#limbus Faust x reader
average-limbus-fan · 9 months
Pt 2 of Limbus Speed Dating?
You awoke the next morning with a pounding headache however your pain never deterred company business, as such Vergilius once again stood at the front of the bus with Charon and a very flustered Sinclair, it seemed your sinner of the hour had already been chosen. He barely spoke to you as he led you to a small coffee shop, you stepped inside to the welcoming smell of freshly brewed coffee and pastries as the two of you sat down at a small table in the corner of the shop. “Uhm I think I’m supposed to give you a gift right…” he asked while looking down at his hands. “You can if you’d like it’s not required or anything though” you answered trying to calm his obvious nerves. “Ah…” he said “well I uh… made this for you” he quickly handed you a small intricately knitted clock plush. You looked down at the adorable miniature plush in your hands and asked where he has learned to knit, “ah… my grandmother taught me a bit and I learned how to do the rest at the liberal arts college…” he trailed off as you encouraged him to keep talking by asking him about his studies which seemed to work. He spent the rest of the “date” speaking about his time at college and his family… before Kromer of course, a continued sore spot for him. As the two of you finished your coffee and walked out you noticed Sinclair had a light blush covering his face, even though this hadn’t been an actual date it was nice to see him a bit more lively for once. His reddened face however would earn him a heavy teasing from Rodion as he boarded the bus.
You however would not get the few hours of downtime expected as Outis rushed out and tightly gripped your hand “manager it’s finally time for you to have a proper outing” she loudly exclaimed as you looked behind her to see Vergilius and Charon standing “she wouldn’t let us wait any longer” Charon said, so you reluctantly followed her into a taxi. It seemed to be quite a long ride… “Outis where exactly are we going” you asked? She just smirked “don’t worry manager once we arrive all the other places you’ve been to will pail in comparison” she said excitedly, …you really hoped all of this wasn’t coming out of Vergilius’s pockets. You stepped out slowly into a patch of mud… it seemed like Outis had taken you to some sort of ranch. You looked at her questioningly, “I bet none of the others have thought to take you anywhere but some boring restaurants but I actually planned out a whole activity for you” she beamed with pride as you looked over to see horses and a bunch of other farm animals, when you looked back Outis had retrieved two saddles “come on manager I’ll show you how it’s done” she said as she led you to the stables. “No you’re supposed to lean forward” Outis yelled as you desperately tried to keep your balance while the horse trotted along the dirt path. “ Here manager allow me to demonstrate” Outis said as she led her horse over a high bar… you have the feeling she just wanted show off to impress you but you keep that thought to yourself. “See manager there’s nothing to it” she says as she lets out a confident huff. You spent the next few hours holding onto the horse’s reigns for dear life as Outis showed you all the tricks she’s learned. You then end up back in the taxi with an incredibly sore rear end as Outis tells you about the gifts she’s prepared, “none of the other sinners gifts could come close I’m sure” she proudly exclaimed… well now you were very worried for Vergilius’s pockets. You entered your quarters to be be greeted by bunch’s of flowers placed in your room along with portraits of yourself… you weren’t sure how Outis had the time to obtain them all but you figured at least some of them had to have been created before this whole speed dating thing… better not to think about it you concluded as you headed to bed.
You had gotten somewhat used to the routine by now, two “dates” a day and barely any time to rest. Today was no different as you headed straight up to Vergilius and Charon the latter of which held the hat up towards you as you looked at her in confusion. “Charon doesn’t want to pick a name today” she said, so you dug through the hat and pulled out a folded piece of paper. “Faust” you said slowly before jumping as the white haired women suddenly appeared behind you “It appears to be Faust’s turn now” she exclaimed in her usual monotone voice. You were then led off the bus and to a flower shop where you were promptly bought a large bouquet of white roses “Faust has read that flowers are an appropriate gift for a date” she states. Embarrassed, you quickly remind her that it wasn’t an actual “date” and just company business to which she then begins to give the largely accepted definition and characteristics of a “date”. This would be a 2 hour long explanation, if you had any hair it would’ve surely been pulled out by now but thankfully your head is a clock. Eventually it seemed your time was up and although you weren’t sure if Faust had planned to take you anywhere else or if the flower shop was the planned location you didn’t mind as Faust’s “lesson” was finally over. Faust then looked at you as the two of you headed back “Faust enjoyed our time out” she said curtly, …you didn’t have the heart to tell her you had zoned out during more then half of her impromptu language lesson but you guessed she could somehow tell anyways.
