#like you have to be very white to think the military isn't cruel to american poc and marginalized americans
vergess · 11 months
Choosing you as the most likely to give a honest and detailed answer. Feel free to delete, however.
When people are calling Israel a colony, what do they mean? The way I understand that word, a colony is land, controlled by some other country that's elsewhere and run by citizens of that country. That doesn't seem to be the case here, since most Israel citizens are only citizens of Israel, not something else, and there's no "main" country they're representing and can return to. Or are people using "colony" metaphorically here?
Before Tumblr mobs me - I don't like Israel and don't support it.
Israel began as a British colony of Palestine in the post WW1 era, around 1920. The people responsible for the genocide are almost entirely of European origin who were moved to Palestine after WW2 (in the 1940s and 1950s) to avoid returning to the homelands where they'd been given up to the nazis by their neighbors.
Today, however, the bulk of the colonization effort is managed by the US military industrial complex.
Now, there are many other people living in Israel, of many faiths and many ethnicities. The Israeli people, be they Jews or otherwise, are also not fans of the genocide, in much the same way the American people are not fans of US genocides.
But the israeli government exists almost entirely as a puppet for US and European colonial goals, and has done since the assassination of Prime Minister Rabin in the 90s.
Prior to that, there was a brief period wherein the rightfully elected leaders of Israel sought peace in the region after throwing off the shackles of British colonialism, which again founded the country and only "ended" (on paper) in the 1950s.
Israel has been a colonial effort for about 2/3s of the century it has existed, including today.
Now, this is a simplified explanation, of course. For example, although it was was a colonial effort, the "return" of Jews to their "homeland" was also a refugee effort, and a repatriation effort.
Jews never really "stopped" being indigenous to the levant even in diaspora. This is extremely obvious if you've ever lived in a Jewish neighborhood, but may come as a shock to a lot of people used to thinking of the assimilated mask Jews wear in Christian societies as our "true" selves.
My family were nondiasporic Jews until me, which I gather is an... unusual perspective that many people don't see often. You'll have to take me at my word, I think, because it's difficult to explain. But Jews never actually "became white" the way people so desperately want to believe. Some jews learned to pass for white, yes, but that isn't the same thing.
Jews, even the Ashkenazim (the "white european" ones) have a right to return home the same as anyone. And not just because I'm a fan of open borders.
But here's the deal.
Mizrahim (Jews who remained in the middle east rather than living in diaspora) are literally treated as inferior, as "arabs" (a colonial term) regardless of religion or ethnicity. To be a Jew is not enough. You have to be the right kind. This is true of other Jews of Colour in Israel as well, often to an even greater extreme, as any Ethiopian Jew in Israel damned well knows.
This also... well, I've talked about it a bit before, but this summary is also casting a very cruel light on the concept of Jewish citizenship being automatically granted in the case of Jewish descent. Which isn't fair of me at all.
In a world without all the goddamned genocide, having a reduced immigration process for the children of emigrants is perfectly fucking common and normal and many countries do it, including the US.
And this also doesn't touch upon the critical political reality that Israel exists as a place for bigots to throw their jews away instead of straight up killing us.
So, okay, this got away from me.
Basically, Israel as a state is a colony of the US (today) and UK (historic), which is armed almost entirely by the US, and which attacks targets the US deems "of interest." The fact that the colony is populated by repatriated indigenous peoples doesn't really change that.
If anything, it deepens the horror, because many of the Jews involved in the genocide against Palestine genuinely (and fairly) believe that this is the last place on earth where a Jewish person can reasonably expect religious safety. Genuinely, and fairly, believe that it's a choice between "the genocide of all Jews globally or the elimination of a single '''Arab''' city."
They're wrong, but not irrational.
In a way, the existence of global antisemitism is the justification that fuels the ongoing palestinian genocide.
Though in practical terms, it is "fueled" by US weapons. The US wants to own Israel and use it as a launching off point for US violence in the region, without the US having to take the blame.
"See? It's all just poor, innocent Israel defending itself*!"
