#like when chase killed that baby. and when he hugged house in the brain cancer episode
emptylakes · 1 year
honestly i didnt like any of the team #1 fellows as much as team #2 but foreman was pretty consistently cool. and chase and cameron did spent half their time being sooo annoying. but they did also have moments that made me go. omg
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charredbrie · 5 years
Kurobas Valentine’s Day Event 2020 Day 3: MidoTaka
Special thanks again to @vanilla-daydreams and @theuglycrybaby <3 
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Day 3: MidoTaka - Flowers/You’re beautiful, you know that?
Summary: Shin-chan is being very difficult these past few days and Takao is getting frustrated.
Title: Valentines’ Language
Rating: T for cursing
Also on Ao3
Kazunari calls on the tall boy walking way ahead in front of him as he tries his best to catch up with his steps in comparison to Shin-chan’s long strides. Most of the time, it is a curse for being shorter than Shin-chan especially when he looks down on him. It is alright if it’s a normal stare. However, most of the time, Shin-chan will just stare down at him as if saying if looks can kill, he’d be six feet underground by now. He shudders at the thought. No, he doesn’t want to die yet. There’s no way in hell he’ll die before he can do all his wildest fantasies to Shin-chan.
He'd been wracking his brain real hard on how to get Shin-chan’s sweet yet dangerous yes for a date without him really knowing that it is actually a date. But as you can see, the boy is just ignoring him. This has been going on for a few days now. He dashes towards him and settles on walking beside the tall boy and says, “Shin-chan, are you getting deaf now? I’ve been calling you for a while now. Maybe Oha Asa will think of giving Cancers a hearing aid as a lucky item.”
He heard his companion just sighs heavily before speaking, “What do you need, Takao?”
He grins happily, already feeling like winning as he can see that Shin-chan’s guarded walls are disappearing little by little. “I just wanna hang out with you this Friday! We don’t have any basketball practice because the third years are using the gym for their grade meeting.”
Shin-chan pushes his glasses with his left fingers before he halts his steps and looks at him.
“Don’t you have something to do on Friday, in fact?”
Now he’s confused. Why is Shin-chan saying that?
“Why would you think that?”
Shin-chan just brushes him off as he continues walking but not before saying, “I’m going to practice.” Now, he is so confused. What the fuck is wrong with this tsundere and why is he acting cold? He snaps out of his thoughts as he chases after the guy and holds his arm to stop him further from walking.
“What the hell is your problem, Shin-chan?! Why are you being so cold?”
The taller guy just hisses dangerously. “Let go of my arm, Takao.”
“No. Not until you tell me what the fuck is going on to that green head of yours.”
“Shut up, fool.”
Instead of letting him go, Takao just pulls the taller boy in an empty room that happens to be the music room. However, the taller guy is resisting so strongly that Kazunari feels like his strength is slipping away so fast. He looks at Shin-chan with a pouting face and says, “Just stop resisting and tell me what is your problem. Is it because I didn’t give you a ride on the rickshaw this morning?”
Shin-chan avoids meeting his gaze for a while until he speaks, “No, something as shallow as that is not my cup of tea, in fact. I am very well capable of going to school by myself.”
Kazunari is getting frustrated by each moment. Why can’t this guy just be honest with his feelings? He then hears Shin-chan sighs as he walks towards the grand piano and starts playing. At first, Kazunari becomes bewildered why the sudden urge to play the piano but as he is listening to the melody, a thought has hit him.
Shin-chan is playing the Love Theme for Romeo and Juliet - A Time for Us. He knows that piece, their class just recently watch a play of Romeo and Juliet in the audiovisual room. Suddenly, he gets pulled into the melody and moves closer by the grand piano. What he doesn’t notice is the fact that Shin-chan is looking at him all the while. Being himself, he just doesn’t turn down a challenge and has decided to meet his eyes as well. However, in Kazunari’s case, he’s being pulled into Shin-chan’s wholeness as a person plus add the fact that he’s playing this really beautiful and emotional melody. On the spur of a moment, he feels like he opens the magnificent door of shoujo manga and Shin-chan is waiting for him in the middle of the room as he is playing the piano. He doesn’t know whether to cringe or to be happy with his thoughts because, in the first place, he is a guy. The only hitch is that he chooses to fall in love with an enigma called Midorima Shintarou.
He gazes lovingly on his face especially his eyes that are surrounded with long lashes but are always covered by his thick-rimmed glasses. Beautiful, he thinks.
