vellichorom · 29 days
Hello Discord User Vellichorom AKA Twinkie AKA Velli AKA individual who’s character I love so much who has consumed my literal every day for the last year plus that I have not stopped thinking about (literally, over three hundred and sixty five days have gone buy and every single one of them I’ve had this man in my head, Vellichorom, do you know what you’ve done Vellichorom, you did this to me.) 
NOW I MAY BE UNHINGED ABOUT THIS MAN but how about I take a step back for a moment to just, talk about it? To discuss the absolute mastery I feel has been carefully and lovingly crafted into him? 
I’m really picky about the characters I like. Yeah I am fond of characters, I’ll like them and talk about them and whatever, but NOT ONCE has a character CONSUMED MY LITERAL BRAIN CELLS like Thierry has. Of course he has an amazing base to go off of, he IS THE NARRATOR, and I will admit that I absolutely ADORE TSP and all of the lore that has been crafted into him... but that alone was not enough for me to be purely interested in him for a long period of time (cough: see me not doing much tsp stuff aside from Thierry cough) 
The way that you have woven in every aspect of TSP and its canon into him, and then MADE IT EVEN BETTER AND MENTAL-ILLNESS-INDUCING has got me gripping the edge of my seat like a feral goblin every time you post literally ANYTHING about him ever. You blended TSP/TSPCC/adjacent lore together in a way that makes Thierry his own thing and also the perfect embodiment of the Narrator.
I have hyper fixations that wane and grow over time, things that I have enjoyed for long stints, but NEVER, EVER, Has there been ONE CHARACTER that has captured my attention so wholly. 
Looking at just him as a character, I adore the way you actually embrace and show off his flaws in a way that feels so human and also just like the weird fucking creature that The Narrator obviously is. You paid SO MUCH attention to detail and THAT SHOWS! IT DOES!! The Narrator is EGOTISTICAL, he is AN ASSHOLE, HE IS NOT PERFECT! EVER!I won’t shit on other people for wanting that for their own interpretations, but by god if you aren’t one of the like, two other people I’ve seen PERFECTLY capture that in his actions and behavior. You interpret the scenes in TSP/UD with such a nuanced and in depth eye with Thierry that I actually ENVY YOU FOR IT because I WANT TO DO THAT TOO. The expression of his ego balanced with his simultaneous self-loathing is just a perfect coat of icing on the proverbial cake. You miraculously made this man exactly as loveable and hateable as the straight up copy-pasted canon. I want him to suffer, and I love him so much, and I feel awful for him, and I think he’s an asshole. 
His relationship with Rosemary? Do I even HAVE to say anything? No, I don’t, but IM GOING TO. 
I seriously have never understood how you and Tomie so amazingly captured that Stanley/Narrator relationship through Gore/Guts in such an AWE INSPIRING, BEAUTIFUL, AND HORRIFIC way. Like, I genuinely do not know how to put into words the way that I absolutely ADORE this interpretation of it. The never ending spiral of desperation, need and reliance that the Narrator has on Stanley (and vice versa) is FLAWLESSLY executed and showcased with Rosemary/Thierry. I know I don’t really talk about Gogu as much as I talk about Thierry, but I have said it before and I will say it again, they are AMAZING, THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL, AND I CANNOT THINK OF ANY LITERALLY ANY NARRATOR X  RELATIONSHIP THAT PERFECTLY EXEMPLIFIES THE WAY THAT THE NARRATOR WOULD BE WITH SOMEONE, AND THE HORRORS THAT COME WITH IT. EVER. 
And the most amazing part is that you, YOU, a fucking EXCELLENT, BEAUTIFUL, TALENTED ARTIST, have made THE design ever. THE. DESIGN. EVER. No exceptions. OBVIOUSLY the enjoyment of a design of a character of such a nature is mostly up to personal taste, but for one second can we stand back and think about who the fuck we’re talking about? 
