#like this on top of the abortion is just demolishing me today
pinkfey · 2 years
i don’t think i’m built to work with teachers in the school district 😔
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sazc94 · 3 years
If These Sheets Were States
I had this idea based of the song If These Sheets Were States by All Time Low. All chapters will start with lyrics from the song. Its written form Steve's POV and yours.
(Also this was my first time writing so be nice please) Context you are British, you and Steve Rogers have been dating for about two years. You're not an Avenger you're just the average reader.
Lots of Fluff, a bit of angst and there will be some smut in the final chapter. Words 1.2k
Chapter 1
If these sheets were the states, and you were miles away, I'd fold them end over end to bring you closer to me. Because I don't sleep at all without you pressed up against me. I settle for long distance calls, I'm lost in empty pillow talk again.
“Earth to Rogers” Natasha snapped her fingers in front of Steve, he removed his ear buds and sighed. He didn’t really like Pop Punk like you did but this song was one that felt especially fitting. He had been on a mission with Natasha, Clint and Tony in Dallas for what felt like forever. It had been almost 8 weeks since he had last seen you in New York and he was missing New York and more importantly you.
“Let’s go through the plan one more time, our window is coming up and it’s a small one” Stark Said.
“Natasha and I will enter through the first-floor window on the rear side of the building brining us directly into the Library” Steve pointed to the blueprint they had managed to secure. Steve knew a lot was resting on this mission 7 weeks of recon 3 days of planning and one aborted mission later tonight was their final chance to get Darcy Lewis out of Hydra’s grasp. Darcy had been working on something top secret for Fury after Thor had introduced the pair of them when he was last on Earth. It was clearly of importance as Fury had instructed the four of them that if they failed then then may God have mercy on their souls. This was the teams last chance to pull her out, they had gotten intel that after tonight the abandoned school building was going to be demolished and Hydra would be in the wind.
The team ran through the plan once more, Clint was to wait in the Jeep they had hired in a quiet street which was about two minutes’ drive from the building, Tony was going to wait for Steve’s signal before causing the generator to short circuit, this would create a distraction and leave the building without power for about 10 minutes, allowing Natasha and Steve just enough time to make their way from the library at the rear of the building to Darcy who was at the front of the building in what they believed was the computer lab, and bust Darcy (and her laptop) out of there. Once the generator was down Tony was to stick around the generator for 5 minutes before he and his suit were to make their way to the computer lab ready to assist with getting Darcy the hell out of there.
20:45 CDT Texas “Show time fellas” – called Natasha over the coms.
21:45 EDT New York City
I settle for long distance calls, I'm lost in empty pillow talk again. I'm lost in empty pillow talk again.
“I’m fine Bucky, I’m letting myself into the apartment now” you were holding your phone up to your ear with your shoulder, trying to unlock the door, balance your takeout pizza and reassure Bucky you were fine. Bucky was Steve’s best friend and as much as you loved your Avenger boyfriend looking out for you, having Bucky call you every day to make sure you were okay was a little exhausting after a while. Today he had called you twice after he’d found out the subway train you were in had gotten stuck between stations after a small fire had been set by some immature school kids (thanks Wanda, that’s the last time I tell you anything) . “Honestly, Bucky, I’m fine, I just want to eat my takeout, take long bath and curl up in bed and sleep. It’s just a little scratch and the paramedics checked me out at the scene said it wont even scar if I take care of it. You were known for being clumsy and during your exit from the subway car you had missed a step on the ladder causing you to slip down the remainder of the ladder and you had caught your arm, during your attempts to steady yourself you had somehow managed you slice your arm.
“Okay Y/N” as long as you’re sure, Steve’s gonna kill me for not taking you to the hospital if something happens” Bucky chuckled “However being honest you scare me more than he does, take care doll and call me if anything if changes or you need anything” with that Bucky clicked of the phone. It was another hot week in NYC and being stuck in the subway for two hours had left you exhausted, overwhelmed and in desperate need of a soak in your bath. You kicked of your shoes, let out a sigh and slammed the door shut behind you. It was week 7, day 4 since Steve had left for his mission and you were missing him, this was the longest mission he’d been on in two years. Steve had moved in 6 months before his mission, and you had gotten used to the feeling of his furnace like body next to you in bed of a nighttime.
Depending on the Mission and how deep undercover the Avengers were would depend on whether you heard from Steve or not, this particular mission it appeared was deep undercover because it had been radio silence since he left. “Hey F.R.I.D.A.Y, call Wanda” “Yes Miss L/N” replied the AI, dating an Avenger had its perks, as soon as Steve had realized you two were getting serious he had asked Tony to add some security precautions to your apartment, and that included installing F.R.I.D.A.Y and some serious upgrades to your sound system and lights.
“Hey Y/N” Wanda sounded chipper for someone who had dropped you in it with Bucky. “Seriously Wanda, what the fuck?!” you cried “What” she replied innocently, all though you couldn’t see her you knew she was probably smirking. “I told you as my friend, not another informant for Steve, I was just letting off steam about how embarrassed I was with the fact that I had managed to injure myself when nearly no one else had” you exclaimed. You settled down on your old red fabric sofa with your takeout pizza and turned on the TV. “Hey, you may be my friend but if something serious had happened as a result and I’d kept it from Bucky which in turn kept it from Steve, he would have given me the next shit mission that came across his and Tony’s desk…. Besides, I didn’t technically tell Bucky. I told vision who I knew would tell Bucky” you could hear the grin in her voice. “therefore, I didn’t technically break my promise to you about not telling Bucky and also didn’t get in Steve’s bad books” by now she was chuckling feeling rather pleased with herself. You let out a long exhale. “Fine you win this round, but next time I am texting one of my friends who don’t have ties to the Avengers and more importantly Steve” you found yourself chuckling at that last part, when you moved to New York 3 years ago you would never have guessed you’d be friends with the rest of the Avengers, let alone dating America’s golden boy Steve Rogers. You flicked through the channels until settling on a Disney movie for background noise whilst you ate your pizza and caught Wanda up on the day’s events.
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