whether it be via rewriting Forgotten Friendship, or just adding scenes to what already exists in the special! (Between none of Sunday being shown & the indeterminate amount of time between redeeming Wallflower & Sunset giving her a signed year book, we have some decently sized faps to give scenes to both Flash & other characters…)
Apology for rambling…
never apologise for rambling !! especially if it's abt flash sentry, i love talking about him !!!
YEAH i definitely think flash was a whole missed opportunity in forgotten friendship to explore
and you make A VERY GOOD POINT i can't believe i didn't clock that!! yes that would be the case and that's just so. messed up. those good memories were probably why flash stayed with sunset for so long, i assume. if they just aren't there anymore it would make flash feel so much more pathetic that he stayed with her when she clearly was an utter asshole to him/everyone.
the good reasons probably gave him validation for his choices despite them maybe not being completely right; a sort of, "i know those choices weren't the greatest but i understand why i made them back then" but now he doesn't have that. he doesn't even know why he liked her in the first place ?? being, i'm guessing, 16-17(?) during forgotten friendship with school and other relationships/commitments, that would've definitely fucked him up mentally. it's such a complicated situation and it would've been so interesting to see!
you'd think they'd go into flashset's past relationship a bit in the show, right? or at least show more of flash too?? he was set up as a pivotal character in eqg1 bc they make a somewhat deal about him being sunset's ex, but it just seems like they didn't really intend to do much with it other than to check the box of having a love interest. he couldve been so much more if the writers put more effort in.
and yeah, while i don't tend to read a lot of the flash sentry fics on fimfic mainly because they write him in a way i personally don't like, i don't think i've ever seen this written about in any shape or form. i might do it myself actually, since i really love digging into their past relationship and tearing them apart as characters so !!! you may see something from me !! :D
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If Glee did a Taylor Swift Tribute Episode...
Just my opinions, feel free to add on to them. I know I have some fellow gleek swifties following me. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Obviously they have to do some of the hits but I think some people would have some out of the box picks.
*This post assumes all Taylor songs are available to choose from as of May 14th 2021 but focuses on Taylor’s first 6 albums (if you want more glee and Taylor I have fics with that; LOVER and FOLKLORE) and takes liberties with where this episode’s placement is in terms of canon. But since it’s all made up anyway who cares (but Blaine’s involved so I guess season 3 idk).*
Okay, trying to do a full plot here (completely inspired by @kurtdeservesbetter head canon posts. I hope this lives up to her fabulous posts). This will be my version of glee so everyone gets solos and Rachel can’t hog the spotlight. Also, this is about to be super long (both post wise and episode wise).
Let’s open the first episode with
...Ready For It because the New Directions are in their reputation era. Santana does the opening cough centerstage. Everyone in black and/or camo green outfits (can you just see Kurt in a dark green bedazzled snake jacket, Santana in a black leather dress, and Tina digging out some goth clothes for people to borrow?), snakes everywhere, but probably no Karyn (she just wouldn’t fit on the auditorium stage). Santana takes the first verse but we have Blaine step up for verse 2. (I just love their friendship in the Michael tribute, cute little badasses are BACK. Also him singing “Burton to this Taylor” is such a Klaine thing to do).
Everyone is still dressed in their rep outfits but we’re in the choir room now. Mr. Schue is talking about why Taylor had to disappear and clap back with rep, how rough the industry is for women and tries to uplift the ladies in the room and encourage them to not silence their voices (cue snarky comment from Santana about Rachel needing to be silent).
Then, Mr. Schue goes on about how you can only understand how Taylor got to her rep era by studying her earlier music. So we have a performance of Tim McGraw. Simple, front of the choir room performance, maybe Puck does guitar, and sitting on stools.
Everyone is surprised to find out how pumped Sam is for this assignment but he is all over it. “It's about time we did some country in this room.” Cue Sam and Quinn at her locker talking about their ‘date’ last night, Sam’s all cute and teasing and Quinn is not into it. She tells him it was fun but she was wrong, they shouldn’t do this again. In turn, he does a wonderful performance of Bye Bye Baby. He thought it was more but clearly he’s “a part of her past.”
Then, we’re in the empty choir room. Tina and Mike are there. (I love their cutesy duets) They sing Everything Has Changed and it’s utterly adorable. Can’t you hear Mike asking Tina if she’s “good to go” like Ed does? And while we’re on the subject of cute duets and RED, we flash to the courtyard to see Santana and Brittany. They turn Stay Stay Stay into a duet. “I’ve been loving you for quite some time,” “before you I only dated self-indulgent takers who took all their problems out on me,” “no one else is gonna love me when I’m mad, mad, mad,” and “it’s occurring to me that I’d like to hang out with you for my whole life” it’s perfect for them. Adorable ladies kisses are had.
Let’s toss in some boy drama for fun. Idk shit about football but somehow Puck is praised by their coach over Finn, which gets him all pissy, and Puck’s upset and jealous because Finn is back with Quinn now (this is why Quinn shut Sam now earlier, she changed her mind). Can we say duet of Bad Blood? “So if you’re coming my way...just don’t.”
After their dramatics, we have a Brittany solo in the choir room. It’s after school at this point (or whenever glee club is). Brittany does You’ll Always Find You Way Back Home.
When she finishes Mr. Schue tries to explain that it’s a Hannah Montana song. Britt injects that it’s confusing how she’s really Miley Cryus “like how can you be two people at once?”. Before Mr. Schue can continue, Kurt pipes up “you never specified that the songs had to be sung by Taylor Swift, just that they were her songs.” Mercedes adds, “yeah, Mr. Schue, Taylor wrote that song.” Mr. Schue concedes that he has once again been outwitted by Kurtcedes. The friends do their little hand shake thing.
With a sigh, Mr. Schue asks Mike if he’s ready to go and Mike asks to take things to the auditorium for some dancing room. Everyone’s on stage with him and it’s kind of a group number but Mike is the focus. It’s Shake It Off. All inspired by the music video. He’s tried to fit in elsewhere (i.e. football, with the smart kids, etc..) but he’s really himself in glee when he’s dancing.
Part 2 of Taylor Tribute Episodes
We begin with an ALL GIRL NUMBER of A Place In This World. Just because.
Glee is dismissed and we zoom in on Artie. He’s watching Tina with Mike and Brittany with Santana. Both Tina and Britt have broken his heart by this point. So, he’s rolling down the halls singing A Perfectly Good Heart. While Artie’s soloing, we cut to Rachel watching Finn and Quinn chatting. Artie’s song playing over this scene. Rachel is feeling similar to him at the moment.
She’s pretty sure Finn dumped her to be with Quinn again even though Kurt and Blaine told her they saw Quinn and Sam at the movies last night together making out in the back row. Fine, if that’s how he’s going to be, she doesn’t need him anyway. Cue Mr. Perfectly Fine. Uber dramatic solo performance walking around McKinley’s halls watching Finn and Quinn together ending in the auditorium alone. (see what I did there, both broken hearted peeps singing a song with Perfectly in it (this was not at all planned, actually, happy accident))
After some good old heartbreak, we have Kurt and Blaine on screen. Blaine walks into the auditorium to see Kurt sitting on the edge of the stage. “What’s all the fuss?” he asks from the door. Kurt had texted him “EMERGENCY.” The band starts to play and Kurt just starts singing, Enchanted. It’s time to profess their love for each other, just like they sing Perfect together in the car, this duet needs no audience. Blaine catches up and sings while walking towards his boyfriend. It’s very reminiscent of past New Directions competitions where they come in from the back and make their way to the stage. “Wondering if you knew I was enchanted to meet you?” Kurt and Blaine both know the answer to that question now but just a few months ago they were both wondering that exact thing.
They kiss before we cut to Kurt and Blaine walking hand in hand into the choir room where everyone else is already. Mr. Schue is praising the performances thus far and of course asks Rachel if she’s ready to solo (some practice for her completion solo). This causes an uproar from Mercedes and Santana. Another classic argument of how she gets too many solos. Mr. Schue tries to shut them both down but Santana tells Rachel to watch her back, and we get three very different reactions to this. 
All three girls storm out.
First, we visit Mercedes alone in the courtyard. This solo is all about being hurt over this great thing in her life (glee) and her being denied happiness within that club. Thus, Cold As You. (mostly to indulge myself because she’d blow us away with this song).
Next, Rachel in the auditorium. A huge bridge on stage (very Speak Now Tour of her), belting out Better Than Revenge. Santana’s dropped the last straw (the humiliation, name calling, Finn at one point and now solos,) it’s too much this time.
And finally, Santana walking around McKinley, showing us flashes of Rachel ‘outshining’ her and the rest of glee and Mr. Schue being unfair, while singing Look What You Made Me Do.
Tina walks out at the same time as Rachel, Mercedes, and Santana but no one seems to put two and two together. She feels just as underutilized as the latter two do. She ends up in an empty classroom and sings The Outside. “Nobody ever lets me in” and “on the outside looking in.”
Once the 3, err 4, divas have left the room, Finn sticks up for Rachel. Quinn, of course, has something to say about this along the lines of “you always defend her.” Finn, intimated by her ‘scary Quinn’ fumbles and blurts “because she’s my girlfriend” WHICH IS NOT TRUE AT THIS POINT. Quinn dumps him on the spot, cuts quickly to Blaine and Kurt sharing some ‘oh my god, can you believe this’ expressions, and vanishes from the room.
By this point, Rachel is long gone from the auditorium but the bridge is still there.
Here’s where we go way off script but imagine, Quinn has decided to just quit boys. They’ve all failed her anyway, she’s better off being alone. She walks up the bridge and thinks to herself “god Rachel’s so dramatic, where did this thing even come from” before it hits her “fuck, I’m as bad as Finn. I want her.” Then, she starts singing Clean to herself in the auditorium, likely tearing up throughout and ending with a good cry. (Because Dianna would DELIVER with Clean.)
While Quinn is having a sexuality crisis, the rest of glee is still happening. They’re discussing upcoming competition and debating solos and songs.
Kurt’s all: “Mr. Schue, if I may” and performs a lovely rendition of Call It What You Want. Those opening lines are too good. “My castle (ie McKinley) crumbled overnight, brought a knife to a gun fight (ie couldn’t fight off Dave Karofsky), “I’m doing better than I ever was ‘cause my baby’s fit like a daydream,” and “at least I did one thing right.” When he’s done, Blaine’s a mess in the back of the choir room, and Mr. Schue says: “not really what we’re looking for but very nice, Kurt” however, Kurt’s too busy sitting beside Blaine teasing him about blushing.  
Then, the missing girls return to the room having sung out their emotions. Quinn, having realized her feelings for Rachel, ends up soloing You Belong With Me to the New Directions in the choir room. Odd looks all around, no one knows what’s up with her and why does she keep glancing at Rachel? (Faberry just fit so well I had to add it, don’t know if I’m a shipper or not but it’s here now) (also thanks to @spicygemini for pointing out the obvious “Quinn would have ate YBWY”).
Mr. Schue wants to move the group to the audition to perform their final number of the Taylor Swift tribute well but Tina asks to sing first. He’s surprised but allows it, taking a seat with the rest of the New Directions.
Tina sings Beautiful Ghosts. “Watch from the dark, wait for my life to start” because New Directions is refusing to use her talents AGAIN. She’s singing this to Rachel and the girls who were in the Treble Tones. Because she absolutely SMASHES this number, the glee kids agree she gets solo for their next competition (and they deliver on that promise).
To conclude Part 2 of the Taylor tribute episode, we have a group performance of Long Live. “One day we will be remembered”, “all the years we stood there on the sidelines wishing for right now”, “for a moment a band of thrives in ripped up jeans got to rule the world” ie wining completions, “when they look at the pictures please tell them my name...”
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rose2jam · 3 years
Dream Sequence - Act 1, Scene 5, Just a Dream
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Click here for the Dream Sequence FAQ
Ship: Severus Snape x Reader/OC
Story Summary: Your name is Gwendolyn Goode. You’re a bright Hufflepuff with a knack for potions, and this is the story of how an understanding and trust between yourself and Professor Severus Snape slowly evolves over the years into mentorship, friendship, and eventual romance.
Scene Summary: 5th year. With O.W.L.’s approaching, Sprout passes off your Career Advice meeting to Snape to talk about your future. "Just a Dream" by Kendall Miles
Length: 8,786
Rating: T
Warnings: One sided student/teacher pining.
Master List
First Scene
<== Last Scene
Next Scene ==>
The Hogwarts greenhouses were typically a source of great comfort to you.  They were always so bright and warm, filled with everything you loved most in the world; nature, beauty, art, science.  If you had any one dream for the future, it was that you might one day live in a place where you could have a real garden of your own. You had made due with window boxes in the city, but they were only good for flowers and common cooking herbs. You certainly wouldn’t be able to plant any magical flora in those, and while Potions was your favorite subject, Herbology was a very close second.  The sketchbook your mother had given you in your first year was brimming with drawings of all the new plants and fungi you’d discovered in your time here at Hogwarts, their detail and precision sharpening with each subsequent year. Botanical illustrations had always been your forte, even when you were small and the best you could manage was a crayon daisy.
But no amount of sunlight or warmth was enough to assuage your anxiety at this moment.  Thinking about your future in terms of whether you wanted a greenhouse or a traditional garden was all well and good.  It was thinking about what you were going to potentially do for the rest of your life that was filling you with existential dread. Seated at one of the long greenhouse tables outside of Professor Sprout’s office, you stared numbly at the brightly colored pamphlets you’d collected from the common room.  You’d only picked up three; one from Saint Mungo’s, detailing all the ways you weren’t cut out to be a Healer, and two from a couple of potions shops in Diagon Alley, both of which made your skin crawl with the prospect of working in retail.  It seemed your options were limited.  And that was terrifying you.
What if you were about to spend seven years of your life attending a school for magic, and in the end, you weren’t qualified for anything?  It’s not like you could go back to the Muggle world.  Sure, you were receiving the finest magical education in the world but it wasn’t like you could put that on a CV.  And now that you had been in this world, you didn’t think you could ever leave it.  Which left you with what?  Being a ‘normal’ person with a normal job?  It sounded utterly dull.  It wasn’t that you thought you were extraordinary, deserving of a fascinating life full of adventure.  You just wanted to do something meaningful.  You sighed as you shuffled around the leaflets again.  Alas, wasn’t that the dream of every stupid 16-year-old?  Wanting to change the world?
Your mother’s life before you’d been born had been transient; traveling the country, following bands, sleeping on couches and in the backseats of cars.  Her exploits had been financed by her own parents, your grandparents, whom you’d never met, as they’d dropped your mother on her arse the second they found out she was pregnant.  It wasn’t until you had come along that your mother had settled down, working odd jobs until finally finding lasting employment at a local pub.  You knew that she adored her position, having been promoted from waitress to bartender before you’d gotten your Hogwarts letter.  She collected stories from patrons during the late nights, sometimes sharing slightly censored versions of them with you over breakfast when you were much younger. She told you she was happy, and you knew that she was.  But you always felt that you had put an end to her real dreams.  She would never admit that, probably didn’t even think it. But still… more than anything, you wanted to make that up to her.  
