#like. will honey i know you’re trying your best to push mike towards el but it’s not working!!
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marvelslut16 · 5 years
Nurse Dustin
Pairing: Dustin Henderson x reader 
Synopsis: (Y/N) sprain her knee. and long time crush and best friend Dustin Henderson takes care of her. 
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of injury and sprained knee. 
Word count: 1709
Author’s note: Sorry if this sucks, I wrote it fast. I went on a walk with my best friend yesterday and busted my shit slipping on wet leaves. So I’m 99.99% sure I sprained my knee, so it’s loosely based off that. I go to the doctor later to find out for sure, so wish me luck.
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You had been best friends with Dustin Henderson since you were in diapers thanks to the fact that you two are neighbors. When he befriended Lucas, Mike, and Will, so did you; and all of you created the party. 
Through your years of friendship nothing had been as high stakes as these past two years. Last year Will was taken into the upside down and you met and lost El. This past year the party met Max, got El back, and Dustin found and was raising a Demodog. Two years where you all could have easily died, but none of you got seriously injured.  
But of course you got injured, and are stuck in bed all spring break. All because of some stupid prank. It was a typical rainy Midwestern spring day, the ground was covered in a layer of rainwater. You were walking up to meet the party when Lucas jumped out from behind a garbage can with construction paper made to look like a demogorgon around his head. 
Not only did Lucas scare you, but he scared El as well. She had just been adopted by chief Hopper, and started dating Mike even though she didn’t start school yet. Both you and El jumped, in doing so El accidentally nudged you, since you happened to be beside her, right as you were coming down. Because of the slight nudge your footing was knocked off ever so slightly, causing your left foot to slip on the wet pavement as you were landing back on the ground.
 The next thing you know, you’re on the ground and your friends are surrounding you. Lucas and El are both apologizing profusely as Dustin helps you stand. You start to laugh at the situation, that is until you put weight back onto your left foot your knee shifts and pops back into place, when did it ever pop out of it?
“Shit,” you grit your teeth as pain shoots through your knee causing you to lean your weight on Dustin. 
“(Y/N), what’s wrong?” Dustin asked worriedly. 
“It’s my knee,” you sniffle, holding your few tears back as you try to walk and it shifts again. “It hurts like a bitch,” you give your friends a weak smile and a light laugh, hoping you can just laugh it off.
Luckily, you weren’t too far from your house, and Dustin offered to walk you there. Dustin got you comfortable on the couch, even running to your kitchen to get ice once you arrived at the house. After he left, however, your parents ripped into you about being reckless, careless and a klutz. 
After a quick trip to the doctor to confirm your mothers diagnosis, you had sprained your knee. While you were able to walk on it, with lots of pain and even more convincing yourself to actually put weight on it; your parents wanted it up, iced, and wrapped for the next week. Spring break. You had planned on spending most of the break at the arcade with the party. 
“Hey Mr. and Mrs. (Y/L/N),” you heard the unmistakable voice of your best friend, and secret crush, Dustin. You could tell just from the way his voice carried through the house that he was grinning at your parents, that adorable toothless grin that lights up any room he’s in. 
“(Y/N) is in her room, we were about to head to the store, do you think you could sit with her?” your mom asks. Please let him say yes, you think, because if he doesn’t they’ll ask your nosy neighbor to come watch you. 
“Of course,” Dustin’s voice is closer to your room now. His curly mop of hair bounces as he rounds the corner and through your doorway.
“Hey Dusty,” you push yourself so your sitting up and grin at him. 
“I brought you these,” he pulls a bouquet of tulips from behind his back “the party chipped in, but they’re mainly from me.” He grins his toothless grin at you, and you can’t keep the smile off your face. 
“Thank you, I love them!” you smile widely at them before smelling the tulips. “Thank the party for me.”
“Honey, your father and I are going to go grocery shopping,” your mom walks in holding a vase of water for your flowers. She sets the vase on your nightstand and you lean over to put them in the cool water. “We should be back in a couple of hours, but Dustin agreed to stay with you until we’re back.”
“Okay,” you smile up at her. 
“I love you,” she kisses your forehead before heading towards the door to your room. 
“Love you too,” I grimace slightly as Dustin smirks at our interaction.
“Bye Dustin,” your mom smiles at him before walking down the hall and out the door.
“How are you?” Dustin asks after the front door shuts behind your parents. 
“I’ve definitely been better,” you force out a smile. “Where is the party?”
“They’re at the fucking arcade.”
“Why aren’t you with them?” you ask.
“I’d rather be right here,” he sits in the chair beside your bed. 
“I’d rather you be here too,” you grab his hand that he set on the bed. After talking for awhile you start to grow restless, there’s only so long you can just sit here and do nothing. 
“Do you need anything?” Dustin asks worriedly.
“Can you hand me those?” you point to the crutches leaning against your desk.
“I didn’t know you needed crutches,” he sounds increasingly worried as he jumps up to grab them for you. It must be nice to be able to get up like that. You gently swing your legs over the edge of your bed and wait for him to walk back to you.
“They’re just to make sure I don’t re-injure my knee and tear a ligament,” you readjust the black brace sitting snugly on your knee.  When Dustin hands you the crutches, you gently get up, making sure not to put any weight onto your left leg. This fucking blows. “Can you get me more water while I go to the bathroom?” you ask hopefully. 
Dustin doesn’t even respond, just grabs your glass and runs out to the kitchen. You hop across the hall to the bathroom, your still not that great but you're definitely getting the hang of those crutches. You hop around the bathroom doing your business, you can hear Dustin rustling around your kitchen. He’s probably looking for a snack, you grin to yourself. 
As your washing your hands you accidentally knock your brush onto the floor, causing a loud thud to resonate through your silent house. You stare down at the brush as tears start to race to the surface. You’re so distracted that you almost don’t hear the loud shit come from Dustin, before the even louder footfalls coming down the hall.
“I’m coming in (Y/N),” Dustin warns. “Make sure you’re covered.” The door opens and Dustin comes in view, eyes covered to make sure he doesn’t see anything he shouldn’t. 
“I’m fine Dustin” you say weakly and sniffle. Dustin’s hand drops and his eyes snap up to meet yours at the sound of your broken voice. 
“Shit, sweetheart what’s wrong,” he steps forward and cups your cheeks, wiping away your tears. Which of course makes you cry more, all of the emotions you had been holding in were flooding out. 
“I’m just so sick of this. I’m sick of not being fine and being kept away from my friends. I’m sick of being cooped up in my room with nothing to do. And most of all, I’m so sick of feeling weak and helpless. I dropped my damn brush and it’s too tight in here for me to lean down and grab it,” you let out a little sob.
“Don’t worry about the brush,” he leans down and picks it up. “Just worry about fixing yourself, it’s boring as shit without you. Now let's get that knee back up.” 
Dustin shoos you towards your room before heading back to the kitchen. You make it to your bed before he comes back with a glass of water, pringles, and nilla wafers. You giggle slightly before sliding onto the bed. He sets the food and drink down, before coming to assist you with putting your knee back up on the pillow. 
Dustin goes to sit back down on the chair, but you let out a whine in protest, patting the empty space to your right. Dustin grins before carefully climbing up beside you. He passes you the pringles as the two of you talk about what you've missed since you got injured a few days ago, which unsurprisingly is a lot. 
Once you're satisfied with your pringles, you hand the can back to him so he can set it on your table. Without thinking, you cuddle up to his warm side and rest your head on his shoulder. After a few agonizingly slow seconds, he runs his fingers through your hair. 
“You’re the best nurse Dustin Henderson,” you cuddle in closer.
“And your the most amazing patient,” he admits nervously. You adjust your head so you're staring right into his eyes. Dustin gulps and looks to the foot of the bed, clearly nervous to see your reaction. You quickly lean up as far as you can without jostling your knee, and give him a quick kiss on the lips. 
Now it’s your turn to look away from him and anxiously await his reaction. A grin splits his face before he gently grabs your chin to face him. He pulls your face closer and kisses you again. You both grin into the kiss. 
“I have the best god damn girlfriend in the world,” he breathes as you pull apart. “And the hottest.”
“Who’s this girlfriend of yours?” you tease him.
“You obviously,” he tries to act annoyed, but he can’t keep the grin from his face. “You’re stuck with me (Y/N) (Y/L/N).” 
“And your stuck being a one woman guy Dustin Henderson,” you grin up at him, placing a lingering kiss on his cheek. Who knew spraining a knee could turn out to be this amazing?
Permanent tags:  @crimson-knuckled-queen​ @rexorangecouny​
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stevesharrlngtons · 5 years
28 with Steve? :) 💛💛
you’re still mad.
(thank you to the amazing @harringtonhq for helping me when i was stuck! (: )
you love him. you love him. you love him.
you chant to try and cool your boiling nerves. you love steve harrington, you really do, but sometimes he could be so stupid, you wanted to scream (and often did).
so much about him was endearing, there was so much about him to love. he had a kind heart, a great capacity for love, always wanted the best for others, was eager to learn, had a wonderful sense of humor, the list when on. but, everyone has their flaws, and steve was definitely was not exempt.
he was stubborn, vain at times. he gave horrible advice and could often be too proud for his own good.
somehow along the way of dating steve, you had been roped in to hanging out with a group of thirteen year olds. at first, you would just sit quietly next to steve as he talked to them, praying for it to be over soon. you weren’t necessarily jumping up and down to hang out with children in your limited free time. though as time went on, and you got to know each kid better, you started to like the time spent with them. you now enjoyed all the kids that your boyfriend was friends with, which can still be an uncomfortable sentence to say. you generally got along with all of them, but with max and el, you were bonded to them in a much deeper way. they were floundering for any positive female energy by the time you showed up, and you happily took them under your wing.
so, when steve was off with the boys, you migrated towards the girls. you enjoyed them deeply as friends, but you also enjoyed feeling looked up too. you relished in your new role as the cool older girl in their eyes. you loved that they trusted you, that they would come to you with questions and concerns about the world, and would take your advice seriously.
you had developed a strong protective instinct with the girls over the past year, and that was why you had sped over to max’s house as soon as you received a hysterical call from el. when you arrived you fled your car and went to knock loudly on the hargrove’s door. to your dismay, billy answered it with a smarmy grin.
“finally ready to give in to what we both want, (y/l/n)?” he leaned his bare shoulder against the doorframe.
“ugh, in your dreams, hargrove.” you gagged, and pushed past him into the house.
“every night princess! lemme know when you’re gonna allow me to make all yours come true!” he called after you.
you rolled your eyes, and thankfully got to max’s bedroom before he could say anything else.
“your brother is so gross.” you scowled as you entered.
“i know.” and your head snapped up to where max and el were sitting on her duvet.
max’s face was flushed pink, her eyes were glossy and her cheeks painted with tears. el had a comforting arm around her.
you went into immediate lioness mode, “what happened? who hurt you?”
you rushed forward and pried max from el and into your arms.
“lucas.” el stated simply.
“my god, what did he do? i’ll kill him!” you pythoned the redhead closer.
“he was being so rude. so rude and just ignoring everything i said. and, and he was just so…”
“rude.” el chimed in.
“yes! god!” max wailed into your t-shirt.
“what exactly happened, honey?” you murmured, stroking her hair calmly.
“I was just trying to talk to him, to have a conversation! but nothing, and i really needed to talk to him about all this stuff with neil and my mom and i got nothing. when i pointed out that he was being an ass he told me to stop being so crazy.”
“he what?” you gasped, still trying to console her.
“yeah, so then i told him that he was a dick and that we were over.”
“again.” el said, mostly in observation. she wasn’t wrong, lucas and max broke up all the time.
“i just can’t believe him!” max sobbed.
“it’s like he just didn’t care.”
and then it clicked.
didn’t care.
