#like. it'd be awesome if it was like a crew thing- like if it was all of mos wanted or something
Can you give examples of Aang showing Empathy? Oh wait, you can't.
Actually, I can - because unlike you, I base my opinion of the characters on the actual stuff that happened in the story, not the bad faith takes dumb people on the internet come up with.
Zuko literally only survived past book 1 because Aang was the ONLY person amongst the heroes that gave a single fuck about his well-being. Aang offered to be FRIENDS with him as early as episode 13, even though this dude is trying to kidnap him.
In the first damn episode we see him realize and try to remedy Katara's struggle with no longer being able to act like a kid and have fun. He wants to travel with her so SHE gets to learn waterbending. He willingly lets Zuko take him into his ship because he understood that a conflict could lead to the people of the water tribe getting hurt or killed.
In Warriors of Kyoshi he apologizes to Katara for letting all the praise and admiration go to this head. He makes sure to put out the fires Zuko and his crew started in Suki's village.
He tries to help remedy the Hei-Bai situation, even though he is unsure of himself and even scared, because he knows he is the only one that has any chance of helping - and the thing that allows him to connect with Hei-Bai is the fact that he is ALSO upset about the destruction the Fire Nation has caused AND hopeful that the world would eventually heal.
He thinks Jet is awesome because he wants to help people that are being oppressed by the Fire Nation - and then is horrified when he finds out his intension is to "free" them by killing everyone
He wants to help the two rival groups not only safely cross the Great Divide, but also stop hating each other.
He confesses that he hid the map to Hakoda because Bato, Katara and Sokka are showing how much they appreciate and trust him and he feels unworthy of it after what he did because he knows it'd hurt him if the roles were reversed.
He is so devastated by the fact that he ACCIDENTALLY hurt Katara that he swears to never firebend again. He is also able to recognize the same principle behind his mistake in Zhao's fighting style, allowing him to win the battle against the bastard.
He accepts the fact that the Northern Air Temple is now occupied by people who not only don't belong to his culture but also don't understand it and unknowingly destroyed something sacred to him (and that one of them had been forced to make weapons for the Fire Nation) because these people have nowhere else to go and he doesn't want them to suffer.
He is furious at Pakku for refusing to teach Katara waterbending, because he knows how much it'd mean to her and how unfair it is that she can't learn it just because of her gender.
He is so devastated by the death of the Moon Spirit that the Ocean Spirit latches onto him to avenge it and save the day - and the leve of destruction it causes haunts Aang, even though the violence was against his enemies. And still, he tries to go into the Avatar state again because people are dying and he can't accept that.
After the fall of Omashu, he wants to rescue Bumi, not because he needs a teacher, but because they're friends.
He felt empathy for Toph when she was explaining to her parents how lonely and unappriacted their over-protection made her feel.
He and Katara both feel bad for snapping at Toph during "The Chase" and wanted to apologize for not understanding that being part of a group was a radical change to her, even though she had refused to even try. He also didn't have a problem with fighting alongside Zuko and Iroh against Azula, AND he looked concerned when Iroh was injured.
After Katara comments on the fact he called Toph Sifu but not her, he calls her Sifu while bowing, to show that he respects her both as his master and friend.
The hopelessness and downright depression he was feeling after Appa was stolen only starts healing because he saw a couple being happy with their newborn baby - the same couple he decided to help cross the Serpent's Pass, even though he and his friends had just been allowed to take a much safer route to Ba Sing Se.
His understanding and sympathy towards Jet, even after everything the guy did, was so strong that it freed him from literal brainwashing.
He doesn't want to push his love for Katara aside to gain power because he cares about her too much - and then does it anyway because, even though not making her his main focus 24/7 offers the risk of her being hurt, him neglecting his mission guarantees she'll get hurt.
He is devastated to learn that the world thinks he is dead because he knows he was everyone's last hope - and yet in the end he still accepts the burden of failure because he understood that, at that moment, everyone would be safer if no one else knew he was still alive.
He goes to a Fire Nation school and bonds with the kids, wanting to give them a taste of freedom and joy, as well as trying to understand what the war is like from their perspective. The same episode also has him pull Katara for a dance because he noticed she was feeling left out.
The boy felt empathy for, and understood the mistakes of, both Ruko and Sozin. SOZIN. Aang could see the humanity in the monster that is responsible for him losing his entire culture and everyone he loved.
When Zuko spoke about wanting to control his impulses so he wouldn't accidentally hurt anyone, Aang explicitly connected with that struggle and saw them being teacher and student as fate, and Zuko agreed because that's how deep their connection was.
Aang is not happy about Katara wanting to murder a man, but he still lets her take Appa on her mission and is not disapproving when she ultimately spares the guy but does not forgive him and makes it clear she never will.
He feels empathy for freaking Ozai, to the point that refuses to kill the guy - even as he has the balls to say that Aang's family, his people, deserved to die. He spared that guy - but only after he had a way to do that without it meaning the death of more innocents. Aang, the pacifist, was going to turn his back on everything he believed in just to avoid more human suffering.
So yeah, miss me with your bullshit and don't come back until your brain is developed enough to understand a cartoon aimed at kindergarterners.
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beanghostprincess · 29 days
Thoughs on Transfem Luffy? Personally I actually love this concept, some of my main hcs are:
- She comes out after Garp leaves her with Dadan so when he first sees her bounty posters he thinks he is going crazy at first
- Design is literally the same but with pigtails and the classic op girl eyes
- She casually nentions being trans after a visit from Chopper and everybody is cool with that. (Exept sanji)
- Amazpn Lily is a nightmare at first but after explaining herself Boa makes misgendering her a crime
- Impel Down is a lot more interesting
- Akainu is the only transphobic person in op and he gets his ass beaten
- Sabo cries (of joy) at Dressrosa for her
- Wano is more interesting too
Very very positive thoughts about transfem Luffy. She's my beloved. My little ball of chaos. The same exact as our canon Luffy but with different pronouns and somehow I imagine her to be even more unhinged because you wouldn't expect a cutie pie like her to be so damn chaotic.
Honestly, the whole thing is just something so cute to me. Makino? Dadan? Ace? Sabo? Shanks? They'd all support her like crazy. Ace and Sabo would beat the shit out of anyone saying anything bad about her while Makino teaches her (and her brothers) how to do her hair so it doesn't bother her while playing/running/training. This makes even more sense now because both Shanks and Dragon give major girl dad energy, so of course they'd love her (thinking about Dragon seeing the first Wanted poster and being thrilled about it and mourning a bit not being able to see her). Uta!!! Uta would tell her to be more feminine and delicate but she'd end up being charmed by her freedom, so she'd also beat the shit out of anyone who doesn't consider her sister a girl. Luffy is very nonchalant and careless about these things but is very stubborn so she gets frustrated when someone doesn't respect her identity. She's all like "I am a girl but I still wanna do stuff boys do, y'know? It just feels right to do whatever I want but, uh, as a girl. It makes sense".
Not to mention that she'd come out in the worst moment possible, in the most sudden way, and everyone in the crew would accept her but they'd be so astonished because Luffy is just so damn stupid and blunt sometimes. Also, I think it'd be good for Sanji to learn about trans girls... It'd help Sanji... In so many ways... The closet is glass for Sanji too but this isn't about her...
Amazon Lily is even better because Boa and Luffy would've been even greater friends (even though I love the whole "Luffy being the only guy she feels safe with" I also think that Boa acknowledging trans girls in an island specifically for women would be awesome).
Akainu can go rot in hell. If someone's transphobic in this show, it is him only.
Sabo!!!!!!! Sabo!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sabo would be the best brother ever to his sister. I just know that he'd be even more protective than he is now even knowing she can protect herself. Like that's his baby sister!!! And he'd be so happy to see her again and realizing she has the family and support she has always wanted!! The fact that she lives free and by her own ideals is enough for Sabo to be the happiest.
