#idk i just. i can handle mean parents but i can’t deal with a mean coworker i just can’t
pinkfey · 2 years
i don’t think i’m built to work with teachers in the school district 😔
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aroaceconfessions · 2 years
tws ahead of time: venting, discussion of medical examinations of sex organs (pap smear), masturbation mention
so i am. very asexual. sex ambivalent but i’m really just not interested overall. i’m also afab. which means when i’m 21 i’m gonna have to get a pap smear. which is gonna SUCK
being trans makes this twice as bad. i’m low dysphoria but the idea of ANYTHING entering my body like that makes me want to cry. like i get panic attacks at the thought of having to put in a tampon (i’m a pads person) it’s like. bad. technically i’d be able to handle it (had a short period of time before realizing i was ace + trans where i thought i HAD to masturbate bc “everyone did it” (my parents gave good sex ed but normalized masturbation a bit too much lmao)) but i’d hate every minute of it
so the idea of a pap smear horrifies me. first off- i have to let a doctor see me half-naked. this part doesn’t bug me too much because . it’s a doctor and it’s completely non-sexual but i still don’t like the idea of anyone seeing . that
then i’d have to just fucking sit there while they put a fucking giant cold metal tool in my body so they can reach my fucking CERVIX???? and THEN they’d have to brush cells OFF of said cervix??? no. no no NO that gives me such bad anxiety it’s fucking insane.
i’m also terrified it’ll hurt because. i’m not gonna be sexually active and i don’t even fucking use tampons. and i KNOW that if i go to a good gyn then they will find ways to help me be less scared or feel it less but i still hate the idea of sharing that vulnerability. i’m a crier and i do not want to cry in front of a doctor because i’m scared of such a normal procedure. it’s less a fear of judgement and more just a pride thing i think. i know they deal with it frequently i’m just kinda horrified. the idea of coming out as ace to someone who has control over my health is also actually terrifying esp bc i live in texas
if i could i’d just get my whole uterus removed and solve the problem but apparently it “produces important hormones” that i don’t want to throw off balance so. guess i’m stuck
idk i need to talk to my mom about it (she gives good advice) or maybe my aunt (similar feelings towards sex as me) but god it just sounds so scary. i’m incredibly scared for it.
that being said if you have a cervix and are 21+ (25 if ur british) then you do need to get a pap smear once every three years. it may be horrifying but cervical cancer is way scarier. i’m sorry it sucks for us but it’s like life-or-death important. can’t really afford to skip out on it unfortunately :(
if anyone else has similar worries and/or has had a pap smear i’d love to hear about it in the notes. no pressure of course privacy n all but it’d make me feel less alone so if you’re comfy sharing. hope everyone’s having a good [time of day]
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philsmeatylegss · 1 year
Honestly I can’t keep quiet at this point. This generation and tiktok mostly made autism a fucking quirky trend and it makes me want to slam my head in a wall. I genuinely believe 70% of people online who claim to be autistic are not or either are confusing it with another disorder (on tiktok it’s 95% I’m not remotely exaggerating). iT’s A sPeCtRuM NO SHIT DUMBASS. I fucking grew up with an autistic sibling and I was constantly in other places with autistic kids who were higher and lower on the fucking spectrum. But none of them act remotely like the fuckers on #actuallyautistic on fucking TikTok. Controversial opinion I completely stand behind is that self diagnosis isn’t reliable expect for a few conditions. By that, I mean conditions that have clear cut symptoms. You’re always anxious about everything, you probably do have anxiety. But when it comes to Autism, that’s such a fucking complex disorder that even a lot of doctors don’t fully understand. 100% agree that many women, POC, and those who grew up poor couldn’t get a diagnosis and got it later in life. As I said, I was constantly around autistic kids and most were white men. It’s an absolute mockery and disgrace to those online and in real life who actually suffer with Autism. Including people on the high end of the spectrum! Most of these people say they’re autistic and then list the symptoms of anxiety. It’s not a fucking quirky trait or an excuse. It’s not fucking trendy.
And I can’t say anything like this on platforms like tiktok or id be ripped to shreds. People who have little to no real life experiences or knowledge about Autism attacking someone who was always so close to autism that it fucked me up (I know it’s not my sibling’s fault before you yell at me). I’m fucking tired of it. I’m so fucking tired
Very recently the term “glass child” came out which describes siblings of a child with a physical and or mental disability and or a chronic/life threatening illness. The term comes from the fact that a constant feature of being a glass child is being seen through, forgotten, our voices ignored. And when we, people who have had close years of interactions with these disorders try to explain to you why you might be wrong and you just fucking shut them down, you’re just as bad as the people who ignored me when I was growing up.
It happens on here to. Definitely not as often and definitely not as obvious. But I fucking hate that it’s become a fucking trend on here. Yes, I know it’s a way for those with autism to cope, but a lot of people reblogging it are neurotypical. I’m glad it’s a way to cope, but autism isn’t a fucking funny punchline. It is half of the reason I’m fucked up (once again, I don’t blame my sibling).
Remember in 2020 on mostly tiktok and other face showing platforms being LGBTQ+ was a trend and now people say “I’m glad I’m over that phase?” The same fucking thing is happening now with autism. And what’s worse is that it undermines the credibility of those who are actually suffering with autism. I can promise you in the next few years, there will be tons of posts like “remember when I thought I was autistic? Lol worst period of my life, so cringe.” And then it’ll fall back into obscurity once it stops being a trend and when people forget about pretending to be autistic and no one will give a fuck. It happened with fangirl culture. With being LGBTQ+. Only this is more important and not a fucking trend
Idk if I’ll get hate for this or delete it, but I can’t handle it anymore. This really mostly applies to tiktok, but this happens on every single platform. And it genuinely upsets me and I can’t even point out this problem. For fucking once in my life, LISTEN TO ME. I’ve been there. I was there the whole fucking time. I spent my entire childhood dealing with autism and severe mental illness from my parents. I went to so many doctors with him. I couldn’t chose where I wanted my birthday or celebrations about me because it wouldn’t be good for my sibling. Pictures, lines, family trip were filled with screaming. Leaving events early because my sibling couldn’t handle it. Sitting and waiting for him to stop having a tantrum in my room and having fucking no one ask if I was okay. Having none of my emotional needs met do to Autism and other present mental illnesses from my parents. I KNOW WHAT AUTISM IS LIKE. I SPENT EVERY FUCKING DAY SINCE I WAS BORN TILL I WAS 18 RIGHT NEXT TO AUTISM. I DIDN’T GET A BREAK. I WON’T BE ABLE TO LAUGH IN A FEW YEARS BECAUSE I CLAIMED TO BE AUTISTIC. I’M NOT SURE MY BROTHER WILL BE ABLE TO LIVE ON HIS OWN AND HE’L HAVE TO FUCKING LIVE WITH ME. THAT’S THE FUCKING REALITY. THAT’S WHAT AUTISM IS. IT’S NOT BEING AWKWARD AND SOMETIMES OVERWHELMED BY OBJECTS OR SOUNDS. I KNOW THIS FOR A FACT BECAUSE I WAS THERE. I HAVE 18 FUCKING YEARS OF UNDERSTANDING WHAT AUTISM IS. I’VE BEEN AROUND MANY OTHER AUTISTIC PEOPLE WHEN MY BROTHER NEEDED SERVICES FROM AUTISTIC ONLY PLACES. I COULDN’T FUCKING YAWN FOR YEARS WITHOUT BEING SCREAMED AT. FUCKING YAWNING. AND THEN I WAS ASKED TO STOP YAWNING! THAT IS AUTISM.
My mom works with teens and young adults who are close to the bottom of the spectrum. These children will never be able to have a life. A lot of them don’t talk. Or they only scream or say random words. Some do repetitive actions, often ones that cause injuries. Bigger male student have to be restrained by two or three men because they will not stop hitting themself of breaking property and are unable to stop. That’s what it’s like. At most, Walmart has a program for special needs adults to be baggers. Once they graduate, they live with their parents and then their siblings. Or they go to care home that specializes in autism. We’re fortunate that if it were to come to that case, we would be able to afford a nice one. But most parents or siblings of autistic children don’t have the money to send them to caring facilities. That’s the reality. That’s what you’re claiming to have the same diagnosis as (I KNOW ITS A SPECTRUM). I pity the real autistic people and glass children on platforms on tiktok or really any platform that are having the severity of their illness become a fucking trend.
I’ll probably delete this. But I’m just so fucking upset about it and I’m not fucking allowed to point it out. I wasn’t listened to my entire childhood because of a condition you’re claiming to have. Just for fucking once listen to me
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tsubasa-1999 · 1 year
Hey, I want to say in advance that this is my opinion and I don’t want to disrespect anybody’s else. Please don’t take anything I say personal.
