#because we’ll go overtime and the next class will have to wait!!
pinkfey · 2 years
i don’t think i’m built to work with teachers in the school district 😔
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polyphonical · 9 months
Bridal - Chapter 4
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Location: Studio
Izumi: Alright, stop! That was awful!
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Kaoru: ……
Izumi: How did it end up being worse than last time? I thought you understood even a little bit of what I told you, did you not?
There’s supposed to be a happy bride behind the lens right? So why are you making that kind of expression the moment I take the picture?
You’re getting married, and your bride is holding a bouquet of flowers, so look happier!
Kaoru: ……
Izumi: Hakaze, don’t just silently stand there, say something! 
Huh? What is it, Anzu? Let’s take a break? There’s no way we can take a break after this.
I am not sending off a half assed product when I’m the one guiding him.
I don’t have any time tomorrow or the day after, so we have to finish this today.
Look, we're doing this again. Look over here, imagine a happy bride, and smile.
Kaoru: O-okay…
Izumi: Like~ I~ said~ why do you look so upset? Don’t make me repeat the same thing over and over again!
Kaoru: Um… I’m sorry, Sena-kun.
Izumi: Geez… Not to be like Anzu, but it probably is best to take a break.
We seriously don’t have time for this. I normally wouldn’t allow this, but if the same thing keeps happening, we won’t get anywhere.
Kaoru: Anzu-chan, Sena-kun, thank you. I’m gonna go outside for a bit and get some fresh air.
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Izumi: …What’s up with him? Anzu, do you know?
It was the same thing the other day when we went to the arcade. [1] He was acting weird.
But whatever. What’s going on with him has nothing to do with me, so I don’t care.
A~h. After this, I have no idea when I’m getting home. Naru-kun better pay me overtime for this.
Hm? What, “You were really cool earlier”?
Naturally. I have a lot of experience with bridal shoots, so I could do them in my sleep. 
Of course, this applies to other themes too. I’ve been modeling since I was a little, so this type of stuff was ingrained into me.
Hm? You asked when will I start modeling again?
I wonder~. I’ve been thinking a lot about what I’d do about that too…
Naru-kun asked me too. She wants me to start modeling again. Recently, she’s been trying to get me to do all sorts of jobs.
This time too, she might’ve asked me to help out Hakaze so I could remember how fun it is to model again.
Or, it really could’ve just been an emergency and she had no one else to ask.
Even though I said I wouldn’t come back unless Yuu-kun was with me… It really is fun to be in front of a camera, isn’t it?
Ah~ I really do love this job after all.
…Not that I’ll ever tell Naru-kun I said that.
I can hear it now. “I knew that Izumi-chan wanted to keep modeling ♪,” she’d say.
…More importantly, why am I telling you all of this?
I didn’t even want to tell you this, but you just kept listening and saying “Uhuh!” and “Right!” so I naturally just kept talking!
…Now that I think about it, Hakaze still hasn’t come back yet.
He wouldn’t just leave and never come back right?
What? You’re gonna go look for him, Anzu?
Then I’ll stay here. If Hakaze comes back, at least one person has to be in the studio to wait for him.
Even if I went, I think he’d like it more if Anzu went instead of me.
In class, he won’t shut up. Always saying, “Anzu-chan this” and “Anzu-chan that”.
Alright go already. If you take too long, we’ll just waste the day away.
… I’ll leave Hakaze to you, Anzu.
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Begging you guys to read Wanted!!!. For context here, Kaoru asked Izumi to borrow his makeup kit because he was crying and his eyes were swollen. Eichi asked to go to the arcade after this and the rest unfolds there. But mainly, Kaoru was upset and the arcade was a distraction, so that's why Izumi said he was acting weird then.
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headinthestaticsky · 3 years
The Dusk Comes for me: Jasper Hale x My OC Fleur Swan, Chapter 4
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Warnings: Moments of violence, cussing
AUTHORS NOTES: None of the characters in Twilight belong to me. All rights go to Stephenie Meyer.
 Sorry if you find anything misspelled or out of place. I proof read these chapters 3 times I still find things wrong with it.
“I'm alone, look at the sky, my dear. I am not every falling star make a wish every time I leave so we can love until infinity.” I'm Waiting Here by Lykke Li and David Lynch
One minute I was I sleeping with Jasper in my room and the next it seemed I was in a unfamiliar location. My movements were not at will, my feet pounded against the steel floor. It was as if I was chasing someone, I soon caught a glimpse of who it was. It looked like a security guard as I was running I noticed a sign on the wall “Grimsham.” Grimsham, that’s in Mason County. What am I doing in Mason County? Two men had ran ahead of me eager to catch the man. The two men looked unfamiliar to me, I was sure I had never seen them before. The security guard had made it outside just about to get out of the area when the man with long blonde hair caught him taking him down to the ground. They then began to feed on him, They were vampires that explained the speed. But why was I moving so fast though? My uncontrolled movements moved toward the man about to start feeding on him. It was then that I noticed that I was not in my body. My “hands” looked far to pale to be my own. Before I could see who the woman was I jumped up, gasping for air. I looked around the room, Jasper was gone. 
For once I was thankful about him not being there. I didn’t need him stressing out about something that I was a dream. I stretched and got up quickly getting ready for school as I slept in a bit too long. I went for a white lace long sleeved shirt and black jeans with the same ankle boots that I've owned for 4 years. I grabbed an apple since I didn’t have much time to eat. Just as I had closed the door I saw Bella slips on a big patch of ice. I held in a laugh wanting to be a little nicer today. I saw dad pull up in her truck and quickly help her up.
“Geez are you okay Bells?” He asked.
“Yeah, ice doesn’t exactly help the uncoordinated.” She replied.
“Well I put new tires on your truck since the old ones were getting pretty bald.” 
“Oh thanks dad.”
“I’ll put the chains on your tires tomorrow okay Petal?” 
“That’s fine dad, thank you.”
“I’m gonna be late for dinner today. I’ll be working overtime.”
“Why?” I asked.
“Well, a security guard  that works at Grimsham Mills down in Mason county got attacked by some animal.” He explained.
“Oh.” Was all I could say. My heart dropped down into my stomach I didn’t know what else to say. This couldn’t have been a coincidence, no way it couldn’t of been. But, I wasn’t a vampire how could I have predicted this. My mind was racing. Dad seemed to have noticed my distant look on my face.
“Are you okay Petal? You’re looking kinda pale there.” He asked
“Oh yeah I’m fine sorry my mind wandered. Be careful down there dad.” I replied.
“Yeah be careful dad.” Bella said.
“I always am. love you guys.”
“Love you too.”
These past few days have been pretty tense. Bella was of course on even more edge than usual as Edward hadn’t been showing up to school. Every time I pulled into the back of the lot and joined the rest of the Cullens I could feel Bella’s eyes burn at the back of my skull. I didn’t dare to look back, thinking I might combust into flames if I even glanced at her for a second. 
Today seemed to be one of those days. Jasper and I began to walk up the stairs toward the school. He suddenly stopped and turned around glaring back at her. Bella faltered and turned around quickly, seemingly intimidated by his harsh glare.
“You didn’t have to do that you know that right? I can handle my bony twin sister.”
“I felt like I had to darlin, her emotions were starting to give me a migraine.” 
“Aww, I’m sorry love.” I said I then pecked his lips.
“Edwards suppose to be back to though right?”
“Yes, he is he’s just running late.”
“Oh okay. Maybe him being back will calm her down.”
“Hopefully, now come on, we have a history test to take.”
“Ugh, why would you remind me about that now I got a migraine.” I said.
He chuckled before dragging me to class. As much as I wanted to focus on my test I just couldn’t. That dream kept filling my head after every questions I read. 
“Who was America named after?”
“Where is the Hudson River located at?”
“Name differences between federalist and anti-federalist.”
I just couldn’t formulate a full answer without drifting back to the dream. The three people ravaged that poor security guard and I was in one of those monsters bodies. Am I connected to them in someway or was this really just a dream? For my sanity and racing heart I just came to the conclusion it was. I just barely finished that history test before the time had run out. I finally lifted my head to see Jasper looking at me, worry etched all over his chiseled face. I couldn’t be helping his migraine at all. I grabbed his hand and led him out of the classroom. English and Calculus went by quickly and I was soon back at lunch. Bella hadn’t been glaring at me from across the room today. Jasper must’ve of scared her a bit. It was nice to get a break from the constant looks of pure hatred. I was working on an essay about the Scarlet Letter for English and Jasper had left to take a quick walk. As soon as he left Rosalie had tapped my shoulder.
“Hey are you okay? You’ve seemed kinda off this morning, Jasper’s starting to notice it too. She asked.
“No, I’m not.”
Alice and Dean’s interest had peaked and listened in on our conversation.
“What’s wrong? Did something happen to you?”
“No, not exactly. I just had a really bad nightmare. It was like I was in on the attack, It wasn’t me me though I was in someone elses body. I helped with the attack I was chasing that poor man with two other men.” 
“That’s strange, no wonder you’ve been out of it all morning.” Rosalie said.
“But it gets even worse, dad told me today he had to go down to Mason county because a security guard got attack by an animal. It was the same place in my dream.”
Rosalie, Emmett, Dean, and Alice looked shocked not exactly knowing what to say.
“I wouldn’t worry about it too much. You’ll drive yourself crazy.” Rosalie said.
“Yeah don’t worry about it short-stack.”
“Yeah, you guys are right I need to stop worrying. I just can’t help it. It felt so real to me.”
“We’ll check out the area if that makes you feel better.” Alice suggested.
“I couldn’t ask you guys to do that but, thank you for the offer.”
“It wouldn’t be much trouble.” Dean said.
“No really I’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure?” Rosalie asked.
“Yeah it’s okay, can we just keep this between us for now.
“Don’t worry, We won’t tell anyone else.” Rosalie said.
“Thank you.”
Jasper had returned to the table putting his arm around my should and kissing my head. I noticed he had someone else with him, that person being Edward. 
“Been a while Edward, are you feeling better?”
“Yes, I feel a lot better.”
I then took Jasper’s hand feeling more content. It felt nice to tell somebody else about my dream. It was like a weight fell off my shoulders and my heart had returned to it’s normal pace. After Art and Calculus I made my way out of the building ready to head back home. Hopefully Bella would be in a better mood I didn’t want to fight today. I felt my arm being tugged on to turn me around... I of course knew who it was I guess him being back didn’t help he much. 
“Yes, Bella?” I asked in a calm tone.
“Look I know you’re around the Cullens all the time what’s going on with Edward!? She demanded.
“I don’t know.” I lied.
“Don’t lie to me! How stupid do you think I am? Everything was going fine in Biology and then when I asked about his eyes he freaked out again.” 
I held in a comment I didn’t want this to escalate.
“I am not lying Bella I don’t what is going on we never talk much.”
“Oh don’t give me that load of crap! Tell that freak of a boyfriend of yours to stop glaring at.”
“He can look where ever he wants to and he is not a freak. Don’t start something you can’t finished Bella. It won’t end well for you.” I said and started to walk away. 
“Oh no your not, you’re not going to walk away from me again!.”
Before I could say anything else I heard the screeching of a van. It was heading right towards us. I pushed Bella out of harms ways as much as I wanted to rip her head off I wouldn’t let her get crushed by a van. But I didn’t have enough time to move myself. I put my hands up knowing that it would help the impact but, my instincts just told me to do that. I was suddenly knocked down hitting my head on the pavement. I looked up with blurry eyes to see Jasper holding me and stopping the van. My breath was stuttering I didn’t know what to do.
“Are you okay darlin? I feel pain.” He asked he amber eyes filled with worry.
“I’m fine. You need to go though you can get caught. We don’t need anyone getting suspicious about you guys.” I said.
He nodded, kissed my head then left. I was suddenly surrounded by students all of them shouting to call 911.
“Oh my gosh Fleur!”
“Are you okay?!”
“I’m calling 911 now.”
“I’m sorry Fleur I tried to stop!” I heard Tyler say, he had a cut on the side of his head
My head started spinning so I laid down before I closed my eyes though I saw Bella's face for once she didn’t look at me with hatred but, shock and worry.
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janetbrown711 · 4 years
The Story
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess.
Her full name was Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca the Second, but Angelina was just fine. However, if you were especially close, she’d let you call her Lena. 
She was as kind as she was beautiful. Often Angelina found herself wandering the Warnerstock castle grounds and singing to herself, whenever she wasn’t getting in trouble for skipping classes. 
Oh yes, Angelina was a trouble maker. And a smart-ass too. She loved talking back and driving her teachers insane more than anything. It wasn’t that she hated learning, far from it, it was just that she always had something better on her mind. Most often it was a song, other times it was her thinking about the new squire, William. 
They had met in the stables. She had just finished her horseback riding lessons and he was just getting started with his. She was roughly 15, and he 16. They hit it off right away, though William made a fool of himself when he tripped face first in to a bucket of water. Angelina didn’t mind at all though, and they quickly became close friends.
William was a handsome squire, and it was very clear to Angelina that he liked her. Angelina liked him too. He had a goofy grin, and was full of fascinating stories she could listen to all day. He was also surprisingly optimistic, always encouraging her and others to never give up on their goals and aspirations. 
He was sweet, and Angelina was pretty sure she was hopelessly in love with him. 
Her parents didn’t really approve- they didn’t approve of most things she liked. The only thing they let her do was sing, so she practiced and did it often. Angelina was pretty sure that if she wasn’t destined to take the throne, she’d be a singer on stage, and would dance and perform. 
Instead, she sat and learned how to eat at a dinner table. Of all the classes she thought were boring and useless, manners were the most boring and least useful. However, she sparked back to life when she looked out the window and saw none other than William himself waiting for her outside. 
“Salad, fish, dinner, dessert, oyster.” Angelina cut off her instructor mid sentence and listed off the specific and dumb uses of the forks in front of her. “Now, miss, I’m afraid this lesson isn’t very interesting and something much better is waiting for me downstairs. If you don’t mind, how about we both spare each other from this dreadful lesson and call it a day early?” Angelina looked at her instructor. 
“Smart-ass,” The teacher rolled her eyes. “But fine. We’ll just go overtime next time,” she said. Angelina groaned internally, but accepted her win, and ran out of the castle as quick as she could to meet William, only stopping right before the doors to adjust her crown. 
“Hi William,” She said with a smile, almost giggling at how nervous he looked. For someone who was soon going to be knighted, he seemed pretty nervous about something. 
“H-hi Lena,” He blushed. Angelina snorted. 
“William, relax. It’s just me,” She touched his shoulder, and he relaxed a little. “C’mon, let’s go for a walk.”
William agreed to this, and with him leading they strolled through the gardens. It was their favorite way to spend the time. They loved looking at all the flowers and planting them too. Angelina’s mother thought it was too dirty of an activity for a princess, but Angelina thought her mother was too rude and egotistical to be queen, and yet here they were.  
Needless to say, her mother let her garden. 
“Can you believe you’re going to be a real knight by this time tomorrow?” Angelina asked. 
“No, not really,” He scratched the back of his neck. “To be honest, I’m dreadfully nervous about the ceremony, but I’m hopeful that things will turn out well enough,” He admitted to her. Angelina nodded. 
“Knighthood is a big step from squire. Very respectable and admirable,” She said.
“What about you? You ready to be queen?” William asked. 
Angelina laughed. “Me? Queen? Not in a million years. I mean- I know it’ll happen one day, but so long as I have any say in it, it won’t be for awhile,” She remarked.
“Have you not heard rumors of your mother’s retirement? You are of age and all,” He asked. Angelina shrugged. 
“I hardly pay attention to a word she says these days,” She admitted. “She hates seeing me happy, so I prefer to not be around her in hopes that i will be.”
“Are you?” William asked. 
“With you? Of course,” Angelina smiled at him. William blushed. 
“Good- that’s... that’s good,” He said, looking at the flowers. Angelina restrained a giggle. 
“So... if I may, why did you want to talk with me today?” She asked as they reached the center fountain. 
“Well- I uh...” William cleared his throat. “Well... you see... I-i’m becoming a knight which mean I-I’m eligible for- well...” 
“Well..?” Angelina tilted her head slightly. William took in a deep breath. 
“Lena... I’ve been in love with you since I first laid eyes on you. You’re... you’re beautiful, witty, courageous, and just... wow,” He said, and it was Angelina’s turn to blush. 
“I know I don’t come from much- I’m just an orphan from Acme Falls, a-and I know your mother doesn’t approve but... well...” He got down on one knee. 
“I don’t have a ring, as squires don’t really get paid but... I love you, Angelina. There is no one on this earth I’d rather spend the rest of my life with. So... please... will you marry me?” He proposed. 
“I... Of course,” Angelina nodded.
“I-it wouldn’t be right away. It’d be after you’re queen- when your mother is gone and can’t-” William paused. “W-wait- did you say-”
“Yes, you dummy,” Angelina punched his arm lightly. William laughed and stood, and Angelina pulled him into a passionate kiss. 
And so the pair was engaged, though it was in secret. Angelina was pretty sure her mother finding out would give her a heart attack, and she’d die right then and there. 
Well, turns out it didn’t matter because in a months time, Queen Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca the First died of a sudden illness, and Angelina rose to the throne. She and William were married no less than a month later. 
Ten months after their wedding, Warnerstock had a new prince. 
“William, isn’t he just the cutest thing?” Angelina said, unable to take her eyes off her newborn son. 
William kissed her head. “Of course, my love.”
“I think I’m seriously in love with him. I never want to take my eyes off of him. I mean seriously- look at that little face,” Angelina sniffled. William chuckled. 
“He has your eyes. I think that’s what does it,” He said. 
“Stop, you’re making me emotional,” Angelina laughed and sniffled again. 
“We’re going to have to name him, you know?” William said. Angelina sighed and nodded. 
“Yes, I know... but names are so hard,” She complained. “I mean- It’s not like I have a lot to go on. My father’s name was Harold the Eighth and my mother was Queen Angelina Contessa blah blah blah the first. They were so lazy,” She sighed. “And I refuse to name this precious little thing Harold the Ninth. That’s just a curse.”
“I understand dear. It’s just... well... the people do need to hear something soon,” William said. “They can’t be waiting forever. They want to know their future king.”
“I know, I know,” She sighed, looking at her son’s face and thinking intensely. 
“What about something... traditional in the sense that it’s old, but not in the sense it’s boring and overused?” She suggested. 
“What did you have in mind?” He asked, genuinely curious. 
“Something like... Yakkorotius or Alexandrion or something,” She thought out loud, before shaking her head. “That’s a very stupid name, never mind.”
“What about just... Yakko?” He proposed. Angelina thought about it. 
“I think I like that name,” She nodded. “Prince Yakko Warner of Warnerstock it is,” She smiled as she said it. She didn’t know why, but she could tell it suited him already. 
And so their little family began. Yakko very much lived up to his name, as once he gained the ability to babble, it seemed he never stopped. Even in his sleep, Angelina swore she could hear him babbling about whatever he was dreaming about in that sweet little head of his. By the time he was three, he would just ramble on and on about the bedtime story William had told him the previous night. 
It was the favorite part of Angelina’s mornings. 
However, Angelina and William found themselves wanting another child, and so by the next year, they had another son. 
“You know what William? I think if they gave out awards for cutest babies, they’d go to our kids,” Angelina said as she laid in bed, utterly exhausted. 
“You’re right,” The king agreed. “I think he had to though, to make up for the scare he gave us,” he said. In truth, he hadn’t been born breathing and crying and for a moment, everyone in the room believed the worst. But fortunately, the doctor fixed him right up, and everything was okay. 
It had scared the crap out of Angelina and William, and the queen was determined to never let go of her newborn. 
“What do you think of the name Wakkorotti?” William asked out of the blue. 
“Like the performer?” Angelina tilted her head. The king nodded. 
“I think it sounds elegant. And what about the middle name Alan, after my father?” He suggested. 
“We didn’t give Yakko a middle name,” Angelina remarked. 
“True, but I didn’t think about it until now,” William said. Angelina thought a moment. 
“Perhaps we should let Yakko decide. He’s probably curious and wanting to meet his little brother,” Angelina said, nodding at the maid by the door, who left to go fetch him. 
“Letting him decide? I’m pretty sure if he could he’d name him Knight or Dragon or something,” William teased her, and Angelina stuck out her tongue at him. Just then the door opened and Yakko ran to his mothers side. 
“You’re okay!” He said, jumping onto the bed. Angelina laughed at his enthusiasm, but remembered that she was holding a sleeping newborn and silently reminded Yakko to keep his voice down. 
“Of course I’m okay dear. Now... would you like to meet your baby brother?” Angelina said. Yakko nodded and peered over her shoulder to get a good look at him. 
“He’s tiny,” Yakko said. 
“That’s because he’s a baby, though you were slightly bigger when you were born,” William explained. 
“What’s his name?” Yakko asked. 
“What do you think of the name Wakkorotti Alan Warner?” Angelina asked. The boy pondered it for a long moment, stroking his chin intensely before nodding. 
“Wakkorotti is cool,” he determined. William smirked and kissed her forehead. 
“Wakkorotti it is,” he grinned. 
And Wakkorotti it was, though they shortened it to Wakko. Wakko proved himself to be an... interesting child to say the least. He loved to chew on everything he could get his little ungloved hands on, so they had to be extra careful not to leave anything dangerous within his grasp. He also had a tendency to chew on his tail when nervous, which was cute at times, but once he started growing teeth he had a tendency to hurt himself, which was bad. 
Once he began to crawl though, he had a funny little habbit of following Yakko wherever he went, to his older brother’s confusion and delight. Angelina found it adorable how he would just chase after him. She found it less cute when he fell on his face, but he always recovered just fine. 
Angelina had a tendency to be a worry-wart. 
However, perhaps the cutest habbit the two of them shared was the constant want and need to sleep in their bed. Sure, it was a little annoying at times, but Angelina honestly lived for the feeling of her two boys against her as they slept peacefully. She always considered herself the luckiest woman in the world in those moments, despite any other troubles she was facing. 
Though of course it was true, Wakko proved himself to be quite the handful. However, despite that, Angelina knew that she still wanted to try one more time for a little girl. She loved her boys dearly, but she knew she wanted to try at least one more time for a girl. Plus, she felt being an older brother would be good for Wakko. Perhaps it would help tame him a little bit, though she and William suspected he was destined to be a wild child. They did name him Wakko after all. 
“Congratulations your majesties. It’s a girl,” The doctor said as she wrapped the newborn princess in a blanket and handed her to Angelina, who just about started crying when she held her. 
“I know what you’re gonna say Lena, and yes, she’s adorable,” William wrapped an arm around her. 
“She’s just so cuteeeee,” Angelina sobbed this time, the hormones really doing a number on her. Then again, though William wouldn’t admit it out loud to the boys, she was easily the cutest baby he had ever laid eyes on. 
“I just-” Angelina sniffled, desperate to pull herself together. “She’s just so cute. I can’t handle this.”
“You’re exhausted Lena. Maybe I should-” 
“No, I want to hold her,” Angelina shook her head, and William backed down. Angelina took in deep breaths and gathered herself. 
“I’m okay, I promise,” Angelina said. William nodded. 
“I know my love,” He kissed her. His eyes then went to his sleeping baby girl and the two just sat and stared at her sleeping, both feeling exhausted (though one more notably than the other). 
In honesty, things were starting to get tense with Warnerstock and Ticktockia, as the new king Salazar was far less willing to follow treaties of the past, and Angelina and William had been working out deals very late hours into the night, and their exhaustion most certainly wasnt helped my Angelina being in labor for two whole days, leaving neither one of them with much sleep at all. 
“What do you want to name her, dearest?” Angelina asked. William yawned. 
“I thought I named Wakko,” He said. 
“Well yes, and I do have an idea of my own, but I was wondering what you think first,” Angelina said. 
“Fair enough,” The king said, sitting himself up. 
“I was thinking she could have your name,” He said. Angelina blinked. 
“You want her to save the same name as my mother?” She raised an eyebrow in alarm. 
“I hardly think of your name as her name. You’re much much kinder and more beautiful and kind and a much better mother than she could ever dream,” William smiled tiredly at her. 
“Oh stop, you’ll make me cry again,” Angelina said, not admitting how much those words meant to her. William kissed her head. 
“What were you thinking of naming her Lena?” He asked. 
“I just wanted to name her Dot...” She sniffled. In truth, she liked the name Dot. She had read it in a book somewhere and admired how short yet colorful it was. 
“How about that’s her nickname? Like how I call you Lena,” William suggested. 
“How on earth is Dot short for Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca the Third?” Angelina questioned. 
“It isn’t, I just think it makes sense,” William shrugged. Angelina looked back down at her baby girl and thought about it. 
She really did like the idea of her sharing her name... but she did also like the name Dot. It suited her, somehow. Just like how Yakko fit Yakko and Wakko fit Wakko, Dot just seemed to fit Dot. 
“I’d like that,” Angelina agreed. 
“Do you want me to let the boys in?” The king asked. She nodded. He kissed her one last time and headed out of the room, and before she knew it, two cautious little boys were at the foot of her bed. 
“It’s okay you two, you can climb up,” She gestured with her head. Slowly, they climbed up on either side of her, and both looked down at their baby sister. 
“What’s her name?” Yakko asked. 
“Her full name is Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana Fanna Bo Besca the Third... but you can just call her Dot,” Angelina joked. 
“That’s a really long name,” Yakko remarked. 
“It’s my name too,” The queen said. 
“Your name isn’t mummy?” Wakko tilted his head in confusion, and Yakko laughed at him. Angelina gave him a look. 
“No. I’m Angelina the second, and this is Angelina the third,” She said, not having the energy for the full name. 
“How is Dot short for Angelina?” Yakko asked. 
“It just is,” She shrugged. 
“Why does she look like that?” Wakko asked with a frown. 
“Wakko, that’s quite a rude thing to say,” Angelina scolded. 
“Sorry,” he apologized. The queen took a deep breath in. 
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t snap like that,” She apologized too. “It’s been a very long week.” 
“Yeah,” Yakko agreed. 
“I think she’s cute,” Wakko said, seeming to have changed his mind from the previous statement. Angelina smiled. 
“She is, isn’t she?” She laughed tiredly. After that, the three of them stayed staring at the newest member of their family curiously, even though she was only sleeping. Eventually Angelina joined her in sleep, and soon enough, all four of them were asleep on the bed. 
With encouragement from William, despite having a rocky and exhausting start, Angelina was optimistic that everything was going to turn out alright. Thank god William was an optimist, because Angelina was pretty sure between the tension only increasing with Ticktockia and with her exhaustion from having a newborn around again, she was pretty sure she might have snapped by now. 
It especially wasn’t helped that when Dot was only three months old, there was already rumors of war. 
Angelina hated war. She hated the very concept of it. All she wanted to do was to live a peaceful life with her children and husband, was that so much to ask? 
However, despite how dire things were going William always promised everything was going to be okay, but Angelina was starting to become less and less persuaded. So, while she set Dot down for her afternoon nap, and while Yakko and Wakko played in the gardens, she wrote letters to Acme Falls, explaining the situation as best she could. 
She couldn’t live with herself if something were to happen and she didn’t have a plan. 
Thankfully the people of Acme Falls agreed. Many of them were old friends of William’s, and so they swore they’d protect them if anything bad were to happen to her and William. 
Angelina hated to think that way, but she needed to know they’d be safe no matter what. 
Well, one night Angelina put Dot in her crib for the night after finally getting her to go to sleep (it had been a rough night and she had had to go through at least five different lullabies) and Angelina went into the playroom and saw Wakko playing by himself with toy soldiers and carts. 
“What’re you playing there Wakko?” She asked, trying her best not to let her exhaustion show. 
“M’playing soldiers,” He gave her a big toothy grin. She nodded and sat in the rocking chair in the corner. 
“Sounds like fun, my dear,” She said, not knowing what else to really say. Wakko was nowhere near as talkative as Yakko, so if he didn’t feel like talking, he didn’t feel like talking. 
She had nearly fallen asleep in the rocking chair, when she heard the door open and saw an embarrassed and upset looking Yakko enter the room. 
Right. He had just come back from the meeting with his father. Angelina told him he shouldn’t have let him sit in, but William had insisted it was good for him. She sighed. 
“You alright honey?” She asked. Yakko sighed. 
“I talk too much,” he sighed. 
“Impossible. I think you talk just the right amount for you,” The queen shook her head. 
“Yakko! Play with me!” Wakko said, putting a toy soldier into his hand. Yakko groaned and looked at his mom. Angelina rolled her eyes. 
“Play with your brother Yakko, it’s good for you,” She said, before grabbing his arm and whispering, “I’ll let you have a treat later if you play nice.”
That seemed to change his mood instantly and he quickly joined Wakko on the floor. He was still a little more grouchy than she would have liked, but she was far too exhausted to fix it, and decided he just needed to vent a little and that it’d be fine if she closed her eyes for a minute or two...
Angelina wasn’t how long she had rested before the loud shattering of glass shot her awake in the rocking chair, and she stood. 
“What was that mummy?” Wakko asked, tugging on her sleeve. 
“I-i’m sure it was nothing, dear,” She patted his head to try and reassure him, but she cringed when there was another crash. In a moment, she recognized what she had to do. 
“Yakko, watch over your brother. I’ll be back in a moment, I promise,” She said, trying her best to appear strong and brave for them, but she could see it wasn’t very effective on Yakko. She hugged them tightly and kissed their foreheads. 
“I’ll be back in a moment, I’m just going to check on your father,” She repeated, praying that sounded more confident. Quickly, she grabbed Yakko’s shoulders. 
“Yakko, listen to me. If anything should happen, I need you to grab Dot and exit the castle using the servant tunnels underground. Don’t stop until you reach Acme Falls, understood?” She asked him. Seeing the fear in his eyes nearly broke her, but Angelina knew she had to get Dot and William. Thankfully, he nodded and She relaxed a little. 
“I promise I’ll protect them,” Yakko said. Angelina nodded. 
“I love you two so very, very much,” She said, hugging them once again. 
Why did this feel like a goodbye?
She kissed their foreheads again, making sure to memorize the feeling of holding them. God, she loved them. 
With a heavy heart, she pulled herself away and ran out. 
It was worse than she imagined. She could smell wood burning and the shouting and swearing of men. Angelina ran as far away as she could from the nursery, knowing if she ran into any of these invaders, the last thing she wanted was for them to find the boys. 
She had to find William before she could find Dot. It broke her heart to admit, but Dot’s bedroom was a million times safer than wherever her husband was. 
She dashed around corners and went down and upstairs, and eventually she heard his voice. 
“William?!” She called out. 
No response. 
She ran towards where she heard the voice, but no one was there. Eventually, someone grabbed her arm and she spun around, expecting it to be him, but-
“I found her royal majesty,” a greasy and disgusting man spat on her. Angelina tried to break free, but he was much taller and stronger than she was, and his grip only tightened. 
“I demand you let me go!” She tried, but the man only chuckled as more of his ‘friends’ arrived, and she was overcome with a feeling of dread. 
“You think you’re so pretty huh? Got all that money and power, hm?” He asked. Angelina didn’t dignify the stupid words with a response, which fill the man with anger and he punched her in the face so hard she fell to the ground. 
“Did they find the King?” One of the men asked, as another, much taller and muscular man approached. 
“He is... taken care of. Now our main goal is to find those little brats. And oh look- you found their mommy dearest,” A familiar voice spoke. Angelina blinked and looked up to see his face. 
it was King Salazar himself. 
“Surprised?” He grinned. 
“Not in the slightest,” She growled. Salazar snapped his fingers and one of the men kicked her in the ribs. Hard. 
“You’ve always been so annoying Angelina, you know that?” He complained. 