Wano is more interesting because she'd actually relate to Yamato's experience!!!!!!!! Trans besties!!!!!!!!! And Kiku!!!!!! Wano truly is the trans arc...
Overall, I believe she'd be the exact same as she is now but would easily get bothered by people telling her she's not a girl or saying that she isn't girly enough. She'd be ruthless and yet the cutest thing ever. Btw, she'd still go shirtless/topless even if she gets boobs because she does not care about it lmao--
I've been saying we need more Luffy female protagonists, tbh. It'd be soooo good for the story and would add more to the topics of freedom and liberation.
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sleeplesssmoll · 9 months
HC: Looking at all the promotional art, I believe Sonetto and Schneider would have been friends.
Regulus and Vertin's relationship have a similar same vibe as Sonetto and Schneider's. That friend who drives you nuts but you're a pretty awesome duo.
Vertin's involvement might complicate things but I can see them teaming up on her when she does something stupid or fighting side by side to protect the crew.
If I had to use the lore and context around Reverse 1999 to explain how Vertin, Sonetto, and Schneider's dynamic would work, it'd be a compromise. While others may say Vertin would be the reason they fight, I'd say she's one of the things that draws them together and makes them appreciate each other. Here is how I see it:
Schneider understands what it means to sacrifice and provide for a family. She knows the struggle of fighting against a world constantly taking from you. She and Vertin have a natural chemistry because of these experiences. Sonetto understands this and instead of being jealous (not that she isn't at times but she learns to let go), comes to realize its good for Vertin's mental health. They "get" each other. At the end of the day, Sonetto wants what's best for Vertin.
While there was turbulence in the past, Sonetto's devotion to the Timekeeper is unwavering. Vertin isn't impartial either since we know Sonetto lives rent free in her head from the trails (analysis of this here). Sonetto grew up and is willing to cast aside her faith in the Foundation if it means protecting Vertin. Schneider finds that admirable and its gives her a sense of security. Sonetto is someone she can depend on, which is a big deal considering she's used to being the "rock" in her family holding everyone up.
At first its like "I need to keep you around for Vertin's sake."
But then it turns into "I'm happy you're here."
Vertin's always making sacrifices for people. They'd rather compromise than force her into a position they know she can't handle (no matter what Vertin decides, someone will get hurt).
On that note, they do exist outside of Vertin. Schneider might enjoy telling Sonetto about her home country while Sonetto eagerly listens. Sonetto doesn't know much about the outside world, but she can share insight on the world of arcanum. Its utterly insane and Schneider is amused by this. They teach each other things and also complain to each other about Vertin's gremlin ways.
Moving on, it's possible to have complicated feelings for more than one person. The important thing is deciding on whether or not you want to pursue a future with with them.
I'm about to drop a hot take so hot it could burn you. This is an opinion that ties into my HC. Ok, here I go.
Love isn't just feelings, it's work. You need to put work into a relationship or else it'll fall apart.
There are so many people on this earth. In my eyes it's normal to going to have chemistry or complicated feelings for more than one person in your lifetime.
But you choose the people you love out of the other potential candidates because you see a future with them. It's not about what you feel today but what you're going to feel years down the line so you devote your time and energy to those people in you life. You see something worth fighting for which is why you commit to those people (could apply to all relationships honestly).
That's why I HC Sonetto and Schneider like this. They could move on. Sure it'll hurt, but its not impossible. However, they found someone they want that future with. Someone with a lot of love to give yet asks for none in return, which is really sad tbh. If Vertin's not going to love herself then damn it they will! Maybe its unconventional and sometimes difficult, but that doesn't mean it isn't worth it.
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mymanreedus · 4 months
I heard they were shooting the last episode, and I thought, "I feel like I should be there. It'd be so great to see all the old crew and the old cast and new cast that are all there." And basically, I felt like I should just be there for it. So I texted executive producer Denise Huth and was just like, "Hey, can you let me know the final day of filming? I'd love to be there for it. I'll be in Georgia, and it'd be great to come by." And so she sent me the dates, and I made the trek down to Senoia, Georgia.
And apparently Denise hadn't told anybody that I was coming, and I didn't realize that. [Laughs] So I showed up, and Denise told the rest of the cast, "So I told you guys I had a surprise for you on the last day. Here it is!" And I'm just like, "Hey, guys!" And it was so just wholesome.
What did it feel like to be back?
It was probably about half of the same crew was there from when I left, so it was great seeing all those guys again, and all the cast and producers and everyone. It was really incredible. I had showed up early when they started filming because I didn't have anything else to do that day. So I figured, "Well, I'll just head on down, and I'll be there for the whole day." And so, I was just hanging out in Video Village.
So how did you end up on screen?
It was for one of their wide shots, and they were like, "Let's get you in there. Here!" I was just in this shirt and jeans that I came down there in. They grabbed a hat from wardrobe. It was like Father Gabriel's hat! And they gave me a hoe and said, "Be a part of the background for one of the last shots." And they just tossed me back there, and I just did some hoeing in the ground in the background. [Laughs] It was a lot of fun. It was just a quick thing before the rest of the filming for the day, so it was pretty cool.
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I love that you were not only able to be there for the finale, but for the last day of filming, and for a day where Norman, Melissa, and Lauren — who all were on the show with you for so long — were all there.
Yeah, to see all of them get wrapped on the show and just to hear those words of, "That's a wrap," on the series for everyone, that was just so wild to be there for it.
Was this your first time back on set since Carl's death back in season 8?
Yeah, it was my first time. My last day was in August of 2017, but I came back probably about two months later for some pickups. But that was my first time back since I was working there. It was really awesome getting to be there for their last scenes on the show and hear their big speech at the end about how much the show has meant to them.
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And it was so cool to see how welcomed the new cast was, to be honest. All the new folks that had come in and been a part of the show for the last couple years, it was like they had been on the show for 10 years. It was really cool to see just all of them be just as welcoming as I was on that set by Norman and Lauren and their whole crew and everyone. I think that was the thing that stood out to me the most.
When they cut on the last shot, they blasted confetti, and everyone was cheering, and it was a really, really cool moment, and I'm really happy I got to be there for that.
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Chandler Riggs, Entertainment Weekly
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safety-writes-noms · 5 months
Ohohohhoho now that you bring it up, I can definitely see Mark just. Agonizing over the fact that he wants to eat people every now and then. Hmmm how would you think his first time nomming someone would go?
he would be half convinced he's a psychopath or something. like... who thinks about eating their loved ones?? swallowing them whole too like omg?? clearly someone who's not sane. the impulses have gotten worse and worse as he's grown through the years and now it feels like a constant thorn in his side. that never ending hunger burning through his body that no amount of food can possibly sate. it doesn't even want food -- just people and that's gonna freak him out soooo bad.
obviously he can’t really talk about it to anyone just in case they think he’s utterly batshit insane so he’s slowly winding himself up while the urges keep getting more and more intense. He figures that it’s a viltrumite thing since eating people alive is very very very frowned upon in human culture. So, when he sees his dad again (with the ep where they find that Nolan’s banged a bug and made another kid) it’s one of the first things he asks about before they get the snot beaten out of them by the other viltrumites. His dad’s answer? Nolan has no idea what Mark is talking about whatsoever.
so its a mark thing. Alright. Cool. Awesome. Totally won’t send him into an emotional crisis spiral but whatever. He gets home. Hands off his new little brother to his mom and flies off to clear his head.
he runs into a crazy dude while patrolling. the guy's clearly off his goddamn rocker with a massive futurized looking gun. Mark pulls himself together before going down there before this dude can shoot anyone. does the quip thing, the whole schtick.
