#like. i'm getting through it AND having fun while in feh at this point i do. neither.
Inukag Week day 5: Heat
Yesterday's story was over 5000 words and I didn't even post on time. Today you get a snippet lol
Summertime Savage
Kagome sighed in relief, setting down the last basket.
"Alright! Everyone ready?"
"Hard to say, since you haven't told us what we're doing," Shippo pointed out, "but I took off my vest and shirt, if that's all you meant."
"It is! And since it's been so hot lately, I thought a water balloon fight would be a fun way to beat the heat!" Kagome explained, picking up one of the colorful balloons.
"Ready as I'll ever be," Sango hummed, sounding unsure. Kagome had brought a swimsuit for her to borrow, and a skirt to go over it if she wanted it, which she had.
"Don't worry, you look great! And if Miroku gets handsy, just start chucking," Kagome grinned, tossing the balloon to Sango. She caught it easily, careful not to squeeze the taut rubber. "Oh! Shippo, here, these are for you, too!"
Kagome grabbed the bag she'd carried the balloons and hand pump in, picking out a pair of children's gardening gloves.
"Is this part of the game?" He asked, pulling the first glove over his hand.
"Not typically, but most kids who have water balloon fights don't have sharp claws. They're not much fun when every balloon pops in your hand before you get to throw it."
"Not that I'm complaining, Kagome," Miroku assured as he and Inuyasha returned to the group, stripped down to their hakama trousers, "But what exactly is the objective of this game?"
"There isn't like, a win condition, per se. It's just trying to land as many hits as you can while not getting hit. Like a snowball fight, but better, because it's hot out, so getting hit with something cold is actually nice," she shrugged, going back to the bag. "Here, Inuyasha, I have gloves for you, too."
"Feh, I don't need 'em," he huffed.
Kagome watched as Shippo narrowed his eyes, picking up one of the balloons with his own gloved hands.
"Hey, Inuyasha," he hucked a bright orange balloon. "Catch!"
Inuyasha reached out to catch the balloon, which he did.
And then he closed his hand around it, which punctured the delicate material. He squawked in surprise at the jolt of cool water, clenching his fist around the shredded balloon.
"You little brat!"
Snatching the gloves from Kagome's hands, he gave Shippo about a second's head start, picking up one of the baskets and beginning to chase him down.
"Spend all morning pumping balloons by hand so we can have a fun afternoon, and now they're being used in anger," Kagome sighed, shaking her head. Kagome patted her shoulder, flashing a smile.
"Don't worry so much, Kagome. This is just how they have fun, you know?"
"You think so?"
"For sure," she nodded, still smiling as she took a balloon in each hand and turned her gaze on Miroku. "I'm starting to see the appeal as well."
"Sango?" Miroku asked, smiling through his nerves. "Sango, let's talk about this!"
"Start running, Monk!"
Kagome sighed, but smiled, eyes flashing at the sight of Inuyasha, who had chased Shippo to the low boughs of the nearest tree.
"Kagome! Kagome help!"
"Get down here and face me!"
Picking up an armload of water balloons, Kagome strode over, hucking the first at the back of his head. Another indignant squawk escaped him, and he whipped around to stare at her
"Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"
"What? Like you?" He asked smugly. Smirking, she threw another balloon, hitting him square in the chest. With a laugh, he picked up a balloon from his basket, and Kagome got one more shot in before she took off running with a laugh, Inuyasha taking chase automatically.
The valley surrounding the base of the waterfall echoed with shrieks and laughter for more than two hours. Kagome had to implement a "no picking up baskets" rule when Sango took two and used Kirara to implement a tactical air strike against Miroku, and Shippo had eventually gotten his shirt back and began filling it with balloons, tackling people as a means of attack. Miroku had thought to use his staff to deflect the projectiles, but they usually ended up splashing him anyway. The absolute enragement from Inuyasha whenever a balloon he threw managed to not pop on impact was hilarious to watch, but he was still clearly having a good time.
Kagome had distracted him from targeting Sango, and gotten him to chase her again. The balloons had almost run out, she only had one more on her, and she wanted to make it count.
