#like. imo the noses look weird without the shading
I don’t realize it sometimes, but eyrie’s tail is like. chunky
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rottingsparrow · 2 years
Oh boy oh boy here it is my thoughts on Lore Olympus episodes 1-10 I didn't include any pictures because I'm figuring out how I wanna do this also im tired but here it is:
Episode One: Stag, You’re It
Why the title
Minthes hair like connects to her head without a line not bad just a comment
Hades’ sharp ass nose but I enjoy the colors, not super bright yknow
Hera looks so cool but also like snatched almost unnaturally
She is a god tho so
Zeus lets goooo such a solid color imo
Im sorry but artemis’ hair is a lil ugly
Love that all the main characters are snatched /s
Episode Two: Who is She?
And Persophone is now 3 shades lighter ok
Also like i hate the dress Artemis gives persephone it ugly
Persophones hair changed lengths like 2 times but maybe im seeing it wrong
Also artemis if she doesnt wanna be here leave wtf
How is. How is hades holding his drink
Zeus changed colors king
I understand lighting and shading but like. Damn
Ok so if Poseidon hates Odysseus does that mean the events of the Odyssey already happened
Ep 3: Who is She pt 2
LMAO what is hades’ nose
Why did she have random parts w/ no color not a complaint just curious
“Short sighted” Do we ever see him wear glasses again
Zeus’ lil. Hair thingies keep disappearing
“Honestly i think she puts Aphrodite to shame” wow comparing women/hj
Seriously tho like. why
Ep 4: Who is she pt 3
Idk why she does random scenes where the characters are all like just one color. Not bad per say but weird
Gives artemis huge boobs and in one panel they are either smaller or gone
Artemis bestie if that one thing distracts you from your friend you gotta get ur priorities straight
“Hey kiddo wanna have some real fun” ew
Omg purple eros
So much hair
Did she just give her hair powers so she could draw diff styles lets be honest
Ep 5:
Aphrodites hip angle is so sharp it could kill me
“Friggin” makes my mind go to supernatural and i dont appreciate it
Omg shes a cinnamon roll shes so adorable and gorgeous and yet sexy and *i get shot*
Mother emotionally guilting her son omg its my life
The listen panel. Haunts my dreams
Why does she have so many different painting/coloring styles
Ep 6
W hy do they stand like that persephone pls
Love demeters colors tho
This is. This is the metaphor for the maidenhood thing right
Thats how i always saw it
Wow persephone you just woke up and you look so pretty wowww woww
Rachel rachel please does her hair have bangs or not just choose
I do actually like the panel with cerberus, persephone, and hades its nice
Ep 7
Cerberus is so cute
Hades shut the fuck up
The coat is cute
Persephone get off the counter this isnt ur house
Whos minthe? Stop being nosy damn
Didnt really have much to say bout this one
Ep 8
Why are both their eyes open i know they arent in love but that so weird right
Is his dick out or is she just naked on him
“Salutiations” old man
Every second i read persephones eyes get bigger
“I would pay you a salary to barge in on every single aspect of my life” is actually cute however. You literally just met her she hasnt even introduced herself
I dont understand why he thought she meant sex idk
I like that his business card has diff names for him
Ep 9
Persephone giggling over that is kinda weird imo but whatever
Persephone please pic a face shape
“Come here puppy” look. Look at her face. Wtf
Train ur dogs hades smh
We never see like any of these dogs fuck you rachel i want dogs
“Let the unionize see if i care” haha so funny haha wow so. So funny. Hades ur such a character
Why is her mouth so high up in this one panel
Hehe puppy
Man in bushes
Ep 10
Why does he have so many cars he doesnt need em
The little :p panel is cute
Stop yelling hades
Persephones hair is looking bad rn ngl
I love the colors of the underworld tbh
Rachel please go in depth on how you travel there between realms i am so curious
Artemis randomly gains bangs
I know her hair was flowing but her bangs are too short to completely disappear
Why do his eyes randomly turn red honestly
Goodbye thank god
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lonelyshrimp-art · 4 years
What’s your method for shading?