“You’ve always been a stuck-up pain in the ass who’s never had more than ten cents worth of knowledge, you know that?” Angelina fought back, and regretted it as she was kicked again. 
“You never know when to shut up, do you?” He frowned. Angelina only glared, which made him grin. 
“You know... we were originally betrothed to each other. It’s not too late. We can still be married,” He said, squatting down to her level. Rage filled her body and she spat in his face. 
“I’d sooner die,” She stated. 
“You disgusting creature!” he shouted, standing up and wiping off his eyes. Angelina felt two men grab her arms and twist them into and uncomfortable position and soon she was off the ground. 
“Look... I’m only going to ask this once. Where are those disgusting little children of yours?” He asked.
“Tough, because I’m not telling you,” She glared, and she was dropped onto the floor, her head hitting the marble hard. 
“We can do this the easy way, or the hard way,” Salazar snapped his fingers and guns were pointed at her head. 
“I’m not telling you where they are.” She didn’t waver. 
“We’ll find them either way Angelina, so how’s about you tell us anyway? We already killed the king, we can kill you just as easily,” He snarled. 
Angelina’s eyes darted everywhere as she tried to grasp what they just told her. She didn’t want to believe it but-
William was dead. 
Then, the worst happened. 
She saw him. 
Yakko. He was standing at the end of the hall, looking utterly terrified. Angelina’s eyes widened in fear as she realized her mistake, and she heard Salazar’s voice order:
“Seize the boy.”
Angelina called up all of her inner strength to shout
“Yakko, run.” 
Thank god he did. 
However, a feeling of dread crawled up her spine as Salazar laughed. 
“You stupid, pathetic, and grotesque little creature,” He grinned and Angelina felt blood drip down her face. She hoped Yakko hadn’t seen that. 
“He’s going to lead us right to them, which means we no longer have a use for you,” he grinned. 
“Wait-! Salazar, please- i-i-” She tried begging, but she was knocked back down to the ground my one of their guns. She cried out in pain as she heard something break. 
Her last thoughts were of Yakko, and she quickly and silently prayed that somehow, someway, they’d make it out alive and stay together. They had to. 
“please,” she whispered.
And everything went black.
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haikyuucute · 4 years
Don’t Call It A Crush (Ushijima Wakatoshi) [Part 2]
Summary: Ushijima Wakatoshi is convinced he doesn’t have a crush on you
Warnings: Implied smut, angst, smut in future parts
Word Count: 2.5k
[A/N]: Okay so Tendou acts a little bit as the villain but I needed him to further the plot, so unfortunately he doesn’t seem like the best friend to have in this. Also kinda messy but I’m just gonna chalk it up to my lingering writers block
Part 1
”Waka-kun!” You sighed out dramatically as soon as you approached his seated form in the cafeteria. You draped yourself against his back but he made no move to push you off.
“(F/N),” he said, before continuing to eat his lunch while Tendou greeted you from across him.
You sighed again, a pout on your lips as you sat down beside the ace, “I think I left my jacket in your dorm last night.”
He hummed, “I’ll check after practice—“
”You came over!?” Tendou exclaimed.
”Yeah!” You nodded, “Where were you—“
”The gym— you should’ve texted me.”
”Well, I didn’t know!”
He frowned, sprawling his arms out on the lunch table, when he realized something. He looked at Ushijima, “Is that why you were working on homework at one in the morning?”
”Yes,” he simply answered, making you gasp.
”You had homework!? Why’d you let me interrupt you!”
”You wanted to come over.”
You pouted again, ignoring the way your heart fluttered at the fact he dropped everything just so you could hang out, “Idiot, you could’ve said no.”
You huffed to yourself. Every once in a while Ushijima would pull stupid shit like that. There had even been one time a couple months ago now where he had even taken the fall for you when you were caught skipping out on class duties. He told the teacher he convinced you to come to his volleyball practice, and what was worse was that you didn’t even find out until he was missing from practice due to detention.
And there was another time about a month ago now where a stray volleyball had hit you hard in the leg and he insisted he leave practice to help you to the infirmary even though there were plenty of other capable players to take you— the captain left practice. Sure it was only for a short while but the coach still didn’t appreciate it (Tendou even told you he made him run laps after practice).
He didn’t do stuff like that too often but every time he did it made you feel really guilty and you hated to admit that it was why it made it that much more difficult to get over him. Every incident gave you some hope that there was a slight chance he really did feel something for you, but that hope was easily crushed when he never made any move to return the affection you’d give him.
Tendou’s eyes were narrowed on Ushijima as he tried to figure him out.
”What were you two doing?” He asked.
”We watched a crappy horror movie cause I thought it was funny,” you frowned deeper, “It was definitely not worth staying up til one in the morning to finish homework.”
”I enjoyed it,” Ushijima said, taking another bite of his lunch.
You raised an eyebrow, “You didn’t even understand half of what was happening.” You said, to which he simply shrugged.
”You watched a bad horror movie without me!?” Tendou shouted, clearly offended.
”I thought you’d be there!” You shouted back.
”Well I wasn’t—!”
”Then we’ll watch it this weekend, so shut up—“
”You two are yelling already?” A new voice interjected.
You looked up to find Semi and Reon, Semi taking his seat next to you while Reon walked around the table to sit next to Tendou.
”Yeah, well, Satori’s being a baby,” you muttered, answering Semi who asked the question.
”About what?” Reon added.
”Nothing, he’s just upset because Ushijima and I watched a movie without him.”
Semi hummed, before grabbing an article of clothing out of his bag and dropping it on your head.
With furrowed brows, you pulled it off to find that it was the jacket you thought you left at Ushijima’s.
”Is that your jacket?” Tendou suddenly asked, eyebrow raised.
It was as if your heart stopped in that moment as you turned to look at Tendou. There was always just something about his face when he was thinking, that made you anxious.
”Yeah,” you nodded, brushing it off as you tucked it away in your own bag.
”You were at Semi’s last night?”
There. You pinpointed exactly why your anxiety was justified when it came to Tendou.
”Uh— yeah, I went over to study,” you answered coolly.
You snuck a glance at Semi, whose eyes were now widened in surprise, looking like a dead give away.
You quickly stomped on his foot, making him hiss, but he quickly got the gist, and nodded, “Yeah, we were studying...” he trailed off, glaring at you.
Reon frowned, “You were? You should’ve called, I could use the extra studying.”
”Sorry,” you answered bashfully, “We’ll do that next time— Tendou stop looking at me like that,” you snapped at the red-head, his piercing gaze sending chills down your spine.
He glanced back and forth between you and Semi, before his eyes landed on Ushijima, who looked the same as always, but a smile curled at the corners of Tendou’s lips anyway.
”Sorry, sorry~” he practically sang, “Tell me more about that movie now.”
You eyed him warily, but if it took the focus off of you and Semi then you’d take it.
The rest of lunch felt off from that moment on, and you knew whatever Tendou was thinking wasn’t good.
If only you truly knew what he was planning.
The thing about Tendou was that just because he was a strange guy, it didn’t make him stupid. After all, he was able to keep his grades high enough in a school like Shiratorizawa in order to continue playing volleyball.
He also hated being wrong.
Unfortunately, it happened a lot more often outside of volleyball but he still had unmatchable observational skills.
So when he first had the hunch back in second year that you had a crush on Ushijima, he did everything he could to figure out if he was right.
And he was. Making him and Semi to be the only two people that knew about your crush on Ushijima.
At the time you forced him to promise not to tell Ushijima and as much of a little shit he could be, he did cherish your friendship, so he kept his mouth shut.
But almost a year later he had noticed little things here and there that Ushijima would do for you, subtle enough for pretty much everyone to miss, including you, but not for Tendou.
So he was hell-bent on figuring out if those gestures Ushijima did meant something more.
But the male was as dense as ever and prying any information about his love life was useless.
However, a new factor had entered the equation that made Tendou’s brain start working overtime.
Your jacket.
It wasn’t hard to figure out what was going on between you and Semi, and Tendou was more than intrigued.
After the jacket mix up in lunch he started paying closer attention to both of you. Noting every time one of you left and the other followed only ten minutes later, watching the way you both interacted in each other’s presences, and the terrible cover up’s when one was asked where they were.
After about two weeks of watching and observing silently he was originally going to confront you about it, but a much more entertaining option had come up one afternoon.
Unfortunately, it started a bit of a shit storm.
Ushijima, Tendou, you, Semi, and Reon all decided to meet up and study in the library on one of those rare days that practice ended a bit earlier than usual.
It wasn’t unusual for the five of you to study together whenever you had the chance, especially for Ushijima’s sake who wasn’t exactly the smartest ​​​​​​​person outside of volleyball.
The plan was to head to your dorms and grab your books and meet up in the library, but Ushijima and Tendou had made it down first.
With no sign of you and the others yet as the two got settled down at a table, Tendou decided that now would be the best time to try and figure out again if Ushijima liked you.
“So, (F/N) and Semi...” Tendou started, gauging if the two names together sparked any kind of reaction from the ace.
It didn’t.
Ushijima looked up at Tendou, waiting for him to finish, but when he didn’t he asked, “What about (F/N) and Semi?”
”Oh nothing~” he sing songed, leaning back in his seat, balancing the chair on its back legs, “Do you think they like each other?”
Ushijima looked mildly confused at this, “Isn’t that why they’re friends?”
Tendou laughed, “I meant more than friends Wakatoshi.”
”Why are you asking?”
”They just seen closer than usual, don’t you think. I’ve seen the two sneaking around together a lot~”
Ushijima didn’t understand what Tendou was getting at and it showed. But he supposed that the two of you had grown closer, however it didn’t really make him think anything of it. You still snuck into his and Tendou’s dorm on a regular basis and hung out with the two as usual so he couldn’t specifically say he thought there was something going on between you and Semi.
But there were two words that Tendou had said that stuck out to him.
”Sneaking around?”
His smile widened upon seeing more of a reaction from his friend, “I’m pretty sure (F/N) and Semi are sleeping with each other,” he bluntly stated.
Ushijima didn’t know what to make of the accusation, but he did know he felt....offended.
“(F/N) isn’t like that. If she was in a relationship with Semi she would’ve told us.”
”Unless it’s just sex,” he suggested, leaning forward and resting his chin upon his crossed arms on the table. He looked up at Ushijima who looked even more offended now, “Think about it, she was at his dorm the night she thought she left her jacket at ours.”
”She said they were studying.”
”They seemed very panicked for two friends just studying.”
Ushijima narrowed his eyes at Tendou, “(F/N)‘s not sleeping with Semi.”
Tendou hummed, “What makes you think that?”
”Because (F/N)‘s not like that,” he reiterated.
”But what if she was? Maybe you don’t want to believe it because of your little crush on her~”
His eyes narrowed further, “I’ve told you before Tendou, I don’t have feelings for (F/N).”
”Are you sure?”
“Enough Tendou,” Ushijima said, getting annoyed now, “I told you before, I would never date (F/N).”
Tendou sighed, it seemed that he wouldn’t be getting anything out of him today, and besides, he also spotted Reon making his way to their table, “Fine, fine. I’ll drop it.”
“Hey,” Reon greeted, taking a seat beside Ushijima.
”Where’s Semi?” Tendou asked him upon noticing he hadn’t come down with him.
”He’ll be down soon, he misplaced one of his assignments so he’s looking for it right now. He said we can start without him. What about (F/N)? Is she here yet.”
”She was helping Shirabu stretch before going to her dorm,” Ushijima answered, “She should be down soon.”
”Will she mind if we start without her?”
”No, she won’t care,” Tendou said, pulling out his study guides as he reluctantly started studying.
Though unknown to the three of them, and especially Tendou and Ushijima... you actually were there.
Your back was pressed against one of the book shelves, out of sight but definitely not out of ear shot.
Your heart was pounding out of your chest.
Tendou knew about you and Semi.
He told Ushijima.
Ushijima admitted he’d never date you.
It was one thing when you just assumed he didn’t feel the same but hearing it was completely different.
You were mortified, embarrassed, and heart broken.
Tears blurred your vision and you quickly made your way out of the library, using the farthest exit so they wouldn’t spot you.
Only one thing replayed in your head: Semi was still in his dorm.
Your legs moved on their own accord as you made your way to the boys dormitory. At this point you had been a pro at evading the hall monitors and you easily snuck in. The next thing you knew, you were standing in front of Semi’s dorm and knocking.
He swung the door open, his neutral face turning into one of worry when he saw your tear-stained face.
He couldn’t get your name out before you were pulling him towards you, lips crashing against his. You then pushed him back into his room, shutting the door behind the two of you.
You broke the kiss briefly to pull your shirt over your head, and Semi decided to take this as his opportunity to figure out what was wrong.
”(F/N), why are you crying—“
His mouth fell shut at the glare you sent him once you had your shirt off— he had never seen you like this before.
”Ushijima doesn’t and will never like me and Tendou figured out we’re fucking, so right now I need you to make me forget everything.”
His eyes widened, “Wha— how—?”
”It doesn’t matter,” you muttered, going to close the distance between you two again, but he gripped your jaw, holding you back.
”We’re supposed to be going to the library, they’re gonna notice we’re both gone.”
”Does it even matter?” You snapped, “Tendou told Ushijima anyway.”
Semi looked conflicted but you could see he was going to give in.
”Fine,” he relented, “But Reon might come in to check on me if I’m not down there soon, so we’re doing this quick.”
”Whatever— just fuck me already Eita.”
His jaw clenched as he shook his head, “You’re fucking ridiculous.”
With that he was pulling you towards his bed.
What happened then was a series of unfortunate coincidences that played out back to back.
First it was when Tendou had been too loud down in the library.
The second was when the librarian kicked the three of them out because of the noise.
The third was Reon suggesting that they go back to his dorm to study, since Semi was already there and they agreed to just send you a text.
And then you didn’t acknowledge when your phone vibrated with a text from Ushijima.
The last was when the three boys walked in on the middle of Semi fucking you.
Their reactions all differed at the scene in front of them. Reon turned away wide eyed, Tendou grinned widely because he was right, and Ushijima stood frozen.
There were a few moments before you and Semi realized you had an audience and scrambled to cover yourselves up.
And Ushijima was sure those few moments were going to be engrained in his head for a very long time.
He was also sure the way his stomach turned and heart sank would accompany the memory every time he thought of it.
Because the sight of your legs tossed over Semi’s shoulders while he fucked you, the way your face screwed up in pleasure, eyes shut, eyebrows furrowed and mouth slack as a high pitched moan of Semi’s name left your lips. Well— it was not going to be easy to forget.
Hours later when everyone was back in their own dorms and Ushijima finally had enough time to figure out why the image of you with another man rattled him so deeply, he finally admitted it.
“I like (F/N).”
And Tendou grinned.
@ushisama @ro-ro-noa
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Misunderstanding | Hitoshi Shinsou x Reader
AN: Yo! How’s it going, friends! So, this is a soulmate au with Shinsou and I’ve been wanting to write this fic for a while, so I finally got around to it! Side note: Hitoshi’s hero name is Mindjack. Length: 2.3k Pronouns used: They/them Soulmate connection: The first words your soulmate says to you is written somewhere on your body.
Summary: For years, Shinsou believed his soulmate thought he was a villain, after all, that’s what it said on his body. But when he meets you, he’s a little surprised and what your words meant.
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Hitoshi Shinsou often hated the world. Not only was it exceptionally unfair, but it was also cruel. Every single person in the world was paired up with a soulmate, one they were perfectly matched up with. For most people, this wasn’t an issue, but something positive they all looked forward to. That meant they didn’t have to go through the whole dating scene and heartbreak before meeting their one true love. 
Hitoshi disagreed. 
Every fated pair had a connection; the first line one of them says to the other. Their very first words to one another were plastered onto their skin. The words would appear on a child’s skin at the age of two and Hitoshi was no different. However, the words he’d received were just plain confusing. Until he got older, then they were the bane of his existence.
Hitoshi glared at this chest, which held the words his soulmate would say. Right above his heart, neatly written, were their first words.
“A villain’s quirk, huh?”
So even that stupid soulmate of his believed he was a villain. All he wanted was to be a hero, all he ever pushed himself to do was become a hero. Everyone doubted him because of his quirk, a stupid ability he had no control over.
He didn’t mean to, but overtime, Hitoshi started to hate people. He started to dislike everyone around him. No one gave him a chance, they always judged him before he could even defend himself. How could they? He desperately wanted to be a hero not a villain, yet here they were almost turning him into one.
What a hypocritical society he lived in. They held heroes in the highest regard, praised, and almost worshiped them. Yet, here was an innocent student striving to give his life to protect the same people who threw insults at him, basically deeming him a villain.
Despite all of this, Hitoshi persevered. He pushed through everyone and made it into the hero course. They were… a godsend, really. Class 2A. Especially people like Midoriya, Kirishima, and Kaminari. They pushed him harder than he pushed himself and they often referred to him as a hero. Something he so desperately needed.
However, Hitoshi always has a lingering fear. That his soulmate would think he was a villain too. The words on his chest were… daunting. Why would his soulmate say that to him? Out of all the damn things they could say, this was it? Nothing else?
No matter how Hitoshi looked at it, he couldn’t see a positive outcome. All he saw was a faceless soulmate of his, throwing insults at him just like everyone else. Calling him the one thing he despised so much.
A villain.
It was the end of the school day and Hitoshi had packed all his stuff, ready to go home. Recently, his connection had been acting up. It would sometimes tingle and sting a little, other times it was a calming, warm sensation. As much as Hitoshi hated his soulmate, he couldn’t help but bask in that comfort. It eased all his worries, often making his stresses melt away. Something he needed.
Exams were coming up and once he passed this, he would graduate. Then, he could officially start on his dream to become a hero. The road was difficult and filled with a lot of uncertainty, but he was almost done. He was so close.
“Hey, Shinsou!” Hitoshi stopped walking and looked behind him, a smile gracing his features. “How are you?” Midoriya asked as he stopped next to his purple-haired friend.
“I’m good, yourself?”
“Pretty good! Exams are coming up, you think you’re prepared? I’m so nervous! After this, we’ll graduate and become real heroes!” Hitoshi nodded, feeling excitement build up in his chest. His life goal was so close, within his reach.
“I am. Think you’ll have time to spar with me this weekend?” Midoriya nodded with a big smile.
“Most definitely! Kiri and I are gonna be sparring too, tomorrow after school, if you wanna join us! I would ask if you wanna join us today but you said you were busy earlier.” Hitoshi nodded at his words.
“Yeah, I have some stuff to do after school, including some homework I’ve been waiting to finish. But I can definitely join you two tomorrow, if that’s ok with you guys.”
“Of course it is!” Midoriya chirped, giving him a bright smile. “You know we love to train with you! Oh! There he is! Kiri!”
“Midoriya! Shinsou!”
“Well, I have to go! See you tomorrow, Shinsou.”
“You good, have fun Midoriya. Hey Kiri!” Kirishima and Midoriya waved one last time before they took off, heading the other way.
As Hitoshi walked home, his mind returned to the exam. They’d have a written portion and then the physical portion. Both required for graduation. Hitoshi was ready, he’d been studying plenty recently. He just needed to work on the physical-
“That’s him. The one with the villain’s quirk.” Hitoshi frowned, hearing the woman talking to her friend. Immediately, his mind blanked and all he could think of was how no one would accept him as a hero. Now that Hitoshi was 18, he just stopped arguing with people. Instead, he chose to ignore them but that didn’t work most of the time. Sure, he’d never confront them, but their words stuck, slowly breaking at the confidence his classmates help build up.
“Not sure why he’s even bothering to be a hero.”
“Right! Better off joining the villains. He belongs there anyway.” The other woman laughed. As much as Hitoshi wanted to scream and argue, he kept his mouth shut. There was no point. Ever since his 2nd year, all he did was try to show everyone he was a hero and a good one. He had spent his entire work-study proving he wasn’t a villain, but he could only do so much. Some people would just never accept him and he needed to come to terms with that fact. These two women were the perfect example. What else could he do? He was tired.
It seemed like karma was smiling down on him that day.
As Hitoshi walked by, someone bumped into him and ran to the two women. They screamed and backed up into a wall. One was able to get away, but the man ended up grabbing the other woman. She screamed as he pulled her against him, placing a blade against her throat.
People around them screamed and panicked, unsure of what to do and the man was already spewing demands. The woman that had gotten away, immediately looked for Hitoshi, but before even needing to be prompted, he jumped into action.
“Hey!” He pushed past everyone and stood in front of the woman and villain. He could see the fear and desperation in her eyes. Guess he’d get his chance to prove her wrong after all. “What do you want?”
The villain glared at Hitoshi before whispering something to the woman. Tears slid down her cheeks as the knife dug into her skin.
“H-He w-won’t sp-speak! H-he knows y-you’re qu-quirk.” She said, crying out when he tugged her close to him. She tried to struggle, but it seemed like he was much stronger than her, causing her to only tire out. That was a problem. Hitoshi didn’t have his capture weapon and the villain wasn’t talking. Next best thing, stalling.
“Ok, don’t hurt her. What do you want?” He whispered something to the woman, making her blink as more tears slid down her cheeks.
“H-he w-wants mo-money a-and a car t-to get away.”
“Money and a car? That’s easy. There are plenty of cars right here, I’m sure I can get one for you. But that money… we’re not near a bank.” He whispered something again, making the woman speak up.
“H-he s-AHH!” She screamed as he growled and said something, pulling on her. “E-empty your p-pockets!” Hitoshi’s eyes scanned the crowd and everyone looked at him for help. They knew him and now they needed him.
“I don’t think you’ll want their stuff,” Hitoshi said, holding his hands out, his eyes on the knife. “I can get you the money, but I need her to be safe and sound.” The villain glared at Hitoshi and whispered something to the terrified woman who let out a sob before talking.
“H-he said h-he’ll k-ki-kill me. I-if you d-don’t listen to him.” Hitoshi had an idea, but it was extremely risky. No reinforcements followed so that meant he was on his own.
“Calm down. Don’t hurt her,” he sighed before pushing his strategy, “how much?”
“T-ten thousand.”
“Oh I don’t think we have that. I think there’s a bank down that road, it’s not close but we can make it. Let go of her and I’ll take you there myself.”
“Y-you go! H-he’ll st-stay here wi-with me.”
“Well damn, I can’t do that.” Hitoshi sighed before a smirk made its way onto his face. His eyes gazed into the villain’s, before he looked the villain up and down. “Are you scared? You’re shaking.”
“H-he says sh-shut up.”
“I’m just making an observation.”
“H-he’ll kill me!”
“For a thief, you’re not a very good one. I’m just pointing it out.” That got him.
“JUST SHUT-“ His eyes turned milky white and everyone froze.
“Let go of her.” Immediately, his arms fell off of her and she ran to Hitoshi. Without even thinking, Hitoshi took her in his arms, holding her tightly against him. “Oh your knees, hands above your head.” The villain complied immediately and everyone burst into cheers. 
The woman hugged Hitoshi, thanking him numerous times. He nodded as someone from the crowd called for help. Within 10 minutes, the police and pro heroes arrived.
The woman was taken away and after everyone was questioned, they were allowed to go home. 
As Hitoshi started walking home, a voice called out to him, stopping him. He turned his head and looked back at the person, waiting for them to talk.
“A villain’s quirk, huh?” The words on his chest tingled and warmed up, the universal sign of his soulmate speaking the words marking his skin. Almost immediately, Hitoshi turned hostile, ready to lash out. DID THEY NOT SEE WHAT HE JUST DID?! So this was his dumb soulmate?! Great! He’d been dying to give this bitch a piece of his mind for a good 15 years! He faced them prepared to argue but froze at the words that came from their mouth. “I don’t think there’s such a thing. Besides, you clearly proved otherwise. Congratulations, Mindjack.”
Wait, what?
The look on his face caused them to laugh a little. He’d just barely registered the look of amusement on their face.
“I know what they say about you. I’ve… never believed it was true. I hate how people say that someone has a “villain’s quirk”, there is no such thing. Your quirk is how you use it. Look at All Might. A powerful giant who smashed villains with his fists. No one called him a villain.” He couldn’t believe the words coming out of his soulmate’s mouth. They didn’t think he was a villain! It was all just a misunderstanding.
God, did he hate himself...
He grew up hating his soulmate, coming up with the best speech and argument he could. He’d prepared a pretty damn solid one too, but now he had to throw that all out the window because none of what he thought was true. His soulmate didn’t think he was a villain… they just got cut off! Why the hell did it do that anyway? Was this just some cruel joke from the universe?
Unfortunately, to the person in front, they had no idea Hitoshi was their soulmate, since the hero had yet to say a single word to them. Now that the majority of the public had thinned out, they decided it was best to leave.
“Well uh… see you around.” They said and turned to leave, walking in the opposite direction. His first words were ridiculously dumb because he didn’t even try to stop her. All he could say was:
“My soulmate doesn’t think I’m a villain.” They paused, their eyes widening as their back tingled and heated up. That… MINDJACK WAS THEIR SOULMATE?! They turned around, facing him, seeing the same shocked expression on his face.
“Y-you’re m-my soulmate?” They squeaked out, making him slowly nod. They almost cried from happiness. Just like Hitoshi, the words on their back were something they’d questioned almost every single day. Why would they think their soulmate was a villain? Was he really? They grew up believing their fated half was a villain. That maybe they’d done something but at the same time, none of it made sense. Why would their other half say that if they were a villain?
“I am,” Hitoshi said confidently. The fear had melted away from both of them, the uncertainty finally put to rest. “I-I’m Hitoshi Shinsou.” He introduced, his eyes meeting their beautiful (e/c) ones.
“Hitoshi…” they whispered, a smile gracing their features. “I’m (y/f/n). N-nice to meet you.” Hitoshi chuckled and nodded, looking down for a second. He’d never felt… so giddy and content. His eyes widened and he almost didn’t catch them. Without him realizing it, they’d run towards him, throwing themselves on him.
Hitoshi sighed, closing his eyes and pulling their body flush against his. His arms tightened around them, as if he was scared to let go. He didn’t want them to just… disappear.
(f/n) didn’t think he was a villain. Hitoshi was ashamed for hating them for no damn reason and vowed to make it up to them. (y/f/n) was his soulmate, his and his alone. The universe had chosen this beautiful person for someone like him and he would cherish and love them for as long time would let him.
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dontbesoweirdkira · 5 years
Can you do a list of Mic being pure w/ his favorite student, (y/n) (like, he’s not afraid to show it), but she’s living with her friend and their family since she’s alone in Japan, and trying to keep it a secret. But when he finds out he’s just “ASDFGHJKLWHAT”, and he’s trying to help her with so many things, which soon evolves to “custody of child—”.
A/N: I first would like to say I ALSO HAVE EATEN A NUCLEAR REACTOR...it tasted like radiation and strawberries yummy!  Here’s your soft present mic X student. I hope you enjoy.  
(I kind of made it where you aren’t fully living with your friend. Just bouncing from the streets to her house every so often if that makes sense??)Requests open
-So at first Mic didn’t notice anything was up...well no he did but he kind of brushed it off since he didn’t want to cross any boundaries.
-Like when he asked for your parents signature but they were always somehow “out of town” or “working overtime” 
-Or when he was going to offer you a ride home since it was pretty late but you just insisted to walk by yourself. And how you didn’t bother to call them and let them know you were going to be home a bit later than usual. 
-He was always curious but like i said he didn’t want to cross a boundary and make you feel uncomfortable about something so personal. Besides how would he bring it up?
-”Hey Y/N, Why do you always conveniently “forget” to fill out your home address on forms?” 
-Yeah see his dilemma?^ And like what if it was nothing and it really was just a convenience.  It seemed better to leave it alone and not worry. You’d tell him if something was going on, right?
-Maybe one day you’re talking to your friend and He’s just around the corner so he overhears the conversation.
-”Hey Y/N, my family is going out of town for a few weeks. I- i would ask if you could come with so you’ll have some place to stay but we are going out of the county and you know how that is..”
-”Oh..um..Don’t worry, I'll figure something out.”
-”Are you sure? I- i can always leave the house key so you can have somewhere safe to go? But uhm, My cousin might come over every so often to watch a game or to check the house so be alert and make sure he doesn’t see you.” 
-”N-No it’s okay, seriously. I’ll find somewhere to go, thank you though. ”
-”Well, I'll leave the key under the doormat if you change your mind, we’re leaving in the afternoon tomorrow so after then the place will be yours for a bit.I’ll text you later, ‘kay?”
-He’s shocked?? Like he thought maybe your at home life wasn’t good or maybe you were embarrassed about living in a low income place, but you were homeless?? And you’ve been staying with your friends every so often?? Why didn’t you tell him? Did you not feel comfortable? He’s in this weird state of shock and acknowledgement.
-For the rest of the school day hE Is cOnTemPlaTiNg oN WhaT tO Do. He’s not sure how he should bring it up or even if he should bring it up. 
- *is casually being torn apart internally as he’s trying to teach english*
-*dEeP sPaCe STarE while he is standing at the board pointing to the sentence structures*
-”Sensei, are you oka-”
-lolol but once classes are over he taps you on the shoulder and asks if he could walk with you home for a bit. You visibly nervous, you reject and say “Umm It’s all right Mr.Hizashi, you’re busy and I don't want you to take up any of your time plus it’s late and I'm tired and i have to go and-”
-”Y/n...You don’t have to make up excuses, I know you don’t have anywhere to stay.”
-stopping in your tracks, your eyes went wide and you faced him 
-”I heard you talking to that friend this morning.”
-M-mr.Hizashi I can explain-”
-cutting you off once again he begins “Hey, you don’t have to do any of that. It’s your business. But I don’t want you to just roaming around or staying anywhere alone anymore, okay? If you would like, I have an extra bedroom at my house, you can stay there until we get everything sorted.”
-”No..Mr.Hizashi...It’s okay..I’ll be okay, I’ve always have. Plus you have been such a great teacher and already went out of your way more than what I could have asked...staying with you would be too much.”
-”Y/n, it’s okay to ask for help. I seriously don’t mind. At least stay for the night so you can eat and have a roof over your head, then in the morning we’ll figure something out.”
-You hesitantly accepted but you told him that you’d be out of his hair as soon as the next morning hit.
-That night going to his house was...nice to say the least. The guest bedroom that he had was bigger than your friend’s kitchen and nicer than any place that you’ve stayed at. It really was heaven. So warm and cosy. There was a nice sense of nostalgia and security, something you’ve haven’t felt in years. His home was somewhere anyone would want to live in their whole lives. 
-”Once you’ve settled down, you can come to the dining room. I ordered some take out, I figured you’d be hungry.”
-For a moment you sat on the fluffy bed and just took in everything. God was so good to you right now and honestly you thanked him. Although it frustrates you to think that this would only last for a second and you’d be back on the streets, roaming around. Yeah yeah, Hizashi wants to help you but you knew soon he’d get tired of your presence in his house…..they all did. 
-Taking a deep breath, you went to go meet hizashi in the dining room.
-He welcomed you then motioned you to sit down at any of the seats at the table. “Oh hey, there’s miss america. You may sit anywhere you’d like. And help yourself to the food here.”
-You sat down across from him, only not to look at him just to have your eyes on the empty plate in front of you. You didn’t really touch any of the food actually or even make a sound. You weren’t trying to be rude or anything, you just..there was a lot on your mind and facing hizashi seemed difficult.
-”Are you okay Y/N? I hope sushi is okay. I- i meant to um ask what you would like to eat first. I’m sorry.”
-”No I’m sorry for-,”  twiddling your thumbs for a moment you then looked towards the blonde fellow “Mr.Hizashi..My parents left when I was around three but they left me with my aunt. She was a very good person and took good care of me but she got very ill...and um you know. At first I was living in her apartment but i couldn’t pay for it when it was time for rent so..I stayed with my friend for a couple of months. But her parents kind of got tired of me staying there and it was this thing, so I lied and told them I found a family member to stay with. And um up until now I've been staying on the streets. Sometimes having a sleepover once every so often.”
