#everyone else is nice to me but when i see her talking to them in the break room it reminds me of like.
firewasabeast · 1 day
I made a little bucktommy fic based off of this post from yesterday (read here or on ao3)
There had been a big fire, taking out the top eight floors of a high rise. There were multiple stations involved, including the 118 and Harbor, ground and air support, to get the fire under control and everyone out safely.
It took more than a few hours, but eventually the fire was out and everyone was getting their gear in order to head back to their respective stations.
As Buck organized the tools in the truck, a small group of friends, two guys and two girls, in their mid-twenties Buck assumed, gathered around him.
It had started with little comments; a guy asked what the axe was used for, a girl batted her eyelashes as she touched his turnouts because she “always wondered what the material felt like”, another girl asked how much water could be stored in the truck.
Buck liked talking. He liked answering questions and telling people what he did. He leaned against the firetruck as they chatted, until about five minutes in one of the guys sighed and got to the point. “We're honestly just wondering if one of us could get your number? Or all of us. Doesn't really matter.”
Buck paused. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy getting hit on. He enjoyed it quite a bit, actually. It was always nice to know when someone found you attractive.
Getting hit on was fun. Getting people's numbers was fun. But, there was something else that was even funner now. He'd been able to do it for exactly three months, to the day. Not that he wasn't flashing his ring beforehand, but something about being married sounded even better than being engaged.
“Sorry, guys,” Buck said, smiling as he lifted his left hand into view, “Im flattered, but I'm married.”
As some disappointed, and some still interested, looks broke out over the group, a familiar voice sounded behind Buck. “Damn, I was just about to shoot my shot.”
A blush rose on Buck's face as Tommy passed by. He was working ground ops today, and Buck knew he was around, but this was the first he'd seen of him. “Yeah, you wish, Kinard,” he called back, causing Tommy to turn back around to him.
He shrugged, smirking. “A guy can dream, can't he?” he asked with a wink, continuing backwards toward his truck.
It was only once Tommy was out of view that Buck realized the group was still there, staring between Buck and the direction Tommy went with confusion on their faces.
“Oh, uh, that- that's my husband.”
His smile grew as he watched the realization hit the group. They didn't stand a chance.
“Forget it,” one girl mumbled as they all started to disperse.
“They're both so hot, what the hell?” one guy whispered, albeit loudly, to his friend.
“And unbelievably corny,” the friend said back, not even trying to be quiet. “Makes me wanna gag.”
Buck rolled his eyes, shaking his head as he pushed himself up from where he was leaning on the firetruck. He began walking in the direction Tommy had gone, needing to see him before his station left.
“Get any numbers, hot stuff?” Tommy's voice made Buck jump. He was situated between two trucks and, from the looks of it, had just finished pouring a bottle of water over his head to clean himself off.
Buck's shoulders relaxed as he walked over to Tommy. “No, I did not,” he said cheekily. “You wanna know why?”
“Because my husband interrupted. He didn't say it, but I got the feeling he wants to keep me to himself.”
“The nerve of that guy.” Tommy moved closer to Buck, his hands coming up to grip onto the sides of Buck's turnouts. “Can't say I blame him though.” He spoke quietly, staring between Buck's eyes and lips, “He does have a really hot husband.”
Buck put his hand at the nape of Tommy's neck, closing the space between them as he pulled him in for a kiss. He had no concern for the fact he was getting soot right back on Tommy's clean face. Payback.
“Can you bring your turnouts home?” Buck asked, leaning back just enough to speak.
Tommy laughed, his face scrunching up into that deep smile that made Buck melt. “This really does something for you, doesn't it?”
“Every damn time.”
Another kiss, this one slower and softer. A promise of what's to come when they're both off shift in a few hours. “I'll figure out a way.”
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into-f0lkl0re · 2 days
Paige bueckers head cannons
I’m in the writing mood idk why
not spell checked (srry)
warnings: slightly nsfw at the end
* definitely liked you first. i feel like caroline probably introduced you guys and she was immediately internally freaking out because you were so nice and chill and polar opposite of her
* would literally do anything to impress you like would jump really high and than turn around to make sure you saw
* for example say yall are in target to get some tru fru (cuz yk she loves her tru fru. her and kk have a serious problem god damn) and you are just pushing the cart not paying attention and she is just like “babe look babe look” “ watch this” “ are you watching??” and you finally are like yes paige and she just does a run a jump to touch something really high and then just skips back to you like “did you see that? you saw that right? I jumped so high!!!!”
