#like thirteen and uwabami
jaded-ghoster · 2 years
i think we all focus too much on the fighting aspects of the quirks, what about first aid? Kaminari is basically an invaluable defibrillator
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khattikeri · 3 years
an elaboration on why Horikoshi‘s misogynistic writing is so frustrating
BNHA literally starts with an ass shot of a woman.
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Mt. Lady does get her cool moments later on, but she’s a seriously minor character and I frankly wouldn’t be surprised if she dies. And she’s far from being the only female character who is egregiously sexualized.
Manga spoilers through chapter 315 (leaks) below.
Even continuing from there, there aren’t NEARLY as many female characters as there are male. Class 1-A alone has a pathetic divide of 6 girls and over twice as many boys.
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Class 1-B isn’t much better; there are 7 girls to 13 boys. And of all the UA staff, the only women are Midnight, Recovery Girl, and (canonically speaking; I prefer to view them as nonbinary) Thirteen.
Bubble Girl and La Brava exist as cutesy, comic-relief sidekicks to male characters who are given more importance to the arcs they’re in (Nighteye and Gentle respectively). Yes they have a serious moment or two. No they do not get to really shine outside of their sidekick roles.
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Nana is already deceased; she was (and will always be, thanks to the Quirk Singularity) the only ever female holder of One for All.
Ragdoll is ambiguously brutalized and left quirkless in the Forest Training Camp/Hideout Raid arc.
Magne, a trans woman, is the series’ first brutal on-screen death during the Overhaul arc.
Curious is killed mid-fight in the My Villain Academia arc.
Mirko gets her arm ripped off and amputated in the War arc.
Midnight is killed off-screen, with hints of possible assault in the War arc.
Any other female student (Nejire, Mei, Camie, Tatami) or Pro Hero (Ryukyu, Wild Wild Pussycats, Burnin, Uwabami, Ms. Joke) is a minor character with a single scene, maybe an arc at most, of fame or interesting action before immediately being sidelined, never to be seen again.
Ryukyu and the Pussycats had a single Cool Fight Moment (Overhaul arc and Forest Training/Hideout Raid arc respectively) before going back to doing approximately nothing.
Nejire is consistently sidelined in favor of Mirio and Tamaki, who get lengthy fight scenes and backstory explaining their pasts and motivations in becoming a hero during the Overhaul arc.
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Despite being a member of the Big Three who also fought in that battle, Nejire gets none of the same development, instead only having a few moments of using her quirk and then going back to being cute. Her “big arc” is a beauty pageant in the Culture Festival arc.
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Tatami is relegated to being Shindo’s girlfriend (Villain Hunt arc, ch. 307)
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And now this with Lady Nagant, who is honestly the most interesting and frankly COOL new character we’ve had in ages.
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Of course AFO pulls the rug under her and has her explode.
Of course Deku manages to win a fight against a fucking ASSASSIN by technicality.
Of course Hawks gets to steal the moment all cool, rushing in to carry her body and lamenting his former senpai.
Of course. Of course. Of course.
This manga and its author do not care about women.
And like... look. I get that this is Deku’s story. But it is not too much to ask for people to look at how women in the story are written. It is not too much to ask for people to notice how frivolously their characters are treated in comparison to any of the men, who are given more importance, relevance, and respect in the long-term.
If you’ve read any of the past 315 chapters, it’s plain as day to see that every woman here is sexualized, sidelined, or both.
None of them get to have serious lasting impact and ongoing character arcs without being put on back burners, and that’s frustrating as fuck. The only female antagonist we have who’s still unambiguously ALIVE is Toga and I’m tired of it.
It’s not hard to write women without resorting to sexualizing them, ignoring them in favor of a man, or killing them off. It’s just not.
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Pro Hero Pride Parade!!!!
This took so so long oh my god- I actually spent so much time on this one, and it’s the biggest piece I’ve ever worked on- didn’t think I’d be able to finish it in time! Ended up having to take a break from it cuz I hurt my hand but it is here now-
But I really really hope you all like it!!!