-”I didn’t tell you because I was so scared… I didn't know what to do and I really really don’t want to go in foster care or anything so I just thought I was better off keeping it from you. But I guess it backfired anyways because you still found out haha….I’m sorry Hizashi. I hope you don’t think of me any less. I- it was a tough situation and all and you know how that is...”
-He immeadately stood up, walked over to you and hugged you. It was with So mUcH compassion and genuine love. You really was his favorite student no scratch that HIS FAVORITE HUMAN i swear he would end the world for you. 
-He gave you a little cheek kiss and was like “I’m not letting anyone put you in foster care and I'm sure as hell am not kicking you out even if i have to take custody of you.”
-”w-wait what? wAiT wHaT???”
-”KID IM fucking keeping you here safe with me even if i’m in court all year. We are going to make this work somehow, you aren’t doing this alone anymore. Do you understand?”
-YeAh hEs cRyInG iM cRyinG yOuRe CryInG wE aLl CryinG 
-He whipes the tears of your cheeks and ruffles your hair 
-”it’ll be okay Y/N, I promise.”
-I swear he’s like rushing to the computer and trying to figure out how to adopt you.
-”HoW tO aDoPt a ChILD wHen You aRe a hEro.”
-There's an actual wiki-how about it???????
-No but he’s really doing his research and is visiting lawyers trying to find the right one. He has them immediately looking into everything and making sure that his chances of getting you is as high as possible. 
-He’s up late at night on the phone, emailing,  and writing
-He has pounds and pounds of evidence that he is the most fit person to take care of you. He is not playing whatsoever
-He already let’s you decorate and he even gives you an office so you can do work or whatever. He most definitely brought you clothes and stuff for your room.
-When the courts and everything finally approves it after a long year of fighting, he picked you up and spun you around.
-”What did I tell you?!? I was not going to lose you and i made sure of that. And starting today and the rest of  forever you’ll never have to be alone.”
-100% takes you out somewhere super fun and nice. 
-”Wait we must take a selfie, The first day we are legally Father-daughter!”
-The most chaotic duo now, Everyone at school knows he adopted you and like he won't let anyone forget it.
-He has a minivan now. It also has a ‘Yeah I’m a soccer dad and i’m proud’ sticker on it.
-He joined the PTA 
-Always hugging you and giving you little cheek kisses when he sees you in the halls
-Made a titled track called “Now a dad”
-he most definitely wears ‘Best Dad’ shirts now. He also is in a ‘Single dad’s in Japan’ group now
-”I think we look just alike, Don’t we Y/N?” you both smiled and posed at the same time
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neesieiumz · 4 years
All The Stars {Tamaki Amajiki x Reader} - Chapter 5
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Summary: Tamaki has been a sidekick at Fatgum’s agency for four years, going up in ranks and becoming Fatgum’s right-hand man. That’s when a transfer hero comes in, Y/n L/n. Born and raised in Southern America, Y/n comes to Japan for a fresh start and interviews and aces Fatgum’s interview. Partnered with Tamaki and Fatgum to get used to Japan, Tamaki finds her interesting, and can’t help the fact he wants to get to know her. As Y/n’s past slowly gets revealed, will her demons allow the two of them to prosper? 
A/N: I KNOW, I KNOW I’M LATE!! But I really wanted to proofread this cause I don’t know if I’m setting this up as I want to... I want this story to last and I wanted it to grow which caused me to write over 4k words, which makes this the longest chapter yet, this is how long I want to keep my chapters so it may take longer to get them out, so I wanted make sure I have everything set up so without further ado...
Word count: 4k words
Chapter 5 - A new chapter
“Welcome everyone, take a seat and we can get started.” Fat gum greeted everyone as all the major pro heroes in the cities filed in and took their seats. 
Fat gum took a deep breath before turning to Tamaki and Kirishima who were the two sidekicks he brought to the meeting. 
“We’re here to discuss the arising group, who call themselves Resist, my two sidekicks Red Riot and Suneater can catch everyone up to speed. 
Tamaki looked at Kirishima who nodded and turned in the PowerPoint they both slaved over the last two weeks. 
“We’ve been noticing a rise in flame and explosive based attacks all across Japan. They usually happen in places like shopping malls, college buildings, places where a lot of people convene in a confined space basically,” Kirk started to explain, pressing the button to bring up different reports of buildings on fire which included Tadashi Shopping Center. 
Tamaki took over the presentation at this point, “we’ve noticed that in the reports we receive about these attacks, all of the opposition had these jackets with a symbol either etched on the back and the chest. We believe this is what Resist uses to distinguish themselves from other villains, and anything with this type of organization needs to be squashed before it can grow. We’ve seen this type of thing before,” He explained before narrowing his eyes. 
“We don’t want a repeat of what happened those years ago. It’s taken a long time to rebuild hero society and it’s still on the rocks.” Tamaki finished his part before looking back at Kirishima to continue. 
“Since we know what symbol they use to distinguish themselves, that allows us to see when they pop up in cities and how many times they do as well. From what I found out, they never popped up in cities more than two times except for one, here in Esuha city.” Using the IPad, he flipped through the city and a map of Japan popped up. 
In all the other major cities, they had either a one or a two except for one, Esuha City which had a nine beside its point.”
“Oh wow,” a hero mumbled.
“Nine attacks? That’s crazy,” a female hero said. 
Tamaki started to speak, “with this, we hypothesize that Resist’s HQ is somewhere in the underground of Esuha city. This is the only evidence that supports this, and will be one of the main objectives of this meeting, figuring out where they reside so we can take them down.” 
“Wait, wait, wait, so we don’t know where they are?” A pro hero, Nova, asked, looking at Tamaki with skepticism. 
Kirishima stepped in, noticing Tamaki beginning to crack, needing a few minutes to collect himself again, he can only go so long before his thoughts intrude. 
“We only have an idea, the Fat Gum Agency already has heroes and sidekicks staking out possible locations where they might be but there’s always a chance that this lead may lead us nowhere. This leads us to one of the purposes of this meeting!” Kirishima ended with a smile and a thumbs up. 
His contagious smile made Tamaki feel a little better and he stood a little straighter and tapped the IPad to bring up the next slide. 
“The way they’ve been attacking reminds me a lot of The League of Villains and we all know how they’ve left a stain in Japan’s trust in Hero Society. Some of us in this room knew how hard it was fighting them,” Tamaki lamented, looking over at his partner and they both slightly nodded.
“We lost a lot of lives and a lot of good heroes with them, and we were lucky to prevail from that fight but everything changed with that fight. The fragile state that All Might left the country was crushed and the public hated most heroes. We need to squash any threat to what we’ve built over the years and that starts with Resist,”
 Kirishima and Tamaki remember the fight with the LOV, the screams, the blood, the bodies, the cleanup, the tears, waking up in a cold sweat for months on end. Tamaki remembers lifting some debris and seeing a bloody Barbie doll and throwing up in an empty alleyway. 
Both of them did not want to go through that again. 
“Okay, we get it, but honestly I just don’t see how this “Resist” organization is any trouble. They’re just blowing up buildings without any objective.” Another random local hero spits out, leaning against his arm. 
“You idiot!” 
Kirishima and Tamaki slightly smirked at who spoke up. The six-foot Explosion Hero: Ground Zero stood up, glaring at the man who just spoke up. 
“The League of Villains were like that too, just destroying with no objective, then they found one and that’s why heroes are looked at as fucking trash!” Katsuki Bakugou spoke up, slamming his hand on the desk. 
After Best Jeanist retired, he entrusted his agency to the loud ash blond man which shocked the rest of his sidekicks. Since then, he’s been his hero, signing on Denki and Mina after they had no agency to take them in. 
“I would know, me and Shitty hair,” he said, pointing at Kirishima, “we were there for a lot of them. We were also there when they found a purpose and that’s when they took me when I was still the first year. We underestimate them as we did with LOV and it could grow into a situation that we don’t want to see! Shouldn’t you fucking know this shit already?!” Bakugou finished before sitting down after Denki tried to calm him down. 
“Calm down Ground Zero, don't want you popping a blood vessel,” a cold voice called and everyone’s attention turned to the Half and Half hero who took over his Father’s agency once he graduated. 
After his father’s career was shot after the fight, his agency fell apart since Todoroki was still a first year. But as soon as he graduated, most of his father’s old sidekicks came back to him and his father even left the building to him. Deciding that he only knew his father since he interned and did his work-study there, he decided to revamp the agency as his own and remove the bad memories since then. 
“Come on guys, let’s not fight, this is a serious matter,” came the nervous voice Deku, the one everyone was looking at as the one who would replace All Might. 
He was the only one out of his class to start a hero agency right out of high school without having to inherit it, the rest of them becoming sidekicks. Izuku Midoriya replaced Hawks as the youngest pro hero ever. 
“Shut up Deku!” 
Kiri shook his head and facepalmed at his alumni antics. 
“Somethings don’t change, huh Kirishima?” Tamaki whispers to him which made the Unbreakable hero sigh and nod. 
“Alright!! Let’s get back on topic!” Kirishima yelled, clapping his hands to get the attention of his old classmates. 
“Sorry Red.”
“My apologies.”
“Tch, whatever Shitty Hair.”
Kirishima let out a breath of relief before looking over at Fat gum to take over the rest of the meeting. Fat gum nodded before smirking and rubbing his hens together. 
“Let’s get started.”
Tamaki was ready to go home. Everyone was arguing about the best next steps to take to defeat this new organization and so far, no one was agreeing. Some wanted to start their investigations in their cities but some wanted to blow up every building until the “Resist Turds” showed themselves so we could kill them. 
Tamaki sighed as he slouched in his chair, listening to his boss and other pro heroes argue about their next move. 
“We can’t ignore this issue anymore, but that doesn’t mean we lose morals when it comes to this. Heroes and the public still have a rocky relationship and we can’t get into anything rash!” 
“What?!? What’s waiting? I say we find them right now and smoke them out!” 
“You haven’t changed at all.”
Tamaki looked over to the clock and noticed it was getting real close to 3:00 pm, they’ve been here for almost 2 hours and some of these hero’s had long trips to get to. Tamaki tapped Kirishima and Gat gum and showed them the time. Fat gum slammed his hands against the desk before standing up, effectively silencing the room of arguing heroes. 
“We need to decide before we get overtime and something happens in your cities. So what’s our verdict, because this isn’t the only meeting we’ll have, we’ll have more in the future that we need to prepare for,” Fat gum said. 
Everyone refused to look at each other in the eye, that was before Deku decided to speak up. 
“If so many, I believe that their HQ could be possibly located here end think that the Fat Gum Agency should focus all resources in finding said hideout, but that doesn’t mean that the rest of us shouldn’t look for clues,” He said, pointing to the screen. 
“For those whose cities that were only hit once, keep an extra eye out if they ever come back. Those cities who were hit twice, you all should go back to where they hit you and see if they left behind any clues. They aren’t as organized right now so now’s the time to stop them and give the public something to believe in again!” 
And just like that, like the future Number One Hero he was destined to be, he raised everyone’s spirits in this new mission. To eradicate the Resist before they gain a name as big as LOV.
Y/n sighed as she walked in the building, headphones blasting a Megan song. She waved hi to the receptionist before turning the corner and jogging to her office. Sipping in her She opened the door and turned the light to reveal her office. She’s been so busy with the rise of villains since the two months she’s been here, that she hasn’t had a chance to finally decorate her office the way she’s wanted to. She paused her music and pulled out her headphones to be able to take a better look at her workspace. 
It had a window in the right wall of the room and her desk right in front of, facing the front of the room. The walls were bare and painted white and the room littered with unopened boxes from things she ordered. She looked down at the bag of decorations she recently bought to complete the rest and smiled. 
“Alright, I got 2 hours before the meeting with Fatgum and the other heroes. I better finish this before then,” she mumbled to herself before walking over to the biggest Amazon box. 
She turned on her speaker and connected them to her phone before continuing the song she was listening to while she was walking in the agency. 
’Simon says, put your hands on hips’
She rapped along the song under her breath as she cut open the box that was her storage shelf. As she was pulling the wrapped contents, a knock sounded off from her door. It was so quiet that she almost couldn’t hear over her music. She lowered the volume before opening her door. 
Standing outside of it was Tamaki who was dressed in very casual clothes, a pair of jeans, and a white tee shirt. Y/n stood there surprised, not expecting the Manifest hero to stand outside her door. Last she heard of him, he was working with Fat gum with a major mission. But that's what she heard. 
“Amajiki-san! This is a surprise? What brings you here?” 
Tamaki jumped at her sudden answer but collected himself, “I have something to talk to you and Aoi-san, is he here?” 
Y/n shook her head, stepping out the way for him to allow him inside her office.
“Today’s both of our days off, he went to see his mom and I decided to use this to come in to finally set up my office after two months of being here!”
“No, no it's my fault, I should have contacted you before I came over,” he shook his hands in front of his face. 
She waved him off, “It’s okay, I wasn’t doing anything important. So what’s going on?” 
She hopped on her desk and sat down and gestured for Tamaki to come closer. Tamaki hesitated to say anything, but time was of the essence and Fatgum didn’t tell Tamaki that the pair had the day off. He was about to start to speak but he looked around the room and noticed different boxes scattered around the room and looked back at Y/n who was bending down to pick up tape she threw around the room. Tamaki’s ears turned red and he quickly looked away right as she stood up. 
“Sorry it’s a mess,” she huffed, balling up the tape, “I wasn’t expecting for me to have any guests.”
He waved her off, “no it’s fine? What’s with all the boxes anyway?”
Y/n walked over to the biggest box and turned it around to show the picture of her bookcase shelf which still wasn’t open. Tamaki saw this and looked around and saw other office supplies and decorations still wrapped in plastic and packing peanuts all over the floor. 
“I decided to use my day off to finally decorate my office the bay I wanted it to be, but I may have… overspent on somethings,” she trailed off sheepishly, taking in how many boxes were in the room. 
Tamaki saw how exasperated she was, it would take her a long time to assemble the shelf and it's already 2:30 pm. He was all finished with his paperwork and was gonna go home after telling the partners before going home. He wasn’t even that tired after all. So with a deep breath, he called out Y/n as she was cleaning the peanuts away from the chairs to give them a place to sit. 
“Hey, Y/n?”
She stopped, loving her things, and turned to look at Tamaki, “yes?”
“I have the rest of the day off, I’d… I’d be more than happy to help you with your office. If... if you’d let me?” His voice got significantly quieter as he spoke. 
Y/n’s eyes brightened up, running over to take Tamaki by the hands. 
“Really!”  She exclaimed, pulling him closer to her body. 
Tamaki blushed at this sudden movement, “tried” to move his body and nodded his head, yes to confirm what he asked her. Y/n squealed before pulling the violet-haired man in a full-blown hug. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am honestly CLUELESS when it comes to putting things together and I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to do it! This helps so much! Thank you!”
Tamaki’s face went red as a cherry as he tried his best to make his words conceit but his thundering heart, increasing body temperature, and his burning ears made that quite difficult to do. He gave her his best smile and she gave him an even bigger one back before dragging him to the biggest box. 
“Let’s get this over with, it’s the hardest one here.”
Together, the two of them opened the box and started taking the parts out. While the two of them set up her office, they got to know each other more, from him telling her about her times as a pro hero in America. 
“Yeah, America is so different from Japan,” she mused, ripping open the smaller boxes, “Here you get your license from the Hero Commission which is a branch under the Federal Government. You can work anywhere in the country! In America, you can only be licensed in the state you take your test in!” Y/n explained, grabbing the instructions to see which parts she had. 
“Wait, how many states are in America? I know there’s a lot,” Tamaki asked, making Y/n giggle and cover her mouth. 
Y/n shook her head, “there’s fifty of them, and I could only work in Texas, where I’m from.”
Tamaki shook his head, “but what if you’re out of the state and an emergency appears and they need help?”
Y/n shrugs, “I have to leave it to the heroes there, interfering could cause me to lose my job.” She laid out all the parts and counted in her head to make that all the parts were here. 
“When I’m not in my licensed state, I’m just a simple civilian with no permission to use their quirk.”
“America’s really different from Japan, I should have known though,” Tamaki let out a little chuckle as he said that. 
“Yeah, just the size of Texas is bigger than Japan. A different system is to be expected I guess,” Y/n shrugged her shoulders. 
She picked up the boards and the poles and started putting them together but for some reason, it wouldn’t go in. Feeling frustrated, she continued to struggle with the pieces, confused as to why they weren’t going in the hole. 
“Stupid piece of,” she hissed under breath as she continued to struggle, “you doing too much for me, just go in the thing!”
Hearing her mumble under breath in English, Tamaki turned around from building his own part to seeing Y/n struggle. He smiled slightly before getting up and walking to her. Y/n saw him move over to her and before she could process it, he grabbed the pieces from her. 
“No, I think it goes over here,” Tamaki reached over behind Y/n and flipped the pole, and slid it in the hole with no problem. 
Y/n smiled at Tamaki as he did the rest of the poles, doing it effortlessly. He was about to screw everything in whenY/n stopped him.
“I can do this part but thank you!” She grabbed her screwdriver from him and before she knew it, she placed a kiss on his right cheek. 
Oh lord, Y/n thought, her head running wild, oh lord, oh lord, oh lord, what the fuck did I do?!!? Why the fuck did I kiss him???? Well, it was only on the chek, BUT FUCKING STILL!!
Tamaki was frozen, his face red. His heart pounded in his chest, and he stood there frozen. She just kissed him on the cheek, a kiss, her lips were on some part of his body. His face, his right cheek. A girl, a girl he liked. 
Y/n on the other hand took a deep breath before going back to her unfinished bookcase and continuing as if nothing happened. Tamaki looked at her quietly putting her shelf together before Tamaki decided he should do the same. They both didn’t mention what happened.
“Oh yeah, Tamaki what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?” Y/n asked him, using the screwdriver to carefully tighten the screw in her new desk. 
Tamaki was pulled out of his thoughts, looked at her confused, before remembering what he had to talk to them about. Why he even came to her office in the first place. 
“It concerns both you and your partner, I was hoping he would be here with you since I didn't see him in his office,” Tamaki replied, standing up and stretching his back. 
“He’s using his day off to visit his mom,” she said, remembering the conversation they had while he dropped her off, “he hasn’t seen her in a while and he said he’s finally caught up with paperwork so yeah,” 
Tamaki nodded, not caring about what Aoi did. 
“But I’m sure I can relay to him what’s going on, so what’s up?” She asked, leaving on her desk for support from being on her feet all day. 
Tamaki nodded, “It’s about a case I’ve been working on, you remember your debut fight and the explosion at Tadashi Center right?” Tamaki started, going in his bag and pulling out his flash drive with a conceded version of his and Kirishima’s presentation. 
Y/n nodded, tilting her head at the question. He handed her the flash drive and began explaining what the mission was about and its ties to her debut fight and the attack in Tadashi Center
“We believe that the people who attacked during those two times are a part of the same organization, looking to gain the same infamy that the League of Villains gained. You know about the League right?”
She nodded, “anyone who has access to news worldwide knows who they are. They left a hole in Japan’s hero society, a ginormous one.” 
Tamaki nodded, “and we believe this group is trying to continue what they left and destroy society as we know it. This is what I’ve been working on for a while and we are finally making some moves. This is where you and Aoi-San come in,” Tamaki reported. 
“Comes in?”
Y/n used her fingers to replicate quotes as she said this. Tamaki nodded. 
“Your quirk is the most effective, the ability to swallow fire and make it your own, you’ll become a big help if more explosions ever come up. Aoi-San comes as extra backup, never go wrong with extra hands, c-considering he’s your part-partner,” Tamaki finishes, sweating profusely when he mentions Aoi as your partner. 
“So out of the sidekicks here, you want me and Aoi to join you?” 
Tamaki nodded, “we’ll have other heroes from other agencies join us, we didn’t want to take any chances with them, so we made sure that we made other heroes who were affected aware of this. This was a last-minute decision made by Fat gum after seeing reports on how you were able to put out the flames in less than 5 minutes. ”
Y/n stared at him with a look he didn’t recognize, he could feel his heart pound at that. 
Oh no, did I say something wrong?!? Oh no, I didn’t mean to offend her, what do I do?! This so weird, why the fuck do I do- Tamaki’s thoughts started to overrun him again, he almost fell into the deep put before hearing low chuckles echo through the office which pulled him out of his thoughts. 
Tamaki looked at Y/n with confusion as she continued to laugh. She then stopped laughing and jumped off the desk and stretched her back out. 
Y/n nodded her head in understanding, mumbling under her breath, “that makes sense.” 
Tamaki perked up, “so you’ll join us?”
Y/n blinked at him, confused at what he said, “I had a choice?”
It was Tamaki’s turn to look at her confused, why would she think she doesn’t have a choice in this? Tamaki ignored this and just nodded his head. Y/n smiled at that and gave him a thumbs up. 
“I’m all in! And I’m sure that Aoi would be perfectly okay with it, I’ll make sure of it!” She exclaimed. 
Aoi? He thought to himself, deflating slightly before giving Y/n a last nod and turning to leave. As he did that, he heard a gasp and Y/n asking for him to wait. Tamaki turned back around, heart pounding in anticipation and he started to sweat. 
“Ye-yes?” He stumbled out, cursing at himself. 
She smiled before handing him her phone with ‘New Contact’ pulled up.
“I’ve wanted to ask you for your number for a while because I think your quirk would be very suitable for some training together?” She smiled, crossing her arms. 
Tamaki still didn't say anything as she pushed herself up from leaning against her desk and picked up her phone. She typed away at it before handing it to him. 
He stared at it confused before realizing he was supposed to put his number in it. He quickly grabbed the phone and typed in his number and his name before handing it back to her. 
“H-here you go.”
Y/n smiled and took her phone back, tapping away at it before putting it away, “thanks! I’ll text you?” 
Tamaki's eyes widened and his ears went cherry red, “yeah, just...just text me.” He stumbled out before heading to the door
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bard-of-worlds · 4 years
Ladybug the Law is the Law CH6
Sorry this is an hour late, RL Problems, anyway i hope you enjoy this and the teaser for my next Ladybug work will be out by Nine tonight.
@ livelifeauthorstyle
Louise knocked at the back entrance to the Dunpain-Chang bakery holding a briefcase in one hand and shook his head.  If nothing happened like I thought I guess first thing first I’ll do is send a form to the school board for all the camera footage, that way I’ll have it to look over the data and we’ll be able to use that to sue this bitch.  He thought before the door opened and Tom looked out and smiled when he saw him. “Hi Tom, so did the school send over anything to you all?”
 “I wish that they had, at least then this nightmare might have been over with or we would have something to fight against.” Tom said and Louise just sighed and shook his head.  
 “Well at least the Akuma attack gave me plenty of time to get the paperwork done to send to the school board, and I was able to handle Adrien’s problem.”  Louise said as Tom led him into the house, a commotion from the kitchen caused him to sigh and shake his head.   “Giving that it’s almost time for the dinner rush, I guess I’ll be talking to your daughter alone?”
 “Yeah, I’ll have the intercom on so I’ll be able to hear everything.” Tom said as he looked at Louise and glared at him.  “Don’t make me or my wife come up there.”
 “Of course sir, I will be perfectly professional, I always do.” Louise said and Tom nodded and sighed
 “Kids, he’s back to talk to you both!” Tom called up and then pointed at his eyes then at Louise before he headed towards the bakery’s kitchen.
 Louise shook his head and then chuckled and walked upwards and smiled when he saw Adrien and Marinette walk towards the table and he grinned at them.
 “Hey kids, you all okay, stayed away from those people today?” Louise asked as they walked towards the table.  “The Akuma stayed away from this area but did some of the dogs come and bother you all, it didn’t look like they did but you never know with her Cure.”
 “We stayed safe and away from the windows, we only stopped hiding when the alert died down.” Marinette said and Louise looked at them for a few seconds before nodding.
 “Yeah, we were safe Louise. But you’re here about something, so how are our issues?” Adrien asked as the three of them sat down at the table and Louise put his briefcase down and sighed. “That bad?
 “Let me start with you Miss Marinette.  I had a friend of mine check over the video you got yesterday and while it wasn’t changed or modified, legally it is tainted because it was anomalous but it gives us wriggle room to hunt down the original.  I will be going to that school tomorrow for that reason with a few members of the police, I’ll have a warrant to get a copy of the school’s security cameras and another copy will be given to the school board so there’s that.” Louise said and then looked at Adrien.  “But then there’s your problem kid, first and foremost we need to get you to a doctor in the next few days for a full physical, it’s part of the process okay kid so don’t ask okay?  And the witness list will be drawn up after that.”
 Adrien nodded and looked down and sighed and closed his eyes.  I can get why, to make sure it’s not physical abuse.   I mean this has to part of the process.  I have to do this, I said I would and this is important, I can’t go back to how it was before, nothing about this is healthy for any of us.  Adrien thought as he felt Marinette reach over and squeeze his hand. “This is why it’s so hard, isn’t it?”
 “Yeah kid, it is.” Louse said and then he smiled at him.  “I mean I always thought that you were a bit skinny kid, so a general physical is something that would be good for the case, I’ll also need you to sign a few documents that need to be signed with the Child’s Protection agent present as a witness to let me look into your finances, again part of the process. And all of this stuff that was set up to keep you, the child in question safe.”
 “The Justice department really has a lot of stuff set up to handle this doesn’t it?” Marinette asked and Louise laughed darkly.
 “Yeah, but unfortunately it was more of a ‘don’t do this again’ thing that grew overtime.” Louise said with a sigh and shook his head.  “So to finalize everything, tomorrow I will be heading to the college to serve the warrant, then I will be heading over to the board of education to serve the papers that will contest the expulsion and or suing the college for what they did.”
 “Yeah, then there’s the way that I can get that physical.  He’s going to be watching most of the hospitals and clinics in the city.” Adrien said and Louis smirked.
 “All you need to do kid is make it away from here and get to around the 7th on the boarder of the 6th.  I’ll pick you up there and then I’ll get you to this clinic the police and most of the lawyers use when they need a doctor without people knowing.  Perfectly legal but it was set up that way for undercover ops for the police, a totally covered garage and the normal way in only covered to.” Louise said with a smirk.  “One of the best in the city, most people who know about it think the directors a little too concerned with privacy but he did get his leg broken when fans mob a hospital when he was a student so there’s that.”
 “Wow.” Marinette said as she and Adrien blinked and looked at him.  “So do you think you’ll be able to get everything that we need to successful argue about happened to me?”
 “Perfectly.  The trip tomorrow is basically just to find airtight copies of the original videos.  And I’ll be heading over to the Italian embassy within the next few days and well.” Louise said with a shrug and looked at the two teens.
 “Do you think that’s a good thing, it might give Lila time to cover her tracks or get out of the city. And if her mother is a diplomat.” Marinette said as Adrien nodded and Louise only smirked back.
 “Don’t worry about that, I have to head over there anyway and follow up on a settlement with another client, and I can’t talk about why but I will be talking to a person who knows who works there.  I’ll find out the truth and from there, and then we’ll see what’s true.” Louise said as he looked around at the two teens who smiled.  “Relax, all I’ll be doing is finding out where she lives and making sure she knows to make it to the hearing about what happened, from there we’ll see what’s what.”
 “There might be another way…….” Marinette said and looked down at the table for a few moments.  “A frie…….a classmate has access rights to the school’s network and website.”
 “Why?”  Louise asked and Adrien looked at her as she refused to meet their eyes.
 “He reworked it a few months ago after it was hacked, nothing was destroyed but the files were renamed and well it was chaos for a few days as the students had to deal with what the hacker renamed our accounts as.” Marinette said as she blushed.  “For a month before Max fixed it I had to log in as ‘Bakery-Model’ and Chloe was ‘Chief-Brat.’  Let’s just say that when she realized what her new login name was she screamed so loud the whole school heard.”
 “So then Max could get the number and email address Lila gave the school!” Adrien said as Louise started to grin and rub his hands together.
 “But would this Max be willing to do that?” Louis asked and Marinette nodded.  
 “Some of our classmates figured out Lila is a bitch, and two of them came over today and apologized for not believe me.  We had a talk and shared lunch together and we cleared the air.” Adrien said and Marinette nodded.
 “So I’ll call text him later and message you if he’s willing to do that.  Once that’s done I’ll text you or do you want me to send it tomorrow?” Marinette asked and Louise nodded at her.  
 “That sounds great Marinette, just send me the information before Francois Dupont starts tomorrow, I’ll be raiding during the first class so hopefully I’ll get by the principle.” Louise said as he took some papers out of his briefcase and passed one pile to Adrien and one to Marinette. “The one with you Adrien is the summery of everything that you and I talked about, every bit of the case against your dad.  And Miss Marinette, what you have is the paperwork that I’ll need you and your parents to sign, it’s how we’re contesting the ‘expulsion’.  Oh, and I used a copy of the video that you were sent yesterday as the reason for my ‘fishing expedition’ tomorrow.”
 “So that will let you track down the evidence?” Marinette asked and Louise got up and the teens did as well.
 “Yeah, it’s technical but that’s  right.” Louise said and smirked.  “I wonder if the owl will find us before we leave?  Well you have a nice night kids.”
 As Louise walked away Adrien turned towards Marinette and rubbed the back of his head, waiting until they heard the door downstairs close before he looked at her.  “You know we have to talk about what we learned…..”
 “Marinette!  We’re be up for super in a few moment, the dinner crew is here!  So could you get out the plates and put dinner in the oven?” Sabine’s voice caused Adrien to stop and shrug and Marinette to sigh internally.
“Thanks Max, just get me the data as soon as you can tonight.” Marinette said into her phone as she climbed up to her bed.
 “I’ll send it to you by midnight Marinette, and I hope that you’re back in class soon.” Max said as he hung up and Marinette chuckled as she got to her bed.
 “Max is a good friend Marinette, I knew he would help you!” Tikki said as she floated up after her.
 “That was never in doubt Tikki.” Marinette sighed as she looked around her room, when they had both gotten back to her house her parents had thankfully stayed downstairs the whole time and hadn’t gone to check on them and that was one thing that they had lucked out on.  Dinner had been tense between the two of them but they had been able to get through it without her parents getting a clue that there was something that was bothering the two of them.
 “Are you okay Marinette?” Tikki asked as she floated there and Marinette only hid her face as her kwami looked at her in concern.
 “He must be so disappointed that it’s me Tikki, he just has to be.” Marinette said and hugged her knees as she rested her head on her bed.  
 “You don’t know that Marinette, you don’t.” Tikki said as she looked at Marinette.  While she tried to keep her temper down as she looked at her chosen.  He better not!  After all the times that Plagg’s said that he’s mooned over her, just finding out who she really was she had better not have stopped loving her because she’s ‘just a friend’!  I mean really! Tikki thought as she floated to Marinette and touched her check. “You two just need to talk to each other privately about a lot of things.”
 “But where can we talk my parents overhearing us?” Marinette asked and Tikki sighed.
 “Here for one, or up there.” Tikki said as she pointed towards the door to the roof and Marinette’s balconies
 “All it would take is someone to see him and then who knows what Gabriel or Lila would do?  The only place is my room and that’s a whole other kettle of fish.” Marinette said with a blush and Tikki sighed and thought darkly about teenagers and their hormones.
 “You have to talk to him Marinette, want me to go get him; I could follow the vents and hide from your parents that way.” Tikki said and Marinette looked like she was going to say something when they both heard something.
