#limited edition lloyd plush
instantfoxdonut · 4 months
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HELP-THE ARM-y did i make this...-hes mad about the plushie-
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babyspacebatclone · 4 months
Watching UniqueGeese reacting to the Game Theory video on Indigo Park was interesting, especially how much the video got wrong about the reasons Rambley would be evil.
Number one: We have zero evidence Rambley resented Molly and Finley, as the video claimed.
In fact, the source of the biggest piece of “evidence” for Rambley’s “motivation” of wanting to be the only park star blatantly contradicts said “motivation.”
When the player shows the information kiosk the Retro Lloyd plush, we get a rant from Rambley:
“Ugh... I don't get why we even have those. And why did they only make one of LLOYD? Is it because he's the loudest? I CAN BE LOUD TOO! WHERE'S MY LIMITED-EDITION THROWBACK PLUSH?!…”
Interestingly, during this rant Rambley has a lot of visual and audio glitches.
If one tracks the appearance of these glitches through Chapter 1, there is a pattern…
They occur when Rambley appears to be overwriting the existing “script.”
Details supporting that exceed this post, but that hypothesis suggests Rambley is really going “off script” here.
“On script” Rambley isn’t supposed to resent Lloyd this much; we’re experiencing (our) Rambley’s personal feelings about the lion and his popularity.
Wouldn’t that support the idea that Rambley wanted to destroy the other mascots and get all the attention?
Because that’s not all Rambley’s angry about.
“…WHERE'S MY LIMITED-EDITION THROWBACK PLUSH?! WHERE'S MOLLIE'S? WHERE'S FINLEY'S? Give this mistake to a child and they'll cry.”
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Rambley’s not angry Lloyd’s getting attention and he’s not.
He’s angry that Llyod’s getting attention at the expense of him and his friends.
If Rambley was a glory hound, he should have been egotistical about the special edition Gold Rambley plush.
“Wow, is that a gold limited edition Rambley Plush?! Parents were fighting tooth and nail for those things when they came out! Seriously, our employees had to clean up SO many stray teeth and nails. Hard to believe that there was all this demand for a regular Rambley Plush we blasted with gold spray paint."
He’s bemused at the attention the plush garnered; indeed, he appears to have a mild cynicism about the frenzy “corporation” stirred the public up over cheap merch.
It’s interesting Rambley doesn’t glitch during this section, or when he is equally snarky about the Rambley Cup - this suggests Rambley’s core programming matches these comments.
Rambley the Raccoon - the character - doesn’t care about merch or financial things.
Whatever resentment Rambley has against Lloyd (and there is no argument about that!) it seems completely out of character for a program that gushes about his friend Molly’s “talent” at building - and crashing! - airplanes and is eager to have the player make friends with Finley and his “good heart” to want to hurt Molly and Finley to achieve…. being king of a dead kingdom??
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Indigo Park: Salem the Skunk (Theory and Headcanons).
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Truthfully, we don’t know much about Salem besides the fact they are a potion maker and briefly appear in the arcade game. Their bio revealed that they’re an antagonist to Rambley.
Theory: Salem is the most recent character in the Indigo Park cast.
Their punk design doesn’t really fit the rest of the cast and Rambley’s lines when you show the retro Lloyd Plush has an interesting detail.
“Where’s my limited edition throwback plush?! Where’s Mollie’s? Where’s Finley’s?”
Immediately he mentioned the rest of his friends not getting a retro plush either. Granted, this could be a situation where he dislikes Salem so much he doesn’t mention them… Yet he always mentions Lloyd/doesn’t refuse to say the lion’s name. So what’s the deal with Salem?
The Finley cutout’s line about Rambley knowing him for 100 years could potenially just be flavor text, but the retro plush info mentioned there was an actual old cartoon.
Not too sure about the theories which pin Salem as turning the animatronics(?) against the park guests. That seems a little too cut and dry for me given Salem was part of the cast too.
—Salem’s also known to use contraptions to get out of hairy situations in their character bio. Leading me to believe they weren’t always a potion maker, but rather a Scientist!