In the process however, he gets hit and finds himself way bigger than he's supposed to be. Nabbing the criminal is a cynch -- or its supposed to be, at least. The place s mostly evacuated by now, courtesy of Cecil and his crew and its good thing too because buildings are crumbling and now Mark is grappling with a mega sized lunatic who decided that it'd be a spectacular decision to also make himself gigantic. go figure.
he's sent flying into a building, dust flying every where as bricks collapse into a broken heap, leaving only the shell of walls left. he glances to his side groggily, registering a tiny trembling form of some poor guy who didn't have the time to get out of there, taking shelter as giants clashed outside.
there's adrenaline pulsing through mark's veins, he almost freaking squished this dude and he needs to get them out of here before that raving mad man outside comes in to beat on him some more which would undoubtedly result in this civilians death -- and shit, he's has no idea how the hell he's going to get out of here with no lives lost.
and he is just so hungry.
he barely even thinks before he's moving, gently scooping up the person and popping them into his maw. It feels weird at first, a whole living, wriggling, breathing human just… there. In his mouth. Wild. His subconscious reacts before he does, throat moving to automatically swallow in one fluid motion, and just like that, he’s done with it.
mark doesn’t actually get a whole lot of time to process anything before he’s jumped again, trying to ignore the desperate squirming nestled in his body and the rush of dopamine flooding his brain. Sure it’s not exactly what his urges want, considering they’d rather have someone close to them and not some rando but for now, they’re satisfied that they’ve been partially appeased and just focus on keeping the little human warm and safe.
The bliss of not feeling too much of that aching, burning hunger has him practically floating, and he finally finishes off the lunatic, knocking the guy out with one massive punch.
Now that mark’s been left alone (partially, sonce theres still an unconsious crazy laying in the rubble) he finds that in the absence of adrenaline is the slow rising horror of the realization that yes he actually freaking ate someone, and yes they’re still inside of him. It wars with the tidal wave of dopamine currently still juicing up his brain and eventually wins out.
Mark stumbles to his feet, cupping a hand to his mouth and heaving desperately, muscles contracting as his body fights against him until he manages to bring the poor human back up who, thankfully is just shaken and a bit confused.
Cecil's team comes in then, uses the gun to reverse their sizes back to normal (huh all they had to do was flip the batteries sweet) grabs the crazy and the dude mark ate to 1) apprehend and 2) wipe the memories of the guy. they tell Mark that Cecil wants to talk to him later, and promptly disappear.
mark is left alone with horror sinking in his chest and a slow pit growing in his stomach all over again.
this isn't an actual story or anything I js wanted to make a scenario where he ate someone so :3
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twothpaste · 2 months
dnd crew whats the coolest thing thats happened at dnd
"The time we fought Canis Diamonis," Jeff thinks. At Paula's diabolical directive, the beast had shapeshifted from a hide of impervious carbon to a maelstrom of all-consuming flames. It'd taken all the party's combined strategic wits to outsmart it. Reflecting back, Jeff considers it definitely their most challenging foe to date. And also their finest hour, when it smouldered at last to a pile of ash.
"The time we explored that one dungeon that was also a guy, who'd turned himself into a dungeon, but he was still really just a guy," Ness thinks. You can imagine Maximilian the half-elf's surprise, when the wall-bound bricks shifted to reveal a man's smiling face. The so-called Dungeon Man even fought alongside them, in the trials that followed. An ally the size of a whole IKEA! What could be more awesome than that?
"Coolest thing that's ever happened? Aw, ha - that's easy!" Claus blurts. Before any of the others get the chance. "The time a bat flew in through the window."
Utter chaos had erupted in an instant. Ness n' Paula - and both guinea pigs - screamed bloody murder. Jeff went full tornado drill mode, hood drawn over his head, ducking under the table like the end was nigh. The twins hobbled about the living room, kitchen, and bathroom, tryin' to catch it in a dishcloth. Kumatora blasted [ this ] on her phone. Carnage and mayhem, 'til they finally snagged the critter from the air, and banished it from the premises.
Smirkin' real wide, Claus points at the accursed window in question. An evening breeze ruffles the curtains. Naturally, Paula has since invested in a screen. She rolls her eyes, shrugging over her DM notes. "Frankly, I don't see what's so cool about a risk of contracting rabies. But sure."
"Aw, c'mon! It happened while we were fightin' vampires! Talk about immersion, am I right?"
[ ❓ / 🌎 ]
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belong2human-kind · 1 year
Hey guys, Clara here!! How are you??
I'm here to talk about something more serious right now. But don't worry!
As someone who is deeply in love with the SW Rebels saga since even before the first airing and someone who has accompanied all of the development of this amazing expansion of the Star Wars' universe, I want to say that this is one of the most diverse community I've met, and this makes me really happy about how so many different beings share the same interest and passion for this show as I do 🧡
So.. my profile won't lie huh? I'm down for a ship of this show so so bad, and if you, person on the other side reading this, still don't know what I'm talking about, let me tell you: I'm a biig sabezra shipper and fan! Since the first time I saw these two interact, I feel in love with their dynamics. And as the show continued, the sentiment that they could be one of the healthiest pairings of the entire saga only grew more. I love both characters individually, Ezra and Sabine, and also love them as a couple.
Joining tumblr and being active here about them, I entered the community and even dared to share my weird thoughts and stuff and own creations about this universe I love so much. I was so so so motivated by amazing people who gave me support to show my little creations, and I made truly wonderful friends here on the ship community that I'll cary for life. I won't lie that I am very eager about this ship so whoever I see engaging in Sabezra, I tend to follow XD (I hope this isn't too weird heh ^^)
I'm here to talk about two things.
1. I am very thankful for the friends I've made on the ship community and the series community as a whole too. Also, the majority of people I interact with are absurdly amazing, kind and sweet, and as I said, it's really touching and heartwarming to me to know that such a different and diverse community is united by one specific passion about SW. You guys are amazing, stay awesome 🧡💜
2. This being said, unfortunately, things can get a little heated up about some topics, specifically the ones involving pairings. So, I'm here to talk/ask, all of the people who, like me, are part of this community, to just remember that, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter who you support your character with or without: we are still united by the same interest, this one being the love for those characters with such deep, unique and touching stories.
The Ghost Crew is a family, and we, the fandom, are kinda like a big one too. So what I'm here to ask is: Hey, be kind to each other 🌻 Different opinions exist, but this is not only fine, this is amazing. It'd be boring if everyone on earth loved Rebels or even my favorite ship, sabezra, because if everyone did then it wouldn't be something so unique and especial, and it is. As I said before, this community is so diverse! We can enjoy different things, we actually should do that! But, by the end of the day, we're just a bunch of people who love star wars. I think we can all agree on that ^^
That being said, I also apologize. I try to not engage with any hate spreading messages, and I know that there are quite a few here on both the shipping communities and the entire community too. Nothing can really justify being mean to someone (at least that's what I believe and try to hold myself on) but I know that we never know what's really happening behind the screen for someone, even if they share. Life can be tough, I know this myself. So I apologize for all of my friends and community colleagues that might have hurt on others, and also, apologize on myself as well if I did let this happen too. As much as I try always being kind, I'm still a human, with ups and downs and one that can make some mistakes too. I try my best to make people around me (physically and virtually) to feel comfortable and embraced because I think everyone deserves that. But at the same time, we can hurt people intentionally and unintentionally so easily :( So yeah, I apologize for that. And I hope we can interact with each other with kindness and respect. I think this is one of the most important things to do as a human: be gentle to others and the nature around you.
Uhh I speak so much :'n It's 2am now and I have class tomorrow, my adhd brain is still running on circles on my head LOL so I'll be off for now. Keep awesome guys! And stay safe 🌻
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thewertsearch · 1 year
Asks Comp 5/6
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Just like John Cusack, hoo hoo hoo is a universal constant.
