#like the fish one implies catching something. you're waiting there for a long ass time and you catch it
You ever wonder if each nation has variations of common phrases? Like fontaine would have "plenty of fish in the sea" but liyue would have "plenty of ore in the mine" or sumeru would have "plenty of leaves on the tree".
genuinely good question that i have no answer to. that sort of implies the regions all developed their phrases on their own, simultaneously, and that there was no cultural mixing at any point. like i could see there having been regional variants, but i do think it's likely the 'fish' variant spread wider by virtue of getting everywhere by boat.
but idk, i'm not knowledgable enough in how that stuff works irl to tell you if it would work like that in genshin
it does sound like a pretty funny idea though
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ghouljams · 11 months
Fae!Gaz meets his darling. I have a few other fae!Gaz darling asks that I might answer because he's another that's had a few. But this one is His Darling, y'know?
"Can I have your cherry?" You look over at the man next to you, his bored expression.
"Uh." He points at your drink.
"Your cherry, they didn't give me one and it's my favorite part." You glance down at his drink, realization hitting you.
"Oh," you laugh and fish the cherry off your ice, "Oh my god, sorry. I thought you were hitting on me."
He hums as you settle the bright red fruit in his waiting hand. He tosses it into his mouth stem and all, chews it for a moment then pulls the stem from his lips. Three neat knots tied in it as he sets it on the bar in front of you.
"No. This is me hitting on you." You stare at the stem in shock, you've never seen someone do that. You've heard enough people brag about tying one knot, but three? You look at him and he's smiling, it's dazzling. "I'm Gaz, I didn't get your name."
Like a stunned fool you give it to him, and he smiles a little brighter. It feels a little easier to talk to him, he taps his finger against the bar, you want to talk to him. You're sure your friends are having fun on the dance floor, you're sure they're waiting for you, but his eyes keep pulling you back every time you look away. Your conversation flows and wanders about nothing, about everything, you aren't sure what you're talking about. Just exchanging stories, you think.
"So," Gaz drags the word out, you hum, warm from your drinks, they seem to appear every time you finish one(not that you're complaining), "what do you want?"
"What do I want?" You fumble the question, leaning against the bar and rocking on your heels, "mozzarella sticks." You nod, yeah, you're starving. You wonder if your friends would want to find a McDonald's after this. Gaz chuckles.
"No, I mean really want?" His eyes narrow, smile dropping, it's the first time you've seen his amicable expression change, "I can't pin you down, you're too…"
"Too…?" You raise your brows, this is a weird direction for the conversation to take. You'd thought maybe it would go more along the lines of 'do you want to go home with me?'
"Doesn't matter."
"I guess I don't really want anything," you tell him with a frown. Gaz laughs.
"No, no that's not possible." You frown a little harder, not a fan of the way he says that. Like you're being childish by even implying you might be happy as you are. Your therapist is going to hear about this. You tug your wallet from your pocket and pull a few bills free, probably way overpaying when you toss them on the bar.
"It's been nice talking to you Gaz," you tell him, turning to leave. He says your name and shudder runs through you, like someone walked over your grave.
"Stay," he orders you like a dog, and you can't disobey. He turns your face with gentle fingers, so he can look in your eyes again. "Now," he raises his other hand and touches his finger to your forehead, "tell me what you really want."
Your brows furrow, your mouth opening to say something, you don't really know what. For so long all you've wanted was to be happy, and by God you put the work into it. You pulled yourself out of the pit, you dragged your ass to therapy, you did the stupid exercises, you are finally happy. What more could you want?
Gaz stares at you, watches your brows, your softly parted lips, your eyes searching his like he could find the answer for you. You say nothing. He taps you again, digs a little deeper. Your eyes go glassy, you say nothing. He goes to tap you again and something clicks into place, some internal defense forces words from your mouth to keep him out of the depths.
"I guess," you drawl, "it might be fun to fall in love." He blinks, waits for a hook to catch. Nothing. Jesus Christ what the actual fuck is wrong with you? Or right with you, he supposes.
"Give me your number," he tells you, handing you his phone.
"Kay," you sound so sweet, soft for him while you type your number into his phone. You hand it back, your contact name has a little heart next to it. Cute.
"Go on doll, back to your friends," he nods towards the dance floor. You nod and start to walk away from him. He can feel his influence loosening the further you get, the more people surround you, but that's just fine. You'll be hearing from him soon. Everyone wants something, he'll figure it out sooner or later.
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vannybarber · 3 years
Make Up Your Mind
Summary: You're ready, but Chris is making it seem like he isn't.
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Words: 1.4k
Warnings: angst, SMUT, swearing, implied smut, insults.
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Your body finally acknowledged the soreness between your legs when you get up to move to Chris' bathroom. You reach for a wash cloth on the rack and clean yourself up. Chris follows behind you with a shit eating grin on his face, clearly reminiscing the previous events.
Chris and you have been friends for about 2 years after working with him in Knives Out. You guys' childish personalities clicked right away and were literally each other's best friends. Only about 7 months back, you boldly told him that you wanted to fuck him. He was nothing less than down and you guys have been friends with benefits ever since.
Well up until recently. You both started acting like real couple. Going out to nice restaurants, touching in public, spending nights at each other houses and visiting each other's families. You both were enjoying the feeling of being together all the time, even without an official label.
Being around him so much grew out even more feelings. Not friendly feelings. But more intimate and longing feelings. To be with him. As his girl. More than just a friend to talk to. More than a nice body to play with.
There had been too many internet speculations asking why you guys don't just date already. Hell, you were asking the same damn question. But unfortunately, you know why. And you hate it.
"That little freaky number you did in there was something else, Y/N. 'Thou art truest freak' in the words of Shakespeare." He laughs, watching for your reaction. You just look at him smiling and shaking your head. The things that come out this man's mouth. You know damn well Shakespeare never said that shit.
"I told you from the start, boo. I know how to put it down." He eagerly agrees, hanging his wash cloth up and checking his fingers.
You observe him through the mirror. His bushy auburn eyebrows furrowed together while he picks at his nails. His sharp narrow nose that you feel against your right cheek everytime you guys make out. His beautiful red lips you've felt in many places on your body, preferably in places your eyes can't see. And his eyes. The ones that hold so much purity and happiness. Those perfect eyes.
This man is everything you want, but he just wasn't ready. That's the catch. That's the thing you absolutely hated. He had major commitment issues and people around you had more of a chance in anything than him ever settling down. It literally caused you physical pain. Because you couldn't change his feelings, no matter how many conversations you guys had or how good you fucked him.
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Walking back into the room, you grab your bodycon dress you came over in and put it back on your body. You gather all your other articles of clothes throwing them into your handbag and take it out into his living room. He follows behind you in his grey sweatpants and dark green t-shirt. He always looks so perfect.
You flop on the couch and turn on the T.V.
"You wanna watch The Little Mermaid again, boo?" You turn around looking at him, seeing him raid the cabinets for snacks.
"Do you even have to ask me that?" He yells back when he finds his chips. You chuckle and start the movie.
"THEN GET YOUR SLOW ASS OVER HERE!" you yell back at him. His level of immaturity isn't even visible because of how high it is. It's unmatched.
After a few moments, he finds his way on the couch next to you with your double stuffed Oreos and apple juice, passing it to you. He had his veggie sticks cause he's so damn picky.
You both get comfortable and turn your attention to the movie.
After some time, it's the scene were Sebastian is encouraging Eric to kiss Ariel. You wish the real Sebastian would come over and convince Chris to be with you. Maybe he'd listen. Just the thought irritates you.
You huff lowly in annoyance. Chris notices but doesn't say anything. You always got frustrated at this part cause he took FOREVER to finally kiss her. So he brushes it off. Nothing he hadn't seen before.