In the most recent chapter (390) a lot of people have commented that they think that Touya should die or else his character will be ruined. Those comments sadden me because Touya is not a character out of this world with cartoonish motives and back story; he represents the pain of many people in real life that has to deal, in an emotional level with what he went through. To say that Touya has to die is giving the middle finger to every single person that identifies with him, and if you identify with Touya and want him to die I think that you should ask for help(I’m not judging nor am I mocking anyone by saying this, I truly mean it) Touya is a character that, after the Dabi dance, whenever we see him he is having psychotic breakdowns, self harming, crying, and acknowledging that he wants to die. Touya doesn’t have a healthy relationship with his body, he never tries to defend himself when people comment on his appearance and the “weakness” of having his body not be suited for his quirk. He haven‘t have somebody to bent to or rely on in more than a decade; not to mention that crying is something that can ease our pain and release the stress and he can’t even do that now. I really dislike the people of the fandom that fetishize his pain and think that being happy and having a happy ending will ruin his character because there is so much that he needs and real life people like him need.
Touya need to feel wanted and loved, he need to find his own life purpose outside of endeavor, he needs to heal his relationship with his self perception and the way he treat his body; and most important he needs to learn to let go of the people that don’t values him. I truly don’t see him having a close relationship with Endeavor and I think that is for the best. There are so many people that don’t cut off ties with toxic parents that don’t value them and are stuck in relationships with people that don’t give them the respect they deserve. For Touya’s ending I would like him to travel alone, go to college, Idk, just do something for himself and from his own initiative and for the first time see himself as an individual (obviously after going to therapy) I had liked the way he’s been handle right now in the chapters 350-352 he told Shouto all the nasty feelings that he has inside, he insulted him and in a way we saw how he doesn’t even understand the extent of his trauma. He told Shouto, in a way, that if he would’ve born with his powers he would’ve acted like their dad’s perfect child, as if being good enough was going to fix all his problems. He doesn’t understand that, by being his dad perfect masterpiece, he would’ve given up his own individuality, that the love that Endeavor would’ve given him, would have been conditional. He is so blinded by his own pain that he is at the same time (in ch 390) telling his family that he hate them meanwhile fantasizing about being with them and being happy.
Regarding the argument, “he killed 30 people”, even tho I’m not an expert, the way I see it, Touya is a character that disassociates a lot and, because he gets easily overwhelmed, I can see him trying to avoid thinking about the people that he has hurt because, thinking about it almost drove him insane. He is suicidal and giving himself more reasons to kill himself seems fitting to his character. I think of this as the last resource for him to get Endeavor to look at him and for people to associated this deaths with his father, I don’t think he’s necessarily somebody that enjoys killing other. If he was, he would’ve done it before joining the league and, in canon, he didn’t committed any crimes worth mentioning.
To be honest I hope that in the next chapter regarding the todoroki family, he gets to vent about his feeling and we get to see his true self and his inner thought.
Thank you so much for reading.
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filmcel · 6 months
i feel like such an asshole bc i never know how to deal w death in the family. and i always handle it terribly. i hungout w my friends today instead of going to mexico(?? idk if it was all the way there but i’m assuming so) to possibly say bye to one of my aunts. and the issue for me is that IDK i just barely know these ppl. i know they’re family i know they mean something to my parents but it just feels strange to me. idk if i’m insane or something but like i actually feel guilty about feeling that way. but i can’t change rlly feeling “nothing” about it. and its just worse bc my whole family thinks i’m a freak for that. and like maybe i am but it’s not like i can control it.
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Yesterday Afternoon-Evening, I watched the James Cameron Avatar 2 movie.
Spoiler free thoughts first:
It was fine.
I was expecting something trite but it was mostly fine.
It was WAY too long. Like, James, buddy, I know you’re one for “epic movies” but over THREE HOURS is just too much. There were times when I was checking my silenced phone to see what time it was so I could keep track of where we were in this movie.
Pacing was very stop-start.
I personally think this should have been a mini-series. Three episodes around an hour, or so, each and you’d have achieved much of the same effect. Or broke this into two films to be released back-to-back. Or, edited some of this monstrosity DOWN.
As we say in writing, kill your darlings, James.
The children characters were fine. I’ll touch more on them in the spoiler bit.
The fictionalized science was plausible but I do have a hole or two to poke into the plot/motivation of the bad guys I’ll save for the spoiler filled part.
It, of course, looked GORGEOUS. The music was also well done.
It was a well put together movie. I can see why it cost so damn much.
Rumor has it, it has to make 2 BILLION to break even.
idk that it will in this economy BUT it does have the fact that it’s mostly being shown in 3D to help bolster that number for the ticket sales and a lack of any sort of real competition.
I mean it’s Disney so I really DON’T care if it does.
So, Tl:Dr for this section—If you have the patience, this is a fine movie to see, and drop-dead gorgeous. Just don’t expect a masterpiece. This movie is a solid B+ (it earned a lot of extra credit from its visuals).
Spoilers ahead!
This movie really ran the gamut of rehashing movie one to Moby Dick IN SPACE.
Don’t get me wrong—when Pikon (Picon?) the lone space-killer-blue-whale showed up and kicked ass, it was pretty epic, but it was the most epic part of the movie and it took nearly three hours to get to that.
Of Jake and Ney’tiri’s four kids, only two really had any sort of personality: the second son Loaq and the adopted daughter Ki’ri (sp? Na’vi names are friggin’ weird). The youngest kid was just a kid. She really only acted as designated hostage most of the movie and she even complained about it when she got tied up, again.
The oldest brother was dutiful son and I was like 50% sure he was going to end up dying from the beginning.
Loaq reminded me the most of Jake—which was likely done on purpose with his writing.
Ki’ri—Grace’s biological child—was the most interesting character.
There is a way this is actually plausible. It’s a process called “parthenogenesis.” Parthenogenesis tends to happen in reptiles. Essentially, she is a clone of Grace’s avatar body.
It’s pretty damn obvious her other parent is Eyowa since she seems to be constantly surrounded by all sorts of critters and such and her whole glowing fish thing at the end of the movie.
The epilepsy thing sounds like it is going to either be a limit to what her body can handle or a side effect of being a clone offspring of Grace’s Avatar.
Loaq and his space-killer-blue-what friend were also an interesting part of the movie.
Of course where the film veers into Space Moby Dick is where I have a nitpick of the badguys.
In movie one, they wanted some rock with a stupid AF name “unobtainium.” In that case, it made sense they had to be there to get it because you can’t make more of a rock.
However, with them being after spermaceti-er I mean amoretia I have a bone or rather a brain to pick with them.
Instead of wasting money on a Aussi space Ahab, why don’t they use their seemingly miraculous cloning tech to just CLONE THE SPACE-KILLER-BLUE-WHALES. Or, better yet, JUST MAKE A BRAIN FROM TISSUE SAMPLES!
If we, in the current non-sci-fi tech level Earth are close to tissue cloning, then that lot capable of inter-stellar travel should be able to EASILY pull it off.
And if they can deal with Na’vi DNA to make human-alien hybrids, then they should be able to handle Space-Killer-Blue-Whales DNA.
Safer. Likely cheaper. Especially if it yields that anti-aging hormone.
Also, I didn’t think that in the year 2022 of our lord I’d be watching a movie with a SAVE THE WHALES message.
Second Bad-Guy nitpick—Why are they fucking around on a moon whose atmosphere is unbreathable to humankind and filled with forms of life HOSTILE to human when Mars is RIGHT next door, and doesn’t have angry native life forms (or any life at all).
Their tech means they’d have an easier time than we —at current tech levels— of Terraforming Mars and while humanity lives on Mars, they can also un-screw-up the Earth and also make cloud cities on equally unpopulated Venus and the unpopulated moons of Jupiter.
Likely, less time in transit, less time spent FIGHTING, and a better investment in the long run. These bad guys are just dumb and spiteful.
As for specific plot gripes: A good HOUR of this movie could have been removed since the kids who ended up kidnapped in the beginning (prompting Jake to move the family and lead to the movie 1 rehash section) end up kidnapped AGAIN at the climax with the addition of Water guy’s daughter.
As pretty as everything looked, a large part of this movie felt like padding.
Everything pre time-skip. Cut. Hell, everything pre-joining the Reef people. Cut it and use flash-backs to explain. Maybe in a nightmare sequence.
Do more montages for the adaptation to the Reef People way of life part and maybe show hints of Ney’tiri not adapting as well.
I’d hate to see the extended cut.
Something that bothered me was, while Jake was lecturing his sons when he was scared to lose them he NEVER mentions his identical twin brother at all.
You know, the one whose semi-cloned body he’s walking around in, the one whose death led to him being on Pandora in the first place because they were Identical Twins? That twin? Not a mention.
Did James Cameron forget?
Maybe it bothered me because I’m a twin. It’s not something you forget.
We’re not even identical twins. We’re not even close.
My father had a twin sister.
I’m just saying. It was a plot point in Movie 1 and since Movie 2 was about family—largely—this seems like something Jake should have told his sons about.