When she reached the dead end, Kagome turned, throwing the balloon, which caught him in the shoulder before he had her backed up against the base of the cliff, one hand planted to the side of her head, the other holding a red balloon
"What's your plan now, wench?" He asked with a superior smile
Kagome didn't answer, blinking up at him with wide eyes and a soft expression. She held his gaze, looking startled but not upset.
Inuyasha's brows furrowed in confusion for a moment, before Kagome's eyes moved down, looking Inuyasha over slowly, and his face erupted with warmth as he realized what she must be thinking.
"Y- Kagome I-!"
Quick as a flash, Kagome grabbed the hand with the balloon, which had lowered in his shock, and smashed it into his chest, splashing them both.
Inuyasha grunted in surprise, eyes blown wide. And before he could even yell in indignation, Kagome pecked his cheek, reaffirming his shock.
Slipping out from between him and the rock, Kagome grinned as he turned to look at her again.
"Turnabout. Not a bad plan, for a wench," she laughed, winking at him before bolting back to the baskets, to see if she could get her hands on one more balloon and definitely not to distract herself from what she'd just done.
Inuyasha watched her run, a tiny, incredulous smile on his lips, before he took chase once more.
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kimium · 1 month
For the Twst ask game: 5, 8, 17, and 29(Cater Diamond as the character for 29)💜
(From this ask game HERE)
Thanks for sending this ask, friend! You know how much I love talking about Twisted Wonderland with you! It's always a delight!
5. If you could have any unique magic/signature spell in the game, which would you choose and why?
Without question I want Rook's signature spell "I See You". It's a simple spell but I think has many practical uses. My favourite kind of magic in any series is when the ability/spell can be used for mundane purposes. The idea of being able to locate anyone just by having something of theirs does sound a little "invasion of privacy" but I'm looking at it with a practical lens. Do you know how many times I've searched through crowds for someone? Or gotten lost and unable to find my way to my friends/family? If I had this spell I could save so much time finding others! The practical uses!! Plus, I head canon that Rook's eyes glow a bit when he's using his unique magic/signature spell. Magically glowing eyes when using any ability is a top tier trope!!
8. Is there any character who seems to follow you (i.e. they always seem to pop up when you're trying to summon someone else)?
No, I don't think there is. While I summon* semi-frequently, there isn't anyone in particular I go "Oh no, they appeared... again!" I hope this never changes because I want to always get the focus character* with ease!
(*Note: I just automatically use FEH terms for pulling characters. Sorry if the community doesn't use these terms.)
17. Favourite overblot design?
Tough to pick but I have a tie between Riddle and Malleus's overblot designs. I love Riddle's because of the more "feminine" aesthetic to his clothing. Which, of course, suits him given his dorm is based on the Queen of Hearts. I love Malleus's design because of the vivid acid green pops of colour. Those truly stand out and I think make his overblot design unique.
29. What is your opinion on Cater Diamond?
On the surface Cater's character archetype is one I usually dislike. The whole Instagram Influencer aesthetic/vibe/characterization isn't one that I connect with because it's so fake. The thing is, that's the entire point of Cater's characterization.
Like every other character in Twisted Wonderland, Cater has depth to him and what we see on the surface isn't truly him. Yes, there is some "real" Cater present in his outward persona. He is a fun, bubbly, kind character who cares and takes pride in his physical appearance and clothing.
However, Cater is more than some airhead who only cares about view counts and likes on his posts. He has insecurities and faults like any other person, yet he attempts to hide all of those with the multiple personas he creates for himself.
This is why his unique magic/signature spell is one where he creates doppelgangers of himself. Which one is the real Cater? All and none at the same time. It's this dichotomy that draws me to his character and makes me love him more.
(Plus, this is why I like Cater/Trey as a ship. Trey's straight forward, earnest nature is a great balance for Cater and vice versa.)
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profitsabode · 6 months
Anna Stats Meta 01 - FEH Numbers + Anna Comparisons
AKA the "Neku fumbles through Gamepress to understand how good base feh!Anna's stats are actually before he gives up and tries to narratively compare her stats to other playable Annas" meta. I'm obviously joking to an extent, but I feel like FEH will be more relevant when it comes to latter stat-related metas such as skills.