We can go based off of a few things:
His VA, Kevan Brighting: Mr. Brighting is a fat, old man. He has JOWLS, he has WRINKLES, he has WEIGHT not only to himself, but his voice. OBVIOUSLY not all VAs match their characters, but when you consider someone’s voice and the voice you assign TO a character, you usually want it to mimic that, and The voice that Mr. Brighting does for the Narrator is literally just that. And old, crotchety, fat british man. 
Specifically based on his Voice: Again, to piggy back off of what I was just saying, a character is meant to match the voice, you can hear the way he slightly slurs/mushes his words together, (which, by the way, if people didn’t know, slight lisps can be caused by more weight/fat being in the face! :D) You can hear him creaking around in his chair!
Based on context clues/general ideas of what the character is doing/does: The Narrator, as described in the game, is old (context clues people, context clues), codes/can create things using code, is not human (‘various human sensibilities’ gives that RIGHT away) and sits in a chair coding/reading shit most of the time. If anyone looks me in the eyes and tells me that a person who does that would not at least be heavy set, I will wack them with a stick. 
ALL OF THAT BEING SAID: this means that YOU MADE HIM! Look at him! Look at that man! It’s FUCKING HIM, ITS THE NARRATOR REAL! HE’S REALLL!!! I don’t give a flying fuck what my bias says, if I think of the Narrator I am going to think of someone that looks either like Kevan Brighting, or Thierry Ellis-Baker. There is no other thing for me. I can kinda smush other designs into it, and see it that way via The Square Hole /ref - but it will ALWAYS AND FOREVER be that. He’s an omnipresent voice that doesn’t show himself, when he’s not, he is NOT WEARING A SUIT. But he is FASHIONABLE, WHO is looking at him, seeing the fact that he wears a fucking fancy, flowing, stylish cardigan WITH A GOLD CHAIN, and saying NO He LOokS lIke A sLOb??? Because you are literally wrong, I would AND HAVE worn things that are LESS FANCY than that in professional settings. He’s wearing a turtleneck sweater, dress pants, and some comfy BUT PRESENTABLE shoes. If someone thinks he looks slobby they’re delusional. Like what do they think? That that old man should be wearing a suit for whatever fucking reason??? In his Office??? In his chair while sitting on his fat ass? (NOT TO SAY THAT HE CAN’T, AND I KNOW THIERRY HAS, AND CAN, AND WOULD IF HE NEEDED TO, BUT WHO ON GOD’S GREEN EARTH, ESPECIALLY WHEN CODING AND SHIT, WANTS TO WEAR A SUIT 24/7)  Also, tacking this on here at the end, you have helped SO much with my comfort with acknowledging my own body weight, accepting it, and liking myself more than literally anyone could ever have, and Thierry is a HUGE part of that for SO many reasons.
I love everything about him, Vellichorom, and it is of my humble opinion that everyone who does not and looks at him like he is anything less than what The Narrator is at his most basic, are dirty little liars who are jealous
TL;DR: Anyone who is disrespectful and disregards the expert care, craft, and love that has gone into Thierry lore and design wise can go and suck the fattest, dirtiest rock they find outside in a river, and report back to me in fourteen business days with their illnesses so I can laugh at them :)
Thank you for coming to my two+ page essay/TED Talk Uh... oh yeah this is an ask box... uh... what's your favorite fun fact about Thierry/Romary? :)
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ujm jm, umm um that they love you
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shinakazami1 · 8 months
Hi Shina,
I don't expect you to post this on your page, or answer it, as I understand wanting to keep the drama away from you after everything (and also I really just want to talk to you, but I feel this is easier since you don't even have to acknowledge it, all things considered) - but I want to say a few things myself that I was far too busy and stressed with personal matters to say at the time: First of all, I was mildly fighting against what Indigo was doing. I was, in so many words, in the middle of things when it comes to the whole situation. I thought you did some things that were wrong, but I also thought that Indigo was wrong in some aspects. I still do, really. But you are making efforts to improve yourself, and I think that is literally all anyone can ask for - you're a really great person and a great artist, and I really enjoyed talking to you when I did. I think Indigo should have apologized for their actions, and stopped being so... driven? When it comes to the situation. They were very stubborn, I think. I'm not sure if any of the people who were defending you mentioned that, but I thought it was pertinent to point out. Another thing is: I actually don't even remember unfollowing you? Genuinely, I have no recollection of doing that. I remember waiting for your response and to see how things panned out, since what you had done wasn't exactly worthy of complete isolation and hate. HOWEVER, during the whole thing, I had gone to your page to see one of your responses, and Realized that I was, in fact, not following you. And I didn't want to REfollow you because I feel like you'll think I was being an idiot - and I'm not sure if you could see over the past few weeks but I've been refollowing you, and then quickly unfollowing because I don't want you to think I just suddenly changed my mind - because I didn't, it had always been at this pretty middle of the road stance.