* whenever she is on live with kk will just constantly talk about you to the point where everyone else is so fucking annoyed
* like kk is trying to give a crumbl review in her room (that one live) and is like “this one’s mint, i don’t like mint so im not gonna try it but ice wants some” and paige is just like “did you guys know that y/n loves mint. her favorite ice cream is mint chip and like the other day we wer-“ and you just see kk roll her eyes and groan really loudly “paige let me rate this damn cookie” and paige is just like 😧 cuz she just loves talking about you sm cuz your her baby
* during games every time she makes a basket will search for you in the audience and then smile really big
* speaking of games best believe she wants you at every single game and when you can’t go to one she is like ☹️☹️☹️☹️☹️
* and gives you the silent treatment ( not like literally) but she is just so pouty
* like “ babe wdym you have to study for midterms? I have a game tonight. you have to be there” if this is after she recovers from her acl injury she will be like “it’s bad luck if you don’t come. i’m gonna get hurt again” and then you end up going just to cheer her up.
* loves to play video games with you
* if you don’t like playing video games than she just wants to be in the same room as you
* very clingy and touchy especially when drunk
* gets very very pouty when y’all are cuddling and you have to get up to do something
* will follow you around like a lost puppy until you can’t sit down with her again
* if you are studying or working and can’t exactly talk to her or entertain her she will just sit next to you and watch what you are doing or play with your hair
* if you are doing something on the computer she will start braiding your hair while looking over your shoulder
* her love languages are physical touch and quality time together
* dom like 95% of the time but loves when you take control
* like after a really hard practice or game or just a shit day in general she really just wants you to take care of her
* you guys do not have a stone top/pillow princess dynamic (sorry not sorry) ( like yk how a lot of times the mascs will get treated like men in the relationship. that is not your guys relationship) you both give
* she loves to please you but also loves being pleased
* strap ( that’s it)
* she likes using the strap on you but she loves to be eaten out or honestly sometimes a really heated make out session and she just gets off from grinding on you
* she leaves a bunch of hickies all over you (i mean every where)
* wishes you could leave hickies all over her but you can’t that often because of her basket ball uniform
* but best believe off season she is covered in them
* safe word!!! she doesn’t really do overstimulation to much because safe word is not the goal. a safe word is like an emergency stop button
* but y’all can give for a bit
* if you two ever got to a place where you had to use the safe word she would feel so bad
* like y’all wouldn’t have sex for the next couple days because she is so scared of hurting you
* it gets to the point where you have to be like “ i promise you will not hurt me what happened was a miscommunication you didn’t do anything wrong”
* y’all have a really long talk on consent and shit like that because your safety is her no.1 priority
* same goes the other way around
* just loves you smm and loves showing it in anyway she can
I hope y’all like this!! I want to write for other wbb/wnba people as well so please send in requests 🙏 of what y’all would want
i will def do more headcannons for other people as well just ask! I honestly have been having sm writing and i have a bunch of ideas in my notes app! ik the smut wasn’t very smutty (im srry) i don’t have a lot of experience writing smut but i am not against writing it so i will write more if wanted!
Big forehead kisses💕💕
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lazyalani · 2 days
| Blue Lock
| When they like you
| fluffffffffff, fluffiness, just random thoughts and ideas
Ft. Rin, Sae, Nagi, Reo, Chigiri, Barou, Kunigami, Bachira, Isagi
| Blue Lock Masterlist
| Main Masterlist
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Definitely tolerates you more than anyone else. This man has a patience of a lady in her worst mood during period. Let's say you aren't the best in english as most japanese are, or even as worse as bachira, he'd take time to actually try to teach you rather than wait for you to try and pronounce words that would make his ear irk. He'd even share his twin popsicles with you. And maybe, just maybe, he'd watch you fall asleep on your desk.
