#lilian more
lilianmore 10 months
So mmany things to share with you...
I'll start with this song: "Belong to No One".
This single led me to win MTV new Generation in 2017, sign with UMG and being the official open-act for many rock bands ( Kasabian, White Lies, Primal Scream...).
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flos-obsessivus 1 month
what if someone other than us broke the curse? would lillian fall out of love with us?
That's impossible as the curse only breaks if the cursed persons true love kisses them. It doesn't matter if some people consider Lilian as their true love, what only matters is that YOU are his true love. It will always be YOU, nobody in the kingdom or the neighboring kingdom could ever replace you.
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druidonity2 9 months
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You good...?
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Sum Hawke kimsses <3
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shxrry-blossom 4 months
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Noble Lily!
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autisticrosewilson 5 months
You have any Wilson family headcanons to spare? Especially on Rose & Grant?
DO I EVER!!! Gosh where do I even start
I mentioned to a friend of mine the other day that I think Slade was a leash kid, and I stand by that whole heartedly. He wanted to raise Grant as a leash kid too, simply because he thought you were supposed to, but Adeline threatened his life so it never happened. This was the first of many times he was confronted with the concept that maybe his home life wasn't great.
He would not even begin reflecting on this until almost a decade later. He still doesn't really consider himself a victim and honestly most of his shitty parenting comes from him just having no clue what he's doing. He's aware that he's bad at it, but instead of trying to improve he just tries to avoid his kids in hopes that they'll be better off without him.
Also he grew up in 1950's-60's Appalachia, I think he's more superstitious than he lets on. I imagine he grew up hearing about family curses and old wives tales, and while on some level he recognizes that Fran likely just used those stories to cope with the situation there's also a part of him that believes it for the same reasons she did. He's not a victim, he can't be, so it must not have been abuse. Which eventually turned into him just kind of accepting that he was always going to be a bad father, that there was never a chance for him to have a family and any attempt he makes will just end up worse than the last.
It makes it easier to maintain his self imposed isolation that way.
Adeline is a lot more interesting than people give her credit for. I like to think she was born and raised in a big city like New York or maybe Gotham if I wanted to be funny. She was definitely a wild child, and that was something that didn't change during her first marriage.
I truly do believe that Count whats-his-face (I don't care enough to look him up) tried exactly once to hit her and he ended up with three bullet wounds that all knicked arteries. It was his only warning and he was smart enough to know that.
Addie is loyal to the end, she's the kind of person that steadfastly refuses to let go of people she cares about. In basically ever version of her story she tries, she tries so hard to make things work. I once compared her to the Greek myth of Medea and I think about the comparison often.
I also think that Adeline was always her father's daughter, whether she liked it or not. I don't remember if it was canon that she was raised primarily by her dad but I only remember her dad being mentioned so I think she grew up in a single parent household and was mostly left to her own devices as a kid. She probably grew up really close with her cousin, most people probably thought they were sisters.
Mayflower fucking HATES Slade, she was advocating for the divorce before they were even married. I know in my heart she was Slade's biggest hater. Her and Slade talked mad shit about each other but they were also gossip buddies for the longest and it was the only thing that stopped her from beating his ass all the time.
SladeAddie is so toxic Bi4Bi coded. Really funny to me that Addie was probably older than Slade, do you know the kind of rizz you have to possess to bag a milf that could kill you in 20 different ways before you could blink? One who's already been divorced? What charm was this freshly 18 year old drop out exuding to be pulling like this?
When do you think he told her that he lied to the recruiter about his age and he wasn't actually 23 or whatever? Did he ever tell her? Did she figure it out herself? It was literally never addressed but I think about it all the time.
Slade is definitely still mildly in love with her and falls a little all over again every time she deals him grievous bodily harm. I don't know his thing for people who hate him is probably a self conscious way to punish himself for sucking all the time.
Billy and Alfred being friends is a headcanon that I literally never stop thinking about. Why wouldn't they be old friends or whatever? They have tea the 4th Tuesday of every other month. They complain about their respective morons and brag about the kids they have to take care of because their morons won't.
Billy is definitely a British rock fan and he fucking HATES country music. Slade starts playing it in the car and Billy threatens to crash the whole car just to make a point.
He's like maybe 5 years older than Slade if I'm being generous about it, he just looks older next to Slade because he's not hopped up on super serum.
He's the one Rose gives her father's day gifts to <3
SladeBilly is canon to me, no way Slade is capable of spending that much time with someone without sleeping with them at least once. It might be the healthiest relationship he's ever had with anyone and Billy barely tolerates him.
Lilian Worth my beloved,,,,,,they gave her such a white ass name. I choose to believe that she changed it later on for anonymity. Chea Nath is a name she hasn't used in a while, but it's still one she holds dear.
She seems like someone who was really into ballet, and probably someone who was really good at it too.
She's one of those characters that we don't really have any information on, which leaves a lot of wiggle room backstory wise. I probably write too much about characters with poor backgrounds (surprise your bitch grew up impoverished) so I guess I'll let Lili have this one.