List of hcs under the cut-
List of my headcanons for these characters, bc I wanna write them down as well:
Jeanist - genderfluid, gay, demisexual
Edgeshot - nonbinary, bi, demiromantic
Hawks - transgender, aroace
Miruko - lesbian
Uwabami - lesbian
Ryukyu - transgender, bi, asexual
Fatgum - transgender, pansexual
Thirteen - nonbinary, bi, demisexual
Aizawa - transgender, gay, asexual
Mic - nonbinary, bi
Cementoss - aroace
Powerloader - gay
Ectoplasm - gay
Snipe - genderqueer, pansexual, demiromantic
Midnight - lesbian, asexual
Ms Joke - nonbinary, pansexual
There’s more but I cannot remember them rn-
Anyway, I really hope y’all like this <333
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main-clown · 3 years
I feel ATTACKED by how LITTLE heroes are divided in groups.
First off, Nighteye? Yeah, he should be considered underground and not A DAYTIME HERO. His quirk would make him a target and if he’s in the public that’s a clear disadvantage there. Same goes for Midnight. I love the idea that she’s public so people just think she’s a hero cosplay (because I have no doubt that she can get into hero cafes or pretend to be a prostitute because that might be some villains fancy). Like, it’s SLEEP GAS. You make people SLEEP and that can easily subdue a good portion of villains with a simple whiff.
Second off, heroes work a bit similar to the police, and not all police only do one thing? If there were hero groups in the official bnha universe, I’d think it be this.
Daytime heroes. Public heroes. Rescue/Healing heroes. Underground heroes. Info heroes. I’ll explain each one.
Daytime heroes is what we normally expect. Endeavor, All Might, you name it. They do fighting most of the time and are powerhouses. Not much else to explain.
Public heroes are NOT daytime heroes. I got them in different categories for a reason. Public heroes could probably also be called scandal heroes if you want, but their whole shtick is they draw attention away from events. I think Aoyama would do AMAZING in this field. It’s similar to how they did the press conference during Bakugo’s kidnapping. An event to draw attention away from a planned raid or attack. Keeps the element of surprise. That and they are perfect for talking with the press. Their sole purpose is to help heroes do their proper job without worrying about getting hounded by press, like in the case of a rescue operation and let’s say Uwabami is talking with the press to assure them everything is ok and provides cover for Thirteen who’s doing rescue work.
Next, Rescue/Healing heroes. Thirteen, Recovery Girl, and what I also imagine Uraraka would be great at. They deal mostly with rescuing missions like in the case of hurricanes, tornados, or behind the scenes of a Daytime hero’s fight. Mitigate losses and damages. Recovery Girl is included in this since she’s pretty good at healing people up so she can heal citizens and get them properly evacuated. Done deal.
Underground heroes, like Aizawa, don’t work in the public eye. They do more one on one fights or need that element of surprise for their quirks. So Aizawa, Hagakure, and Shinso would work best for this. Heck, even Ojiro would too. This might also include going undercover into vigilante or villain business to find more stuff out, like if they need to find a broker or get more information, but that also ties a bit into the Info heroes.
Last of all, Info heroes. This includes Sir Nighteye, Jiro, could also be Hagakure, Tokage, and so much more :D! They deal with gathering info to help other heroes, whether it’s stealth missions or deep researches. I think this group would work almost hand in hand with police, able to share information and plot future missions to bust drug rings or anything else that needs loads of planning. Hearing information that could eventually be a long term needed thing, or to snip crime at the roots.
It’s just that Hero aca doesn’t seem to acknowledge much about how impossible it would be for certain people to be daytime heroes. Like, how would the invisible girl be good at doing public fights when her skill set seems to be better for stealth and underground work? Like, come on.