He'd buy you nice souvenirs from his trips. He's definitely the type to stare at one thing he passes by and thinks oh, this reminds me of them, and then proceeds to by it and gift it. He'd pass it out casual though. I don't think Sae is the type to get all flustered and overthink when he has a crush, I think he'd be chill about it. He's like, oh, i kinda like them, cool. He's the type to show it so casually you wouldn't even realize he likes you, and until he's decided to ask you out or you found out, he'd keep it that way.
Man, I don't know. This guy's a slug and freaking dense. He wouldn't even know he likes you, and even he did he'd treat you no different than a friend. Okay, maybe a little bit more, but Nagi is the type to be effortless with everything except football. If he likes you enough, then I think he'd actually put in a little more effort into talking to you or staying awake while you talk his ears out in class. But if it's just a little admiration then there's no difference from that to being his friend.
Ah, definitely talks yours ears out every damn second. Don't expect seeing him without a gift for you. He spoils you a lot. Treats you like his significant other even before he asks you out, which is not far off because obviously he can never hide what he's feeling. Everyone can see he likes you, even you. He accompanies you almost everywhere, asks your favorite everything just to bring them to you the next day, texts you day and night. How dreamy.
Lets you make silly princess comment on his hair. He doesn't get annoyed, playfully bites back on your remarks. Indulges you in your rants about fashion, skin care, hair care, make up, routines and even adds things he uses or thinks might be good. He might awkward about liking you at first, but remains casual about it and doesn't mention or think about it often. It just comes naturally as if he's talking to a friend he's comfortable with.
Man, this one's tough. Definitely indenial at first, he wouldn't even know what he's feeling. He's not stupid, but he's also not one to think he could actually like someone since he's definitely got high standards for himself and for other people. He'd shake off the feeling at first, might even tend to be harsher with you ay times, but gradually just accepts it but swears never to mention or bring it up. Becomes more attentive to your hygiene and habits. Avoids the topic of liking someone like a plague. Never ever asks you out. (Liked but never pursued heh)
This one's the type to get flustered when he realizes it. Gets all shy around you at first and Chigiri definitely notices and points it out. Decides to listen to Chigiri's advice to just act normal and cool because he's being too obvious. Tries not to get flustered around you but everytime he sees you it reminds him of his realization. Is definitely more protective of you when other guys are around, especially with ones like Raichi and the bald monk I forgot the name of. Acts of service type of guy.
Too perceptive for his own good, sees it coming. He doesn't care whether anyone notices or not. Not the type to be shy about anythin and that includes having a crush on you. Sticks to you like a leech and talks to you 10x more. Notices your little hobbies and tries to match then so you could have something in common. I just know he's the type to do these cute little things because he just wants to enjoy things with people he likes.
Ah the shy-est one. Dense, indenial at first, but the ever so nosy Bachira notices and makes him realize it. Will stutter around you and get a little fidgety but pays more attention to you than ever. Helps you with even the smallest tasks like carrying things or helping making a decision and giving advices. If it's in school, he'd even offer to walk you home but then get all flustered. The sweetest.
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mjr-acourtofdreams · 17 hours
Didn't Love Me. I Ain't No Fool.
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Azriel x Y/N
warnings: angst...? I don't know if there is anything else?
summary: you meet Feyre at the paint studio you two clicked right away and became good friends, soon enough you got to meet the rest of the IC and started forming friendships with them. Azriel and you had a spark at the beginning or at least you thought you did... you two started seeing each other shortly after, keeping each other company in the deep hours of the night and telling each other the darkest parts of each other, he said he loved you but oh how things couldn't have been anymore different...
Winter Solstice a time where we gather with our family and friends to exchange gifts, drink and visit with each other it is a wonderful time of the year, it has always been my favorite time of the year... been.
Everyone has made their way back to their rooms for the night dinner went well lots of laughs and stories told I am not exactly part of the inner circle but after becoming great friends with Feyre she invited me to a family dinner one time and the rest is history these people are like my family now. I picked up my glass and took the last sallow I was the last one in the living room making my way back to my room I changed into some comfortable night clothes and was about ready to rest for the night when I remembered I forgot some gifts that I didn't put under the tree.