While the movie was playing, you were getting even more frustrated in that moment. Chris had his arm behind your back and hand resting on your hip, laughing at Flounder. It was like he was playing a game with you that he didn't know he was even apart of. You shifted away from him a little. You hated feeling this way.
Little to your knowledge, Chris was watching you in the corner of his eye. He watched you as your mind raced and move constantly. Your eyes move around a lot when you think hard. He knew something was up.
"Jellybean, what's up?" You turn and look at him, pushing away the feeling the nickname presented you inside. He gave it to you after you bought him a Starburst jellybean gift basket to celebrate the end of you guys' filming.
"What do you mean? I'm fine" you lie right in his face. Like a complete idiot because he can see right through you. You turn back to watch the movie, but he grabs the remote and pauses it.
You roll your eyes, knowing very well he isn't letting this go. Why do you find yourself in these situations? You always end up fishing for trouble and you're not even using bait. It just comes to you. You scratch your head trying to come up with a way to dissolve the situation.
"When are you going to stop trying to lie to me, princess?" Another name he gave you. You prefer it over 'jellybean'. It made your body flutter even more. But at this point, you were tired of faking. Tired of covering up your feelings. Tired of being less than what you wanted to be to him.
Wasting no time, you take a deep breathe and spill.
"You know what Chris? I like you. There. I said it." You slap your hands down on your lap as you spoke.
"And I don't mean as a friend or as a fuck buddy. I've felt this way for a very long time. Even before we started having sex. I thought us doing this would make us closer, possibly forming a relationship."
You glance at him and continue when he doesn't say anything. He just looks at you.
"But it hasn't gone anywhere. I'm tired of faking my feelings towards you. I'm tired of coming over here acting like I just want sex when I want more. Way more."
By the time you finish, your head is down and your fingers are playing with the end of your dress. You cannot bring yourself to look up at him. You couldn't bear the rejection. All you hear are his quiet breaths. You fucked up.
Chris is a real talker. He could talk his ass off for hours into the next day. The fact that he isn't saying anything right now has you absolutely terrified, but ultimately embarrassed. You did this all for nothing.
"Y/N, I- I don't...uh" he stumbles over his words. That's all you needed to hear. You didn't need to bathe in it any longer.
You jump up off the couch, not forgetting to grab the cookies and juice, stick them in your bag and head over to your shoes. Chris is right on your tail calling you, trying to get you to stop.
"Hey princess wait" he calls behind you.
"Chris it's fine. I'm just gonna head home. I'm a little tired." Your soreness was the last of your worries, barely even feeling it anymore. You made an absolute fool of yourself and now you couldn't go back. It was a done deal.
"Come on, baby. I didn't mean to-"
"Chris!" You raise your voice at him. He shuts his mouth right away. Your shoes are on and keys in hand. "Its okay. I just don't feel good. I'll call you later. Tomorrow maybe."
You block out anything else he was saying and step out the door heading to your car. He didn't even try to stop you. He fucked up and it didn't need to get messier than it already was. He watched in guilt as you pull out his driveway and down the street.
You drive in complete silence. Normally, you'd be blasting Partition on the way after getting dicked down, but that was not the case. And it wouldn't be for a while.
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Part 2 coming really soon 🤩!
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goldenlaquer · 3 years
YOUR REQUEST IS OPEN?? I MADE AN ACCOUNT JUST TO MAKE THIS REQUEST HELL YEA(✯ᴗ✯) Lemme just start you're an amazing writer i am in absolute love with your works I LOVE IT SO MUCH PLEASE ALSO URE SO PRECIOUS AND FUNNY how dare you be both and not mine🙄 and the request is badum; ABUTO hehe i dont really have particular request but i do wanna see what makes abuto jealous and how he reacts to it.. even if you dont make this request i hope u read this BECAUSE I AM IN ABSOLUTE IN LOVE WITHYOU CRIES
Day One on Tumblr, and there's already a warrant out for your heinous crimes. First offense, making a Tumblr account. Second offense, first-degree murder with your sweetness and kindness and general, all-around sexiness. Third offense, lying about my status of "not" being yours because wHAT THE HELL ARE YA TALKING ABOUT?????? I AM YOURS, FOREVER AND MORE, 'TIL DEATH DO US PART AND SOIL TAKE US, REFUND EXPIRED
Abuto (uh... mildly implied NSFW at the end but very much an SFW piece hehe) Headcanons:
Now, if you ask him, he ain't much for jealousy. He's always been an easygoing guy, never really one to raise a ruckus where it doesn't need it, and mellowed out enough to sit back and logically take in the whole situation before the impulse to rush in can take over. And in all the spans of the very short-lived relationships before you, Abuto doesn't recall a single moment where he's felt the nasty twinge of green for any one of his exes. Not a single moment where he's felt the need to stake his claim, or get into a needless pissing contest with another male.
(In hindsight, maybe that's why his relationships never lasted long?)
But what's all this now? Because Abuto thought he was above it, especially at his grown ass age— but even an old dog can learn new tricks, he supposes.
While Abuto busies himself at the bar, getting drinks for the both of you, one of his men see it first. They nudge him, rumbling out with snorts of amusement, Hey Abuto, you see that yet? Curious, Abuto looks up and over to check out what the fuss is, across the dimly-lit tavern, towards the tables and booths where… well, look at that.
It's not really the young, cocky pup puffing out his chest and pulling the cheap jokes, hoping for the lucky chance to bring home a gal for the night. Abuto can handle young and cocky, he handles it all the damn time. But what really does him in is your reaction to the flirtation.
He's not naïve to the idea of you being hit on— it'd take only a dead fool to not see your beauty— and this isn't even the first time he's witnessed the scene for himself, but every time it's happened, you've always been more than capable of handling the situation yourself, making it known that you were severely uninterested in anyone other than him.
But for some reason that Abuto can't fathom, you're not doing it tonight.
Eyes trained on the face of the eager pup in front of you, body angled closer than he'd like, you're engaged and listening to the conversation. Most noticeably, there's a smile on your face. Small and gentle and very lovely— a smile that you usually give only him.
At this point, Abuto realizes that he's frowning rather deeply, and that his drink in his hand has been crumbled into grainy liquid. Hell. That's some ugly jealousy in his chest alright. And ugly jealousy is telling him to go charging in like a hot-headed bull.
Abuto never gets like this, so one-sidedly bothered and aggressive over this little interaction of yours he shouldn’t care about. He trusts you, always will. But that’s his smile you’re smiling, and if it’s childish to think so, then he really doesn’t give a damn. His muscles are bunched and ready and there’s not a thought in his head except for the costs of the damages he's gonna pay when this is all over.
— Until he catches the split-second your eyes break away from the conversation, briefly meeting his across the tavern before flickering back to the pup. And in that split-second, Abuto realizes the entire sham behind this. With the playful hooting coming from his men, they must have realized this way ahead of him-- which tells him just how good you got him, if he was the last one to catch on.
He relaxes himself enough to calmly (calmly, he reminds himself) walk over, get the poor schmuck's attention with an "alright kid, scram"; the look on his face must have reflected his thoughts enough because it makes the pup pale and scramble away without protest. As Abuto takes the vacated spot and hands you your drink, he mutters, grimacing a tight smile that he doesn't feel. "Don't lie. You did this on purpose, didn't you?"
You beam with an innocence he doesn't buy. "Maybe." You fish the cherry out of your drink, making sure that he's watching you as you slowly loll it between your lips before sucking it in your mouth with a slight 'pop'. You let his gaze zone in at the red stains the cherry left behind before catching his attention again with your next words:
"So what?" You see the exact moment where Abuto pauses, the moment where the smile suddenly drops into complete nothingness. You should probably stop now. Probably apologize or something. This is a dangerous game to play with Abuto, but you play it knowing you're going to win no matter what.
"What are you gonna do about it...” His eyes, dark and sharp, glint down at you, waiting with deadly quiet. “… daddy?"