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I was so excited for her conversations :( And thank you very much! This comic's a slippery one, but that's part of the fun!
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I do like the idea of pairing every Homestuck ship with a political ideology. It'd be the perfect storm of discourse, from about five directions at once!
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Thank you! I don't think I'll even be in the country for my birthday this time around, so it'll be a quiet celebration.
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I think it could still fit as a kismesissitude, even if they aren't all that unfriendly with each other. After all, Karkat's antagonism towards John is only skin-deep, and wears off fast.
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FEFERI: There's no reason to be scared! They are not as terrible as they look. FEFERI: When Derse is destroyed, I am going to go to sleep and prove it. FEFERI: I will prove it to you, and to them as well. KARKAT: THEM? FEFERI: Our new friends! [...]
Oh, that does make more sense. Dang, I really liked the idea that the Horrorterrors were scared of Players.
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Karkat made S-Tier for a reason. He's on fire this Act, and it's been great to watch!
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You don't even get to examine your surroundings!!
I'm even more glad now that I'm using Homestuck Collection. It's clear that I'd have missed a lot without it, and it's a sad state of affairs that the comic's official website seems to butcher it so badly. Definitely recommend checking out the Collection, if just to play the walkarounds yourself!
Underutilized aspects of the trolls: Feferi Edition! [...] I do have to say that, when I think about her, I don't generally remember the Horrorterror connection. But Gl'bgolyb is a Horrorterror, after all. Feferi may be legitimately bubbly and sweet, but of the two races she is meant to unite, it might just be the Horrors and Humans. She's an eldritch Disney princess. Remember that now. ~LOSS (19/5/23)
Does that make Gl'bgolyb her Fairy Elder Godmother?
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Ugh, tell me about it. It looks normal when the post is in my drafts, but breaks when I publish it.
I could go back and fix each post manually, but I don't have the time or the patience. Maybe I'll write a script to do it when I release Wertsearch: The Director's Cut.
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Thanks! I've had Cat send a transcript over, and I've been copying it for quotes. There was a risk of mild spoilers if I accidentally read ahead, but if it means I can stop quoting entire conversations manually, I'll happily take that chance.
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Damn it! There goes my Sollux Was Swapped At Birth theory.
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I like these ideas! It's fun to speculate about what our species 'thing' would be, since we don't have any alien species to compare ourselves to IRL.
The idea of NPCs as Player templates is awesome, too. That implies an absolutely wild session in Sburb's past, featuring the Sleuths, the Midnight Crew and the Exile squad as Players.
What would Sburb even look like without Carapacians? Would the chess match in Skaia still exist, just without sentient pieces? I kind of love this idea.
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Yeah, it's always nice when a story's really kicked into gear.
Beginnings and endings are difficult, and I usually enjoy the middle of a story more than either. By my count, we're about one-third of the way through Homestuck, and it's definitely found itself.
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Thanks! I have a couple of ideas about which of my ships will be supported by canon, and which won't - but we shall see what develops. The comic might surprise me!
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Canon Equius design.
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It's a big question, and I don't know if I can fully answer this one, given how much of Sburb is still shrouded in mystery.
That said, the first thing I'd change is how Players are assigned. Instead of creating people who have no choice but to participate, I'd look for volunteers in the planets I've seeded. If Players have to be born in the Veil, then those volunteers would have their timelines rewritten, retroactively turning them into meteor babies - but only after they've volunteered for the role.
Also - does a session have to destroy the planet it's seeded on? If it was me in charge, I'd redirect the Reckoning's portals somewhere else. Literally anywhere else, actually. As far as I can tell, the only reason they were pointed towards Earth in the first place was for thematic reasons. The Sallyverse has different themes.
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Yep. No special reason why - I've just been pretty busy lately, especially on the weekends. They've also been rolling over onto Mondays more often, too.
I get to 'em when I get to 'em - but I always get to them in the end.
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Ooh, that's a deep cut. Possibly coincidental, but I wouldn't be too sure - I wouldn't put anything past Hussie.
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I've heard of Higurashi, but I know very little about it. It is my tenuous understanding that it's a murder mystery starring several wealthy families - or is that its sister story, Umineko?
I don't want to look them up, because I might actually check them out at some point, and it is apparently very important to go in unspoiled. Potential future liveblog material, indeed.
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I've speculated that the Knight is a protector class - and maybe Knights also protect themselves, hiding behind a particular trait or emotion which serves as their 'shield'.
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Puréed puppet, unfortunately.
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Now that I've seen all the troll typing quirks, I'm pretty sure I've actually encountered some of these people in the wild! I've definitely seen Terezi's leetspeak, or something very similar, on an anime forum or two.
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thecoolerliauditore · 2 months
Hi I might sound a bit insane here and feel free to not answer this cause it might get a little controversial but I was thinking about the Jimmy solidarity hierarchy system you’ve been hinting at and how it seems to be some sort of life series form of the patriarchy.
Cause ok essentially I was thinking about your labour edit of Jimmy and then trying to like understand the fact that Jimmy is a social person right like his strength is his social skills and his likability. However within the life series (and similar) series) his biggest downside is the fact that people are mean to him, like if we think first episode of Sausages’s sossmp he talks about how no one’s died yet and they talk about how Jimmy isn’t there and would have died but then Pix specifically points out someone would have killed him (around 5:20ish). But then like everyone is obsessed with Jimmy people want to be in strange romantic relationships with him, people want to be around him and they want him to be like the centre of attention. They crowd around his streams a lot but specifically to be mean to him, one time in another sossmp video (sausage episode 11 around like 3-4 minutes in) they meet at his house for like no reason. But that doesn’t mean they’ll acknowledge his house is nice or respect him in anyway they just want his attention and to use him and his stuff for themselves and their own gain. Sort of in the same way men see women as like these mythical attractive creatures that they want the attention of without respecting
I’m not exactly sure how to put this into words but yeah people like Jimmy but not in the same way they like people, you know. They like him like an object or comparing it to our world they like him like men like women. (See a lot of this has also been on my mind since I read this one fanfic that accidentally projected their own experiences with misogyny onto Jimmy without even realising that’s what it was but I can’t talk about that cause it was so clearly written by some kid in a rough situation who hasn’t realised it yet but yeah overtime I’ve realised it makes sense why Jimmy was in the place he was in that fic)
Also if you ever want to expand on your idea of the Jimmy solidarity hierarchy I am very excited to listen
NOYEAH THIS IS AWESOME you pretty much put into words alot of stuff I have trouble saying outright but yeah The Ecosystem as I've come to call it is dripping heavily with gender (in a bad way). This is pretty much what I was lampshading with things like the labour edit and comparing jimmy to characters like anthy and kotoko
If I may say something that may one up the controversial aspect of this post I do believe a lot of it comes from the inherently somewhat homophobic style of humour a lot of the (real life. content creators. including jimmy himself) esmp crew tends to indulge in with jimmy where there are constantly bits that pretty much boil down to. hahaha a MAN taking on the social role of a WOMAN is that not FUNNY AND STRANGE hahaha that shouldn't be happening!! (don't want to get too into this because I don't think they're like. evil or anything I just think most of them are basic straight men who think gay = funny and that does weird things for the very queer fanbase's storyline they've made up)
On a certain level it's also very. Men can't be hurt in the ways women can so it's okay to laugh-ish. Like imagine if the maid poledance sequence in sos was being done to say. Pearl instead. I'd argue it'd affect Me in the same way but I don't think anyone would have the balls to suggest she do that in a video in the first place.
So what we end up with, character-wise, is Jimmy essentially being the victim of this. prison-like ecosystem where he's constantly humiliated through this taking away of his masculinity (whether that's through literally making him crossdress and poledance or denying his authority, such as during esmp2) as the "bottom of the food chain" so to speak.