Part 1: Trying to Decipher FEH (and Fail)
As mentioned above, I used Gamepress to get a quick peek at her stats, with the fortunate additional benefit of directly comparing her stats to the entire roster. (Or at least as far as GP itself is updated, as I have just learned they stopped updating the site quite some time ago. These images should still be acceptable for my current goals, though.) I also threw in New Years Anna as a bonus, which is in the second image.
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It is interesting to see Base Anna's base ATK be this "low" in comparison to most of the cast (it does get up to 45 with her weapon at least), although it is nice to see New Years Anna have a relatively high RES even if it comes at the sacrifice of some DEF. Also...it's neat to see both feh!Annas share a similar HP stat? Above-average SPDs?
...yeah, again I kind of knew from the start that trying to compare gacha stats alone wasn't going to be the most informative.
Part 2: Hypotheticals ft. Playable Annas
Which is why we're going to scrap this and move on to comparing Anna to her interdimensional sisters! For each stat, I will be judging if feh!Anna would be bad, good, or great at said stat on both a base stat and growth rate level.
To keep this section simple and concise, just know that I used Anna's Fandom Wiki page to go over Awakening, Fates, and Three Houses (3H for short) Anna's base stats and growths. Playable Annas only. (Looking at you, Destroyer of Worlds DLC Anna boss.) I could've used Engage as well, but I'd rather compare feh!Anna to similarly-aged adult counterparts. Sorry kid.
Both Fates and 3H Annas have a 35% growth with starting HPs in the 20s, while Awakening Anna has a pretty hefty base 36 HP and 80% growth. Do note that Awakening Anna is going to cheat a bit here, as she is a pre-promote at base. However, I feel that feh!Anna can be compared to a pre-promote of sorts as well, even if she technically "starts" with your team in FEH. Not to say she's a Jagen-archetype in terms of stats.
As a commander, Anna must hold the frontline in order to be a dependable leader. In that sense, her stats should reflect more on the bulky-end, resulting in a good HP endurance and the ability to endure more through experience. Still, I think it would be cute for her to hold some similarity to the frailer Annas, so a HP growth of 45-55% might be good.
All 3 other Annas share a pretty similar STR growth surprisingly enough, as well as base STR in the 9-12 range (Awakening Anna obviously being the upper end at 12). While it is tempting to make feh!Anna a walking powerhouse in her military role, I will actually take notes from FEH and say her STR game is pretty middling, or even potentially below-average.
Anna seems to be more of a person that finds her strength in numbers rather than impressive power. Merchants themselves rely on words and number-crunching to make their points. Keeping to the theme of feh!Anna being the defensive, commanding force, her physical strength is only a supporting factor of herself instead of the entire package. If you want specific numbers for the growth, imagine 25-35%.
Now here is a stat where I am going to take my own headcanon more than the stats of other Annas. feh!Anna is a weapon-focused fighter, and I really want her to have a weakness when it comes to magical prowess. It will also be a fun comparison to the other Annas, as their own MAG-related abilities are either equal to or even better than their STR-related stats. In this sense, they are more flexible than feh!Anna, at least when it comes to the art of magic. She'd just rather stick to the art of war, like she trained for.
Between the 3 Annas, their SKL stats are pretty mixed between the 40-60% in terms of growths. As feh!Anna takes on the role of a very experienced warrior, I believe that she would have a pretty high SKL from the start and even surpass Awakening Anna's 60% growth. Compared to the merchant Annas, feh!Anna focuses on the axe, a heavy weapon that takes great skill to reliably wield. This should give her an edge in the competition to have great accuracy in her attacks...at least, great accuracy in terms of a FE axe-fighter.
SPD is a stat all of the Annas have a pretty good hold in, perhaps a reference to their cunning business plans. While feh!Anna does not match them in terms of shop profits, they can still hold similarity when it comes to speed during a battle. This is something that FEH seems to agree with as well, so I am comfortable having a good hold in SPD, although she would be slightly lower in it at the start in comparison to her counterparts.
Another stat that I am going to base more off of headcanon and straight comparison to other Annas, and wow it's another one she'll suck at! The seasonal paralogues in FEH are obsessed with feh!Anna never catching a break in failing to make an easy buck, with the summer ones even having the other Annas ripping her off! Needless to say, it is easy to imagine feh!Anna having a bad time when it comes to natural luck, where she'd have an even lower growth than 3H Anna's 45% LCK.
