#like the eye and nose style?
gh0stdogzz · 6 months
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Can you tell I’m excited for the new Daredevil show, or what?
Had to do a little doodle after I saw some behind the scenes photos from the set. <3
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prommytheus · 7 months
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im having a lot of fun with lines and shapes my guy
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bonefall · 6 months
I’m rereading Po3 and despite its flaws I really enjoyed the introduction to the three. Jaykit isn’t mentioned to be blind in the first few chapters and instead they chose to show how much MORE capable he is compared to his littermates; until at the end of chapter 3, he brings up his blindness on his own. It makes forcing him to be a medicine cat SO much more frustrating because it really feels like they’re setting him up to be a warrior and choose his own fate (note i haven’t finished the reread this is just my first impression)
I like how you seem to take that path in BB regardless! It makes his arc so much more enjoyable
His arc in canon is super frustrating because he's such an independent character who clearly wants to make his own decisions in life, but then he just gets shoved into the medcat den. I LIKE that he ultimately goes there and that he enjoys it; but it was still really fucked up that they stripped away his autonomy in the process.
Re: they are not real, they are writing choices. Taking away the choices a disabled character can make over their own life, forcing them into a celibate nun role, and then going "awwwww dont worry see? he likes it! This was the best thing for him :)" was fucked up.
And imo it didn't have to be that way! You wouldn't have to go the FULL route I did with big changes, he could just be more involved in the descision to stop being a warrior apprentice and it would be fine. Minor change that would make a world of difference.
I do also have to interject to say though... blindness should really not be an extremely severe impairment for a ThunderClan cat.
I'm dead serious.
Whiskers are built-in sensors that tell you the exact position of everything within several inches of your head, ears swerve to pick up sound, and the jacobson's organ provides a sense of smell so keen that I have an entire Clanmew expansion draft because I needed to make WORDS describing the power of this sense that humans do not have. I cannot stress enough how delicate their other senses are, felines do not rely on their sight like primates do
ThunderClan lives in a mixed-oak woodland, where sight is already often obscured by foliage, objects are close together (for whiskers to feel), and nearly every movement makes noise against the leaf litter. RiverClan and (moor-running) WindClan cats would have a harder time with this disability than Thunder or Shadow.
Cat sight SUCKS to begin with. It sucks BADDD. They don't have color vision, they're significantly nearsighted, and they can't track up-and-down movements well. WC doesn't write realistic cats (more like small fuzzy people really) and I also work with more humanesque eyesight, but the only thing Jay should really lose is an ability to rapidly track a small animal swerving fast. Blind cats are often still excellent hunters in spite of that!
So it's an extra big waste that they railroaded him into a position he didn't choose, saying he couldn't be a warrior. This is the perfect disability to write, if you want to explore how ableism can impact the characters in this society who ARE legitimately still capable of nearly full independence, but still need to find accommodations for what they can't do.
In the same arc they're doing the dumb Cinder Reincarnation Plotline, no less!! Where SHE is also feeling like she has no choice over her "destiny," and gets a conflict over a potentially disabling injury
"Oh nooo if cinderpaw breaks her leg she wont be a warrior!"
"What the f-- Im Jaypaw and im reporting live from the scene where a Category 1 Idiot Moment is taking place. Woman breaks leg, suddenly everyone believes she is a horse, more at 11."
One of these days I should really make "herb guides" just covering how various sensory disabilities impact the lives of Clan cats and some tips for writing them as warriors, especially between Clans. Stuff you wouldn't usually consider, like how much noise deaf cats tend to make, how RiverClan would get a ton of sinus infections and lose their sense of smell, being blind in Sky vs Thunder, etc.