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amethystunarmed · 4 years
Is Heavy, So Few Men Can Carry It
Relationships: Original Female Character/Original Female Character, Dabi/Hawks
Warnings: Manga Spoilers, Implied Child Abuse
Word Count:  2278
Part of the Truth Series Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
AO3 Link (Links will be added in a reblog)
Koharu Mukai more or less enjoyed being an EMT. Her quirk was certainly suited for it. The ability to see heartbeats through even dense piles of rubble certainly came in handy during earthquakes and large scale building destruction. It helped in grimmer situations too, like letting her know when there’s no need to rush at the scene of a car crash. Those days were the worst. Sometimes, she had nightmares about silent cityscapes where she can’t see a heartbeat at all.
Where she’s utterly alone.
Maybe that’s part of what influenced her career decisions. When Koharu’s quirk first manifested, her parents had nudged her to the life of a hero. It was never anything overt, never openly stated, but Koharu knew. They weren’t exactly subtle. They entered her into judo lessons the moment she could walk, gushed when rescue heroes like Thirteen and Uwabami were on the news. During her last year of middle school, a brochure for UA appeared on her desk. Again, not subtle.
But... Koharu didn’t want to be a hero. Didn’t want to fight and train for combat with villains. Didn’t want to risk seeing those heartbeats stutter out as a result of her actions.
But she did want to save people.
So, she trained to be an EMT, and she was a damn good one too. And she loved it, she really did.
Except for when it came to dealing with heroes.
Koharu couldn’t say she didn’t get it. Ranking was everything for heroes, and more than half of it relied on reputation and public opinion. She had witnessed a hero from her hometown drop thirty spots in rank after a reporter broadcast him being taken away in an ambulance.
She got it.
But it didn’t mean they needed to be such assholes about it. Attempting to treat a hero after a fight could get you scolded like a child at best, and reported on as incompetent by the media at worst. One of her friends had tried to bandage a seven-inch gash on Endeavor’s arm, and ended up with second degree burns on her hands. So when she pulled the short straw and was sent to look over Hawks, she only really felt a pang of resigned dread.
Honestly, she’d heard good things about Hawks. Every EMT who spoke of him recounted him as polite, cheerful, and actually willing to comply with basic check-ups. Koharu finds all of this to be true. He obeys her every request, even as he repeatedly checked the time on his phone. He starts anxiously tapping his foot, and she takes pity on him.
“You seem alright, Hawks,” Koharu says, as she finishes checking for a concussion. “Not even a scrape.” She’d be surprised at the lack of injuries if she hadn’t seen the current state of the villains. All nine completely immobilized and unharmed. After treating some of the perps Endeavor has brought in, she’s honestly surprised Hawks isn’t Number One. His care and efficiency are unmatched. “Anything else happen that I should know about?”
“I mean, I think one of the villains hit me with her quirk,” he says with no regard to how worrying that statement is. He blinks and startles, almost as though coming back to himself. He looks at her with a large smile, but she can see his heartbeat kickstart with adrenaline. “But it didn’t do anything, I feel perfectly fine.”
Still maybe she can coax him into actually taking care of himself.
“Even so, it would be best for you to go to the hospital. We can monitor you for any changes.” His smile widens but she sees his eye twitch with annoyance. She holds back a groan and waits for the meaningless platitudes to begin.
“I’m not allowed to go to the hospital.”
Koharu has to admit, her jaw drops. All the training classes, all the years experience, everything she’s ever learned just flies out of her head.
She stares at him, silently, like an idiot.
“I r-really need to go,” Hawks stammers. He looks scared. He looks like he’s about to cry. And suddenly, Koharu remembers that Hawks is a couple years younger than her baby sister. “I just broke like, 8 NDAs by telling you that.”
He’s trying to get away from her, she can see his wings flapping. He is biting his lip, hard, like he is trying to keep himself quiet.
Koharu remembers the words of one of the officers first on the scene. He’d told her to stay away from one of the villains, because of her quirk...