 A buzzing caused her to snap her head up and look towards a statue light her parents had giving her for her last birthday before Tikki had come into her life, her friend had gone into it and discovered a microphone and a few searches at school had turned up the item on a site that sold parential spyware, a way for parents to spy on their kids without them being aware of it.  the model in question had a recording option, thankfully Max had come over once or twice to share a new game and he had helped her by showing her how to modify it to make the engine run a bit louder so she knew when it was active.
 A knock on her door caused Marinette to look towards it and swallow.  “Come in.”
 Adrien looked around as he came up into her room and Plagg flew around and Tikki flew over to him and gestured pointed towards the statue that Marinette had just been thinking off and before Adrien could say anything Marinette held up a hand and type out a quick text on it before throwing it to him, he caught it and looked down at it and paled a little as he read, ‘the statue is bugged by my parents, let Plagg and Tikki handle it.’
 “Hey Adrien, you doing okay stuck in here?” Marinette asked as she grinned at him and kept her eyes on the statue as Plagg and Tikki flew towards it.
 “Okay, I have a lot of practice with this so it’s not too bad; at least I have someone to talk to who doesn’t answer to him.” Adrien said and Marinette looked at him with a look of concern in her eyes that caused him to shiver a little.
 “What about the models you’ve worked with, couldn’t you talk to them online at least?” Marinette asked and Adrien laughed and shook his head.  He kept his eyes on the two kwami as she slipped into the statue and sighed before he spoke up.  
 “You’d think that but their contracts have a clause in them that kept us from sharing our emails on sets, the parties and work with our agencies is supposed to be where that kind of stuff is exchanged but well dad never let me go.” Adrien said with a shrug.
 “Why wouldn’t he?” Marinette asked in complete shock
 “Something about drug abuse that one model said started at a party.  Which is insane and impossible because all the company’s models have to have blood tests every few months and most of them bring in paperwork to show what prescriptions their doctors are having them take and why, and the company is responsible for the food.  But of course he ignores that but well who would tell him that?” Adrien said dryly and Marinette looked at him in concern.
 “Before you made it to school, you had a very small circle of people you knew that didn’t work for your father, didn’t you?” Marinette asked, complete shocked and rethinking a lot about how she felt about his father.
 “I think maybe Chloe, but there’s some kinda connection between her family and my mom’s.” Adrien said with a shrug.  “He was better when mom was around, at least I think he was.”
 Marinette looked so concerned for him he almost took her into his arms but then he saw the kwami float out of the statue as the buzz died down.
 “Not bad Plagg, you drained the battery so fast!” Tikki said and Plagg laughed and nudged her.
 “What about you, going right for the wires that led to the motor and tearing them first, then going for the wires connecting to the speakers!  This way they’ll think it broke by age and without the motor then it will die from the heat!” Plagg said as Tikki bowed.
 “So we don’t have to worry about my parents hearing us then.” Marinette said and Adrien nodded.
 “Yeah, we have to talk but let me get this off my chest first.  It’s about the Lila thing, her second time as an Akuma, that we know about for sure anyway.” Adrien said sheepishly as he watched her climb down from her bed as Tikki and as Plagg sighed and landed on his shoulder.  
 “Lila, what about her, wait is this about not confronting her?” Marinette asked only for what Adrien to look down with an ashamed expression on his face.
 “You know how I said I was talking with her before she became Chameleon, remember?” Adrien said.   “I was talking about how people would like her if she didn’t lie, I tried to make her see that and she walked off in a huff. Then she became an Akuma and tried to ruin my social life.”
 “Yeah, I can get it better now.  With how tough her forms are, not wanting to set her off is pretty smart I guess.  And I admit I should have told you about how she threatened me but……”   Marinette interpreted him before he exploded.
 “It’s more than that!” Adrien said and bowed to Marinette suddenly and Plagg fell off his shoulder and dropped a few inches before floating back upwards.  “I was afraid that if you called her on her lies then she would become an Akuma that would want to kill you!”
 “Oh.” Marinette said quietly and paled as she realized that was a possibility given what Akumas had acted like and the many times that the Akumas had attacked people and with how dangerous Lila’s forms were…..  “Oh.”
 “Yeah oh, and with how bad she was, I was worried that she might be able to do that to you, well ‘civilian’ you.” Adrien said as he looked away only for Marinette to reach over and cup his check causing him to blush.
 “Oh kitty.” Marinette breathed and looked at him with a caring look in her eyes.
 “I couldn’t tell ‘civilian’ you how dangerous her Akuma’s were, so I gave that stuff about the high road because I didn’t want you around her enough to set her off and have Lila try and kill you.”  Adrien said as he looked at her as he grabbed her hand and stared into her eyes as they seemed to draw him in as he lost himself in them.  Unconsciously the two of them were slowly moving their heads closer to each other and then Adrien realized what he was doing and shot backwards and took a step back.
 “Adrien?” Marinette asked before she realized what they had almost done and her earlier thoughts came back but before she could start to spiral Adrien held up his hands.
 “Sorry, and I’m sorry if flirting with you had made you uncomfortable, I’ll try and tone it down, it would probably give Hawkmoth a clue if I stop cold.  I never wanted to get in the way of your relationship with him.” Adrien said and Marinette grew more confused as Tikki face palmed as Plagg started to snicker.
 “Him?” Marinette asked as she looked at him, totally confused as Plagg started to snicker behind Adrien as Tikki got a strange look on her face.
 “Luka, the person you have a crush on.” Adrien said as he looked away from her, not seeing her mouth drop open as Tikki slapped her face and Plagg starred to snicker harder.  “I’m sorry, I guess all this time I hoped that maybe he wasn’t that good a person and you might give me a chance, but I’ve met him and i…….”
 “Wait, wait!” Marinette interrupted him.  “You think I’ve had a crush on Luka?”
 “Well yeah, you don’t?” Adrien asked and Marinette nodded and he looked shocked.
 “No, Luka’s a great guy but the both of us know that we’d be bad for each other.  He was always helping me because of……..things that are private for his family really.” Marinette said and she looked down and Adrien frowned.
 Adrien looked at her and tried to comprehend something, everything he knew about her told him he had feelings for someone, she had told him he had feelings for someone else but if it wasn’t Luka then who.  “Then who do you have a crush on?  Sorry if that a bit forward but……”
 “You!” Marinette exclaimed as she shot to her feet.  “I’ve had a crush on you since you gave me your umbrella that day we first met you stupid cat!  And as I got to know you it became……love”
 “Love?” Adrien said shakily and Marinette rolled on.
 “Yes! Your kind, one of the best students in our grade, you try to help whenever you can get away from your father and you’re a great person!  All this time when I’ve stumbled around you it’s because I’ve been trying to tell you that!” Marinette said and blushed when she realized what she had just exploded on him.
 “Oh. So all this time; I’ve been the other boy that in your heart, and I was the reason that you wouldn’t give me as Chat Noir a chance, so the girl I had a crush on had a crush on me.  Well that’s something.” Adrien said dumbly he sat down in total shock as Marinette stared at him.
 “Wait, you’ve had a crush on me as Ladybug, what about Kagami?!” Marinette said and Plagg looked at Tikki who nodded at him, a snicker escaping him.
 “Wait Kagami, you thought I had feelings for Kagami?!” Adrien exclaimed as he looked at her.   “No, Kagami and I don’t have feelings for each other, it was more of a thing to get away from our parents and how controlling they are, her idea really.”
 “Really?” Marinette asked and Adrien nodded.
 “She said something about dating a person in a similar situation to mine once and it didn’t work out, she said it was one of the reasons they moved but that was all that she said about it.”  Adrien said and he looked at Marinette and took a deep breath.  “But it did let me talk to her and she helped me work through my feelings, get them under control and try and deal with my crush.”
 “On Ladybug, right?” Marinette said with trepidation as she looked at Adrien who nodded.
 “I do love the Ladybug you but I developed feelings for someone else over the last year.” Adrien said and Marinette started to feel worse.
 “Who?” Marinette asked and Adrien looked at her.
 “You bug.” Adrien said as he blushed.  “On both sides of the mask I fell for you.”
 “What.” Marinette asked faintly as she looked at him as Plagg started to grin and Tikki smiled at her.
 “For a while now I’ve been having a hard time dealing with my feelings for well; both of you.  As Ladybug you’re brave and smart, and as Marinette you’re creative, helpful to everyone and talented as heck, and the way you looked when you won that video game tournament with Max. I’ve been having a hard time separating what I felt about both of you.  That’s why I went on that date with Kagami, I was trying to move on but it didn’t work well, we both saw that.” Adrien said and Marinette sat down as she looked away as Adrien in looked at Marinette before he started to laugh, startling Marinette and the Kwamis.  
 “So the reason we both rejected/ ignored each other is because we fell in love with one side of each other.”  Adrien said as he stopped laughing and Plagg fell to the floor and started to laugh.
 Plagg finally stopped laughing and grinned at them.  “Oh man o man, you two crack me up!  That right there!  You two are my new favorite chosen ever!”
 “Plagg!”  Tikki said as Marinette and Adrien blushed and looked away.
 “Come on sugarcube, don’t tell that you don’t think this is funny!” Plagg said as he snickered and Tikki giggled and nodded.
 “Their almost as funny as our first wielders; remember them?” Tikki asked and Plagg laughed as he spun around.  “And I can’t wait until Alya and the others find out, you two have to make up a good story to get by her!”
 “Alya, why would we have to make up a story for her?” Adrien asked and Marinette blushed and looked away. “Anything else I should know?”
 “Alya’s been trying to help me confess with the girls for most of the school year, I can’t even count all the times and plans we made that failed.” Marinette said and Adrien looked down with a deeper blush.
 “Oh, that’s something but I was talking to the Kwami.  Anything you want to say Plagg?” Adrien asked and his kwami turned and grinned at the humans as Tikki just looked on exasperated.
  “Sometimes when this happens it’s either my holder or sugarcube’s who finds out first, they try and make them fall in love with their ‘other-selves’; it’s kinda funny to tell the truth.” Plagg said and Adrien looked away as Marinette looked the other way.
 “Oh, look at the time, shouldn’t we go to Alya’s soon?” Adrien asked and Marinette looked at the clock and nodded as Plagg shook his head and Tikki giggled as Marinette smiled at him.  “So how about I turn in and then slip out through the window, I’ll meet you up top?”
 “We still have about an hour, so let’s give go play a round with my parents for a bit before they go to sleep and then we’ll slip out from our rooms.” Marinette said as she looked towards the door down and smirked.  “Because I know they’ll be here in a few moments because of how the power went out.”
 Adrien looked towards the door as they heard someone climb up the ladder and a moment later Tom Dupain opened the door with a smile.  “Hey kids, Sabine and I are starting a round of Ultimate Mecha Strike III, want in?”
Alya hugged herself as she waited on the rooftop of the building she lived in she shivered a little. She had been able to escape dinner without her parents giving her much trouble about her blogging during the attack and even Nora had been quiet about it, something that hadn’t happened a lot and she still looked around with a nervous feeling.  I don’t know what to do, I have to take down that damned interview but how?  I could say I was attacked by a hacker, that might buy me a few days and then I can talk to the others about Lila, see how we can get her back.  But what did Marinette mean about how she wasn’t going back to Dupont?  What did she and her parents learn about the school to make them decide that? Alya thought as she stood there and tried to think about.
“JESUS!” She exclaimed as she spun around and saw Ladybug and Chat Noir standing there looking at her. “When did you get here?”
 Chat Noir and Ladybug looked at each other before Chat spoke up. “A few minutes ago, you wanted to talk to us about something?”
 “Yeah, it’s about this girl at school Lila, I posted an interview about her, how she was Ladybug’s best friend but I’m think she’s not and I shouldn’t have done it at all.” Alya said and her smile dropped as she saw Ladybug nod and Chat Noir scowled.
 “She the last thing from even a friend to Ladybug.” Chat Noir said and Ladybug nodded.
 “And the reason that we never said anything about it because we didn’t want to call any attention to your site, we didn’t want Hawkmoth to think he could get to us through you.” Ladybug said and Alya flushed and looked down, ashamed beyond her ability to speak.
 Alya could only look at them and pale as she thought about what her ‘Ladybug hunts’ could have brought down onto her family.  Gods, this has to be why Marinette always talked about them, how she tried to get me to slow down and not go so fast?  And forget Hawkmoth, who else could have used what I put up on my blog the wrong way?  How much danger have I put my little sisters in?  Alya thought as she swayed a bit causing the Hereos to look at her in concern.
 “Are you okay Alya?” Chat Noir asked and Alya nodded absently.
 “Yeah, I’m just thinking about what people could have done with what I put up on my blog, I gotta try and fix it….. maybe I could talk to Max….” Alya said as she started to plan a way to fix what she had done and the two heroes looked at each other, the way that they had
 “Like that interview and the knowledge about the Miraculous?” Ladybug asked and Alya looked down and blushed in shame.
 “I don’t even know why I did it in the first place, she just said what I wanted to hear and I didn’t think.” Alya said and Ladybug reached over and squeezed Alya’s shoulder.
 “She used you, she’s a monster, she doesn’t care who she hurts as long as her goals are met.” Chat said bitterly and Alya’s snapped her head towards him and her mouth dropped open.
 “How do you…..what do you mean?” Alya was able to stammer and Ladybug and Chat Noir looked at each other for a few moments before Chat Noir pointed at his forehead and Ladybug nodded.
 “When the girl who became Riposte became Oni-Chan, Lila tricked me to leave Ladybug to fight her alone.” Chat Noir said causing Alya to gasp and looked at Ladybug as Chat Noir continued.  “She faked being injured and since she was the target I carried her away and then.”
 “Chat told me on the next patrol we had.  After that whenever we saw her we tried to look at what she was doing with one eye open when we encounter her because of Akumas.” Ladybug said as Alya starred at her in total shock.
 “She’s a monster, a total monster!  Oh god, what is going through her head!?” Alya asked and Chat Noir scowled and Ladybug sighed.
 “We don’t know. ………. When she first came here I was passing by and I saw her telling that model, what’s his name again…….Darien,  Ernie?”
 “Adrien milady.  I think his name is Adrien.” Chat Noir said and Alya perked up and looked at them.
 “Yeah, him.  She was telling him that she knew me and well….. combinded with her interview then Hawkmoth might have attacked her family!” Ladybug said and Alya looked at her as Chat Noir nodded.  “So I confronted her about it and well then she became Volpina.”
 “And we don’t have proof but she might have helped Hawkmoth set up the Hero-Day attack, we’re not sure what school she went to at the time soooo.” Chat Noir said with a shrug.
 Alya only looked at the heroes in total shock, unable to comprehend what they were talking about before she realized just what they were saying.  “Illusions, that’s her power as Volpina…… but how did she…… she was playing hooky all those months?”
 “As Chat said we don’t have proof.  But personally I wouldn’t be surprised if she has been working for Hawkmoth.”  Ladybug said causing Alya to gasp as her mouth dropped open and Chat Noir to scowl and look away.
 “Really wouldn’t surprise me.” Chat said flatly and Alya looked at him as Ladybug eyes shot to Chat’s as she hopped he wouldn’t let on to Alya who he was.
 “I can’t believe this, someone is actually working with Hawkmoth?!  Why?” Alya asked as she couldn’t comprehend why on earth anyone would want to help the magical terrorist.
 “We’re not sure, but we’re not sure she’s not working for him.” Ladybug said and Alya looked at them and scowled.  “But what did you want to talk to us about?  Anything besides Lila?”
 “I wanted to set the record straight about her.  She got a friend of mine kicked out of school and I didn’t believe her when she said that Lila was behind it.”  Alya said and looked away, missing the look Chat Noir shot Ladybug before Alya turned back. “Beyond everything I want to make sure that my friend gets justice, and if I have to tear apart every one of her lies then so be it!”
 “That’s fine then, we’ll be happy to make a statement right LB?” Chat Noir asked and turned his head and looked at Ladybug who smiled, not what they would do but at the wink Chat Noir sent her that Alya couldn’t see.
  Alya waved goodbye as the two heroes ran away and suddenly turned when she heard the door opened and revealed Nora standing there in a green buttoned tee-shirt and black pants, a smirk on her face.
 “So that was why you ran off to little sister, what did Heroes need from you?” Nora asked and Alya stared at her.
 “Nora, how long have you been there?” Alya asked as she tried to recover her equilibrium.
 “Only the last couple of minutes while you were saying goodbye to them, so what’s up?” Nora asked nad Alya looked away.  “Hey sis, what is it?”
 “I messed up sis, I messed up big, I didn’t believe my best friend and I projected something I did onto her actions and she got hurt because I trusted the wrong person.” Alya said and Nora looked at Alya and raised an eyebrow.
 “Do we need to get the parents sis?”  Nora asked and Alya looked away.  “Alya?”
 “Dad’s due back for supper tomorrow night, and Mom will be here too, I’d like to tell all of you about it together, okay?” Alya said and looked at Nora.  “I need to talk to Marinette, get an answer about something she said but it might be important.”
 “Are you hurt little sis, that’s what most important okay?” Nora asked concerned.
 “Only my pride.”  Alya said and walked towards the door.  “I don’t want to talk about it, okay sis?”
 Nora only nodded as Alya passed her, promising that she would help her sister no matter what was wrong.
 As she sat in the teacher’s lounge before classes started, Miss Mendeleiv frowned as she looked over the report on Lila.  None of this makes any sense.  She should have had a meeting between her parents and the school by now, I don’t get it.  The only reason that she hasn’t is either…… two things one that stupid owl was scared off or he was payed off!  After what happened with her you think that stupid owl would have remembered what not to do!  I swear this school is going to be shut down!  She thought as she sipped her coffee and tried to get her emotions back under control.  “Come on, don’t give that scum someone to take advantage of so early in the morning, take a deep breath and stay calm.”
 As she sighed and did a meditation exercise to control her heartbeat and emotions a commotion outside caused her to look up with a raised eyebrow.  As the door opened she heard the
 “………and I’m telling you that’s how it happened!” Caline said as she came in to the room, her head looking over her shoulder before she turned it and walked to the counter and grabbed a cup to pour herself some coffee.
 “I can’t believe it, no! I know how the laws are, I know what’s right or wrong!  To think that you did nothing Caline!” D'Argencourt voice caused Miss Mendeleiv to wince. This wasn’t going to be good.  “At the very least you should have walked them to the office yourself.”
 “I had to watch my class, I couldn’t leave my students alone!” Caline said and at this D’Argentocourt only scoffed.
 “Then you should have had the class representative watch them while you took them!  If something happened
 “Marinette was the representative!  And I still need to get a new one soon!” Caline said and at this Miss Mendeleive looked up and hid a glare at her words.  
 “Then the deputy then! And calling her to the front of the room without bringing her outside the room?!  What in the world were you thinking?!”  He countered and Caline winced and looked around, when she noticed Miss Mendeleive there she looked up, hoping for some help but when Miss Mendeleive only scowled she looked down.
 “Even I have to admit that you messed up by doing that public, and for an anonymous report?  And if the answer sheet was missing before the test, then you shouldn’t have gone through with it in the first place Caline!” Miss Mendeleiv said and Caline Buister looked at her with a shocked expression.
 “But it went missing after the test!” Caline said and then she went silent at the looks she was getting.
 “What??” D'Argencourt exploded and Miss Mendeleiv stared at Caline as she looked back at them.
 “You mean to say that the answer sheet was taken AFTER the test?!” Miss Mendeleiv exclaimed as she shot up, her face angry beyond and Caline looked at them confused and could only stare at them in confusion.  “Then Marinette couldn’t have used it to cheat on it!  What were you thinking!?”
 “And what was the sequence the events that led to her being expelled?!” D'Argencourt demanded and Caline swallowed at the look on his face and collected herself before she started to speak.
 “I discovered that the answer sheet was missing during lunch after the test, and then someone nocked on the door to my room and ran away, I found a paper tapped to the door that said that Marinette took the answer sheet.” Caline
 “What kind of paper?” Mr. D'Argencourt demanded and Caline looked at him before continuing.
 “The paper was typed, by a computer it could have come from anywhere, Then when the answer sheet was found in her backpack Marinette accused Lila and after a few moments we all heard a scream and Lila was down at the bottom of the stairs.  Then Lila said that Marinette had stolen a necklace and it was in Marinette’s locker.”  Caline began when Mr. D'Argencourt interrupted.
“Did that fool even check for fingerprints or was it all done on the word of one person with no proof!?” Mr. D'Argencourt demanded and Caline shook her head.  “Unbeleivable, and Miss Marinette’s locker has been broken into this year alone, and there are no locks for heaven’s sake!”
 “Lila grabbed the necklace and then Marinette’s parents were called, then after she was expelled those scarlet Akuma’s attacked and well.”  Caline explained and the other two teachers shared a look with each other.
 “She did that before she was taken to the hospital? What were you thinking letting her move about like that.” Miss Mendeleiv and Mr. D’Argencourt both looked at each other and Caline started to get a sinking feeling.  “What is it Caline?”
 “Who, Marinette?  Why would she have to go to the hospital?” Caline asked and Miss Mendeleiv only stared at the younger teacher.
 “I’m talking about Lila, after a fall down the stairs to the courtyard, onto hard cement!” Miss Mendeliev said angrily and Caline looked at her in total confusion.  “What’s with that look Caline?”
 “She didn’t go to the hospital.” Caline said and Mr. D’Argencourt stared at her as Miss Mendeliev’s mouth dropped open and stared at Caline as she
 “The nurse said she didn’t have to go the hospital?!” Miss Mendeliev asked in total shock, wondering how she didn’t know that.  “What kind of fall did Lila have to not be injured!?”  
 “She didn’t go to the nurse.”  Caline said and the other two teachers went still in shock.
 Mr. D'Argencourt and Miss. Mendeliev only looked at Caline as the bell rang, Caline smiled at them and walked out of the room.  The two teachers looked at each other and Mr. D'Argencourt started to swear in German and Miss. Mendeliev put her head down.
 “How does this work with the notes you’ve been taking my dear?” D'Argencourt asked weakly and Miss. Mendeliev sighed.
 “I still can’t explain the scarlet Akuma’s the first time, and then there’s this attack!  The only answer is one I’m sure you came to as well.” Miss said as Mr. D'Argencourt nodded and they both sighed.  “Well we best go and take care of our classes my friend, we’ll find some way to survive.”
 Of that I have no doubt my lady, of that I have no doubt.  Mr. D'Argencourt said as he openend the door for Miss. Mendeliev who laughed and curtsied after she got up and grinned at him.
Fred Haprele sighed as he walked around the courtyard and shook his head.  I can’t believe that happened the other day, none of it feels right!  And something’s bothering me about Marinette’s punishment, I mean was she even giving a chance to defend herself? There’s something else here, I can feel it!  He thought as he walked towards the stairs and frowned as his eyes looked over them. As he walked up the stairs he saw nothing that indicated that Lila had fallen or that anyone had cleaned the area. “Nothing about this makes sense, I mean nothing at all.  Maybe the nurse will know  
 He looked back down at the courtyard and saw a group of people, a man in a suit and three police officers.  He walked down the stairs at a brisk pace and moved towards them, frowning when he saw them looking at him with scowls on.
 “Good morning, my name is Fred Haprele, how can I help you?” Fred asked and he relaxed as he saw the scowls leassen.
 “I’m officer Jacob, this is Officer Robert and Coby.  We have a warrant to serve, I’m going to have to aske you to take us to the security room so we can download a few files.” Officer Jaccob said as he held out a hand that Fred took and shook.
 “I don’t suppose I can see it could I?” Fred asked and the man in the suite smiled and took out a few papers that he handed over to Fred who took them and whistled when he saw the name on the document and nodded.  “These all seem to be in order, this way please.
 As Fred walked towards the security room he looked over his shoulder and saw the four people following behind him and smiled over his shoulder.  “You all came in the right time, class just started so you’ll be able to get in and out fast……but I’m guessing that you all planned it this way?”
 “A few files that I need for a case.  Mr. Haprele……. You wouldn’t be someone who’s been at this…….. school long have you?” The suit asked and Fred shook his head.
 “No I only started working here a few years ago….. about three now that I think about it.   The people who’ve been here the longest are Mr. D and Miss Mendeleiv.”  Fred said and the suit relaxed and smiled at him.
 “Then you needn’t worry, but you might want to find another job.”  The suit said and Fred stared at him, stopping and looking at him.  “Mr. Haprele, is something wrong?”
 “Why would I need a different job?” Fred asked and the suit smiled darkly and Fred felt a shift of terror.
 “Let us just say that old sins have a way of coming back, and this place has quite a few.” The suit said and smiled at Fred.  “But that’s not important right now, the security room sir?”
 “This way please.” Fred said as he swallowed.  Maybe I should talk to the old man about becoming the manager of the theater after all.  It might be the best decision after all.  He thought as he led the way through the school.
 A few moments later they moved down a flight of stairs and the suit looked around.  “You know, I remember the security room being on the top floor once.”
 “Oh it was.” Fred said as they walked down a hallway.  “But the story is that it was moved after a fire in the old science room burned down the wall dividing them and fighting the fire destroyed the computers.  They had to get new computers, there was a bit of unused space down here so the decision was made to destroy the damaged wall and turn both rooms into the new art room.”
 “Oh, I think I heard about that.” Robert said and Fred nodded.
 “Came into this place during the construction really, and parts of my duties are to transfer the data to a new drive every month.” Fred said and the suit nodded.
 “Good, but I have to know when the next scheduled transfer is supposed to take place.” The suit asked and Fred looked up
 “Actually it’s supposed to be tomorrow, you’re lucky that you’re here now.” Fred said and the suit nodded.
 “Wait, what?  But this is only the second week of the month!” one of the officers exclaimed as the other two nodded as the
 “Yeah, it’s usually later but the principle was adamant about it, he wants it done sooner this month for some reason.” Fred said and the suit chuckled.
 “That makes sense, so the old man could learn.”  The suit muttered and Fred looked at him as he only grinned back.
 A few moments later in the security room the suit had taken out an external hard drive and Fred sent the last month’s CCTV camera’s for the last two weeks and nodded at the suit.  
 “Now the cameras are sub divided by day, good luck finding out anything that you need, and they turn on at the first bell and turn off at a the last.”  Fred said once and the suit offered his hand that Fred took.
 “Thank you, now officers, Mr. Haprele I just need you all to sign that you witnessed the transfer and you Mr. Haprele just need to sign for the authenticity.”  The suit said as he got out a piece of paper from his briefcase.    As they finished sinning the paper Fred looked up at his boss’s voice.
 “What is the meaning of this?!  Mr. Haprele; who are these people and what are they doing here?!”  A voice from behind them caused them to turn and see Mr. Damocles standing outside the room looking in with a glare and
 “Hello Damocles’, how long has it been?” The Suit asked and Mr. Damocles’ turned towards him and paled as he saw the suit
 “Mr. Artoga….. what are you doing here?!” Damocles asked and Mr. Artoga only grinned at him evily.
 “Oh, I’m just serving out a warrant.  I expect that you will be hearing from the school board sooner or later about it.”  Artoga purred as Fred watched as Damocles backed up and started to sweat.   “I think this time I’ll get justice without a girl dying.  Goodbye Owl-man”
 As the suit walked away Fred looked at his boss and frowned as he leaned against the door.  “What was that about sir?”
 Damocles shook his head and looked at Fred with a glare full of anger and Fred scowled back.
 “NEVER MIND THAT! Why on earth did you take that…..that parasite down here?!” Damocles demanded and Fred crossed his arms.
 “He had a lawful warrant and three officers of the law as backup, that was legal and I was full within my rights and responsabilites to this school to have done that!  if you have a problem with it then I will contact my union rep for you to talk to with me!”
 “Nevermind that, what did they want anyway?” Damocles demanded and Fred shrugged.
 “Nothing much, just the camera’s recording for the month so far.  Why?” Fred asked as Damocles just paled and looked at the security system and staggered off to Fred’s confusion.
164 notes · View notes
F/M Pairing: OC x Seo Changbin (Stray Kids)
Warnings: Angst (this is kinda sad at the beginning); fluff; mild language 
Genre: Family AU; Haven Sequel; Strangers to Lovers
Word Count: 7.8K
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Summary: For a long time, Changbin’s priorities were centered around the need to take care of Y/N and the rest of his adopted family. However, as their dynamic has continued to evolve, he starts to feel like they no longer really need him. So, maybe Changbin feels a little bit lonely these days, but that all changes when he meets a mysterious stranger who wants to take care of him instead.
A/N: Like Haven itself, I really love this one. Special thanks to the anonymous user who requested this! I wish I could tag you.
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Whenever Changbin found himself questioning why he was forced to endure the monotony of a 9-5 desk job with no reprieve, including outrageous weekend hours and overtime, he was always reminded of his family and a persistent desire to take care of them. It was a sound justification for putting up with the rude customers who took one look at his superintendent badge and immediately targeted him as the subject of their endless complaints. For example, they might say something like, “The packaging is all wrong!” or, “The shipment label should be 152 instead of 151!” and, his personal favorite, “Do you actually know what you’re doing?”
In those instances, Changbin would paste on his best fake smile and kindly tell those customers that, yes, he did have some inkling of what he was doing, even if he sometimes doubted himself. After all, his job wasn’t that hard, but it was demanding of his time and efforts, and Changbin was rapidly coming to the conclusion that he wasn’t meant for a customer service position. But quitting would mean jeopardizing the success and good-fortune that had befallen his family during recent weeks. It would mean risking their overstock of food and secure funding for Felix’s college classes. It would mean forcing the younger members to work, or exposing Minho to more hours at the warehouse.
That certainly wouldn’t be fair to Y/N who had come to form a very strong dependency on Minho, even if their relationship had been a major shock for the rest of the family when it was first discovered. The circumstances surrounding the revelation weren’t exactly ideal, and Changbin had been a little hurt that Y/N felt the need to hide something like that from him. She had come a long away from the shy pre-teen who would snuggle next to him at night and tell him about her dreams for the future. 
His heart would sometimes ache for those days because it was nice to be needed. Changbin had a people-pleasing personality, and he often formed strong bonds with those that he cared about. But his love for Y/N was especially strong, and Changbin wondered if Y/N ever missed those nights when she would crawl into Changbin’s bed and ask him to protect her from those horrible nightmares.
It sometimes made him sad when he realized that Y/N didn’t need him like she used to when she first arrived at the house. In the same way that most of his family members had outgrown their childish stages, maturing into young adults who were starting to become independent. Even Jeongin and Seungmin had reached that stage where they could handle themselves, attending school during the day before coming home and isolating themselves away from the others.
In fact, when he really thought about it, most of his family members would spend the majority of their time according to whatever fascinated their current whims. Thankfully, Chan had decided that Friday nights would remain exclusive, and Changbin might be lucky enough to have Y/N crawl into his lap, or one of the other members cuddle close to his side - where he would like to have them for the rest of their lives because it felt nice to keep them safe.
“Excuse me, young man, but is this really the best you can do on stamps?”
Changbin sighed at the interruption, studying the elderly woman who had disturbed his thoughts. “I’m sorry, ma’am,” he said. “We don’t sell anything else.”
The old woman scoffed at him before walking away, and Changbin wondered what Y/N might be doing at that moment...
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It was late when Changbin found himself trudging down the hallway, ignoring the sound of Jisung whining about how Changbin had bought the wrong kind of snacks. He really wasn’t in the mood to deal with Jisung, especially when the younger seemed to have forgotten that Changbin took the long way home just to buy those snacks for him in the first place. Instead, Changbin just wanted to curl up in bed and go to sleep because he had another early shift tomorrow, and it made him feel extremely unmotivated to endure another day of his shitty office job. 
