steviexwagner · 10 months
closed starter for @lilianaxalonso location: Heywood University
With school starting soon, there was a function going on for professors and their spouses, so of course, Stevie was there. She had mingled a bit and was asked about the upcoming wedding many times so far and was about to make her way to get some food when she spotted her father. She hadn't actually seen the man since she went to him about being his daughter and her heart fell. She needed an escape and she quickly turned, grabbed a drink off the tray, and moved through the crowd before running into Lili, luckily not spilling her drink on her. "Oh, Lili. I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"
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Between Lily & Azura, who would most likely have tattoos when they get older or will both have?
Probably Lily since between the two, I see Lily as the noble delinquent and Azura as the prim, perfect student type dynamic. Sure they share a bit of each other’s habits from time to time but after admiring all three of her mom’s tattoos, Lily would probably have like 20+ ideas of what she would get if she had an opportunity. Meanwhile Azura, while she likes the art on her moms’ tattoos, would be too cautious of the pain needed to get them.
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scarletsxnss · 4 months
starter for : @wantcn
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embers and hot smoke heat the cool winter air. cheering and laughter are heard from the men as they clank their large mugs filled with ale that surely kept them warm through the frost. chanting and war songs are sung as they rope up the girl and pull her into the center. the entire ceremony was set, though it was done hastily. jarl victor had requested the hunt—not one of any animal, but that of his own daughter. 
of course, he himself couldn't be there to watch the men break into the castle walls and snatch the youngest from her chambers. the soldiers were uncaring if the queen got in the way. she was swiped in the chaos, left with bruises and cuts. of course, this was an easy feat since they were the men usually protecting the family. the warriors knew better than to hold back. the gods were watching down on them, ready to give up their power to the jarl of this small county.
typically this was done by pillaging another town—men getting their choice in woman after destroying the opposing homeland. but jarl victor was different. no woman ever seemed good enough for him. every man was blessed with one pet, he wouldn't squander the choice. when he decided on his youngest daughter, he ruminated on the option for many campaigns. dozens of destroyed counties, with women begging to be used as pets so not to be left for the elements; pets always returned to their new home and were kept quite content.
so in place of a battle, he asked his men to pillage the kingdom. the men who were pet-less were granted the permission to use his wife, if they chose. when the queen saw their daughter taken, she was aware of what would happen soon. her wifely duties were soon going to be overtaken by the younger girl. 
victor wished he could be there. but a man must earn his pet. if there was not a real battle to be held, then there would be a fight he had to overcome. for sometime there was a large elder bear that has torn up the western side of the forest—making it an inpossible place to hunt. the jarl took nothing more than his axe to take on the challange. his armor was left at home—to truly show the gods he was ready for his pet. 
when the moon rises and the fire burns wildly, the men chant as a large figure trudges through the snow. victor returns with the dead elder bear slung over his shoulder. once he makes it to the camp he drops the kill and looks to his men. sweat and blood coat the male as he reaches for one of the water basins and washes his face. "where's my daughter?" the man asks, then being escorted to the girl in question.
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sciencestarlo · 19 days
Hey Lilly, can I call you Lilly Billy? Or do you have a preferred nickname you'd like to be called?
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Harvey & Lily : @tealeavesandthorns // @lixnhearted
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Seeing the GCPD around campus wasn't exactly unusual. While Gotham University was a respected institution of higher education, it was still centered in Gotham, which meant that it wasn't free from the occasional mishap and criminal mischief. For every incident that there was though, Lily had never had to be involved. It always happened closer to the dorms or towards the edge of campus while her lab and office was located in the center of campus. Security purposes and all given that she was a senior professor in chemistry, and her research dealt with some rather delicate and dangerous compounds. The exact location she was when the detectives came looking to question her.
"What can I do for you, detectives?" She greeted with a smile, leaning against one of the tables in the office. She hadn't been clued in on what they were here for, though it quickly became apparent that they were there for a consult on a case. There was some new chemical that was being used that they had come across in two back to back cases.