*(entirely with US weapons and often on US orders, often with weapons given to Israel rather than purchased, solely to further destabilize a religiously and financially significant region and furthermore to instill a sense of fear of Israel's neighbors and gratitude to the US)
For another example of a colony-of-the-repatriated, you can check out the history of civil war in Liberia, after the US just dumped a bunch of freed slaves there instead of killing them. Unsurprisingly, it went fucking Badly. However, because Liberia was not considered a "valuable" colony, less study tends to be done into the complexities of that.
Or, I mean, there's always "the life history of Osama Bin Laden" which is kind of like a one man speedrun of what the US is doing with all of Israel.
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cyanidedrinkers · 8 months
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Name: Lieutenant, Andy 'Achilles' Graves 
(Yes, He is Graves' younger brother- Dont come after me for it. It just fits) 
Age:�� 29 
Gender: Male
Nickname(s): Barracks bunny, Graves, Phillip, and The Brawn (He gets called by his brothers name by accident all the time. It pisses him off and he snaps at whoever calls him it no matter their rank)  Ethnicity: White Nationality: American Languages: English and Spanish Call sign: Achilles
Rank: Lieutenant 
Skin Tone: Olive
Eye Color: Grey 
Hair Color: Dark brown
Hair Length: Short, Think Graves hair but curlier.
( Normally, He'd keep it long and in a wolf cut but he's dedicated to the army)
Height: 5'9
Weight: 130
Scars/Marks/Burns:  He has a long scar along his neck that runs from the left side of his chin down to his collarbone, He has 2nd degree burns around his wrists, and there's some scar and burn marks along his back. 
Tattoos: He has one. It's in morse code and it's his best friend's birthday and death date. 
Andy is very charismatic and is always the first to get a smile out of everyone. He isn't overly dramatic but he does come up with quick come backs and his voice drips with sarcasm. Normally he could be found standing near one of his friends with a dead and cold expression on his face. But, When he speaks you can tell he's full of life and just a hoot to be around. Despite being so openly charismatic not a lot of people know where he's from or who his family is. After Grave's betrayal he worked and bribed many officers to delete any affiliation with his brother off of his record as he wanted nothing to do with him.
Likes: Explosives, Rpgs, Sharks, a good scotch, and just general chatter
Dislikes: Graves, Any personal talk, Loud noises, and people yelling at him. (He will yell back)
Habit(s): Checking his heart beat, biting on his nails. constantly checking his blind spots, and the excessive need to always be in uniform. 
Talent(s): He excels in covert missions and being the brute force. He'll barge into a room with no care for his own life, Is normally used as a battering ram. 
Reputation: He has a pretty good relationship with most of the people he works with. While most like him they also get very unsettled by how he can be so open and talkative yet have no one even know his own name. 
Phillip Graves- Brother
Preferred Weapon(s): 
Assault rifles, Rpgs, and the Ax-50 Gunsmith 
Agility: 9/10
Hand-to-Hand Combat: 7/10 (Tries to avoid it if he can but can knock someone out) 
Long Range Accuracy: 10/10
Defense: 9/10
Offense: 6/10
People Skills: 4/10
Birthplace: Paris, Texas
Character Background:
Andy's father was a veteran and was Dishonorably discharged after getting into a fight with his commander. Unlike Graves, Who grew up without their father around (Headcanon), He grew up with his father being extremely present and way too involved. Their father was cruel and aggressive. With Graves being too old to manipulate, his father decided to try and make Andy his super soldier. He wanted Andy to be everything he wasn't so Andy was beaten and yelled at constantly, Graves was too but Andy never saw any of what their father did to Graves. All he ever saw Graves being pulled onto his father's lap and having their father run his hands through Graves' hair. To Andy, Graves was the favorite, As he grew up the punishments for Andy grew more and more violent. They ranged from being violently beaten to being thrown out in the cold. When he was 17 he had gotten into a fight with his father where he was abruptly sent to Military school. He spent the rest of his school years in the military school with Semi-regular visits from Graves. In these times they repaired their relationship and helped each other heal. 
Andy eventually ended up joining the army. He had no other goals and he excelled in boot camp. He would even send letters to Graves all the time, They would go back and forth about what each of their lives was like in their different fields. 