Making down the hallway with the arm full of gifts I stopped dead in my tracks has I heard hush talking coming from bottom of the stairs slowly making my way the top of the stairs I peeked down staircase my whole body teased, there standing was Azriel and Elain. They were so close oh so close to each bout ready to kiss, I can smell the arousal from here it was too much I took a step back feeling a hard body behind me glancing form the corner of my eye I seen Rhys then I felt him trying to get past my mental shields I drop them "go to you room y/n." I gave him a small nod and sped walked to my room and locked the door behind me.
I shouldn't be upset about what had happened I have seen the way he looked at Elain and how he started to get closer to her and seeing me less and less. We were never really an official thing I mean we talked a lot and we slept together, and I would be crazy not to say it wasn't the best sex I had in a while but with all of the bonding that we had and a strong friendship even if was with benefits I would be lying if I said I didn't form feelings for the shadow singer. The deal was sold one night after he snuck into my room after a mission, and we spent the night together we didn't just have sex we made love and after we cuddle close to each other before he drifted off to sleep, he told me he loved me I believed him. What a fool I was to let him break those walls of mine to let me fall for him, I know better now.
I stood in front of the mirror looking at the work I put into this outfit a smiling being bought on my face. I wore a black gown that had sparkles all the way through it that looked like starlight, with slits coming up both legs and stopping at my hips, the back was open while the straps gently wrapped around my neck with a soft chain then it drops down to a plugging neck line, my eyes were done with a smokey look and my hair was pinned off to one side and my natural waves danced across my back. Tonight, everyone is going out to Rita's it seems like it's been forever since I see them all together it will be nice to catch up with them all and with the news a heard from Feyre a couple weeks ago, she told me that Azriel and Elaine made it official to everyone. Since that night I caught them in the hall I decided to completely stop going over there and seeing them other than Feyre but that is going to change because I miss the friendships, I formed those amazing people and it look those weeks or months to build myself back up from the heart break if that was even worth calling what Azriel and I had it was just one siding but now since back to a better self and not going to go crawling back to a man that clearing never really truly wanted me, he is going to truly see what he is missing.
Short time passed and stood in front of the packed bar the music and laughter poured out to the empty streets taking a deep breath I made my way to the door. It didn't take me long to spot the whole inner circle in the booth they always sit at while here, looking them all over before I make my way to them, I seen Aziel and Elaine sitting to close together there wasn't room to even breath through and he had his arm flung around her shoulders she was resting her head in his side while he smiled down at her fondly I let a small hurt smile flash across my face and shake my head realizing right there that didn't love me and never did.
Azriel POV
Smiling down at Elaine while she leaned into my side I glance back up to where Cassin was going on about the building he destroyed in summer when my eyes landed on and focused on the figure that was making their way over to our table blinking and swallowing hard, I realized that it was y/n straighten up and slide my arm from Elaines side and sit up and looked me with questionable face but I couldn't take my eyes off of y/n as she comes to the table she looked absolutely divine, I haven't seen or heard from her since solstice and I haven't been able to seek her out busy with missions and well Elaine, oh Elaine glancing over to her on my side she was now talking to Mor on the other side of her.
"Hello everyone!" the sweet voice that was sweet has honey now sounds like it has been hardened. Feyre jumped up and pulled y/n into a hug. "I'm so glad you came!" Feyre's smiled beamed at her friend y/n's smile matched hers but there was less sparkle in those beautiful eyes, she slid into the booth right across from me I couldn't take my eyes off of her something felt like it was pulling me towards her even my shadows wanted to leave their master to go to her sides. I cleared my throat it all of a sudden feel dry, to dry. "Hello" she picked up her drink and slowly took a drink and looking down into the glass "How are you?" I tried again to get her attention one of my shadow flew over the tabletop and wrapped around her wrist she glanced up them looking straight into my eyes it felt like she was looking into my soul cutting right through me. "Hello, shadowsinger." there was ice in her voice I felt my body flinch at the coldness in it, this wasn't right I shake my head and looked her back in the eyes "what is going on with you, haven't seen you in weeks, months and you are so cold." I paused and looked her watching her face for any changes she let out a small low chuckle that sounded more like a huff like she hasn't laugh forever then she looked at me the hurt in her eyes were too much to bare to look at then she spoke with no emotion in her voice at all "well, that what happens when love lets you down." she stood from her spot and walked away through the crowded and I felt it then something shattered into a million pieces and I couldn't stop the tears from falling.
