senig-fandom · 2 years
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Como aquí va todo lo relacionado al fandom, lo publicare aquí XD
Cualquier cosa que sea mínimamente relacionado a un fandom, de todos modos lo reblogeare en mi otra cuenta XD
Pues si, mi época de pokemon tuvo mucha influencia en mi que me hizo crear mi propia region pokemon. 
Historia algo larga XD
Les presento mas o menos a Pokemon Madera y Metal, en la historia se relacionaba algo a un pokemon que fuera el pasado y el futuro de los humanos, aunque ambos lados del pokemon era el mismo ser, su apariencia cambiaba corrompiéndolo tanto su pasado el como su futuro el, ya que la humanidad y los propios pokemon, ya no buscaban la paz entre ambos bandos, dejando al guardián de estos dos corromperse.
En esta historia nos ponemos en los zapatos de Evanz o Evely, dos jóvenes de 17 años que fueron aceptados por la profesora lilyana para su investigación, junto a otros tres estudiantes de tu misma edad, Jonathan el frio, Max el amable y Horolay la tímida.
La profesora le hace entrega a los 4 un pokemon de su elección, y al ser tu el primero en llegar la profesora te da la oportunidad de ser tu el que elija primero. Elegirás a 4 pokemon, un pokemon de planta, un pokemon fuego, un pokemon agua y un pokemon tierra, quien será tu primer compañero.
Cuando elijes, tu y tus nuevos compañeros se retan para una batalla pokemon, en el que te enfrentaras a la astucia de cada uno, y tras terminar, la profesora les enseña la pokedex y el como atrapar un pokemon. Tras terminar regresa a casa y te despides de tu madre quien te da tu nuevo guardarropa para tu salida.
Ya cuando vas de salida del pueblo, la profesora te detiene y te cuenta el trabajo que quiere que hagamos, el cual es la extracción de unos minerales que están en ciertos lugares de la region de cascada, lo cual por eso da un pokemon, porque se dice que cerca de esos minerales extraños los protegen ciertos pokemons que están corrompidos y que anhelan su poder, eso y que se escucha en los alrededores que existe una organización que ha echo de las suyas extrayendo y a convertido a sus pokemons en criaturas horribles usando las piedras.
Y en tu trascurso, intentando llegar al segundo pueblo, te encuentras con tu padre, el campeón de la region, quien quería verte antes de que partieras pero que no logro llegar, por lo cual te busco de ida al siguiente pueblo, el cual te cuenta que si deseas participar en la recolecta de medallas de la region, el cual le daría pase a ti en enfrentarte al alto mando y a el, lo cual aceptas, y tu padre te advierte que los lideres no son una broma, no cualquier puede llegar al ultimo nivel, y que por eso el sigue siendo un campeón, que si el deseara ya le hubiera dado el puesto a alguien mas, con eso se despide y te vas a con la idea de enfrentarte a los lideres de gimnasio.
los lideres son los siguientes,
Nuriel- Líder de gimnasio tipo fuego, con la medalla Termal.
Thomas- Líder de gimnasio tipo eléctrico, con la medalla Energía.
Iclyn- Líder de gimnasio tipo hielo, con la medalla Montaña.
Nalin- Líder de gimnasio tipo planta, con la medalla Nacimiento.
Atma- Líder de gimnasio tipo alma, con la medalla Espíritu.
Keres- Líder de gimnasio tipo Fantasma, con la medalla Cambio.
Mafalda- Líder de gimnasio tipo Acero, con la medalla Joya.
Jingyi y Kazue-  Líderes de gimnasio tipo dragón, con la medalla Equipo. 
Hasta aqui lo dejo, porque tengo muchas ideas y es mas bien como para hacerlo historia XD pero es mucho y ya tengo muchas cosas en la cabeza XD
Espero y les guste VwV o por lo menos les llame la atención 
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turquoisesea01 · 2 years
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*pounds table* THEY ARE SOULMATES YOUR HONOR (platonically) @kilbit
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LilyAna Naturals Eye Cream for Dark Circles and Puffiness, Under Eye Cream for Wrinkles and Bags, Anti Aging Eye Cream helps Improve Dryness; for Sensitive Skin - Rosehip and Hibiscus Botanicals - 1.7 oz - Made in USA
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elliewiltarwyn · 4 months
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polyam week day 6: celebrations | holidays
Sometimes she wonders if they'd be happier living elsewhere, but she has to admit out of all the possibilities, Mist likely has some of the best views of Rising fireworks.