They stay like that until Shin-chan finishes the piece. And him being the loudmouth as he is, he unintentionally mutters.
“You’re beautiful, you know that?”
He wakes up from his shoujo blither fantasy when he hears the creaking of the chair as Shin-chan abruptly stands up and his face is so red. Kazunari panics a bit, afraid that the taller boy might brush him off again because of his comment.
He looks down on the ground, afraid of meeting the taller boy’s eyes. “S-Shin-chan…”
He hears him groans painfully as if he is really having a hard time speaking to him. In the end, he hears him takes a deep breath and says,
“You have a girlfriend now, right?”
Kazunari shots his head up as fast as lightning to look at Shin-chan. And at that moment, he finally gets what seems to be Shin-chan’s problem. He can’t help but laugh out loud as the taller boy becomes beet red as he puts his left hand on his face, attempting to cover the redness but he can see that even his ears are getting red so it is a very futile attempt. He clutches his stomach to laugh some more until Shin-chan can’t take it anymore.
“Y-You imbecile! Stop laughing.”
He can already feel his eyes getting wet because of laughing too much but he urges himself to stop. When his laughter has died down, he faces the guy.
“Shin-chan…sometimes you can be stupid you know?”
“Is the one you’re getting jealous-“
“I’m not jealous!!!”
“…of, is our classmate, Ichinose-san?” He waits for Shin-chan to say anything but it feels that he is just rooted there, unable to retort. He will accept any response even if it’s a first-rate sarcasm. Anything…as long as it comes from him. They stay there for a whole minute without saying anything and he is already accepting the fact that he won’t even get any response as he lumps his shoulders, his face full of bitterness. But he gets the shock of his life when he hears Shin-chan’s silent murmurs of, “Y-Yeah…in fact.”
The moment he hears that he glomps on him much to the dismay of the taller boy but nonetheless, awkwardly returns the hug. He looks up at Shin-chan, still not letting him go and slyly says, “You know, it’s not bad to be honest sometimes, Shin-chan. Also, with regards to Ichinose-san, her brother is working at a company that is making the games that I’m currently playing so I am just asking her some stuff.”
“S-Shut up, Takao. I didn’t ask for any explanation. This is all your fault.”
“Don’t worry, Shin-chan, you can execute all your hidden fantasies with me as much as you want, I won’t mind, really.” He chirps happily as the taller boy smacks him playfully on his head.
“You are getting deranged, in fact.”
He smugly says, “No, you just silently admitted that you like me when you conceded being jealous.”
Shin-chan just emits a long, sufferable sigh. “You haven’t even asked me ou-“
They are suddenly interrupted when the music room door suddenly opens to reveal Miyaji, Kimura, and Otsubo. Both of them haven’t had the time to move out of each other’s embrace as they are rooted in their position in shock as their senpais enter the room.
“Oi, first years! Stop flirting and get to practice!” Miyaji-senpai yells at them and that is the only time that they jerk away from each other, both of them red on the face.
Kimura-senpai just looks at them with confusion while Otsubo-senpai just groans in frustration while nursing his head for a coming headache.
“Fucking first years.” - Miyaji Kiyoshi
Valentine’s Day comes and Kazunari is frustrated as fuck because of the fact he and Shin-chan haven’t finished their conversation yet with regards to their status. No thanks to their senpais, of course. And now, he is walking on the way to Shin-chan’s house to pick him up. Yes, he is walking because he doesn’t feel like pulling the rickshaw today. He doesn’t want Shin-chan to see him all sweaty this early morning, duh,  just because today is v-day. His thoughts are interrupted as he sees an elderly lady about to cross the street and she is carrying a big picnic basket. Deciding to help her, he trudges closer and approaches the elderly and it earns him a smile and a pat on his head. Together, they cross the street with him supporting her and as thanks, the lady takes out something from the basket and gives him a handful of white little flowers that he doesn’t know the name. Smiling at the gesture, he continues on his way until he reaches the Midorima’s residence. Upon arriving there, Shin-chan is already outside, leaning by the wall and when the taller boy sees approaching him, his eyes widen not entirely on him but on what he is holding.
“Morning, Shin-chan!”
“Takao….those flowers. How did you get them?”
“Huh? Oh, this?”
“Did you know that Baby’s Breath is Cancer’s lucky item for today?”
