#like they've designed to reflect how live performances are?
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republicsecurity · 3 months
call home
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The clock on the wall seemed to tick louder as the couple sat in front of the screen, waiting for the scheduled call from their son. The atmosphere was charged with a mix of anticipation and concern.
Dad, fidgeting with his fingers, remarked, "I don't know why they have to turn our boy into a skinned-head zombie. What happened to the lively, talkative kid we used to know?"
Mom, trying to ease the tension, responded, "They explained this during the parents' evenings, remember? It's part of their training, the conditioning they go through. It's not permanent."
Dad grumbled, "I still don't like it. Our son is not some mindless drone. He used to be so full of life, and now he's just a shadow of himself."
Mom sighed, "But they assured us it's for a purpose. They're instilling discipline, resilience, and skills that will serve them in the long run. It's tough for us, I know, but we have to trust the process."
Dad glanced at Mom with a furrowed brow, "Did you watch last week's video? Where they were all so neatly put into these suits? Like tin men or robots. It's not right, Mary. Our son shouldn't be turned into some emotionless machine."
Mom nodded, understanding the concern etched on his face. "I did, and it's unsettling. But they explained that it's part of the training, a uniformity to build discipline and unity among them. They're not trying to erase who our son is; they're molding him into something more resilient, something that fits into their vision of a perfect paramedic."
Dad grunted, "Perfect Paramedic? I just want our son back. I want him to call and talk to us like he used to, not like some programmed recruit."
The screen flickered, indicating an incoming call. Mom reached over to squeeze Dad's hand, offering a reassuring smile, "Let's see how he is today. Maybe it won't be as bad as we fear."
Dad nodded, his face displaying a mix of curiosity and concern. "Yeah, I watched it. It's like they've turned our son into some kind of tin man. I mean, I understand it's for protection and all, but it's unsettling to see him like that."
Mom, trying to provide a positive spin, said, "Well, at least they're taking care of them. It's a tough training, and these suits are supposed to keep them safe."
The screen blinked, signalling an incoming call. Both parents straightened up, anticipation in their eyes, as the connection was established, and their son's face appeared on the screen, clad in the red flightsuit, his shaved head glistening under the artificial lights.
"Hey, Mom. Hey, Dad," he greeted them with a monotone voice, lacking the usual vibrancy.
H2U8M sat in the designated booth, wearing the standard red flightsuit, his demeanour reflecting the impact of the past training weeks. The screen flickered to life, connecting him with his family. The booth's AI chimed in, announcing, "This call is monitored for safety reasons."
His parents appeared on the screen, their faces a mix of worry and curiosity.
"Son, it's good to see you," his mom said, attempting to maintain a cheerful tone.
"Yeah, good to see you, H2U8M, as you are called, now." his Dad added, though the concern or resentment in his eyes was evident.
"They do and its for good reasons." H2U8M replied.
"But are you okay, mentally and physically?" his mom asked, concern lacing her words.
H2U8M glanced at the AI-scripted prompts. "The mental aspects are challenging, but they're part of the conditioning process. It's about forging resilience and adaptability. I'm learning to navigate this environment, and I can feel myself becoming stronger each day."
He adjusted his tone, "Physically, I'm in great shape. The mental challenges are part of the process, designed to strengthen our resolve and ensure optimal performance. It's all under control, and I'm adapting well."
H2U8M launched into a carefully crafted description of the training, emphasizing the physical and mental challenges. "The experiences inside the Armour Suit are intense, to say the least. The sense of power, the synchronization with the unit, it's something that words struggle to capture. It's like being part of a well-coordinated machine, each movement deliberate and precise."
"Do you have at least some friends in this new part of the training?", his mom asked.
H2U8M chuckled nervously, "Well, you know, we're all in this together. The camaraderie is strong, and we do form bonds. It's a unique experience, and we share a lot. Last night, for instance, IU664 and I teamed up and we had a good time. The Corps encourages healthy relationships within the rules, so it's not all that bad."
H2U8M's father spoke openly, "Son, it's clear you spend a significant amount of time with this IU664. We're not oblivious to the fact that you might have engaged in, uh, intimate activities. Just want you to know, it's okay with us."
H2U8M, surprised by his dad's directness, chuckled nervously, "Well, Dad, it's not that straightforward, but yeah, IU664 and I have become good friends with benefits. It's part of the Corps-approved activities and bonding process. IU664 and I have got each other's back and butt, both in and out of the Armour Suits. I'll see about introducing him to you, sure."
In that moment H2U8M saw IU664 walk past his cubicle and waved him in.