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Okay so let’s start with this lad here. Start with base colours, each colour getting its own layer. I also start roughing out a palette. The most important colours are the base colours, important to be able to come back to them when figuring out shading colours
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Get urself a cool lil clipping mask layer on top of the skin layer. (This applies for all the shading. Do Not Shade on the Base Colour Layers. If u fuck up u can delete the blending layers without having to re-colour smth. Trust me. Don’t Be Like Me. Use Clipping Masks and make sure ur on the right layer. PSA over ✌️)
Okay now I get a colour kinda darker than the skin tone (I always start with skin?? Idk it’s a Thing™️) and I start blocking out the shadows. These are the areas that are typically gonna be in shadow?? So they’re a good place to start. Now. I fucking Adore procreates new blending brushes and my fave by far is the Medium Hard Blend brush, so that’s what Imma use for 90% of this
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Ok so using the original skin tone and blend those shadows right the fuck out. Nice and smooth. Now u gotta take an even darker tone (make sure to keep em nice and saturated! The last thing you want is ashy shadows!!) and block in the deeper shadows. Typically edges of the face, under the chin, corners of the eyes and around the nose, etc.
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Ok now before we finish the skin, time to work on the hair.
1 I Cannot finish one thing at a time and
2 it just looks toofuckin weird if u only work on the skin while everything else is just base colours. At least imo.
Ok so. Get a slightly darker tone than the hair to just. Map out where u want shadows.
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At the side of the first image you can see my general rule for shading hair. I picked that up somewhere in my time on the art side o the internet and. Man. It fuckin slaps. So just going between dark and light tones, blend the hair out following that general rule while paying mind to how the hair falls (helps to block the hair out in Sections to visualize its movement better)
In the second image you can get a good look at how I organize my layers (but we’ll get into that later :3) but what’s important here is. Add another clipping layer. Time for highlights baybeeeeeyyyyy. I find it’s best to do them on a separate clipping layer bc. You can get Glowy without fucking with your shading :3
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Kk scribble out some fuckin highlights in a tone just lighter than ur original hair colour and hop on over to the effects tab over in the top left (the sparkly wand!!) and slap a lil Gaussian Blur on this baby :3. Once you have the highlights blurred out nicely, hop into your layer settings and add an Add filter on it, and turn down the opacity bc Yes there is such thing as Too Much Glow. Pretty~
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illegiblewords · 5 years
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Explanation of design approach and some personality info under the cut.
Essentially, the way I’ve been approaching this I wanted to make each world feel like a self-contained and cohesive team. Nivienne is actually from Lamia and so isn’t designed to mesh with the others, but I use her a lot and have a design strategy for her so she’s included. For team Famfrit as a whole, I wanted to make sure that each personality and design would feel distinct and that the main color for each character would stand out. Most are also pretty obvious lol--black mage is black, red made is red, white mage is white. Areas I went different are gold dragoon (or aurum dragoon if we’re being fancy), purple scholar, green bard, orange ninja, blue warrior.
My main and a hyur midlander black mage. With him I wanted to push against the concept that hyurs are inherently vanilla or “boring”. Imo there is nothing wrong with designs that look like they could occur in nature, but with him I wanted to do an edgy personal spin in the classic Final Fantasy black mage look where the character is a dark silhouette with glowing eyes, a high collar, and a broad hat. Sometimes he wears other things too but the overall concept ties to that particular look. In personality Cenric is a pretty angsty guy due to having been a con artist who got a lot of people killed with medical fraud. He lies a lot out of fear of the reaction he’d get if his background was known. Possibly a little nuts, thinks he is the son of Nald’Thal and bound to spread death and destruction wherever he goes--striking enemies and allies alike, regardless of his own wishes. Probably actually just has Duskwight heritage. Has pretty hardcore imposter syndrome about being Warrior of Light, but in partial response to having been destitute and outcast for a long time he tries to play into the persona of a powerful, luxurious, mysterious black mage brimming with forbidden knowledge. In reality he is intimidated by most children, can’t whistle, and is a bit of a smartass when he’s not panicking his way through conversations.