Her eyes widen. She reaches forward to Hawks, unsure if touch will calm him, or just make him more upset. Given the way he flinches, she guesses the latter. She keeps her words calm and level, trying to ease his rapidly increasing heartbeat.
“Hawks, one of the villains is registered as having a truth quirk. I think you’ve been affected–”
“I have to go,” Hawks yells, so loudly it startles her, “I’m terrified of telling you something that will get you killed.”
Koharu gasps, body nearly going limp in shock.
Why would something like this put her in danger?
Could this endanger her family?
What is happening?  
By the time she thinks to ask, Hawks is soaring far above her. She watches until the skyline swallows him.
That night, when she gets home, Aimi is waiting for her. Her eyes light up when Koharu enters, but freeze over when she registers Koharu’s expression. Koharu longs to give in and tell her everything, let go of the terrible knowledge bubbling inside her. She opens her mouth to speak and chokes. I’m terrified of telling you something that will get you killed. She clamps her jaw shut and launches herself forward into Aimi’s arms, and muffles her sobs in her chest. To Aimi’s credit, she never tries to ask what happened. She only strokes Koharu’s hair and hums.
That night, long after her wife had fallen asleep on her chest, Koharu lay awake, staring at nonsense pictures in the ceiling spackle. She thinks of that strange admission—I’m not allowed to go to the hospital—and ponders endlessly of what he could have possibly meant in fractal conspiracy theories. Over and over again, she hears his panicked stammers, those words—I’m terrified of telling you something that will get you killed—echoed around her. He had looked at her with the same terror held by those in the midst of a disaster; the horrific certainty of life crashing down around you.
I should have done something.
I should have said something.
But she hadn’t. And even now, she cannot fathom what would have been the right words to say. She closes her eyes and tries to sleep.
The after-image of his frantic heart beats against her eyelids.
Two days later, in the hospital lobby, she spots a TV news report about the disappearance of the Number Two Hero, Hawks. She drops a stack of forms and they coat the hallway floor like snowfall.
Later that week, Koharu is called into the office of the Hero Public Safety Commission. They didn’t tell her what for, but she knew. Considering the timeline the news had constructed, Koharu would have been one of the last people to see Hawks before his disappearance, if not the last. Though Koharu can’t help but wonder what they could possibly expect her to know. Furthermore, she has no idea what to do with what she does know.
Aimi is nervous. She continually fidgets with the hem of the suit jacket Koharu hasn’t worn since her last job interview. She claims she is just straightening it, but each touch of the fabric evolves into a hand around her waist, a brush against her wrist. Aimi is touching her like she is saying goodbye. Koharu kisses her gently, attempting to comfort her, but can’t help but wonder if she will disappear too.
The office of the Hero Commission Director is blank, white, and boring. The photos on the wall are close ups of calla lilies Koharu expects were in the frames in the store. The desk is black, with stainless steel dressings, and is wide enough that Koharu feels the urge to shout so the Director can hear her. The room makes her feel small, like an outsider, and Koharu can’t help but wonder if that was the goal when the Director smiles at her.
“Welcome, Mukai-san, thank you for coming in,” she says, and Koharu robotically complies.
“H-Hello,” she stutters, and curses herself. The Director chuckles, though not unkindly.
“No need to be so nervous,” she assures. “I just want to know if Hawks said anything to you before he left the scene that day, or if you can recall anything out of the ordinary. You’re not in any trouble.”
“Sorry,” she says, “I just... didn’t expect to meet with you. I thought an assistant would take my statement, or something.”
The Director purses her lips, and looks at her with mournful eyes. “We took Hawks in when he was no more than a toddler,” she tells her, voice heavy with nostalgic grief. “I helped raise him. So of course, I am doing everything in my power to find him.” She reaches forward, takes Koharu's hand in his own, like a man begging for a pardon. “So please, tell me, do you remember anything from that day that could help us find him?”
She remembers I’m not allowed to go to the hospital.
She remembers the way Hawks cowered from her raised hand.
She remembers his heartbeat.
“No,” she tells him, “Nothing.”