Idk a “I’m rough on you because I had a brother and I lost him.” would have been nice.
Spider saving the hybrid clone of his bio-dad is a thing that may or may not bite everyone in the ass, but it shows that Spider is a good person. I do wish his character design didn’t have dreads, though.
As for Clone Quaritch and his blue-squad, I’ve actually read fanfictions that semi-predicted that so that was interesting to see.
If I was team bad-guy and I had access to DNA samples and shit from the old base, I’d clone JAKE and force him to fight himself. They had brain scans of Jake to synchronize him with the Avatar. They could sci-fi BS stuff and basically make a copy Jake.
I’m also going to call it now: Ki’ri is going to be some sort of chosen one. After all, she’s kind of Eyowa’s daughter.
Of course, this movie needs to NOT crater like a friggin’ pancake if the sequels are to happen at all.
So. Leaner plot. Less fluff. More action.
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criticisms of episode 17
Okay, I’ve calmed down, I’ve watched all of episode 17 (haven’t started episode 18 yet) and while I loved parts of it that I thought were really done (particularly dealing with xenophobia and racism, I’ll write a seperate post on that), but I’m sorry, I still have problems with a lot of things in this episode.
This is a long ass post, so I’m gonna put it under spoilers. I will watch episode 18 now and then maybe put two and two together, idk, we’ll see what happens
“I know mom and dad don’t want to risk anybody seeing us, but it’s the middle of the night. So we’ll be in and out before they even wake up.”
Middle of the night is pretty vague language, so let’s be generous and say that Dot and Alex passed out relatively early for whatever reason (TBF to them, they do have 7 kids now), and it’s currently between 7 - 9pm. 
Now, I’m going to assume secondly that Robby and Mo have lived in Philly their whole lives, meaning they’ve lived in a big city their whole lives until fairly recently. As someone who has also lived in or near (like 15 minutes drive) a big city my whole life, you’re taught pretty early about safety and whatnot, especially at night and/or unattended, even if it’s not necessarily by your parents (we had our own version “street smarts” taught to us in school from when I was in preschool until I was in Year 10-11). What this means is that you generally do not see children around Robby and Mo’s age out at night by themselves unless there’s a reason they can’t go home or for other reasons (they’re getting in trouble/bad elements involved/etc.). 
We’re going to give Robby and Mo the benefit of the doubt here and say that living in a small town, where this is not necessarily the same, with cybertronian siblings has made them a bit bold (although I’m going to bring up why this is a problem later as well). They also probably didn’t assume how the Terrans could be ‘exposed’ in such a large city where no one knows about them (although this raised the question for me about how much something like GHOST operates on a national or international scale). 
This would also nicely explain why no adults seem phased by Robby and Mo (and their Terran siblings) being out 'unattended’. The audience knows that the Terrans are analogous to children, but the adults in the show won’t, so to them, Robby and Mo are being attended (although this brought up a lot of interesting world building questions for me about other possible cybertronian/human friendships/relationships and how much autobots still even interact with humans beyond press conferences and whatnot, let alone young children, e.g. do cybertronians now have ‘regular’ jobs with other humans?)
But then we meet Robby’s friend Stevie. A kid who is alone in a skatepark at night. 
It’d be one thing if he was here as a group with others kids his same age or with an adult supervising (that just wasn’t paying attention). But ... he’s literally the only person at this skate park. At night. 
Makes me wonder if the is supposed to be more hints this kid comes from a rough house life or is getting mixed in bad crowds and it just wasn’t very well illustrated at all or if the studio just didn’t have enough budget/foresight to have extra characters in the park. 
You could argue “maybe Philly is just a safe city where even children can go out at night unsupervised”... except we literally see another human nearly getting mugged, even threatened, just a few minutes earlier. 
and Mo, Jawbreaker and Thrash, god, I am baffled by how stupidly Mo handled all of this. The Terrans being naive enough to follow stranger, I could understand that (and even then, Jawbreaker, the youngest of the three actually WAS the cautious one). What the hell was Mo’s excuse? I would’ve thought at her age she would’ve had “don’t talk to or follow strangers” ingrained into her brain. But no, strange lady offers to let her see a wrestling match? Sure, I’ll climb into the dark underground system to see that! 
This isn’t even a “kids are stupid and don’t listen to adults” or Mo being cocky because she has her cybertronian siblings with her because Mo has experience with blindly trusting a stranger who is trying to ‘bribe her’ in a previous episode. In that episode with Swindle, she clearly knows things aren’t right, and she even tells Thrash she thinks it’s a bad idea to trust swindle. That ends up being correct because both she and Thrash get threatened in that episode. And even then Mo still showed maturity and intelligence in that episode because she DID end up calling her mom for help. 
When Jawbreaker got “kidnapped”/forced to fight in this episode, why didn’t Mo contact someone? She may have incorrectly assumed this was still ‘above board’ but when Frenzy then says “and the loser is scrapped for parts”, Mo should’ve absolutely known at that point that they were in danger and needed help, especially because Jawbreaker clearly did not want to fight. Even just showing Mo desperately trying to call her mom would’ve been really great scene added in. 
Mo has previously shown to value safety and the rules her parents taught her, and understand their value and meaning, but in this episode, showed none of that previous experience or teachings. Nor does she seem to truely grasp what kind of danger her, Thrash or Jawbreaker really were in (I hope this gets resolved in the next episode).
Also, I’m kind of angry at Bumblebee taking the Robby and Mo along for a “real autobot mission” instead of at least checking with them where their parents are and if they even knew where they were, but, whatever...
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alyjojo · 7 months
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Thinking of You - March 🥺 2024 - Leo
Whole of their energy towards Leo: 4 Wands rev
Feelings: Knight of Cups
Intentions: 8 Wands rev
Actions: Temperance rev
Something with you is “a trap” to this person and they don’t want to commit to it. For someone it’s your mom, for others it’s a partner. Could be a partner that has to deal with your/a baby mama/daddy (or rather, they refuse). There may have already been a marriage and this person has made up their mind they’re never doing that again. They could also just be non committal and not ready, it’s that simple. If a parent, they think you’re unreliable and can’t commit to things, or they’re being supportive to you through a situation that causes you to be out of sorts in this way. Could be your co-parent if you have one.
They don’t want to be without you, they keep their judgments or perceptions to themselves but they see you as unreliable and selfish, out for yourself only, and it causes the relationship between you to not be stable. Knight of Cups shows they love you, or they know you love them, and they want to be fair to you & nice. That doesn’t mean giving you what you want if it’s not what they want though. Intentions are making no move towards growth, not expanding, not moving in, not getting engaged, no more kids, not even really talking about it or if you have then it’s “I said what I said”. They’re not budging. Actions are this person getting impatient with deliberation and playing around with their heart maybe - if it’s them. Or getting impatient with you doing the same. Someone is irritated how long it’s taken for someone to act and they’re still not acting, idk if there’s pressure or what but I don’t see any minds changing. This is a person that probably doesn’t give direct answers to any question, they don’t like to commit to things generally, especially love. Or they address it one time and there’s no convincing them otherwise.
Their side:
- You belong with me.
- There’s no one else for me.
Your side:
- Cannot Handle Reality 😵‍💫
- You are too much for me 💯
Possible signs:
Heavy Libra, Aries & Sagittarius
If you’re dealing with:
The Chariot can talk about travel, wherever that may apply, but overall this is about your ambitions and pure willpower to overcome any obstacles in front of you. Maybe others’ as well, you could work or team up with some of these people, they could be helping you achieve your goals, or influencing them.
Aries - disappointed you’re holding grudges with them, or they are, someone was hurt and not letting it go, could be regarding money / a position on something, or holding onto it, could be this person
Taurus - blocked communication, feels there’s no other option & it’s the right thing to do
Gemini - obsessed with you, wants you, willing to wait *forever* for the opportunity to be with you, intends to do everything they can for it 😍
Cancer - loves you, finds you extremely attractive, loves the way you do things, but maybe not necessarily *just* you - or switch it, someone gets off on getting attention
Leo - loves working with you, I heard “the dream team”, no matter the relationship
Virgo - thinks you’re hot 🥵 but keeps it a secret, planning how they want to handle that
Libra - ended this for a reason, they feel like they’ve been honest with you about it
Scorpio - doesn’t care, moving on - or switch
Sagittarius - hoping a wish comes true, or you do, they/you have put a lot of time into something
Capricorn - done doing things for the wrong reasons, maybe acting controlling or materialistic, someone bit their head off or will if they don’t quit (you?) - or switch it
Aquarius - there’s no romantic feelings growing between you, but they’re honest and a good person to talk to
Pisces - busy trying to clean up some disaster that came out of nowhere, could be financial or work related & they’re open about it
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taegularities · 2 years
Omg the first scene w the door😭😭😭 how jk felt her presence just proves how strong their connection is, it was so sad seeing how bad oc needed closure even though she knew she couldn’t handle it
“If you’d stayed just a little longer, you would’ve realised that his heart beats in unison with yours. That he felt a glimpse of your presence straight from the hallway, too, opening without you even brushing the cold of the door.”