As bow and sword classes, the merchant Annas are usually pretty squishy on the defensive-end, and that shows in their middling DEF growths. As stated before, feh!Anna actually serves as a more bulky wall to the army, she will differ from other Annas by having a much better hold in DEF. Not much to add here, girl actually brings some armor to the fight what do you expect.
One more note that I will actually take from FEH's stats is feh!Anna being at least good when it comes to resisting magic attacks, even if she fails to dish them out. This is another similarity she has with the other Annas, or at least Awakening and Fates Annas. Fates Anna in particular has a radically high base RES that I doubt feh!Anna would compare to, but will still be similar to.
This is a small aside since this stat would only be comparable to 3H Anna, but I think the two would be somewhat similar? I'm unsure what really counts as "great CHA" for 3H-standards, but as a trained leader, feh!Anna should at least get a decent score at the start. 3H Anna has a 50% CHA growth, which I can see feh!Anna having a slightly smaller number for.
feh!Anna obviously holds some major differences between her interdimensional versions, but that doesn't mean their stats have to be entirely different! Mainly, feh!Anna would have better defensive stats compared to other playable Annas, but much worse luck. I'm actually surprised by how relatively similar I ended up seeing feh!Anna compared to her alts, seeing as they are in pretty different spots even if they share a merchant gimmick somewhat.
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elmelloill · 2 years
wanting to talk about fgo more but remembering at the last minute that i understand so little meta it's embarrassing. my strategy is the same as it is in all games: take my favorite little guys and make them as strong as i possibly can in the simplest way possible. ONLY my favorite little guys, even if they are not very good.
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imustbenuts · 2 years
Kiran is (functionally) a Bodhisattva/Deva and Askr is gambling on them (A wild almost baseless theory)
I'm out of my damn mind and I've decided to make you guys suffer through my insane thoughts.
To get this out of the way, a Bodhisattva is roughly translating, ‘the enlightened one’ in Buddhism, one who has grasped the truths of the world and are able to break away from the cycle of suffering and ascend into an actual Buddha. But choose not to, instead remain on the current plane of existence to help alleviate others' suffering in hopes that others may attain the truths and do the same. (This is NOT a perfect, total summary but I hope its enough to understand what a Bodhisattva, functionally, is.)
So for years I've been holding onto this idea that Kiran is a supernatural being in the context of the world of FEH. I mean, if they’re from our world and played the series, I reasoned some things:
Our world relatively speaking is one of incredible comfort, even more so than what monarchies of the medieval eras can achieve at their height. Specifically, Kiran is akin to a Deva of the variety of deities in Buddhism before they were pulled into FEH. Here's the wikipedia link explaining the nuance of what a Deva is. The takeaway: They live longer, are able to die, but their lives are one of pleasures and comfort. (Remember Peony’s words of how the World of Steel is one of comfort?)
They have knowledge of all FE characters, some more invasive than others. Conversely, native zenith folks are completely unknown to them. This makes them a bit supernatural despite being a human being, and makes them aware to the suffering of characters in the FEverse.
They must then know certain repeating tropes that has been occurring in FEverse. Masked dudes being sus, dead parents, blue haired lords, divine dragons subject to mental degradation, etc etc. You get the idea.
As blue haired lords with sisters are typically the main criteria in general for FE lords to be recognized as the protagonist, it is theoretically possible for Kiran to over-attach themself to Alfonse based on point 3 at the point of first contact.
Kiran has some level of perception towards tropes, which is why I think they caught on to  Bruno/Zacharias’ identity in book 1 so easily. And how many of us were thinking, 'Gustav is totally gonna kick it' when he appeared?
If Alfonse can open pathways to other worlds, then one inferred reason why Kiran doesn’t leave is because they realize if they do, Alfonse is completely screwed. (twisting this can also mean: delay to ‘ascension’)
By book 2, the name of Sutr and the prophecy referencing Ragnarok is clear, and the presence of Loki throws in a very high possibility that Ragnarok will happen even without Sutr. Loki is also, across all interpretations, a chaotic basket of fun and does things so long as she has a laugh. Point 6 is reinforced.
