#like this is a social media site.....what happened to the social 😔
spacedlexi · 1 year
as someone who likes to occasionally look through the blogs of the accounts that show up in my notifs it really is sad to see so many blogs now just be personalized empty spaces :(
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randomvarious · 28 days
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Today's compilation:
Ccommd IV 2002 IDM / Abstract
Continuing this foray into the now-ancient, pre-social media days of online music community building with this highly ephemeral, half-decent IDM comp from 2002 that was made by the message board denizens of the website of Warp Records. Warp itself had long carried the torch of being the world's premier IDM label, and the folks who contributed to this album seem to have been highly inspired by a bunch of their own acts, like Aphex Twin, Squarepusher, Autechre, Boards of Canada, and a whole bunch of others.
And knowing that these musicians loved Warp to the point that they'd be regular contributors to its own message board kinda makes me feel that, while listening to this, I am myself someone at the label who's constantly seeking out fresh talent and wades through neverending, enormous piles of demos that they've received. And I've just happened to pop this Ccommd IV CD into my changer to see if anything might catch my ear 🤞.
Except, in reality, I didn't actually find this one on CD, because apparently, virtually no one can. It's not currently for sale on Discogs, it's never been sold there, and only 4 users on the site claim to own a copy right now. Super rare!
But thankfully, although it's been long out of print, the UK-based collective that was responsible for putting it out originally, TEFOSAV (The Electronic Foundation of Sound and Vision) records, has made it available on their own Bandcamp site for free, which is where I was able to come across it 👍.
So what we have here in the fourth installment of this Warp-inspired series, as is probably somewhat average for someone who gets tasked with listening to demos, is a comp with a good deal of half-baked clunk on it and a few nice gems too. The album hits back-to-back with Sktbx's "Wikal - Butcheredcetacea Mix" and Orange Dust's "Bitmap Sunset," both of which should have you feeling like you've come across a pretty sweet, nearly-lost-to-the-y2k-Internet-sands-of-time IDM goldmine. But most of what then follows that beginning turns out to be pretty underwhelming 😔.
That is until the grand finale, with Autofire's "Boots Akid (Nautilus Remix)," which is one of those songs that specializes in the art of splicing together multiple split-second samples of various bits of sound in order to construct melodies and rhythms out of them. I especially love when people do this type of stuff because I feel like it's such a meticulous process to make these collages in the first place, and it also happens to throw up a big middle finger and shit-eating-grin to the absurd copyright police, who can't sue you if the provenance of the minuscule bit that you've sampled is actually unknowable 😁. That said, though, I'm pretty sure I can hear the distinct voice of a very prominent TV character in this one. Not gonna give it away for fear that some big, evil, corporate web scraper comes across this post and files a cease-and-desist and/or lawsuit because of me—these posts show up in Google searches, folks!—but I'm pretty sure I'm hearing that voice. And Nautilis, by the way (yes, I know, I spelled it as Nautilus before, because that's how it was written on the tracklist!), had already made his first release on Mike Paradinas' (µ-Ziq) Planet Mu label the year before this album itself was released.
So, I had a feeling that I knew what I was getting myself into with this from jump, because most comps of this type aren't likely to consistently knock it out of the park, but given that fact, this album was still able to satisfy enough. So far, this little online y2k-era archaeology project of mine's been fun, even if a good portion of the music's ended up leaving a bit to be desired.
And for more posts like this one, check out Finnish label Luumu's Into the Core of Luumu and this double-disc that was made by folks from the ambient mailing list of pioneering online electronic music resource, Hyperreal, too ✌️.
Sktbx - "Wikal - Butcheredcetacea Mix" Orange Dust - "Bitmap Sunset" Pro(xy) - "D.C.K." Autofire - "Boots Akid (Nautilus Remix)"
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raquellemonsta · 1 year
kiss me more (bokuto x reader)
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chapter 7: gossip
Usually, when you woke up in the morning and checked your phone, you'd only have a few notifications from random apps and maybe a friend. You hadn't been expecting what you woke up to this morning, to say the least. Friends were sending you news sites and posts all about the same person: you. You read through some of the headlines:
"MSBY star Bokuto Koutaro seen leaving shop with mystery woman"
"Who is Bokuto's new girlfriend? (Pictures and more)"
There were even some of his fans on Twitter dragging you for basically no reason other than the fact you were seen with their sports crush. While some were nice (calling you cute or saying you looked good together), others were saying things like "the girl in those pictures with Bo is soo average" and "she's lowk ugly... he can do better".