I’m crying😭😭😭
I feel like the jk kitchen scene where he reminisces how oc made his place feel like home and now it’s just a big empty reminder of what went between them like this line broke me💔 🤦🏾💔:
“His thoughts operate in a spinning circle, and its inevitable beginning and ending is always you.”
It’s so sad seeing oc’s mental health deteriorate so fast and this horrible hole she’s put herself in where’s she’s constantly thinking abt him and the messages. I feel like jk was always a man of actions rather than words, so even though he didn’t say much he always showed her how he felt, but bc they couldn’t see each other really bc of the pap, the text messages are all she really had to hold onto and him never replying to her knowing they couldn’t see each other for a while💔💔
Jk’s birthday😣😣 can’t believe they’re gonna have to spend it apart
I wonder if their friends know more abt jk than oc in the sense of how he deals w situations bc first oc mentioned that jimin told her to find distractions instead of dwelling on the situation and Eun says she doesn’t want to give unnecessary hope, but she knows jk loves her. Do they know (or just assume) that jk may just never try to open up fully to oc, so it’s better for her to grieve, move on, rather than just hope jk might come around and explain himself? Idk if I’m expressing myself right, but it just made me wonder
“But no suffering is endless.”
Eun is such a great friend I love her 🫂
Oc really portrays how it is to live in a toxic household for most people, minus the fashion designing business mogul🙄, but you can see how much she hates being in her house and how small her parents make her feel, but at the same time she doesn’t want to completely shut them out and cut contact bc she’s aware they’ve done much for her and doesn’t want to show that’s she’s not grateful for what they have
I have a strong feeling jks painting is going to convey his feelings abt oc or portray their relationship, but I wonder what it could be🤭 they have so many sentiments, I wonder what’d he paint to encapsulate their relationship
Zara is like the older sister Oc needs in her life omg I love her❤️❤️❤️ it’s really that tough love that can get ppl to open their eyes and really see. I wonder why oc has never seriously considered moving out of her parents house, I know she’s thought abt it, but she really had the means, and maybe the issue is a lot of her money is her parents money, but like Zara said, she can find a job somewhere small and nice and she’ll make her own income and not have to worry abt depending on them anymore.
“To which he shook his head, clicking his tongue before he said, “Nothing. I just like how easy it is to bring you joy.”
It has literally become my favorite jk quote ever omg my heart
“Inch by inch, he pushed into you, telling you, “Take whatever you want, angel. It’s yours
Also the whole situation of how yoongi broke his leg has me screaming 😭 he’s literally always in his phone honestly
But this🥲
“You don’t know when it happens, but at some point, immersing yourself in their talks becomes easier. You keep drawing dozens of little things on his cast, and he never complains”
Reminds me of when she doodled on jks arm🥲
It being so awkward between them really broke me bc I forget there could ever be a moment where they’re not head over heels in love💔
Hoseok was so charming in his scenes idk🤭 I’m kind of falling for him:
“His eyes are nearly squinted shut, tiny dimples near each corner of his rosy lips. He has a reputation of casting light through gloomy clouds, and right now, you can’t help but agree.”
Likeeeeee he really is the sunshine of this cloudy day…week…2 weeks
“Hoseok angles his head… and then says, “Just. I’ve been thinking of you a lot these days.””
STOPPPPPPPP WHY AM I GETTING BUTTERFLIES?!!?!! IM REALLY TEAM JK&OC I SWEAR😭 maybe he didn’t even mean it like that
“Eun, a never-faltering jokester, adds her two cents, cocking an eyebrow as she intrudes, “Or you were hiding something bigger.
Of course she knows.
You just didn’t think she’d mention it. A serious conversation will explode between you when you’re alone with her again. For now, your clenched jaw and fiery glare must suffice.”
👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 WHAT DID I MISS
“You keep your smile on, but you feel it weaken. Hoseok is really trying. Wants to fix you, wants to be there… as he used to wish.”
🥲🥲🥲🥲 they really do share a past, I am eager to learn more
“I want you to be happy. You can’t be that with me.”
Jk is so sweet, but so dumb omg💔
“You sob into the kiss, and he breaks apart from you just briefly.
My heart is shattered and I don’t think it can be repaired. #rip⭐️
“He tells you, “Because I don’t belong to your world. My plans for the future, my life, none of it will ever be good enough for you or for your surroundings.”
Her parents words really stuck w him. I feel like it obviously affected him more than he wanted to let on that he genuinely thinks he’s not good enough for her, i remember when he used to tell everyone she’s way cooler than how the articles present her and she’s not like her family in anyway💔
I love jk but he really should’ve left her alone when she ran out😭😭 I mean I expected him to follow her, but the kiss. I feel like it did more damage than anything and will only cause an even bigger rift between them, then was there before
I wrote half of these at 3am while delirious so if they don’t make sense my apologies, but this was such a good read
I’m so sorry for the long review, but I really love this series and felt the need to document my feelings along the way
I really loved reading and can’t wait for what’s yet to come 🤭
STAR, MY BELOVED !!!! oh my god, this huge ass review? i don't know what i did to deserve you, but... *rips out heart* please take this, okay?
you're actually one of very few who mentioned the first scene! the way they felt each other's presence? do we really need further proof that they're actual soulmates? :( same goes for the kitchen scene. don't think anyone mentioned the feeling of emptiness in it, so i'm grateful that you talked about those details 🥺
and yeah.. tbh, i wrote oc' feelings thinking about my last relationship? and how it felt fighting my way through the break up. it's almost ridiculous how fast your mental health gives up on you and how every moment spent awake just... ugh, idk, is torture, kind of? which is what our baby is going through now. you're so right, he's definitely a man of actions, and the fact that she can't see or touch him anymore makes her more miserable. bc the ultimate proximity is gone...
jk's birthday !! oh my god, i'm so scared to get to this part bc 💔 a lot of little things are gonna happen and come together to Big Sadness. and the bit about their friends knowing more than they're saying? a very very interesting theory. i'm not gonna say much, but yes, definitely keep in mind that both friend groups are deeply intertwined (taeun/yoonmin...) 🤐
i love eun, too, we don't talk about her a lot, so yesss! 🥺
ahhh star, you've absolutely understood why she's not moving out yet. yes, she hates being there, but it's hard for her to leave everything behind after kind of being trained to follow her parents' footsteps? so breaking out of it is hard, but i hope she still does. toxic households aren't very yay 🥲
jk's painting... what could it be indeed ehehehe
and zara, i love her fr, bc i absolutely think as well that oc needs some tough love and someone to speak to her without sugarcoating anything. oc has definitely considered moving out! but didn't cos of the reasons stated above... but maybe something's finally gonna happen now :')
hahaha the favourite jk quotes 😭 AND YEAH YOONGI IS HAHAHA he's always on his phone so this was a little homage to it 🤣
you remembered her doodling on his arm? star, you really do have my heart 🥺
your reactions to hobi though 🤣 also.. you didn't miss anything 👀 maybe things still need to be revealed 👀 who knows 👀
the #rip⭐️ had me SCREAMING LMFAOOO you're so funny </3
so true, so true. her parents words stuck with him, which is a big reason for *gestures* all this. a big big reason for his stubbornness. and he still knows that she's not like her family, like.. he genuinely puts her on a pedestal and thinks super highly of her (you'll see in 7.5), but he just.. ugh he needs to open up more, that's it.
it's no issue at all that you wrote this at 3am, all your thoughts were probably still more coherent than mine in this very response, so don't worry at all 🥺 i'm just so fkn thankful that you reached out at all... i honestly do not take such a long and thoughtful review for granted, so :( i can't tell you how hard this made me smile.
thank you so much, star. i appreciate tf out of you, you don't even know 🤍
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rorynn · 2 years
Bro i really wanna end my life righ now i can’t do with my braincell anymore. I can’t exporiment for Chemisrty, i can’t fix my math grades, i can’t lekarn Slovenian laguange properly. i wanna escape from a situation cuz is impossible for me to deal with. My mom and sister are not stoping guilttriping or bodyshaming me. The way i can’t memorize stuff in need to do. I can’t SIT still, or bihave or call my nerves. I don’t know what i’m doing. My mom forces to do what she wants. She won’t stop telling me that my sugar will not stand fizzy drink or how eating to much will make me look worse. Every weekend the same story. Every weekend. How i was young and smart and now I’m tourning into disaster. Same with my dad. He bivše me mixed relationship. Toxic father-daughter relationship. Sometimes he protactes me. Sometimes he admits what is my mom is saying to me when I disappointed him. IDK what my own mother is doing. I often feel tricked or pressured into doing things. Like the time my dad went with my sister and my fem cousin to see my grandma, she was sick and one of my family members came to see her. I was left with my mom, my brother and my newborn brother. I was talking to my dad one day and i was a bit jealous cuz he was spending time with his nieces and my mom figured it out. The next day i talked with my grandma and my mom helped me with what to ask her until she tricked me to insulting i don’t remember what i was saying but i know it was offensive. The next day my dad called me and yelled for my grandma cry and they i blamed my mom for this and stormed off. My mom and gram gram are not in good talking tho. 2 weeks ago my dad was sick and his legs hurted. Then the drama came. My mom and grandma argued like always blaming one another. Every day when i’m not at home, every evening and every weekend. Last week i told my school therapist what happend at the Sunday evening. My dad told me to bring him a sleeveless shirt. I thoat he was heading down stars to help his bakery. I broaght him a white shirt. Then he insulted me saying: i have no shame to help a sick human, i can’t do things right, that they should beat me and i didn’t derserve to be born to etc. I really wanna avoid my parents. They are just too much handle. I get insecure a lot. I’m still trying to figure what does ADHD mean or do i perhaps have it. Is it bad? When i wanna vent to my sister she agrees what my mom said. Got can i reast at least?