About three weeks before Graves and Andy were meant to meet up Andy got word of what his Brother did. He became pissed and every bottled up hatred he had for his brother bubbled to the surface. On the week that they were meant to meet up, he and his best friend Isaac at the time decided to go to a few bars during their down time and just have fun exploring the nearby town. On their way back to the base Andy's best friend, Commander Isaac was shot and killed by a Iraq mercenary who he had spared on their last mission. 
The mercenary hunted down Isaac and killed him right In Front of Andy. The only reason he was able to recognize Isaac was because Isaac didn't like face coverings and never really wore them when on the battlefield. 
His best friend, Andy held Isaac in his arms and called for backup. By the time any paramedics got their Isaac was dead. He had died on impact but Andy was in denial. He did everything he could to save Isaac. It shook Andy to his core and it took many months of probation, Therapy, and Psych screenings before he went back into the field. When he did go back he was Achilles. Just Achilles, He'd wear tented tactical goggles and a medical mask constantly. It was impossible to see him without them as he swore to himself that no person he ever killed would be able to hunt him down like they did Isaac. He only has two close friends and hasn't spoken to his brother in ages. He's a part of a Special task force that takes jobs where it's needed. They're mostly covert and are meant to get in and out by doing anything and everything necessary to complete their task.
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dyedcomrade · 1 year
Dark! Jack Krauser headcanons
i think after operation Javier he'd be so broken mentally and emotionally that at first for a long time he shuts off all human connections
but after some time he will latch onto anyone who shows him kindness and will want to get fullfillment by that one person he chooses as his darling - no other people, only his loved one
you can be a nurse or another kind of healthcare worker he met while going back for checkups. a shop assistant who was very helpful, a pizza delivery person who smiled at him. it will be just an everyday human interaction - but to him it will be so new after decades in the military. even on his free days he did mercenary work, because he tought he was a brute and did so many horrible things that noone would ever accept him back into society. he reeked of the blood he shed, it's just natural to isolate someone who is this violent, this dangerous.
but not you. you treated him like you would any other person. maybe even better? you had a good day or he was just an especially chill patient/customer/etc. and you were happy that for at least once someone isn't trying to make your work harder than it should be.
he is no stranger to covert tactics. means he will manage your kidnap smoothly. there will be no signs pointing to that it even happened. he will also take any personal item he thinks you will need in the first two weeks of your stay with him. that time is crucial in his mind for you to settle in.
he only recently bought his house after getting discharged. it's very bittersweet to him, as he always wanted the american dream, a white picket fence, suburban life - all his life unknowinlgy maybe, but he fought for it, physically and mentally as well. and he deserves it. after sacrificing everything he had, it's the least. he doesn't feel entitled to it, but he will be very confused and sad if you fight back.
at first you will be bound and in his basement - him with you almost the entire time. the place is very clean and polished. he tried to make it comfortable with a new matress, a portable heater and several pillows and blankets for you. you also have a little basket with food he tought you'd like. he talks to you every day. about his life so far, his interests and his intentions with you. even if you seem accepting at first he won't let his guard down. he makes sure you can no way hurt him or yourself or escape. he'd love for you to talk with him, but it's not always necessary. he understands it's a tough time for you.
if you are especially unruly he will forcefeed you sedatives.
while in this position he baths you every day himself and you really only have to call for him and every of your needs are taken care of. he will make you any food you ask for - for that time he brings you up to the kitchen, but don't expect to be able to move an inch he is kind of experienced in securing stronger and bigger people than you. also if he finds you can't be trusted with utensils he will feed you as well. he may just get used to it and want to do this for you after you get familiar with your new life and doesn't wanna push him away the moment your hands are free.
he is very sweet in all the things he does for you. after all he knows he has to kill this one with kindness. and he is in for the long game, the results are just simply better if he is patient and doesn't punish you yet for acting out.