In fact, what Changbin really wanted was Y/N, but when he paused outside of the bedroom that she shared with Jeongin and Seungmin, he could hear the sound of laughter coming from the other side. Changbin took a deep breath, cracking the door open just enough to see Minho and Y/N lying in bed together, watching some sort of video on one of the laptops that belonged to the older members. Changbin swallowed hard, closing the door again before he walked up the stairs and found his room at the other end.
He paused for a moment, looking back at the empty staircase, and wondered what the others were doing since nobody else bothered to greet him when he came home except for Jisung. Consequently, there was an unpleasant sensation swimming around his heart, and Changbin tried to ignore it as he walked into his bedroom, shrugging off his jacket before falling into bed still dressed in his work uniform. For a moment, Changbin was perfectly quiet, even while his mind was loud and refused to give him a moment of peace. 
But then he eventually identified what those unpleasant feelings really were, and he hadn’t felt it this profoundly since before his own father kicked him out of his house: it was loneliness. Changbin felt alone in a house full of 8 other people, and when the realization finally settled, Changbin felt a stray tear fall down the side of his face. Because it hurts to feel alone.
It was a struggle then, when he glanced at his alarm clock, vision blurry from the salty wetness that continued to steadily leak from the corners of his eyes, and he could barely perceive the time displayed on the screen. Nevertheless, Changbin had been experiencing a lot of trouble falling asleep in recent weeks, and tonight seemed like it would be another restless plight of tossing and turning. But when had this started? Changbin couldn’t really pinpoint the exact moment when his life started to feel like it was falling apart - like he was losing everything that he had once treasured.
Honestly speaking, even before his stupid job, Changbin had felt like shit because Chan was constantly on his ass about staying at home all the time. It wasn’t even his fault, but it felt like Chan was determined to break him - to pressure him so far that he would literally split in half from the constant push and pull. Then again, Changbin had always experienced moments when he felt like there was nothing he could to prevent his most depressing thoughts. Maybe it was really because of his past - his terrible childhood and his rotten excuse for a father who decided that Changbin didn’t deserve his love or affection. 
Yeah, maybe he had some daddy issues, but he also had to watch his own mother die when he was eight-years-old. For a while after her death, Changbin felt like there were huge parts of him that was left empty, and it had taken an awfully long time to fill those places again. But his family living with him at their precious Haven helped a lot because he was able to occupy his time with taking care of others. But Changbin had also learned how to put on a mask of indifference and pretend that he was okay when he felt unusually sad. Maybe he had gotten so good at pretending that he had started to fool even himself.
Perhaps it was finally catching up to him.
Changbin shook his head, wiping away the tears as he rolled onto his side. His eyes explored the darkness of his room until they settled on his nightstand where he paused on the little stuffed Munchlax that sat next to his lamp - a gift from Y/N after he had stayed up with her for an entire week when she had the flu. “I’m beary grateful,” she had said, giggling with childish delight when she first offered him the gift.
It seemed inconsequential at the time, but Changbin had always treasured the little gift, and when he brought it next to him in bed, he could pretend like it was Y/N. He could remember the nights when she curled up next to him, sharing secrets that she never told anyone else. He could feel a little bit better when he was feeling down, and Changbin savored the beautiful moment of peace that the stuffed plushy brought him before he closed his eyes to sleep.
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The next morning, Changbin slept through his alarm, and there was a small part of him that desperately wanted to just ignore his responsibilities for one day and remain warm beneath his bed sheets. But life had different plans for him, especially with Bang Chan in charge of the house. “Get up,” Chan said, and Changbin grunted when he felt the older pull the sheets into the floor. “I thought you had a morning shift.”
“I do,” Changbin grumbled, and he cursed under his breath when Chan finally left the room.
Changbin sighed when he realized that the potential for more sleep was completely gone, and he was forced to shower and dress himself before walking down the stairs. It was too early for most of the members, but Changbin greeted Chan and Minho as he dropped down into one of the kitchen chairs. “Coffee?” Changbin asked, looking over at Chan.
“Hyunjin broke the damn thing,” Chan said. “We’ll have to wait until this weekend to go shopping.”
“What an asshole,” Minho remarked, and Changbin nodded his agreement.
“We’re making a list,” Chan said. “I get my bonus check tomorrow, and we can decide on what needs to be replaced.”
“The hot water heater should be a priority,” Changbin said. “I only had enough for a ten-minute shower.”
“How long do you need?” Chan asked, and Changbin snorted because he knew that Chan would only agree to make expensive purchases when he decided that they were, indeed, absolutely critical. “What do you think, Minho?”
“Y/N and I usually take showers together,” he said with a suggestive raise of his eyebrows.
Chan immediately voiced his complaints, explaining to Minho that neither he nor Changbin wanted to hear about their exploits. Changbin especially was still not used to hearing Minho or Y/N talk about the explicit parts of their relationship. But Minho was always perfectly willing to share.
“Add condoms to this list,” Minho continued. “We’re almost out.”
“Come on, Minho,” Chan muttered, but he still wrote down the request. “I’ll think about the hot water heater.”
“You two decide,” Changbin said, rising from the table as he grabbed his keys off the counter.
“You’re not going to eat?” Chan asked with a worried tone, but Changbin chose to ignore him as he walked outside onto the porch, inhaling the fresh, morning air before approaching his car.
The old van was unreliable, but Changbin didn’t have much of a choice when it came to his preferred choice of transportation. They were lucky enough to find the van on sale at a price that they could afford, but it was still hard to find used cars these days that satisfied their budget. And Changbin spent ten minutes jostling his keys in the lock before he managed to open the driver’s side door, turning over the ignition three times before the van offered a half-hearted rumble.
On most days, Changbin was forced to cross his fingers that the old van would get him to work and back without falling to pieces. Changbin rolled his eyes at the thought of bringing it up to Chan because the least he could do was allow Changbin to bring it to a mechanic. There was definitely a problem if the check engine light stayed on 24/7.
“Please don’t leave me stranded,” Changbin said, easing backwards out of the driveway before gently navigating the van along the back roads that he had plotted out since he couldn’t handle the highway.
He briefly recalled when he first got the van because it was a “shiny” new toy for the younger members to savor, and both Jeongin and Seungmin used to beg Changbin to take them for rides at night. And he could never refuse them, gliding up and down the roads while playing their favorite music over the terrible sound system. But the younger boys loved those occasions, and they often talked to Changbin about any sort of worries or concerns that plagued their minds. 
Like the time Jeongin had a problem with another kid in his class who picked on him for the clothes that he wore. At first, Changbin tried to satisfy Jeongin’s insistence that new clothes would solve everything, and he dug into his savings account to buy him new jeans and shirts. But, of course, the bully only found something else to tease him about, and Changbin couldn’t stand the way Jeongin would start crying when he told him about how much his feelings were hurt. Which is why, on an unforgettable spring morning, Changbin defied Chan’s orders to stay out of it and drove Jeongin to school only to confront the bully in person. Apparently, the kid was so upset by Changbin’s words, that he told the school officials, and Changbin and Chan had to apologize to the kid’s parents for the mishap.
However, that little shit certainly never bothered Jeongin ever again.
Changbin smiled at the recollection. Even if Chan had been furious with him, he had never regretted his actions. It was just one story that he had of many concerning the members of his family, and the lengths he was willing to go to ensure their happiness.
Even at the cost of his own.
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“Excuse me, but I’ve been waiting for twenty minutes!”
Changbin sighed, shouldering aside the poor customer service aide who was clearly out of his league trying to help the middle-aged woman who was seconds away from demanding to see the manager. “Hi,” Changbin said, hoping that the frustration that he felt wasn’t evident in his tone. “I’m very sorry, ma’am. Can you tell me what you’re looking for?”
The woman crossed her arms over her chest, cocking out one hip in a posture that clearly screamed privileged. But Changbin didn’t have the authority to throw this woman out for causing a scene inside the post office; instead, he’s forced to listen to her complaints for another ten minutes before he finally offered a compromise that satisfied her audacious demands and allowed him to keep his rational sanity.
“Have a nice day!”
“We’ll see about that,” the woman muttered, and Changbin quickly made the decision to take one of his mandatory breaks even though he only had an hour left on his shift. 
“Bitch,” Changbin grumbled, walking into the back room and sitting down on one of the chairs surrounding his office’s snack machine. “Who the hell ate all of the M&M’s?” Changbin whined, and he wondered, not for the first time, if the universe was conspiring against him.
He settled for a candy bar, checking his phone for any messages, but he wasn’t surprised to see that nobody had reached out. The only people who would try to contact him were his family members, but they knew that he was working. But it still made Changbin feel sad for reasons he couldn’t totally figure out, and he didn’t have enough time to wrestle with complex feelings that made him question whether he really wanted to go straight home after work.
However, when his shift finally ended, Changbin was driving down the same backroads that he always endured, shuffling through the three radio stations that the van managed to pick-up including some sort of EDM station, Country Music Today, and the Classical Hits. Yeah, it wasn’t the best selection, and Changbin distinctly remembered having more options when he first bought the stupid thing.
But he also should’ve known that having such negative thoughts would never lead to anything good, and Changbin was already cursing when he felt the van start to shake and refuse to budge over 25-miles-per-hour. Consequently, Changbin was forced to pull over on the side of the road, in the middle of nowhere with questionable cell service. “Son of a bitch!” he shouted, slamming his hands against the steering wheel before he opened the door.
At that point, Changbin was fed up with everything, and his emotions were bordering on the edge of volatile as he kicked the driver’s side door, growling when he realized that he had left a dent behind in the metal. “Stupid fucking piece of shit!” he yelled, slamming his hands down on the hood before he unlatched the metal piece keeping the damn thing from flying into his windshield.
Immediately, a huge cloud of smoke erupted in his face, and he failed to waft the offending spray away from his eyes which started to burn as a result. “What the fuck?” he grunted, squinting as he tried to figure out where the smoke was even coming from. He wasn’t a fucking mechanic, and his limited knowledge made him doubt that he should be messing around with the little black lid that, perhaps, had something to do with the engine...
“Are you okay?” a gentle voice inquired from somewhere behind him, and Changbin turned around in surprise.
For a moment, Changbin was rendered speechless, looking the unfamiliar stranger up and down before he realized something quite profound: she was beautiful. “Uh...” Changbin trailed off, pointing at his van. “I broke down.”
“I can try to give you a jump,” she offered, and Changbin nodded his head while the woman smiled. “Has this happened before?”
“Not like this,” Changbin said, watching her return to her own car, and no, Changbin was not staring at her ass.
“It’s probably the radiator,” she explained, wrapping the battery cables around her arm. “But I can look at the engine for you.”
Changbin nodded, watching the kind stranger sit down behind the wheel, attempting to turn over the ignition with no luck. “It’s not the battery,” she said. “Believe it or not.”
Changbin shrugged. “I don’t really know what I’m doing.”
“That’s fine,” she said, giving him one of the most genuine smiles that he had ever seen. “I can help.”
“I’d appreciate that,” Changbin said, and he stood aside to allow her access to the van’s plethora of interesting offerings under the hood.
“My name is Sara by the way,” she said. “I’m a mechanic downtown.”
“My brother actually owns a shop,” she explained. “I can have it towed there for you. Free of charge.”
“F-free?” Changbin stuttered because he knew that those kind of services cost more than a pretty penny, but Sara seemed perfectly indifferent.
“Yeah.” She laughed, raising her arms above her head and exposing a sliver of skin at her stomach. “Is that okay? I can also take you home.”
“Oh!” Changbin remarked like the intellect that he was these days. “There’s no need for that, I can call someone.”
“Are you sure?” she asked, fetching her own phone from a loose pocket. “I’ll call the office and send for the tow truck. My brother does work for pretty low prices, and I think he can save your car for you. As long as you’re okay with that?”
“That would be great!” Changbin said. “I mean, it’s been a while since it’s had anything done.”
Sara nodded, holding out her phone for Changbin. “Just give me your number. We can call you and keep you informed, and we won’t do anything pricey without your permission.”
“Thank you,” Changbin said, quickly adding his phone number under the new contact option. “You’re literally a lifesaver.”
“I wouldn’t say that,” she said, leaning against the side of the van. “Do you live around here?”
“Just down the road,” Changbin said, dialing Chan’s number before holding the phone up to his ear. “But, seriously, I’m really grateful for all of this.”
“Please, don’t mention it,” she said. “You looked like you were having a rough day, and I know how that feels. Like, when the whole world seems like it’s falling down around you, the last thing you need is something like this to happen.”
Changbin chuckled, finding himself enamored with the way Sara liked to chew on her bottom lip as if in deep thought. “Yeah,” he said, hearing Chan’s voice reach out to him from the other end. “But it’s not always bad.”
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Changbin called Chan to come pick him up after Sara made arrangements with her brother to tow the van to their shop downtown. She smiled at Changbin and reassured him that everything would be handled. “I just want to make sure that you’re okay,” she said, and Changbin didn’t know how to respond to that because it had been a long time since someone wanted to take care of him.
She eventually left after Changbin reassured her that Chan was on his way, but he could still see her lingering around her car until Chan finally pulled over to the side. “Hey! Get in already!”
Changbin closed his eyes, and quickly made himself comfortable in the passenger’s seat after Chan’s embarrassing comment. “Just drive,” Changbin muttered.
Chan obeyed, pulling back onto the road before letting out an irritated sigh. “You said on the phone that you took care of the van,” Chan said. “How much will it cost to have it towed?”
Changbin smirked. “I met someone who offered to have it towed for free. She’s bringing it to her brother’s shop downtown.”
“A mechanic’s shop?” Chan asked. “We can’t really afford anything outrageous...”
“She said that she would call when they found the problem,” Changbin said. “We don’t have pay anything unless we have the work done.”
Chan scoffed, reaching up to adjust his mirror. “If it’s something to do with the engine, then we might as well have the damn thing sent to the junkyard. We’d have more luck buying something else.”
“Yeah,” Changbin agreed absent-mindedly because he couldn’t stop thinking about Sara. “Did you buy the stupid snacks Jisung asked for?”
“I bought what you sent me,” Chan replied, and he sent Changbin a look that said: if it’s wrong, then it’s your fault!
“Thanks for helping out,” Changbin muttered sarcastically, and he resigned himself to looking out the window for the remainder of the trip home while Chan continued to talk on and on about possible options to replace the van. It wasn’t that Changbin was ignoring him, but he had heard enough about their troubles to last him a lifetime. Chan also liked to take everything to the extreme, and Changbin was usually left to deal with the repercussions.
In any case, the sight of the house was an enormous relief as Changbin all but threw himself out of Chan’s car, escaping another needless lecture. He could see his bedroom window from the front lawn, and he longed to escape to his room and pass out in the quiet darkness. However, Changbin should’ve anticipated that the rest of his family would all be downstairs after catching wind of his incident with the van on the side of the road. And the first person to speak out was Jisung, who called Changbin into the living room, eyes glowing with the reflection of the TV screen.
“I heard the van finally gave out,” Jisung said, sitting up on the couch and dropping the remainder of his potato chips into the floor. “Shit!”
“Jisung!” Chan snapped, propping his hands on his hips like he was some kind of middle-aged mom who was about to reprimand her son. “Clean up that mess!”
“Fine,” Jisung groaned, and he followed Changbin into the kitchen. “Ya! Are these my snacks?” he asked, snatching the bag from across the counter.
“That’s all I’ve been hearing about for an entire week!” Hyunjin remarked, and Changbin realized that the kitchen was almost completely full of his house mates.
Y/N smiled, standing next to Minho as she reached out to tug on Hyunjin’s sleeve. “You’ve been complaining just as much.”
“No, I haven’t!” Hyunjin protested, and Changbin despised how loud it was while he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. Especially when Jisung’s displeased whine managed to overwhelm all of the other white noise.
“You brought home the wrong snacks again!” Jisung whined, and Changbin must’ve worn out the last reserves of his patience at the post office and on the side of that stupid back road when he abruptly turned around to confront the younger man.
“Why don’t you drive your own lazy ass to the grocery store and buy whatever the fuck it is that I can’t seem to find!”
“Changbin!” Chan gasped, and there was an immediate silence that followed his outburst as most of the members looked at him with matching expressions of shock. 
“I’m tired,” Changbin excused himself, even knowing that it was a lousy thing to say in place of an apology. But he didn’t need to hear Chan speak another word, and hadn’t Changbin endured enough drama for one day?
Instead, Changbin walked upstairs, and he could finally breathe again when he re-discovered the solitude of his bedroom, and there were already tears forming at the corners of his eyes when he collapsed on top of his bed. It had been a while since he really cried, and Changbin rarely showed any kind of weakness around the other members because he was the second oldest - and there was an expectation that he should be strong for everyone else, even when he was screaming on the inside.
But there was only one other person in the entire world who had ever truly seen him break down - and she was standing in the doorway, looking at him with eyes that reflected her understanding. “Changbin?” Y/N whispered, closing the door behind her as she crawled into the bed next to him.
“Yeah?” Changbin murmured because his voice was muffled by the pillows. Even so, Y/N didn’t hesitate to lay down next to him on the bed, pressing herself as close as possible considering the limited space.
“You’re not okay,” she remarked, and Changbin shook his head as one arm wrapped itself around his waist.
“I didn’t mean to snap at Jisung,” Changbin said, and Y/N simply nodded as she held him even tighter. 
“It’s not your fault, okay?” Y/N whispered, and Changbin nodded, looking at her fondly while he managed to prop himself up on the bed.
“It was a long fucking day,” Changbin said. “I hate that stupid van.”
Y/N smiled. “At least Chan has no choice but to fix it, right?”
“Or buy something else,” Changbin remarked, and they were both silent for a while. But Changbin didn’t mind the quiet. After all, it was everything that he wanted ever since Chan had picked him up on the side of the road.
“Tell me what’s wrong,” Y/N eventually requested, and Changbin’s stomach twisted at the thought of opening up and exposing his darkest feelings - the loneliness that he felt these days, and the stupid reason why he missed having the younger members want something more from him other than cheap snacks.
“I don’t know,” he said, deciding to settle on a different version of the truth. One that still made him look strong without having to reveal the weaknesses clawing away at his insides.
“Well,” Y/N said, “when you figure it out, you can always talk to me.”
Changbin nodded again. “Are you staying with me tonight?”
There was an intolerable level of desperation in his tone that made him wince, but Y/N wasn’t the kind of person who would judge. “Yeah,” she said, rubbing her hand along his stomach. “I’ll be here.”
Changbin sighed because Y/N would never understand just how much those simple words meant to him. Because sleep suddenly came much easier, and Changbin allowed his eyes to close while wrapped around Y/N.
Later on, Changbin woke-up without much warning to an empty feeling in his stomach, and he realized that he had skipped dinner. Subsequently, he managed to make his way downstairs to the kitchen, finding the leftovers from dinner waiting inside the fridge. His stomach growled, and Changbin reached for the bowl, examining the contents inside before he walked over the microwave. 
“You want to tell me what your little tantrum was all about?”
Changbin sighed, glancing up at Chan as he stood behind him wearing a familiar scowl. “Not really,” Changbin replied, punching the buttons on the microwave.
“Jisung wanted me to let you know that he’s sorry,” Chan said. “But I don’t know why he’s the one apologizing.”
Changbin shrugged, sliding a hand through his hair while forcing himself to meet Chan’s stern gaze. “What do you want me to say?”
“Is it because of work?” Chan asked. “Do you need to take less hours?”
“No,” Changbin lied, startling when the microwave began to beep in succession. He grabbed his food and held it against his chest. “I don’t really think work is bothering me.”
Chan’s shoulder dropped as his expression softened. “Did Y/N talk to you?”
Changbin nodded. “Look, I’ll apologize to Jisung when I come home tomorrow.”
“He’s sensitive,” Chan said, even though Changbin already knew that. “Did they say when the van would be ready?”
“I think Sara said something about this weekend,” Changbin responded, and he took a bite of his food without really considering what he had just told Chan.
Changbin winced. “Yeah, the girl who helped me earlier.”
“Ah!” Chan acknowledged. “I guess she made an impression.”
“She was really nice,” Changbin said, and Chan sent him a look that Changbin couldn’t quite decipher. In fact, it almost made the atmosphere between them awkward, and Changbin cleared his throat. “I’m going back upstairs.”
“Okay,” Chan said, and Changbin quickly retreated from the kitchen before he was asked any more questions.
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On his next day off, Changbin received a voicemail from Sara that told him the van had been inspected. He was invited to the shop so that he could hear the full report for himself in person. It was a seemingly mundane business exchange, but Changbin found himself bursting with excitement when he walked inside the main office, discovering Sara standing behind the counter.
“Hey,” Changbin said, trying to act cool by stuffing his wandering hands into the pockets of his leather jacket.
“The van might not make it,” she replied with an apologetic look. “When’s the last time you had it inspected?”
Changbin cleared his throat, looking at the ground when he shrugged. “I don’t remember.”
It was a sheepish response, and Changbin expected to hear some kind of lecture about the importance of vehicle safety. Instead, she laughed at his disregard, leaning against the wall with a wide smile. “I kinda figured, but that’s okay.”
Changbin drew in his bottom lip, chewing on the raw skin as he thought about something cool to continue their conversation - maybe something that could allow him the rare honor of hearing that beautiful laugh again. “Its not something we prioritized,” Changbin explained.
“The people I live with,” Changbin elaborated, studying the interesting way that the sunlight managed to form a halo of sorts around Sara’s soft brown hair.
“Oh? Kinda like housemates?” Sara asked, and she pulled a file from the heavy stack of folders waiting on top of the counter. 
“You could say that,” Changbin agreed.
“I think it’s interesting,” Sara told him. “Do you wanna see the van? We can talk about it inside the garage.”
Changbin nodded without hesitation, and Sara led him out the side door which brought them to the attached metal building. It smelled like gasoline and rubber - plus an assortment of other scents that he could only associate with a place like this. And he spotted the van in the very last spot, looking worse for wear with its peeling paint and general abuse. 
“So, you definitely need a new radiator,” Sara explained as they paused next to the van. “But I also found a lot of things that need replacing: tires, battery, back-up lights, windshield, and maybe some of the plugs inside...”
“Really?” Changbin asked, and he didn’t need to know a damn thing about cars to understand that all those repairs would cost way too much money.
“I can give you a discount,” Sara said. “I don’t know if it’ll help much.”
Changbin sighed, pulling up the sleeves of his t-shirt as a nervous habit. “I don’t think we can afford it right now.”
“Well, there’s always other options,” Sara said, perfectly understanding. “We actually sell used cars across the road. I’d love to offer you something at a good price. Maybe we could set-up some payment plans to help with your budget.”
Sara may actually be a literal angel, Changbin thought to himself. “Can I see them?”
“Of course,” Sara said. “It’s just across the street, and if you want, we can stop inside the convenience store for some drinks. My treat, of course.”
Changbin looked at her like she had just solved all of the world’s greatest problems. Because he couldn’t remember the last time someone had treated him, nor could he think of a moment in time where he felt the peculiar tugging on his heartstrings. Almost like something completely novel was opening up right in front of his eyes.
“Sure,” Changbin agreed, and that’s how he spent the rest of the day next to Sara’s side, perusing a wide selection of perfectly suitable replacements for the van while talking about anything and everything that had nothing to do with cars or the predicament of Changbin’s financial situation. Instead, Sara surprised him by asking about the things that most people wouldn’t care about - which do you prefer? Long walks on the beach or an overnight stay in a mountain cabin? What do you fear the most? Do you have an opinion on the toxicity of celebrity culture?
That last one surprised Changbin, especially when he realized that Sara was basically a living and breathing genius. It made him realize that they were a lot alike in that regard - judged because of their occupations, but they were actually so much more than what people might perceive. He was only rapidly coming to the conclusion that he really liked Sara. A lot. More than he ever thought possible considering their brief introduction.
Maybe it was some kind of fated connection - the type that everyone wanted to experience. It wasn’t exactly love, but then again, Changbin knew that love could be felt in different ways. For example, the love he had for Y/N wasn’t comparable to these foreign feelings that he only expressed around Sara. In the same way that Changbin’s love for his mother was nothing like what he had for his family members. 
Ultimately, Changbin thought that there was, at the very least, a possibility of something with Sara, but was he willing to pursue it? Because this something might take a lot of his time and attention, and would his family be okay if he wasn’t giving them 110% of his effort and dedication? More importantly, was he brave enough to even try? Did he deserve it?
There was too much to think about, and Changbin left Sara at the mechanic’s shop with a simple promise that he would talk to Chan about buying another used car to replace the van. In the meantime, Changbin could only think of one person who might help him sort through these confusing feelings.
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Likewise, Changbin made sure that he beat Minho home, finding Y/N in her basement bedroom reading alone. He knocked once on the door, alerting Y/N to his presence. “Hey,” Changbin said.
Y/N smiled. “You were gone a while.”
“There was a lot to discuss,” Changbin said, schooling his expression before meeting Y/N’s gaze. “Will you take a nap with me?”
Y/N glanced up in obvious surprise - because she wasn’t used to hearing Changbin ask for things like this, especially after the revelation of her relationship with Minho. “Okay.”
Changbin was relieved by her easy, and unquestioning, compliance. But that was one of the best things that he liked about Y/N - she always knew when she needed to ask questions versus when the moment called for contemplation. And in this moment, Changbin needed Y/N to have a lot of patience with him, curling up together on their sides as he met her gentle gaze somewhere in the middle.
“I met someone,” Changbin said, looking over at Y/N as she gazed at him with a complete look of understanding. “We’ll, we’ve met before, but today was different.”
“Binnie,” she cooed, leaning in close so that their foreheads were touching. “Do you have a crush on the mechanic?”
Changbin scoffed, moving away while Y/N giggled at the rosy color decorating his cheeks. “I don’t have time for crushes.”
“Why not?” Y/N asked, and her smile was gone in exchange for a far more serious tone. 
“I don’t know,” Changbin said. “I’ve got to help take care of the house.”
Y/N was quiet for a moment, and Changbin closed his eyes because he was suddenly exhausted. “Changbin,” she finally said. “I hope you don’t mean that you can’t have someone special in your life just because of us.”
“No,” Changbin said, but there wasn’t much conviction behind that one simple negative, and Y/N definitely knew that he was lying.
“Hey,” Y/N said, forcing their gazes to meet. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed.”
Changbin shivered. “Noticed what?”
“You look really sad these days, Changbin,” Y/N whispered. “I don’t know why, but you keep trying to hide it from us.”
Changbin studied the raw intensity in Y/N’s gaze, and it was a powerful force - capable of knocking down all those cruel walls that he had built around himself. “I just want to keep you safe,” he said, feeling the promise of tears sting the raw skin around his eyelids. “But nobody really needs me anymore.”
“Changbin,” Y/N said, but it was just a simple intonation of his name, free of judgement. It said so much with so little, and it let him know that Y/N was shocked by Changbin’s confession, but she wanted him to elaborate and explain himself without interruption.
“For most of my life,” Changbin said. “I was pushed aside and treated like shit. It happened with my father, and I’ve had to face criticism from my bosses and those assholes I lived with before coming here.”
Changbin sighed, closing his eyes. “I just wanted to be accepted, and I never felt that until Chan let me stick around. Instead of being pushed away, everyone welcomed me with open arms, and they genuinely liked having me around because they needed me. I didn’t even have to pretend to be someone better.”
Y/N nodded - her only acknowledgement - before Changbin continued. “I knew you guys would grow up one day, but it started to feel like I wasn’t really needed anymore. I guess it might sound stupid, but I really do feel lonely sometimes when I come home from my shitty job and there’s nobody around to really say anything.”
And there it was - his true and honest feelings were exposed for Y/N, and he laid perfectly still as she ensured that he was finally finished with all that baggage that he had been carrying around on his shoulders. “Binnie,” Y/N finally said. “I’m sorry that you felt that way because you don’t deserve it, and I would never invalidate your feelings and tell you that you had no reason to feel a certain way. It actually makes sense to me, which is why I’m really glad you said something. Because you like to keep your feelings bottled inside, and I hate to see you suffer when you do.” 
She sighed, reaching for his hand to connect their fingers. “Just because we’ve grown up,” Y/N said, “it doesn’t mean that you suddenly matter less. I mean, without you, we wouldn’t be this happy, and you contribute so much to that happiness. And I’m not just talking about your job.” 
Changbin swallowed, placing his hand over his chest because his heart was suddenly beating so fast. “I miss the people that I live with,” he said. “How is that possible?”
“You’re feelings don’t have to make sense,” Y/N said. “But they matter because it’s you, and I want to do everything to help, and I’m sure the others would feel the exact same way.”
Changbin nodded, slowly, and he wasn’t sure what to make of all those feelings just sitting out there - raw and vulnerable, but he was also quite certain that he could trust Y/N. “I’ve never felt like this while living here,” Changbin said. “I don’t know what to do.”
“Let’s just start by talking like this whenever we have problems,” Y/N whispered. “You might think I’m pushing you away, but you’re still one of the only people who understands everything that I went though before I came here. Nobody can replace the level of comfort I feel with you.”
Y/N’s words were heavy, but not in a suffocating kind of way. Instead, it felt like a warm embrace, and Changbin just managed to hold back his tears at the sincere expression. “Thank you, Y/N,” Changbin finally said. “You have no idea how much that means to me.”
“I might know something,” Y/N said, and her voice suddenly took on a teasing tone. “Is she pretty?” Y/N asked, and Changbin couldn’t fight his smile.
“She’s beautiful,” Changbin said, and Y/N laughed with her usual playful inflection as she leaned in closer.
“We could go on double dates,” Y/N whispered, and Changbin laughed at the innocent smile stretching the corners of her lips. “But, seriously? Don’t hide these feelings from any of us, Changbin. We all care about you, and maybe it’s time we return the favor after all those years of letting you protect us.”
Changbin nodded - it was all that he could manage. “That might be nice.”
“Yeah,” Y/N agreed. “I think so too.”
And then they were both quiet after that - resigned to these new and confusing feelings. But they had each other to figure them out, and that was enough for Changbin to feel completely unburdened. 
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Changbin called Sara on a Sunday afternoon - the only day of the week when he wasn’t required to work at the post office. He knew that the mechanic shop was closed, but Sara was perfectly willing to meet him. “I think we’re interested in the SUV,” Changbin told her over the phone, and Sara was just fine scheduling an appointment.
That was over an hour ago, and Changbin hesitated at the sight of Sara waiting near the entrance to the main office. Because, unlike what he suggested over the phone, there was something else that Changbin planned to ask her, and it was scary to think about what might happen. Especially if she told him no.
But Changbin was an adult, and he didn’t plan to spend all day cowering in Chan’s car, so he met Sana outside with a smile that he hoped wouldn’t give away his nervousness. “Hi,” Changbin said, holding up a hand in greeting.
“There you are,” Sara said, and she looked nothing short of elegant in her dress pants and blouse - like she had gotten all dressed up for this occasion. “Are you ready?”
Changbin nodded, and he spent the time that it took for them to make their way across the street to reorganize the chaos of his rampant thoughts. Meanwhile, Sara had grabbed the keys to the SUV that he wanted to buy, and she was busy opening all the doors to air out the stuffy interior. “It’s fairly updated,” she told him, demonstrating the power windows and bluetooth radio system. “What do you think?”
“It’s better than the van,” Changbin admitted, and it was nice that there weren’t stains all other the leather upholstery.
“I think it’ll make a worthy substitute,” Sara agreed. “We’re selling it for $4,500, but I’m willing to negotiate the price, especially for you.”
Changbin glanced up at that because his heart had skipped several beats at the idea of Sara doing something for him. “It would really help us out,” Changbin said. “You’ve been amazing considering everything that’s happened.”
“Yeah, well, I can tell that you’re worth the extra effort,” Sara said, and Changbin couldn’t believe his ears because it sounded too good to be true. Almost like Sara was flirting with him.