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suzyblue0292 · 3 days
Rewatch - Dead Boy Detectives S1E2 - The Case of the Dandelion Shrine
Is this a functioning cannery?
Edwin being their diplomat is both horrifying and hilarious, but yeah, he is actually the best choice. 
I always knew if my cat could talk he’d be an asshole.
I can’t tell how much of the seduction is real and how much is a play to get the bracelet on…
The fear on Edwin’s face as he backs off. 
I’m not sure it’s consensual if you smack a caging spell on someone first…
I wonder if the cat king returned him hours later on purpose to screw with them - it makes Edwin’s story so suspect to Charles because - how could that be all that happened - you were gone for hours!
Edwin is so stressed out and striking out at everyone. Also this makes 2 times he has mentioned hell. 
Poor Jenny does not get paid enough for this shit. 
Obviously they have not traveled much if they don’t know the mail gets forwarded.
And the sad moment we all realized it was not psychic lesbian love. 
“You’re a cursed walrus. That’s cool.” Oh Charles.
Charles does smile a LOT.
Esther was totally planning revenge before she knew they were stuck. Oh, deary me. I love her so much. 
Where do doctors still make house calls? Is it because he really is such a crap doctor?
I don’t think Edwin doesn’t care - he’s trusting Charles to handle Crystal - while he observes and puts together evidence. 
Honestly, Edwin a simple “We can’t talk to the living, you can.” Would have sufficed. Yes, Charles, stop being so nice. Western doctors refuse to treat women with any seriousness even when it’s not a magical malady so let’s not give Dr. Dehydration any props here. 
Married bickering. 
Crystal, while I don’t begrudge you poking through someone else’s library, those letters are not your business. 
Edwin’s repetitive use of “hysteria” cracks me up.
More married bickering. Right until it looks like Edwin could hurt himself, then Charles is so soothing.
Also, which one of them is more obsessed with the Cat King?
Poor Charles. Also, when you consider that Edwin’s calmness is because he’s seen so much worse, poor Edwin.
Crystal, all you do is talk about it.
Boarding school is a theme in this show. 
Everyone was staring because of the sprites, so she had to drop out of school. 
Where do all of Crystal’s clothes come from?
Niko looks so delighted at the prospect of Crystal being insane. She really is delightful.
So much of Edwin’s rudeness comes from a place of concern.
Are those women twins?
A dead child causes more trouble than a live one. Tell me how you really feel about children, Nurse Lady.
Such a cute map Niko.
I think Edwin liked, or at least respected his father. He is quoting him a hundred years after his death. I wonder if he didn’t have a better homelife than Charles and that is why he looks so stricken when Charles says “lets not talk about dads.” He doesn’t really understand that Charles was abused - in part because Charles hasn’t shared that and in part because our idea of abuse has changed over time. However - it should be noted that when Edwin himself was a small child there were reform movements, and anti-child abuse laws passed in England, so it isn’t fair to assume he was abused or would have no understanding of the notion. 
I love the relationship we’re seeing between these two. Charles’ gentle comments about Edwin’s “old-timey insults” immediately elicits a promise to be nicer from Edwin. 
Then his comments about liking Crystal because she’s like Edwin get this soft smile from Edwin and he breaks down and admits he isn’t upset with Crystal but himself. Charles is so quick to put the blame on the Cat King - even though he could scold Edwin for trapping the cat.
How does a ghost break a bone on the mortal plane? 
“I went with grab it.” Charles I love you.
“ANOTHER discussion about your impetuous behavior.” “Sure, mate.” Charles does shit like this all the time, clearly. 
The teacher in me feels such kinship with Jenny.  I wish I could say “cut the weird shit.” God knows I think it a lot. 
Me too Edwin. Me too.
I think we all sleep on how brilliant Charles really is. While Edwin and Crystal are bickering he’s reading the book and coming up with a solution.