if you take an especially long time to accept your fate he will get a breakdown. not an angry one, though. not many people have seen him cry, but you will get an exclusive version. ugly crying for hours. not to make you pity him, no strain of toughts like this ever crossed his mind. it's genuine and a lot. life is treating him so poorly and the only one he thoght could trust is treating him like a monster! is that all he really is? were you playing a cruel joke on him formerly? he will hold you close while trying to calm himself down. he still has someone he can protect, you are alive and he has a chance for normalcy. just like he dreamt of as a kid.
by this time it's impossible your stockholm syndrome, pity or compassion havent struck. and he will see it. the little signs of acceptance, the way you start to care for him. if you behave he will unbind you and lead you up to the living area, show you around his house. it's very tidy and cozy. clean as well aside from one room he just uses as storage. you can't go there though. it's locked tight too, even more securely than all the windows and doors that could possibly serve you as an escape.
he may show you once his old photos, medals and the dogtags of his fallen comrades if you ask. but please be understanding it's hard for him. you should reassure and comfort him after. the rest of that day he will spend cradled in your arms.
he put cameras in everywhere - not like his days aren't free to spend with you, just in case.
with the new freedom you have comes the possibility for you to have some entertainment. Jack will probably be in the middle of trying to find a new hobby and will be glad to try out yours. only indoor ones of course. you can also watch tv with him or play video games. he doesn't have a strong preference for anything, will watch anything with you - with the exception of any movies or games about aoldiers, and he would be nice if you played shooting games on mute. don't want to trigger anything in him.
he may get a cat or a dog if you like the idea too and aren't allergic. if you go with the dog option, his backyard is big enough for them to play in, but he'd love for the three of you to go on long walks as well.
full freedom can be achieved with him, as he wants to be somewhat delusional with his darling and the level of devotion you have for him.
but you don't want to leave him. he is a broken man with noone left to love. why would you be so cruel?
if he is sure you won't try to pull anything on him, he may let you back to your job and he will try to find one as well. staying for so long at home is boring. he may go back to mercenary work and at this point he may have contacted Wesker as well about his condition. although you can be a very big inhibiting force for him turning to terrorism. he doesn't want to lose you by getting involved in anything, and for sure doesn't want to get too far from the place you live in.
other headcanons, that may be too specific for some
he has an ambiguous feeling about kids. he would love some, but if you can't get pregnant or don't want to he will let it go. if anything would happen during the pregnancy to you or the kid that sure would be the last straw.
the first time he would mention sex is after you gain his trust and he lets you out to roam the house. he can arrange a marriage if it's something you feel is necessary before laying with him. he makes sure that he wears protection - he doesn't really know after fighting b.o.w.s what he may carry that he may be immune to but you aren't and he doesn't want to infect you. if you are a virgin and trust him with your first time, let alone first relationship, he will be stunned and nervous a bit. that is the only time he will be doubting this relationship. is he sure the guy to introduce you to intimacy? is he even good at it? he didn't have any long term relationship ever. he will, however, be very gentle and attentive the first time. it won't be forced and will encourage you to tell him everything on your mind, even if you think it sounds stupid.
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bihet-dragonize · 2 years
I think it's silly to (correctly) point out that white leftists don't condemn military people cuz they don't care about the black and brown people killed abroad, but then somehow come to the conclusion that the US military is never cruel to US citizens.
The National Guard is regularly rolled out to combat any protest from marginalized people. Whether it be disability activists protesting in the doorway of government buildings, Native water protectors protesting oil lines being built, or Black people protesting another execution of a Black citizen, the National Guard is the domestic branch of the US military and acts as such to suppress any dissent from marginalized people.
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skaldish · 4 years
This is perhaps the silliest question I've ever asked BUT are Norse deities... happy? I feel like the cultural consensus (at least in my area) surrounding Norse mythology is that the gods are angry, cold, vengeful, cruel, and bitter. I've been feeling like Heathenry is something I should be doing recently (Ēostre has been reaching out, so I suppose it would be closer to Anglo-Saxon heathenry but I digress), but I just can't seem to envision the gods as happy or loving in the way that people talk about deities from other pantheons. Does that make sense? I'd assume this is entirely untrue but I don't know, I think of Odin or Thor and I think of that stereotypical viking who is just battle-hungry all the time.