The planes of his face are so emotionless and shadowed in this dark corner of the tavern that it makes you swallow and begin to nervously wonder that maybe, maybe you fucked up?
But then he smiles again, grins even, the corners of his dead eyes crinkling, the white of his teeth flashing, and chuckles so low and deep that you feel the vibrations of it when he palms your thigh, pulling you closer to his side. The others have reached your table, dumping themselves into the seats across from you, cracking bawdy jokes and roaring boisterous laughter. Abuto turns his head to face them, but his hand stays right where it's at, the heat of it searing through your clothes. You try to bounce your leg a bit but his grip digs a fraction into the sensitive flesh of your inner thigh, a warning. You stifle your yelp with a cough.
As his thumb slowly begins to caress you, he murmurs under his breath a promise that only you can hear.
"We'll see."
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thenamesseven · 3 years
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Pairing: Lee Donghyuk x Reader
Genre: Comedy, romance.
Warnings: None, just some swearing.
Word count: 6.2k
Plot: You didn’t know how your best friend had managed to convince you to go to this blind date, you hated the idea and you knew it was not going to be succesful since the very beginning, specially since she refused to tell you who the guy was. If only you had known it was Lee Donghyuk, the only person in this world that seemed to hate you, you wouldn’t even have bothered to get dressed up in the first place.
Check out the NCT masterlist here for more oneshots and stories!
A/N: This is a part of an event I wanted to participate in! You can check the event’s masterlist here to see more upcoming oneshots!
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Sitting on the passenger seat of your best friend's car you stared ahead at the american styled cinema, where the blind date she had organized for you would take place in. You kept internally swearing at yourself, trying to remember why you had agreed to something like this in the first place. Yuna had been insisting about this for an entire week and you had grown tired of her whining at some point so you had accepted that the only way to make it end had been accepting the blind date and here you were, having a mental breakdown while desperately trying to calm yourself down. You couldn’t lie though, the idea of opening the car door and running away before she could catch up to you had crossed your mind more times that you would like to admit but you knew Yuna would ran you over with her car to stop you if she had to, she had no mercy when it came to things like this. 
Dates had never been your forte and you didn’t need to be a genius to guess blind dates weren’t going to be suited for you either. It was not that you were socially awkward, in fact, you had always been the kind of person that attracted everybody’s attention unintentionally, your big, bright smiles always lighting up the room you were in. The cheerful yet easy-going aura that surrounded you 24/7 lifted up even the worse moods and your positive mindset gave you this chill flow that turned contagious, people basically loved to be around you.
Although the little confidence you seemed to have around your friends was quick to vanish when you found yourself alone with someone that was of the opposite sex. Compliments made you stutter, innocent caresses made your eyes zero on the ground underneath your feet and flirting turned your face red. Everyone thought it was cute, guys kept muttering how their heart melted when you turned so shy around them but you honestly didn’t like it, in fact, it only made you feel even less confident when any of those things happened. Nobody noticed it made you feel uncomfortable, that the constant fidgeting that you unconsciously did when all of those things happened wasn’t because you were too shy but because you wanted to get out of there. You tended to avoid all those kinds of interactions at all cost and that implied avoiding dates. Being single is alright anyways, you didn’t feel an urgent need to change that.
So again, why the hell were you here then?
“Ah-ah” The sudden voice of Yuna, the one to blame about your current situation, made you jump on your seat, not having expected her to speak up out of nowhere. Your hand moved away from the door handle as if it had burned you and your eyes closed defeated while you slumped back against the leathered seat “Don’t even think about running away” Her warning made you whine, face scrunching up in dislike which earned you a strong slap on your arm.
“Ow!” You screamed shocked, opening your eyes to look at her in disbelief “What was that for? I wasn’t going to run away!” 
Struggling to keep her serious face on, Yuna glared at you “You’re going to ruin your make up if you keep frowning so much!” She scolded, rolling her eyes when you lied at her “Please (Y/N), we both know you suck at lying so let’s just ignore you were trying to open that door and started running as if you were possessed” 
“Please Yuna?” You asked quietly, almost ready to kneel down on your seat and start seriously begging “I’ll do all the house chores for a week, I’ll even do your laundry” When Yuna shook her head, you sighed in frustration, knowing she was determined to make this blind date happen no matter what. “What’s so special about this date that you’re not letting me back down from this?” 
“I’m doing it for you, I’m sure you’ll have fun in this one” Yuna said gently, her smile turning sweet as she faced you, reaching out to rest one of her hands on your shoulder so she could give it a soft squeeze “Trust me, I’ve never lied to you, have I?”
“Well” You said quietly, giving up as you relaxed, a smirk appearing on your lips “Actually…”
“Get out of my car!” She screamed, not letting you finish the sentence that would refutate her last question “Take your ass into that cinema and have fun tonight, you’ll tell me all the details later!” 
Opening your mouth, you were about to let out another little rant full of complaints and whines but Yuna, who had obviously seen this coming, sped up and left you completely alone in the parking lot. A cold breeze blew right on time, making your body shiver as you slid your sweaty hands in your pockets, your brain still trying to weigh the decisions you had in hand.
Enter the cinema and attempt to enjoy your blind date or be painfully murdered by Yuna.
You were too young to die, your daily life was awkward enough so why not add a bit more of it for a few hours?
“I’m seriously going to kill her when I get home” You muttered out loud, fixing your jacket as you forced yourself to start walking in the direction of the cinema. One step at a time, moving against your will.
Right when you approached the door and reached out to pull it open, someone else pushed it from the inside, almost hitting your face with it. Ready to scold whoever had been so careless, you put your baddie face on and rested your hands on your waist copying the position Yuna used to scold you whenever you did something wrong. Although it was a couple who walked out, hands intertwined and eyes too focused on the other to even realize you were standing there. You opened your mouth to say something but your heart clenched just in time to stop your own voice, feeling bad for almost interrupting the little moment they were having. You could only look at the both of them as they walked away, a quiet sigh exiting your lips when you felt a spark of jealousy in your chest, being single might not be as fun as you wanted it to be, if only dating was simple as that couple made it be....
"Get out, I'm late!" 
Interrupting your train of thoughts, a presence behind you and apparently willing to head inside the cinema at light's speed pushed past you without even looking back to see if he had made you fall down.
"Hey!" You shouted, stumbling back but luckily resting your hand against a nearby wall to steady yourself, frowning at the masculine figure that ran inside the cinema. He was now the new target of your inner frustration, which had gotten so much stronger that you didn’t even realized that voice didn’t belong to a stranger but to someone you fairly knew. You caught a glimpse of his long black coat and his fluffy hair but it still didn’t ring any bells to you "Ugh, why so-"
Dusting off your clothes, your eyes landed on the watch you had chosen to wear tonight and when you saw the time, your heart literally stopped beating. You had arrived fifteen minutes earlier, how were you late all of a sudden? 
"Excuse me!" You exclaimed as you ran past the cute couple, barely managing to dodge them as you rushed inside as well. Their complaints were cut off by you closing the cinema's door behind you but you weren't fast enough to stop your own feet before walking into the guy that had made his way in before you, the one that ran into you like a freaking rugby player. 
"Ow!" He jumped away when your face slammed the back of his coat, sending waves of pain through your nose. Your hands flew to your face and you bit down hard onto your lower lip to not start swearing like a truck driver. "Dude, watch where you're going!"
"Where am I going?" You said in pain, still covering your face as you tried to get rid of the couple of tears that had appeared in your eyes "What were you doing standing there like a creep?" You heard him groan and the sound only seemed even more familiar but you still couldn't guess who he was. 
"Wait" Surprised by the sound of your voice, Donghyuk turned around so fast that he almost hurt himself. His eyes opened wide and his mouth opened and closed as if he was a fish out of the water. "(Y/N)? Is that you?" At the sound of your name you couldn’t help but peek up curiously, willing to see who was the one to blame for almost breaking your nose. 