But maybe this was the opening that he had been looking for...
“I’d really like to make it up to you,” Changbin said, and he hoped that those words sounded sincere instead of something akin to a business deal.
“Really?” Sara asked, flashing him a warm smile. “What do you mean?”
“If you want,” Changbin said, pausing for a moment to exhale. “I’d like to take you out sometime.”
“Oh?” she grinned, leaning against the SUV next to him, and Changbin could feel her soft breath since they were suddenly very close together.
“I’d really like that,” Sara replied, and Changbin’s shoulders fell at his relief upon hearing her confirmation.
“Are you sure?” Changbin asked because he was always doubting himself. “I mean, you don’t have to-”
“Changbin,” Sara interrupted, taking another step closer to the point where it felt like they were sharing the same air. “I want to be with you, and I’m glad that you asked me because I don’t want this to be nothing more than a mechanic helping out a customer. Do you understand?”
Of course, he did, but that didn’t stop Changbin’s stomach from doing somersaults while he desperately tried to compose himself. “How do you feel about double dates?”
Sana laughed at that, and, for the first time since before he could remember, Changbin felt completely at ease.
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bratkook · 5 years
clairvoyant. (m) part five.
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word count: 6.4k
author’s note: wow i finally dug out my drafts and wrote another chapter for this even though its been two fucking years!!! im honestly writing this for myself because im bored and in a rut so if you read it tysm. also finally decided who it’ll be centered around so enjoy.
warnings: just good ole fashioned dry humping and kissing
Everyone around you was saying their goodbyes, thanking everyone for working so hard and you took that as your cue to start gathering the equipment up. 
“Thanks Y/N, just take that to the storage room.” The photographer you and Yoongi were currently assisting pointed out to the far right. You nodded in understanding before unhooking all of the lights and tearing them down properly. A few people lingered behind, makeup artists gathering their supplies, wardrobe crew grabbing a few more snacks off the catering table, and Yoongi rolling up the white backdrop. 
It was your first day on the job and it just so happened to land on a shoot day so you were trying your best to make a good first impression so they wouldn't fire you before you even really started. 
So far everyone had been very welcoming and kind, no one yelling at you if you messed up a little so that got rid of your jitters. It felt nice to be able to work where you knew you could network and learn, the only photography experience you had at your old job was taking shitty pictures of the drunken idiots lying around near closing. 
“So how’d you like your first assisting job?”
You looked to the left and saw Yoongi standing at the door frame of the storage room, a smile on his face and his hands holding the folded backdrop. 
“It was great, seems like kind of a tease though because tomorrow we’ll be doing basic retouching on photos.”
He just shrugged after setting what he was holding down, “True, we get quite a few of these shoots though so make a good impression and someone might take you under their wing.”
You sighed as you locked the lights securely into place. Being taken under someone's wing before you finished school would be a blessing because it almost guaranteed a decent job after school was over and you were tossed into the great unknown of an art degree holding college graduate. 
“Thats what I’m hoping for.” 
The both of you rechecked everything was in its place and secure before turning the light off and locking up the storage room. Due to the fact the shoot day extended longer than a typical shift you were being paid overtime and let off once everything wrapped so you and Yoongi were headed to the nearest restaurant to get actual food in your system. 
Your scarf was wrapped around your neck snuggly to protect from the cold wind and Yoongi draped his arm around your shoulder as you both casually walked. In this split moment you felt content, a slight feeling of everything starting to fall into place and you let yourself bask in it. 
“What's got you all smiley?”
Yoongi looked at you with a small grin, his eyes focusing on your wide smile before shifting back up to your own eyes. 
You just shrugged before playfully tugging his black beanie down over his eyes, earning a grunt of annoyance as he shoved it back up. “I’m just happy.”
“Are you usually not?”
There was a beat of silence as you thought it through. 
“It’s not that I’m not, I’m usually just...living through it?”
He nodded in understanding, “I get you. Kind of just going through routine motions without really feeling much.”
A white cloud left your mouth in a huff as you sighed in agreement, “Exactly, don’t get me wrong there’s little tidbits of happiness scattered throughout but they’re just moments of happiness that pass as quickly as they happen. It’s been a while since I’ve felt happiness for the future and its exciting.”
You looked back over at him, seeing him nod because he fully understood. He was on the same boat as you, his parents much like yours weren’t supportive of his choice to pursue an art degree so you guys were scraping by and holding on to any thread of hope that popped up. The pair of you were just hoping everything would work out. 
“Anyways, enough with the semi depressive reality check. I’m hungry and there’s this new korean barbecue place that opened up a few blocks away. Wanna text everyone and meet up for a nice family dinner.” He chuckled at the end of that, and you joined in light heartedly before whipping your phone out and sending out a group text simply saying “Korean bbq, don't be a bitch and meet here in fifteen.”  
Low and behold, your group of friends were indeed not bitches, they all showed up as punctual as you would expect of them and they even brought along a straggler. This straggler went by the name of Jeon Jungkook and you couldn’t help but look at him with a smile, just seeing him trail behind Taehyung with his head slightly dipped almost like he was unsure if him being there was okay. Taehyung on the other hand paid him no mind and just waltzed in, his denim clad arms outstretched and a boxy smile on display as he approached the table you all sat around.
Him and Jungkook were the last to arrive so Tae decided to slip into the seat beside you, but not before slotting his lips against yours in a chaste kiss that seemed too casual. Like usual no one said anything and you just rolled your eyes with a smile and shoved his shoulder before redirecting your attention to Yoongi who was the master meat cooker.
Jungkook saw the small exchange and his want for coaching, as you so put it, was back. He wanted that, whatever the fuck that was that you and Tae had. Fuck, did that make him a typical fuckboy? Did this go against his morals of being a gentleman?
You had reassured him that it was fine as long as he was straightforward with whoever it involved and he had already set his eyes on someone. Now it was just a waiting game on if Jisoo the cute barista would be for it or not.
“Jungkook sit down!”
The resemblance to a deer caught in headlights was uncanny as he stared at you, realizing he had just been standing behind the only available chair as everyone stared back at him with their own food set up in front of them already.
“Oh, sorry.” His hands came up and ruffled his own hair in embarrassment before he sat down, “Just a little distracted”
Taehyung slid over an empty plate and pointed his chopsticks at him, “He’s been like this for a couple of days, what’s your deal?”
Everyone’s attention was back on Jungkook, including your own. His cheeks reddened slightly from all the eyes on him so he took it upon himself to just scoop up some rice to occupy himself. What was he supposed to say? Yeah sorry I got a lot on my mind like finding out Taehyung and Y/N fuck on the regular but aren’t dating and Y/N is gonna teach me how to do that with the cute barista everyone sees at the campus coffee shop?
“Just a school project.”
“A very hands on school project right Jungkook?” You couldn’t help but tease him, knowing exactly what’s been on his mind since you’ve been texting each other to come up with some kind of game plan on approaching Jisoo.
His eyes flicked over to you for a split second, only giving you a nod before nervously chewing on his lip. You couldn’t understand him, you really couldn’t. How could a man who looked like him be this shy when it comes to literally anyone? He could probably crush someone with his thighs for crying out loud, but here he sat with an aura surrounding him that just showed how unsure he was with himself.
He was a sweet kid, super respectful as far as you could tell, he just needed to learn that wanting to fuck someone while not wanting a relationship was completely normal. Sex was human nature and you were determined to get him to enjoy it as long as he was consenting to your help.
You kept your eyes on him, seeing him reach his plate over to get the meat Yoongi was offering him and mumbling out a thanks before turning his attention to Jin who was on his left and starting a conversation.
A small jab to your cheek via a chopstick snapped you out of your curious gaze, your fingers coming up to rub at the skin and looking to your right where Jimin was sat. “You into him?”
He had mumbled it out to you so quietly you almost didn’t hear him, a couple seconds passed before it clicked and you shook your head, “No, why?”
“You’ve been staring at him like he’s your next victim.”
You rolled your eyes at him and smiled before picking up some kimchi and shoving it into his mouth with no resistance from his part as he happily munched on it. “I don’t have victims Park Jimin.” The way his eyes slightly narrowed at you made it clear he was questioning why you were staring at him as intently as you have been, “I was just looking at him because he’s interesting don’t you think?”
Jimin shook his head because he had no idea what you even meant by that, “Interesting? He’s not a caged animal for you to observe you weirdo.” He was just teasing you, giving you a smile when he heard you laugh.
“That’s not what I mean, forget it. How was your mom’s brunch?”
At the mention of that his expression went blank and he poured himself a glass of soju and took a nice swig of it, “As amazing as you would expect.”
Jimin’s parents always went all out for these brunches, renting out the biggest places and inviting the A class elites of Seoul who would donate to whatever charity they were advocating for. They hassled Jimin every single time to network and find a girl they deemed worthy enough of him marrying and he absolutely hated it. He was the literal definition of a rebellious son, getting a kick every time he would get under their skin. Whether that was by going out on a date with someone they thought suited him and getting absolutely trashed and scaring said girl away, to getting his body tattooed and pierced against their wishes. 
Jimin knew how to play his cards right, he knew his parents would never fully cut him off as long as he was somewhat compliant with a few things here and there but he wasn’t going to be molded into whatever they wanted him to be. He was their only child so in his mind who else could they possibly hand off their money to?
“I told my mom you were my date for the thanksgiving event.”
You hummed as you chewed on your food, already knowing this probably didn’t end well. “How did she take that?”
His smirk just proved your suspicion, “Super well actually. Especially when I told her I think you’re the one and I’m thinking about proposing to you.”
You choked on your food, coughing like a mad man and pounding at your chest with a closed fist. Taehyung who was sat on your left immediately handed you a glass of water and patted your back to help you out. All the while Jimin continued to stare at you with that shit eating grin on his face, pressing the edge of his glass against his lips as he waited for you to speak again.
“Jimin what the fuck I never agreed to that.”
Taehyung was now intrigued by whatever conversation you two were having so he decided to eavesdrop while pretending to eat his food.
“Relax Y/N, obviously I’m not doing that. It was a small joke.”
“It’s not a joke if your parents don’t think it is!”
He pursed his lips at you, “Damn is marrying me really that repulsive?”
Taehyung laughed to himself at that, gaining Jungkook's attention who was now looking at the exchange between you and Jimin.
“No, shut up! That’s not what I’m saying Jimin. I’m just supposed to go to scare off all the girls that wanna latch onto you, I’m not there to piss your parents off, they probably hate me enough knowing you help me whenever you can.”
Taehyung decided to stop listening at that moment, striking up a conversation with Hoseok instead. He knew how sensitive you were when it came to talking about receiving help and admitting to needing it so he knew this wasn’t his business. Jungkook on the other hand didn’t have a clue so as he stared down at his rice his ears stayed hooked on the conversation.
Jimin pressed a reassuring hand on your shoulder, “Y/N, I promise I was joking. I didn't tell my parents that, I wouldn’t put you in that position. They don’t hate you by the way.”
That was a little hard to believe, Jimin was a very giving person, especially when it came to his friends. The rest of your friends were a little more financially stable than you were so the amount of times he would take it upon himself to help you, because you had too much pride to really ask for help, surely it stood out to his parents. 
“What I choose to do with my money is my business okay, my parents don't even notice where it goes half the time.”
You pushed the meat on your plate around with your chopsticks, your mood dropping down just a bit once you really remembered how much help Jimin gave you. You owed him a lot, and even though he says it's fine it doesn't make you feel any better about it. 
“Hey,” Jimin slowly spoke, slouching down and looking up at you from your downcast gaze on the table, “Y/N.”
When you only pursed your lips at the sound of your name he sat back up and slung his arm around your shoulder, pulling you into his side and wrapping both arms around you. He had his chin resting on your head, seeing the rest of the guys now looking your way. Yoongi mouthing out what the fuck did you do while Jimin responded nothing mind your business. 
“If I ever go overboard for whatever reason let me know and I’ll back off but if I can help you then I will and have no problems doing so okay?” He had mumbled all that next to your ear to not draw attention from everyone else. 
With a deep sigh, you mumbled out an okay and tried your best to go back to the dinner you and your friends were having. Jungkook had heard the entire exchange and he wanted to say something to make you feel slightly better but there was no way he could do that without feeling like he crossed a line by eavesdropping in your conversation. 
After a few moments the dinner had gone back to normal, all of you goofing around like you usually do, the guys including Jungkook in and making him feel like part of the group. When the time came to leave you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket so you slid it out to peek at the notification, momentarily confused when you saw Jungkook's name flashing on your screen when he was sat right across from you.
Regardless, you opened the thread of messages up and grinned when you read what he wrote.
Jungkook 8:45pm
Need help, Jisoo responded.
Jungkook 8:45pm
Can we go to your dorm?
Jungkook 8:45pm
Don’t want Tae to hear…
Right on cue, Taehyung slung his arm around your shoulders, not noticing how you locked your phone and slid it back into your pocket. All of you were now shuffling out of the restaurant, you and Taehyung in the middle of the swarm of your group that was now being reckless on the walk back to the dorms.
“Wanna go back to mine? I can try to get rid of Jungkook.” He whispered in your ear, kissing the side of your head swiftly as he waited for your response.
You slid your arm around his waist as you nuzzled further into his side when the wind picked up, “Can’t, Jungkook and I actually have some planning to do for his project tonight.”
At the mention of his name you could see Jungkook's back tense up from behind and you already knew he was listening in to your exchange while pretending to be invested in the ruckus Jimin was currently doing.
“Oh, planning? Is that code for fucking?” Your cheeks warmed up at his words, your palm instinctively smacking his side, “Cause, to be honest I don’t know how I would feel about you and my roommate banging.”
“Oh don’t be like that, sharing is caring right?” You teased, enjoying the suggestive look that took over his face, “But no, no fucking. I mean it when I say we’re planning for a project.”
He sighed and said alright before dropping the conversation altogether. The walk back to campus took a few minutes, your group huddled by the statue on the front corner of the campus as you said your goodbyes and dispersed. Jimin hopped into an Uber before heading to his apartment, Jin took off in his car to his own place while Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi and Taehyung hooked arms and stupidly walked across the quad towards the boys dorms. 
You looked over at Jungkook, seeing him smile at the guys’ antics, his eyes moving back to you and seeing your hands motion for him to follow you to the girl’s dorms. 
“Hey Y/N, who's this?” Joy asked with a smile from behind the front desk, hands already sliding over the notepad used for off campus guests. 
“Oh, Jungkook. I’m a student here.” He slid out his wallet and handed her his student ID. 
She hummed as she filled out his info in a separate notepad before handing it back with a smile. “Okay, well Jihyo’s doing her rounds for guests at 11:40 so if you’re planning on spending the night I’d recommend hiding around that time.”
Jungkooks face started to turn a light shade of red at the implication of him spending the night and now he was wondering how many times Taehyungs had to hide in your dorm on the nights he never came home and it also clicked when you’d make a swift exit out of his and Taehyungs shared room for a few moments when Namjoon made his rounds before sneaking back in when you thought no one would notice.
“Thanks Joy!” You winked at her, hooking your arm around Jungkooks and dragging him away while she fluttered her fingers in a goodbye wave. 
When you entered the elevator you felt Jungkook finally exhale, “Wow, she’s pretty.” Was the first thing he said. 
You could only laugh in response, “Oh, I know. All the girls here are Jungkook, and I’m pretty sure they’d all let you smash if you knew how to ask them.”
And now his blushed cheeks were spreading to his ears as well, he could see it in the warped reflection the elevator doors were giving him. Could he really just ask them? He felt like that would be the quickest way to get slapped to next week. 
The elevator dinged and the doors slid open, you took the lead and walked out, turning left as your hands slid out the keycard that was in the small pocket in your bag. As you entered your room you noticed Wendy was gone, her side completely spotless as normal and a cute post it note resting on your desk. 
Went out for dick and by dick I mean getting absolutely hammered and crying into my street tacos, won't be back until tomorrow so feel free to get your own dick down here all night xo
Jungkook read the note as well, quickly acting like he didn’t when he heard you giggling to yourself as you set your stuff down. His eyes roamed the room, seeing the cute touches you and your roommate have added, one of which was a giant polaroid wall on your side with plenty of photos of you and your friends.
“Okay,” you clapped your hands together as you walked in front of Jungkook and set your hands on his shoulders to force him to sit on your bed, “what’s going on with Jisoo?”
He slid his phone out silently, opening up their thread of messages and handing the device over to you. You grabbed it from him and flicked up to the top of the thread. 
Jungkook 3:12pm
Hey, its Jungkook. Thanks for the free coffee
Jungkook 3:12pm
And your number. 
Jisoo 4:30pm
Hi! Sorry I just got off work but you’re welcome anything for my favorite customer. 
You continued to scroll, seeing Jungkook and Jisoo making nice, innocent conversation with each other. Jisoo kept implying wanting to see Jungkook outside of the regular visits to the cafe while Jungkook was either very oblivious or just didn’t know how to ask her out. 
“Okay, she wants you to ask her out Jungkook. Why haven’t you?” You hand his phone back to him, seeing him fidgeting with his fingers at your question. 
“I don’t know. I don’t even know how to properly ask her. What's a good date suggestion?” You slipped your shoes off and shuffled up on your bed beside him, choosing to get comfy. 
“If you want something short and sweet, I suggest going out to lunch somewhere near campus. You guys can talk and get to know each other and you can get a feel for this before you decide if you like her enough to pursue something or if you’d be down for something casual with her.”
He sighs at that, laying back against your bed and using one of your throw pillows to cushion his head from hitting the wall. “Okay, and if I decide I want something casual how do I bring it up? And if she’s for it and tries to get physical how do I go about it?”
“Well for one, you’re not gonna bring it up on the first date. That kinda stuff shouldn’t be discussed on a first date, not unless theres an obvious connection. I do have to advise you though, if you just want something casual you can’t treat her like you want something more.”
His thick eyebrows furrow at this, “Wait, what do you mean?”
“I mean, if after this one date you decide you just wanna sleep with her or make it a friends with benefits kinda thing you can’t take her on dates or act like a boyfriend. Odds are she’s gonna be the one to ask you what you’re looking for and its very important for you to be honest. Thats how you avoid hurting someone.”
You’re gently patting his head at this, feeling him nod along to your words, “Also, in terms of how to act if she decides to get physical then you kinda act on instinct. I know you’ve only slept with one person before but what about kissing?”
He shakes his head at this, “Not much experience there either. I told you Y/N, I feel completely clueless and I know I shouldn’t care but I don’t wanna be dubbed as the guy that sucks at everything.”
A giggle leaves you at his statement, “Jungkook that’s not gonna happen. Kissing is like second nature.”
He slides the pillow out from behind him and covers his face to let out a groan into it, “Easy for you to say, you don’t understand how many times I have to listen to Taehyung brag about how great you are.”
“At kissing?”
“Yeah, and other things.” He trails off. 
All you can do is sit there and think over his words, part of you wants to suggest he go to a party with Taehyung and make out with random girls before he asks Jisoo out if he’s so worried about being bad at kissing of all things but you know he wont be up for it. Another part of you wants to suggest helping him learn, one on one, but you’re also not sure how he’d take that. Even though kissing was entirely innocent in your eyes you really don’t want to make Jungkook uncomfortable. 
“Look,” you start off, sliding the pillow off his face, “I can show you, if you want.”
The fingers that were strumming on his stomach freeze at your suggestion and you immediately think you fucked up. Until his head tilts to look at you, his eyes wide in curiosity, “Really?”
He sits back up to fully look at you, “Yeah, if you want to Jungkook.”
You don’t expect him to nod as quickly as he does but considering he’s eager to learn it shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise. “Please, as long as it’s not awkward for you.”
You shrug and say its not because it really isn’t, Jungkooks hot and kissing is your favorite pastime so you really dont mind. Plus considering you’re the one who suggested coaching him you kind of felt a tinge of responsibility to not let him go off with zero confidence with something as simple as kissing.
He could only sit there and you know he doesn’t know how to initiate it because of the position you’re in so you stand up and go to stand right in front of him. With the height of your bed and his height when you stand right in front of his sitting frame you’re only slightly taller than him. 
“Okay, lets start slow yeah?” He nods, his tongue running across his lips in anticipation. You nudge his thighs apart so you can slot between them more comfortably and gently rest your palms on his jaw, getting closer to him. 
“You can touch me, whatever feels natural okay?” He can only nod again, maintaining eye contact for a moment before looking down at your lips and seeing the smile on them. His eyes flutter closed when you finally press your lips together, his lips feel soft against yours and it only lasts a moment before you’re pulling away and his lips try to chase you back. 
“How was that?” He immediately asks, not noticing that his hands had found their way onto your hips. 
“Good, not too stiff. We’re gonna move on now, just try to follow what I’m doing.”
Your thumb traces his bottom lip before your hands go back to cupping his jaw gently. This time he closes the distance between you two, his lips slotting between yours easily with a little more pressure than last time. 
You test the waters, letting him get used to the actions of open mouth kissing, feelings his lips relax after a while. He lets out a small gasp of surprise once he feels the tip of your tongue lick the seam of his lips. The grip he has on your hips tighten and you give him a few more seconds to adjust before you take it further. 
One of the hands you have on his jaw slides down to grasp the hand on your hip and you drag it up so he could cup the back of your head. Your fingers dont leave his hand until he has a decent grip on your hair. 
His mouth opens up a little wider, letting you slide your tongue inside and his eyes slip open for a second at the new feeling. Its wet, and a little ticklish but the sound of your lips smacking together and the small groans of pleasure you both slip out are making a small fire light up inside him. 
The hand gripping your hair tightens up and he tugs gently, kissing you harder when he hears the small moan that leaves your mouth. Its pure instinct that has you swinging your legs over his thighs and straddling him on your bed, not noticing just how comfortable you’ve gotten until you find yourself grinding down onto him and thats when you stop. 
You pull back, a small string of spit pulling apart between your lips and he doesn’t seem to even notice your new position. His eyes are half lidded and his breathing is harsh and the way his tongue comes out to catch the spit on his lips makes you want to dive back in but you snapped out of it. 
“See, second nature right?” 
He finally seems to realize you’re on his lap when he looks down and sees how flush you are to him, “Yeah, want more practice though.” He doesn't give you time to respond before he’s using the hand still in your hair to pull you towards him again and this time he’s leading the kiss. 
He tilts his head and licks his way into your mouth, groaning when your tongues tangle together. He never realized how messy kissing could be but he thought it was hot. You can tell he wants to speed up but you keep your movements slow, knowing that the buildup is the best part, the feeling of your tongues playing tag or your tongue tickling the roof of his mouth before you pull back slightly to suck on his bottom lip. Those moments were always your favorite when it came to making out. 
Jungkook starts to grow more comfortable, both his hands now coming to grip the back of your head and the other sliding up right beneath your jaw as the kiss grows deeper. And that's when your hips start grinding down again, this time Jungkook notices it right away and he pulls back to let out a moan. 
“Sorry, is that too much?” Your lips are shiny and he can’t look away from them, “I know we said kissing but I didn’t really ask about this.”
His hands fall limp and just as you’re about to hop off they come back to life to rest on your hips, using them to slide you back across his lap, “No, I like it. Its uh, for the experience right?”
You nod at this, not giving it much thought because you just want to go back to kissing him. The logical side of you wanted to stop because you’re just supposed to be showing him the ropes on kissing on a first date and odds are Jisso’s not gonna hop on his lap in the middle of lunch in public and do this but the other side of you wants to see him fall apart underneath you and that part of you is winning. 
“Tell me if you want me to stop.” You let his hands control the motion of your hips while you go back to kissing him. The flavor of the chapstick he had on is all you can taste as the kiss grows more heated. Your hands wrap around his shoulders as you pull yourself even closer to him, speeding up the rocking of your hips and feeling Jungkook choose to place his palms on your back, wanting you just as close. 
The shudder of his breath fans across your face when he pulls back to let out another groan but you don’t want to pull your lips away so you trail them down his jaw until you reach the spot just under it when his jaw meets his neck. 
When he feels your tongue on his skin along with the gentle sucking he can’t help but rock his hips up into yours, “Oh fuck.” He keens, applying more pressure with his hands to encourage you to grind on him faster. 
“Feel good Jungkook?” You ask, nibbling on his skin softly before trailing your way back up to his lips, not slowing down the motions of your hips. 
“Yeah,” he gasps, his eyes are blown out and he knows hes about to cum in his pants like a teenager but he doesn’t care. “So good.”
“Good.” Is all you respond, your lips coming together again to resume the motion that seems familiar now. 
Jungkooks moans of pleasure are becoming more frequent and the feeling of him blowing his load right underneath you is making you embarrassingly wet, but right now its all about Jungkook. You can deal with your problem later. 
“Dont stop, please.” He breathes out between kisses, his eyebrows coming together when he feels his climax approaching. 
“You gonna cum?” You ask him, keeping your face close enough to his where you can feel his breath tickle your cheek at the proximity. 
“Fuck, yeah.”
You speed up your hips, grinding down a little harder and grabbing one of his hands again to grab your boob this time. He gives them an experimental squeeze, moaning again at the feeling of them. 
“C’mon Jungkook, you can cum.” His eyes are open now, looking directly at you and when he sees the fascination in your eyes at watching him fall apart he loses it, letting out a small wine as his body tenses up, his hips coming up to rut against yours as he rides out his orgasm. 
He drops his head forward to rest on your chest as you continue to grind against him to milk out the feeling, his body shuddering at every roll of your hips until he’s whimpering at the overstimulation. 
You still your hips and let him bask in the feeling, his back rising and falling as he tries to catch his breath. 
“Jesus christ.” Jungkook pulls back from you, a dopey smile on his face that can be attributed to post orgasm bliss. “Does kissing always lead to that?”
“No, not always, but its fun when it does.” You smile back at him. His body is definitely loosened up now and just as you’re about to speak again a hard knock comes from your door. 
“Fuck, thats Jihyo making rounds.” Your arms are still around him but you know you need to answer the door before she uses her master key to unlock it for you. 
Jungkook groans quietly when you get off of him, any movement on his sensitive dick being too much for him to handle right now. He’s happy he chose to wear black pants and a shirt that will definitely cover the wet spot of cum because when you stand up off of him it is glaringly obvious what it is. 
The room door clicks as you slide it open and he sees you greet Jihyo with a smile, “Hey Y/N, he’s gotta be outta here in 5 minutes.”
Jungkook can only awkwardly sit on your bed as the exchange goes down, “Yeah, no problem. We were just working on a project.” He sees Jihyo look you up and down, noticing your swollen lips and disheveled hair before she looks at Jungkook who stupidly covers his lap with the pillow beside him. 
“Right. I’ll be back in a few to make sure he’s gone.” You nod before stepping back and shutting the door behind you. 
“Sorry about that, I forgot what time it was. Do you want me to walk you to your dorm?”
Jungkook stands up from his position, shaking his head at your offer. “No it’s fine. I really should get going now anyways, that essay for creative writing is due tomorrow and I need to finish editing it.”
“Oh shit, you’re right.” Your hands comes up to your face, your teeth going to chew on your fingernail as you think of having to edit the monstrosity of the essay you wrote while you were delirious with sleep. 
“Uh thanks for–“
“For giving you the best orgasm of your life? Yeah, no problem.” You wink at him, enjoying the flustered look that immediately takes over his face. 
He lets out a chuckle, happy that you’re not making this awkward, “Really though. Thank you.”
You can only shrug, “You should really text Jisoo though, she’s not gonna reject you and if you kiss her like that she’s definitely not gonna turn down any offer you give her.”
Jungkook doesn’t fully believe you but he knows he has to bite the bullet and do it. He gives you a hug and says goodnight before he shuffles out of your dorm and into the elevator. 
Now that he’s in a brightly lit place he once again looks at the warped reflection in the elevator doors, using it to fix his hair the best way he can and adjust his shirt and jacket to cover the wet spot on his crotch before he exits it. 
Joy spots him as hes about to leave and lets out a whistle, “Y/N take you for a wild ride huh?” She teases him and he blanks, not really knowing how to respond until the automatic excuse comes out, “We were working on a project.”
“Mhm, some project. Bye Jungkook.” She waves him off with a giggle, enjoying how flustered he gets. 
Jungkook all but runs across the quad, wanting to get out of the cold as well as into his room to slide out of his sticky ass underwear and pants. He uses his key card to open the dorm buildings doors, waving at Baekhyun before hopping on the elevator and making his way up to his floor. 
When he slides into his room he really wasn’t expecting to see Taehyung still awake, resting on his bed against the wall where the giant canvas of his ass was hung up. 
“Oh, hello.” Taehyung spoke up first, his eyes raking over Jungkook entirely. “How was the progress on your project?”
He knew Taehyung was asking an innocent question but Jungkook couldn’t help the pang of guilt he felt at it. He knew you and Taehyung weren’t together but he still felt like he was crossing a line by letting you give him an orgasm without his roommate knowing. Especially since Taehyung always boasted about the amazing orgasms you gave him, it almost felt like those were reserved for Tae only and he had just snatched one off the shelf.
“Oh, it was good.” He spoke up quietly, walking over to his closet to grab his pajamas, “Got a lot done actually.”
Taehyung had his eyes glued to Jungkook’s back as he rummaged in his closet. There was something off about him and he just couldnt put his hands on it until Jungkook slid off his jacket and shirt for his pajama shirt and turned around without a second thought to slide his pants off. 
“Dude!” Taehyund gasped in shock, his fingers pointing directly at Jungkook's cum stained pants. 
Jungkook looked down with wide eyes when he realized Taehyung could clearly see. “Did you catch a glimpse of Y/N’s tits when you were studying and busted a nut in your pants or what?”
Mm well no actually just good ole fashioned dry humping is what he wanted to respond with but he chose to deny until he died. “No! I spilled something on my pants at her dorm.”
Taehyung didn’t believe his horrible excuse for a second but didn’t want to continue to tease him, “Whatever dude, go shower. I don’t blame you, she’s hot I bust a nut just looking at her too, now imagine what her pussy feels like.”
Jungkook didn’t even want to respond to his raunchy comment, simply gathering his shower cubby and towel before leaving to go shower. Except now thanks to Tae he really couldn’t stop wondering what your pussy would feel like around his dick.
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noncanonlove · 5 years
So I’m working on a 55 chapter expanded fic from this drabble. Updates every Saturday plus some bonus dates. https://archiveofourown.org/works/22117129/chapters/52788106 https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13470156/1/Choices  _________________________________________________
“You’re a what?” Hermione said, gobsmacked.
“Veela. Quarter Veela, actually,” Draco muttered, his eyes glued to the crisps he was slowly grinding to crumbs one by one.
“When did you find out?” she asked, eyes suddenly speculative.
“Summer before fourth year,” he admitted, still not meeting her eyes.
She fell back against her chair in shock, not able to tear her eyes off of him. ‘White-gold hair and moonbright skin’, why hadn’t she picked up on that before now? He looked an awful lot like Fleur, complexion wise.
That must mean… No… A thousand instances spun through her mind starting with the World Cup when he told her to keep her head down. Catching him watching her in class or in the great hall. How he’d turned his attention from her to mainly Harry and Ron when he wanted to be a git. The beautiful moving sketches that she’d find on her nightstand every morning while she was in the hospital wing because of Dolohov. The agony in his eyes when she was being tortured. His lack of dates since Hogwarts. Why he took the position he was in at the DMLE. Lunch together at least twice a week. So many other things. 
They were mates... Much like the Resurrection Stone she hadn’t really put much stock into soulmates before now, but she’d been wrong on that account too.
“Kneazle got your tongue?” he asked morosely, flicking the crumbs from his fingertips.
“It’s a lot to process…” she trailed off. He nodded as he looked out the restaurant window they were seated beside.