Either way, regardless of what you think, I just want you to know that I hope that you can still enjoy the game, and enjoy your art like you deserve to.
To be human is to make mistakes. To be good is to learn from them - and I could tell that you were and are making efforts.
Hi Lily. I will respond to this.
As I've stated in the posts I really found the silence quite loud. I really want to just talk, not to start drama but to be able to understand, to do what that whole thing was missing.
I hadn't noticed the re and unfollow - I wouldn't find you as an idiot in all this. I would feel a bit disappointed, as I am now by a few folks who decide to silently refollow, esp when I saw a few of them say some very harsh words about me.
However, your decision to unfollow again does seem like a change of mind on just pure theoretical ground since you said you wanted to follow again.
You can if you want though. You don't have to though. It's always your choice.
I admit to the mistakes I had made. They did not. But I never expected them to. And I don't want them to talk further about this matter.
But just because you describe an apple doesn't mean people won't read the note as an apple. And I had seen people call out Indigo on the way they worded my response towards me.
I understand that they wanted to keep the community safe but the fact they had not reached out to anyone involved and questioned them or asked for permission to share their usernames or personal details (where they still got a minor's age wrong) angers me. To say I victimised myself and then start doing it themselves... And then make my crack fanfic into some weird kink fic only because they had seen similar things be kink material when this isn't, which everybody who actually read the fanfic had said...
I really feel there was not enough research done in my case. I hope it was a moment of anger that won over their logic. And they will learn from this experience.
Just like those who decided to judge without any proof will.
Thanks still for reaching out. Good luck with your personal life issues.
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emile-tb · 7 months
(CW - Body horror and disturbing imagery under the cut!) Art dump ^_^ Narrators featured! Mantra - @deviousnarrator Moss - @lilydoesdrawsometimes
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juaneloriginal · 1 month
The Narrys :3
@bookshopsandtea The nar! i like him, kinda reminds me of my own nar
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@owlfromthemeadow He looks so cool- i love that its inspired by the beginner's guide too aka: my favourite game of all time
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@lilydoesdrawsometimes MOSS MOSS MOSS MOSS MOSS MOSS MOSS MOSS MOSS MOSS MOSS *crying emoji*
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@thechaotichorselord B A S T A R D, here you go pookie :3 made him look extra annoyed just for u
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@galacticatzzart i LOVED her design, its just so nice, i had fun drawing her :3
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@finnleywiththesillys G U Y, gosh i missed drawing him so much, he so silly
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@rick-ety ghuhg, your guy- omg, i love him/p he was SO FUN to draw jsjjsjsjs
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@employee052 OLD MAN, he so iconic i love his design a ton tehehe
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@ihazmunchies91 THIS GUY -S E R I O U S L Y- DOES NEED MORE ATTENTION 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ I LOVE HIM/p SO MUCH, OMG
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@marionette-j2x I LOVE YOU GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUYYYYYYYYYYY, i struggled doodling him a lil, i will probably draw him again, teeheheh
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@altyem b i r d, he is so handsome! tried to draw his design as best as i could!