The first thing you saw were the white and spotless adidas he was wearing, they seemed new unlike the ones you had at home which were totally worn out from how much you’ve been wearing them. Then your eyes moved up without missing the way his black tight jeans hugged his legs, leaving little to nothing to your imagination as the white oversize shirt he was wearing left you wondering what could be hiding underneath it.
“Are you checking me out?” Donghyuk asked scoffing, still looking at you “Gross”
“D-Donghyuk?” His name came out of your lips in a quiet whisper, stuttering it. You sniffed quietly, rubbing your nose one last time before putting your hands back down into your pockets “What are you doing here?” Your question brought frowns up to both of your faces, this was why you tended to avoid dates, what kind of question was that in the first place?
“I could ask the same thing to you” He replied smugly, shrugging as he turned his full attention on to you. 
Getting slightly self-conscious, you gathered all the courage that was still remaining in you and crossed your arms over your chest, slightly raising your chin a little so you would look a bit more intimidating instead of looking like a lost puppy. 
“I’m here because I’m going on a blind date” You said, your lips unconsciously scrunching up in a cute pout “Why?”
Donghyuk and you weren’t best friends, you didn’t even know if the two of you were even close to be friends to begin with. He was in most of your classes which had forced the two of you to interact a couple of times but he always seemed to be kind of unwilling when it came to maintaining a conversation with you. You didn’t know why but you always assumed he just didn’t like you, your parents had always told you not everybody was going to want to be your friend and he, apparently, was one.
“A blind date?” Donghyuk started laughing at your words, looking at you as if he had just heard the funniest thing in the universe, hands resting upon his stomach as he slightly bent down a little bit. After almost five seconds where you were seriously considering he might have lost his mind, Donghyuk’s smile disappeared and was replaced by a straight line. “You’re kidding me, right?” Blinking, you could only stare at his face feeling extremely confused, was he mad now? How did he go from laughing his lungs out to look as if he wanted to punch you?
“Are you bipolar?” You blurted out, not even thinking before making the question.
“Are you dumb?” He reached out to knock on your head gently, making you flinch underneath his knuckles every time they met the side of your skull “Sounds empty to me so yeah, you might be”
“Ow!” You pushed him away, not willing to be knocked on the head again, throwing daggers with your eyes at him “What’s wrong with you? Did you lose your mind or something!?” 
“Please tell me Yuna did not set you up for that date” He whined, stomping one of his feet down onto the floor as he ran his fingers through his hair, kind of messing it up a little bit. Stress was evident on his face now and you were too busy wondering how could he go through so many emotions in such little time to remember you still had to answer him “(Y/N)? Are you even listening to me!?” He snapped his fingers in front of your eyes, bringing you out of your short trance to meet his once again.
“She did….Why?” You replied, slightly tilting your head, looking at him expectantly to see which emotion will you be able to see on his face this time.
It was frustration. 
“Why? Why!?” He exclaimed, resting his hands on his hips, eyes as open as ever as he stared down at you “Mark! I’m so going to kill him” He fumed, not answering your question, confusing you even more with his random answer.
“Mark? What does your best friend have to do with this?” You asked, reaching up to scratch the back of your head, feeling extremely lost in this conversation. 
Donghyuk whined once again “You’re really are dumb, aren’t you?” He said looking like he was about to cry from how angry he was “Mark and Yuna are dating, they obviously set us up on purpose!” The lady at the front desk flinched a little bit when he raised his voice even more, you smiled apologetically at her and bowed your head lightly, apologizing for his behaviour.
Now it made sense why Yuna had refused to even tell you the name of the guy you had to meet. 
“Don’t you trust my taste?” She had asked with a cute pout, one she knew you wouldn’t be able to resist “He’s a good guy! You’ll have so much fun with him” Yuna giggled mischievously, reaching out to grab both of your hands so you could keep your attention on her “And he’s quite handsome too, you’ll thank me for this”
“How would I find him in that place though? I don’t even know how he looks like” You had complained, looking at her, knowing she already had an answer for that.
“You’ll know when you get there, don’t worry about that!”
Yuna’s giggles and words hadn’t been suspicious back then but now that you replayed the conversation in your head, you saw the obvious signs of her pulling you into one of her naughty plans. She was surely going to hear a good scolding from you as soon as you set one foot into your apartment, oh, she was going to regret this so hard.
“Quite handsome my ass” You mumbled pouting, voice so low that Donghyuk didn’t even hear you over his own frustration. Glancing at him, you couldn’t help but laugh quietly at his angry typing, if he kept touching his phone screen that hard the phone would end up breaking for sure.
“He’s not picking up or answering to my texts” He told you, sighing defeated, pinching the bridge of his nose “He’s so dead when I get home”
“Yuna’s not going to pick up either, don’t bother to try” You informed him, standing there as more people walked inside, willing to have the fun you had wanted to have until you found out who was supposed to be your companion for the night.
“And what are we supposed to do now?” He asked reaching down into his pocket and fishing out what seemed to be two tickets for a movie “I already bought the tickets” 
His words brought a frown to your face “What if I didn’t like the movie you chose?” You asked pouting at him. You had been dying to check out the new comedy romance that came out not too long ago in which your favorite actor, Cha Eunwoo, starred as the main male character. Donghyuk didn’t even think about choosing that one for sure.
“Yes, thank you Donghyuk for buying the tickets, I could have paid for mine” He said in a high pitched voice, trying to imitate yours “I didn’t know you were the one I was being set up with, I would have made you pay for everything if I had-” Not letting him finish his sentence, you used your purse to hit Donghyuk’s side as hard as you could. “Ow! What was that for?” Donghyuk complained, watching you stealing one of the tickets from his hand as you walked inside the cinema without saying something else, not even waiting for him “(Y/N)! Hey! Hey!”
The people around you probably thought you were having a lovers quarrel….
If the only knew.
Plopping down onto your designated seat, you leaned back against it letting out a soft sigh, keeping your eyes glued to the huge white screen situated in front of you while Donghyuk occupied the seat besides yours.
“If someone we know sees us together, you’re dead” He grumbled, tapping his foot against the floor at a speed that surely wasn’t human “I can’t believe we’re doing this” Donghyuk whispered, shaking his head, looking disappointed in himself.
“You already bought the tickets” You answered shrugging “You would have wasted your money if we had decided to not watch it”
“At least you got popcorn” He muttered without even glancing your way, automatically reaching out to put his hand into the popcorn you just bought.
But before he succeeded in stealing some, you managed to move it away earning another glare for him, if looks could kill, you would have been buried already “I bought this” Despite your words and your strong feelings against him eating the popcorn you bought, you quickly regretted saying it when you remembered he had bought the tickets before you could even think about paying for yours. Besides, he looked as if he could kill you right now and you weren’t going to take the risk of eating something he wanted while sitting in a dark room for two hours more or less.
“Thank you” He said quietly, turning his glare into a fake sweet smile, shoving a bunch of your sweet and delicious popcorn into his mouth and absolutely ignoring the glare and pout on your face as you looked at him.
“What movie are we watching?” You asked him, keeping your eyes on the screen as you also started eating, at this point, there would be no popcorn left when the movie started.
“I told Jaemin to get me the tickets for that Eunwoo’s movie, I know all girls are crazy about him and knew my date would have enjoyed watching it” He explained shrugging, surprising you, he had definitely put more effort than you had expected him to for this date.
After that, Donghyuk and you stayed quiet. The snacks the two of you bought were enough of a distraction to not feel awkward with the silence that had settled down between the two of you while you waited for the lights to turn down. There was no conversation when the popcorns were almost over either so you busied yourself with the trailers that were being played, getting hyped at some movies, thinking you would definitely have to come with Yuna to see them if you didn’t murder her tonight. 
