#like yes i get happy super easily yes i laugh a lot yes i cry over everything
litttlestars · 1 year
what they dont tell you about feeling too much is the overwhelming anger and frustration side of it and the guilt you feel afterwards for feeling that way over smt so small and trying to convince yourself that you're not an awful person over it
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
hey! Can you do “skz as highschool sweethearts” or just a fluffy highschool au for skz 💕
stray kids as highschool sweethearts
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genre: headcanons; romance, fluff
word count: 0.8k
warnings: none
please like and reblog if you enjoy! feel free to request anything <3
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popular couple
he's super romantic and cheesy but you like it that way
treats you like royalty
doesn't care if his friends tease him for being cute with you
touchy and is fine with PDA
will mostly have his hand on your waist or around you in some way when you guys are just hanging with friends during lunchtime
there are a lot of jealous people wishing they were in your position. chan is known for being one of the most attractive guys in school so you gotta own being with him and give 'em something to be jealous about
lee know
oh gosh
he's actually extremely adorable but he doesn't realise it
he can't help but smile widely and have a little sparkle in his eyes when he's with you
you see it. his friends see it. he, of course, denies it. but it's just so cute to watch your interactions with each other
the teachers can't stand either of you if you're in close proximity
you guys are the couple that teases each other to no end
just constant bickering and poking fun at each other. it's truly relentless and, most important, extremely fun. that's how you guys flirt. hell, that's how you ended up together
everyone knows about your relationship
like i said in the high school headcanons, he's a very popular guy. and with popularity comes with exposure. a LOT of exposure
he makes sure people know you're his
which is why you can be caught wearing his iconic bomber jacket. it's so cosy and fits you so nicely. plus, it smells just like him <3
like chan, changbin is quite big on PDA. he's not all over you all the time but he tends to be touching you in some way whenever you're together
a bit possessive of you when you're around his friends we love to see it
you guys mostly keep your relationship on the down low
yall have the cutest interactions
just looking in his direction results in hyunjin having a complete meltdown, ears a bright red and face in his book as he tries to calm the butterflies down
he's just in love with you, what can i say? you have that effect on him
he's very sweet and gives you gentle touches every now and then
soft stuff like rubbing circles on your back when you're feeling low, or holding hands with you underneath the desk yes im crying
he's still super flirty when you're together
always cracking jokes
he freaking adores your laugh
and obsessed with your smile
just so smitten for you
worships the ground you walk on quite literally. his friends call him a simp and he owns it. like he even cares?? he just loves being in love
excuses himself out of a class just to see you
and most likely make-out with you by the lockers
i'm personally surprised that you guys haven't been caught yet but we move🚶
super sweet
ugh it's like the most wholesome relationship in the whole school
you guys are simply adorable
he buys you gifts a LOT. he doesn't have to have any special occasion like valentines day or christmas or prom to prompt him to get you something. he will just do it. he's a giver. he loves making you happy and gift-giving comes very easily to him
people literally come to you both for relationship advice because apparently you guys have become the 'model relationship' since you've lasted the longest together
you guys have set the example, fr 💪
always saves the seat next to him for you in class
he admires your passion for your favourite subject and loves getting you talking about it
you distract him from his work. usually he's quite a focused student, top of his class and exceeding the teacher's expectations
but he can't help but be distracted by you. he'd much rather stare at you through class than do any work, you're just so pretty
you bring out a rebellious streak he didn't know he had
now he jokes around with you during class more often. the work can wait...
you guys have a super healthy relationship
probably the most normal pair in the class
jeongin was a little shy around you at first, but now, you have become his best friend and the person he can rely on the most
he likes wearing similar outfits or matching accessories. nothing that really stands out too much (he prefers the subtler looks) but enough for the both of you to know. matching jewellery or shoes, stuff like that
always smiles brightly when he is with you, showing off his precious dimples
even the teachers comment on how well you look together
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itsonlyvegas · 7 months
Fang brainrot so real so true.
Fang would really have issues with someone taller than him only because he'd blush like crazy. Like... he'd be so dumbfounded when the new builder is actually taller and prettier than he imagined. It's like meeting your crush in real life. (He'd been crushing on the builder from their gifts, as embarrassing as that is).
He would be like: "Oh. Oh wow. Um. Hi." And his bird would literally out him so fast. But since you're the dense builder whom everyone loves, you don't notice his blush. He would probably make up a lame excuse to go to his bedroom. (And his bird would just be like "lol he likes you, he likes you.") And THAT would send you blushing as well. I mean... Fang blushing? Rare. Super rare. More rare than Andy behaving.