Behind you, the door to Professor Sprout’s office suddenly opened, and you were pulled from your reverie as Lawrence Hollingsworth emerged, looking rather dazed and overwhelmed, that was, until he spotted you.  You squinted curiously at him, and he grinned lopsidedly back, before casually making his way over.  He plopped himself onto the bench beside you, facing the opposite direction as he leaned his back against the table.  
“Ready for the first day of the rest of your life?” Lawrence asked, his smile showing every one of his gleaming white teeth as he nudged his shoulder playfully against yours.  You rolled your eyes at his teasing (he knew how anxious you were about this), before shoving him back a little harder in return, but he only chuckled good-naturedly.  
“Oh yeah, really looking forward to it,” you said with mock enthusiasm, before slumping glumly with your elbows on the table and your chin in your hands.  “Is it bad?”
“What, Career Advice? Pleeease.” Lawrence waved his hand dismissively.  “It’s not like it’s a test.  And I’ve told you, you don’t have to commit to whatever you pick in there.  Besides, it’s Professor Sprout.  How bad could it be?”  
You nodded your assent to that.  He had a point.  It was the same point he’d been making for like a week since the Career Advice announcements had been posted in the common room, but it still hadn’t stuck.  You were grateful he was here to remind you now, though.  He’d been quite supportive since you’d confessed your fears about your future to him, and he’d done his best to soothe you by pointing out the flaws in your logic. Lawrence was always very kindhearted, not just to you, but to everyone, in and out of your own house; there was a reason he was made prefect this year.  As an added bonus, he was also very good looking; dark skin, neatly cropped hair, athletic build from his position as Beater on the Quidditch team. A real Hufflepuff Heartthrob.  
He was also entirely smitten with you.  
It had all started at the beginning of the term.  O.W.L.’s looming in the distance, Lawrence had actually approached you on the train in hopes of securing the position as your Potion’s partner for the coming year. He’d explained that his grades had been miserably low in the subject, but his ambitions to follow in his father’s footsteps as an Auror meant he needed to get high marks on his O.W.L.’s. When you’d informed him that Snape wouldn’t accept anything less than an Outstanding, the boy had literally thrown himself on the ground to beg for your help.  You hastily agreed, just to get him to stand back up again, before explaining that you weren’t going to carry him.  If he wanted to get better, he’d have to put in the work.  And surprisingly enough, he’d agreed.  As long as you guided, he would follow.
And he turned out to be a very receptive pupil.  You’d tentatively taken on the role as tutor, aiding him with his homework, helping him review for tests, explaining that if he just stopped studying from the damn text book and actually took down Professor Snape’s notes… Ah, but alas. Lawrence, like many, many other students, suffered from Snape Intimidation Syndrome.  Outside of the classroom, Lawrence understood the material well enough.  But put him down in the dungeons, in the front row of the classroom, with the Potions Master looming before him, and he became a regular butterfingers.  Since becoming your in-class partner, however, he’d developed a steadier hand.  Snape tended to avoid giving you any guff, and had started laying off of Lawrence by association.  You’d felt an immense swell of pride when Lawrence had shown you his first ever perfect marks on a Potions assignment.  It had also been the first time he kissed you.
Granted, it had also been the last time.  Lawrence had apologized profusely, explaining he’d just been overwhelmed, with uh, gratitude, and you had easily laughed it off, as it hadn’t really bothered you. It wasn’t the first time you’d kissed a boy, and surely wouldn’t be the last, but there had been a notable shift between the two of you since then.  It seemed that the contact had awoken some deep comprehension within Lawrence, like maybe he finally realized that he wanted to be more than just friends with you.  The problem was, he hadn’t actually asked you out yet.  There had been a radical increase in casual touches, in distracted conversations when you were supposed to be studying, in requests to spend time together outside of academics.  And while you had to admit, the attention was nice (you’d even gotten hate mail from some other girl! It had been a very exciting moment for you), the fact remained that he still hadn’t asked you to be his girlfriend.  
And honestly, you didn’t know how you would answer if he did. Some of your dorm mates had insisted you strike while the iron was hot, to just ask him out yourself.  And you had considered it, but something was stopping you.  Just as he couldn’t come to a decision about it, neither could you. It wasn’t that you didn’t like him. Quite the contrary, he’d grown to be one of your dearest friends.  And there was no denying that he was a hell of a catch; smart, kind, funny, attractive. He seemed to have what he wanted in life already planned out, his goals set in stone.  But you were still floundering to find your own.  As hard as you tried to envision it, you weren’t sure if you could see your future tied to his.  Then again, Trelawney liked to remind you that your third eye was very nearsighted.
“Earth to Gwen,” Lawrence said suddenly, waving a hand in front of your eyes to try and get you out of your trance.  You blinked stupidly, turning your head slowly to face him, and he smiled sympathetically in return.  With casual ease, he turned toward you and rubbed a hand in slow circles against your back, a soothing gesture that made you relax slightly.  “You’re really twisted up about this, huh?” he asked quietly, and you felt your cheeks flush with sudden heat.  Did he know you were thinking about…?
Oh!  No, he meant the career advice.  Of course.  You blushed even darker and looked down at the table again, shuffling around the meager selection of pamphlets.  “I guess I am.  I hope Professor Spout can help me figure this stuff out.  There has to be more I can do with potions than just… shop work or healing.”  You huffed and tossed them back down, watching them scatter across the table.
Lawrence had stopped stroking, though his hand remained a warm, heavy weight on the small of your back. It sent a peculiar wave of… something through you, and when you turned to meet his eyes again, he was already looking directly into yours.  He’d moved closer, his face mere inches away, and it caught you off guard, your breath hitching in your throat.  You saw his gaze flicker down to your mouth, before he took a deep breath. “Look, Gwen, are you doing anything toni-”
“Miss Goode?”
You both sprang apart from each other as Professor Sprout called your name, Lawrence scrambling to his feet quickly as you made a show of collecting the booklets you had carelessly tossed away.  Sprout was standing in the doorway of her office, her hands on her hips with a suspicious smile on her round face.  “Mister Hollingsworth, I think you ought to be getting back to class, don’t you?”
Lawrence’s own cheeks reddened, and he nodded in agreement, rubbing his hand over the back of his neck. “Yes, ma’am.  Sorry ma’am.”  He glanced your way as you finally stood, and offered you another encouraging grin, along with a double thumbs up.  “I’ll see you later, yeah?” he asked, and you couldn’t miss the note of hope in his voice. It made your heart ache, and you feared it wasn’t entirely in a good way.
“Yeah, of course,” you replied, and returned his thumbs up, though not quite as enthusiastically. With a wave to you, and a polite nod to Professor Sprout, Lawrence exited the greenhouse.  You watched his progress a little way through the glass, before turning back to Sprout, who was still regarding you with that knowing smile, and it only made your face grow hotter.  “What?” you demanded, though your voice had risen an octave.
“Oh, nothing!” Professor Sprout chuckled, betraying the fact that it was clearly something.  “Ah, just young love,” she admitted airily, stepping aside to allow you entry into her office, but you were rooted to the spot in utter mortification.  At your hesitation, Sprout rolled her eyes, though the grin on her face did not falter.  “Don’t give me that look, Miss Goode.  You two have been dancing around each other since the start of term.  You can’t think it was only obvious to other students?”
You snapped your mouth shut, not having realized it was hanging open.  If any more blood rushed to your face, you feared you might swoon. It already felt prickly and uncomfortable, like the rest of you.  “So, what? Are we just staffroom gossip for you?” you asked hotly, though there wasn’t much malice behind it; just quiet resignation as you made your way into Sprout’s office.  
She shut the door behind you as you settled into one of the stiff-backed wooden chairs that had been brought in. Her office was indistinguishable from the rest of the greenhouse, filled as it was with hanging vines and towering bushes.  The only thing that gave away the room’s true nature was the tiny wooden desk placed in the center, and some ancient looking filing cabinets that took up the back wall. Settling down behind said desk, Sprout regarded you thoughtfully.  
“You’re much more than that, Gwendolyn.  You know that I and several of your other professors think very highly of you,” she assured, and that made you relax a little.  She only used first names when she’d gone into mom-mode.  Professor Spout was the sort of woman you wished you’d had as a grandmother.  Since the very moment you’d been sorted into her house, she’d made it clear to you, as well as to every single one of her students, that you were wanted, valued, and appreciated in Hufflepuff.  The house often got a bad rap, accused of being made up of ‘leftovers’ who couldn’t get into Gryffindor, Ravenclaw or Slytherin.  Sprout, on the other hand, held the opinion that Hufflepuff possessed attributes from all three of the other houses, but with vastly differing motivations.  You were brave, without being reckless.  Intelligent, without being hypercritical.  Ambitious, without being selfish.  She saw the very best in you, and reminded you of it as often as she could.  
“I’m sorry, Professor,” you sighed sullenly, sliding your bag off of your shoulder and letting it flop onto the dirt floor beside you.  You knew you could talk to her about this, about your warring emotions over Lawrence, but you held you tongue.  That’s not what this meeting was supposed to be for.  “I’m just… feeling a little lost,” you admitted, fidgeting with the pamphlets, but they were getting rumpled and damp from being clenched in your clammy hands.  
“I can tell,” Sprout affirmed, her voice still kind and cajoling.  “I see you picked up some occupational literature.  Why don’t you tell me what’s on your mind?  Have you thought of what you might like to do once you’ve left Hogwarts?”
Inexplicably, your throat tightened up with barely restrained emotion.  You were actually on the verge of tears.  Because you had thought of what you’d like to do after leaving Hogwarts, but you had no idea if any of your ideas made for a viable living.  As usual, you felt like you knew absolutely nothing about the wizarding world.  How did anyone make a living in it?  The only adults you knew within this world were shop keepers, professors, or government workers.  But none of those offered what you felt like you needed, your deep seeded desire to do something important.  To help people.  And the one profession that did seem to offer that was sorely out of your reach.
Clearing your throat, your voice was still tense as you explained, “I thought I might like to be a Healer, or a Mediwitch, but…” You sighed and shrugged, isolating the flyer from Saint Mungo’s, peeling it open and gazing down at it numbly.  “I know I don’t have the grades for it.  I’ll be lucky to get an Acceptable in Charms, and I very well might get a Troll in Transfiguration.”
The sound of shuffling paper caused you to look up, and you saw Sprout flipping through a thick folder. With a thrill of dread, you realized it must be your student record.  She appeared to be comparing pages, and with a small sigh, she looked up with a tight smile.  “Professor McGonagall has indeed left a note here reminding me that she only accepts students who get an Exceeds Expectations on their O.W.L.’s.”  At the forlorn expression on your face, Sprout flipped the file shut, and leaned her elbows forward onto her desk, clasping her hands together. “Let’s approach this differently. Tell me what you like doing.  What are you best at, that you also enjoy?”  
“Potions,” you answer immediately, but smile apologetically before hastily adding, “And Herbology, of course.”  
Sprout nodded patiently, as if she’d been expecting that response.  “Of course, dear.  But judging by the way you’re strangling those poor pamphlets, you aren’t terribly interested in the ‘selling for profit’ aspect of it?”  You looked down at the crumpled papers in your hands, and immediately went about smoothing them out.  One was from Slug & Jiggers Apothecary, while the other was from Madam Primpernelle’s Beautifying Potions.  Both of them made you feel a little nauseous.
“You could say that,” you muttered, sighing as you just gave up and leaned over, stuffing all three booklets into your bag and wiping your sweaty palms over your skirt.  “But I don’t know what else I can do with potions, that doesn’t require me to be good at everything else.”
Sprout nodded with understanding, and she hummed thoughtfully as she took in your fretful appearance.  “I had rather hoped you would jump to say ‘Herbology’ first,” she teased affably, pulling out a piece of parchment and loading up her quill with ink.  “Goodness knows you’d be an excellent Herbologist, and you better believe I’m not letting you leave this office without you giving me your word that you’ll at least consider a career in it.”  She was carefully composing a note, her speech stilted as she concentrated on both writing and speaking.  “But for now, I’m going to send you to Professor Snape to continue this discussion. I believe he’s far more qualified to advise you on potential career paths in potions than I am.”  She held up the note, re-reading it once before folding it into thirds.  “And I’m sure he won’t mind.  You two are on good terms, yes?”
Now that really made you blush.  You coughed into your elbow in an attempt to cover your face, but you couldn’t stop yourself.  You had to know.  “Does he say that?” you asked, hoping you sounded casual, but knowing you sounded hopeful.  Why was it that the thought of gaining Snape’s approval caused butterflies to burst into your stomach, but thinking about dating or rejecting Lawrence Hollingsworth made you feel like your guts were full of worms?
Sprout smiled that damned perceptive smile again, before gathering up both her note and your school record. “Perhaps not in so many words. But as I said, a great deal of the staff here that have a very high opinion of you, and Professor Snape may or may not be one of them.”  She winked as she held the folder out to you.  “You certainly didn’t hear that from me, though.”
You scraped your teeth over your bottom lip as you accepted the proffered papers with shaking hands, staring reverently down at your student record.  “Is this… I mean, is it usual to send students to another Head of House for this?  Doesn’t he have his own house to advise?”  The last thing you wanted to do was go down into the dungeons, only to be turned away, or worse, accused of taking away valuable time from a Slytherin.  Oh god what if you ran into DeJarnette…?
Sprout was looking up at a clock hung haphazardly above the office door.  “Professor Snape finished up his meetings yesterday evening, I believe. And as he and I share a free period right about now, I can almost guarantee that you’ll catch him in the staffroom, if you hurry.”  You nearly fell out of your chair in your haste to seize your bag and hurry as instructed, but Sprout caught your eye with a sharp and purposeful look, making you freeze.  “Have I got your word about considering Herbology?”
You didn’t hesitate. A genuine smile spread over your face as you nodded your agreement.  “Of course, Professor,” you assured her, rising to your feet more slowly now, hitching your bag over your shoulder.  “I promise. I do love Herbology, and if things don’t work out with Professor Snape, I’ll come right back here to cry about it to you.”  You were mostly teasing, but you weren’t fibbing, either. You’d cried into Sprout’s ample bosom over less in your earlier years, and you weren’t even ashamed to admit that.
Sprout nodded amiably, finding this compromise perfectly acceptable.  Standing from her desk, she made her way around it to you and took one of your hands, patting it fondly as she beamed up at you.  “I know you will, dear.  I have no doubt you’ll find what’s right for you, though.”  Still holding your hand, she walked you towards the door, opening it to find the greenhouse empty; the next student hadn’t arrived yet. Leaning close to you, she released your hand and gave your shoulder an encouraging squeeze.  “And remember, you can come cry to me if things don’t work out with Lawrence, either,” she added quietly, and you felt the blood run out of your face this time.  You looked over to her, astonished and a little affronted, but she merely smiled pacifyingly.  “I’m not saying things will go badly!  Frankly, I think you two would make a rather charming couple.  But I’ve been a teacher for a very, very long time, Gwendolyn. All I mean is that I’m here for you, no matter what happens.”