A few minutes later the movie started playing and you had to admit you were kind of excited about it. Even if it hurt your ego to admit it, Donghyuk had been kind of sweet, choosing a movie that would surely bore him out instead of picking a horror or an action one that would have put you to sleep in seconds. He had known a romance movie was a safe choice for a date and you silently gave him credit for that, whoever ended up going on a date with him after tonight’s disaster was surely kind of lucky. 
Although things started getting kind of weird and alarms started ringing in your head when you were almost thirty minutes into the movie and Cha Eunwoo, who was supposed to be one of the main characters, hadn’t appeared yet. The starting had thrown you off a little, there was no high school and no girls falling in love with Eunwoo and you definitely accepted the two of you were sitting in the wrong movie when the guy that showed up seemed to be running away from something supernatural that ended up killing him.
Damn, you would have been in tears if that had been Eunwoo. 
“Uh…” You didn’t know if you should point it out but one glance at Donghyuk told you he seemed to be as uneasy as you were about this entire thing “I think we walked into the wrong room” You whispered, avoiding to lean closer to him. However, when he didn’t even glance your way, you assumed he was either deaf, ignoring you or too into the movie to realize you were talking to him. Moving as quietly as you could, in order to not disturb anyone around you, you leaned in closer to Donghyuk’s ear, making sure he would hear you this time “Donghyuk” You called him out again.
He didn’t shout but his body moved faster than you could react and in a second, all the popcorn that had been left in the container placed between the two of you rained down on your heads. Donghyuk had flinched too hard and his arms had automatically reached up in the air, making the container fly and spilling its content on the two of you just right when one of the ghosts that were apparently haunting his home scared the main character.
“What the fuck (Y/N)?” He asked, serious as ever as he turned his head to look into your eyes. You could feel tears gathering in your eyes as you bit your lip as hard as you could, avoiding to start laughing your lungs out at what you had just seen. You should have recorded it, Donghyuk scared was the funniest thing you’ve ever seen in your life “Are you trying to murder me or something because I ate your popcorn?” 
“Maybe” You only said, afraid that if you spoke for longer you would inevitably started laughing and get your ass kicked out of the room.
“Well you almost accomplished your mission” He said letting out a soft sigh, placing his hand on his chest as his heart kept pounding incredibly hard “Jesus, hanging out with you is not being good for my health at all” He whispered, shaking his head, looking down at his knees. 
“Didn’t you get the tickets for that romance movie though?” You finally decided to ask, still close to him to keep your voice as quiet as you could, Donghyuk’s eyes were already back on the screen, his hand eating the popcorn that had fallen on him “I don’t see any romance going on here” 
When he turned around to face you, his face was in a mix of still offended by his previous yet faint heart attack and a silent ‘are you dumb?’ question “Well the guys wanted to organized this entire thing, I trusted them and right after I saw who Mark had paired me up with I knew Jaemin hadn’t bought the tickets for the movie I wanted either”
“So you’re telling me I have to seat here and-”
“SHHH” Someone from the seats above yours interrupted your sentence, probably fed up with your chatting. 
Donghyuk looked over his shoulder and just when you thought he was about to defend you he opened his mouth and surprised you -not for the best- once again “I know right, she’s annoying” You couldn’t hold yourself back though and slapped his arm, ignoring the way he frowned and glared at you while you accommodated yourself back on your seat. 
“Idiot” You whispered, rolling your eyes, letting him devour the popcorn YOU bought for YOURSELF, deciding to just focus on the movie and on planning how you were going to get rid of Yuna’s corpse once you killed her.
When your eyes returned to the screen, the main character was currently going downstairs, lights turned off and a flashlight in his hand. You rolled your eyes at the cliche situation and again mentally thought why always people in horror movies thought it was a good idea to check a weird noise without carrying something that could help you defend yourself. In fact, if it was you in that movie, you would have locked yourself in your bedroom and yeeted yourself out of the window. 
No murderer or ghost was going to end your life. Not if you were managing to get through this horrible date.
“Can we grab some food?” You asked as soon as the two of you were out of the movie  room, ignoring the way the rest of the couples glanced your way and chuckled, obviously amused by how the two of you had behaved during the entire movie. Donghyuk would never admit it but he had been as scared as you, miraculously none of you had shitted your pants.
“No” Donghyuk quickly rejected, not even daring to look at you “Let me just take you home and end this horrible date, please?” 
“But I’m hungry” You pouted behind him, using your whiny voice to get on his nerves even more
Donghyuk stopped walking suddenly, making you walk straight into his back once again. This time though you managed to get a quick whiff of the cologne he had chosen to wear tonight, to say he smelled nice would be a total misunderstandment. If it wasn’t for his shitty attitude towards you, you would have to admit that he could have totally stolen your heart away with his looks and that killer smile he always carried around when he was joking with his friends. Unfortunately, his dislike towards you was enough to let you know the two of you would never end up having a relationship like that, you would have to settle with him standing you throughout the rest of the night.
He was quick to turn around though, placing his hands on your shoulders to stabilize you in case you lost your balance “You’re not going to stop whining until we get something to eat, right?” He asked, eyes looking straight into yours.
“Exactly” You replied with an innocent smile on your face before you crossed your arms over your chest, trying to look as intimidating as he did.
Although, in Donghyuk’s eyes, you only looked even cuter.
Sighing, he ran his fingers through his hair before he turned around again to start heading to the parking lot “Alright, we’ll get some food before going home then” 
“You’re the b-”
“But you’re paying” He quickly interrupted, walking away even faster before you could start complaining about this newfound information.
”If you drop ketchup on my leather seats, you’re walking all the way back home” 
Donghyuk warned as he stopped the car in a deserted place, leaning back against his seat comfortably once he had turned off the ignition. You hummed quietly, letting him know you heard his threat while you also started taking his order out of the paper bag carefully, trying not to drop any food in his precious car. You were kind of far from home and knew he wouldn’t hesitate to make you walk all the way back.
“I won’t, I won’t” You replied with a small smile, breaking the paper bag to put it down on your lap in case some of the sauce of your hamburger dripped down and stained something while you ate it.
Just like it had happened in the cinema, a new silence settled down between the two of you now that you were too focused on eating your food, it wasn’t uncomfortable though, you just preferred eating in silence rather than arguing constantly. While you ate dinner, you noticed a few other cars had parked around his, keeping enough distance to not be able to see who the people inside the vehicle were but still making you frown with curiosity. It wasn’t until you took another look around the place that you finally recognized where Donghyuk had parked.
“Isn’t this the place where people come to make out?” 
Donghyuk choked on the fries he was eating. 
You hadn’t really done it intentionally, you didn’t even know he was eating when the question had suddenly flew out of your mouth. He kept coughing as you reached out to pat his back with one of your hands, holding your drink with the other to not drop it in the car and make the situation even worse than it already was.
“What kind of question is that (Y/N)? What the fuck?” He asked, voice hoarse as he cleared his throat, still feeling the food stuck in a place it shouldn’t be.
“Are you planning to make out with me?” You asked jokingly, wiggling your eyebrows at him. Maybe it was the lack of light but you thought you had seen a hint of a smile in Donghyuk’s face when you said that, however he was quick to turn his face away and look out of the window, avoiding any kind of eye contact.
“You’re nuts” He muttered, successfully hiding the amusement in his voice, doing it so well that it actually made a frown appear on your face.
You had been thinking about this for the entire night and even though you had tried to play his comments off as jokes, his dislike and rejection towards you was starting to be a little bothering. You hadn’t felt that bad during the date, you haven’t even felt as awkward as you usually did so the time you spent with him hadn’t been that bad. Did he dislike you so much that he couldn’t even bear the thought of making those kinds of jokes with you?
“What? Am I that ugly?” You were supposed to sound amused, your words had been a simple joke in response to what he had said but Donghyuk couldn’t ignore the soft sourness in them, the way you scoffed just told him he had said enough for tonight. “I guess I crossed a line there” You muttered with a sigh
“What are you talking about now?” He asked, turning around again to face you, this time with a frown on his face, a sincere one.