Weeks pass. The Commission doesn’t reach out to her again. She breathes a sigh of relief and puts the whole business out of her mind. (Every night she lies awake and hopes that Hawks isn’t found.)
The next time she sees Hawks, he’s on the news.
It was after her shift. For the first time in weeks, she’d agreed to join the rest of her squad at a local bar for some beers. The night had been going better than she expected, at least, until the bulletin happened.
“Breaking News,” The anchor said, nervous voice a poor attempt at remaining neutral, “Former Number Two Hero Hawks has teamed up with the League of Villains in an ongoing heist.” Gasps filled the bar, including Koharu’s own. Someone turned off the music, with the report acting as their only soundtrack. They cut to video of the attack. It was blurry, taken on a phone by someone who absolutely should have been running away, but that is not why Koharu nearly doesn’t recognize him.
Hawks is different. Feathers sprout from his hair and trail down to the nape of his neck. His hands are uncovered, and spout deadly claws. He’s bare-foot, so she can see just how inhuman his legs are, clearly meant to perch and kill. She’s certain the talons on them are at least the size of her hand.
Despite all this, the strangest sight is his expression. Koharu had seen Hawks smile. Honestly, between the TV interviews and billboard ads, it was hard not to. Hawks was known for lighting up the room, making girls literally scream with his dashing looks. Hawks’s smile is like the sunset, constant yet endlessly alluring.
But Koharu realizes, as she watches him grin as he carries the scarred villain from a burning roof, she has never seen Hawks happy until just this moment.
The people in the bar are screaming with anger and betrayal. Someone throws a beer bottle and it shatters against the TV.
On screen, Hawks  croons, and nuzzles his cheek with the man he’s carrying, and something in Koharu’s chest shatters.
Tears drip down her cheeks, and though she is not the only one crying, she is alone in her sobs of joy.
“Fly,” she whispers, words trampled by the jeers and wails of the crowd. “Go far from this place.”
And though he cannot hear her, Hawks sails away, far out of reach.
She does not need to see his heart to know it beats free.
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 4 years
What is Even Going on Here?
What Is Even Going On Here? by Random milkshake
I have a lot of questions about some of the quirks and characters of My Hero Academia. I'm writing them down. And rambling about them. Who knows you might even find some inspiration for a plotline in here.
Words: 453, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Aoyama Yuuga, Ashido Mina, Asui Tsuyu, Iida Tenya, Uraraka Ochako, Ojiro Mashirao, Kaminari Denki, Kirishima Eijirou, Kouda Kouji, Satou Rikidou, Shouji Mezou, Jirou Kyouka, Sero Hanta, Tokoyami Fumikage, Todoroki Shouto, Hagakure Tooru, Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Mineta Minoru, Yaoyorozu Momo, Class 1-A, Awase Yousetsu, Kaibara Sen, Kamakiri Togaru, Kendou Itsuka, Kodai Yui, Komori Kinoko, Shiozaki Ibara, Shishida Juurouta, Shouda Nirengeki, Tsunotori Pony, Tsuburaba Kousei, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Tokage Setsuna, Fukidashi Manga, Honenuki Juuzou, Bondo Kojirou, Monoma Neito, Yanagi Reiko, Rin Hiryuu, Class 1-B, Sensei | All For One, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Kurogiri, Garaki Kyuudai | Ujiko Daruma, Dabi, Toga Himiko, Hikiishi Kenji | Magne, Muscular, Bubaigawara Jin | Twice, Mustard, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner, Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress, Moonfish, Noumu, League of Villains, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Shirakumo Oboro, Takeyama Yuu | Mount Lady, Tatsuma Ryuuko | Ryuukyuu, Nishiya Shinji | Kamui Woods, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Gran Torino, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Hakamata Tsunagu | Best Jeanist, Sakamata Kuugo | Gang Orca, Toyomitsu Taishirou | Fat Gum, Backdraft, Moashi Juuzou | Centipeder, Crimson Riot, Death Arms, Native, Takagi Ken | Rock Lock, Selkie, Uwabami, Sirius, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Shimura Nana, Past One For All Users, First One For All User, Iida Tensei | Ingenium, Shiretoko Tomoko | Ragdoll, Sasaki Mirai | Sir Nighteye, Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl, Ectoplasm, Ishiyama Ken | Cementoss, Lunch-Rush, Inui Ryou | Hound Dog, Kan Sekijirou | Vlad King, Snipe, Thirteen, U.A. Faculty, Pro Heroes, Eri, Chisaki Kai | Overhaul, Midoriya Inko, Bakugou Mitsuki, Todoroki Rei, Todoroki Touya, Todoroki Natsuo, Todoroki Fuyumi, Hero Public Safety Commission, Hero Public Safety Commission President
Additional Tags: U.A. Dorms, Quirk Study, barely, Quirk Questions, this is basically just me questioning the characters, And Rambling, kinda like, Midoriya Izuku's notebooks, Not Beta Read, first fic, does this even count as a fic????