I swar if someone gives me advice i will throw a chair at them.
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Actually, about Klipse's dissapointment, I dont know how it even can exist, I mean, yes, Dom can scare shit out of enemies, but he never succeed so Six. Ok, Six is small, cute, and not annoying, here I can see reason. But Dom... Even Hargrave is one nerve away from grabbing him away and punish him. Dom was distacting Klipse a lot of times, asked for more money and monsunos even if he uses only Dragonburn if he uses monsuno at all, cause he himself mostly, but he still couldnt really do anything, like kill Core Tech's monsuno or anything, he just began to be Jinja's main rival, and loonatic dude. I mean, I really dont see any reason to have Dom in team and tolerate him so much and so easy if Dom isnt Klipse's son. Hargrave's here cause he isnt battler, but butler (haha, joke...), and he does most of job in all hq, basicaly he's brain of whole Eklipse hq and team. Six has potential of Klipse's own lynchpin. And Dom... Meme is, he has strong sight, he can handle a lot of monsunos on his own, but Klipse doesnt see him as candidate for lynchpin, probably because he fails everytime, but again, why so Klipse keep him only if not Dom is his and probably Hargrave's son??
Idk why Klipse even keeps his kids at this point. He seriously looks like a tired parent. He and Hargrave share the brain cells of Eklipse and are just wondering when their children ask for the brain cell.
Like Dom is a heckin’ man child who’s always ready to annoy people, and also make adults call the police on him when he’s close to children. He’s failed a ton of times and even Hargrave has a hard time dealing with him. Maybe Hargrave and Klipse can’t afford another clone disaster, but like, they lost more than three clones at this point and are ready to make another, so maybe they just want to see if he can grow up? Like actually grow out of his bratty mind and be the clone they need to take out Core Tech? I mean Dom has grown up, but only because he lost Dragonburn…
Yeah, trauma isn’t the best way to grow character but it’s a tried and true writing idea so Klipse and Hargrave got their slightly mature son so it works out. In the saddest way possible since Dom really cared for Dragonburn.
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raeathnos · 3 years
#I passed out and slept for awhile but I’ve been awake for the past two hours just thinking#and it’s hard to put it all into words#my parents are doing what they think is best for me but they are from a different time when mental illness was treated much differently#and though they mean well some of their actions are actively harming me. like a lot#going back to part time will help ease the stress from my job but may worse the stress at home if I have to be around them more#we’re still down to one car as my husband hasn’t had time to fix his and has just been using mine so it’s difficult for me to not be home#which is what I think I need. I need to be at work less and I need to be at home less#complicated without a car but I think my options are going to be taking a walk through the neighborhood or a walk through the woods#woods is better for my mental health but I get a little nervous about going there by myself#there is a forest that has less traffic but I need a car to get there so the one behind my house is the option#I think I just need to be away from everything even if it’s only for an hour or so#I just need space in a way. work aggravates my anxiety cause I have to deal with customers#and being home aggravates it because my parents treat me like a child and can’t leave me alone#my husband is the only one keeping me sane but I feel bad venting to him all the time#he’s stressed out too#I just need some peace and quiet and time to myself is the gist I guess#and I think the best way to achieve that is to return to part time and then probably something along the lines of#coming home for an hour or so and then going on a walk for an hour or two#I need to break up my day into like portions or something so I can better handle everything#idk if any of this is making sense. rambling on here just helps let everything out
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Commander Buir
Follow-up to this post. Not in any particular order, just spitballing ideas, with contributions from several friends on discord.
Like presumably it takes long enough for them all to meet up again that Anakin and Cody do, in fact, end up treating each other like family, just so I can have that good good "well, guess I'm Dad now" energy. Shmi isn't entirely sure what's going on but she's not a slave anymore and her kid seems to like this rando mando, so.
Anakin gets to have a mom and two dads, though one of the dads is arguably younger than him.
Also when they all meet up again and Cody explains the "General Skywalker got shrunk" thing, there are three reactions: (General) Obi-Wan: Oh, Anakin. Obi-Wan: [gestures to take him, ends up with an armful of clingy padatoddler] Anakin: You can't blame this on me, Obi. Obi-Wan, a little teary, because babies cause emotions: Of course I can, you absurd human being. ------ Rex: That's... my general. Anakin: I am, Captain. Rex: Cool cool cool I'm gonna go stand where I can't, uh, break you. Anakin: I'm not THAT fragile! ------ Ahsoka: [gasp] Skyguy is SKYKID! Anakin: Padawan, this is-- Ahsoka, grabbing him and cuddling: Oh my goodness you're adorable this is the best day ever. Anakin: This is humiliating, Snips, put me down. Ahsoka: Never.
Anakin hates being a toddler because of the lack of independence but Cody keeps picking him up when he's cranky and just holding him until he falls asleep and that's... nice.......
- The brain limitations aren't quite as bad as the situation with Sokanth and Ylliben in the other AU, but - Even if his brain is mostly adjusted he’s still got a tiny body with different needs that he’s not used to. Like, he needs to sleep more but he’s got more energy than usual when he’s awake and it’s all weird.
Cody carrying around toddler Anakin like "God you give me ulcers but you're adorable, you little shit."
Inconveniently tiny body aside, Anakin has a pretty great time in this au. His family are all together and safe and within reach. His wife isn't around, but toddler brain means he doesn't have the Romance Drive, so that's not as bad as it could be It could be significantly worse.
@atagotiak asked: Does Anakin get annoyed about being called cute? - To which I say, He bites the first few times but Shmi tells him that's Naughty so he stops. - Babies are cute so you packbond with them before they’re annoying, Anakin is cute as a self defense mechanism - He’s extra annoying so he needs to be extra cute
You know how you need to keep an eye on toddlers so they don't, like, fall down the stairs or put something toxic in their mouth? - They need to keep an eye on Anakin specifically so he doesn't rewire the ship they're in while they're in hyperspace. - He has less self control on account of being smol. He still has all the mechanical knowledge! Just less comprehension of y’know, consequences.
Anakin, with a sippy cup: This is demeaning. Ahsoka: Your hands don't work great enough to avoid accidents yet. Anakin: It's still embarrassing.
General Kenobi can't just kill Maul, not when Maul is baby right now (sixteen, which is baby enough) so he just. Kinda. Kidnaps a baby Sith. (It's fine. He's fine.)
General Kenobi (not to be confused with Padawan Kenobi) decides to declare Maul his new padawan because someone has to deal with this teenager, and Plo already claimed the rest of Ahsoka's training. And Anakin's three, so.
"What do we do with Maul?" "Eh, I can handle him. I dealt with teenage Anakin getting arrested for illegal pod-racing twice a month, I can work with this."
Maul bites, but only slightly more often than Anakin, it's fine
Ahsoka definitely bullies Maul whenever possible
Consider: Rex holding very still because Anakin wanted to be tall, so he climbed Rex. Being unexpectedly climbed is better than being unexpectedly yeeted. It's still extremely nerve-wracking. - Cody is perfectly capable of running around with a backpacking toddler General, but Rex freezes like a statue. - Ahsoka finds this hilarious
You know how little kids like to be thrown around and swung in circles and stuff like that? This must get even more ridiculous with force users. Can throw a child real high and catch them safely. - Rex panics whenever Ahsoka throws her chibified Master
Literally everyone except Rex loves being yeeted. Even Maul can appreciate a good tactical yeet no shut up he's not having fun this is TRAINING - Rex is Suffering - Cody, a very Tired Dad, deserves to mock his vod'ika a little, as stress relief - Rex, a certified Little Brother, shoves Cody off something tall. Jokes on him, Cody thinks freefall is fun too.