“I mean, I know you didn’t expect to go on a date with me and that our friends were only trying to prank us but you could at least try to hide your discontent a little bit” You confessed, eyes glued to the front glass even though you could feel him staring at you from the driver’s seat “Like I tried my best to be nice and all you did was shove me away, this didn’t need to be a date, we could have just tried to hang out as friends” 
Donghyuk knew he had fucked up big time as he listened to your rambling and his attitude had ended up hurting your feelings when he never had any intentions of doing that. He actually couldn’t help but feel bad because of it, staying quiet for a few minutes before he finally decided to say something.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realize I was being that big of a jerk” He said quietly, looking down at his lap before he took the fries he hadn’t eaten yet “Want to eat my fries?” 
You didn’t know if he was either joking or being genuinely serious and honestly, you also didn’t know which was worse “I just want to know why you hate me so much” You scoffed tired of beating around the bush, ready to face the explanation you were finally craving for.
“You’re kidding me, right?” He huffed, suddenly looking offended “Like this has to be the ultimate prank of the night” Donghyuk actually turned around on his seat so he could face you with most of his body, eyes dead serious as if he was planning to stare straight into your soul “Why would you think I hate you (Y/N)?”
You blinked confused “Uhm...Do you want me to narrate with detail all the reasons you gave me tonight or….?”
“I don’t hate you” He said sighing, true that he might have been an absolute jerk but he had his reasons “I mean how did you expect me to behave right after you rejected me?” 
“Especially after how you did it” He kept rambling “I mean, maybe I expected a ‘I'm sorry you’re not my type?’ But not for you to throw the letter away without even giving it a second glance” 
“A letter?” You asked, your brain searching for any memories that would resemble something similar to what he was talking about. It only took you a few seconds before you remembered something, it had happened at the beginning of the year and you hadn't paid too much attention to it. During one of your classes, when you opened one of your books during a class, you had found a note but what was written in it had made you assume it was a joke. “Wait, are you talking about the note that said...I like your smile, I like your ass, you should date me, I’m a guy with class….Go out with me, you won’t forget, I’ll buy you food and spoil you to no end?” When Donghyuk stayed in silence as you recited the poem you had found, you guessed he must have been the author behind it. “i thought it was a joke Donghyuk”
“Well, the guys helped me write it and….” Now that he had listened to it from another’s person mouth the poem didn’t sound as good as his friends had made it sound “I-”
“I didn’t even know it was you” You said exasperated “Like Haechan? I’ve never heard somebody call you like that?” 
“My friends do?” 
“And I should know that because…..?”
Donghyuk had to admit his strategy to ask you out had completely sucked and he could now understood why you thought he had hated you, you didn’t even know you had rejected him in the first place “I’m not listening to the guys again” He muttered under a whisper “Not in my life” He added with a deep sigh
“Yeah, I think you should avoid doing that” You replied with a small smile, watching him drown in embarrassment as he leaned his head back against the seat to stare at the car’s ceiling “So all this time you just thought I rejected you?”
“Well, what was I supposed to think?” He asked hiding his face behind both of his hands, making sure you wouldn’t see the soft blush that was creeping up his neck, you couldn’t help but chuckle at that
“You guys are such huge idiots” You finally said, deciding to break the tension in between the two of you as you started laughing, really amused by the entire situation.
Donghyuk peeked at you through his fingers, feeling even more embarrassed but also kind of relief now that you didn’t seem to be as upset as you were before. He was still shy and felt like a complete idiot for everything but your happiness was just as contagious as ever and he found himself smiling behind his hands, shaking his head in embarrassment. 
“Please let me take you out on another date? I promise it will be way better, at least just to make up for this horrible hang out?” He asked mortified, groaning as he hit the back of his head against his seat again.
“You’re kidding me, right?” You asked back, repeating the same words he had used a few minutes ago.
“Was it that bad? Did you really hate it?” He removed his hands from his face to look at your face, he really did seem like he was regretting everything he had said tonight “I promise I won’t let the guys plan it again” 
“I’m kidding, I’ll go on another date with you” You said chuckling, watching him visibly relax “But next time…”
“You’re paying for the food” Donghyuk allowed himself to finally smile at your words, shaking his head as he chuckled. He nodded at your condition, going back to eating his fries.
“And we’ll make out in here” His so unexpected words made you choke on the drink you had been sipping and the fact that you tried your hardest to not spit it out your mouth only made it worse because it ended up coming out of your nose and unfortunately, staining his leather seats. 
“(Y/N) WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST TELL YOU!?” He shouted alarmed, throwing napkins your way, making some of them land on your face.
“IF YOU HADN’T SAID ANYTHING I WOULDN’T HAVE SPILLED THAT THROUGH MY NOSE” You shouted back, breaking the calm and relaxed atmosphere of the place, unknowingly interrupting multiple make out sessions.
If someone would have told the couples around you that the two of you were on your first date, they would have surely replied ‘You’re kidding me, right? Those two hate each other’ but in fact, time would tell that the joke was actually on them and nothing, not even Donghyuk’s leather seats getting food stains, would tear the two of you apart.
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wreckofawriter · 5 years
See you around One.
Pairing: Marvel x reader
Word Count: 3,866
Warnings: Swearing? Implied smut?
Request: Hello! I have searched everywhere, trying to find an imagine or fic for my boi Marvel. When I came across your blog and finding out you could write about him, my heart- I thought of a x reader insert where the reader is from another district and she catches Marvels attention, the other careers tease him about his crush and the night before the games they meet up and kiss or sumn else 👀 Thank you :)
A/n: ok so. All of this might not be accurate from the books but like idc. Umm sorry this took so long to come out, hope you guys like it.
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Marvel had never been a very romantic boy. He had never liked a girl past the thought of her being hot, he had never wished for a girl in more than a sexual way and he sure as hell never dated a girl. 
He stuck to himself in the academy and focused on training, it was easier that way. But here he was finding himself staring helplessly at you again and again, his eyes tracing over your body as you twirled a knife in your hand before thrusting it at a target, as always lodging itself into the red circle on its head. 
"Marvel!" Cato yelled clapping his hands together to gain the boys attention. 
Marvel tore his gaze away from you and glared at the other boy. 
"What?" He asked sharply, visibly annoyed with the other careers. 
"Can you please at least try and focus on something besides Four's ass?" Glimmer scoffed, "It makes us look weak." 
"Please Glimmer the only thing making us look weak is your poor attempt at a shot," Marvel mumbled, "Now hand me that bow so you know what hitting a target is." 
Glimmer rolled her eyes handing the boy the bow before walking off to talk with Clove. 
Once she left he took a few shots before letting his eyes wander back to you. He knew it was wrong, but he could help himself. 
He had first seen you in person just before the chariot parade and he had felt his breath leave his body. 
You had been dressed in a maroon strapless bikini with a fishnet dress hanging loosely over your body. Your hair had been half up half down, curled slightly at the ends. 
The boy had been in a daze the whole parade, he couldn't focus when he could run his eyes over so much of your smooth y/s/c skin. It was definitely true what they said, district four had the most attractive tributes.
Marvel was snapped from his daze when you began to head towards him. He quickly turned his gaze from you and back towards the targets attempting to ignore the color trickling up his neck. He knocked  another arrow, pulled back the string and released. It wasn't a perfect shot but it was okay.
You were now beside him and he felt his cheeks rise in temperature. 
"You almost done with that?" You asked, your voice strong and sharp. 
Marvel turned towards you. Your hair hanging in a Dutch braid a few strands falling into your face. The tight shirt and pants you were wearing brought attention to your curves, your y/e/c eyes shining dangerously. Your eyebrows were raised in anticipation, arms crossed, waiting for an answer. 
"Almost." Marvel shrugged causing you to roll your eyes impatiently. 
