#like you'd look nice with this guy therefore ship
bookishforce · 8 months
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moxiebustion · 4 months
Anakin Skywalker was a great Jedi.
He was not a good Jedi. Not even remotely.
Same thing you say? No, not really.
It's a bit like the difference between being rich and being wealthy. They sound like they're the same thing, involving the same quantifier (money) but they're not.
Rich is when you have enough. Your job pays well, you own a nice house, a couple of cars, you and your family can save a nest egg and go on some nice holidays and stuff. Your kids have their college tuition paid, you can afford to support an elderly or disabled family member relatively well. Life is good.
But you still have to work. Your partner still has to work. Your kids, while they will be very well educated and have all the advantages, will still need to get a job to survive on their own. You make your money by the sweat of your labours - maybe more than you need, but it's still down to the work of your hands.
Wealthy? Wealthy is where you own such an enormous portfolio of properties, have such a collection of heirloom artefacts, have so many bloated trust funds that you could spend every single one of your living days do nothing and you'd still have enough money to live on and then some. So would your children. And your grandchildren.
The surgeon making six figures a year is rich. They guy that has the entire wing of the hospital the surgeon works in named after him is wealthy.
Which brings us back to Great Jedi versus Good Jedi. They sound the same, with the same quantifier (Jedi), but they're not.
Anakin Skywalker was a Great Jedi in the sense that his deeds would get written about in history books. Helped win a planet's freedom at nine. Mastered a saber at nineteen, in half the time any of his peers took. Apprenticed to the Order's premier negotiator. Was knighted after one-on-one combat with a Sith. Pilot, Warrior, Hero Without Fear - he talked the talk, he walked the walk. He was everything people thought a Jedi should be and was therefore a Great Jedi in the eyes on minds of the galaxy.
He was a complete failure at being a Good Jedi.
The smallest, weakest and most fumble fingered member of the creche was a better Good Jedi than he could even dream of being. The Archivist who had never passed a single saber test ever given to her was a better Good Jedi than him and all his prowess. The elderly old farmer who had spent their entire lives up to their neck in dirt and hadn't been involved in a single galactically vital peace treaty was a better Good Jedi than Anakin Skywalker could even begin to comprehend.
They all wanted it.
They wanted it.
They wanted to be Jedi.
That's not to say they never wanted other things; marriage, or children, or life outside of service. People want things. Even Jedi want things.
But they never wanted anything in the galaxy more than they wanted to be a Jedi. Being a Jedi was the one thing they were willing to give up everything else for. They understood that it was a big commitment, that it would ask a lot of them, and they looked at that choice with their eyes wide open, fully trained and educated onto what it would entail and said yes, this is what I want to be.
(And that's not unhealthy! That's not "repression". Is a priest or a nun repressed? Is an asexual or aromantic repressed? Is anyone who ever got a dream job that took them away from home, kin and country repressed, wrongheaded, brainwashed? Or have they looked at their options, have they been fully informed and educated on what the life they choose will mean for them and everyone around them and decided yes, this lifestyle, which is not like everyone else's, which may even separate me irrevocable from the mainstream, suits me. I don't need or want the rest of it as much as this. This is what I want).
Anakin Skywalker wanted to be a Jedi.
But he didn't want to be a Jedi more than he wanted anything else.
He could swing a lightsaber, he could quote esoteric tenets and philosophies, he could pilot a ship, he could perform a variety of Force techniques, he could more than hold his own in a fight.
None of these make a person a Good Jedi.
You have to want it. You have to want to be a Jedi, above all other things. The talent might make you Great but it's the wanting, the choice, that makes you Good. You have to look at it, all of it, clear eyed, and decide you want it.
And he... didn't.
He just lied and said he did. At first to himself.
And then, knowingly and willfully, to everyone else.
Until he wasn't even a Great Jedi anymore. He wasn't a Jedi at all.
And he still didn't get anything else he wanted either.
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ry0chann · 3 years
ty @ry0m3n for tagging me!! was definitely surprised to see your ship with Geto but omg you guys are so cute!
(all my answers are under the cut just so the post isn't long on the tl haha)
your anime selfship person
❥ Ryomen Sukuna (but in a modern au where he's a businessman😌)
your ship name
❥ Madikuna
what do you call each other?
❥ Sukuna calls me literally any name that isn't my own. but it's mostly (my) love, darling, baby, and princess. the only time he'll use my full name is if he's being serious, something similar to a parent LMAO
❥ i'm not too fond of pet names, so i usually just call him by his name, or variations of it; Ryo, Suku, and Kuna. occasionally i'll call him baby, but it's prefaced with one of his other nicknames
who confessed first?