Tia asked: So the people who didn’t exist yet got flung bodily back in time and Anakin did the mental time travel. Why did Obi-Wan not become Padawan Kenobi? (I mean “because I want it that way” is def a good enough answer I’m just wondering if there’s any reason.) - Which, well, it really was mostly "I want to" but here's two options, both of which come down to Blame Daughter and Father. 1. They figured a responsible adult Jedi Master was needed to convince people. 2. Nobody was supposed to get de-aged but Daughter figured they needed to make Anakin less liable to kill things for a few years. - Also IDK the Force God-Manifestations also took away any risk of rapid aging and early death from the clones because uhhhhhhhhhhh I said so
Rex and Ahsoka are fumbling their way through a relationship where ages are just really confusing and awkward, so they're keeping it to just kisses and cuddles for a bit.
Cody is so tired he doesn't even realize anyone's hitting on him until it's been three years of co-parenting with Shmi and his General. - Somehow Anakin knows Cody is in a relationship before Cody does. Cody has never been so embarrassed. - How did he manage to be less observant than Skywalker? -- it was sabotage; all his brain cells were taken up in managing said Skywalker -- Because Skywalker was up at three in the morning whacking a training droid with a stick so he didn't have the energy for Relationships
Also Shmi's come-ons are super subtle, while the General's are... well, Cody's gotten very used to ignoring anything ambiguous on that end because fraternization rules, and also because Obi-Wan flirts a lot with everyone. So.
Please imagine Cody and General Kenobi walking around with Anakin tucked into a toddler sling while they do whatever work they've ended up with at the Temple. - Yes, Cody is helping the Jedi figure out the best plan of attack to take down this slave ring because his grasp on tactics is phenomenal and he knows how to deploy people at greatest efficiency, but also he's got a nosy toddler on his hip who keeps offering his own insane-but-competent ideas. - General Kenobi ends up with a Council Seat just on account of, like, being the kind of person he is. As often as not, he's got Anakin tucked into his robes, chewing on the ear of a stuffed tooka or something.
IDK what Shmi's doing but apparently Legends had it that some of the administrative and support positions in the Temple were held by non-Jedi civilians? So probably something like that.
General Kenobi: Ahsoka's babysitting. Anakin: I'm her master, I don't need babysitting, this is-- General Kenobi: Fine, then you need supervision, so that you don't blow up a training salle again. Anakin: And you think Ahsoka would stop me? General Kenobi, eye twitching: Fine, I'm leaving you with Plo.
Even if he’s mentally an adult Anakin always needs supervision Look at canon! Anakin was left without supervision for like two days and he became a Sith
Quinlan gets distracted by how attractive General Kenobi is and tells Obi-Wan "dude, you're gonna be so hot once you can get rid of the stupid haircut" and Obi-Wan pushes him into the nearest pond.
They end up with this weird "Uncle Jango" situation (uncle to Anakin, via weird brotherhood-ish to Cody) because Rex and Cody are just like "Uhhhhhhhhh yeah okay" about him eventually, and Jango just like. Drops by. Trying to Earn Affection Of Blood Kin by bringing weird gifts for them and their (ugh) Jedi.
"Okay, Rex'ika, I stopped by Shili--" "What?" "--and apparently this is a delicacy there, so just... your girlfriend will like it." "She's not my girlfriend." "..." "Okay, I can't call her my girlfriend. Jedi have rules about that sort of thing, and--" "This will make your Jedi happy, probably. Just take it, kid."
Baby Anakin got his arm back but for some inexplicable reason still has The Eye Scar. He matches Buir.
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obiwanobi · 4 years
Catch me thinking about sith Anakin who got in a fight w/ Palps (did Palps cross a line? Did Anakin decide he had nothing to lose? Idk), barely managed to win and is now seriously hurting and a little freaked out winding up outside Obi-wan's quarters and Obi-wan doesn't have time to draw his saber let alone figure out how a sith lord managed to get so far into the jedi temple unnoticed and Force is that blood? before Anakin's passing out with only a murmered request for help.
LISTEN you can’t keep sending me perfect prompts, how do you know I can’t resist bloody men on their knees begging for salvation, how do you know me so well??? anyway here’s 2.3k of always-a-sith!Anakin who could have been the new ruler of the empire but said ‘no thanks, this is too much responsibility, I would like to be pampered by my favourite jedi now’ (with a bit of Ahsoka as Obi-Wan’s padawan!)
 He didn’t mean to kill him.
Well, not at first.
He didn’t mean to kill Sidious, but pulling his lightsaber from his lifeless corpse only felt like complete satisfaction. A weight on his shoulders he didn't know he carried disappeared, letting him stand up above the body of his master— former master, and gaze upon what was left of him. A shapeless form on the ground. A dark cape around an old man playing at being a god. A begging mess of futile promises when he realised it was the end for him.  
As mindless fury leaves him, his ragged breathing slows down and his fist unclenches around his saber. Sidious is dead. Now that the adrenaline rush is gone, his knees start shaking. His Master is dead. His face is wet with sweat and blood and tears. Dead and now Anakin has no one.
And then...  And then fear.
"You know," Ahsoka groans as the water starts boiling, "I don't understand how you got your reputation of Cool Jedi Master. Other padawans think I'm lying when I tell them you wear the ugliest slippers at home and gets excited by new tisanes."
"You gifted me those slippers."
"As a joke. And you still wear them."
"I'm not going to throw away perfectly good slippers." Obi-Wan wiggles his toes under the red and yellow fuzzy monstrosities, just to see his padawan rolls her eyes. "And they're really comfortable."
"So you're just going to stay there, then? Your whole battalion is out celebrating our first day of leave since forever, but you prefer to drink your tea alone and go to bed at 22:00?"
"No one wants an authority figure around when they're letting loose and celebrating, Ahsoka," Obi-Wan says, pouring hot water in his cup. He raises the kettle towards his padawan as a question, to which she shakes her head. "I thought you would be happy to see me putting sleep before work for once."
"I am, Master, but I thought it could be..." She trails off, fidgeting with the hilt of her sabers. For once, she looks like a typical padawan, just like he was at her age, dying to enjoy one night away from the temple and any kind of responsibilities.
"It's alright my dear," he sighs, "you can join them if you want."
Ahsoka suddenly perks up. "I can?"
"If you're old enough to be sent to the front, I think you can handle yourself for one night on Coruscant."
"Thank you Master! I promise I'll be careful and not come back too late!"
"You do that, and-- wait, Ahsoka," he adds as she's already halfway through the door, "make sure to stay around Cody! And no alcohol of any kind! And don't lose your lightsaber at sabacc again!"
"That was you!" she yells from the end of the corridor, "don't worry, I'll be fine! Don't wait for me to go to bed! Goodnight Master!"
Obi-Wan smiles, blowing on his cup. He already sent a message to Cody earlier to keep an eye on her, so he knows she's in good hands.
He has his herbal tea, his ugly slippers, no reports to read or write, and no immediate Separatist menace to plan for. For once, a perfectly good night to catch up on sleep and meditation.
So, of course, something has to be wrong.
The Force is bright. The Force is lighter than it has ever been for the past few years.
And Obi-Wan can't understand why.  
It's not just him that can feel it: Ahsoka has acted chipper since, more like the teenager she is, laughing with the clones and playfully teasing him the whole fly back to Coruscant. The temple has felt livelier than ever when they arrived, Jedi from all ages going about their day with a new spring in their step, greeting each other warmly in the corridors. Even Master Yoda has taken a few minutes during their Council meeting to note the shift in the Force. No Master could pinpoint the origin of this change, but all agreed that something good happened somewhere in the galaxy, and they were just feeling ripples of the effect in the Force.
Still now, the whole temple feels a bit more like it used to, before the war, and all Jedi are a bit happier without knowing why.
Only Obi-Wan feels like a noose tightening around him. Whatever it is, it's slowing making its way around his presence in the Force. Focusing on him and him alone. Doesn't matter how much Obi-Wan tries to hide himself, it's getting closer and never slowing down or losing interest.
Needless to say, Obi-Wan has a bad feeling about this.
But after almost three years of war, sullen faces and grim expressions, he doesn't feel like dampening the sudden good mood around the Temple just with a few words. He can probably deal with whatever it is by himself.
His tisane is cold when he finally emerges from his meditation. Nothing is clearer than when he started: the Force is deaf to his questions and inquiries, still light as a breeze. An airy unconcern for his restlessness. And yet, a thick pressure still looms around him, getting heavier each passing second now.
His fingers start pulling on his collar.
The clock on the wall indicates that he lied to Ahsoka when he said he was going to bed at a respectable time today. No diurnal Jedi would still be up right now, but he still considers going out to knock at Mace's door. Narrowed eyes and a very long sigh will be his first answer, but Obi-Wan knows that Mace would never refuse to hear him out. Yes, he finally decides when the pressure seems to creep even closer to him, it's worth waking up Mace.
He opens his door, wondering if he should take his robe with him, and instantly stops walking.