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26385058
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badlands-bnha-rp · 5 years
Badlands: Recruiting!
Badlands is currently looking for the following characters to join our Cyberpunk universe. 
The year is 2184. Japan is under control of a government formed by, but no longer controlled by, All Might. Despite grounds in keeping the populace safe, it has become a government owned by corporations. They value your compliance, but you are not so willing to bend the knee. You belong to the nihilistic underground of Musutafu, partaking of all of life’s little pleasures until you inevitably meet your end. Will you fight back? Or fall victim to Plus Ultra?
Most players prefer large paragraph responses.
18+ due to themes such as drug use, sexual content, gore, and similar content. Characters must be 18+ in the AU canon. Technically a quirkless AU; all quirks are augmentations. Roleplay takes place on Discord.
Please check out the rules and DM if you would like a link to the server!
We’d be happy to have you! 
All for One
Atsuhiro Sako
Best Jeanist
Danjuro Tobita
Death Arms
Deidoro Sakaki
Gang Orca
Gran Torino
Hagakure Toru
Hatsune Mei
Hekiji Tengai
Honenuki Juzo
Ibara Shiozaki
Iida Tensei
Inasa Yoarashi
Itejiro Toteki
Jiro Kyoka
Joi Irinaka
Jurota Shishida
Kamui Woods
Kazuho Haneyama
Kendo Rappa
Kenji Hikiishi
Kinoko Komori
Koda Izumi
Koku Hanabata
Koichi Haimawari
Kosei Tsuburaba
Manami Aiba
Manga Fukidashi 
Midoriya Inko
Monoma Neito
Ms. Joke
Mt. Lady
Nagamasa Mora
Nana Shimura
Naomasa Tsukauchi
Recovery Girl
Reiko Yanaki
Rikiya Katsukame
Rikiya Yotsubashi
Ryo Inui
Sato Rikido
Seiji Shishikura
Sen Kaibara
Sero Hanta
Setsuna Tokage
Shihai Kurorio
Shikkui Makabi
Shin Nemoto
Shoji Mezo
Shuichi Iguchi
Sir Nighteye
Soramitsu Tabe
Tatami Nakagame
Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
Todoroki Fuyumi
Todoroki Natsuo
Todoroki  Rei
Togaru Kamakiri
Tomoyasu Chikazoku
Toya Setsuno
Tsunotori Pony
Vlad King
Yosetsu Awase
Yu Hojo
Yui Kodai
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neruran · 7 years
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My Hero Academia Birthplace Map
So I did a thing instead of writing tonight :’D I’ve been kinda meaning to put this together since I heard that Kirishima and Ashido were from the same high school and I got to wondering what other parts of Japan everyone’s from, then I needed a better perspective on just where all the prefectures were in relation to each other so I figured other people might benefit from this. I would’ve preferred a less simplistic map, but the more detailed ones were far too busy so I decided to go with one that’s easier to understand though less accurate.