IU664 nodded politely as he stepped into view, his shaved head gleaming under the cabin lights. "Ma'am, Sir," he greeted H2U8M's parents. "It's a pleasure to virtually meet you. H2U8M has spoken highly of you." He maintained a disciplined and respectful posture, embodying the stoicism that the Corps had instilled in him.
H2U8M chimed in, "Yes, as I mentioned, the Corps encourages close bonds among recruits. IU664 and I have become good friends with benefits through the training, and we look out for each other. No secrets here."
IU664 smirks and whispers: "They know about our night time activities?"
H2U8M's cheeks flushed, and he chuckled nervously. "Well, not all the details, but they're aware that we've become close in various ways."
IU664 continued to maintain his composed demeanor, "It's all within the guidelines set by the Corps, Ma'am, Sir. The training is intense, and camaraderie plays a crucial role in maintaining mental and emotional stability."
H2U8M's parents exchanged a knowing glance.
Dad was blunt again: "Can you kiss?"
IU664 and H2U8M shared a glance and then kissed.
H2U8M's mom, with a bemused smile, commented, "Well, that answers that question."
H2U8M, relayed the request to IU664. "My parents want to see us in parade uniforms, when we're home for liberty, but the next chance is the pass-out parade, and you know we'll be in our Armour Suits then. They'll be invited, of course."
IU664, with a wry smile, responded, "Parade uniforms or power armor, it's all the same spectacle to them, I suppose. Let them see us in our shiny glory, Ma'am, Sir."
The AI announced that the allowed time for a call home was over.
H2U8M couldn't help but chuckle, "Yeah, I bet they'll enjoy watching their skinned-head zombies march in formation."
IU664 and H2U8M exited the teleconferencing booth, the metallic door hissing shut behind them. As they walked back to their joint sleeping cubicle, they dissected the call.
"Well, that went smoother than expected," H2U8M remarked, a smirk playing on his lips.
IU664 nodded, "Your dad is quite accepting. Not everyone's parents would be so understanding."
H2U8M grinned, "Yeah, he said they're okay with us having sex. I guess that's a load off our shoulders."
IU664 chuckled, "Well, that's a unique form of parental approval, isn't it? Celebrating parental acceptance with more intimacy. I suppose it adds a whole new layer to the idea of family bonding."
H2U8M grinned, "Family values, right?"
IU664 chuckled, "Corps values, indeed. Who would have thought our family bonding would involve standardised uniforms, chastity cages, and celebratory intimacy?" The irony wasn't lost on them as they entered the sealed cubicle, the door hissing shut behind them.
"Are your parents as accepting as mine?" "I'm not sure, but I sent them the specs of my chastity cage from the website of the manufacturer"
H2U8M laughed, "You did what? That's next-level openness! I haven't gone that far. I just told them about the general regulations and that we're following them."
IU664 grinned, "Well, my parents have always been supportive of my decisions. They're probably more concerned about the fact that I'm in a military organisation with all these technological augmentations than the details of a chastity cage."
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designagencyy · 7 months
 The Complete Web Design Company Selection Guide for Startups
In the fast-paced digital age we live in, your startup's online presence is everything. From the user interface of your website to its functionality and aesthetics, your web design plays a pivotal role in attracting and retaining customers. It's not just about making a website; it's about creating a digital experience that wows your audience. That's where a Christchurch web design company comes into play, and finding the right one is crucial.
If you're a startup looking to make your mark in the online world, this guide is your compass to navigate the vast sea of web design companies. We'll walk you through the entire selection process, helping you make an informed decision that aligns perfectly with your startup's vision and goals.
Chapter 1: Understanding the Role of a Web Design Company
Before you start your quest for the ideal web design company, it's essential to understand the significance of their role. These companies are your creative partners, responsible for turning your concepts into visually appealing, user-friendly websites. They're more than just coders and designers; they're the architects of your digital presence.
When you work with a web design company, you can expect them to:
Collaborate with you to understand your vision and goals.
Create a user-centric and responsive design.
Optimise your website for performance and search engines.
Ensure that your site remains updated and secure.
Provide ongoing support and maintenance.
Chapter 2: Defining Your Needs and Goals
Every startup is unique, and your website's requirements will reflect that. The first step in selecting a web design company is to define your specific needs and goals. Start by asking yourself:
What is the purpose of your website?
Who is your target audience?
What features and functionality do you require?
Do you have any design preferences or branding guidelines?
What is your budget and timeline?
Having clear answers to these questions will serve as your roadmap in the selection process.
Chapter 3: Research and Shortlisting
Now that you know what you need, it's time to start your search. Use search engines, social media, and recommendations from your network to create a list of potential web design companies. Look for companies with a strong portfolio and positive client reviews. It's essential to choose a company that not only has the technical skills but also aligns with your startup's culture and values.