The report by the lab was thorough, but something in the back of her mind was nagging about it. Something wasn't quite right.
"Wait a minute," she hummed and waved the paper for a moment before it fell to the table as she moved over to the bookshelf behind her desk. "One of my students was working on something... One of my best, Casey Goodwin. The compound looks similar to the synthetic one she was working on making." Finding what she needed, the thesis that was in mind skimmed through quickly. She handed it over along with the students' information.
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fluoxetinegreen444 · 2 years
Literally pls leave him to me </3
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I'm convinced Jamie is for the girls that were doing well in school and reading fantasy books during break but then became vain and self obsessed but also depressed and now only live for their conviction that they'll marry one of their dream celebrities 😭
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stellarhistoria · 10 months
@nerdynanny ♥ ── SPIDERMAN POINT MEME?!
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"Oh, well, ah," he shuts his eyes tight for a moment, almost as if he's kept them open for a few too many seconds, remembering how to be a person for a second there. "Well fuck, isn't this fun. Would you like alcohol? Or are you more of a tea drinker?" how do you approach a conversation with yourself─
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lilycarvalho · 11 months
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LILY CARVALHO'S PLAYLIST ( CAN BE ACCESSED HERE ) Undeniable power circulates through Lily's veins and thus it showcases in her taste of music. The epitome of 'bad bitch' and 'queen bee' most of the songs she has on repeat are anthems to remind her she is not to be fucked with and if so she always has a swift plan to eliminate any threats. Some songs may reveal small cracks in Lily's armor, ones that she does not allow herself to feel, because weakness is a scent the sharks she's among would devour in a heartbeat, and she's not going down without a fight.
1. ...Ready For It? - Taylor Swift 2. Bitch Better Have My Money - Rihanna 3. Kill Bill - SZA ft Doja Cat 4. BIZCOCHITO - Rosalia 5. Escapism - Raye ft. 070 Shake 6. Area Codes - Kaliiii 7. Savage (Remix) - Megan Thee Stallion ft Beyonce' 8. Material Girl - Saucy Santana 9. Venom - Little Simz 10. Pick Up Your Feelings - Jazmine Sullivan 11. Primadonna - MARINA 12. Daisy - Ashnikko 13. Boys - Charli XCX 14. Wasabi - Little Mix 15. Look At Her Now - Selena Gomez 16. Control - Halsey 17. Motive - Ariana Grande ft. Doja Cat 18. WHOLE LOTTA MONEY - Bia 19. Michelle - Sir Chloe 20. Young And Beautiful - Lana Del Rey 21. Welcome To My Island - Caroline Polachek 22. Vampire - Olivia Rodrigo 23. Breakfast - Dove Cameron 24. heartbreak in the hamptons - Nessa Barrett 25. Diamonds - Rihanna 26. Paparazzi - Lady Gaga 27. How Deep Is Your Love - Calvin Harris ft Disciples 28. Fancy - Iggy Azalea ft Charli XCX 29. Bad Blood - Taylor Swift ft Kendrick Lamar 30. Boss Bitch - Doja Cat 31. God is a Woman - Ariana Grande 32. CVNT - Sophie Hunter
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rviner · 1 year
@manybcdthings liliana / harvey dupont fundraiser
The evening seemed to be a success so far, but Liliana was far from enjoying it. She was trying to duck and dive from not only Oliver but Noah, all while making sure she could prove to her parents she was an asset and not a hindrance. "Those are for our vegetarian guests." Lily made a quick passing comment as she saw her brother, stuffing his face as usual. She abandoned what she was going to do, attempting to sneakily take the little taster from his fingers. "I literally saw you eat a farm's worth of bacon this morning, don't even do this right now." she knew Harvey wasn't going to go down without a fight especially over food so her eyes widened at him. "Please, can you just be a normal person?"