Why does the jar float in thin air but not the book?
Edwin does care about Crystal. 
Okay Crystal’s speech to the sprite’s is so sad, but does anyone else expect a lion and hyenas to start a musical number when she says “you’ll never go hungry again”?
So rude that the sprites could just always “exit the body” this way but instead explode people. 
Love the sprites.
“But also dangerous and unprofessional. Do not do it again.” Is Edwin for “I care about you and you frightened me. Which Charles damn well knows. I suppose it would embarrass Edwin (and probably Crystal) for him to point that out though.
Charles please stop. We’re all in pain here.
Love Niko’s confidence.
Charles is so happy to collect new friends. 
Oh my god. So many ghosts.
Esther, my queen. 
The spellwork sequence is so cool. 
I know Monty comes off all sweet later but his grin is evil. 
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viquipo · 17 hours
No bc I'm so mad rn I usually post my rants on ig stories but I need the tumblrites to tell me if I'm crazy or what. Jwcc/ct spoilers WHATEVER
First of all I want to preface this by saying that this is just my opinion on the matter, I'm not saying your headcanons are "wrong" or whatever tf, it's a kids cartoon where they unironically use terms like "fam". You can play with the characters however you'd like.
That being said, this is why TO ME it does not makes sense for Ben to be anything other than gay. Again, if you think he's bi or straight or anything else that's cool. I'm also leaning towards the opinion that he does actually have a girlfriend. I don't think the shows gonna pull a 180 on it because, realistically, 2 queer characters is already a lot for a DreamWorks kids show. As much as I'd like it not to be.
But, since the beginning, Ben has been very clearly coded as exclusively into men to me. Before finally going into it, I remind everyone on here that I'm a lesbian. I have felt an affinity with his character specifically for the experience of only liking the same gender. I might be totally projecting.
Ok, so.
1. The arc Ben goes through during the show is yes, one of self discovery, but also one of self acceptance. He changes a lot from the start of s1, but he also comes to terms with stuff himself or other people didn't like about him. He doesn't throw the dork pouch away or tells Kenji to keep it, the first thing he does when he takes it back from Kenji is put on hand sanitizer. He is covered in dirt, he's not afraid of filth anymore, but he still does that action because it's part of who he is as a person. He also becomes very unashamed at the things he does. He went from being embarrassed of his carob bars to eating grubs in front of people who he knows think it's gross. He knows himself as he is and he accepts it. To me (and to lots of other people) this works very well as a gay metaphor, and pairs up pretty nicely with the whole "jungle boy? Jungle MAN" arc being a trans metaphor. But how does this make Ben uniquely into men?
Well, it doesn't. But I think this next one does.
2. Enter Yasmina. She's pretty, she's smart, athletic, funny, all that good stuff. I'm not saying that means every wlm character should automatically be into her, but it certainly helps. Now forgive me if I don't remember specific episodes/seasons, but we all remember that episode where Ben convinces himself that Yaz is in love with him for some reason. When he "rejects" her, he says : "I'm just now starting to find myself". That's cool, cause I'm pretty sure Ben's " finding himself " personality wise was over and done a couple of seasons ago. To me, that is a really good hint at him dealing with his gayness.
3. He's also the first person Yasmina talks to about her feelings for Sammy. Now, in this particular context, the options for Yaz to talk to were Darius, Brooklynn, or Ben. It would initially seem to make more sense for her to confide in Brooklynn, since the two of them are far closer than her and Ben, and it also wouldn't be the first time she brings up Sammy as a romantic interest for Yaz (see: everyone tweaking abt that one line back in like s2). So why does Yasmina, a very private and reserved person, choose Ben to talk to about her same sex crush? She has probably gathered from the previous conversation that Ben relates to her struggle in a unique way in which Brooklynn just can't. Ben seems very receptive of what Yaz is saying ("feelings, am I right?") and it seems like he REALLY gets where she's coming from.