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bubblellop · 1 year
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The siblings with horns and tails
I had actually done a redesign for these two like ...months ago as a fun exercise, so it was fun to be able to draw them out !!!
The idea was to re imagine them having more, out there designs I suppose, since these two are supposed to be elemental aliens they don't entirely look the part, even if its on purpose.
Adalia has dragon adjacent characteristics, while Lilyana has more aquatic ones, also they are 16 cuz TALLER
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therafanatics · 3 months
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"That's what I love about the Midnight Society, it's this excuse to start, finish, and present something you've created from your imagination to other people," he says. "That's what it was for me, at least. It gave you this template for what you can do, this idea of kids coming together and sharing art."
This particular iteration of the series is about what happens when that sense of danger and imagination gets out of hand. Rachel's story about a carnival of horrors basically walks out of her imagination and into their town IRL.
Full article: NickAlive
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misty-groves · 2 years
Ninjago oc story scene
(To anyone who has questions my main is @starshineandbooks so any ocs on this might be used on my main)
Lily's appearance shouldn't suprised Kai as much as it does. She's always been there when he needed her.
But to see her on the boat and be told she'll meet him later and she dosen’t know him? That's weird.
But she's always been good with secrets.
So he sits, listening to Jay spirals while Lloyd and Cole try to calm the Lightning elemental.
A shock of lavender light and a quiet 'pop' sound alert the ninja to something.
In the middle of the room stands Lily, her chocolate waves familiar even as the light purple streaks make it known she's changed some.
"Lily." Kai says, pushing ti his feet, "What- how did you-"
"Kai!" She says, smiling brightly as she flings her arms about him.
Lily holds him tight, her embrace warm in a way Kai hasn't felt since Zane sacrificed himself. Things are okay for a moment as she holds him.
Kai- he squeezes her right back tightly.
"Uh- does anyone want to fill me in or are we hugging strangers that know our names now?!" Jay demands.
Lily steps back- taller than Kai by about a head. "I'm Lily. And you're Jay, right?"
"How did you-"
"Nya writes me still." Lily says, then reaches out to ruffle Kai's hair, "Unlike some people."
Lily just snorts, "Suffer, loser."
The others gawk, becuase no one has ever been brave enough to mess with Kai's hair.
"Okay, it's great to meet you... but why are you here?" Lloyd asks, getting to the point.
"Yeah! Why are ypu here?" Kai echoes, eyes narrowing at Lily.
She- to her credit- dosen’t shrubk under the intense gazes of the men around her. "I got a note saying someone close to me was going to enter. And that they'd need all the help they could get."
"Who?" Jay asks.
"Kai. It didn't say Kai- but Ana wouldn't enter without telling me and Nya isn't gonna enter period." She shrugs, "Besides who else would?"
"No, she's home. Now why one this green earth are you in this?"
"They have Zane." Cole says as Kai looks down.
Lily goes still, "Oh."
She sighs then, "Tell me how I can help?"
And it's then that Kai slings his arm around her. "Just help us win."
"Of course. "
"Wait- hole on- how long were you gonna wit to tell me you had an elemental power?!" Kai demands.
Lily snorts, "Until I thought it was time?"
"What is your element?" Jay asks.
"Magic." Lily answers. "Mostly I do a lot of scrying and medning."
"Magic?" Lloyd asks.
"Yeah. It's a thing."
"The element of magic?" Jay echoes.
"You're the master of lightning, it's a thing." Lily says.
"Well. Thanks for helping." Cole says, "We appreciate it."
"We really do." Lloyd agrees.
"Yeah you're the best!" Kai grins.
"I know. " She snorts, "I should get to bed I jave a bad feeling about tomorrow. "
"We all do." Lloyd says.
"Sleep well guys. See you tomorrow. "She softens after a moment. "We'll get Cole back."
"No. I mean it." She says, "If I have to rear this island down myself we'll get him back."
"Why? You don't even know him." Jay asks, staring wide eyed at the woman who quite literally just appeared in their lives.