—The original documents on their character design were lost leading to many people not knowing Salem’s gender, thus non-binary. They could have stolen their own designs actually…
—Ironically, they and Mollie can stand to get along due to both of them knowing a great deal about engineering/tech. Mollie does crash her plane often enough that learning how to repair it would make sense. I could see Salem helping her repair the plane to get the macaw out of their forest. (This annoys Rambley to no end.)
—Because of Finley’s shyness, the two have rarely interacted. Though—I could see the first meeting have been when Salem went potion ingredient hunting and stumbled upon Finley. They were intimidated by his sheer size, surely.
—Salem dyes their hair stripe. Not always pink.
—The skunk uses the employee utility tunnel to photo bomb park goers, Rambley’s Railroad, and even selfies. They love sneaking up on people because they don’t think a six-foot purple skunk would be even remotely stealthy.
—Them and Lloyd will trade verbal barbs in mock offs behind the scenes. He’s the only one who gets their vicious sense of humor.
—Whether as an animatronic or AI, Salem often steals items from the gift shops to “decorate” statues around the park. They hate the one statue of Rambley and Mr Indigo because the head can track them no matter how they move.
—Salem has accidentally caused the park to lose power a few times from their experiments getting out of hand. The fact these made the now AI-Rambley to get shut down doesn’t bring as much joy to them as you might think.
—The skunk is currently trying to juryrig a computer to be able to fit their paws so they can see what this “Minecraft” game is about. It had potion making apparently?
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averytiredart1st · 3 months
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I’ve been obsessed with that moment when Rambley gets pissed about only Lloyd getting a limited edition throwback plush. It’s been my vocal stim for a while.
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shiningstarlight101 · 4 months
God I'm so interested in Rambley's hatred of Lloyd. Lloyd was probably a really popular mascot. He was the only one with the limited edition plush, and there's a statue of him in the back of the theater that looks a lot like the one of Rambley and Mr Indigo. I don't think it's crazy to assume Rambley is jealous, especially since he collects user data and can probably tell how popular Lloyd is with people.
I wonder if Rambley ever met the Lloyd in the theater. Did he know we were in danger at all? I do think Rambley put us in danger when it comes to Mollie, but it's easy to say he just didn't want us to leave or even refused to believe the creature he's programmed to see as a friend is murderous. But Rambley takes any oppertunity to show hate to Lloyd, so why wouldn't he mention it in the theater? And why aren't there cameras in the backstage?
I think that it's possible the staff didn't want Rambley to see Lloyd, and purposfully made sure there weren't cameras aimed near him.
I really can't wait to see more on their dynamic. I want to know so badly if anything ever happened behind the scenes. If Rambley ever did anything to act upon his jealousy.
I'd also like to mention the Mollie animatronic in Rambley's ride. A lot of people hear "Not Rambley. He hurt Lloyd. He hurt Lloyd." But I also feel like this could be a red herring especially since I've seen people say they just hear "Here's Rambley. Here's Lloyd." Like it was an old phrase the animatronic used before she was discarded (possibly replaced with the living Mollie?)
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rainbow-beanie · 3 months
It’s interesting how this is the most we’ve seen him glitch, and it was cause he was upset that Lloyd is the only one that got a limited edition plush of himself. So I’m thinking that the glitching may be caused by raised emotions, it’s not only negative cause we saw him glitch at the end of the scene after Molly’s ‘death’ cause he was happy the player seemed to want to help him fix the park.
Also here’s one of the glitched images that flashed during this scene
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It looks like he’s covering his mouth for some reason, and there seems to be another character beside him, but I don’t seem to recognize them. Maybe it’s a character we haven’t seen yet?
It has purple eyes like rambely, but unlike him they have a mussel like a bunny, but when looking at the ears it looks more like that of a bear’s…I don’t want to say they are the same character cause they look too different to be him. Hmmmmmmm
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dexter-doll · 4 months
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I think they would be buddies due to Yknow
They would totally shittalk Lloyd and Heart like
“And he got a limited edition throwback plush, while I didn’t! Nor did Mollie! Nor Finley! >:(“
[“I see.”]
“Anyway, what’s this heart guy to you? :D”
[“Well, Resident Heart is a little bitch—“]
Like seriously lol
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indigoparkconfessions · 3 months
I saw the name Lloyd in a completely unrelated context yesterday and my mind immediately autoplayed Rambley’s rant about Lloyd getting his own limited edition throwback plush.