My red mage alt, I wanted to do a few experiments with him! One was that Red Mages usually read very sophisticated and swashbuckle-y to me, and I wanted to play more into the rapier as an almost roguish weapon. Very physical. He’s somebody who you initially would not assume is a magic user but who is just as versed and capable on that front as the ivory tower casters haha. I also wanted to make him a combination of ethnically black (contrasting Cenric who is ethnically Arab but weird) and a male miqo’te because I have never seen that combination before. I wanted him to feel very charming and like he has kind of rugged good looks. Just a bit too scruffy for pretty boy. Personality he is probably the most shonen hero of my alts lol. He has stuff he struggles with (he and his sister both wanted to be adventurers but she opted out after taking things way too far in a fight and getting scared of her own power) but doesn’t get stuck in his head nearly as much as some other characters do.
I futzed with this guy for a while—main inspiration comes from a particular kind of horse called the Akhal-teke.
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Also because I have seen some really cool and pretty elezen that specifically worked to play up gold as a color scheme, and in this case I wanted to evoke a kind of warm, soft golden light. Originally I was going to make him a contrast to Cenric and make him much paler, but I wound up going that route more with Asklona instead with drawing loose inspiration from certain forms of albinism. I went more gold to make sure Cesaire would stand out visually from Asklona. Another reason for this route is because I want to make a character who looks very light and pure, but in practice has hardcore bloodlust. XD Wanted one case for playing into that possible WoL element haha. I also thought it might be neat to make a character who could serve as a kind of foil to Zenos in many ways and might credibly say yes when invited to be besties. Cesaire is still a mostly heroic guy but I figure he’s a bit like Dexter if that makes sense.
An auri white mage from Hingashi! To me it felt a little odd that the Ruby Princess of Sui-no-Sato has more of a magenta color scheme than red. I wanted to tie Kiyo to Kugane specifically in part because I think the parallels between geomancy and white magic (land, sea, sky) are super cool imo, there are a fair number or Raen au ra in Kugane with less lore exploration, and I wanted to make a character whose past trailed behind her in a clear and interesting way while she travels. So for Kiyo I kind of took inspiration from the idea of a red pearl (pearls often being white as per the horns and scales but then she has vivid red hair) and from the idea of blood tied to injury and medicine. Plus ya know, white magic. I also took light inspiration from candles conceptually. I totally forgot that Shirogane is the housing district also lol so now she has backstory lore that her family had been heavily involved in establishing the area. Kiyo comes from a large and noble family with a ton of political and economic influence, being herself somewhat sheltered and naïve. She is very sincere, playful, outgoing, and does her best to be kind. Very animated!
For Osk, I was essentially going (ʘ_ʘ;;) because I knew that I hadn’t used ANY brown hair so far and it was making so uncomfortable lol. So I thought about what combination would be appropriate, distinct, and striking enough to fit within the cast while also being distinct. Gray and brown feel like chinchilla colors to me and I think are nice in a way that wouldn’t be out of place with rabbits/viera. I wanted dark eyes since again, I hadn’t yet for this group... so dark purple wound up being her main color. Since I was going scholar, I also wanted to keep the sense of intellect and feeling like a healer without being mistakable for astrologian or white mage. I still want to build into her look, but another aspect I wanted to incorporate--saw a lot of people arguing about the inherent sensuality of Viera, so I figured for her I wanted to make her look elegant and sophisticated but more conservative in glamours. I didn’t want her to instantly read like she hopped out of the woods either. Figure she’d have had time to adapt since.
I’m still very much debating backstory and personality or her but am leaning toward her being the offspring of a viera who left the woods while pregnant. I like the idea of Osk wanting to connect with her heritage but feeling somewhat adrift. I also want to incorporate Nym lore because omg I want more Nym in-general. Personality I do think Osk is probably a little bit of a smug bunny but things remain super tenuous.