“son of a bitch!” your tone had changed so drastically from sweet and reassuring to anger and frustration, it caused both girls to jump.
“what, what is it?” max pulled away to look up at you.
“do you know where he is now?”
“at the mall. he, dustin and mike are gonna sneak into stupid top gun again.” max wiped at her eyes with the back of her hand.
“perfect, let’s go. get your shit.” you released max and started towards the door.
“what are you gonna do?” el asked, scrambling off the bed with max as they searched for their shoes and jackets.
“i’m gonna rip my boyfriend a new one for giving that dumbass advice to her boyfriend.”
“wait steve told him to do that?” max questioned as she followed you.
you lead the girls to your car, and whipped out the hargrove driveway and toward the mall, grinding your teeth. chanting away in your head to remind yourself to not follow max’s lead when you saw steve.
meanwhile, el and max were beside themselves with excitement. they loved you for so many reasons. you were smart, intelligent, compassionate and always ready and willing to stand up for yourself and others. you were a badass. a badass who lent them your copy of the feminine mystique and preached the gospel of angela davis. they just thought you were cool.
when you all arrived at starcount, you were a woman on a mission. you knew that you were probably overreacting, but if you let your boyfriend continue to think for one more minute that ignoring women and what they have to say will someone get them to desire you more, you’d be failing yourself.
so, you with your two little ducklings in tow marched toward scoops ahoy, where luckily, dustin and lucas already were waiting. no doubt your boyfriend was nearby.
“hey, tweedle dee and tweedle dumbass, where’s the ring leader?” you jeered when you entered scoops.
“oh, so you’re still mad…” lucas spoke first, glancing back to max whose face soured.
he knew that if you were showing up this mad looking for steve, there was no doubt max tattled to you.
before you could respond, the man himself stepped out from the backroom.
“hey baby, wasn’t expecting you.” steve smiled affectionately at you, not processing your anger.
“you!” you moved and pointed an accusatory finger toward him.
“yes, you! god, dammit steve! what exactly did you tell lucas?”
you watched steve go through a facial journey. of being confused by your anger, to looking at max looming behind you, to lucas, back to max then back to you, and finally understanding.
“nothing. i said nothing.” he shook his head.
“nothing? huh, really? so, you didn’t give any advice that might simmer down to being a dickbag to a girl to make her like you more?” you hissed.
“he actually said-”
“lucas! shut up!”
“too late, he just sold you out, harrington. now, what did you say?”
steve looked to both boys for support, but they averted their gazes.
“i didn’t say anything! why would i say anything like that? he clearly thought of that himself.”
“excuse me?” lucas chimed in.
“wanna play dirty? fine, let’s do this,” lucas turned to you, “steve told me and i quote, “you gotta act like you could take it or leave it. that if you didn’t talk to her today it wouldn’t matter.” end quote.”
your eyes widened and you turned back to your boyfriend for now, “are you crazy! who gives advice like that? to a child no less?”
“hey, i’m fourteen!”
“eh, eh, eh, i don’t care.” you said impatiently back at lucas.
“i just… look, ok, it works! how do you think i got you? who is the best thing that’s ever happened to me, by the way. have i mentioned that lately?” steve batted his eyes at you.
“how you got me? seriously? i only started liking you after you cut out all that pompous dick behavior! but y’know that? maybe i acted to soon, maybe i was wrong.” you crossed your arms over your chest.
“(y/n/n), come on, ok, listen! it’s just standard advice, my dad gave it to me and i’m sure his did to him. i’m only passing on the legacy.” steve tried to explain.
“the first problem for all of us, men and women, is not to learn, but to unlearn, gloria steinem.” max chimed in, causing everyone to look back to her.
“see! that!” you gestured to her.  
“do not baby me, steve harrington.”
“you don’t actually believe that works, do you?”
steve made an unsure sound, and racked a hand through his hair.
“i cannot believe you! if you ever give that advice to anyone again, impressionable child or not- i swear on my life i will lose my mind.” you clenched your fists.
“this isn’t you losing your mind?” lucas asked.
“not the time, not the time. abort, abort.” dustin said under his breath to his friend.
lucas immediately clammed up and looked away from you.
“forget about coming over tonight, harrington.” you sneeded, and turned on your heel to leave.
max and el looked between each other with huge grins, then followed after you, rife with giggles and praise.
“oh man, you’re so fucked.” dustin chuckled with a shake of his head.
“nah, nah. this is fine, this is cool. it’s all good. it’ll be fine.” steve muttered, placing his hands on his hips as he watched your figure become smaller in the distance.
“go after her.” dustin advised.
“what? no, we’re…”
“go after her.” he reiterated, and steve was already fleeing his post behind the counter to run after you.
“baby, i’m sorry! i’m an idiot, what’s new? i love you!” both boys watched steve catch up with you and start to apologize. he placed on hand on your cheek, and seemed to pouring on the amends thick.
“he was kinda right?” lucas mused.
“excuse me?�� dustin asked aghast.
“i mean she just left like she could care less and steve was tripping over himself to follow her.” he shrugged.
“if you let (y/n) hear you say that, i won’t stop her from kicking your ass.” dustin snorted.
“she couldn’t-” dustin gave lucas a pointed looked, “ok fine, yeah she could.”  
feedback is greatly appreciated pls & thnk u!
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robinskalechip · 5 years
home - chapter eleven
robin buckley x reader
a/n: the next chapters are gonna be some biggies so keep an eye out
warnings: language
not my gif!
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chapter eleven - i’m so sorry
robin woke up to her favorite sight, a sleeping naked sofia covered partially by the sheets, her arm spread over robin’s stomach and her face burried in the crook of robin’s neck.
robin liked watching sofia sleep, she looked calm and at peace and she could tell when she was having a good dream because she would have a slight smile on her face and when it was a bad one she would have furred brows and would move in her sleep to which robin would try to wake her.
robin relaxed as she looked up at the ceiling before turning her head to see the time, “6:18”
robin got up and put on one of sofia’s tee shirts from her closet and then walked to the kitchen to make them both toast and eggs
not more than five minutes later sofia got up and put on a black bra and the black jeans she had planned to wear for the day
she was about to put on her shirt when she started to recognize the smell of eggs being cooked so she took it upon herself to investigate
she walked down the hall to see robin’s back turned away from her as she was waiting for the toast to be finished, anticipating the pop from the toaster
sofia tried her best to make as little noise as possible as she reached the other girl to then scream, making robin jump and turn around and hit the other girl with the towel she had in her hand
“sof oh my god do you want me to have a heart attack”
sofia smiled as she walked towards the girl and pushed robin against the countertop and her body against robin and put her lips close to hers and whispering “making your heart race is my favorite hobby” she kissed the girl, this one starting out gentle and calm but escalated within seconds as the two used their hands to search the other’s bodies morning after kiss
the two were rudely interrupted when the toaster dinged, making them both jump
“as much as i like this you need to go get dressed, i’ll finish breakfast” robin said as she was still against the counter, now with her hands resting in the pockets of sofia’s jeans
sofia kissed her again but semi quickly, “okay”
as sofia said this, her and robin looked at each other, continuing moments after, sofia was now thinking the same thoughts as robin was last night, she was falling for her. and she was terrified. if there was one thing sofia was afraid of it was robin. it was robin loving her. she couldn’t imagine robin knowing about anything from her past because she knew it would be too much. she was terrified of robin leaving because of it, but she was even more terrified that robin would know everything and still love her. she felt robin deserved more than her. she felt robin deserved every universe in existence and she was nothing but a meteorite coming down to destroy anything in its sight
robin questioned her, “what?”
“nothing” sofia walked back to her bedroom to then put on a long sleeve gray short and rolled the sleeves up. she placed her watch on her wrist and her ring on her finger and did the rest of her routine before rejoining robin for breakfast
after they ate and talked for about fifteen minutes, sofia called the kids to let them know they should be up and ready to go soon and she called steve to make sure he was just awake and didn’t fall asleep in the shower again while robin got ready
once robin was finished, they both headed over to mike’s house where 5 tired children and one annoyed young adult awaited them
lucas, max and mike rode with sofia while dustin, erica and nancy rode with steve
the car rides went by pretty quickly, robin fell asleep after a while and sofia liked seeing her so peaceful while max, lucas and mile were being a chaotic mess in the backseat guess she’s getting used to it dustin and steve did most of the talking in the other vehicle while nancy and erica both slept
with all of the potty breaks, it was already the afternoon once they arrived at the byer’s estate
all of the kids rushed out to see el and will, nancy ran to johnathan, kissing and hugging all over him
will and el had no idea, joyce decided to keep it a secret whenever sofia called to see if it was okay
will was already being greeted by his friends before he even stepped out of the door but once he did, he saw sofia and his smile and laughs quickly fell and he began to cry as he ran to her
sofia started to tear up as he crashed their bodies together, hugging her like it had been thirty years and not three
sofia closed her eyes as she held the boy and whispered, “im so sorry”
will stepped back, tears now streaming down his face as he could barely get out “you’re back”
“i’m back” sofia was smiling through her tears as will began to hug her again
she looked up to see robin looking at them, herself now crying too
will pulled back away from the girl, “why are you here exactly?”
“ma is sick”
will asked if she was okay and sofia explained that it was looking pretty bad for her
“can we have a movie night?”
“anything you want kid”
will ran back with his friends as they continued laughing again and joyce walked up to sofia who was now leaning against her car
“thank you, for coming i mean i know it means a lot to him”
“i’m sorry” her voice broke mid sentence “i should have been here”
joyce was doing her sympathic mom look, “oh honey, im sure you had good reason to leave”
“you have no idea” she smiled and turned to joyce “i am happy to be back though”
sofia fondly watched as robin talked with will and el
joyce motioned to robin, “you two seem friendly”
sofia had only ever come out to one person from hawkins, besides of recently robin, and that person was joyce
joyce and sofia got close because of will and she would ask her about what would be happening in her life and actually care
sofia smiled, “yeah, she’s great...
she’s perfect in every shape and form”
next chapter
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Chapter 6 : Summertime Sadness
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“Okay, Party, so Dustin’s coming back home today and we gotta make a blast out of it! We’re gonna go over to him, all of us, I mean, and surprise him! And then, maybe we can go to the pool? It’s super hot outside and it’s gonna be so much fun! We never went together to the pool, did we?” I looked at the gathered kids in my living room. “It’s gonna be awesome! Haven’t gone to the pool before, actually. Since in Cali it was so hot, we’d just go to the beach all the time.” Max grinned, leaning on Lucas. “Hell yes! Let’s go, let’s go-” Lucas cheered, but was interrupted by Mike. “What about El?” he asked, frowning. “What about her?” I asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion. “She can’t go in public. It will attract attention to her and that’s not good. You know Hopper’s rules.” Mike whined, making us sigh a bit. “What Hopper doesn’t know won’t hurt him. Look at me, I’m out here doing whatever the hell I want. Nobody knows El, except for us, so what’s the big deal? I’ll cover for her, if needed.” I shrugged nonchalantly. “Do you even care about her and her safety?!” Mike yelled, making me glare at him. “If anyone understand El the best, it’s ME not YOU, Mike! We have the same background, the same problems, the same powers. But she is still a godamn 14 year old girl! She’s a teenager, she should go out of the house and have fun! What’s the big deal?! Chill and enjoy life!” I rolled my eyes, getting everything ready to go get El from home and raid Dustin’s house. “Mike, come on, calm down. You know Fox is always there for us. She won’t let El get hurt or be in danger.” Will tried to pacify him, hugging me. “Yeah, fine, whatever. Let’s just go get her and greet Dustin.” he grumbled, getting out of the house ahead of us. “Sheesh, lover-boy is moody…” I sighed, getting in the car to drive them all to El, pick her up, then go to Dustin.