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rambley-the-raccoon · 3 months
I think he's just jealous about The Limited Edition Lloyd Throwback plush.
. . .
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morroodle · 1 year
Legoland day 1!
It was supposed to rain today but it was fine in the morning, a lil misty but nothing too bad. Started pouting after lunch though and we ended up leaving early but it was still decently fun. The theme park was smaller than I expected but that's ok, less strain on my legs (fuck you chronic pain). Theres a special ninjago weekend event going on so theres more ninjago than normal and at each activity you get a sticker and once you get 5 you get a prize but I am determined to get them all
Here's what we did:
Went on the lego factory ride. It was alright but I lost my water bottle and we had to stop and turn off halfway through cause of some baby so that probably made things worse (dw I got my water bottle back at the end of the day)
Went on the ninjago rides which were kinda underwhelming but still fun
My family abandoned me in the ninjago gift shop but it was like candyland in there
Got THOROUGHLY distracted by the ninjago playground thing they had. It was like 2 cubes at an angle and the inside was a maze also at the same 45° angle and it was a ton of fun I will be going back in there tomorrow
Split up from my sister and dad cause the show going on outside the ninjago ride was too loud for her (kinda too loud for me too but I needed the sticker)
Helped build a giant serpentine so I could get a sticker
There were these lil scavenger hunt type things, one about which weapon each ninja uses and one about a secret phrase ninja must live by (never put off until tomorrow...) but I already knew the answers so they just gave me the sticker
Took a picture with Lloyd! There was like no line and he was so goofy looking and I high fived him
(Exiting the ninjago area) went on my first real roller coaster (don't make fun of me I know I'm a pussy) and had a ton of fun. It wasn't too intense and it was pretty short but it was a blast and I'm gonna do it again tomorrow
Met back up with the rest of my family for lunch. I had the saddest school-quality sliders and stole some of my mom's actually good french fries. Sister got a MEAT STICK (giant turkey leg) which appearantly had a sauce that was made with coca cola
Went into lego city where my sister played one of their Carnival games and got a lil axolotl plushie as a prize then made me carry it because I'm the only one who thought to bring a decent sized bag
Went to go see the 4d ninjago show but they had absolutely no information about what time it was at so we ended up seeing lego mythica instead which I did not care for
Went to the pirate area and looked around but it was raining heavily so we couldn't really do mucu
Went back to the theater and ACTUALLY saw the 4d ninjago thing. It had similar energy to the wu's teas clips, especially the ones where they drink the teas they shouldnt. The main gimmick of the 4d thing was spraying water in my face which got old really fast
Headed back to the ninjago area to see a show that was canceled due to the rain and learned that another show and the dance party were also canceled. Did still get the stickers for the other 2 though :D
I wanted to play the ninjago carnival games cause there was a prize I really wanted (NINJA ORB) only to discover that it was not what I thought it was. I thought it was a giant fluffy plush sphere with a lil ninja face on it but turns out it was actually a rubber ball with a fluffy skin. I was heartbroken. Tried to win it anyways but it's harder than it looks. I might get it tomorrow then take it home, pop the ball, skin it and stuff it to be what I wanted but idk.
Got a super cool sexy limited edition collectors item ninjago legoland ny cup for way too much money
Headed back to the entrance to meet up with the other part of my family in The Big Store and then proceeded to loose them in The Big Store. My dad and sister both got giant really expensive lego sets and my mom got the lego Orchid set. I got a croissant.
Overall the day was ok but could have gone much better. I'm glad I'm headed back tomorrow cause there's alot of stuff I couldn't do due to the rain and also I still need to buy stuff. There's a few thing that really stood out to me but I'm not sure exactly what I'm gonna get. My dad really wanted the giant lego flowers they have around the park but alas they do not sell them. Now we're just chilling in the hotel room letting our clothes dry until dinner. I'll let yall know how tomorrow goes. Gonna put all the pictures from both days in a different post because this one is plenty big enough already.
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buytabletsonline · 7 years
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Thanks to Ars Technica’s unique staff-from-all-over arrangement, we don’t often see how our coworkers organize their home offices. There’s also the matter of us being a bunch of overgrown children who keep, and proudly display, all kinds of toys, action figures, dolls, and other nerdy decorations in our home offices.