Women are kind of an untouchable because it's not "funny" when these things happen to women (see: how sausage treats people like pearl and false vs how he treats jimmy) so Jimmy has to kinda. fit that slot. And I do think it's fun when people play with Jimmy having complicated feelings about this (especially through stuff like transfem headcanons and such) but yeah it is very much a position he is continously forced into.
Also I'd argue I've read. quite a lot of posts projecting frustrations with misogynistic life experiences onto jimmy. I think it's like. comforting a little bit? Like in the same way women like boys love because it's divided enough from you as a person physically to be confronting about your own feelings regarding sexuality or whatever but you can still enjoy relating to the characters.
Anyway I'd love to expand on the jimmy hierarchy thoughts. I haven't because I honestly don't trust myself to talk about creators I genuinely dislike as creators which is most of the people most responsible for that but I do have thoughts, albeit ones I wouldn't trust myself with. But pretty much no single one of them is like. a complete monster. they just all have very strange worldviews and accept jimmy's dehumanization because it benefits them in some way.
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sounknownvoid · 1 year
Spn wincest is gothic horror trope
Just wanted to put this out there that kripke n co knew exactly what they were doing with supernatural ... because it was part of the tradition of gothic horror and one of the key tropes of gothic horror? = incest.
From https://www.thegothiclibrary.com/gothic-tropes-incest/ :
"Incest has been a core trope of the Gothic from its very beginnings with the first Gothic novel, The Castle of Otranto by Horace Walpole (1764). " the others being atmosphere and mystery....sounding familiar?...
We've also seen it in movies like "crimson peak" and recently in good ol GOT... but usually, its a cis-het pairing and usually its a "period piece"-setting.... this one is more "modern gothic"
What sets "Supernatural" apart is that 1) its 2xhot guys 2) its a scripted show on a tv-channel with attendant restrictions on portrayal of taboo-topics - incest (or domestic abuse or child abuse etc) is certainly not what you'd "normally" expect to see on a network channel show unless it was a police procedural and even then it'd be heavily restricted. 3) the show manages to somehow bring in these subjects in not only its case-fics and monster of the week formats but also as a series-long arc.
For those that feel like they're "glimpsing" something that perhaps may not be there or "shouldnt" be there or "wtf"-ing through it - its legit and its real - and its a well-known trope of the genre that this show originally started out being an instance of.... coz remember, there are actual lines and long lingerring camera shots and atmosphere created between the brothers - in a scripted show - this stuff had to be written, rehearsed several times with a full crew there and full lighting and camera-angles adjusted, theres editing and post-production and approvals from execs to be obtained etc,etc - all the things that go into making a series..... they didnt just wake up 1xday and go "right we're turning this into an incest thing" - the actors can certainly "slip in" something or writers or directors but it'd be limited to a season or an eposode if they had - it wouldnt be a long running theme throughout the whole show incl other characters and actors saying lines that allude to it (zachariah or ash and his "soulmates" line).
Yes incest is taboo. Yes it is also a legit part of the show - because its part of the genre of gothic horror that supernatural belongs to.
The point of it is to introduce a subject matter that is in itself considered "repulsive" or introduce a level of "social horror" on top of any ghosties and ghoulies in the story....the point is to make it a driver for some of the horror also.
And guess what? - adding a wincest lens does that in spn - it amps up the pathos,the underlying despair and "wrongness", the tragedy of the brothers within the larger story of gods and demons and angels and monsters ...in a very human way. It adds and magnifies the theme of "family is hell" (thanks tenlittlebulletts) and also that just coz they love you, doesnt make it less horrifying - ie love as horror.
What the makers probably didnt bank on and later season-makers backed away from most likely - is how much the 21st century tv audiences wanted 2xhot guys to get it on and didnt care if they were brothers or not - ie, they underestimated how much of a "freak" we,the audiences, were/ are!....😂😅😉
Im still putting together the piece on all the ways that wincest adds/amps things up in the series-arc...likely a longer piece.... [this is not to take away from the awesome performances of all involved or any of the contributions from anyone and yes there might be all this other stuff going on around it: j2 irl speculation or actor-drama or fandom drama etc,etc that ive no idea about xoz i only watched spn during covid n got hooked - but i know theres drama - and im choosing to ignore it all in favour of simply looking at what is in front of me objectively and understanding its role in the genre and within the story being told itself - a story i love deeply].
Hope this helps anyone struggling with their sanity when they see these glimpses and helps to validate what you're seeing - you're not crazy - its there - & it has a purpose within format or "formula" / trope of the genre/story itself.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 10 months
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"The capacity for evil is but one ingredient in the human soul."
Women are rejoicing in the streets. Authoritarian state media is on high alert. It's the after hours sensation sweeping the nation, Late Night Togashiposting. The 100 sub spectacular edition. This time we're not tangentially tying it to potential references that drifted into One Piece down the line. At least not beyond just talking about Kurama which means illustrating squarely where there is an open final spot on the Straw Hat crew. This time it's more about the Chapter Black. Because the world has been making me think of it.
The actual tape, the MacGuffin of the titular saga. If you're unfamiliar, the villain Sensui manipulated his allied psychics with it. It's a VHS tape, but because YuYu Hakusho was trying to be modern in a way that ended up making it an awesome 90s period piece in hindsight it's a magic Spirit World VHS tape. I swear this man has a fascination with them. Imagine the ultimate snuff film, back in the day this was the equivalent of urban legends about horrific videos online. Chapter Black is a record of the most haness human acts. Make no mistake, Togashi had balls here. We call out shit that is clearly referencing the Holocaust and bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki. In an era where you don't get that on point in mainstream manga.
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Believe it or not this is one of the cheerier images. We learn of the tape through a defector, Mitarai or "Seaman." A bullied kid who cracked after seeing Chapter Black. Recall Sensui's whole thing is being a straight-up groomer to some of his followers. His breakdown is some powerful stuff, but I always liked how hero Yusuke was able to shrug it off. Remarking he sees it everyday on the 6 o'clock news but never feels it's a reason to give in. Prompting the Kurama quote from the start here. I always loved the wrinkle of him lowkey being seduced by the appeal of it. The anime having a bigger group for the scene adds so much. Keiko breaking at hearing some of the things, Genkai quietly fuming the entire time...YuYu Hakusho really is an oddball where the manga gave way to a better anime that got so much better dubbed in English that continues to age like the finest wine.
I don't know if any story beat encapsulates this better than the simplicity of the Chapter Black tape. It's become one of the most prescient parts of the series. In a world where you can pick any boogeyman and find a community of people just stewing in hatred towards it, marinating in a steady drip of laser-guided examples one VHS compilation almost sounds quaint.
Where Togashi really shines here though is how it affects people differently. I love how Mitarai is the one trying to justify it by functionally calling Yusuke privileged. While it's true Urameshi didn't grow up in a warzone he was clearly the one of the pair who had a rougher life and also the one who just didn't get how it'd warp someone. Because deep down Seaman wanted revenge, the tape was nurturing something dark that was already there. Villains never want to think of themselves as such. It's so real, so raw. So relevant to today.
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japhan2024 · 13 days
Read the entire fic on AO3
Chapter 12: The island
Finally, the boat has reached the island. Time to chill, talk, have fun. Amanda does her job as the only reporter on an island with the president, an artist and an eco-terrorist.
Amanda loosened the scrunchy around her bun, shook out her hair and finger combed it. Then she put it back in. "Sometimes I wish I'd live off the grid. But then I think about the fact that's basically the starting point of any horror movie, and I rather not be murdered without anyone knowing about it!"
Angela let out a hoarse laugh. "So you would want to be murdered if people did know about it?"
"And be featured on TCP? That would be pretty hot."
"What's TCP?"