Nodding slowly, you swallowed the lump in your throat, before giving Professor Sprout a half hug, which she returned, warmly as ever.  After the routine goodbyes, followed by a heartfelt wish of good luck, you made your way out of the greenhouse and onto the grounds.  You knew Sprout had told you to hurry, but you were suddenly bogged down by the weight of your thoughts.  Mostly, you felt guilty.  Your friends, your head of house, hell, even your own mother had encouraged you to take the next step with Lawrence, because what did you have to lose?  And they were right.  They were all right.  You had no good excuse not to give it a try.  Everyone was being so supportive and encouraging.  Everyone else thought taking things to the next level was a good idea.  Except for you.
You liked him.  You really did.  And maybe it was because you liked him so much that you were hesitant to go any further.  You wanted to stay close with him, but any potential for lasting friendship could be destroyed by heartbreak.  Heartbreak sounded exhausting, and you weren’t going to kid yourself into thinking that falling in love at 16 would lead to anything but heartbreak.  Maybe you were a little cynical for teenager, but you saw it happening all around you, all the time.  Couples who once appeared so perfect for each other turned into hostile adversaries the second they broke up, usually over something dumb.  And you didn’t want that, for yourself, or for Lawrence.  But how to let him down, when he’d sounded so hopeful earlier…  You didn’t have time to be thinking about this!  Just because you said you would see him later didn’t mean you had to make your decision about him right this moment.  There were more important things to concentrate on.
Though you had admittedly been dragging arse across the grounds, you eventually found your way to the Entrance Hall, before heading down the first-floor corridor to the staffroom. Standing before the dark wood door flanked by gargoyles that were giving you the eye, you felt panic slowly swell within you.  You absently placed a hand to your throat, simultaneously feeling your rapidly fluttering pulse under your fingers, while also trying to discourage the sick feeling rising up your esophagus.  What if Snape didn’t have anything for you?  What if he scoffed at your yearning to do something worthwhile?  What if he thought your desire to help others was foolish? What if-
“Miss Goode!  What do you think you’re doing?  Students aren’t allowed in there, and you ought to be in class!”
The sudden bark of Professor McGonagall’s Scottish brogue nearly caused you to jump out of your goddamn skin.  You just barely managed to keep yourself from dropping your student file, clutching it tightly to your chest as your knees weakened.  Wilting against one of the gargoyles, who shifted to accommodate your sudden weight, you rather hoped you didn’t appear to be cowering.  That probably would have given her way too much satisfaction.  While you still held firmly to your conviction that you weren’t intimidated by anyone, you could not help but think that McGonagall had it out for you.  Maybe it was your absolute ineptitude in Transfiguration, or perhaps she thought less of you from that time she had to bodily drag you away from beating up another classmate.  Whether she thought you were a poor student, or just a trouble maker, the Head of Gryffindor House always seemed to be particularly hard on you.  Always choosing you to answer questions in class, even when you hadn’t raised your hand. Making you the volunteer for the first attempt at a new spell, knowing damn well you’d never even get close. And, it seemed, calling you out in the hallways when you weren’t even doing anything wrong.
“Well?  Cat got your tongue, Miss Goode?”  McGonagall’s face was stern as she approached, her hands propped rigidly on her hips as she stared down her nose at you.  She watched, unamused, as you forced yourself to straighten up, the gargoyle you’d been leaning against helping you keep your balance.  If you hadn’t already been so on edge when she snuck up on you like that, you were certain you’d never have reacted so pathetically (and, perhaps to her eyes, guiltily).  But the fact was that you were on edge, and now your nerves were totally shot; your mouth felt dry, your skin felt tight, and you feared your face was brick red from the way it was tingling.  Your eyes prickled with tears that had been threatening to spill over all day, and you honestly feared that they were finally about make a break for it.  You were trying to swallow down the cotton in your throat, to try and explain yourself, when the door to the staffroom suddenly swung open.
“What is all the noise about, Minerva?”
Relief flooded over you like a wave of cool water on a sweltering day.  Never in your young life had you been so glad to see Professor Snape.  He appeared mildly annoyed, his eyes narrowed and his brows drawn together in an irritated scowl.  And while this wasn’t necessarily a new look for him, the fact that it was directed at Professor McGonagall made it rather startling. He didn’t even spare you a glance, his glower remaining squarely on his fellow Head of House, who, for her credit, didn’t even flinch at being on the receiving end of such a look.  Though, she did seem somewhat offended that she was the one being accused of some wrongdoing, instead of you.
You had just drawn breath to try and speak up, but McGonagall beat you to it, her voice clipped and acerbic as she explained, “Severus.  I was just questioning Miss Goode as to why she was skulking outside of the staffroom during classroom hours.”  
Your bone-dry throat finally found its voice at that little insult, your hackles rising and your face burning hot as ever.  “I was not-!”
“Skulking?” Snape cut in with a sudden snort of laughter, and you whipped your head around to him, both in surprise at his outburst, and in a desperate attempt to catch another of his rare smiles.  This one was dripping with condescension however, as he waved his hand dismissively in McGonagall’s direction.  “I’ve never known a Hufflepuff to skulk, Minerva.  I’m certain that whatever Miss Goode is doing here, there is a perfectly good explanation for it.”
Both of your professors turned their attention to you, now.  McGonagall looked dubious at best, a scowl marring her own face as if daring you to actually have said ‘perfectly good explanation’.  Snape, on the other hand, merely looked quizzical, if a bit expectant.  As if hoping you really did have a decent reason for being there, because otherwise you’d make him look the fool in this situation. And far be it from you to ever actively disappoint Snape again.  You locked eyes with McGonagall in an open act of defiance, which was probably horribly ill-advised, as you extricated the note from Professor Sprout, holding it out to Snape.  McGonagall, briefest fury flashing in her eyes, reached for the note herself, but Snape snatched it out of your hand before she could so much as graze the paper.  
Shaking out the folded note, Snape made a bit of a show of holding it up and reading it carefully, his black eyes glinting with what looked suspiciously like triumph.  “Just as I suspected,�� he confirmed silkily. “Pomona sent Miss Goode here to deliver this note to me.” Tucking the paper into an inner pocket of his bat-like robes, Snape took a step back against the door to the staffroom, leaving ample room between himself and the doorframe.  “I was rather hoping to discuss the contents of said note with Miss Goode.  In private of course, as it has to do with her confidential student records.”  He looked to you then, jerking his head to the side in a brisk command for you to enter. You didn’t hesitate, not even looking back at McGonagall as you slipped past him through the door.  “Don’t you have a class starting soon, Minerva?”
You didn’t have to look back at McGonagall to know she was seething on the edge of apoplexy. Especially when Snape didn’t even wait for her answer.  He merely shut the door in her face before turning to you, a smug look of satisfaction gracing his features.  It didn’t last long though.  In the beat of silence that followed, Snape seemed to appraise you and your appearance, and you had the horrible feeling that you must have looked as terrible as you felt, if the way his smirk melted off of his face was any indication.  You knew there were dark circles forming under your hazel eyes, which were probably also red from how many times you’d been on the verge of sobbing in the last few hours.  You reached a trembling hand up to your own face, making a move as if to brush your hair away, but really feeling the feverish heat under your fingertips.  Your skin was probably blotchy and highly colored, and you must have looked a real mess.
Reaching back into his robes to retrieve the note from Sprout, he gave it another onceover, apparently reading in more detail this time, before murmuring, “Why don’t you have a seat over by the window.  I’ll join you in a moment.”
Nodding once, you spun stupidly in a circle, quickly taking in the appearance of the staffroom.  It was rather dark, the high windows not letting in much light as they faced the north side of the castle.  The furniture was dark as well, punctuated by a long, narrow table in the center of the room, lined with chairs on both sides.  Though there was the odd squashy armchair or loveseat surrounding the perimeter of the walls, along with a towering wardrobe by the door.  
You spotted Professor Trelawney in one of the aforementioned armchairs by the fire, but she appeared to be in some sort of deep trance… that, or she was napping with her eyes open. Snape had gone off to a sideboard table near the fireplace at the far end of the room, and you made your way to the seats he’d indicated.  Set before one of the large windows was a small, round marble topped table, flanked on either side by two worn wood and leather chairs, and you nervously settled yourself into one of them, tucking your bag under your seat.  The table was already occupied by a magazine, and you gently shifted it to one side as you slid your student record across the table towards the other chair.  Leaning back into your own seat, you gazed listlessly out the window as you waited, leg bouncing and hands sweating.  The view from here was rather bland, and you found yourself staring absently into the vast expanse of trees that made up the Forbidden Forest, before you were shocked back to the present by the sound of porcelain clinking against marble.
“You look like you could use this,” Snape explained quietly, sliding a plain yellow and white teacup towards you, the steaming liquid smelling heavily of chamomile and lavender, a single sugar cube resting on the saucer like a whispered suggestion.  And you felt like crying again, but this time with relief.  All day you’d been walking a tightrope of emotion, ready to plummet at any moment into rage or fear or despair.  But this simple gesture felt like a lifeline, and you nodded your head in gratitude, as you couldn’t trust yourself to speak.  Sitting upright, you pulled the little saucer closer, taking up the sugar cube and plopping it into the tea before lightly swirling the cup to encourage it to dissolve.  The gentle motion stirred up the smattering of tealeaves from the bottom of the cup, and you spared a glance towards Trelawney.  
Snape must have caught your line of sight, as he snorted and rolled his eyes, before settling into his own chair, crossing his legs at the knee.  “Don’t mind her,” he assured you, shifting the magazine under your file. “She’ll be out for another thirty minutes, at least.  Typical Tuesday for Sybill.”  
You hid your smile behind your teacup as you took a sip, and you found that you felt more relaxed than you had in… well, days. Even as you watched Snape open up your student record, flipping through the pages and picking up a few small notes, you were suddenly imbued with a sense that things might actually turn out okay. This complacency, however, was immediately replaced with suspicion as you stared down into your teacup.  It… didn’t taste like he’d slipped you a calming draught, and the liquid certainly wasn’t the characteristic blue color.  But if it wasn’t a potion, then you weren’t entirely sure what to attribute your unexpected tranquility to… besides… just…
Being around him.
“It’s only tea, Miss Goode.”
You gasped and sat up rigidly, and though he wasn’t even looking at you, you had the presence of mind to look abashed.  “Y… Yes… It’s very good.  Thank you, sir,” you mumbled quietly, taking a more confident swallow from the cup, before placing it back onto the saucer.  It was quite good.  Floral and calming, reminding you of something your mother might make.  And thinking of your mother strengthened your resolve to get a damn grip on yourself.  
Checking to make sure Snape was still occupied with your file, you leaned back into your chair and rubbed your hands over your face.  Pressing your fingers against your eyes, you watched swirls of colors bloom behind your lids as you forced yourself to breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth, slowly and quietly.  You did this ten times, counting each breath in your head, trying not to think of anything at all except for your breathing.  Your mother had been encouraging you to meditate since you were very small, but you never seemed to remember to do it when you needed it most.  Usually, you would just roll your eyes at her when she suggested it.  This moment was a rare occasion indeed.  But as you felt your heart finally start to calm, felt the skin under your palms begin to cool, you couldn’t help but admit that mother knew best.  
Sliding your hands back down into your lap, you looked up just in time to see Snape look away, and you felt your cheeks tint with embarrassment.  Snape spared you the indignity of trying to explain yourself, by diving right into the matter at hand.  You were grateful for how often he let your embarrassing behavior slide.  
“So,” Snape began coolly, leaning back into his own chair, hands folded in his lap.  Finally, his black eyes rose to meet yours, and you found yourself unperturbed to be under his austere regard; you were getting used to his intensity.  “Professor Sprout expressed that you were experiencing a bit of a dilemma in finding a career path.”  You nodded once, and he continued.  “You wish to pursue a career in potions, but don’t care to venture into capitalism?” You cringe at the very suggestion, and he struggled to hide a smirk.  “Can’t say I blame you.”  He sat up a little straighter, leaning over your file once more, eyes roving over the notes within.  “Explain your predicament, then.  In your own words, please,” he commanded simply, and you felt your stomach drop.
Sighing through your nose, you had to pull your eyes away from his, instead focusing on your half empty cup of tea.  You knew you could be candid with him; since you’d arrived to the staffroom, he’d set up an environment that made you think he wasn’t going to judge you.  You wished he could just read your mind so you wouldn’t have to say it out loud.  You’d suspected he could do that for a few years now.  But apparently, he only did it when it was convenient for him.
“There wasn’t a lot of literature for careers that focused on potions,” you explained, hoping that the lack of information provided would make up for your ignorance.  “All I saw were positions at shops that sold potions, and Healing.  Like you said, capitalism sounds horrible, and becoming a Healer is… unattainable.” Your stomach felt a little queasy again, and you reached for your teacup, taking another soothing sip. Staring down into the cooling tea, you sighed again.  “I want to help people,” you finally admitted, and it sounded stupid to your own ears, but still you persisted.  “I know potions can help people.  But I don’t have the grades.  And I know working in an apothecary can get people the potions they need, but I can see that becoming stale for me quickly.”  You finally looked up at him, pleading in your voice. “I don’t know what else I can do.”
Snape’s features were inscrutable as he leaned back in his armchair, regarding you thoughtfully. You couldn’t keep looking at him for long, gaze falling down to his hands, then to your file, then to your tea. You raised the cup and finished its contents, peering down at the sugary sludge of tealeaves left on the bottom. Yep.  Sure looked like tea.  You placed the cup back on its saucer, fiddling with the handle a bit, when you realized he was probably doing that thing, where he was waiting for you to look at him before he began speaking.  You closed your eyes a moment, counted two breaths, before raising your eyes to meet his.  You’d been right.
“I can see now, why you weren’t sorted into Slytherin,” Snape began offhandedly, and you gave a little start at that.  You opened your mouth to question him, but he silenced you with a raised hand.  “That wasn’t an insult, Miss Goode.  I’ve always thought you would have done quite well in Slytherin, but as Professor Sprout likes to point out to me, your motivations are in a different place.  A Slytherin might like to aid in developing the next big breakthrough in potion making, in order to gain notoriety and acclaim.  You, on the other hand, would do it simply to help people.”  At your sustained look of skepticism, Snape rolled his eyes, relenting.  “I’m not saying that’s a bad thing.  It was merely an observation.”  
You relaxed a little. You supposed he had a point.  You were tempted to tell him what the Sorting Hat had told you all those years ago, but it didn’t feel appropriate at the moment.  You simply nodded your assent to him, before leveling him with a hopeful look. “So…?” you began, hoping he would take it from there.
Which of course, he did. “So.  I will attribute your unawareness of magical occupations to your muggle upbringing.”  You pouted. He ignored you.  “You don’t have to be a Healer in order to make significant advancements in the potions field.  Indeed, Healers themselves actually do very little in way of potion making.  Saint Mungo’s has entire departments devoted to the production of potions for its patients, as well as a division dedicated solely to the research and development of new potions for cures to magical ailments.”  