On a similar note, I feel like in my area all the practicing Heathens are also really depressed all the time? Or they all have a very alpha-male personality which is not who I am at all.
I guess what I'm really asking is: is there a place in Heathen thought for someone that isn't "harsh" or "blunt" or "viking-like"? And are the gods kind? Thank you very much for your time.
So fun fact: This image of Heathenry is actually specific to primarily the US and, probably, Canada. Most non-American Heathens I’ve met find this dark, brooding, “viking” interpretation super bizarre. The vikings were a highly-specific class of people, just like soldiers in the military are a highly-specific class of people, and ANY religion can look like a religion of war if that’s the only class you’re sampling from. Basically, that’s what we Americans are doing.
Not only that, we’re also working off a romanticized concept of “vikings.” This image is a combination of good old-fashioned commercialization (Vikings, Skyrim, Assassins Creed, Amon Amarth, Wardruna, etc) and long-standing neo-Volkisch (re: Nazi-adjacent) influences in American Heathenry (Odinism, Folkish Heathenry, the Nine Noble Virtues, etc). All you have to do is pepper in some Christian-style religious rules and voilá, you have the perfect tool for luring in droves of disenfranchised white men.
If you want to know what Heathenry looks like outside of this, check my pinned post for tons of links.
But anyway, to the point of your ask: Are the gods happy? Yes! They can be any emotion, in fact—happy, sad, loving, frustrated, angry, bored, etc. We couldn’t relate to them, or them to us, if they didn’t experience complex emotions.
They also happen to have very different and dynamic personalities between them. I’ve found the Norse gods to be wonderfully kind and a very boisterous bunch, but all of them are unique individuals in their own right. And definitely not all of them are warrior-like. I mean look at Freyr, the Norse god of masculinity. He gave up his sword for a wholeass wife.
I can’t speak for the Heathens you know, but if they’re identifying with cold, cruel gods and seem depressed, then they’re probably not in the best emotional state right now. People who were assigned male at birth are often socialized to only identify with emotions like bitterness and anger—it’s a societal form of abuse. This causes a lot of men to latch onto images that make them feel like they’re fulfilling this expectation, because everything in life has taught them they’ll be emasculated if they do otherwise.
It’s really depressing, and only narrows what masculinity actually is—dynamic. Just like our emotions, just like our personalities, and just like our deities.
There’s absolutely room for that variety in Heathenry.
(Sorry if I rambled in this post. Long day, and there’s really a TON of layers to this issue.)
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hellofanidea · 2 years
oh yes pls talk about the sidney/sledge/shelton dynamic i'd love to hear your take on it!
Okay okay okay so disclaimer that it's been a while since I last watched The Pacific, and I don't spend as much time in the fanworks for it as I do other stuff, so mea culpa if I'm fucking up or just repeating any widely accepted fanon
Maybe it's just because I really love all three of them and want them to be happy, but I feel like they'd really get on together, both as Sledgfu and Best Friend Sid, or as an ot3 dynamic.
And Stella this is partly your fault bc you reminded me about Sid/Sledge and. I have lots of thoughts and feelings about the potential for that. Mostly because it's friends to lovers and that really is absolute catnip for me, but also the potential of it always being there but never being fully realised? Their positions as two wealthy young white men in the American South during this era preventing them from venturing into romantic territory but them keeping that strong, loyal, friendship nevertheless? They're always going to love each other, the know that, no matter how that's expressed. That's not going away for either of them.
Now, you might then expect there to be an issue with jealousy once Snafu is introduced, and you'd probably be right, at least at first. From both of them! Sid grew up with Eugene, has had all those experiences, knows him inside and out, and Snafu would probably be wary of that, of that closeness. But Snafu knows the ins and outs of the new Sledge, the one who's come home from the war different than how he left. Sid isn't as in the dark as the other people around them on that front, but he still wasn't there for the traumatic, formative, experiences that have shaped this returning Eugene like Snafu was.