Those pissed you off, but you knew better than to keep reading tweets. You could get lost in it for hours and that was when you weren't the one they were talking about. It probably wasn't good for your mental health (in fact, it definitely wasn't). Also, seeing the pictures kind of freaked you out. It was like having a stalker even though it was just paparazzi offshoots that were doing it for their job. It was still unsettling to see the two of you walking out of Onigiri Miya, and even entering your apartment building. What if people started showing up at your building in the hopes of meeting Bokuto? Or worse, what if they waited outside of your apartment for you to question you or more. You shut your phone off and went into your bathroom. You had to admit, it was kind of surreal seeing yourself on social media in the context of people who don't even know you. You pumped some moisturizer onto your hands and spread it across your face. You took longer than necessary in an effort to lower your heartrate and ease your mind. After you were calmed down, you went back out to your room and picked up your phone again. This time, you noticed a text from Yachi.
Yachi 💫
hey can you tell me why everytime i open social media i see you?
I DONT KNOW it's not my fault i swear idek what's happening
well it looks to me like you've made a lot of bokuto stans really mad lol 😜
You let out a sigh, tossing your phone on your bed and then falling back onto it yourself. It was just your luck to have something like this happen. You barely even had time to savor your date with Bokuto before the internet found out and made it their major topic of the day. The whole situation was honestly one big headache. You weren't even officially dating, yet here all of these people were commenting on your relationship that even you weren't entirely sure about.
You couldn't help but imagine how people would react if you two actually became official. Would he announce it? Would they just get used to seeing the two of you together? Or would they inevitably hate you for taking up their volleyball god's attention and ruining their chances of getting with him? You weren't sure and in the present you didn't care.
Instead of focusing on that, you decided to actually do your job and opened your laptop. The advertisements for the match had been up all around Tokyo, and the big posters that would go up on the side of the arena they would play at should be coming in soon. The company paid people to hang them up, since they were giant and it was far out of your skillset.
The process of making them had been really fun. The team got to have a photoshoot with plenty of action shots (you definitely didn't ask the photographer for a print of Bokutos). From there, you had just designed some fun slogans to slap onto them, along with labeling the players. While they were attracting a lot of attention to the match, you had been informed that they were still looking to get more sales for tickets and merchandise.
This whole social media thing this morning had effectively distracted you from being able to do your job or come up with strategies to get more attention on the match.
Then, you had a brilliant idea. What if you used this whole situation to your advantage? You could use the buzz around you and Bokuto as a way to get more spectators for the MSBY vs Adlers match, both in person and watching it on tv.
You shot a quick email to your company's social media marketing sector and asked them to put out posts wherever they could essentially saying the same things. It wasn't long before you got an email back, confirming that the posts would be out soon. Not long after, you got a twitter notification for your company's 'news' account:
"Will Bokuto's mystery woman be at the MSBY vs Schweiden match? Find out here", along with a link to both tickets to watch in-person as well as information for where to watch it.
You grinned widely and even laughed at describing yourself as a 'mystery woman', but you had an idea and went with it. Then, you thought for a moment and wondered if Bokuto had any idea about everything that had been going on. You weren't sure if he seemed like a big social media, though for all you knew he could be crazy for it.
There was a text from him you hadn't noticed before, from around 20 minutes ago. You had probably been too busy emailing your work.
Koutaro  ⭐
Hey hey hey how has your morning been?
read 11:26am
It put a smile on your face to know that he was thinking of you, but you were also confused. Did he have no idea about what people were saying? Maybe he didn't have friends like yours that spammed you with posts about yourself.
i've been okay. it was kinda weird seeing people posting about me everywhere but other than that
You didn't expect him to respond so quickly, especially when it had taken you so long to text back, however the three dots popped up only seconds after your text. You waited somewhat intently to see what he had to say.