Asklona I literally wanted to make a super soft feeling, hyper feminine lady roegadyn because most interpretations I’ve seen have been either harder feminine or tomboyish. Still fun imo, but given the grief some fans heap on femroes I really wanted to show that this kind of look is doable. I usually try to incorporate the black noses on Hellsguard designs (tiger roooooes) while with Seawolves I tend to push either fully into something natural or fully into something unnatural. So ex. the most desaturated option or else just run with blues and greens. Asklona is specifically a bard because it is pretty and fancy imo and I haven’t seen a lot of roegadyn bards in-general. Asklona I mentioned before is modeled off of certain kinds of albinism, but by that I want to make the disclaimer that pink eyes don’t generally occur in people (pale blue or violet is more likely) and that normally there are some eyesight problems that come with the condition as well as ease of getting sunburn. I don’t necessary play into that with Asklona/am going artistic license because I mean final fantasy we can lift swords bigger than we are. I know these things get overlooked a lot though so it seemed worth specifying. My choice to go this route was because I wanted to make myself use more pastels lol and I figured this would be a fun spot to contrast Cenric. I think in backstory Asklona’s father lost his mind to a siren, and Asklona pursuing adventuring as a bard is partly to take revenge and partly in the hopes that she can call her father back with song. Her involvement becomes more complicated over time but I think that’s the general direction. I picked green for her color scheme because it’s a color that feels like it evokes both the woods of Gridania and the sea itself... and because pink is a shade of red and with green being complementary, I figured it would make the pinks stand out a lot. Asklona is tied to Limsa Lominsa and besides looking for outfits that will flatter her body type I am trying to evoke the ocean in her designs. Pirates, sailors, the works. Personality I am still figuring out a bit but I think Asklona is definitely a shameless flirt, can read as insensitive and self-centered at times as she indulges in what makes her happy. She plays herself off as much more shallow than she is and in-general focuses on pursuing pleasure as a way of avoiding heavier issues.
The scrappy daughter of a Doman fox auspice and a Thavnairian lalafell, Kokono saw her mother waste away with homesickness after fleeing the Garlean occupation. She has two brothers, one who returned to Doma while the other remains in Thavnair witht her father. Kokono hates the idea of loving a place so much you would die over it and decided to travel Hydaelyn, causing mischief while indulging a deep-rooted curiosity and love for discovering new places. Has severe commitment issues. Can be prone to swearing and being insensitive because the shocked reactions amuse her a lot, but her heart is ultimately in the right place. I designed her literally to make a lalafell fox because with the dark nose option + werewolf ears it is SO EASY to make tiny canines and I don’t understand why more people don’t do this. Like I could make an elegant white fox lalafell or a yorkshire terrier lalafell or any number of things. We can have itty bitty dogs! And like Kiyo I wanted some background to be evident in her clothes too. I designed her before I picked her backstory and mainly went for rule-of-cute/what would most evoke the red coat of a fox.
Last of team Famfrit, he’s a Warrior Hrothgar. Very conceptually rough, I’m interested in playing him much more reserved and traditionally masculine in a lot of ways. I think a character in that vein will help balance out against the other Warriors of Light I made for that world. Design goal here was to make him look as wolf-like as possible haha. I think we have plenty of cat people already with Miqo’te.
From Lamia, I’ve talked a bit about her before so copypasting that in.
Basically, when I decided to try doing the whole WoL/Emet-Selch fic writing misadventure it was just a personal challenge for funsies. I’d seen other people do some really interesting and impressive stuff using unnamed lady WoLs. Hadn’t really tried something like that myself so I decided to go full improv with it.
Except my instincts tend toward specificity lol, so I scattered details according to what would make for fun scenarios or cute details. I wanted the lady to be a certain level of tall so I went with elezen. I needed to describe a readily portable weapon that would mesh with that sweet, sweet Amaurotine lore, so I made her a summoner. So on and so forth. Very seat-of-the-pants.
Particularly since the fic I have coming up is gonna be bigger, I’m thinking name is okay now lol.
Cenric as my black mage main is a dark, broody guy who doesn’t quite realize he’s nicer and sillier that he gives himself credit. So I decided Nivienne should be much more socially adept (read: not a lameass poser), very mischievous, confident… but lowkey has some heavy shit going on. Girl can be ruthlessly manipulative. Other WoLs of mine have different personalities.
As I was going through fic stuff, I decided I wanted to visually tie to and contrast with Emet-Selch since shipping. He’s got gold eyes and accents on his regalia? She’ll go silver, but her skin will have a more golden tone. He’s got dark hair with a white streak? She’ll have light gray hair, tie into the ruff of his coat. So on and so forth.
Name-wise, I actually fucked up initially by going too on-the-nose. Nivienne is another (more elezen-French) name for Nimue. Given how that story goes I figured it would be fitting here.
As a couple of other notes--color scheme being gray was experimenting to try for a different-but-distinct summoner aesthetic. I wanted to play up horns/third eye concepts (not strictly in the Garlean sense) and create a vibe that wouldn’t feel like white mage, or red mage, or black mage, etc. I also saw people arguing that female casters all end up looking like magical girls, so I wanted to really make sure that she had a different look from that while still being very feminine.