Very soon after we got in the house, Dustin and his mum got here too, and while Dustin went to his room, letting nostalgia hit him a bit, I and El started making his toys make sounds and move towards the living room, where we lay hidden. Poor baby was super confused and scared at what was going on, and when he was inspecting the now non-functional toys, we sneaked up behind him and yelled “SURPRISE” or whistled at him, while Lucas was holding the “WELCOME HOME DUSTIN” cardboard.
Thing is…He got to scared that he used the spray in his hand to attack Lucas and all the spray went in his eyes.
Poor kid.
I laughed like an idiot.
Trying to calm him down, I went to hug him tightly, while everyone else was either laughing (the boys and El) or trying to help Lucas see (Max).
Problem is, he was so excited about showing us his new inventions from the science camp and to use Cerebro to chat with his girlfriend, that the plans of going to the pool kinda…Failed.
What a pity…
We had to take a looong time to go up a hill, but while walking there, Will seemed to stop and rub his neck a bit, while looking around a bit lost. I went to him and hugged him softly, petting his hair, looking concerned.
“Are you okay, honey?” I asked him gently, like you would talk to a baby fawn. “Yeah…Yeah, I guess I am. Don’t worry, I’m fine.” he reassured, nodding vigorously, making me chuckle at how adorable he was being. “You know you can talk to me if you need it, okay? Any time, about anything.” I reminded him, making him smile in glee and take my hand, going up the hill to the rest of them.
One by one, they all started leaving, and I, too, had to, but I felt bad seeing Dustin’s ruined dreams. I, unlike the others, believed in Suzie, otherwise he wouldn’t have tried so hard to reach out to her.
“Hey, Dustin…I know she’s out there. I’m sure she’ll answer soon. But please go home, it’s getting late and your mum’s gonna worry. I don’t want you staying alone around here, okay? Come, I’ll drive you home. Also…Wanna go to the pool tomorrow? We wanted to go today, to celebrate you coming home, but seeing you so excited and happy changed our minds.” I got up, extending my hand for him to take so we can go home, and he nodded, a bit upset. “Okay, Fox…Are we gonna be all of us?” he asked, as I put a hand around his shoulder while he put his around my waist, slowly going down the hill to my car, with Will holding my other hand. “Well…Hope so. I don’t know about Mike and El…I guess with the new relationship and all, they’re a bit…Too obsessed with each other. And Mike worries about El’s safety.” I tried to say in a way so as Dustin won’t get upset. “But Lucas and Max weren’t like this! …I think. And you and Billy aren’t like this either!” Dustin protested, pouting slightly. “Haha, well…Lucas and Max are a bit more…Mature, to say it like that. They know their stuff and aren’t awkward and shy, like Mike is…And El is new to this world, so it’s no surprise. And I and Billy are 18, so it’s no surprise. We have experience and are emotionally and intellectually more mature than you are…And now that we graduated, we have more free time, despite out part time jobs, so we can hang out whenever we want and it won’t interfere with the Party hang outs and whatever.” I shrugged, reassuring him. “If Suzie were here, you’d have liked to impress and spend a lot of time with her too, right~?” I teased slightly, winking at him and laughing slightly when he turned red. “But…I don’t really like it…I mean, I get that we’re growing up and all that…But it’s not nice to forget or ignore your friends…” Will said in a low voice, pouting. “Awww, baby, I’m sorry…It’s okay, I understand it’s a difficult change, but it’s gonna be okay. Tomorrow we’ll go to the pool and it’ll be super fun, okay?” I kissed the top of his head, getting him in a side-hug. “Well…Then let’s do it!” Dustin cheered as he got in the car.
“I’m sorry they didn’t come too, Dustin…” I looked at him with a sad smile, but he shook his head. “Nahh, s'all cool, at least they won’t be too busy snogging and ew whatever.” he shrugged as both Will and Max dragged me to the pool. “Uhhh, c-can we, l-like, w-walk slower? I-I’m a bit shy, o-okay?” I stuttered a bit, looking left and right. “Oh, shush, Kat! You’re gorgeous and you gotta show off that body of yours! And that swimsuit brings out your eyes, okay?” Max encouraged, tugging on my arm. “Yeah, Kat, don’t be shy! Just, don’t think and focus on the fun we’re gonna have once we jump in the water!” Dustin cheered as we got to our lounge chairs and put or stuff there. “O-Okay, yeah, s-sure, it’s gonna be oka-” I began, nodding to myself and trying to encourage me, but that went down the drain once Max tugged on my arm and said, louder than I wished to, “Hey, look, Billy’s here!” which made me let out a soft yet shrill yelp, hiding my face with my hands and trying to hide behind Max, who, as soon as she saw her brother strut towards us, pushed me pretty harshly towards him, getting the gang to jump in the pool, making me stumble and have him catch me in his arms, chuckling. “Awww, look what I found, a Fox falling for me, how cute.” he teased, not letting me go from his embrace. “O-Oh, h-h-hey there! I-I didn’t s-see you here! Wh-What brings you here?” I manage to stutter, looking away from him, letting my hair cover my face. “Kat…I work here.” he deadpanned, making me slap my face. “R-Right…I forgot…” I tried to say, but he shook his head. “Nah, you didn’t forget. You’re just shying out again…And you’re adorable as hell.” he teased, playing with a strand of my hair. “N-No, I-I’m not.” I whispered, not able to say anything out loud, which made him chuckle. “How am I gonna work now when you look so fucking hot and I can only stand there and watch you. You’re so cruel, Kitten. SO cruel, that you don’t even know what you’re doing to me.” he flirted in a low, sensual voice in my ear, making me yelp and hide my face with my hands once again. “D-Don’t s-s-say that! I-It’s s-so embarrassing!” I blurt out, barely audible, making my legs tremble. “You have no idea how much I want to tease you right now…But alas, my shift started and I have to make sure all these fat cows come here as frequent as possible, so we can make money. I promised you we’d go on lotsa trips till we move back to Cali, and I’m not backing down from that promise.” he kissed me deeply, one hand on the back of my head, while the other on my waist, while mine rested on his chest, shaking slightly from embarrassment. “To think we’d be together for so long and you’d still blush like this from a simple kiss…Fuck, I’m a lucky son of a bitch…” he muttered in the kiss, making me giggle slightly. “I love you too, Billy.” I smiled up at him, but when I looked up, he had one of those evil smirks on his face, which made mine falter and try to walk backwards, but to no avail.
He had me trapped.
“Billy…Billy, no…Don’t do that…” I warned him with an awkward laugh, but he only shook his head and picked me up. “Sorry, babe, this is revenge for making me have a raging boner at work.” he chuckled, throwing me in the water as I let out a pitched shriek of shock, before swimming back to the surface. “YOU’RE SO DEAD, HARGROVE!” I yelled at him, but he paid me no mind and went to his lifeguard chair. “Jerk…” I muttered, swimming to the kids and having lots of splash wars, jumping in the water, having swimming competitions and so on.
By the end of the day, we went home, changed and went to Starcourt, the new Mall, going straight as Scoops Ahoy, ‘cause I promised the kids I’d get them Ice Cream, and they promised me a surprise, since I didn’t have the chance to go there until today.
Will guided me to the ice cream place, and as I was looking around, admiring the interesting decor, I hear a very familiar “Welcome to Scoops Ahoy, how may I-…Kat?!” that voice called out to me, snapping me from the trance I was in and gasping. “STEVE! Oh my God, no way! …How can you serve ice cream and not salivate?! Like…Whoa!” I laughed, going over the counter to hug him. “I guess I treated you guys to so much ice-cream in the last year of highschool that I got used to it.” he shrugged, smiling. “It’s good to see you again.” he smiled at me. “That’s a really nice working environment…But how do you deal with the people?! I couldn’t work in such a place. The animal shelter is doing me good, at least.” I chuckled, leaning on the counter. “Well…I get free ice cream whenever I want so…Worth it.” he winked, making me laugh. “Free ice cream for your friends too~?” I trailed on, batting my eyes jokingly. “Mhhh…Depends? Maybe? I will see~.” he shrugged mockingly, looking away. “Fine, fine, you win, King Ste-…Oh my god, who’s THAT?!” I asked, seeing a girl in the back, holding a white board with “You win” with 0 lines, and “You suck” with…A lot of lines. “You are, like, the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen…Along with Nancy. H-Hi, I’m Kat…Uh, Katrina. Nice to meet you!” I smiled as I went to her extending my hand in her direction. “Look in the mirror, you’ll see something even better. I’m Robin, likewise.” she smiled softly. “How come someone as pretty as you knows someone as boring as him?” he chuckled, making me grin. “He gave me free ice cream and took care of me when I was going through a rough time. He’s like the mother I never had.” I laughed, ruffling his hair a bit. “Is this your new way of flirting, Harrington?” she rolled her eyes at him, making him put his hands up in defense. “Is it working…?” he asked in a low voice, looking like a lost puppy, which made both of us laugh at his reaction. “It’s not a bad start, I guess. Did it work on you, Kat? Don’t tell me he charmed you! Have I lost my chances?!” she mock-gasped, making me giggle and shake my head. “Hahaha, no, no…He’s my friend only…No offense, Steve!” I looked at him apologetically. “But, if I wasn’t already taken, I’d have dated you. I can feel you’re an amazing person.”  I smiled at her widely. “I’ll take that as a compliment, thanks~! So…Who’s the lucky guy?” she smirked, nudging me a bit.
From there, we went in the back, eating ice cream with the kids and gossiping about life and what not, before biding our farewells and going to look around the many shops at the mall and then back home. It was fun, I can’t lie, but sometimes, so much social interaction can be draining.
“Hey, baby, how are you?” Billy said in a low voice over the phone. “Oh, hey sugar! I’m good, I’m good, just looking over some cases from the shelter. I can’t get rid of homework even now, huh?” I laughed, holding the phone closer to me. “How are you, honey?” “I just called to hear your sweet voice. I missed you. We’ve been so busy with work this week…How about we go on the first trip on the 4th of July? The town’s gon’ be packed with people and all that stupid festival shit…” he trailed on, letting me fantasize with a huge grin on my face. “Oh, yes, that sounds like an amazing plan! I was never a fan of all the people on 4th of July, going at the mountains would be so fun!” I cheered, falling on the bed and rolling around excitedly. “Just you and me, my car and my guitar, singing Scorpions and AC/DC by the camp fire, making out in the tent and swimming in the lake nearby. Perfect trip, hmm~?” his voice lowering by an octave, sounding as suave as ever. “I can’t wait! Ahhh, it’s gonna be so much fun! And it’s like, in almost a week! Oh my god, I love you so much, can’t wait! The whole weekend, just us!” I couldn’t tone down my excitement no matter how much I tried. “And I love hearing you being happy. You’re giving my heart a huge boner. When we see each other again, Imma hug you so tight and not let go the whole day.” he chuckled softly. “I’m not complaining. Cuddling with you always helped me relax and sleep well. It’s so warm and urghhh I miss you, babyyy.” I whined a bit before giggling, imagining his done-with-life expression. “My Kitten is so cute, missing me like this. Don’t worry, babe, I’ll make it up to you, I promise. I gotta go now, duty calling. Love you.” he said before hanging up and leaving me thinking of the trip.
So! Much! F U N !
“Okay, so, let me get this straight! You two went yesterday at the mall and had fun…And then you met up with the Idiot Party…And you broke up with Mike for lying to you?” I asked, completely shocked and amused. “Yeah…I dumped his ass.” she nodded, completely innocent but also furious. “Well…You did the right thing, El. Max gives good advice, it seems. Also, I agree with her, Mike’s gonna come back running to you and begging on his knees to have you back. So don’t worry, he will apologise and explain pretty soon what’s the matter.” I shrugged, petting her hair. “Yeah, well, let’s forget about boys! Let’s play spin the bottle, but with a twist! We write names, and you and El can look into the person’s mind and see what they’re doing! Sounds fun?” she asked excitedly, bouncing on the bed. “Sounds good to me! Max, will you write the names?” I brought some sticky notes, gluing them on a cardboard.