I got all the character info from the BNHA wiki, so I’m not entirely sure it’s all accurate since the birthplace listings aren’t cited and scans of the character book have been limited. There’s also no mention of what cities or regions of those prefectures each person is originally from, so while two characters may be from the same prefecture, they may come from different cities/wards unless canon proves otherwise. I’ve also been considering making a map of notable places in the series, but considering Horikoshi’s penchant for making up wards and cities and the fact I’m hardly an expert on Japanese geography, determining the exact location for most of the places is difficult.
Please reblog if you find this useful!
Notes: * Musutafu is the fictional city where U.A. is, said to be near Tokyo, however on the character pages for Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki, and Endeavour it’s said to be near Shizuoka Prefecture. Since I have no way of confirming this information, I didn’t really know where to place it so I made it a side note to Shizuoka. * The BNHA Wiki has Aoyama’s birthplace written as “France (according to himself)”, so that’s what I also wrote. I wouldn’t think much of it, as I believe the implication is that he’s like a weeaboo for French culture, lol. * I find it kinda interesting that the two foreign-born students are both in Class 1-B. I hope that we get to eventually learn more of the class besides Monoma, Kendou, Tetsutetsu, and Shouda. * There’s many other characters besides Bondo that haven’t had their birthplaces added, but I decided to stick with the students and what pro heroes were listed, as otherwise there’d be a lot more people under the “Unknown” section.
Full list under cut
1. Hokkaido - Mt. Lady 2. Aomori - Blood King 3. Iwate - Kouda Kouji 4. Miyagi - Mandalay 5. Akita - Shishida Juurouta 6. Yamagata - Cementoss 7. Fukushima - Kuroiro Shihai, Backdraft 10. Gunma - Komori Kinoko 11. Saitama - Kaminari Denki, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Tokage Setsuna, Shinsou Hitoshi, Midnight 12. Chiba - Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina, Kendou Itsuka 13. Tokyo - Iida Tenya, Ojiro Mashirao, Sero Hanta, Hakagure Tooru, Kaibara Sen, Shouda Nirengeki, Nezu, Recovery Girl, All Might, Eraserhead, Present Mic, Ragdoll 14. Kanagawa - Mineta Minoru, Shiozaki Ibara, Honenuki Juuzou, Monoma Neito, Snipe 15. Niigata - Awase Yosetsu, Lunch-Rush 16. Toyama - Manual 19. Yamanashi - Gran Torino 22. Shizuoka - Jirou Kyouka, Tokoyami Fumikage 23. Aichi - Asui Tsuyu, Yaoyorozu Momo, Yanagi Reiko 24. Mie - Uraraka Ochako 26. Kyoto - Hatsume Mei 27. Osaka - Power Loader 29. Nara - Desutegoro 30. Wakayama - Fukidashi Manga 31. Tottori - Satou Rikidou 32. Shimane - Kodai Yui, Uwabami 33. Okayama - Best Jeanist 34. Hiroshima - Fourth Kind 37. Kagawa - Tsuburaba Kousei 38. Ehime - Gunhead, Pixie-bob, Tiger 40. Fukuoka - Shouji Mezou 42. Nagasaki - Kamakiri Togaru 46. Kagoshima - Thirteen 47. Okinawa - Ectoplasm
Other: Musutafu - Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto, Endeavour France (according to himself) - Aoyama Yuuga USA - Tsunotori Pony China - Rin Hiryu Unknown - Bondo Kojirou
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by Random_milkshake
I have a lot of questions about some of the quirks and characters of My Hero Academia. I'm writing them down. And rambling about them. Who knows you might even find some inspiration for a plotline in here.