Thus, this latest edition of our ongoing “how Ars works” series focuses specifically on the toys and characters that keep watch over our desks, chairs, coffee mugs, and other home-office accoutrements.
Tech Culture Editor Sam Machkovech presents his “forever alone” shelf. More details in next images, but for now: that 8-bit Starry Night print came from the Portland Retro Gaming Expo. And “Bedmaster” is perhaps the rarest board game Sam owns. It’s a ’70s swingers board game. (Sam has never opened it, he insists.)
That Box Boy box set (the one with Japanese text, from a Nintendo 3DS game) is a relatively rare Nintendo creation, and it includes the simplest, most boring Amiibo Nintendo has ever produced.
Two Nintendo-produced hanafuda card sets. The one on the left is a limited edition, Mario-themed set given away exclusively by Japan’s Club Nintendo series.
The card stock on Nintendo’s hanafuda cards is pretty stellar. Here’s a peek at one Mario-ized version of a classic Nintendo hanafuda card.
A better look at the Pac-Man jigsaw puzzle that came in the Milton Bradley Pac-Man board game from the ’80s. Weird to see anthropomorphized Pac eat a ghost whole like a snake.
And a tighter zoom on that relatively rare Spelunky Joe figurine. Sam bee-lined to Spelunky’s PAX booth many, many years ago to claim this from series creator Derek Yu before the game became a speedrunning sensation.
Sam has decided to start collecting Japanese N64 boxes for some reason. He says it’s because the box designs are cooler than the Western ones.
Sam’s toy-shelf protectors.
Amiibo, some figurines to recreate the original Mario Bros. arcade cabinet art, mint-condition Nintendo “Classic” consoles, and a litany of Nicktoon-affiliated figurines.
A Kerbal Space Program mini, flanked by some friends.
Not quite toys, but Sam keeps these perler bead coasters on his living room table. Handmade by a thoughtful ex.
A few Ars staffers have outed themselves as particularly pack-ratty toy collectors, so those people (Sam Machkovech, Aurich Lawson, and Jonathan Gitlin) have their collections broken out as separate galleries.
Creative Director Aurich Lawson has shared images of his incredible Star Wars toy collection in the past; these are his newest pickups, yet to receive Ars scrutiny.
Samurai variants. Don’t ask questions. Just gaze in awe.
Aurich Lawson
Not pictured here: a bunch of shattered and smashed toy-mainframes.
Salacious in tow, of course.
Hi, Cars Section Editor Jonathan Gitlin here. I’ll admit it, I’m a manchild, and my workspace reflects that. In the background are three 400% Bearbricks (L-R: Futura, Dave Flores, Unkle). In the foreground, the Gorillaz. The metal object between the creepy leather bear and Murdoc is a stub axle that failed in a race car, costing us the chance of a win.
Jonathan Gitlin
A classic, Bill McMullin’s Shuttlemax.
Jonathan Gitlin
This is all waiting to be reassembled following our house move earlier this year.
Jonathan Gitlin
And these ones. Technically the Saturn V belongs to my wife.
Jonathan Gitlin
Zapp Brannigan, Zombie Lisa, Homer the surf bum, Bender, and Fry. And an errant Mk 7 Space Marine. The metal cog in the foreground used to be the first gear for a Honda F1 car.
Jonathan Gitlin
Some Kubricks stage an impromptu dance-off for an audience.
Jonathan Gitlin
Fellow Arsian Dave Chen printed these out for me a few years ago.
Jonathan Gitlin
OK, he doesn’t usually live here, right in front of my monitor.
Jonathan Gitlin
The rest of our slightly more restrained staffers’ collections can be seen in this last gallery, below.
Senior Gaming Editor Kyle Orland: “This shelf has too much stuff to individually list, but the right half is all Mario. There’s also some Pac-man stuff from my first E3 in 2004 on the left, and you can spot a WarioWare Twisted store display that actually moves when the solar battery is working.”
Orland: “This photo includes my very first video game collectible, a boxed super Mario Bros. plastic trophy from a late ’80s Toys R us clearance, and my newest ones, mini arcade cabinets that are fully functional.”