Diplomats daughter, her and her mom were really close growing up, and she seems like she grew up with sisters. She's got that middle sister energy to her, growing up everyday was a fight and let's just say she didn't lose often.
If Adeline is Medea, Lili is definitely Circe. Versatile, powerful, a man hater, and she'll do anything to protect her girls.
Honors student, her grades never dropped below an A- and she has degrees in everything from fine art to communications. Rose went to college purely because her mom made it clear that not going was not an option.
Grant is one of my favorite characters. Ever. He's definitely an old school country enjoyer, much to Billy's chagrin and Slades secret delight.
He was the boy who climbed up the tallest trees to prove he could and then came home with a thousand little scrapes on him.
He has a bee allergy.
He's the least enhanced of his siblings but he still has a meta gene, I think the reason the H.I.V.E. serum didn't activate it like it should have is because his power was the mental kind and not the physical kind so his body couldn't hold up against it even while his psychic powers were getting stronger.
Painted his nails one(1) time, it was a dried up iridescent blue that Addie dug up and was going to throw away but Grant wanted to try it. He didn't know what nail polish remover was though so he scraped his teeth on his nails to get it all off but he couldn't get all of it and he almost cried so hard he threw up at dinner that night because he was scared of Slade noticing (Slade didn't notice and wouldn't have cared if he did).
Thought he was SO stealthy when he snuck out but literally everyone knew because he always came home smelling like weed, hungover, and he went to school in the same clothes he wore to go out. Most of the time Addie didn't care (See above: "former wild child") but Slade "Biggest loser in his hometown" Wilson always had an issue with it.
Officially his tomb is located in the Kane family plot but he's actually buried in Slades hometown next to his grandmother. (Adeline is not aware of this)
Joey was actually the one who pulled most of the pranks when they were kids, but Grant always took the fall. Mostly because literally no one would believe it even if Joey said he did it. Which he tried to do, many times.
Grant taught Joey to make flower crowns but he never admitted it because he thought it made him look weak. He still keeps the few that Joey made for him though, they're basically turning to dust in the drawer he hid them in to this day. They're one of the few things that weren't torn down and shoved in the attic after his death.
Joey still celebrates Grant's birthday every year, him and mom play The Last Man by Clint Mansell on the piano because it was his favorite piece to play before he stopped because it wasn't "cool".
Grant tried to get Joey to come with him when he ran away but Joey didn't want to leave Addie. Joey ended up moving into Grant's old apartment, he often thinks of what life would be like if he'd taken up the offer.
Grant is THE ass hole big brother from the late 90's/early 2000's. Down to the mullet and the shirt with the sleeves cut off. He used to steal Addie's eyeliner and she would get so mad because that stuff is EXPENSIVE and he's just smearing however. She teaches him how to do it properly but he says it makes him look "too girly".
Grant's picture is the only one in Slades wallet because he doesn't have to worry about putting him in danger anymore.
DON'T let Joey's "natural" pretty boy look fool you he has a 20 step skin routine and a 15 step hair routine and he wakes up at the ass crack of dawn to start on his makeup.
He used to get the worst acne as a pre-teen and he has physically burned all the evidence except for one picture of him and Slade on a fishing trip when he was like thirteen, he doesn't know it exists and it's the only picture Slade consistently travels with.
He doesn't want to be the favorite but he would get mad if someone else was the favorite because what work were YOU even putting in for it.
He has 12 year old boy humor I fear. Giggles at dick jokes and has used his name to make "Joe Mama" jokes on various occasions.
Number one Mama's boy of all time, there's not a single time they've gone out in public together where they haven't had coordinated outfits. Him and Addie call biweekly to shit talk people and exchange recipes and the like.
Joey is THE biggest gossiper. He'll talk shit about people right in front of them if he's sure they don't know ASL and whoever is around just has to try not to laugh while they "translate" him.
He's so good at convincing people to do things for him just by looking at them with his big ol' eyes. And he's a theater kid so his expressions are really exaggerated.
Rose, my muse. I know canonically she's a smoker but I'm changing that to her being a vaper. I don't know she just looks like she'd beat the shit out of you for a cherry lemon cancer stick.
Energy drinks don't work on her in normal amounts so to rectify that she constantly walks around with horrific concoctions in a water bottle the size of her head.
She street races as R4V4G3R and she's pretty good at it. She learned a lot about cars doing it which is how Slade justified being an anonymous benefactor for her.
The few weeks Slade had her she ran that shit like the navy. Up at 6 AM on the dot, tight ass ponytail swaying as she got ready for school. She was out that door by 7:25 everyday and she would MAKE Slade violate traffic laws to get to school by 7:35.
Has bitten people before and will do it again.
Had the BIGGEST crush on Donna Troy when she was on the Teen Titans. She didn't know it then but she did. Her taste in women really hasn't changed at all.
Only has her grunge thing going on when she's planning on meeting people, average day outfit is all pastels and florals that her mom used to pick out for her.
Got pretty much all of Lili's stuff, her main apartment is always Immaculately decorated. She also lives in L.A. because literally fuck New York. She's trying to get her engineering degree in PEACE.