Koutaro ⭐
Are people posting about you? What did you do??😲 
It took everything in you to not literally laugh out loud. Again, with the grown man using emojis (which was extremely unserious but in a cute way), but also because it seemed he really had no idea about any of it. You sent him a few of the links your friends had sent you and explained it to him, before your phone started ringing and you saw his contact again. You quickly picked it up, but had to pull it away from your ears due to how loud he was.
"I'M SO SORRY, THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!" he yelled, "I HAVE CRAZY FANS!" he yelled. When your ears stopped ringing, you responded back.
"I can tell" you encouraged him to lower his volume. You shook your head at his absurdity. Two months ago, you would've never been able to guess this would be your reality. You decided to tell him how you had used it to your advantage, and how more people would be attending the game to support MSBY.
"You're so smart (y/n), I don't get how you do it". You felt a fluttering feeling in your chest before you got a hold of yourself again. He didn't give himself enough credit. While Bokuto seemed airheaded at some points, he was actually very emotionally intelligent and made up for lack of book smarts with his people skills.
"It's my job" you said and smiled, even though he couldn't see it. It was nice to talk to him, even though it had only been half a day since you last heard his voice.
"Thank you for last night again" you spoke, much quieter before. On the other side of the line, Bokuto smiled at the thought.
"Anything for you" he responded. You two exchanged a few more words before deciding to hang up so you could finalize one of your projects. Your phone buzzed one more time, and you checked it before putting it on do not disturb. You ever-present smile became even wider when you read it.
Koutaro ⭐
Come see me after the game on Saturday 😊
You were definitely ready for the match this weekend.
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etes-secrecy-post · 1 month
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
My Wangan Maxi Tune Career Returns 2024 Edition [Timezone Arcade Araneta City Gateway Mall II & Gateway Cinema] - Part 7 [First Half] (Recorded: Jun 19th, 2024)
Hey, hey! It’s me! 😁 And welcome back for another installment of "My Wangan Maxi Tune Career"! I returned in 2022, and now I'm continue it, this 2024. Yes, it's been a while. I haven't shared my WMMT's play progress in this current year, with the last record I posted was on May 31st, 2023 (Pls, go check it out in the "previous" section) before it went into troubles. And by that, I'm talking about my PC desktop problem. *sigh* 😫😔 Nevertheless, I have now SO MANY photos and screenshots that need to be uploaded on my current social media sites right away before I move on to my current update.
Once again, If you haven't seen my "first & second half" of "Part 6", then please check out my "previous" down below (w/ highlight).
#1: Once again, no #OnThisDay throwback post for this date.
(And) #2: Whoever say's "FFA" was making me unhappy... 😥 Because I can't find the acronym on the Google search... This is why, this game is not ready to meet. Even though, they've already launched the old vanilla installment.*sigh* 😔
So, without further ado, let's get started:
1st to 6th Image(s) 📷📲: ↑
• [1st to 3rd Images] June 19th, 2024, I'm here at the specific TZ Arcade branch in Araneta City Gateway Mall II, with my two beloved paper dolls (🐻👨‍🍳 Chowder & Panini 🐰👩‍🍳). Upon entering the said mall and TZ branch, the atmosphere was pretty nice and clean, much like I visited every TZ branch. Anyway, I've redeemed the ₱200 free Power Load coupon through my gold membership TZ Power Card 💳🕹️😁, with an additional ₱150 load for a good measure 💵. However, there's one problem though... There's no Wangan Maxi Tune cabinet at this particular TZ branch. 😥 Damn, it'll be better if I play it inside this awesome atmosphere, alas it ain't happened. 😓 So, should go back to Trinoma where I previously played? 🤔 Nah, because as far as I know, there's another TZ branch located somewhere at the huge "Araneta City" mall. So, I venture myself to search for another TZ branch with my trusty Google Maps app 🗺️📲, in about a 1 hour ⌚.