Well and then when you guys first kiss, he's actually really confident, but when he sees your blush, he'd blush himself and have issues speaking EVEN MORE. But he'd literally tell himself "im a man im a man" and he'd kiss you again. He'd kiss you more than you'd expect. He's like... a little thirsty for attention. I feel like he's a very touchy feely person. He probably hugs a lot. (If you like that kind of stuff). He'd be the one to hold your hand. And if you guys get together, he'd want to hold you at night and hug you.
He'd also love when you stroke his hair. He's such a fluffball. He needs cuddles. But he can't admit that to you.
But yes, if you were taller, he'd be so happy. He wouldn't need to bend down anymore to kiss you. You're perfect.
If you were shorter, he'd love it because he could tease you gently. He'd literally make fun of you for being so short, but also kiss your cheeks. (Like, imagine him carrying you around the house because you're too short for the counter and the stove lol) He'd also be able to easily cuddle you.
But I also feel like he would try to make you wear his clothes. Like he'd be so proud to show off that you're his and he's yours.
If you guys ever fight, he'd be very emotional. He'd pout and you'd pout and when you're alone, he'd just burst into tears and then hug you. "I'm sorry." And you'd both apologize. He wouldn't let go of you after that.
I feel like he'd be a really great father. I feel like he'd spoil his children a lot. But he'd also be very protective. He'd do anything for his kids.
And if you had a daughter, he'd be a little overprotective. Like if you named her after his mother Sarnai, he'd be very protective. (And also cry a lot because he feels very emotional). He'd be like: "Hey. No one will take my daughter from me. I will protect her." But if you had a son, he'd be like "no one will take my son away from me!" Like, he's literally the dad that's like "NO ONE WILL TAKE MY KIDS. DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT."
He'd be a very playful dad. Like he'd make silly faces with the kids and make them laugh. He'd tell them stories. He'd also be the dad who would let them get away with everything. He'd be like "well, my kids are perfect, they would never do anything bad. They're just like me."
He'd probably spoil his kids so much like ok in getting off track. Anyway. NSFW time.
Fang is not a dominant man. I feel like he'd be a switch, but mostly a submissive one. Like he'd love when you took control of him and he'd be really good at obeying your orders. He'd love when you were rough with him and he'd blush when you teased him.
He'd also love when you were gentle with him and praised him. He'd be so happy when you said he was good and called him a good boy.
He'd be so happy when you gave him compliments. He'd always blush when you said he was cute or pretty or handsome or gorgeous.
He'd be very flustered when you kissed his neck and his chest and even tweaked a nipple. He'd be a little embarrassed about how much he liked it though. (You'd have to reassure him that it was totally okay).
He'd be really embarrassed if you told him you liked his body. He never thought about someone actually liking him for his looks but when you started to touch him gently, he'd relax and melt. He'd start to relax and enjoy it more.
He'd be very flustered when you told him you were going to sit on him and ride. He'd be so embarrassed. He'd be so red. But he'd be very turned on. He'd be really embarrassed to admit it.
I feel like he'd really love to kiss you. He'd be very gentle and he'd hold you tight. And when you deepen the kiss, he'd be really shy and try to pull away but he'd give in and enjoy it.
He'd really love it when you played with his hair. It's so long and fluffy and omg it's silky and soft.
And when you guys first have sex, he'd be so gentle and loving. He'd make sure you were okay and he'd be so worried he hurt you. He's the one entering you and if you had a clit, he'd be really gentle when fingering you.
He'd be really flustered when you told him he felt good. He wouldn't know what to do with himself. He'd be so embarrassed to tell you that you felt good as well.
And after he comes, he'd be really worried about you. Like "I'm sorry.... I came... so fast." And you'd reassure him that it was okay like it happens especially since he's a virgin.
Yeah idk i think fang is neat.
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Proper noun: Ceetee Pronouns: It/Its* Common nouns: Girlthing, Tranny, Doll Adjectives: Trans, Mixed-Race, Aegosexual, Polyamorous, Plural Verbs: Game Design, Shitposting, Flirting
🖋 Last edited: 5/20/24
Unreasonably proud of that stupid grammar joke. Anyway yes, I'm Ceetee. While I am plural, I try to avoid the use of first person plural pronouns, except when we are specifically talking about our experiences with DID/Plurality. We also do our best to conceal who is fronting at all times (you can read more about that in the links about gender and plurality at the bottom of this post).
I'm a dork with very VERY strong opinions that I am VERY VERY vocal about. If you do not share those opinions, that is perfectly fine and probably to be expected. Just know that I am very obnoxious about them, so you will see them a lot. I have a lot of confidence on my stances and it is very unearned! That said I'm always happy to actually discuss this stuff, and also perfectly understanding of people unfollowing over it! Never feel like you HAVE to follow me for whatever obligation. Curate your feed, damn it!