❥ i did, of course. i tend to get super anxious about my feelings, and when they get really strong i sorta just tell the person bc i can't keep it to myself any longer. he was really sweet about it, and nonchalantly implied that he felt the same. though that was really obvious with the way his face got red
how long have you been together?
❥ about a two years. we might've rushed into things, in regards to our relationship, bc we had only know each other for roughly a year before getting together. but we surprisingly clicked almost immediately so it all felt right
are you affectionate?
❥ shockingly he's more (physically) affectionate than i am. that's only bc i still get really flustered around him sometimes, so it's really common for him to initiate hugs or kisses. especially in public omg— he's always holding my hand or kissing my cheek. i'm more affectionate in private. mostly in bed when we're cuddling, but i tend to cling to him regardless when we're home
living together/married?
❥ we live together! we've only been living together for a couple months, but it's been lovely. maybe it's a little soon, but i used to live far from him, so it was hard to make time for each other, bc of his job and everything. therefore moving in together was a nice compromise
❥ we aren't married but it has been something we've talked about. i've told him that i want to eventually get married, and he's told me that marriage was never anything he wanted. however, he also told me that if he were to ever get married, he'd want to marry me. he thinks he's slick— acting like he doesn't care— but he's not
❥ no children atm and probably not for a very long time. personally, i want at least one, while he wants none. but we also tend to uh, "not be very careful" so ig we'll cross that bridge when we get there
what your friend group looks like?
❥ very very small. we don't really have much of a shared friend group. Sukuna doesn't like anybody, he merely tolerates people, so he doesn't have many friends. it's like one or two people from work, but they're on thin ice haha. i have a couple close ones that i've known for a while, but that's it
how you get along w your friends?
❥ i'm a pretty friendly person so i get along with his "friends" well. the only reason he gets along with mine is bc i tell him he has to. in all honesty, he doesn't have a problem with them, he just doesn't care for them ig. it's all cordial though, on both ends, which is good
night in or night out?
❥ i prefer nights in, he prefers whatever i prefer. more often than not though, we're going out bc he has the money to spend and likes to spoil me 😇
your favorite date?
❥ he took me on a dinner cruise once bc of some event for his job and omg it was gorgeous. we got to get all dressed up and got to eat under the stars, like something out of a movie. that same night he told me he loved me (for the first time) when we were in bed, so it's definitely my favorite date we've had
~tags (no pressure, do it if you'd like to!) @suguruwrx @stupidlittleangel + anybody else that wants to
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ay-asterisms · 4 years
Who do you ship your mutuals with and why???
ahhhhhh I've been waiting for this! if I forgot you, I am so sorry, I'll add you right away!
okay so some of these are absolute crack ships, and some of them I'm lowkey a little serious about, so I'll leave you to fight about which ones are which. most of them are haikyuu, but there's a couple other ones thrown in. anyways, I kinda wanted to mix it up and give people characters they aren't usually shipped with... so that's how you got this (I am so sorry)
@mi-anagapesis mie!!! I'm going with Iwaizumi BECAUSE you need someone to remind you to take care of yourself and support you and I know you would turn around and do the same for him because well everyone looks to Iwaizumi for help, where's his support? also I just like the idea of the two of you taking road trips while listening to your immaculate playlists
@kirishimas-manly-eyeliner okay so like yeah I love the idea of you and kiri BUT also I love opposites like us so Shinsou! he's the cool logic to balance out your spontaneous actions. (I'm not saying I was inspired by the fics we've been swapping with each other, but I was). you two would have so much fun listening to musical soundtracks (and maybe you could convince him to sing along?)
@mochizv Sakusa, you need someone responsible to keep you on track. I just know he'd like your creativity (and stop you from eating nail polish remover). the best movie nights!!! he would not be impressed if you accidentally spilled the popcorn, but would help you clean up anyways.
@gummimint again, Inuoka. I was half joking at the time but now that I've thought about it, I kinda really like the idea! sometimes he has trouble with words and being able to communicate what he means, but it would work because he'd keep trying until he gets you and therefore you'd never run out of things to talk about (😅). I'm imagining you going shopping with him and the height difference and aaahhhh it's so cute!!