Steve, Nancy, Mr. Clarke, Mrs. Wheeler, Dustin, Mr. Wheeler…And Billy.
“Why did you write Billy? What if he senses my presence?” I asked, a bit worried. “Don’t worry, he’ll just tease you. You can say you were testing your powers or something, he’s completely charmed when you talk or use them.” she shrugged. “Well…Don’t you think he’s been acting a bit…Strange, lately? He hasn’t called me in a few days and…I don’t know. I went to visit him at the pool, but he told me his shift just started and I should be careful of what’s about to come. It’s kinda creepy.” I muttered, looking down. “Kat, he’s never been in love, until he met you. He can be weird, I know, but I’m sure he’s fine. Come on, spin the bottle now!” she tried to hype me up, so I smiled briefly and used my powers to spin it, landing on Mr. Wheeler. “Uh…Do I really have to…?” I sweatdropped. “Ew, no, okay, he’s gross. Go again.” Max gagged,  spinning the bottle herself. “Well, ain’t this fate…?” I ushered  slightly, getting the scarf and preparing to go into Billy’s mind.
Sighing a bit, I started walking in the water, but I soon found his Camaro, but the windshield was smashed. I inspected it slightly, before hearing some whimpers, and rushing in that direction, Billy was crouching and reassuring someone on the floor. “Don’t be afraid, it will be over soon. Just stay very still” he told the girl whimpering…But I couldn’t see her, only hear her screams of despair that somehow made him turn around and look me directly into his eyes…His eyes were watery…He’d been crying…
Anxiety took over me so badly that I started panicking, seeing his form vanish in front of me whilst I tried to reach out… This isn’t good at all.
I ripped off the scarf from my eyes, used the back of my hand to wipe the blood tear from my face and jumped to my feet.
“I’m going to your house. Something isn’t right…Not at all.” I muttered frantically, trying to get them to come with me. “He’s not cheating on you, I promise.” Max tried to reassure me, but I shook my head, my eyes watering a bit. “I’m not scared about that, I know he’s not…I’m…I’m scared for his life…I think he’s in danger…And…L-Let’s just go, okay? Please.” I pleaded, making them look at each other and nod, rushing the my car as I drove them to Max’s home. “He’s car isn’t here…” El said, looking around, sensing my anxieties. “There’s was a girl’s scream…She seemed to be in agony…She was frightened…Crying…And Billy…He seemed scared…He had been crying…He seemed just like after each time Neil was a fuckass with him.” I bit my lip, rushing to his room and looking around. “Let’s search around then…If you say you’re worried, then might as well…” she sighed, going for the nearest drawer the open it. “DON’T OPEN THAT ONE-” I tried to warn her, but to no avail. “Urghh, gag me with a spoon…” she groaned, slamming the drawer shut. “Yeah…Experienced that first hand. Gross, I know.” I shuddered, looking away. “He likes it cold…” I muttered, putting my hands in the water-filled bath tub that had ice bags floating on it. “You don’t think…?” El asked, frightened, before Max cut us off. “It must be for his muscles. He works out like a maniac.” but her comment wasn’t reassuring in the least.
My sight was averted to a cupboard that had some blood on the handle, and inside, I found a bloody lifeguard whistle and a red fanny pack…Damn, that’s bad.
“I…I think we gotta go to the pool and find out whose bag this is…” I say unsure of what to do, and they approved, going to the car with rain coats.
There, two lifeguards greeted us in the most ignorant and rude way.
“No one in the water until 30 minutes after the last strike. And don’t try and argue with me. You wanna get electrocuted, go climb a tree.” the guy said, rolling his eyes annoyed. “Yeah, we don’t care. We’re not here to swim. Or get electrocuted. We found this. Does that belong to anybody?” Max asked, showing them the fanny pack. “Oh, yeah. That’s Heather’s. I’ll get it back to her.” he said eyeing the bag. “We could give it back to her.” Max implied, making him shake his head.  “You could. 'Cept she’s not here. Bailed on me today.” sighed, irritated at Heather. “Heather…Heather Holloway?” I asked, blinking at him confused. “Yeah, her. Y'know her?” he asked, almost intrigued. “Been to highschool together. Thanks for the tip, I’ll go give it to her, I know where she stays.” I explained, guiding the girls away from there. “Her picture is on the board…Do you think you can find her? What if she’s not at home?” Max asked, blinking at her picture. “Let’s see.” El muttered, ripping the picture and going to the showers, where we turned on all showers and waited for her to try and locate the girl.
It didn’t take El too long to find her, describing the weird red door that I remember she had at her house, but soon, she started panicking and freaking out, taking off the diver goggles.
“She…She asked for help…She was in a tub with ice…” she tried to explain, and my heart dropped. “This ain’t good at all…” I sighed, driving to where I remembered Heather staid. “Here we are…I guess. Do we…Do we knock or do we go in via powers?” I stumbled a bit around my words, looking left and right at the girls, but El used her powers, not saying anything. “Okay. If there’s someone inside, the door was open, we already knocked, and we are trying to give Heather the bag back, okay?” I revised the plan with the girl who only nodded.
We tip toed down the halls, until we heard laughter down the dining room, and what I saw there shocked all of us. Billy sat at the table with Heather’s parents laughing and chatting around. An uncomfortable silence took over as they looked at us…But I looked Billy in the eyes and I saw a certain emptiness and complete deceit.
This…This isn’t Billy.
Billy’s eyes have life. They have a sparkle for life, for happiness, for freedom, for fun.
This…Is simply…Dull.
“Kat. Max.” Billy said in a very uncharacteristically pleasant voice. “W-We are s-sorry to barge in like that. W-We knocked, but…Maybe you didn’t hear us b-because of the storm and the door was locked.” I said breathlessly, looking straight into Billy’s eyes. “I’m sorry, who is this dripping all over my living room right now?” Heather’s father asked. “I’m sorry. Janet, Tom, this is my sister, Maxine. And this, is my girlfriend, Katrina. What on earth are you doing here? Is something wrong?“ Billy explained, getting next to us and putting his arm around my waist, getting me close to him. "Beware.” he muttered into my ear so nobody could hear or see, making my eyes widen in shock. “We just wanted to make sure everything was okay.” Max explained, stumbling over her words, seeing that I couldn’t say anything. “Okay? Why wouldn’t it be okay?” Billy looked confused, bending down slightly too look at his sister. “Where is she?” El asked quickly, staring into his eyes. “I’m sorry. Where is who?” he asked in a low voice, staring back at her.  “Well, they’re a little burnt!” a voice called out of nowhere, revealing Heather holding a tray of cookies…Her eyes wide, empty, like that of a dead fish or some robot. “I’m sorry Heather! This is my sister, Maxine, my girlfriend, Katrina and, I’m sorry, I did not quite catch your name.” he deadpanned, looking at El again, as if he saw something intriguing. “El.” she said simply, not breaking eye contact. “El. Now, what is it you were saying, El? You were looking for somebody?” he asked again, in what looked like a mildly threatening voice.  “I-I saw - I saw you - ” she started, but I quickly cut her off. “We saw one of your co-workers at the pool. We found Heather’s lifeguard fanny pack on the ground and we wanted to give it back. I was her colleague in highschool and I remembered where she stayed. We’re sorry again for coming over like this. He…He said that she didn’t come to work and we got a bit worried. We’re sorry for the disturbance.” I found my words again, sparing El the awkwardness and the inconspicuous words she was gonna say. “Heather wasn’t feeling so hot today, so we thought we’d take the day off to nurse her back to health. But you’re feeling just fine right now, aren’t you, Heather?” Billy explained, looking me in the eyes, his expression barely changing.  “I’m feeling so much better. Do you girls want a cookie? They’re fresh out of the oven.” she barely gave us an obviously plastic smile, but we shook our heads, handed her back the bag and left in a hurry back home. “That was NOT okay. That was SO not okay…” I ranted, gripping the steering wheel like crazy. “Are you sure it wasn’t just you feeling a bit jealous?” Max tried, obviously a bit concerned for him too, but too scared to admit. “No. I don’t get jealous. Billy wouldn’t do that…He…He never calls you by your full name, and never calls me by my full name either…He barely even uses my name…And his eyes…Did you see his eyes? They were lifeless, Max! That wasn’t okay! We have to do something!” I tried to explain, my heart beating faster than ever. “Hey, don’t worry, maybe he just had to behave like that because of Heather’s parents. You saw how everything was super formal. Wanna have a sleepover? El’s sleeping at mine. Maybe it will help you calm down?” she suggested, but I shook my head. “No, Max, sorry…I can’t tonight. I’m worried too much. I’ll just go home and take a long bath to calm down, okay? Call me if you need anything, I’ll be there in a heartbeat…And mine are like a rabbit’s.” I tried to joke, but it only made me feel worse. “Okay then, if that’s what you think is right…But we’ll have so much fun! Right, El?” Max grinned, getting El inside her house, but it seemed to me like El felt the same way I did.
“Mike…? Mike, do you copy? I…I think this is a code red…Or maybe I’m just too worried…Mike, are you there?” I stuttered in the walkie talkie, waiting for an answer. “Fox? Yeah, I’m here, with Will and Lucas. What’s going on?” he asked, worriedly. “I…I…I think…I…Th-The Mind Flayer…I-I-I think it’s b-back.” I whispered between my forming sobs, hugging my knees to my chest, too scared to imagine. “WHAT?! No…No way…! Will…He mentioned the same…Okay, let’s call a meeting and we’ll see. Come over at mine, I’ll call the girls and we’ll see what to do, okay?” he answered reassuringly, and I only nodded, forgetting he couldn’t see it. “Mike…I’m scared…I-I don’t want it to be back…I…I think…I…” I began, before getting lost in my crying. “Fox? It’s Will. Fox…Do you think he possessed someone again?” Will asked me in a very soft and calm voice, just like I always did with him. “Y-Yeah…Th-That’s what s-scares m-me so much…” I managed to choke out. “And…You think…It could be Billy…?” he asked in a voice as gentle as possible, but hearing someone else say that made me drop the walkie and start crying loudly. “Y-Y-Yeah, I-I think i-it’s h-him…A-And I’m s-so scared…I-I don’t w-want it t-to be him…P-Please, Will…Please d-don’t let it be him…Not him…N-Not him, of all people…H-He’s been through e-enough…Please…” I begged, my head buried in my knees, sobbing like crazy. “Fox, come over, it’s gonna be okay, I promise you. Even if it is Billy, we will make sure we save him. We WILL save him, I promise. Fox, you promised you’d save me, and you did. I promise you now that we will save him, okay? I promise you.” Will declared in a very sure yet sweet voice, and I nodded, shakely getting up. “O-Okay, Will…I-I trust y-you…I’m coming over now…I…I hope you’re right.” I managed to calm down a bit and made my way to the car
Billy…Just…Just what the hell did you do…? Why are you like this? What happened to you?
Please…Just please…Please don’t have Upside down world taking over again…
And please…
Don’t let him be a victim…
I couldn’t bare to lose him…
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
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heythere-emberhere · 6 years
I Think I’m in Love - Dustin Henderson x Harrington Reader
Summary: You’re Steve Harrington’s younger sister, and Dustin despises you...or so he thought. Oh, and he also thought he wasn’t going to prom.
A/N: The party is in their senior year of high school in this.