You immediately perked up at this.  Research and development?  You felt your pulse quicken, like you were on the verge some great discovery.  “And I… I don’t need to be a Healer to do those things?” you asked, almost breathless with anticipation.
Snape’s lips quirked upward at your sudden burst of enthusiasm, but he fought it down, as his next words weren’t exactly encouraging.  “At Saint Mungo’s, I believe you do need to be a qualified Healer to be in their research department.”  You sank back into your chair again, but before you could fully collapse, Snape had extracted the magazine from its place under your file, sliding it across the table to you.  “That being said, there are potions research institutes that have less rigorous requirements.  There’s also the possibility of independent study, or finding an apprenticeship under a Potions Master, or becoming a teacher and doing your own exploration on the side.”
Sitting up cautiously, you glanced from him down to the magazine, before sliding it closer and lifting it up with both hands.  It was a potions periodical, and it was opened up to an interview with a Potions Master, Damocles Belby, who was developing a potion to potentially cure Lycanthropy.  His research was in the very early stages, but he’d had some promising results so far. The article was rather heavy handed about Belby’s need for funding and investors, but otherwise, the implications made your heart soar.  Imagine!  Imagine being able to develop a cure for something so dreadful.  It could potentially change the lives of so many disenfranchised people.  You got the impression that that sort of job didn’t exactly pay well, if the way Belby was begging for money was any indication.  But if one was driven by passion, over fortune… You wondered what House Belby had been in.
Snape was watching you with an amused quirk to his lips.  Your excitement must have been evident on your face, and you sheepishly closed the magazine before sliding it back onto the table.  “So… So what O.W.L.’s will I need to earn?  What would look best when applying at one of these institutions, or seeking an apprenticeship?”  At the arch of one heavy black brow, you had the terrible feeling that you should already know the answer to that.  Your eagerness withered.
“The simple answer to that question, is that you should try to earn as many O.W.L.’s as possible.” You deflated further and turned your head towards the window, looking back out into the bleak forest.  Snape was kind enough not to admonish you for your childishness, though his words were rather severe when he spoke again. “An Acceptable will do.  You don’t have to get an Outstanding in every subject, Miss Goode.  Just Potions. Which I can personally assure you, will not be an issue.”  Even with the harsh tone, your heart leapt at that.  You turned back to face him, apprehension still touching your features, but you offered an appreciative smile through it.  Snape, however, remained stern as he looked back down at your file.  “Your grades are good, overall.  Top of your year in Herbology and Potions.  High marks in Astronomy and Care of Magical Creatures.  Middle of the pack for History of Magic, Defense Against the Dark Arts and Divination.  You’re only falling behind in Charms and Transfiguration.”
“Which are core classes,” you sighed miserably.  But the intensity of the glare shot your way made you sober up immediately.  You sat up a little straighter, clutching the hem of your skirt with a white-knuckle grip of panic.  
“Indeed they are,” he confirmed, his voice a low, dangerous rumble.  “Which means you’re going to have to put in a hell of a lot of work in the next few weeks to get your abilities up to snuff.”  He flipped your folder shut, before placing his elbows against the table and lacing his fingers together, leaning in closer, making sure that you understood every syllable. “Miss Goode.  You are an exceptional witch.  I know you have the aptitude and tenacity to pull ahead in those classes.  And even if you have to use spite as a motivator to hone your spell work into something passable, I would wholly encourage it.”  There was a pause, before he leaned back in his chair and leveled you with a sneer, that wasn’t really directed at you.  “I’ll tutor you myself if only to prove Professor McGonagall’s shabby opinion of you wrong.”
You were speechless. You weren’t sure anyone outside of Slytherin had ever received such high praise from Snape, and you were absolutely thunderstruck by his words.  You were also… also…
After a full day of attempting to make their daring escape, you finally felt liquid hot tears spill down your cheeks.  You didn’t even move to brush them away, simply tilted your head down so the fat droplets plopped onto your grey skirt.  Thankfully, you weren’t sobbing; your breath didn’t even so much as hic-up. But you couldn’t stop the flow of gratitude from streaming down your face in warm rivulets.  You couldn’t remember the last time anyone had had so much confidence in you, had ever wanted you to succeed so vehemently. Whenever that last was, it had probably been your mother who said it.  The silence that followed was heavy.  Awkward. You didn’t want it to be awkward you wanted him to know-
“Thank you, sir,” you gasped at your knees, finally lifting one arm to rub at your face, staining your sleeve with wet patches.  Snape was shifting uncomfortably, but his eyes were narrowed more in concern than annoyance.  You sniffed only once, swallowing down your tears before you nodded with conviction. “I’ll do my best.”
“See that you do,” Snape instructed with a note of finality.  He began gathering up your student record, along with his periodical, and had just banished away the teacup when you realized that this meeting was over.  You followed suit, retrieving your bag from under your chair and slinging it over your neck.  Snape stood first, tucking the papers under his arm, and just as you stood to join him, your felt his heavy hand fall on to your shoulder.  You started slightly, looking from his hand, following up his arm, to his face, and you found a look of deepest gravity there.  You held your breath.
“Miss Goode.  Now is not the time to be getting… distracted,” Snape murmured cryptically.  “You need to concentrate on your studies, on earning these O.W.L.’s.  And it won’t benefit you to be preoccupied with… extracurricular activities.”  You blinked stupidly, unsure what he meant.  You were about to open your mouth to explain you weren’t in any extracurricular clubs or societies, when he fixed you with a meaningful grimace, arching one of his dark brows in a way that suggested he didn’t want to spell this out for you.  
And then it hit you.
Staffroom gossip.
You turned red immediately, looking away quickly as he patted your shoulder, grateful that you’d gotten it and spared you both the humiliation.  You cleared your throat and nodded your understanding, fiddling with the silk pouch of crystals that still hung from your bag, though it had long ago gone threadbare.  “R-Right,” you stuttered, unable to look him in the eye.  
And though your embarrassment weighed heavy in your stomach like a stone, you were also sort of… relieved. You’d been looking for a good reason to… to call things off… with Lawrence.  All of the encouragement in the world still hadn’t convinced you that it would be a good idea, but to keep ignoring the situation would have been… willfully ignorant.  But damn, if Snape hadn’t just given you an excellent excuse.  Squeezing your eyes shut tightly, you nodded your head with conviction this time, convincing yourself that it was the right thing to do.
“Right.  I understand.”  You were finally able to look back up at him, and were relieved to find that his face was just as indecipherable as ever.  “Th… Thank you, sir,” you said quietly, offering a small smile, which he did not return.  He merely nodded.  
“You’re welcome, Miss Goode,” he replied curtly, placing his hand on the small of your back to usher you towards the staffroom door.  This was the second time today that someone had touched you there, but this time it made your skin ripple with gooseflesh.  And though that sort of response to physical touch wasn’t unusual, the fact that it was also rather pleasant was… alarming.  Heat was making its way up your neck to your cheeks once more, and you were barely paying attention as Snape continued speaking.  “I meant what I said about tutoring you, if you need it.  If you find yourself at a loss in Transfiguration, don’t hesitate to come see me.  I will be watching your grades.”
You were barely able to stutter out an uncouth “Uh-huh,” before he’d opened the staffroom door for you. He was watching you closely, brows pressed together inquisitively at your sudden change in demeanor, and you quickly took a deep breath to try and pull yourself together.  “I mean, y-yes, sir.  Sorry I… I just have a lot to think about right now.  I will remember that, though.  Thank you again!”  You had said this all rather quickly, before dashing out of the staffroom.  You ignored the snickering gargoyles, not daring to look back at Snape, who you imagined standing at the door watching your fleeing back, probably thinking you were entirely mad.
Though you had been hasty to leave, you hadn’t been untruthful.  You certainly did have a lot to think about now.  O.W.L.’s, McGonagall, Lawrence, SnapeSnapeSnape.  You rubbed your arms as you made your way to your common room, having absolutely no desire to go back to History of Magic for the remainder of the period.  Your skin still felt cool and sensitive, and you shivered again at the thought of his hand on your back.  Why in the world had that affected you so direly?  In fact, the whole meeting had been… unreal.  Like a dream.  His kindness, his endearments, little gestures and words you’d never expected from him.  Tea, jokes, praise, advice.  It made you feel unbelievably warm, made you want to hold on to those moments like little souvenirs from a faraway place that no one else had ever seen.  For years now you’d observed the walls he hid himself behind.  The strict set of rules he lived his life by.  But with each passing moment, like the one you’d just shared, you couldn’t help but wonder if you were becoming the exception to his rule.
Thank you all so much for reading. Comments are my lifeblood. And if you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Next Scene ==>
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neonponders · 3 years
*sigh* catch me projecting on a Saturday.
I read this post ( @lazybakerart you wizard - ALSO IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY?????? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹) and am now thinking about a sugardaddy!Billy with an ace!Steve. (*emphasis on grey ace*)
* Please nobody attack me for writing about leather fashion. I’m vegetarian and it’s fiction. Live a little. *
Read on ao3 ~
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
Steve just kind of stared at the box on the restaurant table. It wasn’t a ring box, but it was velvet. Goodness knew how many of these he’d seen in his life.
Steve knew wealth. He knew money, and all of the material variations therein.
He’d gotten pedicures with his mother before his father declared such a thing unfit for a boy coming into puberty. If you look like a man, act like a man. As if men didn’t have feet, or something.
Then he went to the salon. That wasn’t so easy to take away. Ventures with her son seemed to be the only things keeping Mrs. Harrington from being connected to her husband’s hip, so Mr. Harrington let them both have this one. Steve, fresh out of graduation, being given a hairdresser’s chair to accomplish summer-fresh highlights.
Mrs. Harrington was also the type of woman to enjoy shoes. Everyone has a thing. For some, they had bags. Others, jewelry. Vintage furniture. Designer wallpaper. Mrs. Harrington enjoyed shoes. It was where Steve learned to carry a woman’s bags, but he didn’t stay outside of the store. He learned how to clean suede, the difference between a 130 So Kate and an ordinary heel. What fetish meant in terms of fashion. He can convert heels sizes in millimeters to inches faster than a cashier calculating change.
Tommy and Carol had joked about Steve’s father having a different kind of fetish. Nothing to do with fashion, and everything to do with sex. Steve had foolishly let them into his mother’s bedroom and they were having a field day with a shoe closet that cost more than both of their houses combined. Still smelling of Nancy and pool chlorine, Steve as good as ended that friendship right there.
Because they didn’t get it.
Mr. Harrington certainly didn’t get it. Could never have such a sexual inclination because he didn’t understand pampering or indulgent interests.
He understood favors. Material apologies.
Mrs. Harrington had a collection of pearls and diamonds that she never wore.
Steve knew she liked opals and pink, pink rubies, because Steve liked opals too. Because he used his father’s money to buy ruby studs his mother actually wore. Because he gets her oldest, broken bracelet with green amber fixed, and she wears it until it breaks again. And then she presented Steve with a thin, gold chain to go around his ankle. With a gleaming, green amber stone flanked by two opals.
The green goes with our eyes, she said. Someone special will see the green in all that brown. It’s why we look good in reds.
Steve was still looking at the box on the table.
“It’s not going to catch fire, the longer you glare at it.”
His dark hazel, creek water eyes slanted up to the man sitting opposite him.
Billy Hargrove.
Stubborn to a fault. Gorgeous as Lucifer with wings freshly burnt off. And just as dangerous.
“I thought I said no more gifts.”
“And I ignored you. Open it.”
Steve went about it like ripping off a bandaid. He sighed at the window beside their booth, wrenching the thing open to see -
He shut it with a loud clap and set it on Billy’s placemat. “No, thanks.”
The man’s features froze in tolerant stoicism, but he eased the box inside his suit jacket pocket. “You’re a hard one to shop for.”
Steve’s eyes widened dramatically over his wine glass of water. Not because he was sober - he’d willingly pay for an overpriced red, himself, if the handsome asshole weren’t trying to wave his wallet everywhere. “You can stop trying to buy your way into my pants any time you want.”
“If that’s all I wanted, I would’ve stopped three months ago.”
Three months ago,
When Billy breezed into Steve’s life as easily as he had senior year of high school. The two of them certainly deserved some kind of award for having a bizarre history.
Within a handful of months, Billy had arrived upon a turbulent time in Steve’s life, and then left nearly as quickly. Billy witnessed Steve and Nancy’s break-up, Steve’s fall from Hawkins High grace, and even beat his face a little bit. Because that’s what teenage men with bad emotional processing and even worse communication skills do.
Now, almost ten years later, Billy had some kind of empire behind him and Steve, well, didn’t. He had no idea what Billy’s job consisted of, but he got little hints. Mostly the negative space from Billy’s lack of discussing his job told Steve a whole lot.
Steve, who worked two jobs and occasional gigs wherever he was needed. During one such time, while Steve managed the cables and sound boards for Robin’s band, Billy Hargrove sauntered up to him with just as much charm mixed with hauteur as he’d ever displayed.
It wasn’t like meeting an old friend, because they had never been more than acquaintances, and roughly ten years was enough time for a personality to evolve ten different ways.
Steve couldn’t say how much he and Billy had evolved, really, but there was a point in there somewhere.
Maybe it lived in the, “I never expected to see you in a dyke club, pretty boy,” since it was all the coming out either of them needed.
Or the wanton kisses and fervent hands underneath the neon rainbow on the venue’s wall.
Maybe the point sat in the things Billy wanted, and what Steve was reticent to provide. Because Billy was a king who knew what he liked, and seemed particularly talented at walking into Steve’s personal crises like an anniversary.
Steve craved.
But he didn’t know what he craved. What he yearned for. He knew Billy’s kisses made his brain go molten and fuzzy. He knew Billy’s smell brought him just as much comfort, excitement, and anxiety. He knew finally being outside of sex-crazed high school had deflated something in him. The expectations to perform. He knew losing Robin’s stupid game of You Rule / You Suck gave him a secret gift of relief.
But he still craved. He wanted touch but he wanted to be alone. He wanted companionship but he didn’t want sex. But he did enjoy sex, except he didn’t want the expectation of it.
That was it, wasn’t it?
Billy Hargrove, who could have anyone he wanted plastered to his stupid, unbuttoned chest, had sought out Steve. Steve, king of mixed signals, Harrington. It was only a matter of time before he got his face beaten again. For wasting Billy’s time. For refusing Billy’s advances even though Steve clearly enjoyed Billy’s lips on his neck, and Billy’s hand on his inner thigh. For wanting Billy’s company and flirtation without the rules that finished in the bedroom.
So Steve refused the gifts. The material favors he could’ve sold for a better apartment. Fucked his way to owning a house that his mom would feel comfortable visiting. Be an unfeeling toy who could pay for his mother’s shoes and his own pedicures.
He turned away from the window and the city’s electric constellations. “Hm?”