The tribute grabbed a final arrow all to aware of your judicious eyes watching him carefully. He once again knocked an arrow, pulling back the string and releasing smoothly.
You snorted quietly, trying to control your laughter.
Marvel turned back towards you his intense hazel eyes narrowed, "What?"
"Your doing it wrong." You laughed biting your deliciously pink lips. 
"How would you know?" He asked scornfully. 
"Well just from looking at one shot I can tell you're not floating your aim, your trying to pin-point it, which wont work well. You need to follow through mentally and focus in more in the smaller range your trying to hit" You smirked, "Also your grip is way too tight, you need to relax your hand." 
Marvel attempted to mask his embarrassment with annoyance, "Is that all?" He drawled sarcastically despite his cheeks flashing crimson. 
"Nope," You popped the 'p' in your lips. "You also should only use two fingers to pull back the string, you may feel like you have more power when you use three, but it fucks with your aim." 
You laughed again, Marvel had never heard such a sweet sound. "Can I have the bow now?" 
He nodded handing you the weapon, his face red, ego damaged. 
You knocked an arrow pulling back the string and releasing, hitting the target square in the chest. 
The embarrassed boy turned to leave but was stopped by you voice, "It also helps if you focus on your shot instead of on the girl throwing knives across the room."
Marvel blushed deeply and looked at anything but you, his gaze landed on the group of three who were now laughing and giggling behind their hands at him. His eyes were brought back to you when he felt a soft tap on his shoulder. 
"I'm kidding you know, I don't really mind the staring, its refreshing." You shrugged. 
"You don't get stared at often?" Marvel said in disbelief. 
"I do, just usually by men twice my age or slimy creeps, not…" your voice trailed off as your eyes traced his body, "attractive young men." 
"Oh." Marvel repeated his face warmer than it had ever been before, he noticed a bit of color in yours as well. 
You knocked another arrow firing at the target to the left, "Also, I've seen you with a spear, your really good." 
"Thanks." Marvel mumbled scratching the back of his neck. 
"You'll have to give me some tips some time." Another arrow, this time at the target to the far right. "I can't throw a spear for shit." 
"Y-yeah, sure." Marvel stuttered feeling his heart rate pick up at the idea of talking to you again. 
"It's been fun talking to you Marvel, it's nice to know not all of the careers as assholes." You murmured nodding your head at the group of teenagers laughing at a young girl on the climbing wall.
"You too y/n." He paused before adding, "Good to know I have someone besides assholes to talk to." 
"See you around One." You smiled before setting down the bow and heading over to a rope climbing section. Marvel watched you leave in a daze a small smile twitching on his lips.
The smile disappeared quickly when the group of three began to make their way towards him. 
"How was your little chat lover boy?" Clove sneered. 
"None of your business Clove." The boy murmured walking towards a rack of swords.
"Oh he's all bitter now that his girlfriend left." Glimmer pouted humorously. 
"She's not my girlfriend." Marvel grumbled angrily, picking up a short Dao sword with leather handle. 
"Oh but you wish she was." Clove snickered. 
"Trust me your going to be happy that she isnt when were in the arena and I drive a knife through her pretty little ne-" Catos words were cut off when a sword was suddenly thrust centimeters from his neck. Glimmer gasped Clove room an instinctive step backwards.
"I'd watch what you say if I were you." Marvel hissed his voice low and dark, "Wouldn't want to get hurt now would we?"
Cato leaned forward, almost touching his neck to the sharp blade, "You need to get a hold on your emotions One, or you'll get yourself killed over some stupid girl." He spat. 
Marvels eyes darkened with rage but before any action could be taken the boys were pulled apart, the blade pushed from Marvels hand. 
You watched from your perch in the netting strug along the ceiling. You hadn't heard Marvels words but you couldn't help but smile as you watched a blade was put to Catos neck. You hoped you would be the one to get him in the arena.
The next time you and Marvel spoke was the day after the fight as you stood in line waiting for your turn to throw knives. 
You nodded your head sending silent respect to Clove. She may have been a complete bitch but she definitely had some skill. 
"You're better than her you know." Marvel stated, suddenly appearing next to you. 
"I don't know about that, but I do know I'm better than you." You smiled, turning to face the boy. He had been the first to throw, they were on target but the rotation was off causing the handle to hit the target instead of the blade. 
"Well, you are definitely better than Clove, she can hit some but she misses quite often as well. I've never seen you miss." 
"I've never seen her miss." You shrugged taking a step forward as the boy from three reached for a knife. 
"Well I have." Marvel smirked, "How did you get so good with knives? I thought tributes from four were supposed to be good with tridents and spears?"
You snorted, "We all know that spears are your thing One." 
"Well, why are you so good with knives and a bow? We all know that not fours thing." 
You sighed, "My dad cleaned fish for a living, I have been around knives my whole life. They are definitely different types but once you get good with a blade, it's easy to pick up another. I started throwing when I was nine, my dad got me a set of throwing knives for my birthday." 
Marvel nodded, he wondered what it would have been like if he hadn't trained in an academy for most of his life, what would he be good at then? 
"And I'm good with a bow because I have always been terrible with a spear. I used to use arrows with fishing line attached to fish instead. I got really good at it." 
"Cool." Marvel nodded he opened his mouth to continue the conversation but was cut off.
"District Four!" The trainer shouted. 
"See you around One." You smirked before stepping and forward grabbing the set of knives, standing on the platform to wait for the targets to light up.
 You could feel four sets of eyes boring into you, you turned to see all four Careers staring at you. Cloves mouth twitched into a sneer her eyes narrowed. 
You glared back before turning back to the targets.
You took a deep breath in and waited. The second the target lit up red you sent a blade into its chest where it landed with a thump. The next target lit up and a knife lodged itself into its head. Another target and you released a blade with perfect aim.
 You took in a deep breath, the last targets were two at once. Clove had to take one shot then the other because she couldn't throw with her left but you were used to throwing with your left hand. 
Both targets lit at once and you released a knife from each hand, hitting both in the head. You smirked looking back at the careers, Clove shrugged raising her eyebrows, Glimmer rolled her eyes and Cato was glaring at Marvel who had a lopsided smile plastered on his face. 
"You were right." You said as you descended from the platform. "I am better than Clove." 
The next two weeks were a constant flirtatious banter between you and Marvel. You would tell small stories to each other about your family's or your interests. Just quick things while you were waiting in line or practicing side by side. You would both sprinkle suggestive remarks and various complements into your conversations making the other blush as well. 
You could still feel his eyes locked on you when you spared with a trainer or climbed the wall, but it's not like you didn't stare. You had found your self following his movements as he thrust a spear into a target or admiring his muscular form as he pinned a trainer to the ground, he sure as hell wasn't ugly. 
Marvel got into one more fight before the games. It was four days before the game, the boy from district eight had been hovering around you all day, chatting and training with you. Marvel had been on nerve since he had seen the boy graze his hand along your arm that morning. 
"Somebody's jealous." Glimmer cooed as Marvels jaw clenched watching as the boy from eight showed you how to grip an axe. 
"I am not jealous." Marvel scoffed reaching for the next spear angrily and thrusting it at the target. 
"Oh please," Glimmer snickered, "a blind man could see it, your jealous because another boy is flirting with your girlfriend." 
"She's not my-
"Yeah, yeah we know, we've been over it." Clove interrupted rolling his eyes. "Catos right you know." 
"Never heard that sentence before." Marvel jeered grabbing another spear and thrusting it at the target. 
"Well he is, you need to get your emotions in check before they check you." Clove stated looking back up at Marvel who's eyes and attention was elsewhere. 
The girls followed his gaze to you and Eight just as you bent over to pick up an axe you dropped. Eights eyes danced over you hungrily before reaching out and grabbing your ass. Marvel dropped the spear he was holding with a loud clang, the two girls glanced at each other knowing this wasn't going to end well.