Orland: “Random knickknacks atop my retro gaming CRT, including a Super Mario Bros. Famicom box purchased on my Tokyo Game Show trip.”
Managing Editor Eric Bangeman: “A mix of geek stuff and souvenirs. Middle shelf from left to right: pass from tour of Twickenham Stadium in London in 2016, a couple of frogs, Pillars of Kings bookstands from LOTR, a proof set from the London Mint, and a geode. On the bottom shelf are some mementos of my time with the Park Ridge Wilderness Scouts, a model of Gondor, an unopened can of Primo from a trip to Hawaii, and a ‘fart molecule’ from a chemistry class in the mid-’80s.”
Eric Bangeman
Bangeman: “I’m an architecture geek, too. This is a reproduction of the Mercury on the walls of what is now a ballroom at the last surviving hotel built by Frank Lloyd Wright, The Historic Park Inn in Mason City, Iowa. It’s worth visiting if you ever find yourself in north-central Iowa.”
Eric Bangeman
Bangeman: “The remainder of my collection of obsolete Apple hardware: a G4 Cube, graphite iBook SE, and an eMate. Plus Gumby and Pokey, with a Pac-Man plush from Level 257. There’s some rugby stuff at top left from the USA-Australia match at Soldier Field in 2015. And at right, you can see my non-obsolete Apple hardware: a 4K Apple TV sitting on top of a Directv Genie, which goes to the 43″ 4K TV I have mounted on the wall across from my desk.”
Eric Bangeman
Senior Reviews Editor Samuel Axon: “We’re big Blizzard fans in our home—such that we have two TVs set up for playing Overwatch together on two PS4s. That all started with World of Warcraft, so we’ve themed parts of our kitchen on WoW. Ragnaros, the fiery end-boss of early WoW, stands guard over our stove, basically saying, ‘By fire, be cooked!'”
Axon: “We also have this more obscure WoW toy on the entry table to the kitchen. It’s based off of the Cinder Kitten WoW in-game pet, and in this case, all that California sunshine powers it to constantly do that waving motion you see on the good luck cats at Chinese restaurants.”
Senior Technology Editor Lee Hutchinson isn’t much for figurines, he says, but he sent along this shot of his Sharknado 3 figure with no further description.
Health Reporter Beth Mole: “I don’t like knick-knacks generally, but we do put out our cozy Christmas Death Star by the window, which was a miraculous sign to mark the birth of a new Star Wars movie.”
Technology Editor Peter Bright has currently packed up all of his Dota 2 collectibles. Until they’ve been unpacked and more properly presented, here’s an older image of his massive collection.
Listing image by Aurich Lawson
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buy-legos · 7 years
Price: $51.50 Item specifics Condition: New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item (including handmade items). See the seller’s … Read more Brand: LEGO Gender:GirlsMPN: Does Not Apply Theme:FriendsUPC: Does not applybionicle minifigs decorations lloyd buildings garmadon birthday cards ww indominus rex season spinners princess wonder woman pack battlefront tshirt spinjitzu gingerbread display lightsaber pirates porsche halo costumes head guys ice cream system wheels container speed war board dinosaurs blue video trilogy wedo phone building troopers starwars jango fett soldiers ball rogue blu ray joker toddlers space airplane light custom sword pirate tank teens motor halloween asylum ship nindroids stickers lego star wars friends batman city set sets dimensions minifigure minifigures ninjago movie advent calendar legos duplo for women harry potter nexo knights fnaf figures figure creator men elves technic marvel juniors baseplate rebels poster minecraft trek keychain table parts costume scooby doo portal storage bricks architecture train games weapons shirt book kids blocks toys houses castle kit people clearance legends jurassic world base park game pieces junior superheroes y-wing dvd starter tap chima classic ideas party supplies education kits police box alarm clock cars books captain america avengers t brick dimension black ninja turtles xbox boys zane clone watch buildable dc comics trooper ps spiderman arkham knight one helicopter action guns mixels kylo ren plates mask limited edition friend army batcave deals baseplates polybag angry birds worlds animals mini hands car truck green robot ghostbusters toy airjitzu house flash drive mindstorms ev minifig speedorz adults plane destroy fire man pajamas snake mold statue figurines bag socks organizer robotics mat chain hero hobbit vehicles airport anakin skywalker christmas soundtrack suicide squad jungle power supply hoodie iron block hat military collectors helmet batmobile ambulance ucs gun civil boats nxt lights platforms episode millenium disc snakes story white hair maul decal snowspeeder tumbler mickey mouse racers band u coast guard stormtrooper bedding track mug piggy bank boba justice league level bags the candy plate separator palpatines arrest temple special small hulkbuster posters microfighters shoes guardians of galaxy sheets necklace universe ships excavator naboo starfighter cake topper dinosaur clones reader construction large boards funko pop battle american onesie cape big heads plush luke super killer mixel hoth jedi brown modular doc mcstuffins wall decor jay prime jr mystery guide control volcano mount republic movies hulk boat deadpool stable puzzle winter superhero atlantis superman turtle chea