“Where’d you go?”
The back of Steve’s throat ached. He looked down at their appetizer plates and decided, “I think I’m going home.” After a second of them both hearing it out loud, Steve said with more conviction, “I need to be home right now. I’m sorry. Thanks for dinner.”
He almost reached for his wallet to pay for his half of the artichoke dip, but reconsidered. He took his old prom tuxedo jacket off on the way to the elevator, waiting for the doors to close before he pressed his face into the old fibers.
It would be easier if Steve didn’t know money. If wealth were a foreign pillow he had never slept on; could be spoiled into never giving it up again.
Like a true mother with a sixth sense, Steve withdrew a package from his mailbox when he returned to his apartment building. Mrs. Harrington’s versions of care packages were fashion magazines, a subscription to The New Yorker, polaroids of her latest closet pieces, and Steve’s favorite candy.
He loved it all. He didn’t need laminated recipes, bags of rice, or resupplied hair products. He went up to his bedroom, stripped down to nothing, and fell into bed with the hefty parcel. Fruity hard candies fell out like confetti, and he stuck a green apple square inside his cheek while he looked through her baggie of polaroids.
Peach suede 130s. Steve felt a warm tickle in his belly at that. She only wore 130s if she was pissed at his father. A woman in 130s walked with the force of a storm, mostly because the damn things were nearly intolerable to wear without a platform.
Another pair of diamond earrings. One of these days, people were going to realize how boring clear rocks were.
Dark, amethyst Miu Mius with the heel and toe encrusted with pearls. Steve’s dad must’ve really pissed her off to warrant that apology.
The magazine subscription had piled up, so he had three New Yorkers to read, but he opened the tome of Vogue first. His mother dog-earred her favorite articles, scent samples, and spreads. She often favored the androgynous and male fragrances. Steve liked that a whole lot. He wasn’t sure if she did that for him because he liked them, or if he liked them because she did that.
He held the magazine to his face as he went to the kitchen, smelling the first fragrance sample while he reached for his cache of boxed cake mix. It was a funfetti kind of night. He rattled the package of sprinkles in his hand while reading about some summer collection where the runway happened in a Greek ampitheatre. Sounded fun. Sounded like a great vacation. Beach, wine, and then modern art fusing with ancient architecture.
Steve didn’t excel in chemistry, but he knew a different kind of magic.
Which didn’t actually include baking. The cake emerged a little dark, but he cut off the burnt top, iced it to glorious, sugar perfection, and took a slice to bed with him. He turned the parcel upside-down for the last of the candy to come out so he could throw the envelope away -
Two bottles of nail polish landed heavily on the bed. Steve lifted the darker bottle to see a purple so ebony he thought it was black until he opened it to see the paint up close.
Purple and peach. To match his mother’s shoes.
Not many people understood his parents’ methods of producing or avoiding affection. But Steve did. He shook up the poison violet and painted his toenails in between forkfuls of cake.
He didn’t hear from Billy the next day.
Or the next.
As bad as Steve felt, he couldn’t say he minded. Nor would he be surprised if Billy never called him again. The idea brought a lonely peace during the commute to work, reading his magazines on the train before keeping them safe in a folder that he stuffed inside his backpack. Even if Steve’s chest felt like a cold balloon, with its latex worn thin and tired, he had his little things to keep him warm.
Then a knock on his apartment door.
Steve answered it with a cheek full of cake, interrupted from making his grocery list of actual nutritional value - 
Billy had never visited before. Steve stared at him long enough for him to ask, “Are you going to let me in?”
Steve glanced at the box under his arm and turned into his apartment with a sigh. Billy closed the door behind him as he remarked, “You don’t know what’s in it yet.”
There wasn’t exactly anywhere for Steve to theatrically storm off to. His kitchen was also his living room, and a half-wall partitioned the bedroom off to the side. His apartment was one long rectangle, and Steve remained stuck in the middle of it.
“Billy, I don’t know what you want from me that you think you can get from expensive things.”
“I don’t recall asking for anything in return,” he drawled while removing his coat.
“Don’t take that off,” Steve retorted.
“I’m taking it off.”
“This isn’t going to be a long visit.”
“Would you at least open the damn thing first?” Billy presented the box on the flat of his hand like a waiter’s tray.
Steve knew a shoe box when he saw one. He swatted the lid off the box before he even meant to. He was so tired of this game. Of these rules. He doesn’t want to see some snotty designer sneaker that isn’t to his taste. Some item the rules would dictate he accept without complaint. Or some chunky, foamy plastic, glorified tennis shoe that is over hyped . . .
He sees the red first.
It’s not a sneaker.
Hot Chick heels. 100mm. Black suede on top, red bottom. The leather around the heel scallop-cut like minimalist flower petals.
Steve’s breath has stopped in his chest. The pad of his thumb moved across the soft, matte leather before he stops himself. He tries to look stern when he dares to peek up at Billy, but those water-turquoise eyes are steady on him, absorbing his every reaction.
“These don’t exist in suede.”
Because they didn’t. Hot Chicks came in patent leather only.
“They do now.”
“Louboutin sizes down.”
“Then we’ll have them stretched.”
Steve is losing. Billy knows he’s losing. Billy - he -
“How - ?” Steve begins but stops. He closed his eyes and swallowed, only to flinch a little when Billy grasped his chin, holding him in place as he leaned in to lick the corner of his mouth free of icing.
“Will you try them on for me?”
Steve feels a mixture of defeat mixed in with petulance and vulnerable glee as he warily takes the box to his humble couch. Billy looked at his bed, and then to the kitchen on the other side of the apartment. He strolled into it and lifted the knife for a slice.
Steve, meanwhile, took his time. He opened the paper from where it had floated back over the shoes. He lifted the box to inhale the leather. He took one shoe out just to...see it. Look at it. Read the number stamped on the red arch.
Steve had to remove his socks, revealing his lacquered toes as Billy sat next to him with a plate. He eased the coffee table out of the way, giving Steve room to wiggle his foot into the severe 100mm heel.
They were hardly glamorous under his old, cut-off sweats.
He’d never actually seen his feet in heels before. Never bothered to try to find his size.
Billy handed him the other shoe, and stood up with a ready hand. Steve wiggled into it and accepted his hold as he stood up.
How do you walk in those? he’d once asked his mother.
Trust the heel, my love, she’d answered, strolling around her bedroom in her 130s. If you’ve paid enough for it, it better hold up your entire form, and your dating baggage.
Steve had laughed, but listened to her every word. Move like a wheel barrow. You pivot on your toes, like the wheel, and rest on the heels.
“I’ve got you,” Billy purred when Steve teetered. Just a little.
“Why did you get me these?” Steve had to ask while he began to ease his arm off of Billy’s shoulders.
“Might’ve had a look inside your mail,” he admitted shamelessly. “I thought you might’ve ordered something and I could finally see what you liked. Instead, it’s the one thing I’ve seen you accept.”
“You’re a creep,” Steve declared, but he couldn’t look away from his feet as he strolled around the coffee table.
Billy laughed and sat down to his cake. “This is good.”
“It’s from a box.”
“It’s still good.”
Things . . . changed, after that. Billy came over just to come over. And he pestered Steve with endless questions.
“Do you like these?” he asked with his nose against the magazine pages.
Steve towered over him in his heels, but he’d wash dishes in whatever he wanted, thanks very much. And leather needed to be worn, as his mother taught him. Plastic is trash. If it comes from a living creature, it lives on a creature.
Steve snorted beside him. “My mom crimps those pages.”
“But do you like them?”
“They’re fun in magazines, but perfumes were never really my thing.”
“What is your thing?”
“Right now? You, elbows deep in here.”
Billy perked right out of the magazine only to lock onto the sink. “Because you’re having trouble reaching it now?”
Steve meant to have a witty come-back, but he got caught up in his own giggles. “Yeah.”
“Can I stay the night?”
Something must have flashed across his face, because Billy added, “Not for sex. I’ve taken the hint, all right?”
Steve slowly unfolded his socks where he sat on the foot of the bed. “Why do you want to?”
Billy wiped his hands on the dish towel and padded across the room to sit beside him. “Because I want to taste you before I sleep. And I wanna taste you when I wake up. I want your snark in my ears all the time - ”
“All the time?” Steve repeated, deadpan.
“Yeah, all the time. I can’t believe it either.”
Billy’s features were warm, unbelievably warm as he watched Steve laugh. “Of course I want to have sex with you. But I miss you when... I miss you all the time. It’s embarrassing.”
Steve rolled his eyes onto him, to which Billy defended, “I have things to do.”
“Yeah, ‘cause you’re the big man in town,” Steve babied, pushing his chest so he toppled backward.
“I am, actually,” he crooned, his hands finding Steve’s legs easily when he straddled him. “I’d work better with you on my desk.”
“My hairy legs and scraped up heels?” Steve threatened breathily, holding Billy’s cheek and jaw in one hand while he leaned over him so all Billy could see was Steve.
“All of it,” he exhaled, and pulled Steve’s head the last inch for a kiss.
Billy’s next gift was a pair of slippers. Plush, soft, and perfect after an afternoon in 100s.
Then he gave Steve a massage. Steve could accept those with ease. The balls of his feet hurt and even blushed a faint indigo from being so unused to heels. The warm attention of Billy’s hands on the arches of his feet, heels, and ankles; as well as the cold tennis balls he stored in Steve’s freezer to roll along his feet.
By then, he’d seen Steve’s anklet. So the next shoe box Steve opened were dark green suede, as poisonously dark as his mother’s violet heels. The toe was bare, but the heel was encrusted with opals. The milky stones flashed green and orange as Steve walked in the 120mm heel.
“How do they feel?”
Steve, with far more mastery over heels now, pivoted on his toes and planted one on the couch in between Billy’s thighs. His warm hand cradled Steve’s ankle immediately.
“What if I shaved for these?”
“Then I’d never take my hands off you.”
“So nothing would change,” Steve giggled, teasing gone as he landed on Billy’s lap. The man underneath him hummed his mirth into Steve’s mouth, his other hand burying in Steve’s hair while he let Steve control the kiss, explore his mouth.
“I thought they’d go with your eyes,” he said when the kiss petered off and Steve kissed his nose. Billy touched the pad of his thumb high on Steve’s cheek. “There’s a little bit of green there.”
Steve let Billy fuck him in those shoes.
Because he finally craved all the way, beyond fear of rules. Beyond the existence of toys. He craved Billy deeper than skin, and Billy gave it to him.
And when Billy got him a pair of 130s . . . blood red and spiked with tiny, crimson points, he let Steve fuck him.
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scrabbleknight · 3 years
Hello Scrabble
I only stumbled upon your Amphibia quest recenty, but I really love what you've done with it. Its nice too see the contrast between characters, and I love the Love-triangle you made with Ivy, Sprig and Maddie(They totally wasted that oppurtunity, we never even learned WHY she was interested in Sprig in Canon.) Anyway, Toad Tower is coming up soon. And if you don't mind, I have some Question/Suggestions I would like too share/ask you.
1. For the fight at Toad Tower, where Sasha in canon nearly falls too her death(because she let go, which is something I don't see this version of Anne doing) here's my thought on how that might go with all these changes.
Instead of letting her fall, Sasha goes down with her, using her body too cushion the impact from the blow, and likely falls unconcious/is critically injured from it.
2. This could tie into that pic of Sasha in a wheechair you did, and could give Anne some contemplation on her thoughts towards Sasha. And some major guilt since that fall could have either killed her. Especially since she wouldn't get too see her again for months. The reason Sasha could have potentially recovered if that happened could be Maddie using magic potions and elixirs too keep her alive till they got her too a proper healer. And even then she would still have suffered enough damage that she could spend most of the trip to Newtopia in a wheelchair, maybe work her way back too running. This could also play into Anne trying too forgive Sasha, it would also be dramatic irony that she had no idea that Sasha was temporarily crippled, since she was completely fine the next time she saw her.
And if they did the Battle of the Bands together, Sasha could accidentally slip back into her toxic personality during her excitement, only too revert back, aplogise and let Anne choose. Though Anne might instead believe she's just trying too guiltrip her instead. Reaffirming her belief that Sasha's still an awful person.
3. Finally, during the fight during True Colours, Sasha could actually be verbally tearing Anne a new one since she's pretty much doing this whole thing too spite her. As we all know, even the nicest or guiltiest of people have a limit before they snap.
And considering that while yes, Sasha was a bad friend, that doesn't warrant trying too kill her or keep her in another world as a prisoner for eternity.
So Sasha could call Anne out on how all she's done since they've reunited is try too make things up too her, point out how she's no better than her, since she was willing too kill, lie, and betray her for her own gain, nor does she have any moral highground too stand on now. And while she would be willing too bring her back to Earth, she makes it clear that their friendship is over with.
Especially if its let slip that saving Anne nearly killed/crippled her at Toad Tower.
1. Will Sprig resent Anne, or be jealous of her during Reunion or if they go back to earth together.
2. Would Marcy instead confess the truth of the Music Box as she realises how her manipulation has shattered the groups friendship.
3. Will Anne actually feel guilt about how she treated Sasha? Or think about their frienship and realise, while yes, Sasha was a bad friend. She also had many moments of being a genuine good friend.
4. If the above suggestion of Toad Tower happened, would Sasha add lyrics like 'Breaking bones, but its no big deal!' into No Big Deals Lyrics?
5. Would Sasha's Gem empower everyone she considers a friend? Even former ones?
Man, you wrote a lot.
Also, nice suggestions but I already have a plan for Reunion. Plus, I kinda don't want to put Sasha in the wheelchair anymore. It was fun but I found writing her this way to be challenging since it limits her movements. I can't put her in action scenes and stuff. Same with True Colors.
And to answer your questions:
Maybe??? Idk
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wingsofthewibbets · 3 years
Hello I Made A Playlist
It is specifically for the vibes of the Calamity Trio! Also, I feel like contributing to fandom, so I tried to explain why I felt each song gave off the ~Vibe~. Apologies for the length of this monstrosity. It’s on Youtube and Spotify, but there is a song on Youtube I used that was unavailable on Spotify. It’s in no particular order, although maybe I’ll organize it one day.
~‘California Friends’ (The Regrettes)- Generally the fun upbeat vibe of the song, but also these specific lyrics make me think of Anne’s :
     I think I love you but then I think
     No way!
     I gotta go but I wanna stay
    Just stay!
    I guess I’ll save it for another day, well okay?
As well as:
     I get mixed up in my head, you do too
     But I don’t forget a thing you’ve said
     Well that’s true
I think the lyrics definitely give me more Anne/Marcy vibes, but the music itself makes me think of Sasha getting them into trouble. There’s some big garage band energy here, and it just makes me think of them running around and causing chaos. (also the ‘i gotta go but i wanna stay/just stay’ definitely reminds me of the end of the aquarium episode)
~’The Archer’ (Taylor Swift)- Oh man this song where do I even start?? There is so much?? (I know I’ve already talked about this one, but Imma do it again) I was listening to this song one day and the lyrics hit me so hard as reminding me of all the girls, specifically:
For Anne:
    Combat, I’m ready for combat
    I say I don’t want that, but what if I do?
