blood-mocha-latte · 1 year
i hope y'all know that when i say 'sledgfu edit in drafts' i mean it in the same way i mean 'nuclear waste in plastic bag'
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ww2yaoi · 24 days
sledgfu and webgott do have a lot of parallels. the class differences. two of them are always scribbling in their little books like a couple of gay boys so they can write their little war memoirs. all four of them are insane. I could go on
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lamialamia · 11 months
sledgfu for ask game ;)))
Wow what an unexpected ask! I did not see this coming at all!!!!1!11
Ok. WEll this is me coming off my latest TP rewatch a few weeks ago where I found out more details about Sledgefu to be crazy about. Haha. Ha.
It's the scene in episode 9 when the team is being pushed to their limit in the hell that is Okinawa. Endless rain, putrid environment, death and destructions, being shelled by their own people,... and Sledge and Snafu started screaming at each others because they could NOT take it anymore. And Peck snapped. That replacement jumped up and wanted to just 'get it over'. Everyone went after him, especially Hamm... and we knew how that end...
But I realize in that scene, Sledge tries to get to Peck but Snafu hold him back. He was, basically, not giving a shit about Peck at all and was only there to protect Sledge, again. Because even if they had just screamed in each others' faces moments ago, this is where his priority lay. This is who his priority lay.
I mean, that had never really changed for Snafu. He is a cat who has dog traits (analogy courtesy of @eugeneshelton that stays with me). He is fiercely loyal in a very selfish way. He is a bastard who has layers and complicated contradictions. And Sledge is a dog with cat traits, he got morals and old-timey thinking/priority that are changing and warped beyond comprehension -- he follows orders and then broke it when he deemed he's in the right (the scene where he disobeyed the cease fire order and snap at his superior).
So they are just, each other's yin and yang.
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And then all the train scenes.
Gurl. I can make a rant. But maybe another time 🙃🫠
EDIT: but my all time Sledgefu scene is "my dog dies"
EDIT2: NO I WAS WRONG. all of their shared scene is my fav.
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demonbloodenthusiast · 10 months
tell me why i was reading a sledgfu fic where gene had night terrors and one time he woke up with snaf holding his head sleeping next to him because he was only sleeping through the night if someone was next to him AND SOBBED INTO MY PILLIOW LIKE A HISTERICAL CHILD
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fellow sledgfu hater lemme shake ur hand (same anon) honestly its too like borderline mean in the show for me to see them as anything but begrudging co-workers and most fics are all ooc/so generic trope/ship dynamic its just not them at all
i get you anon i get you! i think its a fun basis for a ship, so i see where the roots of the idea come in, and they definitely care for each other in their own bitchy lil way by the end. but i feel like Snafu especially is such a hard guy to nail down in writing, especially if you want him in a ship, so... yeah. when you combine that with their canon interactions it sometimes means fic trends heavily towards the ooc, like you said. its not for me. a lot of the time i filter it out if im reading fic so it cuts my options down massively lol. im glad everybody else is having fun though!
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hellofanidea · 2 years
oh yes pls talk about the sidney/sledge/shelton dynamic i'd love to hear your take on it!
Okay okay okay so disclaimer that it's been a while since I last watched The Pacific, and I don't spend as much time in the fanworks for it as I do other stuff, so mea culpa if I'm fucking up or just repeating any widely accepted fanon
Maybe it's just because I really love all three of them and want them to be happy, but I feel like they'd really get on together, both as Sledgfu and Best Friend Sid, or as an ot3 dynamic.
And Stella this is partly your fault bc you reminded me about Sid/Sledge and. I have lots of thoughts and feelings about the potential for that. Mostly because it's friends to lovers and that really is absolute catnip for me, but also the potential of it always being there but never being fully realised? Their positions as two wealthy young white men in the American South during this era preventing them from venturing into romantic territory but them keeping that strong, loyal, friendship nevertheless? They're always going to love each other, the know that, no matter how that's expressed. That's not going away for either of them.
Now, you might then expect there to be an issue with jealousy once Snafu is introduced, and you'd probably be right, at least at first. From both of them! Sid grew up with Eugene, has had all those experiences, knows him inside and out, and Snafu would probably be wary of that, of that closeness. But Snafu knows the ins and outs of the new Sledge, the one who's come home from the war different than how he left. Sid isn't as in the dark as the other people around them on that front, but he still wasn't there for the traumatic, formative, experiences that have shaped this returning Eugene like Snafu was.
There's also the more obvious cultural hangups. Snafu would probably be pretty disdainful and distrusting at first of this rich white boy. Yes, that also describes Sledge, but he's always going to be Snaf's exception to stuff like that. They've seen too much, been through too much together for it to bother him the way it does with other people.
There are two things that I think would break down these potential issues for the Sid/Snafu friendship. The first is that they both love Eugene. Eugene also loves them both, in whatever way that may be. And once they can recognise that in each other, and the importance of each other in Sledge's life, that's... kind of like half of whatever battle might have happened. At the very least they're now willing to tolerate each other. Or bond over shared trauma (both were on Guadalcanal when Sledge wasn't) and their concern for Sledge.