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rainbow-beanie · 3 months
I really gotta know the significance of rambley’s constant glitches, cause it looks more and more like it’s something he can’t control. It kinda reminds me of vanellope from wreck it Ralph, since she’s a glitch too. though she hadn’t began as a glitch, so I wonder if something happened to rambley’s code to make him constantly glitch out, I thought the only times he glitches is from heightened emotions like with his outburst about Lloyd’s limited edition plush, but it seems to happen erratically, so I’m not sure what’s causing it
The easy answer would be that it’s cause the park is in constant disrepair, but if that’s the case then how come rambley can control the train ride and open and close doors without any problem? The only time he glitches would be when he transfers himself from one screen to the other. It just doesn’t make sense
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rambley-the-raccoon · 3 months
Man, I really do love my Limited Edition Lloyd Throwback Plush! I wonder when they're gonna make the rest of character's throwback plushies?
I hope it’s soon! Anyone else is way more deserving of one then Lloyd.
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buy-legos · 7 years
Price: $35.50 Condition: New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item (including handmade items). See the seller’s … Read more MPN: Does Not Apply Brand: Lego UPC: Does not applybionicle minifigs decorations lloyd buildings garmadon birthday cards ww indominus rex season spinners princess wonder woman pack battlefront tshirt spinjitzu gingerbread display lightsaber pirates porsche halo costumes head guys ice cream system wheels container speed war board dinosaurs blue video trilogy wedo phone building troopers starwars jango fett soldiers ball rogue blu ray joker toddlers space airplane light custom sword pirate tank teens motor halloween asylum ship nindroids stickers lego star wars friends batman city set sets dimensions minifigure minifigures ninjago movie advent calendar legos duplo for women harry potter nexo knights fnaf figures figure creator men elves technic marvel juniors baseplate rebels poster minecraft trek keychain table parts costume scooby doo portal storage bricks architecture train games weapons shirt book kids blocks toys houses castle kit people clearance legends jurassic world base park game pieces junior superheroes y-wing dvd starter tap chima classic ideas party supplies education kits police box alarm clock cars books captain america avengers t brick dimension black ninja turtles xbox boys zane clone watch buildable dc comics trooper ps spiderman arkham knight one helicopter action guns mixels kylo ren plates mask limited edition friend army batcave deals baseplates polybag angry birds worlds animals mini hands car truck green robot ghostbusters toy airjitzu house flash drive mindstorms ev minifig speedorz adults plane destroy fire man pajamas snake mold statue figurines bag socks organizer robotics mat chain hero hobbit vehicles airport anakin skywalker christmas soundtrack suicide squad jungle power supply hoodie iron block hat military collectors helmet batmobile ambulance ucs gun civil boats nxt lights platforms episode millenium disc snakes story white hair maul decal snowspeeder tumbler mickey mouse racers band u coast guard stormtrooper bedding track mug piggy bank boba justice league level bags the candy plate separator palpatines arrest temple special small hulkbuster posters microfighters shoes guardians of galaxy sheets necklace universe ships excavator naboo starfighter cake topper dinosaur clones reader construction large boards funko pop battle american onesie cape big heads plush luke super killer mixel hoth jedi brown modular doc mcstuffins wall decor jay prime jr mystery guide control volcano mount republic movies hulk boat deadpool stable puzzle winter superhero atlantis superman turtle chea
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