    ‘Cause cruelty wins in the movies
    I’ve got a hundred thrown-out speeches I almost said to you
I feel like this is pretty self-explanatory, but this seriously makes me think of her relationship with Sasha -or the shambles of it anyway oof- and the speeches line just makes me there’s so much that she doesn’t tell her friends about what’s running through her head. 
Anne’s an emotional person to be sure, but she’s also a very impulsive one, which means a lot of times, what people get from her is the unedited, unreflected version of her thoughts, which don’t make them any less true, but that also means that she’s probably a little more reticent with the deeper ideals that don’t get unearthed through dramatic moments. She just does things a lot of the time, and when she gets stuck on something, it is kinda obvious from the outside, but she also gets uncomfortable with trying to talk about it, because there is no clear solution she can enact in the moment to resolve it.
For Sasha:
    Screaming who could ever leave me, darling?
    But who could stay?
    I see right through me, I see through me
As well as the repetition of ‘they see right through me/can you see right through me’, these lines give me huge Sasha vibes, specifically. I think of them kind of especially applicable to the Reunion episode, but also just how there were a couple scenes where she seemed to be regretting hiding from her friends the toad rebellion that was going to take place in Newtopia, and that conversation Anne and Sasha have in The Third Temple. I don’t think she ever considered regretting the rebellion at all, but I do think she worried over what it might do to her friendships. 
The end of Reunion was heartbreaking, for both Anne and Sasha, because if the Plantars had been able to pull both girls up, I think there would have been more opportunity for Sasha and Anne to have a better reconciliation. (i think this about this a lot ngl) And, also because she was willing to die for Anne??? I don’t think that gets discussed enough. That episode has big ‘who could ever leave me’ at the beginning, and then at the end ‘who could stay’ vibes. 
For Marcy:
    And all of my heroes die alone (OOF)
As well as
     All the king’s horses, all the king’s men
     Couldn’t put me together again
     ‘Cause all of my enemies started out friends
Ahahaha this is the ANGST. So. I mean, obviously the king’s horses part makes me think of the ending of True Colors, and I don’t think that Marcy considers Sasha and Anne to be her enemies by any stretch of the imagination, but I don’t think that Andrias is above manipulating her to think that they think of her that way. (Also the line ‘cause all of my enemies started out friends’ line is very applicable to Anne and Sasha as well, it just happened to be part of the lines that made me think of Marcy) Plus sticking around the king and whatever the heck he has in store for her will definitely not put her back together sooo-
The ‘help me hold onto you’ and the ‘I’ve been the archer/I’ve been the prey’ just apply to all of them (for the former, think Sasha and Anne in Reunion, the way Marcy tried to mediate in The Dinner, and just True Colors in general; for the latter, it makes me think of the sword-fights between Anne and Sasha, as well as how Marcy once believed that Andrias actually cared about her). The ‘Dark side, I search for your dark side/But what if I’m alright, right, right, right here’ make me think of how Anne is going to be reevaluating her friendships with both Sasha and Marcy, as well as how all of them seemed to grow into the Amphibia communities that they landed in and what they are going to struggle with leaving behind.
I had this song on loop for way too long trying to word my feelings out about it.
~’Soldier, Poet, King’ (Oh Hellos)- This song is just so absolutely perfect for the three girls. I’d like to take the time to state that I think Sasha fits soldier, Marcy poet, and Anne king, but what are y’all’s thoughts? 
     There will come a soldier/Who carries a mighty sword
     He will tear your city down
Big Sasha vibes, fits with what’s she done so far in the show, as well as how she’s being set up for the third season to be a hero (whose intentions somewhat align with the consequences of her actions).
    There will come a poet/Whose weapon is his word
    He will slay you with his tongue
Marcy spends a lot of time journaling, and she even takes the time to learn a dead language! She seems rather skilled with more traditional weaponry, but her biggest boon is her intelligence and her quick-thinking. I also think that if she does end up getting possessed by the Night, its words being spoken by Marcy’s voice is absolutely going to SLAUGHTER Anne and Sasha.
     There will come a ruler/Whose brow is laid in thorn
     Smeared with oil like David’s boy
Apart from the fact that Anne literally has plants growing from her head in the S2 finale, she is also a charismatic leader who has made connections all over Amphibia. She genuinely cares about the people around her, and takes the time to get to know them and spend time with them. Also, a lot of times, she is underestimated and seen as the David to her opponent’s Goliath- whether that be physically or in skillset.
~’Someone To You’ (The Banners)- No specific lyrics here, but the general vibe of the song. There is a sort of desperation that seems to permeate it, as though if the narrator isn’t someone to the person they are singing to, they will be nobody at all, and I think that is very much how all of the girls view their friendship, at least at first. 
Marcy gets the music box thing going because she doesn’t want to be alone; Sasha is desperate to have Anne, and she wants so much for both Anne and Marcy to look up to her as someone who is strong and present. I think for Anne, we kinda see this song in the speech she gives to Sprig in Best Fronds when she’s trying to get him to break the rules with her, but also in how she is open to reconciling with Sasha in The Dinner and giving her a second chance. Mainly, though, what I associate with Anne for this song are the scenes where she reunites with Marcy and Sasha for the first time. The spinning hug she gives Sasha, and how tightly she hugs Marcy with tears in her eyes- she really does love and care about these girls.
They all cling to this friendship so much, in different ways, both healthy and unhealthy, and I think this song really captures that.
~’Lost Girls’ (Lindsey Stirling)- This song is mostly instrumental, so again, no specific lyrics here, but there is a very deep, melancholic feel to this song. It gets kinda fast-paced at some points, and reminds me of the ending of True Colors, with Anne and Sasha and Marcy separated. There is so much space- literal and internal- between all of them now, and I think this song does a really great job of getting Those Feels across. They aren’t just lost to each other, they are also struggling with battles inside of themselves.
But the lyrics that are in this song, (lol I just said I wouldn’t mention them whoops) ‘Lost girls find a way’, are sung, the music played after them that plays remind me that, like Matt Braly said, sometimes things have to be broken to be fixed again. They can find a way. It’s not a happy song to be sure, but there’s a quiet strength and determination in it.
~’Long Live’ (Taylor Swift)- I could cite specific lyrics here, but this song has just always given me epilogue-end-of-the-battle scenes, where we get to see everyone exhausted, but happy and most importantly together. This song is what I’m hoping the future gets to be for Marcy, Anne, and Sasha; happy about their present together, being able to heal despite the past, and accepting that even if they aren’t together forever in the future, that doesn’t mean they weren’t important to one another.
~’Torches’ (Oh Hellos)- ‘Torches’, on the complete opposite hand to ‘Long Live’, kind of represents where the girls are right now with one another. 
Despite keeping that old wheel turning, despite laying that next spoke down (yes these are direct lyric references), they are also continuing to make mistakes with one another.
    I got a venom like a snake running out of my mouth
    (Running out of my mouth, running out of my mouth)
    It’s got you burning at the stake
    Innocent or not, you’re not a bet I care to take
 And, yet, somehow, they keep being led back to one another. They are more alike than they think, and even if they get back to Earth, they will still be bound by the mutual experiences they had on Amphibia, that no one else is likely to ever understand. The ways they misunderstand one another and don’t communicate cleave them apart, but also together, in a way. 
    And Father Ignorance will make brothers of us all
   (Brothers of us all, brothers of us all)
    As he sets our torch aflame
    Chasing down the flimsy specters that we pro-create
As well as 
    Mother Fortuna, O, she makes sisters of us all
    (Sisters of us all, sisters of us all)
   When the faces in her wake
    Look more like our own than the effigies that we immolate
~’Castle On The Hill’ (Ed Sheeran)- Purely just the vibes. Nothing super deep, just makes me think of how Anne, Sasha, and Marcy are going to look back on their friendships and their time together. 
~’Trouble’ (Valerie Broussard)- Though I will forever associate this song with Six of Crows thanks to a fabulous animatic, I will say that it also makes me think of the darker tone that Season 3 might take on, and how each girl is poised to take on a different problem. I see it as a very Sasha song (especially ‘I’m your Number Two man in a fight/We are revolutionaries tonight’), but all three of them tend to lead a trail of chaos in their wake. (Also the vibes here are impeccable)
~’Time Alive’ (K.C Katalbas)- (not on Spotify, definitely recommend checking it out) This song just has that perfectly nostalgic, yet aspirational feel to it. It is hopeful, yet it it has its own sort of weight. It pairs nicely with ‘Long Live’ and ‘Castle On The Hill’, in a way, I think. It makes me think of what the future could be for the girls, once again, and how even if something is bittersweet, you are still allowed to be hopeful. Mostly, it makes me think of each girl reflecting about one another, and the time they spent together. 
    And this is your life, every plan has a right to fall
    And this is your heart, through the dark it’s the loudest call
    And this is breathing
    And seeing her go
~’Try’ (The Lightning Thief)- True Color battle against Andrias vibes! And Season 3 vibes! A lot of these lyrics are kind of specific to Annabeth, Percy, and Grover’s characters, but I also think the general feel of this song is very applicable to Anne, Sasha, and Marcy. Particularly, I am reminded of how Sasha and Anne will be feeling about Marcy.
    I may fail you
   I may fail you
    I may fail you, but that doesn’t mean that I won’t try
    I’m not leaving your side til we find what matters
   I’m not leaving your side til we’re back home
   I’m not leaving your side til you’re remembered
   No matter how far we have to go
As well as probably the guilt that Marcy was feeling during True Colors:
   Two thousand four hundred forty eight reasons I have to come along
   Wash my hands of past mistakes
As well as
    The weight of the world’s on my shoulders
    Like Atlas, it’s crushing me down
    We’re not brave, we’re not strong, we’re not soldiers
And how could I forget?
    L.A doesn’t seem so far away…
~’Drive It Like You Stole It’ (Sing Street)- Again, like ‘Trouble’, but a little softer. If ‘Trouble’ has Sasha vibes, this one makes me think of Anne, but it also has a similar line to ‘Time Alive’- this is your life. For the most part of Amphibia, I think the girls focussed a lot on fitting in and adapting to their surroundings, but I think Season 3 is really going to see them owning who they are and taking it upon themselves to enact change. 
It also just makes me think of them messing around and being kids, trying to figure out who they are. It’s like, if they ever make it back to Earth in one piece and stay friends, but still manage to get into shenanigans.
~’What’s Up Danger’ (Blackway, Black Caviar)- local newt king gets mauled by three newly empowered thirteen-year olds
~’How Far We’ve Come’ (Matchbox Twenty)- This one is a classic. No playlist of mine is worth its salt if it doesn’t have this song here. It has the ~vibes~ of pre-last battle energy, and also I can definitely see Sasha and the Sharps playing it at some point. 
Alternately, this also makes me think of Anne, Sasha, and Marcy finally going home together or reuniting properly after the end of True Colors. Lots of angst either way.
~’We Are Young’ (fun.)- What I picture with this: Anne, Sasha, and Marcy are not entirely reconciled with one another yet, but it’s the night before the last battle or somethin’, and they still care about one another a lot. This has that energy. They’re just kids, but they’ll be damned if they don’t go out without a fight, and without standing by one another’s sides. 
(and marcy found someone(s) to carry her home nanananananana)
Slightly more uplifting(?) than ‘How Far We’ve Come’, but similar energy, I think.
~’Pump It’ (Black Eyed Peas)- three local teenagers get pumped to cause problems on purpose; montage time. I have no justification for this song, only that it has the vibes of Sasha and Anne’s relentless energy and the confidence of Marcy swinging down on a rope she doesn’t know will actually hold her weight. 
~’Disaster Hearts’ (I Fight Dragons)- I feel like this song is the definition of Matt’s tweet about how some things have to be broken to be fixed. It has vibes of the aftermath of a battle, and opening the door to reconciliation and forgiveness. Amphibia has tied these girls together, for better or worse, and I think there is room for them to become better friends and mend their relationships.
    Disaster has a way of remaking our hearts
    Long after all the thunder and scars
    Days pass and bit by bit we begin to restart
    Our disaster hearts
~’Thus Always To Tyrants’ (Oh Hellos)- It makes me think of where Anne and Sasha are left at the end of Reunion, but also in how Anne wants to find Marcy now that she know she’s definitely out there. The sound of the song gives me huge Marcy vibes, with how it does seem to be almost cheerful? The very last line makes me think a lot about Sasha (‘Learn to love without consuming’), but I think a lot of the song is applicable to all the girls in different situations. 
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popculturebuffet · 3 years
Amphiba: True Colors Review or FINALLY THE  FINALE
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We’re finally here all you happy people! Ten Months, 36 episodes, 20 half hours, a lot of gay subtext, a lot of bloodshed, and a lot of build up have lead us all here! One absolutely STUFFED finale: A trust is betrayed, a rebllion is had, a conquerer rises and NOTHING will ever be the same.. and yes htat’s thrown around a lot but this is one of those times where NOTHING WILL BE THE SAME. This is that kind of finale folks. 
But before I can get into all the juicy stuff you’ve been waiting for there’s a few things to discuss.. and the first is obviously the fact we had to wait three goddamn extra weeks to get here after spending all season leading up to this. 
You all know the story by now. Hell I even angirly ranted about it when it happened and rightfully so. But frankly the colossal delay is going to be such an integral and permeant part of this episode and this show’s history that not talking about it in this review would do it a diservice: So to recap: The finale was posted to air  May 1st, a weak after “The Dinner/Battle of the Bands”. I had it set in my schedule, it showed up in that month’s press release of Disney Channel Episodes, We were all ready to go with all the tight and intense build up leading up to this. 
Then the worst happened and Disney aburbtly, and with a funny face image trying to play it off as a joke annoucned via it’s animation twitter the episode would be delayed. Now in fairness to the twitter person there, they were PROBABLY trying to help massage a blow... but seriously dude, read the room next time.  Thankfully creator Matt Braly stepped in and explained it was technical delays. After what happened the next day I ASSUMED he was just trying to cover for them as it would turn out the episode was finished.. turns out, and I had to edit the review to reflect this the truth was somewhere in the middle. Edits were more discussed, likely due to the episodes very violent nature, and the episode was given a content warning. Given what happens.. I can’t blame Disney for wanting one or for thinking of editing it.. but canblamehtem for the “Things that could’ve been brought to my attention YESTERDAY’ nature of the edist and the insuing delay. 
I can also blame them for leaking the episode on ITUNES. Yeah if they were REALLY concenred abotu content then they would’ve held off longer and not brought this up five minutes before it aired, delaying the episode for many. Hell I DEFENEDED them in the original version of this, but they had MONTHS of this episode being in production to fucking say something. WHy do this five mintues before it’s finished? 