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Chapter 4: Portfolio Evaluation
A web design company's portfolio is like their resume. It showcases their previous work and gives you an insight into their capabilities and style. Take the time to review their portfolio and pay attention to the following:
Design aesthetics: Is their design style in line with your brand's identity?
Functionality: Do the websites they've designed offer a great user experience?
Diverse projects: Have they worked on projects similar to yours?
Testimonials: What do previous clients say about their work?
Chapter 5: Communication and Collaboration
Effective communication is key to a successful partnership with your chosen Christchurch web design company. A company that can understand your vision and actively collaborate with you is invaluable. Look for signs of open and transparent communication during the evaluation process. You can often gauge this during your initial interactions and how they respond to your inquiries.
Chapter 6: Budget and Contracts
While startups often operate on a tight budget, it's crucial not to compromise the quality of your website for the sake of cost-cutting. Discuss your budget openly with the web design companies you're considering. They should be able to provide a transparent breakdown of costs and guide you on what's feasible within your budget.
Once you've settled on a budget, make sure to have a detailed contract in place. This contract should outline the scope of work, project timeline, payment schedule, and any other relevant terms and conditions. This step is critical to avoid misunderstandings and disputes down the road.
Chapter 7: Ongoing Support and Maintenance
A website is not a one-and-done project. It requires regular updates, security checks, and technical support. Your chosen web design company should offer post-launch services to ensure your website remains in top shape. Before finalising your decision, discuss their approach to ongoing support and the associated costs.
Selecting the right web design company for your startup is a decision that can make or break your online presence. This comprehensive guide has walked you through the process, from understanding their role to evaluating portfolios, fostering effective communication, handling budgets, and considering ongoing support. By following these steps, you'll be well-prepared to make an informed choice that aligns with your startup's vision and goals.
Remember, your website is often the first interaction potential customers have with your business. Make it count by choosing a Christchurch web design company that can transform your digital vision into a stunning reality. Good luck on your journey to establishing a standout online presence for your startup!
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named-jiang-or-wang · 3 years
SHANG-CHI (2021) Fan Revision
In my previous posts in @welcome-to-the-cafe I posted multiple rants about the movie itself. (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3). For such a great movie, there were still some flaws, which I will attempt to correct here.
Large fish first.
I hated the final CGI fest. Not the Ten Rings battle between Wenwu and Shang-chi, the one with ugly CGI monstrosity. "Dweller in the Darkness", for a name so mysterious, the result sure was a pretty generic bat-winged western dragon-shaped bastard. Really, as soon as it popped out of the cave, it stopped being scary; it stopped doing the one thing that made it more frightening than Wenwu, which was telepathically manipulate Wenwu using his dead wife's voice. That shit was creepy! Why stop it for the climax?? We need to involve the Ten Rings themselves in its creepiness. They should be empowered directly by the Dweller and dark feelings, and the Rings should partially transfer to Shang-Chi at his lowest, most-rage filled moment.
Plus, for all of the Chineseness of the rest of the movie, the Dweller in the Darkness looked incredibly Western. I can't think of one thing it references in Chinese mythology, which was strange since Morris does! It's a Hundun (混沌), one of the Four Perils (四凶), why not use another one of them, like the Qiongqi (穷奇). Especially the Qiongqi, since it supposedly eats people, so we can keeping the soul-sucking mechanic.
The little bat-spawns are also poorly-designed, and not fun to watch the martial artist army fight. Martial arts are meant to fight other people, by the Heavens, not weird flying tentacle things. Why is Ta Lo's training anti-human instead of anti-monster? Because anti-human training looks cooler. And we can keep that, with a solution I'll explain after complaining about the Dragon.
The CGI Kaiju battle between the dragon and dweller was cinematic, but it eliminated the kung fu from the final fight, reducing both Shang-Chi and Xialing to boring dragon riders. The dragon wasn't really something that deserved to be a character. I get that Shang-Chi is supposed to have his 'awakening' moment, where he embodies the dragon his mother teaches him about at the beginning of the movie. But the dragon doesn't have to be "real", it should be more of a spirit that goes into him, or comes out of his heart and empowers his body. Either way, it should be more of an internal instead of external dragon. This better reflects the internal emotional conflict of Shang-Chi, his guilt over not saving his mother and then doing terrible things to get revenge; he has to let that go, accept her loss, and with that, he can let his inner dragon out. Just like...shit, just like in Kung Fu Panda 3 lmao.
So what are my solutions to the climax?