Word Count: 1862
“Shut up, Harrington! No one cares about your girl problems!” Dustin called from your living room as you sat at the dining table talking to your friend Marcy on the phone.
“You shut up, Henderson! We all know you suck at that game, and you’re never gonna beat Steve!” you called back. 
Dustin put down his controller and looked at Steve, rolling his eyes and making a gagging sound. 
“You know you’re sister is like the most annoying person in the world, right?” he asked Steve.
“Hey! Y/n’s not that bad. You know, for a little sister,” he replied with a shrug.
“Yeah. Right,” Dustin scoffed, “She thinks she’s so cool just because guys in our grade think she’s pretty and because she’s so popular. I really don’t get how they can see past her annoying laugh, or voice, or...face.”
“Sounds like someone has a crush,” Steve said, tousling Dustin’s hair.
“Ew. No way in hell,” he responded.
The party was spending their Saturday the way the had been for years, plaing D&D in Mike’s basemet. Max and El, however, had decided not to play today because they were going prom dress shopping with Nancy, who was home from school for spring break. 
“Are you thinking of asking anyone to prom, Will?” Lucas asked as he rolled the dice.
“Um, I don’t know,” he shrugged, “Maybe.”
“Well, you can always ask me for help if you decide to,” Lucas said with a wink.
“Or you could ask me and actually get a date,” Dustin retorted. 
“And you would know how to get a date how?” Lucas asked. “Last time I checked you hadn;t asked anyone either.”
“No, I haven’t, and I’m not going to.”
“You’re going to our senior prom stag?” Mike asked. He was a little out of touch with high school dating culture considering he’d been with El literally since they met, but even he knew how it looked to go to your senior prom alone.
“That’s where you’re wrong, Mikey boy,” Dustin said. 
The party looked at him quizically. He took a sip of his pop and burped.
“I’m not going to prom at all,” Dustin said. “It’s supid anyway.”
“What do you mean you’re not going to you senior prom?” Steve asked Dustin the next day when he and Will went over so Will could borrow Steve’s old tux for the dance.
“I’m not going,” Dustin said. “Dances are stupid, and I don’t want to go.”
“Dude, really?” Steve asked, fumbling through his closet. 
“We tried to tell him he should go, too,” Will said. “He’s not budging.”
“What’s the matter? Can’t get a date? I can help you with that,” Steve said with a wink.
“See, when you say it, I actually believe you,” Will said. “Speaking of, tell me if this idea is any good-”
Before Will could go off about his elaborate plan to ask his date to the dance, Dustin got up and made his way down stairs to grab a drink and a snack. Once he was about half way to the living room, he could hear your voice from the dining room.
“What do you mean Jason got back together with his ex?” you gasped. “PB, I’m so sorry. You two were going to look super cute together. No, no. Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll be able to find another date. We still have like two weeks until prom.”
Dustin immediately turned back around and booked it up the stairs. He barged back into Steve’s room rambling about the dance and exes and dating, and none of it made any sense.
“Whoa, whoa. Calm down there, buddy. What are you saying?” Steve said, holding his hands out to Dustin as if he might need to catch him from falling over.
“PB’s prom date got back together with his ex,” Dustin said walking toward Will. “Didn’t you want to ask PB to prom, Will?”
“Yeah, but-” Will started to say.
“But nothing. PB doesn’t have a date anymore, but that probably won’t last long. You better hurry and get over there if you want your dream date.”
“I’ll come back for the tux later, Steve,” Will said as he ran out the door. 
“But I just found it,” Stever sighed as the door slammed shut behind Will.
He tossed the tux on his bed and pulled another clothing bag out of his closet. He turned it toward Dustin.
“I have one that’ll probably fit you if you want to change your mind about not going to prom,” Steve said.
Dustin shook his head and sat on the bed next to the other tux, still catching his breath.
“How did you find out about that anyway?” Steve asked.
“I went down stairs to get a drink and a snack, and I overheard your sister on the phone.”
“You were eavesdropping on y/n?”
“Well, Steve, her voice is really annoying and hard to miss,” he scoffed.
“Oh, yeah,” Steve replied. “Crushes give you super hearing.”
Dustin flopped down on the bed with a loud groan.
“I do not have a crush on your sister, dude. How many times do I have to say it?”
“Sure you don’t, bud. Say, how do you feel about Ryan?”
“Baseball Ryan?” Dustin asked.
“Yeah, that one.”
“He’s a total shit head,” Dustin said, “He thinks he cool when he’s not, and he’s not even the best player on the baseball team. Plus, his hair is stupid looking.”
“What I’m getting here is that you’re jealous of y/n’s prom date?” Steve said with a grin.
“That’s totally out of context!” Dustin shouted.
“You’re so in love with y/n.” Steve said with a chuckle.
“Am not,” Dustin said.
“Y/n!” Your mom called from down stairs. “PB and Will are here, and Marcy’s mom just called to say that Marcy and Ben are on the way! come on down for pictures, sweetie!”
You opened your beedroom door and shouted at her to leave you alone to die like the pathetic loser you were. PB and Will turned to each other and exchanged glances. 
“Let me go talk to her,” PB said heading for the stairs.
You hear a light knock at your door before your best friend pushed it open and came in.
“You look great, PB,” you sniffled.
“What’s wrong? Why aren’t you in your dress?” 
“I’m not going. Ryan called this morning to tell me that he didn’t want to go to prom with me anymore, that he was taking a prettier girl from Central High instead.” you sobbed.
PB closed your bedroom door just as Steve walked by and rushed over to hug you, stroking your hair as you cried. Steve turned around and grabbed his extra tux from his closet before running down the stairs.
“What’s happening?” your mom questioned.
Steve stopped just long enough to tell her what he had heard outside your bedroom and told her to make sure your were in your dress and ready to go in twenty minutes before he rushed out the door and peeled away in his car. Your mom rushed upstairs on a mission with tissues.
“Honey, I have no idea what your brother is doing, but you need to get ready now,” she said to you.
“You need to get ready now,” Steve said as he threw his tux as Dustin the second he opened the door.
Dustin stood in the doorway holding the tux, dumbfounded.
“Move it!” Steve shouted as he pushed Dustin away from the door.
“What’s going on?” Dustin asked as Steve kept shouting and pushin him, even going so far as to knock the hat off his head and toss it on Dustin’s bed.
“You were right about Ryan being a shit head,” Steve said as Dustin closed the door and started changing. “He called y/n this morning and tols her he didn’t want to go to prom with her anymore because he found someone prettier at Central High.
“I TOLD YOU!” Dustin shouted as he yanked the door open.
Steve pushed Dustin into the bathroom across the hall, grabbed some hair gel, and started working on Dustin’s hair while Dustin ranted about how Steve should have believed that he was speaking from experience and not because he liked y/n in the slighted. 
“Oh, shut up,” Steve said as he put a tie around Dustin’s neck and tied it, “If that were true you wouldn’t be going to prom with her.”
“What?” Dustin said looking down at the tux and then looking at himself in the mirror, “What do you mean I’m going to prom with y/n? You tricked me!”
Dustin tried to push Steve out of the bathroom and make a break for his room, but Steve was too fast. He picked Dustin up around his middle and carried him kicking and screaming out to his car. Steve put Dustin down on the ground and placed his hands on his shoulders, looking him in the eye.
“Dustin,” Steve said, “After everything I have done for you over the last five years, the least you could do is smile for some pictures and take my sister to prom so she doesn’t remember having a shitty senior prom for the rest of her life.”
“Ugh. Fine,” Dustin said, getting in the car.
Steve walked around to the driver’s side and opened the door up.
“Plus, you’re totally in love with my sister,” Steve said as he started the car and took off.
“I’m not in love with your sister,” Dustin was still saying when they got out of the car at your house.
Steve just ignored Dustin as the walked in the front door. He left Dustin standing by Will as he went upstairs to explain everything to you.
“Steve!” your mom shouted, “Where have you been? What’s going on?”
“Mom, relax,” Steve said, “Y/n, I found you a date.”
“You did?” you said, sitting up a little straighter and smiling a little.
“It’s Dustin!” he said, giving you two thumbs up.
You rolled your eyes at him and sighed.
“Relax, y/n. He likes you. He’s just too, um, too Dustin to admit it,” Steve said.
You laughed and nodded, standing up and straightening your dress out before making your way to the door.
“Wait. I’ll go get the camera!” Steve said backing out the door and running down stairs.
Once he was down there with the film rolling, he called for you to come out of your room. You walked down the hall and heard gasps from your friends as you started coming down the stairs. You smiled as you watched your feet, trying to be sure not to trip over your dress since you weren’t too great at walking in heels. Dustin’s mouth fell open as he saw you walking down the stairs, in awe of the way your hair fell over you shoulder when you looked down.
“Steve,” he said tapping your brother on the shoulder without taking his eyes off you, “I think I’m in love with your sister.”
Steve chuckled, patting his young friend on the back.
“And I just got that on video tape,” Steve said.
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grapesodatozier · 6 years
I’m a Ruin
some nice, sad wheelzier angst lol. title from the song of the same title by marina and the diamonds. also there are some small references to past mileven, byeler, and reddie, all of which are implied to have ended badly bc apparently it’s angst hours for all of my favorite ships lol
warning: this is about drug addiction. it’s told from Richie's POV, and as we know Richie Tozier hates himself a lot sometimes, so he blames himself for a lot of stuff, but I would just like to make it clear that addiction is a disease that many people go through, and it's something that can be different for different people. It's nothing to be ashamed of, and it does not make you a bad person. Recovery is always possible and happens at different speeds for different people. <3
words: 2,306
read on ao3 or below
Richie came home already exhausted. Work had been hell, and his entire body felt simultaneously like it was a live wire and full of cement. He was planning on bypassing Mike and heading straight for the bedroom to take a long fucking nap. However, he couldn’t do that without walking through the living room, where Mike was standing with his arms crossed behind the coffee table, which had a bag of cocaine on it.
“You wanna explain this?” Richie rolled his eyes at the question. His head was already starting to pound from the sanctimonious tone his boyfriend had immediately broken into.
“It’s powdered sugar, borrowed a cup from the neighbors,” Richie grinned humorlessly as he headed for the bedroom.
“You’re really just gonna walk away from me right now?” Mike’s voice was strained, almost a screech, trying to sound indignant through the obvious pain he was feeling. Richie’s shoulders sagged, his chest suddenly heavy. He hated hearing that pain in Mike’s voice, he hated being a disappointment to him. Mike had only ever been good to him, and he kept fucking up, kept proving to him that he didn’t deserve Mike’s signature undying faith. Richie turned to face Mike and shrugged weakly.
“I don’t know what you want me to say,” he sighed.
“I want you to throw it out,” Mike said plainly. “Burn it, toss it in the Hudson, I don’t fucking care how you do it, just get this shit out of my house.”
“Your house?” Richie scoffed, a bitterly unamused grin on his face. “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize your fan fiction and DnD campaigns were paying for this place.” Mike always did this, always acted all high and mighty and made Richie feel like shit for needing a way to unwind or have a laugh from time to time. Richie knew that it came from a well-meaning place, that Mike was just trying to convince Richie to quit his bad habits, but the way he went about it kind of pissed Richie off. There was also the disappointment again, the reminder that Mike deserved better than Richie. Richie really didn’t know why his boyfriend tried so hard; Richie clearly wore him down.  
“Don’t start that,” Mike shook his head. “We both live here. We both pay rent and bills. If we get caught with this shit I’m taking the fall too. Don’t you care about that? Don’t you care what happens to me?” Richie rolled his eyes despite the guilt dragging his stomach down to his feet. Of course he cared, how could Mike not see that? And how could Mike not see what Richie needed? “We agreed you wouldn’t bring this here anymore. I just don’t understand why you’d lie to me.”