He shakes his head as he looks at the flowers that he’s holding then to Shin-chan. He holds out the flowers for him to take but he sees that the other boy is quite hesitant. He scratches his head on confusion, “Just take it, Shin-chan.”
The taller boy blushes but he is still not getting the flowers from his hand.
“Do you even know what Baby’s Breath flowers mean?”
“No. I’m not into floral language.”
A small smile appears on Shin-chan’s face as he takes the flowers from his hand and starts walking ahead of him then halts when he is a few steps away, his back still facing him while he is still rooted in his place.
“It means pureness, innocence and….everlasting love. You just confessed to me through this flower, Takao.”
Kazunari just blinks as his brain processed what Shin-chan has said. When his brain has finally registered it, he goes after the boy in pure bliss as he pulls the taller boy’s head down to him and gives him a quick peck on the lips. “Shin-chaaaan~ I love you~”
Too startled by his sudden vulgar action in Shin-chan’s vocabulary to even move, the taller boy just can’t do anything but blush.
NOTE: I tried doing MidoTaka. Not really my cup of tea but I feel that this prompt is perfect for them. Also, please excuse my poor attempt of cheesy situations and humor.
Thanks for reading <3
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Narrative Story
I reluctantly enter the world after being brought back to life by the doctor’s cold rough hands. I do not want this life. I know that I should not be here and I try so desperately to rid myself of the impending doom that will be my primitive years. My heart beat slows and slows, they try stimulating me but it makes my heart beat drop even further, to the point where it is no longer beating. Here I am happy. Floating, being nothing, dissolving back into the body I was created in. It’s dark... peaceful... until I am cut out of my mother and brought into a world I wish I hadn’t seen.
Damn, those doctors are good, I guess it’s their job to save lives, even unborn babies. I am poked and prodded for hours or days... I have yet to develop a concept of time. All I know is I want to be held by someone who loves me. As I am finally gently laid into my mother’s arms, I hear crying. No, not crying... sobbing. I hear a “please not now, I can’t look at her” my mother says weakly, as my father steps back into the room with alcohol lingering on his breath.
An old lady shows up and runs right over to where I lay. I see something strange, her mouth is curled and she is flashing her teeth. There is a sparkle in her eyes... is this a smile? I am unfamiliar with those. She picks me up quickly but tenderly, I lean against her chest hearing her heart beat fast and strong. In that moment I know that it was indeed a smile. She radiates happiness and love, finally I am held by someone who loves me. I scream out of joy, don’t blame me... it’s the only way I know how to communicate. As I scream I hear my mum yell “shut her up or get out of here!” but I quickly forget that comment because the old lady rocks me back and forth, whispering, “shhh, Nonna’s here, Nonna’s got you.” Nonna...? Nonna. I can tell I’m going to like you already.
As I grow my mum does not touch me, Nonna does not let her anymore after the bathtub incident -
When I am submerged in the water for the first time, I am reminded of the womb. It is warm and safe, out of harms way - but suddenly I start to panic. Something is not right... I could breathe inside the womb but I can not breathe here... Oh come on, I just got the hang of it! They took me off the machine I’m supposed to be able to breathe by myself! I just want to breathe!
Pressure. There is pressure on my chest, forcing me down - pulling me up above the water and then pushing me right back in. Water fills my lungs, there is not supposed to be water here - it hurts... it burns... everything starts to fade... I feel no more pain, I have no care in the world - I don’t even care if I never get another warm and loving embrace again... Suddenly there is a blinding light -
I must have made quite a fuss because Nonna says she was worried and came in the bathroom just in time. My little fingers were cold despite being submerged in warm water. She got the water out of my lungs and started to bounce me up and down, trying to make me stop screaming. Over my wailing I hear my mother, sobbing, yet again. I look over at her, she is soaking wet and curled up in a ball on the floor, rocking back and forth, muttering the same word over and over and over again: sorry.
Sorry... I hear this word a lot: Sorry, I can’t hold her. Sorry, I can’t... can you feed her. Sorry, I just need to sleep. Sorry, you need to shut her up I can’t hear her right now... The list goes on and on and
on and on. I am able to speak early on in my life, but the only word I know how to say is sorry.
At this point in my life I have two best friends. Their names are Nonna and Nonno. I never have to apologize to them. Nonno loves taking me outside to pick figs from the fig tree and playing in the yard. We run around in the backyard for most of the afternoon with the dog -
it’s one of our favourite hobbies. Some days I can’t get Nonno out of bed... some days he walks instead of runs... some days he is brought to his knees because of a coughing fit. He starts getting slower and slower as the days go on. His posture becomes small, I never saw him as an old man before, but suddenly thats all I can see. He doesn't get out of bed anymore, his muscles have rejected his want to play with me. His body is no longer in agreement with our love of playing.