You spun around anger radiating from you, your eyes dark and dangerous, fists clenched. 
The boy put his hands up in surrender "Sorry." He scoffed, "I just thought you were an easy fuck." 
Your fist connected with his jaw wand he sprawled to the ground,his hand flying to his jaw. You were about to advance on him once more but Marvel beat you to it. 
He grabbed the boy off the ground lifting him by his shirt into the air, "You touch her again and I will kill you before you even get a chance to look at the arena." Marvel snarled his eyes narrowed. 
He threw the boy to the ground and began to advance on him but was pushed back by a man in white body armor. 
"Step back! I said step back!" 
"Yeah, yeah, I got it, I'm back." Marvel spoke harshly backing away his hands raised. His gaze softened when he turned to you only to be met with anger. 
Your eyes were set in an icy stare but much to Marvel's surprise it was directed straight at him.  
"Y/n?" He asked softly, taking a step towards you. 
You scoffed turning and walking away from the tribute. 
You had effectively ignored Marvel for two days, and he had no idea why. 
It made him angry, confused and  heartbroken. You wouldn't even look at him, the feeling of your eyes lingering over him disappeared completely after the fight. 
Cato and Glimmer tried to convince him to forget about you and move on and he tried, he kept telling himself it was stupid to start to like you anyway, you would be trying to kill each other in a matter of days. He thought if he had time away from you it would be easier in the arena. 
He was terribly wrong, your complete absence made things worse, he found himself imagining your touch and taste more than ever now. He had dreams about you, they varied from kissing you to killing you. Some gave him relief when he awoke, others made him wish he had stayed asleep. He missed your small chats, your cunning smile and your sweet laughter desperately. 
You sat in the private sessions waiting room running the plan you and your mentor had made over and over again in your head. He had said if you got a nine or over he could get you some sponsors. So that's what you were going to do.
You were tapping your foot nervously when the door at the front swung open to reveal Marvel, a thin layer of sweat made his face shine his dusty blonde hair was a tousled mess he glanced at you his hazel eyes locking with your y/e/c ones for just a second before yours darted away. 
The next time you saw each other was before your interviews. You were adorned in a white and blue top that reached just before your belly button with a matching skirt that had two slits in the fabric where your legs were, making the skirts material fall around your skin. Gold painted swirls twisted around your arms and legs paired with golden dots at the corner of your eyes and a golden tiara to match. 
It took everything in Marvel not to slam you against the wall and kiss you right there, but he kept his composure and calmly made his way over to you much to the other careers amusement. 
When you saw him coming you turned to leave but were stopped by his voice. 
"Please y/n, just listen to me." He begged making you turn to face him. Marvel was in a blue and yellow tux, his hair combed back neatly his eyes desperate and longing. 
"What?" you snapped harshly.
Marvel smiled a bit, he hadn't even expected you to speak to him. "You look amazi-" 
"Don't attempt to flatter me Marvel, what do you want?" You hissed despite the color rising in your cheeks. 
He leaned in close to you, his breath on your neck making you shiver. "Meet me near the elevator on the second floor at midnight tonight." He whispered, "Please." 
Marvel then walked back to the front of the line. He heard giggles from Clove and turned to face her. When he turned Cato got down to his knees in front of Clove. "Oh please, y/n please talk to me, I'm so desperately in love with you please." He mocked.
Clove responded with, "Don't attempt to flatter me!" Before bursting into a fit of giggles Cato mimicking her actions. 
"You two are childish." Marvel scoffed rolling his eyes. 
"Well at least we're not in love with a girl they are going to have to kill." Cato pointed out causing Marvel to flush.
"I'm not in love with her dumbas-
"District 1!" A voice called and Marvel rolled his eyes before ascending the stairs to the stage.
You debated meeting Marvel for a long time. On one hand you were pissd at him, on the other you really, really wanted to see him, run your hands through his soft hair and kiss his boyish pink lips.
 Finally after two hours of pacing and debating you slipped into the elevator, heart racing. You pressed the button next to the number two and listen to the soft hum as it dropped you three levels. 
The doors opened with a soft ding and you were met with a relieved pair of hazel eyes. 
"I was beginning to think you wouldn't come." Marvel said softly, reaching for you hand and pulling you through the penthouse his district was staying in. 
He lead you to a bedroom shutting the door softly before turning to face you. 
"Why are you so mad at me?" His voice was kind yet melancholy when he spoke. 
You sighed walking over to the window where you could see the people of the capital partying below. 
"I barely touched that guy I don't understand." 
"It's not about how much you hurt the guy." You huffed in annoyance. 
"Well then what is it?" Marvel asked joining you beside the window. 
"It's the fact that you stepped in, you made me look weak." You explained looking down at your hands. 
Marvel stood silently, unsure of what to do, he was slowly realizing how him stepping in to save her could appear on her end, especially in front of the gamemakers. 
"I-im really sorry, y/n I didn't mean to." The boy stuttered, "I just got so mad when I saw him touch you. I wanted to help you." 
You glared up at him, "I was fine by myself. I was handling it." 
"I know, you were, it was stupid of me to step in I just…" he exhaled loudly not exscatly sure what happened himself. "I got so angry I couldn't stop myself."
"You should try to keep your emotions in check." You scoffed. 
"You think I haven't tried?" Marvel seethed.
"Try harder." You hissed back.
"You make it very difficult!" He defend quietly, not wanting to wake the other people in the apartment.
You sighed looking down again. 
"If it's any consolation, you got a higher score than me." Marvel mumbled. 
"That did feel good." You smiled, your happiness was cut short when you were reminded of your impending doom by a particularly loud cheer from the crowd below you. 
You reached slowly for Marvel's hand brushing your knuckles against his. He quickly grabbed your hand, wrapping it in his own. 
"I don't want to have to kill you tomorrow." You mumbled a tear leaking from your y/e/c eye. 
"I know," Marvel sighed sadly lifting your chin with one of his fingers to meet his gaze. "I don't either." 
"I'm sorry." You whispered you voice breaking. 
"For what?" Marvel asked confusion momentary taking over his features. 
"For this." You murmured before placing your lips on his. 
You kissed him softly, feeling his lips dance slowly against your own, he tasted minty and sharp, reminding you of the peppermint candies you used to steal from your kitchen. When you felt his tongue grazed your lips you pulled away. 
"If I do this I don't think I'll be able to kill you." You whispered dropping his hands. 
"We only have tonight." Marvel mumbled tracing your jawline softly, "I don't want to waste it." 
Against your better judgement you slammed your lips back onto his. This kiss was much more aggressive. It was desperate and lustful, so drastic from the first kiss you shared. 
Marvel pushed you roughly against the wall sliding his tongue into your mouth without hesitation, his hands holding your waist firmly. Your own hands found the back of his neck, one of the two sliding up to his smooth hair.  
His lips moved from your own down your jaw to your neck leaving marks that were sure to be bruised tomorrow. You moaned quietly when his lips danced just above your collarbone. 
Marvel lifted you up and walked you over to the bed his lips meeting yours quickly because the truth was you did only have one night. 
The next morning you woke to a shriek followed by muffled giggles.
You darted upward to see Glimmer standing in the door entrance hand clasped over her mouth, eyes wide.
"Oh my god!" She yelled making you flush red when you realized you had no clothes on and was in an equally naked boys arms. 
Marvel quickly jerked awake flashing red before yelling "Glimmer get out!" And throwing a pillow at the girl before turning to you. 
"Sorry, she has no concept of personal space." He mumbled, face a light pink. 
"I better get out of here." You sighed sadly, wanting to stay in bed with him forever.
"Yeah. You probably should." Marvel agreed his voice equally glum. 
You stood up the cold air hitting you in a wave before you gathered your clothes and got dressed. 
The whole time you could feel his eyes following you. You turned and looked at the boy, a small forced smile taking your lips. 
"See you around One." You mumbled before turning and walking out through the door. 
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