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@felonius-glitch he so pretty like- he is just to pretty, had a ton of fun drawing him
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@thestanleyparablenctks m a n- i tried my best- again with his design, im not sure if i pulled it off but like- i like it! and i like him too :3
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@asksleepymclean CLAWS, im a big fan of big nails, bro looks so smugy i love it
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@bucketfullofstrawberries webo Egar Edgar silly guy jsjsjsjjs i love his design so much, i struggled with his hair a ton, seen him multiple times bfore too, i like his design a ton
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@tspstuff ESCORPION NO WAY, i struggled a lil with him too, it was really fun drawing tho!
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aaand thats it!
me knows i left some Narrys, i will draw them tomorrow, now im eppy
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beartitled · 6 months
🍦Tsp ice cream reblog chain🍦
Anyway overdue happy new year post 🎉
Missed doing stuff like that
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@insomniphic @crystalwinterfeld @roseaterougerues @bog-mob @etherealcatzz @austineatsoreos @lavalamphoarder @xandyprojects @tw1nkee28 @soulsquigg @bloopygooo @visillantopng @inqrabbit @drnightingale @epicstoryenjoyer @galaoki @sentiententityx @file-unknown24 @lilydoesdrawsometimes @eekepee @villiun @real-ms-awkward @stargazerspringles @bloody-dear @braisedhoney @blackkatdraws @indigo-art @subtlefrosted @heckinrissa @paradoxspir1tart @tumbling-turmoil @mikothemushroom @bailey-the-narrator @machines-art-shenanigans @rick-ety @bugenthusiast0 @minamariq @veryxany @idkhowtoname @muffy-mayhem @blackwoodcharles @uselessnate @thenamesmobu @visualkiyo @4thwallbreakerdraws @demonicrhythms @souppye @tyrianludaship @inkitts @pocket-watch-world @mossy-rot sad-ist
/sorry if I tagged your old blog, this chain happened long time ago, hard to keep up
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insomniphic · 1 year
Finally felt like interacting— somewhat.
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(Part 1 hopefully! I’m seeing a lot of universes colliding rn and I wanna draw em all. OvO)
@marsalta you sassy cougar, rawr
@lilydoesdrawsometimes look! Look! Our Narrators are dancing! :D
@braisedhoney Lol, he probably means no harm from being embarrassed. It’s awkward being pointed at by someone across the ballroom gushing about actually knowing someone before the event. =v=
@bailey-the-narrator He’s biting on his nails rn, cursing at Stanley for making him think that he’ll be the ugly duckling if he doesn’t dress up nicely. XD
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The Moss rot is getting to me, Gang... the Moss rot...
@lilydoesdrawsometimes Posting this wretched Bit of your Son + his Gay Degree on Tumblr out of spite /SILLY
( Additional necessary tags for @semisocialporcupine and @vellichorom for you both graciously and unwillingly sacrificing your boys to become stupid little background characters as they are both beloved.. )
I am so sorry,
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adamkeepr · 28 days
hey , everyone ! i'm not gone !! here's some art i made in the last two months(?) !!!!
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[ art for a mutual on tiktok . this is not timekeeper cookie , it's an oc x canon fankid . ]
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[ longan dragn ... 🤤 ]
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[ FILE !!!!!! belongs to @theyaoiparable ]
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[ ANOTHER file !!!!!! ]
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[ COMMISSION !!!! oc belongs to @kreinvulon !!!!!!!!! ]
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[ sorceress lily ...... i made this cause of a "draw you fave cookie as a cookie of darkness" post on twitter ]
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[ AND MY RECENTLY FINISHED PIECE !!!!!!!! a commission ordered by @lilydoesdrawsometimes , for them & @vellichorom :33 ]
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semisocialporcupine · 4 months
@lilydoesdrawsometimes @coralkrill @emile-tb @deviousnarrator
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blackkatdraws · 1 year
"My... you're all such wonderful artists!" 💗
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a little gift for @bliromy and @lilydoesdrawsometimes because they drew their self-inserts/OC's with my Narrator! The lovebug ver of my Narrator design was made by lily too!