She looks up to Grant a lot, she really only has Joey's account of things and he only tells her the good stuff. How he was brave, and strong, and funny. When she was younger she really wanted to be like him, but that was the last thing Slade wanted. So obviously she named herself Ravager out of spite.
Rose is the shortest one in the family but she's buff as hell, my girl is built like a fridge and she knows it. Joey tried to rest his arm on her head one and she stabbed him. It didn't go through his armor obviously but it did leave a mildly annoying bruise that he pouted about for a week.
She low-key really likes Addie but she tends to stay away because of the whole "child of infidelity" thing. She HAS threatened to call Addie on Slade multiple times.
Grew up with a bunch of other kids so she never really wanted siblings, but she would kill for Joey. She'd like a sister though. Really misses her cousins and aunts from the brothel but doesn't want to put them in danger by talking to them.
She's fond of kids but wouldn't want her own because she doesn't want to bring a kid into the kinda life she has, or their family in general.
Routinely takes jobs from Slade because she knows full well he won't do shit. And she's right every time he makes it into a team up that usually ends with them fighting but sometimes, every once in a while, they do something nice together and it makes her remember why she wanted to find him so bad when she was 13.
I don't like her carving her eye out for Slade I thought the whole concept of her idolizing Slade was fucking stupid. She tolerates him at best. So I like to attribute it to her visions, I think the blind prophet symbolism is really fun. Especially because then we can have a Prometheus type situation where her eye patch keeps switching sides/sometimes she's not blind because she keeps carving them out in fits of Seer Madness鈩笍 but they keep regenerating.
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dyinggirldied 2 months
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Crackship of the day: countess Rosalia x Lilian 'Lily' York
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celemee 11 months
Listen, I'm a simple woman. I see two women from very different backgrounds getting along and caring for each other, I ship them.
Yes, this is about Lilian Voss and Shandris Feathermoon.
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theodoravery 4 months
for my women lovers...
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*i'm only counting the ones that are still on s1 btw
can be based on looks or personality! and i would also love to know if anyone's planning on romancing any of these ladies! i think they're all great and they deserve sooo much love<3
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layalu 10 months
apparently i have relapsed into my (ir)regular Flight Rising phase lolol so of course i continue to use every game ever as a glorified character creator
below in order are: Lacrima, Kiran, No茅, Flora, Quentin, Lilian :]
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miieandering 1 year
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Old stuff. Some self-headcanons and a scene from an extremely good fanfiction on how a bunch of hollows managed to raise a human child. Yuria is the ultimate authoritarian parent.
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lilianmore 9 months
Society Kills Confidence
New music video out on YouTube! Check it out!
Lilian More - Hollywood
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flos-obsessivus 20 days
What makes the evil king {EVIL} if you don't mind me asking ?
That's the thing, deep inside, he truly isn't, but its the role he has to play to ensure the protection of his kingdom. Monsters are able to integrate into human society through deception and shapeshifting, more so with the stronger ones like Ivory. So if there is a even little bit of suspicion on one person, the knights would drag them away to get tortured to find out whether they are a monster or not. If they are, they are killed, if not, they will be immediately treated and compensated with money.
Oftern times it leads to trauma on the individual. It is cruel, but it's a necessary sacrifice he's willing to do to ensure that no monsters will be able to destroy whats under his protection. However, the knights are also one of the main reason why his reputation as a tyrant is so high. It's due to the power trip that most knights gets knowing they could just deem someone a 'monster' and get them killed or locked up. Severin is oblivious to this, and believes that what they are saying is true.
In terms of you though, he doesn't show any cruelty at first, he mainly keeps to himself and keeps up his stone cold persona. But when he snaps, he snaps hard. Killing someone in front of you is no problem, blood will spill and you were the reason for it. If you were flirty to that person, you will suddenly find yourself underneath him within his chambers, but he would snap out of his jealousy before anything bad could happen, apologizing to you with tears in his eyes.
The worst thing is, Ivory would actually do the same, he is also evil enough that he will not stop, instead he will be more eager knowing that you are underneath him. Like a predator catching his prey, he enjoys seeing you struggle. He bites you alot when you do. He doesn't mean to be sadistic but his vampiric instincts causes him to be more feral, more bitey, and more possessive over you. Be careful in showing those bite marks to Severin, lest you want to make him snap again, then Ivory comes and sees both of you together, and well... It basically becomes a loop of hell for you.
They are both emotionally unstable, even moreso with you. Though Severin might be able to control himself, Ivory will not, he lets his vampiric instincts thrive and has become a great danger to you and the kingdom.
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charlies-crushes 2 months
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hi... slides this in
Sooo real!!! Need Liliana and Jotaro to go on a double date with Alice and Rohan and while the girlies are talking and enjoying themselves Rohan and Jotaro are staring at each other with disgust/annoyance hehe
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dungeons-and-dragon-age 10 months
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Here's the second batch! Only took me *checks notes* half a year xdd
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the-banana-0verlord 5 months
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Lilian is gonna be some flavor of this but cuter and less goth
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