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skinkcare-blog · 7 years
90 Questions, Beauty Edition
Helloooo, I’m starting to jumpstart my blog here. I really miss it, and a few encouraging people from my school have told me to start blogging and posting about what I love which is skincare and makeup. I saw two tags on tumblr and decided to form this 90-question tag. You’re free to take this if you want it, but I’d love to see your own answers!
1. Do you remember your first makeup item?
My first makeup item was most likely a cheap kohl liner that costed me like 20 pesos or something. Bands like Panic! at the Disco, Fall Out Boy, Greenday, etc. were really famous when I was in elementary school and my best friends started getting into putting heavy black eyeliner... of course, I had to follow!
2. Describe your perfect mascara?
I’ve got straight-ass baby lashes, and I think I’ve found my holy grail: Marc Jacobs Velvet Noir mascara! It’s really good and doesn’t smudge on me. The first time I put it on I was aoskdfasdfjhaeuirjhj!!!!!! WOW!!1 Are those really MY lashes! Wow! I put it right before my law school finals and was really happy the whole time because I felt so stinking’ cute with my lashes, lol.
3. What kind of coverage do you prefer from foundation?
Full-ass coverage to hide my imperfections. But that’s usually uncomfortable, so when I just have school or stuff, I do like light coverage.
4. Favorite high-end makeup and skincare brands?
For makeup, I have a favorite brand for each item like eyeshadow, lipstick, etc. It’s hard to choose. But I freakin’ love everything that Anastasia Beverly Hills releases. For skincare, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Herbivore Botanicals. Everything seems to work for me and my collection of theirs is growing.
5. What cosmetic and skincare brands have you always wanted to try but still haven’t?
Boscia. Vinter’s Daughter. Sunday Riley (I keep canceling my orders because I just can’t justify the price tags. Ugh). Laneige. Indie Lee. Chanel. Giorgio Armani. Guerlain. High-end stuff my broke ass can’t ever afford, lmao.
6. Favorite drugstore brand?
Maybe L’Oreal. I love their clay masks and the Miss Manga mascara too much.
7. Do you wear fake lashes?
Yes! But they’re such a hassle, so only when I’m going to some party (or when I’m taking selfies lol)
8. Is there any kind of makeup you can’t leave the house without?
I would say lipstick, but the brows really make the face and these days I really can’t leave the house without putting on some dip brow. :( Kilay is life.
9. What is your most cherished beauty product?
I’ve got a lot since I’m finally, finally (after 120312932 trials and errors) finding my own holy grails, but it’s probably Glossier Cloud Paint in Haze. Started my whole “drunken blush” thing going on lately. It also lasts forever even on my oily skin. I put it on in the morning once, and when I went home my mom asked me “why are you so red? are you drunk?” And I just. Yassss.
10. How often do you shop for beauty products?
Too often for someone who’s kind of dirt poor and in law school, tbh. I pick up one or two items every week or two.  But again, as I’m discovering my HGs, I’m trying to cut down on my impulsive buying. (It’s hard.)
11. Do you have a “beauty budget” or do you spend freely?
As long as my parents are in a good mood I spend freely... just not excessively! 
12. Do you utilize coupons, reward cards and sales when you shop for products?
Of course, I try to. But sometimes I can’t wait to get my hands on a product so I just pick it up already!
13. What type of product do you buy the most of?
Lipsticks. I’ve got way too many. (70-something.)
14. Do you avoid certain ingredients in cosmetics and skincare?
Avoid parabens! And sulfates! And weird things like bird poop and horse fat! (I know right?)
15. Do you have a favorite place to shop for makeup?
Yes! Russian’s The Beauty Source in Makati! Super friendly people there. The sad thing is though, it’s all high-end. I mean I do tend to buy high-end stuff but things like La Mer are... phew. Never in a million years.
16. Do you like trying new skincare products or do you stick to a routine?
I love trying new skincare products because my skin is so problematic and I’m always trying to find things that’d work for me. 
17. Favorite bath and body brand?
I like The Body Shop, but my favorite scents are from Bath and Body Works.
18. Are you clumsy applying makeup?
I’m clumsy in general. So!