• [4th to 6th Images] And said an hour later, I finally found another TZ branch located at the OG Gateway Cinema. 🎞️🕹️😃 Huh, you know what, the layer reminds me of going to the Ayala Glorietta mall in Makati City, where there's a TZ branch beside the Cinema. And that was my "Real Life Story". 😁📖 I was in my High School days 🧑‍🎓🏫 (3rd year High School to be specific; 2010 to 2011) when my former BF ("Best Friend") 👤 invited me to a meet-up for playing a music rhythm arcade game (named "DJ MAX Technika" 👇🎶🎧) at the aforementioned Glorietta TZ branch, which I suck at it. But, I was also playing my debuted "Wangan Maxi Tune 3DX Plus" 🚘🌃🛣️ arcade, which is my preferred over that music rhythm. 😊 Yeah, who doesn't love playing arcades after watching an awesome movie (say the new upcoming Disney movies, etc..). I've been there, but I never actually attempted that in my life. 😥 As for the actual arcade branch, it matches my memories back in 2012 😊, and no doubt this is one of the most unique branches unlike the Glorietta branch because besides the TZ branch was this Taco Bell / Pizza Hut stand, which is an awesome nice touch if I want it to grab something delicious Taco/Pizza from the "Yum" brands! My paper dolls loves eating Taco/Pizza! Yum! 🌮🍕😋 Sadly, I don't have funds for ordering food. Bummer... 😥😓
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7th & 8th Image(s) 📷📲: ↑
• Okay, let's move on to the Maxi Tune experience, with "The Speedster Twins" w/ their Impreza cars! 🐶🇯🇵🚘🟥🔵🌸🐰🇯🇵🚘 So, without further ado, let's bring out the twins! Take it away! 😊
Spot 🐶🏎️ & Riya 🐰🏎️ [wearing Teenage Dogday's attire w/ Teenage Dogpressed's jacket & Teenage Hoppy and Teenage Catnap's clothes combined respectively]: Thank you, creator! 😄
Riya 🐰🏎️[wearing Teenage Hoppy and Teenage Catnap's clothes combined]: Actually, you go first Spot because you've received something cool! 😃
Spot 🐶🏎️ [wearing Teenage Dogday's attire w/ Teenage Dogpressed's jacket]: Why thank you, Ri! 😃 Yeah, I've got my first-ever marker in my Maxi Tune experience! I'm sure it's nothing knew, but here it is! That so-called "New Driver" 🔰 always embraces me throughout my childhood, including you Ri!
Riya 🐰🏎️[wearing Teenage Hoppy and Teenage Catnap's clothes combined]: Yes, sir! I think it looks good on you, you know! A Japanese symbol for any kind of beginners! Whether you're a beginner in trading card games, a skillful chef, or whatever you desire! 🔰😀
Spot 🐶🏎️ [wearing Teenage Dogday's attire w/ Teenage Dogpressed's jacket]: You bet! For us, it is a symbol of our beginners as a Maxi Tune player! Even though I've been there since 2011 and then you followed in 2013. 😊
Riya 🐰🏎️[wearing Teenage Hoppy and Teenage Catnap's clothes combined]: You're correct, twin bro! 😊 Hey, let's move on to our "Story Mode" journey, shall we? 📖🚘🙂
Spot 🐶🏎️ [wearing Teenage Dogday's attire w/ Teenage Dogpressed's jacket]: Yeah, sure! 🙂
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9th to 22nd Image(s) 📷📲: ↑
• Spot & Riya's Maxi Tune "Story Mode" Journey 📖🚘:
Spot 🐶🏎️ [wearing Teenage Dogday's attire w/ Teenage Dogpressed's jacket]: Let's proceed to our Maxi Tune "Story Mode" journey, with the continuation of "Garage ACE" second half. 📖🚘
Riya 🐰🏎️[wearing Teenage Hoppy and Teenage Catnap's clothes combined]: Yes, sir! However, we have a problem with the steering wheel. 🙁The maneuver is completely jaggy over solid & sturdy wheel. 👎
Spot 🐶🏎️ [wearing Teenage Dogday's attire w/ Teenage Dogpressed's jacket]: Yeah! These previous aggressive jerks doesn't know how to respect the machine , or fixing it from the mechanic employee! ����
Riya 🐰🏎️[wearing Teenage Hoppy and Teenage Catnap's clothes combined]: Yeah, does this came from the "PVP" matches? 🤨
Spot 🐶🏎️ [wearing Teenage Dogday's attire w/ Teenage Dogpressed's jacket]: *Sigh* What do you think, Ri? 🤨 But, all that aside, we've continue it anyway, and I've lost my ("5") winning streak because of the aforementioned jaggy steering wheel! 😫 I'm so frustrated! 😠 Ri? What about you!?