Words: 453, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Aoyama Yuuga, Ashido Mina, Asui Tsuyu, Iida Tenya, Uraraka Ochako, Ojiro Mashirao, Kaminari Denki, Kirishima Eijirou, Kouda Kouji, Satou Rikidou, Shouji Mezou, Jirou Kyouka, Sero Hanta, Tokoyami Fumikage, Todoroki Shouto, Hagakure Tooru, Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Mineta Minoru, Yaoyorozu Momo, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Awase Yousetsu, Kaibara Sen, Kamakiri Togaru, Kendou Itsuka, Kodai Yui, Komori Kinoko, Shiozaki Ibara, Shishida Juurouta, Shouda Nirengeki, Tsunotori Pony, Tsuburaba Kousei, Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu, Tokage Setsuna, Fukidashi Manga, Honenuki Juuzou, Bondo Kojirou, Monoma Neito, Yanagi Reiko, Rin Hiryuu, Class 1-B (My Hero Academia), Sensei | All For One, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Kurogiri (My Hero Academia), Garaki Kyuudai | Ujiko Daruma, Dabi (My Hero Academia), Toga Himiko, Hikiishi Kenji | Magne, Muscular (My Hero Academia), Bubaigawara Jin | Twice, Mustard (My Hero Academia), Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner, Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress, Moonfish (My Hero Academia), Noumu (My Hero Academia), League of Villains (My Hero Academia), Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Shirakumo Oboro, Takeyama Yuu | Mount Lady, Tatsuma Ryuuko | Ryuukyuu, Nishiya Shinji | Kamui Woods, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Gran Torino (My Hero Academia), Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Hakamata Tsunagu | Best Jeanist, Sakamata Kuugo | Gang Orca, Toyomitsu Taishirou | Fat Gum, Backdraft (My Hero Academia), Moashi Juuzou | Centipeder, Crimson Riot (My Hero Academia), Death Arms (My Hero Academia), Native (My Hero Academia), Takagi Ken | Rock Lock, Selkie (My Hero Academia), Uwabami (My Hero Academia), Sirius (My Hero Academia), Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Shimura Nana, Past One For All Users (My Hero Academia), First One For All User (My Hero Academia), Iida Tensei | Ingenium, Shiretoko Tomoko | Ragdoll, Sasaki Mirai | Sir Nighteye, Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl, Ectoplasm (My Hero Academia), Ishiyama Ken | Cementoss, Lunch-Rush (My Hero Academia), Inui Ryou | Hound Dog, Kan Sekijirou | Vlad King, Snipe (My Hero Academia), Thirteen (My Hero Academia), U.A. Faculty (My Hero Academia), Pro Heroes (My Hero Academia), Eri (My Hero Academia), Chisaki Kai | Overhaul, Midoriya Inko, Bakugou Mitsuki, Todoroki Rei, Todoroki Touya, Todoroki Natsuo, Todoroki Fuyumi, Hero Public Safety Commission (My Hero Academia), Hero Public Safety Commission President (My Hero Academia)
Additional Tags: U.A. Dorms (My Hero Academia), Quirk Study (My Hero Academia), barely, Quirk Questions, this is basically just me questioning the characters, And Rambling, kinda like, Midoriya Izuku's notebooks, Not Beta Read, first fic, does this even count as a fic????
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by Akariaclaque
The lives of pro heroes is more than just what comes at face value, there is something more just under the surface of media facades and relations.
Words: 2119, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Fukukado Emi | Ms. Joke, Takeyama Yuu | Mount Lady, Iida Tensei | Ingenium, Thirteen (My Hero Academia), Uwabami (My Hero Academia), Sirius (My Hero Academia), Sousaki Shino | Mandalay, Tsuchikawa Ryuuko | Pixie-bob, Nishiya Shinji | Kamui Woods, Shiretoko Tomoko | Ragdoll, Nedzu (My Hero Academia), Wild Wild Pussycats (My Hero Academia), Hakamata Tsunagu | Best Jeanist
Additional Tags: Polyamory, Asexual Character, QPP Relationship, Aromantic Character, Queerplatonic Relationships, Pansexual Character, Bisexual Character, Multiple ships, I didn't feel like typing out every since ship I am going to include
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