1) Make Dweller in Darkness possess Wenwu. Or suck his soul, and then take his shape. Maybe even take the shape of the mother as well at first!
2) Make the little soulsuckers transform into shadow martial-artists. They still can only be killed by dragon weapons.
3) Make the dragon a spirit that rises out of the water that goes into Shang-Chi and Xialing, enabling them to fight Wenwu/Dweller more evenly.
Here's my altered sequence of events.
The 5 humvees still arrive, the small skirmish between the Ten Rings and the villagers still happen (without the giant lions). Wenwu and Shang-Chi still duke it out, and Wenwu knocks him away. Wenwu makes the big leap to the sealed cave, and Xialing and the aunt notice. The aunt activates a magic thing that raises a giant bridge from the depths of the water and Xialing crosses over to fight her dad. Wenwu pounds the door a bit more, and the Dweller's minions shoot out in black mist, forming into humanoid shapes that begin fighting the villagers and Ten Rings.
Meanwhile, Shang-chi is having a flashbacks in the water of killing his mother's murderer, in the process, one of the Ten Rings that is knocked away during Xialing and Wenwu's fight finds its way into the water and revives Shang-Chi. He joins the fight just as Xialing is knocked aside, apparently over the cliff. Shang-Chi loses it, and fights his father more brutally, until 5 of the rings transfers to him. They whisper to him to make his father pay, and he knocks his father into the door, shattering it, and seemingly killing Wenwu. Shang-Chi is appalled at what he's done, and he collapses and drops his 5 rings. He hears his sister calling for help, and he rushes over to see her hanging off the edge of the cliff. He can't reach her, and he cries to her that he's sorry for everything. Xialing forgives him for abandoning her before, saying that him coming to Macau meant a lot, and that their mother would be proud of him. With effort, he pulls her up, while the 5 rings to his father who rises from the rubble. Shang-Chi said their mother wouldn't be proud after what he's done for revenge, but Xialing tells him that he needs to accept what has happened.
Wenwu looks triumphant at the open gateway, but a dark mist spills in front of him and take the rough shape of his wife. He is about embrace her, but she grabs him around the wrist and possesses him through the Rings. Dweller uses Wenwu's and Ying Li's voices to taunt Shang-chi and Xialing.
Shang-chi finally lets go of his guilt and stops "running away". The spirit of the dragon rises from the sea and goes into him and his sister, empowering them. They double-team the Dweller/Wenwu until he blows them back with "Enough!". The little soulsuckers return with their spoils, strengthening the Dweller, and now he has the advantage. He defeats both of them, holds Shang-chi down, trying to steal his soul. Xialing is trying to pull him away. Shang-chi looks his father in his eyes and tells him he forgives him and he is still a good man. This awakens Wenwu inside the Dweller, and in one dramatic moment, transfers the Ten Rings to his son. With this, Shang-chi knocks Wenwu/Dweller back, and Xialing restrains him with the ropedart. Shang-chi performs exorcism, deleting Dweller forever, but Wenwu is mortally wounded. He tells Shang-chi and Xialing that he loves them, and he will tell their mother how proud he is of them, then dies.
Rest of the movies is the same.
Oh, we do need to deal with the secondary characters.
Katy shouldn't be good at archery, but could save Guan Bo/Razorfist/Death Dealer in a key moment, maybe just by tacking. She could do more to counsel Shang-Chi and Xialing before their big moments.
Death Dealer was wasted. Unique, memorable design (if kinda half-assed), only to be ignominiously soulsucked first by CGI uglies. He is basically Shang-chi's primary martial arts tutor, so should know a variety of martial arts styles. To incorporate his opera mask (a full-faced one), and add even more mystery, he should be a bianlian (变脸), a Chinese facechanger, and for each face he has a different kungfu style. This could be used to semi-humorous effect, with mocking faces and angry faces. And a Monkey King face when he's using a staff! We should not see the glint of his eyes. Before Xialing runs across the bridge to fight Wenwu, she should have a showdown with Death Dealer to show she did learn kung fu even without him. They fight to standstill, until the aunt steps in and they kick his ass together. I think he should live too, and have a team up with the aunt to delete soulsuckers.
Oh I know now, Katy, Morris and Slattery should have a comical chase/fight with Razorfist. He screams "You! I recognize you from the bus! And you stole my car!!!", and he charges at them, ignoring everyone else. They find a way to beat him up, and think they've lost him, but he gets back up and almost has them, until the soulsucker bois nab him. Katy, being a good person, fires and arrow and saves his ass.
These, and some aesthetic changes, like giving the young mom a thin flowy cloth mask instead of her noisy bamboo one, would bring the movie up from a 7.5 to a 9.5 for me.
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