"True Crime Podcast. Okay, yes! I see you judging me, but you know what? I don't care! It is my guilty pleasure, and I listen every week!"
"You're insane."
"I mean, I did go out into the ocean on a whim, with zero preparation."
"On a whim?"
"Well, a famous artist asked me to join her so I mean, really, how could I say no, ya know?"
Angela smiled wide and softly punched Amanda’s shoulder.
"It's so awesome you came."
"It's been such a trip! Can you believe we have the president here with us?!"
They both laughed.
"Yeah, and possibly an ecoterrorist!"
"Exciting times."
"Fo sho."
Chapter word count: 2.027
Rating: teen
"So, yes! It's... it's a, ah, it's a rock!"
"Amanda. A little more imagination, please."
The two women stood on a platform looking out on the beach. A thick, green sludge had formed on the shore. It wasn’t the prettiest sight.
Luckily, Amanda had something else to look at that WAS pretty.
Angela's bob was messier than ever, but somehow it suited her. She wore a flannel and ripped jeans.
"You know, you look kinda piratey," Amanda joked.
"I didn't mean fantasize about ME," Angela retorted. She grinned as Amanda blushed.
"I mean-" she took Amanda's hand and placed it against the rock they stood next to. "The sculpture is already inside the stone. I just have to feel it… and then reveal it."
Amanda spluttered, as Angela’s touch surprised her. She was a very touchy-feely person herself. But somehow, touching Angela’s hand was different. "Uh, oh, ah, whoa. Like, I could never."
"Bullshit! I know I'm not the brightest, right? But with practice, anyone can do a little art. It'd be easy for you, Amanda, I'm sure."
"Don't talk yourself down like that, babe! Not the brightest? You're the most creative person I know. Not to mention the most entrepreneurial! I mean, how did you even get this opportunity?"
Angela hesitated.
"It's kind of a long story... and a sad one."
"Tell me, baby?"
They sat down on the ground, looking at the rest of their crew on the beach. Some were chilling, some were swimming, some were doing research and collecting samples. Trevor walked around, taking pictures.
"Well," Angela began, still a bit unsure.
"When me and my friend Kendall did a musical roadshow together, we met this older, incredibly rich couple, right. They told us they used to be farmers, but all their animals died. It happened during a heatwave, while they were on holiday and left the farm under the care of a neighbor."
"Oh my god, what a terrible thing to happen..."
"Yeah, it makes me anxious about leaving Sporky behind. He's with my mom though, so I shouldn't worry. But still, I do."
"I understand." Amanda put her arm around Angela and leaned into her. She smelled like a fresh sea breeze.
"So that's when that couple decided to leave their farm behind and go off the grid. Basically, they own this island. They are gonna build a house here as well, but they really wanted something on this cliff that people can spot from miles away."
Amanda loosened the scrunchy around her bun, shook out her hair and finger combed it. Then she put it back in. "Sometimes I wish I'd live off the grid. But then I think about the fact that's basically the starting point of any horror movie, and I rather not be murdered without anyone knowing about it!"
Angela let out a hoarse laugh. "So you would want to be murdered if people did know about it?"
"And be featured on TCP? That would be pretty hot."
"What's TCP?"
"True Crime Podcast. Okay, yes! I see you judging me, but you know what? I don't care! It is my guilty pleasure, and I listen every week!"
"You're insane."
"I mean, I did go out into the ocean on a whim, with zero preparation."
"On a whim?"
"Well, a famous artist asked me to join her so I mean, really, how could I say no, ya know?"
Angela smiled wide and softly punched Amanda’s shoulder.
"It's so awesome you came."
"It's been such a trip! Can you believe we have the president here with us?!"
They both laughed.
"Yeah, and possibly an ecoterrorist!"
"Exciting times."
"Fo sho."
Angela now leaned against Amanda, resting her head on her shoulder.
"You know, I could get used to the sea being green," she mused.
"It's absolutely nuts," Amanda said. "But I guess it's our new reality. It does feel like something has shifted."
"It does, doesn't it?"
Amanda noticed the callouses on Angela's hands, as their fingers intertwined. She sighed.
"I've decided to keep doing journalism."
Angela sat up, excited.
"You are? Dude! I'm so happy for you!"
"I mean, I have to make sure Trevor keeps his job, right, so he doesn't go down a path of crime," Amanda joked.
"He might join that Anthony. They'd make a handsome couple of criminals."
"Oh absolutely, they’re both gorgeous. But I think Anthony only has eyes for one person here."
"Yeah. It's pretty obvious, isn't it?"
They got up.
"We better get to work then!"
"We should! I can't wait to see what forms inside this rock you-” Amanda put on a dramatic timbre, “FEEL AND REVEAL."
"And I can't wait to read what you write next!"
"I think you know what I'm going to write about." Amanda smiled and walked back down to the beach.
Angela got out her chisel.
“So, Anthony, what made you decide to take the fate of the world into your own hands?”
“I need a smoke,” Anthony only half-joked. They sat down near the boat, a fresh breeze blowing everyone’s hair out of place. It made for great shots, or so Trevor reassured them. A couple of other people sat around, including Ian.
“The closest recent event I can think of is the Covid pandemic. But at least that happened on accident.”
“Amanda, I do take full responsibility.”
Anthony sighed.
“When I started working with the algae, I never thought it would work this well. So, when my colleague showed me the results of the study, I was blown away. And everything that happened, everything I did, I was in a state of heightened adrenaline. Not to mention the FBI got on my case…”
“The FBI?!”
“The FBI?” Ian interjected.
“Yeah, some agent broke into our lab.”
“It was so scary when we got there,” Nicole added. “It looked like there’d been a massive fight.”
“You’re not wrong. I only barely escaped.”
“So you’re a fugitive of justice,” Amanda was thumb-typing.
“Oh god, I am, aren’t I?”
Ian frowned. “I never got that security memo, Anthony.”
“Will you turn yourself in, once we get back to the mainland?” Amanda kept up the pressure.
“I will.” Anthony quietly evaluated every possible path for himself. But he knew Amanda was right. The only real choice was to turn himself in. He glanced sideways at Ian. Somehow, he didn’t look too bothered. That hurt a bit.
“And Ian, what the hell happened that got you to this island? Are you at liberty to say?”
Ian scooted over next to Anthony.
“Well, I know I’ve not been a perfect president…”
“You have, you did so good!” Noah and Keith both said it at the same time. They smiled at each other.
“Really, mister president, I’ve never been this hopeful about politics in my entire life,” Keith continued.
“Thank you, that means a lot” Ian looked somewhat tortured. “But as you well know, I also made, well, a FEW enemies. Let’s just say, they got to me. They somehow infiltrated the secret service, and I almost went the way of the Kennedy’s. I mean, they successfully crashed the plane.”
Everyone gasped.
“Do you think the FBI did it?” Arasha asked.
“Let’s not get carried away,” Amanda reasserted her lead over the conversation. “What happened next, though?”
“Well, Anthony here saved me. I was about to get mauled by orcas. I have no idea what kind of bad luck got them so close to us.”
Keith and Olivia looked at each other, horrified.
“But Anthony pulled me out of the water, and we went on our merry way until we nearly crashed into you guys.”
Amanda’s lips curled into a smile as she listened to Ian talk. Before she could help herself, she blurted out: “your eyes are so blue… Did you know you’ve got freckles?”
“Hmm? So Anthony, you were just in the right place at the right time? Is that right?”
“I guess so,” Anthony held up his hands.
“So, you’ve told us the best-case scenario of the cya- cyanobacteria story. Yes. But, let’s say things go sideways. Is there a plan B?”
Anthony stayed quiet, looking around apologetically.
“Amanda went so hard on you, man,” Ian giggled. He and Anthony were still sitting outside. The breeze was very pleasant. The sun was setting and most of the others were back on the trawler to eat.