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gibbearish · 5 months
also considering making a video on like. how to get into scps. because Most People get bounced off the first few times they try bc they dont know where to start and just like. read through different entries one by one and take the wrong links and skip over the right ones and dont even KNOW about hidden submenus or the declassified subreddit or the canon hub
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mcrlsxmckinnon · 2 months
Starter for: @leogratia Where: Just outside of St. Mungo's
Tense. Strained. That were two words Marlene would use to destribe the way Lily and her were interacting with one another these days. The war had changed things and even though they had both been on the right side at the end, it was not the same. The loss of her brother was a black hole in the happy ending of the war and she was unable to look past it. She could not agree with the Order.
After the war had ended, Marlene had picked up her studies again whereas others had continued them. She was a few steps behind everyone now. While others were at the end point of it, Marlene was only at the start. She had decided to become a Mediwitch. A bit easier than the healer but also able to get out there more. To be able to move and be there sooner. But she had also understand that started to move in this direction, meant that she would come across Lily a lot more than she had anticipated to start with.
The redhaired woman was very recognisable from a distance. Marlene would recognise her out of thousands. She moved towards her friend as she left the building after a day of work. Studies were still to be done at home, but she wasn't home yet. "Are you up for dinner?"
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princeheir · 1 year
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˙    🐍     This thread takes place in 1982, on the death eater safe house where @fauvehoof is being currently held at. There is nothing explicit, but it is hinted at that Lily is/has been under some sort of torture. 
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    As dim as the situation was, Severus was beaming, truly. He had a tiny little spark on his eyes and a spring in his step, following a sure path to the DE’s most prized possession: Lily Evans (or Potter, if you so wish to pin her bad decisions against her). It wasn’t his personal decision to go after her, nor did he help, — much too busy with a different assignment that took him back to Ireland for a couple of weeks —, but he couldn't exactly turn back the clock and stop it. So he counted his losses and made the decision to take as much advantage of the situation as he could. It was nice to see an old friend, after all.     Severus did, in fact, bother to knock. It was short, a mere announcement of his presence, but it was there, as a treat, if you will. Some reminder that Lily was still human in his eyes, even if the rest of his colleagues had already forgotten it.      “Terribly sorry about the wait.” His tone threaded lightly between the tension present in the room, hands tapping lightly against the tray that held Evans’ lifeline: some water, toast, a few tonics from Severus’ own collection and a decent portion of jam. “Would you like to eat first?” Upon placing the food in front of the girl, he moved about to release her hands from the shackles, face showing his distaste towards them. “Highly doubt we need that, you’re not an animal and you don’t have a wand. Weird decision, that one, don’t you think?” 
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toxichem · 8 months
name / alias: lily !
birthday: jan 29th
zodiac sign: aquarius
height: 5'7
hobbies: video games, roleplay, writing, knitting, crochet, painting my nails-
favorite color: pastel pink, black, gray
favorite book: can't pick one
last show: demon slayer ( i'm making my boyfriend watch it with me )
recent read: uhhhhhh coraline? bc i'm not counting the fics i read
sources of inspiration: valorant... and my adoration for snarky characters
story behind url: toxic chemicals, toxichem, because she's a chemist, whose schtick is toxins. she makes toxins and is a chemist. toxic chemicals. do you ge-
Tagged by: @hellfirecascade Tagging: anyone who wants to ( by now, anyone i'd likely tag has been and anxiety refuses to let me multi-tag folks )
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aercnaut · 9 months
i'm so normal about the lee and marisa scene. i am definitely not consuming drywall about both their masks slipping. definitely normal about lee and hester staring down a woman that can make them suffer a fate worse than death with defiance. i am very much not feral about lee being the first person (that's not lyra) to make marisa break but also the fact that lee nearly broke himself in the process. i am very much not sobbing about hester nuzzling lee's face to comfort him :')
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bewitchuallnight · 1 year
O Beco Diagonal não estava tão bem frequentado como há alguns bons meses agora que todos haviam decidido virar as casacas, expressão da época que o senhor Potter usava muito quando comentava sobre todas as mudanças com o filho — e o postiço, Sirius. Passaram pouco tempo tentando fazer algo longe de Godric’s Hollow antes de pararem em Hogsmeade outra vez, como sempre acabavam à muito contragosto do Black, que gostava mais de atividades em que poderiam chamar mais atenção do que o devido.