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silkenedstars · 3 months
Blade Lineage Sinners and Love Languages
Specifically, the love languages that they prefer from their s/o.
₊✦Limbus Company | Sinners x gn!reader | Contains minor spoilers for Canto 3!!✦₊
Additional Notes: Unedited, kurokumo version should be out hopefully soon;; Also RR4 was super easy.
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˚₊✦ Quality Time ✦₊˚
Yi Sang is not one for words, not anymore. His heart had gone cold from the bitterness of that day and yearned for revenge. He would keep everyone at an arm's length, so long as it meant that he would achieve his goal one day.
However, one thing that he could never deny himself was your presence.
Though he might not be one for affection – not that he minded if you were to initiate it – and certainly not one for gifts, he could never deny the way your presence would soothe his wounded heart whenever you joined him on his patrols.
Listening to your voice was calming. Listening to you rambling about any matter would, more often than not, ease him into a rest without nightmares haunting him.
If the two of you weren't fugitives, if neither of you had joined the Blade Lineage, if the Blade Lineage didn't fall apart as badly as it had, then Yi Sang would've loved to take you to his hometown for a trip. The two of you walking side by side silently and taking in the nature around you would be the ideal way for Yi Sang to show his appreciation towards you, but alas, those days would never become a reality.
The most he could offer were those patrols you joined him for, and for the time being, that was enough.
Perhaps, in the distant future, he'd get the chance to take you to his hometown.
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˚₊✦ Gift Giving ✦₊˚
Faust kept every single item that you gave her inside a safe.
It didn't matter to her if the item was an expensive jewel that cost you a leg and an arm to buy, it didn't matter to her if it was something you spent days making just for her, nor did it matter if it was something you saw off the side of the road and decided to bring back to her for a variety of reasons.
Every single second you spent thinking about her was a precious second. Each one filled with beauty that was dedicated to her.
This kind of affection was a treasure, for sure. Faust might not be able to reciprocate your feelings besides offering you her presence and a cup of tea, but she would gladly offer her life if it meant that you got to live, even if it was just a second longer.
If there was a kind of gift she prefered over the others you gave her, though, then it would have to be the accessories as well as the rare outfits that you got her.
It was a shame that she couldn't wear them– the accessories in fear of them getting stolen the moment of her death, and the outfits in fear of ruining them with blood and cuts. But if she could, then she wouldn't hesitate to flaunt them around; showing others how much your cared for her and how she was yours.
It was a nice thought, but one that she couldn't make reality.
So for now, they'd stay in her safe where no one could take them away.
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˚₊✦ Physical Touch ✦₊˚
Don adored it when your fingers trailed over her battle scars.
She loved it even more when you kissed each and every single one of them.
Someone as great as you showing her affection via the scars that were her pride and joy?
She thanked every fixer in the City for allowing this to happen to her, swearing to repay their blessings – and your affection, of course – as much as she could.
And repay, she did.
Putting on her most chivalrous act, every morning she'd greet you right outside your room; kneeling down before you and bringing your hand to her lips for a brief kiss, giddily waiting for your reaction.
She refused to leave your side, offering you help with every single little thing. It wasn't because Don thought you wouldn't be able to do these things yourself, no, but because she so desperately wanted to be your knight and help you as much as she could.
The one thing she loved offering the most was her blade.
Not just because she loved fighting for you, as a chivalrous knight would for royalty, but also because of the way you'd treat her after a battle.
She melted each time your calloused and scarred hands cupped her face in them, nearly squishing her cheeks as you praised and scolded her at the same time.
She gushed over the way you nursed her wounds for battles when she was especially careless.
And she swooned over the way you'd kiss her cheeks and call her your knight, so much so that she wouldn't be able to stop thinking or gushing about it for days straight.