I also thought about why the game explicitly refers to Kiran as us, the players playing the game, when they could have taken the Blazing Blade route when they could turn them into a Mark v2.0. Those 7 points i listed are ultimately wild theories of a theoretical Kiran who thinks like me, and so I have to admit it doesn’t hold much weight on its own.
It just has to be an avatar, is what I'm getting at. An avatar functionally more akin to Robin or Byleth, characters with their own personalities and goals while we drive the plot forwards.
Except, then, there are Norse gods. And Norse gods means a lot of self-indulgent deities with Odin/All-father who has the Twilit Runes, ie he has already seen EVERY bit of fate that’s to come. But Kiran wasn't there at the point the runes were made, so far away in our world without magic and so insignificant that it doesn't matter. Probably.
As a direct result of their presence/interference, Askr isn’t at Embla’s mercy by the end of book 1, and Ragnarok doesn't occur as prophesied in book 2 by the hands of Sutr. I think its possible that Fjorm would have perished instead by book 2 originally if not for Kiran’s presence bolstering Alfonse’s fate/desires to defeat Sutr.
So Kiran does have a function in the world of FEH.
So then that leads into who made Breidablik and the prophecy behind them? I thought it could be Askr, Baldr (if they even exist), someone, or even Eitri, but seems like Eitri wasn’t involved in the creation of Breidablik. Baldr remains non-existent at this point, so, I thought, someone who knows of the Twilit Runes wanted to stop it made Breidablik. And maybe Breidablik just looks for whoever understands enough of 1. sticking to the blue haired lord, and 2. Norse mythos, to roll on with the plot of FEH.
But that's all the thoughts I had for years.
Then book 6 starts raising my eyebrow. Ash’s beast form is a cow. A cattle. One of the most sacred creatures in Buddhism/Hinduism. Cows in general are a very rare and unique character design choice so I didn't dwell too much on it. (EDIT: here's a write up expanding on this idea) Since this is ultimately entertainment, so sometimes they do random things in the name of cool. Askr is a divine dragon anyway, right? Lizard and all, I thought.
But then. then. On April fools 2022, Lonely Puppeteer (Spring Remix) drops, complete with a fully rendered MV
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And I see Kiran on a goddamn lotus. Lotus in Buddhism/Hinduism is representative of purity above material attachment and physical desire. It's a big thing there, but ok, still nothing definitive. I'm also reminded of how Kiran technically resisted the lust pollen in book iv. But ultimately it looks fancy and cool, and it's April Fools, so whatever.
(I want to stress also that there are countless depictions of deities and Buddha sitting above the lotus in peaceful meditation. The lotus is some serious symbolism in Buddhism and Hinduism.)
Then Askr's design comes out. He's a DIVINE. BULL. DRAGON. DEITY. I just about fucking lost it.
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Immediately I notice the Third Eye on his forehead.
In many parts of Asia, the Third Eye is said to allow the user to perceive things which are beyond normal perception. Some think it predicts the future, lets the user see ghosts, divine fates, or even see beyond our own material world. Now, I don't know at this point if that third eye, if it is even one, lets Askr do those things, but I'm willing to bet the ability to open gateways to other worlds is in synergy with it at bare minimum. After all, Anankos was able to see the world of Awakening despite being in Fates, so this seems more than plausible.
And if my bullshit is right, the one responsible for Breidablik is likely Askr, who has seen the future and wants to prevent Ragnarok. (EDIT: JOSSED, it looks like. oh well!) So he pulls in a being from a wildly different plane of existence, maybe with said prerequisites of understanding 2 rules, 1. sticking to the blue haired lord, and 2. Norse mythos, all in hopes that the chance of breaking the prophecy of Ragnarok is above 0%.
Thanks for coming to my Ted-talk. Admittedly I've only bounced this idea off 2 people, one who hasn't caught up on FEH and doesn't know too much about Buddhism, and another who has dropped the game. So this idea is unrefined.
TL;DR: Title
I'll go back to writing Fanfic on AO3 now lol. I wrote Hello Hopeful, and this is my AO3 account. I’m losing my fucking mind rn, cheers. If you find my fic interesting, Id be super happy if you could leave a kudos!