O Cabeça de Javali, entretanto, parecia grande demais com menos assentos sendo disputados. Muitos dos bruxos haviam optado por não sair tanto assim, mas além deles, não era o caso de Lily Evans, e é claro que James quase saltou da cadeira para alcançá-la no balcão enquanto deixava os amigos falando sozinho. Os efeitos que a garota mais bonita de Hogwarts (de acordo com sua própria opinião no último ano escolar) causavam eram um tanto peculiares, e ele simplesmente não resistia quase como se estivesse sob Amortentia. Não era o caso, mas ainda era tão forte quanto. “Espero que não se importe que eu ocupe o assento. Não estou aguentando Black resmungar sobre falta do que fazer a cada dois segundos, e sem aceitar a ideia de arrumar um emprego.” Brincou mais consigo mesmo, uma vez que ele e os amigos ‘trabalhavam’ para a Ordem da Fênix. “Ainda fã de cerveja amanteigada, Evans?” Perguntou antes de pedir para o atendente duas canecas cheias, esperando que fosse aprovado e ligeiramente ansioso para isso. “Acho que não nos vemos desde aquele amistoso de Quadribol no mês passado... Ou retrasado. Como tem passado?
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gunchamber · 1 year
hello why aren't you kissing me right now
𝙐𝙉𝙋𝙍𝙊𝙈𝙋𝙏𝙀𝘿 𝘼𝙇𝙒𝘼𝙔𝙎 𝘼𝘾𝘾𝙀𝙋𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙂 . / * @lilyspaintedred
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                  𝐀  𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓  𝐇𝐔𝐌  𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒  𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇      the  air  between  them  as  lily’s  pout  is  directed  straight  at  krissy  .    this  was  something  new  krissy  was  trying  to  get    USED    to  .    not  primarily  being    NEEDED    out  in  the  field  ,    fighting    &    killing  monsters  .    but  to  be  wanted  as  a  partner  .    a  relationship  that  had  started  out  as  a  granule  of  a  spec  ,    of  possibilities  .    after  a  night  of  unsaid  confessions  had    BLOOMED    &    flourished  into  something  the  huntress  would  deem  as  magical  .    shared  kisses  in  dark  corridors  ,    hands  held  under  the  table  ,    rendezvous  shared  in  the  middle  of  the  night  .    secrets  being  safe  with  one  another  ,    worries  laid  out  in  the  open  ;    HEARTS    bleeding  .                    ❛    if  i’m  not  mistaken  ,    i’ve    BEEN    kissing  you  .    all  morning  .    ❜    it  was  a  fact  ,    they  both  knew  it  .    but  it  didn’t  stop  lily’s  frown  from  deepening  .    then  krissy’s  form  is  smoothly  sliding  closer  .    ❛    i  do  enjoy  spoiling  you  though  .    always  .    ❜    a  hand  cups  the  back  of  lily’s  neck  ,    pulling  her  face  closer  as  krissy  met  her  in  the  middle  ,    balancing  on  tip  toes  .    damn  the  winchesters    &    their  height  genetics  .    a  slight  sigh  is  emitted  once  lips  meet  ,    the  feeling  now  so  familiar  it  was  almost  considered    FOREIGN    when  they’re  lips  weren’t  locked  .    sweet    &    gentle  it  started  ,    slow  .    until  the  strip  of  flesh  that  was  revealed  with  krissy’s  stretch  has  fingertips  ghosting  across  it  ,    leaving  behind  trails  of    goosebumps  .    &    krissy  pulled  back  ,    pointing  a  finger  in  warning  .    ❛    nuh  uh  ,    we  have  to  meet  up  with  the  others  in  fifteen  minutes  .    you’re  not  distracting  me  this  time  .    ❜
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