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It just smacks of laziness and overly panicy stuff. A content warning would’ve been FINE. You ahve it for racisim on Disney Plus, just put one here and call it a day. You haven’t objected to the horrifying content in the series up to this point why start NOW.  And they STILL never apologized. For any of this. For the leak, for the delay, never properly explaining the delay (Matt didn’t either.. but given how twitchy comapnies can be about what their creators say, I can’t blame him for not wanting to clarify it was a post credit’s thing till closer to airtime), just in general not giving a shit abotu the kids or adults watching this. Just because kids watch thiis dosen’t me older kids don’t have social media, and it dosen’t mean teens don’t. If you want to pretend us adults watching this don’t exist.. fine. It sucks but I can’t do anything. But do not do this shit to kids and then not go to them. And again Matt could’ve.. but it’s not his fucking job. His job is to make a show, help make sure it gets to air and be a sweeheart. YOURS is to make sure things run smoothly and when their is a hickup,get your house in order. 
Matt shoudln’t of HAD to beg people not to watch it. Various va’s for the show shoudln’t of HAD to record funny messages.. it was appricated but it’s not thier job to prevent this from spreading. It’s yours. It’s yours to open your damn eyes and see adults and older teens watch this stuff too and to head that shit off. This incident is going to stick in my craw for god knows how long and ALMOST convinced me not to cover Owl House weekly (I still woud’ve likely done a review on each half of the season). I ended up renegeing on that and will be starting regular coverage of that in June and continuing coverage of this show whenever it returns.. but it was close. 
And it’s ultimately YOU GUYS that kept me hanging in there. It was thanks to a Disney show this blog exists in the first place, and contiunes to get the bulk of it’s viewers. It’s how I got my patreon, biggest fan and bfinacial backer Kev. I’ts why I can do what I love, talking about and analyzing stuff I enjoy and ocasionally loathe. You guys came back week after week for my ducktales reviews and stayed for Amphibia. I”m sure i’ll get even more for Owl House. It’s thanks to all of you I can keep going despite the hardships, the lack of patreons, the long nights, the weird sleep schedules. I wouldn’t of made it through 20 weeks of awesome tv without you. So for you, and for myself, i’ll hang in there but I expect better Disney. And i’m damn well gonna get it. So join me under the cut as the world turns upside down.. and there are a LOT of spoilers. Seriously if you want to wait for the tv airing do not go under the cut
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So we open with a flashback to 8 months ago, the day all this began: Marcy was working in the library on her cram classes, getting texts from both Sasha, who was excited about Anne’s birthday, and her own father who wants her to come home right away as there’s something important they need to discuss. 
But before she can a book about the strange and what not naturally slips out and Mar-Mar can’t help but thumb through it.. and as you were no doubt dreading.. finds the box which is said in a large tv friendly caption to lead to other worlds. 
Naturally Marcie is intrigued and snaps a pick and heads home... and we cut to the END of that conversation as she tearfully runs out of the house , refusing to accept what they’ve told her and her dad coming off hella unsympathetic with his overly harsh tone, especially since we DO find out what he told her... and it’s a lot to put on her and a lot to just say “accept because I helped make you for all of two unsatisfying minutes. “ 
So while running away she passes the box.. and sets the events from both the show’s opening and the flashback from the last finale in motion. Marcy sent them here on purpose.
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Yeah needless to say I DIDN’T see this coming. And it seems obvious in hindsight: Marcy being the one most desperate to keep thier friendship together, as we’ll see at it’s worst through this episode, her barely mentioning going home, and most tellingly the only things she talks about from earth were Anne, Sasha and her dorky intrests. All the things closest to the heart and that she’s most likely to make out with.. but while Anne brings up earth stuff every so often even after getting more screen time in Season 2b... Marcy NEVER talks about that kind of stuff. She has her girlfriends and a real life fantasy novel right here... but she DOSEN’T miss her parents or earth itself. And given her life was already shown to be as an outcast with only two people carring about her, three with her mom now we know, who never REALLY fit in and whose on friends very clearly didn’t share her intrests.. it probably made it all the more tempting: a real adventure, an escape from her problems, and a way to start over: become who she always PLAYED and not who she was. Everything just.. snaps into place with this revelation and makes Marcy an all the more heartbreaking character... even more so soon enough when we find out what her overall plan was. 
But that’s half an episode away: for now our party returns on Joe to Newtopia.. though clumsly. Marcy admits that they probably can’t fit more people on him. But with this our heroes are ready to finish this story and with a plan since obviously they can’t just walk into town with two wanted crminals: Marcy will present the box and THEN sasha and grime, who will cloak themselves to avoid attracting attentions, with literal cloaks Marcy hasn’t made a cloaking device yet, so hopefully they’ll get a pardon. 
Inside Sprig and Anne talk, with Sprig admitnig he’s sad this is the last adventure.. but Anne has hope. After all they have a way home now and that portal goes both ways. She can hop back any time and vice versa. This sin’t goodbye.. it’s just goodbye for now. And i’ts something I genuinely didn’t think of.. and not just because Andrias’ shady actions and Sasha and Grime’s machinations meant this was NEVER going to end well. 
Speaking of Sasha and Grime’s machinations those come to a head: As our heroes enter the castle, greeted by Lady Olivia, and we get our typical end of the RPG speech from the “Good” king.... Sasha swipes the box and Grime uses the hammer to knock everyone off ballance. The coup the two have been cooking up has come to pass. 
Anne and Marcy’s reactions.. are telling: Anne is utterly pissed at the betryal and done with Sasha and Marcy is begging both sides to stop as this was not how it was supposed to end. Sasha tries to use a box as a baranging chip, and plans to destroy it if Andrias dosen’t surrender despite destroying her way home. Given it’s implied her home life isn’t great either and she gets to rule an empire instead of a school, it’s easy to see why. 
Grime stops him from calling her bluff though by wacking him in the shins and then hodling him at hammer point to get the military of Newtopia to stand down while his covert Toad agents reveal themselves and runamuck. Grime has won. 
Anne meanwhile is livid, with Sasha not quite getting why MAYBE Anne would once again feel betrayed that once again Sasha is trying to do everything her way and once again lied to her and harmed innocent people. Anne breaks off their friendship which deeply uspets Marcy.. who weirldy. ISN’T trying to talk Sasha out of this. After all she gets what she wanted anyway. She IS upset when Sasha tries to send them home for defiance.. but the box dosen’t work for her and she simply has the guards escort our heroes and Olivia out till she can figure this out. 
Naturally though Anne, being pissed, heartbroken and pissed, and yes that was indeed intentional, HEADBUTTS the nearest guard and breaks them out, with the planatrs starting to fight back. Their still outnumbered.. but help arrives 
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Or rather the Amphibia equilvent as both wolverines are busy with prep for the Hellfire Gala. Yes it’s General Yunan, who Lady Olivia cuts off probably not for the first time. Your lucky that’s one of her turn on’s lady.
So our heroes sneak out and head to Sals, while the Toads wreck up the town. Marcy... is of course desperate to fix things, but figures it’s easy. All they have to do is free the king, stop the rest of the army from arriving, their an hour away, and cementing grime’s foothold, get her girlfriends to reconcile and fix the inherent power imbalance so a rebellion doesn’t’ happen again. 
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But Anne rouses them: They may be a goofus, a quick witted kid, an out of touch old man, a literal baby, am etaphorical baby, and a nerd.. but their a BADASS Goofus, kid, old man, babies and nerd... and two other ladies the toads actually know and respect. They’ve fought worse: Canibals, princess bride references, theater bandits, chicken elder gods, Poly’s addiction to angry mobs and paste pot pete and come back stronger each time. They can do this. They might only be 8 strangers, but together they can fuck up this shit. or to have a previously mentioned buddy of mine sum it up
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So with that it’s time to split up gang: Marcy, Hop Pop and Olivia will go free the king using Hop Pop’s acting skills...which actually works despite Olvia’s doubts. Polly, Yunan and Frobo will put the hammer down and give them hell, taking out the toads in the city and drawing all of them away from the gate where Spriganne will trigger it thus saving the day. 
Meanwhile Sasha is feeling discontent. She got everything she wanted.. but she didn’t think about what to DO with all that power. At home she could do all sorts of things ruling a school but now she’s lost one of the loves of her life. Without Anne and Marcy i’ts just empty. Even Grime’s utterly heartfelt gift of an emerald sword, he knew she always wanted to duel wield that has a heron on it, a sign of how they met and a truly sweet gesture can’t cheer her up. So Grime suggests redecorating and the first thing to go is a sappy mural of Andrias and his subjects. What they find UNDER it though is horrifying.. and i’ts surprisingly not a bunch of spiders like you’d expect.. but a mural of Andrius as some sort of horrible king with an army of robot frogs like Frobo, with a LOT of frog, toad and newt skeletons piled up. Sasha and Grime are glad they dodged that bullet.. only to find Anne scaling the tower with Sprig, the two naturally going to stop them.
 The two try and turn the wheel, but can’t as there’s a doorstop... one they DEFINTELY saw earlier when looking out the window of Sal’s.
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Regardless they send Polly for that.. and the rematch begins. Sasha TRIES talking to Anne.. but given she stabbed her in the back AGAIN for incredbly petty reasons, that’s not going to work and the two get one hell of a fight. Beautifully animated and rife with emotion as the two clash with Sasha DESPERATLY trying to get Anne to stop for a second and listen and Anne rightly refusing, while we watching know our hero winning will spell DOOM for this world despite her trying to do the right thing. Anna and Brenda’s acting here is just TOP notch. In any other episode this would be the best part of it.. but we’re only getting warmed up.
While they fight, we get a surprising and awesome bout I did not see coming: Sprig Vs Grime. And it gives me Spider-Man vs Kingpin vibes really: A rotund but still far more powerful opponent versus a smaller but quicker one. And that’s how even more shockingly, Sprig comes out the WINNER. While Grime has the hammer and more strength and skill... Sprig has speed and thus gets Grime to whack himself with it. Granted he can’t use the thing and comically spins around afterword.. but it proves Grime’s racist thoughts about frogs wrong and leaves Anne free to turn the wheel once she beats Sasha. The invasion is thwarted.
But naturally given the ooky spooky mural and the other hints of ominous shit like the watcher with a thousand eyes, this isn’t the end. Back at the throne room, with Sasha and Grime as prisoners Anne gives Andrias the box despite sasha begging her not to. But rather than send her home right away.. he has a history lesson for her first. And nothing good ever starts with someone delaying helping you to give a sinister history lesson let me tell you.
We find out the while truth: Amphibia was once a technological empire powered by the box, and prosperity SEEMINGLY reigned, and Andrias, much like our heroines, had two close friends, a toad and a frog. But one day they betrayed him, abandoning him and seemingly stealing the box , leaving his mechanical marvels powerless and Andrias bitter and angry. Hence the whole revenge ploy. 
In an unsurprising and invincible-esque twist, he reveals his ancestors were not explorers but CONQUERERS and he intends to finish their work, placing the box on a pedestal that turns his castle into a flying fortress glowing blue. It only gets worse from there: the castle’s awakening also activates factories around Amphibia similar to the one we saw back in “Fort in the Road” that gave us Frobo and it turns out their dark purpose.. is to create armies of unstoppable soldiers to secure his dominon.... and spread it to the other worlds. The reason he didn’t send the girls home is he figures correctly Anne and the others will try and stop him from TAKING it. 
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So yeah Anne’s reaction is very naturally...
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And despite being outgunned, outmanned, outnumbered and outplanned she plans to make an all out stand. She realizes that her own fight with Sasha only allowed something FAR WORSE to take hold. She’s not WRONG for fighting her, Sasha was being a shithead taking over and did so for flimsy and selfish reasons and she had no reason to listen to her.. but had she at least thought over giving him the box and not simply given it to him to spite her none of this would be happening. So she and the plantars get ready for round 2, with Sasha having her back this time, and Grime having Sasha’s. It’s a really sweet moment, showing Sasha has realized just how much her own greedy and controlling ambitions have cost her and that she’s brought about something far worse thorugh them, and is ready to make amends and Grime as always ready to stand by the only true family he has. 
But before the carnage can begin.. Marcy stops them... and then tearfully turns to Andrias “This wasn’t our deal!”. Andrias, now not having to play nice, dosen’t care and cruelly points out of course he did: He would’ve said whatever it took to get her to fill the box and she did it. He also hints at Marcy’s dark secret, with both girls wondering what the hell he’s on about.. but clearly starting to piece it together, with Andrias cruelly toying with Marcy to tell them before he does.. and barely gives her any time before going ahead with it anyway, knowing she’d be unable to. And with this we get the best line of the episode and Keith david’s best delivery.. and given he makes a fucking seven course meal of the entire second act, yeah that’s a high bar.
"Did it ever occur to you — Anne, Sasha — that one of you knew more than she was letting on? That one of you might've gotten you stranded in Amphibia... on purpose?"
The line itself hits like a sledgehammer. We knew for the full episode she did this on purpose.. but we also knew at some point it was clearly going to come out and hurt them both.. and to see someone Marcy clearly saw as a better replacement dad, someone she thought cared about her and was offering her her dreams for no gain on his end cruelly tell them clearly for his own amusment as he dosen’t remotely see them as a threat.. it’s utterly chilling as it is heartbreakiing and horrifying. 
Naturally Anne and Sasha are upset, Sasha a bit baffled and Anne just utterly broken by this: She’d already been betrayed TWICE by the other love of her life.. now MARCY had betrayed her.. and WORSE? 
And it only gets worse as Marcy heartbreakingly reveals her motivation and what this was really all about: Her dad announced he got a new job and they were moving a state away.. and like I said he’s a prick. Not for moving, that happens and it sucks but for having no freaking empathy about it. Maybe if he took a parenting class earth wouldn’t be on the cusp of a robot invasion. Marcy was about to loose her girls and was desperate.... so naturally Andrias claimed to simply want to take them all with him on his journeys, obviously leading out the conquest and likely genocide part, so they could go on and on FOREVER. And this whole thing gave Anne the plantars so it’s not all bad right? Right? But it’s clear she’s trying to desperatly lie to herself this was all okay as she’s been doing ever since she started this all 8 months ago and Anne pointing out she misses her family, something Marcy never considered given her own reasons for leaving and how Sasha likely dosen’t have a happy family life herself. 
This.. this is Haley Tju’s finest hour. She’s done good voice work before, especially in this series but here, with Marcy’s anguish, desperation and guilt all leaking out as she tries to get her girlfriend not to turn away from her. it’s all just amazing heartbreaking stuff and I salute her and the animation does her fine acting a service and shows every bit of pain in the poor girls face. 
Anne naturally does turn away a bit and Marcy cries.. but Anne quickly recovers... while she obviously isn’t entirely ready to forgive Marcy JUST yet, it’s clear she wasn’t thinking straight and did all of this out of desperation... and that the hulking dickbag who betrayed them all and is gloating about all of this manipulated her, preying on her desperation and anguish to finish his plan.  Marcy fucked up big time, no question.. but ANDRIAS is the true monster here, and if he’s not stopped this world she’s grown to love and the one she left behind will BURN. Anne may be many things: impulsive, kinda weird, easy to anger.. but she is over all that a HERO. And there’s a villian to stop
Andrias, while not seeing them as remotely a threat, does admit this will probably be fun and the fight begins, with our heroes, including Marcy, easily besting the Obsdian Swarm.. as i’m calling them now. It’s a cools equence.. but ultimately futile. Andrias is FAR more powerful than he’s let on with the box. And shows it off by destroying toad tower before coming at them with a fire sowrd, easily swatting them aside like flies. They try their best to fight back but it’s not much use, and Andrias NEARLY crushes polly to death under his fist. Yes a fucking child. What a dick. 