I ask Nonna why he can’t play with me anymore and she tells me something I wish never heard: Nonno has fallen ill. He is so frail... so small. They say he has cancer, of the lungs, brain, blood, liver, and bone. Years of smoking, drinking and factory working has eaten away at his body, leaving him bedridden. The cancer took away his smile, my favourite accessory he wore. In one swift movement it took his life away. He lay on his death bed, it’s hard to tell what is his body and what is not - there are so many tubes and machines keeping him alive. My family surrounds him, knowing that he will be leaving us soon.
Someone had brought him “get well soon” balloons a few days before. As if balloons were going to help the situation at hand... but I love balloons. So, cradled on my Nonna’s hip, I reach over excitedly to grab the balloons. As she looses her grasp on me I fall right on to Nonno’s chest. I hear his ribs crack under my falling weight, the gasp of his breath, the scream of my father once he realizes what I have done. I am whisked away faster than I can even fathom. As I get one last glance of my best friend his body no longer looks familiar - it’s so stiff and broken... I did that... I did that... I destroyed him... Dad didn’t take it so well, I killed his father, he couldn't even look at me for a solid month. He wouldn’t talk to me, he never glanced at me, never even hugged me... Then dad started drinking even more...
Dad throws things now, bottles, plates, chairs. I am a moving target and he misses - “sorry”
Dad drinks so much vodka, whiskey, beer, wine. But I get in the way too much when he drinks - “sorry”
Dad yells at the top of his lungs, I cower, which makes him yell louder... “WHY ARE YOU SCARED OF ME?!”
He chases me around the house, beer in one hand, the other is balled into a fist out of rage “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” I shriek, trying to find a way to escape. This is when I learn that hide and seek is quite a fun game to play.
I’m still best friend’s with Nonno. He comes to visit me sometimes in my room. Dad does not like it much, he gets very angry when I talk to Nonno. He says to stop rubbing it in his face, to stop bringing him up, to stop lying or something... its hard to understand him when he talks and drinks at the same time. Nonna says I can still see him because he is my guardian angel, that makes me smile (something I have trouble doing these days). I constantly feel like someone is behind me, and I used to be very afraid of that feeling, but I find comfort in it because I know it is just Nonno looking out for me. Nonno isn’t mad at me for what I did.
One night he sat on my bed and whispered “principessa” to wake me up, he said “thank you, I did not have the heart to leave you guys, I was holding on to a fraying rope and I didn’t have much longer... thank you principessa, I’m so sorry that it’s so hard, I’m sorry I didn’t raise my son better. I love you and I will always be here for you... never forget that.” I will never forget this night for as long as I live. As I grew I saw less and less of Nonno, but I still felt him around every corner and in every breath. My heart still skips a beat every time I hear the word “principessa.”
I don’t remember when things got better, one day it just did. Dad pours himself a glass of orange juice during breakfast instead of cracking open a beer. Dad gets sober. He gives me piggyback rides now and we joke around. There hasn't been a time where he has actually said sorry. He doesn’t need to because I can see it every time he looks at me. The regret hidden behinds smile, the wariness in his caress. He feels pain for the past, the same way I do. We don’t venture into the past very much these days, but he always says he's never been a fan of drinking when we do. I know dad, don’t worry, it’s okay.
One windy fall day, my mom reaches down and grabs my hand while we are walking with Nonna through the forest. I can’t remember the first or last time mum made contact with me affectionately... There is a feeling of electricity and warmness that I have only ever felt from Nonna and Nonno. Does she love me finally? Am I no longer viewed as a mistake? For the first time in my life my mum tucks me into bed at night. I can’t sleep - I never can. Usually Nonna comes and lays with me and rubs my back until I drift away. Mum hears me crying and comes to my room. I hear her hesitate outside my closed door for just a moment, take a deep breathe and then slowly open the door. She sits on the edge of my bed and just stares at me, I stare right back, her eyes start to glisten with tears. “I’m sorry” I hear her whisper. “I’m sorry” I repeat back, my voice small and shaking as my mother breaks down and hugs me for the first time in both of our lives. I smile, I feel her cheeks tense up into a smile against my face. I know, in this moment, that the darkness is parting.
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