Anthony had been quiet after their interview. He looked very pale, drops of sweat appearing on his temples. “I mean, she’s right, isn’t she?” The pace of Anthony’s breath quickened. “I’ve done something terrible, haven’t I? Oh god…”
“Anthony…” Ian put his hand on Anthony’s shoulder, startled to see his friend in such distress.
After a while, Anthony calmed down. He coughed. “Yeah, uh, sorry about that. Anyway, dude. Amanda’s so into you.”
“I already told you,” Ian protested, “that’s over.”
“Nah, it’s not,” Anthony teased. “Your eyes are sooooo blue, Ian, did you know you have blue eyes and super cute freckles?”
“Shut up!”
“Then why are you smiling?”
“BeCAUSE, I’m looking at Angela’s statue over there, see? It’s illuminated.”
“It looks like…”
“A turd.”
“It looks like a turd! Oh no,” Anthony lost it. They both laughed so hard, their stomachs hurt.
Ian sighed. “Why does this feel like some fantasy genre ass movie? The failed president, the big green oopsie and the turd.”
“The blue eyes, the big boobs and the big dong, you mean?” Anthony turned his head to Ian.
“Are you implying you have a big dong?”
“Oh, congrats bro, I love that for you. Are you in Roberto Esquivel Cabrera territory?”
“Who’s that?”
“Fuck me, I swear not having a phone is the worst!”
“I’ll look it up!”
They both sat back up.
“Yeah, put ‘Roberto Esquivel Cabrera pp size,’” Ian encouraged him.
“Okay,” Anthony laughed. “Pp size it is… Jesus Christ that’s a big dong.”
“So you’re not up there?”
“I’m not a freak of nature, no.”
“C’mon, respect the man! He can’t help it. And just imagine, it would be so hard to get it hard, not to mention to put it into someone.”
“Dude! That’s terrifying to think about!” Anthony’s high-pitched wheezing only further encouraged Ian.
“What do you reckon is the female version of a Roberto Esquivel Cabrera?”
“Please stop saying his full name, I’m losing my mind!”
“The female equivalent of Roberto Esquivel Cabrera,” Ian repeated, “I think wouldn’t be a really loose vag. It would maybe be like, really really fat labia or something.”
“Isn’t that more equivalent to balls?”
“Yeah, maybe.”
“I really don’t have the authority to speak on this, Ian, and neither do you.”
“I guess you’re right. We sound like most bro podcasters right now.”
“Look at us, two bros, explaining the female body! We totally know more about it than people who actually do have vaginas.”
“Yeah, because we use our superior masculine brains and logic to deduce the truth,” Ian continued the bit.
Anthony got an idea. “Let’s invite Amanda to our podcast!”
“Oh no, please no? We can’t subject her to our bro science, man.”
“Do I finally have you playing defense, Ian?”
“Hm, I must be tired.”
They lay down on their backs, looking at the stars.
“You can see the whole Milky Way from here,” Anthony said, in awe.
“Can you believe that out of all the stars in the universe, we wound up on earth.”
“That’s crazy.”
“And of all the billions of people on earth, we were lucky enough to escape the worst of the climate disaster, not to mention the wars?”
“I try not to think about it too much…”
“And out of that subcategory, we met at school? We were classmates, went our separate ways, and now we found our way back to each other?”
“I am certain that Fate has something to do with it.”
“Yeah. I am too, actually. I’m usually pretty skeptical of shit like that. But I feel like this was meant to be. And I’m glad that I found you, finally.”
“Ohh, buddy!” Anthony turned his head towards Ian. They looked at each other.
“Youre eyes ARE blue, though.”
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imagitory · 8 months
With Disney's Wish, one thing I think that might have mildly improved the film might have been to change or rather narrow in on the aesthetics for it. The film wanted to go for a "Mediterranean" vibe , but I feel there is another Mediterranean historical area that might have fitted better for a story about the power of dreams and wishes- a place that was once known as "The City of the World's Desire"- Constantinople. While it might not help the movie, it may have helped its identity a bit more.
It does feel like the culture of the Mediterranean/Spain-esque setting for Rosas was really not taken advantage of, either in the look of the film or in its music. It's a critique I likewise have for Raya and the Last Dragon and (to a lesser extent) Brave, that the film really didn't have to be set where it was, since the story wasn't tied to any traditional folklore, environments, history, or even cultural values from the region it was set in. And considering that we've seen Disney embrace the culture of a region in their films' stories well in the past with projects like Lilo and Stitch, Coco, Encanto, and even Moana, that does seem like a real missed opportunity.
I would frankly love to see a Disney animated film set in Constantinople/Istanbul, though! There's so much beauty in Turkey and the rest of the Middle-East, both in its stories and its architecture, and I'd love to see some real representation for those cultures in Disney's animated work, especially including cast and crew from the culture they choose to depict. Even India I feel has been tragically passed over by Disney -- the closest the company's really gotten was the Disney/Pixar short Sanjay's Super Team (which was awesome) and half-assing some Bollywood influences in their live-action Aladdin remake that's still supposedly set in Arabia (which, I'm sorry, is kind of pathetic). And then yeah, it'd be cool to really feature Spain as a location for a Disney film too.
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Hiiiii :3
Since I'm thinking about the Joe and Dara mermaid au (for no particular reason) I wanted to do ask games you rebloged (the most recent one)
For mermaid Joe:
5, 10, 12, 29, 41
For Dara:
1, 11, 25, 29, 35
(Feel free to pick and choose if this is too many)
hiii thank you so much for asking sorry its taken me a bit i haven't been thinking <3
5. Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen?
Absolutely. He starts thinking about how awesome the world is and then he starts sobbing like a baby
10. What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity?
"Did you know shells used to have creatures in them did you know that the shells have animals in them and then the animals are gone and you get shells you can keep it's so cool isn't that awesome sometimes i pick up shells and there's guys still in them and it scares me really bad but it's really cool i just gotta wait for them to leave their house before i can take it and then i can keep it"
12. What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
Oh anything, he's super giggly it really does not take a lot. He would fucking love puns he'd lose his mind over wordplay it'd be so fucking cool and then he'd try to make a pun himself but he's laughing too hard to get it out and when he can finally say it it's not even an actual pun
29. How do they respond when someone doesn’t believe them?
He just gets really confused. Like ??? why wouldn't they believe him??? If they're just trying to tell him he misunderstood something he doesn't know very well then that's ok he likes learning new things, but if they just don't believe him and don't give a good reason he just doesn't understand. He hasn't figured out what lying is yet he has no reason to think anyone would have a reason to not believe him. If they continue to not believe him he gets really fucking mad because how can you be this fucking stupid he already TOLD YOU
41. What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone / somewhere else?
Well, he picked up a lot of stuff from Dara and her crew, they are the first people he's ever met as far as he knows. And he doesn't really . know? A lot of things? So a lot of stuff he knows now was through them, so there's a lot of influence on the way he speaks and acts. As for the rest of it..... he...... doesn't remember
.1. What’s the lie your character says most often?