"I know Kai and Kai cares for him. Also it's the right thing. "
"Aw, Lily!" Kai says in a fake squeal.
"Shut up hot stuff." She snickers.
"You'd be a good ninja." Lloyd says.
"Maybe one day. Right now I do need rest. Good night boys."
"Night Lily." They chorus.
"Walk you back?" Kai offers.
So she leaves the room, walking back to her own. Leaving the ninja to wonder about her. And three of the four boys to wonder why she cares so much about Kai.
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milksockets · 5 months
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'matris' by lilyana bekic, 2007 in 500 felt objects: creative explorations of a remarkable material - lark crafts (2011)
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inspired-lesson-plans · 4 months
One of my favorite things to do as a sub is start the class by mispronouncing everyone's name when taking attendance. Call out the names one by one, but catch them all off guard by saying every name as wrong as possible. Like the famous Key and Peele sketch, but it works for names of every heritage.
Here's a few I did today:
Kierstyn -> Kaiersteen
Lilyana -> Li'l Yana
JayKwon -> Jake Juan
Owen -> Ohven (German pronunciation)
Angelly -> Anhelli (was actually correct and we were both surprised)
It's great because there's always kids whose names are mispronounced by every sub or new teacher and this way they aren't singled out. And the kids love it. Especially when they aren't sure if you're doing it on purpose on first and then start catching on to the joke. Especially especially the really little kids who laugh but also think you just don't know how to read names very good so they volunteer to help you.
Added bonus, they always correct you and you can get the actual pronunciation of their names without bugging them for it.
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utronabalcone · 21 days
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closer by lilyana, 2009
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nervarts · 17 days
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I drew Lilyana yet again, but as you can guess, this is the appearance she has in a D&D campaign I'm participating. In this version, she's a sorceress. I will say that she does have elements from her original story, where she was born and raised in a rich household. But mainly by her father. And she still is a singer too. However, there are differences to her personality and story.
Sadly, I'm not going to share her backstory because it's a secret (I don't know if my party's watching this). 🤫 But when it comes to her personality, she's a little more open (what we know), sheltered, naive (to a fault) and modest. She doubts her skills as a sorceress and rarely exercises it as a result (we are like... 8 players, not including the DM and Co-DM). There is another reason for it, but I can't say. She's also a little more excitable rather than this cold, calculated lady. But I love this version of Lilyana as well. It's imperfect, but adorable.
I had no idea what to draw as background, so I left it white. 😅 I was a little afraid it would take the focus away from her. This was made to do a little lighting/color study, and well as to try a new shading technique. I am liking it so far :o
☆*: .。. .。.:*☆
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obsessedwithlarkin · 1 month
• Ainsley Jhon ( Escape Dance Academy)
• Anna Seu ( B-Vibe Dance)
• Annabelle ( Pinellum Dance Center)
• Anthony Hunt ( Acrobatic Arts Inc.)
• Aofie Nugent ( Steps Dance Center)
• Audrey Mikkelson ( Carolina Collective Dance)
• Aurielle Balija ( Dance Xplosion)
• Aurora Andreski ( Studio X)
• Ava Michelle ( DNAL Dance Centre)
• Bella Mollak ( Kitty Lee Dance)
• Berkeley Scifres ( Project 21)
• Carter LaFontaine ( Artflux Dance Lab)
• Brooklyn Bell ( The Plattform Dance Studio)
• Bianca Wright ( Next Step Dance)
• Bryn Onder ( West Point Ballet)
• Bristyn Scifres ( Project 21)
• Brooklyn Besch ( Club Dance Studio)
• Bianca Lewis ( JBP Talent)
• Braydon Ziegler ( Elite Studio Of Dance)
• Brooklyn Ladia ( Project 21)
• Carter Ruiz ( Murrieta Dance Project)
•Charlotte Pham ( DanceLova Dance Academy)
• Cooper Macalalad ( BGHS)