For the pronoun exceptions mentioned above, It/Its are my pronouns for most people. If you aren't willing to call me that, well, I can't stop you. Use whatever you want, but I will absolutely be judging you for it. Though there are some exceptions. For people I'm intimate with (Romantic partners and people I'm in a QPR with), my pronouns are It/She. If you work for my HRT clinic my pronouns are She/Her because like fuck am I risking my HRT just because my doctor doesn't understand my gender. If you are a coworker my pronouns are He/Him and also I don't have a tumblr, please block me immediately, for both of our sakes.
I have a NSFW sideblog. You can probably guess its name pretty easily. If you can't, I'm happy to give it to anyone brave enough to DM me or send me an ask off anon. In fact, you can ask me basically anything about my life and I'll happily answer. I'm a pretty open book like that.
I tend to ramble about various things. Usually when I do, I tag it as #text essay. Sometimes about gender and my views on it, but also just... stuff in general. Here is a list of some of the general stuff. Its usually just stupid pointless stuff, but its a good look into how my brain works.
The Darkspore Rant (Long)
Pokemon Picross Monetization Model
Movement in VR
Time is Fake as Hell
Fighters Should Have Magic
Where I Stand in Regards to AI Art
Identity stuff:
Bespoke Genders (Part 1)
On Detransition (Part 2)
Plurality (Part 2.5)
Plurality and Being Transgender (Part 3)
Fandom shit:
Pokemon Eggs, and the Fundamental Nature of the Pokemon Multiverse (Long)
List of FFXIV OCs (LONG. Its also a recap of 4 years of weekly FC RP)
Posts others have made but are very relevant to me and who I am:
Back When I Was A Boy (Not every trans femme used to be a boy, but I did and that is important to me)
The Scorpion and The Frog (I desperately need to get a tattoo of a scorpion and a frog. I can't read this without crying)
#text essay - As mentioned above, I use this for when my rambles go very very very long. The ones I like the most or feel are important enough I also add to this pinned.
#Zenos ♥ - For the FFXIV Character that I am super normal about (lying).
#dnd hate train - A tag that exists for blacklisting purposes at the request of a close friend. As a designer, I fucking HATE Dungeons and Dragons. I hate it a lot. And I talk a lot about how much I hate it.
#laugh rule - For that age old tumblr rule: "If it makes you actually genuinely Laugh Out Loud, you have to reblog it."
#peer reviewed tags - another, more modern tumblr rule. If I screenshot someones tags to share them, I add this tag to it.
#dudes rock - Essentially, just a bunch of guys doing stuff that is just 'boys being boys' in the fun sense and not the rapey sense, but also just a reminder that the world is better with these dudes in it, and a way for me to find happiness is the masculinity that made my childhood miserable.
#partner gushing - For when I am being GAY AS HELL about my partners, or reblogging something and going 'its because of one of them'
#talking to myself and #talking about myself - Conversations between me and my alters, and talking about my relationships with my alters, respectively. More details here.
I also just... ramble in the tags. A lot. I just add so much commentary in the tags. You will see A LOT of rambles.
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15 Degrees
Tagged by: @artymys
A brief glimpse into the life of Frisky Kitty. Sorry, you won't find any password hints here. If you want to play too, go ahead and tag yourself.
1. Are you named after anyone? My father apparently.
2. When was the last time you cried? A few days ago. There will be a major dam break soon I am sure. I don’t cry very easily.
3. Do you have kids? Human, no. Furbabies, yes.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Never. /sarcasm
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? Well, I’d have to say their countenance, particularly a smile. However what I’m really looking for is what they say when they open their mouth and talk. 
6. What’s your eye color? Hazel I guess
7. Scary movie or happy ending? I don’t partake of movies much. I don’t like scary and don’t give me a happy ending just for the sake of a happy ending. Give me a good story, entertain me, and/or make me laugh or (maybe) think. But do make sure that the dog lives in the end.
8. Any special talents? Ha! Absolutely none except attracting cats.
9. Where were you born? In a hospital.
10. What are your hobbies? Slutty poetry, overthinking, travel, photography, cat servant (more of a calling really).  
11. Do you have any pets? I have a small herd of felines. Our concepts of “small” may differ.
12. What sports and activities have/do you play or participate in?These days if I get my walk in, I’m good. I’ve never been super sporty.
13. How tall are you? Tall enough to go on the cool rides at the amusement park, too tall for kids meal pricing.
14. Favorite subject(s) in school? I guess U.S. history since I find myself with a couple degrees in it. I enjoyed pretty much everything in school except math and gym. In my most recent brush with academia, I really liked my database classes and really should pursue that further.
15. Dream job? Naturalist on board a whale watching boat.
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