4. This is one I don't see talked about a lot, and maybe it's just cause I'm too out of the loop with the fandom, but I want to examine it as well. It's when Ben decides to not actually stay on the island. Everyone (except Sammy) already knew he wasn't going to stay in the end, but still didn't force him out. I think this is especially clear in a line Darius says when they reunite on the boat that goes something like "you needed to figure it out on your own" *smile hand on shoulder combo*. No explanation needed I think
I am diagnosed with autism did you guys know what
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vampire-exgirlfriend · 21 hours
So many people say they're being plagarised and offer no proof except all this hearsay. The one time I saw two people actually offer proof @selfproclaimedunicorn dismissed it as their writing and the accused were basically writing the same generic boring mid smut and weren't being plagarised at all or plagiarising. She says they were causing drama over generic expressions. The funny thing was the complainants fic was being recycled in a new fandom by the accused and nobody really took it seriously except a handful of their mutuals. It's you lot who create cliques and fear mongering and this idolatry worshipping writers with huge followings, in time creating your own worst enemies. People with clout somehow in the fandoms always act like corrupt cops. But it's people in the fandom who create it. I've never seen you reblog anyone's work except your friends. I've seen Natasha reblog different people and offer nice comments. But you and your friends don't. And Ange is .... I don't know. Will she be a bullet you dodged? She has a big following end she was part of a group who were unbelievably toxic until she changed (?) People are just awful in this fandom and you know it getting a taste of it yourself here and elsewhere. I've no doubt people whose OCs are overlooked and ignored or whose x readers are not read, their voices are silent and people steal from them voraciously and nobody cares. People friends with the bigger writers close ranks and shut everyone out and everyone else is scrabbling to fit in and be noticed. I can name on one hand writers who write for the fun and not attention or notes. I don't know you and I'm sorry you have suffered this but welcome to our world
honestly, i wasn't going to answer this because so much of it is just fucking stupid.
I know exactly what you're talking about re misa, and you tagged the wrong blog. it wasn't her that said that, it was @julyzaa - and you know what...she wasn't wrong. she was talking about two fics that shared a similar premise. and we both agreed that it wasn't plagiarism. it was just two authors who wrote an aemond smutty one shot with similar vibes. of which there are a million and one fics like that right now. there is an importance in being able to discern the difference.
and i'll just say it, this obsession of constantly bringing up Ange is weird. it's creepy at this point. you're welcome to dislike someone, but it's becoming glaringly obvious that there's individuals in fandom that want to blame an outside person instead of looking at themselves and the company they keep. in my time being Ange's friend, not once have I been bullied/harrassed/intimidated - not even in a joking way. the chatting never turns toxic and the only time we're talking about other people is when shit gets weird on the dash (like it is right now). that's just normal social interaction, babes. we spend most of our time discussing fic and the show and our real lives.
and frankly, i don't know where this idea of 'clique' came from or why it seems this is an accusation that's being thrown around - not just at myself but others. there's no clique. there's no secret club or burn book or whatever you think there is lurking out there where we're concerned. im so confused as to why it's an issue that friend groups crop up and people get close. that's the nature of being mutuals! it's weird to be angry at people for making friendships and taking those friendships offline.
this is my blog and i'm allowed to reblog what I want - as is everyone else. you don't have a solution for whole 'clique' conundrum you seem so concerned with, so I can only assume your answer would be for me to just reblog everything I see, in hopes that your work reaches an audience. and i'm not going to do that. i will reblog the stories and edits that speak to me, that inspire me, that i actually enjoyed. and i've become friends with a lot of those authors, sure. because i put in the effort to get to know them. i stopped posting on tumblr because I got no response when posting my fic. My audience is clearly elsewhere. But it's always 'will you reblog my stuff' but it's never reciprocated, so what's the point in supporting mutuals if the mutual relationship is gone? have you ever reached out to me? have you ever struck up a conversation or attempted to chat about something other than fic? no? then why do you have any expectations of me at all where your fic is concerned? maybe look that the relationships you have formed and you'll have your answer.