It couldn’t have been easy, learning that the person you were supposed to hate was the person who would complete and sustain you and then seeing that person be with other people, be hunted down to be culled, tortured and maimed in front of you and then be mixed up in a gigantic magical battle. His behavior sixth year forward took on a whole new context.
“It makes me sad for you,” She admitted quietly. “It should be someone you would choose outside of the influence.”
At that his mercurial eyes locked onto hers, “Outside of our shared history, what makes you think I wouldn’t consider you?”
She went to open her mouth but froze, the space between her eyes scrunching in thought. They were both very intelligent, first and second in their year. They both had similar interests, loved debating, had an appreciation for art, their tastes in books ran close, they both loved films, the symphony, and the opera. Both of which they’d attended together before. In converse there were several things they were complimentary on. They were paired together to work on enough cases that they were eventually just partnered and she’d always noticed that the things he enjoyed doing, she despised and vice versa. That he always did the dishes when she had him over for lunch or dinner when they worked overtime, a chore she didn’t like fooling with despite a there being a magical solution. The more she thought about it, the more sense it made.
She spied the thus far ignored pickles on his plate. She hated pickles but Draco loved them and she was always happy to hand hers over. The inverse was true with olives. She loved them and Draco would rather die than eat one. When they would order a supreme pizza he would instruct them to toss his half of the olives onto her side of the pie.
She met his eyes again.
“When you put it like that, it makes sense, we make sense. But Draco, we do share that history together,” she said, the skin between her eyes scrunching together again.
He clenched his jaw as he resumed glaring at his plate, “At the very least, please don’t ask to have me removed as your partner at work.”
She stopped entirely and watched as he folded in on himself, his arms crossed tightly while his leg bounced as if he wanted nothing more than to flee the situation. She made a decision and moved.
She could feel his eyes snap to her as she got out of her side of the booth and move over to his, invading his space and crowding him up against the window so the chance of escape was nil unless he climbed the furniture or ducked under the table. She pried his hands from where he had them buried against himself and took them within her own, forcing him to turn towards her. She caught his eyes, playing with his fingers and waiting until he looked at her steadily and lost some of the caginess, noticing the way he relaxed under her touch.
“Do you really think I’d just abandon you? Reject you?” she asked, voice gentle.
He let out a tight sigh, “It’s different for me, Hermione. I need you. The inverse isn’t necessarily true.”
“I wouldn’t say that at all. Like I said, this is a lot to process. I only said I was sad for you over your lack of choice, not that I felt for you because I didn’t want anything to do with you. I do have some questions though,” she said.
“Of course you do, you’re you,” he said, eyes rolling playfully.
His usual brand of sarcasm meant things were looking up.
“How is it you’ve been able to hold off?” she asked.
“What do you mean?” he said, his own brow furrowing.
“Veelas need their mates. I did enough reading after Fleur married Bill to know a decent amount about them. Veelas need their mates, need… intimacy, with them in order to continue living,” she trailed off at his snicker.
“How often do we eat together? See each other? Spend time together outside of work? There’s much more to intimacy than sex. You know that. So far, it’s been enough,” he said. The ‘barely’ was unsaid but she heard it all the same.
Her cheeks reddened but he was right.
“It’s just… the books-”
“Those books were likely written by someone like Lockhart who’d never even met a Veela before,” he sneered derisively at the mere thought of their second year Defense teacher.
“So where do we go from here? Do we need to move in together?” She asked, her brain jump-starting from zero to a thousand miles an hour.
“While that would be lovely beyond words, I don’t want this to be more of a burden on you than it has to be,” he said.
She rolled her eyes, “I thought we’d done been over this part. I said that we make sense already. That we’re good together.”
“Yes, Granger, but do you not want to be courted at the very least?” he implored.
She could see how much it meant to him for her to choose this because she wanted it, wanted him, not because it was what he needed despite the severity of that need.
“Weren’t you the one who pointed out all of our lunch and dinner dates? Trips to the opera? All the non-work related time we have a tendency to spend together…” she looked at him with brows raised. “It’s not as if you haven’t slowly been doing it anyway.”
“You can’t blame me for taking the slow route, I didn’t want to scare you and I wanted it to be as much of a choice as possible. Obligation often breeds resentment and I wouldn’t be able to live with that. I wanted to do it right if I could manage it,” he explained.
She bit her lip as warmth spread through her chest.
“Your place or mine then?” she asked with a bit of a watery laugh.
He squeezed her hands, “If you’re absolutely sure, might I suggest we look for somewhere together.”
“We’ll start looking tomorrow, but for today, I want you to come home with me,” she said.
He didn’t ask questions but wrapped up his uneaten lunch up and let her lead him out of the shop and in the general direction of her flat.
She felt the nervousness radiating off of him, but before she could ask, he tucked her against his side with his hand resting firmly at her waist.
They shared a grin and her heart swooped. It was a choice she’d never dreamed of but it was a choice she’d make a thousand times over again.
_________________________________________________ I suppose I should add that I’m creating more pieces to this experiment, for those who enjoyed it. The next one is Compromises.
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catralvr · 4 years
I’ll make a cup of coffee for your head pt.1
Duncan x Gwen
Word count: 4788
Warnings: Smut (at the end)
Summary: In which Gwen goes into a new coffee because her usual one near her university is closed for the week and meets an old acquaintance working there. She finds herself going there more and more, getting closer to him again.
Notes: I know it might be bad but hey I wrote this because I had one particular scene in it going round and round in my head so. Enjoy. And yeah I’m gonna make a pt 2 bc it was starting to be way too long for me to write. And yes I stopped after That Part sorry
Gwen was standing in front of the coffee place, her laptop already in her hand, music going through her earphones, and pushed the door without even looking. The door didn’t budge. She frowned her eyebrows, not understanding why. She always came at that time, to work on her essays. She raised her head, only to be met by a sign saying that it would be closed the whole week for renovation. 
She groaned, put her laptop back in her bag and went away. Where the fuck was she supposed to go now? She had no idea where to find another coffee place as good as this one. 
She wandered for ten good minutes, looking for somewhere somewhat good. She wanted to drink her usual macchiato while eating her favourite chocolate muffin. Where was she supposed to go now. Since she wasn’t finding anything, she ended up going to the first one she saw. Didn’t seem to be a lot of costumers, which was good for her. Great, even. Nice, she’ll remember this place for future times, and for the rest of the week too. It was kind of far away from her place but she didn’t really mind, this would leave more time alone to Courtney and Heather, they’ll be happy.
She went to the counter while waiting for the barista to come back to her, took down an earphone to hear him while ordering. 
— A caramel macchiato with a chocolate muffin, if you have some ?
— Sure. That all ?
The voice. It seemed like she knew it... Her eyes which were glued on her phone, sending texts to Courtney and Leshawna saying she probably would be late for their movie night, looked up to see the green hair guy from that tv reality show she did, years ago. That show where she met Courtney and Leshawna, her flatmates. 
— Duncan ?
— Gwen ?
She blinked twice, making sure it was really him, before laughing awkwardly. She knew he lived in this town, it was big after all. And he was friends with Geoff and DJ, whom she still was close to (but somehow never saw Duncan again, maybe because of packed schedules). Nevertheless, she was still surprised to see him. Wasn’t expecting it. 
— Yeah that’ll be all, thanks. 
She held out her phone to pay with it, an awkward smile on her lips. What was she supposed to do now? Wasn’t like she had tried to stay in touch with him (not that she didn’t want to, only things happened which made it hard). 
— So um... Didn’t expect you to be working in a café. 
— Yeah, a guy gotta do what he’s gotta do to pay the bills.
He laughed, an awkward laugh too. The green-haired guy (still dyed his hair green? Good choice though, it suited him well) went to make her coffee, while Gwen stayed at the counter, waiting for her order. She felt too awkward to walk to a table as she usually did. 
— I have a band too, on the side, we do some gigs here and there but not enough to live off of it. And working here is nice, never too many people, customers are usually nice. Hot too.
A smirk going her way. She rolled her eyes, not being able to repress the grin appearing on her lips. Same as he used to be, not that she was really surprised. She liked that about him (maybe still do a little bit). 
— The other place I usually go to is constantly packed, might change and make this my study hangout.
— Please, be my guest.
She laughed, a real laugh this time, not really awkward. Yeah, she might make it her study place, especially if it’s empty like that. Oh, it was so weird to see him again. Especially since she thought about him from time to time, when she went on Instagram and saw Geoff’s and DJ’s stories. Even so, she wasn’t expecting it. Not when she was still angry about her favourite café being closed (even if it ended up being kind of a good thing). He handed her a plate with her coffee and the muffin on it, winked at her and then let her go to go see another costumer who came after her. She went on the closest table to sit, took out her laptop and started writing this goddamn essay she was supposed to hand it the next day. 
During the next two hours she ended up glancing at Duncan more than a few times, even if she wouldn’t admit it. It was strange that they hadn’t kept in touch but the way things ended with the two of them was way too... weird to keep on being friends. She kept in touch with some others, hell she was housemate with Courtney and Leshawna (Heather too, since she was Courtney’s girlfriend and was constantly at their apartment). Geoff too, Bridget by extension, but that was it. Total Drama was something she desperately wanted to erase from her mind. And she had somewhat succeeded, if it wasn’t for even people at her university going up to her and asking if she was the Gwen. Which was annoying. 
Once, she stood up to ask when the place was closing, Duncan answered 7pm. It was already 6. 
— Fuck. I needed more time. But it’s ok, I’ll leave when it closes thanks!
She was already walking away, ready to go back to that essay. She should be able to finish it by that time, if she stopped being distracted. She could do it.
And she did. Oh it was kind of hard, because everything was a good reason to be distracted. The squeaking of shoes on the floor. The sound of the coffee machine. But she finally was done with it and immediately sent it via email to her professor, was sure she wouldn’t forget it this way. When she looked at the time, she saw it was already way past 7pm. Which she didn’t understand, because she wasn’t asked to leave. She groaned, mad at herself for not having put an alarm, Duncan probably was cleaning and forgot to ask her to leave, but still. She felt too bad about staying overtime, maybe he was doing overtime because of her. 
She walked around the room, to find him. Say goodbye before leaving, apologise about staying so much longer. It already half past seven. It let more alone time to Heather and Courtney, but still. She shouldn’t have overstayed. 
He wasn’t in the main room, maybe in the back cleaning. But she didn’t want to venture where she wasn’t allowed to. She ended up taking a piece of paper and write a thank you note on it (and her number, just in case). She then left, ready to walk back to her apartment. She was still surprised she saw him again, in a fucking café ? Who would’ve thought the Duncan she met when they were 16 would end up working there. But five years had passed, so it was to be expected. Even herself, even the girls with whom she stayed in touch. They all changed, partly because of that damn show, partly because they grew too. You change a lot between 16 and 21 and she was only now realising it. Well, she did before, but it hit her. 
She wondered how much he had changed, she hoped they would be able to get back in touch, she didn’t leave her number for nothing. Well. She’ll see. Now, she needed to get back without getting lost. 
She ended up being able to do it, came back to Courtney and Leshawna watching a movie they had already watched at least ten times.
— Yo.
— Hey, sorry we didn’t wait for you. You were taking too long. There’s some lasagna left in the oven.
— Thanks Leshawna!
She was too tired to even argue about them not waiting for her, was only glad Heather wasn’t there. Not that she still despised her, she ended up being kind of close to her. She just didn’t want to come in to her and Courtney making out on the couch, thinking they were alone.
Not twice.
Once her lasagna heated, she went back to living room and sat on the couch, watching the movie with them. Didn’t matter how many times they watched it, they still laughed the only better thing was that now they could say every line about that movie.
Her hair was tied up in a bun (she had let it grown up to a bit under her shoulder blades but still dyed it black and teal, because it became an habit and couldn’t bear seeing herself with her natural brown hair) as she was lying on her bed, reading a book recommended by her teacher. She usually did that every night before sleeping, got her tired, best way to fall asleep. She was starting to get sleep and put her book on her nightstand when her phone went off. With a sigh she took it and sat on her bed, unlocking it. A text from an unknown number? Eyebrows frowned she opened it.
got your note, wanna hang out later?
OH! It must’ve been Duncan! Gwen had lost a bit of hope, seeing he still hadn’t sent her a text. “Later”.
yeah sure! tell me when you’re free we’ll see
She then put her phone facing down, so she wouldn’t be bothered by the light, and went to sleep.
The next day, she went back to the café place after her classes were over. They exchanged a bit of texts with Duncan during the day, mainly to try and figure out a day to see each other. Which ended up being hard. The only time was during Geoff’s next party (which would make Leshawna more than happy, she had been trying to get her to go since forever). Maybe another time, if any of their plans got cancelled. Or like, his gigs. Since he was playing almost every night, to try and make his band more known. Or she could go to one of his concerts. 
She usually wasn’t up for those type of stuff, you never knew if they were really good or not and having to lie to people... She shivered just at the thought. Anyways. She barely met him again, why was she thinking about all that. It was dumb. They hadn’t talked in years. Since they broke up, after Total Drama.
Maybe because you still have... feelings for him.
She shook her head as those thoughts rushed through her head. 
No way.
Not going back that path.
She slapped herself, putting her thoughts back in place.
They weren’t even friends anymore. 
She would focus on that.
Being friends with Duncan again.
She pushed the door to enter the coffee place, took out her earphones and went immediately to the counter. Just like the day before, Duncan was there. He looked up from whatever he was doing and smirked at Gwen.
— Missed me already ?
— Yeah, you’re so irresistible I couldn’t stay away from you for longer.
— Knew it. I do that to people.
A smile made its way on her lips as she ordered the exact same thing as the day before and went to sit, waiting for her coffee to be ready. This time, she took out a book instead of her laptop. She had already done all of her homework in advance. She still came, though, because she liked to have a part of the day where she could just rest, be alone for a little while. And this place was so much quieter than the other one. It was a good thing it closed for the week, in the end. Otherwise she would've never found this place.
A plate got laid down in front of her, which made her jump a little bit. Oh. She almost had forgotten about her order.
— There you go. Put a little extra on your coffee. And don't need to pay, it's on me.
She was ready to argue with him but he sat down, crossed his arms on his chest.
— Don't say no. Not letting you a choice.
— Ok. Won't complain.
She took a sip of her drink. Coffee was her addiction, she could never get enough of it. Caffeine didn’t even work on her anymore, her body had gotten used to it. And the fact that he put whipped cream on top of it was really appreciated. 
She was ready to get back into her book, only to have it taken away from her as Duncan sat down on the other side of the table, his elbows on the table. 
— Aren’t you supposed to work? said Gwen, an eyebrow raised.
— Do you see any customers around?
He was right and she couldn’t help the smirk which made its way on her lips, as she rolled her eyes.
— What do you want, Duncan?
— Have a chat, since we won’t be able to see each other. Since we’re both oh so busy constantly.
— Whose fault is that?
— Eh, not my fault I’m always booked and busy. Anyway. You live with Courtney? What the fuck did I miss?
Gwen choke on her coffee as he asked the question and had to hit her chest to try and not suffocate. 
— We kind of dated for a while. After All Stars ended. At first it was... awkward but we went back to being friends and then... You know, when she’s not there she’s really nice? I think the competition got to her. And yeah. It was nice. But it wasn’t working. Still friends though. Now she’s dating Heather. And I kept on being friend with Leshawna, because Leshawna.
She ended her sentence with a light laugh, which ended up being an explosion of laughter when she saw the face Duncan was making. Maybe it was too much at once.
— Dated Courtney? Dating Heather? She? What? What the fuck?
—Yeah. You missed a lot. But hey! Time to catch up on everything!
— Yeah. Didn’t miss much on my side. Tried to go to college, dropped out to start a band. And work... here.
He waved his hand, showing the coffee shop. It wasn’t that bad, in Gwen’s opinion. Didn’t seem to be a lot of customers here. And as long as it payed well. 
They spent the rest of the time talking, Gwen didn’t even have the time to read her book in the slightest. But it was nice. Catching up with him. She learned he was in a relationship with a girl for two whole years, but it didn’t work out. She told him she never really went out with anyone except for Courtney, it was mostly one night stands or hookups. 
She went back home that night, light-hearted, happy. She felt a ting in her heart, it felt so familiar. She didn’t realise but... She kind of missed that. Him. In a way. She shook her head, trying to shake those feelings away. It was neither the time nor the place for that. 
But still, she kept on going back there. Almost every day, for the next few weeks. Getting closer to him. Intimate. Flirty, sometimes. At first, she didn’t tell her friends. She didn’t know how they would react. After all, they all left Duncan in pretty bad terms (Courtney especially) and she was afraid. 
One evening, as they were all in the living room, each of them doing something else. Gwen was reading a book her art history teacher had recommended her when she asked about something to improve her knowledge. She was almost at the end of her degree and felt like she hadn’t learned enough, didn’t go through everything she wanted to. So she tried to resolve it on her own. 
Her phone, which was right next to her, lit up with a text notification. She picked it up, only to see it was from Duncan.
hey, got a free ticket for the concert i’m playing it tonight, wanna come?
A smile appeared as she answered his text.
yeah, ofc, text me the details i’ll be right there
She couldn’t help but be happy about it. Was this a date? It was right? She didn’t know. She didn’t know where their relationship was. Which point they were at. They were flirting together but didn’t know where they stood, if it was only in a friend’s teasing way or not. She hadn’t gone in a date in ages. Had to make sure it would become one, in the end. Because she desperately wanted it to be a date. She was way too careful about how she dressed, her makeup, her hair. Spent at least a half hour on what she should do with her hair, only to end up with a bun. It showed her collarbones. It was nice. She felt nice. 
She arrived a bit too late at the venue, took too long to get ready. But Duncan had texted her, told her when he would perform so she was still ok. Hadn’t missed him.
She still was kind of on the fence about what to think of this, bands of her friends were rarely good, she still had nightmares about what Harold and the others boys did after Total Drama Action. But maybe it wouldn’t be that bad. Just maybe. And maybe drinking something would make this all the more enjoyable, who knew. 
She ordered a beer, sat at the bar while waiting the turn of Duncan’s band. There wasn’t too many people here, it was nice. She could clearly see the stage from where she was sitting, even if she would probably get closer once it was their turn, just to be sure he would see her. She felt like it was kind of important? Otherwise he probably wouldn’t have asked her to come. 
The bands she had listened to up to now weren’t that bad, even if they were not amazingly good either. She could listen to them, it was ok. The time was almost there. She ordered another beer, took the glass and went up to the crowd. Saying “sorry” and “excuse me” she gradually succeeded in going first row (she might have used the excuse of “my boyfriend’s going to play next”, it always worked). Sipping her drink, she was moving her head, smile on her lips. It was a nice evening, unexpected, but nice. The fact that she hadn’t gone out in ages, because of all the workload her teachers constantly gave her, only made this experience better. The current band ended their set, got out of the stage. Her phone rang, another text from Duncan.
we’re next. u there?
Gwen smirked, put her glass on the stage right in front of her for a few seconds to answer.
look right in front of you. can’t miss me.
She put back her phone in the pocket of her jacket, took back her glass and drank it. A warm feeling was rising in her body, a sense of anticipation. She was expecting something, but wasn’t quite sure what. It would be so fucking corny of him to have written a song about her. Trent did it way too many times, when they were together. But still... Anyway. She shook her head, took another mouthful of the beer, her eyes fixed on the stage. 
And then they came on. Duncan’s eyes were looking further away in the crowd, before finally locking onto her. He reciprocated the smirk which still was on Gwen’s lips, got his bass ready. The others got their instruments ready too, signalling to each other. Duncan winked at Gwen, before signalling that he was ready, too. 
Surprisingly, it wasn’t that bad. Reminded her if some bands she used to listen to. Still did, actually. She bopped her head in rhythm to the music, her eyes closed and occasionally looking at Duncan. The lyrics were fine, the music was great. The beer she had taken was making her feel all calm and nice, the smile on Duncan’s lips whenever he was looking at her made her feel all... fuzzy inside. When that song ended, just before starting their last one, he raised his eyebrows, laughed a silent laugh. She rolled her eyes, finishing her glass. She tried to read the program on her phone, quickly before they started the song. One more band after them. Way enough time to hang out with him, before the results were announced. 
That song was way slower than the first two. This was the first ballad of the evening, and a pretty. Lately, she had found herself enjoy ballads way more than other songs. Was mostly the only songs she had on her daily playlists on Spotify, had made Duncan listen to her favourites. This was probably a coincidence. Didn’t know for sure. But it was nice. A nice change of pace. She found herself looking at Duncan, and him staring at her, way more than she was expecting to. The song ended faster than she wanted it to, and they were already off the stage. No more interest for her, so she left the crowd. Gave the glass back to the barman. 
— So. What did you think?
— Better than what I expected. Might have a shot at winning this thing.
She said, as she turned around. He was there, looking at her with that same face he had on stage. Looking... kinda hot, actually. But maybe it was just the beer acting up. She couldn’t know for sure. (She did know, she had found it hot for the longest time). He approached the bar, ordered a beer. Take a better look at her. 
— I’m glad you came, it was nice to see you there. Looking so good, it made me want to be even better for you.
He laughed, ruffled his hair. He wanted to say something else, she could feel it. But maybe later? She didn’t want to hurry him. 
— Who knew Duncan could be so corny?
— Oh, I can be something else than corny. 
— I’d like to see that.
They glared at each other before bursting into laughter. Duncan took his glass of beer, drank a bit. It was silent between them, but not awkward. The last band was playing in the background. Gwen finally sat on a stool, taking it closer to Duncan. She crossed her legs, thinking of something to say, but Duncan did it before her.
— I meant it, you really look good. I had forgotten how you look in a dress like that.
— I mean, I also changed a lot in five years. In case you didn’t notice.
— Oh. I did. Believe me, I did.
The way he was looking at her after saying those words made her shiver. Weirdly enough, her heart was starting to beat faster. Would he... He moved in closer to her, and so did she. The space between them soon getting closer and closer.
— Can I kiss you?
His voice was a whisper. Gwen closed the gap between them, kissing him. His lips were as soft as she remembered, one of his hands find its way onto the back of her neck, while the other was holding one of Gwen’s. They broke off the kiss after a few moments, both breathless. Both smiling.
— Is that enough of an answer for you? Gwen said, winking.
— Wanna come to my place?
She blinked twice, frowned.
— What about the results?
He shrugged.
— Meh. I know we’ll win anyway. My bandmates will be mad. I can handle it. It can wait.
The hand on the back of her neck slid down to the small of her back, pressing it slightly. Gwen laughed, shaking her head. She took out her phone from her jacket, sending a text to Leshawna and Courtney saying she wouldn’t be back for the night. They left. The expectation of what was going to happen was building up, she felt an excitation she hadn’t felt in so long. The way to his apartment was pure torture. They had to walk for about 20 minutes, the high heels Gwen was wearing was killing her. But she didn’t complain, only talked to Duncan. They talked a lot, during those twenty minutes. However, once they were inside the apartment and Duncan locked the door, all talk was over. 
He immediately kissed her, leading her somewhere. She didn’t even have the time to take a look at where he was living, she already was in his bedroom (he had a two room apartment? wow), thrown onto his bed. The light was off, but the light from the street were enough for her to make out Duncan in the darkness. He was already taking off his shirt and pants, she unzipped her dress and let it fall on the floor. She didn’t really want to talk for now, only to feel him next to her. It wasn’t long, he quickly went to kiss her, his hands undoing the bun to pass his hands through her hair, pulling it with a small laugh. She groaned, pulled her hair back.
— Stop that.
— You prefer this?
He went down, started kiss her neck. Bit it here and there. Went further down, kissing all her body as he did so. Gwen shivered, held out her breath. She giggled when he started kissing her stomach. Immediately stopped once he arrived at her underwear. She wasn't expecting it to go there that fast.
— Duncan...
He looked up at her, an eyebrow raised.
— If you don't want to, stop me.
Him saying that made her feel more comfortable. She exhaled, put her hand in his hair.
— No. It's fine.
He stayed there, looking at her for a few more moments a grin slowly making its way before taking the last piece of tissue on Gwen's body out of the way. He kissed her there like no one did before. She tried to hold it in, bit her tongue to drown any noise. Only some few moans, as her hands were buried deep down into the sheets. He let his tongue slid, trying to make her make more noise. Ended up going back to her face, to kiss her.
Feeling Gwen's short breathes made him laugh. As a revenge, she held out her hand, put it in his boxer. Grinning, she started to stroke him, laughing herself as she felt him thrust with a moan.
— Feeling less bold all of sudden, are you?
— Wanna bet?
His free hand reached into his bedside table, took out a condom. He pulled back from Gwen for a few instants, ripping the package open. He quickly put it on, went back down to kiss Gwen.
— You sure about this?
— Yes. I am.
He looked her in the eyes as he made sure to not hurt her, smiling even more when he felt her legs wrapping themselves around his waist. One his hands reached out to hold her waist as the other was against her cheek, caressing it. They were both smiling, both looking into each other's eyes. It felt as if they were only one. Gwen's hands were around the back of Duncan's neck, her moand got louder and louder. Duncan was faster and faster. They were moaning together, kissed each other frantically as they felt the end coming. Which was amazing. In unison. The first time it ever happened to Gwen. The first time she came that fast with someone, the first time it was so... Good.
She laughed as Duncan laid down next to her, she stood up to go to the toilets and went back next to him right after, still totally naked. She was too exhausted to put back any clothes on.
She curled herself up next to him, as he put his arm around her, his fave buried in her hair, smiling.
— Nice to see you again, Gwen.
— Nice to see you again, Duncan.
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wingsofkpop · 5 years
When You Love Someone - Part Three /// Agape
pairing(s): Brian Kang x Reader, Day6 x Reader
genre: High School!AU, Young Love!AU, lots of Angst, not really sugar-coated with Fluff
warning(s): None
word count: 3,5k
synopsis: There are many paths in life, but the longest of all is the path to the heart. In your eyes, what does it truly mean… to love?…
chapter directory
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It’s funny how quickly time can fly by. It seems like only yesterday you were walking through the gaping doors of the high school for the first time with thousands of butterflies fluttering in your stomach like a windstorm. But here you are, only weeks away from walking through those same doors clad in a cap and gown for one last time—The final walk into your true adulthood. 
While others may disagree, your experience in high school has actually benefited you for the better. You’ve learned so much not only about the world, but about yourself since your initiation. It’s been a long road that’s passed in the blink of an eye, but you’re somewhat grateful for the paths you’ve endured thus far. Sometimes though, you find yourself feeling as if you have some kind of unfinished business—with someone you might even say. 
You shake the idea from your mind, returning your gaze to the product checklist in your hands. If you want to afford that dress, then you should actually consider doing some work unless you want your grumpy boss to dock you for ‘adolescently lolly-gagging around’—his exact words, not yours. The man nearly fired you for accidentally knocking over a rack of soda one time, and didn’t even pay you overtime after he made you stay later to clean up the mess AND mop the floors. Nothing even spilled, and it was on a school night nonetheless. 
After crossing off some items on the page, you make your way to the next aisle ready to repeat your actions. Like most shifts, this one seems to have trailed on for much longer than needed. The only thing protecting your sanity from inevitable combustion was the excitement of seeing Sungjin in a little under an hour. A smile immediately pulls across your face at the thought. Until yesterday, you hadn’t realized exactly how much you’ve missed the boy.
While Sungjin hasn’t been in your life as long as Wonpil, you still consider him one of your closest companions. You met a couple months into freshman years, and since you didn’t have a large circle of people you really talked to aside from Wonpil, you quickly latched onto the boy, even more so because of his compassion and lack of friends as well—although that changed for the both of you after he joined the basketball team and you somewhat blossomed out of your awkward phase. The both of you essentially grew up together, changed together. But even after four years, it’s as if nothing has really changed. 
And to be honest, you don’t know if that’s entirely a good thing. 
It’s not until the angry call of your boss do you realize you had been staring at a shelf of paper towels. You swiftly back out of the aisleway, preparing to dash into another, before you notice that the shout wasn’t directed at you—but a customer. 
You recognize the young man from your school: Kang Younghyun. He pretty much keeps to himself, so you’ve never really spoken, but from what you’ve heard from everyone else, he’s not a very friendly guy. He skips class on a daily basis, argues with anyone who so much as looks him in the eye, and according to rumors, hangs around with some pretty shady people. You’ve never been one to follow what the grape vine carries around, but even you can’t deny that the kid is rather intimidating… and just downright scary. 
“How dare you come into my store and try to steal, you little punk!” Your boss had Younghyun in his grasp, clutching the collar of his shirt with one hand and angrily shaking his fist with the other. He was fuming, his face gradually beginning to shift red as he drags his capture toward the register. You move to return to your task, not wanting to piss your boss off even more, but the accused thief’s hushed reply has your feet stopping in place: 
“I didn’t steal anything.” 
You try to tell yourself again to just look away, go back to work and wait out the rest of your shift without batting an eyelash, but something about the pained glint in Younghyun’s eyes and the soft, almost tired tone of his voice toyed with your moral reasoning. Somehow, a part of yourself believed that the boy was actually telling the truth… You didn’t know him after all. 
Your boss roughly yanks at his collar, “Of course you did! Punks like you are always getting into trouble!” Younghyun’s expression doesn’t change, but the strange feeling in your gut only grows. You swear you could see into the depths of his soul—What if it were you in his shoes? Wouldn’t you want someone to help you?...
“I didn’t take anything.”
“We’ll see what the police have to say about that-” 
“-Stop!” Before your mind can debate itself any longer, your feet are already carrying you toward the pair. Both parties grow visibly surprised by your interruption, more so Younghyun, but that doesn’t sway the words that continue to leave your lips: “It’s innocent until proven guilty. You should check the cameras before making any final accusations.” 
For a moment, panic overtakes your boss’s face, but it’s short-lived as it quickly shifts back to fury. He releases the boy to storm your direction, however your stance does not falter. Even when you can feel the hot breath of his whisper staining your cheeks: 
“If you want to keep your job, I suggest you keep your mouth shut and get back to work.”  
Your cheeks grow hot as rage invades your body, slithering through your veins like a venomous snake. You step closer to the man until your noses are just barely touching. Memories of all his harsh comments and nights gone without adequate pay only add more fuel to the fire. With your gazes locked, you can see the reflection of your own eyes through his—glowing in the fit of your anger. This time, when you reply, there’s no hesitation at all: 
“I quit.” Your boss lurches back, incredulously watching as you rip the employee apron from your torso. “I won’t be bullied and taken advantage of by you any longer.” He stumbles when you shove the garment into his chest, his expression completely devoid of anything except disbelief. He doesn’t say a word, even after you grab Younghyun’s wrist and drag him toward the exit of the store. But before you pass through the threshold, you make sure to knock over a nearby rack of magazines and CDs. 
“Enjoy cleaning that up yourself!” You chuckle, for once leaving the building with a proud smile strewn across your face. Too immersed in your own valor, you almost forget that your fingers are still clutching Younghyun’s wrist—then again you almost forget about Younghyun’s presence entirely.
“Why did you do that?...” His murmur brings you back to reality. He frees his hand from your grasp before running a hand through his blonde locks. “You gave up your job, and you don’t even know me…” 
“I’ve wanted to leave for awhile, since the guy’s such a jerk.” You shrug, then quickly add, “but you’re right, I don’t know you—but I know that you didn’t take anything.” 
“How could you know that-?” 
“-Did you?”
Younghyun startles at your question, but responds with a shake of his head. “No, I didn’t.” 
“Well, here we are then.” You peer back into the store, hand instinctively reaching for the boy’s limb once again. “In fact, let’s get out of here before egg-head calls the cops.” Younghyun doesn’t have the chance to protest because you’re already dragging him down the sidewalk with a laugh, “Gosh, I still can’t believe I did that!.. There’s a park across the street. We can hang out there.” 