The second is that Sid and Snafu, once they really got to know each other, would probably just get on? On top of that shared military experience, Sid being Sledge's friend means they probably have that same sharp sense of humour under that Southern charm, which Snafu would appreciate and find easy to bounce off of. There's also the fact that Snafu doesn't tend to be needlessly cruel. Most of his anger or mockery is reactionary, almost defensive. It's unlikely he'd spite Sid or get nasty with him for no good reason, and any additional abrasiveness Sid can probably roll with. Basically it tracks that if Sledge and Sid are friends, and Sledge and Snafu are friends, then Snafu and Sid are probably going to find enough parts of each other to get on with.
Tldr; Sid and Snafu should be buddies post-war because, like Sledge, Sid's personality and sense of humour would likely endear him to Snaf, and Snafu's nowhere near enough of an asshole to dissuade someone who grew up with and remains friends with Eugene Sledge.
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that50shousehusband · 3 years
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Found this scrolling through Instagram. Figured I oughta share.
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guiltyonsundays · 3 years
the way y'all post about Eugene Sledge and Snafu Shelton on here I was expecting peak soft boi dynamics
instead I got two murderous bastards who are so fucking psychotic that literally no-one else can stand the pair of them
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alcordraws · 5 years
Prompt: "I needed you and you weren't there" + Snafu from @a-small-fuck-you
He has no right to be as angry as he is, and yet, he is.
He's soaked through to the bone, vicious rain tearing through his thin coat like icy needles, sinking deep into his skin to splinter in his veins. Snafu shivers, tucking his arms around himself and blinking away the water from his eyes that could be tears, or rain his hood couldn't protect him from.
The sticky-humid New Orleans air is a struggle to breathe, even at night when, theoretically, it should be cooler, but even with the freezing rain Snafu feels far too hot. His hand clenches, crumpling the letter he's holding, words whirling in his heard harsher than the storm around him and he would scream if his throat wasn't already shot to hell.
"I needed you and you weren't there" echoes sharply on the tip of his tongue and he can hear the tint of a disappointed Alabama accent, imagines the frown of betrayal of waking up alone on a train.
But he couldn't stay. Surely he has to know why Snafu couldn't stay, surely he knows that Snafu couldn't say goodbye because then he could never leave and he'd be a burden and-.
No one deserves to have Snafu thrust into their lives.
His breath comes in a shuddering sigh and the train station looms ahead, bustling with activity like a glowing anthill, orange lamplight firelike in the shadow of rain and night. In his other hand, his train ticket feels like anchor, a heavy weight crushing his chest. But he needs to do this. With a final deep breath, he adjust his bag over his shoulder, and marches toward the station.
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blood-mocha-latte · 11 months
Hi, hope you're doing well 💗
About WIP game:
Have a nice day 😊
yes stalling!!! my favorite activity!!!!! let's get this bread fr
❌ What WIP do you find the most challenging? Why?
ok so i have eleven wips right now and they are. all difficult. but i would have to say the luztoye post war road-trip au? because like. writing is hard and people are complex, lmao
🗣️ Talk about your favourite WIP
ok so it's silly and ridiculous but i love silly and ridiculous so it's definitely the modern webgott divorced two times au. everyone's there and everyone has their own installment in that universe because i had entirely too much fun writing it
🤔Do you have an WIPs where you wish you had chosen a different fandom/character?
ok so my one hang up. about the speirton bonnie and clyde au. is that i love it dearly and i adore speirton freak4freak more than anything,,,,,,, but i think also it could have worked with sledgfu. but i also think it could work with all of the hbo war ships for different reasons and different plot lines. but that's a whole other beast that would require a whole other ask because uh. every ship has been given consideration in this universe
(nonnie who also sent this emoji this is for u too. i love you)
thanks for asking <3 <3
from this <3
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I see a lot of debate...
regarding who tops; Merriell or Eugene and I am always very conflicted. 
Because like, hell yeah, Merriell is a dom asf and would top Eugene so hard but...
Power bottom Mer??
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lamialamia · 5 months
shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals <3
So this is from my short but vital misc. Sledgfu songs, as long as the song isn't jazz and remind me of the *the boys*, I throw it in here. That being said, it's still curated, because I'm snobby like that.
Fade Into You - Nashville cast. I stole this from another Sledgefu playlist shhh don't tell them. This one is about the codependency that I wanna indulge once in a while.
If you were a window and I was the rain. I'd pour myself out and wash off the pain
It's A Hard Life - Queen. I'm contractually obligated to put at least one Queen song to any and all playlists I made (except for my genre-specific one).
It's a long hard fight. To learn to care for each other
Intolewd - Matt Maltese. Made me think of Sledgefu modern AU, where they are young boys in a homoerotical bestfriendship 🤭
You're a kind of angel, dancing by the table. I was doing fine, then I met you
Caught In A Blue - Stephen Sanchez. Post-war blue. If the boy ain't pining, then what am I doing here???
Is this the cost for love that's true? Forever lost looking for you
Love Don't Love Me Go - Angelina Jordan. Ok, ok, okay I swear I have some happy song in this playlist okay? I know this is another sad one but but but in my defense, my OTP is angst-heavy and I'm a thematically inclined bitch.
If only I could look you in the eye. There wouldn't be no place for you to hide
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airsignss · 5 years
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Do any of my followers know anyone who takes video requests?
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hellofanidea · 2 years
Thinking about Them again (the potential Sledge Shelton Sid dynamic)
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that50shousehusband · 3 years
I know this is about to hurt y'all, trust me, it hurts me just as much, HOWEVER, it needs to be said.
"If I Get High" by Nothing But Thieves reminds me of sledgefu.
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