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˚₊✦ Physical Touch ✦₊˚
Meursault was so, so tired.
Between the Kurokumo Clan that effortlessly cornered them and the occasional assassins sent by S Corp, Meursault had been completely exhausted. He couldn't take a small break either, not when it could mean death for every single person depending him.
So it meant that much more whenever you hugged him while he was working, or when you cuddled him during the few moments of rest that he got. The warmth of your body was soothing, and he never had it himself to not wrap an arm around you and pull you close.
Holding you in his arms was the best way for him to relax and get back to planning with a clear head and fresh perspective. And if you were to help him plan things? All the better.
The only problem was that his neutral expression seemed to scare you away from being affectionate, and him trying to smile seemed to make things worse for some reason.
Oh, Wings, how could he solve this little issue?
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˚₊✦ Words of Affirmation ✦₊˚
To claim that Sinclair knew what he was doing would be nothing short of a lie.
He had no clue what he was doing, especially not in the battlefield where something seemed to overtake him; leaving him confused, scared and filled with doubts whenever it left his body.
So he appreciated it so, so much when you reassured him.
You didn't compliment him like the other members did after a battle, instead easing his fears and telling him that he wasn't a senseless murderer like his irrational mind said he was.
Despite being the obvious, those words meant so much to him.
And so did your smiles and the way you said "you can do it!" or "you'll be okay!", they all meant, so, so much.
When he first joined the Blade Lineage, he used to be so meek; too blinded by his revenge for Kromer to realize what exactly he had become a part of, and too much of a scaredy cat to leave when he saw what he was capable of in his first battle.
Had it not been for you and your soothing words, he didn't know where he'd be right now. Making the same mistake he did with Kromer, probably.
But he had you now, you and your soothing words. Every time he hesitated, you were there to encourage him. Every time he doubted himself, you were there to reassure him. Every time he needed you, you were there for him.
That was all he needed.
...Well that and the way you'd squish his cheeks whenever you thought he looked cute.
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˚₊✦ Acts of Service ✦₊˚
Outis had been stuck doing things that others were telling her to do for so long, so it came as a surprise when she woke up one morning to find a breakfast already prepared for her.
At first, she was uncomfortable, demanding to learn who it was that decided to make her breakfast, and stammering a little when she found out it was you. While taking care of others wasn't a task that bothered her that much, she knew full well how much energy and effort it took to do exactly that. It was a thankless job more often than not, and sometimes way more difficult than it needed to be. Not to mention that someone being in the exact position as she used to be was upsetting, even if she didn't show it much.
However, the moment she realized that you were doing this as a way to show your affection as opposed to seeing this as a chore you had to do, her tune quickly changed.
What started as breakfest in bed turned into you helping her with her chores, and while she told you off at times to make sure you got rest, she appreciated every little thing you did for her and she made sure to thank you for every one of them.
If you ever needed her, she'd be right there, be it for something big or small.
You got gravely injured during your last battle and need someone to nurse you back to health? No problem, she'll gladly help you.
You need to get something from a shelf that you can't reach? No problem, she'll get it for you.
You want someone to hold your hand because you don't want to get lost in a crowded area? No problem, she'll just carry you.
She might get a little overbearing, but she's doing it to repay your love for her; to let you know that she'll be there for you if you ever need someone. She means well, even if her smile makes her look like she's scheming your downfall.
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notpixl · 3 months
Let's make more of it-
You and Acheron Lay In Bed
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(Faust from Limbus Company)
GN!Reader as always and some ooc stuff (I WANT HER TO BE SILLY AND CUTESY AND PATOOTY OKAY-
Also short as FUCK-
"Text." Is you.
"Text." Is Acheron.
"You're hugging me more tighter than usual..."
Acheron gently rubs your back in response.
"Why not...?"
You let out a sigh before looking up at the "Galaxy Ranger" holding you like a teddy bear.
"Was it a nightmare that made you like this?"
"Wait, don't even tell me let me guess..."
You go into your thinking pose, causing Acheron to raise her brow.
"What did they do now...?"
"I... um... forgot."
"...you know what just hug me. Maybe that way your nightmares will go away."