19. What do you apply first, concealer or foundation?
Foundatiooon. Duh.
20. What do you love about makeup?
It’s therapeautic for me, I found out. Like it makes me feel happy and calm whenever I do my makeup. Or even just do a swatch party.
21. Lipstick, Gloss, Lip Stain, Balm, or Lip Liner? 
I just discovered Peripera’s Ink Velvet tints, and though they’re a bit drying I love them. So I’ll go with those since they’re the only ones that stay on after I eat and stuff, lol.
22. How do you make your Lipstick / Lip Gloss last longer? 
I use lip liner, usually. And to make them last extra long you gotta stop licking your lips!  23. How do you pick a Lip Color that looks good on your skin color? 
I tend to not go for super light shades because those wash me out and just don’t look good at all on my skintone.  24. What are some cheap ways to take care of chapped lips? Good ‘ol lip butter and some sugar scrub. Or vaseline.
25. Favorite drugstore lip product? EOS lip balms are nice.
26. Favorite brand name lip product? Kylie Cosmetics (for liquid lipsticks and lip liners), Fenty Beauty (for dat mf gloss bomb!), Peripera (tints)! 27. Do you usually play up or play down your lips? Play down. I love MLBB shades. 28. Eyeliner in Pencil, Gel, or Liquid? Liquid. B-) 
29. How do you do a cat eye? 
I just... wing it! Honestly. I’ve been putting on fancy eyeliner since I was like 13 so I’ve got the hang of it now. (Still mess up sometimes tho. Blame the shaky hand.) 30. What do you use to remove eye makeup and mascara? Right now I either use Pixi double cleanse, Skininc coconut cleanser water, and Maybelline oil-based makeup remover. The Pixi one works the best but kind of stings my eyes. 31. How do you make your eye makeup last longer? Good eyelid primer! Setting powder!  32. Cream or Powder eye shadow? Powder since I have yet to try any cream eyeshadows. I tried using Glossier’s cloud paint in Dusk on my eyelids once... it was a weird, sticky mess. #nope 33. What tricks can you do to make your eyelashes look longer? If you’ve got baby lashes like me (who am I kidding, even babies have longer lashes than me), just use false lashes lol. 34. How do you brighten up your eyes? 
Glitter eyeshadow, inner corner highlight, concealer, nude kohl liner and black as FUCK mascara. Yes.  35. What color(s) go with your eyes? 
Warm shades. 36. Favorite drugstore eyeliner? 
I don’t use drugstore eyeliner!  37. Favorite drugstore eyeshadow? 
I also don’t use drugstore eyeshadow. I’m picky as hell. 38. Favorite drugstore mascara? 
L’Oreal Miss Manga voluminous mascara forever. 39. Favorite drugstore eye pallette? Eh, pass.
40. Favorite brand name eyeliner? K-Palette eyeliner! Asia represent!
41. Favorite brand name eyeshadow? Anastasia Beverly Hills for powder eyeshadow, Stila (Magnificent Metals Glitter and Glow!) for liquid eyeshadow. 42. Favorite brand name mascara? 
Marc Jacobs’ velvet noir saved my life. 43. Favorite brand name palette? 
Kat Von D Shade and Light Contour palette helped me lose like 10 pounds. 45. If you can only use one eye makeup product, what would it be? 
Mascara, okay. 46. What is the difference between an eye primer and an eye base? 
Imo eye primers are more of like the “glue” that holds everything together and an eye base is what goes over the primer as like. The base color. Makes everything bolder, brighter and last longer. 47. Any tips on applying falsies? 
Pray. 48. Favorite brand of falsies? 
I really love Lilly Lashes but they’re mad expensive (like $30). 49. How do you pick your shade of foundation? Whatever says medium lmao I go with that. I’m shit at picking foundation and concealer shades but I’m usually like a pure beige/medium/warm beige/nude warm vanilla things like that. Yellowy. 50. What's a good foundation for oily skin? 
ESTEE LAUDER DOUBLEWEAR FOUNDATION SAVED MY OILY ASS SKIN. 51. What's a good foundation for dry skin? I’m not sure.