PS: Third Eyes also enables the user to see Devas according to that Wikipedia article. Divine Eyes and Third Eye means the same thing in Mandarin, so wtf lol
PPS: Devas are not creator gods either. they are more of a human, mortal deity who can observe the realms ‘below’ theirs, but rarely intervene/offer counsel. There's a belief that we all once had the ability to fly and glow and are Devas ourselves, but lost the ability to do that over time in buddhism
EDIT: This theory is a shallower exploration and mostly made from speculation. I made a better one! For a more in-depth meta analysis feel free to check my pinned. Thanks!
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af1899 · 3 years
FEH - My themed teams
Themed teams are part of the fun in Fire Emblem Heroes for me, as it's a way to put favorites together and even make a full team with all/some of their variants, while most of my teams are purely technical (i. e.: of a movement type, for a specific event, for lead units friends can use, etc.), I have made 5 themed teams that I keep and love, feel free to check them out right below, along with a few facts about me as a bonus:
She's so precious she has her own team! 💜🥺
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One of my biggest favorites and a true sweetheart, I'm fond of both the original design and the revamp on FEH and the Cipher, she's too lovable and wholesome.
Her Fallen alt is indeed a project of mine but not one I use much, once Julia gets a colorless version, I'll replace this alt out in the team.
The best team ever
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It includes my three most appreciated characters in the Fire Emblem series as well as Sara who I'm strongly fond of from Thracia 776.
I like green too
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I sort of have a knack for this color in long hair, and fortunately, the cast in the series is not short of them. The designs are all beautiful and unique, plus each of them feels rather soothing to look at.
Annand and Erinys are specially noteworthy because they're both sisters actually, and they both are on the good side but only one of them is playable in Genealogy of the Holy War.
Despite Annand being a minor character, I always wanted to play a game in which she's officially playable, and this is one of the good things in Heroes: normally non-playable characters can actually be under your command and this game is free and easy to get around, which is nice.
Annand would probably be the biggest surprise here, I always quite liked her design and strong-willed yet kind personality, not exactly Julia-like though, but she's still a friendly girl. I was happy to see that I.S. remembered her.
The one and only rainbow tome theme so far
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For appreciation post detailing why I like her so much, refer to it in here.
This team was made to celebrate her Legendary alt's addition and early acquisition soon after my birthday, as well as the completion of my first full rainbow team with same character.
Did I mention that I love how she smiles?
The sweetest team
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I tried to aim for one girl of each color, based on these conditions:
Angelical designs: these girls all inspire calmness and possess a feature that strongly reminds me of angels.
Personality: it's mandatory that they show genuine kindness/tenderness/calmness in some form of another.
Sophia might look like the least fitting member here, and can't blame you if you think that way tbh, it's just that I was in need of a red member so that I didn't have to put OG Julia (because I've already placed a unit of her class) so I went with Sophia to complete the gang.
She's actually a dark magic user and a half-dragon, half-human girl, but she's so calming to look at and talk, showing also a great deal of wisdom, specially to matters related to her homeland in Nabata, Elibe.
Might put Hoshidan Summer Micaiah here later since she seems to fit the concept even better, but Idk for now, I'm happy with the team as it is.
And there's something in common among all of them
Yes, all those teams include only female characters, this is more about me so if you were only interested in the themed teams, don't read any further.
While it could just be said that it's because of natural attraction, that's not exclusively true and I'd like to say there's a deeper reason to it than only that.
Actually, I've always felt like I could overcome more of my own socialization problems Irl, when trying to talk to a girl rather than with a guy, during my studies at both high-school and school, I was often called for by my male classmates for making verbal jokes, and sometimes guys from other grades too (leading me to think they weren't genuine friends and some were rough or too tiresome to interact with). A few of them were actual friends which is nice, and were there for me and viceversa, but oftenmost I found myself more comfortable around girls, and even feeling confident to try to talk to the ones I used to feel shy to approach.
At least, this is how I believe my interest on fictional female character stems from, because I feel a similar sentiment and they often feel more approachable or friendlier than a guy, but this doesn't mean that I will never train a single guy in any given game there are some playable, or refuse the idea of a male-only game if there's fun awaiting, like on Team Fortress 2 which actually seems like fun.