"How so?"
"Because we'll have that cutie patootsie energy when we're like this."
"...cutie patootsie?"
"Just hug me please."
I'm supplying the acheron x reader fanbase with every bit of my strength
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Maybe this'll be a weeky thing idk I love her so fucking much-
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schizoidcel · 7 months
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♢﹕scenarios ∣ ♦︎﹕headcanons ∣ important note
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ ‎ counter-clock, we rose --
┌─ ✧.* sinners !! ──────────────┐
# 01, YI SANG ..
yi sang & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 02, FAUST ..
faust & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 03, DON QUIXOTE ..
don quixote & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 04, RYŌSHŪ ..
ryōshū & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 05, MEURSAULT ..
merusault & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 06, HONG LU ..
hong lu general romantic hcs (lcb hong lu x reader) ♦︎
hong lu & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
heathcliff general romantic hcs (lcb heath x reader) ♦︎
heathcliff & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 08, ISHMAEL ..
dumblings (liumael x reader) ♦︎
ishmael & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 09, RODION ..
rodion & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 10, DANTE ..
dante & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 11, SINCLAIR ..
engagement (cinqclair x reader) ♢ + ♦︎
sinclair & reader w/ bpd (lcb clair x reader) ♦︎
sinclair & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 12, OUTIS ..
outis & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
# 13, GREGOR ..
gregor & new sinner reader (poly!lcb x reader) ♦︎
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ -- counter-clock, we reload.
┌─ ✧.* others !! ──────────────┐
♪ YURI ..
♪ SAUDE ..
♪ EFFIE ..
♪ SAMJO ..
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ׂૢ་༘࿐ ...
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average-limbus-fan · 9 months
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average-limbus-fan · 9 months
I just got an idea for an angst scenario with Faust and Dante(reader) like she had talked about somewhat knowing Dante before they lost their memories but we never knew what they’re relationship was exactly… cue angst.
Might start on that after I finish up my Yandere drabbles for Ishmael and Sinclair, Hong Lu will have to wait until his canto comes out though
Also Scp Doctor’s descriptors tomorrow maybe, since I have no artistic talent and everyone presents them differently🫠
Also also please make sure to vote on the poll after finishing the Limbus Speed Dating series, the sinner with the most votes will get something written for them >.<
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average-limbus-fan · 9 months
Sideblog for Limbus and Scp Doctor’s drabbles
Request/Blog Rules
Headcanon’s and short drabble’s only
Character x Reader(Dante for Limbus)
No character x character
(Might make an exception for Heathmael)
Only 3 characters per request
No NSFW or suggestive asks
Please don’t bring drama into my inbox
Anon asks will be on until someone gives me a reason to disable them
If you have an issue with yandere content please feel free to block me
Now onto what‘s allowed
I will write for any of the Limbus sinners :3
Plus Kromer, Dongrang, and Ahab
I will write for the popular Scp Doctors
Below you’ll find an ordered list of all the characters I’ll write for
Yandere requests are VERY welcome
Angst asks are also encouraged :3
Please be specific >.<
Note: Characters higher up on the list have priority :3
Limbus Company
Don Quixote
Hong Lu
Yi Sang
Scp Doctors
Gears (Platonic only)
Note: I mostly write on my phone and I am a bit rusty when it comes to writing (it’s been almost 8 years since I’ve written anything for fun) so please be patient :3
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average-limbus-fan · 9 months
Oh yeah only three days left for the poll so make sure to read through the Limbus Speed Dating drabbles before picking a sinner :3
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average-limbus-fan · 9 months
Limbus Company:
Introduction to Limbus Speed Dating
Pt1: Rodion, Hong Lu, Gregor
Pt2: Sinclair, Outis, Faust
Pt3: Yi Sang, Ryoshu, Don Quixote
Pt4: Ishmael, Meursault, Heathcliff
Conclusion to Limbus Speed Dating
Yandere Drabbles: Ishmael, Sinclair, Hong Lu
Yandere headcanons for Ishmael, Sinclair, and Hong Lu
Clef, Bright, and Gears find a kitten at their door
Scp Personnel Descriptions
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