• Corinne ( LDC Charlotte)
• Dylan Barnes ( Jody Philips Dance Company)
• Dylan Brotherton ( DNA Creatives Dance)
• Eliseo Duque ( The Rock Centre For Dance)
• Elizabeth Pugach ( Elite Danceworx)
• Ella Geraci ( Dance Enthusiasm)
• Evan Scott ( Broadway Dance Center)
• Isabella Zhong ( Vlad's Dance Company)
• Gabriel Kleeman ( Pas De Deux Hawaii)
• Kaci Oh ( PDD Company)
• James ( MJ's Dance Company)
• Kasey Blackmon ( The Collective PHX)
• Isaiah Santos ( Stars Dance Co)
• Greta Wanger ( Summit Dance Shoppe)
• Grayson Skarsvaag ( Danceology)
• Faith Sherwood ( Dance Universe)
• Haiden Kandukeville ( Distinction Dance Company)
• Kayla McLeand ( Steps N'Motion Dance)
• Kayleigh Stoler ( Dance Enthusiasm)
• Kenly Craver ( Studio 1 Dance Academy)
• Makenzie Ties ( Allegro Performing Arts)
• Kourtney Gampol ( OCPAA)
• Kylie Zachman ( Artistic Generation Dance)
• Landrie Ellis ( CCJ Conservatory)
• Lauren Allison ( Dance Deluxe)
• Leila Frey ( G Force Dance Company)
• Lexi Godwin ( Evoke Dance Movement)
• Libby Jhonson ( Club Dance)
• Lilyana Kimal ( Dance Arts Center)
• London Alexis ( DKDPC)
• Lorelai Watchus ( Bridge Dance Arts)
• Maddee Richardson ( The Collective PHX)
• Mila Manoni ( Scenic City Dance)
• Mila Wong ( Starlight Dance Studio)
• Mila Hiatt ( Russian Ballet Academy)
• Natalia Morris ( The Dance Zone)
• Neo Del Corral ( Stars Dance Studio)
• Lisbon Hedrick ( Nathomas Dance Method)
• Amayah Skye (Rockford Dance Company)
• Onna Williams ( Evolve Dance Complex)
• Paula Marijuan ( Magic Dance Studio)
• Presleigh Kreiensik ( MLDA)
• Presley Baird ( DNA Creatives Dance)
• Rayna Raid ( Impact Dance Project)
• River Sergerman ( Club Dance)
• Sam Evans ( Evolve Dance Complex)
• Sarahi Lopez-Prieto ( Mather Dance Company)
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ecto-stone · 5 months
Thinking. So i really like Butch hartman elf detective concept but i already seen this thing so many time so here is my modifies version of it. +So Main charater is Thorn (Thomson) Klever Baskerville
Age 300+, a Detective who often take dark magic related case. Have a magical Golden Yoyo (super heavy if you don't know how to use) as stim toy that he play when he brain storming. Quite a Stoic Loner.
He is a Dark Elf a survial from the Root War (it is call the Root Genocide by the Dark Elf) it happen very long ago and no one remember what actual happen Except for the long living Species like Demon, Elf, Vampire. That caused the Dark elf remaining population to be scattered across Terra instead of resigning under Igar Tree like other Elf races and even caused a stig that Dark elf mean Bad new. +The fairy Police girl is Eliza Lilyana Fairlywinkle short living species, Flower fairy 13 year old (this is the mature age of fairy species -as her mental maturity is equal that of a human in their early 20), She specialize in analizing the chemical components of the crime screence air as well as assitant for fiding clue where Thorn can't get to.
She is romantically interest in him at first (but it alway Clear that he is romantically interest in Doll more). They develop into good friend later on. +Dorothy (Doll) Penelopy Sherman a Human turn Vampire, Therapist age 300+ a very Sweet , mysterious but also very sharp Lady. She is Thorn long time friend and sometime therapist doctor, knew him since the Age of Gold. Her experty is criminal psychology. Know the truth about the Root war. Don't like Eliza at first caused how hostile Eliza is toward other Dark species acting like Thorn in just an exception, But they eventually reach an understanding and become friendly aquainted. (She is Thorn Main love interest, and they been on off like this for few decade dating like this is kinda normal for long living species, Unlike the rushing for forever as soon as possible of short life species)
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elliewiltarwyn · 4 months
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polyam week day 3: date night | first dates
Lily feels bad about trying to call in favors with her former boss to get seats at the Bismarck, but Ellie and Mia convinced her the occasion calls for the best cuisine they can afford. Which, as former Warriors of Light, is substantial.