There, in the empty corridor of the Jedi Temple, at his door and on his knees, is a Sith. He knows it's a Sith only because he recognises this specific mass of hair, the large shoulders, the dishevelled dark robe. He knows it's a Sith because he has crossed path with this one enough times on the battlefield to recognise him anywhere. Outside of it a few times too. He isn't sure it's a Sith when the Sith raises his head up, bloody and bruised face torn in an agonizing expression, and his eyes are blue.
"I— I didn't know where to go," Darth Vader says quietly, with the kind of voice expected from a lost child. It gives Obi-Wan a second shock to hear his voice, making his presence suddenly real. "You said... You said if I ever wanted to, if I needed help one day, you would— I could—"
Obi-Wan remembers it. He remembers all the times he offered his help. His pleas for him to stop the violence, the appeals to reason, the multiple suggestions of a gentler path. His hand continuously outreached but never taken. He remembers the burning gold of the Sith's eyes too, and his black cape floating above the dead clones at his feet.
His laughter the first time Obi-Wan brought up the idea of lowering their blades and talking around a cup of tea. His sneer the third time Obi-Wan tried to change his misconceptions about the Jedi Order and play-flirt with him in the same breath. The silence the fifth time Obi-Wan asked him his name, his real name, the one a parent gave him.
The tears the last time he gave it to him.
"And you're always trying to save me," Vader adds more forcefully now, like the words anger him, "you're always here, showing up almost every time I'm sent somewhere with your stupid smile and stupid words, and you're always nice, and... and teasing, and disappointed when I kill someone, like you expect me to be better, and I don't understand you, but..."
Vader raises his hand towards him, and it's only this sudden move that shakes Obi-Wan out of his stupor. Before the Sith can touch his leg, Obi-Wan calls his lightsaber to him, ignites it in one fluid motion, half-expecting Vader to be up and swaying his saber in his face by now. But the Sith is still on his knees, and it's only now that the blue light of his blade is above him that Obi-Wan realises the state he's in. His face isn't the only thing bruised and battered: his dark tunic is stained with blood and ripped in more than one place, one of his arms is bent in an unnatural way, and it looks like a cut above his hairline is still bleeding, making his curls stick to his face in a mess of wet hair and burned skin.
"Vader," Obi-Wan says slowly, when his thoughts finally regain a semblance of coherence. A rapid investigation through the Force assures him that no other enemy is around and the calm and quiet of the night in the Temple isn't a prequel for a storm. "How did you get in here? What are you doing here? How—"
Vader's hand, stuck in the space between them, reaches once again for Obi-Wan. Foolishly, Obi-Wan lets him. His fingers twist themselves in the fabric of his pants.
"He made me killed them all.” Vader wobbles on his knees for a second, the hand on Obi-Wan's leg gripping it tighter. “No platoons, no battle droids. Just me. He sent me to the power station and I cut through them so easily, so quickly, they didn't even fight back, and I didn't think that..." he trails off, panting. "Until.... until I saw the electro-whips." 
"Are you talking about Naphtla?" he asks when Vader doesn't seem to be able to continue.
Naphtla. Outer Rim. Barely on the Republic radar until this afternoon, when nearby troops answered a distress signal and found a hidden Separatist power station operated by slaves. A third of them were dead, killed only a few hours before, and the survivors turned to the Republic for immediate support. Slaughtered like animals, the rescue team reported to the Council only a few hours ago, by one single man wielding a red lightsaber. According to witnesses, the darksider cut through the slaves like bantha butter, killing everyone in his path without discrimination, until he stopped for no apparent reason and abruptly left.
"You were the one who killed the people at the station there," Obi-Wan realises out loud, horrified, "the slaves from Zygerria."
Vader snaps his head up and his fingers tighten painfully around Obi-Wan's knee. "I DIDN'T KNOW!"
All Obi-Wan's senses and logical thoughts urge him to back out, put an end to this nonsensical charade, raise his lightsaber between them, get away from the dark, hungry void Vader generates in the Force.
But his eyes are looking up to him. Gripping his gaze with the same intensity as his hand on his leg. Bloodied face and pleading, on his knees. Full of tears.
Obi-Wan doesn't push Vader's hand away.
"I didn't know they were slaves, I didn't!"
"He never said! He sent me without telling him, he knows I don't—" A small noise sounding suspiciously like a sob swallows the rest of his words.
"Vader, who sent—"
"When I came back," he tries again, quieter. Obi-Wan opens his mouth to ask about this he, but Vader's head lolls for a second, too heavy to support, before butting gently against Obi-Wan's leg. Vader makes no effort to move, content to stay there, and after a second, a small, almost timid nuzzle against his thigh sends a series of shivers through Obi-Wan's spine. It shuts him up instantly. "When I came back, he looked at me for so, so long, before saying that he knew, he knew I was going to fail, that I was... just like them after all, and that I could never... And I was so mad, so angry at him, so I... I..."
The last words are muffled by the fabric Vader clings to. Hides into. There's blood on Obi-Wan's pants now.
"What have you done, Vader?" Obi-Wan asks, softer than he intended. "Vader," he asks again when no reply comes, without success. The hand not holding his lightsaber moves, hesitates for a moment, then settles lightly on Vader's hair, mindful not to touch any open wounds. His fingers nudge him to tip his head back, gently, carefully, and settle on his cheek to hold his face up, looking at him. "Anakin." His name, his true name, makes him blink a few times. "Anakin, what have you done?"
"I killed him," he finally admits, barely audible. He looks exhausted, more like a child in need of rest than ever.
"Who did you kill?"
"My master."
"Dooku? You killed Dooku?"
"No," Vader— Anakin frowns, like Obi-Wan should know better. "Sidious."
It's a bit much to process in one day. Another Sith Lord, Vader's master, concealed and kept a secret, now dead, killed by his apprentice —and does that make Vader the ruling Sith Lord now? Do Sith have rulers?— the lightness in the Force the same day, a half-dead Vader begging for help in the middle of the night in the Jedi Temple, and all of that while Obi-Wan is still wearing his ugly slippers.
He's so glad he sent Ahsoka away for the night.
Anakin doesn't let him time to feel the migraine coming.
"I can't do it, I can't be my master, I can't— and Dooku hates me, he will never help me, even if I let him have it all, he will never..." Vader seems to run out of steam, and lets his eyes close as his head falls once again against Obi-Wan's thigh. Closer. "You said you could help me. You said I could come to you at any time. You said you would always be there if I didn't want to... do this, anymore."
"I did," Obi-Wan assures him, his hand lightly petting his hair again.
Anakin lets out a long breath. His fingers tighten on the fabric of Obi-Wan's pants, loosen, and tighten again.
"You're the only one I trust," the Sith quietly tells the Jedi, and it's the saddest thing Obi-Wan has ever heard.
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mono-dot-jpeg · 4 years
the antarctic idiots [pt.1] - c! technoblade
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summary; in which two anarchist piglins adopt an ender boy.
genre; child! ranboo, piglin hybrid! reader, slight canon divergence from dream smp, fluff, found family au is my shit, reader is now ranboo’s parent i don’t make the rules, techno is a grumpy father but it’s okay you love him, realistic minecraft? (idk how to describe it-)
pairing; c! technoblade x reader, platonic! ranboo x reader
word count; 1.5k
a/n; fuck it, it is here now. here’s the techno x reader you fucking simps. i can’t even be mad bc i too am a simp for the anarchist pig that is technoblade. 
i hope this is somewhat up to par with everyone’s expectations since i hyped this up so much. this is one of the few writings that i actually like so- i couldn’t resist waiting so long to post it AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
next >
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now you never really expected to find yourself on a side of history that was deemed "the villain's side", especially when the villain wasn't even that bad.
okay, that's a bit of a lie. this piglin man blew up an entire country to end government. plus he has evaded his taxes. i mean the list goes on but that's not the entire point here.
the point is, you found yourself actually being friends (even going as far as housemates) with the so-called evil anarchist.
now we might be moving too fast here, so let's move it back a little bit.
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"so you want me to join pogtopia?" you looked up, shutting the book in your hand as you leaned back on your chair. "and what would i get in return exactly?"
"...our friendship won't die?" the voice of wilbur soot rings in your quiet home, unsure and nervous at your stern aura and words.
"why can't you just help us?!" tommy flared up, nearly throwing a fit if not for his older brother holding him back.
"just because i am your friend, does not mean i am interested in fighting for your conflicts." you place the book on the small side table, adjusting your gloves while you explain yourself to the two boys, "i'm not saying i'm a pacifist, but i'm not here to fight. i live far away for a reason. i told you this before."
"can i call in that favor then?" wilbur asked. "you still owe me one." you huffed at his words. you saw this coming.
"you're lucky i'm a nice person most of the time." you sighed, standing up and nearly towering over the two boys if not for wilbur being a bit taller than you. "i will get my stuff packed, and then we can get to your pogtopia. but while i do that, please explain the whole situation." since you lived so far away from society, you didn't know too much about what was happening unless wilbur told you about it and wilbur never really talked to you too often.