@tsumussweetheart you are sooo frustrating to ship because I can't get a good read on you?? like you're the only one? and my brain just? doesn't?? perform basic pattern recognition??? so... Terushima! I feel like his energy would inspire you and temporarily cure any lack of motivation you're dealing with. Plus he's really really smart, so he can help you out when school's getting you down! I see the two of you taking impromptu grocery trips at two am
@seiri-ami 100% Sugawara (sorry Wid). chaotic enough for you to have fun, but also responsible enough to get you to drink water (he knows the effects of dehydration). he's patient and would help you study, but also do his best to calm your school-centered anxiety. somehow I get the feeling that you two would have the best picnics
@nacehiru Shindo. OKAY OKAY HEAR ME OUT. yes, his nice guy attitude was an act. but he's observant enough to pick up on what's bothering you, and smart enough to know what to do about it! honestly, the two of you together would be a terrifying power couple. I'm thinking of you going to a park and people-watching with him, and coming up with these elaborate stories about every passerby's life.
@viridevi ...Hanamaki? he'd marathon movies with you! also I feel like he'd like listening to you read your favourite books to him while he's falling asleep. oh and there would be lots of teasing. imagine a surprise day where you spend the afternoon at a bowling alley with him! (it wouldn't go exactly as planned, but oh well)
@catchmewiddershins imagine debates with Akaashi over classics! he'd reassure you that your opinions and feelings are valid, he gets the thought process behind your Imposter Syndrome. if anyone would listen to you rant about how much you dislike oedipus, it would be him. cafe dates aaaaaaaaall the time, with yummy pastries.
@kozu-zumi so I know kenma's the love of your life, but maybe consider... Yamaguchi? He'd be more than happy to help you work through your issues, he'd want you to know he's there for you if you ever want his help. plus, he's up for trying most things once, so he'd definitely play your current favourite video game with you. the two of you cooking is taking up an unreasonable amount of my brain right now.
@softieynnie okay I honestly can't explain this one, but Futakuchi! a healthy dose of playful teasing, methinks. each of you would flirt with the other a lot. also, study dates (where no studying gets done of course)
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season 1 episode 1
Uncle Phil! Man! How are you doing? l am not your uncle Philip. My fault, man. l must have got the wrong crib. l didn't know there were so many brothers living in this neighborhood. We're doing all right, huh? You have the right house. l am Geoffrey, your uncle's butler. Okay, well, l. Cheerio and all that rot. Bring the horses round, would you? lf you will follow me l will show you to your room, Master William. Hey, man, it's cool if you just call me Will. Master William tradition dictates that a clean, unbreakable line be drawn between a family and their butler. Therefore, it is necessary for the operation of a household that you address me as Geoffrey and l, in turn, address you by your proper title: Master William. Who are you, Robo-butler, man? Come with me, Master William. Yo, G. Let me rap to you for a second. All this Master William stuff, l'm not down with that, man. Make it sound like we're back on the plantation, like: ''Massa William ! Massa William ! '' Let's come up with something better that you could call me. What would you prefer? Check this: ''His Royal Freshness. '' That's dope. Master William, walk this way. No. -Willie! -Hey, Aunt Viv! -Sweetie, hi. -How you doing? My goodness, let me look at you. Turn around. The last time we saw you, you were this funny little boy. Now look at you. My goodness, you are a man. That was the plan. lt is amazing. You certainly have grown, Will. Well, we all have. Did you enjoy the trip? The plane ride was stupid. All the way first-class-- Excuse me? -l'm saying the plane was dope-- -Excuse me? No. Stupid, dope. No, that doesn't mean what you. How would he say. The flight was really neat. Geoffrey, would you take Will to his room, and help him get settled in? -Yes, Madam. -Nice seeing you. -Master William. -You got to love this guy, right? -Did you see the way he was dressed? -What's wrong with it? -You hear that language? -We used slang when we were kids. Do you remember our first date? You took one look at me and said: ''That is a bad dress. '' You could've just said it was a good dress. l could have, if l liked it. Actually, it was a bad dress. That's stupid. Now, take it for whatever meaning you want. Now he's got you doing it. Philip, cut him some slack, please. He's my nephew. And l would just appreciate it if you would try to understand him. Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad. -Hi, sweetie pie. -Hi, Ashley. Yo, this place is huge, man. Next time l go to my room, l'm gonna take some bread crumbs. -Will, this is Ashley. -Hi. My little Scottish cousin. Pleased to make your acquaintance. l'm your humble servant. -He's cute. -l know he is. -l'm gonna take a swim before dinner. -Good luck. The pool heater's broken. -Don't you just hate it when that happens? -Yes, that is my pet peeve. -You got your own pool here? -And a tennis court, too. Yo, this is better than Love Boat. This boy gonna be maxing and relaxing. Hold on just a minute, son. We promised your mother that you're here to work hard, straighten out and learn some good old-fashioned American values. Dad, l need $300. Hilary, your cousin Will is here. Hi. Dad, l need $300. That's a lot of money, Hilary. What for? l need a new hat. -For what? -Probably her head. Okay, l'm going on the Save the Ozone celebrity bus next Saturday. lt's gonna be Bruce Willis and Demi, Rob Lowe, Emilio Estevez or Charlie Sheen, l can't remember which. We're taking the bus all over town to protest air pollution and then we're gonna motor to the beach and have a big bonfire. What? l'm not an expert or anything, but don't you think driving a big old bus around town and then having a bonfire is sort of adding to the problem of pollution? Look, if this weren't a good idea l really don't think Ally Sheedy would be involved. Hey, look who's here. Benson. -This is for you. -But l didn't get you anything. Your uncle has invited several of the partners from his law firm to dinner. At the time of the invitation, he did not realize you'd be descending upon him today. And regrettably, it was too late to cancel. Yo, are we having a party? We're gonna get stupid, right? For some of us, that will require very little effort indeed. -Miss Ashley. -That will be all, Geoffrey. That's all you had to say to get rid of him? l've been racking my brain. -This is for you. -Thank you, Ashley. This is nice. You're very talented. Well, l'm glad l'm good at something. l tried out for the school chorus today, but l didn't get in. How come? Well, when l auditioned for Mrs. Berkley l couldn't remember all the words to the song. The part l remembered was fantastic. -l'm sure it was. l bet you're def. -That's what she said. Not deaf. D-E-F. That's just slang. Means terrific, good. Thank you. You should try rapping. When you're rapping, you mess up the words and make up some new ones right there on the spot. Let's try this. l'll sing one line, you make up a line to rhyme it. -Okay. -All right. Let's see. ''You didn't get into Miss Berkley's chorus'' -l'm thinking, all right? -That's all right. We got all day. -Okay, l've got it. -Here we go. ''You didn't get into Miss Berkley's chorus'' ''l'd like to hit her in the head with Roget's Thesaurus'' ''Don't need no choir when you're a rapper'' ''Gonna hunt Miss Berkley down and zap her'' ''Got this whole town of Bel-Air buzzing'' ''Get a load of me and my rapping cousin'' Ashley, why don't you go downstairs and get ready for dinner. -Okay, Daddy. Bye, Will. -Check you later, Ash. Look who's here, Will. Who is he? lt's your cousin, Carlton. Don't you remember? When you two were little, people thought you were twins. You looked exactly alike. l guess some things never change. -How's it going there, Will? -lt's going all right. -Malcolm X. -He's sort of my hero. Well, he was a great man. l don't know if l'd call him my hero exactly. -Really? Who are your heroes? -Well, my dad. And Bryant Gumbel. He's darn good. Oh, my, yes! l see they brought your tuxedo. Tell me something, Will. Have you ever attended a formal dinner before? Other than that thing at Buckingham Palace, no. The important thing to remember is to relax, enjoy yourself and when in doubt, do whatever Carlton's doing. -You got it, man. -Okay, l'll see you at dinner. -That's a really neat tux, isn't it, Will? -Yes. lt's definitely the cat's meow. Wait till we come downstairs in those tuxes. People may not think we're twins, but l bet they'll think we're brothers. l don't think you have to worry about anybody mistaking you for a brother. Touche. This is going to be great. Your first formal dinner. And tomorrow, l'll introduce you to the gang. Maybe we'll play a set of tennis or two. Yes, this is going to be wild. -Where is he? -He's upstairs changing. Not Will. President Reagan. -You didn't? -What do you mean, l didn't? -You invited him again. -Why not? He's our neighbor. He's turned down the last 16 invitations. When are you gonna take a hint? -Maybe l should call his house. -Don't. l don't want him here. -Why not? -Because he'll bring her. Anyway, Bruce, Demi and l all feel that the ozone layer must be protected. l mean, every square foot of rain forest that's cut down brings us just one step closer to global warming. We have to learn to protect the earth. Not just for ourselves and not just for our children but for the future of all mankind. l had no idea it was such a serious problem. l really commend you for getting involved in such a good cause. Thanks. lt's my passion. -Where can l send a donation? -l don't know. Oh, my God! Philip, don't