“Because you never hear any fucking side other than your own!” Richie exploded. “We don’t discuss, you just tell me what to do and assume I’ll follow every order you give me!”
“Sorry, I didn’t realize that ‘Please don’t bring illegal drugs into the house and then hide them from me, honey’ was such a controversial request!” The hurt Richie was feeling must’ve shown, because Mike sighed, his anger fizzling out a bit. “I’m just worried, Rich. This clearly isn’t just about having a good time every now and then. This keeps happening, and I think it’s a serious problem.”
“Why does it have to be a problem?” Richie challenged. “I’m functional. I shower and go to work and make money and eat food and drink water. I’m fine.”
“If you’re lying about it you know it’s wrong.”
“No, I know you think it’s wrong. That doesn’t make it wrong.”
“Are you happy without it?” Mike asked. His voice was so sincere, his eyes wide and brown and heartbroken. Mike was awful at hiding what he was feeling, so the sadness and pain in his voice and his eyes and his posture tore Richie up pretty bad. He hated himself for hurting Mike like that. It was selfish. But there were certain things Richie needed, and if those things hurt the ones he loved… then maybe the only way to stop hurting them was to leave them. But Richie had to make sure that wouldn’t hurt Mike, he had to make it Mike’s choice. He had to show Mike he wasn’t worth the effort or the pain he was putting himself through to stay with Richie.
“I can go without it,” was all he said, forcing an edge into his voice.
“Then why don’t you?” Richie was pleased to see that Mike was becoming irritated again. Good. He wanted Mike to see that he was better off without Richie dragging him down.
“Because I like it. That’s who I am, Mike,” Richie said helplessly, deflated. “You can take it or leave it, but stop trying to change it.”
“I don’t see why you wouldn’t want to change it! You can get better, Richie. I can help you get better.” Mike put a hand on Richie’s shoulder, which Richie shrugged off with an exasperated groan.
“I’m not something for you to fucking fix, okay? I know you wanna fix everything that you don’t like, but you can’t fix me! You can’t fix people!”
“Oh, I’m so sorry for wanting you help you,” Mike replied snidely.
“You don’t wanna help me, all you’re worried about is having a perfect boyfriend, or working on me like I’m a project to be accomplished and finished so you can feel good about yoursel. When are you gonna realize that I’m not a project? I’m a fucking person, and I’m never gonna be the person you want me to be.”
“I don’t treat people like projects!” Mike said defensively, his arms crossed.
“Yes, you do! You always have! You did the same thing to El and Will!” Richie watched all of the momentum of Mike’s anger drain from his body at Richie’s accusation. It made his blood run cold, the way Mike clenched his jaw, but he knew he was doing the right thing. Even if it felt awful for both of them, it was for the best in the long run.
“This isn’t about El or Will,” Mike said, his voice low and strained, trying to be measured. Richie felt a pang in his chest; he wondered if Mike had ever loved him as much as he clearly still loved both of them. “This is about you-”
“Do you think that’s why they both left you?” Richie urged on, stepping closer into Mike’s space. “Do you think they got sick of being your little projects?” Richie’s stomach dropped as he saw Mike’s lower lip start to quiver. No, he thought, nonononono. He could deal with Mike angry, he wanted him angry, but he couldn’t deal with tears. There was no way Richie could just stand there and watch him cry, he couldn’t walk away from that.
Thankfully, Mike’s misty eyes steeled then, and the coldness in them strengthened the coldness in Richie’s own chest. “I know that this,” Mike said, looking Richie up and down, almost in disgust, “is why Eddie left you.” And yeah, that hurt, but it was exactly what Richie needed to hear. And he was so glad Mike said it. It was the final push he needed to really walk away, to really push Mike far enough way that he could stop hurting him. “Maybe he had the right idea. He seems pretty happy these days.”
“Then leave,” Richie replied, his voice deep, almost threatening. None of the pain that was aching in every bone in his body showed through. “Fucking leave if you think it’ll make you happy. I don’t need your goddamn pity.” He swallowed thickly before forcing himself to say, “I don’t need you.” And god, the lie tasted bitter on his tongue, but Richie knew he would do anything he had to in order to save Mike the pain and disappointment.
Mike looked at Richie like he had slapped him. He wrapped his arms around himself as his lips quivered, searching for the right words. “Do you want me?” he asked eventually, his voice trembling. Richie clenched his jaw; he focused on the tears welling in Mike’s eyes, on the way he curled in on himself, as if he was afraid to be so close to Richie. He reminded himself that he did that, that he would continue to do that if he tried to make things better, if he kept holding onto someone he would only drag down.
“Not if you’re gonna try to control me like this,” he forced himself to say, his stomach churning at how easy and true he was able to make the words sound.
“You don’t mean that,” Mike said, shaking his head, his voice as thin as air.
“I do.” Richie’s heart sunk to his feet; he couldn’t help imagining a reality where he was saying that at an altar, where Mike still had tears in his eyes but a smile on his face.
The dam broke then, and Mike’s tears flowed freely. His body wracked with sobs, but he stayed put, not moving in any direction but further into himself. Richie couldn’t take that.
“Baby,” he whispered, taking a step toward Mike and reaching to pull him in.
“Baby?” Mike exploded, smacking Richie’s arm away as his head whipped up in fury. “Are you fucking kidding me right now? You’re breaking up with me for, for fucking drugs, and you’re trying to comfort me? You just told me you don’t want me and now you’re calling me baby?” Richie’s mouth opened and closed silently, the only part of his body he could move as the pain and anger and heartbreak in Mike’s watery eyes struck him like daggers. He grabbed the bag from the table and nearly threw it at Richie as he shoved him in the chest. “Fuck you. You can have this, since it makes you so much happier than I do.” Richie flinched. Mike stormed away toward the bedroom, shouting over his shoulder as he went. “I hope you shove it up your ass!” Mike slammed the bedroom door then, not giving Richie room to reply even if he could’ve thought of something to say.
Richie left the bag on the floor and collapsed onto the couch. He leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees, one of which was bouncing incessantly. He eyed the bag, which sat on the floor where it had fallen at his feet. He hated how much he wanted to get his credit card out just then, how badly he wanted to feel that rush, to ignore all the bad feelings clawing at his heart. He just needed a distraction, needed to stop feeling the way he did. He heard muffled banging and talking coming from down the hall. He lay back on the couch, staring at the ceiling and picking at his hangnails. He resolved to not look at the bag while Mike was still home, but its very presence weighed down on his chest, had him itching for it. He’d been saving it for his day off, when Mike would be at work, but it sounded like he was gonna have the house to himself a lot sooner than that. Good, he thought, but he didn’t feel good at all.
Richie really didn’t know how much time had passed by the time Mike came storming out of the bedroom and began making a racket in the bathroom. A few minutes later he burst back into the living room, a nearly bursting backpack over one shoulder and a duffel bag over the other. Richie’s chest seized at the sight. He sat up, but didn’t move from the couch. “Going somewhere?” he asked, his voice rough. Mike turned to him, his face splotchy and eyes red.
“I’m gonna go stay with Nancy and Jonathan,” he said, his voice raw but steady. Richie blinked, trying to hold himself together.
“For how long?” His voice sounded much stronger than he felt, almost uncaring. He sounded like an asshole, which he supposed was appropriate.
“Until I find my own place, I guess,” Mike shrugged. Richie felt like he turned to stone just then. Mike looked at him then, and his eyes said it all. His wide, brown, red rimmed eyes. They were near pleading, and in that moment Richie knew Mike was giving him one last chance. Richie just had to get rid of the bag, he just had to swear it off. If he asked Mike to stay he would.
But he couldn’t do that to Mike. He loved him too much.
“Think there’s anything in your price range?” he smirked. “Or are you gonna have daddy pay for it?” He saw fire try to flash behind Mike’s eyes, but it died almost immediately. He shook his head, tired and disappointed in a way that made Richie want to melt into the floor.
“I really hope you get better, Richie.” He looked around the living room for a moment before finally meeting Richie’s eyes. “I really did love you.”
That nearly broke Richie. He screamed at himself internally in the breathless moment Mike took before turning toward the door. Don’t let him walk out that door, he told himself. Don’t let him go. You know you need him, you love him. Get on your fucking knees, beg, burn that shit, anything you have to do, just don’t let him leave you. Then, one silent plea to Mike before the door closed, Please don’t leave me.
Then he was gone.
Richie swallowed thickly. He thought he should feel tears, thought he should be crying, but he just felt a bone-deep, aching emptiness. He sighed and eyed the bag on the floor. He cleared the table and got his credit card out.
a/n:  I know this ending was very bleak and not promising, but that's just because it's a small snippet of this (fictional) universe. Like I said before, recovery is always possible! Help is out there, and it's okay if it takes some people longer than others to recover.<3
taglist: @clouded-eyes-and-salty-tears @reddie4thesinbin @deadlighturis @constantreaderfool @reddieloserz @jessicaheartsderry @vegetarian-avocado @tinyarmedtrex @sml1104 @chocolatemangoose
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rowdywarrior85 · 5 years
(El screams so powerful, it shatters the glass around her. She finally gets it out and sends it flying across the floor. Her Flayed piece tries to escape, but is stopped by being stomped on by a foot. That foot belongs to Jim Hopper, who shows up with Joyce Byers and Murray Bauman. Kali looks to Hopper in the middle.)
KALI: Let me guess. The policeman.
EL: Yes. Hopper.
(The Party informs the adults about the events that are being set in motion. Murray jumps in and gives them the layout of the underground base, provided by his new late friend Alexei. Erica chimes in, then the rest formulate a plan. Steve and Robin take Dustin and Erica in a liberated Cadillac to Weathertop to guide Hopper and his team through the Russian base via his handcrafted radio tower. Nancy and Jonathan would take El and the other kids to Murray’s HQ in Chicago. The adults give their “good lucks” to the kids.)
JOYCE: Listen to me, I need to end this, but I’ll be back before you know it, okay?
WILL: I don’t know, Mom.
JOYCE: No, listen. You’re gonna be safe there. It’s… It’s far away from this. You just stick close to your brother and… and do whatever he says. No matter what, okay?
WILL: I’m not worried about me, Mom, I’m worried about you.
JOYCE: Oh, honey, I’m gonna be fine.
KALI: And you will be…
(Mother and son turn to Kali.)
…because I’m going down there with them.
WILL: Kali…
KALI: They’ll need help getting to this key without being seen. I can help them with that, I can keep them protected.
WILL: No, I can’t ask that of you, you have to come with me to Murray’s. I can’t let you throw yourself in danger! What if I never see you…
(Kali throws a passionate kiss at Will, letting him know that it’s gonna be alright. Joyce and Hopper are left with their mouths gaping open.)
KALI: Now who’s being possessive?
(Will smiles.)
Believe that I’ll come back to you. If you do love me, believe I’ll come back for you.
HOPPER: (clears throat) Hey, uh. Can I have a word with you.
(Kali goes to Hopper. Joyce looks to Will with pride.)
JOYCE: You finally fell in love. Oh, I’m so proud of you.
WILL: Mom, please. It’s not that major.
(He looks to Kali.)
But then, she’s not that bad to look at.
(Kali approaches Hopper with no idea what to expect from him.)
HOPPER: So… Kali, huh? The mysterious sister to my El.
KALI: Before you utter another word, constable, I don’t know what Jane told you of me. Just so you know, everything I’ve done was for her benefit, and I will not apologize for any of it…
HOPPER: Thank you.
KALI: Pardon?
HOPPER: Thanks for being there for El when I couldn’t, for being there for her friends when I couldn’t.
KALI: You’re welcome, constable.
(She and Hopper shake hands.)
Her mates are interesting at best, especially that Michael, he was most challenging.
(Hopper chuckles)
How are you feeling, Jane?