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vellichorom · 1 month
Did you know?:
Thierry eating an onion
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i'm going to reenact the trolley problem & try out every possible solution with you & a handful of your clones
thank you, this is Exactly how he would react to. full crunched onion in his fucking hand. as always even in jest, your art is wonderfully detailed & gorgeous to look at & look at those extra sag lines & i really REALLY like how you did the upper part of his sweater + collar. touching it
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maryyyy8 · 4 months
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Finished commission for the lovely @lilydoesdrawsometimes! Thank you so much!
Like my art? Consider commissioning me, or leaving a tip on Ko-fi!
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chaos-theoryyy · 5 months
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Oogily boogily doodle page that is very VERY old I found it in my drafts while cleaning my files
Close-ups under the cut!
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My narratorverse Narry is married to @lilydoesdrawsometimes 's amazing Narrator Atlas! They are husbands 🫶
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ihazmunchies91 · 6 months
I wanna thank everyone for helping me with The Narrative Parable . It means a lot to me. The fic started off as a joke idea. Something I really didn't think would happen. I teased with ideas with my friend @give-soup-please (Who also let me borrow his Nar.)
Then to my shock creators began saying "Sure! Go ahead! I don't mind!" And I suddenly realized I would HAVE to write this fic.
Then it just suddenly exploded.
I'm still baffled to this day that creators of Narrators are talking to me and making friends with others. And the amount of fanart I've seen is legendary.
@coralkrill Has made amazing fanart of the fic and many other stuff. Thank you for that. I can't go anywhere without seeing your art. Thanks for letting me borrow your Narrators.
@vellichorom Has been amazing help with the fanfic with their editing skills. I'm not particularly verbose and she manages to put into words what I can't.
@owlfromthemeadow Needs more love for her Narrator.
@athenamineblox Needs attention for the hard work she's doing for the visual novel.
@blackkatdraws For their amazing art and animations and allowing me to use Black for the scenes
@melancholys-inc Thank you for helping me and letting me Borrow Pixel.
@lilydoesdrawsometimes Thank you for Moss and Atlas. ;0;
There's literally dozens of people to thank and I can't possibly list them all but Here's to next year and hope I can finish the fanfic before 2025 lol.
Thanks for the memories and thank you for letting me give my little love letter of a fanfic to the fandom.
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kittyboymilky · 1 year
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ask and you shall receive o7
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still getting over art block but i wanted to doodle this bc i love . lovebug ..au.
lovebug narrator by @lilydoesdrawsometimes, original narry design by @blackkatdraws ^.^ based on this post here
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beartitled · 1 year
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Some close ups
Let’s play a game (Kat’s idea)
You search for your narrator, you post screenshot of them and tag me (u can also post pic of your gala narrator), and I’ll tell you if you won
Mentions again
@blackkatdraws @tsuru-yasunaga @braisedhoney @indigo-art @insomniphic @peripalz @troolyart @lilydoesdrawsometimes @marsalta @bucketfullofstrawberries @employee052 @shinymoonforest @comfortventure @questionablealibi @tsp-narrator-ask @chainlink34 @the-ryan-parable @mirrorocean @animsay28 @bailey-the-narrator @callixspod @deviousnarrator @thenamesmobu @mxsamwood @amarieth @kirchefuchs @rosieemms @heavensstar @minamariq @data-union-live @lythecreator @kittygameratx @shortpirateking @quentin-dread @lemoneychicken @file-unknown24 @corruptedslime @jestie-bestie @cryshlie @snowed-leopard @miiints-repostiory @bloody-dear @theyaoiparable @xandyprojects @tumbling-turmoil @spamlets @wizardkat @jonnlouu @moth-man @muffy-mayhem @junebug-dot-com @ghosteyes-i-main-on-pinterest (continue in reblog)
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