52. What's a good foundation for normal skin? 
Probably the Fenty Beauty foundation and every other foundation in the world, you lucky ducks. 53. How do you pick a foundation for your skin color? You pick one blindly and hope it’s a match. Hehe. 54. Tinted Moisturizer, BB Cream, or Foundation? Foundation. I love tinted moisturizers in theory but they don't work for me (for some reason the NARS one stings?) and BB creams are TOO white for me. 55. What is a BB Cream? Blemish Balm cream. Also known as the culprit for my ghastly white face in old pictures. Boo.
56. What do you use to apply your Foundation? Either a beauty blender or a foundation brush by Artis, BH Cosmetics or Real Techniques.
57. How can I make my nose look slimmer or straighter? 
Contour, boo. 58. Cream, Powder, or Liquid Blush? 
LIQUID BLUSH CHANGED THE GAME FOR ME. 59. Favorite foundation? 
Estee Lauder doublewear. 
60. Favorite concealer? The Tarte Shaptape is real good imo. Not sure if it’s holy grail material but it’s good for what it’s worth. 61. How do you conceal a pimple? I fail at that.
62. How do you conceal dark circles? 
First you gotta color correct (I use the LA Girl pro concealer in the orange shade) and then you put on the concealer. Use a beauty blender to blend the orange color corrector first then the concealer.  63. How do you get rid of or lessen dark circles? 
If you know the answer to this that doesn’t involve water or sleeping early, please hmu. 64. What is your daily skin care routine? Morning: wash face with my The Face Shop Dr. Belmeur foaming cleanser, tone with witch hazel, put on vitamin c suspension (The Ordinary), then Hyaluronic Acid (also The Ordinary).
Night: remove makeup with the Pixi double cleanse, cleanse with The Face Shop ^ cleanser again, use a mask, tone, put caffeine solution (The Ordinary) under eyes, put hyaluronic acid, then rosehip oil (The Ordinary).
65. What is your weekly skin care routine? 
Theta’s it. I use masks like Herbivore’s Blue Tansy as often as needed and advised. 66. How do you prep your face for makeup? 
PRAYER.  67. How do you take off your makeup? 
Double Cleanse, wipes, and Micellar Water (Garnier). 68. What are some DIY face masks? 
Honey + avocado + apple cider + oats.  69. Where can you buy face masks? 
I usually purchase mine from The Face Shop, Herbivore Botanicals, L’Oreal and just korean brands. 70. What facial moisturizer do you recommend? 
I don’t know. I want to try the Fresh Seaberry oil though. 71. How can I get rid of or shrink my big pores? THAT IS MY CURRENT PROBLEM. :( 72. How do you highlight your face? 
I use a good high-end highlighter (my favorite one is from OFRA), wet my brush using MAC Fix+ after dipping it into the highlighter, and bam. Cheekbones, nose bridge, tip of the nose and cupid’s bow. 73. How do you contour your face? 
I use either Kat Von D’s contour palette, or Too Faced’s milk chocolate soleil. 74. How often should you clean your makeup brushes? Depends on how much I use ‘em.
75. How do you clean your makeup brushes? I either use some soap + olive oil or the Daiso or Beauty Blender cleansers. 76. What are some inexpensive makeup brushes? BH Cosmetics’ are really nice!
77. Do you prefer matte or shimmer eyeshadows? I used to love matte shadows but now I super love shimmer shadow. 78. Do you prefer matte or dewy skin? Can I have dewy skin that doesn’t look oily, please.
79. Do you prefer matte or shiny lipstick / lipgloss? Matte because it lasts longer. 80. When did you start wearing makeup? Officially started getting really into it when I was like 13. 81. Who taught you to put on makeup? Myself. 82. What is your favorite brand of makeup? Already answered this!
83. What product do you never leave home without? I always have lipstick in my bag, powder be damned.  84. If you only had $50 dollars for makeup and skincare, what would you buy? I’d buy all the shit I have in my Althea cart (all skincare)! 85. Who is your favorite beauty guru on youtube? BRETMAN ROCK. Does he count? 86. How long do you take to get ready in the morning? Like half the day.  87. What online makeup store is your favorite? Sephora! 88. Who are your favorite beauty blogs on tumblr? Temptalia. Does that count? 89. How long should you keep a product? Until it ain’t spoiled, lmao. 
90. What product are you hoping to buy next?
Honestly, I really want the Fresh seaberry oil and I’m waiting for it to be in stock again. 
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