There's also the more obvious cultural hangups. Snafu would probably be pretty disdainful and distrusting at first of this rich white boy. Yes, that also describes Sledge, but he's always going to be Snaf's exception to stuff like that. They've seen too much, been through too much together for it to bother him the way it does with other people.
There are two things that I think would break down these potential issues for the Sid/Snafu friendship. The first is that they both love Eugene. Eugene also loves them both, in whatever way that may be. And once they can recognise that in each other, and the importance of each other in Sledge's life, that's... kind of like half of whatever battle might have happened. At the very least they're now willing to tolerate each other. Or bond over shared trauma (both were on Guadalcanal when Sledge wasn't) and their concern for Sledge.
The second is that Sid and Snafu, once they really got to know each other, would probably just get on? On top of that shared military experience, Sid being Sledge's friend means they probably have that same sharp sense of humour under that Southern charm, which Snafu would appreciate and find easy to bounce off of. There's also the fact that Snafu doesn't tend to be needlessly cruel. Most of his anger or mockery is reactionary, almost defensive. It's unlikely he'd spite Sid or get nasty with him for no good reason, and any additional abrasiveness Sid can probably roll with. Basically it tracks that if Sledge and Sid are friends, and Sledge and Snafu are friends, then Snafu and Sid are probably going to find enough parts of each other to get on with.
Tldr; Sid and Snafu should be buddies post-war because, like Sledge, Sid's personality and sense of humour would likely endear him to Snaf, and Snafu's nowhere near enough of an asshole to dissuade someone who grew up with and remains friends with Eugene Sledge.
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horrorslashergirl · 4 years
Slasher OC: Akshay Lah-Mo
Surprise, Surprise! Xaviera’s Cousin...
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‘He's a bulldozer making sure you're flat on the ground.’ -short description of Akshay
Full Name: Akshay Lah-Mo
Nickname(s): Aki, Akshy, Akitta, Polar Bear, Bulldozer
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Nationality: American
Place of Birth: Canada, Yukon
Current Location: USA; Alaska
Occupation: Ecologist, Writer
Height: 6'7
Weight: 240lbs
Body Type: Bulky/Athletic
Skin Color: Porcelain Cool Undertone
Hair Color: Snow white
Hair Style: This is what I think his hairstyle would be like, only more spikey
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Face Claim: Otto Seppäläinen
Eye Color: Grey
Clothing: If the weather is freezing he opts for Alaskan style clothing, thick layers; dark brown almost black coat with dark brown fake fur at the wrists and collar to keep him warm, black termic thick pants, and knee-length fur boots with small spikes on the sole for hiking and walking on ice. If the weather isn't that cold he opts for a winter camo jacket with a black army beret, black camo pants, and combat boots with spikes on the sole too.
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His scent: Akshay's scent would be described as warm spicy but with a freshness of cold. The top notes of blood mandarin and cinnamon combined with fresh mint, pine trees and spicy note give off a powerfull and masculine fragrance. Adding in the base notes of leather, amber and musk, he has certain woody notes around the edges
His favorite food: Pancakes with maple syrup and forest fruits
His favorite drink: Hot chocolate with marshmellows and cinnamon
Other features: His whole arms, from wrist to biceps and his broad shoulders are covered in tribal tattoos, and also half of his pectorals too.
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Weapons: AK-47, Knuckle-Duster's with Metal Claws resembling that of a bear, Spikes on the sole of his boots, Bazooka
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Brutal Strength
Brutal Durability
High pain tolerance
Feral rage
Skilled usage of weaponry
Skill in hand-to-hand combat
Akshay was born to American parents; Gaurav Lah-Mo (Twin Brother of Ranveer, who was Xaviera's father) and Adabelle, when they were on vacation in Canada, Yukon. His childhood was pretty normal, the average one, great parents, good education and he looked up to his father's twin brother, appreciating the career as a zoologist. Akshay aspired to do something similar, wanting to be as close to nature as possible.
When he was 14, his mother died of cancer, leaving him only with his father who dedicated his full time to raising Akshay and offering him parental warmness. Gaurav was devasted when he received the news about his twin brother's death, only being more caring with Akshay, helping him achieve the dream of being an ecologist and researcher.