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I’m sorry
summary-a quick rendition of your classic unrequited love
warning-pretty much just angst
this may be on the personal side whoops guys but in words call this a reflection of what i experienced pretty recently guys i’m so cooked 🙏😔
you and tara met on the same course two years ago. she was breath taking, stunning even, god you could list a whole book to describe her. the poets would cower when you wrote about your love, the artists would throw their media away when you painted her beauty. A beauty of attraction and a pure beauty of soul in and out that girl had no flaw. all expect she was never yours to have, she was took for three years took by another boy.
you weren’t supposed to get that drunk, you weren’t supposed to tell her but god did it eat you up inside. you have always been honest but it was different this time she was in love with someone else and when you looked into those brown eyes, those stupid stupid beautiful brown eyes. it came out all at once.
you remember the first interactions you had with her, and she recites them back to you. walking into that classroom, anxious? maybe a little but hey you’ve got charm.
there was a group of kids who you already made a little bit of chum with so you sat with them. their names were quinn, ankia and ethan and on that table was her, the first thing you saw was her and god did that arrow to the heart hit you hard.
she was absolutely captivating. funny thing the first words you two ever spoke was you inviting her to the conversation and her getting your name wrong (ouch)
you actually didn’t speak much, then you invited her to a party in january of last year which she accepted (you bullied her for being 5’1 the whole time)
however after that it was just polite smiles and a quick hey. skip to August and you have been dragged to a social club by your dear friends(one of them has a huge crush on the singer, and you’re just being supportive)
you didn’t enjoy the the club much but if it was for ankia you’d happily let them drag you anyway. you had been going for three weeks now it had become tradition to go to the club every thursday however this particular thursday mindy gets your attention.
“isn’t that tara from film?” she said pointing over towards the entrance. you glanced up from your phone and turned to the door, and you were consumed by the most beautiful butterflies.
“oh yeah i think it is, i didn’t know she came here?” you replied to which mindy hit you with a simple “me either”
everyone turned back to their conversations and your thoughts were consumed about the pretty girl in the corner.
your phone buzzed in your pocket, taking it out you saw her name.
‘am i going crazy or is that you in buskers?’
you smiled at her text looking over to her, texting a quick ‘i can confirm you are infact not going crazy’
not your smoothest sentence but who can blame you? you were consumed by her.
you went over to her after what had to be about an hour later asking if she wanted to hang out with your group next friday night, she said she’d love to. she never showed.
october comes around and you and ethan are currently wondering round shops laughing and being idiots when you go into the corner shop. you were busy looking at the drinks when he tapped your shoulder.
you look up at him and he points behind you “is that tara?” you turn around and comically there’s no one there so you poke fun and head down that direction.
low and behold that beautiful brunette comes round the corner. “y/n? ethan? hi it’s so nice to see you” and that smile.
you three got caught up in one of the aisles, turns out she works at the shop right near your house, isn’t that a beautiful sign? Ethan invited her to hangout after work which she graciously accepted and so after work you three just walked and talked, you invited her to the halloween party you were having, she never showed.
now was it the smartest thing to invite her to hangout with you and ankia one night in february? no but hey you were happy being a friend to her. (boy arnt you regretting it)
so february 2nd and it’s you three and you hit the arcade and you’re laughing and you’re happy and it works out well and she’s taking pictures of you and putting you on her story and her on yours, so you invite her out again.
you didn’t expect you and tara to get so close but you did and it happened pretty fast and your friends knew about your silly girl crush and your friends would gush about all the signs about how she clearly likes you back.
giving you sign after sign, proof after proof. and god you believed it too you looked into those brown eyes and you never escaped.
and now it’s june 19th and you’re alone and you’re drunk and you told her and all she could say was “i’m sorry.”
and your heart broke a thousand times each shard shattered even further when all you could see was the pitty in her eyes.
you vaguely remember the conversation, it began with you telling her, her saying she could tell you liked her, and her being so genuine and telling you how she’s sorry and how it’s not your fault and she would never let it ruin the friendship.
so why are you sat here like an idiot after being left on delivered for 10 hours after she texted you first.
and you’re left with nothing more than a heart full sorrow, you envy him but you still wishnothing but happiness for her but god were you stuck crying in your room.
you will always be haunted by her.
i changed up the friend dynamic to fit what happened to me a little better not fully just a tad (this is rlly j me getting things off my chest and begging i write a good story out of it)
i wrote this pretty quick thinking of maybe a series with detail ( i left quite a bit out) or even a better one shot lmk what u guys think 🙏💪
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