Dara's actually not that much of a liar in this AU which is pretty wild for her tbh but she doesn't have much reason to be. She mmmight try keeping Joe a secret from people not part of the crew just cause it makes her so stressed out already she's trying to keep it under control in some kind of way? But there's no reason for her to actually be doing that and it's probably not a lie that kept up for very long anyways because Joe refuses to stay hidden when someone new is around he's like a dog he needs to say HIIII HI OMG HIIIIII
11. If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
Hrm,,,, y'know I'm not sure. Her crew would be able to tell pretty easily I think, Dara's a complicated enough person and her mannerisms don't vary too much so I think they'd just. They'd know. I don't know if Joe would be able to tell, if she was acting weird he'd be confused but wouldn't really say anything, he'd just think he missed something
25. What subject / topic do they know a lot about that’s completely useless to the direct plot?
Probably knitting tbh. She already knits as a hobby in canon, I can see her going even harder on it in the AU
29. How do they respond when someone doesn’t believe them?
She just won't bring it up again. If it's related to something that like, needs to be fixed or otherwise dealt with, she'll handle it on her own and just be discreet about it. Like oh ok you can't be trusted with this information. And then she leaves
35. What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they’ve made?
Well. She is a pirate. Which involves a LOT of morally questionable decisions. Like murder. But the smallest one she's made was probably just letting Joe be part of the crew when they "first" met. Cause that was pretty fucking motivated by selfish means (seeing the similarities between him and her probably-dead loved one and knowing this would fuck her up and knowing she only is doing this because she needs to know if it's him) but it did also make him really fucking happy until she started really digging into him about his missing memories so it wasn't like it was a bad decision. It just. Yknow. Was a small lil domino that she thought maybe wouldn't knock anything else over. And then it did
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pynkhues · 1 month
I imagine, working with a theater company, you watch a lot of actors act in person. So...what do you think watching Jacob and Sam act together is like? Since you posted that, I've been trying to imagine it lol
Ahaha, I work in the office at a theatre company, anon, so I don't see a ton of rehearsals! I meet with the actors and crew members a bit though - like lately the main part of my job has been on reviewing our Safe and Equittable Workplaces documents and starting to write our Reconciliation Action Plan. As part of that, I have been consulting a lot with our First Nations artists in particular, but I haven't seen any of their rehearsals for the current show they're on and might not even get to see the show as it's been commissioned by a venue in another state (the theatre company I work at doesn't self-present work, rather we have a stable of productions that get commissioned by venues and festivals). I'm hoping I might be able to see the dress rehearsal before they head off though.
But more to your point, I imagine it would be pretty magnetic though watching Jacob and Sam? It'd be pretty awesome to see the scenes where they try things out in different ways especially given it seems like there are a lot of times where the direction is very specific. Getting to see the times where the actors have more space to try different things out would be pretty amazing, I think.
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merklins · 1 year
Fine. The Furry Roster, part 1 of however many parts it takes: All the Gordons are cephalopods. Reasoning: Freeman's deep sea thing + Swap's tentacles + Doc is strange and bizarre + Freeman compares Loverboy to a cuttlefish in Act 1 + Literal Actual Octopus "Gordon". Freeman/Storyteller: Architeuthis/Giant Squid Swap/Overlord: Vampire Squid (they're really weird AND the vampire thing) Doc/Hypnos: Firefly Squid (those fuckers GLOW) Player/Power Trip: Blue-Ringed Octopus (chill but also dangerous) Gordon B/Leading Light: Cuttlefish Seven/Last Resort Gordon: Giant Pacific Octopus Worldstop crew: Malcom Challender: Unicorn (something something his ability to manipulate Source seemed magical to the AI? Really it's just because our Malcom fictive has a ponysona but no actual fursona) Darnold: Pitbull (seen as aggressive but tend to be sweethearts; very loyal) Benrey/"Forzen": Blue dragon sea slug / garden snail (Benrey is a slug, but his Forzen disguise is quite literally him retreating into his shell) Y2KVR crew: Benrey (also Loveletters Benrey): Heterometris spinifer/Giant blue scorpion (for obvious reasons + they're blue) Spork (also Valentine): African Gray Parrot (They're smart as FUCK) Coomer/Lovetap: Mantis shrimp Bubby/Dr. Feelgood: Fire salamander Forzen/DJ Heartbeat: Mongolian death worm (this is not a real animal, however, they are supposedly attracted by rhythmic thumping similar to a heavy bass beat) Darnold/Smooth Operator: Cinnabar chanterelle (yes, the mushroom. Consider the emails to be similar to the mycelial network. I know this is getting weird. It will get weirder.) Tommy/I Don't Remember His Lovecore Name: Common crow The Restrictor: Raven (Half-Life G-Man is associated with ravens sometimes)
More will come soon.
"blackmailbutler asked:
Furry Roster Part 2 Of Something:
Admins: Admin C: Tri-color Monitor Lizard G-Man: Komodo Dragon Da Boss: Blue Poison Dart Frog Admin F: Blue jay (Like a blue jay, most of his aggression is a bluff; he's loud and abrasive, but doesn't actually want to fight) Admin P: Praying Mantis (green and can sort of punch things) Admin Darnold (he is mentioned one time in Act 1): Clownfish (orange + Darnold is mentioned to have been taking care of Joshua, which made us think of Finding Nemo because of the whole parental figure thing? Mostly going on vibes because we know nothing of him.)
Mad Science Team: Sleepless: Canada Goose (Acts like an asshole most of the time + Canada + probably loud as fuck) Harold: Protogen (it's MY furry AU and *I* get to choose the species. AND Protogens are COOL) Electrobubby: Electric eel (duh) Politerey: Duck (mostly because we are a Benrey and Forzen siblings truther) Project Coolatta: Lace Monitor Lizard The Old Man: Lace Monitor Lizard (they're monitors to call back to a certain other father-son duo, but unlike GVRV and C, they're the same species to represent them NOT being estranged)
Merch Team/The Last Resort: The Party Pontiff: Mantis shrimp Wheels: Okay so you know how people make anthro planes? That but a Greyhound bus. Yes he still drives an actual bus. I told you last ask that it'd get weirder! Tommy Bahama: Marine iguana (He does the beach tour IIRC. Plus I wanted him to be a lizard like some of the other Tommies.) Dr. Perky: Golden orbweaver (laser grid = spiderwebs, plus golden/orange color scheme) The Bellhop: Tropical leatherleaf slug (Vibes only. Plus he can retract one of his eyestalks to fit the one-eyed thing.)
???: Barney Calhoun: Harbor Seal Alyx Vance: Leopard/Deer (based on our pre-existing furry!Alyx. Eli is a deer, and she wears a little headband with some of his shed antlers on it.) Capital M: Changeling (think MLP. What do you mean that's just the ponysona that I got assigned by the system. I don't know what you're talking about.)"
me time answer time (:
OH MY YOU ACTUALLY DID IT. YOU ACTUALLY HAD THEM ALL. AND!! THEY'RE ALL SO AWESOME TOO?? I don't know much about the lizard selections for the Coolattas BUT!! Absolutely AGREED on the Gordons being cephalopods that is SO SO COOL. The bright colored rings of the blue ringed octopus on Player and Power Trip? OHHH THAT'S EPIC.Love the sea slug snail thing you have going for worldstop benrey. YES!! Attention for the worldstop benrey!! Love that guy. cherish that guy. AND Y2KVR FORZEN AS THE WOOORM. THAT! IS! SUCH A COOL WAY OF TYING IN MUSIC TO CREATURES. AND!! Same goes for Y2KVR Darnold! Because OH! MY! GOD! MUSHROOM MYCELIAL NETWORK FOR THE EMAILS YES YES YES THAT!! IS AWESOME. love mushrooms (: kicking my legs and giggling DUDE!! You have so much good stuff here HOW AM I TO SAY STUFF AT IT ALL? Literally ALLLL of these are SUCH! GOOD! CHOICES! I could be here forever. Mad Science Harold as a Protogen, YIPPEE! Forzen and Benrey connections? ALWAYS welcome! WHEELS. AS A BUS FURRY. /VPOS. Dr Perky as an orb weaver I LOVE ORBWEAVERS YES YES YES I SEE THE VISION AND IT IS WONDERFUL. And you certainly covered your bases huh? THE MCDONALDS WORKERS FROM HLVRV. AS FURRYS. IN! MY! INBOX!! /pos
and of course. ponysona ponys mlp hlvrv on the merklins tumblr ONCE AGAIN!! A lovely selection by the way changelings are so epic and cool always <3
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