"well, you know how we had l'manburg.." and then he starts to explain how that completely backfired on them because they lost the election and now they lost their country. "and now we want to fight back for l'manburg." wilbur finishes explaining as you put your old netherite sword in its sheath that hung on your waist. "we just need your help. are you willing to train us?"
"it's not like i have much of a choice since you're cashing in that favor." you pointed out. "i better not be staying for too long."
"i can't make any promises about that." you sighed. "you ready?"
"unfortunately." it was time to leave your home and face violence once again.
"if it makes you feel any better, you're not the only person we've asked to help us." tommy says in an attempt to get you out of your bitter mood.
"that made me feel worse, tommy. i think you guys would've been fine without me if you have another person helping you other than tubbo." you slung your bag over your shoulder. "but if you really insist on getting the help of me, then who am i to judge?"
"since it seems like you're ready now, let's go to pogtopia!" tommy said, ignoring most of your words of complaints as he starts to drag you by the arm towards the dream smp. "it's quite the walk from here. why do you live so far from everyone? don't you get lonely? why didn't you join l'manburg with me and will?"
"slow down with the questions, tommy. first of all, i've told you and wilbur why i live far away, you did not listen though." you pressed a finger on his forehead, earning a huff of annoyance from the blonde. you moved your hand back to your side. "i simply do not like people. also why get pulled into conflict that you never were apart of to begin with? but that's pretty hypocritical of me to say now."
"i get that you're not fond of people, but aren't you lonely out here?" you three walked into the portal that would take you right into the nether. the sounds of bubbling lava and squealing pigmen was always an oddly comforting sound to hear.
"i'm perfectly content in my house. even if it's very far from others. i'm happy." you answered though your words sounded so... monotonous. tommy gave you a look, he definitely didn't believe you. "i know i don't sound happy but i am." before you knew it, you made it to the other nether portal which would actually take you to the manburg and pogtopia. oh how you didn't miss this place at all.
you never liked how manburg was ran even before shlatt was elected. you never really like government in general. it always seemed to be ruining everything. freedom never felt like freedom, at least that's what you thought especially when there was a goverment.
"welcome to pogtopia!" you were so deep in your own thoughts that you hadn't realized that you had made it to pogtopia.
"so where is your other helper? the first choice that wasn't me?" you asked.
"i think he might be here. he's been staying up for a long time. ever since he got in here." wilbur said. "technoblade? you here?" wilbur leads you to a potato farm and you soon feel a sense of familiarity as you enter the room.
"yeah." a low huff is heard, causing you and wilbur to turn your heads toward the source of the sound. "i'm here." what immediately catches your attention is the crown messily placed on his head as he farms. as a piglin, you've always been fond of gold, that adoration never left you once you went to the overworld. you never really wore a crown but you wore a gold pendant instead that was pinned to your cape.
"you have a really pretty crown." it takes you a minute to realize that those words came out of your mouth. "fuck, i didn't mean to say that out loud." you explained quickly to the male that was farming. "piglin things." you muttered.
"a very unexpected compliment. understandable." techno said. "wilbur, who is this again? have i met them?"
"well, you'd think you know each other since you're both piglins, but i guess the world is bigger than i thought. well, technoblade, meet y/n, y/n, meet technoblade."
"i call him the blade." tommy said smugly. "the blade! how's the potato planting doing?"
"it's doing fine. i didn't expect any company to come though."
"well, this is the person that we wanted to recruit for pogtopia."
"nice to meet you, even if the circumstances aren't the best. wilbur is lucky i owe him a favor." you said. "i sort of expected meeting you since tommy and wilbur mentioned you once they came to get me. i just never expected to see another piglin here in the overworld."
"never expected to see another piglin here either." techno hummed slightly.
maybe staying in pogtopia won't be too bad. at least you made a friend?
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that was sort of a lie. you and techno never really talked after the encounter. it never worried you, you’re not one for conversation right now anyways. you had a mission to do and you’re gonna do it. you didn’t have time to make friends, at least that’s what you thought. friends seemed to be temporary in the smp, considering the wars that were and have happened.
you weren’t going to make another friend, knowing that you just might get pulled into their fights.
“why did you stop fighting once you left l’manburg?” wilbur’s voice rings in the small fighting pit that was made for training.
“i simply didn’t find the need to fight. it doesn’t mean i’m any weaker though. i will still fight for what i want to fight for.” and that’s gonna be really ending this whole government. you think to yourself, letting the nighttime ambience fill the air.
“you still have your lives...right?” you show him your wrist which had 3 hearts tattooed on it. 
“i’ve been living away from everyone, of course i won’t die that easily.” you let out an empty laugh. “bold of you to assume i would even die.”
“i know it’s ridiculous to even think that you would lose a life after you left l’manburg but what if dream were to chase you down and kill you?”
“i understand your worry, but need not to worry, i can handle myself. if i couldn’t you guys would never even assign me as cavalry captain those years ago.” you said, unbuttoning your gold pendant to place it on the stone cold floor along with your other accessories you had. “it’s not like dream can do too much to me. we made a deal after all.”
“a deal?” wilbur raised an eyebrow as he took off his jacket, tossing it on the ground.
“don’t be too concerned. i’m not like eret. i wouldn’t betray you.”
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taglist; @justahostaccount, @olyink​, @aikochan4859​, @classycookiebailiffstudent​, @hubblie​, @stickk-bugg, @goldensunshineshit​, @sadlyitsme-boohoo​, @jace-the-ace12​, @2cuteforyourlies​, @lvlyjuro​
[if you want to be added, send in an ask!]
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sunflowerdaisybee · 3 years
when requests open again can you do this please? my cc!jschlatt brainrot has returned, and this time its single dad schlatt. i would love some headcanons for him of things he’d do with his kindergarten (6 year old) daughter. such as picking her up from school, after school activities, her being on streams, cuddles, etc. idk i think itd be v cute.
Y’all are passing your Schlatt brainrot onto me, and I am loving it. I hope you enjoy, I know you said single dad Schlatt, and technically it is, but I did add cool uncle Connor because i had too, enjoy! :]
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Summary: Single Dad Schlatt raising a kid with Cool Uncle Connor
Pairing: P!Schlatt & P!Connor X Reader
Pronouns: She/her
[A/n]: Requests are closed, please check back later <3
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If someone had told Schlatt a couple years ago that he would be a single dad with a kid, he would’ve laughed in their face. Yet now he can’t imagine life any other way.
Chances are he’s still living with Connor when he gets custody of you (by whatever means you wanna imagine) so Connor ends up being dubbed your uncle.
Not that Schlatt or Connor minds, Connor thinks you’re adorable and Schlatt appreciates the help. They also make a great team when it comes to handling school stuff.
Schlatt deals with all the difficult and annoying stuff whereas Connor picks you up, drops you off, does the lame school trips that Schlatt doesn’t wanna do, all that kinda stuff.
When Connor picks you up in the afternoon, Schlatt and him prefer picking you up rather than have you on the bus, Schlatt will have a snack ready for you when you get home, it’s typically something healthier like fruits or veggies with dip but occasionally he’ll treat you to ice cream or something sweet.
Since they typically pick you up after school, especially when you’re young, there isn’t really much for after-school activities, but if you wanted to join sports or a club after school they wouldn’t mind.
They attend every event you have, whether it’s just a small art showcase or the biggest game of the year, they go to everything.
If anyone ever bothered you about not having a mother or being raised by two men, it would not end well. If it were a kid, Connor would talk to the parents about teaching their kid right from wrong (while restraining Schlatt from freaking out). But if it were a parent saying that sorta thing, Connor would just let Schlatt fo at them, yelling, cursing, all kinds of nasty things that Connor makes sure you aren’t hearing.
They would also handle things the same way if the comments were about being disabled or other things.
When it comes to streaming, they don’t typically have you on stream when you’re little little, when you get a bit older, like 4th or 5th grade is when they feel more comfortable bringing you on stream.
That doesn’t mean they never brought you on stream though, when you were still a baby and toddler they often brought you on stream just to keep an eye on you, or to introduce you to someone, or even to show chat how you were doing. Both their fans love you.
The two also stopped streaming on Friday nights so that the three of you could have family movie nights. 100% of the time, without fail, you fall asleep on one of them before the movie is over. Which leads to tons of cute photos of you sleeping all cuddled up with them.
If you ever hit that point where you were scared of the dark or couldn’t sleep alone at night due to being scared (my niece is going through this and it breaks my heart) then they would 100% let you sleep in their beds with them, whoever you felt like going to that night. 
It only happened one time, and it was because you had begged them to, but they both slept in the same bed with you. All three of you cuddled up in Connor’s bed. They refuse to let it happen again solely because Schlatt likes sleeping in his own bed and it isn’t big enough for all three of you.
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Taglist: @joyfullymulti @eatensouls-s
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