EL: My battery’s low, but… it will recharge.
HOPPER: I know it will, kid. I know.
EL: I can fight.
HOPPER: Better than any of us. But right now, I need you safe. This thing is after you, it’s not after me. Do you understand? Hey… I need you to understand.
(El nods in affirmation).
MIKE: Hey.
(Hopper and the sisters turn to Mike.)
We should probably go.
(El shares an embracing hug with Hopper. El then looks to Kali, and share a powerful hug.)
EL: Don’t let anything happen to them.
KALI: Jane, you have my word there.
(The sisters touch foreheads, caressing each other cheek with their left hands.)
I’ll come back for you, too.
(Mike and Max escort El to the Station Wagon.)
(Mike turns to Hopper.)
Be careful.
(Joyce joins with Kali and Hopper.)
KALI: Right. Let’s rock and roll.
(Hopper, Joyce, Murray and Kali make for the elevator. As they go down, they go over their plan. Also…)
JOYCE: Before we go through with this, Kali, I just wanna say…
KALI: Don’t.
JOYCE: …What you done for the kids, especially for Will…
KALI: (turns to Joyce) I said don’t. I’m here to help you save your town and your children, no more no less.
JOYCE: Regardless,…
(Kneels before Kali.)
…you are the best thing to come into my son’s life, and he’s the same thing for you, too. Whether you realize it or not.
(The elevator reaches ground floor.)
KALI: Shall we?
(Team Kali run into a few guards, Hopper shoots them down and grabs uniforms for the team, except Kali. Meanwhile, Billy traps Team El in the mall by stealing the ignition cable from the Wagon, allowing the B.M.F. to find them. Once inside, Murray and Kali use the vents whilst being guided by Dustin. Steve and Robin see the B.M.F. at Starcourt, so they head down in the Cadillac for transport support, while Dustin and Erica stay at Weathertop to provide instructions. The B.M.F. has Team El pinned down to hunt down and destroy El. Lucas provides a distraction for El, Max and Mike so they can escape through the tunnels. Murray and Kali make it to the fuse box, he pulls the fuses to provide a distraction for Hopper and Joyce to get to keys in the vault. The code used by Murray doesn’t work, Murray informs them that the code is Palnck’s Constant, which he doesn’t know. Fortunately, Dustin knew who might know it, his long-distance girlfriend, Suzie. The gang are saved when Steve T-bones Billy with the Cadillac, PAYBACK’S A BITCH. After getting the ignition cable installed, Nancy and Jonathan take Lucas, Will, Steve and Robin and lure B.M.F. away from Mike, El and Max. Dustin makes contact with Suzie to get the code for Team Hopper, but first she wanted to sing the theme song to THE NEVERENDING STORY with him, which they do for the Party to hear. Suzie then gives them the code, allowing Team Hopper to get the keys. Billy recovers from the wreck and goes after Mike, El and Max, forcing the B.M.F. to go back to Starcourt. Hopper and Joyce make it to portal generator, they’re about to turn the keys to shut it down, but Grigori The Enforcer stops them, and the two men go at it for the fate of humanity. Meanwhile, Billy disables both Mike and Max and takes a weakened El to the B.M.F., only to be bombarded by the fireworks provided by the Party, hurting Billy in the process. As Hopper and Grigori go at it by the generator, Joyce radios for help. Kali hears this, and opts to go after them.)
KALI: Murray, you stay here out of sight. I’ll help the others.
MURRAY: And how exactly how are you going to find them in a place this big.
(Kali opens the door.)
KALI: I’ll use my head.
(The door closes behind her.)
MURRAY: I had to ask.
(Kali uses her abilities to make herself invisible to Russian soldiers, killing them on her way down to her allies. Joyce tries to turn the keys by herself with a belt to turn the other key. A pair of Russian soldiers spot her.)
RUSSIAN SOLDIER #1: (Russian) Get away from the controls!
RUSSIAN SOLDIER #2: (Russian) Surrender or die!!
(Next thing you know…)
BOB: Uh, excuse me.
(The soldiers turn to see happy-go-lucky Bob Newby standing by the left window, much to Joyce’s amazement.)
Can you guys point me the way to BURGER KING?
(The soldiers look to each other.)
(Soldiers fire their AKs at Bob Newby, but the bullets hit nothing but the windows. Joyce and the soldiers look in puzzlement.)
RUSSIAN SOLDIER #2: (Russian) Who, what the hell are you?
BOB: Oh, my bad. I’m Bob Newby, Superhero.
(Bob looks to Joyce.)
And this awesome woman is Joyce Byers, SuperMom.
(Bob winks at her, then Kali comes in with a jumping spin, lopping their heads off. She sheathes her sword, as she walked to Joyce.)
KALI: Thanks a bunch, Bobby.
BOB: Anytime.
(Bob smiles at Joyce as he vanishes before her. Joyce smiles to Kali in gratitude.)
KALI: Your welcome. Hopper doesn’t look good there. Looks like he can use a push.
(Kali makes Hopper see his deceased daughter, Sarah, in her prime, standing by the generator, urging him to fight on. Hopper knocks Grigori away with the moving parts of the generator, giving Hopper the chance to toss Grigori’s commie ass into the generator, causing an electric barrier to form between him and his team. Hopper looks to Joyce and Kali with a sadness and assurance that everything is going to be OK. Kali looked to Hopper, knowing was he was saying without a word.)
I will.
(She turns to Joyce.)
Turn the keys.
JOYCE: What?
KALI: He wants us to shut it down.
JOYCE: No, we can’t! There has to be another way…
KALI: JOYCE!!! THERE’S NO OTHER WAY! Let his sacrifice be one of honor.
(Upstairs, El manages to break the B.M.F.’s hold over Billy with the memory of his mother, urging him to see there is still good in him. He makes his stand against the B.M.F., but slowly dies trying. Downstairs, Joyce and Hopper take one last tearful look to each before ending the battle.)
(Camera turns to Hopper…)
(…to Joyce…)
(…then to Kali.)
(Kali and Joyce turn the keys, causing the generator to explode sealing the portal. The girls duck in cover. Back upstairs, the B.M.F. starts to convulse, and finally die. In the aftermath, Hopper appears to have vanished, Billy makes peace with Max before dying a hero’s death, the U.S. Army arrive with Dr. Owens. Ambulances cover the front of the Starcourt, the gang are being tended to by paramedics. Will spots her mom and Kali walking to the front, and starts running to her mom in a powerful hug. Will looks to Kali.)
WILL: Thank you.
KALI: Told ya.
(Kali looks to El, looking for Hopper. El sees Kali walking towards her with a sad look upon her face. El immediately knew that Hopper was never coming back. She starts to sob as Kali approaches her.)
(voice breaking) His last thought was of you. He wanted me to look after you.
(Both sisters cry as they hug each other. Max then sees paramedics wheel a body bag carrying Billy’s corpse to an ambulance, her parents call to her as she runs to the ambulance. She stops the paramedics to peer into the body bag to get one last look at his redeemed stepbrother as she touches his cheek and kisses his forehead. Behind her, Lucas goes to her, followed by Neil and Susan. Susan holds her hand over her mouth, eyes tearing up. While Neil looks at his son’s corpse with a cold, emotionless stare, not even giving a fuck altogether.)
PARAMEDIC: Young lady, we need to move him. Come on, we gotta move him.
(Paramedics zip up the bag, wheel it in the ambulance and drive away. Lucas stands by her for comfort, while Neil steps up behind her, kneeling to her level.)
NEIL: (deep breath) Look at it this way, Maxine,…
(He puts his right hand on her left shoulder, trying to sympathize.)
…it’s for the best.
(Max turns to her left, looking mortified at Neil’s cold look. Then an angry look comes over her face, she clenches her right fist, and sends it flying at Neil’s chin, knocking him down to the ground. Susan looks surprised, as Lucas tries to hold back an enraged Max.)
LUCAS: Whoa! Easy, Max!
NEIL: (wiping the blood off his lip) Jesus Christ, Maxine. What the Hell do want me to say?
MAX: Fuck you.
LUCAS: Be cool, Max.
MAX: Fuck you! FUCK YOU!!!
SUSAN: Maxine.
MAX: You are every bit as responsible as the thing that took Billy from us.
NEIL: (reaches for Max) Just calm down.
MAX: Don’t you fuckin’ touch me, Neil, I fuckin’ hate you. You might as well stick him in that goddamn body bag yourself. Or better yet, it should’ve been you in there instead of him, at least he’d get a kick out of that shit. I’ll be at Lucas’.
NEIL: Maxine, you get back here…
LUCAS: Back the fuck up, Pops. You’ve done enough.
(Neil is shocked by the retaliation blasted at him. A week later, at the Hawkins Cemetery, the air is filled by Robin playing the middle solo of Mr. Mister’s BROKEN WINGS with her Casio Keyboard. The deputies, Powell and Callahan, watch over the ceremony. The residents of Hawkins are in attendance for Billy’s funeral. To Robin’s right, Dustin is singing the jam with the soul it deserves, with Steve right behind him. To Dustin’s right, Max is clutched by Lucas, followed by El and Mike, and Will at the end with Nancy, Jonathan and Joyce behind them. Each of them recall a memory of Billy, mostly the bad ones along with the good.)
MIKE: (whispers) I’m surprised Kali isn’t here.
WILL: (whispers) Trust me, she’s here. Somewhere.
(As Dustin’s hits the chorus, on the feet end of the casket, a slew of teenage girls and mothers, led by Karen Wheeler and the Mom Squad, shed their share of tears. Karen remembers her moments with Billy, brief though they may have been. Across from the Party, Susan mourns her stepson properly, while Neil stares at the casket with a cold satisfaction, hoping the singing ends, which it does.)
NEIL: Thank God.
KAREN: (whispers) My God, your son has the voice of angel.
MRS. HENDERSON: (whispers) I know, breath-taking, isn’t it?
MINISTER: Thank you, Mr. Henderson, for that poetic song on this sorrowful occasion. Now, I believe the step-sister of the deceased has something she wishes to say.
MAX: Thank you. That was beautiful, Dustin.
(Dustin hugs Max.)
DUSTIN: Thanks.
STEVE: You killed it, dude.
(Dustin, Steve and Robin moved alongside the rest of the Party. Max stands by the head of the casket to make her farewell speech.)
MAX: (deep sigh) There’s a lot of things I can say about the person that we gather around here today, I don’t know if any of it matters anymore. I guess what matters is what he stood for, who and what he lived for, and who and what he died for.
(Steve, Robin, Nancy and Jonathan look to the casket.)
It was always your way or no way, when it came to you. There were times I wished I understood why you did half the things you did, none of us understood why. Now, we understand…
(voice breaking) …I understand. At least now, we knew where you stood in the end.
(Karen and Susan look to the casket. Max looks to his cold stepfather, then something in her snap.)
(sniffles) To the ladies here, I know my stepbrother was seen as something out of a dream, somebody strong to look up to.
(Karen and the ladies nod in agreement. Tommy H. is seen crying uncontrollably next to Carol, much to her dismay.)
But deep down, he was just like the rest of us. Frail, broken, afraid. He spent most of his life in fear, hiding behind a mask of anger and strength. Any of you wanna where he got it from,…
NEIL: Okay, Maxine.
MAX: (points her hand at Neil) …you need only to look to this asshole of a father.
NEIL: Jesus.
(Crowd gasps.)
MAX: Congratulations, Neil. You’re the last man standing. I hope if was worth it, you motherfucker.
(Max walks off with Lucas behind her. Neil is so infuriated, he storms off after them, then blocks their path.)
NEIL: HEY!! Just who the fuck do you think you are?
MAX: A justified sister standing up for her brother.
NEIL: Oh, are you now?