Akshay went to college, getting a degree in biology and opting for ecology, getting chances of traveling, and such.
When he was 27, Akshay obtained a research mission along with a military department in Alaska, only for a cruel blizzard to crash their plane in the heart of the Alaskan Mountains.
Akshay along with one of his biology colleagues were the only survivors of the crash. They tried to survive with what little supplies they had, but that only lasted for three days. Akshay looked over the dead bodies and proposed to eat them so they could survive, but his colleague was totally against it. They managed two days, but the hunger was too much, so Akshay tried to cut a piece of flesh from one of the bodies, only to be stopped by his partner.
A fight started, only to be finished when Akshay got his hands on an AK-47 from the crashed plane, shooting his partner and killing him. Being the only survivor and none to stop him, he survived by the ultimate resort; cannibalism.
After two weeks in the mountains, the rescue team managed to locate the crashed plane, and Akshay. They got him into the first close town to treat his wounds and take care of him.
When Akshay tried to call his father, wanting to tell him that he is alright, he got the devasting news that his father killed himself, thinking that Akshay is dead, his wife no more along with his twin brother; it was too much for him, so he shot himself.
Having nothing to go back home for, Akshay decided to stay in Alaska, continuing his job as an ecologist and a free-time writer, keeping a journal for his thoughts that sometimes hunt him.
Akshay lives close to a small, quiet town in Alaska, in a two-story cabin, enjoying the quietness of nature and away from the loudness of the big city life.
Akshay can come off as cold, hard, and harsh; the perfect epitome of an iceberg, but he simply prefers to keep to himself. He is intimidating, with icy grey eyes and his tall/broad frame only adds to that image.
He can be quite sarcastic if someone persists in annoying him, making them run for the hills.
One big characteristic of Akshay is his double personality. In his usual day to day is calm, quiet, writing in his journal, enjoying the scenario nature has to offer him, studying it. 
The other part that still haunts him, is the sight of blood. It reminds him of what happened deep in the Alaskan Mountains, how he eats the people he was supposed to work with. The sight of blood triggers his feral rage and he completely turns 180 degrees from a calm mountain to a destructive bulldozer.
He is usually triggered by hunters, illegal loggers, people that destroy nature. He is a very dangerous man then; he even smashed a guy's skull with his foot.
He is also very smart; going to the town's bar, enjoying a drink while listening to a group of men that are playing on illegal logging or hunting. From then on, Akshay just tracks them down.
Observing nature and researching the ecosystem.
Analyze the cause and effect relationships between species and habitats.
Writing in his journal.
Killing illegal loggers and poachers.
The Polar bear is Akshay's spirit animal and his top symbol. Polar Bear Spirit represents patience and persistence in that the Great White Bear often walks or swims great lengths to find a food source. Akshay has the patience of a God but just like the Polar bear, once he gets to his prey, is all game over. Akshay is like a storm when striking down, destroying everything in his path.
Polar Bear Spirit is a loner; this speaks of self-reliance. The only time Polar Bear interacts with others of the same species is for mating. So, independence is part of Polar Bear Medicine. That goes for Akshay, being a lone man of the Alaskan Mountains, the only people that can get close to him are his s/o and his cousin, Xaviera.
Did you know that polar bears are actually blue? The truth is that they appear white only because they have hollow fur. As such, they are very good at hiding their color. This enhances their survival in a harsh environment. Akshay is very resistant and blends in very easily with the Alaskan tundra. You won't even know it what hit you when the Polar bear carges, until you are a mess of broken bones and blood.
His relationship with Xaviera:
Akshay and Xaviera used to spend time together when Xaviera's parents visited Akshay's family. They had a strong bond together, despite having a a considerate age difference, Akshay played with Xaviera, indulging into her childish. The moment their cousin bond started to get cold was when Akshay left for college, his mothers death already affecting him a little, then Xavieras parents were killed and finally his father took his own life. All these looses made their relationship break, both walking different paths.
Type of Villain: Brutal Mass Murderer
P.S: No. He is not a cannibal. He did that to survive. That’s about it.
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