For example, I'm very fond of Leif from Fire Emblem: Thracia 776, to the point I think of him as the best [Lord], and he is. He's not your usual [Lord], because unlike most of them, Leif was forced to flee from his hometown to rescue his closer allegiances (Nanna and Mareeta) from Raydrik's forces and had little resources to obtain and use later in his quest through Thracia (often having to capture enemies and take their possessions), he often had to watch the dire and unfair situation in his homeland, the southern half, suffering due to the infertile lands unlike the north. He's a good guy with a strong heart and disposition to learn new things, specially since he's well aware he's unable to wield the weapon of one of the Twelve Crusaders unlike his sister, who he didn't even know he had. His studious and diligent nature manifests in his promotion in FE4, which is why he becomes such a powerhouse able to use most non-preference weapons.
I also like Lex, he's a friendly guy with a playful and somewhat caring side, teaming up with Azelle since he was worried Azelle went off alone to help Sigurd and they're both quite close friends.
Veld is also kind of interesting, he's the big cheese behind nearly everything evil going on in Thracia, and sadly he's an easy boss, which seems a waste for such epic battle theme:
Eliwood also seems like the kind of guy I'd like and Hector is often fun to interact with, I specially like his dialogues with Oswin, they're real fun. (Oswin for FEH when?)
And I could go on but this is something I wanted to talk about me.
Thank you!
It sure was quite a long post, was it not? But I do hope you've come to enjoy reading it and thanks so much for checking it out!
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soft-femagines · 6 years
TGSA back at it again. I'm sure I'm gonna send A LOT of requests so don't feel bad about ignoring some for a bit if it's like a lot of the same person lol. Anyway, speaking of requests, this time FEH OC edition. How would Alfonse, Eir, and Bruno react to someone flirting with their S/O in front of them? Not like subtle flirting I mean like AGGRESSIVE flirting
Mmm.. Yes… Alfonse ask…. I like that. Also Bruno recognition! Yay! FEH needs more Bruno. I doubt we’re going to get much of him in Book lll though. Also I’m going to do headcannons for the bois and a drabble for Eir
Alfonse, Eir, and Bruno reacting to aggressive flirting with s/o
• Alfonse gets worried very easily. He cannot sit still if there’s any chance of you being in danger 
• So when this dangerously audacious individual chooses to flirt with you right in front of him
• He goes into protecc mode
• He waits for you to tell them off first. He’s not your mom, and he knows you can defend yourself against some silly flirt. But he’s still in protecc mode, just in case.
• At this stage, he can be found glaring over whatever he’s holding
• Usually, at this point, the flirt is gone. A combination of rejection from you and intimidation factor from Alfonse often has them backing off.
• Not this time. No, this person won’t give you a break, and even goes so far as to trace their hand along your face. You swat the hand away like a spider. The person proceeds to grab your wrist.
• At this stage, Alfonse can be found with Fólkvangr drawn, pointed, and ready to s t a b
• Look. It may seem a bit much to pull a sword on someone while you’re shopping, but Alfonse isn’t very old. People who aren’t very old don’t make the wisest decisions.
• The person turns pale and trips backwards. “Holy fuck, ok ok! I’m leaving!” 
• After they’ve run off, tail between their legs, you turn to Alfonse.
•“Alfonse. I love you. And I appreciate what you did greatly. But you can’t draw your sword in the middle of a store”
“But they grabbed you!”
“But nothing. There are probably kids around here somewhere. Just… Don’t do it again, alright?”
*sigh* He gives in. “Alright.”
• Bruno is a surprisingly kind man. But if he wants to be intimidating… hoo boy.
• All you wanted to do was get some shopping done with your partner. Was that really so much to ask?
• Turning towards him, you hold up a coat and say “Hey, do you think I can pull this off?”
• He opens his mouth to respond, but before he has a chance, a voice cuts in from behind you.
“How about I pull it off for you?” 
•You turned around. Bruno looked over your shoulder. Something twitched deep inside his chest. How dare someone say that to his partner.
• Someone had crept up on you, and was now leaning on the wall with a rose in their teeth.
“You’re my type. Ditch this loser and have some fun with me.”