(Max shows off Billy’s spike earring on her left ear.)
MAX: What the fuck do you think?
NEIL: I thought I told you throw that away with the rest of his shit.
MAX: So I can forget about him like you want to, like you want to forget about his real mom back in California? No, Neil, I don’t share your sense of grief. So, how about getting the fuck out of my face.
(Max continues to walk, but Neil grabs her by the arm.)
(While Neil has his eye on Max, Lucas grabs something out of his left jacket pocket. Then, he pulls back his right sleeve, revealing his wrist rocket, which was specially compacted in case of an emergency.)
MAX: Respect!?! Where the fuck was that respect when Billy needed it most? If only you saw him at the end. He saved my friend’s life and the lives of others back at the mall. If any, you’re partly the fuckin’ reason he’s dead, asshole!
(Neil raises his hand, ready to strike her.)
(Neil turns to Lucas, who readies to unload something from his wrist rocket at him.)
Unless you want a crater between your eyes to add to your collection of scars on your face, I suggest you let my boo go and back the fuck up right now!
NEIL: You think that’s smart, Sinclair? You think aiming a rock at my face is gonna scare me?
LUCAS: Naw, not a rock. But a cherry bomb that’ll explode on impact? And yeah, I ain’t afraid to use it on your ignorant ass.
NEIL: You know this is all your girlfriend’s fault.
(Will and Mike come up between Lucas.)
Yeah, I wanted to give my family a fresh start here. But she didn’t want any part of it. So, she tried running away to Frisco to live with his loser, PIECE OF SHIT DADDY!!!
SUSAN: That is enough!
NEIL: Susan, just stay out of this.
(Max runs to her mom.)
SUSAN: NO!! I’ve had it, Neil. I have had it. I’ve watched you do this to Billy, I not going to stand by anymore and watch you do this to my daughter.
NEIL: “Our” daughter.
SUSAN: She was never your daughter, Neil. You never were the father I’d hoped you’d be for her.
NEIL: Please. If you hadn’t married me, your weak ass would be drowning in debt,…
(The boys watch him in digust.)
...and your bitch daughter would be slumming with her loser father like all the sluts out there. Billy, too.
(Karen’s has had enough of this bullshit, and walks up near Susan.)
KAREN: You godless asshole.
NEIL: Oh, ho. Speak of the devil herself.
KAREN: How could you say that shit?
NEIL: Hey, sometimes the truth hurts.
KAREN: For Christ’s sake, that’s your son in there!
NEIL: SON!?! I wish I had a son I could be proud of. Billy was a faggot.
MIKE: (under his breath) Piece of shit.
NEIL: He lived a faggot, and he died a faggot.
WILL: And who’s goddamn fault was that?
NEIL: Kid, you stay out of this.
WILL: The Hell I will, you son of a bitch!
MIKE: Will, don’t…
WILL: No, Mike. I not going to shut up about this.
(Joyce tells El to stay with Dustin and Erica, as she sees his youngest about to get into a bind.)
Did it ever occur to you that Billy never wanted to come here to Hawkins in the first place? He was obviously much happier in California. You could’ve left his ass to his own devices, and he would’ve been happier. But no, you forced that choice on him, and he suffered for it. He still be alive and a lot better off, if you weren’t such a goddamn…
NEIL: (raises his fist) Say one more word, you little faggot, and I’ll drop you like a bad habit.
(Will retracts, Lucas pulls way back on that wrist rocket.)
(Joyce storms up to Neil like the mama bear she is.)
You touch my boy, and I will fuck you up.
NEIL: Hey, Byers. Don’t make this worse than it already is.
KAREN: You should take her word for it, Hargrove. There’s nothing Joyce won’t do for her kids. Besides, you don’t want to get embarrassed again, RIGHT?
(Neil looks at the situation he’s amassed.)
NEIL: (deep breath) You know what, none of you are worth my time.
(Looks to Karen) Even if the rumors were true, you and my boy really deserve each other.
KAREN: Oh, fuck you.
NEIL: Not likely.
JOYCE: Come on, kids.
(Just as Joyce turns her back…)
NEIL: I gotta say, Byers, I was wrong about you. I had you pegged as just another loser, but really you’re just another whore that just can’t seem to keep a man.
(Neil shoves her. Steve and Jonathan know exactly where this is going, especially in Joyce’s case.)
STEVE: Does this seem familiar to you, Jonathan?
NEIL: Oh, yeah. I learned about your whole goddamn resume’, honey. First, your husband ditches you on account of your two faggot sons.
(Neil shoves her a second time.)
STEVE: Uh, sir.
NEIL: Then, of course, your Radio Shack nerd boyfriend. He gets butchered by wild animals.
(Neil then grabs her left shoulder.)
JONATHAN: Mr. Hargrove, I really wouldn’t.
(Neil then goes up to her left ear.)
NEIL: What can I say, Joyce Byers. YOU’RE JUST A BORN FUCKIN’ LOSER!!!
(Joyce’s face lights up in livid anger. She swats his right hand with her left arm, then follows with a right hand chop to Neil’s throat, forcing him to choke.)
(Joyce then delivers a swift kick in his nuts.)
WILL: Wow!
LUCAS: I felt that.
(Joyce then lands a hell of a right cross.)
ROBIN: Ooh!!
(Neil is disoriented by Joyce’s assault, but Joyce wasn’t done yet. She lets out a deafening primal scream, and tackles him on the path and unleashes a barrage of haymakers, spewing every curse word under the sun at him. As she goes to town on Neil, she thinks of all the trauma she went through; from Lonnie leaving her and her boys, to losing Bob to the Demo-Dogs, to recently losing Hopper in the explosion of the portal generator.)
STEVE: Now, I know how you felt when you kicked my ass.
JONATHAN: You said it.
KAREN: Look, Joyce, I’m proud of you! But it’s not worth it!
JOYCE: (Looks back at Karen with anger in her eyes) YES, IT FUCKIN’ IS!!!
(Joyce continues her onslaught.)
STEVE: I think you should…
JONATHAN: I’m on it.
(Jonathan runs to stop her mom, Karen steps in to help.)
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check out part 1 first- http://bit.ly/2BSab48 and Mike are standing at the door with Hopper in the car waiting to leaveEl- well, thanks for the tutoringMike- no problem, it’s always fun having you overHopper- El, come on I don’t have all dayEl runs to the car, straps herself in, and the car starts moving. Her and Mike stare at each other through the window until El is out of sightEl is looking outside the mirror all dreamlike, Hopper notices thisHopper- you really like him don’t youEl- veryHopper smiles and continues drivingWill arrives home from the arcadeWill- mom, I’m homeJoyce- heyy, how was the arcade?Will- it was goodJoyce notices something is wrongJoyce- what’s the matter, did someone hurt youWill- what, mom!! NoJonathan- I know that lookWill- whoa, where did you come fromJonathan- I’d recognize that look on your face from anywhere…what’s her name?Will- what! You don’t know what you’re talking about, you have no proofJonathan- actually, you friend Dustin just called me, told me everything that happened, wanted to make sure you didn’t chicken out on your dateJoyce- really!! Oh honey, I’m so proud of youWill- ugh, thanks JonathanJonathan- no problemWill- it’s not even really a date, we’re just getting pizzaJoyce(trying to pinch Will’s cheeks)- that’s so cuuutewill(pushes her away)- staapJoyce(chuckling)- ooh, I’m just messing with you, you should go get readyWill- okayDustin is in his bed, he takes out a walkie talkieDustin- anyone on?Max- supLucas- I’m hereDustin- do you think we should go to the same pizza place that Will is going to tonight?Lucas- why?Max- yah, I don’t think Will would like us being thereMike- yo, what are we talking aboutDustin- I’m just saying, maybe Will might need usLucas- Dustin wants to spy on Will’s dateWill- are you people nuts, I don’t want any of you guys near my dateDustin- come ooon, I really want to see itMike- how about we go to Dairy Queen, it’s right next to John’s Pizza, so if Will needs us, we can be thereWill- I’m okay with thatDustin- groan fineMax- so Will, what are you going to wearLucas- are you going to gel your hairDustin- I can get Steve to do your hairMrs. Wheeler- Miike!!Mike- what?Mrs. Wheeler- can we talk to you for a second, it’s importantMike- alright!!! I gotta go guysDustin- see yahMax- byeMike walks upstairs, Karen is sitting on the couch and Ted on his chair. Nancy is sitting on the couch facing them, Mike sits down next to herMike- what’s going onNancy- yah, I have stuff to doKaren- Mike, Nancy, me and your father…..are getting a divorceNancy- what!! No..Karen- we’ve thought long and hard about this and we decided that it’s for the bestNancy- no..NO, there has to be another way, we can try therapy againTed- no Nancy, trust me, this is the best way to goMike(under his breath)- bullshitTed- what did you sayMike- this is bullshit!!Ted- languageMike(yelling)- NO, apparently you’re not my dad anymore so you can’t tell me what to doTed- I’m still your dad…Mike(getting up and heading towards the door)- NO, neither of you are my parents anymoreNancy- Mike come on don’t be an idiotMike(screaming)- I hate all of youMike runs out the doorKaren- Mike no!!Mike keeps running and running and doesn’t stopWill, Dustin, Lucas, and Max meet up in front of John’s PizzaWill- she’s not here yet, I knew it, she bailed, she probably never wanted to go out with me in the first place, she probably already has a boyfriend, let’s just go homeLucas- snap out of it man, we’re 5 minutes earlyMax- yah, don’t you worry about tonight, you’re going to have a great timeWill- I hopeDustin looks at Will and senses that he’s really worriedDustin- why don’t you guys just head to Dairy Queen, I’ll join you as soon as Jessica arrivesLucas- alrightMax- see yahMax and Lucas walk to across the sidewalk holding handsDustin- tell me all the things you want to happen between you and Jessica right nowWill- what??Dustin- now, hurry, you’re being timedWill- um...uh, we have a great night, the food will be great, she’ll laugh at all my jokes, and at the end of tonight...she’ll kiss me on the lips…..Dustin- go for it dude, if you want that, then it will happenWill- yah, your right, this is gonna be great, I know itJessica comes around the corner and heads towards WillDustin- good luck manDustin walks away, Will turns around to see Jessica, she looks really nervousWill- hiJessica- hiawkward pauseWill- you..uh, you know, want to go inJessica- okayWill walks in and turns around to see Jessica standing stillWill- what’s the matter?Jessica- I...I’m sorryJessica runs down the sidewalk away from the pizza placeWill- Jessica!!Will runs after herWill- Jessica stopJessica stops running and turns aroundWill- please, If you’re going to leave I at least deserve an explanationJessica- I’m sorry, this was a mistake I shouldn’t have came here todayWill- I… I don’t understandJessica- I….I have a boyfriendWill’s heart drops and all of the energy is sucked out of himJessica- it’s an on and off relationship, and right now we’re kind of in the middleWill just stands there, lifeless, not saying a wordJessica- I made a big mistake, please, I just want you to understand, I didn’t mean to hurt youWill stands for a few more seconds, he turns around a starts walking awayJessica- Will!!Will just keeps walking. Past the broken down pet store, past the homeless man sleeping on the sidewalk, past the rusty stop sign. He enters Dairy Queen, the gang is in a boothLucas- what’s the matterMax- what happenedWill stands for a few seconds, and bursts into tearsWill- she...sniff...she has a boyfriendMax- oh my godDustin- here, sit downWill sits down still in tearsLucas- just forget about her man, she doesn’t deserve youMax- yah, you can do way better than herWill- you don’t understand, I really thought this was going to go well, I really thought that we were gonna be amazing together and get married and have kids and..and(starts sobbing harder)Dustin(hugs Will)- it’s okay, it’s okay…final part coming soon via /r/StrangerThings
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