Frobo saves him... and sadly this is the end for our new friend as Andrias is mildly amused that one of his creations glitched.. then smashes him into robotic paste. Polly rightfully calls him a monster and his response is as chilling as it is wonderfully dickish: “Don’t worry, your next”. 
Thankfully though she got out of the way.. because she has LEGS now. It’s also why I keep saying 8 months, though it’s likely more like 9 given it took a month to get to newtopia: 
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The prophecy has come true! And while she stumbles for a second Polly quickly proves she can really move, she has an attitude and she’s the fastest thing alive by grabbing the box seemingly winning.. except Andrias has sprig in his fist and is going to crush or drop him ulness she stops. And despite Sprig BEGGING his sister to let him go for the sake of everyone else, like any good hero she naturally puts the box back. 
Anne begs for him to let Sprig go since he got what he wanted and he’s her best friend in this or any world... but all this does is insprie Andrias to DROP HIM OUT A WINDOW, bitter over his own past and eager to torture her some more. This really shows off who Andrias REALLY is now the mask is off; a sadistic tyrannical bully who relishes in making his victims really squirm, revels in malevolence and is just so damn gleeful about it: Not to say BIll Cipher levels more of a cold, cruel enjoyment of things. 
As I said earlier Keith David makes a motherfucking Seven Course Meal out of the second half of this episode, utterly stealing the show now he can play Andrias as he truly is: not skulng in the shadows with ominus hints he’s evil or pretending to be nice, but instead as a sadistic brute who delights in suffering and wants nothing less than everything under his boothill. in short he’s an AWESOME antagonist and while Keith David has played TREMENDOUS villains before, this one will easily be his best if the writing holds. Andrias is Keith David at his fucking best and proves the Disney legend has EVEYRTHING left in the tank even as he approaches 70′s. Jesus I fucking love this man. 
So this causes anne to retreat into herself, leaving us in a black void as Anne remembers all the good times.. and goes MOTHERFUCKING SUPER SAYIAN. Well more accurately super sayian god super sayian, or blueper sayian if you will, but still i’ts a n utterly striking sequence and a clear direct shout out with Anne getting her powers the same way Goku did: loosing someone to an utterly cruel bastard. Same with Gohan’s upgrade to super sayian 2. It’s just a truly striking sequence as she powers up in a FULL rage, DEMANDNIG he give him back. 
Andrais is stunned, clearly knowing this was something she was capable of but thought she could no longer do as the box shoudlv’e drained her of the ablility, while Hop Pop and Grime wonder if this is a human thing. 
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So Anne WAILS on the fucker, easily besting a shocked andrias despite his best attempts.. but she tires out and he swats her aside, gleefully noting she dosen’t know how to control it. Sprig turns out to be okay though. Marcy went and saved him while Anne was rippig Andrias asunder.. and then activates the box. Sasha and Grime hold him off while Anne makes a run for it with the plantars while Andrias gives out your standard villian big no. Anne and Fam make it... but Marcy is taking a sec.. and that second gets her GUTTED. Not an exageration or me being a smart ass like usual.. Andrias RAN HER THROUGH WITH HIS SWORD. 
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His only response is “Look what you made me too and Anne and crew are warped away, unable to save her. 
So we end with our heroes landing somewhere and Sprig wondering where they are... where they are is on the top of a car on a busy Los Angeles Freeway... and in front of two very weirded out humans. Anne is home. 
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So now for the part that wasn’t in the original release apparently: The teaser.. aka THE MOTHERFUCKING SEASON 3 OPENING. 
Hell. Yes. Just a few quick personal notes before we hit the wrap up: I love how the season will be on earth, a nice change of pace, how the Boonchuy’s have very clearly warmly welcomed the plantars, the expanded cast at the title card, and how Disney just let them go ALL out for this one. They’ve clearly stopped being cheap assholes when it comes to letting intro’s change or at the very least got this was the very end of the series and thus important enough to gussie up. But yes the end is nigh.. and probably not till late this year if this year AT ALL And I will return for it. Well return to doing this show anyway, i’m not going anywhere. They’ll have to pry this blog from my cold dead hands. 
Final Thoughts:
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This episode is the series best so far. My only honest complaint is the Toad Invasion comes and goes really quickly and I question why it was crammed into half the episode. Don’t get me wrong, Andrias’ rise needed the full 10 minutes, but I question why we dind’t get an episode before this settingit up and THEN have it happen over half an episode, epsecially since we spent an entire episode on getting the other toad barons involved only for ONE of them to show up for all of five minutes. 
Otherwise though? Yeah no notes. The cast is at the top of their damn game, with Brenda Song, Hailey Tju and Keith Motherfucking David as the standouts, the animatoin is likewise, and it pays off a thing or two you wouldn’t expect like the acting episode. This is a truly outstanding finale, one that has now joined other all time faviorite season finales such as “You’re In Control”, “Reunited”, “The Crossroads of Destiny”, and “Moonvasion”. I will be watching this again when it comes to Disney Plus. Masterful stuff.
As for the season as a whole.. this was a great season. While it did start a bit rocky with the road trip arc, which I’m still not a huge fan of as I feel it mostly wasted an awesome idea of them going on a world spanning roadtrip with some fairly weak episodes, with the exception of standouts “Truckstop Polly” and “Wax Museum”. 
But once we got to Netwopia it got better, with better spotlight episodes, the pacing picking up and Marcy joining our merry crew. And it hit it’s peak with the second half of the season: the return to wartwood effortlessly combined slice of life with the compelling temple episodes. It was also a nice break before the utter hell that arrived in the finale, but still nicely lead up to said finale.  This season may of STARTED bumpy but it finished at it’s highest point and with one epic finale to go it’s only going to get better from here. 
As for this blog the same holds true: Review wise next week i’ll be taking a break from normal reviews to do a week’s worth of Goofy based content in time for his birthday, from shorts, to goof troop, to hosue of mouse, to an obscure special, all leading up to the Disney Classic A Goofy Movie. So stick around.
And if that dosen’t do it for you I have an ongoing retrospective on the story arcs of ducktales season 2, i’m nearing the end of one on Scott Pilgrim and in the middle of one of The Life and Times of Scrogoe McDuck. and if you prefer weekly reviews, as I mentioned earlier offhandidly i’ll be covering the Owl House! LIke Amphibia i’m starting with Season 2, but just like with this show i’m excited as all hell and hope you’ll join me. And if you need even more I have a patreon, patreon.com/popculturebuffet, where I have exclusive reviews if you choose to back me as well as exciting stretch goals, one of which down the line is reviewing season one of this very show. So join it and if not that’s okay too, either way.. it’s been a pleasure. 
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1962dude420-blog · 3 years
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Today we remember the passing of Peter Fonda who Died: August 16, 2019 in Los Angeles, California.
Peter Henry Fonda (February 23, 1940 – August 16, 2019) was an American actor, director, and screenwriter. He was the son of Henry Fonda, younger brother of Jane Fonda, and father of Bridget Fonda. He was a part of the counterculture of the 1960s. Fonda was nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay for Easy Rider (1969), and the Academy Award for Best Actor for Ulee's Gold (1997). For the latter, he won the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Motion Picture Drama. Fonda also won the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor – Series, Miniseries or Television Film for The Passion of Ayn Rand (1999).
Fonda was born on February 23, 1940, in New York City, the only son of actor Henry Fonda (1905–1982) and his wife Frances Ford Seymour (1908–1950); his older sister was actress Jane Fonda (born 1937). He and Jane had a half-sister, Frances de Villers Brokaw (1931–2008), from their mother's first marriage. Their mother committed suicide in a mental hospital when Peter, her youngest, was ten. He did not discover the circumstances or location of her death until he was 15 years old.
On his eleventh birthday, he accidentally shot himself in the abdomen and nearly died. He went to the Indian hill station of Nainital and stayed for a few months for recovery. Years later, he referred to this incident while with John Lennon and George Harrison while taking LSD. He said, "I know what it's like to be dead." This inspired The Beatles' song "She Said She Said".
Peter attended the Fay School in Southborough, Massachusetts, and was a member of the class of 1954. He then matriculated to Westminster School, a Connecticut boarding school in Simsbury, where he graduated in 1958.
Once he graduated, Fonda studied acting in Omaha, Nebraska, his father's home town. While attending the University of Nebraska-Omaha, Fonda joined the Omaha Community Playhouse, having been recruited by Marlon Brando's mother.
By the mid-1960s, Fonda was not a conventional "leading man" in Hollywood. As Playboy magazine reported, Fonda had established a "solid reputation as a dropout". He had become outwardly nonconformist and grew his hair long and took LSD regularly, alienating the "establishment" film industry. Desirable acting work became scarce. Through his friendships with members of the band The Byrds, Fonda visited The Beatles in their rented house in Benedict Canyon in Los Angeles in August 1965. While John Lennon, Ringo Starr, George Harrison, and Fonda were under the influence of LSD, Lennon heard Fonda say, "I know what it's like to be dead." Lennon used the phrase in the lyrics for his song, "She Said She Said", which was included on their 1966 album, Revolver.
In 1966, Fonda was arrested in the Sunset Strip riot, which the police ended forcefully. The band Buffalo Springfield protested the department's handling of the incident in their song "For What It's Worth". Fonda sang some and in 1967 recorded "November Night", a 45-rpm single written by Gram Parsons for the Chisa label, backed with "Catch the Wind" by Donovan, produced by Hugh Masekela.
Fonda's first counterculture-oriented film role was as a biker in Roger Corman's B movie The Wild Angels (1966). Fonda originally was to support George Chakiris, but graduated to the lead when Chakiris revealed he could not ride a motorcycle. In the film, Fonda delivered a "eulogy" at a fallen Angel's funeral service. This was sampled by Psychic TV on their 1988 LP recording Jack the TAB. It was later sampled in the Primal Scream recording "Loaded" (1991), and in other rock songs. The movie was a big hit at the box office, screened at the Venice Film Festival, launched the biker movie genre, and established Peter Fonda as a movie name. Fonda made a television pilot, High Noon: The Clock Strikes Noon Again, filmed in December 1965. It was based on the film High Noon (1952), starring Gary Cooper, with Fonda in the Cooper role. However, it did not become a series.
Fonda next played the male lead in Corman's film The Trip (1967), a take on the experience and "consequences" of consuming LSD, which was written by Jack Nicholson. His co stars included Susan Strasberg, Bruce Dern and Dennis Hopper. The movie was a hit. Fonda then traveled to France to appear in the portmanteau horror movie Spirits of the Dead (1968). His segment co-starred his sister Jane and was directed by her then-husband Roger Vadim. For American television, he appeared in a movie, Certain Honorable Men (1968), alongside Van Heflin, written by Rod Serling.
Fonda produced, co-wrote and starred in Easy Rider (1969), directed by Dennis Hopper. Easy Rider is about two long-haired bikers traveling through the southwestern and southern United States where they encounter intolerance and violence. Fonda played "Wyatt", a charismatic, laconic man whose motorcycle jacket bore a large American flag across the back. Dennis Hopper played the garrulous "Billy". Jack Nicholson played George Hanson, an alcoholic civil rights lawyer who rides along with them. Fonda co-wrote the screenplay with Terry Southern and Hopper.
Fonda tried to secure financing from Roger Corman and American International Pictures (AIP), with whom he had made The Wild Angels and The Trip, but they were reluctant to finance a film directed by Hopper. They succeeded getting money from Columbia Pictures. Hopper filmed the cross-country road trip depicted almost entirely on location. Fonda had secured funding of around $360,000, largely based on the fact he knew that it was the budget Roger Corman needed to make The Wild Angels. The guitarist and composer Robbie Robertson, of The Band, was so moved by an advance screening that he approached Fonda and tried to convince him to let him write a complete score, even though the film was nearly due for wide release. Fonda declined the offer, instead using Steppenwolf's "Born to Be Wild", Bob Dylan's "It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)" sung by The Byrds' Roger McGuinn, and Robertson's own composition "The Weight", performed by The Band, among many other tracks.
The film was released to international success. Jack Nicholson was nominated for a Best Supporting Actor Oscar. Fonda, Hopper and Southern were nominated for the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. The film grossed over $40 million.
After the success of Easy Rider, both Hopper and Fonda were sought for film projects. Hopper directed the film The Last Movie (1971), in which Fonda co-starred along with singer Michelle Phillips of The Mamas and the Papas. Fonda directed and starred in the Western film The Hired Hand (1971). He took the lead role in a cast that also featured Warren Oates, Verna Bloom and Beat Generation poet Michael McClure. The film received mixed reviews and failed commercially upon its initial release, but many years later, in 2001, a fully restored version was shown at various film festivals and was re-released by the Sundance Channel on DVD that same year in two separate editions. Fonda later directed the science fiction film Idaho Transfer (1973). He did not appear in the film, and the film received mixed reviews upon its limited release. Around the same time, he co-starred with Lindsay Wagner in Two People (also 1973) for director Robert Wise, in which he portrayed a Vietnam War deserter.
Fonda starred alongside Susan George in the film Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry (1974), a film about two NASCAR hopefuls who execute a supermarket heist to finance their jump into big-time auto racing. The film was a box-office hit that year. It led to Fonda making a series of action movies: Open Season (1974), with William Holden; Race with the Devil (1975), fleeing devil worshippers with Warren Oates; 92 in the Shade (1975), again with Oates, for writer-director Thomas McGuane; Killer Force (1976) for director Val Guest; Futureworld (1976), a sequel to Westworld (1973), financed by AIP; Fighting Mad (1976), a reuniting with Roger Corman, directed by Jonathan Demme.
Outlaw Blues (1977) was a drama, with Fonda playing a musician opposite Susan Saint James. After some more action with High-Ballin' (1978), Fonda returned to directing, with the controversial drama Wanda Nevada (1979), wherein the 39-year-old Fonda starred as the "love" interest of the then 13-year-old Brooke Shields. His father, Henry Fonda, made a brief appearance as well, and it is the only film in which they performed together.
His final portrayal was in the Vietnam War movie The Last Full Measure. The director of that film, Todd Robinson, has recounted that Peter Fonda was able to view that film in its entirety, and got emotional upon viewing it.
Fonda died from respiratory failure caused by lung cancer at his home in Los Angeles on August 16, 2019, at the age of 79.
Following Fonda's death, his sister Jane Fonda made the following statement: "I am very sad. He was my sweet-hearted baby brother. The talker of the family. I have had beautiful alone time with him these last days. He went out laughing."
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