• You told them off with a tight smile. They weren’t having it. 
•They stalked forwards and leaned towards you. “I said, ‘you’re my type’. I’ve got some friends here with me. I have my ways of making you say yes, you know.”
• Bruno proceeds to wrap his arms over your chest, resting his head on your shoulder. 
“Sorry, this one’s taken. Leave.”
“Oh? Did I ask you?” They said, looking down on the two of you, their tone insufferable. “Get lost, or I’ll call my- mmph!!?”
Bruno had detached himself from you and grabbed their jaw, thumb and forefinger digging into their cheeks. 
“Did you say you had friends here with you? I’m sorry, but it seems your jaw won’t be in one piece by the time you call them over.”
He released the flirt, who was gawking and making pitiful noises. They backed up, sputtered, and ran.
Bruno turned to you. “Are you quite all right?”
“Heh, yeah. Thank you, really.” You let out the breath you didn’t realize you were holding. “So, about that coat…”
He laughed. “It looks good on you!” 
You took your time to pore over the rows of market goods. You were in no hurry, as you wanted Eir to be able to find you when she returned.
“I just need to grab some apples, I’ll return soon. Wait for me!” She’d said, right before drifting away into the busy crowd. It was a wonder she didn’t get swept up in it.
It was as you were gazing over a particularly intricate sculpture when you felt a rough arm wrap around your waist, sending a jolt down your spine. You spun around and swatted the hand away.
“Excuse me!” You exclaimed at the one who touched you. Before you stood an unshaven, burly man with a disgusting grin on his face. Two of his teeth were missing.
“Aw, what’sa matter? Come on now, come home with me, I’ll show’ya a good time.” His grin widened. He stepped forwards. “Whad’ya say?”
You stepped back, your voice harsh. “No, kindly leave me alone. I already have someone.”
He continued his advance, sizing you up like a chunk of meat.  “I think you’d best stay quiet and come with me. If you’re good, I might even pay you…”
His eyes flicked up and focused behind you. “Oi. Get out of here. This don’t concern you.”
You looked behind you to see Eir standing behind you, bag of apples in hand. She did not look happy.
“Kindly remove your filthy hands from my partner.” Her voice rang out, clear, cold, and commanding. You shuddered. She never, ever used that voice with you. It was just like her mother’s.
The man threw back his head. “Grah ha ha ha! And what are you gonna do about it, huh girle?”
Suddenly, the air turned cold. Eir stepped forwards, past you, and grabbed the mans wrist. She leaned in and whispered something into his ear. His face turned white, his eyes widened. Eir leaned back and watched him, maintaining her firm hold on his wrist. 
“Eir? What in the world did you…” You reached out to place your hand on her shoulder.
She turned her head. “I’m showing him his… Wait, no!” 
Your hand connected with her skin. An onslaught of images masqueraded through your head. Dark alleyway, bathed in torchlight. Voices shouting. Surrounded. The man, the one who had grabbed you, was on the floor, begging and pleading for his life. But he was different somehow. Tangled hair, tattered clothes, lines etched roughly into his face. He was… Was he older?  Whispers began to fill your ears. They were saying… Numbers? Who’s voice is that? Your chest tightened. Dread slithered its way into you, taking hold of your thoughts.
You gasped, falling ungraciously onto your rear end. The market. A few curious people were beginning to gather. Eir still stood, her grip on the man remained. She was looking at you, worry etched in her face. The man was shaking. He had turned completely white. Eir released her grip and he fell to his knees, coughing for air.
“Wh- What was that?” You choked out.
“That man… Now knows the exact date and circumstances surrounding his death.” She said, helping you up. “He will not bother you again.”
“Oh, I- I see…”
“I’m sorry. Was it too much?” She brushed off your shoulders. “I simply wanted to make sure he couldn’t harm you.”
“No, I’m grateful, really! And besides, the way he was speaking,” You shuddered. “I suspect this isn’t the first time he’s done something awful to someone on their lonesome. He had it coming.” You took her hand. “We should leave, people are staring.”
“Mm. We should.” The two of you pushed your way past the whimpering man, through the gathering crowd. As terrifying as she could be, you somehow felt a lot safer having Eir near you.
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