“You… You want to hang out with me?...” 
You freeze, peering back at your companion with a confused expression. Your frown deepens once you notice the reflection of bewilderment on Younghyun’s face as well. Your head shakes, “Yeah, of course… Is that not okay?” 
“Well no-just… Aren’t you… scared of me?” 
“Why would I be scared of you?” Your chuckle relaxes the boy, his shoulders visibly sinking with relief. You continue to stare at him for a moment, noticing the genuine warmth along his features, before tilting your head with a smile, “...Should we get moving then?” Although it’s only an upturn of his lips, Younghyun smiles back. 
“I’d like that.” 
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“I heard from Jinyoung that he and some of his buddies robbed the convenience store last weekend.” Wonpil explains as the two of you watch Kang Younghyun stomp his way through the cafeteria and out into the hallway. Students weren’t technically allowed to leave the lunchroom unless they had a teacher recommendation, but Younghyun wasn’t much of a stickler for the rules. Obviously. 
“Don’t believe everything you hear, Pil.” Sungjin waves a french fry toward the male, before popping it into his mouth. He quickly swallows the treat and continues with stern expression, “You can’t judge a person based on what others say. You know what they say about making assumptions.” 
Wonpil rolls his eyes, “It’s just gossip, hyung. It’s not hurting anyone.” 
“You never know.” Your face falls as the older boy clearly glances your direction, reminding you of the chaos you’ve endured all week. You try to push away the throbbing in your chest and instead immerse yourself in your own lunch. The sandwich and bag of Doritos only does so much though. 
You hear Wonpil say he’s going to go talk to his biology partner, Jeongyeon to finalize some details about a project and acknowledge his departure with a half-hearted wave. A couple seconds of silence pass between you and your remaining friend, the time spent savoring your lunch and observing the daily cafeteria behavior, until the latter finally breaks the silence with a soft murmur: 
“How are you holding up?... I know this week has been pretty hard on you.” 
You shrug and polish off the final bite of your lunch, “I’m fine, I guess…” 
“It’s okay to be upset,” He hums, pushing his french fries an equal distance between the both of you. You welcome the offer to share his food and help yourself to a couple fries. “Jae shouldn’t have let things go this far... especially if you two were together.” 
“He said that he told Chaeyoung that he wasn’t interested and made the excuse that she’s persistent, but I don’t know if I believe him since he’s not the best at telling people off.” You also correct, “and we’re technically still together.” 
Sungjin’s eyebrows pull together, but his facial expression remains calm. “Is that purposely? Have you guys talked?” 
“Aside from after I heard the rumors, no.” You say, “I don’t think I want to break up with him, because nothing actually happened between him and Chaeyoung, but I just need some time.” 
“Are you sure that’s what you want? How do you know he’ll tell her off for real this time?” 
“To be honest, I don’t. But I also don’t want some false rumors to be the cause of breaking our relationship off.” 
The boy stares at you for a moment, as if searching your eyes for any sort of dishonesty or deceit. His own soften when he finds nothing but genuine thought in your irises. With a small smile, he reaches for your hand to give it a gentle squeeze. Your chest blooms at his affection, delivering a squeeze of your own. 
“As long as you know what you want. I just don’t want you to get hurt.” 
You chuckle, “You don’t have to worry about me, Jinnie. I’m a tough cookie.” 
“Trust me, I know.” Sungjin spills a laugh of his own, using his other hand to brush a loose piece of hair away from your forehead. Used to the caring gesture, you allow your companion to do so and peer through the corner of your eye, finding Jae deep in conversation with none other than Chaeyoung. Another pang knocks into your chest, but it quickly disappears when Sungjin seizes back your attention. 
“How about we do something Saturday night? Just you and me?” He offers, “You wanted to see that new movie, didn’t you?” 
“Yeah, actually.” You answer, “Jae and I were gonna go, but I think I’d rather go with you instead.” 
It could’ve been your imagination, but you swear Sungjin’s smile seemed to widen. “It’s a date then.” For the remainder of the lunch period, you and Sungjin discussed the details of your weekend outing, briefly arguing over whether pizza or tacos were a better midnight snack. Not once did you think of Jae, or Chaeyoung, or heartbreak. 
The following Monday, you decided to end your relationship with Jae. 
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Sungjin’s heart continues to pound as he makes his way down the near-to-empty street. With the sun long past set, there was barely anyone aside from the occasional nightly jogger skipping around in the dark. It was both a blessing and a curse. Sungjin usually enjoys the peace and quiet of a silent night, but right now with his thoughts haunting his mind like a tornado, he really wished for some sort of relief. Then again, he should be pretty used to it by now—You’ve been the center of his thoughts since freshman year after all. 
He never meant for his crush to grow to anything other than that: A crush. But alas, you can’t control your heart, and you certainly cannot control who your heart falls for. 
For what seems like the millionth time since the start of his walk, Sungjin wipes his sweaty palms on the side of his jeans, transferring the plushed rabbit charm to his opposite elbow. On the way, he saw the keychain in the window of a store and was immediately reminded of you, and although a gift obviously doesn’t make up for his elusive behavior, he hopes it will still bring a smile to your face. He’s missed your smile, almost as much as he’s missed you. 
It took everything in his willpower to keep away from you for the last few months, considering the fact that you two have never been anything other than attached at the hip. There were so many times he wanted to pick up the phone, just to hear your voice, or wait for you outside of the school, just to see your face. But the more and more he forced himself to think of anything that wasn’t you, the more thoughts that contained you overtook his head. Just last week, he almost failed his calculus exam after spending most of the allotted time worrying if you had turned in the final draft of your English essay. He usually reminds you about those kinds of things. 
Sungjin stumbles, his foot catching on a small divot in the pavement. He quickly settles himself, inhaling a gust of relief before setting out again. His heart somehow picks up even more speed as he takes sight of the convenience store only a short distance ahead. He peers down at the watch on his wrist, concluding that you should be wrapping up your shift for the night. His hands are sweaty again. 
After the push from Wonpil, Sungjin thought that confessing his feelings to you would be the best idea. But as of now, with his pulse ten times too fast and anxiety crushing his nerves like a vice, he can’t tell anymore—What if his confession not only fails, but changes everything? Your friendship is one of the most important things in his life, and he cannot imagine living without it. Especially with the last year of high school coming to a close. 
He shakes the doubts out of his mind and instead, focuses on the excitement of seeing you. With a final bout of strength, Sungjin peers inside of the building through the giant storefront window. Confusion floods through his body when he discovers an obviously grumpy man cleaning up a mess of CDs and magazines and absolutely no sign of you. Maybe you were finalizing some work in the back? Or went for a quick bathroom break? 
Something in the reflection of the glass steals Sungjin’s attention, bringing him to peer over his shoulder. Through the corner of his eye, he notices some movement occurring in the park across the street. It was too dim to know for sure, but he swears he can see the color of your hair. 
It only takes a couple steps forward for him to realize that it is you sat on one of the swings, rocking back and forth with the nightly breeze. All fears slip from his mind as an excited grin pulls across his face. He dashes across the street, opening his mouth to call out your name, but his voice dies in his throat when he sees past your body—finding that you weren’t alone.
Sungjin’s smile disappears as he recognizes Kang Younghyun inhabiting the second swing beside you, a bright expression on his own face as he listens to you ramble on about something. He watches the boy’s lips move seconds later, obviously causing your head to roll back and a loud laugh to escape your lips—the sound like knives against his heart. 
For a moment, Sungjin hopes you’ll angle your head just right and catch sight of him. But his faith disappears once more when Younghyun reaches forward to brush a piece of hair from your forehead. He looks away, unable to watch, and sadly gazes down at the keychain still in his hand. His thumb caresses the bunny’s smiling face, before he turns and begins to walk back the way he came. 
The silence of the night mocking him with each heavy step. 
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“-so that’s why the Russo brothers completely ruined Captain America’s character in Avengers Endgame.” You finish off your rant with an exhale, gently swinging back and forth as Younghyun—who told you to call him Brian, laughs at your passionate argument. He wipes an invisible tear from his eye before grinning. 
“You’ve obviously put a lot of thought and evidence into that.” 
You chuckle, “Can you tell?” 
“Just a bit.” To say you’ve learned a lot about Brian would be an understatement. Unsurprisingly, all the rumors about him were completely and wholeheartedly wrong. There was no gang, or anything along those lines. He was just a misunderstood guy with some attitude problems. You also found that the reason for his frequent absences at school are due to his visitations with his mother, who’s been hospitalized the majority of the year after experiencing a near-to-fatal car accident. She’s recovering well, thank goodness, but he doesn’t like to leave her by herself—Who knew he was such a nice guy?  
He watches your feet pump back and forth for a couple seconds, before reconnecting your gazes. You merely stare at each other until he finally speaks, “...Thanks for this. It was nice to talk to someone for a change.” 
“Of course.” You answer with a smile, “I’m (Y/N), by the way. Sorry, I should’ve told you before all that.” 
“I know who you are.” 
“You do? How?” 
“I’ve seen you around.” He shrugs, “and I know you’re really close with the captain of the basketball team, Sungjin-” 
Your mind completely blanks out on Brian’s voice when you hear the name fall from his lips, the sudden realization of your nightly plans hitting your gut like a cold, hard punch. Frantically, you rip your phone from your pocket to peer at the brightened screen, dread flowing through your veins when you find it to be way past nine’o’clock. 
You launch from the swing with a gasp, “Shoot!... I’m sorry, Brian, but I have to go!” 
“Late for something?” 
“I was supposed to meet Sungjin almost an hour ago.” You shake your head, already noting the panic blooming through your body. “I’m really sorry, I’ll see you tomorrow.” With that, you run from the playground and out into the dimness of the night. You glance toward the convenience store, finding it to be long closed… and empty. 
“I’m such an idiot,” You murmur to yourself, swiping through your phone to pull up Sungjin’s contact. The buzz of the ringer sears at your eardrums, each repeat of the sound shoving more and more anxiety down your throat. You hadn’t realized you were holding your breath until you hear a click over the line. 
“Sungjin! I’m so-” 
“-This caller is unavailable at the moment. If you would like to leave a message, please begin after the beep-” You drop the device from your ear, quickly ending the call before burying your face into your hands. How could you have been so careless? With Sungjin of all people? When things were finally starting to turn around?... and you just went ahead and ruined everything. 
What are you going to do now? 
This very thought haunts your mind as you make your way home through the silence of the night. 
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Camp Confessions | Toshinori Yagi x Reader x Shouta Aizawa
Howdy friends! This was a request by @evaesis​ and it took me months to complete it! I’m so sorry but I’m quite proud with how it turned out. Sidenote: I LOVE ERASERMIGHT Length: 2.5k words Warning: It gets a bit spicy, but nothing super nsfw! Erasermight x Reader
Summary: Toshinori and Shouta are madly in love with you! On a camping trip, the two finally decide to confess, but the damn students keep getting in the way.
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Your fox quirk was something that often intrigued Toshinori and Shouta, for no real reason. They’d seen so many quirks in their time, for yours to stick out the way it did was just odd. They just found the ears absolutely adorable and there were times where they had to physically hold back from touching them.
Toshinori and Shouta both had a really big crush on you, one they couldn’t act on, unfortunately. Both of them were extremely busy heroes and teachers, much like you. Love wasn’t an option for them and this was something they were constantly reminded of. However, as time went on, they found it harder and harder to keep it together.
Why were you so damn perfect? The way you talked, walked, acted, freaking breathed. You were the epitome of perfection to them. Anything and everything you did, they were biased to. Sometimes they could cover it up, other times it was as obvious as the color of their hair.
It was only a matter of time before they found out about each other’s feelings. Shouta was the first to confront Toshinori. He wasn't hostile, just curious. He preferred to talk about everything rather than going head to head with the number one hero.
Overtime, the two had come to know you quite well, and one thing they knew for sure was that their fighting would do nothing but make you even more upset. They came to an agreement and that was to not fight over you.
Their plan was simple: they would find you, confess to you, and ask what you wanted to do. But it was easier said than done because currently, class 1A was on a camping trip… another one. This time you and Toshinori came as backup but it wasn’t like the first one.
It was an actual camping trip. One with tents, roasting marshmallows, and telling scary stories. It was more for fun than it was to teach the students anything but, of course, Aizawa wouldn’t let this opportunity pass by.
“Hey, (f/n).”
“Oh! Hello Sho!”
“You look g-good today.”
“Aww, I do? Thank you!” Crap… what now? Shouta wracked his mind for something but absolutely nothing came up. “You look quite nice yourself!” Dammit!
“Can we talk?” Shouta inquired awkwardly, while looking away. Your ears twitched a little and you smiled at him. His awkwardness was almost too adorable for you to handle. He was great at holding a front, but when it came to personal feelings he was a mess. 
“Sure thing! What’s up-”
“Miss (l/n)! Miss (l/n)!” You turned around to see Mina and Tsu walking towards you as well. “We need help with our tent!”
“Oh I’m coming, hold that thought, Sho! We’ll talk later.” With that, you disappeared and Shouta sighed. It was ok! He had three whole days to talk to you about this!
Unfortunately, after helping the girls you went looking for Shouta but he seemed busy, himself. You decided to talk to him later and moved toward your tent. You had almost everything set up.
“(f/n)! Where are you headed?” You smiled when you saw the tall hero approaching you. You waved at him, then pointed towards the woods.
“I’m just heading over there for a second. I’ll be back though!”
“Oh? If I can help, I’d love to! Besides, who knows what’s lurking in these woods. I’m here to protect you!” Toshinori said, with a flex of his muscles. You giggled and looked up at him.
“You’ll protect me while I use the bathroom?” Blood almost exploded from his mouth as he immediately started to backtrack. His face turned beet red and he fumbled over his words.
“I-no! Never-I mean unless you wanted to! Not that you’re too weak and can’t handle yourself, which you definitely can! I… I just needed to talk to you about something.” Ok, Shouta was cute as he stumbled over his feelings but Toshinori was both hilarious and a bundle of cuteness. You had to keep yourself from laughing to further his embarrassment and nodded.
“We can talk right now. Is everything ok?” He nodded and he started to return to normal. Of course, he looked normal on the outside. On the inside, his heart was beating a mile a minute and he felt the bundle of nerves in his stomach. No matter how old he got or powerful, he’d always be weak to stuff like this. 
He opened his mouth to tell you his true feelings, but alas, it wasn’t meant to be. It had been quiet one second, then extremely loud the next.
“Miss (l/n)! Bakugou’s trying to kill Mineta again!” Midoriya yelled, running to you and almost tripping on the way.
“Oi! BAKUGOU!” You yelled as you quickly followed the green-haired boy.
“... dammit young Bakugou. Just one minute… can’t you be obedient for one minute?” Toshinori mumbled as he, too, followed you and Midoriya.
After separating Mineta and Bakugou, you and Toshinori were split apart. You weren’t able to talk to him because he’d taken Bakugou away. When you were free, of course, you couldn’t find him. But you were able to find a certain underground hero, instead. Taking your chance, you quickly called out to him.
“Shouta! Hey! You wanted to talk about something?” Shouta nodded as he felt the anxiety start pooling in his chest. He was calm just a second ago! Then you brought up this mess and his anxiety spiked like a rocket. But this was something he needed to do. As soon as possible or he’d never do it.
“Yeah, is now a good time?” You nodded with a smile as your tail swished around behind you. You stopped in front of him, breathing in his familiar scent. There was a sweet scent with Shouta, while Toshinori carried a more citrusy scent. You adored both the calming effect that came with them and the people themselves.
“Yeah, I’m finally free! Let’s go.” As the two of you began to walk somewhere more private, a voice called out. You two let out a sigh simultaneously before turning around and facing Mina.
“Sorry to interrupt, but Momo was wondering if she could create things we didn’t bring along with us.”
“I don’t think it should matter too much.” You answered, trying not to seem upset. Every time you had a moment to talk to the two, it would be interrupted for some damn reason and it was starting to bother you.
“Well, the thing is, Jirou and Tsu wanted to build a cannon to shoot Mineta through it!”
“Wh-why would you build a cannon?!”
“Well, the question is-”
“No, you can’t build a cannon!” You interrupted Mina, who gave you a sheepish smile. You’d just gotten Bakugou away from Mineta only for the girls to shoot him out of a cannon?!
“MINETA!” You screamed as you ran past Mina, who followed you, and towards the tents to save Mineta… again.
Shouta frowned and leaned against a nearby tree. Maybe it wasn’t meant to be. These distractions could be some sort of sign from the universe. Shouta knew what his job entailed and one of the things he needed to remove from his list of things to do in life was to have a romantic partner. No dating, no marriage, no family. 
Toshinori was in a similar situation. Being the number 1 hero was dangerous. Every villain targeted him, some of the worst came after him. Romance wasn’t something he could afford. He couldn’t have someone be his weakness, someone who was constantly targeted because of his love for them. That would defeat the purpose of his sacrifices. 
Yet, no matter how much they reminded themselves of his fact, they couldn’t help but fall in love with you. 
“Hey, Aizawa,” Toshinori called out and walked up to the man, “I have an idea.”
Toshinori’s idea had worked perfectly, almost too perfectly. Aizawa had trained the students until they were exhausted, claiming villains never stopped so they shouldn’t either.
At night, they were all too busy sleeping soundly to bother you, which was the perfect time for them to talk to you.
The two of them approached your tent and called out, poking the fabric.
“Hey, (f/n). You in there?” You happily poked your head out when you heard Shouta’s voice.
“Sho! And Toshi! Hi! What’s up?” They explained that they needed to tell you something important, so you invited them into your tent. Thankfully, it was just big enough for someone like Toshinori to fit in.
“So… we wanted to tell you something,” Shouta started, feeling his nerves returning. You waited patiently with curious eyes when Toshinori decided to confess.
“Look. We both like you- well it’s much more than that- and we’ve been trying to find the perfect time to tell you. It’s been… a busy day.” Your eyes widened and your heart thumped in your chest. Almost immediately, your cheeks turned red and you wondered if this was a dream.
You, yourself, had a little crush on both Toshinori and Shouta. They were both quite wonderful, they were caring, and they often did everything they could to help you. At first, Shouta was cold and Toshinori kept his distance, but just like them, you found it hard to stay away. You knew a relationship with them and the type of work you did, didn’t mix. Yet, you couldn’t help it. No one can help it, love just worked that way. You knew for a long time how you felt, you were in love with them both. Hopelessly. But it wasn’t something you could tell them. Especially two heroes who didn’t even seem mildly interested in love. The last thing you wanted was to be rejected and then have an awkward relationship between the three of you. So you kept quiet. You didn’t expect them to feel the same way. 
“Look, you don’t have to answer us now. We just wanted you to know this. We want you to choose either of us if your feelings are the same.” Shouta explained, making you frown. You knew exactly how you felt and you weren’t going to deny it. Even if a relationship wouldn’t work out, they confessed. It was only right that you did too.
“I can’t.”
“I can’t choose, I mean. I… I feel the same toward both of you and I don’t want to choose.” Both Shouta and Toshinori looked at each other for a moment before turning back to you.
First off, you liked them back?! That was a huge relief. Both of them had been mentally preparing for rejection ever since they agreed to confess to you. But here you were, telling them you liked them back.
Second, they had the perfect solution. The two had talked about this a while back, when they’d first confronted each other. There was a chance you’d outright refuse to choose and well, they were prepared. 
“Then… you don’t have to.” Toshinori said softly, with a smile.
“Really?” Both of them hesitated for just a moment before nodding. You felt the nerves immediately disappear and smiled, breathing out in relief. Just the act told both Toshinori and Shouta how nervous you were and it only added to their own relief. They were both worried that not only would you dislike them for throwing their feelings at you, but that you’d also reject them horribly.
“So what will we do?” You inquired and the two looked at each other once more.
“I don’t mind… sharing I guess.” Shouta muttered, looking away with pink cheeks. He was never good with feelings and this wasn’t going to change that. He would give it his all to make you as happy as possible.
“I think the term’s a polyamorous relationship, right?” Toshinori asked, placing his hand on his chin.
“That means we’re all in love though, doesn’t it?” Shouta retorted, looking back at him.
“Well, I love you!”
“Not like that, stupid!” 
“Oh, like-oh I get it.” The two men went back and forth but eventually stopped when they heard you giggling. It was pretty adorable how they didn’t really understand this, but it also made you comfortable. You were in the same boat, this was all new to you. A relationship, especially with coworkers- fellow heroes.
“As long as it isn’t super awkward, I’ll give this a try.” You said with a brilliant smile, which immediately melted their hearts. The two nodded immediately, wanting to do their best with the chance they were given.
Deciding you wanted to seal this with a kiss, you leaned over and pressed your lips against Shouta’s first. You could feel him tense up, but slowly melt into you. It was meant to be innocent but… it wasn’t.
Shouta pulled you onto his lap as his arms wrapped around your body. His hands slowly wandered up your legs and thighs, pushing against your shorts. You sighed into the kiss, desperately wanting more before a huff caused you two apart.
“Don’t forget I’m still here.”
“Oh yeah.” Toshinori pouted, making you giggle a little. Who knew the number one hero could be jealous and look so adorable at the same time. You moved over to his lap, giving him a sweet and lust-filled kiss as well.
You felt hands around your waist, pushing your shirt up. Shouta’s cold hands caressed your warm skin as his lips kissed your neck and shoulders. A sigh of content left your lips, which were still locked with Toshinori’s. You made no effort to stop either man as their hands slowly caressed your bare skin. The warmth started to build up quickly and clothes were quickly discarded.
“W-we don’t have to do this,” Shouta started, realizing what he’d done without giving it much thought. Toshinori also stopped and nodded in agreement. Knowing full well you didn’t have to go along with this, you chose to give in to the pleasure. This was your decision and you wanted this.
“I know, it’s ok. I want to keep going.” Although reluctant, they chose to trust you and nodded.
“Just… stop us whenever.” Toshinori managed to mumble out in between kisses.
Ochako let out a scream as Mina burst into her tent, causing Momo to wake up as well.
“They’re missing!” She screamed, causing the other girls in the other tents to stir and quickly jump out. Her voice carried into the boys’ side, making them wake up with a start as well. Before they knew it, everyone was outside following Mina’s panic. “I went to Mr. Aizawa’s tent and no one was there! All Might’s missing too!”
The students were already on high alert and quickly ran to your tent, wanting to check up on you. Jirou stopped them before they got too close and glared.
“Shh! They’re in there, I can hear them.” There was an awkward pause before Denki spoke up.
“They?” As quietly as possible, the students snuck up towards the tent and peeled open the entrance. They saw three heads poking out, nuzzled against each other in a deep sleep. The girls resisted to let out a loud “aww” and kept you three from waking up.
Of course, they didn’t miss the opportunity to take pictures. The students snapped as many as possible before scuttling away. If you three were, indeed, in a relationship, maybe the excitement would keep Mr. Aizawa from training them until they fell apart like yesterday.
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tessisawriter · 5 years
The Next Step (Clayton Keller)
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Request (anonymous): 24 and 33 w/ Clayton Keller
Warnings: A few sexually suggestive comments
Word Count: 1.8k
“Yes!” you said a little too loudly as your boyfriend, Clayton scored the overtime goal and secured a win for the Arizona Coyotes. Everyone in the classroom looked at you, and you quickly closed the tab that had the NHL tracker on it.
“Miss Y/LN? Is there something you would like to share with the class?” Your professor said from the front of the room.
“N-no sir,” you stammered.
He shook his head before continuing the lesson. You looked at the clock on your laptop: only five more minutes until you were free from your awful night class.
Your best friend Nicole, whose pen had laid slack on her notebook for at least a half hour, started writing urgently on a page and turned it towards you.
“Did they win?” it said.
You took the pen out of her hand and wrote back: “Yes, Clay in OT.”
She smiled, took the pen out of your hand again, and wrote, “Can’t wait to go out tonight. The usual place?” You couldn’t help but let out a small giggle, which thankfully went unheard by your peers this time, and nodded.
“All right, class, next time we’ll talk about the stock market,” your professor announced, and you closed your laptop, shoved it in your bag, and jumped out of your seat. Nicole was right behind you as you scurried out of the classroom and towards the front door.
“Ugh, that was the most boring lecture yet!” you lamented as the two of you exited the building and started walking towards your car. “Why did we have to get stuck with an 8-10PM lecture?”
“Because we’re cursed,” Nicole muttered, and you laughed in response.
Your phone started to ring, and you didn’t even have to look at the screen to know it was Clayton.
“Hey, babe, great game!” you said. “And you scored the OT goal—I’m so proud of you!”
You heard Clayton chuckle on the other line. “Thanks, babe. I’m guessing you watched it on your laptop during class?”
You sighed while opening the door to the passenger’s seat of your car, Nicole already heading for the driver’s seat. She knew without even asking that you wanted to talk to Clayton. You buckled your seatbelt, gave Nicole the keys to your car, and put the phone on speaker before replying, “Guilty.”
“Babe, I love when you watch my games, but school is important.”
“But the class is so boring, and it’s late at night! Why pay attention when I can watch you?” you said as Nicole pulled out of the parking lot.
“Because you want to pass the class, right?” Clayton replied.
You gave a noncommittal grumble in response, but he laughed, knowing that you did indeed want to pass.
“I just don’t want you to get in trouble, Y/N, especially not because of me. One of these days, your professor is going to catch you and confiscate your laptop.”
“She almost got caught today,” Nicole butted in, and you glared at her for ratting you out.
You heard Clayton sigh on the other line. “Please be careful, Y/N.”
“I will! I’ll be more careful, I promise,” you said before changing the subject. “So, everyone’s going out to celebrate, right?”
“Yeah, at the usual place. Are you and Nicole meeting us there?”
“Yep, we’re already on our way.”
“You’re not driving, are you?” Clayton asked, panic in his voice.
You rolled your eyes. Clayton meant well, but he was so overprotective. “Of course not! Do you think I want to get in an accident?”
“Well, considering that you almost got caught in class today watching my game…”
“Come on, Clay, you know me: I’m responsible, especially around cars,” you asserted.
“I know,” he replied. “So I’ll see you soon?”
“Yeah, we’ll be there in ten. Love you!”
“Love you, too,” Clayton replied before you hung up the phone.
“God, you guys are too cute,” Nicole said. “You even argue like an old married couple.”
“We do not!” you protested.
She giggled and stopped the car at the red light before putting her hands up in defense. “I’m just saying, Y/N, you guys are the only couple I know that I think will last past graduation.”
You smiled. You had been dating Clayton for over two years now, and your relationship was completely solid. All of your friends kept saying they thought he would propose after graduation next spring, and although you dismissed them whenever they brought it up, you secretly hoped he would. If someone had told you five years ago that you would want to get married at twenty-two, you would’ve laughed and said they were crazy, but everything changed when you met Clayton. You loved him and wanted to spend the rest of your life with him, and now that Clayton had signed an eight-year extension with the Coyotes, it felt like the timing was right.
“You’ve got that look on your face,” Nicole said with a knowing smile.
“What look?” you asked, startled.
“The look you get whenever you think about Clayton,” she said. “I’ve never seen you look so happy as you do when he’s on your mind.” Nicole was your best friend since you were in elementary school in Glendale, and you lived together in an apartment while going to college in Phoenix. When you first met Clayton and told her about him, she was initially wary, worried that as a hockey player, he would break your heart, but she quickly changed her mind.
“Really?” you said.
“Really. You get all googly-eyed and smile really big,” Nicole confirmed. “I’m not supposed to say anything, but Clayton’s going to ask you to move in with him tonight. And before you say no,” she added, noticing that you had already opened your mouth to speak, “I’m totally fine with it. My parents said they’ll pay the rent for this year.”
“Are you sure?” Clayton already asked you to move in with him last year, but you didn’t want to leave your best friend behind. She had always been there for you, and you refused to abandon her. With that said, you did want to live with Clayton for a while before getting engaged: it seemed logical for that to be the next step in your relationship.
“Positive. You’re my best friend, and I want to see you happy. Clayton does that,” she said as she pulled into a parking space that happened to be open right next to the club and put the car in park. “And we’re here.”
“Thanks, Nicki,” you said, reaching over to give her a hug. Only you were allowed to call her Nicki; if anyone else tried, they had a death wish.
“Of course,” she replied. “Now let’s get in there and find your man!”
You giggled as you got out of the car and closed the door. Nicole met you on the curb, and you wrapped your arm around her as you walked into the club.
When you arrived in the VIP area, you saw the boys were already drinking quite a bit.
“Hey, it’s Y/N and Nicki!” Jakob Chychrun shouted. You looked over at Nicole, thinking she was going to kick his ass, but she blushed and smiled at him.
“Hi, Jake,” you said to the tall blonde boy in front of you. “Where’s Clay?”
“Actually, I have no…”
Someone’s hands started tickling your sides, and you cut Jakob off with a scream. You turned around to find Clayton standing behind you. “You scared me!” you said.
“Sorry, babe, I saw an opportunity and had to take it.”
“You’re not sorry,” you said, raising an eyebrow.
“You’re right: I’m not,” he replied, leaning in to kiss you on the lips.
“Hey Nicki, do you want something to drink?” Jakob asked your best friend. While you were still in Clayton’s arms, you pulled away from the kiss and leaned your head on his shoulder in order to eavesdrop on their conversation. Jakob had a crush on Nicole for a while now, and she felt the same way about him. You were hoping he was going to finally make a move.
“I can’t drink tonight. I’m the DD,” she said.
“Okay, wanna dance instead, then?”
“Sure.” Nicole was absolutely beaming when she took Jakob’s hand, and you winked at her before she turned away.
“Yay!” you cheered when they were far enough away to not hear you.
Clayton laughed. “God, stop doing that.”
“Doing what?”
“Nothing. I just love how much you support Nicole,” he said while wrapping his arms around your lower waist, his hands resting on your hips.
You blushed at the contact. “Are you trying to seduce me?” you asked.
“Why, is it working?” he smirked.
“You know it is!” you said, laughing before schooling your face to take on a serious expression. “But I wanted to ask you something.”
“What is it, babe?” Clayton asked, a look of concern flashing across his face.
“It’s nothing bad, it’s just…Nicole said on the way over that you were going to ask me to move in with you.”
Clayton sighed. “Ugh, she wasn’t supposed to tell you! I should never have told her.”
“Actually, I’m glad you did,” you said. “The only thing that was holding me back from moving in with you last year was Nicole—I didn’t want to abandon her. But now that I know her parents are going to take care of the rent, I can rest easy.”
“Are you saying that you’ll move in with me?” Clayton asked, a grin slowly overtaking his face.
“Yes,” you replied, and Clayton picked you up and spun you around a few times before putting you down.
“Let’s go back to my…I mean, our place,” Clayton said, still grinning.
“Definitely, let me just tell Nicole we’re…” Your eyes landed on Nicole and Jakob making out on the dance floor. “On second thought,” you giggled, “I’ll text her. I don’t want to ruin the moment.”
Clayton looked over and chuckled. “Good idea. Thank God he made a move, I was getting real tired of ‘Nicole this, Nicole that,’” he said, mimicking Jakob.
You laughed. “All right, let’s get out of here. Do you need me to call an Uber?”
“Nah, I already called for one about five minutes ago; they should be here any minute,” Clayton said.
You smacked him lightly on the arm. “A little presumptuous, are we?” you joked.
“My team just won a game, my girlfriend looks absolutely gorgeous, and she agreed to move in with me. I think we both know where this night is headed,” he said.
“Oh my God, Clay! Your mom would wash your mouth out with soap if she heard you say that,” you giggled.
“Yeah, yeah, I know,” Clayton said with a blasé tone, and you grabbed his hand and made your way out of the club.
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