Riya 🐰🏎️[wearing Teenage Hoppy and Teenage Catnap's clothes combined]: Well, I carried on and I continued my winning streak! 🤷‍♀️
Spot 🐶🏎️ [wearing Teenage Dogday's attire w/ Teenage Dogpressed's jacket]: YOU WHAT!? 😳 HOW THE HECK DID YOU DO THAT?! 😲
Riya 🐰🏎️[wearing Teenage Hoppy and Teenage Catnap's clothes combined]: *Sigh* I was so lucky, that I haven't got the same fate as yours. And while it was challenging with the jaggy wheel, I put in on my best and I've got 45 wins (now 46) on my winning streak. 😮‍💨 *Phew* What a sign of relief for me, Spot... 😩
Spot 🐶🏎️ [wearing Teenage Dogday's attire w/ Teenage Dogpressed's jacket]: Lucky you, Riya. Looks like, I'm about to re-climb my winning mountain once again. *Sigh* 😩
Riya 🐰🏎️[wearing Teenage Hoppy and Teenage Catnap's clothes combined]: But hey, on the bright side, our Impreza cars are now at "Level 9, Step 33"! 🔧⚙️🚘 With the last stop to "Fully Tuned" 🔥🚘 is completing "The Legendary F1 Turbine" stories! Eh, Spot? Do you think, you can handled "10 wins" on your winning streak? 😁😉
Spot 🐶🏎️ [wearing Teenage Dogday's attire w/ Teenage Dogpressed's jacket]: Heck, yeah! You're right, Ri! I can handle it! 💪😁 One last level and our cars were "Fully Tuned"! LET'S GO! 😃
Riya 🐰🏎️[wearing Teenage Hoppy and Teenage Catnap's clothes combined]: *pat on his back* Awesome, there ya go! Uh yeah, should you changed your title, with this awesome "Tune Maximism"!? 🙂 I've already update my title, though! 😁
Spot 🐶🏎️ [wearing Teenage Dogday's attire w/ Teenage Dogpressed's jacket]: Sounds cool, but I'm gonna save that title via Wangan Navi App. 🚘📲😊
Riya 🐰🏎️[wearing Teenage Hoppy and Teenage Catnap's clothes combined]: Sounds fair, and that includes our Maxi Tune "Story Mode" journey, with us! 📖🚘😊
○ Unfortunately, this is far as I go for now owing to the limitation of Tumblr’s photo upload. But don't fret because I've posted my "second half", right here → [CLICK ME!]. 😉 ○
In the meantime, that’s all for now. More Wangan Maxi experience, coming up soon.
If you haven’t seen my 2019 Wangan Maxi Tune 6 & Wangan Navigator app (on the alternate blog), then I’ll provide some links down below. ↓😉
My Wangan Maxi Tune 6 Experience:
My WMMT6 Progress (2019): Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5, Part 6 , Part 7, Part 7½, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14 [Final] (The Last WMMT6 Update)
My Wangan Navigator app (2019): Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14 [Final]
My WMMT6RR Progress (2022 - present): Part 1 [Nov 19th, 2022], Part 2 [Nov 19th, 2022], Part 3 [Nov 19th, 2022], Part 4 [Final] [Dec 28th, 2022], Part 5 [first half], Part 5 [second half], Part 5 [third/final half], Part 6 [first half], Part 6 [second half]
Also check out my previous Maxi Tune installments:
• WMMT5DX - [CLICK ME! #1], [CLICK ME! #2], [CLICK ME! #3], [CLICK ME! #4 (The Last 5DX Update)]
• WMMT5DXPlus (All in chronological date) - [CLICK ME! #1], [CLICK ME! #2], [CLICK ME! #3], [CLICK ME! #4], [CLICK ME! #5], [CLICK ME! #6], [CLICK ME! #7], [CLICK ME! #8], [CLICK ME #9], [CLICK ME! #10], [CLICK ME! #11], [CLICK ME! #12], [CLICK ME! #13], [CLICK ME! #14], [CLICK ME! #15], [CLICK ME! #16], [CLICK ME! #17], [CLICK ME! #18], [CLICK ME! #19], [CLICK ME! #20], [CLICK ME! #21], [CLICK ME! #22], [CLICK ME! #23], [CLICK ME! #24], [CLICK ME! #25], [CLICK ME! #26], [CLICK ME! #27], [CLICK ME! #28], [CLICK ME! #29], [CLICK ME! #30], [CLICK ME! #31], [CLICK ME! #32], [CLICK ME #33], [CLICK ME #34], [CLICK ME #35], [CLICK ME #36], [CLICK ME #37], [CLICK ME #38], [CLICK ME #39], [CLICK ME #40], [CLICK ME #41], [CLICK ME! #42], [CLICK ME! #43], [CLICK ME! #44], [CLICK ME! #45], [CLICK ME! #46], [CLICK ME! #47], [CLICK ME! #48], [CLICK ME! #49], [CLICK ME! #50], [CLICK ME! #51 (The Last 5DX+ Update)]
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destinyc1020 · 2 years
Harrison recently did an interview where he shared his thoughts about Instagram