#I once saw someone say offhandedly 'well what if someone snuck up on jay from behind and attacked him. No whiskers there'#NEWSFLASH! YOU ALSO DONT HAVE EYES IN THE BACK OF YOUR HEAD#He doesn't have short whiskers either they're normally sized#Something like 4 - 5 inches on a cat like him. About double the size of the head foward and sideways#Once you're talking about close combat like the cats usually do there's no way that you can stay back far enough to avoid them#I want to rewrite owl and jay's fight or make a rematch where jay realizes owl is being a coward#Hanging just out of his range and jabbing at him#But once he realizes it's just a coward's strategy it clicks that the counter is to be aggressive#And not let his opponent out of his 'range'#Also give him a neat little scene where they're grappling next to Black's dam project where it's super muddy#And Jay is like 'YOU WANT TO PLAY DIRTY? LETS GET FILTHY' and dunks Owl's face down into the mud#Because Jay can fight without his sight but Owl doesn't know how to continue while there's stinging gunk in his eyes and nose#I like thinking about what I'm going to do for BB!Jay's matches because his fighting style is really fun to write#1. Be aggressive and proactive 2. Don't let them out of range 3. SCARE THEM#From the Mud Match he learns that the best way to end a fight quickly is to absolutely terrify them#Because they're usually not expecting the fight to be difficult nor are they expecting to feel like theyre in danger#So if you surprise them it breaks their willpower real fast#And as he gains a reputation for brutality he faces less opponents until he's practically known as the Cleric Without Mercy#Bone babble
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aurorangen · 4 months
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finally my simself
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atissi · 1 month
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what did they do to my girl
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skunkes · 9 months
who is / whats the story with mateo? he looks wicked cool
not much, he was meant to be a sort of antag to one of my main 4 ocs I had in high school, but those ocs also didn't have much of a plot. he was the demon counterpart to my angel oc
he was sort of a proto talon in that i really wanted to make Guy Who Sucks oc after already failing once (with al) and then i failed again because, well, its very easy to want to make a guy who sucks not suck anymore.
demon, meant to interfere with angel's angelness. has worm tongue/worm inside his body. can stretch his neck out (body horror warning i suppose) for more worm antics. uses the worm to drain you of your essence via stomach. can speak thru the worm. maybe he IS the worm. scorpion tail. enjoys humans ! has a "human" form, eventually chooses to just hide out on earth forever as a very strange human
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oakfarmer · 2 years
Here your dreams are sweet
and tomorrow brings them true
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Here is the place where I love you
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puppyeared · 2 years
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Hero of winds
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moomoorare · 1 year
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Flowerpot au kids ( Fern 🍋 , Willow 🍓 and Finch 🪽) + c!Hannah 🌹 & c!Tina 🥕 drawn in a realistic style 💐🤍
The IDs for what they're wearing is in the alt IDs, in general here's their description:
Both Fern and Willow have yellow and brown eyes. Fern has pointy ears and white silvery hair; Willow has cat ears (one red and one tan), brown and tan hair with a red lock on her forehead. Fern has a dusted tan nose and Willow has a cat nose. Finch pointed ears, gray and dusted pink hair, and grayish light blue eyes. His wings are the same colors as his hair. c!Hannah has dark red, red and brown curly hair, brown eyes and a tan dusted nose. c!Tina has white, tan and brown hair, her tail too. Her eyes are yellow and brown, she's got cat nose and ears.
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draculagerard · 1 year
You ever try making a picrew and go . ah. this was only made for white people
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kachimera · 9 months
Have a (failed) artblock escape attempt, ft. The one and only "I don't wanna be Dracula anymore" guy
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marblerose-rue · 2 years
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click for better quality!!
wctober day four - break/broken
yo there's a stray cat outside!
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tavolienek · 8 months
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a-very-tired-raven · 4 months
This took me four hours and cost me a finger blister. Enjoy.
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skunkes · 6 months
i know it's almost like the last ask but how did you go about stylizing ken/ryan when you drew him... you did that so perfectly i can't even grasp how... to stylize irl people is so HARD
I HAVE NO IDEA BC IT SURPRISED EVEN ME. even in my doodle pages i did like 3 horrific botched attempted drawings of his likeness then i snapped and the next few were so nicely stylized. insane instant change vs a gradual one. it was man lover magic. idk. i usually dont do fanart at all much less that of characters portrayed by real persons. or portrayals of real persons, period.
i usually cannot get likeness so i cant tell u. both bc it only happened that one time with that one character, and because it was driven by pure insane obsessive faggotry as i was watching the barbie camrip like 50 times a day to look at him and have several hundred images of his face saved for ref.
i think ken is also a special case bc it doesnt matter if it doesnt look exactly like mr gosling bc you're going for a mix of "defining features of the actor" + "the vibe of the character". and he has some really easy defining features.... it IS hard. ill never be able to do this again LMAO. obsession is always the answer
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wigglebox · 1 year
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Friends 💙
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