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thegreengnome · 1 year
Of Bugs and Love
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I am already thinking of a pt 2, maybe where they go to dragonstone to escape the war?
The soft silk like tendrils moved through Lilyians fingers, The horse haired brush moving easily through the princesses’ white waves. Lilyana could sit here brushing her princess’s hair all day, it seemed to sooth both her and the royal in question. Helaena Targaryen was truly content; her love was attempting to tame her hair while she held one of her favoured creatures in her pale see through hands. It was a lovely start to the day.
“Which one is that Hel?” Lilyian would only call the princess this name in private. It was a gift given to her by her love and one she would not share with others, especially either of the princes or the queen.
“The four-winged bandit” Helaena turns in her chair, her hair slipping from Lilyian’s grasp in her excitement. “So called due to his four wings, see here, and because of its knack of stealing other insects’ food. Aemond retrieved it from Dorne for me” grabbing the hand not containing the brush, she brings it closer to the insect, pointing out every detail she could find
Lilyian listens closely, a smile gracing her lips as she sees how passionate Helaena is. Placing the brush down on the vanity with care, Lilyian leans in close over Heleanas shoulder, her chin on the princess’s soft skin.
Helaena relishes in the contact. Very few are allowed to touch the princess without making her feel uncomfortable. Lilyian was one, and of course her precious children where the only others.
“It is quite beautiful” Lilyian ached to reach out and run a finger over the insect, seeing its reaction and recording it in her memory, but she would not. not without her loves permission.
Helaena turns her head, her lips brushing against the side of lilyians head “Yes” a whisper “It is” a murmur.
The twins babble to one another, content in their own little word. Flying their wooden dragons around each other, stopping briefly to attack one another’s dragons.
Maelor sat on his mother’s lap, half asleep and fighting it as he wanted nothing better to do then play with his siblings, but could not keep his eyes open long enough. “I cannot believe how fast they have grown”
Helaena hums absentminded. Stitching her newest obsession onto a piece of fabric for the children to use. She looks around the room, a from crinkling between her brows before she mutters to herself.
Lilyian can never be too sure of what her loves words mean, but she will always listen and give her full attention. She has done so, ever since she began her duties as a lady in waiting.
“This is your duty, Sweetling” Lilyians mother was always distant, a figment of her memories that always seemed so cloudy. While distant her mother valiantly attempts to console the child, she did not want.
Put into a carriage with only her septa and sent away at ten summers old was a terrifying experience. The journey was rough, cold, and uncomfortable but the small child did not complain. She would endure this as she endured everything in life, with a stiff upper lip.
The red keep was large and intimidating but once again Lilyian stepped out of the carriage with her stiff upper lip perfected. If she was to be a companion to the princess then she would be the best companion there could be, that would be her goal.
Eyes low to the ground, a bow so deep the child was scared she would not rise from it. But she did, the young girl finally raised her eyes to the royal family.
The queen granted a smile “Hello my child. Bring yourself forward so that I may see”
Doing as she was bid, lilyian stepped closer to the royal family. Each one barr the young girl scrutinising her from head to toe. The two boys looked equal parts board and intrigued by the new guest, while the queen looked pleased. “You will do nicely”
“Heleana, this is your new companion. She is yours to do with as you see fit”
And finally, two pairs of eyes meet.
The bedding was done. The duty completed. Lilyian had not seen her princess this distraught in a long time. She would not even accept her physical touch. The act itself was something that Lilyian would never forget. She was the one to undress her mistress and she was the one who watched as Aegon tormented her.
So, to bring some type of comfort to the weeping and shaking girl, Lilyian lies next to her on the bed. Facing the new wife, and humming a tune under her breath.
After what seems like a lifetime. Helaena calms, reaching her hand forward to clasp in Lilyians smaller one.
“I will always be here, my love” The tears had finally stopped “I will protect you”
Taking Maelor off his mother Lilyian rests the sleeping child against her shoulder, finally given Helaena peace to finish her stitching.
It was peaceful. The queen opens the door with a slam, the look on her face one of horror and concern.
“The king is dead”
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This is Solar, she’s a galaxy kitsune animatronic who’s an aerial silk dancer
She also doubles as a third daycare attendant and has an alternative outfit, she shares a striking resemblance to Lilyana, strange she only showed up when Lily disappeared
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