"I used to love Instagram just like posting photos and stuff but now it is purely for me kinda like a business sort of thing you are trying to make work happen"
Instagram is not real world and it is crazy the emphasis that a lot of people put on the actions that take place there. Blake recently and Harry Holland a few months ago showed the danger of believing what is posted and liked on Instagram. Blake posted a picture in her bikini a month ago with her ripped stomach saying how much she was enjoying the summer all the while in real life she was pregnant. Harry was liking posts about him being the only single Holland when he wasn't. Instagram is a photo site that the smart people with huge followers are using to their advantage.
I'm so glad that more and more ppl in the public eye are speaking out about how social media has been affecting them negatively. 😔
And yea, just like I mentioned last week... social media isn't everything, and as we've seen time and time again (esp with Blake lol 😆) what ppl post on social media isn't always the whole truth. It's just what they want you to see. 🤷🏾‍♀️
I always say that there's a whole world outside of social media.
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nextstopparis · 4 years
💜🌱💙 get-to-know-your-mutuals tag 💜🌱💙
Rules: When you get this, it means someone wants to know more about you, so list 5 things about yourself you want your followers to know! They can be as simple as your age or as complex as your deepest fear, as long as it’s something you’re comfortable with sharing. When you’re done and if you want to, send this to 10 people you want to get to know better!
thank u for tagging me @queerofthedagger 🥺❤️
be prepared folks, i am, what one might call, an ~✨oversharer✨~
1) i love writing in diaries. i love love love it. i think i have around seven ongoing diary-like things that im writing in whenever. they all have a different vibe in terms of what aspect of my life i write in them. (i also sometimes write essays for myself, but only because i need a way to organize my thoughts in full. it rlly helps.)
2) i taught myself how to raise my left eyebrow. idk if thats thrilling or out of the ordinary at all, but when i was younger i really wanted to be able to raise one eyebrow at a time, so i decided on my left eyebrow and managed it. unfortunately, later on i learned that i could just naturally do my right eyebrow, but it was too late by then😔 its not easy being the dumbest bitch around but someones gotta do it, i guess. and! at least now i can raise both eyebrows individually, so who’s really the clown?
3) for some reason, for one/two days every year i suddenly get this urge to?? watch as many documentaries about ocean creatures as possible??? its so fucking weird because its been happening for the past? 7 years? where i just wake up and crave learning about sharks/octopuses/whatever. and then the next day its gone as if it never happened. this occurs EVERY YEAR its so off-putting considering nothing i ever do coincides with it at all????
4) i was not made for reading. i can read fanfic most of the time - but almost nothing else. this is kind of a new thing, and its despicable, i know, but i can not bring myself to sit still or focus for long enough. i literally read 2 sentences and have to check 4 social media sites, watch 18 videos, drink 6 cups of tea and then do that again after the next 2 lines. my friends clown me when i say watching tv is easier than reading, but what can you do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
5) ive had white hair (strands, obvs sksnsk) since elementary and a piece of my soul dies every time one comes into view.
(im not paying mind to the mutual part sksks just gonna tag ppl): @stevethesteveharrington @once-and-future-dawn @once-and-future-gay @merthurlooks @witchmd13 if u want to do it and anyone else that sees this n wants to:) srry if uve been tagged already!
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