make a big thing out of it. lf this is how he feels comfortable. He's not killing anybody. Aren't you going to introduce Will? lntroduce him. Well, Steve, David, Henry. This is Will, my nephew by marriage. Will, these are my partners in the law firm of Furth, Winn and Meyer. Earth, Wind & Fire! When's your next album coming out? Will is going to go to Bel-Air Academy with Carlton. Good for you, Will. l used to fence at Bel-Air. Really? How much do you think we could get for that stereo? These hors d'oeuvres look tempting. Don't mind if l do. -How could you do that? -lt's all in the tongue. l'll show you later. There are other people at this table. You're right. Any requests? -Sweetie, would you say grace, please? -Yes, Mommy. ''Hey, there, Lord My name is Ashley Banks ''My family and friends Want to give you some thanks ''So before this dinner's All swallowed and chewed ''Thank you, God, for this stupid food'' Hey, Geoffrey, home butler. l'm glad to see you, man. lt is a special thrill for me as well. Check this out. l'm gonna be down here for a while. Why don't you hop on in the kitchen and get me some cocoa? Master William while it is my natural inclination to accede to your every demand l officially go off duty at 9:00 p. m. And if you care to look at your watch, you will note that the long hand is on 12, and the short hand is on 9. lt is 9:00, Master William. And do you know what that means? Masterpiece Theatre is on. Sir, do you require anything further of me? No, Geoffrey. Then l shall retire. Man, he took that hard. l want to talk to you. -About what? -You know. From the minute you came, you've been a one-man wrecking crew trying to tear down what's taken a lot of hard work to build up skewering everything with your flippant shenanigans! Man, l was with you up till ''skewering. '' You know what l'm talking about. You deliberately tried to embarrass me tonight and l don't get it. Your aunt and l went through a lot of trouble to bring you here. -This is the thanks we get? -l ain't asked to come. Everyone's talking about shipping me off, and dressing me up and changing me into something l don't wanna be. Nobody wants to change you. You told me yourself l got to straighten out. ''When in doubt, act as Carlton acts. '' Man, l don't wanna be like Carlton. l'm a joker. l play around. l have fun. Being a joker is what's gotten you into trouble. You may think it's cool to be on the streets when you're 17 but when you're my age, it's a waste. l can't think that far ahead. That's your problem. You can't take anything seriously. Look, man, l don't have the problem. You have the problem. l remind you of where you came from and what you used to be. l don't know, somewhere between Princeton or the office, you got soft. You forgot who you are and where you came from. You think you're so wise. Look at me when l'm talking to you. Let me tell you something, son. l grew up on the streets just like you. l encountered bigotry you could not imagine. Now, you have a nice poster of Malcolm X on your wall. l heard the brother speak. l read every word he wrote. Believe me, l know where l come from. -You actually heard Malcolm speak, man? -That's right. So before you criticize somebody, you find out what he's all about. l'll take care of you in the morning. l'm going to bed. Hold on. l can't tell my side of the story? No, you can't. l know what you're all about. Believe me, the very thought of it makes me very tired. Good night. Ladies and gentlemen, my fly girl, Ashley Banks. -Would you teach me how to dance? -Yeah. Not in here. Even l lose my rhythm in this room. Okay. -Could you do me a favor? -Sure. l seem to be missing a Walkman. So if it shows up anywhere, like, l don't know, on your head, maybe maybe you could get that to me. -Sorry. Dad won't let me get one. -How come? He says he wants to hear everything l'm listening to, to make sure it's not bad. -What record does he think is good? -He really likes the Care Bears. Ash, from time to time, your father's gonna say or do things that may seem irrational or hard for you to understand. lt's not because he's mean, or a bad guy, or that he doesn't care about you. lt's that he's from Mars, Ashley. -l gotta get washed up. -Me, too. -l'm really glad you're living here. -Thanks, Ash. You're like the big brother l never had. What are you talking about? You got. You're right. l see your point. How many bathrooms you got in this place? Four and a half. A half bath? How does that work? lt doesn't have everything a full bathroom has. You better show me a full bathroom. l don't want to take no chances. Next bathroom. Can't a person gargle in peace? Hilary, are you gonna be in there for long or is this just like a pit stop? Stop hounding me. l'm trying to take off my makeup. Now, go away. Okay, good night, Hilary. l knew it! Read more: http://www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk/view_episode_scripts.php?tv-show=the-fresh-prince-of-bel-air&episode=s01e01
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